Journal of Nuclear Materials (1997-2011)

Volume 240, Issue 2, Pages 83-167 (January 1997)

83-99Interpretation of Inconel 600 behavior in the active region in tritiated water containing chloride-fluoride ions between pH 1 and 3.5G. Bellanger, J. J. Rameau
100-111Surface layers on a borosilicate nuclear waste glass corroded in MgCl2 solutionAbdesselam Abdelouas, Jean-Louis Crovisier, Werner Lutze, Bernd Grambow, Jean-Claude Dran, Regina Müller
112-117Aqueous leachability of lanthanide and plutonium titanatesShara S. Shoup, Carlos E. Bamberger, Tamara J. Haverlock, Joseph R. Peterson
118-123The diffusivity and solubility of deuterium in a high chromium martensitic steelK. S. Forcey, I. Iordanova, M. Yaneva
124-130The chemical form of fission product tellurium during reactor accident conditionsR. de Boer, E. H. P. Cordfunke
131-143Isothermal diffusion in uranium-plutonium-zirconium alloysM. C. Petri, M. A. Dayananda
144-153Experimental validation of radioactivity calculation for candidate fusion materialsA. Kumar, Y. Ikeda, M. A. Abdou
154-160Method for describing the Zircaloy-4 oxidation using the analytical solution of the oxygen diffusion equationMargareta Ignat, Eugenia Ciocan, Stefan Ion
161-163The effect of cyclic loading on the irradiation hardening of type 316L stainless steelR. Scholz
164-167Codeposition of deuterium with BeO at elevated temperaturesM. Mayer

Volume 240, Issue 3, Pages 169-262 (February 1997)

169-184Fast diffusion in dilute binary alloys and its analysis based on Hägg's ruleHubert Blank
185-195The behaviour of single atoms of molybdenum in uraniaS Nicoll, Hj Matzke, R.W Grimes, C.R.A Catlow
196-204Defect production considerations for gamma ray irradiation of reactor pressure vessel steelsDale E. Alexander
205-214A generalized model for radiation-induced amorphization and crystallization of U3Si and U3Si2 and recrystallization of UO2J Rest
215-220Influence of the surface conditions on permeation in the deuterium–MANET systemE. Serra, A. Perujo
221-228Formation and annealing behavior of defect clusters in electron or He-ion irradiated Ti-rich Ti–Al alloysK Nakata, K Fukai, A Hishinuma, K Ameyama
229-235Microstructural study of an irradiated high-nickel alloy by X-ray line profile analysis and TEM observationsR.B Grabova, V.K Gorbatov, Z.E Ostrovsky, R.A Yuskaev
236-240Standard Gibbs energy of formation of Cs2CdI4R Mishra, S.R Bharadwaj, A.S Kerkar, S.R Dharwadkar
241-250Kinetics and mechanisms of the reaction of air with nuclear grade graphites: IG-110E Loren Fuller, Joseph M Okoh
251-253On the mechanism of radiation-induced segregationS Watanabe, N Sakaguchi, K Kurome, M Nakamura, H Takahashi
viiPrefaceClaudio De Michelis, Philippe Ghendrih, Christian Grisolia, André Grosman
ix-xOpening addressCatherine Césarsky
1-26Plasma-wall interactions in ITERR. Parker, G. Janeschitz, H.D. Pacher, D. Post, S. Chiocchio, G. Federici, P. Ladd Iter Joint Central Team and Home Teams
27-36Heat exhaust control with active cooling in Tore-Supra: towards steady state operationPh. Chappuis and The Tore-Supra team
37-51Impurity release from lowJ.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz
52-67Hydrogen retention in plasma-facing materials and its consequences on tokamak operationA.P. Zakharov, A.E. Gorodetsky, V.Kh. Alimov, S.L. Kanashenko, A.V. Markin
68-81Helium transport and exhaust experiments in tokamaksJ Hogan
82-91Particle exhaust in radiative divertor experimentsH.-S. Bosch, D. Coster, R. Dux, C. Fuchs, G. Haas, A. Herrmann, S. Hirsch, A. Kallenbach, J. Neuhauser, R. Schneider, J. Schweinzer, M. Weinlich ASDEX Upgrade team and NBI team^
92-104Radiative edge layers in limiter tokamaksP. Monier-Garbet
105-117Impurity release and deposition processes close to limiter surfaces in TEXTOR-94V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, H.G. Esser, U. Kögler, G. Mank, U. Samm, B. Schweer, J. von Seggern, B. Unterberg, E. Vietzke, F. Weschenfelder, P. Wienhold, J. Winter and TEXTOR team
118-134Understanding the edge physics of divertor experiments by comparison of 2D edge code calculations and experimental measurementsA. Loarte
135-148Island divertor studies on W7-ASF. Sardei, Y. Feng, P. Grigull, G. Herre, D. Hildebrandt, J.V. Hofmann, J. Kisslinger, R. Brakel, J. Das, J. Geiger, O. Heinrich, G. Kühner, H. Niedermeyer, D. Reiter, M. Richter-Glötzl, A. Runov, R. Schneider, U. Stroth, H. Verbeek, F. Wagner, et al.
149-166Experimental investigation of transport phenomena in the scrape-off layer and divertorB. Labombard, J.A. Goetz, I. Hutchinson, D. Jablonski, J. Kesner, C. Kurz, B. Lipschultz, G.M. McCracken, A. Niemczewski, J. Terry, A. Allen, R.L. Boivin, F. Bombarda, P. Bonoli, C. Christensen, C. Fiore, D. Garnier, S. Golovato, R. Granetz, M. Greenwald, et al.
167-181A review on impurity transport in divertorsK. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, A. Sakasai
182-198A review of ELMs in divertor tokamaksD.N. Hill
199-213Classical drifts in the tokamak SOL and divertor: models and experimentA.V. Chankin
214-226Plasma wall interaction and tritium retention in TFTRC.H. Skinner, E. Amarescu, G. Ascione, W. Blanchard, C.W. Barnes, S.H. Batha, M. Beer, M.G. Bell, R. Bell, M. Bitter, N.L. Bretz, R. Budny, C.E. Bush, R. Camp, M. Casey, J. Collins, M. Cropper, Z. Chang, D.S. Darrow, H.H. Duong, et al.
227-243A review of recent experiments on W and high ZNobuaki Noda, Volker Philipps, Rudolf Neu
244-249Side radiation damage from ablated vapor following an ITER-scale disruptionA.E. Koniges, D.C. Eder, H.A. Scott, H. Würz, F. Kappler
250-254Study of recombining gas targetsK. Borrass, D. Coster, D. Reiter, R. Schneider
255-259Erosion lifetime of ITER divertor platesH.D. Pacher, I. Smid, G. Federici, Yu. Igitkhanov, G. Janeschitz, R. Raffray, G. Vieider
260-267The influence of key operation parameters and material properties on the quantification of tritium inventory and permeation in the plasma facing components of ITERG. Federici, D. Holland, G. Janeschitz, C.H. Wu
268-2722D modelling of radiating divertor regime for ITERA. Kukushkin, H.D. Pacher, M. Baelmans, D. Coster, G. Janeschitz, D. Reiter, R. Schneider
273-277Simulation of plasma flux detachment in Alcator C-Mod and ITERF. Wising, S.I. Krasheninnikov, D.J. Sigmar, D.A. Knoll, T.D. Rognlien, B. Labombard, B. Lipschultz, G. McCracken
278-282Wall effects on electron dynamics in the SOLP. Helander, S.I. Krasheninnikov, N. Kuzmicheva, A.P. Smirnov
283-287Plasma-neutral gas interaction in a tokamak divertor: Effects of hydrogen molecules and plasma recombinationS.I. Krasheninnikov, A.Yu. Pigarov, T.K. Soboleva, D.J. Sigmar
288-293Modeling and simulation of melt-layer erosion during plasma disruptionA. Hassanein, V. Belan, I. Konkashbaev, L. Nikandrov, V. Safronov, A. Zhitlukhin, V. Litunovsky
294-298Assessment of erosion and surface tritium inventory issues for the ITER divertorJ.N. Brooks, R. Causey, G. Federici, D.N. Ruzic
299-304Modelling of transition from attached to detached state and self-consistent calculations of He levels in ITERM. Sugihara, T. Amano, D. Boucher, Y. Igitkhanov, G. Janeschitz, H.D. Pacher, D. Post, P. Yushmanov
305-309Stability of a radiative mantle in ITERM. Ali Mahdavi, G.M. Staebler, R.D. Wood, D.G. Whyte, W.P. West
310-315Lightly- or non-seeded, partially detached ITER divertor operationG. Vlases, G. Corrigan, A. Taroni
316-321Impurity fueling to terminate Tokamak dischargesS. Putvinski, N. Fujisawa, D. Post, N. Putvinskaya, M.N. Rosenbluth, J. Wesley
322-327Self-organized criticality in particle transport governed by ionizationY. Sarazin, Ph. Ghendrih
328-332Temperature profiles in stochastic boundariesSamuel Féron, Philippe Ghendrih
333-337Kinetic analysis on impurity control and reduction of power transmission of a divertor plasmaK. Sato, S. Kameda
338-341Scrape-off layer broadening by the EJunichiro Hara, Yoshihiko Uesugi, Yukitoshi Miura, Hisato Kawashima
342-348Non-linear effects on neutral gas transport in divertorsD. Reiter, Chr. May, M. Baelmans, P. Börner
349-352Density threshold for plasma detachment in gas targetN. Ezumi, S. Mori, N. Ohno, M. Takagi, S. Takamura, H. Suzuki, J. Park
353-357Modelling of plasma momentum transference to side-walls by neutral particlesG.P. Maddison, D. Reiter, J. Hugill
358-362Code-code comparisons of DIVIMP's ‘onion-skin model’ and the EDGE2D fluid codeP.C. Stangeby, J.D. Elder, W. Fundamenski, A. Loarte, L.D. Horton, R. Simonini, A. Taroni, O.F. Matthews, R.D. Monk
363-368Theory of ion transport in the tokamak SOLP. Helander, R.D. Hazeltine, Peter J. Catto
369-373Divertor scaling laws for tokamaksPeter J. Catto, D.A. Knoll, S.I. Krasheninnikov, J.W. Connor
374-378Kinetic simulation of parallel transport and ELM propagation in the Alcator C-Mod tokamakO.V. Batishchev, A.A. Batishcheva, P.J. Catto, S.I. Krasheninnikov, B. Labombard, B. Lipschultz, D.J. Sigmar
379-384Experimental comparison of carbon and beryllium as divertor target materials in JETD.J. Campbell and JET Team
385-390Erosion/redeposition at the JET MkI divertorH.Y. Guo, J.P. Coad, S.J. Davies, J.D. Elder, L.D. Horton, X.L. Li, J. Lingertat, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, R.D. Monk, R. Simonini, M.F. Stamp, P.C. Stangeby, A. Tabasso
391-395Edge density profiles in high-performance JET plasmasD.D.R. Summers, P. Breger, K. Erents, Z.A. Pietrzyk, B. Viaccoz, J. Vince
396-401Interpretation of ion flux and electron temperature profiles at the JET divertor target during high recycling and detached dischargesR.D. Monk, A. Loarte, A. Chankin, S. Clement, S.J. Davies, J.K. Ehrenberg, H.Y. Guo, J. Lingertat, G.F. Matthews, M.F. Stamp, P.C. Stangeby
402-407Studies of giant ELM interaction with the divertor target in JETJ. Lingertat, A. Tabasso, S. Ali-Arshad, B. Alper, P. van Belle, K. Borrass, S. Clement, J.P. Coad, R. Monk
408-413The amount and distribution of deuterium retained in the jet divertor after the C and Be phases in 1994–1995J.P. Coad, M. Rubel, C.H. Wu
414-419Measurement and analysis of radiated power components in the JET MkI divertor using VUV spectroscopyC.F. Maggi, J.D. Elder, W. Fundamenski, R. Giannella, L.D. Horton, K.D. Lawson, A. Loarte, A. Maas, R. Reichle, M. Stamp, P.C. Stangeby, H.P. Summers
420-425Neutral particle retention in the JET MK I divertorJ.K. Ehrenberg, D.J. Campbell, P.J. Harbour, L.D. Horton, A. Loarte, G.K. McCormick, R.D. Monk, G.R. Saibene, R. Simonini, A. Taroni, M.F. Stamp
426-432Parallel electron temperature and density gradients measured in the JET MkI divertor using thermal helium beamsS.J. Davies, P.D. Morgan, Y. Ul'Haq, C.F. Maggi, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, L.D. Horton, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, R.D. Monk, P.C. Stangeby
433-437Assessment of the DIVIMP ‘onion-skin’ model in the JET Mark I divertorS.K. Erents, P.J. Davies, J.D. Elder, H.Y. Guo, L.D. Horton, G.F. Matthews, R.D. Monk, P.C. Stangeby, D.D.R. Summers
438-443Divertor configuration studies on JETC.G. Lowry, D.J. Campbell, S. Davies, H. Guo, P.J. Harbour, M. von Hellermann, L.D. Horton, A. Loarte, C. Maggi, G. Matthews, R. Mohanti, R. Monk, G.J. Radford, R. Reichle, G. Saibene, J. Spence, M. Stamp, A. Taroni, G.C. Vlases
444-449Deduction of SOL transport coefficients using 2D modelling for hot-ion ELM-free H-modes in JETG.K. McCormick, A. Chankin, S. Clement, S. Davies, J. Ehrenberg, A. Loarte, R. Monk, R. Simonini, J. Spence, M. Stamp, A. Taroni, G. Vlases
450-455Scaling radiative plasmas to ITERG.F. Matthews, S. Allen, N. Asakura, J. Goetz, H. Guo, A. Kallenbach, B. Lipschultz, K. McCormick, M. Stamp, U. Samm, P.C. Stangeby, K.-H. Steuer, A. Taroni, B. Unterberg, P. West
456-461Low energy neutral particle fluxes in the JET divertorR. Reichle, J.K. Ehrenberg, N.A.C. Gottardi, L.D. Horton, L.C. Ingesson, H.J. Jäckel, G.K. McCormick, A. Loarte, R. Simonini, M.F. Stamp
462-468Behaviour of hydrogen in JET deuterium plasmasK. Günther, G. Bracco, R. König, M.F. Stamp, K.-D. Zastrow
469-475Erosion at the vessel walls of JETM. Mayer, R. Behrisch, P. Andrew, A.T. Peacock
476-482Influence of active pumping on density and confinement behaviour of JET plasmasG. Saibene, D.J. Campbell, L.D. Horton, A. Loarte, R.D. Monk, E. Righi, D. Stork
483-488Arc jets for divertor component testingJohn Balboni, Samuel A. Cohen, Tobin Munsat
489-493Plasma-neutral interaction in thermally collapsed plasmaJaeyoung Park, T.K. Bennett, M.J. Goeckner, S.A. Cohen
494-498Throat and vented pump limiters particle collection experiments with auxiliary heating in Tore SupraB. Pégourié, T. Loarer, E. Tsitrone, G. Granata
499-504Modeling of neutral pressure and pumping in the Tore Supra ergodic divertor and outboard pump limiterL.W. Owen, T. Loarer, A. Grosman, B. Meslin, C.C. Klepper, P.K. Mioduszewski, T. Uckan
505-510Particle balance modelling in ergodic divertor experiments on Tore SupraT. Loarer, B. Meslin, Ph. Ghendrih, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman
511-516Plasma-surface interactions with ICRF antennas and lower hybrid grills in Tore SupraJ.H. Harris, T. Hutter, J.T. Hogan, V. Basiuk, B. Beaumont, A. Becoulet, S. Bremond, M.D. Carter, M. Goniche, R.H. Goulding, D. Guilhem, G.R. Haste, D.J. Hoffman, X. Litaudon, F. Nguyen
517-521Calculation of power deposition patterns on the ergodic divertorPh. Ghendrih, A. Grosman
522-527Runaway electron damage to the Tore Supra Phase III outboard pump limiterR. Nygren, T. Lutz, D. Walsh, G. Martin, M. Chatelier, T. Loarer, D. Guilhem
528-531Effect of magnetic field stochastization on impurity behavior in a tokamakM.Z. Tokar', H. Lasaar, W. Mandl, W.R. Hess, C. De Michelis, A. Grosman, U. Samm
532-537Power and particle flux to the neutraliser plates of the Tore Supra ergodic divertor modulesA. Grosman, Ph. Ghendrih, B. Meslin, D. Guilhem
538-541Analysis of wall particle content with premagnetization plasmasC. Grisolia, Ph. Ghendrih, G. Martin, D. Van Houtte
542-547Long pulse operation with actively cooled limitersD. Guilhem, J. Hogan, D. Van Houtte, M. Lipa, T. Loarer, P. Chappuis, T. Hoang, J. Schlosser, R. Mitteau
548-552Edge MHD activity in the ergodic divertor configuration of Tore SupraS. Turlur, E. Joffrin, M. Zabiégo, Ph. Ghendrih, A. Grosman
553-558Wall conditioning technique development in Tore Supra with permanent magnetic field by ICRF wave injectionE. Gauthier, E. de la Cal, B. Beaumont, A. Becoulet, C. Gil, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, T. Hutter, H. Kuus, L. Ladurelle, J.L. Segui
559-563SOL plasma profiles under radiative and detached divertor conditions in JT-60UN. Asakura, Y. Koide, K. Itami, N. Hosogane, K. Shimizu, S. Tsuji-Iio, S. Sakurai, A. Sakasai
564-568Investigation of interaction between MeV-ions and first wall from neutron and γ-ray measurements in JT-60UT. Kondoh, Y. Kusama, H. Kimura, M. Saigusa, T. Fujii, S. Moriyama, M. Nemoto, K. Tobita, A. Morioka, K. Nagashima, T. Nishitani
569-573Effects of edge and central fuelling on particle confinement in JT-60UH. Takenaga, N. Asakura, K. Shimizu, K. Nagashima, H. Kubo, A. Sakasai
574-578Study of carbon impurity generation by chemical sputtering in JT-60US. Higashijima, H. Kubo, T. Sugie, K. Shimizu, N. Asakura, K. Itami, N. Hosogane, A. Sakasai, S. Konoshima, S. Sakurai, H. Takenaga
579-584Properties of thin boron coatings formed during deuterated-boronization in JT-60J. Yagyu, N. Ogiwara, M. Saidoh, J. von Seggern, T. Okabe, Y. Miyo, H. Hiratsuka, S. Yamamoto, P. Goppelt-Langer, Y. Aoki, H. Takeshita, H. Naramoto
585-589Direct measurement of divertor exhaust neon enrichment in DIII-DM.J. Schaffer, M.R. Wade, R. Maingi, P. Monier-Garbet, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte, R.D. Wood, M.A. Mahdavi
590-594Simulation of the scrape-off layer plasma during a disruptionT.D. Rognlien, J.A. Crotinger, G.D. Porter, G.R. Smith, A.G. Kellman, P.L. Taylor
595-601First measurements of electron temperature and density with divertor Thomson scattering in radiative divertor discharges on DIII-DS.L. Allen, D.N. Hill, T.N. Carlstrom, D.G. Nilson, R. Stockdale, C.L. Hsieh, T.W. Petrie, A.W. Leonard, D. Ryutov, G.D. Porter, R. Maingi, M.R. Wade, R. Cohen, W. Nevins, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.D. Wood, C.J. Lasnier, W.P. West, M.D. Brown
602-605Modeling of the recycling particle flux and electron particle transport in the DIII-D TokamakD.R. Baker, R. Maingi, L.W. Owen, G.D. Porter, G.L. Jackson
606-611Measurements of non-axisymmetric halo currents with and without ‘killer’ pellets during disruptions in the DIII-D tokamakT.E. Evans, A.G. Kellman, D.A. Humphreys, M.J. Schaffer, P.L. Taylor, D.G. Whyte, T.C. Jernigan, A.W. Hyatt, R.L. Lee
612-617Core/divertor/wall particle dynamics in the DIII-D tokamakJ.T. Hogan, R. Maingi, P.K. Mioduszewski, Th. Hutter, C.C. Klepper, M.R. Wade
618-622Impurity feedback control for enhanced divertor and edge radiation in DIII-D dischargesG.L. Jackson, G.M. Staebler, S.L. Allen, N.H. Brooks, T.E. Evans, J.R. Ferron, A.W. Leonard, R. Maingi, T.W. Petrie, M.J. Schaffer, R.D. Wood, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte
623-627Characteristics of the scrape-off layer in DIII-D high-performance negative central magnetic shear dischargesC.J. Lasnier, R. Maingi, A.W. Leonard, S.L. Allen, D.A. Buchenauer, K.H. Burrell, T.A. Casper, J.W. Cuthbertson, M.E. Fenstermacher, D.N. Hill, R.A. Jong, L.L. Lao, E.A. Lazarus, R.A. Moyer, T.W. Petrie, G.D. Porter, B.W. Rice, B.W. Stallard, T.S. Taylor, J.G. Watkins
628-632Divertor heat and particle flux due to ELMs in DIII-D and ASDEX-upgradeA.W. Leonard, W. Suttrop, T.H. Osborne, T.E. Evans, D.N. Hill, A. Herrmann, C.J. Lasnier, D.N. Thomas, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, M. Weinlich, H. Zohm
633-638The role of turbulent transport in DIII-D edge and divertor plasmasR.A. Moyer, J.W. Cuthbertson, T.E. Evans, G.D. Porter, J.G. Watkins
639-644Investigation of electron parallel pressure balance in the scrapeoff layer of deuterium-based radiative divertor discharges in DIII-DT.W. Petrie, S.L. Allen, T.N. Carlstrom, D.N. Hill, R. Maingi, D. Nilson, M. Brown, D.A. Buchenauer, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.A. Jong, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, G.D. Porter, M.R. Wade, W.P. West
645-649Reciprocating and fixed probe measurements of density and temperature in the DIII-D divertorJ.G. Watkins, R.A. Moyer, J.W. Cuthbertson, D.A. Buchenauer, T.N. Carlstrom, D.N. Hill, M. Ulrickson
650-654Characterization of energetic deuterium striking the divertor of the DIII-D tokamakR. Bastasz, W.R. Wampler, J.A. Whaley, D.G. Whyte, P.B. Parks, N.H. Brooks, W.P. West, C.P.C. Wong
655-659Enhanced performance discharges in the DIII-D tokamak with lithium wall conditioningG.L. Jackson, E.A. Lazarus, G.A. Navratil, R. Bastasz, N.H. Brooks, D.T. Garnier, K.L. Holtrop, J.C. Phillips, E.S. Marmar, T.S. Taylor, D.M. Thomas, W.R. Wampler, D.G. Whyte, W.P. West
660-665DiMES divertor erosion experiments on DIII-DD.G. Whyte, J.N. Brooks, C.P.C. Wong, W.P. West, R. Bastasz, W.R. Wampler, J. Rubenstein
666-671Comprehensive 2D measurements of radiative divertor plasmas in DIII-DM.E. Fenstermacher, R.D. Wood, S.L. Allen, N.H. Brooks, D.A. Buchenauer, T.N. Carlstrom, J.W. Cuthbertson, E.J. Doyle, T.E. Evans, P.-M. Garbet, R.W. Harvey, D.N. Hill, A.W. Hyatt, R.C. Isler, G. Jackson, R.A. James, R. Jong, C.C. Klepper, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, et al.
672-677Comparison of wall/divertor deuterium retention and plasma fueling requirements on the DIII-D, TdeV and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaksR. Maingi, B. Terreault, G. Haas, G.L. Jackson, W. Zuzak, P.K. Mioduszewski, M.A. Mahdavi, M.R. Wade, S. Chiu, M.J. Schaffer, J.T. Hogan, C.C. Klepper
678-683The tungsten experiment in ASDEX UpgradeR. Neu, K. Asmussen, S. Deschka, A. Thoma, M. Bessenrodt-Weberpals, R. Dux, W. Engelhardt, J.C. Fuchs, J. Gaffert, C. García-Rosales, A. Herrmann, K. Krieger, F. Mast, J. Roth, V. Rohde, M. Weinlich, U. Wenzel ASDEX Upgrade Team and ASDEX NI-Team
684-689Study of gross and net erosion in the ASDEX upgrade divertorK. Krieger, J. Roth, A. Annen, W. Jacob, C.S. Pitcher, W. Schneider, A. Thoma, M. Weinlich and ASDEX Upgrade Team
690-695B2-Eirene modelling of ASDEX UpgradeD.P. Coster, R. Schneider, J. Neuhauser, H.-S. Bosch, R. Wunderlich, C. Fuchs, F. Mast, A. Kallenbach, R. Dux, G. Becker ASDEX Upgrade Team, B.J. Braams, D. Reiter
696-700Routes to divertor detachment in ASDEX UpgradeC.S. Pitcher, A.W. Carlson, C. Fuchs, A. Herrmann, W. Suttrop, J. Schweinzer, M. Weinlich ASDEX Upgrade Team and NBI Group
701-706Divertor geometry optimization for ASDEX UpgradeR. Schneider, H.S. Bosch, J. Neuhauser, D. Coster, K. Lackner, M. Kaufmann
707-711Spatial distributions of neutral atoms in the near-target plasma: Theory and experimentD. Naujoks, J. Steinbrink, U. Wenzel and PSI-group
712-715Direct measurement of the plasma potential in the edge of ASDEX Upgrade using a self emitting probeV. Rohde, M. Laux, P. Bachmann, A. Herrmann, M. Weinlich and AUGD team
716-721Performance of the Ti doped graphite RG-Ti-91 at the divertor of the Tokamak ASDEX UpgradeTatyana Burtseva, V. Barabash, I. Mazul, C. García-Rosales, S. Deschka, R. Behrisch, A. Herrmann
722-727The separation of angle and size effects on Langmuir characteristicsA. Carlson, V. Rohde, M. Weinlich and ASDEX Upgrade Team
728-733Spatial radiation profiles in the ASDEX Upgrade divertor for detached plasmasU. Wenzel, A. Thoma, R. Dux, Ch. Fuchs, A. Herrmann, St. Hirsch, A. Kallenbach, H. Kastelewicz, M. Laux, F. Mast, B. Napiontek
734-738Migration of tungsten eroded from divertor tiles in ASDEX UpgradeK. Krieger, V. Rohde, R. Schwörer, K. Asmussen, C. García-Rosales, A. Hermann, R. Neu, J. Roth, A. Thoma, M. Weinlich and ASDEX Upgrade Team
739-744Controlled detachment and particle transport in the divertor plasma in TdeVB.L. Stansfield, F. Meo, G. Abel, C. Boucher, J.-L. Gauvreau, J.P. Gunn, E. Haddad, J.-L. Lachambre, J. Mailloux, R. Marchand, G. Ratel, N. Richard, M.M. Shoucri, B. Terreault, S. Beaudry, R. Décoste, G.W. Pacher, W. Zuzak, J.D. Elder, P.C. Stangeby
745-749Strong toroidal asymmetries in power deposition on divertor and first wall components during LHCD on TdeV and Tore SupraM. Goniche, J. Mailloux, Y. Demers, V. Fuchs, P. Jacquet, C. Boucher, A. Côté, C. Côté, J. Gunn, B. Terreault, P. Bibet, P. Froissard, D. Guilhem, J.H. Harris, G. Rey, M. Tareb
750-754High heat load testing of plasma sprayed W coatingsM. Urquiaga Valdes, R.G. Saint-Jacques, J.-F. Côté, C. Moreau
755-759Radiative plasmas in TdeVB. Terreault, N. Richard, J. Mailloux, G. Abel, C. Côte, E. Haddad, W. Zhang, C. Boucher, S. Chiu, J. Gunn, H.H. Mai, F. Meo, B.L. Stansfield, W.W. Zuzak
760-764Retention of Ne and N2 in the closed and pumped TdeV divertor with attached and detached plasmasN. Richard, B. Terreault, E. Haddad, J. Gunn, G. Abel, S. Chiu, J.-L. Gauvreau, H.H. Mai, W.W. Zuzak
765-770Use of a quartz microbalance for plasma-wall interaction studiesDaniel Bourgoin, Guy G. Ross, Sylvio Savoie, Yves Drolet, Emile Haddad
771-776Modification and control of divertor detachment in Alcator C-ModB. Lipschultz, J.A. Goetz, B. Labombard, G.M. McCracken, H. Ohkawa, Y. Takase, J.L. Terry
777-781Screening of recycling and non-recycling impurities in the Alcator C-Mod tokamakG.M. McCracken, R.S. Granetz, B. Lipschultz, B. Labombard, F. Bombarda, J.A. Goetz, S. Lisgo, D. Jablonski, H. Ohkawa, J.E. Rice, P.C. Stangeby, J.L. Terry, Y. Wang
782-787Local impurity puffing as a scrape-off layer diagnostic on the Alcator C-Mod tokamakD. Jablonski, B.Labombard, G.M. McCracken, S. Lisgo, B. Lipschultz, I.H. Hutchinson, J. Terry, P.C. Stangeby
788-792A comparison of impurity screening between limiter and divertor plasmas in the Alcator C-Mod tokamakR.S. Granetz, G.M. McCracken, F. Bombarda, J.A. Goetz, D. Jablonski, B. Labombard, B. Lipschultz, H. Ohkawa, J.E. Rice, J.L. Terry, Y. Wang
793-798Experimental studies of the link between production and penetration of impurity atoms into the plasma edge and the central impurity content in TEXTOR-94B. Unterberg, H. Knauf, P. Lindner, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Rusbüldt, U. Samm, B. Schweer, M. Rubel, T. Tanabe, Y. Ueda, M. Wada
799-803Impurity release from high Z test limiters immersed in TEXTOR-94 edge plasmasM. Wada, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Unterberg, B. Schweer, L. Koenen, U. Koegler, M. Tokar, J. Winter, K. Ohya, Y. Ueda, T. Tanabe, D. Larsson
804-809Time resolved observation of the erosion of boron containing protective coatings on wall elements of TEXTOR-94 by means of colorimetryP. Wienhold, F. Weschenfelder, J. von Seggern, B. Emmoth, H.G. Esser, P. Karduck, J. Winter
810-815Energy distributions and yields of sputtered C2 and C3 clustersE. Vietzke, A. Refke, V. Philipps, M. Hennes
816-820Studies on plasma edge transport and layer deposition by local injection of reactive gases during TEXTOR-94 dischargesU. Kögler, F. Weschenfelder, J. Winter, H.G. Esser, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, J. von Seggern, M.Z. Tokar', P. Wienhold
821-826In-situ deposition of silicon on the leading edge of the ALT-II limiter in TEXTOR-94G. Mank, J.A. Boedo, P. Wienhold, H.G. Esser, K.H. Finken, L. Könen, A. Pospieszczyk, J. Rapp, J. Schwelberger, F. Weschenfelder, J. Winter
827-832On the relation between radiation level, central impurity concentration and helium exhaust in a burning fusion plasmaU. Samm, M.Z. Tokar', B. Unterberg
833-838Chemical erosion measurements from various carbon based limiters and coatings in TEXTOR-94A. Pospieszczyk, V. Philipps, E. Casarotto, U. Kögler, B. Schweer, B. Unterberg, F. Weschenfelder
839-841Experimental study on neoclassical properties of the ions in the edge plasma of the tokamak TEXTORK. Höthker, W. Bieger, M. Brix, A. Pospieszczyk, R.P. Schorn, B. Schweer, G. Van Oost, R. Weynants
842-847Radial profiles of atomic deuterium measured in the boundary of TEXTOR 94 with laser-induced fluorescencePh. Mertens, M. Silz
848-852Exposure of CFC-materials to high transient heat loads in the TEXTOR tokamakT. Scholz, J. Boedo, H. Bolt, R. Duwe, K.H. Finken, D. Gray, A. Hassanein
853-856Scaling of radiated power to plasma contamination for neon seeded discharges on boronized TEXTOR-94G. Telesca, H.A. Claassen, P. Franz, A.M. Messiaen, J. Ongena, J. Rapp, U. Samm, N. Schoon, B. Schweer, M.Z. Tokar', B. Unterberg, G. Van Oost
857-860Effects of an RF limiter on TEXTOR's edge plasmasJ.A. Boedo, T. Shoji, Y. Sakawa, D.S. Gray, J.G. Schwelberger, R.W. Conn, K.H. Finken, G. Mank, N. Noda, Textor team
861-866ICRF wall conditioning at TEXTOR-94 in the presence of a 2.25 T magnetic fieldH.G. Esser, A. Lyssoivan, M. Freisinger, R. Koch, G. Van Oost, F. Weschenfelder, J. Winter and TEXTOR-ICRH-team
867-872Divertor target profiles and recycling studies in TCV single null lower standard dischargesR.A. Pitts, Ch. Nieswand, H. Weisen, M. Anton, R. Behn, R.F. Chavan, M.J. Dutch, B.P. Duval, S. Franke, F. Hofmann, B. Joye, J.B. Lister, X. Llobet, Y. Martin, J.-M. Moret, J. Petrzilka, Z.A. Pietrzyk, V. Piffl, P.Reinke, M.E. Rensink, et al.
873-877Radial distributions and poloidal asymmetries of T-10 SOL parameters and turbulenceV.A. Vershkov, S.A. Grashin, V.V. Dreval, V.V. Piterskii, S.V. Soldatov, A.N. Jakovets
878-882Effects of high ZJ. Li, X. Gong, L. Luo, F.X. Yin, N. Noda, B. Wan, W. Xu, X. Gao, F. Yin, J.G. Jiang, Z. Wu, J.Y. Zhao, M. Wu, S. Liu, Y. Han
883-886Study of helium transport in HL-1M edge plasma regionL.L. Peng, B.Q. Deng, J.L. Luo, S.K. Yang, M. Wang, E.Y. Wang, S.J. Qian
887-891Measurements of tritium recycling and isotope exchange in TFTRC.H. Skinner, J. Kamperschroer, D. Mueller, A. Nagy, D.P. Stotler
892-896Core VC.E. Bush, R.E. Bell, B. Leblanc, D.K. Mansfield, E.J. Synakowski, R.V. Budny, K.W. Hill, W. Houlberg, E. Mazzucato, P. Mioduszewski, H. Park, C.H. Skinner, M.C. Zarnstorff
897-901Tritium removal from TFTRD. Mueller, W. Blanchard, J. Collins, J. Hosea, J. Kamperschroer, P.H. Lamarche, A. Nagy, D.K. Owens, C.H. Skinner
902-907ELM structure in the boundary plasma on COMPASS-DS.J. Fielding, K.B. Axon, M.G. Booth, R.J. Buttery, J. Dowling, D. Gates, C. Hunt, C. Silva, M. Valovic
908-913Behaviour of a tungsten coated molybdenum poloidal limiter in FTU tokamakG. Maddaluno, F. Pierdominici, M. Vittori
914-918SOL parameters and local transport in the FTU tokamakM. Leigheb, V. Pericoli Ridolfini, R. Zagórski
919-924Mass spectroscopic measurements in the plasma edge of the W7-AS stellarator and their statistical analysisP. Zebisch, P. Grigull, V. Dose, E. Taglauer and W7-AS Team^
925-929Monte Carlo modelling of the transport in the stellarator periphery with magnetic islandsD. Naujoks, P. Bachmann, A. Runov, D. Sünder
930-934A 3D Monte Carlo code for plasma transport in island divertorsY. Feng, F. Sardei, J. Kisslinger, P. Grigull
935-940Experimental study on highly collisional edge plasmas in W7-AS island divertor configurationsP. Grigull, D. Hildebrandt, F. Sardei, Y. Feng, G. Herre, A. Herrmann, J.V. Hofmann, J. Kisslinger, G. Kuehner, H. Niedermeyer, R. Schneider, H. Verbeek, F. Wagner, R. Wolf, X.D. Zhang W7-AS-Team and NBI-Group
941-945A 2D approach to island divertor modelling for Wendelstein 7-ASG. Herre, R. Schneider, D. Coster, F. Sardei, D. Reiter, P. Grigull, J. Kisslinger
946-949Boundary modelling of the stellarator Wendelstein 7-XH. Renner, E. Strumberger, J. Kisslinger, J. Nührenberg, H. Wobig
950-955Plasma response on impurity injection in W7-ASD. Hildebrandt, R. Brakel, A. Elsner, P. Grigull, H. Hacker, R. Burhenn, S. Fiedler, L. Giannone, C. Görner, H.J. Hartfuβ, G. Herre, A. Herrmann, J.V. Hofmann, G. Kühner, D. Naujoks, F. Sardei, A. Weller, R. Wolf W7-as Team, Ecrh Team and NBI Team
956-960Behavior of pellet injected Li into Heliotron E plasmasK. Kondo, K. Ida, C. Christou, V.Yu. Sergeev, K.V. Khlopenkov, S. Sudo, F. Sano, H. Zushi, T. Mizuuchi, S. Besshou, H. Okada, K. Nagasaki, K. Sakamoto, Y. Kurimoto, H. Funaba, T. Hamada, T. Kinoshita, S. Kado, Y. Kanda, T. Okamoto, et al.
961-966Field line measurements in the divertor of Heliotron-E under boronized conditionsF. Sano, T. Mizuuchi, T. Hamada, H. Funaba, M. Nakasuga, K. Kondo, H. Zushi, S. Besshou, H. Okada, K. Hanatani, K. Nagasaki, T. Obiki
967-971Local island divertor experiments on CHSA. Komori, N. Ohyabu, S. Masuzaki, T. Morisaki, H. Suzuki, C. Takahashi, S. Sakakibara, K. Watanabe, T. Minami, S. Morita, K. Tanaka, S. Ohdachi, S. Kubo, N. Inoue, H. Yamada, K. Nishimura, S. Okamura, K. Matsuoka, O. Motojima, M. Fujiwara, et al.
972-976Real time boronization experiments in CHS and scaling for LHDA. Sagara, Y. Hasegawa, K. Tsuzuki, N. Inoue, H. Suzuki, T. Morisaki, N. Noda, O. Motojima, S. Okamura, K. Matsuoka, R. Akiyama, K. Ida, H. Idei, K. Iwasaki, S. Kubo, T. Minami, S. Morita, K. Narihara, T. Ozaki, K. Sato, et al.
977-981Experimental study of edge plasma structure in various discharges on compact helical systemT. Morisaki, A. Komori, R. Akiyama, H. Idei, H. Iguchi, N. Inoue, Y. Kawai, S. Kubo, S. Masuzaki, K. Matsuoka, T. Minami, S. Morita, N. Noda, N. Ohyabu, S. Okamura, M. Osakabe, H. Suzuki, K. Tanaka, C. Takahashi, H. Yamada, et al.
982-987Investigation of plasma facing components and vacuum vessel in RFXP. Sonato, V. Antoni, M. Bagatin, W.R. Baker, S. Peruzzo, L. Tramontin, P. Zaccaria, G. Zollino
988-992Locked modes induced plasma-wall interactions in RFXM. Valisa, T. Bolzonella, L. Carraro, E. Casarotto, S. Costa, L. Garzotti, P. Innocente, S. Martini, R. Pasqualotto, M.E. Puiatti, R. Pugno, P. Scarin
993-997Wall conditioning and particle control in Extrap T2H. Bergsåker, D. Larsson, P. Brunsell, A. Möller, L. Tramontin
998-1001Behavior of edge plasma in STP-3M reversed field pinchA. Matsuoka, H. Kajikawa, Y. Suzuki, H. Arimoto, A. Nagata, K. Aoto, M. Sugawara, K.I. Sato
1002-1007Role of energetic particles in heat and particle exhaust in a poloidal divertor RFPS. Masamune, M. Iida, N. Oda, M. Awazu, K. Fujitsuka, K. Ohta, H. Oshiyama
1008-1010The first results of siliconization on SWIP-RFP deviceZhang Peng, Li Qiang, Luo Cuiwen, Li Jieping, Qian Shangjie, Fang Shuiquan, Yi Ping, Xue Jun, Li Kehua, Luo Junlin, Hong Wenyu, Cao Zeng, Zhang Nianman, Wang Quanming, Lu Jie, Huang Ming, Zhong Yunze, Zhang Qingchun, Luo Cuixian
1011-1015Behavior of neutral-hydrogen and particle confinement on GAMMA 10 tandem mirror plasmasY. Nakashima, M. Shoji, K. Yatsu, S. Kobayashi, K. Tsuchiya, N. Yamaguchi, M. Yoshikawa, T. Aota, T. Ishijima, M. Ichimura, M. Inutake, A. Mase, T. Tamano
1016-1021Hydrogen retention properties of low ZY. Yamauchi, T. Hino, K. Koyama, Y. Hirohata, T. Yamashina
1022-1025In-situ ion beam analysis and dynamic studies of deuterium retention in graphite exposed to a high flux magnetron plasmaB. Emmoth, H. Bergsåker, L. Ilyinsky
1026-1030Ion-induced release of deuterium from co-deposits by high energy helium bombardmentM. Rubel, H. Bergsåker, P. Wienhold
1031-1035Laboratory experiments on hydrogen and impurity behaviors in lithium-deposited environmentH. Toyoda, M. Watanabe, H. Sugai
1036-1040Effects of lithium-implantation on the hydrogen retention in both a-C:H and a-SiC:H materials submitted to deuterium bombardmentG. Barbier, G.G. Ross, M.A. El Khakani, N. Chevarier, A. Chevarier
1041-1046Tritium retention in S-65 beryllium after 100 eV plasma exposureRion A. Causey, Glen R. Longhurst, Wally Harbin
1047-1051Depth distribution of deuterium atoms and molecules in beryllium implanted with D ionsV.Kh. Alimov, V.N. Chernikov, A.P. Zakharov
1052-1054On the use of biased movable B4C-limiter for pumping O2 and H2O during discharge cleaningG.P. Glazunov, E.D. Volkov, V.G. Kotenko, A.V. Shtan', Yu.K. Mironov, N.I. Nasarov, A. Sagara, N. Ohyabu, O. Motojima
1055-1059Hydrogen absorption behavior into boron films by glow discharges in hydrogen and heliumK. Tsuzuki, M. Natsir, N. Inoue, A. Sagara, N. Noda, O. Motojima, T. Mochizuki, T. Hino, T. Yamashina
1060-1064Release of hydrogen from co-existing layers of carbon and beryllium with vacuum heatingKan Ashida, Kuniaki Watanabe, Toshio Okabe
1065-1070Isotope effects in hydrogen retention of graphite and beryllium irradiated simultaneously with dual H+ and D+ beamsB. Tsuchiya, K. Morita
1071-1075Reflection, re-emission and permeation of deuterium implanted in Ti---6Al---4V alloyV. Bandourko, K. Ohkoshi, K. Yamaguchi, M. Yamawaki
1076-1081Deuterium retention in beryllium, molybdenum and tungsten at high fluencesA.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis
1082-1086Hydrogen trapping in and release from tungsten: Modeling and comparison with graphite with regard to its use as fusion reactor materialP. Franzen, C. Garcia-Rosales, H. Plank, V.Kh. Alimov
1087-1092Deuterium trapping in and release from tungsten carbideWenmin Wang, V.Kh. Alimov, B.M.U. Scherzer, J. Roth
1093-1097Interaction of a high density neon plasma with graphiteC. Brosset, J. Bardon, E. Gauthier
1098-1102Helium retention properties of plasma facing materialsH. Yanagihara, Y. Yamauchi, T. Hino, Y. Hirohata, T. Yamashina
1103-1109Retention and erosion behavior of oxygen implanted in different imageA. Refke, V. Philipps, E. Vietzke
1110-1116Erosion behavior and surface characterization of beryllium under high-flux deuterium plasma bombardmentJ. Won, F.E. Spada, R. Boivin, R. Doerner, S Luckhardt, F.C. Sze, R.W. Conn
1117-1121Investigation of beryllium self-sputteringM.I. Guseva, S.N. Korshunov, V.M. Gureev, Yu.V. Martinenko, V.E. Neumoin, V.G. Stoljarova
1122-1126Spectroscopic measurement of kinetic energy of sputtered boron in electron cyclotron resonance plasmaYoshifumi Ito, Noboru Nakano, Tutomu Yoshidome, Michiro Isobe, Masahiro Nishikawa
1127-1131Interaction of energetic oxygen ions with lithium-containing amorphous hydrogenated carbon films: A mass spectrometry studyJ.-U. Thiele, E. Vietzke, P. Oelhafen
1132-1137Erosion and thermal desorption characteristics of image compositeTakahiro Yamaki, Yasutaka Suzuki, Akio Chiba, Mitsuo Nakagawa, Yoshitaka Gotoh, Ryutarou Jimbou, Masahiro Saidoh
1138-1141Effect of irradiation ion species on internal stress in boron thin filmsN. Satomi, K. Tanak, M. Kitamura, M. Nishikawa
1142-1146Sputtering experiments on B4C doped CFC under high particle flux with low energyK. Nakamura, M. Dairaku, M. Akiba, Y. Okumura
1147-1151Chemical erosion of pyrolytic graphite by low-energy H+ and D+ impactB.V. Mech, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis
1152-1155Comparison of chemical sputtering yields for different graphites at high ion flux densitiesH. Grote, W. Bohmeyer, H.-D. Reiner, T. Fuchs, P. Kornejew, J. Steinbrink
1156-1159Reduction of the chemical erosion of doped graphite due to surface modification during low energy D+ bombardmentR. Schwörer, H. Plank, J. Roth
1160-1163Angle resolved velocity distributions of sputtered medium ZA. Goehlich, N. Niemöller, H.F. Döbele
1164-1169Examination of material performance of W exposed to high heat load: Postmortem analysis of W exposed to TEXTOR plasma and E-beam test standT. Tanabe, V. Philipps, K. Nakamura, M. Fujine, Y. Ueda, M. Wada, B. Schweer, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Unterberg
1170-1174Measurements and modeling of the angular-resolved sputtering yield of D-soaked Be by 100, 300, 500 and 700 eV D+D.N. Ruzic, Preston C. Smith, R.B. Turkot Jr.
1175-1179Thermal conductivity and retention characteristics of composites made of boron carbide and carbon fibers with extremely high thermal conductivity for first wall armourR. Jimbou, K. Kodama, M. Saidoh, Y. Suzuki, M. Nakagawa, K. Morita, B. Tsuchiya
1180-1184Effect of ion-beam irradiation on power reflectivity of boron-doped CFC materialsMasaaki Nagatsu, Noriharu Takada, Ichiro Tsuchikura, Suguru Sasaki, Masato Akiba, Kazuyuki Nakamura
1185-1189Thermal response for divertor mock-up using surface-modified CFC tileI. Fujita, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino, T. Yamashina, Y. Kubota, N. Noda, O. Motojima, T. Sogabe, T. Matsuda, K. Kuroda
1190-1196Experimental and calculated basis of the lithium capillary system as divertor materialN.V. Antonov, V.G. Belan, V.A. Evtihin, L.G. Golubchikov, V.I. Khripunov, V.M. Korjavin, I.E. Lyublinski, V.S. Maynashev, V.B. Petrov, V.I. Pistunovich, V.A. Pozharov, V.I. Podkovirnov, V.V. Shapkin, A.V. Vertkov
1197-1202High heat load properties of TiC dispersed Mo alloysK. Tokunaga, Y. Miura, N. Yoshida, T. Muroga, H. Kurishita, Y. Kitsunai, H. Kayano
1203-1209Applications of superpermeable membranes in fusion: The flux density problem and experimental progressA. Livshits, N. Ohyabu, M. Notkin, V. Alimov, H. Suzuki, A. Samartsev, M. Solovyov, I. Grigoriadi, A. Glebovsky, A. Busnyuk, A. Doroshin, K. Komatsu
1210-1216Performance of beryllium, carbon, and tungsten under intense thermal fluxesJ. Linke, M. Akiba, H. Bolt, G. Breitbach, R. Duwe, A. Makhankov, I. Ovchinnikov, M. Rödig, E. Wallura
1217-1221Basic experiments on in-situ magnetized boronization by electron cyclotron resonance dischargesH. Kokura, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, T. Mizuuchi, K. Kondo, F. Sano, T. Obiki, H. Sugai
1222-1227Low-energetic He-atom beam as a diagnostic probe for electric field measurement in the plasma edgesK. Takiyama, T. Katsuta, H. Toyota, M. Watanabe, K. Mizuno, T. Ogawa, T. Oda
1228-1233Testing of a pulsed He supersonic beam for plasma edge diagnostic in the TJ-IU torsatronF.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, V. Herrero, I. Tanarro
1234-1237The fluctuations and flow velocities measured with a Mach probe array on the HL-1M tokamakW.Y. Hong, E.Y. Wang, L.B. Ran, S.K. Yang, Y.D. Pan, L.Y. Chen, S.J. Qian
1238-1242A double electron capture by alpha particles in collisions with hydrogen molecules in low temperature plasmaT. Oda, K. Sato, S. Namba, S. Kusakabe, K. Takahara, H. Tawara, T. Katsuta, K. Takiyama, U. Furukane
1243-1247Study of hot tungsten emissive plate in high heat flux plasma on NAGDIS-IM.Y. Ye, S. Takamura, N. Ohno
1248-1252Impurity generation for low energy range of ion bombardment and its transport in a plasmaM. Kojima, S. Takamura
1253-1276Author index
1277-1313Subject index
1314-1348Subject index for PSI-12

Volume 244, Issue 1, Pages 1-84 (March 1997)

1-15Macrostructure and microstructure of the carbon fibre composite UAM92-5D-BV.N Chernikov, W Kesternich, H Ullmaier
16-21Transmutation of iodine: results of the EFTTRA-T1 irradiation testR.J.M Konings
22-28Molecular dynamics simulation of low-energy atomic displacement cascades in a simplified nuclear glassJ.M Delaye, D Ghaleb
29-35Affinity of finely dispersed montmorillonite colloidal particles for americium and lanthanidesShinya Nagasaki, Satoru Tanaka, Atsuyuki Suzuki
36-43Measurement of 2000–2100°C oxygen diffusion coefficients in hypostoichiometric UO2P.J Hayward, I.M George, R.A Kaatz, D.R Olander
44-50Study of power load on TdeV divertor plates with an infrared cameraW Zhang, T Fall, B Terreault, J Gunn, J Mailloux, A Sarkissian, N Richard
51-58TEM and IBA study of the thermal oxidation of V following high dose He implantationP.W Gilberd, P.B Johnson, I.C Vickridge, A.C Wismayer
59-65Gibbs energy of formation of Na2WO4 and Na3WO4 in liquid sodiumN.P Bhat, H.U Borgstedt
66-74Oxidation and dissolution of nuclear fuel (UO2) by the products of the alpha radiolysis of waterS Sunder, D.W Shoesmith, N.H Miller
75-84Finite volume method for fission gas release modelingL.C Bernard, E Bonnaud

Volume 244, Issue 2, Pages 85-175 (1 April 1997)

85-100RACLETTE: a model for evaluating the thermal response of plasma facing components to slow high power plasma transients. Part I: Theory and description of model capabilitiesA. René Raffray, Gianfranco Federici
101-130RACLETTE: a model for evaluating the thermal response of plasma facing components to slow high power plasma transients. Part II: Analysis of ITER plasma facing componentsGianfranco Federici, A. René Raffray
131-140Modelling of fission gas release and gaseous swelling of light water reactor fuelsToshiaki Kogai
141-146An SEM study of β-phase decomposition during the annealing of Zr-2.5% Nb alloyM. T. Jovanovic, Y. Ma, R. L. Eadie
147-152Reduction of freely migrating defect concentrations by cascade remnants in Ni---Si alloysA. Iwase, L. E. Rehn, P. M. Baldo, L. Funk
153-167Iodine spiking model for pressurized water reactorsB. J. Lewis, F. C. Iglesias, A. K. Postma, D. A. Steininger
168-172Nanoindentation test on electron beam-irradiated boride layer of carbon-carbon composite for plasma facing component of large Tokamak deviceM. Kanari, K. Tanaka, S. Baba, M. Eto, K. Nakamura
173-175Observation of relaxation processes of disorder in ion-irradiated graphite using Raman spectroscopyE. Asari, K. G. Nakamura, T. Kawabe, M. Kitajima

Volume 244, Issue 3, Pages 177-309 (2 April 1997)

Radiation Materials Science in Technology Applications Anaheim, CA, USA, 4 February - 8 February 1996 Edited by L.K. Mansur and C.L. Snead Jr.
vForewordLouis K. Mansur, C. Lewis Snead Jr.
177-184Radiation effects in materials for accelerator-driven neutron technologiesM. S. Wechsler, C. Lin, W. F. Sommer, L. L. Daemen, P. D. Ferguson
185-194Energetics of formation and migration of self-interstitials and self-interstitial clusters in α-ironB. D. Wirth, G. R. Odette, D. Maroudas, G. E. Lucas
195-204Non-steady-state conditions and incascade clustering in radiation damage modelingR. E. Stoller
205-211Total displacement functions for SiCW. J. Weber, R. E. Williford, K. E. Sickafus
212-218Mechanisms of radiation-induced degradation of reactor vessel materialsL. K. Mansur, K. Farrell
219-226The effect of solutes on defect distributions and hardening in ion-irradiated model ferritic alloysPhilip M. Rice, Roger E. Stoller
227-250Amorphization of intermetallic compounds under irradiation — A reviewArthur T. Motta
251-257Amorphization of U3Si by ion or neutron irradiationR. C. Birtcher, J. W. Richardson Jr, M. H. Mueller
258-265Temperature and dose dependence of ion-beam-induced amorphization in α-SiCW. J. Weber, N. Yu, L. M. Wang, N. J. Hess
266-272In situ observation of defect growth beyond the irradiated region in yttria-stabilized zirconia induced by 400 keV xenon ion-beam at −90 and 30°CNing Yu, Kurt E. Sickafus, Padma Kodali, Michael Nastasi
273-277Metastable reversal of the martensitic phase in Nb3Sn induced by energetic-electron irradiationC. L. Snead Jr., R. C. Birtcher, M. A. Kirk
278-294The effect of alloy composition on radiation-induced segregation in Fe---Cr---Ni alloysT. R. Allen, G. S. Was, E. A. Kenik
295-304The formation of bubbles in Zr alloys under Kr ion irradiationL. Pagano Jr., A. T. Motta, R. C. Birtcher
305-306Author index
307-309Subject index

Volume 245, Issue 1, Pages 1-85 (May 1997)

iiEditorial Board
1-9Incorporation mechanisms of actinide elements into the structures of U6+ phases formed during the oxidation of spent nuclear fuelPeter C. Burns, Rodney C. Ewing, Mark L. Miller
10-16Crystal structure of thin oxide films grown on Zr-Nb alloys studied by RHEEDD. Khatamian, S.D. Lalonde
17-26Control of civilian plutonium inventories using burning in a non-fertile fuelV.M. Oversby, C.C. McPheeters, C. Degueldre, J.M. Paratte
27-33Experimental evidence of lithium migration out of an irradiated boroncarbide materialD. Simeone, X. Deschanels, B. Berthier, C. Tessier
34-43Liquid metal embrittlement of Zr-2.5% Nb alloyB. Cox, Y.-M. Wong
44-51Highly sensitive measurements of 222Rn permeability in AuS.K. Bhattacharyya, S.K. Pabi
52-59Chemical interactions between B4C and stainless steel at hightemperaturesF. Nagase, H. Uetsuka, T. Otomo
60-65The hydrogen inventory in plasma exposed graphite surfacesM. Langhoff, B.M.U. Scherzer
66-71Oxidation and hydrogen isotope exchange in amorphous, deuterated carbon filmsWenmin Wang, W. Jacob, J. Roth
72-78Thermal expansions of NpO2 and some other actinide dioxidesToshiyuki Yamashita, Noriko Nitani, Toshihide Tsuji, Hirornitsu Inagaki
79-85Characterization of low-level mixed waste sludges: Identifying and controlling sources of variabilitySabrina S. Fu, Ian L. Pegg, Pedro B. Macedo

Volume 245, Issues 2-3, Pages 87-259 (June 1997)

87-107Radiation resistant ceramic matrix compositesR. H. Jones, D. Steiner, H. L. Heinisch, G. A. Newsome, H. M. Kerch
108-114Influence of traps on the deuterium behaviour in the low activation martensitic steels F82H and BatmanE. Serra, A. Perujo, G. Benamati
115-123An electron microscopy study of the RIM structure of a UO2 fuel with a high burnup of 7.9% FIMAI. L. F. Ray, Hj. Matzke, H. A. Thiele, M. Kinoshita
124-130Factors which control the swelling of Fe---Cr---Ni ternary austenitic alloysF. A. Garner, C. A. Black, D. J. Edwards
131-137A microstructural comparison of two nuclear-grade martensitic steels using small-angle neutron scatteringR. Coppola, F. Fiori, E. A. Little, M. Magnani
138-146Effects of irradiation and implantation on permeation and diffusion of hydrogen isotopes in iron and martensitic stainless steelF. Wedig, P. Jung
147-151A method for the quantitative phase analysis of ZrO2 films grown on Zr-2.5% Nb pressure tubesM. G. Glavicic, J. A. Szpunar, Y. P. Lin
152-160High pressure oxidation of sponge-Zr in steam/hydrogen mixturesYeon soo Kim, Wei-E Wang, Soo Lim, D. R. Olander, S. K. Yagnik
161-168Microstructural characterization of the stabilized fluorite phases formed in the Ca1−yE. Gómez-Rebollo, P. Herrero, R. M. Rojas
169-178Further observations on OCOM MOX fuel: microstructure in the vicinity of the pellet rim and fuel — cladding interactionC. T. Walker, W. Goll, T. Matsumura
179-184Characterization of U-2 wt% Mo and U-10 wt% Mo alloy powders prepared by centrifugal atomizationKi Hwan Kim, Don Bac Lee, Chang Kyu Kim, Gerard E. Hofman, Kyung Wook Paik
185-190Low temperature fast-neutron and gamma irradiation of Kapton® polyimide filmsJanez Megusar
191-200Oxidation kinetics and microstructure of V-(4–5) wt% Cr-(4–5) wt% Ti alloys exposed to air at 300–650°CM. Uz, K. Natesan, V. B. Hang
201-209Detection of stress corrosion cracking and general corrosion of mild steel in simulated defense nuclear waste solutions using electrochemical noise analysisG. L. Edgemon, M. J. Danielson, G. E. C. Bell
210-216Formation of bubbles in helium implanted 316L stainless steel at temperatures between 25 and 550°CC. H. Zhang, K. Q. Chen, Y. S. Wang, J. G. Sun, D. Y. Shen
217-223UO2 sintering in controlled oxygen atmospheres of three-stage processY. Harada
224-237Experimental study and modelling of copper precipitation under electron irradiation in dilute FeM. H. Mathon, A. Barbu, F. Dunstetter, F. Maury, N. Lorenzelli, C. H. de Novion
238-247A review of kinetic data on the rate of U3O7 formation on UO2R. J. McEachern
248-252Irradiation-driven solute redistribution in Zr alloysH. Zou, G. M. Hood, J. A. Roy, R. H. Packwood
253-254Author index
255-259Subject index

Volume 246, Issue 1, Pages 1-89 (July 1997)

iiEditorial Board
1-8Tritium inventory in a LiAlO2 blanketMasabumi Nishikawa, Atsushi Baba, Yoshinori Kawamura
9-16Quantitative AMS depth profiling of the hydrogen isotopes collected in graphite divertor and wall tiles of the tokamak ASDEX-UpgradeG. Y. Sun, M. Friedrich, R. Grotzschel, W. Bürger, R. Behrisch, C. García-Rosales
17-29Defocussed TEM contrast from small helium bubbles in copperK. J. Stevens, P. B. Johnson
30-36The Davies-Gray titration for the assay of uranium in nuclear materials: a performance studyM. Bickel
37-42The analysis of failed nuclear fuel rods by gamma computed tomographyRelu Dobrin, Teddy Craciunescu, Ioan Liviu Tuturici
43-52High pressure hydriding of sponge-Zr in steam-hydrogen mixturesYeon Soo Kim, Wei-E Wang, D. R. Olander, S. K. Yagnik
53-59Atomistic modeling of finite-temperature properties of β-SiC. I. Lattice vibrations, heat capacity, and thermal expansionLisa J. Porter, Ju Li, Sidney Yip
60-69The thermal stability of surface deformed zirconiumT. A. Hayes, M. E. Kassner, D. Amick, R. S. Rosen
70-76Correlations between the electrochemical behaviour and surface film composition of TZM alloy exposed to divertor water coolant environmentsMarie-Françoise Maday, Rossella Giorgi, Theodoros Dikonimos-Makris
77-83The effects of Pb on the passive film of Ni-base alloy in high temperature waterSeong Sik Hwang, Uh Chul Kim, Yong Soo Park
84-87Effect of thickness on the fracture toughness of irradiated Zr-2.5Nb pressure tubesC. K. Chow, K. H. Nho
88-89FISA-97 WorkshopEC-sponsored Research on Severe Accidents. Nuclear Fission Safety Programme 1994–1998 17–19 November 1997, Luxembourg

Volume 246, Issues 2-3, Pages 91-267 (2 August 1997)

91-120Assessment of relative contributions from different mechanisms to radiation embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steelsB. A. Gurovich, E. A. Kuleshova, Yu. A. Nikolaev, Ya. I. Shtrombakh
121-125Post-irradiation fission gas release from high burn-up UO2 fuel annealed under oxidising conditionsJ. H. Evans
126-130In situ luminescence measurement at high temperature from Li2O under neutron irradiationVictor Grishmanov, Satoru Tanaka, Takayuki Terai
131-138Effect of precursors on the preparation of lithium aluminateSang Woon Kwon, Seung Bin Park
139-143A study of hydrogen permeation in aluminum alloy treated by various oxidation processesWenhai Song, Jiaju Du, Yongli Xu, Bin Long
144-149Formation of the monoclinic α″ phase in quenched U−3.6 at.% Ti−4.7 at.% W alloyE. Kahana, M. Talianker, A. Landau
150-157Solubility of magnesium in uranium dioxideTakeo Fujino, Shohei Nakama, Nobuaki Sato, Kohta Yamada, Kousaku Fukuda, Hiroyuki Serizawa, Tetsuo Shiratori
158-164The effects of oxidation on the thermal conductivity of (U, M)O2 pellets (M = Gd and/or simulated soluble FPs)Masaki Amaya, Mutsumi Hirai
165-170Investigation of impurity deposition on plasma facing component using electron beam techniqueF. C. Sze, R. Doerner, S. Luckhardt, R. W. Conn
171-179The behaviour of helium in neutron irradiated beryllium: a molecular dynamics studyJ. -M. Cayphas, M. Hou, L. Coheur
180-188High temperature interaction between Zircaloy-4 and Inconel-718H. Uetsuka, F. Nagase, T. Otomo
189-195Hot hardness and indentation creep studies on Zr---1Nb---1Sn---0.1Fe alloyT. R. G. Kutty, T. Jarvis, C. Ganguly
196-205Creep rupture properties of a Ni---Cr---W superalloy in air environmentYuji Kurata, Hirokazu Tsuji, Masami Shindo, Hajime Nakajima
206-214Contribution of recoil atoms to irradiation damage in absorber materialsD. Simeone, O. Hablot, V. Micalet, P. Bellon, Y. Serruys
215-222Advanced coatings for HTGR fuel particles against corrosion of SiC layerKazuo Minato, Kousaku Fukuda, Akiyoshi Ishikawa, Naoaki Mita
223-231On the fission gas release from oxide fuels during normal grain growthM. C. Paraschiv, A. Paraschiv, F. Glodeanu
232-243On Raman spectroscopy of zirconium oxide filmsP. Barberis, T. Merle-Méjean, P. Quintard
244-246Thermal spike model for irradiation creep of amorphous solids: Comparison to experimental data for ion irradiated vitreous silicaH. Trinkaus
247-251Supercharging of Zircaloy-4G. Domizzi, L. Lanzani, P. Coronel, P. Bruzzoni
252-255Effects of thermal cycles on 222Rn permeability in PbS. K. Pabi, S. K. Bhattacharyya
256-259Photothermal/photoacoustic method for in situ evaluation of radiation-hardened polyimide filmsRandy Logan, A. A. Maznev, Keith A. Nelson, Janez Megusar
261-262Author index
263-267Subject index
iiEditorial Board
viiPrefaceM. Yamawaki, M. G. Adamson, H. Kleykamp
1-6The high-temperature vaporization/decomposition of actinide materials: Fundamental and technological aspectsR. G. Haire
7-10Vaporization features of oxide systems studied by high-temperature mass spectrometryValentina Stolyarova
11-16Sweep gas chemistry effect on lithium transport from ceramic breeder blanket materialsM. Yamawaki, A. Suzuki, M. Yasumoto, K. Yamaguchi
17-20Investigation of vaporization thermodynamics of SrUO3 by means of mass spectrometryJintao Huang, Michio Yamawaki, Kenji Yamaguchi, Masaru Yasumoto, Hiroshi Sakurai, Yasufumi Suzuki
21-27Laser induced vaporization mass spectrometric studies on UO2 and graphiteM. Joseph, N. Sivakumar, D. Darwin Albert Raj, C. K. Mathews
28-32Vaporisation studies on tellurium dioxide: A Knudsen effusion mass spectrometric studyT. S. Lakshmi Narasimhan, R. Balasubramanian, S. Nalini, M. Sai Baba
33-36Vaporization behavior of neptunium mononitrideKunihisa Nakajima, Yasuo Arai, Yasufumi Suzuki
37-40Vapor pressure measurements of La---Gd alloysYoshiyuki Shoji, Tsuneo Matsui, Kinya Nakamura, Tadashi Inoue
41-45Thermodynamic properties of the UO2---ZrO2 system studied by the isothermal mass spectrometric vaporization methodValentina Stolyarova, Andrei Shilov, Mikhail Shultz
46-49Distribution of molybdenum in FBR fuel irradiated to high burnupI. Sato, H. Furuya, K. Idemitsu, T. Arima, K. Yamamoto, M. Kajitani
50-58Migration behavior of palladium in uranium dioxideMitsuru Yoneyama, Seichi Sato, Hiroshi Ohashi, Toru Ogawa, Akinori Ito, Kousaku Fukuda
59-62Phase relations and distribution of fission products in the Pu rock-like fuels with fluorite, spinel and corundum phasesNoriko Nitani, Hiroto Yokoi, Toshiyuki Yamashita, Toshihiko Ohmichi, Tsuneo Matsui, Tadasumi Muromura
63-71Thermochemistry of IVA transition metal-oxygen solid solutionsToshihide Tsuji
72-75High temperature phase transitions of CaTiO3 and (Ca0.85Nd0.15)TiO3 by X-ray diffractometry and differential thermal analysisTsuneo Matsui, Hirotake Shigematsu, Yuji Arita, Yutaka Hanajiri, Norihiko Nakamitsu, Nakanori Nagasaki, Takanori Nagasaki
76-81Recovery behavior of thermal conductivity in irradiated U02 pelletsMasaki Amaya, Mutsumi Hirai
82-85An investigation of the thermal conductivity of Cs2 Mo04Tetsuya Ishii, Tomoyasu Mizuno
86-89Investigation of thermodynamic properties of molten rare earth trichlorides by molecular dynamics methodYoshihiro Okamoto, Hirokazu Hayashi, Toru Ogawa
90-93Thermal expansion of neptunium-uranium mixed oxidesToshiyuki Yamashita, Noriko Nitani, Toshihide Tsuji, Tetsuya Kato
94-97Heat capacity measurements on CaTiO3 doped with Ce and LaYuji Arita, Krishnamurthy Nagarajan, Toyo Ohashi, Tsuneo Matsui
98-102Study on order-disorder transition of Hf---O alloys (O/Hf = 0.11 - 0.22) by heat capacity measurementTetsuya Kato, Toshihide Tsuji
103-107Phase equilibria in the UO2-austenitic steel system up to 3000°CHeiko Kleykamp
108-115Polygonization and high burnup structure in nuclear fuelsHj. Matzke, M. Kinoshita
116-120The stoichiometry and the oxygen potential change of urania fuels during irradiationKwangheon Park, Myung-Seung Yang, Hyun-Soo Park
121-126Specific heat of UO2-based SIMFUELHj. Matzke, P. G. Lucuta, R. A. Verrall, J. Henderson
127-130Formation of uranium and cerium nitrides by the reaction of carbides with NH3 and N2/H2 streamTakashi Nakagawa, Hirotaka Matsuoka, Masaji Sawa, Masayuki Hirota, Masanobu Miyake, Masahiro Katsura
131-137High temperature steam oxidation of U02 fuel pelletsM. Imamura, K. Une
138-146Effect of external restraint on bubble swelling in U02 fuelsS. Kashibe, K. Une
147-150Preparation of lanthanide nitrides by carbothermic reduction using ammoniaTakashi Nakagawa, Hirotaka Matsuoka, Masaji Sawa, Kenji Idehara, Masahiro Katsura
151-157Thermodynamics of carbothermic synthesis of actinide mononitridesToru Ogawa, Yoshiro Shirasu, Kazuo Minato, Hiroyuki Serizawa
158-160Thermodynamic studies of uranium-gadolinium-carbon system through the carbothermic reduction of the oxidesR. Vidhya, M. P. Antony, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
161-171Transpiration studies on the volatilities of PuO3(g) and PuO2(OH)2(g) from PuO2(s) in the presence of steam and oxygen and application to plutonium volatility in mixed-waste thermal oxidation processorsOscar H. Krikorian, Alfred S. Fontes Jr., Bartley B. Ebbinghaus, Martyn G. Adamson
172-176Thermochemistry of lanthanum, neodymium, samarium and americium trihydroxides and their relation to the corresponding hydroxycarbonatesL. Merli, B. Lambert, J. Fuger
177-182Light element thermodynamics related to actinide separationsIrving Johnson, C. E. Johnson
183-190Actinides recovery from molten salt/liquid metal system by electrochemical methodsMasatoshi Iizuka, Tadafumi Koyama, Naruhito Kondo, Reiko Fujita, Hiroshi Tanaka
191-196Identification of oxide phase and alloy phase obtained by heat treatment of calcined high level liquid waste with TiN reducing agent at 1873 KMasayosi Uno, Hajime Kinoshita, Chie Miyake, Misato Horie
197-202Equilibrium distributions of actinides and lanthanides in molten chloride salt and liquid zinc binary phase systemHirotake Moriyama, Hajimu Yamana, Sataro Nishikawa, Yosuke Miyashita, Kimikazu Moritani, Toshiaki Mitsugashira
203-207Temperature effect on technetium(VII) extraction by CMPO and TBPMitsuo Takeuchi, Satoru Tanaka, Michio Yamawaki
208-214Pb---17Li and lithium: A thermodynamic rationalisation of their radically different chemistryPeter Hubberstey
215-221Thermochemical modeling of actinide alloys related to advanced fuel cyclesT. Ogawa, M. Akabori, F. Kobayashi, R. G. Haire
222-226Heat capacity and phase transition of Zircaloy-4Takayuki Terai, Yoichi Takahashi, Shinya Masumura, Toshiaki Yoneoka
227-231Electrodeposition of uranium in stirred liquid cadmium cathodeTadafumi Koyama, Masatoshi Iizuka, Naruhito Kondo, Reiko Fujita, Hiroshi Tanaka
232-234Thermodynamic study on UPd3 3 and U(Pd0.85Rh0.15)3Yuji Arita, Naohiko Sasajima, Tsuneo Matsui
235-239Enthalpies of formation of CeNi2 and CeNi5 by calorimetryB. Prabhakara Reddy, R. Babu, K. Nagarajan, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
240-243An X-ray diffraction study of the Np---Ni systemM. Akabori, R. G. Haire, J. K. Gibson, Y. Okamoto, T. Ogawa
244-248Influence of interstitial oxygen and nitrogen on hydrogen solubility in vanadiumShinsuke Yamanaka, Yukio Kashiwara, Hironori Sugiyama, Masahiro Katsura
249-251Heat capacity measurements of V---Ti---Cr ternary alloysTakehiko Suzuki, Tsuneo Matsui
252-257High-temperature reaction of (U, Gd) 02 with zirconiumShinsuke Yamanaka, Katsumi Tsujimoto, Takashi Yamanaka, Masayoshi Uno, Masanobu Miyake, Masahiro Katsura
258-264Thermodynamics of the U---O and Zr-systems and application to analysis of fuel liquefaction during severe accidents in light water reactorsD. R. Olander, Wei-E Wang
265-272Characteristic thermodynamic properties of MyTakeo Fujino, Nobuaki Sato, Kohta Yamada
273-276Studies on the oxygen potentials of (UyS. Anthonysamy, K. Nagarajan, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
277-279Thermodynamics and phase equilibria of the system Ru---Te---OG. Chattopadhyay, S. Vana Varamban, S. R. Bharadwaj
280-284An electrochemical investigation of the thermodynamic properties of Na2Mo2O7 and Na2NiO3Tom Mathews, D. Krishnamurthy, T. Gnanasekaran
285-288Phase equilibria of CaTi03 doped with Ce, Nd and UYutaka Hanajiri, Hiroto Yokoi, Tsuneo Matsui, Yuji Arita, Takanori Nagasaki, Hirotake Shigematsu
289-292Study of the thermodynamic properties of (U, Ce)O2Kazuhiro Yamada, Shinsuke Yamanaka, Takashi Nakagawa, Masayoshi Uno, Masahiro Katsura
293-300Phase diagram calculations of the U---Pu---N system with carbon and oxygen impuritiesD. D. Sood, R. Agarwal, V. Venugopal
301-303Regularities of phase equilibria in the binary uranium tetrachloride systems and their thermodynamic interpretationWiesimageaw Gaweimage
304-308Phase equilibria of NdC13---NaCl---KClYuji Hosoya, Takayuki Terai, Satoru Tanaka, Yoichi Takahashi
309-314Thermal analysis of pseudo-binary system: LiCl---KCI eutectic and lanthanide trichlorideKinya Nakamura, Masaki Kurata
315-321Study on the hydrogen solubility in zirconium alloysShinsuke Yamanaka, Masanobu Miyake, Masahiro Katsura
322-327Reactions of uranium nitride with platinum-family metalsMasayoshi Uno, Ken Kurosaki, Akira Nakamura
328-332Study on the Nb---O---H ternary systemShinsuke Yamanaka, Yoichi Sannomiya, Tsuneaki Minamiguchi, Masahiro Katsura
333-338Hydrogen desorption properties of hydrogenated U---Th---Zr alloysHadi Suwarno, Takuya Yamamoto, Futaba Ono, Kenji Yamaguchi, Michio Yamawaki
339-344Development of new reactor fuel materials: hydrogenation properties of U---Th---Zr alloys and neutron irradiation effects on their hydridesTakuya Yamamoto, Hadi Suwamo, Hideo Kayano, Michio Yamawaki
345-348Heat capacity measurement of (CrxKatsuhiro Yasui, Kazushige Ishida, Toshihide Tsuji
349-352Author index
353-361Subject index
iiEditorial Board
viiForewordM. Yamawaki, K. Yamaguchi
1-8Physical sputtering and reflection processes in plasma-wall interactionsW. Eckstein
9-14Retention, permeation and re-emission of deuterium implanted in MoS. Nagata, T. Hasunuma, K. Takahiro, S. Yamaguchi
15-18Surface condition effects on plasma driven permeationM. Takizawa, K. Kiuchi, M. Okamoto, Y. Fujii
19-26Carbon chemistry due to combined H+ and O+ irradiationA.A. Haasz, Allen Y.K. Chen, J.W. Davis, E. Vietzke
27-33Retention and re-emission processes of hydrogen isotopes in graphite and berylliumK. Morita, B. Tsuchiya
34-37Effect of oxidation on thermal desorption of deuterium sorbed in graphiteA.V. Markin, A.E. Gorodetsky, A.P. Zakharov
38-41Oxygen gettering properties of boron film produced by diborane dc glow dischargeT. Hino, T. Mochizuki, Y. Hirohata, K. Tsuzuki, N. Inoue, A. Sagara, N. Noda, O. Motojima, K. Mori, T. Sogabe, K. Kuroda
42-45Retention of hydrogen isotopes in beryllium by simultaneous H+ and D+ irradiationB. Tsuchiya, K. Morita
46-51Interlayer structure changes of graphite after hydrogen ion irradiationYoshitaka Gotoh
52-59Elementary processes near the interface between hydrogen gas and solidA.A. Pisarev, O.V. Ogorodnikova
60-63Permeation behavior of deuterium implanted into Tisingle bond6Alsingle bond4V alloyM. Arita, T. Hayashi, K. Okuno, Y. Hayashi
64-71Profiling with tritium imagingI. Youle, A.A. Haasz
72-77Study on retention of hydrogen isotopes and helium in nickel using tritium beam test apparatusM. Okada, R. Sato, K. Yamaguchi, M. Yamakawi
78-84Advanced research of plasma wall interaction in ChinaJ.P. Qian
85-90Impurity production and transport processes in divertor regionsV.I. Pistunovich, V.A. Pozharov, D.Yu. Prokhorov
91-100Advanced understanding of the tritium recovery process from the ceramic breeder blanketCarl E. Johnson, John P. Kopasz, Shiu-Wing Tam
101-105Tritium release from Li2O studied by infrared absorption spectroscopySatoru Tanaka, Masaki Taniguchi
106-110Isotope exchange capacity of solid breeder materialsAtsushi Baba, Masabumi Nishikawa, Yoshinori Kawamura, Kenji Okuno
111-115Study on the sweep gas chemistry effect on vaporization behavior of Li2TiO3 by means of HT mass spectrometryAtsushi Suzuki, Michio Yamawaki, Masaru Yasumoto, Kenji Yamaguchi
116-120Basic study of influence of radiation defects on tritium release processes from lithium silicatesA. Abramenkovs, J. Tiliks, G. Kizane, V. Grishmanovs, A. Supe
121-127A study on irradiation-induced structural change of lithium orthosilicate by infrared spectroscopy analysis with MNDO calculationT. Nakazawa, D. Yamaki, K. Noda
128-131Influence of irradiation defects and atmosphere on luminescence and tritium release from Li2OVictor Grishmanov, Satoru Tanaka, Toshiaki Yoneoka
132-139In situ luminescence measurement of irradiation defects in ternary lithium ceramics under ion beam irradiationKimikazu Moritani, Hirotake Moriyama
140-146Thermodynamics of the interactions between liquid breeders and ceramic coating materialsPeter Hubberstey, Tony Sample
147-152Blanket design using FLiBe in helical-type fusion reactor FFHRA. Sagara, O. Motojima, O. Mitarai, S. Imagawa, K. Watanabe, H. Yamanishi, H. Chikaraishi, A. Kohyama, H. Matsui, T. Muroga, N. Noda, T. Noda, N. Ohyabu, T. Satow, A.A. Shishkin, S. Tanaka, T. Terai, K. Yamazaki, J. Yamamoto and FFHR Group
153-158Research and development on ceramic coatings for fusion reactor liquid blanketsTakayuki Terai
159-164Tritium recovery from Li17single bondPb83 liquid breeder by permeation window methodT. Terai, A. Suzuki, S. Tanaka
165-169Characterization of Y2O3 coating for liquid blanketMasaru Nakamichi, Hiroshi Kawamura, Takayuki Terai, Satoru Tanaka
170-179Formation of the rim structure in high burnup fuelHj. Matzke, J. Spino
180-184Application of a mechanistic model for radiation-induced amorphization and crystallization of uranium silicide to recrystallization of UO2J. Rest
185-190Towards the mathematical model of rim structure formationM. Kinoshita
191-195Radiation damage of UO2 by high-energy heavy ionsKimio Hayashi, Hironobu Kikuchi, Kousaku Fukuda
196-203Effect of grain size on recrystallization in high burnup fuel pelletsK. Nogita, K. Une, M. Hirai, K. Ito, K. Ito, Y. Shirai
204-208Behavior of neutron-irradiated U3SiM. Ugajin, M. Akabori, A. Itoh, N. Ooka, Y. Nakakura
209-213The chemical state of defective uranium-plutonium oxide fuel pins irradiated in sodium cooled reactorsH. Kleykamp
214-219Chemical processes in defective LWR fuel rodsD.R. Olander, Wei-E. Wang, Yeon Soo Kim, C.Y. Li, S. Lim, Suresh K. Yagnik
220-225Radiation effect on the chemical state of fission product iodineKenji Konashi, Yoshinobu Siokawa, Hideo Kayano, Michio Yamawaki
226-232Experimental analyses of iodine behavior under severe accident conditions with ARTAkihide Hidaka, Minoru Igarashi, Kazuichiro Hashimoto, Takehito Yoshino, Jun Sugimoto
233-237Vaporization behavior of SrPuO3Kunihisa Nakajima, Yasuo Arai, Yasufumi Suzuki, Michio Yamawaki
238-248High burnup fuel behavior related to fission gas effects under reactivity initiated accidents (RIA) conditionsF. Lemoine
249-256Fuel failure and fission gas release in high burnup PWR fuels under RIA conditionsToyoshi Fuketa, Hideo Sasajima, Yukihide Mori, Kiyomi Ishijima
257-261Vaporization properties of SrUO3 and BaUO3 in atmospheres simulating accident conditionsJintao Huang, Michio Yamawaki, Kenji Yamaguchi, Masaru Yasumoto, Hiroshi Sakurai, Yasufumi Suzuki
262-267Effects of pellet microstructure on irradiation behavior of UO2 fuelR. Yuda, H. Harada, M. Hirai, T. Hosokawa, K. Une, S. Kashibe, S. Shimizu, T. Kubo
268-274Irradiation effects on corrosion of zirconium alloy claddingsFlorence Lefebvre, Clément Lemaignan
275-280BWR Zircaloy cladding corrosion behavior — effect of microstructureS. Shimada, Y. Etoh, K. Tomida
281-287PWR Zircaloy cladding corrosion behavior: quantitative analysesT. Kido, K. Kanasugi, M. Sugano, K. Komatsu
288-291Effect of the segregation-induced potential barrier on gas/solid kinetics. Impact on corrosion kinetics of ZircaloyJ. Nowotny, C.C. Sorrell, M. Yamawaki
292-298Formation and dissolution of oxide film on zirconium alloys in 288°C pure water under γ-ray irradiationYoshitaka Nishino, Masao Endo, Eishi Ibe, Takayoshi Yasuda
299-305Study of environmental effects on water-side corrosion of Zircaloy-2 fuel claddingY. Etoh, S. Shimada, M. Sasaki, T. Kogai, H. Hayashi, M. Kitamura, K. Tsuji, M. Yamawaki
306-310Effects of the solid-solid interface on the thermal behavior of deuterium in zircaloy cladding tubesI. Takagi, M. Hashizumi, A. Yamagami, K. Maehara, K. Higashi
311-314Influence of size distribution of Zr(Fe, Cr)2 precipitates on hydrogen transport through oxide film of Zircaloy-4Y. Hatano, R. Hitaka, M. Sugisaki, M. Hayashi
315-318Observation of the spatial distribution of hydrogen in Zircaloy-2 oxidized in H2O steam at 723 K by a technique of tritium microautoradiographyK. Isobe, Y. Hatano, M. Sugisaki
319-322Study on surface defect structures of ZrO2 and some doped ZrO2 by means of work function measurementMichio Yamawaki, Atsushi Suzuki, Futaba Ono, Kenji Yamaguchi
323-327Interfacial behavior of actinides with colloids in the geosphereShinya Nagasaki, Satoru Tanaka, Atsuyuki Suzuki
328-332Effects of humic acid on the sorption of neptunium(V) on kaoliniteYoshinobu Niitsu, Seichi Sato, Hiroshi Ohashi, Yoshiaki Sakamoto, Seiya Nagao, Toshihiko Ohnuki, Susumu Muraoka
333-337Surface complexation modeling for description of actinide sorption at the buffer materials/water interfaceMasaki Tsukamoto, Tomonari Fujita, Toshiaki Ohe
338-342Nutridation of uranium and rare-earth metals in liquid CdMitsuo Akabori, Akinori Itoh, Toru Ogawa
343-347High temperature liquid metal corrosion and high temperature electrical conductivity of Y2O3Toshiaki Yoneoka, Takayuki Terai, Yoichi Takahashi
348-353Compatibility of structural materials with molten chloride mixture at high temperatureYuji Hosoya, Takayuki Terai, Toshiaki Yoneoka, Satoru Tanaka
354-359Application of ion beams to synthesis of environmentally responsive track membranesH. Omichi, M. Yoshida, M. Asano, N. Nagaoka, H. Kubota, R. Katakai, R. Spohr
360-368Medical and other applications of high-energy heavy-ion beams from HIMACT. Murakami, H. Tsujii, Y. Furusawa, K. Ando, T. Kanai, S. Yamada, K. Kawachi
369-373Exciplex emission from amphiphilic polysilanes bearing ammonium moietiesTetsuya Yamaki, Yukio Nakashiba, Keisuke Asai, Kenkichi Ishigure, Shuhei Seki, Seiichi Tagawa, Hiromi Shibata
374-379Femto-second electron pulses from a linear acceleratorH. Wiedemann, D. Bocek, M. Hernandez, C. Settakorn
380-385Production and utilization of synchronized femtosecond electron and laser single pulsesM. Uesaka, T. Watanabe, T. Ueda, M. Kando, K. Nakajima, H. Kotaki, A. Ogata
386-391Novel interferometers for femtosecond phase spectroscopyTakayoshi Kobayashi, Kazuhiko Misawa
392-399Production of femtosecond single-bunched electrons by laser wakefield accelerationA. Ogata, K. Nakajima, N. Andreev
400-404A molecular dynamics study for ultrafast process of radiation damage in materialsK. Morishita, N. Sekimura, T. Diaz de la Rubia
405-407Interaction of terawatt laser with plasmaM. Kando, K. Nakajima, M. Arinaga, T. Kawakubo, H. Nakanishi, A. Ogata, T. Kozawa, T. Ueda, M. Uesaka
408-411Laser and X-ray spectroscopic studies of uranium-calcite interface phenomenaG. Geipel, T. Reich, V. Brendler, G. Bernhard, H. Nitsche
412-417Application of quantum beams to analysis of radioactive materialsM. Petri, L. Leibowitz, C.E. Johnson
418-427Chemistry of excited states: Its impact on plasma wall interactions in fusion devicesT. Tanabe
428-434Investigation of hydrogen covered crystalline surfaces by low-energy ion-scattering and recoiling spectroscopyO. Grizzi, J.E. Gayone, G.R. Gómez, R.G. Pregliasco, E.A. Sánchez
435-438Application of synchrotron radiation to analysis of local structures in energy-related materialsTsuneo Matsui, Tatsuya Tokunaga, Takanori Nagasaki, Yuji Arita, Hirotake Shigematsu, Taikan Harami, Hideo Ohno, Katsumi Kobayashi
439-442Measurement of a knock-on process induced by an ion beamMakoto Teshigawara, Kenji Konashi, Hideo Kayano
443-447Hydrogen analysis of silicon surfaces by low-energy ion beamsFumiya Shoji, Kenjiro Oura
449-453Author index
454-464Subject index

Volume 249, Issue 1, Pages 1-90 (2 September 1997)

iiEditorial Board
1-16Effects of heat treatments and neutron irradiation on microstructures and physical and mechanical properties of copper alloysB. N. Singh, D. J. Edwards, M. Eldrup, P. Toft
17-32Redistribution of the alloying elements during Zircaloy-2 oxidationB. Cox, H. I. Sheikh
33-38Investigations on the transformation behavior of the intermetallic phase (Fe, Cr)2Al5 formed on MANET II steel by aluminizingK. Stein-Fechner, J. Konys, O. Wedemeyer
39-45The influence of alloying elements on the hot-dip aluminizing process and on the subsequent high-temperature oxidationH. Glasbrenner, E. Nold, Z. Voss
46-51Preparation of homogeneous (Th0.8U0.2)O2 pellets via coprecipitation of (Th,U)(C2O4)2·nY. Altaimage, M. Eral, H. Tel
52-57Indium diffusion study in α-titaniumR. A. Pérez, M. R. F. Soares, M. Behar, F. Dyment
58-69Determination of the activation energy for the formation of U3O8 on UO2R. J. McEachern, J. W. Choi, M. Koláimage, W. Long, P. Taylor, D. D. Wood
70-76A new uranyl oxide hydrate phase derived from spent fuel alterationE. C. Buck, D. J. Wronkiewicz, P. A. Finn, J. K. Bates
77-86A molecular dynamics study of temperature effects on defect production by displacement cascades in α-ironF. Gao, D. J. Bacon, P. E. J. Flewitt, T. A. Lewis
87-90Is zirconium oxide morphology on fuel cladding largely determined by lithium hydroxide concentration effects?B. Cox

Volume 249, Issues 2-3, Pages 91-269 (October 1997)

91-102Mechanisms for decoration of dislocations by small dislocation loops under cascade damage conditionsH. Trinkaus, B. N. Singh, A. J. E. Foreman
103-115Radiation hardening revisited: role of intracascade clusteringB. N. Singh, A. J. E. Foreman, H. Trinkaus
116-120Impact of molybdenum and tungsten test limiters on ion fluxes in the plasma edge of TEXTORM. Rubel, V. Philipps, U. Kögler, T. Tanabe, D. Larsson, B. Unterberg, A. Pospieszczyk, Y. Ueda, P. Wienhold
121-127Infiltration of highly radioactive materials: a novel approach to the fabrication of targets for the transmutation and incineration of actinidesK. Richter, A. Fernandez, J. Somers
128-132On the origin of the F+ centre radioluminescence in sapphireA. Moroño, E. R. Hodgson
133-141Influence of the surface processes on the hydrogen permeation through ferritic steel and amorphous Fe40Ni40Mo4B16 alloy specimensJ. S. Georgiev, L. A. Anestiev
142-149Fission product release from ZrC-coated fuel particles during post-irradiation heating at 1800 and 2000°CKazuo Minato, Toru Ogawa, Kousaku Fukuda, Hajime Sekino, Isamu Kitagawa, Naoaki Mita
150-158Reactions of oxygen with V---Cr---Ti alloysJ. R. DiStefano, J. H. DeVan
159-164Pyrolytic carbon coating of Zircaloy-4 tubes at relatively low temperaturesU. D. Abdelrazek, S. W. Sharkawy, H. A. El-Sayed
165-174Atom probe characterization of the microstructure of nuclear pressure vessel surveillance materials after neutron irradiation and after annealing treatmentsP. Pareige, R. E. Stoller, K. F. Russell, M. K. Miller
175-189Measurement of kinetic rate law parameters on a Na---Ca---Al borosilicate glass for low-activity wasteB. P. McGrail, W. L. Ebert, A. J. Bakel, D. K. Peeler
190-198Radio-frequency sheath mitigation by insulating antenna limitersJ. R. Myra, D. A. D'Ippolito, J. A. Rice, C. S. Hazelton
199-206The crystal structure of ianthinite, [U24+(UO2)4O6(OH)4(H2O)4](H2O)5: a possible phase for Pu4+ incorporation during the oxidation of spent nuclear fuelPeter C. Burns, Robert J. Finch, Frank C. Hawthorne, Mark L. Miller, Rodney C. Ewing
207-222The analytical and numerical study of the fluorination of uranium dioxide particlesS. S. Sazhin, A. P. Jeapes
223-230Melting behaviour of oxide systems for heterogeneous transmutation of actinides. I. The systems Pu---Al---O and Pu---Mg---OHengzhong Zhang, M. E. Huntelaar, R. J. M. Konings, E. H. P. Cordfunke
231-238A model for hydride-induced embrittlement in zirconium-based alloysD. Wäppling, A. R. Massih, P. Ståhle
239-249The effect of neutron irradiation on the electrical resistivity of high-strength copper alloysS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky
250-258The effect of neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties of precipitation hardened copper alloysS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky
259-261Investigation of the thermal conductivity of selected compounds of gadolinium and lanthanumGirija Suresh, G. Seenivasan, M. V. Krishnaiah, P. Srirama Murti
263-264Author index
265-269Subject index

Volume 250, Issue 1, Pages 1-82 (1 November 1997)

iiEditorial Board
1-12Critical evaluation of the thermal properties of Th02 and Th1−yK. Bakker, E. H. P. Cordfunke, R. J. M. Konings, R. P. C. Schram
13-22Chemical erosion behavior of graphite due to energetic oxygen impactA. Refke, V. Philipps, E. Vietzke
23-28Release of deuterium from carbon-deuterium films on beryllium during carbide formation and oxidationJ. Roth, W. R. Wampler, W. Jacob
29-35Isotope exchange reaction on Li2ZrO3Atsushi Baba, Masabumi Nishikawa, Takanori Eguchi
36-52In situ studies of ion irradiated zirconolite, pyrochlore and perovskiteKatherine L. Smith, Nestor J. Zaluzec, Gregory R. Lumpkin
53-62Thermodynamic stabilities of Cs2CrO4(β), Cs3CrO4 and M2Cr2O7(l) (where M = Na, K or Cs) by solid electrolyte emf methodR. Pankajavalli, O. M. Sreedharan, J. B. Gnanamoorthy
63-74Spent LWR fuel dry storage in large transport and storage casks after extended burnupHarry Spilker, Martin Peehs, Hans-Peter Dyck, Guenter Kaspar, Klaus Nissen
75-78Impurity concentrations of niobium and molybdenum in the Japanese steel F82H-mod by activation analysisE. Daum, H. -D. Röhrig
79-82Thermal compatibility studies of unirradiated U---Mo alloys dispersed in aluminumDon Bae Lee, Ki Hwan Kim, Chang Kyu Kim

Volume 250, Issues 2-3, Pages 83-262 (December 1997)

83-87Melting behaviour of oxide systems for heterogeneous transmutation of actinides. II. The system MgO–Al2O3–PuO2Hengzhong Zhang, M.E Huntelaar, R.J.M Konings, E.H.P Cordfunke
88-95Melting behaviour of oxide systems for heterogeneous transmutation of actinides. III. The system Am–Mg–OHengzhong Zhang, R.J.M Konings, M.E Huntelaar, E.H.P Cordfunke
96-102A collisional–radiative cooling model for light impurity elements in hot plasmas under non-equilibrium conditionsG Veres, L.L Lengyel
103-110Helium bubbles in nickel annealed at TV.N Chernikov, H Trinkaus, H Ullmaier
111-117Carbon deposition from a γ-irradiated CO2/CO/CH4/C2H6 gas mixture on the manganese oxides MnO, Mn3O4 and Mn2O3G.C Allen, K.R Hallam
118-130Calculation of used nuclear fuel dissolution rates under anticipated Canadian waste vault conditionsS. Sunder, D.W. Shoesmith, M. Kolar, D.M. Leneveu
131-146Morphologies of uranium and uranium–zirconium electrodepositsTerry C Totemeier, Robert D Mariani
147-155The kinetics of alpha-decay-induced amorphization in zircon and apatite containing weapons-grade plutonium or other actinidesW.J Weber, R.C Ewing, A Meldrum
156-163Enhanced oxygen vacancy aggregation and colloid production in Al2O3A Moroño, E.R Hodgson
164-170Generalized creep model of Zircaloy-4 cladding tubesYoung Suk Kim
171-175Reactions between U–Zr alloys and Fe at 923 KTakanari Ogata, Masaki Kurata, Kinya Nakamura, Akinori Itoh, Mitsuo Akabori
176-183Influence of long-term thermal aging on the microstructural evolution of nuclear reactor pressure vessel materials: an atom probe studyP Pareige, K.F Russell, R.E Stoller, M.K Miller
184-191Thermomechanical behavior of actively cooled, brazed divertor components under cyclic high heat flux loadsJ.H You, H Bolt, R Duwe, J Linke, H Nickel
192-199A swelling model for stoichiometric SiC at temperatures below 1000°C under neutron irradiationHanchen Huang, Nasr Ghoniem
200-215Effect of fluoride contamination on the growth of ZrO2 filmsBrian Cox, Yin-Mei Wong, Philippe Dume
216-222Solid state bonding of beryllium to copper and vanadium using transition layersJ.H Schneibel, J.R Haines, L.L Snead, E.E Bloom
223-228Atom probe characterization of copper solubility in the Midland weld after neutron irradiation and thermal annealingM.K Miller, K.F Russell
229-235Thermodynamic studies on Cs4U5O17(s) and Cs2U2O7(s) by emf and calorimetric measurementsK Jayanthi, V.S Iyer, V Venugopal
236-241Damage region formation in ferritic steels induced by light water reactor neutron spectrumP.V. Vladimirov, A.I. Ryazanov, Yu.D. Lizunov, J.C. Van Duysen
242-243Observation of a high burnup rim-type structure in an advanced plutonium–uranium carbide fuelI.L.F Ray, Hj Matzke
244-249High resolution TEM of high burnup UO2 fuelK Nogita, K Une
250-253Water vapor adsorption on meta lithium–zirconate ceramic breeding surfacesC Alvani, S Casadio, M.R Mancini
iiEditorial Board
viiPrefaceA. Almazouzi, M. Victoria, B. N. Singh, T. Diaz de la Rubia
1-12Defect production due to displacement cascades in metals as revealed by computer simulationD. J. Bacon, A. F. Calder, F. Gao
13-33Defect production and annealing kinetics in elemental metals and semiconductorsT. Diaz de la Rubia, N. Soneda, M. J. Caturla, E. A. Alonso
34-48Computer simulation of vacancy and interstitial clusters in bcc and fcc metalsYu. N. Osetsky, M. Victoria, A. Serra, S. I. Golubov, V. Priego
49-60Primary damage formation in bcc ironR. E. Stoller, G. R. Odette, B. D. Wirth
61-71The influence of dynamical structural relaxation of point defect clusters on void formation in irradiated copperY. Shimomura, I. Mukouda, K. Sugio
72-76Heat and mass transport in nanoscale phase transitions induced by collision cascadesA. Caro, M. Alurralde, R. Saliba, M. Caro
77-85Stochastic annealing simulation of intracascade defect interactionsH. L. Heinisch, B. N. Singh
86-88Alloys under irradiationG. Martin, P. Bellon, F. Soisson
89-97Disorder-induced amorphizationNghi Q. Lam, Paul R. Okamoto, Mo Li
98-106Behavior and computer simulation of SiC under irradiation with energetic particlesJ. M. Perlado
107-122Aspects of microstructure evolution under cascade damage conditionsB. N. Singh, S. I. Golubov, H. Trinkaus, A. Serra, Yu. N. Osetsky, A. V. Barashev
123-131Atom transport under ion irradiationP. Fielitz, M. -P. Macht, V. Naundorf, H. Wollenberger
132-138Studies of defects and defect agglomerates by positron annihilation spectroscopyM. Eldrup, B. N. Singh
139-144STM and AFM investigations of surface structures following swift heavy ion irradiationK. Havancsák, L. P. Biró, J. Gyulai, Z. Illés
145-149Instability of ordered precipitates due to local disordering and atomic mixing under irradiationS. Matsumura, M. Okudaira, C. Kinoshita
150-156Defect production and accumulation under hydrogen and helium ion irradiationJinnan Yu, Xinjie Zhao, Wen Zhang, Wen Yang, Fengmin Chu
157-171A computational microscopy study of nanostructural evolution in irradiated pressure vessel steelsG. R. Odette, B. D. Wirth
172-187Segregation of cascade induced interstitial loops at dislocations: possible effect on initiation of plastic deformationH. Trinkaus, B. N. Singh, A. J. E. Foreman
188-199The consequences of helium production on microstructural development and deformation response in isotopically tailored ferritic alloysD. S. Gelles, G. L. Hankin, M. L. Hamilton
200-217Defect production in ceramicsS. J. Zinkle, C. Kinoshita
218-224Defects in high-TBernhard Hensel
225-236A review of in situ observation of defect production with energetic heavy ionsShiori Ishino
237-251Defect interaction processes controlling the accumulation of defects produced by high energy recoilsM. Kiritani
252-261Irradiation creep and void swelling of austenitic stainless steels at low displacement rates in light water energy systemsF. A. Garner, M. B. Toloczko
262-268Low temperature mechanical properties of steels containing high concentrations of heliumH. Ullmaier, E. Camus
269-275Radiation-induced grain boundary segregation in nuclear reactor steelsR. G. Faulkner
276-283Strains and stresses in ceramics by defect accumulationP. Jung, Z. Zhu, J. Chen
284-290Damage accumulation under low energy hydrogen ion irradiationNaoaki Yoshida, Ryuichi Sakamoto
291-294Defect production, accumulation, and materials performance in an irradiation environmentA. Almazouzi, T. Diaz?de la Rubia, S. Ishino, N. Q. Lam, B. N. Singh, H. Trinkaus, M. Victoria, S. Zinkle
295-296Author index
297-299Subject index

Volume 252, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-177 (January 1998)

iiEditorial Board
1-12Neutron irradiation and intergranular fracture in vanadium-20 wt% titanium alloys undoped and doped with phosphorus and sulfurJ. Kameda, T. E. Bloomer, A. H. Swanson, D. Y. Lyu
13-21Deterioration of ZrC-coated fuel particle caused by failure of pyrolytic carbon layerKazuo Minato, Kousaku Fukuda, Hajime Sekino, Akiyoshi Ishikawa, Etsuro Oeda
22-27Study of the oxide layer formed on stainless steel exposed to boiling water reactor conditions by ion beam techniquesC. Degueldre, D. Buckley, J. C. Dran, E. Schenker
28-33Kinetic study of the thermal decomposition of thorium oxalate dihydrateM. T. Aybers
34-42A temperature threshold for gas-bubble superlattice formation in molybdenumF. E. Lawson, P. B. Johnson
43-54Assessment of hydrogen levels in Zircaloy-2 by non-destructive testingP. K. De, John T. John, S. Banerjee, T. Jayakumar, M. Thavasimuthu, Baldev Raj
55-62Deuterium retention in carbides and doped graphitesM. Mayer, M. Balden, R. Behrisch
63-70Atom probe analysis of Sn in Zr-based alloysN. Sano, K. Takeda
71-78Temperature and fission rate effects on the rim structure formation in a UO2 fuel with a burnup of 7.9% FIMAM. Kinoshita, T. Kameyama, S. Kitajima, Hj. Matzke
79-88Mechanical properties and microstructure of neutron irradiated cold worked Al-6063 alloyA. Munitz, A. Shtechman, C. Cotler, M. Talianker, S. Dahan
89-97Relationship between in-reactor stress relaxation and irradiation creepJohn Paul Foster, E. R. Gilbert, Kermit Bunde, Douglas L. Porter
98-109Modeling of chemical interactions of fuel rod materials at high temperatures I. Simultaneous dissolution of UO2 and ZrO2 by molten Zr in an oxidizing atmosphereM. S. Veshchunov, A. V. Berdyshev
110-120Modeling of chemical interactions of fuel rod materials at high temperatures II. Investigation of downward relocation of molten materialsM. S. Veshchunov, A. V. Palagin
121-130Mechanistic interpretations of UO2 oxidationD. R. Olander
131-134Studies on the kinetics of oxidation of PuyS. K. Sali, S. Sampath, V. Venugopal
135-144Carbon deposition from a γ-irradiated CO2/CO/CH4/C2H6 gas mixture on magnetite Fe3O4G. C. Allen, K. R. Hallam
145-149The effect of rare-earth fission products on the rate of U3O8 formation on UO2R. J. McEachern, D. C. Doern, D. D. Wood
150-155Thermal transport in CKC TiB2-doped graphiteJ. W. Davis, A. A. Haasz
156-161Comments on “Behaviour of inert gas bubbles under chemical concentration gradients” by G.P. TiwariJ. H. Evans, A. van Veen
162-167Reply to ‘Comments on “Behaviour of inert gas bubbles under chemical concentration gradients”’G. P. Tiwari
168-170Some features of grain boundary segregations in sensitized austenitic stainless steelA. M. Ilyin
171-177Post-yield strain hardening behavior as a clue to understanding irradiation hardeningR. J. DiMelfi, D. E. Alexander, L. E. Rehn

Volume 252, Issue 3, Pages 179-274 (February 1998)

179-186Investigations of systems ThO2–MO2–P2O5 (M=U, Ce, Zr, Pu). Solid solutions of thorium–uranium (IV) and thorium–plutonium (IV) phosphate–diphosphatesN. Dacheux, R. Podor, V. Brandel, M. Genet
187-194A theoretical model for determination of fracture toughness of reactor pressure vessel steels in the transition region from automated ball indentation testThak Sang Byun, Jin Weon Kim, Jun Hwa Hong
195-199Radiation-induced electrical conductivity in aluminium nitride ceramicU Ulmanis, E Palcevskis
200-208Ion nitriding of titanium alpha plus beta alloy for fusion reactor applicationsE Rolinski, G Sharp, D.F Cowgill, D.J Peterman
209-215Solubility of zinc ferrite in high-temperature oxygenated waterYukiko Hanzawa, Daisuke Hiroishi, Chihiro Matsuura, Kenkichi Ishigure
216-227The effect of rhenium on the radiation damage resistivity of Mo–Re alloysS.A Fabritsiev, A.S Pokrovsky
228-234Thermophysical property measurements and ion-implantation studies on CePO4K Bakker, H Hein, R.J.M Konings, R.R van der Laan, Hj Matzke, P van Vlaanderen
235-256Low volatile fission-product release and fuel volatilization during severe reactor accident conditionsB.J. Lewis, B.J. Corse, W.T. Thompson, M.H. Kaye, F.C. Iglesias, P. Elder, R. Dickson, Z. Liu
257-265Dynamic strain aging sensitivity of heat affected zones in C–Mn steelsD Wagner, J.C Moreno, C Prioul
266Erratum to ``Application of quantum beams to analysis of radioactive materials'' [J. Nucl. Mater. 248 (1997) 412–417]M.C Petri, L Leibowitz, J.W Richardson Jr., D.D Keiser Jr.

Volume 253, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-226 (1 March 1998)

1-9The mechanical behavior of a Nicalon/SiC composite at room temperature and 1000°CN. Miriyala, P. K. Liaw, C. J. McHargue, L. L. Snead
10-19Computation of the lamina stacking sequence effect on elastic moduli of a plain-weave Nicalon/SiC laminated composite with a [0/30/60] lay-upWei Zhao, Peter K. Liaw, Niann-i Yu
20-30Low dose irradiation performance of SiC interphase SiC/SiC compositesL. L. Snead, M. C. Osborne, R. A. Lowden, J. Strizak, R. J. Shinavski, K. L. More, W. S. Eatherly, J. Bailey, A. M. Williams
31-35Helium implantation effects on mechanical properties of SiCf/SiC compositesA. Hasegawa, M. Saito, K. Abe, R. H. Jones
36-46Irradiation-enhanced creep in SiC: data summary and planned experimentsC. A. Lewinsohn, M. L. Hamilton, G. E. Youngblood, R. H. Jones, F. A. Garner, S. L. Hecht, A. Kohyama
47-52Displacement threshold energies in β-SiCR. Devanathan, T. Diaz de la Rubia, W. J. Weber
53-59Irradiation-induced amorphization in β-SiCW. J. Weber, N. Yu, L. M. Wang
60-66Dimensional stability and tensile strength of irradiated Nicalon-CG and Hi-Nicalon fibersC. H. Henager, G. E. Youngblood, D. J. Senor, G. A. Newsome, J. J. Woods
67-77Neutron irradiation effects on the density, tensile properties and microstructural changes in Hi-Nicalon™ and Sylramic™ SiC fibersM. C. Osborne, C. R. Hubbard, L. L. Snead, D. Steiner
78-86X-ray diffractometry and high-resolution electron microscopy of neutron-irradiated SiC to a fluence of 1.9×1027 n/m2T. Yano, H. Miyazaki, M. Akiyoshi, T. Iseki
87-103Topological modeling of amorphized tetrahedral ceramic network structuresC. Esther Jesurum, Vinay Pulim, Linn W. Hobbs
104-112Damage calculation in fusion ceramics: comparing neutrons and light ionsP. V. Vladimirov, D. Lizunov, Yu. A. I. Ryazanov, A. Möslang
113-119Effects of ionizing radiation in ceramicsR. Devanathan, K. E. Sickafus, W. J. Weber, M. Nastasi
120-132Microstructure of Al2O3 and MgAl2O4 irradiated at low temperaturesS. J. Zinkle, G. P. Pells
133-140The effect of composition, processing conditions, and irradiation, on lattice defects in spinel ceramicsT. A. Bazilevskaya, V. T. Gritsyna, D. V. Orlinski, L. V. Udalova, A. V. Voitsenya
141-148Dielectric spectroscopy of alumina ceramics over a wide frequency rangeR. Vila, M González, J. Mollá, A. Ibarra
149-155The electrical conductivity of zircaloy oxide filmsM. M. R. Howlader, K. Shiiyama, C. Kinoshita, M. Kutsuwada, M. Inagaki
156-166Electrical conductivity change in single crystal Al2O3 and MgO under neutron and gamma-ray irradiationTakaaki Tanifuji, Yoshio Katano, Tetsuya Nakazawa, Kenji Noda
167-174Radiation-induced electrical degradation: an effect of surface conductance and microcrackingW. Kesternich
175-179Electrical and optical characteristics of dielectrics for fusion use under irradiationV. M. Chernov, G. L. Khorasanov, O. A. Plaksin, V. A. Stepanov, P. A. Stepanov, V. A. Belyakov
180-189Growth of optical transmission loss at 850 nm in silica core optical fibers during fission reactor irradiationTatsuo Shikama, Tsunemi Kakuta, Minoru Narui, Tsutomu Sagawa
190-195Effect of neutron radiation on the dielectric, mechanical and thermal properties of ceramics for rf transmission windowsC. Hazelton, J. Rice, L. L. Snead, S. J. Zinkle
196-202Fabrication development of Li2O pebbles by wet processKunihiko Tsuchiya, Katsuhiro Fuchinoue, Shigeru Saito, Kazutoshi Watarumi, Takemi Furuya, Hiroshi Kawamura
203-212Synthesis of Li2TiO3 ceramic breeder powders by the combustion processC. H. Jung, J. Y. Park, S. J. Oh, H. K. Park, Y. S. Kim, D. K. Kim, J. H. Kim
213-218Density dependence on thermal properties of Li2TiO3 pelletsShigeru Saito, Kunihiko Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Kawamura, Takayuki Terai, Satoru Tanaka
219-226Compatibility of insulating ceramic with liquid breedersTakayuki Terai, Takaaki Mitsuyama, Toshiaki Yoneoka, Satoru Tanaka

Volume 254, Issue 1, Pages 1-86 (2 March 1998)

1-8Clustering and ordering of nitrogen in nuclear grade 316LN austenitic stainless steelP Shankar, D Sundararaman, S Ranganathan
9-13Vaporization study on lanthanum–cerium alloys by mass-spectrometric methodYoshiyuki Shoji, Tsuneo Matsui, Kinya Nakamura, Tadashi Inoue
14-21A new internal gelation process for fuel microsphere preparation without cooling initial solutionsShigeru Yamagishi
22-33Fission product release from trace irradiated UO2+xM.A. Mansouri, D.R. Olander
34-41Thermal stability and brazing characteristics of Zr–Be binary amorphous filler metals for zirconium alloyChoon-Ho Park, Young-Soo Han, Yoon-Kee Kim, Kuk-Jin Jang, Jai-Young Lee, Chang-Burm Choi, Ki-Seob Sim
42-48Adhesion and wear properties of TiN films deposited on martensitic stainless steel and Stellite by reactive magnetron sputter ion platingMin Ku Lee, Whung Whoe Kim, Joung Soo Kim, Won Jong Lee
49-54Thermal stability and vapour pressure studies on UTe3O9(s) and UTeO5(s)K. Krishnan, G.A. Rama Rao, K.D. Singh Mudher, V. Venugopal
55-64Microwave synthesis of solid solutions of urania and thoria – a comparative studyV Chandramouli, S Anthonysamy, P.R Vasudeva Rao, R Divakar, D Sundararaman
65-73Effect of physical vapor deposition on microstructure and properties of uranium–6 wt% niobium alloyA.J Sunwoo, T.S Chow, C.J Long
74-77Deuteron irradiation creep of chemically vapor deposited silicon carbide fibersR Scholz
78-83Irradiation behavior of high uranium-density alloys in the plate fuelsM Ugajin, A Itoh, M Akabori, N Ooka, Y Nakakura
84-86Codeposition of deuterium with berylliumRion A Causey, David S Walsh

Volume 254, Issues 2-3, Pages 87-274 (April 1998)

87-121A review of the oxidation of uranium dioxide at temperatures below 400°CR. J. McEachern, P. Taylor
122-128Transmutation of technetium: results of the EFTTRA-T1 experimentR. J. M. Konings, A. D. Stalios, C. T. Walker, N. Cocuaud
129-134On the thermal conductivity of inert-matrix fuels containing americium oxideK. Bakker, R. J. M. Konings
135-142The influence of neutron irradiation on the microstructure of Al2O3, MgAl2O4, Y3Al5O12 and CeO2R. J. M. Konings, K. Bakker, J. G. Boshoven, R. Conrad, H. Hein
143-150Small angle neutron scattering investigations of the microstructure of VVER-440-type reactor pressure vessel steel after irradiation at 60°CM. Grosse, J. Boehmert, R. Gilles
151-157Release of tritium, protium, and helium from neutron-irradiated Li–Al alloy. IIH. Sugai, M. Tanase, M. Yahagi
158-174Liquid immiscibility in a (O,U,Zr) model coriumC. Guéneau, V. Dauvois, P. Pérodeaud, C. Gonella, O. Dugne
175-184X-ray absorption fine structure of aged, Pu-doped glass and ceramic waste formsN. J. Hess, W. J. Weber, S. D. Conradson
185-190The compatibility of martensitic steels with liquid Pb–17LiN. Simon, A. Terlain, T. Flament
191-204A molecular dynamics study of high-energy displacement cascades in α-zirconiumS. J. Wooding, L. M. Howe, F. Gao, A. F. Calder, D. J. Bacon
205-214Permeation of multi-component hydrogen isotopes through nickelTomofumi Shiraishi, Masabumi Nishikawa, Teruki Fukumatsu
215-220Kinetics of interfacial reactions in molten U/solid Y2O3 systemC. Tournier, B. Lorrain, F. Le Guyadec, L. Coudurier, N. Eustathopoulos
221-225The oxidation resistance improvement of matrix graphite of spherical fuel elements by slip-gelation processQingshan Zhu, Xueliang Qiu, Changwen Ma
226-233Effect of nitrogen on high temperature low cycle fatigue behaviors in type 316L stainless steelDae Whan Kim, Woo-Seog Ryu, Jun Hwa Hong, Si-Kyung Choi
234-242Effect of additives (Cr2O3, Al2O3, SiO2, MgO) on diffusional release of image from UO2 fuelsS. Kashibe, K. Une
243-248Neutron-irradiation effect on the mechanical properties of alumina fiberYoichi Sakuma, Katsusuke Iwanaga, Tadashi Tsujimoto, Takaaki Yoshimoto, Moritami Okada, Kiyomi Miyata, Hiroshi Iwanaga
249-265Analytical electron microscopy study of surface layers formed on the French SON68 nuclear waste glass during vapor hydration at 200°CW. L. Gong, L. M. Wang, R. C. Ewing, E. Vernaz, J. K. Bates, W. L. Ebert
266-270Effect of self-ion bombardment damage on high temperature oxidation behavior of Zircaloy-4X. D. Bai, S. G. Wang, J. Xu, J. Bao, H. M. Chen, Y. D. Fan
271-274Elevated temperature fracture toughness of AISI 403 martensitic stainless steelJ. S. Dubey, S. L. Wadekar, J. K. Chakravartty

Volume 255, Issue 1, Pages 1-84 (May 1998)

1-13The effect of the cracking plane crystallographic orientation on the stress corrosion cracking processEugenia Ciocan, Margareta Ignat, Elena Gheorghiu
14-25Étude du système U–Ca–O par diffractométrie de rayons X à haute températureA. Pialoux, B. Touzelin
26-33Oxidation state of uranium: an XPS study of alkali and alkaline earth uranatesSantanu Bera, S. K. Sali, S. Sampath, S. V. Narasimhan, V. Venugopal
34-43Void swelling in Fe–15Cr–xY. Murase, J. Nagakawa, N. Yamamoto, H. Shiraishi
44-58On the mechanism of radiation-induced segregation in austenitic Fe–Cr–Ni alloysT. R. Allen, J. T. Busby, G. S. Was, E. A. Kenik
59-66Kinetics of UO2 oxidation in steam atmosphereB. V. Dobrov, V. V. Likhanskii, V. D. Ozrin, A. A. Solodov, M. P. Kissane, H. Manenc
67-71Study on the precipitates in Zircaloy-4 by Mössbauer spectroscopyWei Xiao, Chunlai Ma
72-74Hydrogen and vacancies in the tokamak plasma-facing material berylliumH. Krimmel, M. Fähnle
75-77Hardening of Alloy N10276 by diluted flowing butane gasS. W. Sharkawy
78-82Influence of sulfur content on the thermal creep of zirconium alloy tubes at 400°CD. Charquet, J. Senevat, J. P. Marcon
83-84Erratum to ‘Effect of fluoride contamination on the growth of ZrO2 films' [J. Nucl. Mater. 250 (1997) 200–215]Brian Cox, Yin-Mei Wong, Philippe Dume

Volume 255, Issues 2-3, Pages 85-268 (June 1998)

85-91Thermal treatment of uranium oxide irradiated in pressurized water reactor: Swelling and release of fission gasesI. Zacharie, S. Lansiart, P. Combette, M. Trotabas, M. Coster, M. Groos
92-104Microstructural analysis and modelling of intergranular swelling of an irradiated UO2 fuel treated at high temperatureI. Zacharie, S. Lansiart, P. Combette, M. Trotabas, M. Coster, M. Groos
105-115Hydrogen isotopes transport parameters in fusion reactor materialsE. Serra, G. Benamati, O. V. Ogorodnikova
116-127Thermal diffusion and Soret effect in (U,Me)O2+δJ. Janek, H. Timm
128-138Low-activation Mn–Cr austenitic stainless steel with further reduced content of long-lived radioactive elementsMasanori Onozuka, Tomikane Saida, Shouzou Hirai, Mikio Kusuhashi, Ikuo Sato, Tsuyoshi Hatakeyama
139-152Atomistic modeling of finite-temperature properties of crystalline β-SiC: II. Thermal conductivity and effects of point defectsJu Li, Lisa Porter, Sidney Yip
153-164Isotopic effects in hydrocarbon formation due to low-energy H+/D+ impact on graphiteB. V. Mech, A. A. Haasz, J. W. Davis
165-173Identification of the nature of small point defect clusters in neutron irradiated Fe–16Ni–15Cr by means of electron irradiationM. Horiki, S. Arai, Y. Satoh, M. Kiritani
174-179Texture and residual-stresses analysis in Zircaloy-4 cylindrical samplesR. Guillen, C. Cossu, M. François, E. Girard
180-188Radioluminescence in amorphous silica: temperature dependence and relaxationD. W. Cooke, B. L. Bennett, E. H. Farnum, D. E. Thomas, A. M. Portis
189-209Grain boundary segregation under neutron irradiation in dilute alloysR. G. Faulkner, Shenhua Song, P. E. J. Flewitt, M. Victoria, P. Marmy
210-213Vaporization behaviour and thermodynamic stabilities of strontium tellurites, SrTeO3 and SrTe2O5R. Mishra, S. R. Bharadwaj, A. S. Kerkar, S. R. Dharwadkar
214-221Chemical erosion of CKC TiB2-doped graphiteJ. W. Davis, A. A. Haasz
222-233Extension of the TRANSURANUS burnup model to heavy water reactor conditionsK. Lassmann, C. T. Walker, J. van de Laar
234-242The influence of nitrogen dioxide on the oxidation of UO2 in air at temperatures below 275°CRoderick J. McEachern, Sham Sunder, Peter Taylor, Diane C. Doern, Neil H. Miller, Donald D. Wood
243-249Detection of hard intermetallics in β-quenched and thermally aged Zircaloy-2 using ultrasonic measurementsT. Jayakumar, P. Palanichamy, Baldev Raj
250-262Modelling of hydrogen absorption by zirconium alloys during high temperature oxidation in steamM. S. Veshchunov, A. V. Berdyshev
263-268Reaction of hydrogen with uranium catalyzed by platinum clustersM. Balooch, W. J. Siekhaus

Volume 256, Issue 1, Pages 1-86 (July 1998)

1-17Iodine stress corrosion cracking of Zircaloy reactor cladding: iodine chemistry (a review)P. S. Sidky
18-24Investigation of production conditions of ThO2–UO3 microspheres via the sol–gel process for pellet type fuelsH. Tel, M. Eral, Y. Altaimage
25-34The effects of γ-irradiation on subcritical crack growth in aluminaG. P. Pells, R. M. Boothby
35-46Modelling of the mechanical behavior of the metal–oxide system during Zr alloy oxidationM. Parise, O. Sicardy, G. Cailletaud
47-52Swelling modification by one-dimensional diffusion of cascade-produced small interstitial clustersV. A. Borodin, A. I. Ryazanov
53-64Effects of heat treatment on grain refinement in cast uranium–0.25 wt% vanadium alloyA. J. Sunwoo, R. N. Accardo, W. H. Gourdin
65-68The removal of codeposited layers from TFTR tiles by O2 gas exposureA. A. Haasz, J. W. Davis
69-77Corrosion of annealed AISI 316 stainless steel in sodium environmentVaidehi Ganesan, Vedaraman Ganesan
78-84Detrapping and diffusion of H and D implanted in carbon studied by high temperature laser annealing and depth profilingF. Schiettekatte, G. G. Ross, B. Terreault
85-86Comments on the paper ‘Phase diagram calculations of the U–Pu–N system with carbon and oxygen impurities', by D.D. Sood, R. Agarwal, V. Venugopal [Journal of Nuclear Materials 247 (1997) 293]G. C. Jain

Volume 256, Issues 2-3, Pages 87-257 (August 1998)

87-95Characterization of corroded metallic uranium fuel platesT. C. Totemeier, R. G. Pahl, S. L. Hayes, S. M. Frank
96-101Deuterium release from plasma-exposed beryllium during thermal desorptionJ. Won, R. P. Doerner, R. W. Conn
102-107Observation of kinetics of γ zirconium hydride formation in Zr–2.5Nb by neutron diffractionW. M. Small, J. H. Root, D. Khatamian
108-113The influence of grain boundary movement on radiation-induced segregation in binary alloysA. E. Volkov, A. I. Ryazanov
114-123The effect of hydride on the corrosion of Zircaloy-4 in aqueous LiOH solutionSun-Jae Kim, Kyeong Ho Kim, Jong Hyuk Baek, Byung Kwon Choi, Yong Hwan Jeong, Youn Ho Jung
124-130Hydride formation by high temperature cathodic hydrogen charging method and its effect on the corrosion behavior of Zircaloy-4 tubes in acid solutionY. Choi, J. W. Lee, Y. W. Lee, S. I. Hong
131-138Oxidation of ceramic uranium dioxide in alkali metal carbonate-based melts: a study using various oxidants and comparison with UO2 powderVladimir A. Volkovich, Trevor R. Griffiths, Derek J. Fray, Mark Fields
139-144Vaporization behaviour and Gibbs' energy of formation of UTeO5 and UTe3O9 by transpirationR. Mishra, P. N. Namboodiri, S. N. Tripathi, S. R. Bharadwaj, S. R. Dharwadkar
145-154High-temperature Knudsen cell studies of cesium iodide in hyperstoichiometric uranium dioxideJ. McFarlane, J. C. LeBlanc
155-165Influence of texture and physical mixture of UO3 and C for carboreduction of UO3 into UO2F. Poncet, F. Valdivieso, M. Pijolat
166-179Dynamic behavior of hydrogen atoms with a boronized wallK. Tsuzuki, N. Inoue, A. Sagara, N. Noda, O. Motojima, T. Mochizuki, T. Hino, T. Yamashina
180-188Microstructure and nanohardness of hafnium diboride after ion irradiationsP. Cheminant-Coatanlem, L. Boulanger, X. Deschanels, A. Thorel
189-196High burn-up rim structure: evidences that xenon-depletion, pore formation and grain subdivision start at different local burn-upsJ. Spino, D. Baron, M. Coquerelle, A. D. Stalios
197-206A simple thermodynamical model to describe the control of the dissolution of uranium dioxide in granitic groundwater by secondary phase formationPatrick Trocellier, Christelle Cachoir, Séverine Guilbert
207-212Microstructure of boron nitride coated on nuclear fuels by plasma enhanced chemical vapor depositionHasan H. Durmazuçar, Güngör Gündüz, Canan Toker
213-217The influence of specimen roughness on the rate of formation of U3O8 on UO2 in air at 250°CP. Taylor, R. J. McEachern, D. C. Doern, D. D. Wood
218-228Effect of oxygen on the operation of a single-cell thermionic fuel elementDmitry V. Paramonov, Mohamed S. El-Genk
229-234The kinetics of formation and growth of TiC precipitates in Ti-modified stainless steel studied by positron annihilation spectroscopyPadma Gopalan, R. Rajaraman, B. Viswanathan, K. P. Gopinathan, S. Venkadesan
235-246Recoil tritium in 304-stainless steel: the initial distribution revisitedAbdul R. Dulloo, Ward S. Diethorn
247-253The microstructure and tensile properties of Fe–Cr alloys after neutron irradiation at 400°C to 5.5–7.1 dpaS. I. Porollo, A. M. Dvoriashin, A. N. Vorobyev, Yu. V. Konobeev
254-257Time variation of the optical absorption of quartz KU-1 induced by gamma irradiationV. I. In'kov, I. A. Ivanin, D. V. Orlinski

Volume 257, Issue 1, Pages 1-87 (September 1998)

1-14The observation of enrichment of O and Zr and depletion of Nb in the near surface region of a β-(Zr–20%Nb) alloyChunsi Zhang, Peter R. Norton
15-20Thermotransport of hydrogen in Zircaloy-4 and modified Zircaloy-4Hyun Seon Hong, Seon Jin Kim, Kyung Sub Lee
21-34Evaluation of stainless steel–zirconium alloys as high-level nuclear waste formsS. M. McDeavitt, D. P. Abraham, J. Y. Park
35-43Hydrogen ingress through EDM surfaces of Zr–2.5Nb pressure-tube materialC. K. Chow, G. R. Brady, V. F. Urbanic, C. E. Coleman
44-50Interdiffusion studies in titanium–304 stainless steel systemG. B. Kale, R. V. Patil, P. S. Gawade
51-58Response of beryllium to deuterium plasma bombardmentR. P. Doerner, A. Grossman, S. Luckhardt, R. Seraydarian, F. C. Sze, D. G. Whyte, R. W. Conn
59-66Effects of titanium impregnation on the thermal conductivity of carbon/copper composite materialsTatsuo Oku, Akira Kurumada, Toshiaki Sogabe, Takeo Oku, Toshiharu Hiraoka, Koji Kuroda
67-77Oxidation kinetics of Zircaloy-2 between 450°C and 600°C in oxidizing atmosphereT. Arima, K. Moriyama, N. Gaja, H. Furuya, K. Idemitsu, Y. Inagaki
78-87High magnification SEM observations for two types of granularity in a high burnup PWR fuel rimN. Lozano, L. Desgranges, D. Aymes, J. C. Niepce

Volume 257, Issue 2, Pages 89-212 (November 1998)

89-98Validation of an electrochemical model for the oxidative dissolution of used CANDU fuelD.W Shoesmith, S Sunder, J.C Tait
99-107On the mechanism of Zircaloy cladding axial splitsV. Grigoriev, B. Josefsson
108-117Investigation of the system ThO2–NpO2–P2O5. Solid solutions of thorium–neptunium (IV) phosphate–diphosphateN. Dacheux, A.C. Thomas, V. Brandel, M. Genet
118-125Stress state dependence of transient irradiation creep in 20% cold worked 316 stainless steelJohn Paul Foster, Kermit Bunde, E.Robert Gilbert
126-133Investigation of structure and composition of surface oxides in a high chromium martensitic steelI Iordanova, K.S Forcey, R Harizanova, Y Georgiev, M Surtchev
134-144Investigation of liquid impact erosion for 12Cr steel and Stellite 6BMin Ku Lee, Whung Whoe Kim, Chang Kyu Rhee, Won Jong Lee
145-151Uranium molybdenum silicide U3MoSi2 and phase equilibria in the U–Mo–Si systemM. Ugajin, A. Itoh, S. Okayasu, Y. Kazumata
152-161A study on the reaction of yttria (Y2O3) in flowing uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas at 900°CZiya Engin Erkmen
162-171Tritium inventory in Li2ZrO3 blanketMasabumi Nishikawa, Atsushi Baba
172-179Preparation of lithium aluminate via polymeric precursor routesSang Woon Kwon, Seung Bin Park, Gon Seo, Sung Tai Hwang
180-184First study of uranium self-diffusion in UO2 by SIMSA.C.S Sabioni, W.B Ferraz, F Millot
185-188Gibbs energy of formation of thorium molybdate (ThMo2O8) by the transpiration techniqueM Basu, R Mishra, S.R Bharadwaj, A.S Kerkar, S.R Dharwadkar
189-193A feasibility study of the preparation of (U,Gd)3O8 solid solutions by thermal decomposition of co-precipitated carbonate mixturesP.V Ravindran, K.V Rajagopalan, P.K Mathur
194-198Alumina sputtered on MANET as an effective deuterium permeation barrierE. Serra, P.J. Kelly, D.K. Ross, R.D. Arnell
199-205Effect of microstructure on the susceptibility of a 533 steel to temper embrittlementS. Raoul, B. Marini, A. Pineau
206-211A comparison of the effect of electron irradiation and of thermal aging on the hardness of FeCu binary alloysA. Barbu, M.H. Mathon, F. Maury, J.F. Belliard, B. Beuneu, C.H. de Novion

Volume 257, Issue 3, Pages 213-330 (December 1998)

213-255Thermodynamic modelling of the O–U–Zr systemP. Y. Chevalier, E. Fischer
256-262Thermodynamic analysis of the Cs–Te system around the Cs2Te phaseH. P. Nawada, O. M. Sreedharan
263-273Internal friction and anelastic properties of vanadium and V–Ti–Cr alloysV. M. Chernov, B. K. Kardashev, L. M. Krjukova, L. I. Mamaev, O. A. Plaksin, A. E. Rusanov, M. I. Solonin, V. A. Stepanov, S. N. Votinov, L. P. Zavialski
274-281Comparison of hot dip aluminised F82H-mod. steel after different subsequent heat treatmentsH. Glasbrenner, O. Wedemeyer
282-286Modeling the structure of zircon (ZrSiO4): empirical potentials, ab initio electronic structureJean-Paul Crocombette, Dominique Ghaleb
287-294Surface chemical behavior of triuranium octaoxide in the atmospheres of carbon monoxide and hydrogenXiaolin Wang, Yibei Fu, Renshou Xie
295-302Accumulation and recovery of irradiation damage in He+ implanted α-SiCW. Jiang, W. J. Weber, S. Thevuthasan, D. E. McCready
303-308Notch position in the HAZ specimen of reactor pressure vessel steelJ. H. Kim, E. P. Yoon
309-317Synthesis of lithium silicatesHeriberto Pfeiffer, Pedro Bosch, Silvia Bulbulian
318-330An analysis of density distribution in UO2 green pellet by finite element methodK. Yanai, M. Hirai, T. Ishikawa, J. Ishizaki, H. Saitoh
1-6Fusion R&D strategy for JapanA. Iiyoshi
7-17The challenge of developing structural materials for fusion power systemsEverett E. Bloom
18-29Impacts of damage production and accumulation on materials performance in irradiation environmentB. N. Singh
30-46Materials science problems of blankets in Russian concept of fusion reactorM. I. Solonin
47-55IFMIF, its facility concept and technologyTatsuo Kondo
56-64Present status and future prospect of the ITER projectR. Aymar, ITER Joint Central Team, Home Teams
65-73Materials integration issues for high performance fusion power systemsD. L. Smith, M. C. Billone, S. Majumdar, R. F. Mattas, D. -K. Sze
74-84Design and material selection for ITER first wall/blanket, divertor and vacuum vesselK. Ioki, V. Barabash, A. Cardella, F. Elio, Y. Gohar, G. Janeschitz, G. Johnson, G. Kalinin, D. Lousteau, M. Onozuka, R. Parker, G. Sannazzaro, R. Tivey
85-96Materials design data for fusion reactorsA. A. F. Tavassoli
97-105Users' requirements for IFMIFK. Noda, K. Ehrlich, S. Jitsukawa, A. Möslang, S. Zinkle
106-112Conceptual design of the international fusion materials irradiation facility (IFMIF)T. E. Shannon, R. A. Jameson, H. Katsuta, H. Maekawa, M. Martone, A. Möslang, V. Teplyakov, M. J. Rennich
113-123Atomic processes during damage production and defect retentionNasr M. Ghoniem
124-129Hydrogen inventory and embrittlement in low activation steelsP. Jung
130-139The influence of neutron spectrum and irradiation history on microstructural evolution in fusion structural materialsT. Muroga, S. Ohnuki, F. A. Garner, S. J. Zinkle
140-148Ceramic breeder materials: Status and needsC. E. Johnson, K. Noda, N. Roux
149-159Carbon fiber composites application in ITER plasma facing componentsV. Barabash, M. Akiba, J. P. Bonal, G. Federici, R. Matera, K. Nakamura, H. D. Pacher, M. Rödig, G. Vieider, C. H. Wu
160-172Development of tungsten armor and bonding to copper for plasma-interactive componentsI. Smid, M. Akiba, G. Vieider, L. Plöchl
173-182Impacts of charge-exchange neutrals on degradation of plasma-facing materialsN. Yoshida, Y. Hirooka
183-192Austenitic stainless steels and high strength copper alloys for fusion componentsA. F. Rowcliffe, S. J. Zinkle, J. F. Stubbins, D. J. Edwards, D. J. Alexander
193-204Current status and future R&D for reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steelsA. Hishinuma, A. Kohyama, R. L. Klueh, D. S. Gelles, W. Dietz, K. Ehrlich
205-214Research and development on vanadium alloys for fusion applicationsS. J. Zinkle, H. Matsui, D. L. Smith, A. F. Rowcliffe, E.van Osch, K. Abe, V. A. Kazakov
215-225Current status of SiC/SiC composites R&DP. Fenici, A. J. Frias Rebelo, R. H. Jones, A. Kohyama, L. L. Snead
226-233General radiation problems for insulating materials in future fusion devicesE. R. Hodgson
234-240Review of SC magnet technologies developed in LHD projectO. Motojima, N. Yanagi, A. Nishimura
241-251Current status and future of IASCC researchTetsuo Shoji, Shun-ichi Suzuki, K. S. Raja
252-257Fabrication and high heat flux testing of plasma sprayed beryllium ITER first wall mock-upsR. G. Castro, K. E. Elliot, R. D. Watson, D. L. Youchison, K. T. Slattery
258-264Development of joining technology for Be/Cu-alloy and Be/SS by HIPToshimasa Kuroda, Toshihisa Hatano, Mikio Enoeda, Satoshi Sato, Kazuyuki Furuya, Hideyuki Takatsu, Takaharu Iwadachi, Kiyotoshi Nishida
265-270Optimization of HIP bonding conditions for ITER shielding blanket/first wall made from austenitic stainless steel and dispersion strengthened copper alloyS. Sato, T. Hatano, T. Kuroda, K. Furuya, S. Hara, M. Enoeda, H. Takatsu
271-274Development and material testing of OF-Cu /DS-Cu/OF-Cu triplex tube (dispersion strengthened copper clad with oxygen free-copper) and trial fabrication of a vertical target mock-up for ITER divertorY. Gotoh, H. Okamura, S. Kajiura, M. Kumagai, T. Ando, M. Akiba, S. Suzuki, T. Suzuki
275-280Effects of interface edge configuration on residual stress in the bonded structures for a divertor applicationK. Kitamura, K. Nagata, M. Shibui, N. Tachikawa, M. Araki
281-288Influence of brazing conditions on the strength of brazed joints of alumina dispersion-strengthened copper to 316 stainless steelH. Nishi, K. Kikuchi
289-294Calculation of radiation-induced deformation in the ITER vacuum vesselJohsei Nagakawa
295-300Tritium behavior in eroded dust and debris of plasma-facing materialsA.Hassanein, B. Wiechers, I. Konkashbaev
301-307Irradiation testing of 316L(N)-IG austenitic stainless steel for ITERE. V. van Osch, M. G. Horsten, M. I. de Vries
308-312Assessment of tungsten for use in the ITER plasma facing componentsJ. W. Davis, V. R. Barabash, A. Makhankov, L. Plöchl, K. T. Slattery
313-317Interface formation and strength of Be/DSCu diffusion bondingT. Makino, T. Iwadachi
318-322Development of divertor plate with CFCs bonded onto DSCu cooling tube for fusion reactor applicationS. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, M. Araki, K. Nakamura, M. Akiba
323-328Material properties and design requirements for copper alloys used in ITERJ. W. Davis, G. M. Kalinin
329-334A review of the US joining technologies for plasma facing components in the ITER fusion reactorB. C. Odegard Jr., C. H. Cadden, R. D. Watson, K. T. Slattery
335-338Influence of materials choice on occupational radiation exposure in ITERC. B. A. Forty, J. D. Firth, G. J. Butterworth
339-344Neutron radiation effects of the center conductor post in a low aspect ratio tokamak reactorYican Wu, Bingjia Xiao, Qunying Huang, Lijian Qiu
345-350Comparative analysis of copper alloys for the heat sink of plasma facing components in ITERG. Kalinin, R. Matera
351-356Assessment of the corrosion behaviour of structural materials in the water coolant of ITERV. Belous, G. Kalinin, P. Lorenzetto, S. Velikopolskiy
357-361Water-cooled Pb–17Li test blanket module for ITER: Impact of the structural material grade on the neutronic responsesG. Vella, G. Aiello, M. A. Fütterer, L. Giancarli, E. Oliveri, F. Tavassoli
362-366Temperature controlled material irradiation in the advanced test reactorF. W. Ingram, A. J. Palmer, D. J. Stites
367-371Accelerator conceptual design of the international fusion materials irradiation facilityM. Sugimoto, R. A. Jameson, V. Teplyakov, D. Berwald, B. Blind, D. Bruhwiler, H. Deitinghoff, R. Ferdinand, M. Kinsho, H. Klein, J. -M. Lagniel, A. Miyahara, M. Olivier, M. Peakock, E. Piechowiak, Y. Pozimski, J. Rathke, Y. Tanabe, K. Volk
372-377Development of rig for systematic irradiation tests of fusion reactor materials in a fission reactorMinoru Narui, Tsutomu Sagawa, Tatsuo Shikama
378-382Irradiation techniques under high pressurized water using hybrid type saturated temperature capsule in the JMTRY. Matsui, M. Niimi, T. Hoshiya, T. Tsukada, H. Tsuji
383-387Development of a triple beam irradiation facilityS. Hamada, Y. Miwa, D. Yamaki, Y. Katano, T. Nakazawa, K. Noda
388-393Present status of the conceptual design of IFMIF target facilityH. Katsuta, Y. Kato, S. Konishi, Y. Miyauchi, D. Smith, T. Hua, L. Green, G. Benamati, S. Cevolani, H. Roehrig, W. Schutz
394-399Impurity control in liquid lithium loop for IFMIF target facilityY. Kato, H. Katsuta, S. Konishi, M. Ogoshi, T. Hua, L. Green, S. Cevolani
400-406Design concept for the IFMIF test assembliesJ. R. Haines, I. Jitsukawa, A. Möslang, K. Noda, R. Viola, S. J. Zinkle
407-412A varying temperature irradiation experiment for operation in HFIRA. L. Qualls, T. Muroga
413-420Characterization of the irradiation parameters in the IFMIF high flux test regionE. Daum, P. P. H. Wilson, U. Fischer, K. Ehrlich
421-426Characterization of the volume for high dose irradiations with IFMIFE. Daum, P. P. H. Wilson, A. Möslang
427-432Overview of the IFMIF test facilityA. Möslang, C. Antonnucci, E. Daum, J. R. Haines, I. Jitsukawa, K. Noda, S. Zinkle
433-439Divertor materials evaluation system (DiMES)C. P. C. Wong, D. G. Whyte, R. J. Bastasz, J. Brooks, W. P. West, W. R. Wampler
440-445Experimental and analytical studies on high-speed plane jet along concave wall simulating IFMIF Li target flowHideo Nakamura, Kazuhiro Itoh, Yutaka Kukita, Mizuho Ida, Yoshio Kato, Hiroshi Maekawa, Hiroji Katsuta
446-451A remotely operated FIMEC apparatus for the mechanical characterization of neutron irradiated materialsA. Donato, P. Gondi, R. Montanari, L. Moreschi, A. Sili, S. Storai
452-456Examination of indention geometry-constitutive behaviour relations with confocal microscopy and finite element modelingC. Santos, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas, T. Yamamoto
457-461Development of a miniaturized hour-glass shaped fatigue specimenY. Miwa, S. Jitsukawa, A. Hishinuma
462-465Effect of specimen type and size on fracture resistance curve determination for CuCrZr alloyPäivi Karjalainen-Roikonen, Mika Pyykkönen, Seppo Tähtinen
466-470Deformation analysis of small size bend specimens by FEM calculation to estimate irradiation induced embrittlement of Mo and WKazukiyo Ueda, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe
471-473Handling of berylliumAniceto A. Goraieb
474-480Sorption and desorption phenomena of D2O on the surface of piping materialsRumi Ohmori, Toshiaki Yoneoka, Masaki Taniguchi, Satoru Tanaka
481-487Improvement of hydriding properties of a Zr1Ni1 alloy by adding third transition metals for tritium recoveryT. Kabutomori, Y. Wakisaka, K. Tsuchiya, H. Kawamura
488-494Development and performance of aluminum nitride insulating coatings for application in a lithium environmentK. Natesan, C. B. Reed, D. L. Rink, R. C. Haglund
495-499Reassessment of Li colloid production and characterization in irradiated Li2OP. Vajda, F. Beuneu
500-504Solubility of hydrogen fluoride in the molten LiF–PbF2Murat Ablanov, Haruaki Matsuura, Ryuzo Takagi
505-507Self-adjustment of Li in Pb–17Li systemsH. Feuerstein, L. Hörner, S. Horn
508-512Magnetic field effect on the deposition of nickel in molten Pb–17LiF. Barbier, A. Alemany
513-518Compatibility of structural materials with Li2BeF4 molten salt breederT. Terai, Y. Hosoya, S. Tanaka, A. Sagara, O. Motojima
519-524Change of tritium species in Li2BeF4 molten salt breeder under neutron irradiation at elevated temperatureA. Suzuki, T. Terai, S. Tanaka
525-530Production behavior of irradiation defects in ternary lithium ceramics under ion beam irradiationKimikazu Moritani, Hirotake Moriyama
531-536Ab initio Hartree–Fock study on surface desorption process in tritium releaseMasaki Taniguchi, Satoru Tanaka
537-542Study on interaction of hydrogen isotopes with radiolysis products in lithium oxideViktors Griimagemanovs, Masaki Taniguchi, Satoru Tanaka, Toshiaki Yoneoka
543-548Tritium release behavior from neutron-irradiated Li2TiO3 single crystalTakaaki Tanifuji, Daiju Yamaki, Shoichi Nasu, Kenji Noda
549-554Helium release from neutron-irradiated Li2O single crystalsDaiju Yamaki, Takaaki Tanifuji, Kenji Noda
555-561Anomalous exchange of deuterium implanted into an oxide ceramic for protium in air vaporB. Tsuchiya, E. Iizuka, K. Soda, K. Morita, H. Iwahara
562-565Sweep gas chemistry effect on vaporization property of Li2ZrO3Atsushi Suzuki, Masahisa Tonegawa, Masaru Yasumoto, Kenji Yamaguchi, Michio Yamawaki
566-570Microstructure and mechanical properties of neutron irradiated berylliumE. Ishitsuka, H. Kawamura, T. Terai, S. Tanaka
571-575Ab initio MO study on hydrogen release from surface of lithium silicateT. Nakazawa, K. Yokoyama, K. Noda
576-581Thermal and mechanical properties of ceramic blanket particle bed materials: Numerical derivationMohamed Abdou, Alice Ying, Zi Lu
582-586The behaviour of the natural oxide of MANET as permeation barrier under cyclic loads: Self-healingA. Perujo, H. Kolbe
587-594Irradiation effects in ceramic breeder materialsHirotake Moriyama, Satoru Tanaka, Kenji Noda
595-600Critical assessment of beryllium pebbles response under neutron irradiation: Mechanical performance and tritium releaseF. Scaffidi-Argentina, M. Dalle Donne, H. Werle
601-606Beryllium R&D for blanket applicationM. Dalle Donne, G. R. Longhurst, H. Kawamura, F. Scaffidi-Argentina
607-611The dependence on ion energy and temperature of helium trapping in nickelH. Yanagihara, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino
612-617Gas and hydrogen ion gettering properties of lithiumT. Hino, K. Kanaya, I. Takahashi, H. Yanagihara, M. Hashiba, Y. Hirohata, K. Mori
618-621Molecular dynamics simulation of atomic beam bombardment on a solid surfaceKoichiro Ezato, Tomoaki Kunugi
622-627Deuterium migration in titanium during deuteron irradiation observed by proton spectra of the d(d,p)t reactionHiroshi Kudo, Yasuo Kosaku, Yuji Ando, Masayuki Hiraga, Tsutomu Sekine
628-633Erosion and surface morphology of graphite materials under high flux beam irradiationY. Ueda, T. Sugai, K. Shiota, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Isobe, M. Nishikawa
634-639Material damage to beryllium, carbon, and tungsten under severe thermal shocksJ. Linke, R. Duwe, A. Gervash, R. H. Qian, M. Rödig, A. Schuster
640-644Tritium saturation in plasma-facing materials surfacesGlen R. Longhurst, Robert A. Anderl, Rion A. Causey, Gianfranco Federici, Anthony A. Haasz, Robert J. Pawelko
645-652Performance and lifetime assessment of reactor wall and nearby components during plasma instabilitiesA. Hassanein, I. Konkashbaev
653-657Behaviour of plasma facing materials under VDEM. Merola, M. Rödig, J. Linke, R. Duwe, G. Vieider
658-661Analysis of the mechanism and source of contamination of diagnostic windows in fusion devicesV. S. Voitsenya
662-665Derivation of hydrogen transport parameters in carbon fibre composites by modelling transient release in isovolumetric desorption experimentsL. A. Sedano, S. Alberici, A. Perujo, J. Camposilvan, K. Douglas
666-671Influence of target chemical activity on Balmer lines emission from backscattered hydrogenAkihiro Ohmori, Tetsuo Tanabe
672-676On the use of flat tile armour in high heat flux componentsM. Merola, G. Vieider
677-681Development of material irradiation rig with precision temperature control in experimental fast reactor JOYOH. Kataoka, T. Yasu, H. Takatsudo, S. Miyakawa
682-685Damages of hot-pressed boron carbide during solid target boronization in Uragan-3M torsatronG. P. Glazunov, E. D. Volkov, O. S. Pavlichenko, V. S. Voitsenya, N. I. Nazarov, V. G. Kotenko, S. Tanaka, O. Motojima
686-693Transmutation of plasma facing materials by the neutron flux in a DT fusion reactorR. Behrisch, V. Khripunov, R. T. Santoro, J. M. Yesil
694-699Gas bubbles in beryllium implanted with He ions at temperatures less-than-or-equals, slant700 K and after post-implantation annealingV. N. Chernikov, H. Ullmaier, A. P. Zakharov
700-705Erosion of carbon-based materials in a steady-state deuterium plasmaB. I. Khripunov, V. B. Petrov, Yu. V. Martynenko, A. M. Litnovsky, N. V. Antonov, V. V. Shapkin
706-712Development of multi-element doped graphite and its modification of chemical erosionJ. P. Qian, J. Roth, J. R. Song, F. Zhang, L. Yang, G. T. Zhai
713-718Molecular dynamics evaluation of self-sputtering of berylliumShuzo Ueda, Toshiro Ohsaka, Satoru Kuwajima
719-723Microstructural study of hydrogen-implanted berylliumS. P. Vagin, P. V. Chakrov, B. D. Utkelbayev, L. A. Jacobson, R. D. Field, H. Kung
724-728Temperature dependence of sputtering yield of carbon fiber-reinforced carbon composites with low energy and high flux deuterium ionsR. Jimbou, K. Nakamura, V. Bandourko, Y. Okumura, M. Akiba
729-734Dynamical simulation for sputtering of B4CT. Kenmotsu, T. Kawamura, T. Ono, Y. Yamamura
735-739Boron ion particles sputtered from boron films deposited on graphitesY. Ohtsuka, M. Tsuji, Y. Kitamura, Y. Ueda, M. Isobe, M. Nishikawa
740-744Thermal stability and chemical erosion of the silicon doped CFC material NS31M. Balden, J. Roth, C. H. Wu
745-749Steady state wall pumping performance of pebble drop divertorM. Isobe, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Ueda, M. Nishikawa
750-756Steam-chemical reactivity for irradiated berylliumR. A. Anderl, K. A. McCarthy, M. A. Oates, D. A. Petti, R. J. Pawelko, G. R. Smolik
757-763High heat flux erosion of carbon fibre composite materials in the TEXTOR tokamakH. Bolt, T. Scholz, J. Boedo, K. H. Finken, A. Hassanein
764-769Oxidation induced release of deuterium from carbon based plasma facing materialsS. Alberici, J. P. Coad, H. -K. Hinssen, R. Moormann, P. Wienhold, C. H. Wu
770-776Investigation of oxidation resistance of carbon based first-wall liner material Aerolor AO5A. -K. Krüssenberg, R. Moormann, H. -K. Hinssen, M. Hofmann, C. H. Wu
777-781Modelling of tritium permeation through beryllium as plasma facing materialL. Berardinucci
782-786The impact of larger clusters formation C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, and C10 on the rates of carbon sublimation at elevated temperaturesC. H. Wu, U. Mszanowski, J. M. L. Martin
787-792Behaviour of Si and Ti doped carbon composites under exposure to the deuterium plasmaM. Rubel, N. Almqvist, P. Wienhold, C. H. Wu
793-797Activation of beryllium in a fusion power plantC. B. A. Forty, R. A. Forrest, G. J. Butterworth
798-802Influence of loading method on hydrogen retention and release from berylliumA. Kh. Klepikov, I. L. Tazhibaeva, O. G. Romanenko, Y. V. Chikhray, V. P. Shestakov, E. A. Kenzhin
803-807Deuterium accumulation in beryllium oxide layer exposed to deuterium atomsV. M. Sharapov, V. Kh. Alimov, L. E. Gavrilov
808-813Investigation of ITER candidate beryllium grades irradiated at high temperatureI. B. Kupriyanov, V. A. Gorokhov, R. R. Melder, Z. E. Ostrovsky, A. A. Gervash
814-820Effects of prestresses on mechanical properties of isotropic graphite materialsT. Oku, A. Kurumada, Y. Imamura, K. Kawamata, M. Shiraishi
821-827The thermal shock resistance of a joining material of C/C composite and copperAkira Kurumada, Tatsuo Oku, Yoshio Imamura, Kiyohiro Kawamata, Osamu Motojima, Nobuaki Noda, Brian McEnaney
828-832Disruption and sputtering erosions on SiC doped CFCK. Nakamura, S. Suzuki, M. Dairaku, K. Yokoyama, Y. Okumura, T. Suzuki, R. Jimbou, V. Bandourko, M. Akiba
833-838Overview of EU CFCs development for plasma facing materialsC. H. Wu, C. Alessandrini, P. Bonal, H. Grote, R. Moormann, M. Rödig, J. Roth, H. Werle, G. Vieider
839-842Thermodynamics of the formation of CH4 by the reaction of carbon materials by a stream of NH3M. Katsura, K. Nishimaki, T. Nakagawa, T. A. Yamamoto, M. Hirota, M. Miyake
843-847High energy neutron and charged particle irradiation effects on thermomechanical properties of carbon–carbon composites for divertor applicationsM. Eto, S. Baba, M. Ishihara, H. Ugachi
848-852Neutron irradiation embrittlement of polycrystalline and single crystalline molybdenumK. Watanabe, A. Hishinuma, Y. Hiraoka, T. Fujii
853-857High-heat-flux-exposure-experiments of a tungsten-test-limiter at TEXTOR-94M. Wada, T. Tanabe, V. Philipps, B. Unterberg, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, J. Rapp, Y. Ueda, K. Ohya, T. Ohgo, N. Noda
858-864Experiments with tungsten limiters in TEXTOR-94V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, A. Kirschner, J. Rapp, B. Schweer, P. Wienhold, G. van Oost, G. Sergienko, T. Tanabe, K. Ohya, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, M. Rubel
865-872Effects of neutron irradiation on microstructure and deformation behaviour of mono- and polycrystalline molybdenum and its alloysB. N. Singh, J. H. Evans, A. Horsewell, P. Toft, G. V. Müller
873-878Hardening behavior of molybdenum by low energy He and D ion irradiationH. Iwakiri, H. Wakimoto, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida
879-882Microstructure of tantalum irradiated with heavy ionsK. Yasunaga, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida, T. Muroga, N. Noda
883-888Radiation embrittlement of Mo–Re welds under low-temperature irradiation in the SM reactorV. P. Chakin, F. Morito, V. A. Kazakov, Yu. D. Goncharenko, Z. E. Ostrovsky
889-895Deuterium retention in tungsten for fusion useA. A. Haasz, J. W. Davis, M. Poon, R. G. Macaulay-Newcombe
896-901Hydrogen retention in high-ZH. Atsumi, T. Tanabe
902-906Neutron irradiation embrittlement of molybdenum rhenium alloys and their improvement by heat treatmentAkira Hasegawa, Kazukiyo Ueda, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe
907-911Carbon effect on retention and release of deuterium implanted in MoS. Nagata, K. Takahiro, S. Yamaguchi
912-916Erosion of W and deposition of C due to bombardment with D and CH3W. Eckstein, K. Krieger, J. Roth
917-920Tungsten self-sputtering yield with different incidence angles and target temperaturesVassili Bandourko, Ryutarou Jimbou, Kazuyuki Nakamura, Masato Akiba
921-926Performance of tungsten coatings as plasma facing components used in ASDEX UpgradeH. Maier, S. Kötterl, K. Krieger, R. Neu, M. Balden, ASDEX Upgrade-Team
927-933The effective secondary electron yield in the space-charge limited conditionI. V. Tsvetkov, T. Tanabe
934-939Transmutation and induced radioactivity of W in the armor and first wall of fusion reactorsTetsuji Noda, Mitsutane Fujita, Masatoshi Okada
940-944Response of dynamically compacted tungsten to high fluence neutron irradiation at 423–600°C in FFTFJ. Megusar, F. A. Garner
945-949Microstructural evolution in Cu–A125 alloy under 300 keV Cu+ ion irradiationJing Li, Hui Xu, Jinnan Yu, Baoli Wu, Qingfu He
950-954Fracture strengths of HIPed DS-Cu/SS joints for ITER shielding blanket/first wallT. Hatano, M. Kanari, S. Sato, M. Gotoh, K. Furuya, T. Kuroda, M. Saito, M. Enoeda, H. Takatsu
955-960Effects of solid transmutants and helium in copper studied by mixed-spectrum neutron irradiationT. Muroga, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida
961-966Static and dynamic erosion behavior of TiC coated graphite in high heat flux plasmaS. Takamura, K. Hayashi, N. Ohno, K. Morita
967-971Testing of actively cooled high heat flux mock-upsM. Rödig, R. Duwe, W. Kühnlein, J. Linke, M. Scheerer, I. Smid, B. Wiechers
972-977Evidence of damage in carbon fibre composite tiles joined to a metallic heat sink under high heat flux fatigueR. Mitteau, P. Chappuis, L. Moncel, J. Schlosser
978-984The effect of bonding and bakeout thermal cycles on the properties of copper alloys irradiated at 100°CD. J. Edwards, B. N. Singh, P. Toft, M. Eldrup
985-989Calculation and measurement of helium generation and solid transmutants in Cu–Zn–Ni alloysL. R. Greenwood, B. M. Oliver, F. A. Garner, T. Muroga
990-997Tritium retention study of tungsten using various hydrogen isotope irradiation sourcesS. O'hira, A. Steinér, H. Nakamura, R. Causey, M. Nishi, S. Willms
998-1004High heat load properties of tungsten coated carbon materialsK. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, N. Noda, T. Sogabe, T. Kato
1005-1009High-temperature residual strain measurements, using neutron diffraction, in brazed Cu/CFC graphite divertor structuresM. Ceretti, R. Coppola, E. Di Pietro, C. Nardi
1010-1014Effect of neutron irradiation on fracture toughness behaviour of copper alloysS. Tähtinen, M. Pyykkönen, P. Karjalainen-Roikonen, B. N. Singh, P. Toft
1015-1021The effect of neutron dose, irradiation and testing temperature on mechanical properties of copper alloysS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky, D. J. Edwards, S. J. Zinkle
1022-1027Influence of composition, heat treatment and neutron irradiation on the electrical conductivity of copper alloysM. Eldrup, B. N. Singh
1028-1032Hydrogen and deuterium transport and inventory parameters in a Cu–0.65Cr–0.08Zr alloy for fusion reactor applicationsE. Serra, A. Perujo
1033-1039Deformation and fracture of Cu alloy–stainless steel layered structures under dynamic loadingJ. H. McCoy, A. S. Kumar, J. F. Stubbins
1040-1044Changes of structure and properties of yttrium doped copper at deformation, annealing and irradiationI. M. Neklyudov, V. N. Voyevodin, S. V. Shevtchenko, V. F. Rybalko, N. V. Kamychantchenko, I. A. Belenko
1045-1049Effects of plasma impurities on materials erosion and mixing in a steady state magnetic fusion device: A comparison between beryllium and tungstenY. Hirooka
1050-1054Implantation driven permeation behavior of deuterium through stainless steel type 316LH. Nakamura, T. Hayashi, S. O'hira, M. Nishi, K. Okuno
1055-1059Ion reflection and sputtering at tungsten surface exposed to edge plasmas in TEXTORK. Ohya, J. Kawata, T. Tanabe, M. Wada, Y. Ueda, V. Philipps, B. Unterberg, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, F. Weschenfelder, N. Noda
1060-1065Investigation on modification of plasma facing surface under long duration discharges by means of a collector probe in TRIAM-1MTakeshi Hirai, Kazutoshi Tokunaga, Tadashi Fujiwara, Naoaki Yoshida, Satoshi Itoh, the TRIAM group
1066-1072Estimation of incident flux rate in PDP experiments by calculating plasma compositionM. Takizawa, K. Kiuchi, H. Ishizuka, M. Okamoto, Y. Fujii
1073-1076Influence of coexisting hydrogen isotopes on diffusion of tritium in niobiumK. Sakamoto, T. Higuchi, K. Hashizume, M. Sugisaki
1077-1081ERD study of deuterium atoms implanted in edge-HOPGHideaki Ohkubo, Minoru Takenaka, Akira Takase, Noboru Tsukuda, Eiichi Kuramoto
1082-1086Experiment on atomic hydrogen reflection by use of a permeation probeI. Takagi, K. Toyoda, M. Katayama, H. Fujita, K. Higashi
1087-1091Retention and re-emission of deuterium implanted into tungsten monocarbideT. Horikawa, B. Tsuchiya, K. Morita
1092-1096Tritium retention in CX-2002U and methods to reduce tritium inventoryT. Tadokoro, S. O'hira, M. Nishi, K. Isobe
1097-1103Material damage and thermal response of LHD divertor mock-ups by high heat fluxK. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, Y. Kubota, N. Noda, O. Motojima, D. L. Youchison, R. D. Watson, R. E. Nygren, J. M. McDonald, T. D. Marshall
1104-1108Study of the retention of hydrogen isotopes implanted in MoKenji Yamaguchi, Mitsumasa Okada, Osamu Onoue, Futaba Ono, Michio Yamawaki
1109-1113Ion beam analysis of deuterium-implanted Al2O3 and tungstenR. G. Macaulay-Newcombe, D. A. Thompson
1114-1119Thermal desorption analysis of beryllium tile pieces from JETR. G. Macaulay-Newcombe, D. A. Thompson, J. P. Coad
1120-1126Experimental modelling of plasma–graphite surface interaction in ITERYu. V. Martynenko, M. I. Guseva, V. I. Vasiliev, V. M. Gureev, L. S. Danelyan, V. E. Neumoin, V. B. Petrov, B. I. Khripunov, Yu. A. Sokolov, O. V. Stativkina, V. G. Stolyarova, V. M. Strunnikov
1127-1132Investigation of fusion reactor candidate materials erosion in plasma disruption simulation experimentsV. L. Yakushin, B. A. Kalin, A. V. Shul'ga, V. T. Fedotov, A. N. Plyuschev
1133-1137Counter-diffusion and counter-permeation of deuterium and hydrogen through palladiumKaname Kizu, Tetsuo Tanabe
1138-1142Formation of HD molecules during desorption of deuterium from solidsA. A. Pisarev, Yu. V. Borisyuk, A. V. Varava, V. N. Tsyplakov
1143-1146Improved activation tests of fusion structural materials with a deuteron–beryllium neutron sourceU. von Möllendorff, H. Giese, Y. Ikeda, F. Maekawa, H. Tsige-Tamirat, P. Wilson
1147-1152Embrittlement behaviour of different international low activation alloys after neutron irradiationM. Rieth, B. Dafferner, H. -D. Röhrig
1153-1157Influence of tantalum and nitrogen contents, normalizing condition and TMCP process on the mechanical properties of low-activation 9Cr–2W–0.2V–Ta steels for fusion applicationT. Hasegawa, Y. Tomita, A. Kohyama
1158-1162Solubility product and precipitation of TaC in Fe–8Cr–2W steelM. Tamura, K. Shinozuka, K. Masamura, K. Ishizawa, S. Sugimoto
1163-1166Irradiation creep of various ferritic alloys irradiated at not, vert, similar400°C in the PFR and FFTF reactorsM. B. Toloczko, F. A. Garner, C. R. Eiholzer
1167-1172Distribution of C–Cr associates and mechanical stability of Cr martensitic steelsP. Gondi, R. Montanari, M. E. Tata
1173-1177Comparison of microstructure and formation of intermetallic phases on F82H-mod. and MANET IIH. Glasbrenner, J. Konys, K. Stein-Fechner, O. Wedemeyer
1178-1182Microstructure assessment of the low activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82HR. Schäublin, P. Spätig, M. Victoria
1183-1186Low cycle fatigue properties of 8Cr–2WVTa ferritic steel at elevated temperaturesT. Ishii, K. Fukaya, Y. Nishiyama, M. Suzuki, M. Eto
1187-1192Irradiation embrittlement of 2imageCr–1Mo steel at 400°C and its electrochemical evaluationY. Nishiyama, K. Fukaya, M. Suzuki, M. Eto
1193-1198Effect of purity on helium bubble formation in 9Cr martensitic steel during post-implantation annealing at 1105 KT. Nagasaka, T. Shibayama, H. Kayano, A. Hasegawa, M. Satou, K. Abe
1199-1203Enhancement of irradiation hardening by nickel addition in the reduced-activation 9Cr–2W martensitic steelR. Kasada, A. Kimura, H. Matsui, M. Narui
1204-1208Dynamic strain ageing evidences during low cycle fatigue deformation in ferritic–martensitic stainless steelsA. F. Armas, M. Avalos, I. Alvarez-Armas, C. Petersen, R. Schmitt
1209-1215Development of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels for fusionD. K. Mukhopadhyay, F. H. Froes, D. S. Gelles
1216-1221A review of some effects of helium on charpy impact properties of ferritic/martensitic steelsD. S. Gelles, G. L. Hankin, M. L. Hamilton
1222-1227Impact behavior of two low activation steels after irradiation to not, vert, similar67 dpa at 430°CM. L. Hamilton, L. E. Schubert, D. S. Gelles
1228-1235Physical metallurgy and mechanical behaviour of FeCrWTaV low activation martensitic steels: Effects of chemical compositionA. Alamo, J. C. Brachet, A. Castaing, C. Lepoittevin, F. Barcelo
1236-1241Superior Charpy impact properties of ODS ferritic steel irradiated in JOYOT. Kuwabara, H. Kurishita, S. Ukai, M. Narui, S. Mizuta, M. Yamazaki, H. Kayano
1242-1247Fracture toughness of low activation ferritic steel (JLF-1) weld joint at room temperatureA. Nishimura, N. Inoue, T. Muroga
1248-1252Correlation between microstructure and hardness of a low activation ferritic steel (JLF-1) weld jointN. Inoue, T. Muroga, A. Nishimura, O. Motojima
1253-1258Analysis of error field due to ferritic steel in the advanced material testing program of JFT-2MMasayasu Sato, Yukitoshi Miura, Satoru Takeji, Haruyuki Kimura, Kiyoyuki Shiba
1259-1263The effect of low dose irradiation on the impact fracture energy and tensile properties of pure iron and two ferritic martensitic steelsI. Belianov, P. Marmy
1264-1268Void formation and microstructural development in oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels during electron-irradiationJ. Saito, T. Suda, S. Yamashita, S. Ohnuki, H. Takahashi, N. Akasaka, M. Nishida, S. Ukai
1269-1274Heat treatment effects on impact toughness of 9Cr–1MoVNb and 12Cr–1MoVW steels irradiated to 100 dpaR. L. Klueh, D. J. Alexander
1275-1279Fracture toughness and tensile behavior of ferritic–martensitic steels irradiated at low temperaturesA. F. Rowcliffe, J. P. Robertson, R. L. Klueh, K. Shiba, D. J. Alexander, M. L. Grossbeck, S. Jitsukawa
1280-1284Effects of hydrogen atmosphere on mechanical properties and surface conditions of a reduced activation ferritic steel F82HS. Hara, T. Abe, M. Enoeda, H. Takatsu
1285-1290Thermal fatigue behavior of low activation ferrite–martensite steelsC. Petersen
1291-1294Microstructural characterisation of F82H-mod. steel using small-angle neutron scatteringR. Coppola, K. Ehrlich, M. Magnani, E. Materna-Morris, M. Valli
1295-1299Effect of hydrogen on tensile properties of martenistic steels for fusion applicationM. Beghini, G. Benamati, L. Bertini, R. Valentini
1300-1306The possibility of the commercial production of low-activation structural steels for fusion energy in the Russian FederationN. P. Lyakishev, V. Ya. Dashevsky, E. V. Dyomina, L. I. Ivanov, Yu. M. Platov, M. D. Prusakova, V. P. Kolotov, M. V. Alenina
1307-1311Modelling of phase transformations occurring in low activation martensitic steelsJ. -C. Brachet, L. Gavard, C. Boussidan, C. Lepoittevin, S. Denis, C. Servant
1312-1318Influence of operation conditions on structure and properties of 12% Cr steels as candidate structural materials for fusion reactorA. G. Ioltukhovsky, M. V. Leontyeva-Smirnova, Y. I. Kazennov, E. A. Medvedeva, A. V. Tselishchev, V. K. Shamardin, A. V. Povstyanko, S. E. Ostrovsky, A. M. Dvoryashin, S. I. Porollo, A. N. Vorobyev, V. S. Khabarov
1319-1323Production of low activation steel; JLF-1, large heats – Current status and future planA. Kohyama, Y. Kohno, M. Kuroda, A. Kimura, F. Wan
1324-1328Effect of neutron irradiation at low temperature on the embrittlement of the reduced-activation ferritic steelsV. V. Rybin, I. P. Kursevich, A. N. Lapin
1329-1335Physical metallurgy of BATMAN II Ti-bearing martensitic steelsL. Pilloni, F. Attura, A. Calza-Bini, G. De Santis, G. Filacchioni, A. Carosi, S. Amato
1336-1339Influence of delta ferrite and dendritic carbides on the impact and tensile properties of a martensitic chromium steelL. Schäfer
1340-1344Dependence of impact properties on irradiation temperature in reduced-activation martensitic steelsAkihiko Kimura, Minoru Narui, Toshihei Misawa, Hideki Matsui, Akira Kohyama
1345-1349Evolution of the mechanical properties of the F82H ferritic/martensitic steel after 590 MeV proton irradiationP. Spätig, R. Schäublin, S. Gyger, M. Victoria
1350-1355Chemical segregation behavior of the low activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82HR. Schäublin, P. Spätig, M. Victoria
1356-1360Effect of hydrogen and oxygen on the tensile properties of V–4Cr–4TiH. D. Röhrig, J. R. DiStefano, L. D. Chitwood
1361-1368Effect of small additional elements on DBTT of V–4Cr–4Ti irradiated at low temperaturesTamaki Shibayama, Ichiro Yamagata, Hideo Kayano, Chusei Namba
1369-1374Development of techniques for welding V–Cr–Ti alloysM. L. Grossbeck, J. F. King, D. J. Alexander, P. M. Rice, G. M. Goodwin
1375-1379Grain boundary chemistry and heat treatment effects on the ductile-to-brittle transition behavior of vanadium alloysR. J. Kurtz, M. L. Hamilton, H. Li
1380-1385Microstructural examination of irradiated V–(4–5%)Cr–(4–5%)TiD. S. Gelles, P. M. Rice, S. J. Zinkle, H. M. Chung
1386-1391Effect of thickness and loading mode on the fracture properties of V–4Cr–4Ti at room temperatureH. Li, R. J. Kurtz, R. H. Jones
1392-1395Dynamic finite element analysis of third size charpy specimens of V–4Cr–4TiM. R. Lansberry, R. J. Kurtz, A. S. Kumar, G. E. Mueller
1396-1399Helium-vacancy clustering in V– 4Cr– 4Ti at elevated temperaturesA. V. Fedorov, A. van Veen, A. I. Ryazanov
1400-1403Influence of thermal treatment on helium trapping at fine-size precipitates in V–4Cr–4TiA. van Veen, A. V. Fedorov, A. I. Ryazanov
1404-1408Quantitative visualization of tritium distribution in vanadium by tritium radioluminographyH. Saitoh, T. Hishi, T. Misawa, T. Ohnishi, Y. Noya, T. Matsuzaki, T. Watanabe
1409-1413Effect of neutron irradiation on swelling, elastic modulus and thermal conductivity of V–Ga alloysA. I. Dediurin, Yu. M. Platov, M. I. Zakharova, I. V. Borovitskaja, N. A. Artemov
1414-1419Temperature dependence of the radiation damage microstructure in V–4Cr–4Ti neutron irradiated to low doseP. M. Rice, S. J. Zinkle
1420-1424Metallurgical bonding development of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy for the DIII-D radiative divertor programJ. P. Smith, W. R. Johnson, P. W. Trester
1425-1430Fabrication of a 1200 kg ingot of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy for the DIII–D radiative divertor programW. R. Johnson, J. P. Smith
1431-1436Swelling behavior of V–Fe binary and V–Fe–Ti ternary alloysK. Fukumoto, A. Kimura, H. Matsui
1437-1441Microstructure of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy after low-temperature irradiation by ions and neutronsJ. Gazda, M. Meshii, H. M. Chung
1442-1450Tensile and impact properties of vanadium-base alloys irradiated at <430°CH. M. Chung, D. L. Smith
1451-1457Mechanical properties and microstructural characteristics of laser and electron-beam welds in V–4Cr–4TiH. M. Chung, J. -H. Park, R. V. Strain, K. H. Leong, D. L. Smith
1458-1465Experience in irradiation testing of low-activation structural materials in fast reactor BOR-60V. A. Kazakov, H. -C. Tsai, V. P. Chakin, F. W. Wiffen, A. F. Rowcliffe, D. L. Smith, A. E. Rusanov, A. A. Teikovtsev, N. V. Markina, L. R. Greenwood
1466-1470Performance of V–4Cr–4Ti material exposed to the DIII-D tokamak environmentH. Tsai, W. R. Johnson, D. L. Smith, J. P. Smith, H. M. Chung
1471-1475Irradiation creep of vanadium-base alloysH. Tsai, H. Matsui, M. C. Billone, R. V. Strain, D. L. Smith
1476-1481Effects of oxygen and oxidation on tensile behavior of V–4Cr–4Ti alloyK. Natesan, W. K. Soppet, M. Uz
1482-1486Grain boundary segregation of impurities in neutron irradiated and thermally aged vanadium alloysJ. Kameda, T. E. Bloomer, D. Y. Lyu
1487-1491Compatibility of vanadium alloys and its weld joints in homogeneous and heterogeneous liquid lithium systemsV. A. Evtikhin, I. E. Lyublinski, A. V. Vertkov
1492-1496Tensile properties and fracture behaviour of V–Cr–Ti alloys after neutron irradiation at 330°CV. A. Kazakov, V. P. Chakin, Yu. D. Goncharenko
1497-1501Tensile properties of a series of V–4Ti–4Cr alloys containing small amounts of Si, Al and Y, and the influence of helium implantationTetsuya Matsushima, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe, Hideo Kayano
1502-1506Radiation hardening of V–C, V–O, V–N alloys neutron-irradiated to high fluencesToshinori Chuto, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe
1507-1511Rapid oxidation and its effects on mechanical properties of V–Ti–Cr–Si type alloysMitsuhiro Fujiwara, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe
1512-1516Effects of helium on void swelling in boron doped V–5Fe alloysTakeo Iwai, Naoto Sekimura, F. A. Garner
1517-1522Analysis and measurement of residual stress distribution of vanadium/ceramics joints for fusion reactor applicationsYoshiyuki Nemoto, Kazukiyo Ueda, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe
1523-1527Revision of the tensile database for V–Ti and V–Cr–Ti alloys tested at ANLM. C. Billone, H. M. Chung, D. L. Smith
1528-1532Influence of neutron irradiation on mechanical properties of vanadium/ceramics jointsR. Yasuda, M. Satou, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe
1533-1539Light ion irradiation creep of SiC fibers in torsionR. Scholz
1540-1545Effect of high temperature heat treatment in vacuum on microstructure and bending properties of SiCf/SiC composites prepared by CVIHiroshi Araki, Hiroshi Suzuki, Wen Yang, Shinji Sato, Tetsuji Noda
1546-1550Glass-ceramic joining and coating of SiC/SiC for fusion applicationsM. Ferraris, M. Salvo, C. Isola, M. Appendino Montorsi, A. Kohyama
1551-1556Radiation response of SiC-based fibersG. E. Youngblood, R. H. Jones, Akira Kohyama, L. L. Snead
1557-1561Fiber creep rate and high-temperature properties of SiC/SiC compositesC. A. Lewinsohn, R. H. Jones, G. E. Youngblood, C. H. Henager Jr.
1562-1566Interface strength of SiC/SiC composites with and without helium implantation using micro-indentation testM. Saito, A. Hasegawa, S. Ohtsuka, K. Abe
1567-1571Effect of fiber coating on interfacial shear strength of SiC/SiC by nano-indentation techniqueT. Hinoki, W. Zhang, A. Kohyama, S. Sato, T. Noda
1572-1576Swelling behaviour and TEM studies of SiCf/SiC composites after fusion relevant helium implantationH. W. Scholz, A. J. Frias Rebelo, D. G. Rickerby, P. Krogul, W. E. Lee, J. H. Evans, P. Fenici
1577-1581Crack initiation and growth characteristics in SiC/SiC under indentation testW. Zhang, T. Hinoki, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, T. Noda, T. Muroga, J. Yu
1582-1588Comparison of the mechanical behaviour of SiCf/SiC composites following neutron irradiation and helium implantationA. J. Frias Rebelo, H. W. Scholz, H. Kolbe, G. P. Tartaglia, P. Fenici
1589-1593A fusion power reactor concept using SiC/SiC compositesS. Ueda, S. Nishio, Y. Seki, R. Kurihara, J. Adachi, S. Yamazaki, DREAM Design Team
1594-1599Microstructure and oxidative degradation behavior of silicon carbide fiber Hi-Nicalon type SMichio Takeda, Akira Urano, Jun-ichi Sakamoto, Yoshikazu Imai
1600-1605The effect of hold-times on the fatigue behavior of type AISI 316L stainless steel under deuteron irradiationR. Scholz, R. Mueller
1606-1612Flux and composition dependence of irradiation creep of austenitic alloys irradiated in PFR at not, vert, similar420°CM. B. Toloczko, F. A. Garner, J. Standring, B. Munro, S. Adaway
1613-1617Swelling and void-induced embrittlement of austenitic stainless steel irradiated to 73–82 dpa at 335–365°CS. I. Porollo, A. N. Vorobjev, Yu. V. Konobeev, A. M. Dvoriashin, V. M. Krigan, N. I. Budylkin, E. G. Mironova, F. A. Garner
1618-1622Irradiation creep and stress-enhanced swelling of Fe–16Cr–15Ni–Nb austenitic stainless steel in BN-350A. N. Vorobjev, N. I. Budylkin, E. G. Mironova, S. I. Porollo, Yu. V. Konobeev, F. A. Garner
1623-1627Temperature dependence of bubble structure in 316L stainless steel irradiated with 2.5 MeV He ionsC. H. Zhang, K. Q. Chen, Y. S. Wang, J. G. Sun
1628-1633Microstructural observation of helium implanted and creep ruptured Fe–25%Ni–15%Cr alloys containing various MC and MN formersNorikazu Yamamoto, Johsei Nagakawa, Yoshiharu Murase, Haruki Shiraishi
1634-1638Effect of combined addition of Ti and P on creep rupture properties of helium implanted Fe–25%Ni–15%Cr alloyNorikazu Yamamoto, Johsei Nagakawa, Yoshiharu Murase, Haruki Shiraishi
1639-1643Effect of cold work on void swelling in proton irradiated Fe–15Cr–20Ni ternary alloysY. Murase, J. Nagakawa, N. Yamamoto, H. Shiraishi
1644-1650Mechanical properties and damage behavior of non-magnetic high manganese austenitic steelsH. Takahashi, Y. Shindo, H. Kinoshita, T. Shibayama, S. Ishiyama, K. Fukaya, M. Eto, M. Kusuhashi, T. Hatakeyama, I. Sato
1651-1656Validation of the shear punch–tensile correlation technique using irradiated materialsG. L. Hankin, M. B. Toloczko, M. L. Hamilton, R. G. Faulkner
1657-1663Shear punch testing of 59Ni isotopically-doped model austenitic alloys after irradiation in FFTF at different He/dpa ratiosG. L. Hankin, M. B. Toloczko, M. L. Hamilton, F. A. Garner, R. G. Faulkner
1664-1668Effects of annealing on the tensile properties of irradiated austenitic stainless steelI. Ioka, A. Naito, K. Shiba, J. P. Robertson, S. Jitsukawa, A. Hishinuma
1669-1674Effect of irradiation temperature on irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking of model austenitic stainless steelsT. Tsukada, Y. Miwa, H. Tsuji, H. Nakajima
1675-1680The structural evolution of new low-activation and chromium–nickel stainless steels under high-dose irradiation up to 200 dpaV. V. Sagaradze, S. S. Lapin, B. N. Goshchitskii, M. A. Kirk
1681-1686The effect of tritium and low-temperature neutron irradiation at 77 K on the structure and mechanical properties of reactor steelsB. N. Goshchitskii, V. V. Sagaradze, V. L. Arbuzov, S. S. Lapin, Yu. N. Zuev, I. V. Podgornova, V. D. Parkhomenko, A. V. Kozlov
1687-1693Low activation austenitic Mn-steel for in-vessel fusion materialsY. Suzuki, T. Saida, F. Kudough
1694-1699Microchemical and microstructural changes of austenitic steels caused by proton irradiation following helium implantationT. Fukuda, T. Aoki, Y. Isobe, T. Furuya, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe
1700-1707Long-lived activity of elements: Effect of new activation cross- sections and their uncertainties on the selection of materials for IFE reactorsJ. Sanz, C. González, J. Juan
1708-1712Damage behavior in an electron/helium dual-beam irradiated Fe–Cr–Mn(W,V) alloyHu Benfu, H. Kinoshita, H. Takahashi
1713-1717Effect of carbon and nitrogen on grain boundary segregation in irradiated stainless steelsF. Kano, K. Fukuya, S. Hamada, Y. Miwa
1718-1724The dependence of irradiation creep in austenitic alloys on displacement rate and helium to dpa ratioF. A. Garner, M. B. Toloczko, M. L. Grossbeck
1725-1729High-cycle fatigue tests of modified 316 stainless steels under 20 MeV proton irradiation and thermal pulsesH. Mizubayashi, K. Tateishi, H. Tanimoto, K. Nakata
1730-1734Nucleation and growth of dislocation loops in austenitic stainless steels irradiated by fission and fusion neutronsQ. Xu, N. Yoshida, T. Yoshiie
1735-1739Effect of light impurities on the early stage of swelling in austenitic stainless steelN. Igata, A. Ryazanov, D. N. Korolev
1740-1744The dependence of helium generation rate on nickel content of Fe–Cr–Ni alloys irradiated to high dpa levels in EBR-IIF. A. Garner, B. M. Oliver, L. R. Greenwood
1745-1749R&D of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic martensitic steels for FBRS. Ukai, T. Nishida, T. Okuda, T. Yoshitake
1750-1755Effects of Mn and Si additions on microstructural development in TiAl intermetallic compounds irradiated with He-ionsO. Okada, K. Nakata, K. Fukai, A. Hishinuma, K. Ameyama
1756-1761Thermomechanical characteristics of low activation chromium and chromium alloysH. Stamm, M. R. Bonansinga, F. Dos Santos Marques, P. Hähner, H. Kolbe, A. Volcan
1762-1766Cr–Ni alloys for fusion reactorsM. I. Solonin, A. B. Alekseev, S. A. Averin, Yu. A. Burenkov, V. M. Chernov, B. K. Kardashev, V. P. Kondrat'ev, A. V. Kozlov, V. N. Rechitsky, S. N. Votinov
1767-1772Concentration limits of natural elements in low activation fusion materialsE. T. Cheng
1773-1777Advanced management concepts for fusion wastePaolo Rocco, Massimo Zucchetti
1778-1783Analysis of V–Cr–Ti alloys in terms of activation of impuritiesM. L. Grossbeck, R. L. Klueh, E. T. Cheng, J. R. Peterson, M. R. Woolery, E. E. Bloom
1784-1790Low-activation characteristics of V-alloys and SiC compositesE. V. Dyomina, P. Fenici, V. P. Kolotov, M. Zucchetti
1791-1797Impact of low activation materials on fusion reactor designY. Seki, T. Tabara, I. Aoki, S. Ueda, S. Nishio, R. Kurihara
1798-1802Role of environment on the surface degradation of Wesgo AL995A. Moroño, E. R. Hodgson
1803-1808Production and recovery of defects in SiC after irradiation and deformationJ. Chen, P. Jung, H. Klein
1809-1811Radiation swelling decrease by means of explosive waveV. M. Kosenkov, S. A. Vorobjev, A. V. Kolesnikov
1812-1816Effects of DD and DT neutron irradiation on some Si devices for fusion diagnosticsYoshihiko Tanimura, Toshiyuki Iida
1817-1821Radiation effects on Al2O3 irradiated with H2+ ionsS. Furuno, N. Sasajima, K. Hojou, K. Izui, H. Otsu, T. Matsui
1822-1826Pre- and post-irradiation studies on mm-wave losses in reference window materials for electron cyclotron wave systemsR. Heidinger, A. Ibarra, J. Molla
1827-1830Radiation effects on insulating gases for the ITER NBI systemE. R. Hodgson, A. Moroño
1831-1835In situ observation of microstructural development during electron irradiation in Al2O3 containing Cr2O3 or TiO2K. Nakata, Y. Katano, K. Noda
1836-1841Neutron-induced damage in near-stoichiometric spinel ceramics irradiated below 200°C and its recovery due to annealingToyohiko Yano, Andon Insani, Hiroshi Sawada, Takayoshi Iseki
1842-1847Damage structure evolution in Al2O3 irradiated with multiple ion beams of H, He and O and after annealingY. Katano, T. Nakazawa, D. Yamaki, T. Aruga, K. Noda
1848-1855Electrical conductivity and current-voltage characteristics of alumina with or without neutron and electron irradiationK. Shiiyama, M. M. R. Howlader, S. J. Zinkle, T. Shikama, M. Kutsuwada, S. Matsumura, C. Kinoshita
1856-1860Mechanical properties and microstructure of α-alumina and magnesium aluminate spinel irradiated with He ionsKoichiro Izumi, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Chiken Kinoshita, Masanori Kutsuwada
1861-1866Long term degradation of electrical insulation of Al2O3 under high flux fission reactor irradiationTatsuo Shikama, Steven J. Zinkle
1867-1872Electrical properties of ceramics during reactor irradiationT. Shikama, S. J. Zinkle, K. Shiiyama, L. L. Snead, E. H. Farnum
1873-1877Characterization of Y2O3 coating under neutron irradiationMasaru Nakamichi, Hiroshi Kawamura
1878-1883Investigation of cryogenic irradiation influence on mechanical and physical properties of ITER magnetic system insulation materialsA. V. Kozlov, E. N. Scherbacov, N. A. Dudchenko, V. S. Shihalev, V. V. Bedin, N. A. Paltusov, V. E. Korsunskiy
1884-1888Radiation effects on dielectric losses of Au-doped siliconJ. Molla, R. Vila, R. Heidinger, A. Ibarra
1889-1892Radiation induced optical absorption and radioluminescence in electron irradiated SiO2A. Moroño, E. R. Hodgson
1893-1896Absorption and fluorescence phenomena of optical fibers under heavy neutron irradiationT. Kakuta, K. Sakasai, T. Shikama, M. Narui, T. sagawa
1897-1901Photon emission induced by fusion neutrons on optical window materialsFuminobu Sato, Toshiyuki Iida, Yukio Oyama, Fujio Maekawa, Yujiro Ikeda
1902-1907Dose dependence of neutron irradiation effects on MgAl2O4 spinelsA. Ibarra, D. Bravo, M. A. Garcia, J. Llopis, F. J. Lopez, F. A. Garner
1908-1913Radiation resistance of amorphous silicon in optoelectric properties under proton bombardmentN. Kishimoto, H. Amekura, K. Kono, C. G. Lee
1914-1918Dynamic effects in energetic particle-induced luminescence of SiO2Tetsuo Tanabe, Akihiro Omori, Masaaki Fujiwara
1919-1923On the choice of materials for the first mirrors of plasma diagnostics in a fusion reactorV. S. Voitsenya, A. F. Bardamid, V. T. Gritsyna, V. G. Konovalov, O. Motojima, D. V. Orlinskij, R. Palladino, B. J. Peterson, A. N. Shapoval, A. F. Shtan, S. I. Solodovchenko, K. I. Yakimov, K. Young
1924-1928Defect production and recovery in high-TN. Ishikawa, Y. Chimi, A. Iwase, K. Tsuru, O. Michikami
1929-1934Development of the superconductors for ITER magnet systemA. Shikov, A. Nikulin, A. Silaev, A. Vorobieva, V. Pantsyrnyi, G. Vedernikov, N. Salunin, S. Sudiev
1935-1939Development of superconductors for the Large Helical DeviceN. Yanagi, T. Mito, K. Takahata, S. Imagawa, S. Yamada, A. Nishimura, A. Iwamoto, H. Chikaraishi, H. Tamura, S. Yamaguchi, T. Satow, S. Satoh, O. Motojima
1940-1945Developments of high-TT. Mito, K. Maehata, M. Mizokami, K. Ishibashi, M. Takeo, A. Iwamoto, N. Hirano, T. Shintomi, K. Kimura, M. Sawamura, S. Yamada, S. Satoh, O. Motojima
1946-1952Magnetic non-destructive evaluation of accumulated fatigue damage in ferromagnetic steels for nuclear plant componentK. Morishita, A. Gilanyi, T. Sukegawa, T. Uesaka, K. Miya
1953-1959Thermal shock resistance of SiC compositionally graded C/C compositesKimio Fujii, Reiji Yamada
1960-1965Processing and microstructure of silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide composite by hot-pressingKatsumi Yoshida, Budiyanto, Masamitsu Imai, Toyohiko Yano
1966-1972Structural materials by powder HIP for fusion reactorsC. Dellis, G. Le Marois, E. V. van Osch
1973-1978Development and characterisation of Be/Glidcop® joints obtained by hot isostatic pressing for high temperature working conditionsF. Saint-Antonin, D. Barberi, G. Le Marois, A. Laillé
1979-1984Hydrogen generation from steam reaction with tungstenG. R. Smolik, K. A. McCarthy, D. A. Petti, K. Coates
1985-1990Fabrication development and preliminary characterization of Li2TiO3 pebbles by wet processKunihiko Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Kawamura, Katsuhiro Fuchinoue, Hiroshi Sawada, Kazutoshi Watarumi
1991-1996The effect of helium accumulation and radiation damage on the weldability of 316-type steelS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky
1997-2001Microstructural evolution of welded austenitic stainless steel irradiated in HFIR target experimentsT. Sawai, K. Shiba, A. Hishinuma
2002-2007Yag laser welding of neutron irradiated stainless steelsS. Nishimura, R. Katsura, Y. Saito, W. Kono, H. Takahashi, M. Koshiishi, T. Kato, K. Asano
2008-2012Simulation of helium bubble behavior in neutron-irradiated stainless steel during weldingShohei Kawano, Rie Sumiya, Koji Fukuya
2013-2017Effect of weld thermal cycle on helium bubble formation in stainless steelF. Kano, S. Nakahigashi, H. Nakamura, N. Uesugi, T. Mitamura, M. Terasawa, H. Irie, K. Fukuya
2018-2022Weldability of helium-containing stainless steels using a YAG laserS. Kawano, S. Nakahigashi, K. Uesugi, H. Nakamura, W. Kono, K. Fukuya, F. Kano, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe
2023-2029Application of HIP bonding to first wall panel fabrication made from reduced activation ferritic steel F82HK. Furuya, M. Enoeda, T. Hatano, S. Sato, T. Kuroda, H. Takatsu
2030-2035Irradiation resistance of DS copper/stainless steel joints fabricated by friction welding methodsS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky, M. Nakamichi, H. Kawamura
2036-2040Shape memory characteristics of neutron irradiated Ti–Ni shape memory alloy couplersT. Hoshiya, M. Ohmi, Y. Matsui, M. Nishikawa
2041-2045Electrical properties of neutron-irradiated oxygen potential sensors using stabilized zirconia solid electrolyteN. Hiura, Y. Endo, T. Yamaura, T. Hoshiya, M. Niimi, J. Saito, S. Sozawa, N. Ooka, M. Kobiyama
2046-2053Comparison of stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of thermally-sensitized and proton-irradiated 304 stainless steel using electrochemical noise techniquesL. H. Wang, J. J. Kai, C. H. Tsai, C. Fong
2054-2058Quantitative prediction of environmentally assisted cracking based on a theoretical model and computer simulationT. Satoh, T. Nakazato, S. Moriya, S. Suzuki, T. Shoji
2059-2063Fatigue crack growth under compressive loadingKoichi Kasaba, Takahiro Sano, Souichi Kudo, Tetsuo Shoji, Kazumune Katagiri, Tadashi Sato
2064-2068Effects of grain boundary misorientation on the solute segregation in austenitic stainless steelsT. S. Duh, J. J. Kai, F. R. Chen, L. H. Wang
2069-2074The effect of neutron irradiation on mechanical properties of Cu/SS joints for ITER applicationsS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky, D. J. Edwards, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe
2075-2078Neutron irradiation experiments for fusion reactor materials through JUPITER programK. Abe, A. Kohyama, C. Namba, F. W. Wiffen, R. H. Jones
2079-2082Materials design and related R&D issues for the force-free helical reactor (FFHR)A. Sagara, T. Muroga, O. Motojima, T. Noda, S. Tanaka, T. Terai, A. Kohyama, H. Matsui
2083-2087An evaluation of potential material–coolant compatibility for applications in advanced fusion reactorsT. Kondo, Y. Watanabe, Y. S. Yi, A. Hishinuma

Volume 264, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-237 (1 January 1999)

1-9Weldability of neutron irradiated austenitic stainless steelsKyoichi Asano, Seiji Nishimura, Yoshiaki Saito, Hiroshi Sakamoto, Yuji Yamada, Takahiko Kato, Tsuneyuki Hashimoto
10-19Densification behaviour of UO2–50%PuO2 pellets by dilatometryT. R. G. Kutty, P. V. Hegde, R. Keswani, K. B. Khan, S. Majumdar, D. S. C. Purushotham
20-28Assessment of hydrogen embrittlement of Zircaloy-2 pressure tubes using unloading compliance and load normalization techniques for determining JJ. S. Dubey, S. L. Wadekar, R. N. Singh, T. K. Sinha, J. K. Chakravartty
29-34Effect of thermal aging on the room temperature tensile properties of AISI type 316LN stainless steelP. Shankar, H. Shaikh, S. Sivakumar, S. Venugopal, D. Sundararaman, H. S. Khatak
35-47Influence of microstructure on the hydrogen permeability of 9%Cr–1%Mo ferritic steelN. Parvathavarthini, S. Saroja, R. K. Dayal
48-55Erosion of thin hydrogenated carbon films in oxygen, oxygen/hydrogen and water plasmasB. Landkammer, A. von Keudell, W. Jacob
56-70Erosion behavior of soft, amorphous deuterated carbon films by heat treatment in air and under vacuumKazunori Maruyama, Wolfgang Jacob, Joachim Roth
71-77Thermal vaporization and deposition of gallium oxide in hydrogenDarryl P. Butt, Youngsoo Park, Thomas N. Taylor
78-88Investigations on Inconel 718 irradiated with 800 MeV protonsF. Carsughi, H. Derz, P. Ferguson, G. Pott, W. Sommer, H. Ullmaier
89-98Investigation of plasma exposed W–1% La2O3 tungsten in a high ion flux, low ion energy, low carbon impurity plasma environment for the International Thermonuclear Experimental ReactorFan C. Sze, Russ P. Doerner, Stan Luckhardt
99-112Behaviour of fission gas in the rim region of high burn-up UO2 fuel pellets with particular reference to results from an XRF investigationM. Mogensen, J. H. Pearce, C. T. Walker
113-121A model of silver–iodine reactions in a light water reactor containment sump under severe accident conditionsElisabeth Krausmann, Yannis Drossinos
122-132Isotope selective excitation of 155Gd and 157Gd isotopes from 92–6 states using broadband lasersM. Sankari, M. V. Suryanarayana, S. Gangadharan
133-140Electronic ion energy loss calculations on the basis of the binary encounter approximationC. A. Ordonez, D. R. Bickel, V. C. Venezia, F. D. McDaniel, S. E. Matteson, M. I. Molina
141-154Nuclear fuel pellet inspection using artificial neural networksShahla Keyvan, Xiaolong Song, Mark Kelly
155-160Preshock-induced phase transition in spalled U–0.75 wt% TiA. K. Zurek
161-168Contact corrosion measurements on the pair UO2+xJ. Engelhardt, G. Marx
169-179Mössbauer spectroscopy of tin in unirradiated and neutron irradiated ZircaloysJerzy A. Sawicki
180-197Deuterium trapping in deep traps of differently oriented pyrolytic graphite exposed to D2 gas at 1473 KV. N. Chernikov, W. R. Wampler, A. P. Zakharov, A. E. Gorodetsky
198-205A many body potential for α-Zr. Application to defect propertiesR. C. Pasianot, A. M. Monti
206-215Corrosion behavior of Mo–Re based alloys in liquid LiJun-ichi Saito, Masahiko Morinaga, Shigeki Kano, Mitsuaki Furui, Kenji Noda
216-227Alloying effects on the corrosion behavior of binary Nb-based and Mo-based alloys in liquid LiJun-ichi Saito, Satoshi Inoue, Shigeki Kano, Toshikatsu Yuzawa, Mitsuaki Furui, Masahiko Morinaga
228-233Quantitative determination of the bulk deuterium content of zirconium alloys using nuclear reaction analysisZ. Qin, W. N. Lennard, C-S. Zhang, K. Griffiths, P. R. Norton
234-237Multiplicative model for out-of-phase thermal fatigue degradation of ferritic–martensitic steel MANET-IIA. Zisman, V. Rybin, C. Petersen, R. Schmitt

Volume 264, Issue 3, Pages 239-358 (5 January 1999)

239-248Deformation–corrosion interactions for Zr alloys during I-SCC crack initiation: Part I: Chemical contributionsPatrick Jacques, Florence Lefebvre, Clément Lemaignan
249-256Deformation–corrosion interactions for Zr alloys during I-SCC crack initiation: Part II: Localised stress and strain contributionsPatrick Jacques, Florence Lefebvre, Clément Lemaignan
257-262Fractographic observations of cleavage fracture initiation in a bainitic A508 steelM. Mäntylä, A. Rossoll, I. Nedbal, C. Prioul, B. Marini
263-270Molar Gibbs energy formation of KUO3(s)K. Jayanthi, V. S. Iyer, G. A. Rama Rao, V. Venugopal
271-282Temperature programmed decomposition of uranyl nitrate hexahydrateS. Dash, M. Kamruddin, Santanu Bera, P. K. Ajikumar, A. K. Tyagi, S. V. Narasimhan, Baldev Raj
283-294A mechanism for the hydrogen uptake process in zirconium alloysB. Cox
295-308Study of B4C microstructure evolution under neutron irradiation by X-ray diffraction profiles analysisD. Simeone, D. Gosset, D. Quirion, X. Deschanels
309-318The influence of water chemistry on the radiolysis of the primary coolant water in pressurized water reactorsB. Pastina, J. Isabey, B. Hickel
319-326Damage structures in fission-neutron irradiated Ni-based alloys at high temperaturesK. Yamakawa, Y. Shimomura
327-332Influence of stress developed due to oxide layer formation on the oxidation kinetics of Zr–2.5%Nb alloyA. P. Zhilyaev, J. A. Szpunar
333-353The principal structural changes proceeding in Russian pressure vessel steels as a result of neutron irradiation, recovery annealing and re-irradiationB. A. Gurovich, E. A. Kuleshova, O. V. Lavrenchuk, K. E. Prikhodko, Ya. I. Shtrombakh
355-358Helium-bubble formation behavior of SiCf/SiC composites after helium implantationA. Hasegawa, M. Saito, S. Nogami, K. Abe, R. H. Jones, H. Takahashi

Volume 265, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-223 (February 1999)

1-11On the effects of heat treatment and surface orientation on corrosion and hydrogen ingress of Zr–2.5Nb pressure tube materialY. -P. Lin, J. DeLuca
12-21Vitrification of radioactive waste by reaction sintering under pressureW. L. Gong, W. Lutze, A. Abdelouas, R. C. Ewing
22-27Angular dependence of the sputtering yield of rough beryllium surfacesM. Küstner, W. Eckstein, E. Hechtl, J. Roth
28-37Effect of Mo on recrystallization characteristics of Zr–Nb–(Sn)–Mo experimental alloysY. B. Chun, S. K. Hwang, M. H. Kim, S. I. Kwun, Y. S. Kim
38-43Characterization of U–Nb–Zr dispersion fuel prepared by centrifugal atomization processJong-Man Park, Ki-Hwan Kim, Dong-Seong Sohn, Chang-Kyu Kim, Gerard L. Hofman
44-59A unified model of Zircaloy BWR corrosion and hydriding mechanismsPeter Rudling, Gunnar Wikmark
60-68Determination of the β/β + γ eutectoid transition temperature in ZrO2−xP. J. Hayward, I. M. George
69-77Dissolution of ZrO2 in molten Zircaloy-4P. J. Hayward, I. M. George
78-90Effect of neutron flux on low temperature irradiation embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steelK. Dohi, T. Onchi, F. Kano, K. Fukuya, M. Narui, H. Kayano
91-99Studies on hot hardness of Zr and its alloys for nuclear reactorsT. R. G. Kutty, K. Ravi, C. Ganguly
100-107In situ measurement of electrical conductivity of Zircaloy oxides and their formation mechanism under electron irradiationM. M. R. Howlader, C. Kinoshita, K. Shiiyama, M. Kutsuwada, M. Inagaki
108-111Effect of oxygen content on the beta-quenched microstructure of modified Zircaloy-4Hyun Seon Hong, Seon Jin Kim, Kyung Sub Lee
112-116New model of equiaxed grain growth in irradiated UO2O. V. Khoruzhii, S. Yu. Kourtchatov, V. V. Likhanskii
117-123Electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) study of oxidation states of Ce and U in pyrochlore and uraninite – natural analogues for Pu- and U-bearing waste formsHuifang Xu, Yifeng Wang
124-133Effect of fast Ti-deposition on gas recycling at the first wall and on fast ion losses in the GDT experimentP. A. Bagryansky, E. D. Bender, A. A. Ivanov, A. N. Karpushov, S. V. Murachtin, K. Noack, St. Krahl, S. Collatz
134-138Vaporization study on lanthanum–uranium and cerium–uranium alloys by mass-spectrometric methodYoshiyuki Shoji, Tsuneo Matsui, Kinya Nakamura, Tadashi Inoue
139-145Helium implanted ZrR. Govindaraj, G. Venugopal Rao, K. P. Gopinathan, B. Viswanathan
146-153Solid state reactions of CeO2, ThO2 and PuO2 with ammonium sulphateK. D. Singh Mudher, Meera Keskar, V. Venugopal
154-160Oxygen potential of solid solution EuyTakeo Fujino, Nobuaki Sato, Kohta Yamada, Shohei Nakama, Kousaku Fukuda, Hiroyuki Serizawa, Tetsuo Shiratori
161-177Corrosion of stainless steel by gaseous I2J. C. Wren, G. A. Glowa, J. Merritt
178-202Synergistic effects of LiOH and F in accelerating the corrosion of Zircaloy-4Y. -M. Wong, B. Cox, N. Ramasubramanian, V. C. Ling
203-207Microstructure in Martensitic Steel DIN 1.4926 after 800 MeV proton irradiationYong Dai, Günter S. Bauer, Flavio Carsughi, Hans Ullmaier, Stuart A. Maloy, Walter F. Sommer
208-212Aging characteristics of Zr–V–Fe getters as observed by Mössbauer spectroscopyLakshman Rodrigo, Jerzy A. Sawicki
213-217Low cycle fatigue properties and microscopic deformation structure of Zircaloy-4 in recrystallized and stress-relieved conditionsXiao Lin, Gu Haicheng
218-223Cs boltwoodite obtained by ion exchange from single crystals: Implications for radionuclide release in a nuclear repositoryPeter C. Burns

Volume 265, Issue 3, Pages 225-330 (1 March 1999)

225-231The effect of hydrogen on the fracture toughness of alloy X-750 at elevated temperaturesDouglas M. Symons
232-239Effects of thermal sensitization on radiation-induced segregation in type 304 stainless steel irradiated with He-ionsO. Okada, K. Nakata, S. Kasahara
240-244Influence of Ar ion bombardment on the uniform corrosion resistance of laser-surface-melted Zircaloy-4Jian Xu, Xinde Bai, Fei He, Sheguan Wang, Xinzhong He, Yudian Fan
245-254Influence of recoil-implanted and thermally released iodine on I-SCC of Zircaloy-4 in PCI-conditions: chemical aspectsM. Fregonese, F. Lefebvre, C. Lemaignan, T. Magnin
255-261Combustion synthesis of thoria – a feasibility studyV. Chandramouli, S. Anthonysamy, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
262-272Effect of heat treatment and irradiation temperature on impact properties of Cr–W–V ferritic steelsR. L. Klueh, D. J. Alexander
273-284Accumulation of radioactive corrosion products on steel surfaces of VVER type nuclear reactors. I. 110mAgGábor Hirschberg, Pál Baradlai, Kálmán Varga, Gerrit Myburg, János Schunk, Péter Tilky, Paul Stoddart
285-294Modelling of high temperature superionic transition of uranium dioxide crystalsL. V. Matweev, M. S. Veshchunov
295-307Stabilization of Rocky Flats Pu-contaminated ash within chemically bonded phosphate ceramicsA. S. Wagh, R. Strain, S. Y. Jeong, D. Reed, T. Krause, D. Singh
308-320Oxidation kinetics of hydride-bearing uranium metal corrosion productsTerry C. Totemeier, Robert G. Pahl, Steven M. Frank
321-324Determination of the lithium diffusion coefficient in irradiated boron carbide pelletsX. Deschanels, D. Simeone, J. P. Bonal
325-330Investigations of ion radiation effects at metal/liquid interfacesM. B. Lewis, J. D. Hunn
1-13D–T experiments in the JET tokamakM. Keilhacker, M.L. Watkins and JET Team
14-29In-vessel tritium retention and removal in ITERG. Federici, R.A. Anderl, P. Andrew, J.N. Brooks, R.A. Causey, J.P. Coad, D. Cowgill, R.P. Doerner, A.A. Haasz, G. Janeschitz, W. Jacob, G.R. Longhurst, R. Nygren, A. Peacock, M.A. Pick, V. Philipps, J. Roth, C.H. Skinner, W.R. Wampler
30-36The experimental determination of the volume recombination rate in tokamak divertorsJ.L. Terry, B. Lipschultz, X. Bonnin, C. Boswell, S.I. Krasheninnikov, A.Yu. Pigarov, B. LaBombard, D.A. Pappas, H.A. Scott
37-43Volume recombination and detachment in JET divertor plasmasR.D. Monk, A. Meigs, L. Horton, L.C. Ingesson, J. Lingertat, G.F. Matthews, M.G. O'Mullane, R. Prentice, M.F. Stamp, G.M. McCracken, P.C. Stangeby
44-50Impurity enrichment and radiative enhancement using induced SOL flow in DIII-DW.P West, N.H Brooks, G.L Jackson, A.W Leonard, M.A Mahdavi, T.H Osborne, T.W Petrie, M.J Schaffer, R.D Stambaugh, M.R Wade, R.D Wood, S.L Allen, J.A Boedo, M.E Fenstermacher, D.N Hill, J.T Hogan, R.C Isler, C.J Lasnier, R Lehmer, R Maingi, et al.
51-57Chemical erosion of carbon based materials in fusion devicesJoachim Roth
58-66Erosion/redeposition analysis: status of modeling and code validation for semi-detached tokamak edge plasmasJ.N. Brooks, D. Alman, G. Federici, D.N. Ruzic, D.G. Whyte
67-74Divertor erosion in DIII-DD.G Whyte, R Bastasz, J.N Brooks, W.R Wampler, W.P West, C.P.C Wong, O.I Buzhinskij, I.V Opimach
75-83Plasma wall interaction and plasma edge properties with radiation cooling and improved confinement in TEXTOR-94B. Unterberg, M. Brix, R. Jaspers, A. Kreter, Y.M. Kim, M. Lehnen, Ph. Mertens, A.M. Messiaen, J. Ongena, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, U. Samm, B. Schweer
84-90Turbulent SOL transport in stellarators and tokamaksM. Endler
91-98SOL width scaling from consideration of edge transport in tokamaksG.F Counsell, J.W Connor, S.K Erents, A.R Field, S.J Fielding, B La Bombard, K.M Morel
99-108ITER edge database investigations of the SOL widthK. McCormick, N. Asakura, S. Bosch, S. Davies, S. Fielding, K. Itami, H. Kawashima, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, A. Loarte, R. Monk, G. Porter, J. Schweinzer, M. Shimada, M. Sugihara
109-117The impact of ELMs on the ITER divertorA.W. Leonard, A. Herrmann, K. Itami, J. Lingertat, A. Loarte, T.H. Osborne, W. Suttrop, the ITER Divertor Modeling and Database Expert Group, the ITER Divertor Physics Expert Group
118-123Operational limits for high edge density H-mode tokamak operationW Suttrop, V Mertens, H Murmann, J Neuhauser, J Schweinzer, ASDEX-Upgrade Team
124-130The edge operational space in JETJ. Lingertat, V. Bhatnagar, G.D. Conway, L.-G. Eriksson, K. Günther, M. von Hellermann, M. Mantsinen, V. Parail, R. Prentice, G. Saibene, R. Smith, K.-D. Zastrow
131-137H-mode pedestal characteristics in ITER shape discharges on DIII-DT.H. Osborne, K.H. Burrell, R.J. Groebner, L.L. Lao, A.W. Leonard, R. Maingi, R.L. Miller, G.D. Porter, G.M. Staebler, A.D. Turnbull
138-145In situ measurement and modeling of hydrogen recycling and transport processes – the role of moleculesA Pospieszczyk, Ph Mertens, G Sergienko, A Huber, V Philipps, D Reiter, D Rusbüldt, B Schweer, E Vietzke, P.T Greenland
146-152Plasma wall interaction during long pulse operation in Tore SupraC. Grisolia and the Tore Supra team
153-159Tritium recycling and retention in JETP Andrew, D Brennan, J.P Coad, J Ehrenberg, M Gadeberg, A Gibson, M Groth, J How, O.N Jarvis, H Jensen, R Lässer, F Marcus, R Monk, P Morgan, J Orchard, A Peacock, R Pearce, M Pick, A Rossi, B Schunke, et al.
160-167The effect of divertor geometry on divertor and core plasma performance in JETL.D. Horton, G.F. Matthews, P. Andrew, A. Chankin, S. Clement, G. Conway, S. Davies, J. Ehrenberg, G. Fishpool, H.-Y. Guo, P.J. Harbour, L.C. Ingesson, H.J. Jäckel, J. Lingertat, C.G. Lowry, C.F. Maggi, G.M. McCracken, R. Mohanti, R.D. Monk, R. Reichle, et al.
168-174Studies of high-δS.L. Allen, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.M. Greenfield, A.W. Hyatt, R. Maingi, G.D. Porter, M.R. Wade, A.S. Bozek, R. Ellis, D.N. Hill, M.A. Hollerbach, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, D.G. Nilson, T.W. Petrie, M.J. Schaffer, J.P. Smith, R.D. Stambaugh, D.M. Thomas, et al.
175-181Role of divertor geometry on detachment in ASDEX UpgradeR Schneider, H.-S Bosch, D Coster, J.C Fuchs, J Gafert, G Haas, A Herrmann, M Kaufmann, A Kallenbach, J Neuhauser, J Schweinzer, U Wenzel, ASDEX Upgrade Teams
182-188Role of divertor geometry on detachment and core plasma performance in JT60UN. Asakura, N. Hosogane, K. Itami, A. Sakasai, S. Sakurai, K. Shimizu, M. Shimada, H. Kubo, S. Higashijma, H. Takenaga, H. Tamai, S. Konoshima, T. Sugie, K. Masaki, Y. Koide, O. Naito, H. Shirai, T. Takizuka, T. Ishijima, S. Suzuki, et al.
189-196Comparison of ergodic and axisymmetric divertorsPh. Ghendrih, A. Grosman, J. Gunn, F. Laugier, B. Meslin, C. Grisolia, R. Guirlet, P. Monier-Garbet, T. Loarer
197-206Review of recent works in development and evaluation of high-Z plasma facing materialsNaoaki Yoshida
207-216Conclusions about the use of tungsten in the divertor of ASDEX UpgradeK. Krieger, H. Maier, R. Neu and ASDEX Upgrade Team
217-221Molybdenum erosion measurements in Alcator C-ModW.R Wampler, B LaBombard, B Lipschultz, G.M McCracken, D.A Pappas, C.S Pitcher
222-227Sputtering of beryllium, tungsten, tungsten oxide and mixed W–C layers by deuterium ions in the near-threshold energy rangeM.I Guseva, A.L Suvorov, S.N Korshunov, N.E Lazarev
228-233Dust in magnetic confinement fusion devices and its impact on plasma operationJ. Winter, G. Gebauer
234-239Boronization in future devices – protecting layer against tritium and energetic neutralsN Noda, K Tsuzuki, A Sagara, N Inoue, T Muroga
240-246Deposition of a-C/B:D layers by ICRF-wall conditioning in TEXTOR-94H.G. Esser, A.I. Lyssoivan, M. Freisinger, P. Karduck, R. Koch, V. Philipps, H. Reimer, M. Rubel, J.von Seggern, M. Vervier, P. Wienhold
247-250Hydrogen absorption/desorption behavior with oxygen-contaminated boron filmK. Tsuzuki, H. Eiki, N. Inoue, A. Sagara, N. Noda, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino
251-257Stability of the detachment front in a tokamak divertorS.I. Krasheninnikov, M. Rensink, T.D. Rognlien, A.S. Kukushkin, J.A. Goetz, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, J.L. Terry, M. Umansky
258-263Sheath over a finely structured divertor plateR.H. Cohen, R.E. Cid, E.B. Hooper, A.W. Molvik, G.D. Porter, D.D. Ryutov
264-271Plasma pressure and flows during divertor detachmentM.J. Schaffer, J.A. Boedo, R.A. Moyer
272-279Limiter heat load and consequences on impurity source and transportD Guilhem, J Hogan, T Aniel, S Boddeker, C Grisolia, T Hoang, G Martin, B Meslin, R Mitteau, R Reichle, J.C Vallet
280-284Localized heat flux due to lower hybrid wave coupling in the Ergodic Divertor configuration on Tore SupraI. Pugno, J.J. Cordier, Ph. Ghendrih, M. Goniche, A. Grosman, J.P. Gunn, J. Mailloux, S. Person
285-290Power deposition in the JET divertor during ELMsS Clement, A Chankin, D Ciric, J.P Coad, J Falter, E Gauthier, J Lingertat, S Puppin
291-295Heat flux distribution in the divertor-II of ASDEX UpgradeA Herrmann, C.J Fuchs, V Rohde, M Weinlich and ASDEX Upgrade Team
296-301Operational performance of JT-60U W-shaped divertorN Hosogane, H Tamai, S Higashijima, H Kubo, A Sakasai, H Takenaga, K Itami, S Sakurai, N Asakura, S Konoshima, T Sugie, K Shimizu, T Ishijima, A Kumagai, S Suzuki, M Shimada
302-306LHD divertor experimental programN Ohyabu, A Komori, H Suzuki, T Morisaki, S Masuzaki, H Funaba, N Noda, Y Nakamura, A Sagara, N Inoue, R Sakamoto, S Inagaki, S Morita, Y Takeiri, T Watanabe, O Motojima, M Fujiwara, A Iiyoshi
307-311Divertor helium pumping in TdeV-96 under various conditionsJ.-L. Gauvreau, G.W. Pacher, R. Décoste, Y. Demers, B.L. Stansfield, C. Côté, J.-L. Lachambre, N. Richard, G. Lebrun, TdeV Team
312-317Helium exhaust in ELMy H-mode plasmas with W-shaped pumped divertor of JT-60UA. Sakasai, H. Takenaga, N. Hosogane, S. Sakurai, N. Akino, H. Kubo, S. Higashijima, H. Tamai, N. Asakura, K. Itami, K. Shimizu
318-323Plasma edge characterisation and control in ergodic divertor experiments on Tore SupraB. Meslin, T. Loarer, Ph. Ghendrih, A. Grosman, A. Azéroual, R. Guirlet, J. Gunn, B. Pégourié
324-329Reflection and adsorption of deuterium atoms and molecules on graphiteE. Vietzke, M. Wada, M. Hennes
330-336Simulation of helium exhaust in JET and ITERM Fichtmüller, G Corrigan, L Lauro-Taroni, R Simonini, J Spence, E Springmann, A Taroni
337-342Contribution of molecular activated recombination to hydrogen plasma detachment in the divertor plasma simulator NAGDIS-IIN Ezumi, D Nishijima, H Kojima, N Ohno, S Takamura, S.I Krasheninnikov, A.Yu Pigarov
343-347New results on carbon release and transport in ASDEX-UpgradeASDEX-Upgrade Team, A. Kallenbach, A. Bard, D. Coster, R. Dux, C. Fuchs, J. Gafert, A. Herrmann, R. Schneider
348-353Evolution of 2D deuterium and impurity radiation profiles during transitions from attached to detached divertor operation in DIII-DA.W. Leonard, T.W. Petrie, W.P. West, M.E. Fenstermacher, S.L. Allen, D.N. Hill, R.C. Isler, C.J. Lasnier, G.D. Porter, D.G. Whyte, R.D. Wood
354-359Impurity compression and enrichment studies on Alcator C-ModJ.A. Goetz, B. Lipschultz, C.S. Pitcher, J.L. Terry, P.T. Bonoli, J.E. Rice, S.J. Wukitch
360-364Transport of hydrocarbon molecules in the edge plasma of fusion experimentsD. Naujoks, D. Coster, H. Kastelewicz, R. Schneider
365-369Spectroscopic investigation of the dynamics of ions and neutrals in the ASDEX Upgrade Divertor IIJ. Gafert, K. Behringer, D. Coster, C. Dorn, A. Kallenbach, R. Schneider, U. Schumacher, ASDEX Upgrade Team
370-375Recombination and ion loss in C-Mod detached divertor dischargesB. Lipschultz, J.L. Terry, C. Boswell, S.I. Krasheninnikov, B. LaBombard, D.A. Pappas
376-379Spectroscopic measurements of impurity temperatures and parallel ion flows in the DIII-D divertorR.C Isler, N.H Brooks, W.P West, A.W Leonard, G.R McKee, G.D Porter
380-385Enhanced confinement discharges in DIII-D with neon and argon induced radiationG.L. Jackson, M. Murakami, G.M. Staebler, M.R. Wade, A.M. Messiaen, J. Ongena, B. Unterberg, J.A. Boedo, T.E. Evans, A.W. Hyatt, R.J. LaHaye, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, G.W. McKee, R. Maingi, R.A. Moyer, T.W. Petrie, W.P. West
386-391Removal of redeposited layers and hydrogen release by oxygen ventilation of TEXTOR-94V Philipps, H.G Esser, J.von Seggern, H Reimer, M Freisinger, E Vietzke, P Wienhold
392-398Mixed-material coating formation on plasma-facing componentsR.P Doerner, A.A Grossman, S Luckhardt, R Seraydarian, F.C Sze, D.G Whyte
399-405Chemical erosion of graphite under simultaneous O+ and H+ irradiationAllen Y.K. Chen, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz
406-411Laboratory experiment on lithium chemistry and its application to effective wall conditioningS. Kato, M. Watanabe, H. Toyoda, H. Sugai
412-416Comparative studies of ionised and excited hydrogen atoms and molecules distributions for plasma–target interaction in a linear simulator machineV.A. Kurnaev, V.A. Abramov, V.A. Kadetov, D.V. Mozgrin, D.V. Sarytchev, A.S. Savjolov, I.V. Vizgalov, V.N. Kolesnikov, L.P. Presnyakov
417-422Oxygen incorporation into beryllium under D-ion bombardment in O2 atmosphereV.Kh. Alimov, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, A.P. Zakharov
423-428Dust and flakes in the JET MkIIa divertor, analysis and resultsA.T Peacock, P Andrew, P Cetier, J.P Coad, G Federici, F.H Hurd, M.A Pick, C.H Wu
429-433Molybdenum flux measurements in the FTU scrape off layer by deposition probesM.L. Apicella, G. Maddaluno, V. Pericoli Ridolfini, R. Zagórski, C. Alessandrini, G. Apruzzese, G. Mazzitelli, D. Pacella, L. Verdini
434-439Release of hydrogen molecules from hydrogen-containing carbon film deposited on molybdenumK Ashida, K Watanabe, I Kitamura, S Ikeno
440-445Co-deposition of deuterium with silicon doped carbonM Balden, M Mayer, J Roth
446-451Impurity screening in the RFX reversed field pinchL. Carraro, M.E. Puiatti, F. Sattin, P. Scarin, M. Valisa, G. DePol, R. Pasqualotto, R. Pugno, G. Telesca
452-456Kinetic study of thermoelectric currents in the SOL plasmasOleg Batishchev, Brian LaBombard
457-461Fueling efficiency of pellet injection on DIII-DL.R Baylor, T.C Jernigan, C.J Lasnier, R Maingi, M.A Mahdavi
462-466Noble gas exhaust with a strongly baffled divertor in ASDEX-UpgradeH.-S. Bosch, W. Ullrich, A. Bard, D. Coster, G. Haas, A. Kallenbach, J. Neuhauser, R. Schneider, ASDEX Upgrade Team
467-471Tritium retention in tungsten exposed to intense fluxes of 100 eV tritonsR Causey, K Wilson, T Venhaus, W R. Wampler
472-477Effects of particle exhaust on neutral compression ratios in DIII-DR.J. Colchin, R. Maingi, S.L. Allen, C.M. Greenfield, M.R. Wade
478-484Oxygen removal of codeposited a-C:D layers from tokamak tilesJ.W Davis, A.A Haasz
485-489The diagnosed mobile limiters of the TJ-II stellarator for plasma boundary studiesE de la Cal, F.L Tabarés, D Tafalla, I.Garcı́a Cortés, C Hidalgo, A López-Fraguas
490-494Optical emission measurements of H2 and D2 molecules in the divertor region of ASDEX UpgradeU. Fantz, K. Behringer, J. Gafert, D. Coster, ASDEX Upgrade Team
495-500Modeling of the dynamic ergodic divertor of TEXTOR-94K.H. Finken, Th. Eich, S.S. Abdullaev, A. Kaleck, G. Mank, D. Reiser, A. Runov, M. Tokar
501-506Determination of angle resolved velocity distributions of sputtered tungsten atomsA. Goehlich, N. Niemöller, H.F. Döbele
507-512Radiation measurements and modeling of the density limit on the W7-AS stellaratorL. Giannone, R. Burhenn, P. Grigull, U. Stroth, R. Brakel, R. Dux, A. Elsner, S. Fiedler, G. Kühner, F. Penningsfeld, G. Pereverzev, F. Wagner, A. Weller, C. Wendland and NBI Team W7-AS Team
513-519Carbon and neon penetration near a neutraliser plate of the Tore Supra ergodic divertorR. Guirlet, J. Hogan, L. Chérigier, C. DeMichelis, P. Ghendrih, A. Grosman, D. Guilhem, B. Meslin, P. Monier-Garbet
520-525The effect of ion damage on deuterium trapping in tungstenA.A. Haasz, M. Poon, J.W. Davis
526-531Numerical analysis of thermoelectric instability in tokamak divertorN. Hayashi, T. Takizuka, A. Hatayama, M. Ogasawara
532-537Deuterium trapping in divertor tiles of ASDEX-UpgradeD. Hildebrandt, M. Akbi, B. Jüttner, W. Schneider
538-541Helium retention of plasma facing materialsT. Hino, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata
542-545Effects of supersonic beam and pellet injection on edge electric field and plasma rotation in HL-1MW.Y. Hong, E.Y. Wang, Y.D. Pan, X.Q. Xu
546-551Space resolved fluctuations of electron density measured by means of two thermal Li-beams in TEXTOR-94A. Huber, A.V. Nedospasov, U. Samm, B. Schweer
552-556Removal of codeposited layers by ECR discharge cleaningW Jacob, B Landkammer, C.H Wu
557-560Simulation studies on sputtering and reflection from compound materials at elevated temperaturesT Kenmotsu, T Kawamura, Zhijie Li, T Ono, Y Yamamura
561-565Deuterium permeation through metals under hydrogen counter flowKaname Kizu, Tetsuo Tanabe
566-570Neutral particle transport under strong hydrogen recycling condition in the GAMMA 10 central cellS. Kobayashi, Y. Nakashima, M. Shoji, K. Tsuchiya, Y. Hasegawa, M.K. Islam, N. Yamaguchi, M. Yoshikawa, A. Mase, T. Tamano, K. Yatsu
571-576A novel tracer-gas injection system for scrape-off layer impurity transport and screening experimentsB. LaBombard, S. Gangadhara, B. Lipschultz, S. Lisgo, D.A. Pappas, C.S. Pitcher, P. Stangeby, J. Terry
577-580Scaling and profiles of heat flux during partial detachment in DIII-DC.J. Lasnier, D.N. Hill, S.L. Allen, M.E. Fenstermacher, A.W. Leonard, T.W. Petrie, G.D. Porter, J.G. Watkins
581-586Erosion of beryllium and deposition of carbon and oxygen due to bombardment with C+ and CO+ ionsP. Goldstraß, W. Eckstein, Ch. Linsmeier
587-592Multi-machine scaling of the divertor peak heat flux and width for L-mode and H-mode dischargesA Loarte, S Bosch, A Chankin, S Clement, A Herrmann, D Hill, K Itami, J Lingertat, B Lipschultz, K McCormick, R Monk, G.D Porter, M Shimada, M Sugihara
593-597Runaway-limiter interaction in the FTU tokamak during disruptionsG. Maddaluno, B. Esposito
598-603Density limit studies on DIII-DR. Maingi, M.A. Mahdavi, T.W. Petrie, L.R. Baylor, T.C. Jernigan, R.J. La Haye, A.W. Hyatt, M.R. Wade, J.G. Watkins, D.G. Whyte
604-610Wall erosion and material transport to the Mark I carbon divertor of JETM Mayer, R Behrisch, K Plamann, P Andrew, J.P Coad, A.T Peacock
611-617Radiation efficiency of high power ergodic divertor plasmas in Tore SupraP. Monier-Garbet, C. DeMichelis, Ph. Ghendrih, R. Giannella, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, R. Guirlet, J. Gunn, F. Laugier, B. Meslin, R. Reichle, J. C. Vallet
618-622Erosion of vanadium in lithium plasmaA.V. Nedospasov, G.V. Sergienko, N.M. Zykova, I.V. Pen'deev, E.V. Mydretskaya, A.V. Zhmendak
623-628Studies of boundary plasmas and fueling on the JFT-2MH Ogawa, Y Miura, N Fukumoto, T Ogawa, K Hasegawa, S Kasai, H Kawashima, H Kimura, M Maeno, M Nagata, S Sengoku, T Shibata, T Uyama, T Yamauchi and JFT-2M Groupa
629-634Particle emission from a tungsten test limiter in TEXTOR-94: a comparison between experimental and Monte Carlo simulated resultsK Ohya, J Kawata, T Tanabe, M Wada, T Ohgo, V Philipps, B Unterberg, A Pospieszczyk, B Schweer, A Huber, N Noda
635-641Molybdenum sources and transport in the Alcator C-Mod tokamakD.A. Pappas, B. Lipschultz, B. LaBombard, M.J. May, C.S. Pitcher
642-647The role of neutrals in the H–L back transition of high density single-null and double-null gas-fueled discharges in DIII-Dthe DIII-D Team, T.W. Petrie, R. Maingi, G.D. Porter, S.L. Allen, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.J. Groebner, D.N. Hill, A.W. Leonard, C.J. Lasnier, M.A. Mahdavi, R.A. Moyer, M.E. Rensink, D.M. Thomas, W.P. West
648-653Experimental investigation of the effects of neon injection in TCVR.A. Pitts, A. Refke, B.P. Duval, I. Furno, B. Joye, J.B. Lister, Y. Martin, J.-M. Moret, J. Rommers, H. Weisen
654-659Influence of ET.D. Rognlien, G.D. Porter, D.D. Ryutov
660-665Chemical sputtering from the pump limiter neutralizer in Tore SupraR. Ruggiéri, E. Gauthier, J. Hogan, J.M. Layet, T. Loarer
666-672MARFE feedback experiments on TEXTOR-94U. Samm, M. Brix, F. Durodié, M. Lehnen, A. Pospieszczyk, J. Rapp, G. Sergienko, B. Schweer, M.Z. Tokar, B. Unterberg
673-678Measurement of edge parameters in TEXTOR-94 at the low and high field side with atomic beamsB. Schweer, M. Brix, M. Lehnen
679-684SOL currents and divertor asymmetries on COMPASS-DC.G. Silva, S.J. Fielding, K.B. Axon, M.G. Booth
685-690Experimental determination of the contribution of chemical sputtering of carbon on carbon core concentrationsM.F Stamp, D Elder, H.Y Guo, M von Hellermann, L Horton, R König, J Lingertat, G McCracken, A Meigs, P Stangeby, A Tabasso
691-696Simulation of transient wall pumping, fuelling effects and density control in tokamaksM. Sugihara, G. Federici, C. Grisolia, P. Ghendrih, J.T. Hogan, G. Janeschitz, G. Pacher, D.E. Post
697-702Experiments on potential energy diagram for hydrogen isotopes on nickel surfaceI. Takagi, H. Fujita, K. Higashi
703-708Influence of deuterium implanted in materials surface on Balmer lines emission from backscattering deuteriumTetsuo Tanabe, Akihiro Ohmori
709-713Erosion, redeposition and boronization lifetime in RFXL Tramontin, V Antoni, M Bagatin, D Boscarino, E Cattaruzza, V Rigato, S Zandolin
714-720The influence of electron emission on heat load to the plasma facing materials under space charge limited condition with an oblique magnetic fieldI.V Tsvetkov, T Tanabe
721-725Empirical scalings of cross-field heat diffusivities in the scrape-off layer of Alcator C-Mod from a 2-D interpretive modelM.V Umansky, B LaBombard
726-731Scrape off layer modelling studies for SST-IM. Warrier, S. Jaishankar, S. Deshpande, D. Coster, R. Schneider, S. Chaturvedi, R. Srinivasan, B.J. Braams and SST Team
732-738Carbon influx in He and D plasmas in DIII-DN.H Brooks, G.L Jackson, W.P West, M.E Fenstermacher, R.C Isler, C.J Lasnier, A Ramsey, M.R Wade, D.G Whyte, R.D Wood
739-741Effect of divertor geometry on plasma detachment in DIII-DN.S Wolf, G.D Porter, D.N Hill, S.L Allen
742-746Hot spot formation on electron-emissive target plate with plasma potential variation across magnetic fieldM.Y. Ye, K. Kudose, T. Kuwabara, N. Ohno, S. Takamura
747-750In situ silicon and lithium coating and its removal in the HL-1M tokamakN.M Zhang, E.Y Wang, M.X Wang, W.Y Hong, C.H Cui, Z.W Wang, D.H Yan
751-753Absolute VUV spectroscopy of an eroding graphite target using a calibrated CCD cameraN Arkhipov, V Bakhtin, S Kurkin, V Safronov, D Toporkov, S Vasenin, A Zhitlukhin, P Rockett, J Hunter
754-760Deuterium release rates in a-C:D-layers during oxygen attackS. Alberici, H.-K. Hinssen, R. Moormann, C.H. Wu
761-765Deuterium transport in Cu, CuCrZr, and Cu/BeR.A. Anderl, M.R. Hankins, G.R. Longhurst, R.J. Pawelko
766-770Effect of the velocity shear on particle transport and edge turbulence in a reversed field pinchV. Antoni, R. Cavazzana, E. Martines, G. Serianni, M. Bagatin, D. Desideri, M. Moresco, E. Spada, L. Tramontin
771-776Particle diffusion coefficient at the edge of RFXM Bagatin, V Antoni, D Desideri, E Martines, R Pasqualotto, R Pugno, G Serianni, L Tramontin, M Valisa
777-782Edge profiles and limiter tests in Extrap T2H. Bergsåker, G. Hedin, L. Ilyinsky, D. Larsson, A. Möller
783-787Measurements of flows in the DIII-D divertor by Mach probesJ.A. Boedo, R. Lehmer, R.A. Moyer, J.G. Watkins, G.D. Porter, T.E. Evans, A.W. Leonard, M.J. Schaffer
788-792The generation of poloidal pressure gradients in the SOL of TdeV by plate biasingC. Boucher, B.C. Gregory, J.-L. Lachambre, J.P. Gunn, B.L. Stansfield, M. Tendler, TdeV Team
793-797The investigation of structure, chemical composition, hydrogen isotope trapping and release processes in deposition layers on surfaces exposed to DIII-D divertor plasmaO.I Buzhinskij, I.V Opimach, V.A Barsuk, I.I Arkhipov, W.P West, D Whyte, C.P.C Wong, W.R Wampler
798-803Heat flux deposition on plasma-facing components using a convective model with ripple and Shafranov shiftR. Mitteau, A. Moal, J. Schlosser, D. Guilhem
804-808B2-Eirene modelling of the density limit on ASDEX-UpgradeD.P. Coster, K. Borrass, R. Schneider and ASDEX-UpgradeTeam
809-811Pattern of ion bombardment on the poloidal divertor platesU. Daybelge, C. Yarim
812-8183D fluid modelling of the edge plasma by means of a Monte Carlo techniqueY Feng, F Sardei, J Kisslinger
819-824Transport properties of hydrogen isotopes in boron carbide structuresA.A. Grossman, R.P. Doerner, S. Luckhardt, R. Seraydarian, A.K. Burnham
825-830The role of recycling and impurity production in JET hot-ion H-modesH.Y Guo, B Balet, G Conway, G Corrigan, S Davies, B de Esch, M von Hellermann, L.D Horton, H Lingertat, P Lomas, G.F Matthews, G.M McCracken, R.D Monk, M.F.F Nave, V Parail, R Simonini, R Smith, M Stamp, P.C Stangeby, A Tabasso, et al.
831-836Dependence of surface oxidation on hydrogen absorption and desorption behaviors of Ti–6Al–4V alloyY Hirohata, T Nakamura, Y Aihara, T Hino
837-842MARFE onset conditions and stabilityYu Igitkhanov, M Mikhailov
843-849L–H transition in tokamak plasmas: 1.5-D simulationsG. Janeschitz, G.W. Pacher, Yu. Igitkhanov, H.D. Pacher, S.D. Pinches, O. Pogutse, M. Sugihara
850-855Spectroscopic study on the reflected neutral particles from solid surfaceK. Kobayasi, S. Ohtsu, S. Tanaka
856-861Hydrogen recycling in graphite at higher fluxesD. Larsson, H. Bergsåker, A. Hedqvist
862-866Measured and simulated poloidal asymmetries of the FTU SOL in the toroidal limiter configurationM. Leigheb, V.Pericoli Ridolfini, R. Zagorski
867-872Modelling of deuterium emission in high density divertor plasmas in JETC.F Maggi, L.D Horton, G Corrigan, H.J Jäckel, A Loarte, R.D Monk, R Simonini, M Stamp, A Taroni
873-876Charge separation at a plasma–wall transition due to the finite ion gyro-radiusM Shoucri, I Shkarofsky, G Manfredi, P Bertrand, A Ghizzo, S Krasheninnikov, D Sigmar, O Batishchev, A Batishcheva
877-883Edge localised asymmetric radiative phenomena in RFXL. Marrelli, P. Zanca, P. Martin, S. Martini, A. Murari
884-889Radial and spectral profiles of atomic deuterium in front of a limiter in TEXTOR 94: Results of laser-induced fluorescence at Lyman-αPh. Mertens, A. Pospieszczyk
890-895Modeling of neutral particle distributions at the L to H transition in DIII-DL.W. Owen, B.A. Carreras, R. Maingi, P.K. Mioduszewski, T.N. Carlstrom, R.J. Groebner
896-900Electron cyclotron discharge cleaning (ECDC) experiments on Alcator C-ModR.T. Nachtrieb, B.L. LaBombard, J.L Terry, J.C. Reardon, W.L. Rowan, W.R. Wampler
901-905Characteristics of carbon sheet pump in application experiments to a high-temperature plasma deviceY. Nakashima, A. Sagara, T. Moriwaki, Y. Hironaga, S. Kobayashi, Y. Ishimoto, M. Yoshikawa, T. Tamano, K. Yatsu, K. Tsuchiya, M Shoji, H. Suzuki, N. Noda, A. Komori, N. Ohyabu, O. Motojima
906-910Effect of gyro-motion of incident ions on inboard–outboard asymmetry in divertor plasmasMichiya Shimada, Tihiro Ohkawa
911-916Dependence of the L–H transition on separatrix-wall gaps on TdeVG.W Pacher, R Decoste, Y Demers, A Cote, J.-L Lachambre, C Boucher, C Cote, J.-L Gauvreau, D Lafrance, D Pinsonneault, B Quirion, N Richard, M St.-Onge, TdeV Team
917-921Analysis of separatrix plasma parameters using local and multi-machine databasesG.D Porter, S Davies, B LaBombard, A Loarte, K McCormick, R Monk, M Shimada, M Sugihara
922-927Modelling of plasma tritium concentration and wall tritium inventory at JETA. Rossi, T. Loarer, G. Saibene, R.D. Monk, L.D. Horton, M.L. Apicella, B. Annaratone
928-933Drift effects in W7-AS limiter and island divertor configurationsY. Feng, F. Sardei, P. Grigull, G. Herre and W7-AS Team
934-939Comparison of scrape-off layer behaviour between DIV-I and DIV-II operations on ASDEX-UpgradeJ. Schweinzer, W. Sandmann, G. Haas, J. Neuhauser, H. Murmann, H. Salzmann and ASDEX-Upgrade- and NBI-Teams
940-946Modeling of tritium retention in TFTRC.H. Skinner, J.T. Hogan, J.N. Brooks, W. Blanchard, R.V. Budny, J. Hosea, D. Mueller, A. Nagy, D.P. Stotler
947-952Coupled Monte Carlo neutral – fluid plasma simulation of Alcator C-Mod divertor plasma near detachmentD.P Stotler, R.A Vesey, D.P Coster, C.F.F Karney, B LaBombard, B Lipschultz, C.S Pitcher, R Schneider
953-957Polarized laser-induced fluorescence technique to measure localized electric field induced perpendicularly to magnetic field in the plasma-edgeK. Takiyama, M. Watanabe, T. Oda
958-962Localized recycling as a trigger of MARFEM.Z Tokar, J Rapp, D Reiser, U Samm, F.C Schüller, G Sergienko, P.C de Vries
963-968Simulation of different pumping configurations for the CIEL project on Tore SupraE. Tsitrone, P. Chappuis, M. Chatelier, F. Faisse, A. Grosman, D. Reiter
969-974Study of the radio-frequency driven sheath in the ion cyclotron slow wave antennasT. Imai, H. Sawada, Y. Uesugi, S. Takamura
975-979Hydrogen in diamond-like carbon filmsE. Vainonen-Ahlgren, P. Tikkanen, J. Likonen, E. Rauhala, J. Keinonen
980-985An evaluation of kinetic effects in the DIII-D divertorJ.G Watkins, O Batishchev, J Boedo, D.N Hill, C.J Lasnier, R Lehmer, A.W Leonard, R.A Moyer
986-992Non-uniform carbon redeposition on graphiteP. Wienhold, F. Weschenfelder, P. Karduck, K. Ohya, S. Richter, M. Rubel, J. von Seggern
993-996Turbulence in boundary plasmasX.Q. Xu, R.H. Cohen, G.D. Porter, J.R. Myra, D.A. D'Ippolito, R. Moyer
997-1002Microstructural evolution in beryllium by fusion-relevant low energy helium ion irradiationK. Morishita, T. Inoue, N. Yoshida
1003-1008Erosion and deposition in the ASDEX Upgrade tungsten divertor experimentH Maier, K Krieger, M Balden, J Roth and the ASDEX Upgrade-Team
1009-1014The role of friction in SOL pressure balance in Alcator C-ModC.S. Pitcher, J.A. Goetz, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, J.L. Weaver, B.L. Welch
1015-1019B2-EIRENE code modelling of an island divertorG. Herre, P. Grigull, R. Schneider
1020-1022Effects of temperature gradients and sheath power transmission on Langmuir probesA. Carlson, A. Bergmann
1023-1027Thermal pattern measurements during disruptions on TEXTOR-94M. Ciotti, T. Denner, G. Maruccia, K.H. Finken, J. Hobirk, A. Kremer-Flecken, G. Maddaluno, G. Mank, P. Pasqua, F.C. Schüller, R. Zanino
1028-1033Behaviour of upstream separatrix density in JET H-mode plasmasS.J Davies, S.K Erents, P.C Stangeby, J Lingertat, G.F Matthews, R.D Monk, G.C Vlases
1034-1039Quantitative comparisons between experimentally measured 2D carbon radiation and Monte Carlo impurity (MCI) code simulationsT.E Evans, D.F Finkenthal, M.E Fenstermacher, A.W Leonard, G.D Porter, W.P West
1040-1044Asymmetries in the divertor power loading in STARTK.M Morel, G.F Counsell, P Helander
1045-1050A CFD onion-skin model for the interpretation of edge experimentsW. Fundamenski, P.C. Stangeby, J.D. Elder
1051-1058FT-IR studies of graphite after keV-energy hydrogen ion irradiationYoshitaka Gotoh, Soji Kajiura
1059-1064Chemical sputtering yields of carbon based materials at high ion flux densitiesH. Grote, W. Bohmeyer, P. Kornejew, H.-D. Reiner, G. Fussmann, R. Schlögl, G. Weinberg, C.H. Wu
1065-1071Dynamic hydrogen retention in the walls of the tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-DG. Haas, R. Maingi, J. Neuhauser, ASDEX Upgrade team, DIII-D team
1072-1077Study on energy distribution of reflected particles from plasma facing materialsY. Hasegawa, S. Masuzaki, N. Noda, N. Ohyabu, A. Sagara, H. Suzuki, A. Komori, T. Morisaki, O. Motojima, V.S. Voitsenya
1078-1083Carbon impurity behavior in w-shaped pumped divertor of JT-60US Higashijima, H Kubo, T Sugie, K Shimizu, A Kumagai, A Sakasai, N Asakura, S Sakurai, N Hosogane, S Konoshima, H Tamai, T Ishijima, H Takenaga, K Itami, M Shimada
1084-1090Noble gas impurity balance and exhaust model for DIII-D and JETD.L. Hillis, J. Hogan, M. von Hellermann, J. Ehrenberg, L. Horton, R. König, P. Morgan, G. Saibene, M.R. Wade
1091-1096Dynamic behavior of hydrogen isotopes in tungsten–carbon composite materialsT Horikawa, B Tsuchiya, K Morita
1097-1102Radiative plasma by impurity seeding in W-shaped pumped divertor experiment of JT-60UK. Itami, N. Hosogane, S. Konoshima, S. Sakurai, N. Asakura, S. Higashijima, A. Sakasai, H. Tamai, M. Shimada
1103-1107Temperature and angular dependences of sputtering yield of B4C-carbon fiber composite irradiated with low energy deuterium ionsR Jimbou, K Nakamura, V Bandourko, M Dairaku, Y Okumura, M Akiba
1108-1112Internal stress induced in the process of boron coatingH. Kemi, C. Sasaki, M. Kitamura, N. Satomi, Y. Ueda, M. Nishikawa
1113-1117Trapping and reflection of eV deuterium ions by fusion materialsA.A. Evanov, V.A. Kurnaev, D.V. Levchuk, A.A. Pisarev
1118-1122Modification of hydrogen recycling due to edge ergodic magnetic layer in long tokamak discharge with high dutyM Kobayashi, K Tashiro, S Takamura
1123-1128Comparison of B2-EIRENE calculations with multi-machine experimental measurementsA Loarte, A.S Kukushkin, H.D Pacher, D.P Coster, R Schneider, N Asakura, K Itami, B LaBombard, B Lipschultz, C.F Maggi, R.D Monk, G.D Porter, M Shimada, M Sugihara, J Terry
1129-1133Finite element modelling Dα radiation and impurity transport in tdevR. Marchand, F. Meo, M. Simard, B. Stansfield, E. Haddad, G. Abel, J.L. Lachambre, D. Pinsonneault, N. Richard, TdeV team
1134-1138Trace tritium and the H-mode density limitG.F. Matthews, K.-D. Zastrow, P. Andrew, B. Balet, N.P. Basse, J. Ehrenberg, S.K. Erents, H. Guo, N. Jarvis, M. Loughlin, F. Marcus, R. Monk, M. O'Mullane, L. Lauro-Taroni, G. Sadler, G. Saibene, R. Simonini, P.C. Stangeby, J. Strachan, A. Taroni
1139-1144Influence of magnetic configuration and heating methods on distribution of diverted plasmas in Heliotron ET. Mizuuchi, V.S. Voitsenya, V.V. Chechkin, K. Nagasaki, H. Zushi, M. Nakasuga, H. Okada, S. Besshou, A. Hayakawa, H. Funaba, T. Hamada, S. Masuzaki, K. Kondo, F. Sano, O. Motojima, O.S. Pavlichenko, T. Obiki
1145-1150Potentials, ER.A. Moyer, R. Lehmer, J.A. Boedo, J.G. Watkins, X. Xu, J.R. Myra, R. Cohen, D.A. D'Ippolito, T.W. Petrie, M.J. Schaffer
1151-1156Retention and release of deuterium implanted in W and MoS. Nagata, K. Takahiro, S. Horiike, S. Yamaguchi
1157-1160Spectroscopic observation of a helium plasma cooled by a hydrogen gas injectionS. Namba, I. Nomura, K. Iwasaki, K. Takiyama, U. Furukane, T. Oda, K. Sato
1161-1166Two-dimensional structure of the detached recombining helium plasma associated with molecular activated recombinationD. Nishijima, N. Ezumi, H. Kojima, N. Ohno, S. Takamur, S.I. Krasheninnikov, A.Yu. Pigarov
1167-1171The ion- and atom-driven transport of deuterium in Nb under the influence of surface impuritiesK. Ohkoshi, V. Alimov, K. Yamaguchi, M. Yamawaki, A.I. Livshits
1172-1179Operating window for high divertor radiation in ITERH.D Pacher, A.S Kukushkin, D.P Coster, A Loarte, G Janeschitz, D Reiter, R Schneider
1180-1184Edge plasma modeling of limiter surfaces in a tokamak divertor configurationM.E Rensink, T.D Rognlien
1185-1190Analysis and oxidation of thick deposits on TEXTOR plasma facing componentsM Rubel, J von Seggern, P Karduck, V Philipps, A Vevecka-Priftaj
1191-1196Plasma characteristics near the X-point in W-shaped divertor of JT-60US. Sakurai, N. Asakura, N. Hosogane, K. Itami, M. Shimada, O. Naito
1197-1201Kinetic analysis of recycling plasma in an oblique magnetic fieldKunihiro Sato
1202-1206Kinetic modeling of the transport in the SOL of TdeV during LH current drive and ELM burstsM. Shoucri, I. Shkarofsky, J.-L. Gauvreau, P. Jacquet, G. Pacher, R. Decoste, O. Batishchev, A. Batishcheva, D. Sigmar
1207-1211The stochastic edge region of W7-XE. Strumberger
1212-1218Growth of redeposited carbon and its impact on isotope retention properties on tungsten in a high flux deuterium plasmaFan C Sze, Leo Chousal, Russ P. Doerner, Stan Luckhardt
1219-1223Particle control and behaviour of neutrals in the pumped W-shaped divertor of JT-60UH. Tamai, N. Asakura, N. Hosogane, H. Takenaga, S. Higashijima, K. Itami, S. Konoshima, H. Kubo, A. Sakasai, S. Sakurai, K. Shimizu
1224-1229Behavior of plasma-sprayed tungsten coatings on CFC and graphite under high heat loadK. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, N. Noda, Y. Kubota, S. Inagaki, R. Sakamoto, T. Sogabe, L. Plöchl
1230-1233A fast scanning Langmuir probe system for ASDEX-Upgrade divertorN Tsois, C Dorn, G Kyriakakis, M Markoulaki, M Pflug, G Schramm, P Theodoropoulos, P Xantopoulos, M Weinlich and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
1234-1239Interpretative modelling of JET's thermal helium diagnosticY Andrew, S.J Davies, D Elder, L.D Horton, G.F Matthews, A Meigs, P.D Morgan, M O'Mullane, M Stamp, R Prentice, P.C Stangeby
1240-1246Radial current and flows in the scrape-off layer of a tokamakM. Van Schoor, R. Weynants
1247-1251Impact of detailed radiation transport on volume recombinationH.A Scott, A.S Wan, D.E Post, M.E Rensink, T.D Rognlien
1252-1256Characterization of the hydrogen emission in divertor II of ASDEX-UpgradeU. Wenzel, K. Behringer, K. Büchl, A. Herrmann, K. Schmidtmann
1257-1260Deuterium retention of DIII-D DiMES sampleY Yamauchi, Y Hirohata, T Hino, K Masaki, M Saidoh, T Ando, D.G Whyte, C Wong
1261-1266Numerical analysis of plasma instabilities in the TEXTOR tokamak edge plasmaR Zagórski, H Gerhauser, H.A Claaßen
1267-1272Fuel recycling and edge plasma control with membrane techniques: plasma–membrane simulation experimentsA. Livshits, N. Ohyabu, M. Bacal, Y. Nakamura, A. Busnyuk, M. Notkin, V. Alimov, A. Samartsev, H. Suzuki, F. Sube
1273-1278Plasma–wall interaction in the Spanish stellarator TJ-II. Diagnostics and first resultsD Tafalla, E de la Cal, B Brañas TJ-II team, F.L Tabarés
1279-1284Edge plasma diagnostics on W7-AS and ASDEX-Upgrade using fast Li beamsS. Fiedler, R. Brandenburg, J. Baldzuhn, K. McCormick, F. Aumayr, J. Schweinzer, H.P. Winter and W7-AS and ASDEX-Upgrade team
1285-1289Broadening of the parallel and perpendicular ion energy spectrum and correlation with turbulent potential fluctuations in a linear magnetized plasmaS.C Luckhardt, R.W Harvey, O.V Batishchev, A.A Batishcheva, J Cuthbertson, R Doerner, A Grossman, R Lehmer, L Blush, D.G Whyte
1290-1295Self-consistent impurity modeling in the Frascati Tokamak UpgradeR. Zanino, C. Ferro, M. Frassinesi, M. Leigheb
1296-1302Hydrogen isotope inventories in the ASDEX Upgrade tungsten coated divertor tilesD Schleußner, H Maier, P Franzen, R Behrisch, M Balden, The ASDEX-Upgrade Team, M Perl, W Knapp, Chr Edelmann
1303-1308The effect of lithium wall conditioning in TFTR on plasma–surface interactionsD.N Ruzic, Monica M.C Allain, R.V Budny

Volume 270, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-272 (1 April 1999)

1-10Review of the materials-chemistry models in the VICTORIA codeD. R. Olander, Vinod Mubayi
11-20Steam oxidation of fuel in defective LWR rodsD. R. Olander, Yeon Soo Kim, Wei-E Wang, Suresh K. Yagnik
21-38Fission product release mechanisms during reactor accident conditionsF. C. Iglesias, B. J. Lewis, P. J. Reid, P. Elder
39-48Thirty years of fuels and materials information from EBR-IIL. C. Walters
49-54Range, energy loss, energy straggling and damage production for α-particles in uranium dioxideHj. Matzke
55-64High burnup effects on fuel behaviour under accident conditions: the tests CABRI REP-NaFranz Schmitz, Joelle Papin
65-73Characterization of UO2 irradiated in the BR-3 reactorSuresh K. Yagnik, Albert J. Machiels, Rosa L. Yang
74-86Artificial neural network models for volatile fission product release during severe accident conditionsWilliam S. Andrews, Brent J. Lewis, David S. Cox
87-95Ramp test behavior of high O/U fuelJ. H. Davies, E. V. Hoshi, D. L. Zimmerman
96-114Microchemistry and microstructure of proton-irradiated austenitic alloys: toward an understanding of irradiation effects in LWR core componentsG. S. Was, T. R. Allen, J. T. Busby, J. Gan, D. Damcott, D. Carter, M. Atzmon, E. A. Kenik
115-128Role and significance of source hardening in radiation embrittlement of iron and ferritic steelsK. Linga Murty
129-133Effects of interface and tensile properties in the dynamic fracture of layered structuresJ. H. McCoy, A. S. Kumar, J. F. Stubbins
134-146A hydrogen uptake micro-mechanism for Zr alloysB. Cox, Y. -M. Wong
147-153Kinetic studies on massive hydriding of commercial zirconium alloy tubingYong-soo Kim, Sun-ki Kim
154-164The effects of adsorbates on Zircaloy oxidation in air and steamKwangheon Park, Yoonchol Cho, Yun-Goo Kim
165-173Crystallization and degradation of zirconium oxide in various pH solutionsYoung Suk Kim, Sang Chul Kwon
174-186Amorphization of Zr3Fe under electron irradiationA. T. Motta, L. M. Howe, P. R. Okamoto
187-193Thermodynamics of urania volatization in steamD. R. Olander
194-211Current knowledge on core degradation phenomena, a reviewP. Hofmann
212-220Tritium behavior in lithium ceramicsC. E. Johnson
221-232Prediction of the oxygen potential in the fuel-to-clad gap of defective fuel rods during severe accident conditionsB. J. Lewis
233-241On the zirconium–oxygen–hydrogen ternary systemMasanobu Miyake, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
242-247A thermodynamic evaluation of the titanium–oxygen system from O/Ti=0 to 3/2Wei-E Wang, Yeon Soo Kim
248-252Thermochemical properties of the hydrogen getter DEBM. Balooch, W. -E. Wang, J. D. LeMay
253-258Uranium dioxide reaction in CF4/O2 RF plasmaYong-soo Kim, Jin-young Min, Ki-kwang Bae, Myung-seung Yang
259-264Vaporization properties of Cs2U4O12 in LWR severe accident simulating conditionsJintao Huang, Michio Yamawaki, Kenji Yamaguchi, Futaba Ono, Masaru Yasumoto, Hiroshi Sakurai, Jun Sugimoto
265-272Effect of particle size on the diffusion behavior of some radionuclides in compacted bentoniteTamotsu Kozaki, Yuichi Sato, Mamoru Nakajima, Hiroyasu Kato, Seichi Sato, Hiroshi Ohashi

Volume 270, Issue 3, Pages 279-381 (2 April 1999)

279-289Zr-rich layers electrodeposited onto stainless steel cladding during the electrorefining of EBR-II fuelDennis D. Keiser Jr., Robert D. Mariani
290-300The effects of low dose rate irradiation and thermal aging on reactor structural alloysT. R. Allen, C. L. Trybus, J. I. Cole
301-308Calculation of thermodynamic parameters of U–Pu–N system with carbon and oxygen impuritiesR. Agarwal, V. Venugopal, D. D. Sood
309-314Degradation of mechanical properties of structural reactor materials induced by formation of stress concentratorsRoman E. Voskoboinikov
315-321Thermal compatibility studies of U3Si2 dispersion fuels prepared with centrifugally atomized powderKi-Hwan Kim, Jong-Man Park, Chang-Kyu Kim, Gerard L. Hofman, Kyung-Wook Paik
322-333Corrosion characteristics and oxide microstructures of Zircaloy-4 in aqueous alkali hydroxide solutionsY. H. Jeong, J. H. Baek, S. J. Kim, H. G. Kim, H. Ruhmann
334-341Thermal stability and brazing characteristics of Zr0.7−xMxBe0.3 (M=Ti or Nb) ternary amorphous filler metalsYoung-Soo Han, Choon-Ho Park, Kuk-Jin Jang, Cha-Hurn Bae, Chang-Burm Choi, Jai-Young Lee
342-348Segregation effects on the corrosion behaviour of a phosphorus-doped AISI type 304L stainless steelP. Muraleedharan, F. Schneider, K. Mummert
349-356Recombination mechanism of point defect loss to coherent precipitates in alloys under irradiationA. A. Turkin, A. S. Bakai
357-367Temperature dependence of the 20% cold worked 316 stainless steel steady state irradiation creep rateJohn Paul Foster, Kermit Bunde, M. L. Grossbeck, E. Robert Gilbert
368-371Calculations of the tritium re-emission rate in the DEMO first wallO. V. Ogorodnikova, M. A. Fütterer, E. Serra, G. Benamati
372-375Enthalpy and heat capacity of LiAlO2 between 298 and 1700 K by drop calorimetryHeiko Kleykamp
376-381The crystal structure of oxides grown on Zr–20Nb alloyO. T. Woo, Y. P. Lin
1-6Neutron energy spectrum and temperature effects on freely migrating defect concentrations and grain boundary segregation in α-FeR. G. Faulkner, D. J. Bacon, S. Song, P. E. J. Flewitt
7-10Diffuse X-ray scattering studies of radiation defects in Ni and dilute Ni alloysHideki Yuya, Hiroshi Maeta, Hideo Ohtsuka, Norimasa Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Sugai, Akihiro Iwase, Tsuneo Matsui, Tetsuya Suzuki, Morio Jinchoh, Kohji Yamakawa
11-14Radiation-induced amorphization and recrystallization of α-SiC single crystalK. Kawatsura, N. Shimatani, T. Igarashi, T. Inoue, N. Terazawa, S. Arai, Y. Aoki, S. Yamamoto, K. Narumi, H. Naramoto, Y. Horino, Y. Mokuno, K. Fujii
15-20Radiation effects of 200 keV and 1 MeV Ni ion on MgO single crystalT. Mitamura, K. Kawatsura, R. Takahashi, T. Adachi, T. Igarashi, S. Arai, N. Masuda, Y. Aoki, S. Yamamoto, K. Narumi, H. Naramoto, Y. Horino, Y. Mokuno, K. Fujii
21-25Radiation damage and radiation-induced segregation in single crystal stainless steel by RBS and PIXE channelingT. Mitamura, K. Kawatsura, T. Nakae, T. Igarashi, T. Inoue, S. Arai, Y. Aoki, S. Yamamoto, K. Narumi, H. Naramoto, Y. Horino, Y. Mokuno, K. Fujii, M. Terasawa, H. Uchida, K. Koterazawa, K. Takahiro, S. Nagata, S. Yamaguchi
26-29Computer simulation of the interaction between an edge dislocation and interstitial clusters in Fe and NiE. Kuramoto, K. Ohsawa, T. Tsutsumi, M. Koyanagi
30-34TRANS_MU computer code for computation of transmutant formation kinetics in advanced structural materials for fusion reactorsNatalya V. Markina, Gregory A. Shimansky
35-40A molecular dynamics simulation study of displacement cascades in vanadiumK. Morishita, T. Diaz de la Rubia
41-45Formation mechanism of clustered small loops (rafts) in fission-neutron irradiated Mo at high temperaturesK. Yamakawa, Y. Shimomura
46-51Simulation of the kinetics of defect accumulation in copper under neutron irradiationH. L. Heinisch, B. N. Singh
52-56Atom transport efficiency in heavy ion irradiated metalsP. Fielitz, V. Naundorf, H. Wollenberger
57-62Subcascade formation in displacement cascade simulations: Implications for fusion reactor materialsRoger E. Stoller, Lawrence R. Greenwood
63-67Defect cluster formation in vanadium irradiated with heavy ionsN. Sekimura, Y. Shirao, H. Yamaguchi, S. Yonamine, Y. Arai
68-72High energy cascades in gold as studied by high energy self-ion irradiationN. Sekimura, Y. Kanzaki, N. Ohtake, J. Saeki, Y. Shirao, S. Ishino, T. Iwata, A. Iwase, R. Tanaka
73-77Radiation processing of powders for improved fusion structural materialsYu. A. Zaykin, B. A. Aliyev, B. P. Chesnokov, O. A. Kiryushatov
78-83Contribution to irradiation creep arising from gas-driven bubble growthC. H. Woo, F. A. Garner
84-86Influence of irradiation on the dislocation kinetics with allowance for the dislocation velocity distributionN. V. Kamyshanchenko, V. V. Krasil'nikov, I. M. Nekliudov, A. A. Parkhomenko
87-91Effect of size and configuration of 3-point bend bar specimens on JShiro Jitsukawa, Akira Naito, Jun Segawa
92-96Properties of precipitation hardened steel irradiated at 323 K in the Japan materials testing reactorM. Niimi, Y. Matsui, S. Jitsukawa, T. Hoshiya, T. Tsukada, M. Ohmi, H. Mimura, N. Ooka, K. Hide
97-101Effects of neutron irradiation on microstructure and mechanical properties of pure ironB. N. Singh, A. Horsewell, P. Toft
102-105Influence of post-irradiation thermal annealing on the mechanical properties of ion irradiated layers in 316L stainless steelC. Robertson, L. Boulanger, S. Poissonnet
106-110Microstructure and mechanical properties of neutron irradiated TiNi shape memory alloyY. Matsukawa, T. Suda, S. Ohnuki, C. Namba
111-114Microstructural examination of Ni-ion irradiated Fe–Ni–Cr alloys followed to micro-zone deformationM. Ando, Y. Katoh, H. Tanigawa, A. Kohyama
115-119The influence of helium co-implantation on ion-induced hardening of low activation ferritic steel evaluated by micro-indentation techniqueY. Katoh, H. Tanigawa, T. Muroga, T. Iwai, A. Kohyama
120-122Justification of the new approach to the testing of the candidate ITER materials in fission reactorV. A. Nikolaenko, V. I. Karpukhin, E. A. Krasikov, V. N. Kuznetsov
123-127Strengthening, loss of strength and embrittlement of beryllium under high temperature neutron irradiationG. A. Sernyaev, A. V. Kozlov, V. R. Barabash
128-132The mechanical properties of 590 MeV proton irradiated ironY. Chen, P. Spätig, M. Victoria
133-138Defect structure development in a pure iron and dilute iron alloys irradiated with neutrons and electronsA. Okada, H. Maeda, K. Hamada, I. Ishida
139-144Irradiation examination of CuNiCrSi alloy for ITER applicationsA. D. Ivanov, A. V. Kozlov, M. V. Chernetsov, S. A. Averin
145-150Mechanical property changes of low activation ferritic/martensitic steels after neutron irradiationY. Kohno, A. Kohyama, T. Hirose, M. L. Hamilton, M. Narui
151-154Postirradiation thermocyclic loading of ferritic–martensitic structural materialsL. Belyaeva, A. Orychtchenko, C. Petersen, V. Rybin
155-161Mechanical properties and microstructure of advanced ferritic–martensitic steels used under high dose neutron irradiationV. K. Shamardin, V. N. Golovanov, T. M. Bulanova, A. V. Povstianko, A. E. Fedoseev, Yu. D. Goncharenko, Z. E. Ostrovsky
162-166Irradiation hardening of V–4Cr–4TiE. V. van Osch, M. I. de Vries
167-172Post-irradiation mechanical properties of austenitic alloys at temperatures below 703 KShiro Jitsukawa, Ikuo Ioka, Akimichi Hishinuma
173-178Post-irradiation creep rupture properties of FBR grade 316 SS structural materialN. Miyaji, Y. Abe, S. Ukai, S. Onose
179-183Evaluation of weld crack susceptibility for neutron irradiated stainless steelsT. Suzuki, A. Kohyama, T. Hirose, M. Narui
184-188Defect-flow-induced heterogeneous dislocation formation and solute redistribution near a grain boundary in austenitic stainless steel under electron irradiationS. Watanabe, N. Sakaguchi, S. Mochizuki, H. Takahashi
189-193Electron irradiation effects on Ti–Ni shape memory alloysA. Okada, K. Hamada, T. Matsumoto, I. Ishida, Y. Abe
194-199Annealing of Cu3Au irradiated with protons, α-particles and C ions at liquid nitrogen temperatureHideo Sakairi, Eiichi Yagi, Akio Koyama
200-204High-resolution electron microscopy of γ-TiAl irradiated with 15 keV helium ions at room temperatureMinghui Song, Kazuo Furuya, Tatsuhiko Tanabe, Tetsuji Noda
205-208MD study of the dynamic behavior of small interstitial clusters in FeM. Koyanagi, K. Ohsawa, E. Kuramoto
209-213Interaction of solutes with irradiation-induced defects of electron-irradiated dilute iron alloysH. Abe, E. Kuramoto
214-219Dynamical process of defect clustering in Ni under the irradiation with low energy helium ionsK. Ono, K. Arakawa, N. Yoshida
220-224Voids in fast-neutron-irradiated Cu, Ni and Cu–Ni concentrated alloys studied by TEM and positron annihilation methodsH. Fukushima, K. Ochiai, Y. Shimomura
225-229Computer simulation on the void formation in neutron-irradiated Cu and Ni at high temperatureY. Shimomura, I. Mukouda, K. Sugio
230-235Damage evolution in neutron-irradiated Cu during neutron irradiationIchiro Mukouda, Yoshiharu Shimomura
236-240Defect accumulation behavior in iron irradiated with energetic ions and electrons at not, vert, similar80 KY. Chimi, A. Iwase, N. Ishikawa
241-245Disordering kinetics of Ni3Al under ion irradiationS. Müller, C. Abromeit, S. Matsumura, N. Wanderka, H. Wollenberger
246-250Modelling of dissolution profiles of ordered particles under irradiationC. Abromeit, E. Camus, S. Matsumura
251-255Dynamical phase changes induced by point defect fluxes under irradiationC. Abromeit, G. Martin
256-260Invisible and visible point defect clusters in neutron irradiated ironM. Horiki, T. Yoshiie, M. Iseki, M. Kiritani
261-265Void formation close to stacking fault tetrahedra in heavily electron irradiated pure Ag and CuK. Niwase, F. Phillipp, W. Sigle, A. Seeger
266-269An analysis of void swelling dose dependence in ion irradiated V–Fe alloysV. A. Pechenkin, Yu. V. Konobeev, S. I. Rudnev, G. A. Epov
270-273The effect of the solute atomic size on the swelling of vanadium alloysV. A. Borodin, A. I. Ryazanov
274-279Atomic mechanisms and energetics of thermally activated processes of helium redistribution in vanadiumV. M. Chernov, V. A. Romanov, A. O. Krutskikh
280-284Structural change in graphite under electron irradiation at low temperaturesM. Takeuchi, S. Muto, T. Tanabe, H. Kurata, K. Hojou
285-289TEM analyses of surface ridge network in an ion-irradiated graphite thin filmS. Muto, T. Tanabe, M. Takeuchi, Y. Kobayashi, S. Furuno, K. Hojou
290-295Microstructural evolution and radiation stability of steels and alloysV. N. Voyevodin, I. M. Neklyudov, V. V. Bryk, O. V. Borodin
296-300Destination of point defects and microstructural evolution under collision cascade damageT. Yoshiie, M. Kiritani
301-305Microstructural evolution and hardening of neutron irradiated vanadium alloys at low temperatures in Japan Material Testing ReactorY. Candra, K. Fukumoto, A. Kimura, H. Matsui
306-310Surface morphology and void formation in 316L stainless steel irradiated with high energy C-ionsZ. G. Wang, K. Q. Chen, L. W. Li, C. H. Zhang, J. M. Quan, M. D. Hou, R. H. Xu, F. Ma, Y. F. Jin, C. L. Li, Y. M. Sun
311-315Effect of solute concentration on grain boundary migration with segregation in stainless steel and model alloysH. Kanda, N. Hashimoto, H. Takahashi
316-320Microstructures of type 316 model alloys neutron-irradiated at 513 K to 1 dpaY. Miwa, T. Tsukada, H. Tsuji, H. Nakajima
321-325Effects of He implantation on radiation induced segregation in Cu–Au and Ni–Si alloysA. Iwase, L. E. Rehn, P. M. Baldo, L. Funk
326-329Observation of spatial distribution of tritium in zirconium alloy with microautoradiographyK. Isobe, Y. Hatano, M. Sugisaki, T. Hayashi, M. Nishi, K. Okuno
330-332Trapping of deuterium by niobium at eV ion bombardment energiesA. A. Evanov, V. A. Kurnaev, D. V. Levchuk, A. A. Pisarev
333-339Behavior of ion-implanted helium and structural changes in nickel-base alloys under long-time exposure at elevated temperaturesI. I. Chernov, B. A. Kalin, A. N. Kalashnikov, V. M. Ananin
340-344Radiation-induced segregation of deuterium in austenitic steels and vanadium alloysV. L. Arbuzov, G. A. Raspopova, V. B. Vykhodets
345-348Investigation of palladium alloy properties degradation during long-time tritium exposureV. Tebus, L. Rivkis, G. Arutunova, E. Dmitrievsky, V. Filin, Y. Golikov, V. Krivova, V. Kapychev
349-355Neutronics aspects of a DHCE experimentItacil C. Gomes, Hanchung Tsai, Dale L. Smith
356-359Physical mechanisms of helium release during deformation of vanadium alloys doped with helium atomsA. Ryazanov, H. Matsui, A. V. Kazaryan
360-364Effects of varying temperature irradiation on the neutron irradiation hardening of reduced-activation 9Cr–2W martensitic steelsR. Kasada, A. Kimura, H. Matsui, M. Hasegawa, M. Narui
365-369Effect of temperature change on microstructural evolution of vanadium alloys under neutron irradiation in JMTRN. Nita, K. Fukumoto, A. Kimura, H. Matsui
370-375Effect of temperature change on void swelling in P, Ti-modified 316 stainless steelN. Akasaka, K. Hattori, S. Onose, S. Ukai
376-380Microstructural evolution in vanadium irradiated during ion irradiation at constant and varying temperatureK. Ochiai, H. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida, H. Matsui
381-384Fluence dependence of defect evolution in austenitic stainless steels during fission neutron irradiationH. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida
385-390Triple ion beam studies of radiation damage in 9Cr–2WVTa ferritic/martensitic steel for a high power spallation neutron sourceE. H. Lee, J. D. Hunn, G. R. Rao, R. L. Klueh, L. K. Mansur
391-395Development of tritium permeation barriers on Al base in EuropeG. Benamati, C. Chabrol, A. Perujo, E. Rigal, H. Glasbrenner
396-400Calculation and experimental investigation of fusion reactor divertor plate and first wall protection by capillary-pore systems with lithiumV. A. Evtikhin, I. E. Lyublinski, A. V. Vertkov, V. G. Belan, I. K. Konkashbaev, L. B. Nikandrov
401-404Properties of lithium metatitanate pebbles produced by a wet processJ. G. van der Laan, R. P. Muis
405-409The use of liquid metals in porous materials for divertor applicationsL. I. Ivanov, S. A. Maslyaev, V. N. Pimenov, E. V. Dyomina, Yu. M. Platov
410-414Be–Cu joints based on amorphous alloy brazing for divertor and first wall applicationB. Kalin, V. Fedotov, O. Sevryukov, A. Plyuschev, I. Mazul, A. Gervash, R. Giniatulin
415-417Dependence of deuterium line-shape on the insertion depth of BN and C limiters in the TPE-1RM20 reversed field pinch plasmaShigeyuki Sekine, Yoichi Hirano, Toshio Shimada, Yasuyuki Yagi, Hajime Sakakita
418-422Deuterium retention in codeposited layers and carbon materials exposed to high flux D-plasmaI. I. Arkhipov, A. E. Gorodetsky, R. Kh. Zalavutdinov, A. P. Zakharov, T. A. Burtseva, I. V. Mazul, B. I. Khripunov, V. V. Shapkin, V. B. Petrov
423-428Microstructure and impact properties of ultra-fine grained tungsten alloys dispersed with TiCYuji Kitsunai, Hiroaki Kurishita, Hideo Kayano, Yutaka Hiraoka, Tadashi Igarashi, Tomohiro Takida
429-434Fracture toughness of copper-base alloys for fusion energy applicationsD. J. Alexander, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe
435-439The method design, manufacture and tests of the porous beryllium mock-ups for the ITER breeding blanketD. A. Davydov, M. I. Solonin, Yu. E. Markuchkin, V. A. Gorokhov, V. V. Gorlevsky
440-444Modeling of the cyclic ball indentation test for small specimens using the finite element methodTakuya Yamamoto, Hiroaki Kurishita, Hideki Matsui
445-449Tensile and impact behaviour of BATMAN II steels, Ti-bearing reduced activation martensitic alloysG. Filacchioni, E. Casagrande, U. De Angelis, G. De Santis, D. Ferrara, L. Pilloni
450-454Influence of helium on impact properties of reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic Cr-steelsR. Lindau, A. Möslang, D. Preininger, M. Rieth, H. D. Röhrig
455-458Influence of thermal aging on tensile and impact bending properties of the steel grades OPTIFER and F82H mod.L. Schäfer, M. Schirra
459-462Study of oxygen influence on vanadium product for fusion structural materialsXia Hui, Wang Yan, Liu Ansheng, Han Xue, Wu Lijun
463-466Corrosion of some V- and Nb-base alloys under irradiation in waterV. A. Kazakov, V. P. Chakin, Yu. D. Goncharenko
467-471Development of a reaction-sintered silicon carbide matrix compositeA. Sayano, C. Sutoh, S. Suyama, Y. Itoh, S. Nakagawa
472-477Influence of neutron irradiation on deformability and fracture micromechanisms of titanium αO. A. Kozhevnikov, E. V. Nesterova, V. V. Rybin, I. I. Yarmolovich
478-485ITER Materials R&D Data BankShigeru Tanaka, R. Matera, G. Kalinin, V. Barabash, K. Mohri
486-490Present status of Data-Free-Way (distributed database system for advanced nuclear materials)Hirokazu Tsuji, Norio Yokoyama, Mitsutane Fujita, Yutaka Kurihara, Shigeki Kano, Yoshiaki Tachi, Kazuki Shimura, Ritsuko Nakajima, Shuichi Iwata
491-495Evaluation of magnetic fields due to the ferromagnetic vacuum vessel and their influence on plasma discharge in tokamak devicesT. Nakayama, M. Abe, T. Tadokoro, M. Otsuka
496-501Radiation-induced electrical and optical processes in materials based on Al2O3O. A. Plasksin, V. A. Stepanov, P. A. Stepanov, V. M. Chernov
502-504Superconducting transition in Nb3Ge irradiated by neutrons in the superconducting stateL. S. Topchishvili, T. Sh. Kvirikashvili
505-507Critical current in NbTi wires irradiated by neutrons at 20 KL. S. Topchishvili, A. I. Naskidashvili
508-511Manufacturing technique of Nb3Al super-conductive sheet by electrically heated powder rollingC. Mochizuki, M. Mikami
512-517Research progress of fusion materials in CIAEJinnan Yu, Changqi Shan
518-525Low activation materialsR. H. Jones, H. L. Heinisch, K. A. McCarthy
526-531Plasma-facing materials mixing and mixed material propertiesY.   Hirooka 
532-537The role of materials R&D in the development of commercial fusion power plantsJ. W. Davis
538-539Summary of discussion session: Design and materialsA. Kohyama, E. E. Bloom, K. Ehrlich
540-552Damage production and accumulationM.   Kiritani 
553-559Common technologies and knowledge sharingJ. W.   Davis 
560-568Irradiation effects in ceramics for fusion reactor applicationsTatsuo Shikama, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Shin Yamamoto, Chiken Kinoshita, Steven J. Zinkle, Eric R. Hodgson
569-577ITER and beyondM.   Seki 
578-582Materials research and development strategy in the next decadeK.   Abe 

Volume 273, Issue 1, Pages 1-116 (June 1999)

1-26Hydrogen isotope retention in beryllium for tokamak plasma-facing applicationsR. A. Anderl, R. A. Causey, J. W. Davis, R. P. Doerner, G. Federici, A. A. Haasz, G. R. Longhurst, W. R. Wampler, K. L. Wilson
27-36Immobilization of spent nuclear fuel in iron phosphate glassM. G. Mesko, D. E. Day
37-51Kohler solution model for prediction of activities of constituent metals in austenitic steels and other iso-structural alloys and a comparison with experimental dataH. P. Nawada, O. M. Sreedharan
52-59The effect of texture variation on delayed hydride cracking behavior of Zr–2.5%Nb plateSung Soo Kim, Sang Chul Kwon, Young Suk Kim
60-65Permeation of multi-component hydrogen isotopes through austenitic stainless steelsTomofumi Shiraishi, Masabumi Nishikawa, Takahiro Yamaguchi, Kentaro Kenmotsu
66-78Hydrogen isotope permeation through and inventory in the first wall of the water cooled Pb–17Li blanket for DEMOO. V. Ogorodnikova, M. A. Fütterer, E. Serra, G. Benamati, J. -F. Salavy, G. Aiello
79-94Modeling and analysis of time-dependent tritium transport in lithium oxideA. Badawi, A. R. Raffray, M. A. Abdou
95-101Relationship between hardening and damage structure in austenitic stainless steel 316LN irradiated at low temperature in the HFIRN. Hashimoto, E. Wakai, J. P. Robertson
102-110Reactions of hydrogen with V–Cr–Ti alloysJ. R. DiStefano, J. H. De Van, D. H. Röhrig, L. D. Chitwood
111-115Metal and oxygen mobilities during Zircaloy-4 oxidation at high temperatureA. Grandjean, Y. Serruys

Volume 273, Issue 2, Pages 117-231 (July 1999)

117-129TEM and SEM studies of radiation blistering in helium-implanted copperP. B. Johnson, R. W. Thomson, Karen Reader
130-138Effect of strain rate and test temperature on superplasticity of a Zr–2.5 wt% Nb alloyS. V. Shukla, C. Chandrashekharayya, R. N. Singh, R. Fotedar, R. Kishore, T. K. Sinha, B. P. Kashyap
139-145Semi-empirical models of actinide alloyingJohn K. Gibson, Richard G. Haire, Toru Ogawa
146-154The effect of tantalum on the mechanical properties of a 9Cr–2W–0.25V–0.07Ta–0.1C steelR. L. Klueh, D. J. Alexander, M. Rieth
155-163Theory of gas bubble nucleation in supersaturated solution of vacancies, interstitials and gas atomsA. E. Volkov, A. I. Ryazanov
164-170Native vacancy migrations in zirconR. E. Williford, W. J. Weber, R. Devanathan, A. N. Cormack
171-176Chemical interactions in the EXOTIC-7 experimentH. Kleykamp
177-181Long-term oxidation characteristics of oxygen-added modified Zircaloy-4 in 360°C waterHyun Seon Hong, Seon Jin Kim, Kyung Sub Lee
182-191Characterization of Zircaloy-4 oxide layers by impedance spectroscopyP. Barberis, A. Frichet
192-202Fatigue failure analysis of V–4Ti–4Cr alloyH. Aglan, Y. X. Gan, B. Chin, M. Grossbeck
203-212Evaluation and mitigation of tritium memory in detritiation dryersC. Malara, I. Ricapito, R. A. H. Edwards, F. Toci
213-220Neutron irradiation induced amorphization of silicon carbideL. L. Snead, J. C. Hay
221-227Diffusion model for the oxidation of Zircaloy-4 at 400°C in steam. The influence of metallurgical structure (precipitates and grain size)E. A. Garcia, G. Béranger
228-231Irradiation swelling of explosively shocked materialsV. M. Kosenkov, A. V. Kolesnikov, S. A. Vorobjev

Volume 273, Issue 3, Pages 233-356 (1 August 1999)

233-238Investigation on the suitability of plasma sprayed Fe–Cr–Al coatings as tritium permeation barrierC. Fazio, K. Stein-Fechner, E. Serra, H. Glasbrenner, G. Benamati
239-247Behavior of metallic fission products in uranium–plutonium mixed oxide fuelI. Sato, H. Furuya, T. Arima, K. Idemitsu, K. Yamamoto
248-256Amplitude dependent damping study in austenitic stainless steels 316H and 304H. Its relation with the microstructureG. I. Zelada-Lambri, O. A. Lambri, G. H. Rubiolo
257-264Creep deformation and fracture behaviour of a nitrogen-bearing type 316 stainless steel weld metalG. Sasikala, M. D. Mathew, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao, S. L. Mannan
265-270Characterization of hydrogen permeation through recycled cast iron for subsurface disposalA. M. Brass, F. Barbier
271-276Measurements of the radiation resistant fused quartz radioluminescence spectral intensity under irradiation in the pulse nuclear reactorA. Gorshkov, D. Orlinski, V. Sannikov, K. Vukolov, S. Goncharov, Yu. Sadovnikov, A. Kirillov
277-284Depth distribution of deuterium atoms and molecules in beryllium oxide implanted with deuterium ionsV. Kh. Alimov, V. N. Chernikov
285-293Intrinsic hydrogen transport constants in the CFC matrix and fibres derived from isovolumetric desorption experimentsLuis A. Sedano, Adolfo Perujo, Chung H. Wu
294-301Determination of the solidus temperatures of Zircaloy-4/oxygen alloysP. J. Hayward, I. M. George
302-309Depth profiles of damage accumulation in UO2 and (U,Gd)O2 pellets irradiated with 100 MeV iodine ionsK. Nogita, K. Hayashi, K. Une, K. Fukuda
310-314Vaporization study on lanthanum–neodymium alloys by mass-spectrometryYoshiyuki Shoji, Tsuneo Matsui
315-325Influence of prior thermal ageing on tensile deformation and fracture behaviour of forged thick section 9Cr–1Mo ferritic steelB. K. Choudhary, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao, S. L. Mannan, B. P. Kashyap
326-333Comprehensive physical models and simulation package for plasma/material interactions during plasma instabilitiesA. Hassanein, I. Konkashbaev
334-337Modification of microstructure and the alligatoring damage in a modified 9Cr–1Mo steelR. Kishore, T. K. Sinha
338-342Proton irradiation effects in Zr–1.0 Nb–1.0 Sn–0.1 Fe probed by positron annihilationP. Mukherjee, P. M. G. Nambissan, Pintu Sen, P. Barat, S. K. Bandyopadhyay
343-346Application of a linear free energy relationship to crystalline solids of MO2 and M(OH)4Huifang Xu, Yifeng Wang, Larry L. Barton

Volume 274, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-227 (2 August 1999)

1-6Concepts for an inert matrix fuel, an overviewC. Degueldre, J. M. Paratte
7-14Preparation of simulated inert matrix fuel with different powders by dry milling methodY. -W. Lee, H. S. Kim, S. H. Kim, C. Y. Joung, S. H. Na, G. Ledergerber, P. Heimgartner, M. Pouchon, M. Burghartz
15-22Thermophysical properties of rock-like oxide fuel with spinel–yttria stabilized zirconia systemN. Nitani, T. Yamashita, T. Matsuda, S. -i. Kobayashi, T. Ohmichi
23-33Preliminary fabrication and characterisation of inert matrix and thoria fuels for plutonium disposition in light water reactorsF. Vettraino, G. Magnani, T. LaTorretta, E. Marmo, S. Coelli, L. Luzzi, P. Ossi, G. Zappa
34-39Modelling, manufacturing and thermomechanical characterization of spinel–uranium dioxide composite fuelsI. Munoz-Viallard, M. Bauer, J. -M. Bonnerot
40-46Preparation of rock-like oxide fuels for the irradiation test in the Japan Research Reactor No. 3T. Shiratori, T. Yamashita, T. Ohmichi, A. Yasuda, K. Watarumi
47-53Materials research on inert matrices: a screening studyHj. Matzke, V. V. Rondinella, T. Wiss
54-60Silicon carbide as an inert-matrix for a thermal reactor fuelR. A. Verrall, M. D. Vlajic, V. D. Krstic
61-65Behavior of cesium implanted in zirconia based inert matrix fuelM. A. Pouchon, M. Döbeli, C. Degueldre, M. Burghartz
66-77Radiation damage effects in zirconiaK. E. Sickafus, Hj. Matzke, Th. Hartmann, K. Yasuda, J. A. Valdez, P. Chodak III, M. Nastasi, R. A. Verrall
78-83Neutron irradiation of polycrystalline yttrium aluminate garnet, magnesium aluminate spinel and α-alumina.E. A. C. Neeft, R. J. M. Konings, K. Bakker, J. G. Boshoven, H. Hein, R. P. C. Schram, A. van Veen, R. Conrad
84-90Transmutation of actinides in inert-matrix fuels: fabrication studies and modelling of fuel behaviourR. J. M. Konings, K. Bakker, J. G. Boshoven, H. Hein, M. E. Huntelaar, R. R. van der Laan
91-97In-pile studies of inert matrices with emphasis on magnesia and magnesium aluminate spinelN. Chauvin, T. Albiol, R. Mazoyer, J. Noirot, D. Lespiaux, J. C. Dumas, C. Weinberg, J. C. Ménard, J. P. Ottaviani
98-104In-pile irradiation of plutonium rock-like oxide fuels with yttria stabilized zirconia or thoria, spinel and corundumT. Yamashita, N. Nitani, H. Kanazawa, M. Magara, T. Ohmichi, H. Takano, T. Muromura
105-111Optimisation of inert matrix fuel concepts for americium transmutationN. Chauvin, R. J. M. Konings, Hj. Matzke
112-119Reactor physics aspects of plutonium burning in inert matrix fuelsJ. L. Kloosterman, P. M. G. Damen
120-126Validation efforts for the neutronics of a plutonium–erbium–zirconium oxide inert matrix light water reactor fuelJ. M. Paratte, R. Chawla, R. Früh, O. P. Joneja, S. Pelloni, C. Pralong
127-134Burnup analysis of rock-like oxide fuel disks irradiated in the Japan Research Reactor No. 3Y. Nakano, H. Akie, M. Magara, H. Takano
135-138Alternative versions of inert matrix fuel for the use of civil and weapons-grade plutonium in reactorsA. Vatulin, V. Lysenko, V. Kostomarov, V. Sirotin
139-145Core design study on rock-like oxide fuel light water reactor and improvements of core characteristicsH. Akie, H. Takano, Y. Anoda
146-152Conceptual studies for pressurised water reactor cores employing plutonium–erbium–zirconium oxide inert matrix fuel assembliesA. Stanculescu, U. Kasemeyer, J. -M. Paratte, R. Chawla
153-159Toward very high burnups, a strategy for plutonium utilization in pressurized water reactorsJ. Porta, J. -Y. Doriath
160-166Design study of an irradiation experiment with inert matrix and mixed-oxide fuel at the Halden boiling water reactorU. Kasemeyer, H. -K. Joo, G. Ledergerber
167-173Pulse irradiation tests of rock-like oxide fuelK. Okonogi, T. Nakamura, M. Yoshinaga, K. Ishijima, H. Akie, H. Takano
174-180Core severe accidents with cermet fuels – a specific study for pressurized water reactorsJ. Porta, C. Aillaud, S. Baldi
181-188Neutronic analysis of U-free inert matrix and thoria fuels for plutonium disposition in pressurised water reactorsC. Lombardi, A. Mazzola, E. Padovani, M. E. Ricotti
189-196Modeling the solubility of zirconia in a repository for high-level radioactive wasteE. Curti, W. Hummel
197-205A study of actinide decay chains on the environmental effect of a geologic disposal of ‘rock-like oxide' fuels and uranium–plutonium oxide fuelsH. Kimura, H. Takano, T. Muromura
206-217Physical and chemical characteristics of baddeleyite (monoclinic zirconia) in natural environments: an overview and case studyG. R. Lumpkin

Volume 274, Issue 3, Pages 229-356 (September 1999)

229-251A review of the high temperature oxidation of uranium oxides in molten salts and in the solid state to form alkali metal uranates, and their composition and propertiesTrevor R. Griffiths, Vladimir A. Volkovich
252-272Thermochemistry of binary Na–NaH and ternary Na–O–H systems and the kinetics of reaction of hydrogen/water with liquid sodium – a reviewT. Gnanasekaran
273-286Annealing behaviour of reactor pressure-vessel steels studied by positron-annihilation spectroscopy, Mössbauer spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopyV. Slugeimage, D. Segers, P. M. A. de Bakker, E. De Grave, V. Magula, T. Van Hoecke, B. Van Waeyenberge
287-298Influence of high-dose Kr+ irradiation on structural evolution and swelling of 16Cr–15Ni–3Mo–1Ti aging steelV. V. Sagaradze, S. S. Lapin, M. A. Kirk, B. N. Goshchitskii
299-314Radiation-induced material changes and susceptibility to intergranular failure of light-water-reactor core internalsS. M. Bruemmer, E. P. Simonen, P. M. Scott, P. L. Andresen, G. S. Was, J. L. Nelson
315-319In situ purification, alloying and casting methodology for metallic plutoniumJason C. Lashley, Michael S. Blau, Karl P. Staudhammer, Ramiro A. Pereyra
320-328Deposition of lithium on a plasma edge probe in TFTR. Behavior of lithium-painted walls interacting with edge plasmasY. Hirooka, K. Ashida, H. Kugel, D. Walsh, W. Wampler, M. Bell, R. Conn, M. Hara, S. Luckhardt, M. Matsuyama, D. Mansfield, D. Mueller, C. Skinner, T. Walters, K. Watanabe
329-335Influence of isothermal and cyclic annealing on structure and swelling of neutron-irradiated berylliumD. V. Andreev, V. N. Bespalov, A. Yu. Biryukov, E. A. Krasikov
336-340Transmutation of technetium – results of the EFTTRA-T2 experimentR. J. M. Konings, R. Conrad
341-344An Auger electron spectroscope analysis of thermally-sensitized type 304 stainless steels irradiated to low neutron fluencesT. Onchi, K. Hide, H. M. Chung

Volume 275, Issue 1, Pages 1-123 (October 1999)

1-11Selection of materials as diluents for burning of plutonium fuels in nuclear reactorsH. Kleykamp
12-18Morphology of UO2M. Abramowski, R. W. Grimes, S. Owens
19-27Wet precipitate method for mixing magnesium and uranium in preparation of MgyTakeo Fujino, Yoshihide Hoshi, Nobuaki Sato, Kohta Yamada
28-36The mode of stress corrosion cracking in Ni-base alloys in high temperature water containing leadSeong Sik Hwang, Hong Pyo Kim, Deok Hyun Lee, Uh Chul Kim, Joung Soo Kim
37-46Reexamination of the fundamental interactions of water with uraniumWilliam L. Manner, Jane A. Lloyd, Mark T. Paffett
47-55Internal friction study of hydrogen behaviour in low activated martensitic F82H steelYu. Jagodzinski, A. Tarasenko, S. Smuk, S. Tähtinen, H. Hänninen
56-62Assessment of the radial extent and completion of recrystallisation in high burn-up UO2 nuclear fuel by EPMAC. T. Walker
63-73Determination of displacement threshold energies in pure Ti and in γ-TiAl alloys by electron irradiationG. Sattonnay, F. Rullier-Albenque, O. Dimitrov
74-80Influence of thermomechanical treatment on the corrosion behavior of Zr–1Nb–0.2Cu alloysJeong Min Kim, Yong Hwan Jeong
81-9479Se: geochemical and crystallo-chemical retardation mechanismsFanrong Chen, Peter C. Burns, Rodney C. Ewing
95-100Feedback control of highly radiative plasmas in Tore SupraC. Grisolia, Ph. Ghendrih, A. Grosman, P. Monier-Garbet, D. Moulin, J. C. Vallet
101-107Damage observed in Mo irradiated with 14 MeV neutrons at RTNS-IIK. Yamakawa, Y. Shimomura
112-114Reply to the comments by J.H. Evans about two papers ‘Thermal treatment of UO2 irradiated in a pressurized water reactor: swelling and release of fission gases' and ‘Microstructural analysis and modelling of intergranular swelling of an irradiated UO2 fuel treated at high temperature' by I. Zacharie, S. Lansiart, P. Combette, M. Trotabas, M. Coster and M. GroosP. Combette, I. Zacharie
115-118Mechanical properties of 304L stainless steel irradiated with 800 MeV protonsJ. Chen, Y. Dai, F. Carsughi, W. F. Sommer, G. S. Bauer, H. Ullmaier
119-123Location of krypton atoms in uranium dioxideT. Petit, G. Jomard, C. Lemaignan, B. Bigot, A. Pasturel

Volume 275, Issue 2, Pages 125-230 (November 1999)

125-137The influence of neutron irradiation on the fatigue performance of OFHC copper and a dispersion strengthened copper alloyB. N. Singh, J. F. Stubbins, P. Toft
138-145Effect of Ti solute on the recovery of cold-rolled V–Ti alloysT. Leguey, A. Muñoz, R. Pareja
146-150Preparation and characterization of uranyl oxalate powdersH. Tel, M. Bülbül, M. Eral, Y. Altaimage
151-157Equilibrium phase relations in the U–Zr–Fe ternary systemKinya Nakamura, Masaki Kurata, Takanari Ogata, Akinori Itoh, Mitsuo Akabori
158-163Nitrogen implantation into carbon: retention, release and target-erosion processesS. Grigull, R. Behrisch, S. Parascandola
164-185A theoretical study of volatile fission products release from oxide fuelsM. C. Paraschiv, A. Paraschiv, V. V. Grecu
186-193Electrolytic hydrogenation and its isotope effect in Zr and Pd studied by ERDA and SIMS techniquesYasuhisa Oya, Tatsuya Suzuki, Koichi Iinuma, Kenji Morita, Tomoaki Horikawa, Katsunori Abe, Makoto Okamoto
194-200Synergistic interaction of fatigue and stress corrosion on the corrosion fatigue crack growth behavior in Alloy 600 in high temperature and high pressure waterW. Y. Maeng, Y. H. Kang, T. W. Nam, S. Ohashi, T. Ishihara
201-205Gibbs energy of formation of barium thorate (BaThO3) by reactive carrier gas techniqueS. R. Bharadwaj, R. Mishra, M. Ali(Basu), D. Das, A. S. Kerkar, S. R. Dharwadkar
206-210Effects of thermal cycles on 222Rn permeability in AuS. K. Bhattacharyya, S. K. Pabi
211-215Use of linear free energy relationship to predict Gibbs free energies of formation of zirconolite phases (MZrTi2O7 and MHfTi2O7)Huifang Xu, Yifeng Wang
216-220Use of linear free energy relationship to predict Gibbs free energies of formation of pyrochlore phases (CaMTi2O7)Huifang Xu, Yifeng Wang
221-224Cation incorporation into zirconium oxide in LiOH, NaOH, and KOH solutionsYong Hwan Jeong, Kyeong Ho Kim, Jong Hyuk Baek
225-230Determination of thermodynamic stability of CrSbO4 using oxide solid electrolyteK. Swaminathan, O. M. Sreedharan

Volume 275, Issue 3, Pages 231-345 (November 1999)

231-245Fluorination of uranium dioxide particles: a review of physical and chemical properties of the compounds involvedS. S. Sazhin, A. P. Jeapes
246-254Reactions of U–Zr alloy with Fe and Fe–Cr alloyKinya Nakamura, Takanari Ogata, Masaki Kurata, Akinori Itoh, Mitsuo Akabori
255-267Hydride distribution around a blister in Zr–2.5Nb pressure tubesG. Domizzi, G. Vigna, S. Bermúdez, J. Ovejero-García
268-276Mechanisms involved in thermal diffusion of rare earth elements in apatiteP. Martin, G. Carlot, A. Chevarier, C. Den-Auwer, G. Panczer
277-286Volatilization of urania in steam at elevated temperaturesKenichi Hashizume, Wei-E Wang, Donald R. Olander
287-295A thermodynamic database for zirconium alloysN. Dupin, I. Ansara, C. Servant, C. Toffolon, C. Lemaignan, J. C. Brachet
296-304The behaviour of control rod absorber under irradiationJ. Bourgoin, F. Couvreur, D. Gosset, F. Defoort, M. Monchanin, X. Thibault
305-311Study by acoustic microscopy of irradiated and non-irradiated uranium dioxideV. Roque, D. Baron, J. Bourgoin, J. M. Saurel
312-317Fracture strength of hydride precipitates in Zr–2.5Nb alloysS. -Q. Shi, M. P. Puls
318-323Diffusion-controlled hydride growth near crack tip in zirconium under temperature transientsS. -Q. Shi
324-331Low temperature yield properties of two 7–9Cr ferritic/martensitic steelsP. Spätig, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas
332-335Vaporization behavior of NpN coloaded with PuNK. Nakajima, Y. Arai, Y. Suzuki

Volume 276, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-306 (1 January 2000)

1-12The primary damage state in fcc, bcc and hcp metals as seen in molecular dynamics simulationsD. J. Bacon, F. Gao, Yu. N. Osetsky
13-21Comparative study of radiation damage accumulation in Cu and FeM. J. Caturla, N. Soneda, E. Alonso, B. D. Wirth, T. Díaz de la Rubia, J. M. Perlado
22-32The role of cascade energy and temperature in primary defect formation in ironRoger E. Stoller
33-40Dislocation loop structure, energy and mobility of self-interstitial atom clusters in bcc ironB. D. Wirth, G. R. Odette, D. Maroudas, G. E. Lucas
41-49Similarity and difference between fcc, bcc and hcp metals from the view point of point defect cluster formationMichio Kiritani
50-58The search for interstitial dislocation loops produced in displacement cascades at 20 K in copperM. A. Kirk, M. L. Jenkins, H. Fukushima
59-64Kinetic Monte Carlo studies of the effects of Burgers vector changes on the reaction kinetics of one-dimensionally gliding interstitial clustersH. L. Heinisch, B. N. Singh, S. I. Golubov
65-77Stability and mobility of defect clusters and dislocation loops in metalsYu. N. Osetsky, D. J. Bacon, A. Serra, B. N. Singh, S. I. Golubov
78-89Defect accumulation in fcc and bcc metals and alloys under cascade damage conditions – Towards a generalisation of the production bias modelS. I. Golubov, B. N. Singh, H. Trinkaus
90-103Defect accumulation behaviour in hcp metals and alloysC. H. Woo
104-113Stability of ordered phases under irradiationC. Abromeit, H. Wollenberger, S. Matsumura, C. Kinoshita
114-122The microstructure and associated tensile properties of irradiated fcc and bcc metalsM. Victoria, N. Baluc, C. Bailat, Y. Dai, M. I. Luppo, R. Schimageublin, B. N. Singh
123-142Comparison of swelling and irradiation creep behavior of fcc-austenitic and bcc-ferritic/martensitic alloys at high neutron exposureF. A. Garner, M. B. Toloczko, B. H. Sencer
143-153Computer simulation of fundamental behaviors of interstitial clusters in Fe and NiE. Kuramoto
154-1653D dislocation dynamics: stress–strain behavior and hardening mechanisms in fcc and bcc metalsHussein M. Zbib, Tomas Díaz de la Rubia, Moono Rhee, John P. Hirth
166-177Interaction and accumulation of glissile defect clusters near dislocationsN. M. Ghoniem, B. N. Singh, L. Z. Sun, T. Díaz de la Rubia
178-185Comparison between radiation effects in some fcc and bcc metals irradiated with energetic heavy ions – a reviewA. Iwase, S. Ishino
186-193Heavy ion irradiation and annealing of lead: atomistic simulations and experimental validationM. -J. Caturla, M. Wall, E. Alonso, T. Díaz de la Rubia, T. Felter, M. J. Fluss
194-201Collision cascades in metals and semiconductors: defect creation and interface behaviorK. Nordlund, R. S. Averback
202-212Interactions between mobile dislocation loops in Cu and α-FeYu. N. Osetsky, A. Serra, V. Priego
213-220Properties and evolution of sessile interstitial clusters produced by displacement cascades in α-ironF. Gao, D. J. Bacon, Yu. N. Osetsky, P. E. J. Flewitt, T. A. Lewis
221-229Simulation of damage production and accumulation in vanadiumE. Alonso, M. -J. Caturla, T. Díaz de la Rubia, J. M. Perlado
230-234Computer simulation of SIA migration in bcc and hcp metalsR. C. Pasianot, A. M. Monti, G. Simonelli, E. J. Savino
235-242Analysis of displacement cascades and threshold displacement energies in β-sicJ. M. Perlado, L. Malerba, A. Sánchez-Rubio, T. Díaz de la Rubia
243-250Monte Carlo modelling of damage accumulation in metals under cascade irradiationA. V. Barashev, D. J. Bacon, S. I. Golubov
251-257Quantitative analysis of CTEM images of small dislocation loops in Al and stacking fault tetrahedra in Cu generated by molecular dynamics simulationR. Schäublin, A. Almazouzi, Y. Dai, Yu. N. Osetsky, M. Victoria
258-268In situ transmission electron microscopy study of ion-irradiated copper: comparison of the temperature dependence of cascade collapse in fcc- and bcc-metalsT. L. Daulton, M. A. Kirk, L. E. Rehn
269-277Study of defect annealing behaviour in neutron irradiated Cu and Fe using positron annihilation and electrical conductivityM. Eldrup, B. N. Singh
278-282A new procedure of X-ray line profile analysis applied to study the dislocation structure and subgrain size-distributions in fatigued MANET steelT. Ungár, M. Victoria, P. Marmy, P. Hanák, G. Szenes
283-288Deformation modes of proton and neutron irradiated stainless steelsC. Bailat, F. Gröschel, M. Victoria
289-294Tensile properties and microstructure of martensitic steel DIN 1.4926 after 800 MeV proton irradiationY. Dai, F. Carsughi, W. F. Sommer, G. S. Bauer, H. Ullmaier
295-296Basic aspects of differences in irradiation effects between fcc, bcc and hcp metals and alloysA. Almazouzi, T. Díaz de la Rubia, B. N. Singh, M. Victoria

Volume 277, Issue 1, Pages 1-122 (2 January 2000)

1-10Study of boron carbide evolution under neutron irradiation by Raman spectroscopyD. Simeone, C. Mallet, P. Dubuisson, G. Baldinozzi, C Gervais, J. Maquet
11-27Oxidation of β-Zr and related phases in Zr–Nb alloys: an electron microscopy investigationY. P. Lin, O. T. Woo
28-36XPS investigations on cesium uranates: mixed valency behaviour of uraniumS. Van den Berghe, J. -P. Laval, B. Gaudreau, H. Terryn, M. Verwerft
37-44Modelling intergranular fuel swelling in severe accidentsN. Kourti, I. Shepherd
45-48Gibbs energy of formation of UPd3(s)R. Prasad, Smruti Dash, S. C. Parida, Ziley Singh, V. Venugopal
49-56Preparation and characterisation of platinum and platinum–iridium coated titanium electrodesU. Kamachi Mudali, V. R. Raju, R. K. Dayal
57-66Dissolution of lanthanide alumino-silicate oxynitride glassesL. Bois, N. Barré, S. Guillopé, M. J. Guittet, M. Gautier-Soyer, J. P. Duraud, P. Trocellier, P. Verdier, Y. Laurent
67-81On the theory of fission gas bubble evolution in irradiated UO2 fuelM. S. Veshchunov
82-90The niobium–silicon–uranium systemTristan Lebihan, Peter Rogl, Henri Noël
91-98Texture of welded joints of 316L stainless steel, multi-scale orientation analysis of a weld metal depositG. Bouche, J. L. Béchade, M. H. Mathon, L. Allais, A. F. Gourgues, L. Nazé
99-105Tritium trapping capacity on metal surfaceMasabumi Nishikawa, Nobuyuki Nakashio, Tomofumi Shiraishi, Satoshi Odoi, Toshiharu Takeishi, Kozo Kamimae
106-112Thermal studies on alkaline earth uranatesS. K. Sali, S. Sampath, V. Venugopal
113-115On the validity of the cluster model to describe the evolution of Cu precipitates in Fe–Cu alloysS. I. Golubov, A. Serra, Yu. N. Osetsky, A. V. Barashev
116-119Thermal conductivity of ThO2 and Th0.98U0.02O2C. G. S. Pillai and, P. Raj
120-122A new ternary compound in the Zr–Sn–Fe systemN. Nieva, D. Arias

Volume 277, Issues 2-3, Pages 123-359 (February 2000)

123-129Sintering of mixed UO2 and U3O8 powder compactsKun Woo Song, Keon Sik Kim, Young Min Kim, Youn Ho Jung
130-142Comparison of hydrogen gas–, atom– and ion–metal interactionsO. V. Ogorodnikova
143-158Thermal conductivity of hypostoichiometric low Pu content (U,Pu)O2−xChristian Duriez, Jean-Pierre Alessandri, Thierry Gervais, Yannick Philipponneau
159-168Ion beam-induced amorphisation of freudenbergiteKatherine L. Smith, Mark G. Blackford, Gregory R. Lumpkin, Nestor J. Zaluzec
169-174Pitting corrosion of Alloy 690 in thiosulfate-containing chloride solutionsWen-Ta Tsai, Tsung-Feng Wu
175-183Analysis and characterization of plutonium in pyrochemical salt residuesJohn M. Haschke, Alan G. Phillips
184-198Theory of the late stage of radiolysis of alkali halidesV. I. Dubinko, A. A. Turkin, D. I. Vainshtein, H. W. den Hartog
199-203Radiation damage in neutron-irradiated yttria-stabilized-zirconia single crystalsB. Savoini, D. Cáceres, I. Vergara, R. González, J. E. Muñoz Santiuste
204-210Micro-structures associated with uraninite alterationMostafa Fayek, Peter Burns, Yong-Xiang Guo, Rodney C. Ewing
211-216Effects of the porosity in uranium dioxide on microacoustic and elastic propertiesV. Roque, B. Cros, D. Baron, P. Dehaudt
217-225TEM study of the aging of palladium-based alloys during tritium storageS. Thiébaut, B. Décamps, J. M. Pénisson, B. Limacher, A. Percheron Guégan
226-230Electrolysis of plutonium nitride in LiCl–KCl eutectic meltsO. Shirai, T. Iwai, K. Shiozawa, Y. Suzuki, Y. Sakamura, T. Inoue
231-238An alternative explanation for evidence that xenon depletion, pore formation, and grain subdivision begin at different local burnupsJ. Rest, G. L. Hofman
239-249Zirconia ceramics for excess weapons plutonium wasteW. L. Gong, W. Lutze, R. C. Ewing
250-262The corrosion of Alloy 718 during 800 MeV proton irradiationR. S. Lillard, G. J. Willcutt, D. L. Pile, D. P. Butt
263-273Estimation of fracture toughness transition curves of RPV steels from ball indentation and tensile test dataThak Sang Byun, Seok Hun Kim, Bong Sang Lee, In Sup Kim, Jun Hwa Hong
274-279Neutron diffraction study of U–10 wt% Mo alloyBaek-Seok Seong, Chang-Hee Lee, Jeong-Soo Lee, Hae-Seop Shim, Jin-Ho Lee, Ki Hwan Kim, Chang Kyu Kim, Vyacheslav Em
280-287Irradiation-induced structural changes in surveillance material of VVER 440-type weld metalM. Grosse, V. Denner, J. Böhmert, M. -H. Mathon
288-294Transport and leaching of technetium and uranium from spent UO2 fuel in compacted bentonite clayH. Ramebäck, Y. Albinsson, M. Skålberg, U. B. Eklund, L. Kjellberg, L. Werme
295-314Microstructural aspects of Zircaloy nodular corrosion in steamD. F. Taylor
315-324Etching of UO2 in NF3 RF plasma glow dischargeJohn M. Veilleux, Mohamed S. El-Genk, E. P. Chamberlin, C. Munson, J. FitzPatrick
325-332Oxidation kinetic changes of UO2 by additive addition and irradiationGil-Sung You, Keon-Sik Kim, Duck-Kee Min, Seung-Gy Ro
333-338Influence of technetium on the microstructure of a stainless steel–zirconium alloyD. D. Keiser Jr., D. P. Abraham, J. W. Richardson Jr.
339-345Non-stoichiometry, electrical conductivity and defect structure of hyper-stoichiometric UO2+xSun-Ho Kang, Jong-Ho Lee, Han-Ill Yoo, Han Soo Kim, Young Woo Lee
346-350Slow neutron total cross-section of Al6061 at low temperaturesJ. R. Granada
351-359Neutron irradiation effects on carbon based materials at 350°C and 800°CJ. P. Bonal, C. H. Wu

Volume 278, Issue 1, Pages 1-125 (February 2000)

1-10Fe–15Ni–13Cr austenitic stainless steels for fission and fusion reactor applications. I. Effects of minor alloying elements on precipitate phases in melt products and implication in alloy fabricationE. H. Lee, L. K. Mansur
11-19Fe–15Ni–13Cr austenitic stainless steels for fission and fusion reactor applications. II. Effects of minor elements on precipitate phase stability during thermal agingE. H. Lee, L. K. Mansur
20-29Fe–15Ni–13Cr austenitic stainless steels for fission and fusion reactor applications. III. Phase stability during heavy ion irradiationE. H. Lee, L. K. Mansur
30-36AFM study of the surface deformation of austenitic stainless steel irradiated by He+ ionsL. Liu, T. Mitamura, M. Niibe, H. Tsubakino, M. Terasawa
37-47Systematics of the thermodynamic properties of trivalent f-elements in a pyrometallurgical bi-phase extraction systemHajimu Yamana, Norihira Wakayama, Naohiko Souda, Hirotake Moriyama
48-53A study of absorption processes of hydrogen isotopes in some transition metals by LiOD+LiOH mixture electrolysisYasuhisa Oya, Tatsuya Suzuki, Koichi Iinuma, Kenji Morita, Tomoaki Horikawa, Katsunori Abe, Makoto Okamoto
54-63Rim structure formation and high burnup fuel behavior of large-grained UO2 fuelsK. Une, M. Hirai, K. Nogita, T. Hosokawa, Y. Suzawa, S. Shimizu, Y. Etoh
64-72The effect of amorphization on the Cs ion exchange and retention capacity of zeolite-NaYB. X. Gu, L. M. Wang, R. C. Ewing
73-84Reaction sintered glass: a durable matrix for spinel-forming nuclear waste compositionsW. L. Gong, W. Lutze, R. C. Ewing
85-95Investigation on oxygen controlled liquid lead corrosion of surface treated steelsG. Müller, G. Schumacher, F. Zimmermann
96-103Evaluation of thermal aging embrittlement in CF8 duplex stainless steel by small punch testJin Sik Cheon, In Sup Kim
104-110Theory of edge plasma in a spheromakE. B. Hooper, R. H. Cohen, D. D. Ryutov
111-116Interpretation of the impurity distribution in the divertor during divertor plate biasing using the DIVIMP codeE. Haddad, F. Meo, R. Marchand, G. Ratel, B. L. Stansfield, J. Gunn, P. C. Stangeby, J. D. Elder, S. Lisgo, K. Krieger
117-122Interaction of ICRF power and edge plasma in Tore Supra ergodic divertor configurationF. Nguyen, A. Grosman, V. Basiuk, D. Fraboulet, B. Beaumont, A. Bécoulet, Ph. Ghendrih, L. Ladurelle, B. Meslin
123-125Thermal expansion of ThO2–2 wt% UO2 by HT-XRDA. K. Tyagi, M. D. Mathews

Volume 278, Issues 2-3, Pages 127-381 (April 2000)

127-135Joining of SiC/SiCf ceramic matrix composites for fusion reactor blanket applicationsP. Colombo, B. Riccardi, A. Donato, G. Scarinci
136-148Examination of melted fuel rods and released core material from the first Phebus-FP reactor accident experimentP. D. W. Bottomley, A. D. Stalios, J. -P. Glatz, B. Sätmark, C. T. Walker
149-163Variability of radiation-induced segregation in iron–chromium–nickel alloysT. R. Allen, E. A. Kenik, G. S. Was
164-172Retention and release of deuterium implanted in copper coatings on Al-6061M. Y. Inal, M. Alam, K. Kurz, D. F. Cowgill, R. A Causey
173-185Temperature programmed decomposition of thorium nitrate pentahydrateS. Dash, M. Kamruddin, P. K. Ajikumar, A. K. Tyagi, Baldev Raj, Santanu Bera, S. V. Narasimhan
186-194Effect of composition on the fatigue failure behavior of vanadium alloysH. A. Aglan, Y. X. Gan, B. A. Chin, M. L. Grossbeck
195-201Oxidation of β-Nb and Zr(Fe, V)2 precipitates in oxide films formed on advanced Zr-based alloysDominique Pêcheur
202-206Diffusion under irradiation of rare earth elements in apatiteP. Martin, A. Chevarier, G.Panczer
207-211Computer simulation of Pu3+ and Pu4+ substitutions in zirconR. E. Williford, B. D. Begg, W. J. Weber, N. J. Hess
212-224XAS and XRD study of annealed 238Pu- and 239Pu-substituted zircons (Zr0.92Pu0.08SiO4)B. D. Begg, N. J. Hess, W. J. Weber, S. D. Conradson, M. J. Schweiger, R. C. Ewing
225-232Near-field behavior of 99Tc during the oxidative alteration of spent nuclear fuelFanrong Chen, Peter C. Burns, Rodney C. Ewing
233-241Electron and ion irradiation of zeolitesS. X. Wang, L. M. Wang, R. C. Ewing
242-250Nitrogen effect on precipitation and sensitization in cold-worked Type 316L(N) stainless steelsYong Jun Oh, Jun Hwa Hong
251-257A model of the threshold stress intensity factor, KY. S. Kim, Y. G. Matvienko, Y. M. Cheong, S. S. Kim, S. C. Kwon
258-265Displacement energy surface in 3C and 6H SiCR. Devanathan, W. J. Weber
266-272Hardness and defect structures in EC316LN austenitic alloy irradiated under a simulated spallation neutron source environment using triple ion-beamsE. H. Lee, J. D. Hunn, N. Hashimoto, L. K. Mansur
273-276Phase diagram and lattice instability in tungsten–rhenium alloysM. Ekman, K. Persson, G. Grimvall
277-289The corrosion of materials in water irradiated by 800 MeV protonsR. S. Lillard, D. L. Pile, D. P. Butt
290-300KNa3(UO2)2(Si4O10)2(H2O)4, a new compound formed during vapor hydration of an actinide-bearing borosilicate waste glassPeter C. Burns, Rudolph A. Olson, Robert J. Finch, John M. Hanchar, Yves Thibault
301-311Characterization of uranium corrosion products involved in a uranium hydride pyrophoric eventT. C. Totemeier
312-319Deuterium pumping experiment with superpermeable Nb membrane in JFT-2M tokamakY. Nakamura, S. Sengoku, Y. Nakahara, N. Suzuki, H. Suzuki, N. Ohyabu, A. Busnyuk, M. Notkin, A. Livshits
320-327In-reactor creep rupture properties of 20% CW modified 316 stainless steelS. Ukai, S. Mizuta, T. Kaito, H. Okada
328-333High temperature fatigue behaviour of TZM molybdenum alloy under mechanical and thermomechanical cyclic loadsH. J. Shi, L. S. Niu, C. Korn, G. Pluvinage
334-345Long-term corrosion of Zircaloy before and after irradiationE. Hillner, D. G. Franklin, J. D. Smee
346-357Combustion synthesis of urania–thoria solid solutionsS. Anthonysamy, K. Ananthasivan, V. Chandramouli, I. Kaliappan, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
358-363Irradiation behavior of U6Mn–Al dispersion fuel elementsM. K. Meyer, T. C. Wiencek, S. L. Hayes, G. L. Hofman
364-369Effect of grain-boundaries on uranium and oxygen diffusion in polycrystalline UO2A. C. S. Sabioni, W. B. Ferraz, F. Millot

Volume 279, Issue 1, Pages 1-126 (March 2000)

1-18Thermophysical properties of uranium dioxideJ. K. Fink
19-30On the recovery of the physical and mechanical properties of a CuCrZr alloy subjected to heat treatments simulating the thermal cycle of hot isostatic pressingU. Holzwarth, M. Pisoni, R. Scholz, H. Stamm, A. Volcan
31-45The precipitation behaviour of ITER-grade Cu–Cr–Zr alloy after simulating the thermal cycle of hot isostatic pressingUwe Holzwarth, Hermann Stamm
46-50The diffusion of iodine and caesium in the UOxG. Busker, R. W. Grimes, M. R. Bradford
51-56Determination of the yield strength of nuclear reactor pressure vessel steels by means of amplitude-dependent internal frictionK. Van Ouytsel, A. Fabry, R. De Batist, R. Schaller
57-64On the reactive occlusion of the (uranium trichloride + lithium chloride + potassium chloride) eutectic salt in zeolite 4ADusan Lexa, Leonard Leibowitz, Jeremy Kropf
65-76A comparative evaluation of welding consumables for dissimilar welds between 316LN austenitic stainless steel and Alloy 800M. Sireesha, Shaju K. Albert, V. Shankar, S. Sundaresan
77-83Hardening of ferritic alloys at 288°C by electron irradiationK. Farrell, R. E. Stoller, P. Jung, H. Ullmaier
84-90Calorimetric studies on the strontium–uranium–oxygen systemSmruti Dash, Ziley Singh, R. Prasad, V. Venugopal
91-99Effect of rhenium and osmium on mechanical properties of a 9Cr–2W–0.25V–0.07Ta–0.1C steelR. L. Klueh, D. J. Alexander, M. A. Sokolov
100-106Crystallization sequence and microstructure evolution of Synroc samples crystallized from CaZrTi2O7 meltsHuifang Xu, Yifeng Wang
107-117Delayed hydride cracking in zirconium alloys in a temperature gradientS. Sagat, C. K. Chow, M. P. Puls, C. E. Coleman
118-126XPS and XRD studies of (Th,U)O2 fuel corrosion in waterS. Sunder, N. H. Miller

Volume 279, Issues 2-3, Pages 127-384 (June 2000)

127-138Pyrophoric potential of plutonium-containing salt residuesJohn M. Haschke, Hans K. Fauske, Alan G. Phillips
139-152Tritium profiles in tiles from the first wall of fusion machines and techniques for their detritiationR. -D. Penzhorn, N. Bekris, W. Hellriegel, H. -E. Noppel, W. Nägele, H. Ziegler, R. Rolli, H. Werle, A. Haigh, A. Peacock
153-161Thermal iodine release of surface-implanted iodine in zirconia and its affect on hull disposalF. Brossard, N. Chevarier, N. Moncoffre, Ph. Sainsot, D. Crusset, H. Jaffrezic
162-166Gamma-irradiation effect on heterogeneous short-range order in Fe+12 at.% Al alloyL. I. Chyrko, V. I. Chyrko, E. U. Grynik, O. V. Drogayev, M. P. Krulikovska, V. I. Sugakov
167-172A reaction–diffusion analysis of the hydriding kinetics of zirconium-based alloysG. E. Fernández, G. Meyer
173-180A thermodynamic evaluation of the U–O system from UO2 to U3O8Yeon Soo Kim
181-188Retention of fission product caesium in ZrC-coated fuel particles for high-temperature gas-cooled reactorsKazuo Minato, Toru Ogawa, Toshio Koya, Hajime Sekino, Takeshi Tomita
189-200Microchemistry characterization by Auger electron spectroscopy of a cold-worked AISI-304L stainless steelM. Hernández-Mayoral, G. de Diego, M. García-Mazarío
201-206Ab initio molecular orbital calculations on chemical nature of hydrogen on surface of lithium silicateT. Nakazawa, K. Yokoyama, V. Grismanovs, Y. Katano
207-215An attempt to explain the high burnup structure formation mechanism in UO2 fuelChan Bock Lee, Youn Ho Jung
216-224Recovery characteristics of neutron-irradiated V–Ti alloysT. Leguey, R. Pareja
225-233Dissolution kinetics of particles of irradiated Chernobyl nuclear fuel: influence of pH and oxidation state on the release of radionuclides in the contaminated soil of ChernobylV. A. Kashparov, V. P. Protsak, N. Ahamdach, D. Stammose, J. M. Peres, V. I. Yoschenko, S. I. Zvarich
234-244Actinide distribution in a stainless steel–15 wt% zirconium high-level nuclear waste formD. D. Keiser Jr., D. P. Abraham, W. Sinkler, J. W. Richardson Jr., S. M. McDeavitt
245-252Thermal and X-ray diffraction studies on the phase equilibria in the system UO2(NO3)2 · 6H2O–NaNO3B. B. Kalekar, K. V. Rajagopalan, C. G. S. Pillai, P. V. Ravindran, P. K. Mathur
253-258Reduction of the open porosity of UO2 pellets through pore structure controlKun Woo Song, Keon Sik Kim, Young Min Kim, Ki Won Kang, Youn Ho Jung
259-272Intergranular and intragranular phosphorus segregation in Russian pressure vessel steels due to neutron irradiationB. A. Gurovich, E. A. Kuleshova, Ya. I. Shtrombakh, O. O. Zabusov, E. A. Krasikov
273-285Simulation of hydrogen embrittlement in zirconium alloys under stress and temperature gradientsA. G. Varias, A. R. Massih
286-292KSung Soo Kim, Young Suk Kim
293-300Mechanisms and kinetics of tempering in weldments of 9Cr–1Mo steelM. Vijayalakshmi, S. Saroja, R. Mythili, V. Thomas Paul, V. S. Raghunathan
301-307The initial transient of the irradiation growth in a zirconium alloyA. M. Fortis, H. C. González
308-316Behaviour of materials for accelerator driven systems in stagnant molten leadGianluca Benamati, Patrizia Buttol, Valentina Imbeni, Carla Martini, Giuseppe Palombarini
317-329Analysis of constituent redistribution in the γ (bcc) U–Pu–Zr alloys under gradients of temperature and concentrationsY. H. Sohn, M. A. Dayananda, G. L. Hofman, R. V. Strain, S. L. Hayes
330-334MARFE phenomena in the HT-7 tokamakX. Gao, J. R. Luo, Y. P. Zhao, N. Qiu, Y. X. Jie, Y. Yang, C. Y. Xia, B. N. Wan, G. L. Kuang, X. D. Zhang, J. G. Li, F. X. Yin, X. N. Liu, X. Z. Gong, S. Y. Zhang, J. Y. Zhao, L. Q. Hu, Z. W. Wu, Y. D. Li, K. Yang, et al.
335-343Effects of Sn and Nb on massive hydriding kinetics of Zr–XSn–YNb alloyY. -s. Kim, S. -k. Kim, J. -g. Bang, Y. -h. Jung
344-350Residual carbon impurities in Zr–2.5Nb and their effect on deuterium pickupRobert A. Ploc
351-355Comparison of the chemical erosion of Si, C and SiC under deuterium ion bombardmentM. Balden, J. Roth
356-359Densification behavior of U3O8 powder compacts by dilatometryKun Woo Song, Keon Sik Kim, Youn Ho Jung
360-363High-dose irradiation growth kinetics at 448 K in a zirconium alloyH. C. González, A. M. Fortis, G. D. H. Coccoz
364-367Recovery of electron irradiated V–Ga alloysT. Leguey, M. Monge, R. Pareja, E. R. Hodgson
368-371SIMS imaging analyses of in-reactor irradiated boron carbide control rod samplesO. Gebhardt, D. Gavillet
372Erratum to ‘Microstructural aspects of Zircaloy nodular corrosion in steam' [J. Nucl. Mater. 277 (2000) 295–314]D. F. Taylor

Volume 280, Issue 1, Pages 1-125 (June 2000)

1-17Estimates of helium gas release in 238PuO2 fuel particles for radioisotope heat sources and heater unitsMohamed S. El-Genk, Jean-Michel Tournier
18-24Effects of helium on radiation-induced defect microstructure in austenitic stainless steelE. H. Lee, J. D. Hunn, T. S. Byun, L. K. Mansur
25-32Studies on the kinetics of oxidation of urania–thoria solid solutions in airS. Anthonysamy, Kitheri Joseph, T. Gnanasekaran, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
33-38XPS study of the process of oxygen gettering by thin films of PACVD boronM. M. Ennaceur, B. Terreault
39-44New weight-loss measurements of the chemical erosion yields of carbon materials under hydrogen ion bombardmentM. Balden, J. Roth
45-50The possible usage of ex-ADU uranium dioxide fuel pellets with low-temperature sinteringBirsen Ayaz, A. Nezihi Bilge
51-55Combustion synthesis and bulk thermal expansion studies of Ba and Sr thoratesR. D. Purohit, A. K. Tyagi, M. D. Mathews, S. Saha
56-72On the behaviour of intragranular fission gas in UO2 fuelPekka Lösönen
73-85Influence of the interatomic potentials on molecular dynamics simulations of displacement cascadesC. S. Becquart, C. Domain, A. Legris, J. C. Van Duysen
86-98Analysis of fission gas release and gaseous swelling in UO2 fuel under the effect of external restraintYang-Hyun Koo, Byung-Ho Lee, Dong-Seong Sohn
99-105Simultaneous determination of X-ray Debye temperature and Grüneisen constant for actinide dioxides: PuO2 and ThO2Hiroyuki Serizawa, Yasuo Arai, Yasufumi Suzuki
106-110Influence of irradiation on KYu. K. Bibilashvili, A. V. Medvedev, B. I. Nesterov, V. V. Novikov, V. N. Golovanov, S. G. Eremin, A. D. Yurtchenko
111-115Volatile molecule PuO3 observed from subliming plutonium dioxideC. Ronchi, F. Capone, J. Y. Colle, J. P. Hiernaut
116-119Neutron diffraction study of U–5.4 wt% Mo alloyJeong-Soo Lee, Chang-Hee Lee, Ki Hwan Kim, Vyacheslav Em
120-125Zr–silicide particles in Zr–2.5Nb pressure tube material: influence of oxidation and irradiationY. P. Lin, V. Perovic

Volume 280, Issue 2, Pages 127-254 (July 2000)

127-135Numerical algorithms for intragranular fission gas releaseK. Lassmann, H. Benk
136-150Thermodynamic modelling of the N–U systemP. -Y. Chevalier, E. Fischer, B. Cheynet
151-161Comparison of nuclear irradiation parameters of fusion breeder materials in high flux fission test reactors and a fusion power demonstration reactorU. Fischer, S. Herring, A. Hogenbirk, D. Leichtle, Y. Nagao, B. J. Pijlgroms, A. Ying
162-168Irradiation-induced embrittlement of a 2.25Cr1Mo steelS. -H. Song, R. G. Faulkner, P. E. J. Flewitt, R. F. Smith, P. Marmy, M. Victoria
169-185Stress tensor of a strained material with a linear row of stress concentratorsRoman E. Voskoboinikov
186-195Microstructure of austenitic stainless steels irradiated at 400°C in the ORR and the HFIR spectral tailoring experimentN. Hashimoto, E. Wakai, J. P. Robertson, T. Sawai, A. Hishinuma
196-205Single-pass flow-through experiments on a simulated waste glass in alkaline media at 40°C.: I. Experiments conducted at variable solution flow rate to glass surface area ratioP. K. Abraitis, B. P. McGrail, D. P. Trivedi, F. R. Livens, D. J. Vaughan
206-215Single-pass flow-through experiments on a simulated waste glass in alkaline media at 40°C.: II. Experiments conducted with buffer solutions containing controlled quantities of Si and AlPaul K. Abraitis, B. P. McGrail, D. P. Trivedi, F. R. Livens, D. J. Vaughan
216-229Alteration kinetics of a simplified nuclear glass in an aqueous medium: effects of solution chemistry and of protective gel properties on diminishing the alteration rateC. Jégou, S. Gin, F. Larché
230-234Effects of copper addition on the tensile properties and microstructures of modified Zircaloy-4Hyun Seon Hong, Hee Suk Kim, Seon Jin Kim, Kyung Sub Lee
235-245Effects of the accumulated annealing parameter on the corrosion characteristics of a Zr–0.5Nb–1.0Sn–0.5Fe–0.25Cr alloyJong Hyuk Baek, Yong Hwan Jeong, In Sup Kim
246-249Bulk and lattice thermal expansion of Th1−xM. D. Mathews, B. R. Ambekar, A. K. Tyagi
250-254Interaction between blue brittleness and stress corrosion crackingW. Y. Chu, Y. B. Wang, L. J. Qiao

Volume 280, Issue 3, Pages 255-387 (August 2000)

255-263Ultrashort X-ray pulse generation using subpicosecond electron linacHideki Harano, Kenichi Kinoshita, Koji Yoshii, Toru Ueda, Shunsuke Okita, Mitsuru Uesaka
264-274Defect and void evolution in oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels under 3.2 MeV Fe+ ion irradiation with simultaneous helium injectionI. -S. Kim, J. D. Hunn, N. Hashimoto, D. L. Larson, P. J. Maziasz, K. Miyahara, E. H. Lee
275-284Modelling the variable precipitation of fission products at grain boundariesP. Van Uffelen
285-294Thermal removal of gallium from gallia-doped ceriaYoung Soo Park, Hong Yong Sohn, Darryl P. Butt
295-303Lithium and tritium diffusion in lithium oxide (Li2O), a molecular dynamics simulationHeriberto Pfeiffer, Jorge Sánchez-Sánchez, Luis Javier Álvarez
304-311Crack growth pattern and threshold stress intensity factor, KYoung Suk Kim, Sang Chul Kwon, Sung Soo Kim
312-317Combustion synthesis and thermal expansion measurements of the rare earth–uranium ternary oxides RE6UO12 (RE=La, Nd and Sm)Hrudananda Jena, R. Asuvathraman, K. V. Govindan Kutty
318-330In situ XRD analysis of the oxide layers formed by oxidation at 743 K on Zircaloy 4 and Zr–1NbON. Pétigny, P. Barberis, C. Lemaignan, Ch. Valot, M. Lallemant
331-344Synthesis of atom probe experiments on irradiation-induced solute segregation in French ferritic pressure vessel steelsP. Auger, P. Pareige, S. Welzel, J-C. Van Duysen
345-352Non-equilibrium intragrain concentration redistribution of the alloying elements in austenitic steels under irradiationV. V. Sagaradze, S. S. Lapin, M. A. Kirk
353-359Impurity effects on reduced-activation ferritic steels developed for fusion applicationsR. L. Klueh, E. T. Cheng, M. L. Grossbeck, E. E. Bloom
360-364Optical properties of γ-irradiated synthetic sapphire and yttria-stabilized zirconia spectroscopic windowsLeon Fuks, Claude Degueldre
365-371Phase transition temperature in the Zr-rich corner of Zr–Nb–Sn–Fe alloysM. Canay, C. A. Danón, D. Arias
372-376Li4SiO4 pebbles reduction in He + 0.1% H2 purge gas and effects on tritium release propertiesCarlo Alvani, Pierluigi Carconi, Sergio Casadio

Volume 281, Issue 1, Pages 1-89 (2 September 2000)

1-14Pressure building during the early stages of gas production in a radioactive waste repositoryBernard Bonin, Michel Colin, Anne Dutfoy
15-21Studies on thermal expansion and XPS of urania–thoria solid solutionsS. Anthonysamy, G. Panneerselvam, Santanu Bera, S. V. Narasimhan, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
22-33Beta radiation effects in 137Cs-substituted polluciteN. J. Hess, F. J. Espinosa, S. D. Conradson, W. J. Weber
34-41Tritium diffusive transport parameters and trapping effects in the reduced activating martensitic steel OPTIFER-IVbG. A. Esteban, A. Perujo, K. Douglas, L. A. Sedano
42-56Quantitative analysis of deuterium in a-C:D layers, a Round Robin experimentR. Behrisch, M. Mayer, W. Jacob, W. Assmann, G. Dollinger, A. Bergmaier, U. Kreissig, M. Friedrich, G. Y. Sun, D. Hildebrandt, M. Akbi, W. Schneider, D. Schleußner, W. Knapp, C. Edelmann
57-64Ultra-high vacuum investigation of the surface chemistry of zirconiumY. C. Kang, M. M. Milovancev, D. A. Clauss, M. A. Lange, R. D. Ramsier
65-70A method to study deformation mechanisms for irradiated steels using a disk-bend testE. H. Lee, T. S. Byun, J. D. Hunn, N. Hashimoto, K. Farrell
71-79Performance of a Li2TiO3 pebble-bed in the CRITIC-III irradiationR. A. Verrall, J. M. Miller, P. Gierszewski
80-83Orientation of γ to α transformation in Xe-implanted austenitic 304 stainless steelGuoqiang Xie, Minghui Song, Kazutaka Mitsuishi, Kazuo Furuya
84-89Dysprosium titanate as an absorber material for control rodsV. D. Risovany, E. E. Varlashova, D. N. Suslov

Volume 281, Issues 2-3, Pages 91-258 (October 2000)

91-105Kinetic and thermodynamic study of the thorium phosphate–diphosphate dissolutionA. C. Thomas, N. Dacheux, P. Le Coustumer, V. Brandel, M. Genet
106-111Production behavior of irradiation defects in lithium silicates and silica under ion beam irradiationKimikazu Moritani, Shiro Tanaka, Hirotake Moriyama
112-116Measurement of backward sputtering yields induced by fast neutronsBangjiao Ye, Yoshimi Kasugai, Yujiro Ikeda, Yangmei Fan, Jiangfeng Du, Xianyi Zhou, Rongdian Han
117-128A method for determining an effective porosity correction factor for thermal conductivity in fast reactor uranium–plutonium oxide fuel pelletsMasaki Inoue, Kazuyuki Abe, Isamu Sato
129-139Kinetics of thermal decomposition of Th(C2O4)2·6H2OKitheri Joseph, R. Sridharan, T. Gnanasekaran
140-145Discrete-variational Dirac–Slater calculations on the valence band XPS for α-uranium metalMasayoshi Kurihara, Masaru Hirata, Rika Sekine, Jun Onoe, Hirohide Nakamatsu
146-162Lattice parameter changes associated with the rim-structure formation in high burn-up UO2 fuels by micro X-ray diffractionJ. Spino, D. Papaioannou
163-170Multi-layer coating of silicon carbide and pyrolytic carbon on UO2 pellets by a combustion reactionB. G. Kim, Y. Choi, J. W. Lee, Y. W. Lee, D. S. Sohn, G. M. Kim
171-181Investigation on the zirconia phase transition under irradiationD. Simeone, J. L. Bechade, D. Gosset, A. Chevarier, P. Daniel, H. Pilliaire, G. Baldinozzi
182-190Passivation of uranium towards air corrosion by N2+ and C+ ion implantationR. Arkush, M. H. Mintz, N. Shamir
191-194Effect of AlOOH on the microstructure of UO2 pelletsHo-sik Yoo, Shin-young Lee, Seung-jae Lee, Kun-woo Song
195-202Dynamic behaviour of the systems Be–C, Be–W and C–WW. Eckstein
203-207Henrian ideality of iron in liquid uranium solvent at high temperaturesD. Das, A. S. Kerkar, S. R. Bharadwaj, S. Mukherjee, S. R. Dharwadkar
208-212Effect of silicon impurities and heat treatment on uranium hydriding ratesA. L. DeMint, J. H. Leckey
213-224Heavy-ion cascade effects on radiation-induced segregation kinetics in Cu–1%Au alloysM. J. Giacobbe, N. Q. Lam, L. E. Rehn, P. M. Baldo, L. Funk, J. F. Stubbins
225-230Corrosion behaviour of low activation steels in flowing Pb–17LiH. Glasbrenner, J. Konys, Z. Voß
231-243Simulated alteration tests on non-radioactive SON 68 nuclear glass in the presence of corrosion products and environmental materialsPatrick Jollivet, Yves Minet, Michèle Nicolas, Étienne Vernaz
244-247Preparation and characterization of PuN pellets containing ZrN and TiNYasuo Arai, Kunihisa Nakajima
248-250Preparation and characterisation of Pu-pyrochlore: [La1−xN. K. Kulkarni, S. Sampath, V. Venugopal

Volume 282, Issue 1, Pages 1-88 (November 2000)

1-31Fuel corrosion processes under waste disposal conditionsD. W. Shoesmith
32-39Comparative study on the fatigue crack growth behavior of 316L and 316LN stainless steels: effect of microstructure of cyclic plastic strain zone at crack tipWan-Young Maeng, Mun-Hwan Kim
40-46Basaltic glass: alteration mechanisms and analogy with nuclear waste glassesIsabelle Techer, Thierry Advocat, Joël Lancelot, Jean-Michel Liotard
47-53Effect of partial damage efficiencies on the radiation-induced segregation in binary alloysM. V. Sorokin, A. E. Volkov
54-65Sintering studies on UO2–PuO2 pellets with varying PuO2 content using dilatometryT. R. G. Kutty, P. V. Hegde, K. B. Khan, S. Majumdar, D. S. C. Purushotham
66-74Kinetics of gas bubble ensemble in supersaturated solid solution of point defects and gas atomsRoman E. Voskoboinikov, Alexander E. Volkov
75-82Dissolution of UO2 in Boom clay water in oxidizing conditions: an XPS studyS. Guilbert, M. J. Guittet, N. Barré, M. Gautier-Soyer, P. Trocellier, D. Gosset, Z. Andriambololona
83-88Embrittlement of low copper VVER 440 surveillance samples neutron-irradiated to high fluencesM. K. Miller, K. F. Russell, J. Kocik, E. Keilova

Volume 282, Issues 2-3, Pages 89-273 (December 2000)

89-96The surface rate constants of deuterium in the reduced activating martensitic steel OPTIFER-IVbG. A. Esteban, A. Perujo, L. A. Sedano, B. Mancinelli
97-111Multiple voltage electron probe microanalysis of fission gas bubbles in irradiated nuclear fuelM. Verwerft
112-124An interlaboratory study of a standard glass for acceptance testing of low-activity waste glassW. L. Ebert, S. F. Wolf
125-130Retention of ion-implanted deuterium in tungsten pre-irradiated with carbon ionsV. Kh. Alimov, K. Ertl, J. Roth, K. Schmid
131-136Helium and hydrogen induced hardening in 316LN stainless steelJ. D. Hunn, E. H. Lee, T. S. Byun, L. K. Mansur
137-145Preparation of uranium by electrolysis in chloride meltK. Serrano, P. Taxil, O. Dugne, S. Bouvet, E. Puech
146-151Solid state reactions of UO2,ThO2 and their mixed oxides with sulphates of potassiumMeera Keskar, U. M. Kasar, K. D. Singh Mudher
152-158A new method for determining oxygen solubility in molten carbonates and carbonate–chloride mixtures using the oxidation of UO2 to uranate reactionVladimir A. Volkovich, Trevor R. Griffiths, Derek J. Fray, Robert C. Thied
159-170The EFTTRA-T4 experiment on americium transmutationR. J. M. Konings, R. Conrad, G. Dassel, B. J. Pijlgroms, J. Somers, E. Toscano
171-179The effects of long-time irradiation and thermal aging on 304 stainless steelT. R. Allen, J. I. Cole, C. L. Trybus, D. L. Porter
180-185Long-term behaviour of a thorium-based fuelB. Fourest, T. Vincent, G. Lagarde, S. Hubert, P. Baudoin
186-195Thermal conductivity of uranium–plutonium oxide fuel for fast reactorsMasaki Inoue
196-204RAPID model to predict radial burnup distribution in LWR UO2 fuelChan Bock Lee, Dae Ho Kim, Jae Seung Song, Je Gun Bang, Youn Ho Jung
205-215Investigation of aerosols released at high temperature from nuclear reactor core modelsA. Pintér Csordás, L. Matus, A. Czitrovszky, P. Jani, L. Maróti, Z. Hózer, P. Windberg, R. Hummel
216-222Mechanism of chemical sputtering of graphite under high flux deuterium bombardmentY. Ueda, T. Sugai, Y. Ohtsuka, M. Nishikawa
223-231Corrosion resistance of nitrogen-implanted Zircaloy-4 in high-temperature waterSungJoon Lee, ChanJin Park, HyukSang Kwon, ByungHo Choi
232-238Theoretical oxygen potential change of quaternary solid solution, AyTakeo Fujino, Nobuaki Sato
239-244Boron coating on boron nitride coated nuclear fuels by chemical vapor depositionHasan H. Durmazuçar, Güngör Gündüz
245-254Thermally induced gallium removal from plutonium dioxide for MOX fuel productionD. G. Kolman, M. E. Griego, C. A. James, D. P. Butt
255-260Selective excitation of odd gadolinium isotopes using two-colour photoionisation schemesP. V. Kiran Kumar, M. V. Suryanarayana, S. Gangadharan
261-264Vaporization behavior and Gibbs energy of formation of Cs2ThO3M. Ali (Basu), R. Mishra, K. N. G. Kaimal, S. R. Bharadwaj, A. S. Kerkar, D. Das, S. R. Dharwadkar
265-266Comment on ‘Location of krypton atoms in uranium dioxide' by T. Petit, G. Jomard, C. Lemaignan, B. Bigot and A. PasturelC. R. Stanek, Robin W. Grimes
1-9Advances in fusion technologyCharles C. Baker
10-19Assessment and selection of materials for ITER in-vessel componentsG. Kalinin, V. Barabash, A. Cardella, J. Dietz, K. Ioki, R. Matera, R. T. Santoro, R. Tivey, The ITER Home Teams
20-27Interactions between fusion materials R&D and other technologiesA. Kohyama, M. Seki, K. Abe, T. Muroga, H. Matsui, S. Jitsukawa, S. Matsuda
28-34The impact of materials selection on long-term activation in fusion power plantsN. P. Taylor, C. B. A. Forty, D. A. Petti, K. A. McCarthy
35-42Evaluation of hot isostatic pressing for joining of fusion reactor structural componentsA. D. Ivanov, S. Sato, G. Le Marois
43-51The status of beryllium technology for fusionF. Scaffidi-Argentina, G. R. Longhurst, V. Shestakov, H. Kawamura
52-59Progress and critical issues of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel developmentB. van der Schaaf, D. S. Gelles, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, R. L. Klueh, A. Möslang, G. R. Odette
60-69Impact of irradiation effects on design solutions for ITER diagnosticsS. Yamamoto, T. Shikama, V. Belyakov, E. Farnum, E. Hodgson, T. Nishitani, D. Orlinski, S. Zinkle, S. Kasai, P. Stott, K. Young, V. Zaveriaev, A. Costley, L. deKock, C. Walker, G. Janeschitz
70-78Critical issues and current status of vanadium alloys for fusion energy applicationsR. J. Kurtz, K. Abe, V. M. Chernov, V. A. Kazakov, G. E. Lucas, H. Matsui, T. Muroga, G. R. Odette, D. L. Smith, S. J. Zinkle
79-88International strategy for fusion materials developmentKarl Ehrlich, E. E. Bloom, T. Kondo
89-98Progress in modelling the microstructural evolution in metals under cascade damage conditionsH. Trinkaus, B. N. Singh, S. I. Golubov
99-109Ceramic breeder research and development: progress and focusJ. G. van der Laan, H. Kawamura, N. Roux, D. Yamaki
110-119Critical plasma–wall interaction issues for plasma-facing materials and components in near-term fusion devicesG. Federici, J. P. Coad, A. A. Haasz, G. Janeschitz, N. Noda, V. Philipps, J. Roth, C. H. Skinner, R. Tivey, C. H. Wu
120-127A cleavage toughness master curve modelG. R. Odette, M. Y. He
128-137Critical issues and current status of SiC/SiC composites for fusionA. Hasegawa, A. Kohyama, R. H. Jones, L. L. Snead, B. Riccardi, P. Fenici
138-146Neutron irradiation effects on plasma facing materialsV. Barabash, G. Federici, M. Rödig, L. L. Snead, C. H. Wu
147-151Radiation-induced inter-granular segregation in first wall fusion reactor materialsR. G. Faulkner, S. Song, P. E. J. Flewitt
152-156Sink effect of grain boundary on radiation-induced segregation in austenitic stainless steelS. Watanabe, Y. Takamatsu, N. Sakaguchi, H. Takahashi
157-160Influence of cold work to increase swelling of pure iron irradiated in the BR-10 reactor to not, vert, similar6 and not, vert, similar25 dpa at not, vert, similar400°CA. M. Dvoriashin, S. I. Porollo, Yu. V. Konobeev, F. A. Garner
161-163Synergistic effect of hydrogen and impurity segregations on the grain boundary embrittlement in NbA. M. Ilyin, V. P. Shestakov, I. L. Tazhibaeva
164-168Compositional and temperature dependence of void swelling in model Fe–Cr base alloys irradiated in the EBR-II fast reactorB. H. Sencer, F. A. Garner
169-173Effect of temperature gradients on void formation in modified 316 stainless steel claddingN. Akasaka, I. Yamagata, S. Ukai
174-178Recovery of electrical resistivity of high-purity iron irradiated with 30 MeV electrons at 77 KHironobu Abe, E. Kuramoto
179-182Correlation between defect structures and hardness in tantalum irradiated by heavy ionsK. Yasunaga, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida, T. Muroga, N. Noda
183-187Study of He-bubble growth in α-particle implanted F82H-mod martensitic steelR. Coppola, M. Magnani, R. P. May, A. Möslang, M. Valli
188-192Modeling of microstructure evolution and mechanical property change of reduced-activation martensitic steel during varying-temperature irradiationR. Kasada, A. Kimura
193-197Influence of neutron irradiation on CuNiCrSi alloy pre-implanted with heliumA. V. Kozlov, M. V. Chernetsov, S. A. Averin, V. Ya. Abramov, A. D. Ivanov, Yu. S. Strebkov, V. F. Reutov
198-204Effects of grain boundary misorientation on solute segregation in thermally sensitized and proton-irradiated 304 stainless steelT. S. Duh, J. J. Kai, F. R. Chen
205-209Correlation of simulated TEM images with irradiation induced damageR. Schäublin, P. de Almeida, A. Almazouzi, M. Victoria
210-214Formation and migration of helium bubbles in Fe–16Cr–17Ni austenitic alloy at high temperatureK. Ono, K. Arakawa, M. Oohashi, H. Kurata, K. Hojou, N. Yoshida
215-219The effect of transmutation and displacement in irradiated copper for heat-sink materialsShiori Ishino, Atsushi Kurui, Shoichi Ichikawa, Tarou Inaba, Tadayuki Hasegawa
220-223Effects of dose rate on microsturctural evolution and swelling in austenitic steels under irradiationT. Okita, T. Kamada, N. Sekimura
224-228Synergistic effects of hydrogen and helium on microstructural evolution in vanadium alloys by triple ion beam irradiationN. Sekimura, T. Iwai, Y. Arai, S. Yonamine, A. Naito, Y. Miwa, S. Hamada
229-233The effect of alloying elements on the defect structural evolution in neutron irradiated Ni alloysT. Yoshiie, Q. Xu, Y. Satoh, H. Ohkubo, M. Kiritani
234-238Study of point defect behaviors in vanadium and its alloys by using HVEMT. Hayashi, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui
239-243Void swelling and irradiation creep of two high-nickel steels after irradiation at 400–410°C to 84–91 dpa in the BN-350 fast reactorS. I. Porollo, A. M. Dvoriashin, A. N. Vorobjev, Yu. V. Konobeev, V. M. Krigan, E. G. Mironova, N. I. Budylkin, F. A. Garner
244-248Radiation-induced segregation in model alloysT. Ezawa, E. Wakai, R. Oshima
249-254Development of vacancy clusters in neutron-irradiated copper at high temperatureY. Shimomura, I. Mukouda
255-258Application of the internal friction method to studying microstructural effects in fusion materialsS. Tähtinen, Y. Jagodzinski, O. Tarasenko, S. Smuk, H. Hänninen
259-262Microstructural changes in a low-activation Fe–Cr–Mn alloy irradiated with 92 MeV Ar ions at 450°CChonghong Zhang, Keqin Chen, Yinshu Wang, Jiguang Sun, Benfu Hu, Yunfan Jin, Mingdong Hou, Changlong Liu, Youmei Sun, Jin Han, Chaoqing Chen
263-267Microstructural changes of austenitic steels caused by proton irradiation under various conditionsT. Fukuda, M. Sagisaka, Y. Isobe, A. Hasegawa, M. Sato, K. Abe, Y. Nishida, T Kamada, Y. Kaneshima
268-272Effect of dual-beam-irradiation by helium and carbon ions on microstructure development of SiC/SiC compositesS. Nogami, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe, T. Taguchi, R. Yamada
273-277Microstructures in Ti–Al intermetallic compounds irradiated at 673 K in HFIRY. Miwa, T. Sawai, K. Fukai, D. T. Hoelzer, A. Hishinuma
278-281Role of α2/γ and γ/γ phase boundaries in cavity formation in a TiAl intermetallic compound irradiated with He-ionsK. Nakata, K. Fukai, A. Hishinuma, K. Ameyama
282-285Defect structures introduced in iron under varying temperature neutron irradiationM. Horiki, T. Yoshiie, Q. Xu, M. Iseki, M. Kiritani
286-290Microstructure of vanadium alloys during ion irradiation with stepwise change of temperatureH. Watanabe, T. Arinaga, K. Ochiai, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida
291-296Effects of temperature change on the microstructural evolution of vanadium alloys under ion irradiationN. Nita, T. Iwai, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui
297-301Computer simulations of the effects of temperature change on defect accumulation in copper during neutron irradiationQ. Xu, H. L. Heinisch, T. Yoshiie
302-305Microstructure in pure copper irradiated by simultaneous multi-ion beam of hydrogen, helium and self ionsI. Mukouda, Y. Shimomura, T. Iiyama, Y. Harada, Y. Katano, T. Nakazawa, D. Yamaki, K. Noda
306-312Microstructure of Cu–Ni alloys neutron irradiated at 210°C and 420°C to 14 dpaS. J. Zinkle, B. N. Singh
313-318Simulating the influence of radiation temperature variations on microstructural evolutionY. Katoh, R. E. Stoller, A. Kohyama, T. Muroga
319-323Influence of variable temperatures irradiation on microstructural evolution in phosphorus doped Fe–Cr–Ni alloysD. Hamaguchi, H. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida
324-328Microstructural evolution of Alloy 718 at high helium and hydrogen generation rates during irradiation with 600–800 MeV protonsB. H. Sencer, G. M. Bond, F. A. Garner, M. L. Hamilton, B. M. Oliver, L. E. Thomas, S. A. Maloy, W. F. Sommer, M. R. James, P. D. Ferguson
329-333Microstructural changes induced by post-irradiation annealing of neutron-irradiated austenitic stainless steelsJ. I. Cole, T. R. Allen
334-338Swelling of F82H irradiated at 673 K up to 51 dpa in HFIRY. Miwa, E. Wakai, K. Shiba, N. Hashimoto, J. P. Robertson, A. F. Rowcliffe, A. Hishinuma
339-343Differences in the microstructure of the F82H ferritic/martensitic steel after proton and neutron irradiationR. Schäublin, M. Victoria
344-348Microstructural examination of V–(3–6%)Cr–(3–5%)Ti irradiated in the ATR-A1 experimentD. S. Gelles
349-352On the relationship between uniaxial yield strength and resolved shear stress in polycrystalline materialsR. E. Stoller, S. J. Zinkle
353-357Mechanical behavior of reduced-activation and conventional martensitic steels after neutron irradiation in the range 250–450°CA. Alamo, M. Horsten, X. Averty, E. I. Materna-Morris, M. Rieth, J. C. Brachet
358-361Tensile behavior of F82H with and without spectral tailoringK. Shiba, R. L. Klueh, Y. Miwa, J. P. Robertson, A. Hishinuma
362-366Effects of low-temperature neutron irradiation on mechanical properties of vanadium-base alloysH. Tsai, T. S. Bray, H. Matsui, M. L. Grossbeck, K. Fukumoto, J. Gazda, M. C. Billone, D. L. Smith
367-371Improvement in post-irradiation ductility of neutron irradiated V–Ti–Cr–Si–Al–Y alloy and the role of interstitial impuritiesM. Satou, T. Chuto, K. Abe
372-375Irradiation creep of advanced silicon carbide fibersR. Scholz, G. E. Youngblood
376-379The effect of neutron-irradiation on the shear properties of SiC/SiC composites with varied interfaceT. Hinoki, L. L. Snead, Y. Katoh, A Kohyama, R. Shinavski
380-385Swelling, irradiation creep and growth of pure rhenium irradiated with fast neutrons at 1030–1330°CF. A. Garner, M. B. Toloczko, L. R. Greenwood, C. R. Eiholzer, M. M. Paxton, R. J. Puigh
386-390In-pile and post-irradiation creep of type 304 stainless steel under different neutron spectraY. Kurata, Y. Itabashi, H. Mimura, T. Kikuchi, H. Amezawa, S. Shimakawa, H. Tsuji, M. Shindo
391-395Irradiation creep at 60°C in SUS 316 and its impact on fatigue fractureJohsei Nagakawa, Y. Murase, N. Yamamoto, T. Fukuzawa
396-399Irradiation creep of 11Cr–0.5Mo–2W,V,Nb ferritic–martensitic, modified 316, and 15Cr–20Ni austenitic S.S. irradiated in FFTF to 103–206 dpaA. Uehira, S. Mizuta, S. Ukai, R. J. Puigh
400-403Effects of helium implantation on creep rupture properties of low activation ferritic steel F82H IEA heatNorikazu Yamamoto, Johsei Nagakawa, Kiyoyuki Shiba
404-408Effect of neutron dose and irradiation temperature on the mechanical properties and structure of dispersion strengthened copper alloysA. S. Pokrovsky, S. A. Fabritsiev, D. J. Edwards, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe
409-413Application of generalized deformation theory to irradiation creep of fcc and bcc stainless steelsM. B. Toloczko, J. P. Hirth, F. A. Garner
414-417Proton irradiation creep of Inconel 718 at 300°CR. Scholz, R. Matera
418-422Shear punch and tensile measurements of mechanical property changes induced in various austenitic alloys by high-energy mixed proton and neutron irradiation at low temperaturesM. L. Hamilton, F. A. Garner, M. B. Toloczko, S. A. Maloy, W. F. Sommer, M. R. James, P. D. Ferguson, M. R. Louthan Jr.
423-427The contribution of various defects to irradiation-induced hardening in an austenitic model alloyM. Ando, Y. Katoh, H. Tanigawa, A. Kohyama, T. Iwai
428-434Tensile and low-cycle fatigue properties of solution annealed type 316L stainless steel plate and TIG-weld exposed to 5 dpa at low-temperature (42°C)J. -L. Puzzolante, M. Scibetta, R. Chaouadi, W. Vandermeulen
435-439Tensile properties and damage microstructures in ORR/HFIR-irradiated austenitic stainless steelsE. Wakai, N. Hashimoto, J. P. Robertson, S. Jistukawa, T. Sawai, A. Hishinuma
440-445Effect of helium to dpa ratio on fatigue behavior of austenitic stainless steel irradiated to 2 dpaI. Ioka, M. Yonekawa, Y. Miwa, H. Mimura, H. Tsuji, T. Hoshiya
446-450The effects of irradiation and testing temperature on tensile behaviour of stainless steelsC. Bailat, A. Almazouzi, N. Baluc, R. Schäublin, F. Gröschel, M. Victoria
451-454Mechanical properties of hot isostatic pressed type 316LN steel after irradiationA. Lind, U. Bergenlid
455-460Analysis of tensile and fracture toughness results on irradiated molybdenum alloys, TZM and Mo–5%ReM. Scibetta, R. Chaouadi, J. L. Puzzolante
461-464Thermal fatigue crack nucleation in ferritic–martensitic steels before and after neutron irradiationL. A. Belyaeva, A. A. Zisman, C. Petersen, V. A. Potapova, V. V. Rybin
465-469Effect of heat treatment and irradiation temperature on mechanical properties and structure of reduced-activation Cr–W–V steels of bainitic, martensitic, and martensitic–ferritic classesI. V. Gorynin, V. V. Rybin, I. P. Kursevich, A. N. Lapin, E. V. Nesterova, E. Yu. Klepikov
470-473Effects of helium implantation on hardness of pure iron and a reduced activation ferritic–martensitic steelHiroyasu Tanigawa, Shiro Jitsukawa, Akimichi Hishinuma, Masami Ando, Yutai Katoh, Akira Kohyama, Takeo Iwai
474-477Low-temperature irradiation effects on tensile and Charpy properties of low-activation ferritic steelsKiyoyuki Shiba, Akimichi Hishinuma
478-482Embrittlement of reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in HFIR at 300°C and 400°CR. L. Klueh, M. A. Sokolov, K. Shiba, Y. Miwa, J. P. Robertson
483-487Tensile properties and microstructure of 590 MeV proton-irradiated pure Fe and a Fe–Cr alloyM. I. Luppo, C. Bailat, R. Schäublin, M. Victoria
488-491Effect of low temperature irradiation on the mechanical properties of ternary V–Cr–Ti alloys as determined by tensile tests and shear punch testsM. L. Hamilton, M. B. Toloczko
492-497Mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of vanadium alloys irradiated in ATR-A1K. -i. Fukumoto, H. Matsui, H. Tsai, D. L. Smith
498-502V-alloy embrittlement by irradiation in a cooling gas environmentH. D. Röhrig, M. Rieth, B. Dafferner, E. Materna-Morris
503-507Defect microstructure and deformation behavior of V–Ti–Cr–Si–Al–Y alloy irradiated in ATRToshinori Chuto, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe
508-512Effect of strain rate on the tensile properties of unirradiated and irradiated V–4Cr–4TiA. F. Rowcliffe, S. J. Zinkle, D. T. Hoelzer
513-517Mechanical properties and microstructure in low-activation martensitic steels F82H and Optimax after 800-MeV proton irradiationY. Dai, S. A. Maloy, G. S. Bauer, W. F. Sommer
518-522On the mechanisms and mechanics of fracture toughness of a V–4Cr–4Ti alloyE. G. Donahue, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas
523-527Effect of high-dose neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties and structure of copper alloys and Cu/SS joints for ITER applicationsS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky, D. J. Edwards, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe
528-534Deformation mechanisms in 316 stainless steel irradiated at 60°C and 330°CN. Hashimoto, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe, J. P. Robertson, S. Jitsukawa
535-539Radiation-induced precipitation in V–(Cr,Fe)–Ti alloys irradiated at low temperature with low dose during neutron or ion irradiationKen-ichi Fukumoto, H. Matsui, Y. Candra, K. Takahashi, H. Sasanuma, S. Nagata, K. Takahiro
540-544Diffusion and permeation of hydrogen in low-activation martensitic stainless steel – effect of irradiationF. Schliefer, Chao Liu, P. Jung
545-550In situ thermal conductivity measurement of ceramics in a fast neutron environmentL. L. Snead, R. Yamada, K. Noda, Y. Katoh, S. J. Zinkle, W. S. Eatherly, A. L. Qualls
551-555Evaluation of neutron irradiated near-stoichiometric silicon carbide fiber compositesL. L. Snead, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, J. L. Bailey, N. L. Vaughn, R. A. Lowden
556-559SYLRAMICRichard E. Jones, Dan Petrak, Jim Rabe, Andy Szweda
560-564Room and high-temperature mechanical and thermal properties of SiC fiber-reinforced SiC composite sintered under pressureK. Yoshida, T. Yano
565-569High-performance SiC/SiC composites by improved PIP processing with new precursor polymersA. Kohyama, M. Kotani, Y. Katoh, T. Nakayasu, M. Sato, T. Yamamura, K. Okamura
570-573High thermal conductivity SiC/SiC composites for fusion applicationsW. Kowbel, C. A. Bruce, K. L. Tsou, K. Patel, J. C. Withers, G. E. Youngblood
574-578Mechanical and thermal properties of 2D and 3D SiC/SiC compositesR. Yamada, T. Taguchi, N. Igawa
579-583New evaluation method of crack growth in SiC/SiC composites using interface elementsH. Serizawa, M. Ando, C. A. Lewinsohn, H. Murakawa
584-587Time-dependent failure mechanisms in silicon carbide composites for fusion energy applicationsC. A. Lewinsohn, G. E. Youngblood, C. H. Henager Jr., E. P. Simonen, R. H. Jones
588-592Neutron wall loading of Tokamak reactorsC. P. C. Wong
593-596Characterization of non-magnetic Mn–Cr steel as a low induced activation material for vacuum vesselsS. Saito, K. Fukaya, S. Ishiyama, M. Eto, I. Sato, M. Kusuhashi, T. Hatakeyama, H. Takahashi, M. Kikuchi
597-601Thermomechanical characteristics of the low activation materials chromium and Cr·5Fe·1Y2O3 alloyH. Stamm, U. Holzwarth, F. Lakestani, R. Valiev, V. Provenzano, A. Volcan
602-606Tensile and fatigue properties of two titanium alloys as candidate materials for fusion reactorsP. Marmy, T. Leguey, I. Belianov, M. Victoria
607-610Uses of zirconium alloys in fusion applicationsC. B. A. Forty, P. J. Karditsas
611-615Microstructure control to improve mechanical properties of vanadium alloys for fusion applicationsT. Kuwabara, H. Kurishita, M. Hasegawa
616-621Solute interactions in pure vanadium and V–4Cr–4Ti alloyD. T. Hoelzer, M. K. West, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe
622-627Performance of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy exposed to the JFT-2M tokamak environmentW. R. Johnson, P. W. Trester, S. Sengoku, S. Ishiyama, K. Fukaya, M. Eto, T. Oda, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino, H. Tsai
628-632Biaxial thermal creep of V–4Cr–4Ti at 700°C and 800°CR. J. Kurtz, M. L. Hamilton
633-636Tensile and impact properties of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy heats 832665 and 832864T. S. Bray, H. Tsai, L. J. Nowicki, M. C. Billone, D. L. Smith, W. R. Johnson, P. W. Trester
637-641A physically based constitutive model for a V–4Cr–4Ti alloyE. G. Donahue, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas
642-646Development of an oxide dispersion strengthened, reduced-activation steel for fusion energyG. R. Romanoski, L. L. Snead, R. L. Klueh, D. T. Hoelzer
647-651Effect of mechanical alloying parameters on irradiation damage in oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steelsS. Yamashita, Seiichi Watanabe, Somei Ohnuki, Heishichiro Takahashi, Naoaki Akasaka, Shigeharu Ukai
652-656Material science and manufacturing of heat-resistant reduced-activation ferritic–martensitic steels for fusionA. G. Ioltukhovskiy, A. I. Blokhin, N. I. Budylkin, V. M. Chernov, M. V. Leont'eva-Smirnova, E. G. Mironova, E. A. Medvedeva, M. I. Solonin, S. I. Porollo, L. P. Zavyalsky
657-661Microstructure of welded and thermal-aged low activation steel F82H IEA heatT. Sawai, K. Shiba, A. Hishinuma
662-666Chemical segregation behavior under thermal aging of the low-activation F82H-modified steelJ. Lapeña, M. Garcia-Mazario, P. Fernández, A. M. Lancha
667-671Mechanical properties of 8Cr–2WVTa steel aged for 30 000 hM. Tamura, K. Shinozuka, H. Esaka, S. Sugimoto, K. Ishizawa, K. Masamura
672-676Effect of thermal aging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 7–11 CrW steelsY. de Carlan, A. Alamo, M. H. Mathon, G. Geoffroy, A. Castaing
677-680Low cycle fatigue properties of a low activation ferritic steel (JLF-1) at room temperatureA. Nishimura, T. Nagasaka, N. Inoue, T. Muroga, C. Namba
681-684Ripple reduction and surface coating tests with ferritic steel on JFT-2MK. Tsuzuki, M. Sato, H. Kawashima, Y. Miura, H. Kimura, T. Abe, K. Uehara, T. Ogawa, T. Akiyama, T. Shibata, M. Yamamoto, T. Koike
685-688High heat flux test of a HIP-bonded first wall panel of reduced activation ferritic steel F-82HT. Hatano, S. Suzuki, K. Yokoyama, T. Kuroda, M. Enoeda
689-693Phenomenological aspects of fatigue cracking in as-received and hardened F82H modified steel exposed to lithiated water with dissolved hydrogen at 240°CMarie-Françoise Maday
694-696Influence of combined thermomechanical treatment on impurity segregation in ferritic–martensitic and austenitic stainless steelsA. M. Ilyin, V. S. Neustroev, V. K. Shamardin, V. P. Shestakov, I. L. Tazhibaeva, V. A. Krivchenkoa
697-701A potential new ferritic/martensitic steel for fusion applicationsR. L. Klueh, N. Hashimoto, R. F. Buck, M. A. Sokolov
702-706Tube manufacturing and characterization of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steelsShigeharu Ukai, Shunji Mizuta, Tunemitsu Yoshitake, Takanari Okuda, Masayuki Fujiwara, Shigeki Hagi, Toshimi Kobayashi
707-710Tensile and impact behavior of the reduced-activation steels OPTIFER and F82H modL. Schäfer
711-715NIFS program for large ingot production of a V–Cr–Ti alloyT. Muroga, T. Nagasaka, A. Iiyoshi, A. Kawabata, S. Sakurai, M. Sakata
716-720Performance limits for fusion first-wall structural materialsD. L. Smith, S. Majumdar, M. Billone, R. Mattas
721-726Constitutive behavior and fracture toughness properties of the F82H ferritic/martensitic steelP. Spätig, G. R. Odette, E. Donahue, G. E. Lucas
727-730Features of radiation damage of vanadium and its alloys at a temperature of 330–340°CV. A. Kazakov, Z. Ostrovsky, Yu. Goncharenko, V. Chakin
731-735The mechanical properties and microstructure of the OPTIMAX series of low activation ferritic–martensitic steelsN. Baluc, R. Schäublin, C. Bailat, F. Paschoud, M. Victoria
737-740The effects of one-dimensional glide on the reaction kinetics of interstitial clustersH. L. Heinisch, B. N. Singh, S. I. Golubov
741-7453D dislocation dynamics study of plastic instability in irradiated copperL. Z. Sun, N. M. Ghoniem, S. -H. Tong, B. N. Singh
746-752Statistical analysis of a library of molecular dynamics cascade simulations in iron at 100 KR. E. Stoller, A. F. Calder
753-757A molecular dynamics simulation study of small cluster formation and migration in metalsK. Morishita, T. Diaz de la Rubia, E. Alonso, N. Sekimura, N. Yoshida
758-762Modeling of cascade damage interactions by Monte-Carlo methodN. Sekimura, T. Morioka, K. Morishita
763-767Interstitial cluster motion in displacement cascadesN. V. Doan
768-772Comparative study of damage accumulation in iron under magnetic and inertial fusion conditionsE. Alonso, M. J. Caturla, T. Diaz de la Rubia, N. Soneda, J. Marian, J. M. Perlado, R. E. Stoller
773-777Atomistic simulation of stacking fault tetrahedra formation in CuB. D. Wirth, V. Bulatov, T. Diaz de la Rubia
778-783Computer simulation of defects interacting with a dislocation in Fe and NiE. Kuramoto, K. Ohsawa, T. Tsutsumi
784-788Study of loop–loop and loop–edge dislocation interactions in bcc ironYu. N. Osetsky, D. J. Bacon, F. Gao, A. Serra, B. N. Singh
789-793Comparison of a microstructure evolution model with experiments on irradiated vanadiumS. Sharafat, N. M. Ghoniem
794-798Molecular dynamics simulation of defect production in irradiated β-SiCL. Malerba, J. M. Perlado, A. Sánchez-Rubio, I. Pastor, L. Colombo, T. Diaz de la Rubia
799-805Effect of helium production on swelling of F82H irradiated in HFIRE. Wakai, N. Hashimoto, Y. Miwa, J. P. Robertson, R. L. Klueh, K. Shiba, S. Jistukawa
806-810A comparison of defects in helium implanted α- and β-SiCP. Jung, H. Klein, J. Chen
811-815Study of helium effects in SiC/SiC composites under fusion reactor environmentA. Hasegawa, B. M. Oliver, S. Nogami, K. Abe, R. H. Jones
816-821Recovery and recrystallization behavior of vanadium at various controlled nitrogen and oxygen levelsT. Nagasaka, H. Takahashi, T. Muroga, T. Tanabe, H. Matsui
822-826Effect of oxygen on the crack growth behavior of V–4Cr–4Ti at 600°CRichard J. Kurtz
827-831Annealing behavior of irradiation hardening and microstructure in helium-implanted reduced activation martensitic steelA. Kimura, R. Kasada, R. Sugano, A. Hasegawa, H. Matsui
832-837Fatigue behavior and development of microcracks in F82H after helium implantation at 200°CJ. Bertsch, S. Meyer, A. Möslang
838-840On quantification of helium embrittlement in ferritic/martensitic steelsD. S. Gelles
841-845Effects of oxygen and hydrogen at low pressure on the mechanical properties of V–Cr–Ti alloysJ. R. DiStefano, B. A. Pint, J. H. DeVan, H. D. Röhrig, L. D. Chitwood
846-848Hydrogen–irradiated steel interaction during alternating hydrogenation and annealingE. A. Krasikov, A. D. Amajev
849-853The interaction of deuterium and tritium with radiation and other defects in austenitic steel and nickelV. L. Arbuzov, G. A. Raspopova, S. E. Danilov, A. P. Druzhkov, Yu. N. Zouev
854-857Heavy hydrogen isotopes penetration through austenitic and martensitic steelsYu. Dolinski, I. Lyasota, A. Shestakov, Yu. Repritsev, Yu. Zouev
858-862Positron-lifetime study of electrically hydrogen charged Ni, austenitic stainless steel and FeH. Ohkubo, S. Sugiyama, K. Fukuzato, M. Takenaka, N. Tsukuda, E. Kuramoto
863-867The effect of electrical hydrogen charging on the strength of 316 stainless steelS. Sugiyama, H. Ohkubo, M. Takenaka, K. Ohsawa, M. I. Ansari, N. Tsukuda, E. Kuramoto
868-871Permeation of hydrogen through vanadium under helium ion irradiationYuji Hatano, Yoshiyasu Nanjo, Ryo Hayakawa, Kuniaki Watanabe
872-875Hydrogen permeation through vanadium alloy V–4Cr–4Ti ‘in situ’ of reactor irradiationT. V. Kulsartov, V. P. Shestakov, I. L. Tazhibaeva, E. A. Kenzhin
876-879Effect of hydrogen accumulation on mechanical property and microstructure of V–Cr–Ti alloysK. Aoyagi, E. P. Torres, T. Suda, S. Ohnuki
880-884An initial model for the RIED effectE. R. Hodgson, A. Moroño
885-889Significance of sample thickness and surface segregation on the electrical conductivity of Wesgo AL995 alumina under ITER environmentsM. M. R. Howlader, Chiken Kinoshita, K. Shiiyama, M. Kutsuwada, T. Higuchi
890-893KU1 quartz glass for remote handling and LIDAR diagnostic optical transmission systemsM. García-Matos, A. Moroño, E. R. Hodgson
894-897Radiation effects on laser damage in KU1 quartz glassP. Martin, A. Moroño, E. R. Hodgson
898-902Study on the damaging process of silica by in-reactor luminescenceTatsuya Ii, Tomoko Yoshida, Tetsuo Tanabe, Takanobu Hara, Moritami Okada, Kenji Yamaguchi
903-906In-beam dielectric properties of alumina at low frequenciesR. Vila, E. R. Hodgson
907-911Radiation-induced conductivity of doped silicon in response to photon, proton and neutron irradiationN. Kishimoto, H. Amekura, O. A. Plaksin, V. A. Stepanov
912-916Current–voltage characteristic of alumina and aluminum nitride with or without electron irradiationK. Shiiyama, M. M. R. Howlader, Y. Izumi, M. Kutsuwada, S. Matsumura, C. Kinoshita
917-921Temperature effect of electron-irradiation-induced structural modification in graphiteShunsuke Muto, Tetsuo Tanabe
922-926Positron lifetime calculation for defects and defect clusters in graphiteT. Onitsuka, H. Ohkubo, M. Takenaka, N. Tsukuda, E. Kuramoto
927-931Neutron irradiation effects in magnesium-aluminate spinel doped with transition metalsV. T. Gritsyna, I. V. Afanasyev-Charkin, V. A. Kobyakov, K. E. Sickafus
932-936Radiation-induced processes and their influence on the functional properties of dielectrics for different types of irradiationV. A. Stepanov, V. M. Chernov
937-941Thermal stability and kinetics of defects in magnesium aluminate spinel irradiated with fast neutronsKazuhiro Yasuda, Chiken Kinoshita, Korehisa Fukuda, Frank A. Garner
942-946Effects of co-implanted oxygen or aluminum atoms on hydrogen migration and damage structure in multiple-beam irradiated Al2O3Y. Katano, T. Aruga, S. Yamamoto, T. Nakazawa, D. Yamaki, K. Noda
947-951Neutron irradiation damage in aluminum oxide and nitride ceramics up to a fluence of 4.2×1026 n/m2T. Yano, K. Ichikawa, M. Akiyoshi, Y. Tachi
952-956Cation disordering in magnesium aluminate spinel crystals induced by electron or ion irradiationTakeshi Soeda, Syo Matsumura, Chiken Kinoshita, Nestor J. Zaluzec
957-961Design and fabrication methods of FW/blanket, divertor and vacuum vessel for ITERK. Ioki, V. Barabash, A. Cardella, F. Elio, C. Ibbott, G. Janeschitz, G. Johnson, G. Kalinin, N. Miki, M. Onozuka, G. Sannazzaro, R. Tivey, Y. Utin, M. Yamada
962-967Status of international collaborative efforts on selected ITER materialsV. A. Belyakov, S. A. Fabritsiev, I. V. Mazul, A. F. Rowcliffe
968-972Russian superconducting materials for magnet systems of fusion reactorsA. Shikov, A. Nikulin, V. Pantsyrnyi, A. Vorobieva, G. Vedernikov, A. Silaev, E. Dergunova, S. Soudiev, I. Akimov
973-976Mechanical properties of the ITER central solenoid model coil insulation under static and dynamic load after reactor irradiationK. Humer, P. Rosenkranz, H. W. Weber, P. E. Fabian, J. A. Rice
977-981Fracture behavior of high-strength, high-conductivity copper alloysM. Li, J. K. Heuer, J. F. Stubbins, D. J. Edwards
982-986Evaluation of the deformation fields and bond integrity of Cu/SS jointsJ. F. Stubbins, J. Collins, J. Min
987-991Ductility correlations between shear punch and uniaxial tensile test dataM. B. Toloczko, M. L. Hamilton, G. E. Lucas
992-996Confocal microscopy–fracture reconstruction and finite element modeling characterization of local cleavage toughness in a ferritic/martensitic steel in subsized Charpy V-notch impact testsT. Yamamoto, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas, H. Matsui
997-1000Irradiation–coupling techniques using JMTR and another facilityY. Matsui, Y. Itahashi, M. Shimizu, H. Tsuji
1001-1005How to improve the irradiation conditions for the International Fusion Materials Irradiation FacilityEric Daum
1006-1010High-sensitivity quadrupole mass spectometry system for the determination of hydrogen in irradiated materialsB. M. Oliver, F. A. Garner, L. R. Greenwood, J. A. Abrefah
1011-1013Neutron irradiation hardening of ODS alloy tested by miniature disk bend test methodC. Q. Chen, J. G. Sun, Y. C. Xu
1014-1017Specimen size effects on the tensile properties of JPCA and JFMSYutaka Kohno, Akira Kohyama, Margaret L. Hamilton, Takanori Hirose, Yutai Katoh, Frank A. Garner
1018-1022Effect of specimen size on fatigue properties of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steelsT. Hirose, H. Sakasegawa, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, H. Tanigawa
1023-1027Development of a small specimen test machine to evaluate irradiation embrittlement of fusion reactor materialsT. Ishii, M. Ohmi, J. Saito, T. Hoshiya, N. Ooka, S. Jitsukawa, M. Eto
1028-1032Damage mechanisms and fracture toughness of GlidCop® CuAl25 IG0 copper alloyS. Tähtinen, A. Laukkanen, B. N. Singh
1033-1037Hydrogen and deuterium transport and inventory parameters through W and W-alloys for fusion reactor applicationsG. Benamati, E. Serra, C. H. Wu
1038-1042Deuterium retention in tungsten and molybdenumS. Nagata, K. Takahiro
1043-1047Tritium permeation experiment using a tungsten armored divertor-simulating moduleH. Nakamura, S. O’hira, W. Shu, M. Nishi, T. J. Venhaus, R. A. Causey, D. R. Hyatt, R. S. Willms
1048-1052Depth profile of tritium in plasma exposed CX-2002UT. Tadokoro, K. Isobe, S. O'hira, W. Shu, M. Nishi
1053-1056Hydrogen absorption process into graphite and carbon materialsH. Atsumi, M. Iseki
1057-1061Removal of deuterium from co-deposited carbon–silicon layersM. Balden, M. Mayer
1062-1067Effect of carbon pre-implantation on deuterium retention in tungstenM. Poon, J. W. Davis, A. A. Haasz
1068-1072Manufacturing and testing of a prototypical divertor vertical target for ITERM. Merola, L. Plöchl, Ph. Chappuis, F. Escourbiac, M. Grattarola, I. Smid, R. Tivey, G. Vieider
1073-1076Tungsten filament mock-ups for gas box linerC. Cazzola, J. Boscary, R. Matera
1077-1080The behavior of coatings and SiCf/SiC composites under thermal shockJinnan Yu, Zhongwen Yao, Gang Yu, Fengmin Chu, Xiuzhang Tang, Yi Zeng, Tetsuji Noda
1081-1084Infrared characterization and high heat flux testing of plasma sprayed layersPh. Chappuis, F. Escourbiac, M. Chantant, M. Febvre, M. Grattarola, M. Bet, M. Merola, B. Riccardi
1085-1088The removal of ion implanted deuterium from tungsten and stainless steel by transferred-arc cleaningK. J. Hollis, R. G. Castro, C. J. Maggiore, A. Ayala
1089-1093Graphite–tungsten twin limiters in studies of material mixing processes on high heat flux componentsM. Rubel, T. Tanabe, V. Philipps, B. Emmoth, A. Kirschner, J. von Seggern, P. Wienhold
1094-1099Codeposition of deuterium ions with beryllium oxide at elevated temperaturesA. V. Markin, V. P. Dubkov, A. E. Gorodetsky, M. A. Negodaev, N. V. Rozhanskii, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, H. Werle, C. H. Wu, R. Kh. Zalavutdinov, A. P. Zakharov
1100-1104Sputtering studies of beryllium with helium and deuterium using molecular dynamics approachShuzo Ueda, Toshiro Ohsaka, Satoru Kuwajima
1105-1110Effects of plasma disruption events on ITER first wall materialsA. Cardella, H. Gorenflo, A. Lodato, K. Ioki, R. Raffray
1111-1115Erosion mechanisms and products in graphite targets under simulated disruption conditionsF. Scaffidi-Argentina, V. Safronov, I. Arkhipov, N. Arkhipov, V. Bakhtin, V. Barsuk, S. Kurkin, E. Mironova, D. Toporkov, S. Vasenin, H. Werle, H. Würz, A. Zhitlukhin
1116-1120Development of functionally graded plasma-facing materialsChang-Chun Ge, Jiang-Tao Li, Zhang-Jian Zhou, Wen-Bin Cao, Wei-Ping Shen, Ming-Xu Wang, Nian-Man Zhang, Xiang Liu, Zheng-Yu Xu
1121-1127Changes of composition and microstructure of joint interface of tungsten coated carbon by high heat fluxK. Tokunaga, T. Matsubara, Y. Miyamoto, Y. Takao, N. Yoshida, N. Noda, Y. Kubota, T. Sogabe, T. Kato, L. Plöchl
1128-1133Application of tungsten for plasma limiters in TEXTORT. Tanabe, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, V. Philipps, M. Rubel, A. Huber, J. von Seggern, K. Ohya, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, TEXTOR team
1134-1138Microstructure evolution in tungsten during low-energy helium ion irradiationH. Iwakiri, K. Yasunaga, K. Morishita, N. Yoshida
1139-1143TEM study on deuterium-irradiation-induced defects in tungsten and molybdenumTsuyoshi Matsui, Shunsuke Muto, Tetsuo Tanabe
1144-1147Microstructural development of neutron irradiated W–Re alloysYoshiyuki Nemoto, Akira Hasegawa, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe
1148-1151Effect of neutron irradiation on thermal diffusivity of tungsten–rhenium alloysM. Fujitsuka, B. Tsuchiya, I. Mutoh, T. Tanabe, T. Shikama
1152-1156High heat flux simulation experiments with improved electron beam diagnosticsJ. Linke, H. Bolt, R. Duwe, W. Kühnlein, A. Lodato, M. Rödig, K. Schöpflin, B. Wiechers
1157-1160Erosion characteristics of neutron-irradiated carbon-based materials under simulated disruption heat loadsK. Sato, E. Ishitsuka, M. Uda, H. Kawamura, S. Suzuki, M. Taniguchi, K. Ezato, M. Akiba
1161-1165Neutron-irradiation effects on high heat flux components – examination of plasma-facing materials and their jointsM. Rödig, R. Conrad, H. Derz, R. Duwe, J. Linke, A. Lodato, M. Merola, G. Pott, G. Vieider, B. Wiechers
1166-1170Effect of ITER components manufacturing cycle on the irradiation behaviour of 316L(N)-IG steelB. S. Rodchenkov, V. I. Prokhorov, O. Yu. Makarov, V. K. Shamardin, G. M. Kalinin, Yu. S. Strebkov, O. A. Golosov
1171-1176Hydrodynamic effects of eroded materials of plasma-facing component during a Tokamak disruptionA. Hassanein, I. Konkashbaev
1177-1181Structure of materials deposited on the plasma facing surface in TRIAM-1M tokamak and the effect on hydrogen recyclingT. Hirai, T. Fujiwara, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, A. Komori, O. Motojima, S. Itoh, TRIAM group
1182-1186Simulation study of carbon and tungsten deposition on W/C twin test limiter in TEXTOR-94K. Ohya, R. Kawakami, T. Tanabe, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, A. Huber, M. Rubel, J. von Seggern, N. Noda
1187-1191Characterization of low-activation ferritic steel (JLF-1) weld joint by simulated heat-treatmentsN. Inoue, T. Muroga, A. Nishimura, T. Nagasaka, O. Motojima, S. Uchida, H. Yabe, K. Oguri, Y. Nishi, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
1192-1195Effects of thermal aging on the mechanical behavior of F82H weldmentsA. Alamo, A. Castaing, A. Fontes, P. Wident
1196-1200Diffusion welding parameters and mechanical properties of martensitic chromium steelsK. Schleisiek, T. Lechler, L. Schäfer, P. Weimar
1201-1205Post-irradiation mechanical tests on F82H EB and TIG weldsJ. Rensman, E. V. van Osch, M. G. Horsten, D. S. d'Hulst
1206-1209The effect of laser welding process parameters on the mechanical and microstructural properties of V–4Cr–4Ti structural materialsC. B. Reed, K. Natesan, Z. Xu, D. L. Smith
1210-1214Re-weldability tests of irradiated austenitic stainless steel by a TIG welding methodKunihiko Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Kawamura, George Kalinin
1215-1219Radiation resistance of weld joints of type 316 stainless steel containing about 10 appm HeS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky
1220-1223Effect of weld thermal cycle and restraint stress on helium bubble formation in stainless steelsS. Kawano, K. Fukuya, F. Kano, M. Satou, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe
1224-1228Furnace brazing type 304 stainless steel to vanadium alloy (V–5Cr–5Ti)R. V. Steward, M. L. Grossbeck, B. A. Chin, H. A. Aglan, Y. Gan
1229-1233Effects of heat treatments on microstructure changes in the interface of Cu/SS316L joint materialsQ. Xu, D. J. Edwards, T. Yoshiie
1234-1237Low cycle fatigue strength of diffusion bonded joints of alumina dispersion-strengthened copper to stainless steelH. Nishi, T. Araki
1238-1242Effect of neutron irradiation on mechanical properties of Cu/SS joints after single and multiple HIP cyclesS. Tähtinen, B. N. Singh, P. Toft
1243-1247High temperature residual strain measurements in a brazed sample for NET/ITERR. Coppola, C. Nardi, B. Riccardi
1248-1252Armor and heat sink materials joining technologies development for ITER plasma facing componentsV. Barabash, M. Akiba, A. Cardella, I. Mazul, B. C. Odegard Jr, L. Plöchl, R. Tivey, G. Vieider
1253-1257Refractory metal joining for first wall applicationsC. H. Cadden, B. C. Odegard Jr.
1258-1261Joining of silicon carbide composites for fusion energy applicationsC. A. Lewinsohn, M. Singh, T. Shibayama, T. Hinoki, M. Ando, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
1262-1266Microstructure and mechanical properties of low-activation glass-ceramic joining and coating for SiC/SiC compositesYutai Katoh, M. Kotani, A. Kohyama, M. Montorsi, M. Salvo, M. Ferraris
1267-1271Magnetic field effect on deposition of corrosion products in liquid Pb–17LiF. Barbier
1272-1276The hydrogen permeation behaviour of aluminised coated martensitic steels under gaseous hydrogen, liquid Pb–17Li/hydrogen and cyclic tensile loadT. Sample, A. Perujo, H. Kolbe, B. Mancinelli
1277-1281Development of electrically insulating coatings for service in a lithium environmentK. Natesan, M. Uz, S. Wieder
1282-1286Corrosion of V–Ti–Cr alloys in liquid lithium: influence of alloy composition and concentration of nitrogen in lithiumO. I. Eliseeva, V. N. Fedirko, V. M. Chernov, L. P. Zavialsky
1287-1291The permeation of tritium through 316L stainless steel with multiple coatingsZhenyu Yao, Jiakun Hao, Changshan Zhou, Changqi Shan, Jinnan Yu
1292-1296The oxidation kinetics of Incoloy 800 and its deuterium permeation behaviorA. Perujo, J. Reimann, H. Feuerstein, B. Mancinelli
1297-1301Effects of thin films on inventory, permeation and re-emission of energetic hydrogenN. Ohyabu, Y. Nakamura, Y. Nakahara, A. Livshits, V. Alimov, A. Busnyuk, M. Notkin, A. Samartsev, A. Doroshin
1302-1305Scale structure of aluminised Manet steel after HIP treatmentH. Glasbrenner, K. Stein-Fechner, J. Konys
1306-1310A microstructural study of the oxide scale formation on ODS Fe–13Cr steelD. T. Hoelzer, B. A. Pint, I. G. Wright
1311-1315Oxidation and hardness profile of V–Ti–Cr–Si–Al–Y alloysMitsuhiro Fujiwara, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe
1316-1321Performance of V–Cr–Ti alloys in a hydrogen environmentK. Natesan, W. K. Soppet
1322-1325Compatibility of AlN with liquid lithiumT. Terai, A. Suzuki, T. Yoneoka, T. Mitsuyama
1326-1331Compatibility of structural candidate materials with LiF–BeF2 molten salt mixtureH. Nishimura, T. Terai, T. Yoneoka, S. Tanaka, A. Sagara, O. Motojima
1332-1335Corrosion of ferritic–martensitic steels in the eutectic Pb–17LiH. Glasbrenner, J. Konys, H. D. Röhrig, K. Stein-Fechner, Z. Voss
1336-1340Liquid metal embrittlement (LME) susceptibility of the 8–9% Cr martensitic steels F82H-mod., OPTIFER IVb and their simulated welded structures in liquid Pb–17LiT. Sample, H. Kolbe
1341-1345Water corrosion of F82H-modified in simulated irradiation conditions by heat treatmentJ. Lapeña, F. Blázquez
1346-1350Copper corrosion and activation in water cooling loops under fusion irradiation conditionsP. J. Karditsas, S. M. Ali, D. Wan
1351-1355In-pile tritium-permeation measurements on T91 tubes with double walls or a Fe–Al/Al2O3 coatingR. Conrad, K. Bakker, C. Chabrol, M. A. Fütterer, J. G. van der Laan, E. Rigal, M. P. Stijkel
1356-1360Impurity effects on gas tungsten arc welds in V–Cr–Ti alloysM. L. Grossbeck, J. F. King, D. T. Hoelzer
1361-1365Behaviour of Li2ZrO3 and Li2TiO3 pebbles relevant to their utilization as ceramic breeder for the HCPB blanketJ. D. Lulewicz, N. Roux, G. Piazza, J. Reimann, J. van der Laan
1366-1369Study of the tritium behavior on the surface of Li2O by means of work function measurementToshihiko Yokota, Atsushi Suzuki, Kenji Yamaguchi, Takayuki Terai, Michio Yamawaki
1370-1374Multiplier, moderator, and reflector materials for advanced lithium–vanadium fusion blanketsY. Gohar, D. L. Smith
1375-1379On the use of tin–lithium alloys as breeder material for blankets of fusion power plantsM. A. Fütterer, G. Aiello, F. Barbier, L. Giancarli, Y. Poitevin, P. Sardain, J. Szczepanski, A. Li Puma, G. Ruvutuso, G. Vella
1380-1384Development of wet process with substitution reaction for the mass production of Li2TiO3 pebblesKunihiko Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Kawamura
1385-1389Chemical reactivity of SiC fibre-reinforced SiC with beryllium and lithium ceramic breeder materialsH. Kleykamp
1390-1395On the mechanisms associated with the chemical reactivity of Be in steamD. A. Petti, G. R. Smolik, R. A. Anderl
1396-1400Post-irradiation examinations of Li4SiO4 pebbles irradiated in the EXOTIC-7 experimentG. Piazza, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, H. Werle
1401-1404Effects of helium production and radiation damage on tritium release behavior of neutron-irradiated beryllium pebblesE. Ishitsuka, H. Kawamura, T. Terai, S. Tanaka
1405-1408XPS and UPS studies on electronic structure of Li2OSatoru Tanaka, Masaki Taniguchi, Hisashi Tanigawa
1409-1413Development of materials and fabrication of porous and pebble bed beryllium multipliersD. A. Davydov, M. I. Solonin, Yu. E. Markushkin, V. A. Gorokhov, V. V. Gorlevsky, G. N. Nikolaev
1414-1418Improvement of the model for surface process of tritium release from lithium oxideDaiju Yamaki, Akira Iwamoto, Shiro Jitsukawa
1419-1423Tritium release from neutron-irradiated Li2O sintered pellets: porosity dependenceTakaaki Tanifuji, Daiju Yamaki, Tadashi Takahashi, Akira Iwamoto
1424-1428ITER structural design criteria and their extension to advanced reactor blanketsS. Majumdar, G. Kalinin
1429-1433Materials and fabrication technology of modules intended for irradiation tests of blanket tritium-breeding zones in Russian fusion reactor projectsV. Kapychev, D. Davydov, V. Gorokhov, A. Ioltukhovskiy, Yu. Kazennov, V. Tebus, V. Frolov, A. Shikov, N. Shishkov, V. Kovalenko, N. Shishkin, Yu. Strebkov
1434-1437Measurement and analysis of radioactivity induced in steels and a vanadium alloy by 14-MeV neutronsD. Richter, R. A. Forrest, H. Freiesleben, Va. D. Kovalchuk, Vi. D. Kovalchuk, D. V. Markovskij, K. Seidel, V. I. Tereshkin, S. Unholzer
1438-1442Accelerated helium and hydrogen production in 54Fe doped alloys – measurements and calculations for the FIST experimentL. R. Greenwood, B. M. Oliver, S. Ohnuki, K. Shiba, Y. Kohno, A. Kohyama, J. P. Robertson, J. W. Meadows, D. S. Gelles
1443-1447Compositional optimisation of silicon carbide for various fusion blanket designsC. B. A. Forty
1448-1452Experimental study on beryllium-7 production via sequential reactions in lithium-containing compounds irradiated by 14 MeV neutronsF. Maekawa, Y. M. Verzilov, D. L. Smith, Y. Ikeda
1453-1457Material composition and nuclear data libraries’ influence on nickel–chromium alloys activation evaluation: a comparison with decay heat experimentsD. G. Cepraga, G. Cambi
1458-1462Oxidation and volatilization of TZM alloy in airG. R. Smolik, D. A. Petti, S. T. Schuetz
1463-1467Steam chemical reactivity of Be pebbles and Be powderR. A. Anderl, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, D. Davydov, R. J. Pawelko, G. R Smolik
1468-1472Present status and future prospect of the Russian program for fusion low-activation materialsM. I. Solonin, V. M. Chernov, V. A. Gorokhov, A. G. Ioltukhovskiy, A. K. Shikov, A. I. Blokhin
1473-1477Waste management for different fusion reactor designsPaolo Rocco, Massimo Zucchetti

Volume 288, Issue 1, Pages 1-85 (January 2001)

1-6Effect of hydrogen on the ductility reduction of F82H martensitic steel after different heat treatmentsM. Beghini, G. Benamati, L. Bertini, I. Ricapito, R. Valentini
7-10Nanocrystalline thoria powders via glycine-nitrate combustionR. D. Purohit, S. Saha, A. K. Tyagi
11-19Alpha-radiolysis effects on UO2 alteration in waterG. Sattonnay, C. Ardois, C. Corbel, J. F. Lucchini, M. -F. Barthe, F. Garrido, D. Gosset
20-28Rim structure formation of isothermally irradiated UO2 fuel discsK. Une, K. Nogita, T. Shiratori, K. Hayashi
29-42Fission gas release and swelling model of metallic fast reactor fuelChan Bock Lee, Dae Ho Kim, Youn Ho Jung
43-56Measurement and analysis of fission gas release from BNFL's SBR MOX fuelR. J. White, S. B. Fisher, P. M. A. Cook, R. Stratton, C. T. Walker, I. D. Palmer
57-65Thermal conductivities of irradiated UO2 and (U,Gd)O2K. Minato, T. Shiratori, H. Serizawa, K. Hayashi, K. Une, K. Nogita, M. Hirai, M. Amaya
66-75Phase equilibria and magnetism in the Mo–Si–U systemPeter Rogl, Tristan Le Bihan, Henri Noël
76-82Physical properties of thorium oxalate powders and their influence on the thermal decompositionEnver Oktay, Ahmet Yayli
83-85Bulk thermal expansion studies of Th1−xM. D. Mathews, B. R. Ambekar, A. K. Tyagi

Volume 288, Issues 2-3, Pages 87-254 (February 2001)

87-91Thermal conductivity of U3O8 from 300 to 1100 KC. G. S. Pillai, A. K. Dua, P. Raj
92-99A mechanism for the sintered density decrease of UO2–Gd2O3 pellets under an oxidizing atmosphereKun Woo Song, Keon Sik Kim, Jae Ho Yang, Ki Won Kang, Youn Ho Jung
100-129Thermodynamic modelling of the C–U and B–U binary systemsP. Y. Chevalier, E. Fischer
130-136Cracks as sink of irradiation created point defectsA. Sarce
137-147On the role of grain boundary diffusion in fission gas releaseD. R. Olander, P. Van Uffelen
148-152O2 erosion of graphite tile substratesJ. W. Davis, C. G. Hamilton, A. A. Haasz
153-162Evaluation of chemical erosion data for carbon materials at high ion fluxes using Bayesian probability theoryV. Dose, R. Preuss, J. Roth
163-169Effects of temperature and contact stress on the sliding wear of Ni-base Deloro 50 hardfacing alloySeon–Jin Kim, Jun–Ki Kim
170-178Tritium depth profiles in graphite and carbon fibre composite material exposed to tokamak plasmasR. -D. Penzhorn, N. Bekris, U. Berndt, J. P. Coad, H. Ziegler, W. Nägele
179-186Stress corrosion cracking on irradiated 316 stainless steelGen Furutani, Nobuo Nakajima, Takao Konishi, Mitsuhiro Kodama
187-196Studies on hydrogen permeability of 2.25% Cr–1% Mo ferritic steel: correlation with microstructureN. Parvathavarthini, S. Saroja, R. K. Dayal, H. S. Khatak
197-201A fracture mechanics analysis of the PWR nuclear power plant reactor pressure vessel beltline weldLih-jier Young
202-207The effects of tungsten addition on the microstructural stability of 9Cr–Mo SteelsS. G. Hong, W. B. Lee, C. G. Park
208-216Heavy-ion irradiation effects on structures and acid dissolution of pyrochloresB. D. Begg, N. J. Hess, W. J. Weber, R. Devanathan, J. P. Icenhower, S. Thevuthasan, B. P. McGrail
217-221The Sn–Ti–Zr system: equilibrium phases at 900°CS. F. Aricó, L. M. Gribaudo
222-232Microstructure and mechanical properties of Inconel 625 superalloyVani Shankar, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao, S. L. Mannan
233-236Some aspects of the use of ZrN as an inert matrix for actinide fuelsM. Burghartz, G. Ledergerber, H. Hein, R. R. van der Laan, R. J. M. Konings
237-240Influence of precipitate density on the nodular corrosion resistance of Zr–Sn–Fe–Cr alloys at 500°CD. Charquet
241-247Raman spectra of tetragonal zirconia: powder to zircaloy oxide frequency shiftPierre Barbéris, Gaëlle Corolleur-Thomas, René Guinebretière, Thérèse Merle-Mejean, Andrei Mirgorodsky, Pierre Quintard
24810th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, 14–19 October 2001, Baden–Baden, Germany: Organized by Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe/EURATOM Fusion Association
249-250Author index
251-254Subject index

Volume 289, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-218 (February 2001)

1-9Tensile strength and fracture surface characterization of Hi-Nicalon™ SiC fibersG. E. Youngblood, Charles Lewinsohn, R. H. Jones, Akira Kohyama
10-15Failure mechanisms in continuous-fiber ceramic composites in fusion energy environmentsC. A. Lewinsohn, C. H. HenagerJr., G. E. Youngblood, R. H. Jones, E. Lara-Curzio, R. Scholz
16-22Computational analysis of creep fracture deformation in SiC/SiC compositesH. Serizawa, M. Ando, C. A. Lewinsohn, H. Murakawa
23-29Improvement of mechanical properties of SiC/SiC composites by various surface treatments of fibersT. Hinoki, W. Yang, T. Nozawa, T. Shibayama, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
30-36Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of SiC/SiC composites with modified-RS processS. P. Lee, Y. Katoh, J. S. Park, S. Dong, A. Kohyama, S. Suyama, H. K. Yoon
37-41Development of SiC/SiC composites by PIP in combination with RSMasaki Kotani, Akira Kohyama, Yutai Katoh
42-47Properties and radiation effects in high-temperature pyrolyzed PIP-SiC/SiCYutai Katoh, Masaki Kotani, Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Wen Yang, Akira Kohyama
48-51XPS characterization of beryllium carbide thin films formed via plasma depositionYixiang Xie, Nicholas C. Morosoff, William J. James
52-56Long-term stability of ceramics in liquid lithiumB. A. Pint, L. D. Chitwood, J. R. Di Stefano
57-70Molecular dynamics simulation of irradiation-induced amorphization of cubic silicon carbideL. Malerba, J. M. Perlado
71-79Molecular dynamics refinement of topologically generated reconstructions of simulated irradiation cascades in silica networksXianglong Yuan, Vinay Pulim, Linn W. Hobbs
80-85Structural stability of irradiated ceramicsPaolo M. Ossi
86-95New mechanism for radiation defect production and aggregation in crystalline ceramicsV. I. Dubinko, A. A. Turkin, D. I. Vainshtein, H. W. den Hartog
96-101Accumulation and recovery of disorder on silicon and carbon sublattices in ion-irradiated 6H–SiCW. Jiang, W. J. Weber, S. Thevuthasan, V. Shutthanandan
102-109Physical property change of heavily neutron-irradiated Si3N4 and SiC by thermal annealingToyohiko Yano, Masafumi Akiyoshi, Kohki Ichikawa, Yoshiaki Tachi, Takayoshi Iseki
110-114Effects of Xe ion irradiation and subsequent annealing on the structural properties of magnesium-aluminate spinelIvan V. Afanasyev-Charkin, Robert M. Dickerson, D. Wayne Cooke, Bryan L. Bennett, Vasily T. Gritsyna, Kurt E. Sickafus
115-121Behaviour of implanted xenon in yttria-stabilised zirconia as inert matrix of a nuclear fuelC. Degueldre, M. Pouchon, M. Döbeli, K. Sickafus, K. Hojou, G. Ledergerber, S. Abolhassani-Dadras
122-127Effects of fission product incorporation on the microstructure of cubic zirconiaL. M. Wang, S. X. Wang, S. Zhu, R. C. Ewing
128-135Hydrogen–damage interactions in yttria-stabilized zirconiaV. Shutthanandan, S. Thevuthasan, J. S. Young, T. M. Orlando, W. J. Weber
136-166Alpha-decay damage and aqueous durability of actinide host phases in natural systemsGregory R. Lumpkin
167-176Computational study of plutonium–neodymium fluorobritholite Ca9Nd0.5Pu0.5(SiO4)(PO4)5F2 thermodynamic properties and threshold displacement energiesC. Meis
177-187Heavy ion irradiation studies of columbite, brannerite, and pyrochlore structure typesGregory R. Lumpkin, Katherine L. Smith, Mark G. Blackford
188-193Heavy-ion irradiation effects in Gd2(Ti2−xB. D. Begg, N. J. Hess, D. E. McCready, S. Thevuthasan, W. J. Weber
194-198Determination of the defect creation mechanism in fluoroapatiteStéphane Soulet, Jacques Chaumont, Jean-Claude Krupa, Joëlle Carpena, Marie-Odile Ruault
199-203Optical emission due to ionic displacements in alkaline earth titanatesR. Cooper, K. L. Smith, M. Colella, E. R. Vance, M. Phillips
204-209Accumulation and thermal recovery of disorder in Au2+-irradiated SrTiO3S. Thevuthasan, W. Jiang, V. Shutthanandan, W. J. Weber
211-212Author index
213-218Subject index

Volume 289, Issue 3, Pages 219-357 (March 2001)

219-226Preliminary study of irradiation effects on thorium phosphate-diphosphateE. Pichot, N. Dacheux, J. Emery, J. Chaumont, V. Brandel, M. Genet
227-242Investigation of models to predict the corrosion of steels in flowing liquid lead alloysF. Balbaud-Célérier, F. Barbier
243-246Gibbs energy of formation of Ba(OH)2 vapor species using the transpiration techniqueM. Ali (Basu), R. Mishra, A. S. Kerkar, S. R. Bharadwaj, D. Das
247-253Short-time creep and rupture tests on high burnup fuel rod claddingW. Goll, H. Spilker, E. H. Toscano
254-262Kinetics of uranium release from Synroc phasesY. Zhang, K. P. Hart, W. L. Bourcier, R. A. Day, M. Colella, B. Thomas, Z. Aly, A. Jostsons
263-269The effect of manganese on the strain-induced martensitic transformation and high temperature wear resistance of Fe–20Cr–1C–1Si hardfacing alloyJun-ki Kim, Geun-mo Kim, Seon-jin Kim
270-280Oxygen potential and defect structure of the solid solution, Mg–Gd–UO2Takeo Fujino, Nobuaki Sato, Kohta Yamada, Manabu Okazaki, Kousaku Fukuda, Hiroyuki Serizawa, Tetsuo Shiratori
281-290Dissolution behaviour of magnetite film formed over carbon steel in dilute organic acid mediaA. A. M. Prince, S. Velmurugan, S. V. Narasimhan, C. Ramesh, N. Murugesan, P. S. Raghavan, R. Gopalan
291-302Co-permeation of deuterium and hydrogen through PdKaname Kizu, Alexander Pisarev, Tetsuo Tanabe
303-307Lithium titanate pebbles reprocessing by wet chemistryC. Alvani, P. L. Carconi, S. Casadio, V. Contini, A. Dibartolomeo, F. Pierdominici, A. Deptula, S. Lagos, C. A. Nannetti
308-314Absorption of molten fluoride salts in glassy carbon, pyrographite and Hastelloy BJ. Vacik, H. Naramoto, J. Cervena, V. Hnatowicz, I. Peka, D. Fink
315-328Pre-transition oxidation behaviour of pre-hydrided Zircaloy-2M. Oskarsson, E. Ahlberg, U. Södervall, U. Andersson, K. Pettersson
329-333Thermophysical properties of zirconium hydride and uranium–zirconium hydrideB. Tsuchiya, J. Huang, K. Konashi, M. Teshigawara, M. Yamawaki
334-337Effect of molybdenum on electron radiation damage of Zr-base alloysJ. H. Lee, S. K. Hwang, K. Yasuda, C. Kinoshita
338-341Shadow corrosion or crevice corrosion?F. Garzarolli, P. B. Hoffmann, A. Seibold
342-345Formation of nitrides at the surface of U–Zr alloysM. Akabori, A. Itoh, T. Ogawa
34610th International Conferences on Fusion
347-349Author index
350-357Subject index
1-11Plasma–wall interaction issues in ITERG Janeschitz and ITER JCT and HTs
12-18Review of initial experimental results of the PSI studies in the large helical deviceS Masuzaki, K Akaishi, H Funaba, M Goto, K Ida, S Inagaki, N Inoue, K Kawahata, A Komori, Y Kubota, T Morisaki, S Morita, Y Nakamura, K Narihara, K Nishimura, N Noda, N Ohyabu, B.J Peterson, A Sagara, R Sakamoto, et al.
19-24Plasma–surface interactions on liquidsR. Bastasz, W. Eckstein
25-32Mixed material formation and erosionCh. Linsmeier, J. Luthin, P. Goldstraß
33-37D, He and Li sputtering of liquid eutectic Sn–LiJ.P. Allain, D.N. Ruzic, M.R. Hendricks
38-41Deuterium retention in W, W1%La, C-coated W and W2CR.A. Anderl, R.J. Pawelko, S.T. Schuetz
42-46Solid-state reaction between tungsten and hydrogen-containing carbon film at elevated temperatureK. Ashida, K. Fujino, T. Okabe, M. Matsuyama, K. Watanabe
47-51Mechanism of the chemical erosion of SiC under hydrogen irradiationM. Balden, S. Picarle, J. Roth
52-56Chemical erosion of carbon doped with different fine-grain carbidesM. Balden, C. Garcı́a-Rosales, R. Behrisch, J. Roth, P. Paz, J. Etxeberria
57-60Membrane bias effects on plasma-driven permeation of hydrogen through niobium membraneA. Busnyuk, Y. Nakamura, Y. Nakahara, H. Suzuki, N. Ohyabu, A. Livshits
61-65Methane formation in graphite and boron-doped graphite under simultaneous O+ and H+ irradiationA.Y.K. Chen, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz
66-70Chemical erosion of boronized films from DIII-D tilesJ.W. Davis, P.B. Wright, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, A.A. Haasz, C.G. Hamilton
71-75Formation of mixed layers and compounds on beryllium due to C+ and CO+ bombardmentP. Goldstrass, Ch. Linsmeier
76-79Surface reactions on beryllium after carbon vapour deposition and thermal treatmentP. Goldstrass, K.U. Klages, Ch. Linsmeier
80-84Surface tension enhancement of TRIM sputtering yields for liquid metal targetsA. Grossman, R.P. Doerner, S. Luckhardt
85-88Deuterium retention in single crystal tungstenA.A. Haasz, M. Poon, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, J.W. Davis
89-93Mixed-material coating formation on tungsten surfaces during plasma exposure in TEXTOR-94D. Hildebrandt, P. Wienhold, W. Schneider
94-98Anisotropic radiation damage by charge exchange neutrals under tokamak discharges in TRIAM-1MT. Hirai, T. Fujiwara, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, S. Itoh and TRIAM Group
99-103Attenuation of secondary electron emission from divertor plates due to magnetic field inclinationYu. Igitkhanov, G. Janeschitz
104-106Unified analytic representation of physical sputtering yieldR.K. Janev, Yu.V. Ralchenko, T. Kenmotsu, K. Hosaka
107-111Synergistic effects by simultaneous bombardment of tungsten with hydrogen and carbonK. Krieger, J. Roth
112-115Trapping of eV deuterium ions by niobium at glancing incidenceV.A. Kurnaev, A.V. Golubeva, A.A. Evanov, D.V. Levchuk, A.A. Pisarev, N.N. Trifonov
116-120Work function change of first wall candidate metals due to ion beam irradiationG.-N. Luo, K. Yamaguchi, T. Terai, M. Yamawaki
121-125Influence of oxygen on the carbide formation on tungstenJ. Luthin, Ch. Linsmeier
126-130TOF analysis of reflection of low-energy light ions from solid targets using coaxial impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy (CAICISS)K. Morita, N. Kishi, A. Grigoriev, S. Masuzaki, T. Muroga
131-134Non-destructive structural analysis of surface blistering by TEM and EELS in a reflection configurationS. Muto, T. Matsui, T. Tanabe
135-139Effect of helium irradiation on trapping and thermal release of deuterium implanted in tungstenS. Nagata, K. Takahiro
140-143Simulation study on retention and reflection from tungsten carbide under high fluence of helium ionsT. Ono, T. Kawamura, T. Kenmotsu, Y. Yamamura
144-147Carbon erosion mechanisms in tokamak divertor materials: insight from molecular dynamics simulationsE. Salonen, K. Nordlund, J. Keinonen, C.H. Wu
148-152Influence of diffusion on W sputtering by carbonK. Schmid, J. Roth, W. Eckstein
153-157Reactivity of lithium-containing amorphous carbon (a-C) filmsM. Töwe, P. Reinke, P. Oelhafen
158-161Energy distributions of CD4 and CD3 chemically released from graphite by D+ and D0/Ne+ impactE. Vietzke
162-165Implantation, erosion, and retention of tungsten in carbonR.A. Zuhr, J. Roth, W. Eckstein, U. von Toussaint, J. Luthin
166-172Measurements of erosion mechanisms from solid and liquid materials in PISCES-BR.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, R.W. Conn, A.A. Grossman, S.C. Luckhardt, R. Seraydarian, G.R. Tynan, D.G. Whyte
173-179Chemical erosion of doped graphites for fusion devicesC. Garcı́a-Rosales, M. Balden
180-184Measurements and modeling of D, He and Li sputtering of liquid lithiumJ.P. Allain, D.N. Ruzic, M.R. Hendricks
185-190Erosion/redeposition analysis of lithium-based liquid surface divertorsJ.N. Brooks, T.D. Rognlien, D.N. Ruzic, J.P. Allain
191-195The primary results for the mixed carbon material used for high flux steady-state tokamak operation in ChinaQ.G Guo, J.G Li, G.T Zhai, L Liu, J.R Song, L.F Zhang, Y.X He, J.L Chen
196-200Deuterium retention of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy exposed to the JFT-2M tokamak environmentY Hirohata, T Oda, T Hino, S Sengoku
201-205Experimental study of lithium target under high power loadB.I. Khripunov, V.B. Petrov, V.V. Shapkin, A.S. Pleshakov, A.S. Rupyshev, N.V. Antonov, A.M. Litnovsky, P.V. Romanov, Yu.S. Shpansky, V.A. Evtikhin, I.E. Lyublinsky, A.V. Vertkov
206-210Plasma operation with tungsten tiles at the central column of ASDEX UpgradeR. Neu, V. Rohde, A. Geier, K. Krieger, H. Maier, D. Bolshukhin, A. Kallenbach, R. Pugno, K. Schmidtmann, M. Zarrabian and ASDEX Upgrade Team
211-215Tritium retention in neutron-irradiated low-ZF Scaffidi-Argentina, C Sand, C.H Wu
216-219Silicon diffusion in amorphous carbon filmsE. Vainonen-Ahlgren, T. Ahlgren, L. Khriachtchev, J. Likonen, S. Lehto, J. Keinonen, C.H. Wu
220-223The porous vanadium as a plasma facing material for the fusion devicesA.V. Zhmendak, A. Huber, V.A. Kvitcinskiy, E.V. Mudretskaya, A.V. Nedospasov, V.V. Panechkina, S.N. Pavlov, A. Pospieszczyk, G.V. Sergienko, V.F. Virko
224-230Erosion/deposition issues at JETJ.P. Coad, N. Bekris, J.D. Elder, S.K. Erents, D.E. Hole, K.D. Lawson, G.F. Matthews, R.-D. Penzhorn, P.C. Stangeby
231-237Surface reactions of hydrocarbon radicals: suppression of the re-deposition in fusion experiments via a divertor linerA. von Keudell, T. Schwarz-Selinger, W. Jacob, A. Stevens
238-244Modelling of erosion and deposition at limiter surfaces and divertor target platesA. Kirschner, A. Huber, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, P. Wienhold, J. Winter
245-249Dust characterization and analysis in Tore-SupraPh. Chappuis, E. Tsitrone, M. Mayne, X. Armand, H. Linke, H. Bolt, D. Petti, J.P. Sharpe
250-254Characterisation of radiation and flux measurements on a neutraliser plate of the Tore Supra ergodic divertorY. Corre, R. Giannella, C. De Michelis, R. Guirlet, A. Azéroual, E. Chareyre, L. Costanzo, A. Escarguel, E. Gauthier, P. Ghendrih, J. Gunn, J. Hogan, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Pégourié, A. Pospieszczyk, E. Tsitrone
255-259Towards an improved understanding of the relationship between plasma edge and materials issues in a next-step fusion deviceG.F. Counsell, J.P. Coad, G. Federici, K. Krieger, V. Philipps, C.H. Skinner, D.G. Whyte
260-265Assessment of erosion and tritium codeposition in ITER-FEATG Federici, J.N Brooks, D.P Coster, G Janeschitz, A Kukuskhin, A Loarte, H.D Pacher, J Stober, C.H Wu
266-270Erosion and outgassing behavior of TiN-coated plasma facing components of the Uragan-3M torsatronG.P. Glazunov, E.D. Volkov, V.P. Veremeyenko, N.A. Kosik, A.A. Kutsyn, J. Langner, E. Langner, Yu.K. Mironov, N.I. Nazarov, J. Piekoszewski, M. Sadowski, J. Stanislawski, V.I. Tereshin
271-275Transport of and deposition from hydrocarbon radicals in a flow tube downstream from a CH4 RF dischargeA.E. Gorodetsky, I.I. Arkhipov, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, A.P. Zakharov, Yu.N. Tolmachev, S.P. Vnukov, V.L. Bukhovets
276-280Comparison of impurity production, recycling and power deposition on carbon and tungsten limiters in TEXTOR-94A. Huber, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Kirschner, M. Lehnen, T. Ohgo, K. Ohya, M. Rubel, B. Schweer, J. von Seggern, G. Sergienko, T. Tanabe, M. Wada
281-285Rapid diffusion of lithium into bulk graphite in lithium conditioningN. Itou, H. Toyoda, K. Morita, H. Sugai
286-290Molybdenum sources and transport in Alcator C-ModB. Lipschultz, D.A. Pappas, B. LaBombard, J.E. Rice, D. Smith, S. Wukitch
291-294Detection of sputtered and evaporated carbon aggregates: relative and absolute electron ionization fragmentation yieldsC. Mair, H. Deutsch, K. Becker, T.D. Märk, E. Vietzke
295-298Detailed structure analysis of deposit layer in TEXTOR by means of TEM techniquesS. Muto, N. Yokoya, T. Tanabe
299-302Effects of condensible impurities on the erosion behavior of the plasma-facing materialsN. Ohno, S. Uno, Y. Hirooka, S. Takamura
303-307Simulation calculations of mutual contamination between tungsten and carbon and its impact on plasma surface interactionsK. Ohya, R. Kawakami, T. Tanabe, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, M. Rubel, G. Sergienko, N. Noda
308-311Spectroscopic investigation on the impurity influxes of carbon and silicon in the ASDEX upgrade experimentR. Pugno, A. Kallenbach, D. Bolshukhin, R. Dux, J. Gafert, R. Neu, V. Rohde, K. Schmidtmann, W. Ullrich, U. Wenzel and ASDEX Upgrade Team
312-316Interactions between liquid-wall vapor and edge plasmasT.D. Rognlien, M.E. Rensink
317-320Carbon layers in the divertor of ASDEX UpgradeV. Rohde, H. Maier, K. Krieger, R. Neu, J. Perchermaier and ASDEX Upgrade Team
321-325Chemical erosion yields and photon efficiency measurements in the JET gas box divertorM.F. Stamp, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, G.F. Matthews, R.D. Monk
326-330Studies of tungsten erosion at the inner and outer main chamber wall of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamakA. Tabasso, H. Maier, J. Roth, K. Krieger and ASDEX Upgrade Team
331-335Net erosion measurements on plasma facing components of Tore SupraE. Tsitrone, P. Chappuis, Y. Corre, E. Gauthier, A. Grosman, J.Y. Pascal
336-340Some problems arising due to plasma–surface interaction for operation of the in-vessel mirrors in a fusion reactorV.S. Voitsenya, A.F. Bardamid, V.N. Bondarenko, W. Jacob, V.G. Konovalov, S. Masuzaki, O. Motojima, D.V. Orlinskij, V.L. Poperenko, I.V. Ryzhkov, A. Sagara, A.F. Shtan, S.I. Solodovchenko, M.V. Vinnichenko
341-345Erosion and deposition effects on the vessel wall of TEXTOR-94J. von Seggern, M. Mayer, D. Reiser, M. Rubel, V. Philipps
346-351Suppression of net erosion in the DIII-D divertor with detached plasmasW.R. Wampler, D.G. Whyte, C.P.C. Wong, W.P. West
352-355Extinction of CD band emission in the divertor of ASDEX UpgradeU. Wenzel, M. Laux, R. Pugno, K. Schmidtmann
356-361Reduction of divertor carbon sources in DIII-DD.G. Whyte, W.P. West, R. Doerner, N.H. Brooks, R.C. Isler, G.L. Jackson, G. Porter, M.R. Wade, C.P.C. Wong
362-366Investigation of carbon transport in the scrape-off layer of TEXTOR-94P. Wienhold, H.G. Esser, D. Hildebrandt, A. Kirschner, M. Mayer, V. Philipps, M. Rubel
367-373Hydrogen molecules in the divertor of ASDEX UpgradeU. Fantz, D. Reiter, B. Heger, D. Coster
374-380High-density H-mode operation achieved using efficient plasma refueling by inboard pellet launchP.T Lang, O Gruber, L.D Horton, T.T.C Jones, M Kaufmann, A Lorenz, M Maraschek, V Mertens, J Neuhauser, G Saibene, H Zohm and ASDEX Upgrade Team JET Team
381-388Hydrogen inventories in nuclear fusion devicesM Mayer, V Philipps, P Wienhold, H.G Esser, J von Seggern, M Rubel
389-393Deuterium retention and lattice damage in tungsten irradiated with D ionsV.Kh. Alimov, K. Ertl, J. Roth
394-397Laboratory study of the transport and condensation of hydrocarbon radicals and its consequences for mitigating the tritium inventory in the ITER-FEAT divertorI.I. Arkhipov, G. Federici, A.E. Gorodetsky, C. Ibbott, D.A. Komarov, A.N. Makhankov, A.V. Markin, I.V. Mazul, R. Tivey, A.P. Zakharov, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov
398-401Characteristics of ELM activity and fueling efficiency of pellet injection from different locations on DIII-DL.R. Baylor, T.C. Jernigan, R.J. Colchin, J.R. Ferron, M.R. Wade
402-406Particle trapping in carbon walls during ICRH heating in Tore SupraC. Grisolia, J. Hogan, Ph. Ghendrih, Th. Loarer, J. Gunn, P. Monier-Garbet, M. Becoulet, Th. Hutter
407-412Reversal of in–out asymmetry of the particle-recycling associated with XA. Hatayama, H. Segawa, N. Komatsu, R. Schneider, D.P. Coster, N. Hayashi, S. Sakurai, N. Asakura
413-417Vibrational population of the ground state of H2 and D2 in the divertor of ASDEX UpgradeB. Heger, U. Fantz, K. Behringer and ASDEX Upgrade Team
418-422Comparison of hydrogen and tritium uptake and retention in JETD.L. Hillis, J. Hogan, J.P. Coad, G. Duxbury, M. Groth, H.Y. Guo, L. Horton, G. Matthews, A. Meigs, P. Morgan, M. Stamp, M. von Hellermann
423-427Modeling of wall recycling effects on the global particle balance in magnetic fusion devicesY. Hirooka, S. Masuzaki, H. Suzuki, T. Kenmotsu, T. Kawamura
428-432Isotope effects in thermal release of H and D implanted into WC layers on graphiteT. Horikawa, K. Morita, B. Tsuchiya
433-436Role of grain boundaries and carbon deposition in deuterium retention behavior of deuterium plasma exposed tungstenD.A. Komarov, A.V. Markin, S.Yu. Rybakov, A.P. Zakharov
437-442Nondestructive measurement of surface tritium by β-ray induced X-ray spectrometry (BIXS)M. Matsuyama, T. Tanabe, N. Noda, V. Philipps, K.H. Finken, K. Watanabe
443-447Local recycling coefficients and wall equilibration in tokamaksP.K. Mioduszewski, L.W. Owen
448-453Tritium detection in plasma facing component by imaging plate techniqueK. Miyasaka, T. Tanabe, G. Mank, K.H. Finken, V. Philipps, D.S. Walsh, K. Nishizawa, T. Saze
454-458Compact toroid injection as fueling in the JFT-2M tokamakT. Ogawa, H. Ogawa, Y. Miura, H. Niimi, H. Kimura, Y. Kashiwa, T. Shibata, M. Yamamoto, N. Fukumoto, M. Nagata, T. Uyama
459-463Surface effects on plasma-driven tritium permeation through metalsO.V. Ogorodnikova
464-468Origins and spatial distributions of core fueling in the DIII-D tokamakL.W. Owen, R.J. Colchin, R. Maingi, M.E. Fenstermacher, T.N. Carlstrom, R.J. Groebner
469-472A study of tritium decontamination of deposits by UV irradiationY. Oya, W. Shu, S. O'hira, T. Hayashi, H. Nakamura, T. Sakai, T. Tadokoro, K. Kobayashi, T. Suzuki, M. Nishi
473-477Fuel accumulation in co-deposited layers on plasma facing componentsM. Rubel, P. Wienhold, D. Hildebrandt
478-481Hydrogen recycling study by Balmer lines emissions in linear plasma machine TPEK. Shimada, T. Tanabe, R. Causey, T. Venhaus, K. Okuno
482-485Tritium decontamination of TFTR carbon tiles employing ultra violet lightW.M. Shu, S. Ohira, C.A. Gentile, Y. Oya, H. Nakamura, T. Hayashi, Y. Iwai, Y. Kawamura, S. Konishi, M.F. Nishi, K.M. Young
486-490Studies of tritiated co-deposited layers in TFTRC.H. Skinner, C.A. Gentile, G. Ascione, A. Carpe, R.A. Causey, T. Hayashi, J. Hogan, S. Langish, M. Nishi, W.M. Shu, W.R. Wampler, K.M. Young
491-495Hydrogen isotope depth profiling in carbon samples from the erosion dominated inner vessel walls of JETC. Stan-Sion, R. Behrisch, J.P. Coad, U. Kreißig, F. Kubo, V. Lazarev, S. Lindig, M. Mayer, E. Nolte, A. Peacock, L. Rohrer, J. Roth
496-500In situ measurement of hydrogen retention in JET carbon tilesD.D.R. Summers, M.N.A. Beurskens, J.P. Coad, G. Counsell, W. Fundamenski, G.F. Matthews, M.F. Stamp
501-504Influence of hydrogen surface coverage on atomic particle reflectionI. Takagi, Y. Koga, H. Fujita, K. Higashi
505-508Behavior of tungsten exposed to high fluences of low energy hydrogen isotopesT Venhaus, R Causey, R Doerner, T Abeln
509-512Radioactive dust levitation and its consequences for fusion devicesJ. Winter, V.E. Fortov, A.P. Nefedov
513-517Particle control in the sustained spheromak physics experimentR.D. Wood, D.N. Hill, E.B. Hooper, D. Buchenauer, H. McLean, Z. Wang, S. Woodruff, G. Wurden
518-524Interpretation of SOL flows and target asymmetries in JET using EDGE2D code calculationsA.V. Chankin, G. Corrigan, S.K. Erents, G.F. Matthews, J. Spence, P.C. Stangeby
525-529Radiation distribution and power balance in the ASDEX Upgrade LYRA divertorJ.C. Fuchs, D. Coster, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, K.F. Mast and ASDEX Upgrade Team
530-536Large EM.J. Schaffer, J.A. Boedo, R.A. Moyer, T.N. Carlstrom, J.G. Watkins
537-541Plasma edge fluid models for recycling at near tangential surfacesM. Baelmans, D. Reiter, B. Küppers, P. Börner
542-545High resolution measurements of neutral density and ionization rate in the main chamber of the Alcator C-Mod tokamakR.L. Boivin, J. Goetz, A. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, J. Irby, B. LaBombard, E. Marmar, D. Mossessian, J.L. Terry
546-550W7-X edge modelling with the 3D SOL fluid code BoRiSM. Borchardt, J. Riemann, R. Schneider, X. Bonnin
551-555Study of the relation between density and temperature fall-off lengths in a detached divertor plasmaK. Borrass
556-560Observations of cold, high density plasma in the private flux region of the Alcator C-Mod divertorC.J. Boswell, J.L. Terry, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, J.A. Goetz
561-565Flow measurements in the edge plasma of Tore SupraC. Boucher, L.-G. Thibault, J.P. Gunn, J.-Y. Pascal, P. Devynck and Tore Supra Team
566-570Feedback control on edge plasma parameters with ergodic divertor in Tore SupraJ. Bucalossi, J.P. Gunn, A. Géraud, Ph. Ghendrih, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, G. Martin, D. Moulin, J.-Y. Pascal, F. Saint-Laurent
571-574Extension of the B2 code towards the plasma core for a self-consistent simulation of ASDEX upgrade scenariosH. Bürbaumer, R. Neu, R. Schneider, D. Coster, J. Stober, F. Aumayr, H.P. Winter
575-578Plasma profiles in the inner divertor of ASDEX UpgradeA. Carlson, D. Coster, A. Herrmann, R. Pugno, U. Wenzel
579-583Plasma boundary and SOL studies of ECH-plasmas in TJ-II stellarator with diagnosed mobile poloidal limitersE. de la Cal, B. Brañas, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, A.L. Fraguas, M.A. Pedrosa, V. Tribaldos, E. Ascasibar, J. Herranz, I. Pastor and TJ-II Team
584-587Density fluctuations at high density in the ergodic divertor configuration of Tore SupraP. Devynck, J. Gunn, Ph. Ghendrih, X. Garbet, G. Antar, P. Beyer, C. Boucher, C. Honore, F. Gervais, P. Hennequin, A. Quémeneur, A. Truc
588-592Performance of high triangularity plasmas as the volume of the secondary divertor is varied in DIII-DM.E. Fenstermacher, T.H. Osborne, T.W. Petrie, R.J. Groebner, C.J. Lasnier, R.J. La Haye, A.W. Leonard, G.D. Porter, J.G. Watkins and DIII-D Team
593-597Analysis of SOL behaviour in JET MkIIGB using an advanced onion-skin solver (OSM2)W. Fundamenski, S.K. Erents, G.F. Matthews, A.V. Chankin, V. Riccardo, P.C. Stangeby, J.D. Elder
598-603Impurity transport experiments in the edge plasma of Alcator C-Mod using gas injection plumesS. Gangadhara, B. LaBombard, C. MacLatchy
604-608Turbulent transport studies in JET edge plasmas in XI. García-Cortés, A. Loarte, R. Balbín, J. Bleuel, A. Chankin, S.J. Davies, M. Endler, S.K. Erents, C. Hidalgo, G.F. Matthews, H. Thomsen
609-614Calculation of 2D profiles for the plasma and electric field in the boundary layer of the TEXTOR-94 TokamakH. Gerhauser, R. Zagórski, H.A. Claaßen, M. Lehnen
615-618On the validity of collisional–radiative modelsP.T. Greenland
619-622Heat flux decay length in the midplane of ASDEX UpgradeA. Herrmann, A. Carlson, J.C. Fuchs, O. Gruber, M. Laux, J. Neuhauser, R. Pugno, A. Sips, W. Treutterer, W. Schneider and ASDEX Upgrade Team
623-627Impurity behavior before and during the xS. Higashijima, H. Kubo, T. Sugie, T. Nakano, S. Konoshima, H. Tamai, K. Shimizu, A. Sakasai, N. Asakura, S. Sakurai, K. Itami
628-632Effect of limiter recycling on measured poloidal impurity emission profiles in Tore SupraJ. Hogan, C. DeMichelis, P. Monier-Garbet, M. Becoulet, C. Bush, P. Ghendrih, R. Guirlet, W. Hess, M. Mattioli, J.C. Vallet
633-638Observation of detachment in the JET MkIIGB divertor using CCD camera tomographyK. Itami, P. Coad, W. Fundamenski, C. Ingesson, J. Lingertat, G.F. Matthews, A. Tabasso
639-643Electric currents in the scrape-off layer in ASDEX UpgradeA. Kallenbach, A. Carlson, G. Pautasso, A. Peeters, U. Seidel, H.-P. Zehrfeld and ASDEX Upgrade Team
644-647ASDEX-Upgrade edge transport scalings from the two-dimensional interpretative code B2.5-IJ.-W. Kim, D.P. Coster, J. Neuhauser, R. Schneider and ASDEX-Upgrade Team
648-652Heat load on the first wall materials and interaction of emitted neutrals with plasmaKazuki Kobayashi, Shinichiro Kado, Bingjia Xiao, Satoru Tanaka
653-657Energy flux measurements in a steady-state discharge at PSI-2B. Koch, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann, P. Kornejew, H.-D. Reiner
658-662Investigation of the hydrogen fluxes in the plasma edge of W7-AS during H-mode dischargesU. Langer, E. Taglauer W7-AS Team, R. Fischer
663-667Investigations on density and temperature asymmetries due to drift motions in the boundary layer of TEXTOR-94M. Lehnen, M. Brix, H. Gerhauser, B. Schweer, R. Zagórski
668-672Divertor energy distribution in JET H-modesG.F. Matthews, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, C. Ingesson, R.D. Monk, V. Riccardo
673-677Explorative studies for the development of fast He beam plasma diagnosticsS. Menhart, M. Proschek, H.-D. Falter, H. Anderson, H. Summers, A. Staebler, P. Franzen, H. Meister, J. Schweinzer, T.T.C. Jones, S. Cox, N. Hawkes, F. Aumayr, H.P. Winter
678-682Island divertor in a helical-axis heliotron device (Heliotron J)T. Mizuuchi, M. Nakasuga, F. Sano, Y. Nakamura, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, K. Kondo, T. Obiki
683-687Studies of edge plasmas in an anchor minimum-B region of the GAMMA 10 tandem mirrorY. Nakashima, K.Md. Islam, A. Wada, D. Sato, S. Kobayashi, Y. Ishimoto, Y. Kawasaki, I. Katanuma, T. Saito, M. Yoshikawa, R. Baba, H. Aminaka, E. Ishinuki, K. Yatsu
688-691Evaluation of electron temperature in detached recombining plasmasD. Nishijima, U. Wenzel, M. Motoyama, N. Ohno, S. Takamura, S.I. Krasheninnikov
692-695Particle flows in pumped DIII-D dischargesG.D. Porter, T.D. Rognlien, M.E. Rensink, N.S. Wolf, W.P. West
696-700Plasma rotation and structure of the radial electric field in RFXM.E. Puiatti, L. Tramontin, V. Antoni, R. Bartiromo, L. Carraro, D. Desideri, E. Martines, F. Sattin, P. Scarin, G. Serianni, M. Spolaore, M. Valisa, B. Zaniol
701-705Thermography of target plates with near-infrared optical fibres at Tore SupraR. Reichle, V. Basiuk, V. Bergeaud, A. Cambe, M. Chantant, E. Delchambre, M. Druetta, E. Gauthier, W. Hess, C. Pocheau
706-709Simulation of power and particle flows in the NSTX edge plasmaM.E. Rensink, H. Kugel, R. Maingi, F. Paoletti, G.D. Porter, T.D. Rognlien, S. Sabbagh, X. Xu
710-714Modeling of tokamak edge plasma for discharges with neutral beam injectionV. Rozhansky, S. Voskoboynikov, E. Kovaltsova, D. Coster, R. Schneider
715-719Consistency check of ZB. Schunke, C. DeMichelis, R. Guirlet, P. Monier-Garbet, M. Mattioli, E. Chareyre, O. Meyer
720-724Spectroscopic studies of stationary MARFEs in TEXTOR-94G. Sergienko, A. Pospieszczyk, M. Lehnen, M. Brix, J. Rapp, B. Schweer, P.T. Greenland
725-728Kinetic simulation of a source dominated plasma–wall interaction in an oblique magnetic fieldDevendra Sharma, H. Ramachandran
729-732Study of edge plasma properties comparing operation in hydrogen and helium in RFXM. Spolaore, V. Antoni, M. Bagatin, D. Desideri, L. Fattorini, E. Martines, G. Serianni, L. Tramontin, N. Vianello
733-737Onion-skin method (OSM) analysis of DIII-D edge measurementsP.C. Stangeby, J.G. Watkins, G.D. Porter, J.D. Elder, S. Lisgo, D. Reiter, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte
738-742Self-consistent description of the core and boundary plasma in the high-field ignition experimentR. Stankiewicz, R. Zagórski
743-747A 2D fluid model of the scrape-off layer (SOL) using adaptive unstructured finite volumesFabio Subba, Roberto Zanino
748-752Density control and plasma edge characterisation of ECRH heated plasmas in the TJ-II stellaratorF.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, B. Brañas, E. de la Cal, I. García-Cortés, T. Estrada, I. Pastor, J. Herranz, E. de la Luna, F. Medina
753-756Particle simulation of detached plasma in the presence of diffusive particle loss and radiative energy lossT. Takizuka, M. Hosokawa, K. Shimizu
757-762Visible imaging of turbulence in the SOL of the Alcator C-Mod tokamakJ.L. Terry, R. Maqueda, C.S. Pitcher, S.J. Zweben, B. LaBombard, E.S. Marmar, A.Yu. Pigarov, G. Wurden
763-767Numerical study of plasma–wall transition in an oblique magnetic fieldFabrice Valsaque, Giovanni Manfredi
768-772Local emission and core concentration of tungsten in TEXTOR-94 plasmas operated with tungsten test and poloidal limitersM. Wada, T. Ohgo, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, T. Tanabe, W. Biel, K. Kondo, K. Ohya, V. Philipps, G. Bertschinger, J. Rapp, B. Schweer, N. Noda
773-777Low-Z impurity transport in DIII-D – observations and implicationsM.R. Wade, W.A. Houlberg, L.R. Baylor, W.P. West, D.R. Baker
778-782Comparison of Langmuir probe and Thomson scattering measurements in DIII-DJ.G. Watkins, P. Stangeby, J.A. Boedo, T.N. Carlstrom, C.J. Lasnier, R.A. Moyer, D.L. Rudakov, D.G. Whyte
783-787Modeling of carbon transport in the divertor and SOL of DIII-D during high performance plasma operationW.P. West, G.D. Porter, T.E. Evans, P. Stangeby, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.C. Isler, T.D. Rognlien, M.R. Wade, D.G. Whyte, N.S. Wolf
788-792Effects of flush-mounted probe bias on local turbulent fluctuationsD.L. Winslow, B. LaBombard
793-797Numerical simulation of hydrogen molecular dissociation and the effects to Hα profiles in low temperature plasmasBingjia Xiao, Shinichiro Kado, Kazuki Kobayashi, Satoru Tanaka
798-804Control of divertor geometry and performance of the ergodic divertor of Tore SupraPh. Ghendrih, M. Bécoulet, L. Costanzo, Y. Corre, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, R. Guirlet, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, P. Monier-Garbet, G. Mank, R. Reichle, J.-C. Vallet, M. Zabiégo, A. Azéroual, J. Bucalossi, P. Devynck, C De Michelis, K.H. Finken, J. Hogan, et al.
805-811Multi-machine modelling of divertor geometry effectsA. Loarte
812-819The effect of baffling on divertor leakage in Alcator C-ModC.S. Pitcher, C.J. Boswell, T. Chung, J.A. Goetz, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, J.E. Rice, D.P. Stotler, J.L. Terry
820-824Experimental investigations of the SOL plasma in the MAST tokamakJ.-W. Ahn, G.F. Counsell
825-828Pumping effect on the divertor plasma and detachment in the JT-60U W-shaped divertorN. Asakura, S. Sakurai, H. Tamai, Y. Koide, Y. Sakamoto, O. Naito, H. Kubo, K. Itami, K. Masaki
829-835Electric fields and currents in an island divertor configurationX. Bonnin, R. Schneider, D. Coster, V. Rozhansky, S. Voskoboynikov
836-839Helium transport and exhaust with an ITER-like divertor in ASDEX UpgradeH.-S. Bosch, W. Ullrich, D. Coster, O. Gruber, G. Haas, J. Neuhauser, R. Schneider, R. Wolf and ASDEX Upgrade Team
840-844Analysis of energy flux deposition and sheath transmission factors during ergodic divertor operation on Tore SupraL. Costanzo, J.P. Gunn, T. Loarer, L. Colas, Y. Corre, Ph. Ghendrih, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, D. Guilhem, P. Monier-Garbet, R. Reichle, H. Roche, J.C. Vallet
845-848B2–EIRENE modelling of He compression and enrichmentD.P. Coster, H.-S. Bosch, W. Ullrich and ASDEX Upgrade Team
849-853Transport modelling of TEXTOR-DED laminar zoneTh. Eich, D. Reiser, K.H. Finken
854-858Spectral profile analysis of the Dα line in the divertor region of Tore-SupraA. Escarguel, R. Guirlet, A. Azéroual, B. Pégourié, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, H. Capes, Y. Corre, C. DeMichelis, L. Godbert-Mouret, M. Koubiti, M. Mattioli, R. Stamm
859-862Divertor target heat load reduction by electrical biasing, and application to COMPASS-DS.J. Fielding, R.H. Cohen, P. Helander, D.D. Ryutov
863-866Tore Supra divertor screening efficiency during density regime experimentsC. Grisolia, Ph. Ghendrih, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, P. Monier-Garbet, C. De Michelis, L. Costanzo, J.Y. Pascal
867-871Noble gas enrichment studies at JETM. Groth, P. Andrew, W. Fundamenski, H.Y. Guo, D.L. Hillis, J.T. Hogan, L.D. Horton, G.F. Matthews, A.G. Meigs, P.M. Morgan, M.F. Stamp, M. von Hellermann
872-876Spectroscopic study of neon emission and retention in the Tore Supra ergodic divertorR. Guirlet, J. Hogan, Y. Corre, C. De Michelis, A. Escarguel, W. Hess, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Schunke
877-881Measurement and simulation of edge flows induced by ergodization in Tore SupraJ.P Gunn, C Boucher, Y Corre, P Devynck, Ph Ghendrih, J.-Y Pascal
882-886Island divertor investigations on the W7-AS stellaratorR.W.T. König, K. McCormick, Y. Feng, S. Fiedler, P. Grigull, D. Hildebrandt, J. Kisslinger, J.P. Knauer, G. Kühner, D. Naujoks, J. Sallander, S. Sardei, F. Wagner, A. Werner and W7-AS Team
887-891Critical issues in divertor optimisation for ITER–FEATA.S. Kukushkin, G. Janeschitz, A. Loarte, H.D. Pacher, D. Coster, D. Reiter, R. Schneider
892-895Impurity radiation modulations in an ergodic divertorF. Laugier, M. Bécoulet, C. De Michelis, Ph. Ghendrih, J.P. Gunn, P. Monier-Garbet, R. Reichle, J.C. Vallet
896-899Narrow power deposition profiles on the JET divertor targetJ. Lingertat, M. Laux, R. Monk
900-904Particle collection and exhaust in ergodic divertor experiments on Tore SupraT. Loarer, Ph. Ghendrih, J. Gunn, A. Azéroual, L. Costanzo, C. Grisolia, R. Guirlet, G. Mank, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Pégourié
905-909Initial performance results of the DIII-D Divertor 2000M.A. Mahdavi, M.R. Wade, J.G. Watkins, C.J. Lasnier, T. Luce, S.L. Allen, A.W. Hyatt, C. Baxi, J.A. Boedo, A.S. Bozek, N.H. Brooks, R.J. Colchin, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, M.E. Friend, R.C. O'Neill, R.C. Isler, A.G. Kellman, A.W. Leonard, R. Maingi, et al.
910-914Alternative schemes of power deposition with the ergodic divertor on Tore SupraG. Mank, Ph. Ghendrih, C. Grisolia, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, P. Monier-Garbet, L. Costanzo, K.H. Finken, C. De Michelis, R. Reichle
915-919Effect of biasing on divertors in low and high ionization statesH. Matsuura, T. Yamamoto, M. Numano
920-924On the way to divertor detachment in the W7-AS stellaratorK. McCormick, P. Grigull, R. König, R. Burhenn, H. Ehmler, Y. Feng, S. Fiedler, L. Giannone, D. Hildebrandt, J.P. Knauer, G. Kühner, D. Naujoks, J. Sallander, Ch. Wendland and W7-AS Team
925-929High radiation from intrinsic and injected impurities in Tore Supra ergodic divertor plasmasP. Monier-Garbet, C. DeMichelis, Ph. Ghendrih, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, R. Guirlet, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, C.E. Bush, C. Clement, Y. Corre, L. Costanzo, B. Schunke, J.C. Vallet
930-934The effect of divertor tile material on radiation profiles in LHDB.J. Peterson, S. Masuzaki, R. Sakamoto, K. Sato, S. Inagaki, A. Sagara, S. Ohdachi, Y. Nakamura, N. Noda, Y. Xu, J.E. Rice, N. Ashikawa, S. Yamamoto, M. Takechi, K. Toi, S. Morita, M. Goto, K. Narihara, N. Inoue, Y. Takeiri, et al.
935-939The effect of divertor magnetic balance on H-mode performance in DIII-DT.W. Petrie, C.M. Greenfield, R.J. Grobener, A.W. Hyatt, R.J. La Haye, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, T.H. Osborne, M.J. Schaffer, D.M. Thomas, W.P. West DIII-D Team, S.L. Allen, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.J. Lasnier, G.D. Porter, N.S. Wolf, J.G. Watkins, T.L. Rhodes
940-946Divertor geometry effects on detachment in TCVR.A. Pitts, B.P. Duval, A. Loarte, J.-M. Moret, J.A. Boedo, D. Coster, I. Furno, J. Horacek, A.S. Kukushkin, D. Reiter, J. Rommers and The TCV Team
947-952Operation of TEXTOR-94 with tungsten poloidal main limitersA. Pospieszczyk, T. Tanabe, V. Philipps, G. Sergienko, T. Ohgo, K. Kondo, M. Wada, M. Rubel, W. Biel, A. Huber, A. Kirschner, J. Rapp, N. Noda
953-956Helium compression analysis for ASDEX Upgrade with fluid and kinetic codesD. Reiser, R. Schneider, D. Coster, W. Ullrich, H.S. Bosch
957-961Helium exhaust in divertor–closure configuration with W-shaped divertor of JT-60UA. Sakasai, H. Takenaga, H. Kubo, N. Akino, S. Higashijima, S. Sakurai, H. Tamai, K. Itami, N. Asakura
962-966The influence of the poloidal variation of the density on the locally measured velocities induced by biasing experimentsM. van Schoor, H. van Goubergen, R. Weynants
967-971Modeling of Alcator C-Mod divertor baffling experimentsD.P. Stotler, C.S. Pitcher, C.J. Boswell, T.K. Chung, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, J.L. Terry, R.J. Kanzleiter
972-975JET methane screening experimentsJ.D. Strachan, K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, M. von Hellermann, L. Horton, K. Lawson, G. McCracken, J. Spence, M. Stamp, K-D. Zastrow
976-979Spectroscopic measurement of biasing effect on sheath electric field distribution in front of a metal plate inserted in a plasma flowK. Takiyama, T. Oda, K. Sato
980-984Issues in the plasma wall interactions in RFXM. Valisa, R. Bartiromo, D. Bettella, L. Carraro, S. Costa, P. Martin, S. Martini, R. Pasqualotto, M.E. Puiatti, P. Scarin, F. Sattin, G. Telesca, P. Zanca, B. Zaniol and RFX Team
985-989Characterisation of the separatrix position in the ergodic divertor discharges of the Tore Supra tokamakM. Zabiégo, P. Ghendrih, M. Bécoulet, L. Costanzo, C. De Michelis, C. Friant, J. Gunn
990-994Non-axisymmetric perturbation of the plasma surface in RFX: analysis of magnetic data versus CCD images of plasma–wall interactionP. Zanca, D. Bettella, S. Martini, M. Valisa
995-1001Experiments and computational modeling focused on divertor and SOL optimization for advanced tokamak operation on DIII-DS.L. Allen, J.A. Boedo, A.S. Bozek, N.H. Brooks, T.N. Carlstrom, T.A. Casper, R.J. Colchin, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, M.E. Friend, R.C. Isler, R. Jayakumar, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, R. Maingi, G.R. McKee, R.A. Moyer, M. Murakami, T.H. Osborne, et al.
1002-1008Impurity behavior in high performance radiative discharges of JT-60US. Sakurai, H. Kubo, A. Takenaga, N. Asakura, H. Tamai, T. Ishijima, S. Konoshima, K. Itami, A. Sakasai, S. Higashijima, T. Sugie and JT-60 Team
1009-1012Edge transport barrier formation and ELM phenomenology in the W7-AS stellaratorP. Grigull, M. Hirsch, J. Baldzuhn, H. Ehmler, F. Gadelmeier, L. Giannone, H.-J. Hartfuss, D. Hildebrandt, R. Jaenicke, J. Kisslinger, R. Koenig, K. McCormick, F. Wagner, A. Weller, Ch. Wendland and W7-AS Team
1013-1017Gas puff fueled H-mode discharges with good energy confinement above the Greenwald density limit on DIII-DT.H. Osborne, M.A. Mahdavi, M. Chu, M.E. Fenstermacher, R. La Haye, A.W. Leonard, G. McKee, T.W. Petrie, C. Rettig, M. Wade, J. Watkins and DIII-D Team
1018-1022Mitigation of plasma–wall interaction during quasi-single helicity states in RFXG. Spizzo, P. Franz, L. Marrelli, P. Martin, A. Murari, T. Bolzonella, D. Terranova, P. Zanca
1023-1029Active cooling, calorimetry and energy balance in Tore SupraJ.C. Vallet, R. Reichle, M. Chantant, V. Basiuk, R. Mitteau
1030-1035Plasma–surface interaction effects during high ion temperature long pulse experiments in TRIAM-1MN Yoshida, T Hirai, K Tokunaga, S Itoh and The TRIAM group
1036-1039Self-shadowing, gaps and leading edges on Tore Supra's inner first wallR. Mitteau, Ph. Chappuis, Ph. Ghendrih, A. Grosman, D. Guilhem, J. Gunn, J. Hogan, M. Lipa, G. Martin, J. Schlosser, E. Tsitrone
1040-1044Particle balance in NBI heated long pulse discharges on LHDY. Nakamura, H. Suzuki, Y. Oka, M. Osakabe, B.J. Peterson, S. Masuzaki, T. Morisaki, J. Miyazawa, Y. Takeiri, M. Sato, T. Shimozuma, T. Mutoh, N. Noda, K. Kawahata, N. Ohyabu, O. Motojima and LHD Experimental Groups
1045-1051Prediction and mitigation of disruptions in ASDEX UpgradeG Pautasso, S Egorov, Ch Tichmann, J.C Fuchs, A Herrmann, M Maraschek, F Mast, V Mertens, I Perchermeier, C.G Windsor, T Zehetbauer and ASDEX Upgrade Team
1052-1058Material erosion and erosion products under plasma heat loads typical for ITER hard disruptionsV. Safronov, N. Arkhipov, V. Bakhtin, S. Kurkin, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, D. Toporkov, S. Vasenin, H. Würz, A. Zhitlukhin
1059-1063Study of brittle destruction and erosion mechanisms of carbon-based materials during plasma instabilitiesT. Burtseva, A. Hassanein, I. Ovchinnikov, V. Titov
1064-1068Thermal load distribution on the ALT-II limiter of TEXTOR-94 during disruptionsK.H. Finken, A. Krämer-Flecken, G. Mank, S.S. Abdullaev
1069-1073Peculiarity of deuterium ions interaction with tungsten surface in the condition imitating combination of normal operation with plasma disruption in ITERM.I. Guseva, V.I. Vasiliev, V.M. Gureev, L.S. Danelyan, B.I. Khirpunov, S.N. Korshunov, V.S. Kulikauskas, Yu.V. Martynenko, V.B. Petrov, V.N. Strunnikov, V.G. Stolyarova, V.V. Zatekin, A.M. Litnovsky
1074-1078Macroscopic erosion of plasma facing and nearby components during plasma instabilities: the droplet shielding phenomenonA. Hassanein, I. Konkashbaev
1079-1083Heat and particle fluxes from collisionless scrape-off-layer during tokamak plasma disruptionsA. Hassanein, I. Konkashbaev, L. Nikandrov
1084-1087Cloud drifts over eroding surfaces in magnetic field configurations with three field componentsP Lalousis, R Schneider, L.L Lengyel
1088-1092Lateral deflection of the SOL plasma during a giant ELMI.S. Landman, H. Wuerz
1093-1096Effect of magnetic geometry on ELM heat flux profilesC.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, T.W. Petrie, J.G. Watkins
1097-1101Tolerable ELMs at high density in DIII-DA.W. Leonard, T.H. Osborne, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.J. Lasnier, M.A. Mahdavi
1102-1106Material degradation and particle formation under transient thermal loadsJ. Linke, M. Akiba, R. Duwe, A. Lodato, H.-J. Penkalla, M. Rödig, K. Schöpflin
1107-1111Resonance radiation and high excitation of neutrals in plasma–gas interactionsA.M. Litnovsky, B.I. Khripunov, G.V. Sholin, V.B. Petrov, V.V. Shapkin, N.V. Antonov
1112-1116Experimental study of radiation power flux on the target surface during high heat plasma irradiationV.N. Litunovsky, I.B. Ovchinnikov, V.A. Titov
1117-1122Performance of the different tungsten grades under fusion relevant power loadsA. Makhankov, V. Barabash, I. Mazul, D. Youchison
1123-1127Combined sheath and thermal analysis of overheated surfaces in fusion devicesD. Naujoks, J.N. Brooks
1128-1133Modeling of particulate production in the SIRENS plasma disruption simulatorJ.P. Sharpe, B.J. Merrill, D.A. Petti, M.A. Bourham, J.G. Gilligan
1134-1137Dynamic behavior of detached recombining plasmas during ELM-like plasma heat pulses in the divertor plasma simulator NAGDIS-IIY. Uesugi, N. Hattori, D. Nishijima, N. Ohno, S. Takamura
1138-1143Vertical target and FW erosion during off-normal events and impurity production and transport during ELMs typical for ITER-FEATH. Würz, S. Pestchanyi, B. Bazylev, I. Landman, F. Kappler
1144-1147Measurement of thermal wall-load distribution caused by the locked mode in a reversed-field pinch plasmaY. Yagi, S. Sekine, H. Koguchi, T. Bolzonella, H. Sakakita
1148-1154Operational limits under different wall conditions on TEXTOR-94J. Rapp, W. Biel, H. Gerhauser, A. Huber, H.R. Koslowski, M. Lehnen, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Reiser, U. Samm, G. Sergienko, M.Z. Tokar, R. Zagórski
1155-1159RF wall conditioning – a new technique for future large superconducting tokamakJ.K. Xie, Y.P. Zhao, J. Li, B.N. Wan, X.Z. Gong, J.S. Hu, X. Gao, X.M. Gu, S.D. Zhang, X.M. Wang, Y.Z. Mao, X.K. Yang, M. Zhen, S.Y. Zhang and HT-7 team
1160-1164ICRF wall conditioning experiments in the W7-AS stellaratorR. Brakel, D. Hartmann, P. Grigull and W7-AS Team
1165-1170Characterization and conditioning of SSPX plasma facing surfacesD.A. Buchenauer, B.E. Mills, R. Wood, S. Woodruff, D.N. Hill, E.B. Hooper, D.F. Cowgill, M.W. Clift, N.Y. Yang
1171-1175ICRF siliconization in HT-7 superconducting tokamakXiangzu Gong, Jiangang Li, Baonian Wan, Yanpin Zhao, Xiaodong Zhang, Xuemao Gu, Chenfu Li, Min Zhen, Yinxian Jie, Shouyin Zhang, Zhenwei Wu and HT-7 Team
1176-1179Conditionings for plasma facing walls of large helical deviceT. Hino, T. Ohuchi, M. Hashiba, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, N. Inoue, A. Sagara, N. Noda, O. Motojima
1180-1184Wall conditioning by microwave generated plasmas in a toroidal magnetic fieldJ. Ihde, H.B. Störk, J. Winter, M. Rubel, H.G. Esser, H. Toyoda
1185-1189Overview of impurity control and wall conditioning in NSTXH.W. Kugel, R. Maingi, W. Wampler, R.E. Barry, M. Bell, W. Blanchard, D. Gates, D. Johnson, R. Kaita, S. Kaye, R. Maqueda, J. Menard, M.M. Menon, D. Mueller, M. Ono, S. Paul, Y-K.M. Peng, R. Raman, A. Roquemore, C.H. Skinner, et al.
1190-1194Impurity release and recycling behaviour in TEXTOR-94 with siliconised wallsV. Philipps, A. Huber, H.G. Esser, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, J. von Seggern, W. Biel, J. Rapp, U. Samm
1195-1198Wall conditioning and density control in the TJ-II stellaratorD. Tafalla, F.L. Tabarés
1199-1221Author index
1222-1255Subject index
1256-1294PSI - 14 subject index

Volume 294, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-221 (April 2001)

ix-xContents Section 1. Fuel behaviour and processes
1-7Heat capacity measurements on unirradiated and irradiated fuel pelletsMasaki Amaya, Katsumi Une, Kazuo Minato
8-12Phase equilibria in the UO2–PuO2 system under a temperature gradientHeiko Kleykamp
13-17An investigation of the Pu migration phenomena during irradiation in fast reactorTetsuya Ishii, Takeo Asaga
18-23Thermochemical data and modelling for ex-vessel corium behaviour during a severe accidentE. H. P. Cordfunke, M. E. Huntelaar, F. Funke, M. K. Koch, Ch. Kortz, P. K. Mason, M. A. Mignanelli, M. S. Newland
24-27Carbothermic synthesis of (Cm,Pu)NMasahide Takano, Akinori Itoh, Mitsuo Akabori, Toru Ogawa, Masami Numata, Hisato Okamoto
28-31Thermal properties of hydride fuel 45% U–ZrH1.6Kazuo Kakiuchi, Noboru Itagaki, Takemi Furuya, Toshiitsu Hattori, Yoshihisa Nakazono, Futaba Ono, Kenji Yamaguchi, Michio Yamawaki
32-38A qualitative comparison of barium behaviour in the PHEBUS FPT0 test and analytical testsR. Dubourg, P. Taylor
39-44Fission gas release and volume diffusion enthalpy in UO2 irradiated at low and high burnupJ. P. Hiernaut, C. Ronchi
45-52Migration behaviour of iodine in nuclear fuelW. H. Hocking, R. A. Verrall, I. J. Muir
53-58Thermodynamic systematics of the formation of liquid alloys of f-elements with bismuthHajimu Yamana, Jiawei Sheng, Keizo Kawamoto, Hirotake Moriyama
59-63High-temperature, Knudsen cell-mass spectroscopic studies on lanthanum oxide/uranium dioxide solid solutionsS. Sunder, R. McEachern, J. C. LeBlanc
64-68The modelling of fuel volatilisation in accident conditionsH. Manenc, P. K. Mason, M. P. Kissane
69-76Vaporization chemistry of hypo-stoichiometric (U,Pu)O2R. Viswanathan, M. V. Krishnaiah
77-83Thermodynamic study of liquid lithium–lead alloys using the EMF methodW. Gimagesior, Z. Moser
84-87Mass spectrometric study of UO2–ZrO2 pseudo-binary systemM. Baïchi, C. Chatillon, C. Guèneau, S. Chatain
88-93Selected thermal properties of beryllium and phase equilibria in beryllium systems relevant for nuclear fusion reactor blanketsHeiko Kleykamp
94-98Thermal properties of zirconium hydrideShinsuke Yamanaka, Kazuhiro Yamada, Ken Kurosaki, Masayoshi Uno, Kiyoko Takeda, Hiroyuki Anada, Tetsushi Matsuda, Shinichi Kobayashi
99-103Thermophysical properties of BaUO3Shinsuke Yamanaka, Ken Kurosaki, Tetsushi Matsuda, Masayoshi Uno
104-111Thermodynamics of (Mg,Ce,U)O2+xTakeo Fujino, Kwangheon Park, Nobuaki Sato, Makoto Yamada
112-118Thermodynamic studies on ThGa2B. Prabhakara Reddy, R. Kandan, R. Babu, K. Nagarajan, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
119-122Some properties of a lead vanado-iodoapatite Pb10(VO4)6I2Masayoshi Uno, Makoto Shinohara, Ken Kurosaki, Shinsuke Yamanaka
123-129Thermodynamic evaluation of the quaternary U–Pu–Zr–Fe system – assessment of cladding temperature limits of metallic fuel in a fast reactorMasaki Kurata, Kinya Nakamura, Takanari Ogata
130-134Thermal expansion of (Ca1−xTsuyoshi Sato, Yutaka Hanajiri, Toshiyuki Yamashita, Tsuneo Matsui, Takanori Nagasaki
135-140Enthalpy and heat capacity of (Ca1−xTsuyoshi Sato, Satoshi Yamazaki, Toshiyuki Yamashita, Tsuneo Matsui, Takanori Nagasaki
141-147The corrosion of Alloy 690 in high-temperature aqueous media – thermodynamic considerationsR. J. Lemire, G. A. McRae
148-153The oxidation kinetics and the structure of the oxide film on Zircaloy before and after the kinetic transitionT. Arima, T. Masuzumi, H. Furuya, K. Idemitsu, Y. Inagaki
154-159Thermodynamic analysis of chemical states of fission products in uranium–zirconium hydride fuelJintao Huang, Bun Tsuchiya, Kenji Konashi, Michio Yamawaki
160-167Molecular dynamics study of mixed oxide fuelKen Kurosaki, Kazuhiro Yamada, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka, Kazuya Yamamoto, Takashi Namekawa
168-174X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy on uranium oxides: a comparison between bulk and thin layersS. Van den Berghe, F. Miserque, T. Gouder, B. Gaudreau, M. Verwerft
175-178Application of a new thermochemical measurement method for nuclear materials at temperatures beyond 3000 KJ. W. Hastie, D. W. Bonnell, P. K. Schenck
179-182Thermal properties of Mo3Te4Ken Kurosaki, Atsuko Kosuga, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
183-187Thermal expansion and solubility limits of plutonium-doped lanthanum zirconatesSatoshi Yamazaki, Toshiyuki Yamashita, Tsuneo Matsui, Takanori Nagasaki
188-192Thermodynamic and mechanical properties of Ce1−xNoriyuki Nakajima, Hiromasa Mitani, Yasuhisa Yamamura, Toshihide Tsuji
193-197Thermal conductivity of (U,Ce)O2 with and without Nd or ZrKen Kurosaki, Ryo Ohshima, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka, Kazuya Yamamoto, Takashi Namekawa
198-201Solubility limits and bulk thermal expansion of ThO2:MnA. K. Tyagi, M. D. Mathews, R. Ramachandran
202-205Thermoelectric properties of Rh-doped Ru2Si3 prepared by floating zone melting methodYuji Arita, Satoshi Mitsuda, Yoshimasa Nishi, Tsuneo Matsui, Takanori Nagasaki
206-208Thermoelectric properties of URu2Si2 and U2Ru3Si5Yuji Arita, Kenji Terao, Satoshi Mitsuda, Yoshimasa Nishi, Tsuneo Matsui, Takanori Nagasaki
209-211Boron isotope effects on the thermoelectric properties of UB4 at low temperaturesYoshimasa Nishi, Yuji Arita, Kenji Terao, Tsuneo Matsui, Takanori Nagasaki
213-215Author index
216-221Subject index

Volume 294, Issue 3, Pages 223-359 (April 2001)

223-231Stability of SiC/SiC fibre composites exposed to Li4SiO4 and Li2TiO3 in fusion relevant conditionsA. La Barbera, B. Riccardi, A. Donato, C. A. Nannetti, L. F. Moreschi
232-240Thermodynamic properties of lanthanide metals in liquid bismuthHajimu Yamana, Jiawei Sheng, Naohiko Souda, Hirotake Moriyama
241-249Hydrogen analysis and slow strain rate test in Ar gas for irradiated austenitic stainless steelJ. Morisawa, M. Kodama, N. Yokota, K. Nakata, K. Fukuya, S. Shima, K. Asano
250-255Mass-spectrometric investigation of UO3(g)Kunihisa Nakajima, Yasuo Arai
256-266Characterization of plastic deformation in a disk bend testT. S. Byun, E. H. Lee, J. D. Hunn, K. Farrell, L. K. Mansur
267-273Numerical simulation modeling on the effects of grain boundary misorientation on radiation-induced solute segregation in 304 austenitic stainless steelsT. S. Duh, J. J. Kai, F. R. Chen, L. H. Wang
274-287The role of Cu in displacement cascades examined by molecular dynamicsC. S. Becquart, C. Domain, J. C. van Duysen, J. M. Raulot
288-298Temperature-dependence of defect creation and clustering by displacement cascades in α-zirconiumF. Gao, D. J. Bacon, L. M. Howe, C. B. So
299-304Observation of second-phase particles in bulk zirconium alloys using synchrotron radiationKenneth T. Erwin, Olivier Delaire, Arthur T. Motta, Yong S. Chu, Derrick C. Mancini, Robert C. Birtcher
305-314Study of surface modification of uranium and UFe2 by various surface analysis techniquesO. Bonino, O. Dugne, C. Merlet, E. Gat, Ph. Holliger, M. Lahaye
315-329Multi-component gas transport in the fuel-to-clad gap of candu fuel rods during severe accidentsB. Szpunar, B. J. Lewis, V. I. Arimescu, R. S. Dickson, L. W. Dickson
330-338Effect of plastic shearing on damage and texture on Zircaloy-4 cladding tubes: experimental and numerical studyE. Girard, R. Guillén, P. Weisbecker, M. François
339-343Influence of low-temperature air oxidation on the dissolution behaviour of high burn-up LWR spent fuelJ. A. Serrano, J. P. Glatz, E. H. Toscano, J. Barrero, D. Papaioannou
344-348Preparation of homogeneous (Th0.8U0.2)O2 powders by mechanical blending of Th(C2O4)2·6H2O and U(C2O4)2·6H2O powdersY. Altaimage, M. Eral, H. Tel
349-352Author index (NOTE: 294/1–2 and 294/3)
353-359Subject index (NOTE: 294/1–2 and 294/3)

Volume 295, Issue 1, Pages 1-132 (May 2001)

1-15Effect of bonding and bakeout thermal cycles on the properties of copper alloys irradiated at 350°CB. N. Singh, D. J. Edwards, M. Eldrup, P. Toft
16-20Embrittlement behaviour of different international low activation alloys after neutron irradiationH. -C. Schneider, B. Dafferner, J. Aktaa
21-26Ductility and strain rate sensitivity of Zircaloy-4 nuclear fuel claddingsK. W. Lee, S. K. Kim, K. T. Kim, S. I. Hong
27-30Permeation behavior of deuterium implanted in electro- and sputter-deposited copper coatings on aluminum alloy substratesM. Alam, M. Y. Inal
31-41Effect of Mo addition on the crystal texture and deformation twin formation in Zr-based alloysY. B. Chun, S. K. Hwang, M. H. Kim, S. I. Kwun, S. W. Chae
42-48Oxidation and its effects on the mechanical properties of Nb–1ZrJ. R. DiStefano, L. D. Chitwood
49-56Hydrogen isotope diffusive transport parameters in pure polycrystalline tungstenG. A. Esteban, A. Perujo, L. A. Sedano, K. Douglas
57-63Estimation of the standard entropies of some Am(III) and Cm(III) compoundsR. J. M. Konings
64-72Vitrification of gamma irradiated 60Co2+ zeolitesS. Bulbulian, P. Bosch
73-82Pore migration in UO2 and grain growth kineticsL. Bourgeois, Ph. Dehaudt, C. Lemaignan, J. P. Fredric
83-96SON 68 nuclear glass alteration kinetics between pH 7 and pH 11.5S. Gin, J. P. Mestre
97-108Oxidation of Zircaloy-2 and Zircaloy-4 in water and lithiated water at 360°CM. Oskarsson, E. Ahlberg, K. Pettersson
109-120Hydrogen concentrations near cracks in target materials for high-power spallation neutron sourcesH. Rauh, H. Ullmaier
121-125Phase transformation of polycrystalline zirconia induced by swift heavy ion irradiationC. Gibert-Mougel, F. Couvreur, J. M. Costantini, S. Bouffard, F. Levesque, S. Hémon, E. Paumier, C. Dufour
126-130Phase transformation of stabilised zirconia in water and 1.0 M LiOHM. Oskarsson, E. Ahlberg, K. Pettersson
131Erratum to ‘Properties and radiation effects in high-temperature pyrolyzed PIP–SiC/SiC' [J. Nucl. Mater. 289 (2001) 42–47]Yutai Katoh, Masaki Kotani, Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Wen Yang, AkiraKohyama
132Erratum to ‘Molecular dynamics refinement of topologically generated reconstructions of simulated irradiation cascades in silica networks' [J. Nucl. Mater. 289 (2001) 71–79]Xianlong Yuan, Vinay Pulim, Linn W. Hobbs

Volume 295, Issues 2-3, Pages 133-310 (June 2001)

133-148The fractal nature of the surface of uranium dioxide: a resolution of the short-lived/stable gas release dichotomyR. J. White
149-156Compatibility tests of steels in flowing liquid lead–bismuthF. Barbier, G. Benamati, C. Fazio, A. Rusanov
157-166Annealing of hardening in copper after neutron irradiation hardening at 77 KH. C. González, M. T. Miralles
167-178Molecular dynamics modeling of irradiation damage in pure and uranium-doped zirconJean-Paul Crocombette, Dominique Ghaleb
179-188Atomic displacement cascade distributions in ironA. Souidi, M. Hou, C. S. Becquart, C. Domain
189-192Preparation of 15 mol% YO1.5-doped ThO2 disk electrolytes by a polymeric gel-combustion methodS. Arul Antony, K. S. Nagaraja, O. M. Sreedharan
193-204The effects of moisture on LiD single crystals studied by temperature-programmed decompositionL. N. Dinh, C. M. Cecala, J. H. Leckey, M. Balooch
205-212Consideration of the effects on fuel particle behavior from shrinkage cracks in the inner pyrocarbon layerGregory K. Miller, David A. Petti, Dominic J. Varacalle, John T. Maki
213-220Pore pressure and swelling in the rim region of LWR high burnup UO2 fuelYang-Hyun Koo, Byung-Ho Lee, Jin-Sik Cheon, Dong-Seong Sohn
221-227Enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation of lanthanum dicarbideR. Vidhya, M. P. Antony, P. R. Vasudeva Rao, B. Viswanathan
228-232Enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation of neodymium dicarbideR. Vidhya, M. P. Antony, P. R. Vasudeva Rao, B. Viswanathan
233-243Effect of electrolyte composition on the electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation behavior of Alloy 600Tsung-Feng Wu, Tzu-Ping Cheng, Wen-Ta Tsai
244-248Enthalpy, heat capacity and enthalpy of transformation of Li2TiO3Heiko Kleykamp
249-264Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of the dissolution of thorium–uranium (IV) phosphate–diphosphate solid solutionsA. C. Thomas, N. Dacheux, P. Le Coustumer, V. Brandel, M. Genet
265-272Radiation resistance and thermal creep of ODS ferritic steelsV. V. Sagaradze, V. I. Shalaev, V. L. Arbuzov, B. N. Goshchitskii, Yun Tian, Wan Qun, Sun Jiguang
273-280Effects of phosphorus on defects accumulation and annealing in electron-irradiated Fe–Ni austenitic alloysV. L. Arbuzov, A. P. Druzhkov, S. E. Danilov
281-289Temperature programmed decomposition of thorium oxalate hexahydrateS. Dash, R. Krishnan, M. Kamruddin, A. K. Tyagi, Baldev Raj
290-294Effect of defect sink strengths on the radiation induced segregation in binary alloysM. V. Sorokin, A. E. Volkov
295-299Safe disposal of surplus plutoniumW. L. Gong, S. Naz, W. Lutze, R. Busch, A. Prinja, W. Stoll
300-301Erratum to ‘Detailed structure analysis of deposit layer in TEXTOR by means of TEM techniques' [J. Nucl. Mater. 290–293 (2001) 295–298]S. Muto, N. Yokoya, T. Tanabe
303-305Author index
306-310Subject index

Volume 296, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-335 (July 2001)

1-16R&D for the Spallation Neutron Source mercury targetL. K. Mansur, T. A. Gabriel, J. R. Haines, D. C. Lousteau
17-33MEGAPIE, a 1 MW pilot experiment for a liquid metal spallation targetG. S. Bauer, M. Salvatores, G. Heusener
34-42Current status of JAERI spallation target material programK. Kikuchi, T. Sasa, S. Ishikura, K. Mukugi, T. Kai, N. Ouchi, I. Ioka
43-53Status of the first SINQ irradiation experiment, STIP-IY. Dai, G. S. Bauer
54-60Radiation damage to the 316 stainless steel target container vessel at SNSM. H. Barnett, M. S. Wechsler, D. J. Dudziak, L. K. Mansur, B. D. Murphy
61-65Simulation of the implantation of recoils and displacement production in the 316 stainless steel mercury-container vessel at SNSY. Zheng, M. S. Wechsler, D. J. Dudziak, J. D. Hunn, L. K. Mansur
66-82Determination of helium and hydrogen yield from measurements on pure metals and alloys irradiated by mixed high energy proton and spallation neutron spectra in LANSCEF. A. Garner, B. M. Oliver, L. R. Greenwood, M. R. James, P. D. Ferguson, S. A. Maloy, W. F. Sommer
83-89Helium production for 0.8–2.5 GeV proton induced spallation reactions, damage induced in metallic window materialsD. Hilscher, C. -M. Herbach, U. Jahnke, V. Tishchenko, M. Enke, D. Filges, F. Goldenbaum, R. -D. Neef, K. Nünighoff, N. Paul, H. Schaal, G. Sterzenbach, A. Letourneau, A. Böhm, J. Galin, B. Lott, A. Péghaire, L. Pienkowski
90-100Multiscale modeling of radiation damage: applications to damage production by GeV proton irradiation of Cu and W, and pulsed irradiation effects in Cu and FeMaria Jose Caturla, Tomas Diaz de la Rubia, Maximo Victoria, R. K. Corzine, M. R. James, G. A. Greene
101-111Does pulsing in spallation neutron sources affect radiation damage?H. Trinkaus, H. Ullmaier
112-118Microstructural origins of radiation-induced changes in mechanical properties of 316 L and 304 L austenitic stainless steels irradiated with mixed spectra of high-energy protons and spallation neutronsB. H. Sencer, G. M. Bond, M. L. Hamilton, F. A. Garner, S. A. Maloy, W. F. Sommer
119-128The mechanical properties of 316L/304L stainless steels, Alloy 718 and Mod 9Cr–1Mo after irradiation in a spallation environmentS. A. Maloy, M. R. James, G. Willcutt, W. F. Sommer, M. Sokolov, L. L. Snead, M. L. Hamilton, F. Garner
129-138Tensile properties of candidate SNS target container materials after proton and neutron irradiation in the LANSCE acceleratorK. Farrell, T. S. Byun
139-144The mechanical properties of an Alloy 718 window after irradiation in a spallation environmentM. R. James, S. A. Maloy, F. D. Gac, W. F. Sommer, J. Chen, H. Ullmaier
145-154Correlation of radiation-induced changes in mechanical properties and microstructural development of Alloy 718 irradiated with mixed spectra of high-energy protons and spallation neutronsB. H. Sencer, G. M. Bond, F. A. Garner, M. L. Hamilton, S. A. Maloy, W. F. Sommer
155-164Impact of irradiation on the tensile and fatigue properties of two titanium alloysP. Marmy, T. Leguey
165-173Retention of implanted hydrogen and helium in martensitic stainless steels and their effects on mechanical propertiesP. Jung, C. Liu, J. Chen
174-182Microstructure of both as-irradiated and deformed 304L stainless steel irradiated with 800 MeV protonsY. Dai, X. Jia, J. C. Chen, W. F. Sommer, M. Victoria, G. S. Bauer
183-191Origin of hardening and deformation mechanisms in irradiated 316 LN austenitic stainless steelE. H. Lee, T. S. Byun, J. D. Hunn, K. Farrell, L. K. Mansur
192-202Auger electron spectroscopy study of alloy 718 and 304L stainless steel irradiated with 800 MeV protonsM. García-Mazarío, M. Hernández-Mayoral, A. M. Lancha
203-209Ion-irradiation-induced hardening in Inconel 718J. D. Hunn, E. H. Lee, T. S. Byun, L. K. Mansur
210-218Thermal gradient mass transfer of type 316L stainless steel and alloy 718 in flowing mercuryS. J. Pawel, J. R. DiStefano, E. T. Manneschmidt
219-224A study on martensitic and austenitic steels after exposure in mercury at 573 K up to 5000 hR. Kh. Zalavutdinov, Y. Dai, A. E. Gorodetsky, G. S. Bauer, V. Kh. Alimov, A. P. Zakharov
225-230The effect of mercury on the fatigue behavior of 316 LN stainless steelJ. P. Strizak, J. R. DiStefano, P. K. Liaw, H. Tian
231-236Corrosion behavior of steels in flowing lead–bismuthF. Barbier, A. Rusanov
237-242Corrosion investigations of steels in flowing lead at 400°C and 550°CH. Glasbrenner, J. Konys, G. Mueller, A. Rusanov
243-248Compatibility tests on steels in molten lead and lead–bismuthC. Fazio, G. Benamati, C. Martini, G. Palombarini
249-255Evaluation of the mechanical properties of T91 steel exposed to Pb and Pb–Bi at high temperature in controlled environmentB. Schmidt, S. Guerin, J. -L. Pastol, P. Plaindoux, J. -P. Dallas, C. Leroux, D. Gorse
256-264Embrittlement of the martensitic steel 91 tested in liquid leadG. Nicaise, A. Legris, J. B. Vogt, J. Foct
265-272Behaviour of F82H mod. stainless steel in lead–bismuth under temperature gradientD. Gómez Briceño, F. J. Martín Muñoz, L. Soler Crespo, F. Esteban, C. Torres
273-281Short-term static corrosion tests in lead–bismuthL. Soler Crespo, F. J. Martín Muñoz, D. Gómez Briceño
282-288Intergranular penetration and embrittlement of solid nickel through bismuth vapour condensation at 700°CN. Marié, K. Wolski, M. Biscondi
289-294Development of oxygen meters for the use in lead–bismuthJ. Konys, H. Muscher, Z. Voß, O. Wedemeyer
295-300Experimental setup for steel corrosion characterization in lead bathV. Ghetta, F. Gamaoun, J. Fouletier, M. Hénault, A. Lemoulec
301-304Kinetics of gas phase oxygen control system (OCS) for stagnant and flowing Pb–Bi SystemsC. H. Lefhalm, J. U. Knebel, K. J. Mack
305-311Monitoring of low-cycle fatigue degradation in X6CrNiTi18-10 austenitic steelM. Grosse, M. Niffenegger, D. Kalkhof
312-320Fabrication of a tantalum-clad tungsten target for KENSMasayoshi Kawai, Kenji Kikuchi, Hiroaki Kurishita, Jing-Feng Li, Michihiro Furusaka
321-325Summary of the Fourth International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology (IWSMT-4)G. S. Bauer, Y. Dai, S. Maloy, L. K. Mansur, H. Ullmaier
327-329Author index
330-335Subject index

Volume 297, Issue 1, Pages 1-106 (July 2001)

v-viInstructions to Contributors
1-6Optical phenomena in KU-1 silica core fiber waveguides under pulsed reactor irradiationP. V. Demenkov, O. A. Plaksin, V. A. Stepanov, P. A. Stepanov, V. M. Chernov, K. M. Golant, A. L. Tomashuk
7-13Vitrification of liquid waste from nuclear power plantsJiawei Sheng, Kwansik Choi, Myung-Jae Song
14-26Texture dependent plastic behavior of Zr 702 at large strainO. Castelnau, H. Francillette, B. Bacroix, R. A. Lebensohn
27-34Surface inventory of tritium on Li2TiO3Takahiro Kawagoe, Masabumi Nishikawa, Atsushi Baba, Serguei Beloglazov
35-42Coarsening-densification transition temperature in sintering of uranium dioxidePalanki Balakrishna, B. Narasimha Murty, K. P. Chakraborthy, R. N. Jayaraj, C. Ganguly
43-51Application of normal pulse voltammetry to on-line monitoring of actinide concentrations in molten salt electrolyteMasatoshi Iizuka, Tadashi Inoue, Osamu Shirai, Takashi Iwai, Yasuo Arai
52-56Hydrogen uptake and corrosion behavior of Zr–2.5Nb pressure tubes in Wolsong Unit 1Kee-Nam Choo, Young-Suk Kim
57-6190-19/U HLW-glass leaching mechanism in underground waterJiawei Sheng, Shanggeng Luo
62-68Oxide layers of Zr–1% Nb under PWR primary circuit conditionsGabor Nagy, Zsolt Kerner, Gábor Battistig, Anna Pintér-Csordás, János Balogh, Tamás Pajkossy
69-76An ab initio study on formation and desorption reactions of H2O molecules from surface hydroxyl groups in silicatesT. Nakazawa, K. Yokoyama, V. Grismanovs, Y. Katano
77-88Characterisation of pre-transition oxides on ZircaloysM. Oskarsson, E. Ahlberg, U. Andersson, K. Pettersson
89-96Radiation damage and nanocrystal formation in uranium–niobium titanatesJ. Lian, S. X. Wang, L. M. Wang, R. C. Ewing
97-106What's new on plutonium up to 4000 K?M. Boivineau

Volume 297, Issue 2, Pages 107-229 (August 2001)

107-112Measurement of hydriding susceptibility of Zircaloy cladding by the tube-burst technique at high pressure and high temperatureH. S. Hong, D. R. Olander
113-119Investigation on the oxidation characteristics of copper-added modified Zircaloy-4 alloys in pressurized water at 360°CHyun Seon Hong, Jae Sik Moon, Seon Jin Kim, Kyung Sub Lee
120-128Densification behaviour and sintering kinetics of PuO2 pelletsT. R. G. Kutty, K. B. Khan, P. V. Hegde, A. K. Sengupta, S. Majumdar, D. S. C. Purushotham
129-137Preliminary results on the leaching process of phosphate ceramics, potential hosts for actinide immobilizationL. Bois, M. J. Guittet, F. Carrot, P. Trocellier, M. Gautier-Soyer
138-148Effects of carbide precipitation on the strength and Charpy impact properties of low carbon Mn–Ni–Mo bainitic steelsYoung-Roc Im, Yong Jun Oh, Byeong-Joo Lee, Jun Hwa Hong, Hu-Chul Lee
149-152On the mechanism for dose rate dependence of stationary luminescence of FV. I. Meshakin, T. Tanabe
153-160Diffusion reactions in titanium/Inconel-600 systemR. V. Patil, G. B. Kale, P. S. Gawde
161-175Microstructure evolution in austenitic Fe–Cr–Ni alloys irradiated with rotons: comparison with neutron-irradiated microstructuresJ. Gan, G. S. Was
176-205Post-irradiation examination of high burnup Mg doped UO2 in comparison with undoped UO2, Mg–Nb doped UO2 and Ti doped UO2Takeo Fujino, Tetsuo Shiratori, Nobuaki Sato, Kousaku Fukuda, Kohta Yamada, Hiroyuki Serizawa
206-213Influence of the precursor and the calcination temperature on the dissolution of thorium dioxideS. Hubert, K. Barthelet, B. Fourest, G. Lagarde, N. Dacheux, N. Baglan
214-219A kinetic model for corrosion and precipitation in non-isothermal LBE flow loopBy Xiaoyi He, Ning Li, Mark Mineev
220-229Diffusion reaction between Zr–2.5 wt% Nb alloy and martensitic grade 403 stainless steelK. Bhanumurthy, R. V. Patil, D. Srivatsava, P. S. Gawde, G. B. Kale

Volume 297, Issue 3, Pages 231-370 (September 2001)

231-243Determination of dissolution rates of spent fuel in carbonate solutions under different redox conditions with a flow-through experimentS. Röllin, K. Spahiu, U. -B. Eklund
244-250Nuclear microprobe analysis of 7Li profile induced in HfB2 by a neutron irradiationD. Simeone, X. Deschanels, D. Gosset, J. P. Bonal, E. Berthoumieux
251-261Irradiation effects on toughness behaviour and microstructure of VVER-type pressure vessel steelsJ. Böhmert, H. -W. Viehrig, A. Ulbricht
262-270Effect of point defect interaction with bubble surface on the nucleation and growth of gas bubblesRoman E. Voskoboinikov, Alexander E. Volkov
271-278Comparative analysis of pressure vessel integrity for various LOCA conditionsÜner Çolak, Oya Özdere
279-284Response of reduced activation ferritic steels to high-fluence ion-irradiationH. Tanigawa, M. Ando, Y. Katoh, T. Hirose, H. Sakasegawa, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kohyama, T. Iwai
285-291Tritium permeation behavior implanted into pure tungsten and its isotope effectHirofumi Nakamura, Takumi Hayashi, Toshiya Kakuta, Takumi Suzuki, Masataka Nishi
292-302Precipitation of reoriented hydrides and textural change of α-zirconium grains during delayed hydride cracking of Zr–2.5%Nb pressure tubeYoung Suk Kim, Yuriy Perlovich, Margarita Isaenkova, Sung Soo Kim, Yong Moo Cheong
303-312EXAFS/XANES studies of plutonium-loaded sodalite/glass waste formsMichael K. Richmann, Donald T. Reed, A. Jeremy Kropf, Scott B. Aase, Michele A. Lewis
313-326Factors governing microstructure development of Cr2O3-doped UO2 during sinteringL. Bourgeois, Ph. Dehaudt, C. Lemaignan, A. Hammou
327-331Effect of a trivalent dopant, Gd3+, on the oxidation of uranium dioxideJong-Goo Kim, Yeong-Keong Ha, Soon-Dal Park, Kwang-Yong Jee, Won-Ho Kim
332-340Thermodynamics of the UO2 solid solution with magnesium and europium oxidesTakeo Fujino, Nobuaki Sato, Kohta Yamada, Shohei Nakama, Kousaku Fukuda, Hiroyuki Serizawa, Tetsuo Shiratori
341-344The study of microstructural defects and mechanical properties in proton-irradiated Zr–1.0%Nb–1.0%Sn–0.1%FeP. Mukherjee, P. M. G. Nambissan, P. Barat, Pintu Sen, S. K. Bandyopadhyay, J. K. Chakravartty, S. L. Wadekar, S. Banerjee, S. K. Chattopadhyay, S. K. Chatterjee, M. K. Mitra
345-354Temperature effects on the radiation stability and ion exchange capacity of smectitesB. X. Gu, L. M. Wang, L. D. Minc, R. C. Ewing
355-357Accumulation and recovery of defects in ion-irradiated nanocrystalline goldY. Chimi, A. Iwase, N. Ishikawa, M. Kobiyama, T. Inami, S. Okuda
358-360An estimate of the high temperature, metal rich phase boundary of plutonium sesquioxideRobert I. Sheldon
361-363Author index
364-370Subject index

Volume 298, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-209 (September 2001)

1-10Role and properties of the gel formed during nuclear glass alteration: importance of gel formation conditionsS. Gin, I. Ribet, M. Couillard
11-18The effect of clay on the dissolution of nuclear waste glassK. Lemmens
19-26A proposition for an improved theoretical treatment of the corrosion of multi-component glassesR. Conradt
27-36Present understanding of R7T7 glass alteration kinetics and their impact on long-term behavior modelingE. Vernaz, S. Gin, C. Jégou, I. Ribet
37-46New techniques for modelling glass dissolutionMarc Aertsens, Dominique Ghaleb
47-54Overview of actinides (Np, Pu, Am) and Tc release from waste glasses: influence of solution compositionV. Pirlet
55-62Long-term alteration mechanisms in water for SON68 radioactive borosilicate glassT. Advocat, P. Jollivet, J. L. Crovisier, M. del Nero
63-68The effect of coprecipitation in some key spent fuel elementsJ. Quiñones, J. Serrano, P. Diaz Arocas
69-77Glass dissolution: testing and modeling for long-term behaviorDenis M. Strachan
78-85US field testing programs and resultsGeorge G. Wicks
86-94In situ testing of the chemical durability of vitrified high-level waste in a Boom Clay formation in Belgium: discussion of recent data and concept of a new testPierre Van Iseghem, Elie Valcke, Alexander Lodding
95-111Near-field performance assessment for a low-activity waste glass disposal system: laboratory testing to modeling resultsB. P. McGrail, D. H. Bacon, J. P. Icenhower, F. M. Mann, R. J. Puigh, H. T. Schaef, S. V. Mattigod
112-124First-order dissolution rate law and the role of surface layers in glass performance assessmentB. Grambow, R. Müller
125-135Performance assessment of the disposal of vitrified high-level waste in a clay layerDirk Mallants, Jan Marivoet, Xavier Sillen
136-144Database development of glass dissolution and radionuclide migration for performance analysis of HLW repository in JapanM. Yui
145-149Numerical modelling of glass dissolution: gel layer morphologyF. Devreux, P. Barboux
150-154Release of boron and cesium or uranium from simulated borosilicate waste glasses through a compacted Ca-bentonite layerK. S. Chun, S. S. Kim, C. H. Kang
155-162Determination of sorption isotherms for Eu, Th, U and Am on the gel layer of corroded HLW glassB. Luckscheiter, B. Kienzler
163-167Release and retention of uranium during glass corrosionT. Maeda, T. Banba, K. Sonoda, Y. Inagaki, H. Furuya
168-173Leaching and migration of neptunium in a simulated engineered barrier system consisting of HLW glass and compacted bentoniteY. Inagaki, H. Furuya, K. Idemitsu, T. Arima, H. Osako, T. Banba, T. Maeda, S. Matsumoto, I. Nomura, S. Kikkawa, M. Saito, H. Okamoto
174-179Waste glass behavior in a loamy soil of a wet repository siteM. I. Ojovan, N. V. Ojovan, I. V. Startceva, G. N. Tchuikova, Z. I. Golubeva, A. S. Barinov
180-183A comparison of HLW-glass and PWR-borate waste glassShanggeng Luo, Jiawei Sheng, Baolong Tang
184-191Effect of a siliceous additive on aqueous alteration of waste glass with engineered barrier materialsS. Mitsui, R. Aoki
192-196Application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for in situ study of glass alterationD. Chaulet, S. Martemianov, J. H. Thomassin, P. Le Coustumer
197-202In-depth distributions of elements in leached layers on two HLW waste glasses after burial in clay; step-scan by SIMSA. Lodding, P. Van Iseghem
203-204Author index
205-209Subject index

Volume 298, Issue 3, Pages 211-352 (October 2001)

211-224Microstructural characterization of irradiation-induced Cu-enriched clusters in reactor pressure vessel steelsR. G. Carter, N. Soneda, K. Dohi, J. M. Hyde, C. A. English, W. L. Server
225-230Deuterium in re-deposited silicon-doped carbon layers and its removal by heating in airM. Balden, M. Mayer
231-238Accumulation of radioactive corrosion products on steel surfaces of VVER-type nuclear reactors. II. 60CoKálmán Varga, Gábor Hirschberg, Zoltán Németh, Gerrit Myburg, János Schunk, Péter Tilky
239-247In situ Raman spectroscopic investigation of zirconium–niobium alloy corrosion under hydrothermal conditionsJ. E. Maslar, W. S. Hurst, W. J. Bowers Jr., J. H. Hendricks
248-254Mechanical properties of pure tantalum after 800 MeV proton irradiationJ. Chen, H. Ullmaier, T. Floßdorf, W. Kühnlein, R. Duwe, F. Carsughi, T. Broome
255-268Thermochemical and thermophysical properties of curium and its oxidesR. J. M. Konings
269-279Strain hardening and plastic instability properties of austenitic stainless steels after proton and neutron irradiationT. S. Byun, K. Farrell, E. H. Lee, J. D. Hunn, L. K. Mansur
280-290Use of UO2 films for electrochemical studiesF. Miserque, T. Gouder, D. H. Wegen, P. D. W. Bottomley
291-296Dissolution of oxygen-enriched Zircaloy-2M. Oskarsson, E. Ahlberg, K. Pettersson
297-308In situ characterization of Zircaloy-4 oxidation at 500 °C in dry airJ. J. Vermoyal, L. Dessemond, A. Hammou, A. Frichet
309-315Activation of stainless steel with high energy neutronsO. Grégoire, J. Ladrière
316-320Structural and thermal investigations on cerium oxalate and derived oxide powders for the preparation of (Th,Ce)O2 pelletsYüksel Altaimage, Hüseyin Tel
321-328Dependence of the non-swelling in-reactor steady-state creep component of austenitic phase alloys on the stacking fault energyEdgar Robert Gilbert, John Paul Foster
329-339Torsion texture development of zirconium alloysP. Sanchez, A. Pochettino, T. Chauveau, B. Bacroix
340Erratum to ‘The corrosion of Alloy 690 in high-temperature aqueous media – thermodynamic considerations' [J. Nucl. Mater. 294 (2001) 141–147]R. J. Lemire, G. A. McRae
341Erratum to ‘Microstructure evolution in austenistic Fe–Cr–Ni alloys irradiated with protons: comparison with neutron-irradiated microstructures' [J. Nucl. Mater. 297 (2001) 161–175]J. Gan, G. S. Was
343-345Author index
346-352Subject index

Volume 299, Issue 1, Pages 1-89 (October 2001)

1-8Analysis of singular interface stresses in dissimilar material joints for plasma facing componentsJ. H. You, H. Bolt
9-19Analytical method for thermal stress analysis of plasma facing materialsJ. H. You, H. Bolt
20-27The effect of the point defects on the behavior of a crack inside of a pressure tubeA. Sarce
28-31Heat capacity measurements on BaThO3 and BaCeO3R. Venkata Krishnan, K. Nagarajan, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
32-42Behavior of plutonium and americium at liquid cadmium cathode in molten LiCl–KCl electrolyteMasatoshi Iizuka, Koich Uozumi, Tadashi Inoue, Takashi Iwai, Osamu Shirai, Yasuo Arai
43-52Study of mechanisms involved in thermal migration of molybdenum and rhenium in apatitesC. Gaillard, N. Chevarier, C. Den Auwer, N. Millard-Pinard, P. Delichère, Ph. Sainsot
53-67Modeling of microstructure evolution in austenitic stainless steels irradiated under light water reactor conditionJ. Gan, G. S. Was, R. E. Stoller
68-76Effect of ensemble of stress concentrators on the ultimate tensile strength of materialRoman E. Voskoboinikov
77-82A novel technique to remove deuterium from CANDU pressure tubesZ. Qin, C. -S. Zhang, K. Griffiths, P. R. Norton
83-89Effect of helium implantation on mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of reduced-activation 9Cr–2W martensitic steelR. Kasada, T. Morimura, A. Hasegawa, A. Kimura

Volume 299, Issue 2, Pages 91-179 (November 2001)

91-100Microstructure and properties of a Cu–Cr–Zr alloyI. S. Batra, G. K. Dey, U. D. Kulkarni, S. Banerjee
101-1103D Micromechanical modeling of packed bedsZi Lu, Mohamed Abdou, Alice Ying
111-123Effect of the expansion associated with the plutonium α–β–γ phase transitions on storage can integrityDane R. Spearing, D. Kirk Veirs, F. Coyne Prenger
124-131Blister formation of tungsten due to ion bombardmentWenmin Wang, J. Roth, S. Lindig, C. H. Wu
132-139Fracture behavior of heat-affected zone in low alloy steelsJi Hyun Kim, Young Jin Oh, Il Soon Hwang, Dong Jin Kim, Jeong Tae Kim
140-147Computer simulation of Pu3+ and Pu4+ substitutions in gadolinium zirconateR. E. Williford, W. J. Weber
148-156Varying temperature irradiation experiment in HFIRT. Muroga, S. J. Zinkle, A. L. Qualls, H. Watanabe
157-164Microstructure–fracture toughness relationship of vanadium alloy/stainless steel brazed jointsY. X. Gan, H. A. Aglan, R. V. Steward, B. A. Chin, M. L. Grossbeck
165-170Thermodynamic stability of solid SrThO3M. Ali (Basu), R. Mishra, S. R. Bharadwaj, A. S. Kerkar, S. R. Dharwadkar, D. Das
171-174On the relationship among ‘fJ. J. Kearns
175-179Irradiation behavior of U–Nb–Zr alloy dispersed in aluminumM. K. Meyer, G. L. Hofman, T. C. Wiencek, S. L. Hayes, J. L. Snelgrove

Volume 299, Issue 3, Pages 181-284 (December 2001)

181-198A review of the thermophysical properties of MOX and UO2 fuelsJuan J. Carbajo, Gradyon L. Yoder, Sergey G. Popov, Victor K. Ivanov
199-204New aluminium-rich alkali slag matrix with clay minerals for immobilizing simulated radioactive Sr and Cs wasteGuangren Qian, Darren Delai Sun, Joo Hwa Tay
205-218Effect of neutron irradiation and post-irradiation annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of OFHC-copperB. N. Singh, D. J. Edwards, P. Toft
219-226The structures of two sodium uranyl compounds relevant to nuclear waste disposalYaping Li, Peter C. Burns
227-234Determination of the defect creation mechanism in the mono-silicated fluoroapatite. Disorder modeling under repository conditionsStéphane Soulet, Joëlle Carpéna, Jacques Chaumont, Jean-Claude Krupa, Marie-Odile Ruault
235-241A working hypothesis on oxidation kinetics of ZircaloyH. -I. Yoo, B. -J. Koo, J. -O. Hong, I. -S. Hwang, Y. -H. Jeong
242-249Tritium recovery from nanostructured LiAlO2L. M. Carrera, J. Jiménez-Becerril, R. Basurto, J. Arenas, B. E. López M, S. Bulbulian, P. Bosch
250-259Activation energy of UO2 and UO2+xPh. Dehaudt, L. Bourgeois, H. Chevrel
260-263Characterization of the new uranium–nickel alloy U10Ni13A. Perricone, H. Noël
264-266Gibbs free energy of formation of liquid lanthanide–bismuth alloysJiawei Sheng, Hajimu Yamana, Hirotake Moriyama
267-270Hardening of Fe–Cu alloys at elevated temperatures by electron and neutron irradiationsT. Tobita, M. Suzuki, A. Iwase, K. Aizawa
271-273High temperature application of EDTA solvents for iron oxide removalDo Haeng Hur, Eun Hee Lee, Myung Sik Choi, Han Sub Chung, Uh Chul Kim
274-276Development of CaF2 special refractory componentsAbhijit Ghosh, D. D. Upadhyaya, Ram Prasad, A. K. Suri
277-279Author index
280-284Subject index
1-104Author index to Volumes 271–300
105-298Subject index to Volumes 271–300

Volume 300, Issue 1, Pages 1-90 (January 2002)

vii-viiiInstructions to Contributors
1-6Diffusive transport parameters and surface rate constants of deuterium in Incoloy 800G. A. Esteban, A. Perujo, L. A. Sedano, F. Legarda, B. Mancinelli, K. Douglas
7-14The dissolution of oxide on α-Zr(1%Nb) and β-Zr(20%Nb) alloysChunsi Zhang, Peter R. Norton
15-26Pyrochemical reduction of uranium dioxide and plutonium dioxide by lithium metalT. Usami, M. Kurata, T. Inoue, H. E. Sims, S. A. Beetham, J. A. Jenkins
27-38Analysis of the monoclinic–tetragonal phase transition of zirconia under irradiationD. Simeone, D. Gosset, J. L. Bechade, A. Chevarier
39-46Neutron irradiation of sapphire for compressive strengthening.: I. Processing conditions and compressive strengthThomas M. Regan, Daniel C. Harris, Rhonda M. Stroud, John R. White
47-56Neutron irradiation of sapphire for compressive strengthening. II. Physical properties changesThomas M. Regan, Daniel C. Harris, David W. Blodgett, Kevin C. Baldwin, Joseph A. Miragliotta, Michael E. Thomas, Milton J. Linevsky, John W. Giles, Thomas A. Kennedy, Mohammad Fatemi, David R. Black, K. Peter D. Lagerlöf
57-64Thermal conductivities of irradiated UO2 and (U, Gd)O2 pelletsMasaki Amaya, Mutsumi Hirai, Hiroshi Sakurai, Kenichi Ito, Masana Sasaki, Terumitsu Nomata, Katsuichiro Kamimura, Ryo Iwasaki
65-72Effects of nitrogen on low-cycle fatigue properties of type 304L austenitic stainless steels tested with and without tensile strain holdByung Sup Rho, Soo Woo Nam
73-81Active control of oxygen in molten lead–bismuth eutectic systems to prevent steel corrosion and coolant contaminationNing Li
82-88Combustion synthesis of γ-lithium aluminate by using various fuelsFei Li, Keao Hu, Jianlin Li, Dong Zhang, Gang Chen
89Erratum to ‘The effects of moisture on LiD single crystals studied by temperature-programmed decomposition' [J. Nucl. Mater. 295 (2001) 193–204]L. N. Dinh, C. M. Cecala, J. H. Leckey, M. Balooch
90Erratum to ‘Dependence of the non-swelling in-reactor steady-state creep component of austenitic phase alloys on the stacking fault energy' [J. Nucl. Mater. 298 (2001) 321–328]Edgar Robert Gilbert, John Paul Foster

Volume 300, Issues 2-3, Pages 91-286 (February 2002)

91-117Hydrogen isotope retention and recycling in fusion reactor plasma-facing componentsRion A. Causey
118-126A Raman study of the nanocrystallite size effect on the pressure–temperature phase diagram of zirconia grown by zirconium-based alloys oxidationP. Bouvier, J. Godlewski, G. Lucazeau
127-140Comparison of microstructural features of radiation embrittlement of VVER-440 and VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel steelsE. A. Kuleshova, B. A. Gurovich, Ya. I. Shtrombakh, D. Yu. Erak, O. V. Lavrenchuk
141-150Aqueous corrosion of lanthanum aluminosilicate glasses: influence of inorganic anionsL. Bois, N. Barré, M. J. Guittet, S. Guillopé, P. Trocellier, M. Gautier-Soyer, P. Verdier, Y. Laurent
151-160Order–disorder phase transition induced by swift ions in MgAl2O4 and ZnAl2O4 spinelsD. Simeone, C. Dodane-Thiriet, D. Gosset, P. Daniel, M. Beauvy
161-177Mechanical and thermomechanical properties of commercially pure chromium and chromium alloysUwe Holzwarth, Hermann Stamm
178-191Influence of dynamic strain aging on the ductile tearing of C–Mn steels: modelling by a local approach methodD. Wagner, J. C. Moreno, C. Prioul, J. M. Frund, B. Houssin
192-197Ultrasonic study of UO2: effects of porosity and grain size on ultrasonic attenuation and velocitiesD. Laux, B. Cros, G. Despaux, D. Baron
198-216Emulation of neutron irradiation effects with protons: validation of principleG. S. Was, J. T. Busby, T. Allen, E. A. Kenik, A. Jensson, S. M. Bruemmer, J. Gan, A. D. Edwards, P. M. Scott, P. L. Andreson
217-229Thoria doped with cations of group VB–synthesis and sinteringK. Ananthasivan, S. Anthonysamy, C. Sudha, A. L. E. Terrance, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
230-236In situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of Zr–1%Nb under VVER primary circuit conditionsGabor Nagy, Zsolt Kerner, Tamás Pajkossy
237-241Thermodynamic stability of Na2ZrO3 using the solid electrolyte galvanic cell techniqueR. Subasri, T. Mathews, K. Swaminathan, O. M. Sreedharan
242-254Amorphization and recrystallization of the ABO3 oxidesA. Meldrum, L. A. Boatner, W. J. Weber, R. C. Ewing
255-265The effect of coatings on deuterium retention and permeation in aluminum 6061-T6 APT tritium production tubesK. L. Hertz, R. A. Causey, D. F. Cowgill
266-269Concentration-triggered fission product release from zirconia: consequences for nuclear safetyA. Gentils, L. Thomé, J. Jagielski, F. Garrido
270-272Redox condition in molten fluoride salts: Definition and controlD. Olander
273-276Fission product precipitates in irradiated uranium carbonitride fuelH. Kleykamp
277Erratum to ‘On the role of grain boundary diffusion in fission gas release' [J. Nucl. Mater. 288 (2001) 137–147]D. R. Olander, P. Van Uffelen
278Erratum to ‘Overview of impurity control and wall conditioning in NSTX' [J. Nucl. Mater. 290–293 (2001) 1185–1189]H. W. Kugel, R. Maingi, W. Wampler, R. E. Barry, M. Bell, W. Blanchard, D. Gates, D. Johnson, R. Kaita, S. Kaye, R. Maqueda, J. Menard, M. M. Menon, D. Mueller, M. Ono, F. Paoletti, S. Paul, Y-K. M. Peng, R. Raman, A. Roquemore, et al.
279-281Author index
282-286Subject index

Volume 301, Issue 1, Pages 1-80 (February 2002)

1-7The accelerator driven system strategy in JapanY. Kurata, T. Takizuka, T. Osugi, H. Takano
8-14The Pb–Bi cooled XADS status of developmentLuciano Cinotti, Giuseppe Gherardi
15-22Radiation effects in structural materials of spallation targetsP. Jung
23-27Temperature effect on the corrosion mechanism of austenitic and martensitic steels in lead–bismuthG. Benamati, C. Fazio, H. Piankova, A. Rusanov
28-34Corrosion studies in liquid Pb–Bi alloy at JAERI: R & D program and first experimental resultsY. Kurata, M. Futakawa, K. Kikuchi, S.Saito, T. Osugi
35-39Corrosion and deposition of ferrous alloys in molten lead–bismuthPh. Deloffre, A. Terlain, F. Barbier
40-46Results of steel corrosion tests in flowing liquid Pb/Bi at 420–600 °C after 2000 hG. Müller, A. Heinzel, J. Konys, G. Schumacher, A. Weisenburger, F. Zimmermann, V. Engelko, A. Rusanov, V. Markov
47-52Development of an oxygen sensor for molter 44.5% lead–55.5% bismuth alloyJ. A. Fernández, J. Abellà, J. Barceló, L. Victori
53-59Impurities and oxygen control in lead alloysJ. -L. Courouau, P. Trabuc, G. Laplanche, Ph. Deloffre, P. Taraud, M. Ollivier, R. Adriano, S. Trambaud
60-63Preliminary studies on PbO reduction in liquid Pb–Bi eutectic by flowing hydrogenI. Ricapito, C. Fazio, G. Benamati
64-69Atomistic simulation of liquid lead and lead–bismuth eutecticMassimo Celino, Roberto Conversano, Vittorio Rosato
70-76Liquid metal embrittlement of the martensitic steel 91: influence of the chemical composition of the liquid metal.: Experiments and electronic structure calculationsA. Legris, G. Nicaise, J. -B. Vogt, J. Foct
77Author index
78-80Subject index

Volume 301, Issues 2-3, Pages 81-253 (March 2002)

81-89Effects of annealing on tensile property and corrosion behavior of Ti–Al–Zr alloyTae-Kyu Kim, Byung-Seon Choi, Yong-Hwan Jeong, Doo-Jeong Lee, Moon-Hee Chang
90-97Reaction of Zircaloy-4 with tellurium under different oxygen potentialsT. Arima, T. Masuzumi, H. Furuya, K. Idemitsu, Y. Inagaki
98-107Tritium removal from codeposits on carbon tiles by a scanning laserC. H. Skinner, C. A. Gentile, A. Carpe, G. Guttadora, S. Langish, K. M. Young, W. M. Shu, H. Nakamura
108-117The effect of non-metallic inclusions on the fracture toughness master curve in high copper reactor pressure vessel weldsYong-Jun Oh, Bong-Sang Lee, Jun-Hwa Hong
118-121Hardness and microstructural studies of electron beam welded joints of Zircaloy-4 and stainless steelM. Ahmad, J. I. Akhter, M. A. Shaikh, M. Akhtar, M. Iqbal, M. A. Chaudhry
122-128Competition between disorder creation and annealing in fluoroapatite nuclear waste formsJ. Chaumont, S. Soulet, J. C. Krupa, J. Carpena
129-141Disorder-induced melting in nickel: implication to intergranular sulfur embrittlementJ. K. Heuer, P. R. Okamoto, N. Q. Lam, J. F. Stubbins
142-152Evolution of the uranium local environment during alteration of SON68 glassPatrick Jollivet, Christophe Den Auwer, Eric Simoni
153-164Hydride blister formation in Zr–2.5wt%Nb pressure tube alloyR. N. Singh, R. Kishore, T. K. Sinha, B. P. Kashyap
165-169Carbothermal route for preparation of boron carbide powder from boric acid–citric acid gel precursorA. Sinha, T. Mahata, B. P. Sharma
170-182EPMA and SEM of fuel samples from PWR rods with an average burn-up of around 100 MWd/kgHMR. Manzel, C. T. Walker
183-186Gibbs energy of formation of solid Ni3TeO6 from transpiration studiesM. Ali (Basu), R. Mishra, A. S. Kerkar, S. R. Bharadwaj, D. Das
187-192Effects of dopants on properties and microstructure of doped graphiteGuangjin Zhang, Quangui Guo, Zhanjun Liu, Lizhong Yao, Lang Liu, Jiangang Li, Junling Chen
193-202A new technique for the prediction of non-linear material behaviorJ. A. Wang, N. S. Rao
203-209Hydrogen absorption–desorption properties of UZr0.29 alloyMaobing Shuai, Yongjun Su, Zhenhong Wang, Pengji Zhao, Juesheng Zou, Sheng Wu
210-219Kinetic theory of the growth of the circular oxidation islands on the UO2 surfaceMiroslav Koláimage
220-222Activity coefficients of Dy dissolved in liquid BiJiawei Sheng, Hajimu Yamana, Hirotake Moriyama
223-226Further considerations on entropy estimations of actinide compounds: AmCl3 and AmCl2R. J. M. Konings
227-232Thermally activated deformation of irradiated reactor pressure vessel steelJ. Böhmert, G. Müller
233-236Chemical analysis of flakes from the Joint European TorusH. Kleykamp
237-241Solidification of Sr-containing stripping solutions in titanate ceramicsWeimin Bao, Shiping Xu, Liyu Li, Chongli Song, Jirong Zhang, Yongjun Zhu
242-244Thermal expansion of UO2 and simulated DUPIC fuelKweon Ho Kang, Ho Jin Ryu, Kee Chan Song, Myung Seung Yang
245-247Author index
248-253Subject index

Volume 302, Issue 1, Pages 1-71 (April 2002)

1-8Experimental investigation of the Zr corner of the ternary Zr–Nb–Fe phase diagramM. S. Granovsky, M. Canay, E. Lena, D. Arias
9-19Correlation between microstructure and corrosion behavior of Zr–Nb binary alloyYong Hwan Jeong, Kyoung Ok Lee, Hyun Gil Kim
20-40Isolating the effect of radiation-induced segregation in irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steelsJ. T. Busby, G. S. Was, E. A. Kenik
41-48Modeling hydrogen and helium entrapment in flowing liquid metal surfaces as plasma-facing components in fusion devicesAhmed Hassanein
49-59Development of a single loop EPR test method and its relation to grain boundary microchemistry for alloy 600Vivekanand Kain, Yutaka Watanabe
60-65HVEM irradiation damage in heat affected zone of welded SUS304 steelDong-Su Bae, Hiroshi Kinoshita, Heishichiro Takahashi
66-71Detection of intergranular cracking susceptibility due to hydrogen in irradiated austenitic stainless steel with a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) sensorJ. Morisawa, M. Otaka, M. Kodama, T. Kato, S. Suzuki

Volume 302, Issues 2-3, Pages 73-239 (April 2002)

73-88Present limits and improvements of structural materials for fusion reactors – a reviewA. -A. F. Tavassoli
89-95Positron annihilation studies of neutron irradiated and thermally treated reactor pressure vessel steelsV. Slugen, G. Kögel, P. Sperr, W. Triftshäuser
96-103Concentration dependent diffusion of carbon in tungstenK. Schmid, J. Roth
104-108Effect of TiO2 addition on crack propagation of alloy 600 and its penetration into crevices in caustic solutionUh Chul Kim, Kyung Mo Kim, Jung Soo Kang, Eun Hee Lee, Hong Pyo Kim
109-124On the nuclear oxide fuel densification, swelling and thermal re-sinteringM. C. Paraschiv, A. Paraschiv, V. V. Grecu
125-134An efficient model for the analysis of fission gas releaseL. C. Bernard, J. L. Jacoud, P. Vesco
135-142Effects of oxygen, hydrogen and neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties of several vanadium alloysJiming Chen, Shaoyu Qiu, Lin Yang, Zengyu Xu, Ying Deng, Ying Xu
143-155Microstructure modelling of ferritic alloys under high flux 1 MeV electron irradiationsA. Hardouin Duparc, C. Moingeon, N. Smetniansky-de-Grande, A. Barbu
156-164Application of neutron radiography for estimating concentration and distribution of hydrogen in Zircaloy cladding tubesRyou Yasuda, Masahito Matsubayashi, Masahito Nakata, Katsuya Harada
165-174Ab initio study on the mechanism of hydrogen release from the silicate surface in the presence of water moleculeT. Nakazawa, K. Yokoyama, V. Grismanovs, Y. Katano, S. Jitsukawa
175-184Study of the α/β phase transformation of Zy-4 in presence of applied stresses at heating: analysis of the inherited microstructures and texturesN. Gey, E. Gautier, M. Humbert, A. Cerqueira, J. L. Bechade, P. Archambault
185-192On irradiation embrittlement and recovery annealing mechanisms of Cr–Mo–V type pressure vessel steelsRisto Ilola, Vladimir Nadutov, Matti Valo, Hannu Hänninen
193-205Systematic study of formation of soft and hard zones in the dissimilar weldments of Cr–Mo steelsC. Sudha, A. L. E. Terrance, S. K. Albert, M. Vijayalakshmi
206-210Sputtering of nano-crystalline gold by high energy heavy ionsNoriaki Matsunami, Masao Sataka, Akihiro Iwase, Takashi Inami, Mamoru Kobiyama
211-216Fatigue behavior of 20% cold-worked 316 stainless steel under in situ irradiation with 17 MeV protons at 60 °CY. Murase, Johsei Nagakawa, N. Yamamoto
217-219Thermal behaviour of hydrogen in Zircaloy corrosion layersArmin Hermann
220-223Void migration in fusion materialsG. A. Cottrell
224-226The effect of UV light irradiation on the removal of tritium from the codeposited carbon–tritium layer in fusion reactorsT. J. Venhaus, R. D. Penzhorn, R. A. Causey, N. Bekris
227-231Density decrease of oxidatively sintered UO2–5wt%CeO2 pellets during resintering in H2 atmosphereSi Hyung Kim, Chang Young Joung, Han Soo Kim, Sang Ho Na, Young Woo Lee
232High Chromium Ferritic and Martensitic Steels for Nuclear Applications: R. Klueh and D. HarriesG. E. Lucas
233-234Author index
235-239Subject index

Volume 303, Issue 1, Pages 1-81 (May 2002)

1-28Progress in the thermodynamic modelling of the O–U binary systemP. -Y. Chevalier, E. Fischer, B. Cheynet
29-33Homogeneity characterisation of sintered (U,Gd)O2 pellets by X-ray diffractionA. G. Leyva, D. Vega, V. Trimarco, D. Marchi
34-43Temperature effects on the mechanical properties of candidate SNS target container materials after proton and neutron irradiationT. S. Byun, K. Farrell, E. H. Lee, L. K. Mansur, S. A. Maloy, M. R. James, W. R. Johnson
44-51Effects of fast neutron and gamma irradiation on electrical conductivity of some borate glassesN. A. Elalaily, R. M. Mahamed
52-64TEM and PAS study of neutron irradiated VVER-type RPV steelsJ. Koimageík, E. Keilová, J. imageíimageek, I. Procházka
65-72Thermodynamic properties of hyperstoichiometric urania in the UO2–UO2.25 solid solution rangeV. A. Kurepin
73-81Corrosion resistance of structural materials to Ga2O at 1000 °CTodd O. Sullivan, Nathan A. Byman, Frédéric Landry, David G. Kolman, Eric M. Taleff

Volume 303, Issues 2-3, Pages 83-253 (June 2002)

83-91Temperature effect of dynamic anisotropic elastic constants of Zr–2.5Nb pressure tube by resonant ultrasound spectroscopyYong-Moo Cheong, Sung-Soo Kim, Young-Suk Kim
92-98Modeling of nuclide releases from perforated radioactive paraffin waste containersJu Youl Kim, Chang Lak Kim, Chang Hyun Chung
99-104Monte Carlo simulation of gas desorption process induced by low-energy ionsYiPing Chen
105-114A model for analyzing corrosion data from pulsed proton beam irradiation experimentsR. S. Lillard, M. A. Paciotti
115-124Determination of the helium diffusion coefficient in nuclear waste storage ceramics by a nuclear reaction analysis methodDominique Gosset, Patrick Trocellier, Yves Serruys
125-130Investigation of nitric oxide adsorption on Zr(0 0 0 1)Y. C. Kang, R. D. Ramsier
131-136Modeling of thermal stresses in a graded Cu/W jointJ. Chapa, I. Reimanis
137-146Influence of temperature on the oxidation/corrosion process of F82Hmod. martensitic steel in lead–bismuthD. Gómez Briceño, L. Soler Crespo, F. J. Martín Muñoz, F. Hernández Arroyo
147-155X-ray measurement of near surface residual stress in textured cold-worked stress-relieved Zr–2.5%Nb pressure tube materialK. Kapoor, D. Lahiri, C. Padmaprabu, T. Sanyal
156-168Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline thoria obtained from thermally decomposed thorium carbonateS. Dash, A. Singh, P. K. Ajikumar, H. Subramanian, M. Rajalakshmi, A. K. Tyagi, A. K. Arora, S. V. Narasimhan, Baldev Raj
169-176Effect of the circumferential hydrides on the deformation and fracture of Zircaloy cladding tubesS. I. Hong, K. W. Lee, K. T. Kim
177-187Ion irradiation-induced amorphization and nano-crystal formation in garnetsS. Utsunomiya, L. M. Wang, S. Yudintsev, R. C. Ewing
188-195Fabrication and evaluation of SiC/Cu functionally graded material used for plasma facing components in a fusion reactorYun-Han Ling, Jiang-Tao Li, Chang-Chun Ge, Xin-De Bai
196-199Mass spectrometric study of the oxygen potential at the UO2−xM. Baïchi, C. Chatillon, C. Guéneau, J. Le Ny
200-209The reaction kinetics of lithium salt with water vaporM. Balooch, L. N. Dinh, D. F. Calef
210-225The corrosion behavior of hafnium in high-temperature water environmentsD. M. Rishel, J. D. Smee, B. F. Kammenzind
226-239Enthalpies of formation of Ce-pyrochlore, Ca0.93Ce1.00Ti2.035O7.00, U-pyrochlore, Ca1.46U4+0.23U6+0.46Ti1.85O7.00 and Gd-pyrochlore, Gd2Ti2O7: three materials relevant to the proposed waste form for excess weapons plutoniumK. B. Helean, A. Navrotsky, E. R. Vance, M. L. Carter, B. Ebbinghaus, O. Krikorian, J. Lian, L. M. Wang, J. G. Catalano
240-241A model for the prediction of the corrosion of steels in flowing liquid lead alloysH. U. Borgstedt, C. Guminski
242-245Effects of argon ion irradiation on the microstructures and physical properties of carbon fibersT. Oku, A. Kurumada, K. Kawamata, M. Inagaki
247-248Author index
249-253Subject index

Volume 304, Issue 1, Pages 1-85 (July 2002)

1-7Helium bubble formation in 800 MeV proton-irradiated 304L stainless steel and alloy 718 during post-irradiation annealingJ. Chen, S. Romanzetti, W. F. Sommer, H. Ullmaier
8-14Influence of dilute silicon addition on the oxidation resistance and tensile properties of modified Zircaloy-4Hyun Seon Hong, Seon Jin Kim, Kyung Sub Lee
15-20Sputtering and ion-induced electron emission of graphite under high-dose nitrogen bombardmentA. M. Borisov, W. Eckstein, E. S. Mashkova
21-28Oxidation behavior of modified SUS316 (PNC316) stainless steel under low oxygen partial pressureI. Sato, M. Takaki, T. Arima, H. Furuya, K. Idemitsu, Y. Inagaki, M. Momoda, T. Namekawa
29-49Modelling intragranular fission gas release in irradiation of sintered LWR UO2 fuelPekka Lösönen
50-55Lithium reduction of americium dioxide to generate americium metalT. Usami, T. Kato, M. Kurata, T. Inoue, H. E. Sims, S. A. Beetham, J. A. Jenkins
56-62Crystal chemistry of uranium (V) and plutonium (IV) in a titanate ceramic for disposition of surplus fissile materialJ. A. Fortner, A. J. Kropf, R. J. Finch, A. J. Bakel, M. C. Hash, D. B. Chamberlain
63-72Phase relations in the quaternary Fe–Pu–U–Zr systemKinya Nakamura, Takanari Ogata, Masaki Kurata, Takeshi Yokoo, Michael A. Mignanelli
73-82Thermally and plastically induced residual strains in textured Zircaloy-2 plateT. M. Holden, J. H. Root, R. A. Holt, P. A. Turner
83-85Irradiation performance of polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon®) in a mixed fast neutron and gamma radiation fieldOtto K. Harling, Gordon E. Kohse, Kent J. Riley

Volume 304, Issues 2-3, Pages 87-255 (August 2002)

87-95Structural features and properties of lead–iron–phosphate nuclear wasteformsS. T. Reis, M. Karabulut, D. E. Day
96-106Solubility of hydrogen in Zircaloy-4: irradiation induced increase and thermal recoveryP. Vizcaíno, A. D. Banchik, J. P. Abriata
107-116Depletion of Fe and Cr within precipitates during Zircaloy-4 oxidationJong Hyuk Baek, Yong Hwan Jeong
117-128Kinetics of nucleation and coarsening of colloids and voids in crystals under irradiationV. I. Dubinko, A. A. Turkin, D. I. Vainshtein, H. W. den Hartog
129-133Powder synthesis and sintering of high density thoria–yttria ceramicsI. C. Cosentino, R. Muccillo
134-138Determination of Fe and Cr content in α-Zr solid solution of Zircaloy-4 with different heat-treated statesCong Li, Bangxin Zhou, Wenjin Zhou, Pei Li, Qian Peng, Shihao Ying, Baoluo Shen
139-152Effect of chromium, tungsten, tantalum, and boron on mechanical properties of 5–9Cr–WVTaB steelsR. L. Klueh, D. J. Alexander, M. A. Sokolov
153-160Use of high energy ions for the mechanistic study of irradiation embrittlement in pressure vessel steels using Fe–Cu model alloysK. Morita, S. Ishino, T. Tobita, Y. Chimi, N. Ishikawa, A. Iwase
161-175Thermodynamic assessment of the uranium–oxygen systemC. Guéneau, M. Baichi, D. Labroche, C. Chatillon, B. Sundman
176-181Mass-spectrometric determination of oxygen potential of hypostoichiometric urania–yttria solid solutionKunihisa Nakajima, Toshihiko Ohmichi, Yasuo Arai
182-188Aqueous corrosion of aluminum-based nuclear fuelM. D. Kaminski, M. M. Goldberg
189-203Delayed hydride cracking in Zr–2.5Nb pressure tube materialR. N. Singh, Niraj Kumar, R. Kishore, S. Roychaudhury, T. K. Sinha, B. P. Kashyap
204-211An effective method for calculation of diffusive flow in spherical grainsP. Hermansson, A. R. Massih
212-220Molecular aspects of the β-decay in Tc clustersM. Defranceschi, G. Berthier
221-236Low-temperature irradiation behavior of uranium–molybdenum alloy dispersion fuelM. K. Meyer, G. L. Hofman, S. L. Hayes, C. R. Clark, T. C. Wiencek, J. L. Snelgrove, R. V. Strain, K. -H. Kim
237-241Amorphization of MgAl2O4 spinel using 1.5 MeV Xe+ ions under cryogenic irradiation conditionsKurt E. Sickafus, Ning Yu, Michael Nastasi
242-245Oxidation behavior of U–10 wt% Mo alloy in air at 473–773 KKweon Ho Kang, Si Hyung Kim, Kyung Kil Kwak, Chang Kyu Kim
246-248Phase constitution and steam corrosion resistance of binary Zr–S alloysD. Charquet
249-250Author index
251-255Subject index

Volume 305, Issue 1, Pages 1-82 (September 2002)

CO2IFC: Editors/AdvEdBoard/Scope/Abstacted.../SubsInfo/…
1-7The impact of irradiation temperature on the microstructure of F82H martensitic/ferritic steel irradiated in a proton and neutron mixed spectrumX. Jia, Y. Dai, M. Victoria
8-13Comparison of the air oxidation behaviors of Zircaloy-4 implanted with yttrium and cerium ions at 500 °CX. W. Chen, X. D. Bai, J. Xu, Q. G. Zhou, B. S. Chen
14-20Overall mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced metal matrix composites for fusion applicationsJ. H. You, H. Bolt
21-28The secondary stress analyses in the fuel pin cladding due to the swelling gradient across the wall thicknessTomoyuki Uwaba, Shigeharu Ukai
29-36Ab initio energetics of some fission products (Kr, I, Cs, Sr and He) in uranium dioxideJean-Paul Crocombette
37-51The precision of product consistency tests conducted with a glass-bonded ceramic waste formW. L. Ebert, M. A. Lewis, S. G. Johnson
52-59Microstructure of Ti5Al2.5Sn and Ti6Al4V deformed in tensile and fatigue testsT. Leguey, R. Schäublin, P. Marmy, M. Victoria
60-65Enhanced erosion of tungsten by atom clustersE. Salonen, K. Nordlund, J. Keinonen, C. H. Wu
66-69Thermo-oxidation of hard carbon films with tungsten surface impurityJ. W. Davis, C. G. Hamilton, A. A. Haasz, R. G. Macaulay-Newcombe
70-76Creep strength of Zircaloy-4 cladding depending on applied stress and annealing temperatureCheol Nam, Byoung-Kwon Choi, Myung-Ho Lee, Yong-Hwan Jeong
77-82The preparation of fine-grain doped graphite and its propertiesZhuangjun Fan, Lang Liu, Jiangang Li, Jinren Song, Junling Chen, Jingli Shi, Gergtai Zhai

Volume 305, Issues 2-3, Pages 83-243 (October 2002)

83-89Sub-solidus phase equilibria in the CeO2–ThO2–ZrO2 systemV. Grover, A. K. Tyagi
90-96Phase studies in the Rb–Sr–U–O system: characterisation of new phasesMeera Keskar, R. Agarwal, K. D. Singh Mudher
97-105A contribution to the Ru–Sn systemK. Ananthasivan, I. Kaliappan, P. R. Vasudeva Rao, C. Sudha, A. L. E. Terrance
106-111Processing of uranium oxide powders in a fluidized-bed reactor. I. ExperimentalW. D. Cho, Man-Hee Han, Mark C. Bronson, Yury Zundelevich
112-123Size effect studies of the creep behaviour of a pressure vessel steel at temperatures from 700 to 900 °CKlaus Krompholz, Dietmar Kalkhof
124-133Single-phase diffusion study in β-Zr(Al)A. Laik, K. Bhanumurthy, G. B. Kale
134-152Construction of radiation-modified phase diagrams under cascade-producing irradiation: application to Zr–Nb alloyAnatole A. Turkin, Alexander V. Buts, Alexander S. Bakai
153-158Microstructural evolution of nickel-doped 9Cr steels irradiated in HFIRN. Hashimoto, R. L. Klueh
159-168Densification behaviour of UO2 in six different atmospheresT. R. G. Kutty, P. V. Hegde, K. B. Khan, U. Basak, S. N. Pillai, A. K. Sengupta, G. C. Jain, S. Majumdar, H. S. Kamath, D. S. C. Purushotham
169-174Characterisation of microstructural parameters in oxygen-irradiated Zr–1.0%Nb–1.0%Sn–0.1%FeP. Mukherjee, P. Barat, S. K. Bandyopadhyay, P. Sen, S. K. Chottopadhyay, S. K. Chatterjee, M. K. Mitra
175-186Thermal creep of Zr–Nb1%–O alloys: experimental analysis and micromechanical modellingR. Brenner, J. L. Béchade, O. Castelnau, B. Bacroix
187-201Plutonium chemistry: a synthesis of experimental data and a quantitative model for plutonium oxide solubilityJ. M. Haschke, V. M. Oversby
202-208Microstructure and leach rates of apatite glass-ceramics as a host for Sr high-level liquid wasteYong He, Weimin Bao, Chongli Song
209-219Influence of chemical composition, prior deformation and prolonged thermal aging on the sensitization characteristics of austenitic stainless steelsN. Parvathavarthini, R. K. Dayal
220-223Optimum EDTA solvent chemistry for iron oxide removal at 150 °CDo Haeng Hur, Myung Sik Choi, Han Sub Chung, Uh Chul Kim
224-231Studies of second phase particles in different zirconium alloys using extractive carbon replica and an electrolytic anodic dissolution procedureCaroline Toffolon-Masclet, Jean-Christophe Brachet, Gilles Jago
232-235Discharge cleaning and wall conditioning in a Novillo TokamakR. Valencia, J. de la Rosa, E. Camps, G. Contreras, S. Muhl
237-238Author index
239-243Subject index

Volume 306, Issue 1, Pages 1-83 (November 2002)

CO2Editorial board
1-9De-agglomeration of thorium oxalate – a method for the synthesis of sinteractive thoriaK. Ananthasivan, S. Anthonysamy, Alok Singh, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
10-14Thermal conductivity of rare earth–uranium ternary oxides of the type RE6UO12M. V. Krishnaiah, G. Seenivasan, P. Srirama Murti, C. K. Mathews
15-20Recombination of deuterium atoms on the surface of molten Li–LiDM. J. Baldwin, R. P. Doerner, R. Causey, S. C. Luckhardt, R. W. Conn
21-29The determination of hydrogen and deuterium in Zr–2.5Nb material by hot vacuum extraction mass spectrometryG. A. Bickel, L. W. Green, M. W. D. James, T. G. Lamarche, P. K. Leeson, H. Michel
30-43Fuel oxidation and thermal conductivity model for operating defective fuel rodsB. J. Lewis, B. Szpunar, F. C. Iglesias
44-53Oxidation characteristics of basal (0 0 0 2) plane and prism (image) plane in HCP ZrHyun Gil Kim, To Hoon Kim, Yong Hwan Jeong
54-60Processing and fabrication of mixed uranium/refractory metal carbide fuels with liquid-phase sinteringTravis W. Knight, Samim Anghaie
61-72Molecular dynamics simulation of the α-recoil nucleus displacement cascade in zirconoliteL. Veiller, J. -P. Crocombette, D. Ghaleb
73-77Observations of hydrocarbon film deposition in the MAST tokamakA. Tabasso, G. F. Counsell, D. Hole, J. P. Coad
78-83Contribution of thermal neutrons to radiation hardening of pure copperS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky

Volume 306, Issues 2-3, Pages 85-247 (December 2002)

85-98Transport properties of zirconium alloy oxide filmsH. Frank
99-104Iodine release from oxidised Zircaloy cladding in contact with an alkaline solutionK. Poulard, A. Chevarier, N. Moncoffre, D. Crusset
105-111Positron lifetime computations of defects in nickel containing hydrogen or heliumB. L. Shivachev, T. Troev, T. Yoshiie
112-120Effect of sputtering in Xe ion irradiated yttria-stabilized zirconiaI. V. Afanasyev-Charkin, K. E. Sickafus
121-125Effects of Xe-ion irradiation at high temperature on single crystal rutileFuxin Li, Ping Lu, K. E. Sickafus
126-133Characterization of hot deformation behaviour of Zr–2.5Nb in β phaseR. Kapoor, J. K. Chakravartty
134-146Influence of the pH on the dissolution of TPD and associated solid solutionsA. C. Robisson, N. Dacheux, J. Aupiais
147-152Study of decomposition and reactions with aluminum matrix of dispersed atomized U-10 wt% Mo alloyJeong-Soo Lee, Chang-Hee Lee, Ki Hwan Kim, Vyacheslav Em
153-172Microstructure of irradiated SBR MOX fuel and its relationship to fission gas releaseS. B. Fisher, R. J. White, P. M. A. Cook, S. Bremier, R. C. Corcoran, R. Stratton, C. T. Walker, P. K. Ivison, I. D. Palmer
173-179Radiogenic silicon precipitates in neutron irradiated aluminumE. Brosh, A. Kiv
180-189Helium behaviour and defect evolution in amorphous spinel during thermal annealingP. M. G. Damen, A. van Veen, Hj. Matzke, H. Schut, J. A. Valdez, C. J. Wetteland, K. E. Sickafus
190-193Studies on the oxidation behavior of niobium-implanted Zircaloy-4 at 500 °CX. W. Chen, X. D. Bai, R. H. Yu, Q. G. Zhou, B. S. Chen
194-201Study of the thermoelectric power evolution of Zr-based alloys with Nb additionsSeon Jin Kim, Hyun Seon Hong, Young Min Oh
202-212Raman microspectrometric identification of corrosion products formed on UO2 nuclear fuel during leaching experimentsM. Amme, B. Renker, B. Schmid, M. P. Feth, H. Bertagnolli, W. Döbelin
213-217Experimental verification of the existence and structure of ζ Pu6Fe in a Pu–Ga alloyK. T. Moore, M. A. Wall, A. J. Schwartz
218-231Effect of helium on the swelling of GlidCop Al25 IG alloyS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky, S. J. Zinkle, S. E. Ostrovsky
232-240Plasma-driven superpermeation of hydrogen through Nb membranes: bulk effectsA. A. Skovoroda, V. S. Svishchov, A. V. Spitsyn, V. L. Stolyarov, Yu. M. Pustovoit, V. D. Borman, V. S. Kulikauskas, A. M. Shipilin
241-242Author index
243-247Subject index
xxi-xlivAuthor index
xlv-xciiSubject index
1-9ITER status, design and material objectivesR. Aymar, International Team
10-20Long-term fusion strategy in EuropeK. Lackner, R. Andreani, D. Campbell, M. Gasparotto, D. Maisonnier, M. A. Pick
21-30Breeding blanket concepts for fusion and materials requirementsA. R. Raffray, M. Akiba, V. Chuyanov, L. Giancarli, S. Malang
31-42Scientific and engineering advances from fusion materials R&DS. J. Zinkle, M. Victoria, K. Abe
43-52Plasma facing and high heat flux materials – needs for ITER and beyondH. Bolt, V. Barabash, G. Federici, J. Linke, A. Loarte, J. Roth, K. Sato
53-59High heat flux performance of neutron irradiated plasma facing componentsM. Rödig, E. Ishitsuka, A. Gervash, H. Kawamura, J. Linke, N. Litunovski, M. Merola
60-68Macroscopic erosion of divertor and first wall armour in future tokamaksH. Würz, B. Bazylev, I. Landman, S. Pestchanyi, V. Safronov
69-73Melt layer erosion of metallic armour targets during off-normal events in tokamaksB. Bazylev, H. Wuerz
74-78Prediction of plastic deformation of fiber-reinforced copper matrix compositesJ. H. You, H. Bolt
79-83Deuterium release and microstructure of tantalum–tungsten twin limiter exposed in TEXTOR-94T. Hirai, V. Philipps, T. Tanabe, M. Wada, A. Huber, S. Brezinsek, J. von Seggern, J. Linke, T. Ohgo, K. Ohya, P. Wienhold, A. Pospieszczyk, G. Sergienko
84-88Erosion and re-deposition behavior of plasma facing materials due to tokamak plasma disruptionX. Liu, Z. Y. Xu, J. M. Chen, L. W. Yan, Y. Liu
89-94Characterisation and thermal loading of low-ZD. Valenza, H. Greuner, G. Hofmann, S. Kötterl, J. Roth, H. Bolt
95-99Damage of structural materials for fusion devices under pulsed ion and high temperature plasma beamsV. N. Pimenov, E. V. Dyomina, L. I. Ivanov, S. A. Maslyaev, V. A. Gribkov, R. Miklaszewski, M. Scholz, A. V. Dubrovsky, I. V. Volobuev, Yu. E. Ugaste, F. Mezzetti, P. De Chiara, L. Pizzo, B. Kolman, A. Szydlowski
100-105Simulation experimental investigation of plasma off-normal events on advanced silicon doped CFC-NS31J. P. Bonal, C. H. Wu, D. Gosset
106-110Melt layer behavior of metal targets irradiatead by powerful plasma streamsA. N. Bandura, O. V. Byrka, V. V. Chebotarev, I. E. Garkusha, V. A. Makhlaj, D. G. Solyakov, V. I. Tereshin, H. Wuerz
111-115Overview of fuel retention in composite and tungsten limitersM. Rubel, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, T. Tanabe, S. Kötterl
116-120Development of tungsten coated first wall and high heat flux components for application in ASDEX UpgradeH. Maier, J. Luthin, M. Balden, S. Lindig, J. Linke, V. Rohde, H. Bolt, ASDEX Upgrade Team
121-125Properties of plasma sprayed boron carbide protective coatings for the first wall in fusion experimentsJ. -E. Döring, R. Vaßen, J. Linke, D. Stöver
126-129Modification of tungsten coated carbon by low energy and high flux deuterium irradiationK. Tokunaga, R. P. Doerner, R. Seraydarian, N. Noda, N. Yoshida, T. Sogabe, T. Kato, B. Schedler
130-134Effects of helium irradiation on high heat load properties of tungstenK. Tokunaga, O. Yoshikawa, K. Makise, N. Yoshida
135-138Effects of helium bombardment on the deuterium behavior in tungstenH. Iwakiri, K. Morishita, N. Yoshida
139-143Erosion and migration of tungsten employed at the central column heat shield of ASDEX UpgradeK. Krieger, X. Gong, M. Balden, D. Hildebrandt, H. Maier, V. Rohde, J. Roth, W. Schneider, The ASDEX Upgrade Team
144-148Non-destructive testing of CFC monoblock divertor mock-upsK. Ezato, M. Dairaku, M. Taniguchi, K. Sato, M. Akiba
149-153Heat load to a tantalum–tungsten twin-test-limiter and the effect to high-Z core plasma concentration of TEXTOR-94T. Ohgo, M. Wada, A. Pospieszczyk, W. Biel, K. Kondo, T. Tanabe, T. Hirai, V. Philipps, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, B. Schweer, G. Bertschinger, N. Noda
154-158Experimental and computer investigation of the diagnostic mirror behavior under sputtering and duct material depositionV. V. Bandourko, E. A. Gridneva, N. N. Koborov, V. A. Kurnaev, D. V. Levchuk, S. S. Levchuk, N. N. Trifonov, A. V. Zhuravlev
159-170Experiment-based modelling of hardening and localized plasticity in metals irradiated under cascade damage conditionsB. N. Singh, N. M. Ghoniem, H. Trinkaus
171-178Modeling the multiscale mechanics of flow localization-ductility loss in irradiation damaged bcc alloysG. R. Odette, M. Y. He, E. G. Donahue, P. Spätig, T. Yamamoto
179-186Development of an extensive database of mechanical and physical properties for reduced-activation martensitic steel F82HS. Jitsukawa, M. Tamura, B. van der Schaaf, R. L. Klueh, A. Alamo, C. Petersen, M. Schirra, P. Spaetig, G. R. Odette, A. A. Tavassoli, K. Shiba, A. Kohyama, A. Kimura
187-191Experimental determination of the effect of helium on the fracture toughness of steelL. L. Snead, R. E. Stoller, M. A. Sokolov, S. Maloy
192-196Effect of periodic temperature variations on the microstructure of neutron-irradiated metalsS. J. Zinkle, N. Hashimoto, D. T. Hoelzer, A. L. Qualls, T. Muroga, B. N. Singh
197-202Microstructure of irradiated ferritic/martensitic steels in relation to mechanical propertiesR. Schaeublin, D. Gelles, M. Victoria
203-211Microstructural study of irradiated isotopically tailored F82H steelE. Wakai, Y. Miwa, N. Hashimoto, J. P. Robertson, R. L. Klueh, K. Shiba, K. Abiko, S. Furuno, S. Jitsukawa
212-216Recent results for the ferritics isotopic tailoring (FIST) experimentD. S. Gelles, M. L. Hamilton, B. M. Oliver, L. R. Greenwood, S. Ohnuki, K. Shiba, Y. Kohno, A. Kohyama, J. P. Robertson
217-221Creep behavior of reduced activation martensitic steel F82H injected with a large amount of heliumN. Yamamoto, Y. Murase, J. Nagakawa, K. Shiba
222-228Pros and cons of nickel- and boron-doping to study helium effects in ferritic/martensitic steelsN. Hashimoto, R. L. Klueh, K. Shiba
229-235Evolution of the mechanical properties and microstructure of ferritic–martensitic steels irradiated in the BOR-60 reactorV. K. Shamardin, V. N. Golovanov, T. M. Bulanova, A. V. Povstyanko, A. E. Fedoseev, Z. E. Ostrovsky, Yu. D. Goncharenko
236-239Assessment of mechanical properties of the martensitic steel EUROFER97 by means of punch testsY. Ruan, P. Spätig, M. Victoria
240-244Development of a non-destructive testing technique using ultrasonic wave for evaluation of irradiation embrittlement in nuclear materialsT. Ishii, N. Ooka, T. Hoshiya, H. Kobayashi, J. Saito, M. Niimi, H. Tsuji
245-249Tensile properties and transition behaviour of RAFM steel plate and welds irradiated up to 10 dpa at 300 °CJ. Rensman, J. van Hoepen, J. B. M. Bakker, R. den Boef, F. P. van den Broek, E. D. L. van Essen
250-255Characteristics of unirradiated and 60 °C, 2.7 dpa irradiated Eurofer97J. Rensman, H. E. Hofmans, E. W. Schuring, J. van Hoepen, J. B. M. Bakker, R. den Boef, F. P. van den Broek, E. D. L. van Essen
256-259Tensile response of low activation ferritic steels irradiated in ORR at temperatures in the range 60–400 °CM. L. Hamilton, D. S. Gelles
260-265Evaluation of hardening behaviour of ion irradiated reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels by an ultra-micro-indentation techniqueM. Ando, H. Tanigawa, S. Jitsukawa, T. Sawai, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, K. Nakamura, H. Takeuchi
266-271Microstructural evolution in modified 9Cr–1Mo ferritic/martensitic steel irradiated with mixed high-energy proton and neutron spectra at low temperaturesB. H. Sencer, F. A. Garner, D. S. Gelles, G. M. Bond, S. A. Maloy
272-277Formation process of dislocation loops in iron under irradiations with low-energy helium, hydrogen ions or high-energy electronsK. Arakawa, H. Mori, K. Ono
278-282Effect of triple ion beams in ferritic/martensitic steel on swelling behaviorE. Wakai, T. Sawai, K. Furuya, A. Naito, T. Aruga, K. Kikuchi, S. Yamashita, S. Ohnuki, S. Yamamoto, H. Naramoto, S. Jistukawa
283-288Phase stability of oxide dispersion-strengthened ferritic steels in neutron irradiationS. Yamashita, K. Oka, S. Ohnuki, N. Akasaka, S. Ukai
289-292Microstructure and hardness of HIP-bonded regions in F82H blanket structuresK. Furuya, E. Wakai, M. Ando, T. Sawai, K. Nakamura, H. Takeuchi, A. Iwabuchi
293-298Microstructural analysis of mechanically tested reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steelsH. Tanigawa, T. Hirose, M. Ando, S. Jitsukawa, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
299-303Void swelling in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels under ion-beam irradiation to high fluencesH. Ogiwara, H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, M. Ando, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
304-307Radiation effects on low cycle fatigue properties of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steelsT. Hirose, H. Tanigawa, M. Ando, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, M. Narui
308-311Evaluation of radiation hardening in Fe alloys under heavy ion irradiation by micro-indentation techniqueNaoto Sekimura, Toru Kamada, Yohei Wakasugi, Taira Okita, Yoshio Arai
312-316Swelling behavior of TIG-welded F82H IEA heatT. Sawai, E. Wakai, T. Tomita, A. Naito, S. Jitsukawa
317-321Dissolution kinetics of intermetallics in aging austenitic steels during neutron irradiationV. V. Sagaradze, V. M. Koloskov, B. N. Goshchitskii, V. A. Shabashov
322-326The primary origin of dose rate effects on microstructural evolution of austenitic alloys during neutron irradiationT. Okita, T. Sato, N. Sekimura, F. A. Garner, L. R. Greenwood
327-330Effect of weld thermal cycle, stress and helium content on helium bubble formation in stainless steelsS. Kawano, F. Kano, C. Kinoshita, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe
331-334Evaluation of in-pile and out-of-pile stress relaxation in 316L stainless steel under uniaxial loadingYoshiyuki Kaji, Yukio Miwa, Takashi Tsukada, Masahiko Kikuchi, Satoshi Kita, Minoru Yonekawa, Junichi Nakano, Hirokazu Tsuji, Hajime Nakajima
335-338Microstructure of neutron irradiated SS316L/DS-Cu jointH. Watanabe, D. J. Edwards, Y. Aono, N. Yoshida
339-342Void swelling at low displacement rates in annealed 12X18HgT stainless steel at 4–56 dpa and 280–332 °CS. I. Porollo, Yu. V. Konobeev, A. M. Dvoriashin, A. N. Vorobjev, V. M. Krigan, F. A. Garner
343-346Effect of chemical composition on irradiation creep of stainless steels irradiated in the BOR-60 reactor at 420 °CV. S. Neustroev, V. K. Shamardin
347-351Irradiation-assisted SCC susceptibility of HIPed 316LN-IG stainless steel irradiated at 473 K to 1 dpaY. Miwa, T. Tsukada, H. Tsuji, S. Jitsukawa
352-356Swelling of cold-worked austenitic stainless steels irradiated in HFIR under spectrally tailored conditionsE. Wakai, N. Hashimoto, J. P. Robertson, T. Sawai, A. Hishinuma
357-361The performance of Chinese 316L and 316Ti stainless steel irradiated at 300, 400, 500 and 600 °C in HFIR JP-23 test capsuleJ. Yu, D. S. Gelles, F. A. Garner, M. B. Toloczko, M. L. Hamilton, R. J. Kurtz, R. H. Jones
362-366Microstructure development and helium behavior in nickel and vanadium base alloysA. N. Kalashnikov, I. I. Chernov, B. A. Kalin, S. Yu. Binyukova
367-373Effect of solute atoms on swelling in Ni alloys and pure Ni under He+ ion irradiationE. Wakai, T. Ezawa, J. Imamura, T. Takenaka, T. Tanabe, R. Oshima
374-379The microstructure and tensile properties of pure Ni single crystal irradiated with high energy protonsZ. Yao, R. Schäublin, M. Victoria
380-384Influence of temperature change on microstructure evolution in Ni alloys irradiated with neutronsQ. Xu, T. Yoshiie
385-388Effects of solid transmutation and helium on microstructural evolution in neutron-irradiated vanadiumToshihiko Sato, Taira Okita, Naoto Sekimura
389-392Phase stability and mechanical properties of irradiated Ti–Al–V intermetallic compoundT. Sawai, E. Wakai, S. Jitsukawa, A. Hishinuma
393-397Microstructural examination of irradiated and unirradiated V–4Cr–4Ti pressurized creep tubesD. S. Gelles
398-402Effects of temperature change on microstructural evolution in vanadium alloys under ion irradiation up to high damage levelsN. Nita, T. Yamamoto, T. Iwai, K. Yasunaga, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui
403-407Effects of temperature change on vanadium alloys irradiated in HFIRH. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida
408-411Oxide formation of a purified V–4Cr–4Ti alloy during heat treatment and ion irradiationH. Watanabe, M. Suda, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida
412-415Microstructure in vanadium irradiated by simultaneous multi-ion beam of hydrogen, helium and nickel ionsI. Mukouda, Y. Shimomura, D. Yamaki, T. Nakazawa, T. Aruga, S. Jitsukawa
416-420Tensile and fracture toughness properties of unirradiated and neutron irradiated titanium alloysS. Tähtinen, P. Moilanen, B. N. Singh, D. J. Edwards
421-425Irradiation behaviour of titanium alloys for ITER blanket modules flexible attachmentB. S. Rodchenkov, A. V. Kozlov, Yu. G. Kuznetsov, G. M. Kalinin, Yu. S. Strebkov
426-430Change of thermal diffusivity and lattice constants of W–5% Re–HfC alloys irradiated in a fission reactorM. Fujitsuka, I. Mutoh, T. Tanabe, B. Tsuchiya, M. Narui, T. Shikama, M. Sato
431-438Effect of the bake-out regime on the recovery of properties of copper-based alloys and copper/steel jointsS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky
439-443Post-irradiation annealing of neutron irradiated CuCrZrD. J. Edwards, B. N. Singh, Q. Xu, P. Toft
444-449Low void swelling in dispersion strengthened copper alloys under single-ion irradiationM. Hatakeyama, H. Watanabe, M. Akiba, N. Yoshida
450-454Microstructure evolution in D–T neutron irradiated silverK. Sugio, H. Ohkubo, I. Mukouda, Y. Shimomura, C. Kutsukake, H. Takeuchi
455-465Ferritic/martensitic steels – overview of recent resultsR. L. Klueh, D. S. Gelles, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, G. R. Odette, B. van der Schaaf, M. Victoria
466-470Investigation of heat treatment conditions on the structure of 12% chromium reduced activation steelsM. V. Leonteva-Smirnova, A. G. Ioltukhovskiy, G. A. Arutiunova, A. V. Tselischev, V. M. Chernov
471-474Thermal fatigue crack propagation behaviour of F82H ferritic steelYusuke Kudo, Kouichi Kikuchi, Masakatsu Saito
475-478Effect of thermal cycling on impurity grain boundary segregation in maraging steelA. M. Ilyin, I. L. Tazhibaeva, B. A. Borisov
479-483Behavior of Eurofer97 reduced activation martensitic steel upon heating and continuous coolingA. Danón, A. Alamo
484-489Tensile and fracture toughness properties of MA957: implications to the development of nanocomposited ferritic alloysM. J. Alinger, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas
490-494Effects of precipitation morphology on toughness of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steelsH. Sakasegawa, T. Hirose, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, T. Harada, K. Asakura, T. Kumagai
495-499Metallurgical properties of reduced activation martensitic steel Eurofer’97 in the as-received condition and after thermal ageingP. Fernández, A. M. Lancha, J. Lapeña, M. Serrano, M. Hernández-Mayoral
500-504Thermo-mechanical fatigue behavior of reduced activation ferrite/martensite stainless steelsC. Petersen, D. Rodrian
505-508In situ phase characterization in tempering and aging of Fe–Cr–W steelsN. Inoue, T. Muroga, A. Nishimura, K. Oguri, H. Yabe, S. Uchida, Y. Nishi
509-513Mechanical and microstructural behaviour of isothermally and thermally fatigued ferritic/martensitic steelsA. F. Armas, C. Petersen, R. Schmitt, M. Avalos, I. Alvarez-Armas
514-520Modelling of the effect of precipitates on work-hardening, ductility and impact behaviour of ferritic–martensitic Cr steelsD. Preininger
521-526High resistance to helium embrittlement in reduced activation martensitic steelsA. Kimura, R. Kasada, K. Morishita, R. Sugano, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe, T. Yamamoto, H. Matsui, N. Yoshida, B. D. Wirth, T. D. Rubia
527-531Comparison of in-beam fatigue behavior between austenitic and ferritic steels at 60° CY. Murase, Johsei Nagakawa, N. Yamamoto
532-535Heat resistant reduced activation 12% Cr steel of 16Cr12W2VTaB type-advanced structural material for fusion and fast breeder power reactorsA. G. Ioltukhovskiy, M. V. Leonteva-Smirnova, M. I. Solonin, V. M. Chernov, V. N. Golovanov, V. K. Shamardin, T. M. Bulanova, A. V. Povstyanko, A. E. Fedoseev
536-539On the mechanical properties of the advanced martensitic steel EUROFER 97P. Spätig, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas, M. Victoria
540-543The effect of hot isostatic pressing parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of Eurofer powder HIPed materialJ. M. Gentzbittel, I. Chu, H. Burlet
544-546Solubility of uranium at very low concentration in RAFM steelA. Paúl, L. C. Alves, J. A. Odriozola, J. C. Soares
547-554Vanadium alloys – overview and recent resultsT. Muroga, T. Nagasaka, K. Abe, V. M. Chernov, H. Matsui, D. L. Smith, Z. -Y. Xu, S. J. Zinkle
555-559Fabrication using a levitation melting method of V–4Cr–4Ti–Si–Al–Y alloys and their mechanical propertiesToshinori Chuto, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe, Takuya Nagasaka, Takeo Muroga
560-565Oxygen embrittlement of vanadium alloys with and without surface oxide formationB. A. Pint, J. R. DiStefano
566-570The influence of hydrogen on tensile properties of V-base alloys developed in ChinaJiming Chen, Zengyu Xu, Lin Yang
571-575Fracture properties of high-purity V–4Cr–4Ti alloy (NIFS-HEAT-2) at room temperatureA. Nishimura, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga
576-579Hydrogen solubility in V–4Cr–4Ti alloyR. E. Buxbaum, D. L. Smith, J. -H. Park
580-584Surface segregation and oxidation of Ti in a V–Ti alloyRyo Hayakawa, Yuji Hatano, Katsuhiko Fujii, Ken-ichi Fukumoto, Hideki Matsui, Kuniaki Watanabe
585-590Uniaxial creep behavior of V–4Cr–4Ti alloyK. Natesan, W. K. Soppet, A. Purohit
591-595Influence of alloying and impurity element contents on V–Ti–Cr alloy propertiesV. A. Evtikhin, I. E. Lyublinski, A. V. Vertkov, S. N. Votinov, A. I. Dedyurin
596-600Investigating solute interactions in V–4Cr–4Ti based on tensile deformation behavior of vanadiumD. T. Hoelzer, A. F. Rowcliffe
601-604Effects of doping elements on oxidation properties of V–Cr–Ti type alloys in several environmentsM. Fujiwara, K. Natesan, M. Satou, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe
605-609Performance of V–4Cr–4Ti material exposed to the DIII-D tokamak environmentH. Tsai, W. R. Johnson, Y. Yan, P. W. Trester, A. Bozek, J. F. King, D. L. Smith
610-614High temperature performance of highly purified V–4Cr–4Ti alloy, NIFS-Heat1K. Fukumoto, T. Yamamoto, N. Nakao, S. Takahashi, H. Matsui
615-619Creep of V–4Cr–4Ti in a lithium environmentM. L. Grossbeck
620-624Effect of impurity levels on precipitation behavior in the low-activation V–4Cr–4Ti alloysN. J. Heo, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, H. Matsui
625-629Hydride formation and fracture of vanadium alloysP. Torres, K. Aoyagi, T. Suda, S. Watanabe, S. Ohnuki
630-637Beryllium for fusion application – recent resultsA. Khomutov, V. Barabash, V. Chakin, V. Chernov, D. Davydov, V. Gorokhov, H. Kawamura, B. Kolbasov, I. Kupriyanov, G. Longhurst, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, V. Shestakov
638-642Compatibility between Be12Ti and SS316LNH. Kawamura, M. Uchida, V. Shestakov
643-646Elemental characterisation of beryllium and electrical behaviour of their pebbles bedsE. Alves, M. R. da Silva, L. C. Alves, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, J. C. Soares
647-652Effects of neutron irradiation at 70–200 °C in berylliumV. P. Chakin, V. A. Kazakov, R. R. Melder, Yu. D. Goncharenko, I. B. Kupriyanov
653-656Tritium release properties of neutron-irradiated Be12TiM. Uchida, E. Ishitsuka, H. Kawamura
657-663Evolution of beryllium microstructure under high-dose neutron irradiationV. P. Chakin, Z. Ye Ostrovsky
664-667Influence of high dose neutron irradiation on thermal conductivity of berylliumD. N. Syslov, V. P. Chakin, R. N. Latypov
668-672Specification of properties and design allowables for copper alloys used in HHF components of ITERG. M. Kalinin, S. A. Fabritziev, B. N. Singh, S. Tahtinen, S. J. Zinkle
673-676Effect of heat treatments on the properties of CuCrZr alloysA. D. Ivanov, A. K. Nikolaev, G. M. Kalinin, M. E. Rodin
677-680Influence of the manufacturing heat cycles on the CuCrZr propertiesM. Merola, A. Orsini, E. Visca, S. Libera, L. F. Moreschi, S. Storai, B. Panella, E. Campagnoli, G. Ruscica, C. Bosco
681-685Strength of copper alloys in high temperature environmentY. Nomura, R. Suzuki, M. Saito
686-690Material properties and consequences on the quality of tore supra plasma facing componentsJ. Schlosser, A. Durocher, T. Huber, P. Chappuis, P. Garin, W. Knabl, B. Schedler
691-695Discontinuously reinforced titanium matrix composites for fusion applicationsV. de Castro, T. Leguey, M. A. Monge, A. Muñoz, R. Pareja, M. Victoria
696-700Structure–mechanics relationships in proton irradiated pure titaniumT. Leguey, N. Baluc, R. Schäublin, M. Victoria
701-704The effect of pre-deformation on the ductility of chromiumR. Wadsack, R. Pippan, B. Schedler
705-709Effects of strain rate on tensile properties of TZM and Mo–5%ReG. Filacchioni, E. Casagrande, U. De Angelis, G. De Santis, D. Ferrara
710-714Effect of substrate temperature on microstructure and deuterium retention of molybdenum co-deposition with oxygenM. Miyamoto, T. Hirai, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida
715-718Isotope separation of silicon and molybdenum using a free electron laserTetsuji Noda, Hiroshi Suzuki, Hiroshi Araki, John L. Lyman, Brian E. Newnam
719-722Disruption tests on repaired tungsten by CVD coatingM. Taniguchi, K. Sato, K. Ezato, K. Yokoyama, M. Akiba
723-728Flux dependence of deuterium retention in single crystal tungstenM. Poon, R. G. Macaulay-Newcombe, J. W. Davis, A. A. Haasz
729-734Studies on retention of tritium implanted into tungsten by β-ray-induced X-ray spectrometryM. Matsuyama, T. Murai, K. Yoshida, K. Watanabe, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida
735-738High heat load properties of high purity CVD tungstenS. Tamura, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida
739-742Vaporization properties of the Sn–25 at.%Li alloyR. A. Anderl, D. D. Jenson, G. F. Kessinger
743-748Fabrication and properties of a tin–lithium alloyK. Natesan, W. E. Ruther
749-757Perspective of ODS alloys application in nuclear environmentsShigeharu Ukai, Masayuki Fujiwara
758-762Consolidation process study of 9Cr-ODS martensitic steelsShigeharu Ukai, K. Hatakeyama, Shunji Mizuta, Masayuki Fujiwara, Takanari Okuda
763-768Long-term high temperature oxidation behavior of ODS ferriticsB. A. Pint, I. G. Wright
769-772Mechanical and microstructural properties of a hipped RAFM ODS-steelR. Lindau, A. Möslang, M. Schirra, P. Schlossmacher, M. Klimenkov
773-777Tensile and creep properties of an oxide dispersion-strengthened ferritic steelR. L. Klueh, P. J. Maziasz, I. S. Kim, L. Heatherly, D. T. Hoelzer, N. Hashimoto, E. A. Kenik, K. Miyahara
778-782Microstructure and mechanical properties of two ODS ferritic/martensitic steelsR. Schaeublin, T. Leguey, P. Spätig, N. Baluc, M. Victoria
783-787Structure, radiation resistance and thermal creep of ODS ferritic steelsB. N. Goshchitskii, V. V. Sagaradze, V. I. Shalaev, V. L. Arbuzov, Yun Tian, Wan Qun, Sun Jiguang
788-792Burst properties of irradiated oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel claddingsT. Yoshitake, T. Ohmori, S. Miyakawa
793-797Displacement damage parameters for fusion breeder blanket materials based on BCA computer simulationsDieter Leichtle
798-802Activation characteristics of a solid breeder blanket for a fusion power demonstration reactorUlrich Fischer, Haileyesus Tsige-Tamirat
803-806Fabrication of Li2TiO3 pebbles by the extrusion–spheronisation–sintering processJ. D. Lulewicz, N. Roux
807-810Thermal creep of granular breeder materials in fusion blanketsL. Bühler, J. Reimann
811-816Characterisation of ceramic breeder materials for the helium cooled pebble bed blanketG. Piazza, J. Reimann, E. Günther, R. Knitter, N. Roux, J. D. Lulewicz
817-822In-pile test of Li2TiO3 pebble bed with neutron pulse operationK. Tsuchiya, M. Nakamichi, A. Kikukawa, Y. Nagao, M. Enoeda, T. Osaki, K. Ioki, H. Kawamura
823-826Influence of neutron irradiation on the strength characteristics of lithium ceramic pellets for fusion reactor blanketsV. Kapychev, V. Tebus, V. Frolov
827-831Numerical simulation of ceramic breeder pebble bed thermal creep behaviorAlice Ying, Hulin Huang, Mohamed Abdou
832-836In-pile performance of a double-walled tube and a tritium permeation barrierA. J. Magielsen, K. Bakker, C. Chabrol, R. Conrad, J. G. van der Laan, E. Rigal, M. P. Stijkel
837-841Li2TiO3 pebbles reprocessing, recovery of 6Li as Li2CO3C. Alvani, S. Casadio, V. Contini, A. Di Bartolomeo, J. D. Lulewicz, N. Roux
843-851Mechanisms of dislocation-defect interactions in irradiated metals investigated by computer simulationsN.M Ghoniem, S.H Tong, J Huang, B.N Singh, M Wen
852-861Atomistic study of the generation, interaction, accumulation and annihilation of cascade-induced defect clustersYu.N. Osetsky, D.J. Bacon, B.N. Singh, B. Wirth
862-865The effect of bias factor variations on void nucleation in irradiated alloysV.A. Borodin, A.E. Volkov, A.I. Ryazanov
866-870Statistical analysis of cluster production efficiency in MD simulations of cascades in copperYu.N. Osetsky, D.J. Bacon, B.N. Singh
871-875left angle bracket1 0 0right-pointing angle bracketJ. Marian, B.D. Wirth, R. Schäublin, J.M. Perlado, T. Dı́az de la Rubia
876-880The effects of one-dimensional migration of self-interstitial clusters on the formation of void latticesH.L. Heinisch, B.N. Singh
881-885Thermal friction and Brownian motion of interstitial defects in irradiated materialsS.L. Dudarev
886-890Point defect behavior in electron irradiated V–4Cr–4Ti alloyQ. Xu, T. Yoshiie, H. Mori
891-894Modeling defect production in silica glass due to energetic recoils using molecular dynamics simulationsA. Kubota, M.-J. Caturla, S.A. Payne, T. Diaz de la Rubia, J.F. Latkowski
895-899Displacement damage cross sections for neutron-irradiated silicon carbideH.L. Heinisch, L.R. Greenwood, W.J. Weber, R.E. Williford
900-906Modeling of void nucleation under cascade damage conditionsH. Trinkaus, B.N. Singh
907-911Multiscale modeling study of pulsed damage accumulation in α-Fe under inertial fusion conditionsJ.M. Perlado, D. Lodi, E. Domı́nguez, J. Prieto, M.J. Caturla, Tomas Dı́az de la Rubia
912-917Dose dependence of defect accumulation in neutron irradiated copper and ironM. Eldrup, B.N. Singh, S.J. Zinkle, T.S. Byun, K. Farrell
918-923Growth and instability of charged dislocation loops under irradiation in ceramic materialsA.I. Ryazanov, K. Yasuda, C. Kinoshita, A.V. Klaptsov
924-929One dimensional motion of interstitial clusters and void growth in Ni and Ni alloysT. Yoshiie, T. Ishizaki, Q. Xu, Y. Satoh, M. Kiritani
930-934Effect of undersized solute atoms on point defect behavior in V–A (A=Fe, Cr and Si) binary alloys studied by using HVEMT. Hayashi, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui
935-940The effect of free surfaces on cascade damage production in ironRoger E. Stoller
941-945Effects of dislocation on thermal helium desorption from iron and ferritic steelR. Sugano, K. Morishita, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida
946-950In situ TEM observation of dislocation movement through the ultrafine obstacles in an Fe alloyK. Nogiwa, T. Yamamoto, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui, Y. Nagai, K. Yubuta, M. Hasegawa
951-955Study of point defect behavior in V–Ti alloys using HVEMT. Hayashi, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui
956-960Temperature effect on characteristics of void population formed in the austenitic steel under neutron irradiation up to high damage doseA.V Kozlov, I.A Portnykh, L.A Skryabin, E.A Kinev
961-965The effect of hydrogen and helium on microvoid formation in iron and nickelT. Ishizaki, Q. Xu, T. Yoshiie, S. Nagata, T. Troev
966-970Evolution of a defect structure of Pd–Ag alloys during tritium exposureV. Tebus, L. Rivkis, E. Dmitrievskaia, G. Arutunova, I. Golikov, N. Ryazantseva, V. Filin, V. Kapychev, V. Bulkin
971-975Phase transformation in the γ-TiAl alloy induced by Ar ionsM. Song, K. Mitsuishi, M. Takeguchi, K. Furuya, T. Tanabe, T. Noda
976-981Absence of saturation of void growth in rate theory with anisotropic diffusionT.S. Hudson, S.L. Dudarev, A.P. Sutton
982-987Study of fundamental features of bias effect in metals under irradiationE. Kuramoto, K. Ohsawa, T. Tsutsumi
988-992Correlating TEM images of damage in irradiated materials to molecular dynamics simulationsR. Schaeublin, M.-J. Caturla, M. Wall, T. Felter, M. Fluss, B.D. Wirth, T. Diaz de la Rubia, M. Victoria
993-997In situ observation of glide motions of SIA-type loops in vanadium and V–5Ti under HVEM irradiationT. Hayashi, K. Fukmuto, H. Matsui
998-1002Analytical model of radiation-induced precipitation at the surface of dilute binary alloyV.A. Pechenkin, I.A. Stepanov, Yu.V. Konobeev
1003-1006Atomistic dynamical observation of grain boundary structural changes under electron irradiationN. Sakaguchi, T. Shibayama, H. Kinoshita, H. Takahashi
1007-1010Molecular dynamics simulation of vanadium using an interatomic potential fitted to finite temperature propertiesManabu Satou, Sidney Yip, Katsunori Abe
1011-1015On the transition toughness of two RA martensitic steels in the irradiation hardening regime: a mechanism-based evaluationG.R. Odette, H.J. Rathbun, J.W. Rensman, F.P. van den Broek
1016-1020Comparative study: sensitization development in hot-isostatic-pressed cast and wrought structures type 316L(N)-IG stainless steel under isothermal heat treatmentK.I. Shutko, V.N. Belous
1021-1025Towards a micro-mechanical description of the fracture behaviour for RAFM steels in the ductile-to-brittle transition regimeHeinz Riesch-Oppermann, Eberhard Diegele
1026-1030Effects of impurities on low activation characteristics of V–4Cr–4Ti alloyY. Wu, T. Muroga, Q. Huang, Y. Chen, T. Nagasaka, A. Sagara
1031-1036Activation analysis of structural materials irradiated by fusion and fission neutronsQunying Huang, Shanliang Zheng, Yixue Chen, Jiangang Li
1037-1041Experimental investigation of radioactivity induced in the fusion power plant structural material in Eurofer and in other steels by D–T neutronsK. Seidel, R.A. Forrest, H. Freiesleben, V.D. Kovalchuk, D.V. Markovskij, D.V. Maximov, S. Unholzer
1042-1046Radiation damage parameters for modelling of FRM irradiation conditions at the RADEX facility of INR RASE.A. Koptelov, S.G. Lebedev, N.M. Sobolevsky, Yu.S. Strebkov, A.V. Subbotin
1047-1051The zero waste option: clearance of activated and first wall/blanket materialsAndrea Ciampichetti, Paolo Rocco, Massimo Zucchetti
1052-1056Decay heat measurement of fusion related materials in an ITER-like neutron fieldY. Morimoto, K. Ochiai, F. Maekawa, M. Wada, T. Nishitani, H. Takeuchi
1057-1072Promise and challenges of SiCf/SiC composites for fusion energy applicationsR.H Jones, L Giancarli, A Hasegawa, Y Katoh, A Kohyama, B Riccardi, L.L Snead, W.J Weber
1073-1079Electrical in situ and post-irradiation properties of ceramics relevant to fusion irradiation conditionsTatsuo Shikama, S.J. Zinkle
1080-1083Effects of helium irradiation on chemical behavior of energetic deuterium in SiCT. Sugiyama, Y. Morimoto, K. Iguchi, K. Okuno, M. Miyamoto, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida
1084-1087Deposition of compositionally graded SiC/C layers on C–C composites by low pressure chemical vapor depositionJoung Il Kim, Weon-Ju Kim, Doo Jin Choi, Ji Yeon Park
1088-1092Interfacial characterization of CVI-SiC/SiC compositesW. Yang, A. Kohyama, T. Noda, Y. Katoh, T. Hinoki, H. Araki, J. Yu
1093-1097High-temperature tensile strength of near-stoichiometric SiC/SiC compositesK. Hironaka, T. Nozawa, T. Hinoki, N. Igawa, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead, A. Kohyama
1098-1101Electrical conductivity of silicon carbide composites and fibersR. Scholz, F. dos Santos Marques, B. Riccardi
1102-1106Physical property change of concurrently neutron-irradiated CVD-diamond, silicon and silicon carbideT. Yano, Y. Yamamoto, T. Iseki
1107-1111Radiation swelling of SiC under neutron irradiationA.I. Ryazanov, A.V. Klaptsov, A. Kohyama, H. Kishimoto
1112-1119Optimizing the transverse thermal conductivity of 2D-SiCf/SiC composites. I. ModelingG.E. Youngblood, D.J. Senor, R.H. Jones
1120-1125Optimizing the transverse thermal conductivity of 2D-SiCf/SiC composites, II. ExperimentalG.E. Youngblood, D.J. Senor, R.H. Jones, Witold Kowbel
1126-1129Surface blistering of ion irradiated SiC studied by grazing incidence electron microscopySin Igarashi, Shunsuke Muto, Tetsuo Tanabe
1130-1134Microstructural stability of SiC and SiC/SiC composites under high temperature irradiation environmentH. Kishimoto, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
1135-1140Effect of simultaneous ion irradiation on microstructural change of SiC/SiC composites at high temperatureT. Taguchi, E. Wakai, N. Igawa, S. Nogami, L.L. Snead, A. Hasegawa, S. Jitsukawa
1141-1145Experimental simulation of the effect of transmuted helium on the mechanical properties of silicon carbideL.L Snead, R Scholz, A Hasegawa, A Frias Rebelo
1146-1151Conductivity of SiC during neutron and proton irradiationO.A. Plaksin, V.A. Stepanov, H. Amekura, N. Kishimoto
1152-1156Mechanical property change and swelling behavior of SiC fiber after light-ion irradiationA. Hasegawa, S. Nogami, T. Aizawa, K. Katou, K. Abe
1157-1162The effect of high dose/high temperature irradiation on high purity fibers and their silicon carbide compositesT. Hinoki, L.L. Snead, Y. Katoh, A. Hasegawa, T. Nozawa, A. Kohyama
1163-1167Indentation fracture toughness of neutron irradiated silicon carbideS. Nogami, A. Hasegawa, L.L. Snead
1168-1172Irradiation effects on thermal expansion of SiC/SiC composite materialsM. Ishihara, S. Baba, T. Hoshiya, T. Shikama
1173-1177Effects of fibers and fabrication processes on mechanical properties of neutron irradiated SiC/SiC compositesT. Nozawa, T. Hinoki, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
1178-1182Analysis of possible deformation mechanisms in helium–ion irradiated SiCS. Nogami, S. Ohtsuka, M.B. Toloczko, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe
1183-1186Light ion irradiation creep of Textron SCS-6™ silicon carbide fibersR. Scholz, R. Mueller, D. Lesueur
1187-1190Evaluation of dual-ion irradiated β-SiC by means of indentation methodsK.H Park, Y Katoh, H Kishimoto, A Kohyama
1191-1195Process, microstructure and flexural properties of reaction sintered Tyranno SA/SiC compositesS.P. Lee, J.S. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, D.H. Kim, J.K. Lee, H.K. Yoon
1196-1199Development of 2D and 3D Hi-Nicalon fibres/SiC matrix composites manufactured by a combined CVI–PIP routeC.A. Nannetti, B. Riccardi, A. Ortona, A. La Barbera, E. Scafè, G. Vekinis
1200-1204High thermal conductivity of graphite fiber silicon carbide composites for fusion reactor applicationL.L. Snead, M. Balden, R.A. Causey, H. Atsumi
1205-1209Optimizing the fabrication process for superior mechanical properties in the FCVI SiC matrix/stoichiometric SiC fiber composite systemN. Igawa, T. Taguchi, L.L. Snead, Y. Katoh, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kohyama, J.C. McLaughlin
1210-1214Homogeneity and flexural properties of SiC/SiC composites prepared by CVI methodHiroshi Araki, Tetsuji Noda, Wen Yang, Akira Kohyama
1215-1220Highly thermal conductive, sintered SiC fiber-reinforced 3D-SiC/SiC composites: experiments and finite-element analysis of the thermal diffusivity/conductivityR. Yamada, N. Igawa, T. Taguchi, S. Jitsukawa
1221-1226The influences of irradiation temperature and helium production on the dimensional stability of silicon carbideY Katoh, H Kishimoto, A Kohyama
1227-1231Fabrication and characterization of SiCf/SiC composite by CVI using the whiskering processJi Yeon Park, Ho Soo Hwang, Weon-Ju Kim, Joung Il Kim, Ji Hye Son, Byeong Jun Oh, Doo Jin Choi
1232-1236Silicon carbide-based materials for joining silicon carbide composites for fusion energy applicationsCharles A. Lewinsohn, Russell H. Jones, Paolo Colombo, Bruno Riccardi
1237-1241Low activation brazing materials and techniques for SiCf/SiC compositesB. Riccardi, C.A. Nannetti, T. Petrisor, M. Sacchetti
1242-1245Effect of OH-group content on optical properties of silica core fiber waveguides during reactor irradiationO.A. Plaksin, V.A. Stepanov, T. Shikama
1246-1249Oxygen interstitial trapping in electron irradiated sapphireA. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson
1250-1253Effects of specimen thickness and impurity on the conductivity of alumina under electron irradiationT. Higuchi, K. Shiiyama, Y. Izumi, M.M.R. Howlader, M. Kutsuwada, C. Kinoshita
1254-1259Mechanical strength of neutron-irradiated window materialsR. Heidinger
1260-1263Surface degradation effects on laser damage in KU1 quartz glass windows for LIDAR applicationsP. Martin, A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson
1264-1267In situ transmissivity measurements of KU1 quartz in the UV range under 14 MeV neutron irradiationTatsuo Sugie, Takeo Nishitani, Satoshi Kasai, Junichi Kaneko, Shin Yamamoto
1268-1272In situ luminescence and optical absorption measurements of silica in reactor coreTomoko Yoshida, Tatsuya Ii, Tetsuo Tanabe, Hisao Yoshida, Kenji Yamaguchi
1273-1276Electrical and dielectric properties of irradiated KU1 quartz glass from DC to 145 GHzR. Vila, J. Mollá, R. Heidinger, A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson
1277-1281Round-robin irradiation test of radiation resistant optical fibers for ITER diagnostic applicationT. Kakuta, T. Shikama, T. Nishitani, B. Brichard, A. Krassilinikov, A. Tomashuk, S. Yamamoto, S. Kasai
1282-1288Improvement of the thermo-mechanical properties of fine grain graphite by doping with different carbidesC. Garcı́a-Rosales, N. Ordás, E. Oyarzabal, J. Echeberria, M. Balden, S. Lindig, R. Behrisch
1289-1293TEM and EELS characterization of carbon dust and co-deposited layers from the TEXTOR tokamakS. Muto, T. Tanabe, A. Hirota, M. Rubel, V. Philipps, T. Maruyama
1294-1299Microstructure and deuterium content of tokamak T-10 carbon erosion productsP.V. Romanov, B.N. Kolbasov, V.Kh. Alimov, V.M. Gureev, A.G. Domantovskij, L.N. Khimchenko, P.N. Orlov
1300-1304The effect of low temperature neutron irradiation and annealing on the thermal conductivity of advanced carbon-based materialsV. Barabash, I. Mazul, R. Latypov, A. Pokrovsky, C.H. Wu
1305-1309Macroscopic properties and microstructure changes of heavily neutron-irradiated β-Si3N4 by annealingMasafumi Akiyoshi, Kohki Ichikawa, Takako Donomae, Toyohiko Yano
1310-1313Mechanical strength of an ITER coil insulation system under static and dynamic load after reactor irradiationK. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H.W. Weber, K. Hamada, M. Sugimoto, K. Okuno
1314-1322Development of coatings for fusion power applicationsD.L Smith, J Konys, T Muroga, V Evitkhin
1323-1328Development of CaO coatings by thermal and chemical vapor depositionK. Natesan, M. Uz, D.L. Smith
1329-1333Characterization of hydrogen barrier coatings for titanium-base alloysT Leguey, N Baluc, F Jansen, M Victoria
1334-1338Plasma sprayed coatings for RF wave absorptionS Nanobashvili, J Matějı́ček, F Žáček, J Stőckel, P Chráska, V Brožek
1339-1343Solid state reaction between tungsten and amorphous carbonYuji Hatano, Miyuki Takamori, Kenji Matsuda, Susumu Ikeno, Katsuhiko Fujii, Kuniaki Watanabe
1344-1350Temperature limits on the compatibility of insulating ceramics in lithiumB.A. Pint, J.H. DeVan, J.R. DiStefano
1351-1354Compatibility of materials for fusion reactors with Pb–17LiF. Barbier, Ph. Deloffre and, A. Terlain
1355-1359Compatibility of ferritic steels with Li2BeF4 molten salt breederH. Nishimura, T. Terai, M. Yamawaki, S. Tanaka, A. Sagara, O. Motojima
1360-1363Corrosion behaviour of Al based tritium permeation barriers in flowing Pb–17LiH. Glasbrenner, J. Konys, Z. Voss, O. Wedemeyer
1364-1368Erosion mechanism and erosion products in carbon-based materialsN. Arkhipov, V. Bakhtin, V. Barsuk, S. Kurkin, E. Mironova, G. Piazza, V. Safronov, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, D. Toporkov, S. Vasenin, H. Würz, A. Zhitlukhin
1369-1374Corrosion resistance of refractory metals in high-temperature waterY Ishijima, K Kakiuchi, T Furuya, H Kurishita, M Hasegawa, T Igarashi, M Kawai
1375-1379Steam oxidation of PFC materials for advanced tokamaksR.A. Anderl, R.J. Pawelko, G.R. Smolik, G. Piazza, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, L.L. Snead
1380-1385Control of the nitrogen concentration in liquid lithium by the hot trap methodToshiharu Sakurai, Toshiaki Yoneoka, Satoru Tanaka, Akihiro Suzuki, Takeo Muroga
1386-1390Recent activities on the compatibility of the ferritic steel wall with the plasma in the JFT-2M tokamakK. Tsuzuki, M. Sato, H. Kawashima, N. Isei, H. Kimura, H. Ogawa, K. Miyachi, M. Yamamoto, T. Shibata
1391-1395Mechanical and corrosion behaviour of EUROFER 97 steel exposed to Pb–17LiG. Benamati, C. Fazio, I. Ricapito
1396-1399Wetting of Fe–7.5%Cr steel by molten Pb and Pb–17LiP. Protsenko, A. Terlain, M. Jeymond, N. Eustathopoulos
1400-1404Kinetic features of the component interaction in the V[O]–Li[Ca] systemO.I. Yeliseyeva, V.M. Chernov, T.V. Tsaran
1405-1410In situ formation of CaO insulator coatings on vanadium alloysD.L. Smith, J.-H. Park, K. Natesan
1411-1417First wall material issues and related activities at JETF. Scaffidi-Argentina, S. Ciattaglia, P. Coad, R.-D. Penzhorn, V. Philipps and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Fusion Technology Task Force and Task Force E
1418-1423Hydrogen release from 800 MeV proton-irradiated tungstenB.M. Oliver, T.J. Venhaus, R.A. Causey, F.A. Garner, S.A. Maloy
1424-1429Helium and tritium kinetics in irradiated beryllium pebblesE. Rabaglino, J.P. Hiernaut, C. Ronchi, F. Scaffidi-Argentina
1430-1435Deuterium transport in SiCf/SiC compositesG.A. Esteban, A. Perujo, F. Legarda, L.A. Sedano, B. Riccardi
1436-1440Ab initio study on isotope exchange reactions of H2 with surface hydroxyl groups in lithium silicatesT Nakazawa, K Yokoyama, V Grismanovs, Y Katano, S Jitsukawa
1441-1445Imaging plate technique for determination of tritium distribution on graphite tiles of JT-60UT. Tanabe, K. Miyasaka, K. Masaki, K. Kodama, N. Miya
1446-1450Ab-initio study on interaction of hydrogen isotopes with charged defects in lithium oxideHisashi Tanigawa, Satoru Tanaka
1451-1455Effect of catalytic metals on tritium release from ceramic breeder materialsK. Munakata, Y. Yokoyama, A. Koga, N. Nakashima, S. Beloglazov, T. Takeishi, M. Nishikawa, R.-D. Penzhorn, K. Kawamoto, H. Moriyama, Y. Morimoto, K. Okuno
1456-1460Tritium release from neutron-irradiated Li2O sintered pellets: fluence dependenceTakaaki Tanifuji, Daiju Yamaki, Shiro Jitsukawa
1461-1465Exchange of tritium implanted into oxide ceramics for protium by exposure to air vapors at room temperatureKenji Morita, Hironori Suzuki, Kazuo Soda, H. Iwahara, Hirofumi Nakamura, Takumi Hayasi, Masataka Nishi
1466-1470Hydrogen bulk retention in graphite and kinetics of diffusionH. Atsumi
1471-1477Helium and hydrogen generation in pure metals irradiated with high-energy protons and spallation neutrons in LANSCEB.M Oliver, M.R James, F.A Garner, S.A Maloy
1478-1483Cellular automaton model for hydrogen transport dynamics through metallic surfaceK Shimura, K Yamaguchi, T Terai, M Yamawaki
1484-1487Permeation of deuterium and tritium through the martensitic steel F82HYu.N. Dolinsky, Yu.N. Zouev, I.A. Lyasota, I.V. Saprykin, V.V. Sagaradze
1488-1493Helium analysis from the DHCE-1 simulation experimentDale L. Smith, H. Matsui
1494-1497Gas driven deuterium permeation through F82H martensitic steelV. Shestakov, A. Pisarev, V. Sobolev, S. Kulsartov, I. Tazhibaeva
1498-1501Hydrogen permeability over the joint weld of the steel parts of fusion reactor with magnet confinement of plasmaV.V. Fedorov, E.V. Dyomina, T.M. Zasadny, L.I. Ivanov, M.D. Prusakova, N.A. Vinogradova, A.M. Zabelin
1502-1506Application of electron stimulated desorption for hydrogen removal from graphiteR. Ishida, T. Shibahara, T. Tanabe
1507-1512Formation and migration of helium bubbles in Fe and Fe–9Cr ferritic alloyK. Ono, K. Arakawa, K. Hojou
1513-1516Helium and hydrogen trapping in W and Mo single-crystals irradiated by He ionsS. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, T. Sugawara, N. Ohtsu, T. Shikama
1517-1519Hydrogen and helium entrapment in flowing liquid metal plasma-facing surfacesAhmed Hassanein
1520-1523Hydrogen permeation through metal membrane with protective coating in contact with atomic or ionized hydrogenV.M. Sharapov
1524-1532Overview on fabrication and joining of plasma facing and high heat flux materials for ITERM. Merola, M. Akiba, V. Barabash, I. Mazul
1533-1536Heat load test of Be/Cu joint for ITER first wall mock-upsM. Uchida, E. Ishitsuka, T. Hatano, V. Barabash, H. Kawamura
1537-1541Development of Be/DSCu HIP bonding and thermo-mechanical evaluationT Hatano, T Kuroda, V Barabash, M Enoeda
1542-1546Mechanical properties of HIP bonded W and Cu-alloys joint for plasma facing componentsS Saito, K Fukaya, S Ishiyama, K Sato
1547-1553Properties of copper–stainless steel HIP joints before and after neutron irradiationS. Tähtinen, A. Laukkanen, B.N. Singh, P. Toft
1554-1557TORE SUPRA experience of copper chromium zirconium electron beam weldingA. Durocher, M. Lipa, Ph. Chappuis, J. Schlosser, T. Huber, B. Schedler
1558-1562HIP experiments on the first wall and cooling plate specimens for the EU HCPB blanketP. Norajitra, G. Reimann, R. Ruprecht, L. Schäfer
1563-1567Structural and mechanical properties of welded joints of reduced activation martensitic steelsG. Filacchioni, R. Montanari, M.E. Tata, L. Pilloni
1568-1572Characterization of 316L(N)-IG SS joint produced by hot isostatic pressing techniqueJ. Nakano, Y. Miwa, T. Tsukada, M. Kikuchi, S. Kita, Y. Nemoto, H. Tsuji, S. Jitsukawa
1573-1577Neutron irradiation effect on the mechanical properties of type 316L SS welded jointsS Saito, K Fukaya, S Ishiyama, H Amezawa, M Yonekawa, F Takada, Y Kato, T Takeda, H Takahashi, M Nakahira
1578-1583Re-weldability of neutron-irradiated stainless steels studied by multi-pass TIG weldingK. Nakata, M. Oishi, M. Koshiishi, T. Hashimoto, H. Anzai, Y. Saito, W. Kono
1584-1589Re-weldability tests of irradiated 316L(N) stainless steel using laser welding techniqueHirokazu Yamada, Hiroshi Kawamura, Kunihiko Tsuchiya, George Kalinin, Wataru Kohno, Yasuo Morishima
1590-1594Gas tungsten arc welding of vanadium alloys with impurity controlM.L. Grossbeck, J.F. King, T. Nagasaka, S.A. David
1595-1599Effects of post-weld heat treatment conditions on hardness, microstructures and impact properties of vanadium alloysT Nagasaka, T Muroga, M.L Grossbeck, T Yamamoto
1600-1608Recent progress in small specimen test technologyG.E. Lucas, G.R. Odette, M. Sokolov, P. Spätig, T. Yamamoto, P. Jung
1609-1612Development of piezoelectric ceramics driven fatigue testing machine for small specimensS. Saito, K. Kikuchi, Y. Onishi, T. Nishino
1613-1618Development of a remote-controlled fatigue test machine using a laser extensometer for investigation of irradiation effect on fatigue propertiesM. Yonekawa, T. Ishii, M. Ohmi, F. Takada, T. Hoshiya, M. Niimi, I. Ioka, Y. Miwa, H. Tsuji
1619-1623Shear punch tests performed using a new low compliance test fixtureM.B Toloczko, R.J Kurtz, A Hasegawa, K Abe
1624-1628Micromechanical modeling of master curve temperature shifts due to constraint lossG.R. Odette, M.Y. He
1629-1636The fusion-driven hybrid system and its material selectionY.C Wu, J.P Qian, J.N Yu
1637-1642Strategy of fusion reactor materials R&D in ChinaJ.P Qian, Y.C Wu, J.G Li
1643-1648Some recent innovations in small specimen testingG.R. Odette, M. He, D. Gragg, D. Klingensmith, G.E. Lucas
1649-1654Possible techniques for the detritiation of first wall materials from fusion machinesN. Bekris, C. Caldwell-Nichols, L. Doerr, M. Glugla, R.-D. Penzhorn, H. Ziegler
1655-1659The ARBOR irradiation projectC Petersen, V Shamardin, A Fedoseev, G Shimansky, V Efimov, J Rensman
1660-1663A model for radiation induced conductivity in neutral beam injector insulator gasesE.R. Hodgson, A. Moroño
1664-1669Research of lithium capillary-pore systems for fusion reactor plasma facing componentsV.A. Evtikhin, A.V. Vertkov, I.E. Lyublinski, B.I. Khripunov, V.B. Petrov, S.V. Mirnov
1670-1674Neutron radiation effects of the center conductor post in a spherical tokamak reactorJ. Yu, Y. Wu, J. Sha, Q. Huang, Y. Ke
1675-1679Status of activities on the lithium target in the key element technology phase in IFMIFHiroo Nakamura, L. Burgazzi, S. Cevolani, G. Dell’Orco, C. Fazio, D. Giusti, H. Horiike, M. Ida, H. Kakui, N. Loginov, H. Matsui, T. Muroga, Hideo Nakamura, B. Riccardi, H. Takeuchi, S. Tanaka
1680-1685New evaluation of displacement damage and gas production for breeder ceramics under IFMIF, fusion and fission neutron irradiationYu Lizunov, A Möslang, A Ryazanov, P Vladimirov
1686-1690Water jet flow simulation and lithium free surface flow experiments for the IFMIF targetM. Ida, H. Horiike, M. Akiba, K. Ezato, T. Iida, S. Inoue, S. Miyamoto, T. Muroga, Hideo Nakamura, Hiroshi Nakamura, Hiroo Nakamura, A. Suzuki, H. Takeuchi, N. Uda, N. Yamaoka
1691-1695Issues to be verified by IFMIF prototype accelerator for engineering validationM. Sugimoto, T. Imai, Y. Okumura, K. Nakayama, S. Suzuki, M. Saigusa
1696-1700Application of the IEAF-2001 activation data library to activation analyses of the IFMIF high flux test moduleU Fischer, P.P.H Wilson, D Leichtle, S.P Simakov, U.v Möllendorff, A Konobeev, Yu Korovin, P Pereslavtsev, I Schmuck
1701-1704A first step in the development of a powerful 14 MeV neutron sourceA.A. Ivanov, E.P. Kruglyakov, Yu.A. Tsidulko
1705-1709Conditions for effects of radiation pulsingH. Trinkaus, H. Ullmaier
1710-1714Advanced Monte Carlo procedure for the IFMIF d-Li neutron source term based on evaluated cross section dataS.P Simakov, U Fischer, U von Möllendorff, I Schmuck, A.Yu Konobeev, Yu.A Korovin, P Pereslavtsev
1715-1718Experimental studies on the neutron emission spectrum and induced radioactivity of the 7Li(d,n) reaction in the 20–40 MeV regionM Baba, T Aoki, M Hagiwara, M Sugimoto, T Miura, N Kawata, A Yamadera, H Orihara
1719-1742Author index
1743-1790Subject index

Volume 312, Issue 1, Pages 1-124 (January 2003)

iiEditorial board
1-9Thermodynamic studies on SrThO3(s)R Prasad, Smruti Dash, S.C Parida, Ziley Singh, V Venugopal
10-15An electrochemical hydrogen meter for measuring hydrogen in sodium using a ternary electrolyte mixtureR. Sridharan, K.H. Mahendran, S. Nagaraj, T. Gnanasekaran, G. Periaswami
16-20Water formation in graphite and boron-doped graphite under simultaneous O+ and H+ irradiationAllen Y.K. Chen, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz
21-49Thermodynamics of the O–U system. I – Oxygen chemical potential critical assessment in the UO2–U3O8 composition rangeD Labroche, O Dugne, C Chatillon
50-66Thermodynamic properties of the O–U system. II – Critical assessment of the stability and composition range of the oxides UO2+xD Labroche, O Dugne, C Chatillon
67-75Electron backscatter diffraction of a plutonium–gallium alloyC.J. Boehlert, T.G. Zocco, R.K. Schulze, J.N. Mitchell, R.A. Pereyra
76-80Solubility of actinide surrogates in nuclear glassesC. Lopez, X. Deschanels, J.M. Bart, J.M. Boubals, C. Den Auwer, E. Simoni
81-96Modelling the activity of 129I in the primary coolant of a CANDU reactorBrent J. Lewis, Aamir Husain
97-102Production behavior of irradiation defects in vitreous silica under ion beam irradiationKimikazu Moritani, Ikuji Takagi, Hirotake Moriyama
103-110A XAS study of the local environments of cations in (U, Ce)O2Philippe Martin, Michel Ripert, Thierry Petit, Tobias Reich, Christoph Hennig, Francesco D’Acapito, Jean Louis Hazemann, Olivier Proux
111-123Comment on ‘Order–disorder phase transition induced by swift ions in MgAl2O4 and ZnAl2O4 spinels’ by D. Simeone et al., J. Nucl. Mater. 300 (2002) 151–160Kurt E Sickafus
124Authors’ reply to Dr Sickafus’s “Comment on ‘Order–disorder phase transition induced by swift heavy ions in MgAl2O4 and ZnAl2O4 spinels’ ”D. Simeone, C. Dodane-Thiriet, D. Gosset, P. Daniel, M. Beauvy

Volume 312, Issues 2-3, Pages 125-278 (February 2003)

125-133Effect of processing on properties of thin walled calandria tubes for pressurised heavy water reactorK. Kapoor, C. Padmaprabu, S. V. Ramana Rao, T. Sanyal, B. P. Kashyap
134-140Measurements of hydrogen permeation and absorption in zirconium oxide scalesByung Hyuck Lim, Hyun Seon Hong, Kyung Sub Lee
141-145Helium depth profiling in tantalum after ion implantation and high-temperature annealingF. Zielinski, J. M. Costantini, J. Haussy, F. Durbin
146-155X-ray fluorescence microtomography study of trace elements in a SiC nuclear fuel shellM. Naghedolfeizi, J. -S. Chung, R. Morris, G. E. Ice, W. B. Yun, Z. Cai, B. Lai
156-162The solution and diffusion of ruthenium in UOxGerdjan Busker, Robin W. Grimes, Mark R. Bradford
163-173Microstructural evolution in medium copper low alloy steels irradiated in a pressurized water reactor and a material test reactorK. Fukuya, K. Ohno, H. Nakata, S. Dumbill, J. M. Hyde
174-180Analysis of CREVONA sodium loop materialVaidehi Ganesan, V. Ganesan, H. U. Borgstedt
181-190Assessment of microstructure stability of cold worked Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel during aging using ultrasonic velocity measurements and correlation with mechanical propertiesM. Vasudevan, P. Palanichamy
191-198In-pile electrochemical measurements on AISI 316 L(N) IG and EUROFER 97 – I: experimental resultsMarc Vankeerberghen, Rik-Wouter Bosch, Rudi Van Nieuwenhoven
199-206Microstructural modification due to reheating in multipass manual metal arc welds of 9Cr–1Mo steelR. Mythili, V. Thomas Paul, S. Saroja, M. Vijayalakshmi, V. S. Raghunathan
207-211The optical properties of liquid plutonium at 632.8 nmR. I. Sheldon, G. H. Rinehart, J. C. Lashley, C. E. Van Pelt, P. C. Nordine, S. Krishnan, J. K. R. Weber
212-223Mechanical properties and microstructure of helium-implanted berylliumW. Kesternich, H. Ullmaier
224-235Densification behaviour of ThO2–PuO2 pellets with varying PuO2 content using dilatometryT. R. G. Kutty, P. V. Hegde, J. Banerjee, K. B. Khan, A. K. Sengupta, G. C. Jain, S. Majumdar, H. S. Kamath
236-248A SANS investigation of the irradiation-enhanced α–α phases separation in 7–12 Cr martensitic steelsM. H. Mathon, Y. de Carlan, G. Geoffroy, X. Averty, A. Alamo, C. H. de Novion
249-256Solubility studies, thermodynamics and electrical conductivity in the Th1−xR. Subasri, C. Mallika, T. Mathews, V. S. Sastry, O. M. Sreedharan
257-261Tensile specimen geometry and the constitutive behavior of Zircaloy-4O. N. Pierron, D. A. Koss, A. T. Motta
262-265Synthesis of lithium silicate tritium breeder powders by a modified combustion methodD. Cruz, S. Bulbulian
266-269Effects of Nb content on the Zr2Fe intermetallic stabilityC. Ramos, C. Saragovi, M. Granovsky, D. Arias
270-272Author index
273-278Subject index
iiEditorial board
viiPrefaceNobuyoshi Ohyabu, Nobuaki Noda, Kenji Morita, Shuichi Takamura, Tetsuo Tanabe
1-10Helical divertor operation and erosion/deposition at target surfaces in LHDA Sagara, S Masuzaki, T Morisaki, S Morita, H Funaba, M Goto, Y Nakamura, K Nishimura, N Noda, M Shoji, H Suzuki, A Takayama, A Komori, N Ohyabu, O Motojima, K Morita, K Ohya, J.P Sharpe, LHD Experimental Group
11-22Key ITER plasma edge and plasma–material interaction issuesG. Federici, P. Andrew, P. Barabaschi, J. Brooks, R. Doerner, A. Geier, A. Herrmann, G. Janeschitz, K. Krieger, A. Kukushkin, A. Loarte, R. Neu, G. Saibene, M. Shimada, G. Strohmayer, M. Sugihara
23-31IFE chamber walls: requirements, design options, and synergy with MFE plasma facing componentsA.R Raffray, D Haynes, F Najmabadi
32-41PSI issues at plasma facing surfaces of blankets in fusion reactorsY. Ueda, K. Tobita, Y. Katoh
42-51Material/plasma surface interaction issues following neutron damageV. Barabash, G. Federici, J. Linke, C.H. Wu
52-55Molecular dynamics simulations of CH3 sticking on carbon first wall structuresP. Träskelin, E. Salonen, K. Nordlund, A.V. Krasheninnikov, J. Keinonen, C.H. Wu
56-61Deuterium bombardment of carbon and carbon layers on titaniumK.U. Klages, A. Wiltner, J. Luthin, Ch. Linsmeier
62-66Arcing at B4C-covered limiters exposed to a SOL-plasmaM. Laux, W. Schneider, P. Wienhold, B. Jüttner, A. Huber, M. Balden, J. Linke, H. Kostial, M. Mayer, M. Rubel, A. Herrmann, A. Pospieszczyk, S. Jachmich, B. Schweer, D. Hildebrandt, H. Bolt
67-71Performance and erosion of a tungsten brush limiter exposed at the TEXTOR tokamakT. Hirai, V. Philipps, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, J. Linke, T. Wakui, T. Tanabe, M. Rubel, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, A. Pospieszczyk, K. Ohya, V. Barabash
72-76Blister formation on tungsten surface under low energy and high flux hydrogen plasma irradiation in NAGDIS-IM.Y. Ye, H. Kanehara, S. Fukuta, N. Ohno, S. Takamura
77-81Molecular dynamics simulations of the effect of deuterium on tungsten erosion by oxygenI.S. Landman, H. Wuerz
82-86Material properties of co-deposition formed on plasma facing materials in all-metal machine TRIAM-1MM Miyamoto, K Tokunaga, T Fujiwara, N Yoshida TRIAM group, Y Morimoto, T Sugiyama, K Okuno
87-91Imitation of deuterium plasma interaction with the surface of carbon materials in gaseous divertor conditionsS.N. Korshunov, M.I. Guseva, V.M. Gureev, L.S. Danelyan, B.I. Khripunov, B.N. Kolbasov, V.S. Kulikauskas, A.M. Litnovsky, Yu.V. Martynenko, V.B. Petrov, V.V. Zatekin
92-96Surface morphology and helium retention on tungsten exposed to low energy and high flux helium plasmaK. Tokunaga, R.P. Doerner, R. Seraydarian, N. Noda, Y. Kubota, N. Yoshida, T. Sogabe, T. Kato, B. Schedler
97-101Incident ion energy dependence of bubble formation on tungsten surface with low energy and high flux helium plasma irradiationD. Nishijima, M.Y. Ye, N. Ohno, S. Takamura
102-106Asymmetric surface recombination of hydrogen on palladium exposed to plasmaIkuji Takagi, Kimikazu Moritani, Hirotake Moriyama
107-111Simulation study of material mixing process on tungsten surfaces at elevated temperatures due to boundary plasma exposure and its influence on plasma wall interactionsR. Kawakami, K. Ohya
112-115Some peculiarities in the behavior of Be surfaces under bombardment by ions from a deuterium plasmaA.F. Bardamid, A.I. Belyayeva, V.N. Bondarenko, A.A. Galuza, V.V. Gann, L. Jacobson, V.G. Konovalov, D.V. Orlinskij, I.I. Papirov, I.V. Ryzhkov, A.N. Shapoval, A.F. Shtan’, S.I. Solodovchenko, A.A. Vasil’ev, V.S. Voitsenya
116-126New results from the tungsten programme at ASDEX UpgradeR. Neu, R. Dux, A. Geier, H. Greuner, K. Krieger, H. Maier, R. Pugno, V. Rohde, S.W. Yoon, ASDEX Upgrade Team
127-134PSI issues toward steady state plasmas in the HT-7 tokamakBaonian Wan, Jiangang Li, Junyu Zhao, Junling Chen, Yanping Zhao, HT-7 Team
135-139Thermal effects of surface layers on divertor target platesP. Andrew, J.P. Coad, T. Eich, E. Gauthier, A. Herrmann, G.F. Matthews, V. Riccardo, M. Stamp and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Work Programme
140-143The longer life and high performance of lithium containing coatings developed by ICRF in the HT-7 superconducting tokamakJ.L. Chen, J.G. Li, B.N. Wan, Y.P. Zhao, X.D. Zhang, X.M. Gu, X.M. Wang, S.F. Li, N.C. Luo, C.F. Li, Q. Zhou, Z.W. Wu and HT-7 team
144-148Selection of candidate doped graphite materials as plasma facing components for HT-7U deviceQ.G Guo, J.G Li, N Noda, Y Kubota, J.L Chen, Zh.J Liu, L Liu, J.R Song
149-152Boronization effects using deuterated-decaborane (B10D14) in JT-60UT. Nakano, S. Higashijima, H. Kubo, J. Yagyu, T. Arai, N. Asakura, K. Itami
153-157Thermal annealing effects on chemical states of deuterium implanted into boron coating filmH. Kodama, T. Sugiyama, Y. Morimoto, Y. Oya, K. Okuno, N. Inoue, A. Sagara, N. Noda
158-162Chemical erosion of DIII-D divertor tile specimensP.B Wright, J.W Davis, R.G Macaulay-Newcombe, C.G Hamilton, A.A Haasz
163-166Hydrogen removal via ICRF technique on HT-7 – experiment and modeling on neutral energiesBingjia Xiao, Jiangang Li, HT-7 team
167-171Analysis for surface probes of third experimental campaign in the large helical deviceT. Hino, Y. Nobuta, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, A. Sagara, S. Masuzaki, N. Inoue, N. Noda, O. Motojima, LHD Experimental Group
172-176Suppression of hydrogen absorption to V–4Cr–4Ti alloy by TiO2/TiC coatingY. Hirohata, D. Motojima, T. Hino, S. Sengoku
177-181Impurity desorption behavior from low activation ferritic steel installed in the JFT-2M tokamakK. Tsuzuki, M. Sato, H. Kawashima, H. Ogawa, H. Kimura, F. Okano, S. Suzuki, M. Komata, M. Sawahata, K. Shinohara, K. Kamiya, T. Shibata, T. Akiyama, M. Yamamoto, K. Miyachi
182-186Molecular dynamics calculation of carbon/hydrocarbon reflection coefficients on a hydrogenated graphite surfaceD.A. Alman, D.N. Ruzic
187-193Impact of the wall conditioning program on plasma performance in NSTXH.W. Kugel, V. Soukhanovskii, M. Bell, W. Blanchard, D. Gates, B. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, D. Mueller, H.K. Na, S. Paul, C.H. Skinner, D. Stutman, W.R. Wampler
194-198Surface analysis and a novel application of carbon sheet pump in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirrorY. Ishimoto, Y. Nakashima, A. Sagara, K. Morita, J. Yuhara, S. Kobayashi, M. Yoshikawa, K. Yatsu
199-203Impurity effects and temperature dependence of D retention in single crystal tungstenM. Poon, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe
204-208Blister formation in tungsten by hydrogen and carbon mixed ion beam irradiationT. Shimada, H. Kikuchi, Y. Ueda, A. Sagara, M. Nishikawa
209-213Hydrogen isotope behavior in in-vessel components used for DD plasma operation of JT-60U by SIMS and XPS techniqueY. Oya, Y. Hirohata, Y. Morimoto, H. Yoshida, H. Kodama, K. Kizu, J. Yagyu, Y. Gotoh, K. Masaki, K. Okuno, T. Tanabe, N. Miya, T. Hino, S. Tanaka
214-218Plasma deposition of boron films with high growth rate and efficiency using carboraneO.I. Buzhinskij, V.G. Otroshchenko, D.G. Whyte, M. Baldwin, R.W. Conn, R.P. Doerner, R. Seraydarian, S. Luckhardt, H. Kugel, W.P. West
219-222Influence of thin alien layers on hydrogen reflection and trapping by PFMA.V. Golubeva, V.A. Kurnaev, D.V. Levchuk, N.N. Trifonov
223-229B4C-limiter experiments at TEXTORA. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, V. Philipps, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, U. Samm, H. Reimer, M. Freisinger, M. Rubel, A. Herrmann, S. Kötterl, M. Laux, H. Renner, H. Bolt
230-234Wall conditioning for performance improvement in the divertor reversed field pinch TPE-2MK. Hayase, Y. Sato, S. Kiyama
235-238Ablation rate estimation of inertial fusion reactor candidate material with intense ion beam and X-rayK. Kasuya, A. Kasamatsu, Y. Kinoshita, T. Kamiya, A. Saiki, T.J. Renk, C.L. Olson
239-244Investigation of the trapped helium and hydrogen ions in plasma facing materials for LHD using thermal desorption spectrometer and alternating glow discharge cleaningsY. Kubota, N. Noda, A. Sagara, H. Suzuki, S. Masuzaki, K. Tokunaga, T. Satow, K. Yamazaki, O. Motojima
245-249Evaluation of the integrity of divertor models of tungsten or SiC/SiC composites joined with copperA. Kurumada, Y. Imamura, Y. Tomota, T. Oku, Y. Kubota, N. Noda
250-254Damage process of resolidified part on CVD-W coated molybdenum under high heat loadS. Tamura, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida
255-258The wall conditioning experiment by Li–Si coating in the HL-1M tokamakN.M Zhang, M.X Wang, B Li, C.H Cui, J.E Zeng, Y Liu
259-262Boundary plasma behavior under different wall conditions on HT-7 tokamakG.S. Xu, M. Song, B.N. Wan, B.L. Ling, C.F. Li, J. Li, HT-7 Team
263-268The conditioning procedures in Tore Supra after CIEL implementationJ. Bucalossi, C. Brosset, D. Garnier, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, G. Martin, F. Saint Laurent
269-273Effects of wall boron coating on FTU plasma operationsM.L. Apicella, G. Mazzitelli, G. Apruzzese, G. Bracco, B. Esposito, L. Gabellieri, H. Kroegler, M. Leigheb, G. Maddaluno, M. Marinucci, M. Mattioli, V. Pericoli Ridolfini, L. Pieroni, M. Romanelli and FTU team
274-278Re-emission of hydrogen implanted into graphite by helium ion bombardmentB. Tsuchiya, K. Morita, S. Yamamoto, S. Nagata, N. Ohtsu, T. Shikama, H. Naramoto
279-283Hydrogen and deuterium uptake in helium implanted layer of Mo and WS. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, N. Ohtsu, T. Sugawara, T. Shikama, K. Tokunaga, M. Takenaka, E. Kuramoto
284-287Dramatic reduction of chemical sputtering of graphite under intercalation of lithiumH. Yagi, H. Toyoda, H. Sugai
288-291Characteristics of lithium thin films under deuterium ion implantationY. Furuyama, K. Ito, S. Dohi, A. Taniike, A. Kitamura
292-296Inhomogeneous heat loading to high-ZM. Wada, T. Hirai, T. Ohgo, T. Tanabe, K. Ohya, V. Philipps, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, A. Pospieszczyk, N. Noda
297-301Behavior of helium gas in the LHD vacuum chamberH. Suzuki, N. Ohyabu, A. Komori, T. Morisaki, S. Masuzaki, J. Miyazawa, R. Sakamoto, M. Shoji, M. Goto, S. Morita, Y. Kubota, O. Motojima and The LHD Experimental Group
302-310Erosion of high-ZK. Schmid, J. Roth
311-320Short and long range transport of materials eroded from wall components in fusion devicesP. Wienhold, V. Philipps, A. Kirschner, A. Huber, J. von Seggern, H.G. Esser, D. Hildebrandt, M. Mayer, M. Rubel, W. Schneider
321-326Beryllium and carbon films in JET following D–T operationM. Rubel, J.P. Coad, N. Bekris, S.K. Erents, D. Hole, G.F. Matthews, R.-D. Penzhorn and Contributors to EFDA-JET work programme
327-332Erosion and migration of tungsten employed at the main chamber first wall of ASDEX UpgradeK. Krieger, A. Geier, X. Gong, H. Maier, R. Neu, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team
333-336Erosion in the DIII-D divertor by neon-detached plasmasW.R. Wampler, D.G. Whyte, C.P.C. Wong, W.P. West
337-341On the formation of a-C:D layers and parasitic plasmas underneath the roof baffle of the ASDEX Upgrade divertorV Rohde, M Mayer and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
342-347Experimental modeling of transport and deposition of hydrocarbon radicals on ITER-FEAT cold trapI.I Arkhipov, V.L Bukhovets, A.K Buryak, G Federici, A.E Gorodetsky, C Ibbott, D.A Komarov, A.N Makhankov, A Markin, I.V Mazul, R Tivey, I.G Varshavskay, S.P Vnukov, A.P Zakharov, A.V Ulianov, R.Kh Zalavutdinov
348-353Chemical erosion of atomically dispersed doped hydrocarbon layers by deuteriumM. Balden, J. Roth, Juan Pardo, A. Wiltner
354-359Chemical erosion behaviour of carbon materials in fusion devicesV. Philipps, M. Stamp, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, A. Kirschner, E. Vietzke
360-363Sputtering of carbon–tungsten mixed materials by low energy deuteriumMasaki Taniguchi, Kazuyoshi Sato, Koichiro Ezato, Kenji Yokoyama, Masayuki Dairaku, Masato Akiba
364-369Chemical sputtering of carbon in Tore-Supra outboard pump limiterA. Cambe, E. Gauthier, J. Hogan, J.M. Layet
370-376Analyses of erosion and re-deposition layers on graphite tiles used in the W-shaped divertor region of JT-60UY. Gotoh, J. Yagyu, K. Masaki, K. Kizu, A. Kaminaga, K. Kodama, T. Arai, T. Tanabe, N. Miya
377-382Erosion and deposition at the ALT-II limiter of TEXTORM. Mayer, P. Wienhold, D. Hildebrandt, W. Schneider
383-387Behavior of high temperature liquid surfaces in contact with plasmaR.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, S.I. Krasheninnikov, D.G. Whyte
388-392Material erosion at the vessel walls of future fusion devicesR. Behrisch, G. Federici, A. Kukushkin, D. Reiter
393-398Numerical simulation of CFC and tungsten target erosion in ITER-FEAT divertorV. Filatov
399-403Erosion and erosion products of tungsten and carbon-based materials irradiated by a high energy electron beamXiang Liu, Naoaki Yoshida, Nobuaki Noda, Fu Zhang, Zengyu Xu, Yong Liu
404-407Molecular dynamics studies of the sputtering of divertor materialsE. Salonen, K. Nordlund, J. Keinonen, C.H. Wu
408-412Blister formation and erosion due to blister fracture of SiC or SiY. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino
413-418Erosion of CFC under simultaneous bombardment by helium and deuterium ionsVassili Bandourko, Ryutarou Jimbou, Kazuyuki Nakamura, Masato Akiba, Yoshikazu Okumura
419-423Erosion/deposition in JET during the period 1999–2001J.P. Coad, P. Andrew, D.E. Hole, S. Lehto, J. Likonen, G.F. Matthews, M. Rubel and Contributors to the EFDA-JET work-programme
424-428Advances in the modeling of chemical erosion/redeposition of carbon divertors and application to the JET tritium codeposition problemJ.N. Brooks, A. Kirschner, D.G. Whyte, D.N. Ruzic, D.A. Alman
429-433Characterisation of deposited hydrocarbon layers below the divertor and in the pumping ducts of ASDEX UpgradeM. Mayer, V. Rohde, A. von Keudell, ASDEX Upgrade Team
434-438Modeling of hydrocarbon species in ECR methane plasmasK. Matyash, R. Schneider, A. Bergmann, W. Jacob, U. Fantz, P. Pecher
439-443Long term behaviour of material erosion and deposition on the vessel wall and remote areas of TEXTORJ. von Seggern, P. Wienhold, T. Hirai, V. Philipps, H.G. Esser
444-449Modelling of the transport of methane and higher hydrocarbons in fusion devicesA. Kirschner, J.N. Brooks, V. Philipps, P. Wienhold, A. Pospieszczyk, R.K. Janev, U. Samm
450-454Sputtering and codeposition of silicon carbide with deuteriumRion A. Causey
455-459Characterization of dust collected from ASDEX-Upgrade and LHDJ.Phillip Sharpe, Volker Rohde, The ASDEX-Upgrade Experiment Team, Akio Sagara, Hajime Suzuki, Akio Komori, Osamu Motojima, The LHD Experimental Group
460-464Transport and condensation of soft a-C:H film thermal decomposition productsA.E. Gorodetsky, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, I.I. Arkhipov, V.Kh. Alimov, A.P. Zakharov, S.P. Vnukov, V.L. Bukhovets, I.G. Varshavskaya
465-468Influence of high-power plasma streams irradiation on surface erosion behavior of reversible hydrogen gettersV.N. Borisko, I.E. Garkusha, V.V. Chebotarev, M.V. Lototsky, J. Langner, M.J. Sadowski, V.I. Tereshin, Yu.F. Shmal’ko
469-477Deuterium retention in tungsten in dependence of the surface conditionsO.V Ogorodnikova, J Roth, M Mayer
478-490Tritium retention of plasma facing components in tokamaksT Tanabe, N Bekris, P Coad, C.H Skinner, M Glugla, N Miya
491-495Non-destructive tritium measurements of Mk IIA divertor tile by BIXSM. Matsuyama, N. Bekris, M. Glugla, N. Noda, V. Philipps, K. Watanabe
496-500Tritium removal from JET and TFTR tiles by a scanning laserC.H. Skinner, N. Bekris, J.P. Coad, C.A. Gentile, M. Glugla
501-506Tritium depth profiles in 2D and 4D CFC tiles from JET and TFTRN. Bekris, C.H. Skinner, U. Berndt, C.A. Gentile, M. Glugla, B. Schweigel
507-513Tritium distribution on the surface of plasma facing carbon tiles used in JETK. Sugiyama, K. Miyasaka, T. Tanabe, M. Glugla, N. Bekris, P. Coad
514-518Tritium distribution in JT-60U W-shaped divertorK. Masaki, K. Sugiyama, T. Tanabe, Y. Gotoh, K. Miyasaka, K. Tobita, Y. Miyo, A. Kaminaga, K. Kodama, T. Arai, N. Miya
519-523Static and dynamic properties of wall recycling in TRIAM-1MM. Sakamoto, H. Nakashima, S. Kawasaki, A. Iyomasa, S.V. Kulkarni, M. Hasegawa, E. Jotaki, H. Zushi, K. Nakamura, K. Hanada, S. Itoh
524-529Density limits in helium plasmas at JETJ. Rapp, A. Huber, L.C. Ingesson, S. Jachmich, G.F. Matthews, V. Philipps, R. Pitts and Contributors to the EFDA-JET work programme
530-533Comparison of fueling efficiency from different fueling locations on DIII-DL.R. Baylor, T.C. Jernigan, R.J. Colchin, G.L. Jackson, L.W. Owen, T.W. Petrie
534-538Fueling efficiency of gas puffing on large helical deviceJ Miyazawa, S Masuzaki, H Yamada, H Suzuki, M Goto, S Morita, S Murakami, K Narihara, M Osakabe, B.J Peterson, S Sakakibara, K Tanaka, O Kaneko, A Komori, K Matsuoka, O Motojima and LHD experimental Group
539-542Supersonic gas injection on Tore SupraB Pégourié, E Tsitrone, R Dejarnac, J Bucalossi, G Martin, J Gunn, D Frigione, D Reiter, P Ghendrih, C Clément
543-547Hydrogen retention in graphite and carbon materials under a fusion reactor environmentH. Atsumi
548-552Ergodic edge region of large helical deviceT. Morisaki, K. Narihara, S. Masuzaki, S. Morita, M. Goto, A. Komori, N. Ohyabu, O. Motojima, K. Matsuoka and LHD Experimental Group
553-558Fueling experiments using neutral beam injection in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirrorY. Nakashima, T. Kato, Y. Ishimoto, K. Orito, T. Natori, T. Fukasawa, K. Watanabe, S. Kobayashi, M. Shoji, Y. Kubota, E. Kawamori, M. Yoshikawa, I. Katanuma, M. Ichimura, T. Cho, K. Yatsu
559-563Modeling of localized neutral particle sources in 3D edge plasmasM.V. Umansky, T.D. Rognlien, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Borchardt, A. Mutzke, J. Riemann, R. Schneider, L.W. Owen
564-567Role of neutrals in core fueling and pedestal structure in H-mode DIII-D dischargesN.S. Wolf, T.W. Petrie, G.D. Porter, T.D. Rognlien, R.J. Groebner, M.A. Mahdavi
568-572Simulation of hydrogen and hydrocarbon release from W–Ta and W–C twin test limiters in TEXTOR edge plasmasK.Ohya, T. Hirai, T. Tanabe, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, S. Brezinsek, N. Noda
573-578Core fueling and edge particle flux analysis in ohmically and auxiliary heated NSTX plasmasV.A. Soukhanovskii, R. Maingi, R. Raman, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, A.L. Roquemore, C.H. Skinner and NSTX Research Team
579-583Fluid simulation on pellet ablation with atomic processRyuichi Ishizaki, Noriyoshi Nakajima, Masao Okamoto, Paul B. Parks
584-587Ablative removal of codeposits on JT-60 carbon tiles by an excimer laserW.M. Shu, Y. Kawakubo, K. Masaki, M.F. Nishi
588-594Modeling of global particle balance in steady-state magnetic fusion devices – Analysis of the recent data from the TRIAM-1M tokamakYoshi Hirooka, Mizuki Sakamoto, The TRIAM group
595-598Correlation between annealing effects of damage and implanted deuterium release from graphiteY. Morimoto, K. Okuno
599-603Deuterium retention in carbon and tungsten–carbon mixed films deposited by magnetron sputtering in D2 atmosphereV.Kh. Alimov, D.A. Komarov
604-608Computer modeling of ion implanted deuterium release from tungstenA.A. Pisarev, I.D. Voskresensky, S.I. Porfirev
609-613Neutral particle fueling at the midplane of DIII-DR.J. Colchin, L.W. Owen
614-618Three-dimensional analysis of the effect of the ergodic magnetic field line structure on particle fueling in the large helical deviceM. Shoji, K. Yamazaki, A. Komori, H. Yamada, J. Miyazawa and LHD Experimental Group
619-624Liquid lithium surface research and developmentB.I. Khripunov, V.B. Petrov, V.V. Shapkin, A.S. Pleshakov, A.S. Rupyshev, N.V. Antonov, A.M. Litnovsky, D.Yu. Prokhorov, Yu.S. Shpansky, V.A. Evtikhin, I.E. Lyublinsky, A.V. Vertkov
625-629CDX-U operation with a large area liquid lithium limiterR Majeski, M Boaz, D Hoffman, B Jones, R Kaita, H Kugel, T Munsat, J Spaleta, V Soukhanovskii, J Timberlake, L Zakharov, G Antar, R Doerner, S Luckhardt, R.W Conn, M Finkenthal, D Stutman, R Maingi, M Ulrickson
630-635Study of the effects of liquid lithium curtain as first wall on plasmaB.Q. Deng, J.H. Huang, J.C. Yan, L.L. Peng, E.Y. Wang
636-640D+, He+ and H+ sputtering of solid and liquid phase tinM.D. Coventry, J.P. Allain, D.N. Ruzic
641-645Temperature dependence of liquid-lithium sputtering from oblique 700 eV He ionsJ.P. Allain, M.D. Coventry, D.N. Ruzic
646-650Helium retention and diffusivity in flowing liquid lithiumM. Nieto, D.N. Ruzic, J.P. Allain, M.D. Coventry, E. Vargas-Lopez
651-656Energy deposition and thermal effects of runaway electrons in ITER-FEAT plasma facing componentsG Maddaluno, G Maruccia, M Merola, S Rollet
657-663Scaling of ITER divertor parameters – interpolation from 2D modelling and extrapolationH.D. Pacher, A.S. Kukushkin, G.W. Pacher, G. Janeschitz
664-669Comprehensive modeling of ELMs and their effect on plasma-facing surfaces during normal tokamak operationA. Hassanein, I. Konkashbaev
670-674Electron emission and molecular fragmentation during hydrogen and deuterium ion impact on carbon surfacesA. Qayyum, W. Schustereder, C. Mair, P. Scheier, T.D. Märk, S. Cernusca, HP. Winter, F. Aumayr
675-678Experimental evaluation of space charge limited emission current from tungsten surface in high density helium plasmaY. Hagino, N. Ohno, S. Takamura, M.Y. Ye
679-684Tritium permeation study through tungsten and nickel using pure tritium ion beamHirofumi Nakamura, Wataru Shu, Takumi Hayashi, Masataka Nishi
685-689Influence of plasma pressure gradient on melt layer macroscopic erosion of metal targets in disruption simulation experimentsV.I. Tereshin, I.E. Garkusha, A.N. Bandura, O.V. Byrka, V.V. Chebotarev, V.A. Makhlaj, D.G. Solyakov, H. Wuerz
690-695Impact of armor materials on tritium breeding ratio in the fusion reactor blanketS Sato, T Nishitani
696-700Ion temperature measurement using an ion sensitive probe in the LHD divertor plasmaN. Ezumi, S. Masuzaki, N. Ohno, Y. Uesugi, S. Takamura, LHD Experimental Group
701-705Speckle interferometry diagnostic for erosion/redeposition measurements in tokamaksE. Gauthier, G. Roupillard
706-710Calorimetry in Tore Supra.: An accurate tool and a benchmark for ITERJ.-C. Vallet, M. Chantant, R. Mitteau, D. Thouvenin, J.J. Cordier, A. Ekedahl, F. Escourbiac, F. Kazarian, T. Loarer, K. Vulliez
711-715Surface temperature measurements on Tokamak target plates with two types of infra red fibresR. Reichle, C. Pocheau, E. Delchambre, L. Ducobu, F. Faisse, D. Guilhem, M. Jouve, D. Moulin, H. Roche, E. Thomas
716-719High resolution measurements of the Hα line shape in LHD plasmasH. Kawazome, K. Kondo, K. Ida, K. Takiyama, M. Goto, S. Morita, N. Tamura, N. Ohyabu, S. Sudo and The LHD experimental Group
720-724Emissive probe measurement of electron temperature in recombining plasma produced in the linear divertor simulator TPD-IIAkihiro Matsubara, Tatsunori Sugimoto, Takehisa Shibuya, Kazutaka Kawamura, Shigeru Sudo, Kuninori Sato
725-728Two-dimensional diagnostics of edge and divertor region of toroidal helical plasmas using a lithium beam probeK. Nakamura, H. Iguchi, M. Ueda, T. Morisaki, M. Isobe, K. Ida, C. Takahashi, S. Okamura, K. Matsuoka
729-733Particle collection at the plasma edge by a fast reciprocating probe at the TEXTOR tokamakB. Emmoth, P. Wienhold, M. Rubel, B. Schweer, R. Zagórski
734-737Observations with a mid-plane reciprocating probe in MASTY. Yang, G.F. Counsell, The MAST team
738-742Thermographic observation of the divertor target plates in the stellarators W7-AS and W7-XD. Hildebrandt, F. Gadelmeier, P. Grigull, K. McCormick, D. Naujoks, D. Sünder, W7-AS Team
743-747Photon efficiency (SU. Fantz, B. Heger, D. Wünderlich, R. Pugno, ASDEX Upgrade Team
748-753Measurements of hydrogen negative ion and its comparison with the molecular hydrogen spectra in divertor simulator MAP-IIS. Kajita, S. Kado, N. Uchida, T. Shikama, S. Tanaka
754-758Experimental investigations on hydrocarbon-enhanced MAR processes in low temperature plasma in divertor simulator MAP-IIS. Kado, H. Kobayashi, T. Oishi, S. Tanaka
759-767Stationary and transient divertor heat flux profiles and extrapolation to ITERA. Herrmann, T. Eich, S. Jachmich, M. Laux, P. Andrew, A. Bergmann, A. Loarte, G. Matthews, J. Neuhauser, ASDEX Upgrade team, Contributors to EFDA-JET work programme
768-776Transport of ELM energy and particles into the SOL and divertor of DIII–DA.W. Leonard, J.A. Boedo, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.J. Groebner, M. Goth, C.J. Lasnier, M.A. Mahdavi, T.H. Osborne, D.L. Rudakov, T.W. Petrie, J.G. Watkins
777-786Comparing scrape-off layer and divertor physics in JET pure He and D dischargesR.A. Pitts, P. Andrew, Y. Andrew, M. Becoulet, I. Coffey, D. Coster, D.C. McDonald, T. Eich, S.K. Erents, M.E. Fenstermacher, W. Fundamenski, G. Haas, A. Hermann, C. Hidalgo, D. Hillis, A. Huber, L.C. Ingesson, S. Jachmich, A. Kallenbach, A. Korotkov, et al.
787-795Narrow power profiles seen at JET and their relation to ion orbit lossesW. Fundamenski, S. Sipilä, T. Eich, T. Kiviniemi, T. Kurki-Suonio, G. Matthews, V. Riccardo and Contributors to the EFDA-JET work programme
796-803Theoretical understanding of turbulent transport in the SOLY. Sarazin, Ph. Ghendrih, G. Attuel, C. Clément, X. Garbet, V. Grandgirard, M. Ottaviani, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer, N. Bian, C. Figarella
804-812A review of plasma boundary phenomena in the mega ampere spherical tokamakG.F. Counsell, J.-W. Ahn, R. Akers, E. Arends, S.J. Fielding, P. Helander, A. Kirk, H. Meyer, A. Tabasso, H. Wilson, Y. Yang
813-819Intermittent convection in the boundary of DIII-DJ.A. Boedo, D.L. Rudakov, R.J. Colchin, R.A. Moyer, S. Krasheninnikov, D.G. Whyte, G.R. McKee, G. Porter, M.J. Schaffer, P.C. Stangeby, W.P. West, S.L. Allen, A.W. Leonard
820-827Plasma flow measurement in high- and low-field-side SOL and influence on the divertor plasma in JT-60UN. Asakura, S. Sakurai, K. Itami, O. Naito, H. Takenaga, S. Higashijima, Y. Koide, Y. Sakamoto, H. Kubo, G.D. Porter
828-833Influence of plasma–wall interactions on the behaviour of ELMs in JT-60UA.V. Chankin, N. Asakura, T. Fukuda, A. Isayama, K. Itami, Y. Kamada, H. Kubo, Y. Miura, T. Nakano, N. Oyama, S. Takeji, H. Takenaga
834-838Changes in edge and scrape-off layer plasma behavior due to variation in magnetic balance in DIII-DT.W. Petrie, J.G. Watkins, L.R. Baylor, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, A.W. Hyatt, G.L. Jackson, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, A.Yu. Pigarov, M.E. Rensink, T.D. Rognlien, M.J. Schaffer, N.S. Wolf and The DIII-D Team
839-844Impact of wall conditioning and gas fuelling on the enhanced confinement modes in TJ-IIF.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, R. Balbı́n, B. Brañas, T. Estrada, I. Garcı́a-Cortés, F. Medina, M.A. Ochando
845-851Radiation transfer in dense edge plasmas and divertors: experimental and recent computational resultsD Reiter, S Wiesen, M Born
852-856The relation between edge and divertor plasmas in the Large Helical DeviceS. Masuzaki, N. Ohyabu, T. Morisaki, M. Goto, K. Kawahata, A. Komori, S. Morita, K. Narihara, B.J. Peterson, K. Tanaka, T. Tokuzawa, O. Motojima and LHD Experimental Group
857-862Modelling of island divertor physics and comparison to W7-AS experimental resultsY. Feng, F. Sardei, P. Grigull, K. McCormick, L. Giannone, J. Kisslinger, D. Reiter, Y. Igitkhanov, U. Wenzel
863-867Experimental evidence of fluctuations and flows near marginal stability and dynamical interplay between gradients and transport in the JET plasma boundary regionC. Hidalgo, B. Gonçalves, M.A. Pedrosa, C. Silva, R. Balbı́n, M. Hron, A. Loarte, K. Erents, G.F. Matthews, R. Pitts
868-872An overview of JET edge modelling activitiesD.P. Coster, X. Bonnin, G. Corrigan, R. Dejarnac, M. Fenstermacher, W. Fundamenski, A. Geier, J. Hogan, A. Kallenbach, A. Kirschner, K. Krieger, A. Loarte, G. Matthews, R.A. Pitts, G. Porter, R. Pugno, D. Reiser, D. Reiter, S. Sipila, J. Spence, et al.
873-877Carbon sources in the DIII-D tokamakR.C. Isler, R.J. Colchin, N.H. Brooks, T.E. Evans, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte
878-882Edge plasma effects in DIII-D impurity seeded dischargesG.L. Jackson, J.A. Boedo, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, G.R. McKee, M. Murakami, M.R. Wade, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte
883-887Interpretive modeling of simple-as-possible-plasma discharges on DIII-D using the OEDGE codeP.C. Stangeby, J.D. Elder, J.A. Boedo, B. Bray, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, R.C. Isler, L.L. Lao, S. Lisgo, G.D. Porter, D. Reiter, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte
888-892Two-dimensional distribution of divertor radiation in JT-60US. Konoshima, H. Tamai, Y. Miura, S. Higashijima, H. Kubo, S. Sakurai, K. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, Y. Koide, T. Hatae, H. Takenaga
893-898Numerical simulation of plasma profile changes in TEXTOR by externally driven radial polarization currentsH. Gerhauser, R. Zagórski, S. Jachmich, M. VanSchoor
899-903Effect of core-edge coupling on operation regimes of ITER-like reactorR. Stankiewicz, R. Zagórski
904-908Scrape-off layer features of the QH-modeC.J. Lasnier, K.H. Burrell, J.S. deGrassie, A.W. Leonard, R.A. Moyer, G.D. Porter, J.G. Watkins and DIII-D team
909-913Improved modelling of detachment and neutral-dominated regimes using the SOLPSX. Bonnin, D. Coster, C.S. Pitcher, R. Schneider, D. Reiter, V. Rozhansky, S. Voskoboynikov, H. Bürbaumer
914-918Patterns of ELM impacts on the JET wall componentsPh. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, M. Bécoulet, G. Huysmans, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer, C. Figarella, X. Garbet, P. Monier-Garbet and JET team
919-924Power deposition measurements in deuterium and helium discharges in JET MKIIGB divertor by IR-thermographyT Eich, A Herrmann, P Andrew, A Loarte and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Program
925-930Tomographic reconstruction of 2D line radiation distribution in the JET MkIIGB divertorA Huber, P Coad, D Coster, L.C Ingesson, K Itami, S Jachmich, A Kirschner, M Lehnen, G.F Matthews, Ph Mertens, V Philipps, A Pospieszczyk, B Schweer, G Sergienko, M Stamp and Contributors to the EFDA-JET programme
931-935Predicted effects of parallel temperature gradients on the overestimation of TCV divertor target Langmuir probe TJ. Horacek, R.A. Pitts, P.C. Stangeby, O. Batishchev, A. Loarte
936-940Analysis of the progress to detachment in the divertor of the MAST tokamakA Tabasso, J Dowling, J.-W Ahn, G Cunningham, A Kirk, G McArdle, M Price, The MAST Team
941-946Wall conditioning and power balance for spheromak plasmas in SSPXD.N. Hill, R.D. Wood, R. Bulmer, H.S. McLean, D. Ryutov, B.W. Stallard, S. Woodruff
947-951Asymmetric divertor plasma distribution observed in Heliotron J ECH dischargesT. Mizuuchi, W.L. Ang, Y. Nishioka, T. Kobayashi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, K. Kondo, F. Sano, S. Besshou, Y. Nakamura, M. Nakasuga, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, K. Tomiyama, H. Tsuru, Y. Ohno, et al.
952-955Confinement and gas fueling in LHD limiter dischargesK. Nishimura, K. Kawahata, K. Narihara, T. Morisaki, S. Masuzaki, S. Sakakibara, K. Tanaka, LHD Experimental Group
956-961Influence of the plasma on ICRF antenna voltage limitsV. Bobkov, J.-M. Noterdaeme, F. Wesner, R. Wilhelm, ASDEX Upgrade Team
962-966ELM energy and particle losses and their extrapolation to burning plasma experimentsA. Loarte, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, M. Becoulet, L. Horton, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, M. Laux, G. Matthews, S. Jachmich, N. Asakura, A. Chankin, A. Leonard, G. Porter, G. Federici, M. Shimada, M. Sugihara, G. Janeschitz
967-971On the measurement of molecular particle fluxes in fusion boundary plasmasS Brezinsek, P.T Greenland, Ph Mertens, A Pospieszczyk, D Reiter, U Samm, B Schweer, G Sergienko
972-975Anomalous particle transport and flow shear in the edge region of RFP’sV. Antoni, H. Bergsåker, G. Serianni, M. Spolaore, N. Vianello, R. Cavazzana, G. Regnoli, E. Spada, E. Martines, M. Bagatin, J.R. Drake
976-979Plasma–wall interactions and radial electric fields in the reversed field pinch RFXL. Carraro, M.E. Puiatti, F. Sattin, P. Scarin, M. Spolaore, M. Valisa, B. Zaniol, P. Zanca
980-985Divertor detachment during pure helium plasmas in JETM. Wischmeier, D. Coster, X. Bonnin, T. Eich, A. Huber, C. Ingesson, S. Jachmich, A. Kukushkin, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, R.A. Pitts, J. Rapp, D. Reiter, E. Tsitrone, Contributors EFDA-JET Work Programme
986-989The effect of ion orbit losses on JET edge plasma simulationsG.F. Matthews, G. Corrigan, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, A. Kallenbach, T. Kurki-Suonio, S. Sipilä, J. Spence and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme
990-994Recycling impurity compression in Alcator C-mod divertorT. Chung, C.S. Pitcher, B. Labombard, B. Lipschultz, J.L. Terry, J.E. Rice, J.A. Goetz, J.D. Elder, P.C. Stangeby
995-999Toroidal rotation as an explanation for plasma flow observations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layerB. LaBombard, S. Gangadhara, B. Lipschultz, C.S. Pitcher
1000-1004ET.D. Rognlien, M. Shimada
1005-1009Heat flux scaling experiments in NSTXR. Maingi, H.W. Kugel, C.J. Lasnier, A.L. Roquemore, V.A. Soukhanovskii, C.E. Bush, The NSTX Team
1010-1014Neutralization loss of high energy particles in the plasma boundary of LHDM. Sasao, M. Isobe, T. Seki, K. Saito, T. Saida, S. Murakami LHD-Experimental Group, A.V. Krasilnikov
1015-1019Two-dimensional modelling for HT-7U tokamak divertorYiPing Chen
1020-1024Numerical predictions for the HT-7U divertorSizheng Zhu, Xuejun Zha
1025-1029Current measurements in the scrape-off layer of Tore Supra with the new CIEL limiterM. Lehnen, T. Loarer, J. Gunn, J. Hourtoule, J.-L. Lachambre, P. Spuig
1030-1035Hierarchy tests of edge transport models (BoRiS, UEDGE)J. Riemann, M. Borchardt, R. Schneider, X. Bonnin, A. Mutzke, T. Rognlien, M. Umansky
1036-1040Effect of transport on MAR in detached divertor plasmaKenji Miyamoto, A. Hatayama, Y. Ishii, T. Miyamoto, A. Fukano
1041-1045Asymmetry of dense divertor plasmas influenced by thermoelectric potential and charge-exchange momentum lossN. Hayashi, T. Takizuka, M. Hosokawa, K. Shimizu
1046-1051Observation of molecular assisted recombination via negative ions formation in a divertor plasma simulator, TPDSHEET-IVAkira Tonegawa, Masataka Ono, Yasushi Morihira, Hironori Ogawa, Takehisa Shibuya, Kazutaka Kawamura, Kazuo Takayama
1052-1055Runaway effects at the plasma boundary in ISTTOKV.V. Plyusnin, J.A.C. Cabral, H. Figueiredo, C.A.F. Varandas
1056-1060Modeling approach to a 3D simulation of transport in TEXTOR-DED laminar zone with a finite element methodM Kobayashi, D Reiser, G Sewell, K.H Finken, S.S Abdullaev
1061-1065Deuterium to helium plasma-wall change-over experiments in the JET MkII-gas box divertorD.L. Hillis, T. Loarer, J. Bucalossi, A. Pospieszczyk, W. Fundamenski, G. Matthews, A. Meigs, P. Morgan, V. Phillips, R. Pitts, M. Stamp, M. von Hellermann and EFDA-JET workprogramme contributors
1066-1070Neutral transport simulations of gas puff imaging experimentsD.P. Stotler, B. LaBombard, J.L. Terry, S.J. Zweben
1071-1075High time-resolved, 2D imaging of type-I ELMs in DIII-D using a image-intensified CID cameraM. Groth, M.E. Fenstermacher, J.A. Boedo, N.H. Brooks, D.S. Gray, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, G.D. Porter, J.G. Watkins
1076-1080DIII-D edge plasma simulations with UEDGE code including non-diffusive anomalous cross-field transportA.Yu Pigarov, S.I Krasheninnikov, W.P West, T.D Rognlien, J.A Boedo, D.G Whyte, C.J Lasnier, T.W Petrie, M.J Schaffer, J.G Watkins
1081-1084The influence of the divertor magnetic configuration and of ELM frequency on target heat fluxes in MASTA. Kirk, J.-W. Ahn, G.F. Counsell and The MAST Team
1085-1088Simulation of the effect of plasma flows in DIII-D, JET, and JT-60UG.D. Porter, T.D. Rognlien, M.E. Rensink, A. Loarte, N. Asakura, H. Takenaga, G. Matthews and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Work Programme
1089-1093EIRENE neutral code modeling of the C-mod divertorS. Lisgo, P.C. Stangeby, C.J. Boswell, J.D. Elder, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, C.S. Pitcher, D. Reiter, J.L. Terry
1094-1097A method of kinetic description of the near-wall plasma and non-local effectsA.F. Nastoyashchii, I.N. Morozov
1098-1102A new plasma condensation phenomenon in the W7-AS island divertorU. Wenzel, K. McCormick, N. Ramasubramanian, P. Grigull, R. König
1103-1108Bolometric images of the three-dimensional structure of asymmetric radiative collapse in LHDN. Ashikawa, B.J. Peterson, S. Sudo, A.Yu. Kostrioukov, Y. Xu, M. Shoji, T. Watanabe, M. Osakabe, S. Morita, M. Goto and LHD Experimental Group
1109-1113Dusty sheaths in plasmasO.Yu. Kravchenko, Yu.I. Chutov, W.J. Goedheer, R.D. Smirnov, S. Takamura
1114-1118Angular dependence of the floating potential in a magnetized plasmaB. Koch, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann
1119-1122Particle-in-cell simulations of the plasma-wall transition with a magnetic field almost parallel to the wallD Tskhakaya, S Kuhn
1123-1130Control of divertor heat load by Ar injection with keeping high performance in ELMy H-mode plasmas on JT-60US. Higashijima, N. Asakura, H. Kubo, Y. Miura, T. Nakano, S. Konoshima, K. Itami, S. Sakurai, H. Takenaga, H. Tamai and The JT-60 Team
1131-1140Island divertor experiments on the Wendelstein 7-AS stellaratorK. McCormick, P. Grigull, R. Burhenn, R. Brakel, H. Ehmler, Y. Feng, R. Fischer, F. Gadelmeier, L. Giannone, D. Hildebrandt, M. Hirsch, E. Holzhauer, R. Jaenicke, J. Kisslinger, T. Klinger, S. Klose, J.P. Knauer, R. König, G. Kühner, H.P. Laqua, et al.
1141-1149Impact of image drifts on the distribution of impurities in the Tokamak plasma edgeV. Rozhansky, E. Kaveeva, S. Voskoboynikov, A.H. Bekheit, D. Coster, X. Bonnin, R. Schneider
1150-1155Accumulation of impurities in advanced scenariosR. Dux, C. Giroud, R. Neu, A.G. Peeters, J. Stober, K.-D. Zastrow, Contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme and ASDEX Upgrade Team
1156-1160Effect upon the core plasma radiation due to high power laser injection onto C, W and Ta test-limiters in TEXTORT. Ohgo, M. Wada, K. Ohya, T. Hirai, W. Biel, T. Tanabe, K. Kondo, J. Rapp, V. Philipps, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, A. Pospieszczyk, G. Bertschinger, N. Noda
1161-1166Transport analysis of tungsten impurity in ITERY. Murakami, T. Amano, K. Shimizu, M. Shimada
1167-1172Flow measurements in the scrape-off layer of Alcator C-Mod using impurity plumesS. Gangadhara, B. LaBombard
1173-1177Radiation in impurity-seeded discharges in the JET MkI, MkIIA and MkIIGB divertorsL.C. Ingesson, J. Rapp, G.F. Matthews and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme
1178-1182Impurity radiation during ‘breathing’-like oscillations in LHD discharges using a wall limiterB.J. Peterson, K. Sato, J.E. Rice, S. Morita, M. Goto, M. Osakabe, K. Tanaka, T. Tokuzawa, K. Kawahata, S. Masuzaki, S. Sakakibara, Y. Xu, A.Yu. Kostrioukov, N. Ashikawa, N. Noda, Y. Nakamura, H. Yamada, O. Kaneko, A. Komori, K. Yamazaki, et al.
1183-1187Multi-dimensional impurity transport code by Monte Carlo method including gyro-orbit effectsI. Hyodo, M. Hirano, K. Miyamoto, K. Hoshino, A. Hatayama
1188-1191Impurity generation and suppression during IBW heating in HT-7J. Li, Y.P. Zhao, B.N. Wan, J.Y. Zhao, T. Watari, T. Seki and HT-7 team
1192-1196The effect of magnetic field modification on heavy ion movement in advanced stellarators and helical devicesAlexander Shishkin, Oleg Shyshkin, Horst Wobig, Yurii Igitkhanov, Osamu Motojima, Shigeyuki Morimoto, Kozo Yamazaki, Shigeru Inagaki
1197-1201Radiation enhancement and impurity behavior in JT-60U reversed shear dischargesH. Kubo, S. Sakurai, S. Higashijima, H. Takenaga, K. Itami, S. Konoshima, T. Nakano, Y. Koide, N. Asakura, K. Shimizu, T. Fujita, K.W. Hill
1202-1205Unified analytic representation of hydrocarbon impurity collision cross-sectionsR.K. Janev, D. Reiter
1206-1210Comparison of carbon and main ion radiation profiles in matched helium and deuterium plasmas in JETM.E. Fenstermacher, K.D. Lawson, G.D. Porter, S.K. Erents, C. Ingesson, G.F. Matthews, G.M. McCracken, V. Philipps, R.A. Pitts, M.F. Stamp and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme
1211-1215Methane penetration in DIII-D ELMing H-mode plasmasW.P. West, C.J. Lasnier, D.G. Whyte, R.C. Isler, T.E. Evans, G.L. Jackson, D. Rudakov, M.R. Wade, J. Strachan
1216-1220Modeling of tungsten transport in the SOL for sources at the central column of ASDEX Upgrade using DIVIMPA. Geier, K. Krieger, J.D. Elder, R. Pugno, V. Rohde, The ASDEX Upgrade Team
1221-1228Modeling of ELM events and their effect on impurity enrichmentJ. Hogan, R. Colchin, D. Coster, L. Baylor, M. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, M. Wade
1229-1233Heat flux pattern on the toroidal pump limiter of Tore Supra: first observations and preliminary analysisR. Mitteau, J.C. Vallet, A. Moal, D. Guilhem, J. Schlosser, T. Loarer, B. Riou, A. Grosman, A. Géraud, Ph. Ghendrih, E. Tsitrone, B. Pegourié, J.M. Ané
1234-1238Effects of trapped particles on distribution of divertor flow in Heliotron-EV.S. Voitsenya, V.V. Chechkin, T. Mizuuchi, K. Nagasaki, M. Nakasuga, H. Okada, S. Besshou, K. Kondo, F. Sano, T. Obiki, S. Masuzaki, O. Motojima, L.E. Sorokovoj
1239-1246Disruption mitigation with high-pressure noble gas injectionD.G. Whyte, T.C. Jernigan, D.A. Humphreys, A.W. Hyatt, C.J. Lasnier, P.B. Parks, T.E. Evans, P.L. Taylor, A.G. Kellman, D.S. Gray, E.M. Hollmann
1247-1252Disruptions – a proposal for their mitigation by runaway suppressionK.H. Finken, A. Kraemer-Flecken, M. Lehnen, A. Savtchkov
1253-1257Studies of detached plasmas on the ULS divertor simulatorK.J. Gibson, P.K. Browning, B. Mihaljcic, D.A. Forder, J. Hugill
1258-1261Effect of plasma shape on particle flux and particle removal in DIII-DJ.G. Watkins, T.W. Petrie, C.J. Lasnier, S.L. Allen, M.E. Fenstermacher, T.C. Luce, M.A. Mahdavi, R. Maingi, L.W. Owen, M.E. Rensink, M.R. Wade
1262-1266Experiments on selective removal of helium by an application of radio frequency fieldT. Shoji, Y. Sakawa, N. Tamura, S. Jachmich, G. Mank, K.H. Finken
1267-1271Edge plasma control with a local island divertorA. Komori, T. Morisaki, R. Sakamoto, N. Ohyabu, S. Morita, B.J. Perterson, S. Masuzaki, H. Suzuki, M. Shoji, Y. Nakamura, S. Sakakibara, K. Narihara, N. Noda, O. Motojima and The LHD Experimental Group
1272-1276Control of rotating helical magnetic field penetration into tokamak plasmas using electrode biasing in HYBTOK-IIY. Kikuchi, V.P. Budaev, M. Toyoda, Y. Uesugi, S. Takamura
1277-1281Simulation of divertor detachment characteristics in JT-60 with superconducting coilsK. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, S. Sakurai, H. Tamai, H. Takenaga, H. Kubo, Y. Miura
1282-1286Modeling of coupled edge stochastic and core resonant magnetic field effects in diverted tokamaksT.E. Evans, R.A. Moyer
1287-1291Influence of magnetic field configurations on divertor plasma parameters in the W7-AS stellaratorP. Grigull, K. McCormick, Y. Feng, A. Werner, R. Brakel, H. Ehmler, F. Gadelmeier, D. Hartmann, D. Hildebrandt, R. Jaenicke, J. Kisslinger, T. Klinger, R. König, D. Naujoks, H. Niedermeyer, N. Ramasubramanian, F. Sardei, F. Wagner, U. Wenzel and The W7-AS Team
1292-1297Transport in complex magnetic geometries: 3D modelling of ergodic edge plasmas in fusion experimentsA. Runov, S. Kasilov, D. Reiter, N. McTaggart, X. Bonnin, R. Schneider
1298-1303Neutral particle modelling and particle exhaust in the Wendelstein 7-X stellaratorH. Grote, J. Kisslinger, H. Renner, J. Boscary, H. Greuner, F.W. Hoffmann, B. Mendelevitch
1304-1308Plasma boundary considerations for the national compact stellarator experimentP. Mioduszewski, A. Grossman, M. Fenstermacher, A. Koniges, L. Owen, T. Rognlien, M. Umansky
1309-1313Effect of rotating helical magnetic field on the turbulence fractal structure and transport in the tokamak edgeV.P. Budaev, Y. Kikuchi, M. Toyoda, Y. Uesugi, S. Takamura
1314-1320H-mode barrier control with external magnetic perturbationsA. Grosman, J.-M. Ané, P. Barabaschi, K.H. Finken, A. Mahdavi, Ph. Ghendrih, G. Huysmans, M. Lipa, P.R. Thomas, E. Tsitrone
1321-1325Power deposition behaviour on the neutralizer plates during detachment with the ergodic divertor on Tore SupraL. Costanzo, T. Loarer, Ph. Ghendrih, J.P. Gunn, B. Pégourié
1326-1330An experimental and theoretical study on the formation of electric field induced flow shear in the tokamak edgeM. Van Schoor, S. Jachmich, R.R. Weynants
1331-1334Two-dimensional particle simulation of the flow control in SOL and divertor plasmasT. Takizuka, M. Hosokawa, K. Shimizu
1335-1337Potential formation and ion distribution function in expanding magnetic field to divertor regionY. Tomita
1338-1342Characteristics of boundary plasmas after the removal of divertor baffle plates and boronization on JFT-2MH. Kawashima, S. Sengoku, K. Tsuzuki, H. Ogawa, H. Kimura
1343-1368Author index
1369-1408Subject index
1409-1464PSI-15 subject index

Volume 317, Issue 1, Pages 1-116 (1 April 2003)

1-12Effect of β phase, precipitate and Nb-concentration in matrix on corrosion and oxide characteristics of Zr–xYong Hwan Jeong, Hyun Gil Kim, To Hoon Kim
13-31Evolution of fine-scale defects in stainless steels neutron-irradiated at 275 °CD. J. Edwards, E. P. Simonen, S. M. Bruemmer
32-45Influence of irradiation temperature and dose gradients on the microstructural evolution in neutron-irradiated 316SSD. J. Edwards, E. P. Simonen, F. A. Garner, L. R. Greenwood, B. M. Oliver, S. M. Bruemmer
46-53Examination of U valence states in the brannerite structure by near-infrared diffuse reflectance and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopiesKim S. Finnie, Zhaoming Zhang, Eric R. Vance, Melody L. Carter
54-61Thermal expansion characteristics of a titanium modified austenitic stainless steel: measurement by high-temperature X-ray diffraction and modelling using Grüneisen formalismR. Jose, S. Raju, R. Divakar, E. Mohandas, G. Panneerselvam, M. P. Antony, K. Sivasubramanian
62-68On the solubility of chromium sesquioxide in uranium dioxide fuelA. Leenaers, L. de Tollenaere, Ch. Delafoy, S. Van den Berghe
69-82Statistical approach and benchmarking for modeling of multi-dimensional behavior in TRISO-coated fuel particlesGregory K. Miller, David A. Petti, Dominic J. Varacalle Jr., John T. Maki
83-92Study of gel development during SON68 glass alteration using atomic force microscopy. Comparison with two simplified glassesN. Donzel, S. Gin, F. Augereau, M. Ramonda
93-101Swelling rate versus swelling correlation in 20% cold-worked 316 stainless steelsS. Ukai, T. Uwaba
102-108Enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation of cerium dicarbideR. Vidhya, M. P. Antony, P. R. Vasudeva Rao, B. Viswanathan
109-116Thermophysical studies on the binary system UO2(NO3)2·6H2O – Sr(NO3)2P. V. Ravindran, B. B. Kalekar, K. V. Rajagopalan, C. G. S. Pillai, P. K. Mathur

Volume 317, Issues 2-3, Pages 117-268 (1 May 2003)

iiiPublisher’s Note
117-129Determination of dislocation density and composition of β-Zr in Zr–2.5Nb pressure tubes using X-ray and TEMYoung Suk Kim, Sung Soo Kim, Yong Moo Cheong, Kyung Soo Im
130-144Differences in reactivity of oxide growth during the oxidation of Zircaloy-4 in water vapour before and after the kinetic transitionM. Tupin, M. Pijolat, F. Valdivieso, M. Soustelle, A. Frichet, P. Barberis
145-159Defect structure and evolution in silicon carbide irradiated to 1 dpa-SiC at 1100 °CD. J. Senor, G. E. Youngblood, L. R. Greenwood, D. V. Archer, D. L. Alexander, M. C. Chen, G. A. Newsome
160-166Compatibility of steel No. 1.4970 with liquid sodium at high temperaturesH. U. Borgstedt
167-174Irradiation creep of annealed 304L stainless steel at low dose levelsJohn Paul Foster, Kermit Bunde, Douglas L. Porter
175-188The nature and effects of the thermal stability of lithium hydroxideL. N. Dinh, W. McLean II, M. A. Schildbach, J. D. LeMay, W. J. Siekhaus, M. Balooch
189-194Transport properties of iodine and tellurium in a thoria-2 mol% urania matrixK. N. G. Kaimal, A. S. Kerkar, A. N. Shirsat, D. Das, A. Datta, A. G. C. Nair, S. B. Manohar
195-203Permeation of hydrogen through tantalum: influence of surface effectsA. Pisarev, K. Miyasaka, T. Tanabe
204-211Grain size control of UO2 pellets by adding heat-treated U3O8 particles to UO2 powderKun Woo Song, Keon Sik Kim, Ki Won Kang, Youn Ho Jung
212-216Diffusion bonding of stainless steel to Zircaloy-4 in the presence of a Ta intermediate layerM. Ahmad, J. I. Akhter, Q. Zaman, M. A. Shaikh, M. Akhtar, M. Iqbal, E. Ahmed
217-225Mechanical behaviour of macro-dispersed inert matrix fuelsE. A. C. Neeft, K. Bakker, R. L. Belvroy, W. J. Tams, R. P. C. Schram, R. Conrad, A. van Veen
226-233Oxidation of spent UO2 fuel stored in moist environmentA. Leenaers, L. Sannen, S. Van den Berghe, M. Verwerft
234-242Application of the local fracture stress model on the cleavage fracture of the reactor pressure vessel steels in the transition temperature regionWon-Jon Yang, Bong-Sang Lee, Moo-Young Huh, Jun-Hwa Hong
243-251Investigation of vaporization behavior of hyper-stoichiometric uranium dioxide by Knudsen effusion mass spectrometryKunihisa Nakajima, Yasuo Arai
252-255Compression properties of lead–bismuthY. Dai, F. Barbagallo, F. Groeschel
256-260Anisotropy of in-reactor deformation of Zr–2.5Nb pressure tubesR. A. Holt, N. Christodoulou, A. R. Causey
261-263Author index
264-268Subject index
iiEditorial board
1-13Overview of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) with emphasis on target systemsTony A Gabriel, John R Haines, Thomas J McManamy
14-25Materials research and development for the spallation neutron source mercury targetL.K Mansur
26-37Materials related R&D work for the ESS target stationsG.S. Bauer, H. Ullmaier
38-55R&D of A MW-class solid-target for a spallation neutron sourceMasayoshi Kawai, Michihiro Furusaka, Kenji Kikuchi, Hiroaki Kurishita, Ryuzo Watanabe, Jing-Feng Li, Katsuhisa Sugimoto, Tsutomu Yamamura, Yutaka Hiraoka, Katsunori Abe, Akira Hasegawa, Masatoshi Yoshiie, Hiroyuki Takenaka, Katsuichiro Mishima, Yoshiaki Kiyanagi, Tetsuo Tanabe, Naoaki Yoshida, Tadashi Igarashi
56-69Summary of the results from post-irradiation examination of spent targets at the FZ-JuelichJ Chen, G.S Bauer, T Broome, F Carsughi, Y Dai, S.A Maloy, M Roedig, W.F Sommer, H Ullmaier
70-83LiSoR, a liquid metal loop for material investigation under irradiationT. Kirchner, Y. Bortoli, A. Cadiou, Y. Foucher, J.S. Stutzmann, T. Auger, Y. Dai, S. Dementjev, K. Geissmann, H. Glasbrenner, F. Gröschel, F. Heinrich, K. Kohlik, G. von Holzen, Ch. Perret, D. Viol
84-91R & D on mercury target pitting issueK. Kikuchi, H. Kogawa, M. Futakawa, S. Ishikura, M. Kaminaga, R. Hino
92-101SNS target tests at the LANSCE-WNR in 2001 – Part IB.W. Riemer, J.R. Haines, J.D. Hunn, D.C. Lousteau, T.J. McManamy, C.C. Tsai
102-108SNS target tests at the LANSCE-WNR in 2001 – Part IIJ.D. Hunn, B.W. Riemer, C.C. Tsai
109-112Experimental observation of proton-induced shocks in free surface liquid metal targetsA. Fabich, M. Benedikt, J. Lettry
113-121Bubble dynamics in the thermal shock problem of the liquid metal targetS. Ishikura, H. Kogawa, M. Futakawa, K. Kikuchi, R. Hino, C. Arakawa
122-131Preliminary evaluation of cavitation resistance of type 316LN stainless steel in mercury using a vibratory hornS.J. Pawel, E.T. Manneschmidt
132-142High strain fatigue properties of F82H ferritic–martensitic steel under proton irradiationP Marmy, B.M Oliver
143-150Influence of PbBi environment on the low-cycle fatigue behavior of SNS target container materialsD. Kalkhof, M. Grosse
151-156The effect of mean stress on the fatigue behavior of 316 LN stainless steel in air and mercuryJ.P. Strizak, L.K. Mansur
157-166Effects of mercury on fatigue behavior of Type 316 LN stainless steel: application in the spallation neutron sourceH. Tian, P.K. Liaw, J.P. Strizak, L.K. Mansur
167-175Neutronics calculation, dosimetry analysis and gas measurements of the first SINQ target irradiation experiment, STIP-IY. Dai, Y. Foucher, M.R. James, B.M. Oliver
176-184Radiation damage at the aluminum entrance window of the SINQ Target 3W. Lu, M.S. Wechsler, Y. Dai
185-191Characterization of lead–bismuth eutectic target material for accelerator driven transmutersYousry Gohar
192-199Mechanical properties of modified 9Cr–1Mo (T91) irradiated at less-than-or-equals, slant300 °C in SINQ Target-3Y. Dai, X.J. Jia, K. Farrell
200-206High temperature tensile testing of modified 9Cr–1Mo after irradiation with high energy protonsM.B. Toloczko, M.L. Hamilton, S.A. Maloy
207-214Microstructure in martensitic steels T91 and F82H after irradiation in SINQ Target-3X. Jia, Y. Dai
215-227Tensile properties of 9Cr–1Mo martensitic steel irradiated with high energy protons and neutronsJ. Henry, X. Averty, Y. Dai, P. Lamagnère, J.P. Pizzanelli, J.J. Espinas, P. Wident
228-233Low temperature tensile properties of steels containing high concentrations of heliumH. Ullmaier, J. Chen
234-240The effect of cascade induced gas resolution on bubble formation in metalsH. Trinkaus
241-248Effect of implanted helium on tensile properties and hardness of 9% Cr martensitic stainless steelsP. Jung, J. Henry, J. Chen, J.-C. Brachet
249-259Microstructural analysis of 9% Cr martensitic steels containing 0.5 at.% heliumJ Henry, M.-H Mathon, P Jung
260-266Structural materials for fusion and spallation sourcesG.A Cottrell, L.J Baker
267-273Swelling behavior of F82H steel irradiated by triple/dual ion beamsE. Wakai, K. Kikuchi, S. Yamamoto, T. Aruga, M. Ando, H. Tanigawa, T. Taguchi, T. Sawai, K. Oka, S. Ohnuki
274-282Tensile properties of ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in HFIR, and comparison with spallation irradiation dataK. Farrell, T.S. Byun
283-291Comparison of fission neutron and proton/spallation neutron irradiation effects on the tensile behavior of type 316 and 304 stainless steelS.A. Maloy, M.R. James, W.R. Johnson, T.S. Byun, K. Farrell, M.B. Toloczko
292-299Tensile properties of Inconel 718 after low temperature neutron irradiationT.S. Byun, K. Farrell
300-306Microstructural analysis of ion-irradiation-induced hardening in inconel 718N Hashimoto, J.D Hunn, T.S Byun, L.K Mansur
307-3122.5 MeV electron irradiation effect of alumina ceramicsMichikazu Kinsho, Yoshio Saito, Daiji Nishizawa, Shinichiro Michizono
313-324Influence of mercury velocity on compatibility with type 316L/316LN stainless steel in a flow loopS.J Pawel, R.P Taleyarkhan, D.K Felde, E.T Manneschmidt
325-332Corrosion behaviour of steels and refractory metals and tensile features of steels exposed to flowing PbBi in the LECOR loopC. Fazio, I. Ricapito, G. Scaddozzo, G. Benamati
333-338Tensile tests on MANET II steel in circulating Pb–Bi eutecticH. Glasbrenner, F. Gröschel, T. Kirchner
339-347Synergy effect of LBE and hydrogenated helium on resistance to LME of T91 steel gradeS. Guerin, J.-L. Pastol, C. Leroux, D. Gorse
348-354Corrosion–erosion test of SS316 in flowing Pb–BiK. Kikuchi, Y. Kurata, S. Saito, M. Futakawa, T. Sasa, H. Oigawa, E. Wakai, K. Miura
355-364Corrosion of type 6061-T6 aluminum in mercury and mercury vaporS.J. Pawel, E.T. Manneschmidt
365-367Discussion session summary: cavitation erosionG.S. Bauer
368Discussion session summary: corrosionJ.R. DiStefano
369-370Discussion session summary: radiation effectsS.A. Maloy
371-378Summary of third workshop on materials science and technology for the spallation neutron source at KEK, March 2002Masayoshi Kawai
379-381Author index
382-389Subject index
iiEditorial board
1-5Inert matrix fuel strategies in the nuclear fuel cycle: the status of the initiative efforts at the 8th Inert Matrix Fuel WorkshopC. Degueldre, T. Yamashita
6-14Thermal conductivity of zirconia based inert matrix fuel: use and abuse of the formal models for testing new experimental dataC. Degueldre, T. Arima, Y. W. Lee
15-23Study on the mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of silicon carbide-, zirconia- and magnesia aluminate-based simulated inert matrix nuclear fuel materials after cyclic thermal shockY. W. Lee, S. C. Lee, H. S. Kim, C. Y. Joung, C. Degueldre
24-30Reaction of yttria-stabilized zirconia with zirconium, silicon and Zircaloy-4 at high temperature: a compatibility study for cermet fuelsT. Arima, T. Tateyama, K. Idemitsu, Y. Inagaki
31-36Manufacturing of zirconia microspheres doped with erbia, yttria and ceria by internal gelation process as a part of a cermet fuelK. Idemitsu, T. Arima, Y. Inagaki, S. Torikai, M. A. Pouchon
37-43Cermet sphere-pac concept for inert matrix fuelM. A. Pouchon, M. Nakamura, Ch. Hellwig, F. Ingold, C. Degueldre
44-50Design and fabrication of specific ceramic–metallic fuels and targetsA. Fernández, R. J. M. Konings, J. Somers
51-58Zirconium nitride as inert matrix for fast systemsM. Streit, F. Ingold, M. Pouchon, L. J. Gauckler, J. -P. Ottaviani
59-64Zirconate pyrochlore as a transmutation target: thermal behaviour and radiation resistance against fission fragment impactS. Lutique, D. Staicu, R. J. M. Konings, V. V. Rondinella, J. Somers, T. Wiss
65-73Thermal annealing behaviour and defect evolution of helium in fully stabilised zirconiaP. M. G. Damen, A. van Veen, F. Labohm, H. Schut, M. A. van Huis
74-80Radiation-induced defect clusters in fully stabilized zirconia irradiated with ions and/or electronsK. Yasuda, C. Kinoshita, S. Matsumura, A. I. Ryazanov
81-86Irradiation effects on yttria-stabilized zirconia irradiated with neon ionsT. Hojo, J. Aihara, K. Hojou, S. Furuno, H. Yamamoto, N. Nitani, T. Yamashita, K. Minato, T. Sakuma
87-94Inert matrix fuel performance during the first two irradiation cycles in a test reactor: comparison with modelling resultsCh. Hellwig, U. Kasemeyer
95-101Morphology change of rock-like oxide fuels in reactivity-initiated-accident simulation testsT. Nakamura, H. Sasajima, T. Yamashita, H. Uetsuka
102-107In-pile irradiation of rock-like oxide fuelsN. Nitani, K. Kuramoto, T. Yamashita, Y. Nihei, Y. Kimura
108-117Post irradiation examination of irradiated americium oxide and uranium dioxide in magnesium aluminate spinelF. C. Klaassen, K. Bakker, R. P. C. Schram, R. Klein Meulekamp, R. Conrad, J. Somers, R. J. M. Konings
118-125The fabrication and irradiation of plutonium-containing inert matrix fuels for the ‘Once Though Then Out’ experimentR. P. C. Schram, R. R. van der Laan, F. C. Klaassen, K. Bakker, T. Yamashita, F. Ingold
126-130Doppler effect measurement on resonance materials for rock-like oxide fuels in an intermediate neutron spectrumM. Andoh, Y. Nakano, S. Okajima, K. Kawasaki
131-141Modelling the behaviour of oxide fuels containing minor actinides with urania, thoria and zirconia matrices in an accelerator-driven systemV. Sobolev, S. Lemehov, N. Messaoudi, P. Van Uffelen, H. Aït Abderrahim
142-153Comparison of various partial light water reactor core loadings with inert matrix and mixed-oxide fuelU. Kasemeyer, Ch. Hellwig, J. Lebenhaft, R. Chawla
154-158The feasibility of employing inert matrix ceramic fuels in a Russian light water reactorYu. D. Baranaev, V. V. Popov, V. N. Sharapov, V. M. Troyanov
159-165Reactor physics and safety aspects of various design options of a Russian light water reactor with rock-like fuelsA. V. Bondarenko, O. V. Komissarov, Ya. K. Kozmenkov, Yu. V. Matveev, Yu. I. Orekhov, V. A. Pivovarov, V. N. Sharapov
166-172Core burnup calculation and accidents analyses of a pressurized water reactor partially loaded with rock-like oxide fuelH. Akie, Y. Sugo, R. Okawa
173-179Advanced fuels for plutonium management in pressurized water reactorsA. Vasile, Ph. Dufour, H. Golfier, J. P. Grouiller, J. L. Guillet, Ch. Poinot, G. Youinou, A. Zaetta
180-187Durability test on irradiated rock-like oxide fuelsK. Kuramoto, N. Nitani, T. Yamashita
189-191Author index
192-197Subject index

Volume 320, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-176 (1 July 2003)

Proceedings of the 2nd Seminar on European Research on Materials for Transmutation Karlsruhe, Germany, 26 - 27 September 2002 Edited by R.J.M. Konings
iiEditorial board
viiPrefaceR. J. M. Konings
1-10Techniques for tailored porosity in MgO targetsF. Valdivieso, P. Goeuriot, P. Matheron
11-17Fabrication of transmutation fuels and targets: the ECRIX and CAMIX-COCHIX experienceY. Croixmarie, E. Abonneau, A. Fernández, R. J. M. Konings, F. Desmoulière, L. Donnet
18-24Fabrication of nitride fuels for transmutation of minor actinidesKazuo Minato, Mitsuo Akabori, Masahide Takano, Yasuo Arai, Kunihisa Nakajima, Akinori Itoh, Toru Ogawa
25-30Selection of chemical forms of iodine for transmutation of 129IYoshiro Shirasu, Kazuo Minato
31-35Structural investigation of the pseudo-ternary system AmO2–Cm2O3–ZrO2 as potential materials for transmutationP. E. Raison, R. G. Haire
36-43Aspects of fabrication of curium-based fuels and targetsS. Pillon, J. Somers, S. Grandjean, J. Lacquement
44-53The chemistry and physics of modelling nitride fuels for transmutationRoger Thetford, Mike Mignanelli
54-65Thermophysical properties of inert matrix fuels for actinide transmutationC. Ronchi, J. P. Ottaviani, C. Degueldre, R. Calabrese
66-76Modelling thermal conductivity and self-irradiation effects in mixed oxide fuelsS. E. Lemehov, V. Sobolev, P. Van Uffelen
77-84Helium in inert matrix dispersion fuelsA. van Veen, R. J. M. Konings, A. V. Fedorov
85-95Microstructure characterisation of irradiated Am-containing MgAl2O4 (EFTTRA-T4)T. Wiss, R. J. M. Konings, C. T. Walker, H. Thiele
96-105Study of a zirconia based inert matrix fuel under irradiationC. Degueldre, Ch. Hellwig
106-116The EFTTRA-T3 irradiation experiment on inert matrix fuelsE. A. C. Neeft, K. Bakker, R. P. C. Schram, R. Conrad, R. J. M. Konings
117-125Post-irradiation examinations of THERMHET composite fuels for transmutationJ. Noirot, L. Desgranges, N. Chauvin, V. Georgenthum
126-132Irradiation behavior of rock-like oxide fuelsT. Yamashita, K. Kuramoto, N. Nitani, Y. Nakano, H. Akie, H. Nagashima, Y. Kimura, T. Ohmichi
133-137Molecular modelling of transmutation fuels and targetsThierry Petit, Michel Freyss, Philippe Garcia, Philippe Martin, Michel Ripert, Jean-Paul Crocombette, François Jollet
138-141Oxidation of plutonium dioxide: an X-ray absorption spectroscopy studyPhilippe Martin, Stéphane Grandjean, Michel Ripert, Michel Freyss, Pierre Blanc, Thierry Petit
142-146Neutronic aspects of inert matrix fuels for application in ADSJ. Wallenius
147-155Safety aspects of oxide fuels for transmutation and utilization in accelerator driven systemsW. Maschek, A. Rineiski, T. Suzuki, M. G. Mori, X. Chen, M. Flad
156-162Transmutation characteristics in thermal and fast neutron spectra: application to americiumV. Berthou, C. Degueldre, J. Magill
163-169Minor actinides transmutation scenario studies with PWRs, FRs and moderated targetsJean-Paul Grouiller, Sylvie Pillon, Cyrille de Saint Jean, Frederic Varaine, Lydie Leyval, Guy Vambenepe, Bertrand Carlier
171-172Author index
173-176Subject index

Volume 320, Issue 3, Pages 177-313 (1 August 2003)

CO2Editorial board
177-183Atom probe tomography characterization of radiation-sensitive KS-01 weldM. K. Miller, K. F. Russell, M. A. Sokolov, R. K. Nanstad
184-193Dissolution of magnetite using an environmentally friendly chelant: an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studyA. M. Al-Mayouf
194-208Fractographic and microstructural characterization of irradiated 304 stainless steel intergranularly fractured in inert gasT. Onchi, K. Dohi, N. Soneda, J. R. Cowan, R. J. Scowen, M. L. Castaño
209-213New fit formulae for the sputtering yieldW. Eckstein, R. Preuss
214-222Gas-driven hydrogen permeation in the surface-limited regimeA. Pisarev, V. Shestakov, R. Hayakawa, Y. Hatano, K. Watanabe
223-230Application of hydrogen analysis by neutron imaging plate method to Zircaloy cladding tubesRyou Yasuda, Masahito Nakata, Masahito Matsubayashi, Katsuya Harada, Yuichi Hatakeyama, Hidetoshi Amano
231-244Enthalpies of formation of U-, Th-, Ce-brannerite: implications for plutonium immobilizationK. B. Helean, A. Navrotsky, G. R. Lumpkin, M. Colella, J. Lian, R. C. Ewing, B. Ebbinghaus, J. G. Catalano
245-257Evidence for neutron irradiation-induced metallic precipitates in model alloys and pressure-vessel weld steelStephen E. Cumblidge, Arthur T. Motta, Gary L. Catchen, Gerhard Brauer, Jürgen Böhmert
258-264Standard molar Gibbs free energy of formation of PbO(s) over a wide temperature range from EMF measurementsRajesh Ganesan, T. Gnanasekaran, Raman S. Srinivasa
265-271Hydrogen absorption by Pd-coated ZrNi prepared by using Barrel-Sputtering SystemM. Hara, Y. Hatano, T. Abe, K. Watanabe, T. Naitoh, S. Ikeno, Y. Honda
272-279Effects of hydrogen content and temperature on fracture toughness of Zircaloy-4G. Bertolino, G. Meyer, J. Perez Ipiña
280-291Recrystallization of almost fully amorphous zircon under hydrothermal conditions: An infrared spectroscopic studyThorsten Geisler, Ming Zhang, Ekhard K. H. Salje
292-298Chemical thermodynamic representation of AmO2−xC. Thiriet, R. J. M. Konings
299-304In-reactor uniaxial tensile testing of pure copper at a constant strain rate at 90 °CB. N. Singh, S. Tähtinen, P. Moilanen, P. Jacquet, J. Dekeyser
305-307Author index
308-313Subject index

Volume 321, Issue 1, Pages 1-119 (1 September 2003)

iiEditorial board
1-7Dissolution of synthetic brannerite in acidic and alkaline fluidsY. Zhang, B. S. Thomas, G. R. Lumpkin, M. Blackford, Z. Zhang, M. Colella, Z. Aly
8-18Contribution to a thermodynamic database and phase equilibria calculations for low activation Ta-containing steelsA. Danon, C. Servant
19-28Measured displacement energies of oxygen ions in titanates and zirconatesKatherine L. Smith, Michael Colella, Ronald Cooper, Eric R. Vance
29-39Plastic deformation in 316LN stainless steel – characterization of deformation microstructuresT. S. Byun, E. H. Lee, J. D. Hunn
40-48Corrosion and microstructural aspects of dissimilar joints of titanium and type 304L stainless steelU. Kamachi Mudali, B. M. Ananda Rao, K. Shanmugam, R. Natarajan, Baldev Raj
49-59UO2 dissolution in Boom Clay conditionsC. Cachoir, K. Lemmens, S. Van den Berghe, P. Van Iseghem
60-69Cyclic stress–strain response of textured Zircaloy-4Cong Li, Shihao Ying, Baoluo Shen, Shaoyu Qiu, Xuyu Ling, Yanfeng Wang, Qian Peng
70-77In situ study of the oxidation of Zircaloy-4 by ESEMS. Abolhassani, M. Dadras, M. Leboeuf, D. Gavillet
78-83The response of a chromium doped alumina screen to keV and MeV ionsKieran J. McCarthy, J. García López, F. Martín Hernández, Bernardo Zurro, A. Baciero, M. A. Respaldiza
84-90Ab initio formation energies of Fe–Cr alloysP. Olsson, I. A. Abrikosov, L. Vitos, J. Wallenius
91-109Nature and role of natural alteration gels formed on the surface of ancient volcanic glasses (Natural analogs of waste containment glasses)Jean-Louis Crovisier, Thierry Advocat, Jean-Luc Dussossoy
110-114Light emission from carbon-based materials under ITER relevant thermal shock loadsT. Hirai, J. Linke, W. Kühnlein, G. Sergienko, S. Brezinsek
115-117Influence of humidity on the permittivity and conductivity of thin zirconium alloy oxide filmsH. Frank
118Erratum to: ‘Enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation of cerium dicarbide’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 317 (2003) 102–108]R. Vidhya, M. P. Antony, P. R. Vasudeva Rao, B. Viswanathan
119Erratum to: ‘Thermophysical studies on the binary system UO2(NO3)2 · 6H2O – Sr(NO3)2’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 317 (2003) 109–116]P. V. Ravindran, B. B. Kalekar, K. V. Rajagopalan, C. G. S. Pillai, P. K. Mathur

Volume 321, Issues 2-3, Pages 121-344 (15 September 2003)

121-128Helium behavior in UO2 polycrystalline disksS. Guilbert, T. Sauvage, H. Erramli, M. -F. Barthe, P. Desgardin, G. Blondiaux, C. Corbel, J. P. Piron
129-134Strength proof evaluation of diffusion-jointed W/Ta interfaces by small punch testJing-Feng Li, Masayoshi Kawai, Kenji Kikuchi, Tadashi Igarashi, Hiroaki Kurishita, Ryuzo Watanabe, Akira Kawasaki
135-140Embrittlement behaviour of low-activation alloys with reduced boron content after neutron irradiationH. -C. Schneider, B. Dafferner, J. Aktaa
141-151The kinetics of dissolution of Th1−xG. Heisbourg, S. Hubert, N. Dacheux, J. Ritt
152-157Study in chemical bonding states of SiC films before and after hydrogen ion irradiationN. K. Huang, Q. Xiong, D. Z. Wang
158-164Optical absorption and luminescence of 14-MeV neutron-irradiated CaF2 single crystalsD. W. Cooke, B. L. Bennett
165-169Strength of neutron-irradiated high-quality 3D carbon fiber compositeL. L. Snead, T. D. Burchell, A. L. Qualls
170-176Compatibility studies in the Li17Pb83–SiC, Be–SiC and Be–Mo systemsH. Kleykamp
177-183Influences of laser surface alloying with niobium (Nb) on the corrosion resistance of Zircaloy-4SungJoon Lee, ChanJin Park, YunSoo Lim, HyukSang Kwon
184-191Parametric study of a corrosion model applied to lead–bismuth flow systemsJinsuo Zhang, Ning Li
192-209The influence of oversized solute additions on radiation-induced changes and post-irradiation intergranular stress corrosion cracking behavior in high-purity 316 stainless steelsL. Fournier, B. H. Sencer, G. S. Was, E. P. Simonen, S. M. Bruemmer
210-220Reaction layer growth and reaction heat of U–Mo/Al dispersion fuels using centrifugally atomized powdersHo Jin Ryu, Young Soo Han, Jong Man Park, Soon Dal Park, Chang Kyu Kim
221-232Determination of the alloying content in the matrix of Zr alloys using synchrotron radiation microprobe X-ray fluorescenceA. Yilmazbayhan, O. Delaire, A. T. Motta, R. C. Birtcher, J. M. Maser, B. Lai
233-237Raman spectra of stoichiometric and hyperstoichiometric uranium dioxideDario Manara, Burkhard Renker
238-248Effect of Mo addition on the corrosion resistance of Zr-based alloy in water containing LiOHJ. H. Lee, S. K. Hwang
249-255Three-dimensional simulation of threshold porosity for fission gas release in the rim region of LWR UO2 fuelYang-Hyun Koo, Je-Yong Oh, Byung-Ho Lee, Dong-Seong Sohn
256-262Control of oxygen concentration in liquid lead and lead–bismuthG. Müller, A. Heinzel, G. Schumacher, A. Weisenburger
263-268Comparative study of thermal decomposition of the sol–gel products of U and Ce by external and internal gelation processesK. Suresh Kumar, H. P. Nawada, N. P. Bhat
269-280Layer formation on metal surfaces in lead–bismuth at high temperatures in presence of zirconiumEric P. Loewen, Hannah J. Yount, Kevin Volk, Arvind Kumar
281-287Nuclear reaction analysis of helium migration in zirconiaJ. -M. Costantini, J. -J. Grob, J. Haussy, P. Trocellier, Ph. Trouslard
288-293Effect of MX type particles on creep strength of ferritic steelM. Tamura, H. Sakasegawa, A. Kohyama, H. Esaka, K. Shinozuka
294-304Density functional study of chemical erosion mechanisms in carbon and boron-doped carbon as plasma facing material in tokamaksY. Ferro, F. Marinelli, A. Allouche, C. Brosset
305-312The effect of irradiation-induced gas-atom re-solution on grain-boundary bubble growthJ. Rest
313-317Structural aspects of PbO–P2O5 glasses containing ThO2C. G. S. Pillai, V. Sudarsan, M. Roy, A. K. Dua
318-323Gibbs energy of formation of the Rh–Te intermetallic compounds Rh3Te2 and RhTe0.9R. Mishra, M. Ali, S. R. Bharadwaj, D. Das
324-330Behaviour of fission gases in an irradiated nuclear fuel under α external irradiationL. Desgranges, M. Ripert, J. P. Piron, H. Kodja, J. P. Gallier
331-334Study on solid solubility of Gd in UO2 using X-ray diffractionK. Kapoor, S. V. Ramana Rao, Sheela, T. Sanyal, A. Singh
335-337Author index
338-344Subject index

Volume 322, Issue 1, Pages 1-89 (1 October 2003)

iiEditorial board
1-14Modeling of the non-monotonous viscoplastic behavior of uranium dioxideF. Sauter, S. Leclercq
15-20Structural role of molybdenum in nuclear glasses: an EXAFS studyG. Calas, M. Le Grand, L. Galoisy, D. Ghaleb
21-35The influence of hydride blisters on the fracture of Zircaloy-4O. N. Pierron, D. A. Koss, A. T. Motta, K. S. Chan
36-44High corrosion resistant Ti–5%Ta–1.8%Nb alloy for fuel reprocessing applicationK. Kapoor, Vivekanand Kain, T. Gopalkrishna, T. Sanyal, P. K. De
45-56A critical examination of the thermodynamics of water adsorption on actinide oxide surfacesM. T. Paffett, Dan Kelly, S. A. Joyce, John Morris, Kirk Veirs
57-65In situ crack growth observation and fracture toughness measurement of hydrogen charged Zircaloy-4G. Bertolino, G. Meyer, J. Perez Ipiña
66-72Dissolution and precipitation behavior of hydrides in Zircaloy-2 and high Fe ZircaloyK. Une, S. Ishimoto
73-79The recovery and recrystallization of cold rolled V–W–Ti alloysJiming Chen, Takeo Muroga, Takuya Nagasaka, Ying Xu, Shaoyu Qiu
80-86In situ investigation of U(IV)-oxide surface dissolution and remineralization by electrochemical AFMJ. Römer, M. Plaschke, G. Beuchle, J. I. Kim
87-89Cuboctahedral oxygen clusters in U3O7F. Garrido, R. M. Ibberson, L. Nowicki, B. T. M. Willis

Volume 322, Issues 2-3, Pages 91-262 (1 November 2003)

CO2Editorial board
91-97Correlation between characteristics of grain boundary carbides and creep–fatigue properties in AISI 321 stainless steelKyung Seon Min, Soo Woo Nam
98-110Enthalpy increments and heat capacities of ThO2 and (ThyR. Agarwal, R. Prasad, V. Venugopal
111-118Cerium oxidation during leaching of CeYSiAlO glassS. Gavarini, M. J. Guittet, P. Trocellier, M. Gautier-Soyer, F. Carrot, G. Matzen
119-125Recovery of uranium from fluoride matrix by solid state reaction routesS. Chaudhury, K. D. Singh Mudher, V. Venugopal
126-137The mechanical testing of nuclear graphiteB. C. Mitchell, J. Smart, S. L. Fok, B. J. Marsden
138-151Effect of quenching rate on the β-to-α phase transformation structure in zirconium alloyA. R. Massih, T. Andersson, P. Witt, M. Dahlbäck, M. Limbäck
152-164Chemically durable iron phosphate glasses for vitrifying sodium bearing waste (SBW) using conventional and cold crucible induction melting (CCIM) techniquesC. W. Kim, C. S. Ray, D. Zhu, D. E. Day, D. Gombert, A. Aloy, A. Moguimage-Milankoviimage, M. Karabulut
165-179Crystal structures of curium compounds: an ab initio studyV. Milman, B. Winkler, C. J. Pickard
180-188Ion-beam and electron-beam irradiation of synthetic britholiteS. Utsunomiya, S. Yudintsev, L. M. Wang, R. C. Ewing
189-194Enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation of samarium dicarbideR. Vidhya, M. P. Antony, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
195-203Microstructural study of hydride formation in Zr–1Nb alloyS. Neogy, D. Srivastava, R. Tewari, R. N. Singh, G. K. Dey, S. Banerjee
204-216Room-temperature microindentation behaviour of LWR-fuels, part 1: fuel microhardnessJ. Spino, J. Cobos-Sabate, F. Rousseau
217-227Tensile behaviour and acoustic emission in zirconium alloys after thermal aging and sodium exposureP. K. Chaurasia, C. K. Mukhopadhyay, S. Murugan, P. Muralidharan, K. Chandran, V. Ganesan, T. Jayakumar, P. V. Kumar
228-234Mechanical dispersion of Y2O3 nanoparticles in steel EUROFER 97: process and optimisationV. de Castro, T. Leguey, M. A. Monge, A. Muñoz, R. Pareja, D. R. Amador, J. M. Torralba, M. Victoria
235-241Diffusion bonding of titanium to 304 stainless steelM. Ghosh, K. Bhanumurthy, G. B. Kale, J. Krishnan, S. Chatterjee
242-248Oxidation of UO2 by radiolytic oxidantsElla Ekeroth, Mats Jonsson
249-254Fracture surface topography analysis of in-beam fatigue behavior for 20% cold-worked 316 stainless steelY. Murase, Johsei Nagakawa, N. Yamamoto
255-257Author index
258-262Subject index

Volume 323, Issue 1, Pages 1-143 (15 November 2003)

iiEditorial board
1-7Characterisation of secondary products of uranium–aluminium material test reactor fuel element corrosion in repository-relevant brineL. Mazeina, H. Curtius, J. Fachinger, R. Odoj
8-17Uranium oxide weathering: spectroscopy and kineticsR. A. Schueneman, A. I. Khaskelis, D. Eastwood, W. J. van Ooij, L. W. Burggraf
18-28Proton irradiation emulation of PWR neutron damage microstructures in solution annealed 304 and cold-worked 316 stainless steelsBulent H. Sencer, Gary S. Was, Mitsuyuki Sagisaka, Yoshihiro Isobe, Gillian M. Bond, Frank A. Garner
29-35Characterization of the reaction layer in U–7wt%Mo/Al diffusion couplesM. I. Mirandou, S. N. Balart, M. Ortiz, M. S. Granovsky
36-40Combustion synthesis of 5 and 10 mol% YO1.5 doped ThO2 powdersR. D. Purohit, S. Saha, A. K. Tyagi
41-48Characterization of zirconia–thoria–urania ceramics by X-ray and electron interactionsGini Curran, Y. Sevestre, Wendy Rattray, Patrick Allen, K. R. Czerwinski
49-56Treatment of molten salt wastes by phosphate precipitation: removal of fission product elements after pyrochemical reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels in chloride meltsVladimir A. Volkovich, Trevor R. Griffiths, Robert C. Thied
57-67Luminescence properties of zirconium oxide filmsH. Ken Yueh, Brian Cox
68-71Vaporization behavior and Gibbs energy of formation of Rb2ThO3M. Ali (Basu), A. N. Shirsat, S. C. Kumar, S. R. Bharadwaj, D. Das
72-80Influence of Nb concentration in the α-matrix on the corrosion behavior of Zr–xYong Hwan Jeong, Hyun Gil Kim, Dae Jung Kim, Byung Kwon Choi, Jun Hwan Kim
81-92Host phases for actinides in simulated metallic waste formsDawn E. Janney
93-100Behavior of molybdenum in pyrochemical reprocessing: A spectroscopic study of the chlorination of molybdenum and its oxides in chloride meltsVladimir A. Volkovicha, Trevor R. Griffiths, Robert C. Thied, Bob Lewin
101-107Heat capacity of hydrogenated Zircaloy-2 and high Fe ZircaloyK. Une, S. Ishimoto
108-122Power-to-melts of uranium–plutonium oxide fuel pins at a beginning-of-life condition in the experimental fast reactor JOYOMasaki Inoue, Kazuya Yamamoto, Takashi Sekine, Masahiko Osaka, Naoya Kushida, Takeo Asaga
123-137Mechanisms of stress relief cracking in titanium stabilised austenitic stainless steelM. Chabaud-Reytier, L. Allais, C. Caes, P. Dubuisson, A. Pineau
138-143Isotope exchange reaction between tritiated water and hydrogen on SiCK. Katayama, M. Nishikawa, T. Takeishi

Volume 323, Issues 2-3, Pages 145-401 (1 December 2003)

Proceedings of the Second IEA Fusion Materials Agreement Workshop on Modeling and Experimental Validation Les Diableret, Switzerland, 30 September - 4 October 2002 Edited by M. Victoria and P. Spatig
CO2Editorial board
145Dedication - Professor Michio Kiritani (1932–2003)
147PrefaceM. Victoria, P. Spätig
148-151Second IEA fusion materials agreement workshop on modeling and experimental validationM. Victoria, P. Spätig
152-162MD description of damage production in displacement cascades in copper and α-ironD. J. Bacon, Yu. N. Osetsky, R. Stoller, R. E. Voskoboinikov
163-168Modeling microstructure evolution of f.c.c. metals under irradiation in the presence of HeM. J. Caturla, T. Diaz de la Rubia, M. Fluss
169-180Modeling the microstructural evolution in bcc-Fe during irradiation using kinetic Monte Carlo computer simulationN. Soneda, S. Ishino, A. Takahashi, K. Dohi
181-191MD modeling of defects in Fe and their interactionsJaime Marian, Brian D. Wirth, Robin Schäublin, G. R. Odette, J. Manuel Perlado
192-204Classical nucleation theory of microstructure development under cascade-damage irradiationA. A. Semenov, C. H. Woo
205-212Ab initio study of self-interstitials in hcp-ZrF. Willaime
213-219SIA activity during irradiation of nanocrystalline NiM. Samaras, P. M. Derlet, H. Van Swygenhoven, M. Victoria
220-228Stability and mobility of defect clusters in copper under displacement cascade conditionsHiroaki Abe, Naoto Sekimura, Yunmin Yang
229-242Helium accumulation in metals during irradiation – where do we stand?H. Trinkaus, B. N. Singh
243-250MD and KMC modeling of the growth and shrinkage mechanisms of helium–vacancy clusters in FeK. Morishita, R. Sugano, B. D. Wirth
251-262Radiation and helium effects on microstructures, nano-indentation properties and deformation behavior in ferrous alloysY. Katoh, M. Ando, A. Kohyama
263-267How fast are the ultra-fast nano-scale solid–liquid phase transitions induced by energetic particles in solids?E. M. Lopasso, A. Caro, M. Caro
268-280Void and precipitate strengthening in α-iron: what can we learn from atomic-level modelling?Yu. N. Osetsky, D. J. Bacon
281-289Modeling of dislocation–grain boundary interactions in FCC metalsM. de Koning, R. J. Kurtz, V. V. Bulatov, C. H. Henager, R. G. Hoagland, W. Cai, M. Nomura
290-303On dislocation–defect interactions and patterning: stochastic discrete dislocation dynamics (SDD)M. Hiratani, H. M. Zbib
304-312Brittle fracture and the brittle-to-ductile transition of tungstenPeter Gumbsch
313-340Cleavage fracture and irradiation embrittlement of fusion reactor alloys: mechanisms, multiscale models, toughness measurements and implications to structural integrity assessmentG. R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, H. J. Rathbun, M. Y. He, M. L. Hribernik, J. W. Rensman
341-345Gas bubbles evolution peculiarities in ferritic–martensitic and austenitic steels and alloys under helium-ion irradiationI. I. Chernov, A. N. Kalashnikov, B. A. Kalin, S. Yu. Binyukova
346-353Accumulation of point defects and their complexes in irradiated metals as studied by the use of positron annihilation spectroscopy – a brief reviewM. Eldrup, B. N. Singh
354-359Radiation enhanced copper clustering processes in Fe–Cu alloys during electron and ion irradiations as measured by electrical resistivityS. Ishino, Y. Chimi, Bagiyono, T. Tobita, N. Ishikawa, M. Suzuki, A. Iwase
360-367Small punch tests on martensitic/ferritic steels F82H, T91 and Optimax-A irradiated in SINQ Target-3X. Jia, Y. Dai
368-371Reallocation of impurity atoms in a supersaturated solid solution by thermodiffusion in collision cascadesE. A. Koptelov, A. V. Subbotin
372-379Instability of interstitial clusters under ion and electron irradiations in ceramic materialsA. I. Ryazanov, K. Yasuda, C. Kinoshita, A. V. Klaptsov
380-387Influence of stress fields of dislocations on formation and spatial stability of point defects (elastic dipoles) in V and Fe crystalsA. B. Sivak, V. A. Romanov, V. M. Chernov
388-393Irradiation induced behavior of pure Ni single crystal irradiated with high energy protonsZ. Yao, R. Schäublin, M. Victoria
395-397Author index
398-401Subject index

Volume 324, Issue 1, Pages 1-75 (1 January 2004)

iiEditorial board
1-5Production of uranium–molybdenum particles by spark-erosionE. D. Cabanillas, M. López, E. E. Pasqualini, D. J. Cirilo Lombardo
6-22Structure of zirconium alloy oxides formed in pure water studied with synchrotron radiation and optical microscopy: relation to corrosion rateAylin Yilmazbayhan, Arthur T. Motta, Robert J. Comstock, George P. Sabol, Barry Lai, Zhonghou Cai
23-32Effect of the irradiation–annealing–irradiation cycle on the mechanical properties of pure copper and copper alloyS. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky, S. E. Ostrovsky
33-40Effect of microstructure on the cleavage fracture strength of low carbon Mn–Ni–Mo bainitic steelsYoung-Roc Im, Byeong-Joo Lee, Yong Jun Oh, Jun Hwa Hong, Hu-Chul Lee
41-51Simulations of low energy cascades in fcc Pu metal at 300 K and constant volumeSteven M. Valone, Michael I. Baskes, Marius Stan, Terence E. Mitchell, Andrew C. Lawson, Kurt E. Sickafus
52-61Development of a fundamental crack tip strain rate equation and its application to quantitative prediction of stress corrosion cracking of stainless steels in high temperature oxygenated waterQ. J. Peng, J. Kwon, T. Shoji
62-70Microstructural development and radiation hardening of neutron irradiated Mo–Re alloysYoshiyuki Nemoto, Akira Hasegawa, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe, Yutaka Hiraoka
71-75Studies on the corrosion behavior of cerium-implanted zirconiumD. Q. Peng, X. D. Bai, Q. G. Zhou, X. Y. Liu, R. H. Yu, D. L. Zhang

Volume 324, Issues 2-3, Pages 77-227 (15 January 2004)

CO2Editorial board
77-89The change in tensile properties of wrought LCAC molybdenum irradiated with neutronsB. V. Cockeram, J. L. Hollenbeck, L. L. Snead
90-96Modelling of copper precipitation in iron during thermal aging and irradiationF. Christien, A. Barbu
97-115Modelling the alteration gel composition of simplified borosilicate glasses by precipitation of an ideal solid solution in equilibrium with the leachantI. Munier, J. -L. Crovisier, B. Grambow, B. Fritz, A. Clément
116-124Failure predictions for nuclear graphite using a continuum damage mechanics modelZ. Zou, S. L. Fok, S. O. Oyadiji, B. J. Marsden
125-133Mechanical properties of delta-stabilized Pu–1.0 wt% Ga alloysJack L. Robbins
134-139Etching of uranium oxide with a non-thermal, atmospheric pressure plasmaX. Yang, M. Moravej, S. E. Babayan, G. R. Nowling, R. F. Hicks
140-151Dynamic strain aging and grain size reduction effects on the fatigue resistance of SA533B3 steelsJ. Y. Huang, J. R. Hwang, J. J. Yeh, C. Y. Chen, R. C. Kuo, J. G. Huang
152-164Role of neoformed phases on the mechanisms controlling the resumption of SON68 glass alteration in alkaline mediaSolange Ribet, Stéphane Gin
165-176Comments on the stability of zirconium hydride phases in ZircaloyL. Lanzani, M. Ruch
177-182Oxidation behaviour of uranium in the internally gelated urania–ceria solid solutions – XRD and XPS studiesK. Suresh Kumar, T. Mathews, H. P. Nawada, N. P. Bhat
183-188Safe trapping of Cs in heat-treated zeolite matricesP. Bosch, D. Caputo, B. Liguori, C. Colella
189-197Bulk and Young’s modulus of doped UO2 by synchrotron diffraction under high pressure and Knoop indentationM. C. Pujol, M. Idiri, L. Havela, S. Heathman, J. Spino
198-202Post-irradiation studies on LWR-MOX fuel fabricated by the optimized co-milling processH. Kleykamp
203-214Cathodoluminescence imaging of oxidised zirconium alloysH. Ken Yueh, Brian Cox
215-219Calorimetric measurements on uranium–plutonium mixed oxidesR. Kandan, R. Babu, K. Nagarajan, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
221-222Author index
223-227Subject index

Volume 325, Issue 1, Pages 1-77 (1 February 2004)

iiEditorial board
1-12Helium diffusion in uranium and plutonium oxidesC. Ronchi, J. P. Hiernaut
13-17Corrosion behavior of Fe–Ni–Cr alloys in the molten salt of LiCl–Li2O at high temperatureS. H. Cho, J. S. Zhang, Y. J. Shin, S. W. Park, H. S. Park
18-25Thermal expansion studies on Inconel-600® by high temperature X-ray diffractionS. Raju, K. Sivasubramanian, R. Divakar, G. Panneerselvam, A. Banerjee, E. Mohandas, M. P. Antony
26-33Stress-reorientation of hydrides and hydride embrittlement of Zr–2.5 wt% Nb pressure tube alloyR. N. Singh, R. Kishore, S. S. Singh, T. K. Sinha, B. P. Kashyap
34-43Electrochemical behaviors of uranium and plutonium at simultaneous recoveries into liquid cadmium cathodesKoichi Uozumi, Masatoshi Iizuka, Tetsuya Kato, Tadashi Inoue, Osamu Shirai, Takashi Iwai, Yasuo Arai
44-52Master equation and Fokker–Planck methods for void nucleation and growth in irradiation swellingM. P. Surh, J. B. Sturgeon, W. G. Wolfer
53-60Recrystallization and precipitation behavior of low-activation V–Cr–Ti alloys after cold rollingN. J. Heo, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga
61-77The development of grain-face porosity in irradiated oxide fuelR. J. White

Volume 325, Issues 2-3, Pages 79-230 (15 February 2004)

CO2Editorial board
79-86Hydrogen embrittlement of a V4Cr4Ti alloy evaluated by different test methodsJiming Chen, Takeo Muroga, Shaoyu Qiu, Ying Xu, Ying Den, Zengyu Xu
87-93Chemical form of tritium released from solid breeder materialsMasabumi Nishikawa, Tomohiro Kinjyo, Yoshiteru Nishida
94-106The effect of oversized solute additions on the microstructure of 316SS irradiated with 5 MeV Ni++ ions or 3.2 MeV protonsJ. Gan, E. P. Simonen, S. M. Bruemmer, L. Fournier, B. H. Sencer, G. S. Was
107-117A model for fission-gas-bubble behavior in amorphous uranium silicide compoundsJ. Rest
118-128Irradiation behaviour of uranium silicide compounds, M. R. Finlay, G. L. Hofman, J. L. Snelgrove
129-133Measurement of Gd content in (U,Gd)O2 using thermal gravimetric analysisKeon Sik Kim, Jae Ho Yang, Ki Won Kang, Kun Woo Song, Gil Moo Kim
134-140Novel approach for the bulk synthesis of nanocrystalline yttria doped thoria powders via polymeric precursor routesRajesh Ganesan, S. Vivekanandhan, T. Gnanasekaran, G. Periaswami, Raman S. Srinivasa
141-147Effect of titania addition on hot hardness of UO2A. K. Sengupta, C. B. Basak, T. Jarvis, R. K. Bhagat, V. D. Pandey, S. Majumdar
148-158Helium thermal diffusion in a uranium dioxide matrixDanièle Roudil, Xavier Deschanels, Patrick Trocellier, Christophe Jégou, Sylvain Peuget, Jean-Michel Bart
159-168Fabrication of (Th,U)O2 pellets containing 3 mol% of uranium by gel pelletisation techniqueRajesh V. Pai, S. K. Mukerjee, V. N. Vaidya
169-173Electron spin resonance measurement of irradiation defects in vitreous silica irradiated with neutronsKimikazu Moritani, Ikuji Takagi, Hirotake Moriyama
174-179The second order Raman spectroscopy in carbon crystallinityYoung-Jae Lee
180-187Diffusion reaction between Zircaloy-2 and thoriaP. Sengupta, P. S. Gawde, K. Bhanumurthy, G. B. Kale
188-194A general equation of state for dense liquid alkali metalsHossein Eslami
195-201Immobilization of interstitial loops by substitutional alloy and transmutation atoms in irradiated metalsG. A. Cottrell, S. L. Dudarev, R. A. Forrest
202-209Chemical diffusion in uranium dioxide – influence of defect interactionsP. Ruello, G. Chirlesan, G. Petot-Ervas, C. Petot, L. Desgranges
210-216Microwave process for sintering of uranium dioxideJae Ho Yang, Kun Woo Song, Yong Woo Lee, Jong Heon Kim, Ki Won Kang, Keon Sik Kim, Youn Ho Jung
217-222Excellent corrosion resistance of 18Cr–20Ni–5Si steel in liquid Pb–BiY. Kurata, M. Futakawa
223-224Author index
225-230Subject index

Volume 326, Issue 1, Pages 1-73 (1 March 2004)

iiEditorial board
1-8Effects of small amount of additional elements on control of interstitial impurities and mechanical properties of V–4Cr–4Ti–Si–Al–Y alloysToshinori Chuto, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe, Takeo Muroga, Norikazu Yamamoto
9-18Morphological evolution of alteration layers formed during nuclear glass alteration: new evidence of a gel as a diffusive barrierDiane Rebiscoul, Arie Van der Lee, Francois Rieutord, Frédéric Né, Olivier Spalla, Abdeslam El-Mansouri, Pierre Frugier, André Ayral, Stéphane Gin
19-29Irradiation damage in 304 and 316 stainless steels: experimental investigation and modeling. Part I: Evolution of the microstructureC. Pokor, Y. Brechet, P. Dubuisson, J. -P. Massoud, A. Barbu
30-37Irradiation damage in 304 and 316 stainless steels: experimental investigation and modeling. Part II: Irradiation induced hardeningC. Pokor, Y. Brechet, P. Dubuisson, J. -P. Massoud, X. Averty
38-46Microstructural characteristics and embrittlement phenomena in neutron irradiated 309L stainless steel RPV cladJ. S. Lee, I. S. Kim, R. Kasada, A. Kimura
47-58Permeability of hydrogen and deuterium of Hastelloy XRTetsuaki Takeda, Jin Iwatsuki, Yoshiyuki Inagaki
59-73Fuel-to-cladding gap evolution and its impact on thermal performance of high burnup fast reactor type uranium–plutonium oxide fuel pinsMasaki Inoue, Koji Maeda, Kozo Katsuyama, Kosuke Tanaka, Kenji Mondo, Masaki Hisada

Volume 326, Issues 2-3, Pages 75-226 (15 March 2004)

CO2Editorial board
75-79Theoretical study on the alloying behavior of γ-uranium metal: γ-uranium alloy with 3d transition metalsMasayoshi Kurihara, Masaru Hirata, Rika Sekine, Jun Onoe, Hirohide Nakamatsu
80-85Standard-less analysis of Zircaloy clad samples by an instrumental neutron activation methodR. Acharya, A. G. C. Nair, A. V. R. Reddy, A. Goswami
86-96Irradiation hardening behavior of polycrystalline metals after low temperature irradiationT. S. Byun, K. Farrell
97-105Theoretical analysis of two-stage fission gas release processes: grain lattice and grain boundary diffusionYong-soo Kim
106-113Production behavior of irradiation defects in α-alumina and sapphire under ion beam irradiationKimikazu Moritani, Ikuji Takagi, Hirotake Moriyama
114-124Low-temperature low-dose neutron irradiation effects on berylliumLance L. Snead
125-131Effect of isothermal annealing on the corrosion behavior of Zr–xHyun Gil Kim, Yong Hawn Jeong, To Hoon Kim
132-143A study of molybdenum behaviour in UO2 by X-ray absorption spectroscopyPhilippe Martin, Michel Ripert, Gaëlle Carlot, Philippe Parent, Carine Laffon
144-155Identification of the mechanism limiting the alteration of clad spent fuel segments in aerated carbonated groundwaterC. Jégou, S. Peuget, V. Broudic, D. Roudil, X. Deschanels, J. M. Bart
156-162Study of lanthanum orthophosphates polymorphism, in view of actinide conditioningB. Glorieux, M. Matecki, F. Fayon, J. P. Coutures, S. Palau, A. Douy, G. Peraudeau
163-174Ternary Zr–Nb–Fe(O) system: phase diagram at 853 K and corrosion behaviour in the domain Nb < 0.8%P. Barberis, D. Charquet, V. Rebeyrolle
175-184A model for the influence of microstructure, precipitate pinning and fission gas behavior on irradiation-induced recrystallization of nuclear fuelsJ. Rest
185-194Phase relation assessment for O–Pu–U ternary systemShinsuke Yamanaka, Hajime Kinoshita, Ken Kurosaki
195-200Cyclic softening mechanisms of Zircaloy-4A. F. Armas, S. Hereñú, R. Bolmaro, I. Alvarez-Armas
201-210Corrosion/precipitation in non-isothermal and multi-modular LBE loop systemsJinsuo Zhang, Ning Li
211-216Radiation-induced swelling and softening in magnesium aluminate spinel irradiated with high-flux Cu ionsC. G. Lee, T. Ohmura, Y. Takeda, S. Matsuoka, N. Kishimoto
217Erratum to: ‘Behavior of molybdenum in pyrochemical reprocessing: A spectroscopic study of the chlorination of molybdenum and its oxides in chloride melts’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 323 (2003) 93–100]Vladimir A. Volkovich, Trevor R. Griffiths, Robert C. Thied, Bob Lewin
219-220Author index
221-226Subject index

Volume 327, Issue 1, Pages 1-76 (1 April 2004)

iiEditorial board
1-10Change of fuel-to-cladding gap width with the burn-up in FBR MOX fuel irradiated to high burn-upKoji Maeda, Takeo Asaga
11-18A new method to study hydriding processes from the inner surfaces of fuel claddingsJ.L. Sacedón, M. Dı́az, J.S. Moya, B. Remartı́nez, J. Izquierdo
19-26Estimation of stress corrosion cracking sensitivity of type 304 stainless steel by magnetic force microscopeShigeru Takaya, Takayuki Suzuki, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Kazuyuki Demachi, Mitsuru Uesaka
27-36Constituent redistribution in U–Pu–Zr fuel during irradiationYeon Soo Kim, G.L Hofman, S.L Hayes, Y.H Sohn
37-45Effects of natural aging on the tensile properties of water-quenched U–6%Nb alloyA.J Sunwoo, D.S Hiromoto
46-57Vitrification of high chrome oxide nuclear waste in iron phosphate glassesWenhai Huang, Delbert E. Day, Chandra S. Ray, Cheol-Woon Kim, Andrea Mogus-Milankovic
58-76Effect of burn-up on the thermal conductivity of uranium dioxide up to 100.000 MWd t−1C. Ronchi, M. Sheindlin, D. Staicu, M. Kinoshita

Volume 327, Issues 2-3, Pages 77-234 (1 May 2004)

CO2Editorial board
77-87Fission gas release and swelling in uranium–plutonium mixed nitride fuelsKosuke Tanaka, Koji Maeda, Kozo Katsuyama, Masaki Inoue, Takashi Iwai, Yasuo Arai
88-96He migration in implanted UO2 sintered disksS. Guilbert, T. Sauvage, P. Garcia, G. Carlot, M. -F. Barthe, P. Desgardin, G. Blondiaux, C. Corbel, J. P. Piron, J. -M. Gras
97-113A metallographic and fractographic study of outside-in cracking caused by power ramp testsS. Shimada, E. Etoh, H. Hayashi, Y. Tukuta
114-120W erosion due to low energy O+ and D+ impactR. G. Macaulay-Newcombe, A. A. Haasz, C. H. Wu, J. W. Davis
121-129Microstructure of U3Si2 fuel plates submitted to a high heat fluxA. Leenaers, S. Van den Berghe, E. Koonen, P. Jacquet, C. Jarousse, B. Guigon, A. Ballagny, L. Sannen
130-139A critical test of the classical rate theory for void swellingT. Okita, W. G. Wolfer
140-147Materials for high performance light water reactorsK. Ehrlich, J. Konys, L. Heikinheimo
148-158Borosilicate and lead silicate glass matrix composites containing pyrochlore phases for nuclear waste encapsulationA. R. Boccaccini, E. Bernardo, L. Blain, D. N. Boccaccini
159-164Profile measurements of helium implanted in UO2 sintered pellets by using the 3He(d, α)1H nuclear reaction analysis techniqueT. Sauvage, H. Erramli, S. Guilbert, L. Vincent, M. -F. Barthe, P. Desgardin, G. Blondiaux, C. Corbel, J. P. Piron, F. Labohm, A. Van Veen
165-170Investigation of mechanical properties of var epsilon-zirconium hydride using micro- and nano-indentation techniquesJiujun Xu, San-Qiang Shi
171-174Leaching behavior of 60Co and 137Cs from spent ion exchange resins in cement–bentonite clay matrixIlija Plecas, Radojko Pavlovic, Snezana Pavlovic
175-181Displacement damage in silicon carbide irradiated in fission reactorsH. L. Heinisch, L. R. Greenwood, W. J. Weber, R. E. Williford
182-187Short-term corrosion of HLW glass in aqueous solutions enriched with various metal cationsB. Luckscheiter, M. Nesovic
188-193Neutron tomographic investigations of boron-alloyed steelsM. Zawisky, M. Bastürk, J. Rehacek, Z. Hradil
194-201Corrosion of nickel in molten LiCl–Li2O at 750 °CR. Y. Liu, X. Wang, J. S. Zhang, X. M. Wang
202-210Damage and dynamic strain aging in a thermal aged cast duplex stainless steelV. Calonne, C. Berdin, B. Saint-Germain, S. Jayet-Gendrot
211-219Development of a master sintering curve for ThO2T. R. G. Kutty, K. B. Khan, P. V. Hegde, J. Banerjee, A. K. Sengupta, S. Majumdar, H. S. Kamath
220-225Thermophysical measurements on dysprosium and gadolinium titanatesG. Panneerselvam, R. Venkata Krishnan, M. P. Antony, K. Nagarajan, T. Vasudevan, P. R. Vasudeva Rao
226Corrigendum to: ‘Helium thermal diffusion in a uranium dioxide matrix’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 325 (2004) 148–158]Danièle Roudil, Xavier Deschanels, Patrick Trocellier, Christophe Jégou, Sylvain Peuget, Jean-Michel Bart
227-229Author index
230-234Subject index

Volume 328, Issue 1, Pages 1-76 (1 June 2004)

iiEditorial board
1-10Deformation of zirconium irradiated by 4.4 MeV protons at 347 KC. K. Chow, R. A. Holt, C. H. Woo, C. B. So
11-20Effect of prior thermal treatment on the microchemistry and crack propagation of proton-irradiated AISI 304 stainless steelsL. H. Wang, C. H. Tsai, J. J. Kai
21-30Investigation of physico-mechanical properties of ceramic oxide kernels for nuclear applicationsM. M. Titov, J. Fachinger, A. A. Bukaemskiy
31-45Contribution to the understanding of the ZrNb(l%)O(0.13%) oxidation mechanism at 500 °C in dry airJ. J. Vermoyal, A. Frichet, L. Dessemond
46-54Thermal variation of the optical absorption of UO2: determination of the small polaron self-energyP. Ruello, K. D. Becker, K. Ullrich, L. Desgranges, C. Petot, G. Petot-Ervas
55-61Sputtering mechanisms near the threshold energyW. Eckstein, J. Roth, W. Nagel, R. Dohmen
62-66Modelling of carbon transport in fusion devices: evidence of enhanced re-erosion of in-situ re-deposited carbonA. Kirschner, P. Wienhold, V. Philipps, J. P. Coad, A. Huber, U. Samm, JET EFDA contributors
67-70Comments on the threshold porosity for fission gas release in high burn-up fuelsJ. Spino, D. Papaioannou, J. -P. Glatz
71-76A cubic-to-monoclinic structural transformation in the sesquioxide Dy2O3 induced by ion irradiationM. Tang, J. A. Valdez, P. Lu, G. E. Gosnell, C. J. Wetteland, K. E. Sickafus

Volume 328, Issues 2-3, Pages 77-261 (1 July 2004)

77-87Review: Evolution of stacking fault tetrahedra and its role in defect accumulation under cascade damage conditionsB. N. Singh, S. I. Golubov, H. Trinkaus, D. J. Edwards, M. Eldrup
88-96Spectroscopic and microscopic investigation of the corrosion of 316/316L stainless steel by lead–bismuth eutectic (LBE) at elevated temperatures: importance of surface preparationAllen L. Johnson, Denise Parsons, Julia Manzerova, Dale L. Perry, Dan Koury, Brian Hosterman, John W. Farley
97-102Electro-chemical reduction of MOX in LiClMasaki Kurata, Tadashi Inoue, Jerome Serp, Michel Ougier, Jean-Paul Glatz
103-106Deuterium permeation through Eurofer and α-alumina coated EuroferD. Levchuk, F. Koch, H. Maier, H. Bolt
107-114Vacancy cluster evolution and swelling in irradiated 316 stainless steelMichael P. Surh, J. B. Sturgeon, W. G. Wolfer
115-123Cyclic cracking behavior of low-alloy pressure vessel steel in simulated BWR waterX. Wu, Y. Katada
124-136Surface chemistry of Pu oxidesJ. Douglas Farr, Roland K. Schulze, Mary P. Neu
137-145Study of the β→α variant selection for a zircaloy-4 rod heated to the β transus in presence or not of an axial tensile stressN. Gey, M. Humbert, E. Gautier, J. L. Béchade
146-150Small punch tests on austenitic and martensitic steels irradiated in a spallation environment with 530 MeV protonsD. Finarelli, M. Roedig, F. Carsughi
151-164INCAS: an analytical model to describe displacement cascadesStéphanie Jumel, Jean Claude Van-Duysen
165-179A statistical TEM investigation of dislocation channeling mechanism in neutron irradiated zirconium alloysF. Onimus, I. Monnet, J. L. Béchade, C. Prioul, P. Pilvin
180-196Thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of fuel oxidation behaviour in operating defective fuelB. J. Lewis, W. T. Thompson, F. Akbari, D. M. Thompson, C. Thurgood, J. Higgs
197-214Defect production efficiency in metals under neutron irradiationC. H. M. Broeders, A. Yu. Konobeyev
215-224Drying characteristics of thorium fuel corrosion productsR. -E. (Lords) Smith
225-231Oxidation of the hexagonal Zr(Cr0.4Fe0.6)2 Laves phaseP. B. Bozzano, C. Ramos, F. Saporiti, P. A. Vázquez, R. A. Versaci, C. Saragovi
232-242Dynamic strain aging under tensile and LCF loading conditions, and their comparison in cold worked 316L stainless steelSeong-Gu Hong, Soon-Bok Lee
243-248Experiments, characterizations and analysis of a U3Si2–Al dispersion fuel plate with sandwich structureXi-Shu Wang, Yong Xu
249-252Shadow corrosionN. Ramasubramanian
253-255Author index
256-261Subject index
iiEditorial board
xiii-xxiiiContents (Parts A and B)
xxv-liiAuthor index
liii-cxiSubject index
1-4Japanese policy on the science and technology researchHiroo Imura
5-11The present status and future prospects of the ITER projectY. Shimomura
12-19Materials to deliver the promise of fusion power – progress and challengesE. E. Bloom, S. J. Zinkle, F. W. Wiffen
20-30The European integrated materials and technology programme in fusionR. Andreani, E. Diegele, R. Laesser, B. van der Schaaf
31-38ITER nuclear components, preparing for the construction and R&D resultsK. Ioki, M. Akiba, P. Barabaschi, V. Barabash, S. Chiocchio, W. Daenner, F. Elio, M. Enoeda, K. Ezato, G. Federici, A. Gervash, D. Grebennikov, L. Jones, S. Kajiura, V. Krylov, T. Kuroda, P. Lorenzetto, S. Maruyama, M. Merola, N. Miki, et al.
39-46Recent results of the reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel developmentS. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, A. Kohyama, R. L. Klueh, A. A. Tavassoli, B. van der Schaaf, G. R. Odette, J. W. Rensman, M. Victoria, C. Petersen
47-55Recent progress on development of vanadium alloys for fusionR. J. Kurtz, K. Abe, V. M. Chernov, D. T. Hoelzer, H. Matsui, T. Muroga, G. R. Odette
56-65Issues and advances in SiCf/SiC composites development for fusion reactorsB. Riccardi, L. Giancarli, A. Hasegawa, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, R. H. Jones, L. L. Snead
66-73Materials for the plasma-facing components of fusion reactorsH. Bolt, V. Barabash, W. Krauss, J. Linke, R. Neu, S. Suzuki, N. Yoshida, ASDEX Upgrade Team
74-80Major results of the cooperative program between JAERI and universities using plasma facing materials in JT-60UN. Miya, T. Tanabe, M. Nishikawa, K. Okuno, Y. Hirohata, Y. Oya
81-87Analysis of defect structural evolution in fcc metals irradiated with neutrons under well defined boundary conditionsT. Yoshiie, Y. Satoh, Q. Xu
88-96Observation and analysis of defect cluster production and interactions with dislocationsS. J. Zinkle, Y. Matsukawa
97-102Determination of effective charge states for point radiation defects in fusion ceramic materialsA. I. Ryazanov, A. V. Klaptsov, C. Kinoshita, K. Yasuda
103-111Multiscale modeling of radiation damage in Fe-based alloys in the fusion environmentB. D. Wirth, G. R. Odette, J. Marian, L. Ventelon, J. A. Young-Vandersall, L. A. Zepeda-Ruiz
112-118Present status of beryllide R&D as neutron multiplierH. Kawamura, H. Takahashi, N. Yoshida, Y. Mishima, K. Ishida, T. Iwadachi, A. Cardella, J. G. van der Laan, M. Uchida, K. Munakata, Y. Sato, V. Shestakov, S. Tanaka
119-124Recent progress in the development of electrically insulating coatings for a liquid lithium blanketBruce A. Pint, P. F. Tortorelli, A. Jankowski, J. Hayes, T. Muroga, A. Suzuki, O. I. Yeliseyeva, V. M. Chernov
125-132Performance of functional materials and components in a fusion reactor: the issue of radiation effects in ceramics and glass materials for diagnosticsMarc Decreton, Tatsuo Shikama, Eric Hodgson
133-140The manufacturing technologies of the European breeding blanketsA. Cardella, E. Rigal, L. Bedel, Ph. Bucci, J. Fiek, L. Forest, L. V. Boccaccini, E. Diegele, L. Giancarli, S. Hermsmeyer, G. Janeschitz, R. Lässer, A. Li Puma, J. D. Lulewicz, A. Möslang, Y. Poitevin, E. Rabaglino
141-147Superconducting magnet system in a fusion reactorK. Okuno, A. Shikov, N. Koizumi
148-155Materials and design of the European DEMO blanketsL. V. Boccaccini, L. Giancarli, G. Janeschitz, S. Hermsmeyer, Y. Poitevin, A. Cardella, E. Diegele
156-160Role and contribution of ITER in research of materials and reactor componentsVladimir Barabash
161-165Discussion on fast track and impact on materials R&D strategy – fusion material issues for the energy systems in futureS. Konishi
166-172Materials needs for fusion, Generation IV fission reactors and spallation neutron sources – similarities and differencesL. K. Mansur, A. F. Rowcliffe, R. K. Nanstad, S. J. Zinkle, W. R. Corwin, R. E. Stoller
173-177Overview of recent European materials R&D activities related to ITERA. T. Peacock, V. Barabash, W. Dänner, M. Rödig, P. Lorenzetto, P. Marmy, M. Merola, B. N. Singh, S. Tähtinen, J. van der Laan, C. H. Wu
178-182Overview on materials R&D activities in Japan towards ITER construction and operationH. Takatsu, K. Sato, K. Hamada, M. Nakahira, S. Suzuki, H. Nakajima, T. Kuroda, T. Nishitani, T. Shikama, W. Shu
183-187Experimental evaluation of tritium permeation through stainless steel tubes of heat exchanger from primary to secondary water in ITERHirofumi Nakamura, Masataka Nishi
188-192In-beam mechanical testing of CuCrZrP. Marmy
193-197IFMIF accelerator facilityR. A. Jameson, R. Ferdinand, H. Klein, J. Rathke, J. Sredniawski, M. Sugimoto
198-201Low activation materials applicable to the IFMIF acceleratorM. Sugimoto, H. Takeuchi
202-207Present status of the liquid lithium target facility in the international fusion materials irradiation facility (IFMIF)Hiroo Nakamura, B. Riccardi, N. Loginov, K. Ara, L. Burgazzi, S. Cevolani, G. Dell'Orco, C. Fazio, D. Giusti, H. Horiike, M. Ida, H. Ise, H. Kakui, H. Matsui, G. Micciche, T. Muroga, Hideo Nakamura, K. Shimizu, M. Sugimoto, A. Suzuki, et al.
208-212High speed lithium flow experiments for IFMIF targetH. Kondo, A. Fujisato, N. Yamaoka, S. Inoue, S. Miyamoto, F. Sato, T. Iida, H. Horiike, I. Matushita, M. Ida, Hideo Nakamura, Hiroo Nakamura, T. Muroga
213-217Assessment of the 3H and 7Be generation in the IFMIF lithium loopS. P. Simakov, U. Fischer, U. von Möllendorff
218-222Experimental studies on the neutron emission spectrum and activation cross-section for 40 MeV deuterons in IFMIF accelerator structural elementsM. Hagiwara, T. Itoga, M. Baba, M. S. Uddin, N. Hirabayashi, T. Oishi, T. Yamauchi
223-227Overview on the IFMIF test cell developmentV. Heinzel, P. Bem, E. Esposito, S. Gordeev, U. Fischer, A. Moeslang, S. Simakov, A. Shimizu, M. Sugimoto, I. Tiseanu, P. Vladimirov, Y. Watanabe, T. Yutani
228-232Transmutation behaviour of Eurofer under irradiation in the IFMIF test facility and fusion power reactorsU. Fischer, S. P. Simakov, P. P. H. Wilson
233-237Comparison of material irradiation conditions for fusion, spallation, stripping and fission neutron sourcesP. Vladimirov, A. Möslang
238-242Design of new Fe–9CrWV reduced-activation martensitic steels for creep properties at 650 °CY. de Carlan, M. Murugananth, T. Sourmail, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia
243-247Reduced activation martensitic steels as a structural material for ITER test blanketK. Shiba, M. Enoeda, S. Jitsukawa
248-251Fatigue crack growth behavior of JLF-1 steel including TIG weldmentsS. W. Kim, H. K. Yoon, W. J. Park, A. Kohyama
252-256Cyclic instability of martensite laths in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steelsA. F. Armas, C. Petersen, R. Schmitt, M. Avalos, I. Alvarez
257-262Materials design data for reduced activation martensitic steel type EUROFERA. -A. F. Tavassoli, A. Alamo, L. Bedel, L. Forest, J. -M. Gentzbittel, J. -W. Rensman, E. Diegele, R. Lindau, M. Schirra, R. Schmitt, H. C. Schneider, C. Petersen, A. -M. Lancha, P. Fernandez, G. Filacchioni, M. F. Maday, K. Mergia, N. Boukos, Baluc, P. Spätig, et al.
263-267Thermal fatigue behaviour of different candidate structural materials: a comparative studyG. Filacchioni, E. Casagrande, U. De Angelis, G. De Santis, D. Ferrara, L. Pilloni
268-272Study of irradiation effects in China low activation martensitic steel CLAMQunying Huang, Jiangang Li, Yixue Chen
273-277Grain boundary microchemistry and metallurgical characterization of Eurofer'97 after simulated service conditionsP. Fernández, M. García-Mazarío, A. M. Lancha, J. Lapeña
278-282Tensile properties of a tempered martensitic iron–chromium–carbon model alloyR. Bonadé, P. Spätig, M. Victoria, T. Yamamoto, G. R. Odette
283-288Microstructure property analysis of HFIR-irradiated reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steelsH. Tanigawa, N. Hashimoto, H. Sakasegawa, R. L. Klueh, M. A. Sokolov, K. Shiba, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kohyama
289-293SANS investigation of proton-irradiated EUROFER97P. Spätig, R. Schäublin, N. Baluc, J. Kohlbrecher, M. Victoria
294-298Synergistic effect of helium and hydrogen for defect evolution under multi-ion irradiation of Fe–Cr ferritic alloysT. Tanaka, K. Oka, S. Ohnuki, S. Yamashita, T. Suda, S. Watanabe, E. Wakai
299-303Creep rupture properties of nitrogen added 10Cr ferritic/martensitic steelsSung Ho Kim, B. J. Song, Woo Seog Ryu, Jun Hwa Hong
304-308Microstructural examination of low activation ferritic steels following irradiation in ORR at 330 and 400 °C to not, vert, similar10 dpaD. S. Gelles
309-313Microstructure and mechanical properties of F82H weld metal irradiated in SINQ target-3Xuejun Jia, Y. Dai
314-318Microstructure and mechanical properties of ferritic/martensitic steel EP-823 after neutron irradiation to high doses in BOR-60S. I. Porollo, A. M. Dvoriashin, Yu. V. Konobeev, F. A. Garner
319-323Influence of high dose neutron irradiation on microstructure of EP-450 ferritic–martensitic steel irradiated in three Russian fast reactorsA. M. Dvoriashin, S. I. Porollo, Yu. V. Konobeev, F. A. Garner
324-327Effects of heat treatment process for blanket fabrication on mechanical properties of F82HT. Hirose, K. Shiba, T. Sawai, S. Jitsukawa, M. Akiba
328-332Creep deformation of iron strengthened by MX type particlesM. Tamura, H. Sakasegawa, A. Kohyama, H. Esaka, K. Shinozuka
333-337Assessment of ODS-14%Cr ferritic alloy for high temperature applicationsA. Alamo, V. Lambard, X. Averty, M. H. Mathon
338-341Nanometer scale precipitation in ferritic MA/ODS alloy MA957M. K. Miller, D. T. Hoelzer, E. A. Kenik, K. F. Russell
342-346Ring-tensile properties of irradiated oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic/martensitic steel claddingsT. Yoshitake, Y. Abe, N. Akasaka, S. Ohtsuka, S. Ukai, A. Kimura
347-351TEM characterization of structure and composition of nanosized ODS particles in reduced activation ferritic–martensitic steelsM. Klimiankou, R. Lindau, A. Möslang
352-355Irradiation creep and swelling from 400 to 600 °C of the oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic alloy MA957M. B. Toloczko, D. S. Gelles, F. A. Garner, R. J. Kurtz, K. Abe
356-361Tube manufacturing trials by different routes in 9CrW-ODS martensitic steelsS. Ukai, T. Narita, A. Alamo, P. Parmentier
362-368Effect of particle morphology and microstructure on strength, work-hardening and ductility behaviour of ODS-(7–13)Cr steelsD. Preininger
369-371TEM examination of microstructural evolution during processing of 14CrYWTi nanostructured ferritic alloysH. Kishimoto, M. J. Alinger, G. R. Odette, T. Yamamoto
372-376Improvement of 9Cr-ODS martensitic steel properties by controlling excess oxygen and titanium contentsS. Ohtsuka, S. Ukai, M. Fujiwara, T. Kaito, T. Narita
377-381Nano-oxide particle stability of 9–12Cr grain morphology modified ODS steels under neutron irradiationS. Yamashita, N. Akasaka, S. Ohnuki
382-386The development and stability of Y–Ti–O nanoclusters in mechanically alloyed Fe–Cr based ferritic alloysM. J. Alinger, G. R. Odette, D. T. Hoelzer
387-391Corrosion properties of oxide dispersion strengthened steels in super-critical water environmentH. S. Cho, A. Kimura, S. Ukai, M. Fujiwara
392-396Y2O3 nano-particle formation in ODS ferritic steels by Y and O dual ion-implantationD. Sakuma, S. Yamashita, K. Oka, S. Ohnuki, L. E. Rehn, E. Wakai
397-400Deuterium retention in V–4Cr–4Ti alloy after deuterium ion irradiationY. Yamauchi, T. Yamada, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino, T. Muroga
401-405The development of advanced vanadium alloys for fusion applicationsJ. M. Chen, T. Muroga, S. Y. Qiu, T. Nagasaka, W. G. Huang, M. J. Tu, Y. Chen, Y. Xu, Z. Y. Xu
406-410Radiochemical reprocessing of V–Cr–Ti alloy and its feasibility studyS. A. Bartenev, I. B. Kvasnitskij, B. N. Kolbasov, P. V. Romanov, V. N. Romanovskij
411-415Influence of heat treatment on hydrogen ingress into V–4Cr–4Ti alloyRyo Hayakawa, Yuji Hatano, Ken-ichi Fukumoto, Hideki Matsui, Kuniaki Watanabe
416-419Creep rupture properties of helium implanted V–4Cr–4Ti alloy NIFS-HEAT-2Toshinori Chuto, Norikazu Yamamoto, Johsei Nagakawa, Yoshiharu Murase
420-424The precipitation behavior of ion irradiated V–4Cr–4Ti alloys at various oxygen and nitrogen levelsM. Hatakeyama, H. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida
425-428The study of temperature variation during HFIR irradiation on vanadiumH. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida
429-433Effect of the modes of thermomechanical treatment on the formation of the multiphase and grain structure of V–4Ti–4Cr alloysA. N. Tyumentsev, A. D. Korotaev, Yu. P. Pinzhin, I. A. Ditenberg, S. V. Litovchenko, Ya. V. Shuba, N. V. Shevchenko, V. A. Drobishev, M. M. Potapenko, V. M. Chernov
434-437Potential energy diagram for hydrogen near vanadium surfaceI. Takagi, T. Sugihara, T. Sasaki, K. Moritani, H. Moriyama
438-441Effect of precipitation and solution behavior of impurities on mechanical properties of low activation vanadium alloyA. Nishimura, A. Iwahori, N. J. Heo, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, S. -I. Tanaka
442-446Effects of purity on high temperature mechanical properties of vanadium alloysM. Koyama, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui
447-451Effect of neutron irradiation on the microstructure and hardness in particle dispersed ultra-fine grained V–Y alloysSengo Kobayashi, Yusuke Tsuruoka, Kiyomichi Nakai, Hiroaki Kurishita
452-456Influence of Cr, Ti concentrations on oxidation and corrosion resistance of V–Cr–Ti type alloysM. Fujiwara, K. Takanashi, M. Satou, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe, K. Kakiuchi, T. Furuya
457-461Mechanical properties and microstructures of high-chromium V–Cr–Ti type alloysK. Sakai, M. Satou, M. Fujiwara, K. Takanashi, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe
462-466High temperature strength of fine-grained, particle-dispersed V–(1.7–2.4)wt%Y alloys with different grain sizes and particle densitiesS. Oda, H. Kurishita, Y. Tsuruoka, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, H. Matsui
467-471Dislocation channel formation process in V–Cr–Ti alloys irradiated below 300 °CM. Sugiyama, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui
472-476Varying temperature effects on mechanical properties of vanadium alloys during neutron irradiationK. Fukumoto, H. Matsui, T. Muroga, S. J. Zinkle, D. T. Hoelzer, L. L. Snead
477-480Dynamic and static hydrogen effects on mechanical properties in pure vanadiumY. Wang, M. Kanedome, T. Yasuda, T. Suda, S. Watanabe, S. Ohnuki, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga
481-485Effect of alloying elements and neutron-irradiation on hydrogen behavior in V alloysS. Ohnuki, T. Yasuda, T. Suda, S. Watanabe, B. M. Oliver
486-491Effect of helium on dislocation loop formation and radiation swelling in SiCA. I. Ryazanov, A. V. Klaptsov, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, H. Kishimoto
492-496Development of new interface potential for evaluating strength of SiC/SiC composite jointH. Serizawa, C. A. Lewinsohn, H. Murakawa
497-501Thermal diffusivity/conductivity of Tyranno SA fiber- and Hi-Nicalon Type S fiber-reinforced 3-D SiC/SiC compositesR. Yamada, N. Igawa, T. Taguchi
502-506A model stress analysis of swelling in SiC/SiC composites as a function of fiber type and carbon interphase structureCharles H. Henager Jr., Edward A. Le, Russ H. Jones
507-512Effects of irradiation and post-irradiation annealing on the thermal conductivity/diffusivity of monolithic SiC and f-SiC/SiC compositesG. E. Youngblood, D. J. Senor, R. H. Jones
513-517The investigation of crack mechanism for Tyranno-SA SiC/SiC composites with ESI methodJ. Y. Yan, C. W. Chen, P. C. Fang, K. M. Yin, F. R. Chen, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, J. J. Kai
518-523Study of helium bubble formation in SiCf/PyC/β-SiC composites by dual-beam irradiationT. S. Duh, K. M. Yin, J. Y. Yan, P. C. Fang, C. W. Chen, J. J. Kai, F. R. Chen, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
524-529Limits on irradiation-induced thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity in silicon carbide materialsL. L. Snead
530-533Densification of SiCf/SiC composite by the multi-step of whisker growing and matrix fillingSuk Min Kang, Ji Yeon Park, Weon-Ju Kim, Soon Gil Yoon, Woo Seog Ryu
534-538High temperature characterization of reaction sintered SiC based materialsS. P. Lee, J. O. Jin, J. S. Park, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, H. K. Yoon, D. S. Bae, I. S. Kim
539-543Tyranno-SA/SiC composite with SiC nanowires in the matrix by CVI processW. Yang, H. Araki, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, Q. Hu, H. Suzuki, T. Noda
544-548Neutron irradiation effects on high-crystallinity and near-stoichiometry SiC fibers and their compositesT. Nozawa, T. Hinoki, L. L. Snead, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
549-553Damage evaluation of W-coated SiC by thermal conductivity measurementY. Lee, S. J. Son, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
554-557Preparation of silicon-based oxide layer on high-crystalline SiC fiber as an interphase in SiC/SiC compositesN. Igawa, T. Taguchi, R. Yamada, Y. Ishii, S. Jitsukawa
558-561Tailoring the microstructure of hot-pressed SiC by heat treatmentJ. S. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, J. K. Lee, J. J. Sha, H. K. Yoon
562-566Issues of low activation brazing of SiCf/SiC composites by using alloys without free siliconB. Riccardi, C. A. Nannetti, T. Petrisor, J. Woltersdorf, E. Pippel, S. Libera, L. Pilloni
567-571Fabrication and flexural properties of Tyranno-SA/SiC composites with carbon interlayer by CVIH. Araki, W. Yang, H. Suzuki, Q. Hu, C. Busabok, T. Noda
572-576Fabrication of advanced SiC fiber/F-CVI SiC matrix composites with SiC/C multi-layer interphaseT. Taguchi, T. Nozawa, N. Igawa, Y. Katoh, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kohyama, T. Hinoki, L. L. Snead
577-581Effect of He pre-implantation and neutron irradiation on mechanical properties of SiC/SiC compositeShuhei Nogami, Akira Hasegawa, Lance L. Snead, Russell H. Jones, Katsunori Abe
582-586Study of hydrogen effects on microstructural development of SiC base materials under simultaneous irradiation with He- and Si-ion irradiation conditionsA. Hasegawa, S. Miwa, S. Nogami, A. Taniguchi, T. Taguchi, K. Abe
587-591SiC/SiC composites through transient eutectic-phase route for fusion applicationsY. Katoh, A. Kohyama, T. Nozawa, M. Sato
592-596Effect of heat treatment on the tensile strength and creep resistance of advanced SiC fibersJ. J. Sha, T. Nozawa, J. S. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
597-601Calculation of radiation-induced deformation of SUS 316 in the ITER-relevant conditionJohsei Nagakawa, Keiko Ueno
602-606Effect of cold work on the irradiation creep of SUS 316LK. Ueno, J. Nagakawa, Y. Murase, N. Yamamoto
607-611Embrittlement of ER309L stainless steel clad by σ-phase and neutron irradiationI. S. Kim, J. S. Lee, A. Kimura
612-616Experimental investigation of stress effect on swelling and microstructure of Fe–16Cr–15Ni–3Mo–Nb austenitic stainless steel under low-temperature irradiation up to high damage dose in the BOR-60 reactorV. S. Neustroev, Z. E. Ostrovsky, V. K. Shamardin
617-620Influence of radiation-induced voids and bubbles on physical properties of austenitic structural alloysIouri I. Balachov, E. N. Shcherbakov, A. V. Kozlov, I. A. Portnykh, F. A. Garner
621-624The strong influence of displacement rate on void swelling in variants of Fe–16Cr–15Ni–3Mo austenitic stainless steel irradiated in BN-350 and BOR-60N. I. Budylkin, T. M. Bulanova, E. G. Mironova, N. M. Mitrofanova, S. I. Porollo, V. M. Chernov, V. K. Shamardin, F. A. Garner
625-629Characterization of 08Cr16Ni11Mo3 stainless steel irradiated in the BN-350 reactorO. P. Maksimkin, K. V. Tsai, L. G. Turubarova, T. Doronina, F. A. Garner
630-633Swelling and post-irradiated deformation structures in 18Cr–10Ni–Ti irradiated with heavy ionsO. V. Borodin, V. V. Bryk, A. S. Kalchenko, I. M. Neklyudov, A. A. Parkhomenko, V. N. Voyevodin
634-638Mechanical tests on the welding part of SS316LN after heat treatment for Nb3Sn superconducting conductorYusuke Kudo, Akira Sakasai, Kazuya Hamada, Katsutoshi Takano, Hideo Nakajima, Kiyoshi Okuno, Makoto Matsukawa, Hiroshi Tamai, Shinichi Ishida
639-642Effect of irradiation on the steels 316L/LN type to 12 dpa at 400 °CT. Bulanova, A. Fedoseev, G. Kalinin, B. Rodchenkov, V. Shamardin
643-647Effects of silicon, carbon and molybdenum additions on IASCC of neutron irradiated austenitic stainless steelsJ. Nakano, Y. Miwa, T. Kohya, T. Tsukada
648-651Effect of pre-strain and reheating on isothermal α martensite formation in Fe–25.5Ni–4Cr austenitic steelY. Nihei, Y. Hiraoka, Y. Kagaya, Y. Kohno, K. Shibata, H. Ohtsuka
652-656Study on irradiation induced corrosion behavior in austenitic stainless steel using hydrogen-ion bombardmentKeietsu Kondou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe
657-662Effects of water and irradiation temperatures on IASCC susceptibility of type 316 stainless steelTakashi Tsukada, Yukio Miwa, Shiro Jitsukawa, Kiyoyuki Shiba, Asao Ouchi
663-667Re-weldability of neutron irradiated Type 304 and 316L stainless steelsY. Morishima, M. Koshiishi, K. Kashiwakura, T. Hashimoto, S. Kawano
668-672Post-irradiation annealing effect on helium diffusivity in austenitic stainless steelsR. Katsura, J. Morisawa, S. Kawano, B. M. Oliver
673-677Plasma material interaction studies on low activation materials used for plasma facing or blanket componentT. Hino, Y. Hirohata, Y. Yamauchi, M. Hashiba, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, Y. Lee, T. Jinushi, M. Akiba, K. Nakamura, H. Yoshida, S. Sengoku, K. Tsuzuki, Y. Kusama, K. Yamaguchi, T. Muroga
678-682Impurity release and deuterium retention properties of a ferritic steel wall in JFT-2MH. Ogawa, Y. Yamauchi, K. Tsuzuki, H. Kawashima, M. Sato, K. Shinohara, K. Kamiya, S. Kasai, Y. Kusama, K. Yamaguchi, Y. Hirohata, M. Hashiba, T. Hino
683-686Neutronics benchmark experiment on tungstenP. Batistoni, M. Angelone, L. Petrizzi, M. Pillon
687-691High heat flux properties of pure tungsten and plasma sprayed tungsten coatingsX. Liu, S. Tamura, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, N. Noda, L. Yang, Z. Xu
692-696Thermal desorption and surface modification of He+ implanted into tungstenZhang Fu, N. Yoshida, H. Iwakiri, Zengyu Xu
697-701Estimation of carbon fibre composites as ITER divertor armourS. Pestchanyi, V. Safronov, I. Landman
702-705Structural analysis of a plasma facing component reinforced with fibrous metal matrix composite laminateJ. H. You, H. Bolt
706-710Formation of dust particles under the influence of intense thermal loadsY. Koza, E. Berthe, E. Lehmann, J. Linke, M. Rödig, E. Wessel, L. Singheiser
711-716High-temperature properties of joint interface of VPS-tungsten coated CFCS. Tamura, X. Liu, K. Tokunaga, Y. Tsunekawa, M. Okumiya, N. Noda, N. Yoshida
717-720Cross-section sensitivity analyses of 14 MeV Neutron Benchmark Experiment on TungstenI. Kodeli
721-725Investigation of compatibility of low activation ferritic steel with high performance plasma by full covering of inside vacuum vessel wall on JFT-2MK. Tsuzuki, K. Shinohara, K. Kamiya, H. Kawashima, M. Sato, G. Kurita, M. Bakhtiari, H. Ogawa, K. Hoshino, S. Kasai, K. Uehara, Y. Kusama, M. Yamamoto, T. Shibata, K. Kikuchi, H. Tsutsui, R. Shimada, T. Hino, Y. Hirohata, A. Amemiya, et al.
726-731Laser inertial fusion dry-wall materials response to pulsed ions at power-plant level fluencesT. J. Renk, T. J. Tanaka, C. L. Olson, R. R. Peterson, T. R. Knowles
732-736Modeling of erosion and deposition patterns on C–W and W–Ta twin limiters exposed to the TEXTOR edge plasmasK. Ohya, T. Tanabe, M. Rubel, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, T. Hirai, V. Philipps, A. Kirschner, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, S. Brezinsek, N. Noda
737-741Simulation study of dynamical material mixing on tungsten surfaces at elevated temperatures due to hydrogen and carbon mixed ion beam irradiationR. Kawakami, T. Shimada, Y. Ueda, M. Nishikawa
742-746Microscopic damage of materials exposed to glow discharge cleanings in LHDM. Miyamoto, M. Tokitani, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida, S. Masuzaki, A. Komori
747-751Carbon behavior on tungsten surface after carbon and hydrogen mixed beam irradiationT. Shimada, T. Funabiki, R. Kawakami, Y. Ueda, M. Nishikawa
752-756Effects of heat treatment on trapping and release of tritium from He pre-irradiated tungstenM. Matsuyama, S. Nakagawa, M. Enyama, K. Watanabe, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida
757-760Synergistic effects of high heat loading and helium irradiation of tungstenK. Tokunaga, S. Tamura, N. Yoshida, K. Ezato, M. Taniguchi, K. Sato, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba
761-765Desorption of helium from austenitic stainless steel heavily bombarded by low energy He ionsM. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, K. Tokunaga, H. Iwakiri, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida
766-770Post irradiation testing of samples from the irradiation experiments PARIDE 3 and PARIDE 4M. Roedig, W. Kuehnlein, J. Linke, D. Pitzer, M. Merola, E. Rigal, B. Schedler, E. Visca
771-774Effects of carbon impurity in fusion plasmas on erosion of RAF first wallY. Ueda, T. Funabiki, T. Shimada, R. Kawakami, M. Nishikawa
775-779Current status of ductile tungsten alloy development by mechanical alloyingY. Ishijima, H. Kurishita, K. Yubuta, H. Arakawa, M. Hasegawa, Y. Hiraoka, T. Takida, K. Takebe
780-784Effect of tungsten microstructure on blister formation by hydrogen and carbon mixed ion beam irradiationT. Funabiki, T. Shimada, Y. Ueda, M. Nishikawa
785-789Depth profile and retention of hydrogen isotopes in graphite tiles used in the W-shaped divertor of JT-60UY. Hirohata, Y. Oya, H. Yoshida, Y. Morimoto, T. Arai, K. Kizu, J. Yagyu, K. Masaki, Y. Gotoh, K. Okuno, N. Miya, T. Hino, S. Tanaka, T. Tanabe
790-794Deuterium retention in carbon dust and carbon–tungsten mixed dust prepared by deuterium arc dischargeH. Yoshida, M. Taniguchi, K. Yokoyama, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, M. Akiba, T. Hino
795-799Overview of tracer techniques in studies of material erosion, re-deposition and fuel inventory in tokamaksM. J. Rubel, J. P. Coad, K. Stenström, P. Wienhold, J. Likonen, G. F. Matthews, V. Philipps
800-803Material probe study for plasma facing wall of LHDY. Nobuta, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino, A. Sagara, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, N. Noda, O. Motojima, LHD Experimental Group
804-808SiC-fibre reinforced copper as heat sink material for fusion applicationsA. Brendel, C. Popescu, C. Leyens, J. Woltersdorf, E. Pippel, H. Bolt
809-813The effect of helium generation and irradiation temperature on tritium release from neutron irradiated berylliumI. B. Kupriyanov, V. A. Gorokhov, V. V. Vlasov, A. M. Kovalev, V. P. Chakin
814-819Assessment of the heating technique as a possible ex situ detritiation method for carbon wall materials from fusion machinesN. Bekris, C. H. Skinner, U. Berndt, C. A. Gentile, M. Glugla, A. Erbe, W. Pilz
820-824Thermal fatigue experiment of screw cooling tube under one-sided heating conditionKoichiro Ezato, Satoshi Suzuki, Kazuyoshi Sato, Masato Akiba
825-829Study of hydrogen isotope interaction with beryllium and carbon surfaces under their simultaneous exposure to stationary and powerful pulsed plasmaM. I. Guseva, V. M. Gureev, L. S. Danelyan, B. N. Kolbasov, S. N. Korshunov, I. D. Skorlupkin, V. G. Stolyarova, V. I. Vasil'ev, V. M. Strunnikov, V. V. Zatyokin, V. S. Kulikauskas
830-835Simulation study of sputtering erosion and impurity deposition on carbon and tungsten surfaces irradiated with deuterium plasmas including carbon impurityT. Mitani, R. Kawakami, S. Kuriu
836-839Measurement of deuterium and tritium retentions on the surface of JT-60 divertor tiles by means of nuclear reaction analysisK. Ochiai, T. Hayashi, C. Kutsukake, Y. Gotoh, K. Masaki, T. Arai, N. Miya, T. Nishitani
840-844Transmission electron microscopy of redeposition layers on graphite tiles used for open divertor armor of JT-60Yoshitaka Gotoh, Takashi Arai, Junichi Yagyu, Kei Masaki, Kozo Kodama, Naoyuki Miya
845-848In–out asymmetry of low-ZK. Masaki, J. Yagyu, Y. Miyo, Y. Gotoh, T. Arai, T. Hayashi, K. Kodama, T. Sasajima, A. Kaminaga, T. Tanabe, N Miya
849-854Evaluation of vacuum plasma-sprayed boron carbide protection for the stainless steel first wall of WENDELSTEIN 7-XH. Greuner, M. Balden, B. Boeswirth, H. Bolt, R. Gadow, P. Grigull, G. Hofmann, T. Huber, W. Kasparek, H. Kumric, S. Lindig, G. Matern, M. Mayer, R. Neu, H. Renner, J. Roth, M. Riegert-Escribano, J. Simon-Weidner, R. Wacker
855-859Modeling of beryllium sputtering and re-deposition in fusion reactor plasma facing componentsA. M. Zimin, L. S. Danelyan, N. G. Elistratov, V. M. Gureev, M. I. Guseva, B. N. Kolbasov, V. S. Kulikauskas, V. G. Stolyarova, N. N. Vasiliev, V. V. Zatekin
860-864Modified formula for the assessment of the thermal response of neutron irradiated CFCV. Barabash, L. L. Snead
865-869Room temperature creep–fatigue response of selected copper alloys for high heat flux applicationsMeimei Li, B. N. Singh, J. F. Stubbins
870-873Implanted hydrogen isotope retention and chemical behavior in boron thin films for wall conditioningY. Oya, H. Kodama, M. Oyaidzu, Y. Morimoto, M. Matsuyama, A. Sagara, N. Noda, K. Okuno
874-879Tritium profile in plasma-facing components following D–D operationK. Sugiyama, T. Tanabe, K. Miyasaka, K. Masaki, K. Tobita, N. Miya, V. Philipps, M. Rubel, C. H. Skinner, C. A. Gentile, T. Saze, K. Nishizawa
880-884Thermal desorption of deuterium from ion irradiated Be12TiH. Iwakiri, K. Yasunaga, N. Yoshida, M. Uchida, H. Kawamura
885-888Heat load test of beryllium and CuCrZr jointsH. Yamada, M. Uchida, M. Uda, T. Iwadachi, M. Nakamichi, H. Kawamura
889-893Studies on structural and chemical characterization for boron coating films deposited by PCVDH. Kodama, M. Oyaidzu, M. Sasaki, H. Kimura, Y. Morimoto, Y. Oya, M. Matsuyama, A. Sagara, N. Noda, K. Okuno
894-898Correlation between hydrogen isotope profiles and surface structure of divertor tiles in JT-60UY. Morimoto, Y. Oya, Y. Hirohata, H. Kodama, H. Yoshida, K. Kizu, J. Yagyu, K. Masaki, Y. Gotoh, N. Miya, K. Okuno, T. Tanabe
899-903Energetic deuterium and helium irradiation effects on chemical structure of CVD diamondM. Sasaki, Y. Morimoto, H. Kimura, K. Takahashi, K. Sakamoto, T. Imai, K. Okuno
904-908Behavior of tritium release from thin boron films deposited on SS316S. Nakagawa, M. Matsuyama, H. Kodama, Y. Oya, K. Okuno, A. Sagara, N. Noda, K. Watanabe
909-913High heat flux components in fusion devices: from current experience in Tore Supra towards the ITER challengeA. Grosman, P. Bayetti, P. Chappuis, J. J. Cordier, A. Durocher, F. Escourbiac, D. Guilhem, M. Lipa, G. Marbach, R. Mitteau, J. Schlosser
914-918Rupture analysis of CuCrZr plasma facing component during a loss of flow accident in Tore-SupraA. Durocher, M. Lipa, Ph. Chappuis, G. Martin, J. J. Cordier
iiEditorial board
vii-xviiContents (Parts A and B)
919-923Dynamic observation of the collapse process of a stacking fault tetrahedron by moving dislocationsYoshitaka Matsukawa, Steven J. Zinkle
924-928The effects of interfaces on radiation damage production in layered metal compositesH. L. Heinisch, F. Gao, R. J. Kurtz
929-932Anisotropic motion of point defects near edge dislocationsK. Sato, T. Yoshiie, T. Ishizaki, Q. Xu
933-937Release of helium from irradiation damage in Fe–9Cr ferritic alloyK. Ono, K. Arakawa, H. Shibasaki, H. Kurata, I. Nakamichi, N. Yoshida
938-941Effect of initial oxygen content on the void swelling behavior of fast neutron irradiated copperS. J. Zinkle, F. A. Garner
942-946Microstructural evolution in Fe and Fe–Cr model alloys after He+ ion irradiationsR. Sugano, K. Morishita, A. Kimura, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida
947-952Deformation microstructure of neutron-irradiated pure polycrystalline metalsN. Hashimoto, T. S. Byun, K. Farrell, S. J. Zinkle
953-957Impact of irradiation on the microstructure of nanocrystalline materialsN. Nita, R. Schaeublin, M. Victoria
958-962Microstructural change in AlMg3 alloy irradiated by spallation neutrons and high energy protonsD. Hamaguchi, Y. Dai
963-966Vacancy-type defect production in iron under ion beam irradiation investigated with positron beam Doppler broadening techniqueTakeo Iwai, Yasuo Ito, Masanori Koshimizu
967-970Detection of interstitial clusters in neutron irradiated Ni–Hf alloy by perturbed angular correlation and positron annihilation lifetime measurementsH. Okazawa, T. Yoshiie, T. Ishizai, K. Sato, Q. Xu, Y. Satoh, Y. Ohkubo, Y. Kawase
971-976Suppression of interstitial cluster diffusion by oversized solute atomsT. S. Hudson, S. L. Dudarev, A. P. Sutton
977-981Deuterium retention and release from highly irradiated annealed tungsten after exposure to a deuterium DC glow dischargeB. M. Oliver, R. A. Causey, S. A. Maloy
982-987Study of damage processes of silica by in situ hydrogen-ion-induced luminescence measurementsTomoko Yoshida, Tetsuo Tanabe, Manabu Watanabe, Shogo Takahara, Shintaro Mizukami
988-992Electron spin resonance measurement of irradiation defects in vitreous silica irradiated with neutrons and ion beamsKimikazu Moritani, Yoichi Teraoka, Ikuji Takagi, Hirotake Moriyama
993-997Correlation between embrittlement and bubble microstructure in helium-implanted materialsN. Yamamoto, T. Chuto, Y. Murase, J. Nagakawa
998-1002Plastic instability behavior of bcc and hcp metals after low temperature neutron irradiationT. S. Byun, K. Farrell, N. Hashimoto
1003-1007Helium effects on EUROFER97 martensitic steel irradiated by dual-beam from 1 to 50 dpa at 250 and 300 °C with 10 He appm/dpaGang Yu, Xiaoqiang Li, Jinnan Yu, Yican Wu, H. Kinoshita, H. Takahashi, M. Victoria
1008-1012Synergistic influence of displacement rate and helium/dpa ratio on swelling of Fe–(9, 12)Cr binary alloys in FFTF at not, vert, similar400 °CF. A. Garner, D. S. Gelles, L. R. Greenwood, T. Okita, N. Sekimura, W. G. Wolfer
1013-1016Influence of boron on void swelling in model austenitic steelsT. Okita, W. G. Wolfer, F. A. Garner, N. Sekimura
1017-1021Control of phosphorus inter-granular segregation in ferritic steelsZ. Lu, R. G. Faulkner, N. Sakaguchi, H. Kinoshita, H. Takahashi, P. E. J. Flewitt
1022-1028Relationship between dimensional changes and the thermal conductivity of neutron-irradiated SiCTadashi Maruyama, Masaaki Harayama
1029-1033Formation mechanism of bubbles and holes on tungsten surface with low-energy and high-flux helium plasma irradiation in NAGDIS-IIDai Nishijima, M. Y. Ye, N. Ohno, S. Takamura
1034-1037Impedance measurements of thin film ceramics under ion beam irradiationF. Sato, T. Tanaka, T. Kagawa, T. Iida
1038-1042Effect of electron-beam irradiation temperature on irradiation damage of high Mn–Cr steelD. S. Bae, S. H. Nahm, H. M. Lee, H. Kinoshita, T. Shibayama, H. Takahashi
1043-1047Modeling of neutron irradiation response for B2-type ordered alloysT. Hoshiya, S. Takaya, T. Nakagiri, K. Aoto
1048-1052Electronic excitation effects on radiation damage in insulators under ion irradiationN. Kishimoto, N. Okubo, O. A. Plaksin, Y. Takeda
1053-1056Microstructural changes of neutron irradiated ODS ferritic and martensitic steelsN. Akasaka, S. Yamashita, T. Yoshitake, S. Ukai, A. Kimura
1057-1061Helium bubble evolution in F82H-mod – correlation between SANS and TEMR. Coppola, M. Klimiankou, M. Magnani, A. Möslang, M. Valli
1062-1065Neutron degradation of UV enhanced optical fibers for fusion installation plasma diagnosticsD. Sporea, I. Vata, D. Dudu, Ana Danis
1066-1071In-beam fatigue behavior of F82H steel at 500 °CY. Murase, Johsei Nagakawa, K. Chuto, N. Yamamoto
1072-1077Evolution of cleared channels in neutron-irradiated pure copper as a function of tensile strainD. J. Edwards, B. N. Singh
1078-1082Mechanical properties of the European reference RAFM steel (EUROFER97) before and after irradiation at 300 °CEnrico Lucon, Rachid Chaouadi, Marc Decréton
1083-1087Radiation effects on the mechanical integrity of novel organic insulators for the ITER magnet coilsK. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. K. Maix, H. W. Weber, P. E. Fabian, N. A. Munshi
1088-1092Modeling tensile response and flow localization effects in selected copper alloysXiao Pan, Xianglin Wu, Meimei Li, J. F. Stubbins
1093-1097Bend-fatigue properties of 590 MeV proton irradiated JPCA and 316F SSS. Saito, K. Kikuchi, K. Usami, A. Ishikawa, Y. Nishino, M. Kawai, Y. Dai
1098-1102Fatigue properties of F82H irradiated at 523 K to 3.8 dpaYukio Miwa, Shiro Jitsukawa, Minoru Yonekawa
1103-1106Orientation dependent elastic interaction between a truncated stacking fault tetrahedron and a glissile dislocationM. Hiratani, V. V. Bulatov, H. M. Zbib
1107-1112Specimen size effects on ductile–brittle transition temperature in Charpy impact testingH. Kurishita, T. Yamamoto, M. Narui, H. Suwarno, T. Yoshitake, Y. Yano, M. Yamazaki, H. Matsui
1113-1116Irradiation resistance of Eurofer97 at 300 °C up to 10 dpaJ. Rensman, E. Lucon, J. Boskeljon, J. van Hoepen, R. den Boef, P. ten Pierick
1117-1121Specimen size effects on fracture toughness of JLF-1 reduced-activation ferritic steelH. Ono, R. Kasada, A. Kimura
1122-1126Effects of hydrogen on the mechanical properties of oxide dispersion strengthening steelsJ. S. Lee, A. Kimura, S. Ukai, M. Fujiwara
1127-1132Tensile properties of irradiated Cu single crystals and their temperature dependenceZ. Yao, R. Schäublin, M. Victoria
1133-1136Effect of tempering temperature and time on tensile properties of F82H irradiated by neutronsE. Wakai, T. Taguchi, T. Yamamoto, F. Takada
1137-1141Synergistic effect of displacement damage and helium atoms on radiation hardening in F82H at TIARA facilityM. Ando, E. Wakai, T. Sawai, H. Tanigawa, K. Furuya, S. Jitsukawa, H. Takeuchi, K. Oka, S. Ohnuki, A. Kohyama
1142-1146Mechanical characterization of austenitic stainless steel ion irradiated under external stressI. Ioka, M. Futakawa, A. Naito, Y. Nanjyo, K. Kiuchi, T. Naoe
1147-1150Impact of transmutation issues on interpretation of data obtained from fast reactor irradiation experimentsL. R. Greenwood, F. A. Garner
1151-1155‘Quantum core' interatomic potentials for transition metalsS. L. Dudarev
1156-1160Molecular dynamics simulation of displacement cascades in Fe–Cr alloysL. Malerba, D. Terentyev, P. Olsson, R. Chakarova, J. Wallenius
1161-1165Diffusivity of solute atoms, matrix atoms and interstitial atoms in Fe–Cr alloys: a molecular dynamics studyD. Terentyev, L. Malerba
1166-1169A multi-scale approach to radiation-induced segregation at various grain boundariesN. Sakaguchi, S. Watanabe, H. Takahashi, R. G. Faulkner
1170-1174Helium release and diffusion mechanism in SiC containing B4CYudi Pramono, Toyohiko Yano
1175-1179Development of an EAM potential for simulation of radiation damage in Fe–Cr alloysJ. Wallenius, I. A. Abrikosov, R. Chakarova, C. Lagerstedt, L. Malerba, P. Olsson, V. Pontikis, N. Sandberg, D. Terentyev
1180-1184Multiscale modeling of the brittle to ductile transitionS. J. Noronha, J. Huang, N. M. Ghoniem
1185-1189Cascade and subcascade structure in fission neutron irradiated fcc metals and their correlation to fusion neutron irradiationY. Satoh, M. Tsukada, H. Matsui, T. Yoshiie
1190-1193Atomistic simulations of threshold displacement energies in SiO2F. Mota, M. -J. Caturla, J. M. Perlado, E. Dominguez, A. Kubota
1194-1198Effects of chromium on the one-dimensional motion of interstitial-type dislocation loops in ironK. Arakawa, M. Hatanaka, H. Mori, K. Ono
1199-1203The effects of grain boundary structure on binding of He in FeR. J. Kurtz, H. L. Heinisch
1204-1207Diffusion and conversion of interstitial dumbbells in segregated ternary alloys under irradiationOleksandr Shepelyev, Naoto Sekimura, Hiroaki Abe
1208-1213Elementary processes in channeling deformation in FCC copper: a molecular dynamics studyYunmin Yang, Naoto Sekimura, Hiroaki Abe
1214-1218Modeling of radiation-induced segregation at grain boundaries in Fe–Cr–Ni alloysI. A. Stepanov, V. A. Pechenkin, Yu. V. Konobeev
1219-1222Defect energetics of β-SiC using a new tight-binding molecular dynamics modelM. Salvador, J. M. Perlado, A. Mattoni, F. Bernardini, L. Colombo
1223-1227Computer simulation of the dynamical and thermally activated motion of interstitial clusters in FeE. Kuramoto, K. Ohsawa, J. Imai, K. Obata, T. Tsutsumi
1228-1232Dislocation–stacking fault tetrahedron interaction: what can we learn from atomic-scale modellingYu. N. Osetsky, R. E. Stoller, Y. Matsukawa
1233-1237Hardening due to copper precipitates in α-iron studied by atomic-scale modellingD. J. Bacon, Yu. N. Osetsky
1238-1242Secondary factors influencing cascade damage formationRoger E. Stoller, Sylvain G. Guiriec
1243-1247A master curve analysis of F82H using statistical and constraint loss size adjustments of small specimen dataG. R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, H. Kishimoto, M. Sokolov, P. Spätig, W. J. Yang, J. -W. Rensman, G. E. Lucas
1248-1251In situ tritium recovery behavior from Li2TiO3 pebble bed under neutron pulse operationK. Tsuchiya, A. Kikukawa, T. Hoshino, M. Nakamichi, H. Yamada, D. Yamaki, M. Enoeda, E. Ishitsuka, H. Kawamura, H. Ito, K. Hayashi
1252-1255Tritium release kinetics from Li2TiO3 pebbles as prepared by soft-wet-chemistryS. Casadio, J. G. van der Laan, C. Alvani, A. J. Magielsen, M. P. Stijkel
1256-1259Observation of multiple O–D vibration peaks in Li2O using FT-IRTakuji Oda, Yasuhisa Oya, Satoru Tanaka
1260-1265Post-irradiation examinations of Li4SiO4 pebbles irradiated in the EXOTIC-8 experimentG. Piazza, A. Erbe, R. Rolli, O. Romer
1266-1269Tritium release from neutron-irradiated Li2O sintered pellets: isothermal annealing of tritium trapsTakaaki Tanifuji, Daiju Yamaki, Shiro Jitsukawa
1270-1273Hydrogen isotope behavior in Li2O at low temperature by FT-IRSatoru Tanaka, Takuji Oda, Yasuhisa Oya
1274-1278Modeling of HT and HTO release from irradiated lithium metazirconateS. Beloglazov, M. Nishikawa, M. Glugla, T. Kinjyo
1279-1282Observation of the microstructural changes in lithium titanate by multi-ion irradiationDaiju Yamaki, Tetsuya Nakazawa, Takaaki Tanifuji, Takeo Aruga, Shiro Jitsukawa, Kiichi Hojou
1283-1286Research on the preparation, electrical and mechanical properties of γ-LiAlO2 ceramicsZhaoyin Wen, Zhonghua Gu, Xiaohe Xu, Xiujian Zhu
1287-1290Tritium localisation and release from the ceramic pebbles of breederG. Kizane, J. Tiliks, A. Vitinimage, J. Rudzitis
1291-1294FT-IR study on interaction of irradiated deuteron with defects in Li2OHisashi Tanigawa, Satoru Tanaka, Mikio Enoeda, Masato Akiba
1295-1299Li ceramic pebbles chemical compatibility with Eurofer samples in fusion relevant conditionsL. C. Alves, E. Alves, M. R. da Silva, A. Paúl, A. La Barbera
1300-1304Non-stoichiometry of Li2TiO3 under hydrogen atmosphere conditionsTsuyoshi Hoshino, Hiroshi Kawamura, Masayuki Dokiya, Yoich Takahashi, Takayuki Terai, Michio Yamawaki
1305-1308Thermo-mechanical testing of Li–ceramic for the helium cooled pebble bed (HCPB) breeding blanketG. Dell'Orco, A. Ancona, A. DiMaio, M. Simoncini, G. Vella
1309-1312Modeling of tritium release from ceramic breeder materials by focusing on transport process in breeder grainH. Okabe, K. Munakata, Y. Yokoyama, A. Koga, Y. Narisato, R. -D. Penzhorn, K. Okuno
1313-1317Correlation between annihilation of radiation defects and tritium release in Li2TiO3Makoto Oyaidzu, Yasutomi Morimoto, Hiroshi Kodama, Masayoshi Sasaki, Hiromi Kimura, Kenzo Munakata, Moritami Okada, Keizo Kawamoto, Hirotake Moriyama, Masabumi Nishikawa, Kenji Okuno
1318-1321In-reactor experiment and the tritium diffusion coefficient in molten lithium–tin alloyYi Kang, Takayuki Terai
1322-1326Mobilization measurements from Flibe under argon and air flowG. Smolik, R. Pawelko, Y. Morimoto, K. Okuno, R. Anderl, D. Petti, T. Terai
1327-1331Deuterium/tritium behavior in Flibe and Flibe-facing materialsR. A. Anderl, S. Fukada, G. R. Smolik, R. J. Pawelko, S. T. Schuetz, J. P. Sharpe, B. J. Merrill, D. A. Petti, H. Nishimura, T. Terai, S. Tanaka
1332-1336Materials selection and design of a hydrogen measurement device in Pb–17LiA. Ciampichetti, I. Ricapito, G. Benamati, M. Zucchetti
1337-1341Non-destructive analysis of impurities in beryllium, affecting evaluation of the tritium breeding ratioY. Verzilov, K. Ochiai, A. Klix, S. Sato, M. Wada, M. Yamauchi, T. Nishitani
1342-1346Elemental development of beryllide electrode for pebble production by rotating electrode methodM. Uchida, M. Uda, T. Iwadachi, M. Nakamichi, H. Kawamura
1347-1352State of beryllium after irradiation at low temperature up to extremely high neutron dosesV. P. Chakin, I. B. Kupryanov, R. R. Melder
1353-1356Methods for the mitigation of the chemical reactivity of beryllium in steamF. Druyts, E. C. Alves, C. H. Wu
1357-1360Stability of titanium beryllide under water vaporK. Munakata, H. Kawamura, M. Uchida
1361-1364Purification of hydrogen isotopes using palladium molecular sieveLuo Wenhua, Shen Cansheng, Luo Xuejian
1365-1369Experimental study of cracking methane by Ni/SiO2 catalystS. Fukada, N. Nakamura, J. Monden, M. Nishikawa
1370-1373Enhancement of isotope exchange reactions over ceramic breeder material by deposition of catalyst metalY. Narisato, K. Munakata, A. Koga, Y. Yokoyama, T. Takata, H. Okabe
1374-1378Influence of blanket structural materials on liquid metal Pb–17Li flow in the FDSHongyan Wang, Yican Wu, Yan Ke, Weihua Wang, Qunying Huang
1379-1383Corrosion behavior of EUROFER steel in flowing eutectic Pb–17Li alloyJ. Konys, W. Krauss, Z. Voss, O. Wedemeyer
1384-1387Corrosion behaviour of EUROFER in Pb–17Li at 500 °CKarel Splíchal, Milan Zmítko
1388-1392High temperature oxidation behavior of ODS steelsT. Kaito, T. Narita, S. Ukai, Y. Matsuda
1393-1397Sodium compatibility of ODS steel at elevated temperatureEiichi Yoshida, Shoichi Kato
1398-1402An overview on tritium permeation barrier development for WCLL blanket conceptA. Aiello, A. Ciampichetti, G. Benamati
1403-1406Crystallization behavior of arc-deposited ceramic barrier coatingsF. Koch, R. Brill, H. Maier, D. Levchuk, A. Suzuki, T. Muroga, H. Bolt
1407-1410Al based coating on martensitic steelXiaoqiang Li, Gang Yu, Jinnan Yu, Kejiang Wang, Qunying Huang
1411-1413Properties of AlN coatings produced by RF sputtering methodA. Sawada, A. Suzuki, T. Terai, T. Muroga
1414-1418Chemical formation of erbium oxide layer on V–4Cr–4Ti during exposure to liquid lithium doped with erbiumZhenyu Yao, Akihiro Suzuki, Takeo Muroga, Koji Katahira
1419-1423Optimization of insulating coating formation technology on the structural materials for heavy liquid metal coolantsS. S. Pinaev, E. V. Muraviev, A. V. Beznosov, A. A. Molodsov
1424-1428A conception of formation and operation of CaO coating in regime of self-healingO. I. Yeliseyeva, V. M. Chernov, M. M. Potapenko, T. V. Tsaran
1429-1433Thermodynamic stability of oxide, nitride, and carbide coating materials in liquid Sn–25LiS. Sharafat, N. Ghoniem, S. Zinkle
1434-1437Radiation induced conductivity of ceramic coating materials under 14 MeV neutron irradiationT. Tanaka, A. Suzuki, T. Muroga, F. Sato, T. Iida, T. Nishitani
1438-1441KU1 and KS-4V quartz glass lenses for remote handling and diagnostic optical transmission systemsA. Moroño, R. Vila, E. R. Hodgson
1442-1445Laser induced damage enhancement due to stainless steel deposition on KS-4V and KU1 quartz glassesP. Martin, A. Moroño, E. R. Hodgson
1446-1450Radiation-induced disordering in magnesium aluminate spinel subjected to ionizing radiationM. Shimada, S. Matsumura, K. Yasuda, C. Kinoshita, Y. Chimi, N. Ishikawa, A. Iwase
1451-1455Influence of an electric field on the microstructure evolution of ion-irradiated aluminaK. Yasuda, K. Tanaka, M. Shimada, T. Yamamoto, S. Matsumura, C. Kinoshita
1456-1460Radiation-hardening techniques of dedicated optical fibres used in plasma diagnostic systems in ITERB. Brichard, A. Fernandez Fernandez, H. Ooms, F. Berghmans, M. Decréton, A. Tomashuk, S. Klyamkin, M. Zabezhailov, I. Nikolin, V. Bogatyrjov, E. Hodgson, T. Kakuta, T. Shikama, T. Nishitani, A. Costley, G. Vayakis
1461-1465Radiation-induced thermoelectric sensitivity in the mineral-insulated cable of magnetic diagnostic coils for ITERT. Nishitani, G. Vayakis, M. Yamauchi, T. Sugie, T. Kondoh, T. Shikama, E. Ishitsuka, H. Kawashima
1466-1470Relation between macroscopic length change and the crystal structure in heavily neutron-irradiated ceramicsMasafumi Akiyoshi, Naoaki Akasaka, Yoshiaki Tachi, Toyohiko Yano
1471-1475Neutron irradiation effects on isotope tailored aluminum nitride ceramics by a fast reactor up to 2 × l026 n/m2T. Yano, K. Inokuchi, M. Shikama, J. Ukai, S. Onose, T. Maruyama
1476-1480Modification of optical properties of Be mirrors under bombardment by deuterium ionsV. S. Voitsenya, A. F. Bardamid, V. N. Bondarenko, V. G. Konovalov, D. V. Orlinskij, I. V. Ryzhkov, A. N. Shapoval, A. F. Shtan', S. I. Solodovchenko, K. Yu. Vukolov
1481-1485Irradiation test of Mo- and W-mirrors for ITER by low energy deuterium ionsTatsuo Sugie, Satoshi Kasai, Masaki Taniguchi, Masaaki Nagatsu, Takeo Nishitani
1486-1489Neutron irradiation effects on properties of insulator coatings for ITER in-vessel componentsB. S. Rodchenkov, V. M. Ivanov, G. M. Kalinin, A. V. Kozlov, Yu. S. Strebkov, E. N. Scherbakov
1490-1494Non-linear optical properties of silica-glass-core-fiber waveguides under intense pulsed reactor irradiationO. A. Plaksin, N. Kishimoto, T. Shikama
1495-1498Optical characteristics of aluminum coated fused silica core fibers under 14 MeV fusion neutron irradiationK. Toh, T. Shikama, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, T. Suzuki, K. Okamoto, N. Shamoto, M. Yamauchi, T. Nishitani
1499-1502Effects of γ-ray and neutron irradiation on electrical characteristic of proton-conducting polymer electrolyte membranesT. Adachi, S. Nagata, N. Ohtsu, B. Tsuchiya, K. Toh, N. Morishita, M. Yamauchi, N. Nishitani, T. Shikama
1503-1506Temperature dependence of radiation induced optical transmission loss in fused silica core optical fibersK. Okamoto, K. Toh, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, T. Suzuki, N. Shamoto, T. Shikama
1507-1510Luminescence in SiO2 induced by MeV energy proton irradiationS. Nagata, S. Yamamoto, K. Toh, B. Tsuchiya, N. Ohtsu, T. Shikama, H. Naramoto
1511-1514Electrical conductivities of dense and porous alumina under reactor irradiationB. Tsuchiya, T. Shikama, S. Nagata, K. Toh, M. Narui, M. Yamazaki
1515-1519Surface roughening and grain orientation dependence of the erosion of polycrystalline stainless steel by hydrogen irradiationM. Balden, A. F. Bardamid, A. I. Belyaeva, K. A. Slatin, J. W. Davis, A. A. Haasz, M. Poon, V. G. Konovalov, I. V. Ryzhkov, A. N. Shapoval, V. S. Voitsenya
1520-1523Effect of Cr2O3 and NiO dopants in α-Al2O3 on its electrical conductivity under electron irradiationK. Shiiyama, A. Shiraishi, M. Kutsuwada, S. Matsumura, C. Kinoshita
1524-1528RIEMF in MgO and Al2O3 insulated MI cable ITER magnetic diagnostic coilsR. Vila, E. R. Hodgson
1529-1533Characterization of Eurofer-97 TIG-welded joints by FIMEC indentation testsR. Montanari, G. Filacchioni, B. Riccardi, M. E. Tata, G. Costanza
1534-1538Pressurized resistance welding technology development in 9Cr-ODS martensitic steelsM. Seki, K. Hirako, S. Kono, Y. Kihara, T. Kaito, S. Ukai
1539-1543Impact properties of NIFS-HEAT-2 (V–4Cr–4Ti) after YAG laser welding and neutron irradiation at 563 KTakuya Nagasaka, Nam-Jin Heo, Takeo Muroga, Arata Nishimura, Hideo Watanabe, Minoru Narui, Kenji Shinozaki
1544-1548Development of rapidly quenched brazing foils to join tungsten alloys with ferritic steelB. A. Kalin, V. T. Fedotov, O. N. Sevrjukov, A. Moeslang, M. Rohde
1549-1552Interfacial reactions and mechanical properties of W–SiC in-situ joints for plasma facing componentsS. J. Son, K. H. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama
1553-1557Manufacturing study of Be, W and CFC bonded structures for plasma-facing componentsM. Onozuka, S. Hirai, K. Kikuchi, Y. Oda, K. Shimizu
1558-1562Microstructural evolution and hardness changes in the interface of Cu/316L joint materials under aging and ion irradiationQ. Xu, T. Yoshiie, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida, T. Iwai, D. J. Edwards
1563-1566Direct joining of CFC to copperPietro Appendino, Monica Ferraris, Valentina Casalegno, Milena Salvo, Mario Merola, Marco Grattarola
1567-1570Elastic–plastic FEM analysis on low cycle fatigue behavior for alumina dispersion-strengthened copper/stainless steel jointH. Nishi
1571-1574Calculation of electronic structure at bonding interface between vanadium and oxide ceramics for insulator coating applicationsM. Satou, N. Komatsu, T. Sawada, K. Abe
1575-1579Desorption of water from iron oxide by laser irradiationK. Chiba, S. Tanaka, T. Yoneoka
1580-1584Microstructure and superconductivity of V-based Laves-phase superconductor tape synthesized by a rapidly-heating/quenching processYoshimitsu Hishinuma, Akihiro Kikuchi, Yasuo Iijima, Yuuji Yoshida, Takao Takeuchi, Arata Nishimura, Kiyoshi Inoue
1585-1589Damage evolution under bending and tensile stress and its influence on critical current of Bi2223/Ag superconducting composite tapeS. Ochiai, N. Miyazaki, D. Doko, T. Nagai, M. Nakamura, H. Okuda, S. S. Oh, M. Hojo, M. Tanaka, K. Osamura
1590-1593Induced activity of several candidate superconductor materials in a tokamak-type fusion reactorT. Noda, T. Takeuchi, M. Fujita
1594-1598Development of a helium-cooled divertor concept: design-related requirements on materials and fabrication technologyP. Norajitra, L. V. Boccaccini, E.Diegele, V. Filatov, A. Gervash, R. Giniyatulin, S. Gordeev, V. Heinzel, G. Janeschitz, J. Konys, W. Krauss, R. Kruessmann, S. Malang, I. Mazul, A. Moeslang, C. Petersen, G. Reimann, M. Rieth, G. Rizzi, M. Rumyantsev, et al.
1599-1604APEX advanced ferritic steel, Flibe self-cooled first wall and blanket designC. P. C. Wong, S. Malang, M. Sawan, I. Sviatoslavsky, E. Mogahed, S. Smolentsev, S. Majumdar, B. Merrill, R. Mattas, M. Friend, J. Bolin, S. Sharafat
1605-1609Impact of material system thermomechanics and thermofluid performance on He-cooled ceramic breeder blanket designs with SiCf/SiCAlice Y. Ying, Takehiko Yokomine, Akihiko Shimizu, Mohamed Abdou, Akira Kohyama
1610-1614Waste management for JAERI fusion reactorsK. Tobita, S. Nishio, S. Konishi, S. Jitsukawa
1615-1618Specification of stress limits for irradiated 316L(N)-IG steel in ITER structural design criteriaG. M. Kalinin, B. S. Rodchenkov, V. A. Pechenkin
1619-1623Irradiation and penetration tests of boron-doped low activation concrete using 2.45 and 14 MeV neutron sourcesAtsuhiko Morioka, Satoshi Sato, Masaharu Kinno, Akira Sakasai, Junichi Hori, Kentaro Ochiai, Michinori Yamauchi, Takeo Nishitani, Atsushi Kaminaga, Kei Masaki, Shinji Sakurai, Takao Hayashi, Makoto Matsukawa, Hiroshi Tamai, Shinichi Ishida
1624-1628Tritium uptake by SS316 and its decontaminationY. Torikai, R. -D. Penzhorn, M. Matsuyama, K. Watanabe
1629-1632Activation experiment with tungsten in fusion peak neutron fieldK. Seidel, R. Eichin, R. A. Forrest, H. Freiesleben, S. A. Goncharov, V. D. Kovalchuk, D. V. Markovskij, D. V. Maximov, S. Unholzer
1633-1637Extending the energy range of materials activation modellingR. A. Forrest
1638-1642Measurement and analysis of radioactivity induced in CuCrZr by D–T neutronsR. Eichin, C. Adelhelm, A. I. Blokhin, R. A. Forrest, H. Freiesleben, V. D. Kovalchuk, D. V. Markovskij, K. Seidel, S. Unholzer
1643-1647Transmutation and activation of reduced activation ferritic martensitic steel in molten salt cooled fusion power plantsE. T. Cheng
1648-1652Radioactivity of the vanadium-alloy induced by D–T neutron irradiationS. Sato, T. Tanaka, J. Hori, K. Ochiai, T. Nishitani, T. Muroga
1653-1658Fusion reactor radioactive materials and national waste management regulationsMassimo Zucchetti, Andrea Ciampichetti
1659-1686Author index
1687-1745Subject index

Volume 334, Issue 1, Pages 1-78 (15 August 2004)

iiEditorial board
1-8Electronic structure of UCxM. Eckle, R. Eloirdi, T. Gouder, M. Colarieti Tosti, F. Wastin, J. Rebizant
9-12Channelling studies on the lattice location of B atoms in graphiteEiichi Yagi, Tadao Iwata, Teruo Urai, Kiyoshi Ogiwara
13-27Electrochemical characterisation of nickel-based alloys in sulphate solutions at 320 °CJ. -M. Le Canut, S. Maximovitch, F. Dalard
28-34Reactivity of hydrogen peroxide towards Fe3O4, Fe2CoO4 and Fe2NiO4Maryam Abili Nejad, Mats Jonsson
35-39Reduction of UO22+ by H2Ella Ekeroth, Mats Jonsson, Trygve E. Eriksen, Kristina Ljungqvist, Sándor Kovács, Ignasi Puigdomenech
40-46Breakaway bubble growth during the annealing of helium bubbles in metalsJ. H. Evans
47-57Helium and xenon behaviour in irradiated Am-containing MgAl2O4 (reactor experiment EFTTRA-T4)T. A. G. Wiss, P. M. G. Damen, J-P. Hiernaut, C. Ronchi
58-64Hydrogen absorption by zirconium alloys at high temperaturesMartin Steinbrück
65-70Molecular dynamics simulations of CH3 sticking on carbon surfaces, angular and energy dependenceP. Träskelin, E. Salonen, K. Nordlund, J. Keinonen, C. H. Wu
71-78Correlation between irradiation-induced changes of microstructural parameters and mechanical properties of RPV steelsJ. Böhmert, H. -W. Viehrig, A. Ulbricht

Volume 334, Issues 2-3, Pages 79-238 (1 September 2004)

79-89Consideration of the effects of partial debonding of the IPyC and particle asphericity on TRISO-coated fuel behaviorGregory K. Miller, David A. Petti, John T. Maki
90-96Stability evaluation of fluorite structure phase in PuO2–UO2–ZrO2 system by thermodynamic modellingHajime Kinoshita, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
97-103Sticking coefficient and surface loss probability of eroded species during bombardment of carbon with deuteriumJ. Roth, C. Hopf
104-108Creep properties of a reduced activation 9Cr3WVTaB martensitic steel after helium implantationToshinori Chuto, Norikazu Yamamoto, Yoshiharu Murase, Johsei Nagakawa
109-114Selection of hardfacing material for components of the Indian Prototype Fast Breeder ReactorA.K. Bhaduri, R. Indira, S.K. Albert, B.P.S. Rao, S.C. Jain, S. Asokkumar
115-132Effect of cold work on low-temperature sensitization behaviour of austenitic stainless steelsV. Kain, K. Chandra, K.N. Adhe, P.K. De
133-138Curium vaporization from (Cm,Pu)2O3 and from irradiated oxide fuel: Mass spectrometric measurementJ.P. Hiernaut, C. Ronchi
139-142Thermal conductivity of strontium uranatesC.G.S. Pillai, S. Kaniyankandy, S.K. Kulshreshtha
143-148The hydrogen-induced ductility loss and strengthening of V-base alloysJ.M. Chen, S.Y. Qiu, T. Muroga, Y. Xu, T. Nagasaka, Y. Chen, Y. Deng, Z.Y. Xu
149-158Iodine transmutation studies using metal iodide targetsE. Ichimura, N. Takaki, R.P.C. Schram, R. Klein Meulekamp, K. Bakker
159-165Precipitation behavior in V–6W–4Ti, V–4Ti and V–4Cr–4Ti alloysJ.M. Chen, T. Muroga, T. Nagasaka, Y. Xu, C. Li, S.Y. Qiu, Y. Chen
166-168Sigma phase formation in irradiated tungsten, tantalum and molybdenum in a fusion power plantG.A. Cottrell
169-179The effect of conditioning by permanganate on the dissolution behavior of stellite particles in organic complexing acid mediumV. Subramanian, P. Chandramohan, M.P. Srinivasan, A.A. Sukumar, V.S. Raju, S. Velmurugan, S.V. Narasimhan
180-188Influence of dynamic strain aging on the dislocation structure developed in Zircaloy-4 during low-cycle fatigueI. Alvarez-Armas, S. Hereñú
189-194Carbothermic reduction of uranium oxides into solvent metallic bathsThomaz A. Guisard Restivo, José D.T. Capocchi
195-199Multi-component clustering in VVER-type pressure vessel steels – thermodynamic aspects and impact on SANSA. Gokhman, J. Böhmert, A. Ulbricht
200-206Analysis on volume fraction and crystal orientation relationship of monoclinic and tetragonal oxide grown on Zr–2.5Nb alloyJianlong Lin, Hualong Li, Cheol Nam, Jerzy A. Szpunar
207-213Solid state reactions of CeO2, PuO2, (U,Ce)O2 and (U,Pu)O2 with K2S2O8Meera Keskar, U.M. Kasar, K.D. Singh Mudher, V. Venugopal
214-216Generation of surface degraded layer on austenitic stainless steel piping exposed to flowing sodium in a loop: intercomparison of long-term exposure dataS. Rajendran Pillai
217-221Authors's reply to `Generation of surface degraded layer on austenitic stainless steel piping exposed to flowing sodium in a loop: inter comparison of long term exposure data', by S. Rajendran PillaiVaidehi Ganesan, V. Ganesan, H.U. Borgstedt
222-224Comment on ‘Plutonium chemistry: a synthesis of experimental data and a quantitative model for plutonium oxide solubility’ by J.M. Haschke and V.M. OversbyT.W. Newton, David E. Hobart
225-228Author’s reply to “Comment on ‘Plutonium chemistry: a synthesis of experimental data and a quantitative model for plutonium oxide solubility’ by J.M. Haschke and V.M. Oversby”John M. Haschke
229-231Author index
232-237Subject index

Volume 335, Issue 1, Pages 1-145 (1 October 2004)

ii-iiEditorial board
1-4Thermal properties of plasma-sprayed tungsten depositsHyun-Ki Kang
5-13Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of the dissolution of thoria-urania solid solutionsG. Heisbourg, S. Hubert, N. Dacheux, J. Purans
14-32Glass–ceramic nuclear waste forms obtained from SiO2–Al2O3–CaO–ZrO2–TiO2 glasses containing lanthanides (Ce, Nd, Eu, Gd, Yb) and actinides (Th): study of internal crystallizationP. Loiseau, D. Caurant, N. Baffier, L. Mazerolles, C. Fillet
33-38The neutron irradiation effect on mechanical properties of HIP joint materialHirokazu Yamada, Hiroshi Kawamura, Kunihiko Tsuchiya, George Kalinin, Yoshiharu Nagao, Satoshi Sato, Kensuk Mohri
39-47Post-irradiation examination of uranium–7 wt% molybdenum atomized dispersion fuelA. Leenaers, S. Van den Berghe, E. Koonen, C. Jarousse, F. Huet, M. Trotabas, M. Boyard, S. Guillot, L. Sannen, M. Verwerft
48-58Textural and microstructural developments during fabrication of Zr–2.5Nb pressure tubesM. Kiran Kumar, C. Vanitha, I. Samajdar, G.K. Dey, R. Tewari, D. Srivastava, S. Banerjee
59-69Dissimilar welding of nickel-based Alloy 690 to SUS 304L with Ti additionH.T. Lee, S.L. Jeng, C.H. Yen, T.Y. Kuo
70-76Release behavior of bred tritium from LiAlO2M. Nishikawa, T. Kinjyo, T. Ishizaka, S. Beloglazov, T. Takeishi, M. Enoeda, T. Tanifuji
77-82Embrittlement of RAFM EUROFER97 by implanted hydrogenC. Liu, H. Klein, P. Jung
83-102Microstructural evolution of Y2O3 and MgAl2O4 ODS EUROFER steels during their elaboration by mechanical milling and hot isostatic pressingC. Cayron, E. Rath, I. Chu, S. Launois
103-107Manufacturing pressurized creep tubes from highly purified V–4Cr–4Ti alloys, NIFS-Heat2K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui, M. Narui, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga
108-114The effect of grain boundary misorientation on the intergranular M23C6 carbide precipitation in thermally treated Alloy 690Yun Soo Lim, Joung Soo Kim, Hong Pyo Kim, Hai Dong Cho
115-120Temperature dependence of liquid Sn sputtering by low-energy He+ and D+ bombardmentM.D. Coventry, J.P. Allain, D.N. Ruzic
121-145Simulation of radiation damage in Fe alloys: an object kinetic Monte Carlo approachC. Domain, C.S. Becquart, L. Malerba

Volume 335, Issue 2, Pages 147-298 (1 November 2004)

Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Materials for Hybrid Reactors and Related Technologies Rome, Italy 20031013/15 Edited by C. Fazio, J.U. Knebel, G. Benamati
147PrefaceC. Fazio, J.U. Knebel, G. Benamati
148-155The experimental accelerator driven system (XADS) designs in the EURATOM 5th framework programmeLuciano Cinotti, Benoit Giraud, H. Aït Abderrahim
156-162The MEGAPIE 1 MW target in support to ADS development: status of R&D and designF. Groeschel, C. Fazio, J. Knebel, Ch. Perret, A. Janett, G. Laffont, L. Cachon, Th. Kirchner, A. Cadiou, A. Guertin, P. Agostini
163-168Behavior of steels in flowing liquid PbBi eutectic alloy at 420–600 °C after 4000–7200 hG. Müller, A. Heinzel, J. Konys, G. Schumacher, A. Weisenburger, F. Zimmermann, V. Engelko, A. Rusanov, V. Markov
169-173Corrosion behaviour of stainless steels in flowing LBE at low and high oxygen concentrationA. Aiello, M. Azzati, G. Benamati, A. Gessi, B. Long, G. Scaddozzo
174-179Corrosion of stainless steels in lead–bismuth eutectic up to 600 °CL. Soler, F.J. Martín, F. Hernández, D. Gómez-Briceño
180-184Corrosion behaviour of aluminized martensitic and austenitic steels in liquid Pb–BiPh. Deloffre, F. Balbaud-Célérier, A. Terlain
185-188Corrosion behaviour of steels in lead–bismuth at 823 KF. Gnecco, E. Ricci, C. Bottino, A. Passerone
189-193Effect of oxygen concentration and temperature on compatibility of ODS steel with liquid, Stagnant Pb45Bi55T. Furukawa, G. Müller, G. Schumacher, A. Weisenburger, A. Heinzel, K. Aoto
194-198Oxide layer stability in lead–bismuth at high temperatureF.J. Martı́n, L. Soler, F. Hernández, D. Gómez-Briceño
199-203Mass transfer of iron impurities in LBE loops under non-isothermal flow conditionsT. Malkow, H. Steiner, H. Muscher, J. Konys
204-209Influence of the Pb–Bi hydrodynamics on the corrosion of T91 martensitic steel and pure ironF. Balbaud-Célérier, A. Terlain
210-216The impact of the composition of structural steels on their corrosion stability in liquid Pb–Bi at 500 and 400 °C with different oxygen concentrationsGeorgi Ilinc̆ev, Dalibor Kárník, Martin Paulovic̆, Alena Doubková
217-221Mechanical properties of martensitic steels after exposure to flowing liquid metalsA. Aiello, M. Agostini, G. Benamati, B. Long, G. Scaddozzo
222-226Mechanical behaviour of the T91 martensitic steel under monotonic and cyclic loadings in liquid metalsJ.-B. Vogt, A. Verleene, I. Serre, A. Legris
227-231Effect of contact conditions on embrittlement of T91 steel by lead–bismuthT. Auger, G. Lorang, S. Guérin, J.-L. Pastol, D. Gorse
232-238Preliminary results of post-irradiation examinations on LiSoR-2 test sectionY. Dai, H. Glasbrenner, V. Boutellier, R. Bruetsch, X. Jia, F. Groeschel
239-243Bending tests on T91 steel in Pb–Bi eutectic, Bi and Pb–Li eutecticH. Glasbrenner, F. Gröschel
244-248Influence of Zn as a spallation product on the behaviour of martensitic steel T91 and austenitic steel 316L in liquid Pb–BiPh. Deloffre, A. Terlain
249-253Oxygen measurements in stagnant lead–bismuth eutectic using electrochemical sensorsJ. Konys, H. Muscher, Z. Voß, O. Wedemeyer
254-259Electrochemical oxygen sensors for on-line monitoring in lead–bismuth alloys: status of developmentJ.-L. Courouau
260-263Characterisation of an oxygen sensor based on In/In2O3 reference electrodeS. Colominas, J. Abellà, L. Victori
264-269Chemistry control analysis of lead alloys systems to be used as nuclear coolant or spallation targetJ.-L. Courouau, J.-C. Robin
270-274Polonium formation in Pb–55.5Bi under proton irradiationH. Glasbrenner, J. Eikenberg, F. Gröschel, L. Zanini
275-279The re-crystallization issue in lead–bismuth technologyP. Agostini, E. Baicchi, A. Zucchini, G. Benamati
280-285Turbulent heavy liquid metal heat transfer along a heated rod in an annular cavityC.-H. Lefhalm, N.-I. Tak, H. Piecha, R. Stieglitz
286-292Turbulent heat mixing of a heavy liquid metal flow within the MEGAPIE window geometry: The heated jet experimentsM. Daubner, A. Batta, F. Fellmoser, C.-H. Lefhalm, K.-J. Mack, R. Stieglitz
293-298Testing and qualification of CIRCE instrumentation based on bubble tubesW. Ambrosini, M. Azzati, G. Benamati, G. Bertacci, L. Cinotti, N. Forgione, F. Oriolo, G. Scaddozzo, M. Tarantino

Volume 335, Issue 3, Pages EX1-EX4, 299-552 (1 December 2004)

299-301Studies on weldability of Ti–5Ta–1.8Nb alloyT. Karthikeyan, Arup Dasgupta, S. Saroja, M. Vijayalakshmi, V.S. Raghunathan
302-310Solid state synthesis of Mg–Ni ferrite and characterization by XRD and XPSV.K. Mittal, Santanu Bera, R. Nithya, M.P. Srinivasan, S. Velmurugan, S.V. Narasimhan
311-321Microstructural investigation of the stability under irradiation of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steelsI. Monnet, P. Dubuisson, Y. Serruys, M.O. Ruault, O. Kaı¨tasov, B. Jouffrey
322-334A creep rupture criterion for Zircaloy-4 fuel cladding under internal pressureRoger Limon, Sylvie Lehmann
335-344Impact properties of 304L stainless steel GTAW joints evaluated by high strain rate of compression testsWoei-Shyan Lee, Chi-Feng Lin, Chen-Yang Liu, Fan-Tzung Tzeng
345-352Thermodynamic modelling of LiF–LnF3 and LiF–AnF3 phase diagramsJ.P.M. van der Meer, R.J.M. Konings, M.H.G. Jacobs, H.A.J. Oonk
353-358Tritium management in the first-wall materials of A-DC and TAURO blanketsG.A. Esteban, A. Perujo, F. Legarda
359-365Characterization of hydrogen concentration in Zircaloy claddings using a low-frequency acoustic microscope with a PVDF/LFB transducerChe-Hua Yang, Ming-Fong Huang
366-378Assessment of the constitutive properties from small ball punch test: experiment and modelingE.N. Campitelli, P. Spätig, R. Bonadé, W. Hoffelner, M. Victoria
379-386Long-lived activation products in TRIGA Mark II research reactor concrete shield: calculation and experimentTomaž Žagar, Matjaž Božič, Matjaž Ravnik
387-396Delayed hydride cracking in Zr–2.5Nb tube with the cooling rate and the notch tip shapeYoung Suk Kim, Sang Jai Kim, Kyung Soo Im
397-409Synthesis and characterization of low-temperature precursors of thorium–uranium (IV) phosphate–diphosphate solid solutionsN. Clavier, N. Dacheux, P. Martinez, V. Brandel, R. Podor, P. Le Coustumer
410-416Laser ablation tests performed on TORE-SUPRA graphite samplesF. Le Guern, C. Hubert, S. Mousset, E. Gauthier, C. Blanc, P. Wodling, J.M. Weulersse
417-424Analysis on Lift-Off experiment in Halden reactor by FEMAXI-6 codeM. Suzuki, K. Kusagaya, H. Saitou, T. Fuketa
425-432Alkali ion exchange in γ-irradiated glassesMichael I. Ojovan, William E. Lee
433-442Crystal structure and grain size of Zr oxide characterized by synchrotron radiation microdiffractionJeong-Yong Park, Hyun-Gil Kim, Yong Hwan Jeong, Youn-Ho Jung
443-456Oxidation kinetics of Zircaloy-4 and Zr–1Nb–1Sn–0.1Fe at temperatures of 700–1200 °CJong Hyuk Baek, Ki Bum Park, Yong Hwan Jeong
457-461Post irradiation plastic properties of F82H derived from the instrumented tensile testsT. Taguchi, S. Jitsukawa, M. Sato, S. Matsukawa, E. Wakai, K. Shiba
462-470Characterization and densification studies on ThO2–UO2 pellets derived from ThO2 and U3O8 powdersT.R.G. Kutty, P.V. Hegde, K.B. Khan, T. Jarvis, A.K. Sengupta, S. Majumdar, H.S. Kamath
471-486Deformation mode maps for tensile deformation of neutron-irradiated structural alloysK. Farrell, T.S. Byun, N. Hashimoto
487-492The influence of proton irradiation on the corrosion of HT-9 during immersion in lead bismuth eutecticR.S. Lillard, M. Paciotti, V. Tcharnotskaia
493-500Desorption of water adsorbed on iron oxide by laser irradiationK. Chiba, S. Tanaka, T. Yoneoka
501-507Corrosion behavior of Al-surface-treated steels in liquid Pb–Bi in a potY. Kurata, M. Futakawa, S. Saito
508-514Synergistic effects of implanted helium and hydrogen and the effect of irradiation temperature on the microstructure of SiC/SiC compositesT. Taguchi, N. Igawa, S. Miwa, E. Wakai, S. Jitsukawa, L.L. Snead, A. Hasegawa
515-519Tungsten erosion in the baffle and outboard regions of the ITER-like ASDEX Upgrade divertorH. Maier and ASDEX Upgrade Team
520-528Micro-texture of extruded Zr–2.5Nb tubesR.A. Holt, Pingshun Zhao
529-533Volume conservation during irradiation growth of Zr–2.5NbR.A. Holt, A.R. Causey
535-539Author index
540-552Subject index

Volume 336, Issue 1, Pages 1-134 (1 January 2005)

iiEditorial board
1-10Corrosion behaviors of US steels in flowing lead–bismuth eutectic (LBE)Jinsuo Zhang, Ning Li, Yitung Chen, A.E. Rusanov
11-21Numerical evaluation of the dislocation loop biasV.I. Dubinko, A.S. Abyzov, A.A. Turkin
22-30Structural recovery of self-irradiated natural and 238Pu-doped zircon in an acidic solution at 175 °CThorsten Geisler, Boris Burakov, Maria Yagovkina, Vladimir Garbuzov, Maria Zamoryanskaya, Vladimir Zirlin, Larisa Nikolaeva
31-39Change in flow stress and ductility of δ-phase Pu–Ga alloys due to self-irradiation damageA. Arsenlis, W.G. Wolfer, A.J. Schwartz
40-46Separation of uranium from (U, Th)O2 and (U, Pu)O2 by solid state reactions routeMeera Keskar, K.D. Singh Mudher, V. Venugopal
47-53Corrosion behavior of Inconel 690 and 693 in an iron phosphate meltDongmei Zhu, Cheol-Woon Kim, Delbert E. Day
54-64Hydride phase dissolution enthalpy in neutron irradiated Zircaloy-4P. Vizcaı́no, A.D. Banchik, J.P. Abriata
65-72Pitting corrosion of the laser surface melted Alloy 600Yun Soo Lim, Joung SooKim, Hyuk Sang Kwon
73-80Experimental studies of mechanical properties of solid zirconium hydridesM.P. Puls, San-Qiang Shi, J. Rabier
81-89Ion-induced amorphization in ceramic materialsG. Szenes
90-96Small-angle neutron scattering study on the effect of hydrogen in irradiated reactor pressure vessel steelsA. Ulbricht, J. Böhmert, M. Uhlemann, G. Müller
97-109Design feasibility study of a divertor component reinforced with fibrous metal matrix composite laminateJeong-Ha You
110-112The standard molar enthalpy of formation of CdMoO4M. Ali (Basu), S.R. Bharadwaj, D. Das
113-119High-pressure hydriding of Zircaloy cladding by the thermogravimetry and tube-burst techniquesHyun Seon Hong, Lembit Sihver, D.R. Olander, L. Hallstadius
120-124Surface modification of Hastelloy C-276 by SiC addition and electron beam meltingM. Ahmad, J.I. Akhter, M. Iqbal, M. Akhtar, E. Ahmed, M.A. Shaikh, K. Saeed
125-134A model study of displacement cascades distributions in zirconiumM. Hou, D. Kulikov

Volume 336, Issues 2-3, Pages 135-380 (1 February 2005)

135-139A perturbed hard-sphere-chain equation of state for liquid metalsHossein Eslami
140-144Determination of the helium thermal diffusion coefficient in britholite using a NRA method: new resultsDominique Gosset, Patrick Trocellier
145-155Elastic behavior of porous ceramics: application to nuclear fuel materialsJ.-M. Gatt, Y. Monerie, D. Laux, D. Baron
156-162High-dose neutron irradiation of MgAl2O4 spinel: effects of post-irradiation thermal annealing on EPR and optical absorptionA. Ibarra, D. Bravo, F.J. Lopez, F.A. Garner
163-172Kinetics of the actinides–lanthanides separation: mass transfer between molten fluorides and liquid metal at high temperaturesFlorent Lemort, Roger Boen, Michel Allibert, Damien Perrier, Yves Fautrelle, Jacqueline Etay
173-176Determination of macro-constituents in lithium zirconate for tritium-breeding applicationsMarco Taddia, Paolo Modesti, Adelia Albertazzi
177-184Thermodynamic stabilities of SrCeO3 and Sr2CeO4 using the fluoride EMF techniqueR. Pankajavalli, K. Ananthasivan, S. Anthonysamy, P.R. Vasudeva Rao
185-193Oxidation of boron carbide at high temperaturesMartin Steinbrück
194-200Stresses, strains and cracks in a helium-implanted SiC/C compositeJ. Chen, P. Jung, H. Ullmaier
201-209Displacement cross-sections for tantalum and tungsten irradiated with protons at energies up to 1 GeVC.H.M. Broeders, A.Yu. Konobeyev
210-216Role of nickel in a semi-mechanistic analytical model for radiation embrittlement of model alloysL. Debarberis, B. Acosta, F. Sevini, A. Kryukov, F. Gillemot, M. Valo, A. Nikolaev, M. Brumovsky
217-224Radiation swelling behavior and its dependence on temperature, dose rate, and dislocation structure evolutionMichael P. Surh, J.B. Sturgeon, W.G. Wolfer
225-232Deformation microstructure of neutron-irradiated pure polycrystalline vanadiumN. Hashimoto, T.S. Byun, K. Farrell, S.J. Zinkle
233-242Thermodynamics of an empirical potential description of Fe–Cu alloysA. Caro, P.E.A. Turchi, M. Caro, E.M. Lopasso
243-250Electrical behavior of platinum-group metals in glass-forming oxide meltsC. Simonnet, A. Grandjean, J. Phalippou
251-260Radiation effects in ferrate garnetS. Utsunomiya, S. Yudintsev, R.C. Ewing
261-266The displacement energies of cations in perovskite (CaTiO3)Katherine L. Smith, Nestor J. Zaluzec
267-278The relationship between hardness and yield stress in irradiated austenitic and ferritic steelsJeremy T. Busby, Mark C. Hash, Gary S. Was
279-290Low temperature creep crack growth in low alloy reactor pressure vessel steelRui Wu, Rolf Sandström, Facredin Seitisleam
291-298Lead–bismuth eutectic recrystallization studies for the Megapie targetA. Zucchini, P. Agostini, E. Baicchi
299-313Hardness and electrical resistivity of molybdenum in the post-irradiated and annealed conditionsB.V. Cockeram, J.L. Hollenbeck, L.L. Snead
314-322Cross-sectional TEM and X-ray examination of radiation-induced stress relaxation of peened stainless steel surfacesB.H. Sencer, G.S. Was, H. Yuya, Y. Isobe, M. Sagisaka, F.A. Garner
323-330Characterization of defect clusters in ion-irradiated A533B steelK. Fujii, K. Fukuya
331-368Some thoughts on the mechanisms of in-reactor corrosion of zirconium alloysB. Cox
369Erratum to ‘Specification of stress limits for irradiated 316L(N)-IG steel in ITER structural design criteria’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 329–333 (2004) 1615–1618]G.M. Kalinin, B.S. Rodchenkov, V.A. Pechenkin
371-373Author index
374-380Subject index
iiEditorial board
vii-viiiPrefaceB. Lipschultz, A.A. Haasz, B. LaBombard, P.C. Stangeby, J.L. Terry, M.A. Ulrickson
1-9Material migration in divertor tokamaksG.F. Matthews
10-16Tungsten redistribution patterns in ASDEX UpgradeK. Krieger, J. Likonen, M. Mayer, R. Pugno, V. Rohde, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren and ASDEX Upgrade Team
17-24Experimental observations and modelling of carbon transport in the inner divertor of JETA. Kirschner, V. Philipps, D.P. Coster, S.K. Erents, H.G. Esser, G. Federici, A.S. Kukushkin, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, J. Roth, U. Samm, JET EFDA Contributors
25-29Methane screening in JET reverse field experimentsJ.D. Strachan, B. Alper, G. Corrigan, S.K. Erents, C. Giroud, A. Korotkov, H. Leggate, G.F. Matthews, R.A. Pitts, J. Spence, M. Stamp
30-3413C transport studies in L-mode divertor plasmas on DIII-DS.L. Allen, W.R. Wampler, A.G. McLean, D.G. Whyte, W.P. West, P.C. Stangeby, N.H. Brooks, D.L. Rudakov, V. Phillips, M. Rubel, G.F. Matthews, A. Nagy, R. Ellis, A.S. Bozek
35-39Carbon dust formation from re-deposited layers in high-density hydrogen/helium plasmas in the NAGDIS-II deviceN. Ohno, Y. Kobayashi, T. Sugimoto, S. Takamura
40-44Modelling of deposition of hydrocarbon films underneath the divertor and in the pumping ducts of ITERG. Federici, M. Mayer, G. Strohmayer, V. Chuyanov, C. Day
45-49Simulation study on influence of chemically eroded higher hydrocarbons on SOL impurity transport and effect of dynamical material mixing on erosion/deposition of tungsten surfaces exposed to boundary plasmasR. Kawakami, T. Mitani
50-54ITER divertor performance in conditions of carbon re-erosionA.S. Kukushkin, H.D. Pacher, D.P. Coster, G.W. Pacher, D. Reiter
55-59Studies on 13C deposition in ASDEX UpgradeE. Vainonen-Ahlgren, J. Likonen, T. Renvall, V. Rohde, R. Neu, M. Mayer, R. Pugno, K. Krieger and ASDEX Upgrade Team
60-64Beryllium accumulation at the inner divertor of JETJ. Likonen, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, J.P. Coad, R. Zilliacus, T. Renvall, D.E. Hole, M. Rubel, K. Arstila, G.F. Matthews, M. Stamp and JET-EFDA Contributors
65-68On dust in tokamak edge plasmasS.I. Krasheninnikov, T.K. Soboleva, Y. Tomita, R.D. Smirnov, R.K. Janev
69-73Experimental study of different carbon dust growth mechanismsC. Arnas, C. Dominique, P. Roubin, C. Martin, C. Laffon, P. Parent, C. Brosset, B. Pégourié
74-78Chemical erosion of DIII-D lower divertor tilesG.M. Wright, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe
79-83OEDGE modeling of 13C deposition in the inner divertor of DIII-DJ.D. Elder, P.C. Stangeby, D.G. Whyte, S.L. Allen, A. McLean, J.A. Boedo, B.D. Bray, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, C.J. Lasnier, S. Lisgo, D.L. Rudakov, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West
84-88Effect of plasma configuration on carbon migration measured in the inner divertor of JET using quartz microbalanceH.G. Esser, V. Philipps, M. Freisinger, G.F. Matthews, J.P. Coad, G.F. Neill and JET EFDA Contributors
89-93Transport and deposition of injected hydrocarbons in plasma generator PSI-2W. Bohmeyer, D. Naujoks, A. Markin, I. Arkhipov, B. Koch, D. Schröder, G. Fussmann
94-98Model development and analysis of temperature-dependent lithium sputtering and sputtered Li+ transport for tokamak plasma-facing applicationsJ.P. Allain, J.N. Brooks, D.A. Alman, L.E. Gonzalez
99-103Outer divertor target deposited layers during reversed magnetic field operation in JETP. Andrew, J.P. Coad, Y. Corre, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, G.F. Matthews, J.I. Paley, L. Pickworth, R.A. Pitts, M.F. Stamp and JET EFDA Contributors
104-108Tungsten limiter tests in ASDEX UpgradeM.Y. Ye, H. Maier, A. Herrmann, V. Rohde, H. Bolt, R. Neu, J. Neuhauser and ASDEX Upgrade Team
109-113DIVIMP modeling of impurity flows and screening in Alcator C-ModT. Chung, I.H. Hutchinson, B. Lipschultz, B. LaBombard, S. Lisgo
114-118Motion and lifetime of dust grains in a tokamak plasmaJ.D. Martin, M. Coppins, G.F. Counsell
119-123Carbon erosion and deposition on the ASDEX Upgrade divertor tilesM. Mayer, V. Rohde, J. Likonen, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, K. Krieger, X. Gong, J. Chen and ASDEX Upgrade Team
124-128DIVIMP modeling of the toroidally symmetrical injection of 13CH4 into the upper SOL of DIII-DA.G. McLean, J.D. Elder, P.C. Stangeby, S.L. Allen, J.A. Boedo, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, S. Lisgo, A. Nagy, D.L. Rudakov, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte
129-133Time resolved deposition measurements in NSTXC.H. Skinner, H. Kugel, A.L. Roquemore, J. Hogan, W.R. Wampler and the NSTX team
134-138Measurements of carbon, deuterium and boron deposition in DIII-DW.R. Wampler, S.L. Allen, A.G. McLean, W.P. West
139-145OSM-EIRENE modeling of neutral pressures in the Alcator C-Mod divertorS. Lisgo, P. Börner, C. Boswell, D. Elder, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, C.S. Pitcher, D. Reiter, P.C. Stangeby, J.L. Terry, S. Wiesen
146-153Edge and divertor physics with reversed toroidal field in JETR.A. Pitts, P. Andrew, X. Bonnin, A.V. Chankin, Y. Corre, G. Corrigan, D. Coster, I. Duran, T. Eich, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, A. Huber, S. Jachmich, G. Kirnev, M. Lehnen, P.J. Lomas, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, J. Rapp, C. Silva, et al.
154-160Local island divertor experiments on LHDT. Morisaki, S. Masuzaki, A. Komori, N. Ohyabu, M. Kobayashi, Y. Feng, F. Sardei, K. Narihara, K. Tanaka, K. Ida, B.J. Peterson, M. Yoshinuma, N. Ashikawa, M. Emoto, H. Funaba, M. Goto, K. Ikeda, S. Inagaki, O. Kaneko, K. Kawahata, et al.
161-165Spectroscopic study of hydrogen particle behavior in attached and detached divertor plasmas of JT-60UH. Kubo, H. Takenaga, K. Sawada, T. Nakano, S. Kobayashi, S. Higashijima, N. Asakura, K. Shimizu
166-170Experimental study of negative ion profiles in H2-MAR plasmas in divertor simulator MAP-IIS. Kado, S. Kajita, D. Yamasaki, Y. Iida, B. Xiao, T. Shikama, T. Oishi, A. Okamoto, S. Tanaka
171-175First results from the dynamic ergodic divertor at TEXTORM. Lehnen, S.S. Abdullaev, W. Biel, S. Brezinsek, K.H. Finken, D. Harting, M. von Hellermann, M. Jakubowski, R. Jaspers, M. Kobayashi, H.R. Koslowski, A. Krämer-Flecken, G. Matsunaga, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Reiter, T. Van Rompuy, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, G. Sergienko, B. Unterberg, et al.
176-180Heat deposition patterns on the target plates of the dynamic ergodic divertorM.W. Jakubowski, S.S. Abdullaev, K.H. Finken, M. Lehnen and the TEXTOR team
181-185Observations of macroscopic oscillations of the detachment front for injection of H2, He, and Ne into the simulated baffled divertorA. Matsubara, T. Watanabe, T. Sugimoto, S. Sudo, K. Sato
186-190Three-dimensional proton trajectory analyses and simulation of neutral particle transport in an ICRF heated long pulse discharge on the large helical deviceM. Shoji, R. Kumazawa, K. Saito, T. Watanabe, Y. Nakamura, S. Masuzaki, S. Morita, M. Goto, N. Noda, N. Ohyabu and LHD Experimental Groups
191-195Influence of core–edge coupling and impurities on the operation regimes of a fusion reactorR. Stankiewicz, R. Zagórski
196-200Radiation belts in the Wendelstein-7AS stellaratorU. Wenzel, H. Thomsen, Y. Feng, P. Grigull, K. McCormick
201-205Experimental investigations with respect to the applicability of the Bohm criterionT. Lunt, N. Ezumi, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann
206-210Simulation of afterglow plasma evolution in an inertial fusion energy chamberB.K. Frolov, A.Yu. Pigarov, S.I. Krasheninnikov, R.W. Petzoldt, D.T. Goodin
211-215Angular dependence of energy and particle fluxes in a magnetized plasmaB. Koch, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann
216-220Variation in particle pumping due to changes in topology in high performance DIII-D plasmasT.W. Petrie, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.M. Greenfield, M. Groth, A.W. Hyatt, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, G.D. Porter, M.E. Rensink, M.J. Schaffer, M.R. Wade, J.G. Watkins, N.S. Wolf, The DIII–D Team
221-2263D edge energy transport in stellarator configurationsN. McTaggart, R. Zagórski, X. Bonnin, A. Runov, R. Schneider, T. Kaiser, T. Rognlien, M. Umansky
227-231Measured signatures of low energy, physical sputtering in the line shape of neutral carbon emissionN.H. Brooks, R.C. Isler, D.G. Whyte, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.J. Groebner, P.C. Stangeby, W.W.Heidbrink, G.L. Jackson, M.A. Mahdavi, W.P. West and The DIII-D Team
232-236Spatial structure of detached plasmas in the ULS divertor simulatorP.K. Browning, U. Fantz, K.J. Gibson, B. Mihaljcic, D. Wunderlich
237-240Modeling of parasitic plasma under the divertor roof baffleK. Matyash, R. Schneider, X. Bonnin, D. Coster, V. Rohde, H. Kersten
241-245The effect of field reversal on the JET MkIIGB-SRP divertor performance in L-mode density limit dischargesA. Huber, J. Rapp, P. Andrew, P. Coad, G. Corrigan, K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, L.C. Ingesson, S. Jachmich, A. Korotkov, G.F. Matthews, Ph. Mertens, V. Philipps, R. Pitts, B. Schweer, G. Sergienko, M. Stamp and JET EFDA Contributors
246-250Modification of atomic physics rates due to nonlocal electron parallel heat transport in divertor plasmasF. Allais, J.P. Matte, F. Alouani-Bibi, C.G. Kim, D.P. Stotler, T.D. Rognlien
251-255Accounting of the power balance for neutral-beam heated H-mode plasmas in NSTXS.F. Paul, R. Maingi, V. Soukhanovskii, S.M. Kaye, H.W. Kugel and The NSTX Research Team
256-260Re-construction of detached divertor plasma conditions in DIII-D using spectroscopic and probe dataS. Lisgo, P.C. Stangeby, J.D. Elder, J.A. Boedo, B.D. Bray, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, D. Reiter, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte
261-265Detached plasma control by negative ion in divertor simulatorM. Ono, A. Tonegawa, K. Kumita, T. Shibuya, K. Kawamura
266-270Simulation of turbulence in the divertor region of tokamak edge plasmaM.V. Umansky, T.D. Rognlien, X.Q. Xu
271-275EDGE2D code simulations of SOL flows and in–out divertor asymmetries in JETG.S. Kirnev, G. Corrigan, D. Coster, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, G.F. Matthews, R.A. Pitts
276-280Effect of drifts on the high Mach flow associated with the divertor detachmentK. Hoshino, A. Hatayama, R. Schneider, D.P. Coster
281-285Plasma profiles and flows in the high-field side scrape-off layer in Alcator C-ModN. Smick, B. LaBombard, C.S. Pitcher
286-290Spectroscopic measurements of plasma flow in the SOL in C-ModK. Marr, B. Lipschultz, B. LaBombard, J.L. Terry
291-295Generation of toroidal rotation by gas puff. Simulations of MAST experiments with B2SOLPS5.0V. Rozhansky, E. Kaveeva, S. Voskoboynikov, G. Counsell, A. Kirk, D. Coster, R. Schneider
296-300On the energy transfer between flows and turbulence in the plasma boundary of fusion devicesE. Sánchez, C. Hidalgo, B. Gonçalves, C. Silva, M.A. Pedrosa, M. Hron, K. Erents and JET EFDA contributors
301-304Modelling and consequences of drift effects in the edge plasma of Alcator CX. Bonnin, D. Coster, R. Schneider, D. Reiter, V. Rozhansky, S. Voskoboynikov
305-309Effect of BW. Fundamenski, P. Andrew, K. Erents, A. Huber, G. Kirnev, G. Matthews, R. Pitts, V. Riccardo, S. Sipilä and EFDA JET contributors
310-314Kinetic investigation of a collisionless scrape-off layer with a source of poloidal momentumJ.P. Gunn
315-321Plasma edge cross-field transport: experiment and theoryBenjamin A. Carreras
322-326Velocity fields of edge/Scrape-Off-Layer turbulence in Alcator C-ModJ.L. Terry, S.J. Zweben, O. Grulke, M.J. Greenwald, B. LaBombard
327-331Simulation of plasma fluxes to material surfaces with self-consistent edge turbulence and transport for tokamaksT.D. Rognlien, M.V. Umansky, X.Q. Xu, R.H. Cohen, L.L. LoDestro
332-336Edge fluctuation studies in Heliotron JT. Mizuuchi, V.V. Chechkin, K. Ohashi, E.L. Sorokovoy, A.V. Chechkin, V.Yu. Gonchar, K. Takahashi, S. Kobayashi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, S. Yamamoto, F. Sano, K. Kondo, N. Nishino, H. Kawazome, H. Shidara, S. Kaneko, Y. Fukagawa, Y. Morita, S. Nakazawa, et al.
337-341Numerical modelling of changes of edge plasma transport due to the presence of TEXTOR-DEDH. Gerhauser, R. Zagórski, D. Reiser, M.Z. Tokar’
342-346Control of long range turbulent transport with biasing in the tokamak scrape-off-layerC.F. Figarella, Ph. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, G. Attuel, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer, G. Falchetto, E. Fleurence, X. Garbet, V. Grandgirard
347-351Statistical analysis of turbulent front propagation in the scrape-off-layerPh. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, G. Attuel, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer, G. Darmet, G. Falchetto, C. Figarella, X. Garbet, V. Grandgirard, M. Ottaviani
352-356Plasma structures and transport in the SOL of the T-10 tokamakG.S. Kirnev, V.P. Budaev, S.A. Grashin, E.V. Gerasimov, L.N. Khimchenko
357-3603D Scrape-off layer modelling with BoRiSJ. Riemann, M. Borchardt, R. Schneider, A. Mutzke
361-365Preliminary study of the influence of DED on carbon radiation and transport in the TEXTOR tokamakG. Telesca, K. Crombé, M. Tokar, B. Unterberg, G. Verdoolaege, R. Zagorski, G. Van Oost
366-370Benchmarking Tokamak edge modelling codesD.P. Coster, X. Bonnin, G Corrigan, G.S. Kirnev, G. Matthews, J. Spence and Contributors to the EFDA-JET work programme
371-375Multi-ion fluid simulation of tokamak edge plasmas including non-diffusive anomalous cross-field transportA.Yu. Pigarov, E.M. Hollmann, S.I. Krasheninnikov, T.D. Rognlien, W.P. West
376-380Statistical description of the radial structure of turbulence in the JET plasma boundary regionB. Gonçalves, C. Hidalgo, C. Silva, M.A. Pedrosa, K. Erents
381-385Multi-machine comparisons of H-mode separatrix densities and edge profile behaviour in the ITPA SOL and Divertor Physics Topical GroupA. Kallenbach, N. Asakura, A. Kirk, A. Korotkov, M.A. Mahdavi, D. Mossessian, G.D. Porter
386-390Simple Core-SOL-Divertor model and its application to operational space of HT-7UR. Hiwatari, Y. Kuzuyama, A. Hatayama, K. Okano, Y. Asaoka, S. Zhu, Y. Tomita
391-394Comparison of plasma parameters between QH and ELMing phases of the same dischargesC.J. Lasniera, W.P. West, K.H. Burrell, J.S. deGrassie, E.J. Doyle, T.H. Osborne
395-399Modelling of heat deposition onto the Tore Supra toroidal pumped limiterX. Bonnin, Ph. Ghendrih, E. Tsitrone, R. Mitteau
400-404Magnetic structure at the edge of a compact stellarator (NCSX)A. Grossman, T. Kaiser, P.K. Mioduszewski
405-409Boundary conditions for the multi-ion magnetized plasma-wall transitionD. Tskhakaya, S. Kuhn
410-414Kinetic neutral transport effects in the pedestal of H-mode discharges in the DIII-D tokamakL.W. Owen, R.J. Groebner, M.A. Mahdavi
415-419Comparison of limiter and emissive electrode bias on the tokamak ISTTOKC. Silva, I. Nedzelskiy, H. Figueiredo, R.M.O. Galvão, J.A.C. Cabral, C.A.F. Varandas
420-424Observations of fast ion loss to the plasma facing wall during quiescent H-modes on DIII-DW.P. West, C.J. Lasnier, J.G. Watkins, J.S. deGrassie, W. Heidbrink, K.H. Burrell, F.E. Cecil
425-430Assessment of the poloidal distribution of core plasma fueling and impurity sources in DIII-DM. Groth, L.W. Owen, G.D. Porter, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, W.H. Meyer, A.W. Leonard, T.W. Petrie, D.L. Rudakov, G. Wang, J.G. Watkins, N.S. Wolf
431-435Development of the plasma operational regime in the large helical device by the various wall conditioning methodsK. Nishimura, N. Ashikawa, S. Masuzaki, J. Miyazawa, A. Sagara, M. Goto, B.J. Peterson, A. Komori, N. Noda, K. Ida, O. Kaneko, K. Kawahata, T. Kobuchi, S. Kubo, S. Morita, M. Osakabe, S. Sakakibara, R. Sakamoto, K. Sato, T. Shimozuma, et al.
436-440The effect of co-deposition of hydrogen and metals on wall pumping in long duration plasma in TRIAM-1MM. Miyamoto, M. Tokitani, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida, M. Sakamoto, H. Zushi, S. Nagata, K. Ono and TRIAM group
441-445Fuelling efficiency of hydrocarbons in TJ-II plasmasI. García-Cortés, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, A. Hidalgo, J.M. Carmona, K.J. McCarthy, F. Medina
446-450Modeling of the pellet cloud structure in the presence of backward differenceBI.Yu. Senichenkov, I.Yu. Veselova, V.A. Rozhansky, R. Schneider
451-455Measurement and modeling of hydrogen vibrational and rotational temperatures in weakly-ionized hydrogen dischargesE.M. Hollmann, A.Yu. Pigarov, K. Taylor
456-460Development of ICRF wall conditioning technique on divertor-type tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and JETA. Lyssoivan, D.A. Hartmann, J.-M. Noterdaeme, R. Koch, V. Bobkov, T. Blackman, F. Braun, M. Cox, P. de Vries, H.G. Esser, H.-U. Fahrbach, J. Gafert, E. Gauthier, O. Gehre, M. Graham, G. Haas, A. Huber, K. Lawson, P.J. Lomas, M. Mantsinen, et al.
461-465Hydrogen absorption capability of a niobium panel for pumping neutral atoms in divertor regionY. Nakamura, A.I. Livshits, Y. Nakahara, Y. Hatano, A. Busnyuk, N. Ohyabu
466-470Modeling of three-dimensional neutral transport in tandem mirror plasmas using a Monte-Carlo codeY. Nakashima, Y. Higashizono, T. Ohki, M. Shoji, S. Kobayashi, Y. Kubota, M. Yoshikawa, M.K. Islam, K. Watanabe, T. Ogita, M. Yamada, R. Murakami, T. Cho
471-474Pumping capability and particle balance in W7-X: a self-consistent 3D studyD. Sharma, Y. Feng, F. Sardei, J. Kisslinger, H. Grote, P. Grigull, H. Renner
475-479Divertor regimes in NSTXV.A. Soukhanovskii, R. Maingi, A.L. Roquemore, J. Boedo, C. Bush, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, S.F. Paul, G.D. Porter, N.S. Wolf and NSTX Research Team
480-484On the lifetime of wall conditioning layersH. Maier, K. Schmid, W. Eckstein
485-489Pellet fuelling in Tore Supra long dischargesA. Géraud, J. Bucalossi, T. Loarer, B. Pégourié, C. Grisolia, G. Gros, J. Gunn
490-494Analysis of the Dα spectral line shape on the carbon limiter insertion experiments in Heliotron JH. Kawazome, K. Takahashi, S. Tsuboi, H. Arimoto, T. Mizuuchi, N. Nishino, H. Okada, K. Nagasaki, S. Kobayashi, S. Yamamoto, Y. Suzuki, K. Ohashi, S. Nakazawa, M. Kaneko, H. Shidara, Y. Fukagawa, S. Nishio, M. Yamada, H. Yamazaki, K. Kondo, et al.
495-499Development of NSTX particle control techniquesH.W. Kugel, R. Maingi, M. Bell, D. Gates, K. Hill, B. LeBlanc, D. Mueller, R. Kaita, S. Paul, S. Sabbagh, C.H. Skinner, V. Soukhanovskii, B. Stratton, R. Raman
500-504Molecular deuterium sources in the outer divertor of JETA. Pospieszczyk, S. Brezinsek, G. Sergienko, P.T. Greenland, A. Huber, A. Meigs, Ph. Mertens, U. Samm, M. Stamp, S. Wiesen
505-509Thermal wall load control using fast gas puffing in the TPE-RX reversed-field pinchH. Sakakita, Y. Yagi, H. Koguchi, Y. Hirano, T. Shimada
510-514Three-dimensional simulation of gas conductance measurement experiments on Alcator C-ModD.P. Stotler, B. LaBombard
515-519Local effects of gas fuelling and their impact on transport processes in the plasma edge of the tokamak TEXTORB. Unterberg, S. Brezinsek, G. Sergienko, C.C. Chu, P. Dumortier, J.D. Hey, D. Kalupin, A. Kreter, M. Lehnen, A.M. Messiaen, Ph. Mertens, A. Pospieszczyk, U. Samm, B. Schweer, M.Z. Tokar’, G. Van Wassenhove and the TEXTOR-team
520-524Neutral pressure behavior for diverted discharges in the Wendelstein 7-AS StellaratorK. McCormick, P. Grigull, R. Burhenn, H. Ehmler, Y. Feng, L. Giannone, G. Haas, F. Sardei and The NBI- ECRH- and W7-AS Teams
525-529Particle control issues of a compact stellarator with external vacuum vesselPeter Mioduszewski and the QPS Group
530-534The response of the Tore Supra edge plasma to supersonic pulsed gas injectionR. Pánek, J.P. Gunn, J. Bucalossi, I. Ďuran, A. Geraud, M. Hron, T. Loarer, B. Pégourié, J. Stöckel, E. Tsitrone
535-538Fueling of QH-mode plasmas on DIII-D with pellets and gasL.R. Baylor, T.C. Jernigan, K.H. Burrell, S.K. Combs, E.J. Doyle, P. Gohil, C.M. Greenfield, C.J. Lasnier, W.P. West
539-543Role of wall implantation of charge exchange neutrals in the deuterium retention for Tore Supra long dischargesE. Tsitrone, D. Reiter, T. Loarer, C. Brosset, J. Bucalossi, L. Begrambekov, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, J. Gunn, J. Hogan, R. Mitteau, B. Pégourié, P. Ghendrih, R. Reichle, P. Roubin
544-547Recoil energy distribution of hydrogen isotopes adsorbed on tungstenR. Bastasz, J.A. Whaley
548-552Comparison of deuterium and hydrogen experiments in the Sustained Spheromak Physics ExperimentR.D. Wood, D.N. Hill, E.B. Hooper, H.S. McLean, D. Ryutov, S. Woodruff
553-559Retention characteristics of hydrogen isotopes in JT-60UK. Masaki, K. Sugiyama, T. Hayashi, K. Ochiai, Y. Gotoh, T. Shibahara, Y. Hirohata, Y. Oya, N. Miya, T. Tanabe
560-564Tritium recovery in ITER by radiative plasma terminationsD.G. Whyte, J.W. Davis
565-569The removal of co-deposited hydrocarbon films from plasma facing components using high-power pulsed flashlamp irradiationK.J. Gibson, G.F. Counsell, C. Curran, M.J. Forrest, M.J. Kay, K.G. Watkins
570-574Laser desorption of deuterium retained in re-deposited carbon layers at TEXTOR and JETB. Schweer, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, V. Philipps, F. Irrek, H.G. Esser, U. Samm, M. Kempenaars, M. Stamp, C. Gowers, D. Richards
575-579Tritium distribution in JET Mark IIA type divertor tiles analysed by BIXSY. Torikai, M. Matsuyama, N. Bekris, M. Glugla, P. Coad, W. Naegele, A. Erbe, N. Noda, V. Philipps, K. Watanabe
580-584Multi-scale modeling of hydrogen isotope transport in porous graphiteM. Warrier, R. Schneider, E. Salonen, K. Nordlund
585-589A new versatile facility: Vehicle-1 for innovative PFC concepts evaluation and its first experiments on hydrogen recycling from solid and liquid lithiumY. Hirooka, H. Ohgaki, Y. Ohtsuka, M. Nishikawa
590-594Composition and hydrogen isotope retention analysis of co-deposited C/Be layersM.J. Baldwin, K. Schmid, R.P. Doerner, A. Wiltner, R. Seraydarian, Ch. Linsmeier
595-599Dynamic hydrogen isotope behavior and its chemical states in SiC by XPS and TDS techniqueY. Oya, Y. Onishi, H. Kodama, K. Okuno, S. Tanaka
600-603Deuterium retention and release from molybdenum exposed to a Penning dischargeR.A. Causey, C.L. Kunz, D.F. Cowgill
604-608Hydrogen retention of carbon dust produced in JT-60H. Yoshida, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, T. Arai, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba, N. Miya, T. Hino
609-613Hydrogen retention in divertor tiles used in JT-60 for hydrogen discharge periodY. Hirohata, T. Shibahara, T. Tanabe, T. Arai, Y. Gotoh, Y. Oya, H. Yoshida, Y. Morimoto, J. Yagyu, K. Masaki, K. Okuno, T. Hino, N. Miya
614-618Thermal desorption behavior of deuterium implanted into polycrystalline diamondH. Kimura, M. Sasaki, Y. Morimoto, T. Takeda, H. Kodama, A. Yoshikawa, M. Oyaidzu, K. Takahashi, K. Sakamoto, T. Imai, K. Okuno
619-623Depth distribution of deuterium in single- and polycrystalline tungsten up to depths of several micrometersV.Kh. Alimov, J. Roth, M. Mayer
624-628Tritium particle balance and retention during DT discharges in JETT. Loarer, J. Bucalossi, G. Matthew, V. Philipps and JET-EFDA Collaborators
629-633Effects of background gas impurities during D+ irradiation on D trapping in single crystal tungstenM. Poon, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz
634-638Tritium distribution on plasma-facing tiles from ASDEX UpgradeK. Sugiyama, T. Tanabe, K. Krieger, R. Neu, N. Bekris
639-643Fuel removal from bumper limiter tiles by using a pulsed excimer laserB. Emmoth, S. Khartsev, A. Pisarev, A. Grishin, U. Karlsson, A. Litnovsky, M. Rubel, P. Wienhold
644-648Controlled irradiation of CFC samples in the scrape-off layer of Tore SupraJ.P. Gunn, L. Begrambekov, C. Brosset, A. Gordeev, T. Loarer, E. Miljavina, P. Shigin, H. Khodja, P. Oddon, J.-Y. Pascal, S. Vartanian
649-653Helium irradiation effects on retention behavior of deuterium implanted into boron coating film by PCVDH. Kodama, M. Oyaidzu, A. Yoshikawa, H. Kimura, Y. Oya, M. Matsuyama, A. Sagara, N. Noda, K. Okuno
654-658Hydrogen release behavior from graphite under pulsed laser irradiationT. Shibahara, Y. Sakawa, T. Tanabe
659-663Characterisation of flakes generated in JET after DD and DT plasma operationsN. Bekris, J.P. Coad, R.-D. Penzhorn, S. Knipe, L. Doerr, R. Rolli, W. Nägele
664-668Deuterium concentration in deposited carbon layers in Tore SupraC. Brosset, H. Khodja and Tore Supra team
669-676Power deposition onto plasma facing components in poloidal divertor tokamaks during type-I ELMs and disruptionsT. Eich, A. Herrmann, G. Pautasso, P. Andrew, N. Asakura, J.A. Boedo, Y. Corre, M.E. Fenstermacher, J.C. Fuchs, W. Fundamenski, G. Federici, E. Gauthier, B. Goncalves, O. Gruber, A. Kirk, A.W. Leonard, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, J. Neuhauser, R.A. Pitts, et al.
677-683Edge localized modes control: experiment and theoryM. Becoulet, G. Huysmans, P. Thomas, E. Joffrin, F. Rimini, P. Monier-Garbet, A. Grosman, P. Ghendrih, V. Parail, P. Lomas, G. Matthews, H. Wilson, M. Gryaznevich, G. Counsell, A. Loarte, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, A. Leonard, P. Snyder, T. Evans, et al.
684-690Effects of ELMs and disruptions on ITER divertor armour materialsG. Federici, A. Zhitlukhin, N. Arkhipov, R. Giniyatulin, N. Klimov, I. Landman, V. Podkovyrov, V. Safronov, A. Loarte, M. Merola
691-696Suppression of large edge localized modes in high confinement DIII-D plasmas with a stochastic magnetic boundaryT.E. Evans, R.A. Moyer, J.G. Watkins, P.R. Thomas, T.H. Osborne, J.A. Boedo, M.E. Fenstermacher, K.H. Finken, R.J. Groebner, M. Groth, J. Harris, G.L. Jackson, R.J. La Haye, C.J. Lasnier, M.J. Schaffer, G. Wang, L. Zeng
697-701Interaction of ELMs and fast particles with in-vessel components in ASDEX UpgradeA. Herrmann, J. Neuhauser, V. Rohde, R. Dux, T. Eich, C.J. Fuchs, M.Y. Ye and ASDEX Upgrade team
702-706Energy flow during disruptions in JETJ.I. Paley, P. Andrew, S.C. Cowley, W. Fundamenski, A. Huber, JET EFDA Contributors
707-711Tungsten erosion under plasma heat loads typical for ITER type I ELMs and disruptionsI.E. Garkusha, A.N. Bandura, O.V. Byrka, V.V. Chebotarev, I.S. Landman, V.A. Makhlaj, A.K. Marchenko, D.G. Solyakov, V.I. Tereshin, S.A. Trubchaninov, A.V. Tsarenko
712-716Parallel and radial transport of ELM plasma in the SOL and divertor of JT-60UN. Asakura, M. Takechi, N. Oyama, T. Nakano
717-721Far scrape-off layer and near wall plasma studies in DIII-DD.L. Rudakov, J.A. Boedo, R.A. Moyer, N.H. Brooks, R.P. Doerner, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, E.M. Hollmann, S. Krasheninnikov, C.J. Lasnier, M.A. Mahdavi, G.R. McKee, A. McLean, P.C. Stangeby, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte, C.P.C. Wong
722-726Determination of the particle and energy fluxes in the JET far SOL during ELMs using the reciprocating probe diagnosticC. Silva, B. Gonçalves, C. Hidalgo, K. Erents, A. Loarte, G. Matthews, M. Pedrosa
727-731ELMs and the H-mode pedestal in NSTXR. Maingi, S.A. Sabbagh, C.E. Bush, E.D. Fredrickson, J.E. Menard, D. Stutman, K. Tritz, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, J.A. Boedo, D.A. Gates, D.W. Johnson, R. Kaita, S.M. Kaye, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, D. Mueller, R. Raman, A.L. Roquemore, V.A. Soukhanovskii, et al.
732-736Integrated exhaust control with divertor parameter feedback and pellet ELM pacemaking in ASDEX UpgradeA. Kallenbach, P.T. Lang, R. Dux, C. Fuchs, A. Herrmann, H. Meister, V. Mertens, R. Neu, T. Pütterich, T. Zehetbauer and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
737-741Direct measurement of the impurity dynamics during an ELM cycleM.R. Wade, K.H. Burrell, J.T. Hogan, A.W. Leonard, T.H. Osborne, P. Snyder, D. Coster
742-746SOL and pedestal density profile evolution during DIII-D ELMy and ELM-suppressed H-mode operationL. Zeng, G. Wang, E.J. Doyle, T.L. Rhodes, W.A. Peebles, M.E. Fenstermacher, T.E. Evans, R.A. Moyer
747-750ELMs and strike point jumpsEmilia R. Solano, S. Jachmich, F. Villone, N. Hawkes, Y. Corre, R.A. Pitts, A. Loarte, B. Alper, K. Guenther, A. Koroktov, M. Stamp, P. Andrew, S.A. Arshad, J. Conboy, T. Bolzonella, E. Rachlew, M. Kempenaars, A. Cenedese, D. Testa and JET EFDA contributors
751-755Langmuir probe measurements in the lower xM. Tsalas, N. Tsois, V. Rohde, J. Neuhauser and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
756-760Radiation distribution and energy balance during type-I ELMs in ASDEX UpgradeJ.C. Fuchs, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, K.F. Mast and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
761-765Simulation of tokamak armour erosion and plasma contamination at intense transient heat fluxes in ITERI.S. Landman, B.N. Bazylev, I.E. Garkusha, A. Loarte, S.E. Pestchanyi, V.M. Safronov
766-770Erosion of tungsten armor after multiple intense transient events in ITERB.N. Bazylev, G. Janeschitz, I.S. Landman, S.E. Pestchanyi
771-775ELM-induced plasma transport in the DIII-D SOLJ.A. Boedo, D.L. Rudakov, E.M. Hollmann, R.A. Moyer, G.R. McKee, K. Burrell, T.E. Evans, A.W. Leonard, W.P. West, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, S.L. Allen, L. Zeng, G. Wang, J.G. Watkins and The DIII-D Team
776-780Influence of ELMs on operation of ICRF antennas in ASDEX UpgradeVl.V. Bobkov, F. Braun, D.A. Hartmann, P. Lamalle, I. Monakhov, J.-M. Noterdaeme, P. Wouters, E. Würsching and ASDEX Upgrade Team
781-785Effect of B-field dependent particle drifts on ELM behavior in the DIII-D boundary plasmaM.E. Fenstermacher, A.W. Leonard, G.D. Porter, J.A. Boedo, N.H. Brooks, D.S. Gray, M. Groth, E.M. Hollmann, C.J. Lasnier, T.W. Petrie, L. Zeng
786-790Thermographic power accounting in MASTF. Lott, A. Kirk, G.F. Counsell, J. Dowling, D. Taylor, T. Eich, A. Herrmann
791-794Modelling of thermal shock experiments of carbon based materials in JUDITHO.V. Ogorodnikova, S. Pestchanyi, Y. Koza, J. Linke
795-801Steady state heat exhaust in Tore Supra: operational safety and edge parametersR. Mitteau and Tore Supra team
802-807Study of plasma wall interactions in the long-pulse NB-heated discharges of JT-60U towards steady-state operationH. Takenaga, N. Asakura, S. Higashijima, T. Nakano, H. Kubo, S. Konoshima, N. Oyama, A. Isayama, S. Ide, T. Fujita, Y. Miura and The JT-60 team
808-815Overview of goals and performance of ITER and strategy for plasma–wall interaction investigationM. Shimada, A.E. Costley, G. Federici, K. Ioki, A.S. Kukushkin, V. Mukhovatov, A. Polevoi, M. Sugihara
816-820A new look at JET operation with Be as plasma facing materialA. Loarte, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, D.J. Campbell, P.J. Lomas, G.F. Matthews and EFDA-JET workprogramme collaborators
821-825Experience gained from high heat flux actively cooled PFCs in Tore SupraA. Grosman, P. Bayetti, C. Brosset, J. Bucalossi, J.J. Cordier, A. Durocher, F. Escourbiac, Ph. Ghendrih, D. Guilhem, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, M. Lipa, R. Mitteau, B. Pegourie, R. Reichle, J. Schlosser, E. Tsitrone, J.C. Vallet
826-830Strongly radiating type-III ELMy H-mode in JET – an integrated scenario for ITERJ. Rapp, G.F. Matthews, P. Monier-Garbet, R. Sartori, Y. Corre, T. Eich, R. Felton, W. Fundamenski, C. Giroud, A. Huber, S. Jachmich, P. Morgan, M. O’Mullane, H.R. Koslowski, M. Stamp, contributors to the EFDA-JET work programme
831-834High energy electron deposition within vertical ports, during lower hybrid current drive on Tore SupraF. Saint-Laurent, G. Martin, V. Basiuk, E. Faudot, C. Grisolia, S. Heuraux, M. Lipa
835-838Long-pulse discharges by synergy of LHW and IBW heating in the HT-7 tokamakX. Gao, J. Li, Y. Yang, J.K. Xie, J.R. Luo, J.Y. Zhao, X.Z. Gong, L.Q. Hu, X.D. Zhang, Y.J. Shi, B.N. Wan, K. Tanaka, R. Sakamoto, Y.P. Zhao, G.L. Kuang, J.S. Hu, M. Asif, Y.X. Jie, H.Q. Liu, J. Liu, et al.
839-846Redeposition of hydrocarbon layers in fusion devicesWolfgang Jacob
847-851Carbon erosion and a:C–H layer formation at ASDEX UpgradeV. Rohde, M. Mayer, J. Likonen, R. Neu, T. Pütterich, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren and ASDEX Upgrade Team
852-856Plasma surface interaction with tungsten in ASDEX UpgradeR. Dux, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, R. Neu, J. Neuhauser, H. Maier, R. Pugno, T. Pütterich, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team
857-861Low-energy tritium ion erosion of graphiteR.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis
862-866Influence of beryllium plasma seeding on the erosion of carbonK. Schmid, M. Baldwin, R. Doerner
867-871Studies of a-C: D film inhibition by nitrogen injection in laboratory plasmas and divertorsF.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, V. Rohde, M. Stamp, G. Matthews, G. Esser, V. Philipps, R. Doerner, M. Baldwin
872-876Effects of large area liquid lithium limiters on spherical torus plasmasR. Kaita, R. Majeski, M. Boaz, P. Efthimion, G. Gettelfinger, T. Gray, D. Hoffman, S. Jardin, H. Kugel, P. Marfuta, T. Munsat, C. Neumeyer, S. Raftopoulos, V. Soukhanovskii, J. Spaleta, G. Taylor, J. Timberlake, R. Woolley, L. Zakharov, M. Finkenthal, et al.
877-881High temperature erosion of berylliumR.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, S.I. Krasheninnikov, K. Schmid
882-886Dynamic transition between erosion and deposition on a tungsten surface exposed to edge plasmas containing carbon impuritiesK. Ohya, T. Tanabe, A. Kirschner, T. Hirai, V. Philipps, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, N. Noda
887-891Blister formation and deuterium retention on tungsten exposed to low energy and high flux deuterium plasmaK. Tokunaga, M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, N. Noda, Y. Kubota, N. Yoshida, T. Sogabe, T. Kato, B. Schedler
892-896Increased recombination of CH3 radicals on stainless steelA.E. Gorodetsky, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, A.P. Zakharov, S.P. Vnukov, I.G. Varshavskaya, A.N. Makhankov, I.V. Mazul, G. Federici
897-901Density functional theory and molecular dynamic studies of hydrogen interaction with plasma-facing graphite surfaces and the impact of boron dopingY. Ferro, A. Jelea, F. Marinelli, C. Brosset, A. Allouche
902-906Influence of microstructure of tungsten on solid state reaction rate with amorphous carbon filmY. Hatano, M. Takamori, K. Nogita, K. Matsuda, S. Ikeno, K. Watanabe
907-911Thermal properties of plasma exposed carbon and heat flux calculations on a spatial scale of a few micronsA. Herrmann
912-916Molecular dynamics simulation of Li surface erosion and bubble formationZ. Insepov, A. Hassanein
917-921Experimental investigations of castellated monoblock structures in TEXTORA. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, P. Wienhold, G. Sergienko, B. Emmoth, M. Rubel, U. Breuer, E. Wessel
922-926Measurements of chemical erosion of ATJ graphite by low energy image impactF.W. Meyer, H.F. Krause, L.I. Vergara
927-931Characteristic changes of deuterium retention on tungsten surfaces due to low-energy helium plasma pre-exposureD. Nishijima, T. Sugimoto, H. Iwakiri, M.Y. Ye, N. Ohno, N. Yoshida, S. Takamura
932-936Energy and fluence dependences of helium retention in stainless steelY. Nobuta, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino, N. Ashikawa, K. Nishimura, A. Sagara, S. Masuzaki, T. Ozaki, N. Noda, A. Komori, O. Motojima and LHD Experimental Group
937-941Microscopic and macroscopic damage in metals exposed to LHD divertor plasmasM. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, D. Koga, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, T. Morisaki, M. Shoji, A. Komori, LHD Experimental Group
942-945Angular resolved energy distributions of low energy light ions reflected from a polycrystalline Mo surfaceH. Yamaoka, Y. Matsumoto, M. Nishiura, K. Nishimura, M. Sasao, M. Wada
946-950Impact of low energy helium irradiation on plasma facing metalsN. Yoshida, H. Iwakiri, K. Tokunaga, T. Baba
951-955Formation of a surface alloy in the beryllium–tungsten systemA. Wiltner, Ch. Linsmeier
956-959Study of optical properties of MoxG. De Temmerman, M. Ley, J. Boudaden, P. Oelhafen
960-964Thermal behaviour of redeposited layer under high heat flux exposureE. Gauthier, S. Dumas, J. Matheus, M. Missirlian, Y. Corre, L. Nicolas, P. Yala, P. Coad, P. Andrew, S. Cox and the JET-EFDA contributors
965-969Formation of D inventories and structural modifications by deuterium bombardment of tungsten thin filmsI. Bizyukov, K. Krieger, N. Azarenkov, S. Levchuk, Ch. Linsmeier
970-974Flux dependence of carbon erosion and implication for ITERJ. Roth, A. Kirschner, W. Bohmeyer, S. Brezinsek, A. Cambe, E. Casarotto, R. Doerner, E. Gauthier, G. Federici, S. Higashijima, J. Hogan, A. Kallenbach, H. Kubo, J.M. Layet, T. Nakano, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, R. Preuss, R. Pugno, R. Ruggiéri, et al.
975-979An extended formula for the energy spectrum of sputtered atoms from a material irradiated by light ionsT. Ono, Y. Aoki, T. Kawamura, T. Kenmotsu, Y. Yamamura
980-984Deuterium-induced chemical erosion of carbon-metal layersM. Balden, E. de Juan Pardo, I. Quintana, B. Cieciwa, J. Roth
985-989Carbon chemical erosion in H-mode discharges in ASDEX Upgrade divertor IIb: flux dependence and local redepositionR. Pugno, K. Krieger, A. Kirschner, A. Kallenbach, D.P. Coster, R. Dux, U. Fantz, J. Likonen, H.W. Müller, J. Neuhauser, V. Rohde, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren and ASDEX Upgrade Team
990-994Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction studies of some deposited carbon layers in Tore SupraP. Roubin, C. Martin, C. Arnas, Ph. Colomban, B. Pégourié, C. Brosset
995-999Possible effects of RF field near ICRF antenna on density control during long pulse discharge in LHDK. Saito, R. Kumazawa, T. Mutoh, T. Seki, T. Watari, Y. Nakamura, M. Sakamoto, N. Noda, T. Watanabe, M. Shoji, S. Masuzaki, S. Morita, M. Goto, Y. Torii, N. Takeuchi, F. Shimpo, G. Nomura, M. Yokota, A. Kato, Y. Zhao and LHD Experimental Group
1000-1004Characterization of dust collected from NSTX and JT-60UJ. Phillip Sharpe, P.W. Humrickhouse, C.H. Skinner the NSTX Team, T. Tanabe, K. Masaki, N. Miya the JT-60U Team, A. Sagara
1005-1009Investigations of chemical erosion of carbon materials in hydrogen and deuterium low pressure plasmasP. Starke, U. Fantz, M. Balden
1010-1014Hydrogen blister formation and cracking behavior for various tungsten materialsY. Ueda, T. Funabiki, T. Shimada, K. Fukumoto, H. Kurishita, M. Nishikawa
1015-1018Incident-mass dependence of temperature-enhanced ion-induced sputtering in liquid metalsM.D. Coventry, D.N. Ruzic
1019-1023Modification of tungsten layers by arcingM. Laux, W. Schneider, B. Jüttner, S. Lindig, M. Mayer, M. Balden, I. Beilis, B. Djakov
1024-1028Investigation of the high temperature erosion of nickel under 5 keV neon irradiationE. Vietzke, V. Philipps
1029-1032Molecular dynamics modeling of deuterium in liquid lithium surfacesHua-Tan Qiu, D.N. Ruzic
1033-1037Measurement of hydrogen absorption in flowing liquid lithium in the flowing lithium retention experiment (FLIRE)R. Stubbers, W. Olczak, M. Nieto, D.N. Ruzic
1038-1042Divertor impurity sources; effects of hot surfaces and thin films on impurity productionM.F. Stamp, P. Andrew, S. Brezinsek, A. Huber and JET EFDA Contributors
1043-1047Damage process of high purity tungsten coatings by hydrogen beam heat loadsS. Tamura, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, M. Taniguchi, K. Ezato, K. Sato, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba, Y. Tsunekawa, M. Okumiya
1048-1052Modeling and analysis of mixed-material surface evolution and sputteringA.M. Yacout, A. Hassanein
1053-1057PSI modeling of liquid lithium divertors for the NSTX tokamakJ.N. Brooks, J.P. Allain, T.D. Rognlien, R. Maingi
1058-1063Identification of molecular carbon sources in the JET divertor by means of emission spectroscopyS. Brezinsek, A. Pospieszczyk, M.F. Stamp, A. Meigs, A. Kirschner, A. Huber, Ph. Mertens and JET-EFDA contributors
1064-1068Surface temperature measurements of carbon materials in fusion devicesD. Hildebrandt, D. Naujoks, D. Sünder
1069-1072Hot spot effect on infrared spectral luminance emitted by carbon under plasma particles impactE. Delchambre, R. Reichle, R. Mitteau, M. Missirlian, P. Roubin
1073-1076High-speed 2-D image measurement for plasma-wall interaction studiesN. Nishino, K. Takahashi, H. Kawazome, Y. Fukagawa, T. Mizuuchi, K. Kondo, F. Sano, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, S. Kobayahi, S. Yamamoto
1077-1081Investigation of Mach probe geometry effects in weakly magnetized plasmasT. Shikama, S. Kado, A. Okamoto, S. Kajita, S. Tanaka
1082-1086Rovibrational distribution of H2 in low temperature plasma: the dependence on the plasma parametersBingjia Xiao, Shinichiro Kado, Shin Kajita, Daisuke Yamasaki, Satoru Tanaka
1087-1091Correlation of the intensity ratio of C2/CH molecular bands with the flux ratio of C2HyU. Fantz, S. Meir and ASDEX Upgrade Team
1092-1095Investigation of the role of temperature fluctuations on spectral line shapesY. Marandet, H. Capes, L. Godbert-Mouret, M. Koubiti, R. Stamm
1096-1100A novel diagnostic for time-resolved spectroscopic argon and lithium density measurementsL. Schmitz, P. Calderoni, A. Ying, M.A. Abdou
1101-1105Neutral helium line emission for edge plasma conditionsF.B. Rosmej, R. Stamm, S. Fritzsche, H. Capes, M. Koubiti, Y. Marandet, V.S. Lisitsa, N. Ohno, S. Takamura, D. Nishijima
1106-1110Ion sensitive probe measurement in the linear plasma device PSI-2N. Ezumi, Zh. Kiss’ovski, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann
1111-1115Kinetic (PIC) simulations for a plane probe in a collisional plasmaS. Teodoru, D. Tskhakaya Jr., S. Kuhn, D.D. Tskhakaya Sr., R. Schrittwieser, C. Ioniţă, G. Popa
1116-1120Exposure of metal mirrors in the scrape-off layer of TEXTORP. Wienhold, A. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, B. Schweer, G. Sergienko, P. Oelhafen, M. Ley, G. De Temmerman, W. Schneider, D. Hildebrandt, M. Laux, M. Rubel, B. Emmoth
1121-1146Author index
1147-1182Subject index
1183-1224Subject index for PSI-16

Volume 340, Issue 1, Pages 1-123 (1 April 2005)

iiEditorial board
1-11Temperature effects on the static and dynamic fracture behaviors of low-silicon CA-15 tempered stainless steel castingsCheng-Hsun Hsu, Hwei-Yuan Teng
12-24Corrosion of alkali–borosilicate waste glass K-26 in non-saturated conditionsMichael I. Ojovan, Russell J. Hand, Natalie V. Ojovan, William E. Lee
25-32Effects of heat input on the microstructure and toughness of the 8 MnMoNi 5 5 shape-welded nuclear steelKarl Million, Ratan Datta, Horst Zimmermann
33-38Influence on the structural characteristic of defect solid solution GdxJunhu Wang, Masuo Takeda, Akio Nakamura
39-51Chlorination of UO2, PuO2 and rare earth oxides using ZrCl4 in LiCl–KCl eutectic meltYoshiharu Sakamura, Tadashi Inoue, Takashi Iwai, Hirotake Moriyama
52-56Development and evaluation of a new 155Eu/154SmPd3 source for use with 155Gd Mössbauer spectroscopyJunhu Wang, Masuo Takeda, Toetsu Shishido
57-63The effect of neutron irradiation on mechanical properties of YAG laser weldments using previously irradiated materialHirokazu Yamada, Hiroshi Kawamura, Kunihiko Tsuchiya, George Kalinin, Yoshiharu Nagao, Fumiki Takada, Masahiro Nishikawa
64-68Phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of the system MnCl2–UCl4, prediction and investigation resultsWiesław Gaweł, Agata Górniak
69-82Thermodynamic considerations and prediction of the primary coolant activity of 99TcB.J. Lewis, W.T. Thompson, F. Akbari, C. Morrison, A. Husain
83-92Tritium release behavior from the graphite tiles used at the dome unit of the W-shaped divertor region in JT-60UK. Katayama, T. Takeishi, Y. Manabe, H. Nagase, M. Nishikawa, N. Miya
93-112A review of refractory metal alloys and mechanically alloyed-oxide dispersion strengthened steels for space nuclear power systemsMohamed S. El-Genk, Jean-Michel Tournier
113-118Densification behaviour and sintering kinetics of (U0.45Pu0.55)C pelletsT.R.G. Kutty, K.B. Khan, P.S. Kutty, C.B. Basak, A.K. Sengupta, R.S. Mehrotra, S. Majumdar, H.S. Kamath
119-123Influence of annealing in air on transport properties of long-time oxidized layers of zirconium alloysH. Frank

Volume 340, Issues 2-3, Pages 125-323 (15 April 2005)

125-148RPV-1: A Virtual Test Reactor to simulate irradiation effects in light water reactor pressure vessel steelsStéphanie Jumel, Jean Claude Van-Duysen
149-162Elemental dissolution study of Pu-bearing borosilicate glassesD.M. Wellman, J.P. Icenhower, W.J. Weber
163-170Fabrication and microstructure characterization of inert matrix fuel based on yttria stabilized zirconiaCh. Hellwig, M. Pouchon, R. Restani, F. Ingold, G. Bart
171-178Electrical conductivity and non-stoichiometry in the (U,Gd)OxJae Ho Yang, Keon Sik Kim, Ki Won Kang, Kun Woo Song, Youn Ho Jung
179-186Environment and oxidation state of molybdenum in simulated high level nuclear waste glass compositionsR.J. Short, R.J. Hand, N.C. Hyatt, G. Möbus
187-202Thermal conductivity degradation of ceramic materials due to low temperature, low dose neutron irradiationL.L. Snead, S.J. Zinkle, D.P. White
203-208Stress-induced reorientation of hydrides and mechanical properties of Zircaloy-4 cladding tubesS.I. Hong, K.W. Lee
209-213Analysis of molecular oxygen formation in irradiated glasses: a Raman depth profile studyN. Ollier, B. Boizot, B. Reynard, D. Ghaleb, G. Petite
214-218Delineation of phase fields at the Te-rich end of the Ru–Te binary systemM. Ali (Basu), S.R. Bharadwaj, D. Das
219-236Mechanism of irradiation assisted stress corrosion crack initiation in thermally sensitized 304 stainless steelT. Onchi, K. Dohi, N. Soneda, Marta Navas, M.L. Castaño
237-246Corrosion behavior of Zr alloys with a high Nb contentJeong-Yong Park, Byung-Kwon Choi, Yong Hwan Jeong, Youn-Ho Jung
247-258Hardening and microstructural evolution in A533B steels under high-dose electron irradiationK. Fujii, K. Fukuya, N. Nakata, K. Hono, Y. Nagai, M. Hasegawa
259-265Distillation of cadmium from uranium–plutonium–cadmium alloyTetsuya Kato, Masatoshi Iizuka, Tadashi Inoue, Takashi Iwai, Yasuo Arai
266-270Separation of plutonium from lanthanum by electrolysis in LiCl–KCl onto molten bismuth electrodeJ. Serp, P. Lefebvre, R. Malmbeck, J. Rebizant, P. Vallet, J.-P. Glatz
271-283Influence of Pt, Fe/Ni/Cr-containing intermetallics and deuterium on the oxidation of Zr-based materialsClara Anghel, Gunnar Hultquist, Magnus Limbäck
284-290Determination of boron in Zr–Nb alloys by glow discharge quadrupole mass spectrometryRaparthi Shekhar, J. Arunachalam, G. Radha Krishna, H.R. Ravindra, B. Gopalan
291-298The response of several luminescent materials to keV and MeV ionsKieran J. McCarthy, J. García López, D. Jiménez Rey, B. Zurro, A. Ibarra, A. Baciero, M.A. Respaldiza
299-306Self-reduction of dioxoplutonium VI: Characterization and modeling of radiolytic and disproportionation pathwaysJohn M. Haschke
307-314Mechanism of dynamic strain aging and characterization of its effect on the low-cycle fatigue behavior in type 316L stainless steelSeong-Gu Hong, Soon-Bok Lee
315-317Author index
318-323Subject index

Volume 341, Issue 1, Pages 1-96 (1 May 2005)

iiEditorial board
1-11Structural properties and high-temperature reactions of the metastable Ω phase in Zr–Nb alloysGabriela Aurelio, Armando Fernández Guillermet, Gabriel J. Cuello, Javier Campo
12-18Processing glass–pyrochlore composites for nuclear waste encapsulationS. Pace, V. Cannillo, J. Wu, D.N. Boccaccini, S. Seglem, A.R. Boccaccini
19-24Phase relations and linear thermal expansion of cubic solid solutions in the Th1−xM.D. Mathews, B.R. Ambekar, A.K. Tyagi
25-30Calculation of the threshold displacement energies in UO2 using ionic potentialsC. Meis, A. Chartier
31-44Oxidative erosion of graphite in air between 600 and 1000 KM. Balden, K.U. Klages, W. Jacob, J. Roth
45-52Critical temperature of the lead–bismuth eutectic (LBE) alloyAbdul-Majeed Azad
53-61Refinement in the ultrasonic velocity data and estimation of the critical parameters for molten uranium dioxideAbdul-Majeed Azad
62-82Effect of external gamma irradiation on dissolution of the spent UO2 fuel matrixC. Jégou, B. Muzeau, V. Broudic, S. Peuget, A. Poulesquen, D. Roudil, C. Corbel
83-89Microstructural examination of V–(Fe or Cr)–Ti alloys after thermal-creep or irradiation-creep testsK. Fukumoto, S. Takahashi, R.J. Kurtz, D.L. Smith, H. Matsui
90-92Comparison of binding energy to the sorption enthalpy of radionuclides with trap materials used in LMFBRsK. Sivasubramanian
93-96Immobilisation of 129I by encapsulation in tin by hot-pressing at 200 °CE.R. Vance, D.S. Perera, S. Moricca, Z. Aly, B.D. Begg

Volume 341, Issues 2-3, Pages 97-245 (15 May 2005)

97-102Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and corrosion resistance of a Zr–Sn–Nb–Fe–Cr alloyWenqing Liu, Qiang Li, Bangxin Zhou, Qingsong Yan, Meiyi Yao
103-114Oxide dispersion-strengthened steels: A comparison of some commercial and experimental alloysR.L. Klueh, J.P. Shingledecker, R.W. Swindeman, D.T. Hoelzer
115-123Mixed field radiation effects on dry and acidic solution saturated polyamide 6,6L. Brown, H.W. Bonin, V.T. Bui
124-130Plutonium chemical properties in NaCl–KCl and CaCl2 at 1073 KDavid Lambertin, Séverine Ched’homme, Gilles Bourgès, Sylvie Sanchez, Gérard Picard
131-140Activity coefficients of plutonium and cerium in liquid gallium at 1073 K: Application to a molten salt/solvent metal separation conceptDavid Lambertin, Séverine Ched’homme, Gilles Bourges, Sylvie Sanchez, Gérard S. Picard
141-147Tensile properties of the NLF reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels after irradiation in a fast reactor spectrum to a maximum dose of 67 dpaStuart A. Maloy, M.R. James, T.J. Romero, M.B. Toloczko, R.J. Kurtz, A. Kimura
148-152Sintering characterization of Li2TiO3 ceramic breeder powders prepared by the solution combustion synthesis processChoong-Hwan Jung
153-163Positron annihilation study of effects of Ti and plastic deformation on defect accumulation and annealing in electron-irradiated austenitic steels and alloysA.P. Druzhkov, V.L. Arbuzov, D.A. Perminov
164-168Microstructure and non-equilibrium phases in electron beam-welded joints of Al–Fe–Ce and Zircaloy-4M. Ahmad, J.I. Akhter, M. Iqbal, M. Akhtar, E. Ahmed, S. Akhtar, M.A. Chaudhary
169-174Effects of chemical compounds on the stress corrosion cracking of steam generator tubing materials in a caustic solutionUh Chul Kim, Kyung Mo Kim, Eun Hee Lee
175-183Thermo-stress analysis of actively cooled diagnostic windows for quasi-continuous operation of the W7-X stellaratorO.V. Ogorodnikova, R. König, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, J. Linke
184-188Influence of irradiation on the ductile fracture of a reactor pressure vessel steelPetr Haušild, Miloš Kytka, Miroslav Karlík, Pavel Pešek
189-200Analysis of neutron attenuation in boron-alloyed stainless steel with neutron radiography and JEN-3 gaugeM. Bastürk, J. Arztmann, W. Jerlich, N. Kardjilov, E. Lehmann, M. Zawisky
201-208Master-equation for cascade damage modelingA.M. Ovcharenko, C.H. Woo, A.A. Semenov
209-223Uranium secondary phase formation during anoxic hydrothermal leaching processes of UO2 nuclear fuelM. Amme, T. Wiss, H. Thiele, P. Boulet, H. Lang
224-230NIR Raman spectrometer for monitoring protonation reactions in gaseous hydrogenJacek Borysow, Manfred Fink
231-234Experimental observations of void growth in the Zr–2.5Nb pressure tube alloyR. Peace, R.E. Miller
235-236Erratum to: ‘Master equation and Fokker–Planck methods for void nucleation and growth in irradiation swelling’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 325 (2004) 44], ‘Vacancy cluster evolution and swelling in irradiated 316 stainless steel’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 328 (2004) 107] and ‘Radiation swelling behavior and its dependence on temperature, dose rate and dislocation structure evolution’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 336 (2004) 217]Michael P. Surh, J.B. Sturgeon, W.G. Wolfer
237-239Author index
240-245Subject index

Volume 342, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-202 (30 June 2005)

iiEditorial board
1-7Dynamics of high-temperature oxidation accompanied by scale removal and implications for technological applicationsJinsuo Zhang, Ning Li, Yitung Chen
8-13Residual stress analysis in thick uranium filmsA.M. Hodge, R.J. Foreman, G.F. Gallegos
14-19Analysis of controversial zones of the Zr–Cr equilibrium diagramR.O. González, L.M. Gribaudo
20-25Limitations of W and W–1%La2O3 for use as structural materialsMichael Rieth, Bernhard Dafferner
26-34Protective properties and dissolution ability of the gel formed during nuclear glass alterationDiane Rebiscoul, Pierre Frugier, Stéphane Gin, André Ayral
35-41Dislocation structures in 16MND5 pressure vessel steel strained in uniaxial tensionK. Obrtlik, C.F. Robertson, B. Marini
42-47Effect of the fabrication process on fatigue performance of U3Si2 fuel plate with sandwich structureXi-Shu Wang, Shuang-Shou Li, Qing-Yuan Wang, Yong Xu
48-62Dual phase MgO–ZrO2 ceramics for use in LWR inert matrix fuelP.G. Medvedev, S.M. Frank, T.P. O’Holleran, M.K. Meyer
63-67Beryllium–tungsten mixed-material interactionsR.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, R.A. Causey
68-76Neutron displacement cross-sections for tantalum and tungsten at energies up to 1 GeVC.H.M. Broeders, A.Yu. Konobeyev, C. Villagrasa
77-89Microstructural behavior of VVER-440 reactor pressure vessel steels under irradiation to neutron fluences beyond the design operation periodE.A. Kuleshova, B.A. Gurovich, Ya.I. Shtrombakh, Yu.A. Nikolaev, V.A. Pechenkin
90-100Swelling and radiation-induced segregation in austentic alloysT.R. Allen, J.I. Cole, J. Gan, G.S. Was, R. Dropek, E.A. Kenik
101-107On the correlation between mechanical and TEM studies of the aging of palladium during tritium storageA. Fabre, B. Decamps, E. Finot, J.M. Penisson, J. Demoment, S. Thiebaut, S. Contreras, A. Percheron-Guegan
108-118Oxidation kinetics of ZrNbO in steam: Differences between the pre- and post-transition stagesM. Tupin, M. Pijolat, F. Valdivieso, M. Soustelle
119-124Thermal conductivity of near-stoichiometric (U, Er)O2 solid solutionsSi-Hyung Kim, Yeon-Gu Kim, Han-Soo Kim, Sang-Ho Na, Young-Woo Lee, Dong-Soo Suhr
125-130Erosion–corrosion of stainless steel pipes under two-phase flow with steam quality 26%Mitsutaka H. Koike
131-140Vacancy dislocation loops in zirconium and their interaction with self-interstitial atomsD. Kulikov, M. Hou
141-147Bombardment of graphite with hydrogen isotopes: A model for the energy dependence of the chemical sputtering yieldC. Hopf, W. Jacob
148-163Melting of stoichiometric and hyperstoichiometric uranium dioxideD. Manara, C. Ronchi, M. Sheindlin, M. Lewis, M. Brykin
164-178Initiation and propagation of cleared channels in neutron-irradiated pure copper and a precipitation hardened CuCrZr alloyD.J. Edwards, B.N. Singh, J.B. Bilde-Sørensen
179-187The reaction of water on polycrystalline UO2: Pathways to surface and bulk oxidationS.D. Senanayake, R. Rousseau, D. Colegrave, H. Idriss
188-191Void concentration for heterogeneous microstructure development in annealed metalsA.A. Semenov, C.H. Woo
192-196The thermal conductivity and lattice parameter measurements in a low Ce content (U1−yDong-Joo Kim, Young-Woo Lee, Yong-Soo Kim
197-198Author index
199-202Subject index

Volume 343, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-388 (1 August 2005)

Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology 30 November-05 December 2003 Edited by K. Kikuchi, M. Kawai, L.K. Mansur, G.S. Bauer, Y. Dai and S.A. Maloy
iiEditorial board
vConference title page
viManuscript received date
viiForewordK. Kikuchi, M. Kawai, L.K. Mansur, G.S. Bauer, Y. Dai, S.A. Maloy
1-6Construction status of the J-PARC projectShoji Nagamiya
7-13Current status of 1 MW pulse spallation neutron source (JSNS) of J-PARCYujiro Ikeda
14-20R&D works on high-power targetry for neutrino factoriesKoji Yoshimura
21-26An edge-cooled graphite target for J-PARC Muon Science FacilityY. Miyake, S. Makimura, K. Nishiyama, K. Nagamine
27-32Secondary beam production in the nuclear and particle physics facility in J-PARCK. Agari, Y. Hayato, E. Hirose, A. Ichikawa, J. Imazato, T. Kobayashi, M. Minakawa, T. Nakadaira, K. Nishikawa, H. Noumi, T. Ooyabu, Y. Sato, Y. Suzuki, H. Takahashi, S. Ueda, Y. Yamanoi
33-44The second SINQ target irradiation program, STIP-IIY. Dai, X. Jia, R. Thermer, D. Hamaguchi, K. Geissmann, E. Lehmann, H.P. Linder, M. James, F. Gröschel, W. Wagner, G.S. Bauer
45-52Optimized concept design of the target station of Chinese spallation neutron sourceQ.W. Yan, W. Yin, B.L. Yu
53-57Material issues for the super neutrino beam and high-intensity spallation source (measurements using the multi-particle correlation)Hiroshi Takahashi
58-69Summary of cavitation erosion investigations for the SNS mercury targetJ.R. Haines, B.W. Riemer, D.K. Felde, J.D. Hunn, S.J. Pawel, C.C. Tsai
70-80Pitting damage by pressure waves in a mercury targetM. Futakawa, T. Naoe, C.C. Tsai, H. Kogawa, S. Ishikura, Y. Ikeda, H. Soyama, H. Date
81-91Benchmarking dynamic strain predictions of pulsed mercury spallation target vesselsB.W. Riemer
92-100Improved cavitation resistance of structural materials in pulsed liquid metal targets by surface hardeningT. Koppitz, P. Jung, G. Müller, A. Weisenburger, M. Futakawa, Y. Ikeda
101-115Assessment of cavitation–erosion resistance of 316LN stainless steel in mercury as a function of surface treatmentS.J. Pawel
116-122Estimation of pitting damage induced by cavitation impactsH. Soyama, M. Futakawa, K. Homma
123-133Characterization of a carburized surface layer on an austenitic stainless steelK. Farrell, E.D. Specht, J. Pang, L.R. Walker, A. Rar, J.R. Mayotte
134-144Fatigue properties of type 316LN stainless steel in air and mercuryJ.P. Strizak, H. Tian, P.K. Liaw, L.K. Mansur
145-153Technique for cladding of poison sheets for Cd-poisoned moderatorMasayoshi Kawai, Yoshiji Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Miyake, Hitoshi Inoue, Masahide Harada, Makoto Teshigawara, Shigeru Saito, Kenji Kikuchi, Akira Chiba, Kazuhiko Sakaki, Tsutomu Yamamura, Hiroaki Kurishita, Kenji Konashi, Kazutaka Nakajima
154-162Cladding technique for development of Ag–In–Cd decouplerM. Teshigawara, M. Harada, S. Saito, K. Kikuchi, H. Kogawa, Y. Ikeda, M. Kawai, H. Kurishita, K. Konashi
163-168Neutronics performance and decay heat calculation of a solid target for a spallation neutron sourceD. Nio, M. Ooi, N. Takenaka, M. Furusaka, M. Kawai, K. Mishima, Y. Kiyanagi
169-177Thermal hydraulic design and decay heat removal of a solid target for a spallation neutron sourceN. Takenaka, D. Nio, Y. Kiyanagi, K. Mishima, M. Kawai, M. Furusaka
178-183Effect of proton beam profile on stress in JSNS target vesselHiroyuki Kogawa, Syuichi Ishikura, Hiroshi Sato, Masahide Harada, Shunichi Takatama, Masatoshi Futakawa, Katsuhiro Haga, Ryutaro Hino, Shinichiro Meigo, Fujio Maekawa, Yujiro Ikeda
184-190Mechanical properties and microstructure of AlMg3 irradiated in SINQ Target-3Y. Dai, D. Hamaguchi
191-196The high temperature three point bend testing of proton irradiated 316L stainless steel and Mod 9Cr–1MoStuart A. Maloy, A. Zubelewicz, T. Romero, M.R. James, W.F. Sommer, Y. Dai
197-204DPA calculation for Japanese spallation neutron sourceM. Harada, N. Watanabe, C. Konno, S. Meigo, Y. Ikeda, K. Niita
205-211Radiation damage conditions for ESS target hull and irradiation rigsP. Vladimirov, A. Möslang
212-218Micro-hardness measurement and micro-structure characterization of T91 weld metal irradiated in SINQ Target-3X. Jia, Y. Dai
219-226The effect of 800 MeV proton irradiation on the mechanical properties of tungsten at room temperature and at 475 °CS.A. Maloy, M.R. James, W. Sommer Jr., G.J. Willcutt Jr., M. Lopez, T.J. Romero, M.B. Toloczko
227-235Ductility recovery in structural materials for spallation targets by post-irradiation annealingJ. Chen, P. Jung, M. Rödig, H. Ullmaier, G.S. Bauer
236-240The tensile properties of AISI 316L and OPTIFER in various conditions irradiated in a spallation environmentJ. Chen, M. Rödig, F. Carsughi, Y. Dai, G.S. Bauer, H. Ullmaier
241-246Annealing effects on mechanical properties and microstructure of F82H irradiated at less-than-or-equals, slant60 °C with 800 MeV protonsY. Dai, X. Jia, S.A. Maloy
247-252Charpy impact tests on martensitic/ferritic steels after irradiation in SINQ target-3Yong Dai, Pierre Marmy
253-261Tensile properties of austenitic stainless steels irradiated at SINQ target 3S. Saito, K. Kikuchi, K. Usami, A. Ishikawa, Y. Nishino, M. Kawai, Y. Dai
262-266Microstructural study of EC316LN and its welds irradiated in SINQ target-3D. Hamaguchi, Y. Dai
267-274LiSoR irradiation experiments and preliminary post-irradiation examinationsH. Glasbrenner, Y. Dai, F. Gröschel
275-284Tensile properties of candidate structural materials for high power spallation sources at high helium contentsP. Jung, J. Henry, J. Chen
285-296Radiation hardening and -embrittlement due to He production in F82H steel irradiated at 250 °C in JMTRE. Wakai, S. Jitsukawa, H. Tomita, K. Furuya, M. Sato, K. Oka, T. Tanaka, F. Takada, T. Yamamoto, Y. Kato, Y. Tayama, K. Shiba, S. Ohnuki
297-301Fundamental study of polonium contamination by neutron irradiated lead–bismuth eutecticT. Obara, T. Miura, H. Sekimoto
302-307Modeling tensile response and flow localization effects in 316SS after exposure to spallation and fission irradiation environmentsXianglin Wu, Xiao Pan, Meimei Li, James F. Stubbins
308-312Defect structural evolution in high purity tungsten irradiated with electrons using high voltage electron microscopeS. Fukuzumi, T. Yoshiie, Y. Satoh, Q. Xu, H. Mori, M. Kawai
313-317Effect of ion irradiation and implantation of H and He on the corrosion behavior of austenitic stainless steelY. Nemoto, Y. Miwa, Y. Kaji, T. Tsukada
318-324Microstructural control to improve the resistance to radiation embrittlement in vanadiumH. Kurishita, T. Kuwabara, M. Hasegawa, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai
325-329Temperature and dose dependences of radiation damage in modified stainless steelShengyun Zhu, Yongnan Zheng, Polat Ahmat, Yongjun Xu, Dongmei Zhou, Zhiqiang Wang, Enpeng Du, Daqing Yuan, Yi Zuo, Yuzhen Ruan, Xiao Duan
330-332Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy on heavy ion irradiated stainless steels and tungstenShengyun Zhu, Yongjun Xu, Zhiqiang Wang, Yongnan Zheng, Dongmei Zhou, Enpeng Du, Daqing Yuan, M. Fukuda, M. Mihara, K. Matsuta, T. Minamisono
333-340Comparison of the corrosion behavior of austenitic and ferritic/martensitic steels exposed to static liquid Pb–Bi at 450 and 550 °CY. Kurata, M. Futakawa, S. Saito
341-348Expansion of solidified lead bismuth eutecticH. Glasbrenner, F. Gröschel, H. Grimmer, J. Patorski, M. Rohde
349-359Metallurgical study on erosion and corrosion behaviors of steels exposed to liquid lead–bismuth flowMasatoshi Kondo, Minoru Takahashi, Tadashi Suzuki, Kotaro Ishikawa, Koji Hata, Suizheng Qiu, Hiroshi Sekimoto
360-365Investigation of the compatibility of tungsten and high temperature sodiumYong-Li Xu, Bin Long, Yuan-Chao Xu, Hua-Qing Li
366Cavitation-erosion in mercury spallation neutron target sourceJ.R. Haines
367Materials issues in a high power spallation targetStuart A. Maloy
368-369Radiation damage in generalP. Jung
370-371Spallation materials R&D: Remarks on progress and futureL.K. Mansur
372-373A tribute to Liping NiG.S. Bauer
374-378Author index
379-387Subject index

Volume 344, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-312 (1 September 2005)

Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Thermodynamics of Nuclear Materials 06-09 September 2004 Edited by R.J.M. Konings
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript receipt date
vii-viiiPrefaceR.J.M. Konings
1-7Highlights of experimental thermodynamics in the field of nuclear fuel developmentHeiko Kleykamp
8-12Thermodynamics of water sorption on PuO2: Consequences for oxide storage and solubilityJohn M. Haschke
13-16Structures of UO2 and PuO2 surfaces with hydroxide coverageAveryl H.H. Tan, Robin W. Grimes, Scott Owens
17-23Experimental hydrothermal alteration of crystalline and radiation-damaged pyrochloreT. Geisler, A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume, P. Poeml, U. Golla-Schindler, J. Berndt, R. Wirth, K. Pollok, A. Janssen, A. Putnis
24-29Determination of the ionization energy of NpO2 and comparative ionization energies of actinide oxidesJohn K. Gibson, Richard G. Haire, Joaquim Marçalo, Marta Santos, António Pires de Matos, João Paulo Leal
30-35Uranium critical point problemIgor Iosilevskiy, Victor Gryaznov
36-39Thermodynamic analysis of light-actinide elementsEli Brosh, Guy Makov, Roni Z. Shneck
40-44Calculation of enthalpies of formation of actinide nitridesD. Sedmidubský, R.J.M. Konings, P. Novák
45-49Molecular dynamics studies of actinide nitridesKen Kurosaki, Jun Adachi, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
50-55Low-temperature heat capacity measurements on encapsulated transuranium samplesP. Javorský, F. Wastin, E. Colineau, J. Rebizant, P. Boulet, G. Stewart
56-60Low temperature heat capacity of PuPO4C. Thiriet, R.J.M. Konings, F. Wastin
61-66Thermochemical and thermophysical properties of alkaline-earth perovskitesShinsuke Yamanaka, Ken Kurosaki, Takuji Maekawa, Tetsushi Matsuda, Shin-ichi Kobayashi, Masayoshi Uno
67-72Phase equilibria and thermal expansion of CaTiO3 doped with neptuniumTsuyoshi Sato, Toshiyuki Yamashita, Tsuneo Matsui
73-78Four thallium(I) uranates(VI), their preparation, structure and propertiesVladimir A. Volkovich, Iain May, Trevor R. Griffiths, John M. Charnock, Bob Lewin
79-83Thermoelectric properties of uranium filled skutterudites UyYuji Arita, Takashi Ogawa, Haruki Kobayashi, Kota Iwasaki, Tsuneo Matsui, Takanori Nagasaki
84-88Thermodynamic modelling of the (U, Pu, Np)OxMasayuki Hirota, Ken Kurosaki, Daigo Setoyama, Masato Kato, Masahiko Osaka, Takashi Namekawa, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
89-93Thermodynamic analysis on the Np–Zr–H systemB.A. Pudjanto, K. Konashi, M. Kato, T. Terai, M. Yamawaki
94-99A miscibility gap in LiF–BeF2 and LiF–BeF2–ThF4J.P.M. van der Meer, R.J.M. Konings, M.H.G. Jacobs, H.A.J. Oonk
100-103Structures of chloro-uranium species in molten LiCl–BeCl2 eutectic: A combined X-ray and electronic absorption spectroscopy studyV.A. Volkovich, I. May, T.R. Griffiths, J.M. Charnock, A.I. Bhatt, B. Lewin
104-108Structural investigation on lead fluoride–lithium fluoride at various compositions and temperaturesS. Watanabe, H. Matsuura, H. Akatsuka, Y. Okamoto, P.A. Madden
109-114X-ray diffraction and molecular dynamics simulation studies of molten uranium chlorideY. Okamoto, P.A. Madden, K. Minato
115-119Thermodynamic and structural properties of high temperature solid and liquid EuBr2L. Rycerz, S. Gadzuric, E. Ingier-Stocka, R.W. Berg, M. Gaune-Escard
120-123Phase diagram and electrical conductivity of the EuBr2–NaBr binary systemE. Ingier-Stocka, S. Gadzuric, L. Rycerz, M. Cieslak-Golonka, M. Gaune-Escard
124-127Thermodynamic and transport properties of K3TbX6 congruently melting compounds formed in TbX3-KX binary systems (X = Cl, Br)L. Rycerz, M. Gaune-Escard
128-135Electrochemistry of nitrogen and nitrides in molten saltsYasuhiko Ito, Takuya Goto
136-141Extraction behavior of actinides and lanthanides in a molten fluoride/liquid aluminum systemOlivier Conocar, Nicolas Douyere, Jérôme Lacquement
142-145Thermochemical properties of the intermetallic compounds in the lanthanum–cadmium systemOsamu Shirai, Akihiro Uehara, Toshiyuki Fujii, Hajimu Yamana
146-151Non-monotonic systematic variation of the thermodynamic properties of lanthanide metals in liquid bismuthHajimu Yamana, Jiawei Sheng, Osamu Shirai
152-157Electrochemical and calorimetric investigations of some thermodynamic properties of EuCl3 and EuCl2 dissolved in alkali chloride meltsS.A. Kuznetsov, L. Rycerz, M. Gaune-Escard
158-164A computational tool for selective pyrochemical processes based on molten salts in nuclear industryEric Walle, Jorgen Finne, Gerard Picard, Sylvie Sanchez, Jean-Marie Boursier, Didier Noel
165-168Molten salt/liquid metal extraction: Electrochemical determination of activity coefficients in liquid metalsJ. Finne, G. Picard, S. Sanchez, E. Walle, O. Conocar, J. Lacquement, J.-M. Boursier, D. Noel
169-172Determination of uranium and rare-earth metals separation coefficients in LiCl–KCl melt by electrochemical transient techniquesS.A. Kuznetsov, H. Hayashi, K. Minato, M. Gaune-Escard
173-179Thermochemical properties of lanthanides (Ln = La, Nd) and actinides (An = U, Np, Pu, Am) in the molten LiCl–KCl eutecticPatrick Masset, Rudy J.M. Konings, Rikard Malmbeck, Jérôme Serp, Jean-Paul Glatz
180-185Fabrication and electrochemical behavior of nitride fuel for future applicationsYasuo Arai, Kazuo Minato
186-190Experimental assessment of thermophysical properties of (Pu, Zr)NV. Basini, J.P. Ottaviani, J.C. Richaud, M. Streit, F. Ingold
191-197A thermodynamic approach for advanced fuels of gas-cooled reactorsC. Guéneau, S. Chatain, S. Gossé, C. Rado, O. Rapaud, J. Lechelle, J.C. Dumas, C. Chatillon
198-205Modelling thermal properties of actinide dioxide fuelsV. Sobolev
206-212Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of UO2 fuel oxidation in air at 400–2000 KPeter Taylor
213-218Defects and oxygen diffusion in PuO2−xM. Stan, P. Cristea
219-222Oxygen potential measurements of fluorite-type Zr0.5Pu0.5O2−yH. Otobe, A. Nakamura, T. Yamashita, K. Minato
223-229Analysis of the oxygen potential of Th1−yR.P.C. Schram
230-234Chemical thermodynamic representation of (U, Pu, Am)O2−xMasahiko Osaka, Takashi Namekawa, Ken Kurosaki, Shinsuke Yamanaka
235-239Oxygen potentials of plutonium and uranium mixed oxideMasato Kato, Tetsuya Tamura, Kenji Konashi, Shigenori Aono
240-245Characterization of fuel oxidation in rods with clad-holesR.A. Verrall, Z. He, J.F. Mouris
246-253A Knudsen cell-mass spectrometer facility to investigate oxidation and vaporisation processes in nuclear fuelJ.-P. Hiernaut, J.-Y. Colle, R. Pflieger-Cuvellier, J. Jonnet, J. Somers, C. Ronchi
254-258The role of oxygen potential in the sintering of UO2–5wt%CeO2 powder mixed with M3O8 (M = U + Ce)Young-Woo Lee, Si-Hyung Kim, Dong-Joo Kim, Yeon-Ku Kim, Dong Seong Sohn
259-264The UO2–ZrO2 system at high temperature (TPascal Piluso, Gilbert Trillon, Christophe Journeau
265-273Lessons learnt from VERCORS tests.: Study of the active role played by UO2–ZrO2–FP interactions on irradiated fuel collapse temperatureY. Pontillon, P.P. Malgouyres, G. Ducros, G. Nicaise, R. Dubourg, M. Kissane, M. Baichi
274-280Distributions of volatile fission products in or near the fuel-cladding gap of the FBR MOX fuel pins irradiated to high burn-upKoji Maeda, Kosuke Tanaka, Takeo Asaga, Hirotaka Furuya
281-284High temperature mass spectrometry: Application to the thermodynamic study of the Fe–Zr systemSylvie Chatain, Christine Guéneau, Christian Chatillon
285-290Investigations on the phase equilibria of some hydride ion conducting electrolyte systems and their application for hydrogen monitoring in sodium coolantKitheri Joseph, K. Sujatha, S. Nagaraj, K.H. Mahendran, R. Sridharan, G. Periaswami, T. Gnanasekaran
291-294Influence of additive elements on the terminal solid solubility of hydrogen for Zirconium alloyDaigo Setoyama, Junji Matsunaga, Masato Ito, Hiroaki Muta, Ken Kurosaki, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka, Kiyoko Takeda, Yoshiaki Ishii
295-297Thermal properties of yttrium hydrideMasato Ito, Junji Matsunaga, Daigo Setoyama, Hiroaki Muta, Ken Kurosaki, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
298-300Thermal properties of titanium hydridesDaigo Setoyama, Junji Matsunaga, Masato Ito, Hiroaki Muta, Ken Kurosaki, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
301-304Author index
305-312Subject index

Volume 345, Issue 1, Pages 1-88 (1 October 2005)

iiEditorial board
1-10Ex-reactor corrosion and oxide characteristics of Zr–Nb–Fe alloys with the Nb/Fe ratioHyun-Gil Kim, Jeong-Yong Park, Yong-Hwan Jeong
11-18Natural sintering of carbonate powder for use as a carbon-14 immobilization matrixAgnès Grandjean, Gilles Leturcq
19-30Vitrification and testing of a Hanford high-level waste sample. Part 1: Glass fabrication, and chemical and radiochemical analysisP. Hrma, J.V. Crum, D.J. Bates, P.R. Bredt, L.R. Greenwood, H.D. Smith
31-40Vitrification and testing of a Hanford high-level waste sample. Part 2: Phase identification and waste form leachabilityP. Hrma, J.V. Crum, P.R. Bredt, L.R. Greenwood, B.W. Arey, H.D. Smith
41-45About the validity of analytical approximations for temperature and stress for actively cooled windows during thermal loadingO.V. Ogorodnikova
46-64Leach testing at 50 °C of α-doped SON68 glass alteration gelsPatrick Jollivet, Géraldine Parisot
65-74Copper precipitate hardening of irradiated RPV materials and implications on the superposition law and re-irradiation kineticsR. Chaouadi, R. Gérard
75-83Modeling of boron carbide oxidation in steamH. Steiner
84-85Immobilization of carbon-14 from reactor graphite waste by use of self-sustaining reaction in the C–Al–TiO2 systemO.K. Karlina, V.L. Klimov, M.I. Ojovan, G.Yu. Pavlova, S.A. Dmitriev, A.Yu. Yurchenko
86-88Burnup effect on 95Nb/95Zr ratio-cooling time correlationKh. Haddad

Volume 345, Issues 2-3, Pages 89-262 (15 October 2005)

89-95Comparison of tritium retention and carbon deposition in JET and JT-60UT. Tanabe, K. Sugiyama, P. Coad, N. Bekris, M. Glugla, N. Miya
96-100Vapour pressure and standard enthalpy of sublimation of KBF4 by a TG based transpiration techniqueR. Pankajavalli, K. Ananthasivan, S. Anthonysamy, P.R. Vasudeva Rao
101-108Hydrogen ion bombardment damage in stainless steel mirrorsA.I. Belyaeva, A.F. Bardamid, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz, V.G. Konovalov, A.D. Kudlenko, M. Poon, K.A. Slatin, V.S. Voitsenya
109-135Radiation damage effects in candidate titanates for Pu disposition: PyrochloreD.M. Strachan, R.D. Scheele, E.C. Buck, J.P. Icenhower, A.E. Kozelisky, R.L. Sell, R.J. Elovich, W.C. Buchmiller
136-145Microstructural evolution of both as-irradiated and subsequently deformed microstructures of 316 L stainless steel irradiated at 30–160 °C at LANSCEBulent H. Sencer, Stuart A. Maloy, Margaret L. Hamilton, Frank A. Garner
146-161Flow behaviour of a modified Zr–2.5wt%Nb pressure tube alloyR.N. Singh, S. Mukherjee, R. Kishore, B.P. Kashyap
162-166Characterisation of β-quenched and thermally aged Zircaloy-2 by positron annihilation, hardness and ultrasonic velocity measurementsP. Gopalan, R. Rajaraman, G. Amarendra, C.S. Sundar, B. Viswanathan, T. Jayakumar, P. Palanichamy, B. Raj
167-183Selection of optimum microstructure for improved corrosion resistance in a Ti–5%Ta–1.8%Nb alloyR. Mythili, S. Saroja, M. Vijayalakshmi, V.S. Raghunathan
184-191The concentration and pH dependent diffusion of 137Cs in compacted bentonite by using capillary methodXiangke Wang, Xiaoli Tan, Changlun Chen, Lei Chen
192-205On the oxidation state of UO2 nuclear fuel at a burn-up of around 100 MWd/kgHMC.T. Walker, V.V. Rondinella, D. Papaioannou, S. Van Winckel, W. Goll, R. Manzel
206-218Experimental determination of UO2(cr) dissolution kinetics: Effects of solution saturation state and pHE.M. Pierce, J.P. Icenhower, R.J. Serne, J.G. Catalano
219-224Dynamics for oxidation of Fe3O4, Fe2CoO4 and Fe2NiO4Maryam Abili Nejad, Mats Jonsson
225-231The oxidative dissolution of unirradiated UO2 by hydrogen peroxide as a function of pHF. Clarens, J. de Pablo, I. Casas, J. Giménez, M. Rovira, J. Merino, E. Cera, J. Bruno, J. Quiñones, A. Martínez-Esparza
232-238Oxidation and dissolution of UO2 in bicarbonate media: Implications for the spent nuclear fuel oxidative dissolution mechanismJ. Giménez, F. Clarens, I. Casas, M. Rovira, J. de Pablo, J. Bruno
239-244Control of particle size and density of Li2TiO3 pebbles fabricated by indirect wet processesK. Tsuchiya, H. Kawamura, T. Takayama, S. Kato
245-253Synthesis and sintering of (U0.72Ce0.28)O2 solid solutionAshish Jain, K. Ananthasivan, S. Anthonysamy, P.R. Vasudeva Rao
254-256Author index
257-261Subject index

Volume 346, Issue 1, Pages 1-78 (1 November 2005)

Long Term Evolution of Spent Nuclear Fuel - A selection of papers from the Spent Fuel Workshop 2004 Lake Forest, IL, USA 19-20 April 2004 Edited by Ch. Poinssot and R. Finch
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript receipt date
vii-viiiPrefaceChristophe Poinssot, Robert Finch
1-4Gamma radiolysis of NaCl brine: Effect of dissolved radiolysis gases on the radiolytic yield of long-lived productsM. Kelm, E. Bohnert
5-15The effects of alpha-radiolysis on UO2 dissolution determined from batch experiments with 238Pu-doped UO2S. Stroes-Gascoyne, F. Garisto, J.S. Betteridge
16-23The inhibiting effects of hydrogen on the corrosion of uranium dioxide under nuclear waste disposal conditionsM.E. Broczkowski, J.J. Noël, D.W. Shoesmith
24-31Radionuclide release from high burnup spent fuel during corrosion in salt brine in the presence of hydrogen overpressureAndreas Loida, Volker Metz, Bernhard Kienzler, Horst Geckeis
32-39Leaching behaviour of unirradiated high temperature reactor (HTR) UO2–ThO2 mixed oxides fuel particlesCyrille Alliot, Bernd Grambow, Catherine Landesman
40-47Radiolytic modelling of spent fuel oxidative dissolution mechanism. Calibration against UO2 dynamic leaching experimentsJ. Merino, E. Cera, J. Bruno, J. Quiñones, I. Casas, F. Clarens, J. Giménez, J. de Pablo, M. Rovira, A. Martínez-Esparza
48-55Enhanced diffusion under alpha self-irradiation in spent nuclear fuel: Theoretical approachesCécile Ferry, Patrick Lovera, Christophe Poinssot, Philippe Garcia
56-65Spent fuel radionuclide source-term model for assessing spent fuel performance in geological disposal. Part I: Assessment of the instant release fractionLawrence Johnson, Cécile Ferry, Christophe Poinssot, Patrick Lovera
66-77Spent fuel radionuclide source term model for assessing spent fuel performance in geological disposal. Part II: Matrix alteration model and global performanceChristophe Poinssot, Cécile Ferry, Patrick Lovera, Christophe Jegou, Jean-Marie Gras

Volume 346, Issues 2-3, Pages 79-328 (15 November 2005)

79-97Interactions between dislocations and irradiation-induced defects in light water reactor pressure vessel steelsStéphanie Jumel, Jean-Claude Van Duysen, Jacky Ruste, Christophe Domain
98-108Hydride fuel behavior in LWRsDonald R. Olander, Marowen Ng
109-119The effect of Zircaloy-4 substrate surface condition on the adhesion strength and corrosion of SiC coatingsY. Al-Olayyan, G.E. Fuchs, R. Baney, J. Tulenko
120-130Effect of microstructural evolution on in-reactor creep of Zr–2.5Nb tubesYoungSuk Kim, KyungSoo Im, YongMoo Cheong, SangBok Ahn
131-144Matrix swelling rate and cavity volume balance of UO2 fuels at high burn-upJ. Spino, J. Rest, W. Goll, C.T. Walker
145-164The influence of fast neutron irradiation and irradiation temperature on the tensile properties of wrought LCAC and TZM molybdenumB.V. Cockeram, R.W. Smith, L.L. Snead
165-184Tensile properties and fracture mode of a wrought ODS molybdenum sheet following fast neutron irradiation at temperatures ranging from 300 °C to 1000 °CB.V. Cockeram, R.W. Smith, L.L. Snead
185-193Immobilization of cesium in alkaline activated fly ash matrixA. Fernandez-Jimenez, D.E. Macphee, E.E. Lachowski, A. Palomo
194-207The effect of composition on the leaching of three nuclear waste glasses: R7T7, AVM and VRZPierre Frugier, Christelle Martin, Isabelle Ribet, Thierry Advocat, Stéphane Gin
208-219A new model of grain growth kinetics in UO2 fuel pellets. Part 1: Grain growth kinetics controlled by grain face bubble migrationM.S. Veshchunov
220-225A new model of grain growth kinetics in UO2 fuel pellets. Part 2: Normal grain growth kinetics controlled by pore migrationM.S. Veshchunov
226-232A model for the effect of the progression of irradiation-induced recrystallization from initiation to completion on swelling of UO2 and U–10Mo nuclear fuelsJ. Rest
233-243Radiation embrittlement behavior of fine-grained molybdenum alloy with 0.2 wt%TiC additionY. Kitsunai, H. Kurishita, T. Kuwabara, M. Narui, M. Hasegawa, T. Takida, K. Takebe
244-252Fission gas release in FBR MOX fuel irradiated to high burnupKoji Maeda, Kozo Katsuyama, Takeo Asaga
253-265Evolution of the local environment of cerium and neodymium during simplified SON68 glass alterationPatrick Jollivet, Christophe Lopez, Christophe Den Auwer, Eric Simoni
266-271Electrostatic dust detection on remote surfacesC. Voinier, C.H. Skinner, A.L. Roquemore
272-281Effect of self-interstitial diffusion anisotropy in electron-irradiated zirconium: A cluster dynamics modelingF. Christien, A. Barbu
282-292Kinetic study of corrosion product activity in primary coolant pipes of a typical PWR under flow rate transients and linearly increasing corrosion ratesMuhammad Rafique, Nasir M. Mirza, Sikander M. Mirza
293-297Hydrogen diffusion in liquid lithium from 500 °C to 650 °CS. Fukada, M. Kinoshita, K. Kuroki, T. Muroga
298-305High temperature properties of an iron phosphate melt containing high chrome nuclear wasteWenhai Huang, Delbert E. Day, Chandra S. Ray, Cheol W. Kim
306-311Dynamic observation of the behavior of 3 keV image irradiated into Li2O using IR absorption spectroscopyTakuji Oda, Yasuhisa Oya, Satoru Tanaka
312-318Volatilization of urania under strongly oxidizing conditionsC.A. Alexander
319-321Author index
322-327Subject index

Volume 347, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-160 (1 December 2005)

iiEditorial board
1-11Immobilization of fission products arising from pyrometallurgical reprocessing in chloride mediaG. Leturcq, A. Grandjean, D. Rigaud, P. Perouty, M. Charlot
12-19Release of fission tritium through Zircaloy-4 fuel cladding tubesC. Andrieu, S. Ravel, G. Ducros, C. Lemaignan
20-30Thermal property characterization of a titanium modified austenitic stainless steel (alloy D9)Aritra Banerjee, S. Raju, R. Divakar, E. Mohandas, G. Panneerselvam, M.P. Antony
31-43Kinetic measurement and prediction of the hydrogen outgassing from the polycrystalline LiH/Li2O/LiOH systemL.N. Dinh, D.M. Grant, M.A. Schildbach, R.A. Smith, W.J. Siekhaus, B. Balazs, J.H. Leckey, J.R. Kirkpatrick, W. McLean II
44-51Point defects in uranium dioxide: Ab initio pseudopotential approach in the generalized gradient approximationMichel Freyss, Thierry Petit, Jean-Paul Crocombette
52-68An ATEM study of oxidation behavior of SCC crack tips in 304L stainless steel in high temperature oxygenated waterY.H. Lu, Q.J. Peng, T. Sato, T. Shoji
69-72Standard enthalpy of formation of La2Te3O9 and La2Te4O11M. Ali(Basu), S.R. Bharadwaj, S.C. Kumar, D. Das
73-76Influence of temperature and uranium on the radiation stability of zirconA.P. Shpak, A.E. Grechanovsky, A.S. Lytovchenko, G.V. Legkova, S.Yu. Sayenko
77-87Colloids from the aqueous corrosion of uranium nuclear fuelM.D. Kaminski, N.M. Dimitrijevic, C.J. Mertz, M.M. Goldberg
88-93Colloids from the aqueous corrosion of aluminium-based nuclear fuelM.D. Kaminski, M.M. Goldberg, C.J. Mertz
94-103Engineering product storage under the advanced fuel cycle initiative. Part I: An iterative thermal transport modeling scheme for high-heat-generating radioactive storage forms, Michael D. Kaminski
104-110Engineered product storage under the advanced fuel cycle initiative. Part II: Conceptual storage scenarios, Michael D. Kaminski
111-117Incident energy dependence of blistering at tungsten irradiated by low energy high flux deuterium plasma beamsG.-N. Luo, W.M. Shu, M. Nishi
118-124Chemical sputtering of ATJ graphite induced by low-energy image bombardmentL.I. Vergara, F.W. Meyer, H.F. Krause
125-133Specific heat measurements of TiB2 and 6LiF from 0.5 to 30 KBrian E. Lang, Marcus H. Donaldson, Brian F. Woodfield, Arnold Burger, Utupal N. Roy, Vincent Lamberti, Zane W. Bell
134-139Methodology for the recovery of lithium from lithium titanateSilvia Lagos, Rebeca Becerra
140-150Phase boundary of the Zr-rich region in commercial grade Zr–Nb alloysHyun-Gil Kim, Jeong-Yong Park, Yong-Hwan Jeong
151-160Nickel boride (NiB) as an inhibitor for an IGSCC of Alloy 600 and its applicabilityYongsun Yi, Seolhwan Eom, Hongpyo Kim, Joungsoo Kim

Volume 347, Issue 3, Pages 161-322 (15 December 2005)

Laser Fusion Materials
iiiSpecial issue title page
ivManuscript received date
v-viPrefaceJ.P. Blanchard
161-177An overview of the development of the first wall and other principal components of a laser fusion power plantJohn D. Sethian, A. Rene Raffray, Jeffery Latkowski, James P. Blanchard, Lance Snead, Timothy J. Renk, Shahram Sharafat
178-191Threats, design limits and design windows for laser IFE dry wall chambersA. René Raffray and The HAPL Team
192-206Thermomechanical effects in a laser IFE first wallJames P. Blanchard, Carl J. Martin
207-216Development of refractory armored silicon carbide by infrared transient liquid phase processingTatsuya Hinoki, Lance L. Snead, Craig A. Blue
217-243Micro-engineered first wall tungsten armor for high average power laser fusion energy systemsShahram Sharafat, Nasr M. Ghoniem, Michael Anderson, Brian Williams, Jake Blanchard, Lance Snead and The HAPL Team
244-254Testing IFE materials on ZTina J. Tanaka, Greg A. Rochau, Robert R. Peterson, Craig L. Olson
255-265Effect of multi-shot X-ray exposures in IFE armor materialsJ.F. Latkowski, R.P. Abbott, R.C. Schmitt, B.K. Bell
266-288Chamber wall materials response to pulsed ions at power-plant level fluences, T.J. Renk, P.P. Provencio, T.J. Tanaka, C.L. Olson, R.R. Peterson, J.E. Stolp, D.G. Schroen, T.R. Knowles
289-297Retention and surface blistering of helium irradiated tungsten as a first wall materialS.B. Gilliam, S.M. Gidcumb, N.R. Parikh, D.G. Forsythe, B.K. Patnaik, J.D. Hunn, L.L. Snead, G.P. Lamaze
298-306Helium and deuterium implantation in tungsten at elevated temperaturesB.B. Cipiti, G.L. Kulcinski
307-313Microstructural analysis on helium retention of ion-irradiated and annealed tungsten foilsN. Hashimoto, J.D. Hunn, N. Parikh, S. Gilliam, S. Gidcumb, B. Patnaik, L.L. Snead
314-316Author index
317-322Subject index

Volume 348, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-228 (1 January 2006)

iiEditorial board
1-17Addition versus radiolytic production effects of hydrogen peroxide on aqueous corrosion of UO2C. Corbel, G. Sattonnay, S. Guilbert, F. Garrido, M.-F. Barthe, C. Jegou
18-25Heat and mass transfer calculations in heavy liquid metal loops under forced convection flow conditionsH. Steiner, J. Konys
26-32Proton transfer in SrCeO3-based oxide with internal reformation under supply of CH4 and H2OSatoshi Fukada, Shigenori Suemori, Ken Onoda
33-39Deuterium and helium retentions of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy used as first wall of breeding blanket in a fusion reactorYuko Hirohata, Tsuyoshi Yamada, Yuji Yamauchi, Tomoaki Hino, Takuya Nagasaka, Takeo Muroga
40-44A new equation of state for predicting the thermodynamic properties of liquid alkali metalsElaheh K. Goharshadi, Ali R. Berenji
45-50Equilibria in the Zr–Hf–Sn system in the region up to 37.5 at.% SnD.H. Ruiz, A.M. Monti, M. Ortiz Albuixech, L.M. Gribaudo
51-59Theoretical study of helium insertion and diffusion in 3C-SiCRenée M. Van Ginhoven, Alain Chartier, Constantin Meis, William J. Weber, L. René Corrales
60-69Sorption of silicon on magnetite and other corrosion products of ironViolaine Philippini, Aude Naveau, Hubert Catalette, Stéphanie Leclercq
70-78Crystallization of lanthanum and yttrium aluminosilicate glassesNajim Sadiki, Jean Pierre Coutures, Catherine Fillet, Jean Luc Dussossoy
79-86Oxidation of Zircaloy-4 by oxygen and the production of waterN. Stojilovic, E.T. Bender, R.D. Ramsier
87-93Reactions between reactive metals and iodine in aqueous solutionsHenrik Glänneskog, Jan-Olov Liljenzin, Lembit Sihver
94-101Determination of elastic modulus and residual stress of plasma-sprayed tungsten coating on steel substrateJ.H. You, T. Höschen, S. Lindig
102-107Proposal for a new technique to join CFC composites to copperPietro Appendino, Monica Ferraris, Valentina Casalegno, Milena Salvo, M. Merola, M. Grattarola
108-113Study on the structural evolution of modified phenol–formaldehyde resin adhesive for the high-temperature bonding of graphiteJigang Wang, Nan Jiang, Quangui Guo, Lang Liu, Jinren Song
114-121Phase diagram of the ZrO2–FeO systemS.V. Bechta, E.V. Krushinov, V.I. Almjashev, S.A. Vitol, L.P. Mezentseva, Yu.B. Petrov, D.B. Lopukh, V.B. Khabensky, M. Barrachin, S. Hellmann, K. Froment, M. Fischer, W. Tromm, D. Bottomley, F. Defoort, V.V. Gusarov
122-132Thermal, structural, and radiological properties of irradiated graphite from the ASTRA research reactor – Implications for disposalDusan Lexa, A. Jeremy Kropf
133-147The electrochemistry of zirconium in aqueous solutions at elevated temperatures and pressuresYingzi Chen, Mirna Urquidi-Macdonald, Digby D. Macdonald
148-164The effect of dose rate on the response of austenitic stainless steels to neutron radiationT.R. Allen, J.I. Cole, C.L. Trybus, D.L. Porter, H. Tsai, F. Garner, E.A. Kenik, T. Yoshitake, Joji Ohta
165-173Effect of residual carbon on the sintering behavior of MOX pelletsK. Asakura, K. Takeuchi
174-180Analysis of geometrical effects on graphite oxidation through measurement of internal surface areaEung Soo Kim, Kyung Won Lee, Hee Cheon No
181-190Comprehensive investigation of the corrosion state of the heat exchanger tubes of steam generators. Part I. General corrosion state and morphologyK. Varga, Z. Németh, A. Szabó, K. Radó, D. Oravetz, Z. Homonnay, J. Schunk, P. Tilky, F. Kőrösi
191-204Comprehensive investigation of the corrosion state of the heat exchanger tubes of steam generators. Part II. Chemical composition and structure of tube surfacesZ. Homonnay, E. Kuzmann, K. Varga, Z. Németh, A. Szabó, K. Radó, K.É. Makó, L. Kövér, I. Cserny, D. Varga, J. Tóth, J. Schunk, P. Tilky, G. Patek
205-212Influence of the crack-tip hydride concentration on the fracture toughness of Zircaloy-4G. Bertolino, J. Perez Ipiña, G. Meyer
213-221Influence of oxide films on primary water stress corrosion cracking initiation of alloy 600J. Panter, B. Viguier, J.-M. Cloué, M. Foucault, P. Combrade, E. Andrieu
222Erratum to ‘Defect structural evolution in high purity tungsten irradiated with electrons using high voltage electron microscope’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 343 (2005) 308]S. Fukuzumi, T. Yoshiie, Y. Satoh, Q. Xu, H. Mori, M. Kawai
223-227Phase transformation induced by ion implantation in cubic stabilized zirconiaG. Sattonnay, L. Thomé

Volume 348, Issue 3, Pages 229-346 (1 February 2006)

229-242Fission product release in high-burn-up UO2 oxidized to U3O8J.Y. Colle, J.-P. Hiernaut, D. Papaioannou, C. Ronchi, A. Sasahara
243-255Damage inhomogeneity in the core region of displacement cascades in simplified nuclear glassesJ.-M. Delaye, D. Ghaleb
256-262Simulation study of carbon impurity dynamics on tungsten surfaces exposed to hydrogen ionsRetsuo Kawakami
263-271The effect of grain boundary engineering on the oxidation behavior of INCOLOY alloy 800H in supercritical waterL. Tan, K. Sridharan, T.R. Allen
272-282Magnesium potassium phosphate ceramic for 99Tc immobilizationD. Singh, V.R. Mandalika, S.J. Parulekar, A.S. Wagh
283-293Velocity distribution of helium and neon atoms released from graphite and tungsten limiters in TEXTORP. Lindner, M. Brix, Ph. Mertens, A. Pospieszczyk, U. Samm, B. Schweer, B. Unterberg
294-301Modelling of thermally enhanced erosion of berylliumK. Schmid, M. Baldwin, R. Doerner
302-310Tracer diffusion of 54Mn in alloy D9 in presence of sodiumR. Sudha, P. Muralidaran, G. Periaswami, V. Ganesan
311-328Neural-network analysis of irradiation hardening in low-activation steelsR. Kemp, G.A. Cottrell, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, H. Kishimoto
329-334Oxygen potential and thermal conductivity of (U, Pu) mixed oxidesP.R. Vasudeva Rao, S. Anthonysamy, M.V. Krishnaiah, V. Chandramouli
335Erratum to ‘Four thallium(I) uranates(VI), their preparation, structure and properties’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 344 (2005) 73–78]Vladimir A. Volkovich, Iain May, Trevor R. Griffiths, John M. Charnock, Bob Lewin
336-339Author index
340-346Subject index

Volume 349, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-234 (15 February 2006)

iiEditorial board
1-5Archaeologic analogues: Microstructural changes by natural ageing in carbon steelsEsther Bravo Muñoz, Jorge Chamón Fernández, Javier Guzmán Arasanz, Raquel Arévalo Peces, Antonio Javier Criado, Christian Dietz, Juan Antonio Martínez, Antonio José Criado Portal
6-16Deuterium depth profiling in JT-60U W-shaped divertor tiles by nuclear reaction analysisT. Hayashi, K. Ochiai, K. Masaki, Y. Gotoh, C. Kutsukake, T. Arai, T. Nishitani, N. Miya
17-56Thermodynamics of the O–U system. IV – Critical assessment of chemical potentials in the U–UO2.01 composition rangeMehdi Baichi, Christian Chatillon, Gérard Ducros, Karine Froment
57-82Thermodynamics of the O–U system: III – Critical assessment of phase diagram data in the U–UO2+xMehdi Baichi, Christian Chatillon, Gérard Ducros, Karine Froment
83-95The texture dependence of KSungSoo Kim
96-106Modelling of bituminized radioactive waste leaching. Part I: Constitutive equationsJ. Sercombe, B. Gwinner, C. Tiffreau, B. Simondi-Teisseire, F. Adenot
107-118Modelling of bituminized radioactive waste leaching. Part II: Experimental validationB. Gwinner, J. Sercombe, C. Tiffreau, B. Simondi-Teisseire, I. Felines, F. Adenot
119-132Displacement cascades in Fe–Cr: A molecular dynamics studyD.A. Terentyev, L. Malerba, R. Chakarova, K. Nordlund, P. Olsson, M. Rieth, J. Wallenius
133-149Diffusivity, activity and solubility of oxygen in liquid lead and lead–bismuth eutectic alloy by electrochemical methodsRajesh Ganesan, T. Gnanasekaran, Raman S. Srinivasa
150-159Derivation of analytical expressions for the network dislocation density, change in lattice parameter, and for the recrystallized grain size in nuclear fuelsJ. Rest
160-166Thermo-oxidation to remove re-deposited layers and to release trapped hydrogen isotopes in HT-7 superconducting tokamakJ.S. Hu, J.G. Li, X.M. Wang
167-177Thermal conductivity and acid dissolution behavior of MgO–ZrO2 ceramics for use in LWR inert matrix fuelP.G. Medvedev, M.J. Lambregts, M.K. Meyer
178-181Surface co-segregation of minor alloying elements in Ti-modified stainless steel studied by Auger electron spectroscopyP. Gopalan, R. Rajaraman, G. Amarendra
182-194Experimental study on the oxidation of nuclear graphite and development of an oxidation modelEung Soo Kim, Hee Cheon NO
195-233A literature review of reactions and kinetics of lithium hydride hydrolysisC. Haertling, R.J. Hanrahan Jr., R. Smith

Volume 349, Issue 3, Pages 235-346 (1 March 2006)

235-250Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of radiation induced segregation and precipitationFrédéric Soisson
251-264Characteristics of microscopic strain localization in irradiated 316 stainless steels and pure vanadiumT.S. Byun, N. Hashimoto, K. Farrell, E.H. Lee
265-281Transmission electron microscopy examination of oxide layers formed on Zr alloysAylin Yilmazbayhan, Else Breval, Arthur T. Motta, Robert J. Comstock
282-290Deuterium retention in sintered boron carbide exposed to a deuterium plasmaV.Kh. Alimov, D.A. Komarov, J. Roth, M. Mayer, S. Lindig
291-303Behavior of thorium–uranium (IV) phosphate–diphosphate sintered samples during leaching tests. Part I – Kinetic studyN. Dacheux, N. Clavier, J. Ritt
304-316Behavior of thorium–uranium (IV) phosphate–diphosphate sintered samples during leaching tests. Part II. Saturation processesN. Clavier, E. du Fou de Kerdaniel, N. Dacheux, P. Le Coustumer, R. Drot, J. Ravaux, E. Simoni
317-326Thermodynamics of Fe–Cu alloys as described by a classic potentialA. Caro, M. Caro, E.M. Lopasso, P.E.A. Turchi, D. Farkas
327-338Tritium release from bulk of carbon-based tiles used in JT-60UToshiharu Takeishi, Kazunari Katayama, Masabumi Nishikawa, Kei Masaki, Naoyuki Miya
339-340Author index
341-345Subject index

Volume 350, Issue 1, Pages 1-100 (15 March 2006)

iiEditorial board
1-8On stability of spatial distributions of crystal structure defects in irradiated high burnup UO2 fuelV.V. Likhanskii, V.G. Zborovskii
9-18Oxygen glow discharge experiment to remove deposited layers and to release trapped hydrogen isotopes in HT-7 superconducting tokamakJ.S. Hu, J.G. Li, X.M. Wang
19-39On the thermal conductivity of UO2 nuclear fuel at a high burn-up of around 100 MWd/kgHMC.T. Walker, D. Staicu, M. Sheindlin, D. Papaioannou, W. Goll, F. Sontheimer
40-46Analysis for hydrogen particle balance of plasma-wall system in the large helical deviceM. Kobayashi, J. Miyazawa, S. Masuzaki, Y. Igitkhanov, R. Sakamoto, N. Ashikawa, T. Morisaki, N. Ohyabu, H. Yamada, H. Funaba, A. Komori, O. Motojima and the LHD experimental group
47-55Mechanical property and microstructural change by thermal aging of SCS14A cast duplex stainless steelTakuyo Yamada, Satoshi Okano, Hisashi Kuwano
56-65Analysis of water radiolysis in relation to stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel at high temperatures – Effect of water radiolysis on limiting current densities of anodic and cathodic reactions under irradiationKenkichi Ishigure, Takashi Nukii, Shoichi Ono
66-73Interaction between borosilicate melt and InconelPranesh Sengupta, J. Mittra, G.B. Kale
74-82The influence of roughness on tribological properties of nuclear grade graphiteLuo Xiaowei, Yu Suyuan, Sheng Xuanyu, He Shuyan
83-88Atomistic behavior of helium–vacancy clusters in aluminumB.Y. Ao, J.Y. Yang, X.L. Wang, W.Y. Hu
89-95Fluence rate effect semi-mechanistic modelling on WWER-type RPV weldsL. Debarberis, B. Acosta, F. Sevini, A. Chernobaeva, A.M. Kryukov
96-100Experimental study on the reaction between nuclear graphite IG-110 and carbon dioxideEung Soo Kim, Hee Cheon No

Volume 350, Issue 2, Pages 101-202 (15 April 2006)

101-112Measurement of implanted helium particle transport by a flowing liquid lithium filmM. Nieto, D.N. Ruzic, W. Olczak, R. Stubbers
113-121Mechanical behavior of δ-phase Pu–Ga alloys. Part I: Constitutive modelM.G. Stout, G.C. Kaschner, S.S. Hecker
122-128Mechanical behavior of δ-phase Pu–Ga alloys. Part II: Model verification and applicationG.C. Kaschner, M.G. Stout, S.S. Hecker
129-134Enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation of dysprosium dicarbideR. Vidhya, M.P. Antony, P.R. Vasudeva Rao
135-146Influence of metallurgical variables on delayed hydride cracking in Zr–Nb pressure tubesP. Cirimello, G. Domizzi, R. Haddad
147-152Nanoindentation characterization of ErT2 thin filmsJ.A. Knapp, J.F. Browning
153-162Modeling the activity of 129I and 137Cs in the primary coolant and CVCS resin of an operating PWRK.H. Hwang, K.J. Lee
163-168Surface oxidation of Zircaloy-4 at 600 K by adsorbed oxygen, nitric oxide, and sulfur dioxideN. Stojilovic, R.D. Ramsier
169-172Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) investigations in the CeO2–ThO2–ZrO2 systemV. Grover, P. Sengupta, K. Bhanumurthy, A.K. Tyagi
173-181Analysis of WWER-440 and PWR RPV welds surveillance data to compare irradiation damage evolutionL. Debarberis, B. Acosta, A. Zeman, F. Sevini, A. Ballesteros, A. Kryukov, F. Gillemot, M. Brumovsky
182-194Determining the shear properties of the PyC/SiC interface for a model TRISO fuelT. Nozawa, L.L. Snead, Y. Katoh, J.H. Miller, E. Lara-Curzio
195-201The effect of alloying modifications on hydrogen uptake of zirconium-alloy welding specimens during corrosion testsM.Y. Yao, B.X. Zhou, Q. Li, W.Q. Liu, Y.L. Chu
202Erratum to: Kinetic measurement and prediction of the hydrogen outgassing from the polycrystalline LiH/Li2O/LiOH system by L.N. Dinh et al., J. Nucl. Mater. 347 (2005) 31L.N. Dinh

Volume 350, Issue 3, Pages 203-346 (1 May 2006)

203-207Characterization of simulated burnup fuel by nanoindentationKen Kurosaki, Yoshiyuki Saito, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
208-220The development of a stress analysis code for nuclear graphite components in gas-cooled reactorsD.K.L. Tsang, B.J. Marsden
221-231Spectroscopic and microscopic study of the corrosion of iron–silicon steel by lead–bismuth eutectic (LBE) at elevated temperaturesAllen L. Johnson, Eric P. Loewen, Thao T. Ho, Dan Koury, Brian Hosterman, Umar Younas, Jenny Welch, John W. Farley
232-239Calculations on fission gas behaviour in the high burnup structureP. Blair, A. Romano, Ch. Hellwig, R. Chawla
240-245Nondestructive inspection of fresh WWER-440 fuel assembliesM. Bastürk, H. Tatlisu, H. Böck
246-253Study on behavior of tritium in concrete wallK. Furuichi, H. Takata, T. Motoshima, S. Satake, M. Nishikawa
254-263Recycling of chemicals from alkaline waste generated during preparation of UO3 microspheres by sol–gel processAshok Kumar, T.V. Vittal Rao, S.K. Mukerjee, V.N. Vaidya
264-270Corrosion of steels with surface treatment and Al-alloying by GESA exposed in lead–bismuthAnnette Heinzel, Masatoshi Kondo, Minoru Takahashi
271-283A model for the behavior of thorium uranium mixed oxide kernels in the pelletizing processR.A.N. Ferreira, E. Jordão
284-292Ultrasonic measurements for in-service assessment of wrought Inconel 625 cracker tubes of heavy water plantsAnish Kumar, K.V. Rajkumar, T. Jayakumar, Baldev Raj, B. Mishra
293-300Recrystallisation of amorphous natural brannerite through annealing: The effect of radiation damage on the chemical durability of branneriteY. Zhang, G.R. Lumpkin, H. Li, M.G. Blackford, M. Colella, M.L. Carter, E.R. Vance
301-309Thermal properties of redeposition layers in the JT-60U divertor regionY. Ishimoto, Y. Gotoh, T. Arai, K. Masaki, N. Miya, N. Oyama, N. Asakura
310-319Evaluation of effect of hydrogen on toughness of Zircaloy-2 by instrumented drop weight impact testingU.K. Viswanathan, R.N. Singh, C.B. Basak, S. Anantharaman, K.C. Sahoo
320-331The influence of calcium ions on the development of acidity in corrosion product deposits on SIMFUEL, UO2B.G. Santos, J.J. Noël, D.W. Shoesmith
332-335EBSD investigation of SiC for HTR fuel particlesD. Helary, O. Dugne, X. Bourrat, P.H. Jouneau, F. Cellier
336-338Author index
339-345Subject index

Volume 351, Issues 1-3, Page 1-332 (1 June 2006)

Proceedings of the Symposium on Microstructural Processes in Irradiated Materials San Francisco, CA, USA 14-17 February 2005 Edited by C.S. Becquart, H. Matsui, L. Snead and B.D. Wirth
iiEditorial board
vConference title page
viManusript received date
ix2005 TMS microstructural processes in irradiated materials symposiumCharlotte Becquart, Hideki Matsui, Lance Snead, Brian D. Wirth
1-19Ab initio modelling of defect properties with substitutional and interstitials elements in steels and Zr alloysChristophe Domain
20-27Two-band second moment model for transition metals and alloysGraeme J. Ackland
28-38Molecular dynamics simulation of displacement cascades in α-Fe: A critical reviewL. Malerba
39-46Effect of displacement cascade structure and defect mobility on the growth of point defect clusters under irradiationC.S. Becquart, A. Souidi, C. Domain, M. Hou, L. Malerba, R.E. Stoller
47-55Atomic scale modelling of the primary damage state of irradiated fcc and bcc nanocrystalline metalsM. Samaras, P.M. Derlet, H. Van Swygenhoven, M. Victoria
56-64Molecular dynamics simulation of primary irradiation defect formation in Fe–10%Cr alloyJae-Hyeok Shim, Hyon-Jee Lee, Brian D. Wirth
65-77Effect of the interatomic potential on the features of displacement cascades in α-Fe: A molecular dynamics studyD. Terentyev, C. Lagerstedt, P. Olsson, K. Nordlund, J. Wallenius, C.S. Becquart, L. Malerba
78-87Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations applied to irradiated materials: The effect of cascade damage in defect nucleation and growthM.J. Caturla, N. Soneda, T. Diaz de la Rubia, M. Fluss
88-99Solute interaction with point defects in α Fe during thermal ageing: A combined ab initio and atomic kinetic Monte Carlo approachE. Vincent, C.S. Becquart, C. Domain
100-108Void nucleation with embryo injectionK.C. Russell, B.K. Kim
109-118Calculation of helium defect clustering properties in iron using a multi-scale approachT. Seletskaia, Yu.N. Osetsky, R.E. Stoller, G.M. Stocks
119-132Helium–self-interstitial atom interaction in α-ironLisa Ventelon, Brian Wirth, Christophe Domain
133-140Diffusion of He interstitials in grain boundaries in α-FeF. Gao, H. Heinisch, R.J. Kurtz
141-148Interaction of helium atoms with edge dislocations in α-FeH.L. Heinisch, F. Gao, R.J. Kurtz, E.A. Le
149-154Positron annihilation spectroscopy of proton irradiated single crystal BCC ironMaria A. Okuniewski, Doug P. Wells, Farida A. Selim, Stuart A. Maloy, Michael R. James, James F. Stubbins, Chaitanya S. Deo, Srinivasan G. Srivilliputhur, Michael I. Baskes
155-161Effect of hafnium on radiation-induced inter-granular segregation in ferritic steelZ. Lu, R.G. Faulkner, N. Sakaguchi, H. Kinoshita, H. Takahashi, P.E.J. Flewitt
162-173Microstructural evolution of proton irradiated T91G. Gupta, Z. Jiao, A.N. Ham, J.T. Busby, G.S. Was
174-186Microstructural development in advanced ferritic–martensitic steel HCM12AT.R. Allen, L. Tan, J. Gan, G. Gupta, G.S. Was, E.A. Kenik, S. Shutthanandan, S. Thevuthasan
187-196APT characterization of high nickel RPV steelsM.K. Miller, M.A. Sokolov, R.K. Nanstad, K.F. Russell
197-208Positron annihilation spectroscopy and small angle neutron scattering characterization of nanostructural features in high-nickel model reactor pressure vessel steelsStephen C. Glade, Brian D. Wirth, G. Robert Odette, P. Asoka-Kumar
209-215Coincidence Doppler broadening spectroscopy in Fe, Fe–C and Fe–Cu after neutron irradiationK. Verheyen, M. Jardin, A. Almazouzi
216-222The effects of irradiation, annealing and reirradiation on RPV steelsM.K. Miller, R.K. Nanstad, M.A. Sokolov, K.F. Russell
223-227Irradiated microstructure of alloy 800HJ. Gan, J.I. Cole, T.R. Allen, S. Shutthanandan, S. Thevuthasan
228-240Microstructural development in cubic silicon carbide during irradiation at elevated temperaturesY. Katoh, N. Hashimoto, S. Kondo, L.L. Snead, A. Kohyama
241-246Nano-mesoscopic structural control in 9CrODS ferritic/martensitic steelsS. Ohtsuka, S. Ukai, M. Fujiwara
247-260Microstructural development under irradiation in European ODS ferritic/martensitic steelsR. Schäublin, A. Ramar, N. Baluc, V. de Castro, M.A. Monge, T. Leguey, N. Schmid, C. Bonjour
261-268Characterization of precipitates in MA/ODS ferritic alloysM.K. Miller, K.F. Russell, D.T. Hoelzer
269-284Microstructure of neutron-irradiated iron before and after tensile deformationS.J. Zinkle, B.N. Singh
285-294Destruction processes of large stacking fault tetrahedra induced by direct interaction with gliding dislocationsY. Matsukawa, Yu.N. Osetsky, R.E. Stoller, S.J. Zinkle
295-302Microstructural analysis of deformation in neutron-irradiated fcc materialsN. Hashimoto, T.S. Byun, K. Farrell
303-315Deformation mode map of irradiated 316 stainless steel in true stress–dose spaceT.S. Byun, N. Hashimoto, K. Farrell
316-323Strain-rate effects on microstructural deformation in irradiated 316 SSJames I. Cole, Hanchung Tsai, Todd R. Allen, Tsunemitsu Yoshitake, Naoaki Akasaka, Ichiro Yamagata, Yasuo Nakamura
324-326Author index
327-332Subject index

Volume 352, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-394 (30 June 2006)

Proceedings of the E-MRS 2005 Spring Meeting Symposium N on Nuclear Materials (including the 10th Inert Matrix Fuel Workshop), Proceedings of the E-MRS 2005 Spring Meeting Symposium N on Nuclear Materials (including the 10th Inert Matrix Fuel Workshop) Strasbourg, France 31 May-02 June 2005 Edited by C. Degueldre
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript received date
vii-viiiEditorial NoteClaude Degueldre, Dolores Gomez Briceño, Thomas Fanghänel, Dominique Warin
ix-xiiiIntroducing the nuclear material challengesC. Degueldre, Ch. Guéneau
1-5Numerical modelling of the effects of porosity changes on the mechanical properties of nuclear graphiteC. Berre, S.L. Fok, B.J. Marsden, L. Babout, A. Hodgkins, T.J. Marrow, P.M. Mummery
6-12Optical characterization of tristructural isotropic fuel particle cross-sections using generalized ellipsometryG.E. Jellison Jr., J.D. Hunn, R.A. Lowden
13-21Critical review of carbon monoxide pressure measurements in the uranium–carbon–oxygen ternary systemS. Gossé, C. Guéneau, C. Chatillon, S. Chatain
22-28Atomistic simulation of rapid compression of fractured silicon carbideA. Romano, J. Li, S. Yip
29-35Optimisation and characterisation of tungsten thick coatings on copper based alloy substratesB. Riccardi, R. Montanari, M. Casadei, G. Costanza, G. Filacchioni, A. Moriani
36-41In situ creep under helium implantation of titanium–aluminium alloyJ. Chen, P. Jung, M. Nazmy, W. Hoffelner
42-49Resistivity recovery simulations of electron-irradiated iron: Kinetic Monte Carlo versus cluster dynamicsJ. Dalla Torre, Chu-Chun Fu, F. Willaime, A. Barbu, J.-L. Bocquet
50-56Irradiation of pre-existing voids in nanocrystalline ironM. Samaras, W. Hoffelner, M. Victoria
57-61Oxide dispersion strengthened steel irradiation with helium ionsM.A. Pouchon, J. Chen, M. Döbeli, W. Hoffelner
62-74Three dimensional observations and modelling of intergranular stress corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless steelT.J. Marrow, L. Babout, A.P. Jivkov, P. Wood, D. Engelberg, N. Stevens, P.J. Withers, R.C. Newman
75-79Heterogeneous irradiation-induced copper precipitation in ferritic iron–copper model alloysPhilippe Pareige, Bertrand Radiguet, Alain Barbu
80-84Sliding wear behaviors of steam generator tube materials in high temperature water environmentGi Sung Park, Gyung Guk Kim, Seon Jin Kim
85-89Effect of manganese on the cavitation erosion resistance of iron–chromium–carbon–silicon alloys for replacing cobalt-base StelliteJi Hui Kim, Kwang Su Na, Gyung Guk Kim, Chong S. Yoon, Seon Jin Kim
90-96The effect of boron on the wear behavior of iron-based hardfacing alloys for nuclear power plants valvesJeong Wan Yoo, Seong Hun Lee, Chong S. Yoon, Seon Jin Kim
97-106Assessment of the constitutive law by inverse methodology: Small punch test and hardnessJ. Isselin, A. Iost, J. Golek, D. Najjar, M. Bigerelle
107-115Study of carbon steel corrosion layer by X-ray diffraction and absorption methodsV. Malinovschi, C. Ducu, N. Aldea, M. Fulger
116-125Crack resistance curves determination of tube cladding materialJ. Bertsch, W. Hoffelner
126-135Feeling defects in Zircaloy by extended X-ray absorption fine structure and muon spin relaxation analysesC. Degueldre, St. Conradson, A. Amato, E. Campitelli
136-143A study of xenon aggregates in uranium dioxide using X-ray absorption spectroscopyP. Garcia, P. Martin, G. Carlot, E. Castelier, M. Ripert, C. Sabathier, C. Valot, F. D’Acapito, J-L. Hazemann, O. Proux, V. Nassif
144-150Ab initio modeling of the behavior of helium and xenon in actinide dioxide nuclear fuelsM. Freyss, N. Vergnet, T. Petit
151-156Fabrication method and thermal conductivity assessment of molybdenum-precipitated uranium dioxide pelletsSi-Hyung Kim, Chang-Young Joung, Han-Soo Kim, Young-Woo Lee, Ho-Jin Ryu, Dong-Seong Sohn, Dong-Joo Kim
157-164Fuel behavior comparison for a research reactorGh. Negut, M. Mladin, I. Prisecaru, N. Danila
165-173Fabrication, characterization and property evaluation of mixed carbide fuels for a test Fast Breeder ReactorS. Majumdar, A.K. Sengupta, H.S. Kamath
174-181Role of proton irradiation and relative air humidity on iron corrosionS. Lapuerta, N. Moncoffre, N. Millard-Pinard, H. Jaffrézic, N. Bérerd, D. Crusset
182-189Enhancing cerium and plutonium solubility by reduction in borosilicate glassJ.-N. Cachia, X. Deschanels, C. Den Auwer, O. Pinet, J. Phalippou, C. Hennig, A. Scheinost
190-195Kinetics of iron redox reactions in silicate liquids: A high-temperature X-ray absorption and Raman spectroscopy studyV. Magnien, D.R. Neuville, L. Cormier, J. Roux, J.-L. Hazemann, O. Pinet, P. Richet
196-201Perlite for permanent confinement of cesiumJ. Balencie, D. Burger, J.-L. Rehspringer, C. Estournès, S. Vilminot, M. Richard-Plouet, A. Boos
202-208Helium behaviour in waste conditioning matrices during thermal annealingT.A.G. Wiss, J.-P. Hiernaut, P.M.G. Damen, S. Lutique, R. Fromknecht, W.J. Weber
209-216Improvement of the preparation of sintered pellets of thorium phosphate-diphosphate and associated solid solutions from crystallized precursorsN. Clavier, N. Dacheux, G. Wallez, M. Quarton
217-223Effects of irradiation on the thorium phosphate diphosphate ceramics and consequences on its dissolutionC. Tamain, A. Özgümüs, N. Dacheux, F. Garrido, L. Thomé
224-232Immobilization of tetravalent actinides in phosphate ceramicsO. Terra, N. Dacheux, F. Audubert, R. Podor
233-240Plutonium incorporation in phosphate and titanate ceramics for minor actinide containmentX. Deschanels, V. Picot, B. Glorieux, F. Jorion, S. Peuget, D. Roudil, C. Jégou, V. Broudic, J.N. Cachia, T. Advocat, C. Den Auwer, C. Fillet, J.P. Coutures, C. Hennig, A. Scheinost
241-245Uranium dioxide interaction with groundwater – Leaching behavior and sorption testsO.N. Batuk, St.N. Kalmykov, E.V. Zakharova, Yu.A. Teterin, B.F. Myasoedov
246-253Specific outcomes of the research on the spent fuel long-term evolution in interim dry storage and deep geological disposalC. Ferry, C. Poinssot, C. Cappelaere, L. Desgranges, C. Jegou, F. Miserque, J.P. Piron, D. Roudil, J.M. Gras
254-255IMF 10 Editorial NoteClaude Degueldre, Ronald Schramm and IMF 10 Committee
256-262Neutronic double heterogeneity effect in particle dispersed type inert matrix fuelsH. Akie, H. Takano
263-267Inert matrix and thoria fuel irradiation at an international research reactorM. Streit, T. Tverberg, W. Wiesenack, F. Vettraino
268-275Neutronics calculations on the impact of burnable poisons to safety and non-proliferation aspects of inert matrix fuelC. Pistner, W. Liebert, F. Fujara
276-284Inert matrix fuel neutronic, thermal-hydraulic, and transient behavior in a light water reactorW.J. Carmack, M. Todosow, M.K. Meyer, K.O. Pasamehmetoglu
285-290Assessment of americium and curium transmutation in magnesia based targets in different spectral zones of an experimental accelerator driven systemW. Haeck, E. Malambu, V.P. Sobolev, H. Aït Abderrahim
291-299Inert matrix fuel behaviour in test irradiationsCh. Hellwig, M. Streit, P. Blair, T. Tverberg, F.C. Klaassen, R.P.C. Schram, F. Vettraino, T. Yamashita
300-308Modelling heat capacity, thermal expansion, and thermal conductivity of dioxide components of inert matrix fuelV. Sobolev, S. Lemehov
309-317Evaluation of thermal conductivity of zirconia-based inert matrix fuel by molecular dynamics simulationT. Arima, S. Yamasaki, K. Yamahira, K. Idemitsu, Y. Inagaki, C. Degueldre
318-323Fabrication and characterization of dual phase magnesia–zirconia ceramics doped with plutoniaP.G. Medvedev, J.F. Jue, S.M. Frank, M.K. Meyer
324-333New processing methods to produce silicon carbide and beryllium oxide inert matrix and enhanced thermal conductivity oxide fuelsK.H. Sarma, J. Fourcade, S-G. Lee, A.A. Solomon
334-340Inert matrix fuel with low melting point zirconium brazing alloysA.M. Savchenko, A.V. Vatulin, A.V. Morozov, I.V. Dobrikova, S.A. Ershov, S.V. Maranchak, Z.N. Petrova, Y.V. Konovalov
341-348Sintering behaviour and microstructures of carbides and nitrides for the inert matrix fuel by spark plasma sinteringHo Jin Ryu, Young Woo Lee, Seung Il Cha, Soon Hyung Hong
349-356Yttrium stabilised zirconia inert matrix fuel irradiation at an international research reactorM. Streit, W. Wiesenack, T. Tverberg, Ch. Hellwig, B.C. Oberländer
357-364Thoria, a quasi-inert matrix for actinides dispositionsD. Barrier, A.A. Bukaemskiy, G. Modolo
365-371Post-irradiation examination on particle dispersed rock-like oxide fuelN. Nitani, K. Kuramoto, T. Yamashita, K. Ichise, K. Ono, Y. Nihei
372-377Inert matrix fuel in dispersion type fuel elementsA.M. Savchenko, A.V. Vatulin, A.V. Morozov, V.L. Sirotin, I.V. Dobrikova, G.V. Kulakov, S.A. Ershov, V.P. Kostomarov, Y.I. Stelyuk
378-382Author index
383-394Subject index

Volume 353, Issues 1-2, Page 1-146 (1 July 2006)

iiEditorial board
1-11A model of chemistry and thermal hydraulics in PWR fuel crud depositsJim Henshaw, John C. McGurk, Howard E. Sims, Ann Tuson, Shirley Dickinson, Jeff Deshon
12-18The microstructural modelling of nuclear grade graphiteG. Hall, B.J. Marsden, S.L. Fok
19-26First-principle study of B1-like thorium carbide, nitride and oxideI.R. Shein, K.I. Shein, A.L. Ivanovskii
27-34Small-angle neutron scattering study of post-irradiation annealed neutron irradiated pressure vessel steelsA. Ulbricht, F. Bergner, C.D. Dewhurst, A. Heinemann
35-41Thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of thoria–lanthana solid solutions up to 10 mol.% LaO1.5Dheeraj Jain, C.G.S. Pillai, B.S. Rao, R.V. Kulkarni, E. Ramdasan, K.C. Sahoo
42-51Hydrogen permeation through heat transfer pipes made of Hastelloy XR during the initial 950 °C operation of the HTTRNariaki Sakaba, Hirofumi Ohashi, Tetsuaki Takeda
52-65Mechanism map for nucleation and growth of helium bubbles in metalsKazunori Morishita, Ryuichiro Sugano
66-74Detritiation of type 316 stainless steel by treatment with liquids at ambient temperatureRalf-Dieter Penzhorn, Y. Torikai, M. Matsuyama, K. Watanabe
75-79The influence of particle size on the kinetics of UO2 oxidation in aqueous powder suspensionsOlivia Roth, Tobias Bönnemark, Mats Jonsson
80-88Characterisation of carbon dust produced in sputtering discharges and in the Tore Supra tokamakC. Arnas, C. Dominique, P. Roubin, C. Martin, C. Brosset, B. Pégourié
89-100Calculation of radiation damage induced by neutrons in compound materialsL. Lunéville, D. Simeone, C. Jouanne
101-108Near-threshold fatigue crack behaviour in EUROFER 97 at different temperaturesJ. Aktaa, M. Lerch
109-118Creep fracture of zirconium alloysTroy A. Hayes, Robert S. Rosen, Michael E. Kassner
119-126Investigation of plutonium allotropic phase transformations through differential scanning calorimetryT.G. Zocco, D.S. Schwartz, J. Park
127-134Mechanical energy losses due to the movement of dislocations in molybdenum at high temperatures (0.3TG.I. Zelada-Lambri, O.A. Lambri, J.A. García
135-145Effects of tube fabrication variables on the oxidation of experimental Zr–2.5Nb tubesC. Nam, J. Lin, H. Li, J.A. Szpunar, R. Holt

Volume 353, Issue 3, Pages 147-214 (15 July 2006)

147-157Incorporation of cerium and neodymium in uranyl phasesCheol-Woon Kim, David J. Wronkiewicz, Robert J. Finch, Edgar C. Buck
158-166Metallographic preparation techniques for uraniumAnn M. Kelly, Dan J. Thoma, Robert D. Field, Paul S. Dunn, David F. Teter
167-176Characterization of hydrogen concentration in Zircaloy-4 using ultrasonic techniquesM.P. Gómez, G. Domizzi, M.I. López Pumarega, J.E. Ruzzante
177-189Characterization and modeling of creep mechanisms in Zircaloy-4J.H. Moon, P.E. Cantonwine, K.R. Anderson, S. Karthikeyan, M.J. Mills
190-192Photoluminescence study of swift heavy ion (SHI) induced defect centers in sapphireK.S. Jheeta, D.C. Jain, Ravi Kumar, Fouran Singh, K.B. Garg
193-201Surface mediated isotope exchange reactions between water and gaseous deuteriumTeboh F. Roland, Jacek Borysow, Manfred Fink
202-208A fabrication technique for a UO2 pellet consisting of UO2 grains and a continuous W channel on the grain boundaryJae Ho Yang, Kun Woo Song, Keon Sik Kim, Youn Ho Jung
209-210Author index
211-214Subject index

Volume 354, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-190 (1 August 2006)

iiEditorial board
1-13Irradiation stability of R7T7-type borosilicate glassS. Peuget, J.-N. Cachia, C. Jégou, X. Deschanels, D. Roudil, V. Broudic, J.M. Delaye, J.-M. Bart
14-27An experimental study of the dissolution rates of Nd-britholite, an apatite-structured actinide-bearing waste storage host analogueClaire Chaïrat, Eric H. Oelkers, Jacques Schott, Jean-Eric Lartigue
28-35Displacement cascade initiated with the realistic energy of the recoil nucleus in UO2 matrix by molecular dynamics simulationL. Van Brutzel, M. Rarivomanantsoa, D. Ghaleb
36-48First-principles study of alloying effect of transition metals on He in titanium ditritideY.X. Wu, R. Yang, H. Zheng, Y.M. Wang
49-65Synthesis and characterization of thorium-bearing britholitesOlivier Terra, Fabienne Audubert, Nicolas Dacheux, Christophe Guy, Renaud Podor
66-84Stereological evolution of the rim structure in PWR-fuels at prolonged irradiation: Dependencies with burn-up and temperatureJ. Spino, A.D. Stalios, H. Santa Cruz, D. Baron
85-93Oxidation behaviour of unirradiated sintered UO2 pellets and powder at different oxygen partial pressures, above 350 °CF. Valdivieso, V. Francon, F. Byasson, M. Pijolat, A. Feugier, V. Peres
94-109Re-solution of fission gas – A review: Part I. Intragranular bubblesD.R. Olander, D. Wongsawaeng
110-122Combustion treatment of Co2+ and Cs+ exchanged zeolitesR. Rodríguez-Trejo, P. Bosch, S. Bulbulian
123-130Strain hardening and long-range internal stress in the localized deformation of irradiated polycrystalline metalsThak Sang Byun, Naoyuki Hashimoto
131-136Radiation enhanced reactivity of UO2Olivia Roth, Sara Nilsson, Mats Jonsson
137-142Synthesis and sintering studies on Dy2TiO5 prepared by polymer carrier chemical processChoong-Hwan Jung, Chan-Joong Kim, Sang-Jin Lee
143-162Crystallization of neodymium-rich phases in silicate glasses developed for nuclear waste immobilizationD. Caurant, O. Majerus, P. Loiseau, I. Bardez, N. Baffier, J.L. Dussossoy
163-170Deposition behaviour of corrosion products on the Zircaloy heat transfer surfaceJei-Won Yeon, Yongju Jung, Su-Il Pyun
171-184Aqueous alteration of Japanese simulated waste glass P0798: Effects of alteration-phase formation on alteration rate and cesium retentionY. Inagaki, A. Shinkai, K. Idemistu, T. Arima, H. Yoshikawa, M. Yui
185-186Author index
187-190Subject index

Volume 355, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-178 (1 September 2006)

iiEditorial board
vDr. Joseph B. Darby Jr.Louis K. Mansur
1-9Effect of composition on helium diffusion in fluoroapatites investigated with nuclear reaction analysisS. Miro, F. Studer, J.-M. Costantini, J. Haussy, P. Trouslard, J.-J. Grob
10-20A detailed study of UO2 to U3O8 oxidation phases and the associated rate-limiting stepsG. Rousseau, L. Desgranges, F. Charlot, N. Millot, J.C. Nièpce, M. Pijolat, F. Valdivieso, G. Baldinozzi, J.F. Bérar
21-29Volume changes in δ-plutonium from helium and other decay productsW.G. Wolfer, Per Söderlind, A. Landa
30-37Dynamic strain ageing in prior cold worked 15Cr–15Ni titanium modified stainless steel (Alloy D9)K.G. Samuel, S.K. Ray, G. Sasikala
38-46The relative impact of radiolysis products in radiation induced oxidative dissolution of UO2Ella Ekeroth, Olivia Roth, Mats Jonsson
47-53Hydrogen isotope separation by permeation through palladium membranesManfred Glugla, Ioana Ruxandra Cristescu, Ion Cristescu, David Demange
54-67Water diffusion in the simulated French nuclear waste glass SON 68 contacting silica rich solutions: Experimental and modelingK. Ferrand, A. Abdelouas, B. Grambow
68-82Sensitization behaviour of modified 316N and 316L stainless steel weld metals after complex annealing and stress relieving cyclesN. Parvathavarthini, R.K. Dayal, H.S. Khatak, V. Shankar, V. Shanmugam
83-88High-dose neutron irradiation embrittlement of RAFM steelsE. Gaganidze, H.-C. Schneider, B. Dafferner, J. Aktaa
89-103Dependence of radiation damage accumulation in iron on underlying models of displacement cascades and subsequent defect migrationA. Souidi, C.S. Becquart, C. Domain, D. Terentyev, L. Malerba, A.F. Calder, D.J. Bacon, R.E. Stoller, Yu. N. Osetsky, M. Hou
104-113Effect of transient thermal cycles in a supercritical water-cooled reactor on the microstructure and properties of ferritic–martensitic steelsT.C. Totemeier, D.E. Clark
114-118Thermal diffusivity of Americium mononitride from 373 to 1473 KTsuyoshi Nishi, Masahide Takano, Akinori Itoh, Mitsuo Akabori, Kazuo Minato, Minoru Kizaki
119-123Mechanical properties of weldments using irradiated stainless steel welded by the laser method for ITER blanket replacementHirokazu Yamada, Hiroshi Kawamura, Yoshiharu Nagao, Fumiki Takada, Wataru Kohno
124-130Swelling and microstructure of pure Fe and Fe–Cr alloys after neutron irradiation to not, vert, similar26 dpa at 400 °CYu.V. Konobeev, A.M. Dvoriashin, S.I. Porollo, F.A. Garner
131-135Xenon versus helium behavior in UO2 single crystals: A TEM investigationG. Sattonnay, L. Vincent, F. Garrido, L. Thomé
136-141Characterisation of stainless steel–synroc interactions under hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) conditionsH. Li, Y. Zhang, P.J. McGlinn, S. Moricca, B.D. Begg, E.R. Vance
142-149Density changes in plutonium observed from accelerated aging using Pu-238 enrichmentB.W. Chung, S.R. Thompson, C.H. Woods, D.J. Hopkins, W.H. Gourdin, B.B. Ebbinghaus
150-162An evaluation of the effects of SiC layer thinning on failure of TRISO-coated fuel particlesGregory K. Miller, David A. Petti, John T. Maki, Darrell L. Knudson
163-170Dysprosium hafnate as absorbing material for control rodsV.D. Risovany, A.V. Zakharov, E.M. Muraleva, V.M. Kosenkov, R.N. Latypov
171-172Author index
173-177Subject index

Volume 356, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-340 (15 September 2006)

Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology, Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology Thun, Switzerland 29 May-03 June 2005 Edited by Y. Dai, L.K. Mansur, S.A. Maloy, K. Kikuchi and M. Kawai
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript received date
ix-xPrefaceYong Dai, Louis K. Mansur, Stuart A. Maloy, Kenji Kikuchi, Masayoshi Kawai
1-15Status of the Spallation Neutron Source with focus on target materialsL.K. Mansur, J.R. Haines
16-26Development of resistant materials to beam impact and radiation damageMasayoshi Kawai, Hiroyuki Kokawa, Hiroshi Okamura, Akira Kawasaki, Tsutomu Yamamura, Nobuyoshi Hara, Noboru Akao, Masatoshi Futakawa, Kenji Kikuchi
27-49On the effects of irradiation and helium on the yield stress changes and hardening and non-hardening embrittlement of not, vert, similar8Cr tempered martensitic steels: Compilation and analysis of existing dataTakuya Yamamoto, G. Robert Odette, Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Jan-Willem Rensman, Pifeng Miao
50-55The change of fracture toughness of martensitic steels after irradiation in SINQ target-3X. Jia, Y. Dai
56-61Tensile testing of EP-823 and HT-9 after irradiation in STIP IIStuart A. Maloy, T. Romero, M.R. James, Y. Dai
62-69The effects of fast reactor irradiation conditions on the tensile properties of two ferritic/martensitic steelsStuart A. Maloy, M.B. Toloczko, K.J. McClellan, T. Romero, Y. Kohno, F.A. Garner, R.J. Kurtz, A. Kimura
70-77The role of deformation mechanisms in flow localization of 316L stainless steelXianglin Wu, Xiao Pan, James C. Mabon, Meimei Li, James F. Stubbins
78-87Bending tests on T91 samples implanted with 0.25 at.% helium: Experiments and mechanical analysisJ. Henry, L. Vincent, X. Averty, B. Marini, P. Jung
88-94Recovery of tensile properties in helium implanted EUROFER97 by post-implantation annealingP. Jung, J. Chen, H. Klein
95-104Effect of gas atoms and displacement damage on mechanical properties and microstructures of F82HE. Wakai, M. Ando, T. Sawai, K. Kikuchi, K. Furuya, M. Sato, K. Oka, S. Ohnuki, H. Tomita, T. Tomita, Y. Kato, F. Takada
105-111Microstructure of the F82H martensitic steel irradiated in STIP-II up to 20 dpaX. Jia, Y. Dai
112-117Irradiation-induced structural changes in martensitic steel T91M. Grosse, Y. Dai, S. Van Petegem
118-121Microstructural evolution of SINQ irradiated austenitic stainless steelsT. Sawai, Y. Kitsunai, S. Saito, K. Kikuchi
122-135Retention of hydrogen in fcc metals irradiated at temperatures leading to high densities of bubbles or voidsF.A. Garner, E.P. Simonen, B.M. Oliver, L.R. Greenwood, M.L. Grossbeck, W.G. Wolfer, P.M. Scott
136-147Displacement and helium-induced enhancement of hydrogen and deuterium retention in ion-irradiated 18Cr10NiTi stainless steelG.D. Tolstolutskaya, V.V. Ruzhytskiy, I.E. Kopanets, S.A. Karpov, V.V. Bryk, V.N. Voyevodin, F.A. Garner
148-156Helium and hydrogen release measurements on various alloys irradiated in SINQB.M. Oliver, Y. Dai, R.A. Causey
157-161Evaluation of residual tritium in stainless steel irradiated at SINQ target 3Kenji Kikuchi, Hirofumi Nakamura, Kazufumi Tsujimoto, Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Sumi Yokoyama, Shigeru Saitoh, Toshihiko Yamanishi
162-167Post-irradiation analysis of SINQ target rods by thermal neutron radiographyPeter Vontobel, Masayoshi Tamaki, Noriaki Mori, Takaki Ashida, Luca Zanini, Eberhard H. Lehmann, Matthias Jaggi
168-177Effects of pitting damage on fatigue limit and lifetime in mercury targetM. Futakawa, T. Naoe, H. Kogawa, M. Teshigawara, Y. Ikeda
178-188Structural stability and hardness of carburized surfaces of 316 stainless steel after welding and after neutron irradiationK. Farrell, T.S. Byun
189-197Oxidation of steel T91 in flowing lead–bismuth eutectic (LBE) at 550 °CC. Schroer, Z. Voß, O. Wedemeyer, J. Novotny, J. Konys
198-202Corrosion experiments in flowing LBE at 450 °CG. Benamati, A. Gessi, Ping-Zhu Zhang
203-212Corrosion resistance of Si- and Al-rich steels in flowing lead–bismuthMasatoshi Kondo, Minoru Takahashi
213-221Exposure of pre-stressed T91 coated with TiN, CrN and DLC to Pb–55.5BiH. Glasbrenner, F. Gröschel
222-228Slow strain rate tensile tests on T91 in static lead–bismuth eutecticY. Dai, B. Long, F. Groeschel
229-236A study of the neutron irradiation effects on the susceptibility to embrittlement of A316L and T91 steels in lead–bismuth eutecticD. Sapundjiev, A. Al Mazouzi, S. Van Dyck
237-246Effects of temperature and strain rate on the mechanical properties of T91 material tested in liquid lead bismuth eutecticJ. Van den Bosch, D. Sapundjiev, A. Almazouzi
247-255Post-irradiation examination on LiSoR 3 experimentH. Glasbrenner, R. Brütsch, Y. Dai, F. Gröschel, M. Martin
256-263Tensile tests and TEM investigations on LiSoR-2 to -4Y. Dai, B. Long, X. Jia, H. Glasbrenner, K. Samec, F. Groeschel
264-272ENEA experience in LBE technologyC. Foletti, G. Scaddozzo, M. Tarantino, A. Gessi, G. Bertacci, P. Agostini, G. Benamati
273-279Measurement of LBE flow velocity profile by UDVPKenji Kikuchi, Yasushi Takeda, Hiroo Obayashi, Masao Tezuka, Hiroshi Sato
280-286The NCSU radiation damage database; proton-induced damage energy and application to radiation damage at SINQW. Lu, M.S. Wechsler, Y. Dai
287-299Irradiation conditions of ADS beam window and implications for window materialP. Vladimirov, A. Möslang
300-307Development of aluminum (Al5083)-clad ternary Ag–In–Cd alloy for JSNS decoupled moderatorM. Teshigawara, M. Harada, S. Saito, K. Oikawa, F. Maekawa, M. Futakawa, K. Kikuchi, T. Kato, Y. Ikeda, T. Naoe, T. Koyama, T. Ooi, S. Zherebtsov, M. Kawai, H. Kurishita, K. Konashi
308-320Assessment of the lifetime of the beam window of MEGAPIE target liquid metal containerY. Dai, J. Henry, T. Auger, J.-B. Vogt, A. Almazouzi, H. Glasbrenner, F. Groeschel
321-324Mitigation of cavitation effects by means of gas bubbles on a surfaceKnud Thomsen
325-330Summary of the 7th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology (IWSMT-7)Y. Dai, L.K. Mansur, S.A. Maloy
331-333Author index
334-339Subject index

Volume 357, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-242 (15 October 2006)

iiEditorial board
1-8H, He, Ne, Ar-bombardment of amorphous hydrocarbon structuresP. Träskelin, K. Nordlund, J. Keinonen
9-18Methane production from ATJ graphite by slow atomic and molecular D ions: Evidence for projectile molecule-size-dependent yields at low energiesL.I. Vergara, F.W. Meyer, H.F. Krause, P. Träskelin, K. Nordlund, E. Salonen
19-30A computationally simple model for determining the time dependent spectral neutron flux in a nuclear reactor coreE.A. Schneider, M.R. Deinert, K.B. Cady
31-47The effect of annealing at 1500 °C on migration and release of ion implanted silver in CVD silicon carbideH.J. MacLean, R.G. Ballinger, L.E. Kolaya, S.A. Simonson, N. Lewis, M.E. Hanson
48-57Thermodynamic assessment of the LiF–BeF2–ThF4–UF4 systemJ. P.M. van der Meer, R.J.M. Konings, H.A.J. Oonk
58-68Fuel – cladding chemical interaction in MOX fuel rods irradiated to high burnup in an advanced thermal reactorKosuke Tanaka, Koji Maeda, Shinji Sasaki, Yoshihisa Ikusawa, Tomoyuki Abe
69-76Oxygen potential of (Pu0.91Am0.09)O2−xMasahiko Osaka, Ken Kurosaki, Shinsuke Yamanaka
77-81Diffuse reflectance spectra of U ions in ThO2E.R. Vance, Y. Zhang
82-87Effect of elastic stress field near grain boundaries on the radiation induced segregation in binary alloysM.V. Sorokin, A.I. Ryazanov
88-96Study on sintering kinetics and activation energy of UO2 pellets using three different methodsD. Lahiri, S.V. Ramana Rao, G.V.S. Hemantha Rao, R.K. Srivastava
97-104Study on control of oxygen concentration in lead–bismuth flow using lead oxide particlesMasatoshi Kondo, Minoru Takahashi, Kuniaki Miura, Tatsuya Onizawa
105-114Separation behaviors of actinides from rare-earths in molten salt electrorefining using saturated liquid cadmium cathodeTetsuya Kato, Tadashi Inoue, Takashi Iwai, Yasuo Arai
115-125Hydrogen isotope retention of JT-60U W-shaped divertor tiles exposed to DD dischargesT. Shibahara, T. Tanabe, Y. Hirohata, Y. Oya, M. Oyaidzu, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Onishi, T. Arai, K. Masaki, K. Okuno, N. Miya
126-137Developments in the fabrication technology of low density MOX pellets for fast breeder reactor fuelK. Asakura, T. Yamaguchi, T. Ohtani
138-146Long-term erosion and re-deposition of carbon in the divertor region of JT-60UY. Gotoh, T. Tanabe, Y. Ishimoto, K. Masaki, T. Arai, H. Kubo, K. Tsuzuki, N. Miya
147-155EBSP measurements of hydrogenated Zircaloy-2 claddings with stress-relieved and recrystallized annealing conditionsKatsumi Une, Shinji Ishimoto
156-168Mechanical properties of neutron-irradiated nickel-containing martensitic steels: I. Experimental studyR.L. Klueh, N. Hashimoto, M.A. Sokolov, K. Shiba, S. Jitsukawa
169-182Mechanical properties of neutron-irradiated nickel-containing martensitic steels: II. Review and analysis of helium-effects studiesR.L. Klueh, N. Hashimoto, M.A. Sokolov, P.J. Maziasz, K. Shiba, S. Jitsukawa
183-190Preparation, characterization and thermodynamic stability of Rh3Te2O10R. Mishra, S.R. Bharadwaj, D. Das, Martin Valldor, Rainer Pöttgen
191-197Heavy ion irradiation of U–Mo/Al dispersion fuelN. Wieschalla, A. Bergmaier, P. Böni, K. Böning, G. Dollinger, R. Großmann, W. Petry, A. Röhrmoser, J. Schneider
198-205A NRA study of temperature and heavy ion irradiation effects on helium migration in sintered uranium dioxideG. Martin, P. Garcia, H. Labrim, T. Sauvage, G. Carlot, P. Desgardin, M.F. Barthe, J.P. Piron
206-212Amorphization of β-thorium phosphate diphosphate (β-TPD) irradiated with high energy krypton ionsC. Tamain, F. Garrido, L. Thomé, N. Dacheux, A. Özgümüs, A. Benyagoub
213-220An analytical model for the Amoeba effect in UO2 fuel pelletsYong Choi, Jong K. Lee
221-233Solubility of crystalline and metamict zircon: A thermodynamic analysisDesmond Tromans
234-236Author index
237-242Subject index

Volume 358, Issue 1, Pages 1-76 (15 November 2006)

iiEditorial board
1-9Immobilization of inert TRISO-coated fuel in glass for geological disposalAbdesselam Abdelouas, Samuel Noirault, Bernd Grambow
10-25Formation of steady state size distribution of precipitates in alloys under cascade-producing irradiationA.A. Turkin, A.S. Bakai
26-34Changes in hardness and elasticity of a Ti6Al4V alloy under helium irradiationS.H. Chen, G. Schumacher, Z.Y. Xu, M. Richter
35-39Radiation-induced cation disorder in the spinel MgAl2O4Raju P. Gupta
40-46Microstructure and intergranular corrosion of the austenitic stainless steel 1.4970Maysa Terada, Mitiko Saiki, Isolda Costa, Angelo Fernando Padilha
47-51Linear free energy relationship applied to trivalent cations with lanthanum and actinium oxide and hydroxide structureAnpalaki J. Ragavan
52-56Heats of formation of (U,Mo)Al3 and U(Al,Si)3Ho Jin Ryu, Yeon Soo Kim, Gerard L. Hofman, Jong Man Park, Chang Kyu Kim
57-68The ion exchange phase in corrosion of nuclear waste glassesMichael I. Ojovan, Alexey Pankov, William E. Lee
69-76Behaviour of chromium steels in liquid Pb–55.5Bi with changing oxygen content and temperatureAlfons Weisenburger, Kazumi Aoto, Georg Müller, Annette Heinzel, Gustav Schumacher, Tomohiro Furukawa

Volume 358, Issues 2-3, Pages 77-264 (30 November 2006)

77-81Phase studies in the Cs–Sr–U–O systemMeera Keskar, R. Agarwal, K.D. Singh Mudher
82-95Some principles of service life calculation of reinforcements and in situ corrosion monitoring by sensors in the radioactive waste containers of El Cabril disposal (Spain)C. Andrade, I. Martínez, M. Castellote, P. Zuloaga
96-105Mixed-material layer formation on graphite exposed to deuterium plasmas containing berylliumM.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima, K. Schmid, D.G. Whyte, J.G. Kulpin, G. Wright
106-110Porosity influence on the mechanical properties of polycrystalline zirconium nitride ceramicsJun Adachi, Ken Kurosaki, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
111-128Kinetics of thermal decomposition of sodium methoxide and ethoxideK. Chandran, M. Kamruddin, P.K. Ajikumar, A. Gopalan, V. Ganesan
129-138Barium borosilicate glass – a potential matrix for immobilization of sulfate bearing high-level radioactive liquid wasteC.P. Kaushik, R.K. Mishra, P. Sengupta, Amar Kumar, D. Das, G.B. Kale, Kanwar Raj
139-150Tungsten bronze-based nuclear waste form ceramics. Part 1. Conversion of microporous tungstates to leach resistant ceramicsVittorio Luca, Christopher S. Griffith, Elizabeth Drabarek, Harriet Chronis
151-163Tungsten bronze-based nuclear waste form ceramics. Part 2: Conversion of granular microporous tungstate–polyacrylonitrile (PAN) composite adsorbents to leach resistant ceramicsChristopher S. Griffith, Ferdinand Sebesta, John V. Hanna, Patrick Yee, Elizabeth Drabarek, Mark E. Smith, Vittorio Luca
164-175Tungsten bronze-based nuclear waste form ceramics. Part 3: The system Cs0.3MxVittorio Luca, Elizabeth Drabarek, Harriet Chronis, Terry McLeod
176-189Investigation of neutron radiation effects on the mechanical behavior of recrystallized zirconium alloysF. Onimus, J.L. Béchade, C. Duguay, D. Gilbon, P. Pilvin
190-201Consequences of the ion beam irradiation on the chemical durability of thorium phosphate diphosphate – kinetics studyC. Tamain, N. Dacheux, F. Garrido, A. Habert, N. Barré, A. Özgümüs, L. Thomé
202-208Effects of image on the kinetics of UO2 oxidation by H2O2Mohammad Mohsin Hossain, Ella Ekeroth, Mats Jonsson
209-216Molecular dynamics simulation study of primary damage in UO2 produced by cascade overlapsL. Van Brutzel, M. Rarivomanantsoa
217-226Intrinsic martensite formation in neutron irradiated V–1.6%Y alloys with fine-grained structure of highly pure matrixH. Kurishita, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, T. Kuwabara, M. Hasegawa
227-234Corrosion of ferritic–martensitic steel HT9 in supercritical waterX. Ren, K. Sridharan, T.R. Allen
235-242Hydrogen permeability through a mixed molten salt of LiF, NaF and KF (Flinak) as a heat-transfer fluidSatoshi Fukada, Akio Morisaki
243-254A physical and chemical analysis of fast quenched particles of UO2 and ZrO2 mixtureBeong Tae Min, Jin Ho Song, Yang Soon Park, Jong Gu Kim
255-257Author index
258-263Subject index

Volume 359, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-154 (1 December 2006)

iiEditorial board
1-7Geometrical α- and β-dose distributions and production rates of radiolysis products in water in contact with spent nuclear fuelFredrik Nielsen, Mats Jonsson
8-16Effect of post-D+-irradiation time delay and pre-TDS heating on D retention in single crystal tungstenA.D. Quastel, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe
17-28Modeling of constituent redistribution in U–Pu–Zr metallic fuelYeon Soo Kim, S.L. Hayes, G.L. Hofman, A.M. Yacout
29-40Experimental partial phase diagram of the Zr–Sn–Fe systemN. Nieva, D. Arias
41-49Microstructure and mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steel 12X18H9T after neutron irradiation in the pressure vessel of BR-10 fast reactor at very low dose ratesS.I. Porollo, A.M. Dvoriashin, Yu.V. Konobeev, A.A. Ivanov, S.V. Shulepin, F.A. Garner
50-58Microstructural examination of oxide layers formed on an oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel exposed to supercritical waterYun Chen, Kumar Sridharan, Todd R. Allen, Shigeharu Ukai
59-68Corrosion behavior and oxide properties of Zr–1.1 wt%Nb–0.05 wt%Cu alloyJeong-Yong Park, Byung-Kwon Choi, Seung Jo Yoo, Yong Hwan Jeong
69-79Preparation of (U,Pu)O2 pellets through sol–gel microsphere pelletization techniqueN. Kumar, Rajesh V. Pai, J.K. Joshi, S.K. Mukerjee, V.N. Vaidya, V. Venugopal
80-92Effect of feed solution composition and heat treatment conditions on the morphology of uranium oxide microspheres prepared by sol–gel processN. Kumar, Y.R. Bamankar, K.T. Pillai, S.K. Mukerjee, V.N. Vaidya, V. Venugopal
93-101Positron lifetime calculations of defects in chromium containing hydrogen or heliumT. Troev, A. Markovski, S. Peneva, T. Yoshiie
102-113Electrochemical reduction of (U–40Pu–5Np)O2 in molten LiCl electrolyteMasatoshi Iizuka, Yoshiharu Sakamura, Tadashi Inoue
114-121Influence of hydrogen on the toughness of irradiated reactor pressure vessel steelsG. Müller, M. Uhlemann, A. Ulbricht, J. Böhmert
122-131Chemical states of fission products in irradiated (U0.3Pu0.7)C1+xRenu Agarwal, V. Venugopal
132-138Structural aspects of barium borosilicate glasses containing thorium and uranium oxidesR.K. Mishra, V. Sudarsan, C.P. Kaushik, Kanwar Raj, S.K. Kulshreshtha, A.K. Tyagi
139-149A two-zone method with an enhanced accuracy for a numerical solution of the diffusion equationJin-Sik Cheon, Yang-Hyun Koo, Byung-Ho Lee, Je-Yong Oh, Dong-Seong Sohn
150-154Deterioration of EUROFER plates by severe bendingA. von der Weth, H. Kempe, B. Dafferner

Volume 359, Issue 3, Pages 155-282 (15 December 2006)

155-161Iodine sorption by microwave irradiated hydrotalcitesS.P. Paredes, G. Fetter, P. Bosch, S. Bulbulian
162-173Cementation of ILW ion exchange resins: Impact of sulfate ions released by radiolysis on hydrated matrixF. Frizon, C. Cau-dit-Coumes
174-184Simulations of heat and oxygen diffusion in UO2 nuclear fuel rodsJ.C. Ramirez, M. Stan, P. Cristea
185-191Reversible expansion of gallium-stabilized δ-plutoniumW.G. Wolfer, B. Oudot, N. Baclet
192-201On the radiation damage characterization of candidate first wall materials in a fusion reactor using various molten saltsMustafa Übeyli
202-207Residual stress measurements on a stress relieved Zircaloy-4 weld by neutron diffractionD.G. Carr, M.I. Ripley, D.W. Brown, S.C. Vogel, T.M. Holden
208-219Influence of temperature on threshold stress for reorientation of hydrides and residual stress variation across thickness of Zr–2.5Nb alloy pressure tubeR.N. Singh, R. Lala Mikin, G.K. Dey, D.N. Sah, I.S. Batra, P. Ståhle
220-226Laser annealing in combination with mass spectroscopy, a technique to study deuterium on tokamak carbon samples, a tool for detritiationT. Åkermark, B. Emmoth, H. Bergsåker
227-237Ab initio calculations of self-interstitial interaction and migration with solute atoms in bcc FeE. Vincent, C.S. Becquart, C. Domain
238-246Trapping of radiolytic hydrogen by amorphous cobalt oxysulfideC. Loussot, C. Pichon, P. Afanasiev, M. Vrinat, M. Pijolat, F. Valdivieso, A. Chevarier, N. Millard-Pinard, P.C. Leverd
247-257Strain rate dependence of impact properties of sintered 316L stainless steelWoei-Shyan Lee, Chi-Feng Lin, Tsung-Ju Liu
258-262Correlation of yield stress and microhardness in 08Cr16Ni11Mo3 stainless steel irradiated to high dose in the BN-350 fast reactorM.N. Gusev, O.P. Maksimkin, O.V. Tivanova, N.S. Silnaygina, F.A. Garner
263-267Bootstrap calculation of ultimate strength temperature maxima for neutron irradiated ferritic/martensitic steelsS.M. Obraztsov, Yu.V. Konobeev, G.A. Birzhevoy, V.I. Rachkov
268-273Effect of alloying elements (Cu, Fe, and Nb) on the creep properties of Zr alloysHyun-Gil Kim, Yang-Hoon Kim, Byoung-Kwon Choi, Yong-Hwan Jeong
274-276Author index
277-282Subject index

Volume 360, Issue 1, Pages 1-74 (15 January 2007)

Proceedings has been selected, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Molten Salts Chemistry and Technology (MS7 – Session 6: Workshop on Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Wastes Toulouse, France 29 August-02 September 2005 Edited by Pierre Taxil
iiEditorial board
vProceedings title page
viManuscripts received date
ix-xPrefacePierre Taxil
1-5Molten salts and nuclear energy productionChristian Le Brun
6-11Chemistry and technology of Molten Salt Reactors – history and perspectivesJan Uhlíř
12-15Nuclear energy and waste management – pyroprocess for system symbiosisToru Ogawa, Kazuo Minato, Yoshihiro Okamoto, Kenji Nishihara
16-24Thermal and physical properties of molten fluorides for nuclear applicationsJ. P.M. van der Meer, R.J.M. Konings
25-31Electrochemical behaviour of gadolinium ion in molten LiCl–KCl eutecticC. Caravaca, G. de Córdoba, M.J. Tomás, M. Rosado
32-42Application of electrochemical techniques in pyrochemical processes – Electrochemical behaviour of rare earths at W, Cd, Bi and Al electrodesY. Castrillejo, R. Bermejo, A.M. Martínez, E. Barrado, P. Díaz Arocas
43-48Lanthanide and actinide speciation in molten fluorides: A structural approach by NMR and EXAFS spectroscopiesCatherine Bessada, Aydar Rakhmatullin, Anne-Laure Rollet, Didier Zanghi
49-57Investigation of electrorefining of metallic alloy fuel onto solid Al cathodesL. Cassayre, R. Malmbeck, P. Masset, J. Rebizant, J. Serp, P. Soucek, J.-P. Glatz
58-63The evaluation of the pyrochemistry for the treatment of Gen IV nuclear fuels – Inert matrix chlorination studies in the gas phase or molten chloride saltsS. Bourg, F. Péron, J. Lacquement
64-74Feasibility of the electrochemical way in molten fluorides for separating thorium and lanthanides and extracting lanthanides from the solventP. Chamelot, L. Massot, C. Hamel, C. Nourry, P. Taxil

Volume 360, Issue 2, Pages 75-214 (1 February 2007)

75-91On the (in)adequacy of the Charpy impact test to monitor irradiation effects of ferritic/martensitic steelsR. Chaouadi
92-98Kinetics of hydrothermally induced transformation of yttria partially stabilized zirconiaJ.J. Payyapilly, D.P. Butt
99-103Enthalpy measurements of La2Te3O9 and La2Te4O11M. Ali (Basu), S.R. Bharadwaj, D. Das
104-117Understanding of copper precipitation under electron or ion irradiations in FeCu0.1 wt% ferritic alloy by combination of experiments and modellingB. Radiguet, A. Barbu, P. Pareige
118-127Interatomic potentials consistent with thermodynamics: The Fe–Cu systemR.C. Pasianot, L. Malerba
128-135Defect structure of irradiated PH13-8Mo steelW. Van Renterghem, A. Al Mazouzi, S. Van den Berghe
136-142Stability of nanometer-sized oxide clusters in mechanically-alloyed steel under ion-induced displacement cascade damage conditionsP. Pareige, M.K. Miller, R.E. Stoller, D.T. Hoelzer, E. Cadel, B. Radiguet
143-150Studies on immobilization of thorium in barium borosilicate glassR.K. Mishra, Pranesh Sengupta, C.P. Kaushik, A.K. Tyagi, G.B. Kale, Kanwar Raj
151-158Comparative study and imaging by PhotoElectroChemical techniques of oxide films thermally grown on zirconium and Zircaloy-4R. Benaboud, P. Bouvier, J.-P. Petit, Y. Wouters, A. Galerie
159-169Object kinetic Monte Carlo study of sink strengthsLorenzo Malerba, Charlotte S. Becquart, Christophe Domain
170-176Evaluation of the mitigation effect of hydrogen water chemistry in BWRs on the low-frequency corrosion fatigue crack growth in low-alloy steelsS. Ritter, H.P. Seifert
177-185Role of microstructure and heat treatments on the desorption kinetics of tritium from austenitic stainless steelsJ. Chêne, A.-M. Brass, P. Trabuc, O. Gastaldi
186-195Welding-induced microstructure in austenitic stainless steels before and after neutron irradiationR. Stoenescu, R. Schäublin, D. Gavillet, N. Baluc
196-207Hydrogen and helium trapping in tungsten under single and sequential irradiationsH.T. Lee, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe
208-213Formation of columnar and equiaxed grains by the reduction of U3O8 pellets to UO2+xJae Ho Yang, Young Woo Rhee, Ki Won Kang, Keon Sik Kim, Kun Woo Song, Seung Jae Lee

Volume 360, Issue 3, Pages 215-320 (1 March 2007)

215-221Development of anodic stripping voltammetry for determination of gallium in U–Ga alloyT.K. Bhardwaj, H.S. Sharma, S.K. Aggarwal
222-230Influence of ageing heat treatment on alloy A-286 microstructure and stress corrosion cracking behaviour in PWR primary waterM. Savoie, C. Esnouf, L. Fournier, D. Delafosse
231-241An interdiffusional model for prediction of the interaction layer growth in the system uranium–molybdenum/aluminumA. Soba, A. Denis
242-254Thermodynamic evaluation of the Nb–O–Zr systemR. Jerlerud Pérez, A.R. Massih
255-264Welding-induced mechanical properties in austenitic stainless steels before and after neutron irradiationR. Stoenescu, R. Schäublin, D. Gavillet, N. Baluc
265-271Wetting of W by liquid Pb and PbLi alloys and surface interactionsPavel Protsenko, Anne Terlain, Nicolas Eustathopoulos
272-281Study of radiation-induced degradation of RPV steels and model alloys by positron annihilation and Mössbauer spectroscopyAndrej Zeman, Luigi Debarberis, L’udovít Kupča, Beatriz Acosta, Miloš Kytka, Jarmila Degmová
282-292Influence of protecting gel film on oxidation of zirconium alloysH. Frank, Z. Weishauptova, V. Vrtilkova
293-303Embrittlement susceptibility induced by impurities segregation to grain boundaries in martensitic steels candidates to be used in ADSM. García-Mazarío, A.M. Lancha, M. Hernández-Mayoral
304-314In-pile electrochemical measurements on AISI 304 and AISI 306 in PWR conditions – Experimental resultsR.W. Bosch, M. Wéber, M. Vankeerberghen
315-320Measurement of the specific heat of Zr–40 wt%U metallic fuelByung-Ho Lee, Jin-Sik Cheon, Yang-Hyun Koo, Je-Yong Oh, Jeong-Sik Yim, Dong-Seong Sohn, M. Baryshnikov, A. Gaiduchenko

Volume 361, Issue 1, Pages 1-126 (31 March 2007)

iiEditorial board
1-9Determination of neutron exposure of AISI 304 stainless steel from a BWR top guide using retrospective dosimetryL.R. Greenwood, F.A. Garner, B.M. Oliver, S.M. Bruemmer
10-17High dose radiolysis of aqueous solutions of chloromethanes: Importance in the storage of radioactive organic wastesP. Rajesh, J.A. LaVerne, S.M. Pimblott
18-29Estimation of maximum coated particle fuel compact packing fractionR.N. Morris, P.J. Pappano
30-40Steam oxidation of Zr–1.5Nb–0.4Sn–0.2Fe–0.1Cr and Zircaloy-4 at 900–1200 °CJong Hyuk Baek, Yong Hwan Jeong
41-51Burnup simulations and spent fuel characteristics of ZrO2 based inert matrix fuelsE.A. Schneider, M.R. Deinert, S.T. Herring, K.B. Cady
52-61Computer simulation of the interaction of carbon atoms with self-interstitial clusters in α-ironK. Tapasa, A.V. Barashev, D.J. Bacon, Yu.N. Osetsky
62-68Evolution of porosity in the high-burnup fuel structureAntonino Romano, Matthias I. Horvath, Renato Restani
69-77Elastic and electronic properties and stability of SrThO3, SrZrO3 and ThO2 from first principlesI.R. Shein, K.I. Shein, A.L. Ivanovskii
78-93A glass-encapsulated calcium phosphate wasteform for the immobilization of actinide-, fluoride-, and chloride-containing radioactive wastes from the pyrochemical reprocessing of plutonium metalI.W. Donald, B.L. Metcalfe, S.K. Fong, L.A. Gerrard, D.M. Strachan, R.D. Scheele
94-103A close-form solution to predict the total melting time of an ablating slab in contact with a plasmaFeng-Bin Yeh
104-111Reprocessing of lithium orthosilicate breeder material by remeltingRegina Knitter, Birgit Löbbecke
112-120Simulated coarse-grained heat-affected-zone microstructures in DIN 22NiMoCr37 steelM.J. Balart, J.F. Knott
121-125Hoop tensile strength testing of small diameter ceramic particlesA.A. Wereszczak, O.M. Jadaan, H.-T. Lin, G.J. Champoux, D.P. Ryan

Volume 361, Issues 2-3, Pages 127-322 (15 April 2007)

TMS 2007:Wechsler Symposium, Proceedings of the Symposium on Radiation Effects, Deformation and Phase Transformations in Metals and Ceramics, organized in honor of Prof. Monroe S. Wechsler San Antonio, Texas, USA 20060312/16 Edited by Korukonda L. Murty, Louis K. Mansur, Edward P. Simonen and Ram Bajaj
iiiConference Title Page
ivManuscript received date
vii-ixPrefaceKorukonda L. Murty, Louis K. Mansur, Edward P. Simonen, Ram Bajaj
xi-xiiForewordMonroe S. Wechsler
127-140Kinetic Monte Carlo modeling of cascade aging and damage accumulation in Fe–Cu alloysP.R. Monasterio, B.D. Wirth, G.R. Odette
141-148Helium bubble nucleation in bcc iron studied by kinetic Monte Carlo simulationsChaitanya S. Deo, Maria A. Okuniewski, Srinivasan G. Srivilliputhur, Stuart A. Maloy, Michael I. Baskes, Michael R. James, James F. Stubbins
149-159Kinetics of coarsening of helium bubbles during implantation and post-implantation annealingS.I. Golubov, R.E. Stoller, S.J. Zinkle, A.M. Ovcharenko
160-173Role of grain boundary engineering in the SCC behavior of ferritic–martensitic alloy HT-9G. Gupta, P. Ampornrat, X. Ren, K. Sridharan, T.R. Allen, G.S. Was
174-183Thermal and radiation-induced segregation in model Ni-base alloysT.R. Allen, L. Tan, G.S. Was, E.A. Kenik
184-191Effect of radiation on bulk swelling of plutonium alloysChristophe Thiebaut, Nathalie Baclet, Brice Ravat, Pierre Giraud, Pascale Julia
192-205Fracture mechanism maps in unirradiated and irradiated metals and alloysMeimei Li, S.J. Zinkle
206-217Molecular dynamics study of the interactions between dislocation and imperfect stacking fault tetrahedron in CuLucie Saintoyant, Hyon-Jee Lee, Brian D. Wirth
218-227Deformation microstructure of proton-irradiated stainless steelsZ. Jiao, J.T. Busby, G.S. Was
228-238Analysis of notch strengthening of 316L stainless steel with and without irradiation-induced hardening using EBSD and FEMXianglin Wu, Xiao Pan, James F. Stubbins
239-247Dose dependence of true stress parameters in irradiated bcc, fcc, and hcp metalsT.S. Byun
248-261APT characterization of irradiated high nickel RPV steelsM.K. Miller, K.F. Russell, M.A. Sokolov, R.K. Nanstad
262-273Synergistic effects of interstitial impurities and radiation defects on mechanical characteristics of ferritic steelsI. Charit, C.S. Seok, K.L. Murty
274-281Materials irradiation facilities at the high-power Swiss proton accelerator complexWerner Wagner, Yong Dai, Heike Glasbrenner, Hans-Ulrich Aebersold
282-288The radiation damage database: Section on helium cross sectionW. Lu, M.S. Wechsler
289-297Monte Carlo simulations of stray neutron radiation exposures in proton therapyYuanshui Zheng, Wayne Newhauser, Jonas Fontenot, Nicholas Koch, Radhe Mohan
298-305Effect of severe ausforming via equal channel angular extrusion on the shape memory response of a NiTi alloyB. Kockar, I. Karaman, A. Kulkarni, Y. Chumlyakov, I.V. Kireeva
306-312An in situ study of the martensitic transformation in shape memory alloys using photoemission electron microscopyM. Cai, S.C. Langford, J.T. Dickinson, Gang Xiong, T.C. Droubay, A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, W.P. Hess
313-321Parent–martensite interface structure in ferrous systemsX. Ma, R.C. Pond

Volume 362, Issue 1, Pages 1-140 (15 May 2007)

iiEditorial board
1-13The impact of radiolytic yield on the calculated ECP in PWR primary coolant circuitsMirna Urquidi-Macdonald, Jonathan Pitt, Digby D. Macdonald
14-18On the present state of investigation of thermodynamic properties of solid and liquid UO2+xD. Manara, C. Ronchi, M. Sheindlin, R. Konings
19-25Temperature evaluation of an instrumented capsule after material irradiation tests in HANAROM.H. Choi, K.N. Choo, H.R. Kim, B.G. Kim
26-35X-ray and thermal studies of the Na–U–Mo–O systemN.D. Dahale, Meera Keskar, R. Agarwal, K.D. Singh Mudher
36-45Failure behavior of Zircaloy-4 cladding after oxidation and water quenchJun Hwan Kim, Myoung Ho Lee, Byoung Kwon Choi, Yong Hwan Jeong
46-52Phase diagram of the UO2–FeO1+xS.V. Bechta, E.V. Krushinov, V.I. Almjashev, S.A. Vitol, L.P. Mezentseva, Yu.B. Petrov, D.B. Lopukh, V.B. Khabensky, M. Barrachin, S. Hellmann, K. Froment, M. Fisher, W. Tromm, D. Bottomley, F. Defoort, V.V. Gusarov
53-59Radiation and thermal effects on cobalt retention by Mexican aluminosilicatesJ.I. Dávila-Rangel, M. Solache-Ríos, J.E. Nuñez-Monreal
60-74Disproportionation of Pu(IV): A reassessment of kinetic and equilibrium propertiesJohn M. Haschke
75-86Characterization of hot deformation behavior of Zr–1Nb–1Sn alloyJ.K. Chakravartty, R. Kapoor, S. Banerjee, Y.V.R.K. Prasad
87-92Detection of point defects upon ion irradiation by means of precipitate coherencyZ.C. Li, H. Abe, N. Sekimura
93-103Effect of radial hydrides on the axial and hoop mechanical properties of Zircaloy-4 claddingH.C. Chu, S.K. Wu, K.F. Chien, R.C. Kuo
104-115Characterization of phases in ‘crud’ from boiling-water reactors by transmission electron microscopyDawn E. Janney, Douglas L. Porter
116-127The development of radiation embrittlement models for US power reactor pressure vessel steelsJ.A. Wang, N.S.V. Rao, S. Konduri
128-131Vapour pressure and standard enthalpy of sublimation of H3BO3R. Pankajavalli, S. Anthonysamy, K. Ananthasivan, P.R. Vasudeva Rao
132-138Precipitation in AISI 316L(N) during creep tests at 550 and 600 °C up to 10 yearsA.F. Padilha, D.M. Escriba, E. Materna-Morris, M. Rieth, M. Klimenkov
139Erratum to ‘Sorption of silicon on magnetite and other corrosion products of iron’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 348 (2006) 60–69]Violaine Philippini, Aude Naveau, Hubert Catalette, Stéphanie Leclercq

Volume 362, Issues 2-3, Pages 141-510 (31 May 2007)

E-MRS 2006: Symposium N Edited by Claude Degueldre
iiiConference Title Page
ivManuscript received date
vii-viiiEditorial NoteClaude Degueldre, Christophe Poinssot, Rodney Ewing, Lian Zhou
141-145Effect of self-interstitial cluster migration on helium diffusion in ironM.J. Caturla, C.J. Ortiz
146-151The influence of non-equilibrium fluctuations on radiation damage and recovery of metals under irradiationV.I. Dubinko, V.F. Klepikov
152-160Effect of helium on irradiation-induced hardening of iron: A simulation point of viewR. Schäublin, Y.L. Chiu
161-166Diffusion coefficients and thermal stability of small helium–vacancy clusters in ironV.A. Borodin, P.V. Vladimirov
167-173Characterization of dislocation loops and chromium-rich precipitates in ferritic iron–chromium alloys as means of void swelling suppressionD. Terentyev, P. Olsson, L. Malerba, A.V. Barashev
174-180Actively cooled plasma facing components in Tore Supra: From material and design to operationPh. Magaud, P. Monier-Garbet, J.M. Travère, A. Grosman
181-188Helium behaviour and vacancy defect distribution in helium implanted tungstenA. Debelle, M.F. Barthe, T. Sauvage, R. Belamhawal, A. Chelgoum, P. Desgardin, H. Labrim
189-196Application of laser assisted technologies for fabrication of functionally graded coatings and objects for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor componentsI. Yadroitsev, Ph. Bertrand, B. Laget, I. Smurov
197-201Interface reactions between silicon carbide and interlayers in silicon carbide–copper metal–matrix compositesT. Köck, A. Brendel, H. Bolt
202-207Silicon displacement threshold energy determined by electron paramagnetic resonance and positron annihilation spectroscopy in cubic and hexagonal polytypes of silicon carbideX. Kerbiriou, M.-F. Barthe, S. Esnouf, P. Desgardin, G. Blondiaux, G. Petite
208-214Development of multifilamentary niobium–titanium and niobium–tin strands for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor projectL. Zhou, P.X. Zhang, X.D. Tang, X.H. Liu, Y.F. Lu, P.D. Weng, G. Grunblatt, Gia K. Hoang, C. Verwaerde
215-221Nuclear reaction analysis with ion microbeam of cross sections of surface layers deposited in a tokamak divertorH. Bergsåker, B. Emmoth, P. Petersson, G. Possnert, J.P. Coad, J. Likonen, T. Renvall
222-226Radiation-optical characteristics of quartz glass and sapphireA.Kh. Islamov, E.M. Ibragimova, I. Nuritdinov
227-234Critical parameters and equation of state for heavy liquid metalsK. Morita, V. Sobolev, M. Flad
235-247Thermophysical properties of lead and lead–bismuth eutecticV. Sobolev
248-252High temperature corrosion of a nickel base alloy by helium impuritiesF. Rouillard, C. Cabet, K. Wolski, A. Terlain, M. Tabarant, M. Pijolat, F. Valdivieso
253-258An X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of an oxide dispersion strengthened steelM.A. Pouchon, A.J. Kropf, A. Froideval, C. Degueldre, W. Hoffelner
259-267Microstructural analysis of candidate steels pre-selected for new advanced reactor systemsA. Zeman, L. Debarberis, J. Kočík, V. Slugeň, E. Keilová
268-273Effects of ion beam mixing of silicon carbide film deposited onto metallic materials for application to nuclear hydrogen productionJae-Won Park, Youngjin Chun, Jonghwa Chang
274-282Local atomic structure in iron copper binary alloys: An extended X-ray absorption fine structure studyG. Kuri, C. Degueldre, J. Bertsch, J. Rothe
283-286Tensile properties and internal friction study of dislocation movement in iron–copper system as a function of copper precipitationM.J. Konstantinović, A. Almazouzi, M. Scibetta, E. van Walle
287-292Mechanical properties–microstructure correlation in neutron irradiated heat-affected zones of austenitic stainless steelsR. Stoenescu, R. Schaeublin, D. Gavillet, N. Baluc
293-299Influence of self-interstitial mobility on damage accumulation in zirconium under fission irradiation conditionsC. Arevalo, M.J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado
300-308The irradiation effects on zirconium alloysGh. Negut, M. Ancuta, V. Radu, S. Ionescu, V. Stefan, O. Uta, I. Prisecaru, N. Danila
309-315High temperature creep properties of zirconium and Zircaloy-4 in vacuum and oxygen environmentsG. Moulin, R. El Tahhan, J. Favergeon, M. Bigerelle, M. Viennot
316-326Variable incidence angle – X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the study of Zircaloy corrosion layersClaude Degueldre, Michael Kastoryano, Kathy Dardenne
327-335Mechanistic modelling of urania fuel evolution and fission product migration during irradiation and heatingM.S. Veshchunov, R. Dubourg, V.D. Ozrin, V.E. Shestak, V.I. Tarasov
336-342Processing of magnesia–pyrochlore composites for inert matrix materialsS.J. Yates, P. Xu, J. Wang, J.S. Tulenko, J.C. Nino
343-349Structural investigation on an aged americium transmutation fuelM. Walter, J. Somers, A. Fernandez, D. Haas, K. Dardenne, M.A. Denecke
350-355Granulation and infiltration processes for the fabrication of minor actinide fuels, targets and conditioning matricesC. Nästren, A. Fernandez, D. Haas, J. Somers, M. Walter
356-363Dispersion type zirconium matrix fuels fabricated by capillary impregnation methodA. Savchenko, I. Konovalov, A. Vatulin, A. Morozov, V. Orlov, O. Uferov, S. Ershov, A. Laushkin, G. Kulakov, S. Maranchak, Z. Petrova
364-373Xenon migration behaviour in titanium nitrideS. Gavarini, N. Toulhoat, C. Peaucelle, P. Martin, J. Mende, Y. Pipon, H. Jaffrezic
374-382Prediction of oxygen potential in americium thorium oxides phase of a cermet fuelM. Osaka, K. Kurosaki, S. Yamanaka
383-394Perspectives on the closed fuel cycle – Implications for high-level waste matricesJean-Marie Gras, Richard Do Quang, Hervé Masson, Thierry Lieven, Cécile Ferry, Christophe Poinssot, Michel Debes, Jean-Michel Delbecq
395-401A science-based approach to understanding waste form durability in open and closed nuclear fuel cyclesM.T. Peters, R.C. Ewing
402-410An improved model to evaluate the oxidation kinetics of uranium dioxide during dry storageA. Poulesquen, L. Desgranges, C. Ferry
411-415Gap and grain boundaries inventories from pressurized water reactor spent fuelsD. Roudil, C. Jégou, V. Broudic, B. Muzeau, S. Peuget, X. Deschanels
416-425Thermal diffusion of chlorine in uranium dioxide studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry and X-ray absorption spectroscopyY. Pipon, N. Toulhoat, N. Moncoffre, L. Raimbault, A.M. Scheidegger, F. Farges, G. Carlot
426-430Neptunium interaction with uranium dioxide in aqueous solutionO.N. Batuk, St.N. Kalmykov, V.G. Petrov, E.V. Zakharova, Yu.A. Teterin, A.Yu. Teterin, V.I. Shapovalov, M.J. Haire
431-437Helium release from plutonium and curium-doped zirconoliteT. Wiss, X. Deschanels, J.-P. Hiernaut, D. Roudil, S. Peuget, V.V. Rondinella
438-444Ion beam irradiation of lanthanum and thorium-doped yttrium titanatesJ. Lian, F.X. Zhang, M.T. Peters, L.M. Wang, R.C. Ewing
445-450Effect of gold ion irradiation on helium migration in fluoroapatites investigated with nuclear reaction analysisS. Miro, F. Studer, J.-M. Costantini, P. Berger, J. Haussy, P. Trouslard, J.-J. Grob
451-458Actinide solubility-controlling phases during the dissolution of phosphate ceramicsE. Du Fou de Kerdaniel, N. Clavier, N. Dacheux, O. Terra, R. Podor
459-465Irradiation effects on thorium phosphate diphosphate: Chemical durability and thermodynamic studyC. Tamain, N. Dacheux, F. Garrido, L. Thomé
466-473Solid state diffusion during nuclear glass residual alteration in solutionT. Chave, P. Frugier, A. Ayral, S. Gin
474-479Effect of alpha radiation on the leaching behaviour of nuclear glassS. Peuget, V. Broudic, C. Jégou, P. Frugier, D. Roudil, X. Deschanels, H. Rabiller, P.Y. Noel
480-484Behaviour of simplified nuclear waste glasses under gold ions implantation: A microluminescence studyJ. de Bonfils, G. Panczer, D. de Ligny, S. Peuget, B. Champagnon
485-492Corrosion of iron: A study for radioactive waste canistersS. Ben Lagha, D. Crusset, I. Mabille, M. Tran, M.C. Bernard, E. Sutter
493-501Modelling glass alteration in an altered argillaceous environmentO. Bildstein, L. Trotignon, C. Pozo, M. Jullien
502-509Effect of cobalt hydroxo-sulphide on organic material radiolysisC. Pichon, N. Millard-Pinard, F. Valdivieso, A. Chevarier, M. Pijolat, P.C. Leverd
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript received date
vii-viiiPrefaceJiangang Li, Xiang Gao, Junling Chen, T. Tanabe, P. Ghendrih, A. Leonard
1-11An ITER-like wall for JETJ. Paméla, G.F. Matthews, V. Philipps, R. Kamendje and JET-EFDA Contributors
12-23Key plasma wall interaction issues towards steady state operationE. Tsitrone
24-31Turbulent transport and the plasma edgeV. Naulin
32-40The implications of mixed-material plasma-facing surfaces in ITERR.P. Doerner
41-51Understanding the SOL flow in L-mode plasma on divertor tokamaks, and its influence on the plasma transportNobuyuki Asakura and ITPA SOL and Divertor Topical Group
52-59Final steps to an all tungsten divertor tokamakR. Neu, V. Bobkov, R. Dux, A. Kallenbach, Th. Pütterich, H. Greuner, O. Gruber, A. Herrmann, Ch. Hopf, K. Krieger, C.F. Maggi, H. Maier, M. Mayer, V. Rohde, K. Schmid, W. Suttrop and ASDEX Upgrade Team
60-65Spectroscopic investigation of carbon migration with tungsten walls in ASDEX UpgradeA. Kallenbach, R. Dux, J. Harhausen, C.F. Maggi, R. Neu, T. Pütterich, V. Rohde, K. Schmid, E. Wolfrum and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
66-71Surface studies of tungsten erosion and deposition in JT-60UY. Ueda, M. Fukumoto, M. Nishikawa, T. Tanabe, N. Miya, T. Arai, K. Masaki, Y. Ishimoto, K. Tsuzuki, N. Asakura
72-77Transport and deposition of 13C from methane injection into partially detached H-mode plasmas in DIII-DW.R. Wampler, A.G. McLean, S.L. Allen, N.H. Brooks, J.D. Elder, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, P.C. Stangeby, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte
78-85Modeling of asymmetric redeposition distribution between inner and outer regions of the W-shaped divertor in JT-60UK. Ohya, K. Inai, T. Tanabe, H. Takenaga
86-90Spectroscopic characterization and simulation of chemical sputtering using the DiMES porous plug injector in DIII-DA.G. McLean, J.W. Davis, P.C. Stangeby, N.H. Brooks, D.G. Whyte, S.L. Allen, B.D. Bray, S. Brezinsek, J.D. Elder, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.A. Haasz, E.M. Hollmann, R.C. Isler, C.J. Lasnier, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, C.P.C. Wong
91-95Modelling of tritium retention and target lifetime of the ITER divertor using the ERO codeA. Kirschner, D. Borodin, S. Droste, V. Philipps, U. Samm, G. Federici, A. Kukushkin, A. Loarte
96-100Erosion of a tungsten limiter under high heat flux in TEXTORG. Sergienko, B. Bazylev, A. Huber, A. Kreter, A. Litnovsky, M. Rubel, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, Ph. Mertens, U. Samm, B. Schweer, O. Schmitz, M. Tokar and The TEXTOR Team
101-106Tungsten erosion in the outer divertor of JETM. Mayer, J. Likonen, J.P. Coad, H. Maier, M. Balden, S. Lindig, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, V. Philipps and JET-EFDA Contributors
107-111Correlation of submicron dust observed in DIII-D during plasma operation with plasma operating parametersW.P. West, B.D. Bray
112-116Tungsten erosion at the ICRH limiters in ASDEX UpgradeR. Dux, V. Bobkov, N. Fedorczak, K. Iraschko, A. Kallenbach, R. Neu, T. Pütterich, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team
117-121Dissociative adsorption of atmospheric molecules at vacancies on the graphite (0 0 0 1) surface of samples exposed to plasmaA. Allouche, Y. Ferro
122-126Compatibility of ICRF antennas with W-coated limiters for different plasma geometries in ASDEX UpgradeVl.V. Bobkov, F. Braun, R. Dux, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, R. Neu, J.-M. Noterdaeme, Th. Pütterich and ASDEX Upgrade Team
127-130Decomposition and sticking of hydrocarbons in the plasma generator PSI-2W. Bohmeyer, A. Markin, D. Naujoks, B. Koch, G. Krenz, M. Baudach, G. Fussmann
131-135Measurement of C I kinetic temperature in methane puffing experiments on DIII-D and implications for spectroscopically distinguishing carbon sputtering mechanismsN.H. Brooks, R.C. Isler, A.G. McLean
136-139Integrated modelling of the edge plasma and plasma facing componentsD.P. Coster, X. Bonnin, A. Mutzke, R. Schneider, M. Warrier
140-145OEDGE modeling of the DIII-D H-mode 13CH4 puffing experimentJ.D. Elder, A.G. McLean, P.C. Stangeby, S.L. Allen, J.A. Boedo, B.D. Bray, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.W. Leonard, D. Reiter, D.L. Rudakov, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte
146-151Post mortem analysis of a JET quartz microbalance systemH.G. Esser, V. Philipps, P. Wienhold, K. Sugiyama, A. Kreter, J.P. Coad, T. Tanabe and JET-EFDA Contributors
152-156Erosion and transport of Sn and In in the SOL of MAST plasmasA.R. Foster, G.F. Counsell, H.P. Summers
157-161Toroidally asymmetric distributions of hydrocarbon (CD) emission and chemical sputtering sources in DIII-DM. Groth, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.J. Lasnier, A.G. McLean, J.G. Watkins
162-166B2/Eirene modeling of EAST divertor target power loading with enhanced wall carbon source and additional neon injectionH.Y. Guo, S. Zhu, J. Li
167-173Model for impurity generation, transport and deposition in the complex CIEL environmentJ. Hogan, E. Dufour, C. Lowry, J. Gunn, Y. Corre, P. Monier-Garbet, R. Mitteau, E. Tsitrone
174-178Growth and erosion of amorphous carbon (a-C:H) films by low-temperature laboratory plasmas containing H and N mixturesThomas Schwarz-Selinger, Christian Hopf, Chao Sun, Wolfgang Jacob
179-183Study of local carbon transport on graphite, tungsten and molybdenum test limiters in TEXTOR by 13CH4 tracer injectionA. Kreter, P. Wienhold, D. Borodin, S. Brezinsek, S. Droste, T. Hirai, A. Kirschner, A. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, G. Sergienko and TEXTOR Team
184-189Hydrogen isotopic effects on the chemical erosion of graphite induced by ion irradiationJ.H. Liang, M. Mayer, J. Roth, M. Balden, W. Eckstein
190-195Structural studies of deposited layers on JET MkII-SRP inner divertor tilesJ. Likonen, J.P. Coad, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, T. Renvall, D.E. Hole, M. Rubel, A. Widdowson and JET-EFDA Contributors
196-200Divertor heat flux scaling with heating power and plasma current in H-mode discharges in the national spherical torus experimentR. Maingi, C.E. Bush, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel, A.L. Roquemore, S.F. Paul, V.A. Soukhanovskii and NSTX Team
201-205Measurements of the average energy of carbon atoms released from breakup of methane in the main SOL of DIII-D compared with DIVIMP code modelingP.C. Stangeby, A.G. McLean, J.D. Elder, N.H. Brooks, W.P. West, D. Reiter
206-210A possible method of carbon deposit mapping on plasma facing components using infrared thermographyR. Mitteau, J. Spruytte, S. Vallet, J.M. Travère, D. Guilhem, C. Brosset
211-215Modeling of multi-dimensional impurity transport in a realistic tokamak geometryA. Fukano, M. Noritake, K. Hoshino, R. Yamazaki, A. Hatayama
216-221Transport of dust particles in tokamak devicesA.Yu. Pigarov, R.D. Smirnov, S.I. Krasheninnikov, T.D. Rognlien, M. Rosenberg, T.K. Soboleva
222-2263D measurements of mobile dust particle trajectories in NSTXA.L. Roquemore, N. Nishino, C.H. Skinner, C. Bush, R. Kaita, R. Maqueda, W. Davis, A.Yu Pigarov, S.I. Krasheninnikov
227-232Migration of artificially introduced micron-size carbon dust in the DIII-D divertorD.L. Rudakov, W.P. West, C.P.C. Wong, N.H. Brooks, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, S.I. Krasheninnikov, C.J. Lasnier, A.G. McLean, A.Yu. Pigarov, W.M. Solomon, G.Y. Antar, J.A. Boedo, R.P. Doerner, E.M. Hollmann, A.W. Hyatt, R.A. Moyer, J.G. Watkins
233-237In situ measurements of erosion and redeposition during long duration discharges on TRIAM-1MM. Sakamoto, M. Ogawa, H. Zushi, A. Higashijima, H. Nakashima, S. Kawasaki, M. Hasegawa, H. Idei, K. Hanada, K. Nakamura, K.N. Sato and TRIAM Group
238-241The observation of dust behavior in TRIAM-1MK. Sasaki, K. Hanada, N. Nishino, M. Tokitani, N. Yoshida, K.N. Sato, H. Zushi, K. Nakamura, M. Sakamoto, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, S. Kawasaki, H. Nakasihma, A. Higashijima and TRIAM group
242-246Discharge resolved impurity flux measurements in the edge plasma of ASDEX Upgrade by exposure of collector probesW. Schustereder, K. Krieger, A. Herrmann, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team
247-251Pulse-by-pulse measurements of dynamic retention and deposition in NSTXC.H. Skinner, H.W. Kugel, A.L. Roquemore, R. Maingi, W.R. Wampler
252-258Studies of film formation and erosion by hydrocarbon injection at the plasma edge of TJ-IID. Tafalla, F.L. Tabarés, I. García-Cortés, E. de la Cal, J.A. Ferreira, A. Hidalgo
259-263First mirror tests for ITER: Influence of material choice on the erosion/deposition mechanisms affecting optical reflectivityG. De Temmerman, R.A. Pitts, V.S. Voitsenya, L. Marot, G. Veres, M. Maurer, P. Oelhafen
264-269Effect of truncation of electron velocity distribution on release of dust particle from plasma-facing wallY. Tomita, R. Smirnov, H. Nakamura, S. Zhu, T. Takizuka, D. Tskhakaya
270-275Migration of 13C and deposition at ASDEX UpgradeE. Vainonen-Ahlgren, J. Likonen, T. Renvall, V. Rohde, M. Mayer and ASDEX Upgrade Team
276-281Divertor and midplane materials evaluation system in DIII-DC.P.C. Wong, D.L. Rudakov, J.P. Allain, R.J. Bastasz, N.H. Brooks, J.N. Brooks, R.P. Doerner, T.E. Evans, A. Hassanein, W. Jacob, K. Krieger, A. Litnovsky, A.G. McLean, V. Philipps, A.Yu. Pigarov, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, J. Whaley, P. Wienhold
282-286Surface modification of thick SiC gradient coatings on doped graphite under long pulse plasma irradiationC.Y. Xie, J.L. Chen, J.G. Li, Q.F. Fang
287-293Erosion and deposition in the JET MkII-SRP divertorJ.P. Coad, P. Andrew, S.K. Erents, D.E. Hole, J. Likonen, M. Mayer, R. Pitts, M. Rubel, J.D. Strachan, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, A. Widdowson and JET-EFDA Contributors
294-300Divertor transport study in the large helical deviceM. Kobayashi, Y. Feng, S. Masuzaki, M. Shoji, J. Miyazawa, T. Morisaki, N. Ohyabu, N. Ashikawa, A. Komori, O. Motojima The LHD Experimental Group, Y. Igitkhanov, F. Sardei, D. Reiter
301-307Effects of ELMs on ITER divertor armour materialsA. Zhitlukhin, N. Klimov, I. Landman, J. Linke, A. Loarte, M. Merola, V. Podkovyrov, G. Federici, B. Bazylev, S. Pestchanyi, V. Safronov, T. Hirai, V. Maynashev, V. Levashov, A. Muzichenko
308-313Effect of the dome on divertor performance in ITERA.S. Kukushkin, H.D. Pacher, V. Kotov, D. Reiter, D.P. Coster, G.W. Pacher
314-318Divertor plasma and neutral particles behavior under the local island divertor configuration in the Large Helical DeviceS. Masuzaki, T. Morisaki, M. Kobayashi, M. Shoji, N. Ohyabu, A. Komori and The LHD Experimental Group
319-324ELM-wall interaction on JET and ITERW. Fundamenski, R.A. Pitts and JET EFDA contributors
325-329Analysis of difference in Hα spectral line profiles between attachment and detachment plasmas in LHDH. Arimoto, K. Kondo, S. Masuzaki, M. Shoji, J. Miyazawa, M. Kobayashi, N. Tamura, T. Morisaki, M. Goto, S. Morita, K. Ida, N. Ohyabu, S. Sudo and the LHD Experimental Group
330-334B2-EIRENE simulation of plasma and neutrals in MAGNUM-PSIM. Baeva, W.J. Goedheer, N.J. Lopes Cardozo, D. Reiter
335-340Comparison between measured divertor parameters in ASDEX Upgrade and SOLPS code solutionsA.V. Chankin, D.P. Coster, R. Dux, Ch. Fuchs, G. Haas, A. Herrmann, L.D. Horton, A. Kallenbach, M. Kaufmann, A.S. Kukushkin, K. Lackner, H.W. Müller, J. Neuhauser, R. Pugno, M. Tsalas and ASDEX Upgrade Team
341-345Efficacy of photon cleaning of JET divertor tilesA. Widdowson, J.P. Coad, N. Bekris, G. Counsell, M.J. Forrest, K.J. Gibson, D. Hole, J. Likonen, W. Parsons, T. Renvall, M. Rubel and JET-EFDA Contributors
346-352Simulations of ITER start-up and assessment of limiter power loadsG. Federici, O. Zolotukhin, M. Kobayashi, A. Loarte, G. Strohmayer, A. Tanga, A. Portone, L. Horton, Y. Feng, F. Sardei, Y. Gribov, M. Shimada, A. Polevoi, R. Mitteau, C. Lowry
353-358Numerical study on CX-neutral transport and wall-sputtering in W7-AS diverted plasmasY. Feng, F. Sardei, P. Grigull, K. McCormick, J. Kisslinger, D. Reiter, D. Harting
359-364Measurement and modeling of detached plasma cooling via ro-vibrational excitation of H2 neutrals in PISCES-AE.M. Hollmann, A.Yu. Pigarov, Z. Yan
365-370Improved radiation measurements on JET – First results from an upgraded bolometer systemA. Huber, K. McCormick, P. Andrew, M.R. de Baar, P. Beaumont, S. Dalley, J. Fink, J.C. Fuchs, K. Fullard, W. Fundamenski, L.C. Ingesson, G. Kirnev, P. Lomas, F. Mast, S. Jachmich, G.F. Matthews, Ph. Mertens, A. Meigs, V. Philipps, J. Rapp, et al.
371-376Observation of the heteroclinic tangles in the heat flux pattern of the ergodic divertor at TEXTORM.W. Jakubowski, A. Wingen, S.S. Abdullaev, K.H. Finken, M. Lehnen, K.H. Spatschek, R.C. Wolf and The TEXTOR Team
377-381The effect of the magnetic topology on particle recycling in the ergodic divertor of TEXTORM. Lehnen, S.S. Abdullaev, S. Brezinsek, K.H. Finken, D. Harting, M. von Hellermann, M.W. Jakubowski, R. Jaspers, A. Kirschner, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Reiter, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, G. Sergienko, B. Unterberg, R. Wolf and The TEXTOR Team
382-388Sheath heat transmission factors on TCVJ. Marki, R.A. Pitts, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, J. Horacek, F. Sanchez, G. Veres
389-394A new edge-based energy scaling law for W7-AS and its implications for boundary-island divertor operationK. McCormick, P. Grigull, H. Ehmler, E. Pasch and NBI- ECRH- and W7-AS Teams
395-399Contribution of hydrogen molecular assisted recombination processes to population of hydrogen atom in divertor simulator MAP-IIA. Okamoto, S. Kado, K. Sawada, Y. Kuwahara, Y. Iida, S. Tanaka
400-406Effect of the tokamak size in edge transport modelling and implications for DEMOH.D. Pacher, A.S. Kukushkin, G.W. Pacher, G. Janeschitz, D. Coster, V. Kotov, D. Reiter
407-411Study of the specific detachment characteristics of HL-2AY.D. Pan, R. Schneider
412-415Observation of divertor and core radiation in JT-60U by means of bolometric imagingB.J. Peterson, S. Konoshima, H. Parchamy, M. Kaneko, T. Omori, D.C. Seo, N. Ashikawa, A. Sukegawa and JT-60U Team
416-420Compatibility of the radiating divertor with high performance plasmas in DIII-DT.W. Petrie, M.R. Wade, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.W. Hyatt, R.C. Isler, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, G.D. Porter, M.J. Schaffer, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West and DIII–D Team
421-425Spectral line shape modeling for the calculation of radiation transport in divertorsJ. Rosato, R. Stamm, L. Godbert-Mouret, M. Koubiti, Y. Marandet, F. Rosmej, H. Capes
426-431A new fast velocity-diffusion modelling for impurity transport in integrated edge plasma simulationK. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, H. Kawashima
432-436Divertor heat flux reduction and detachment experiments in NSTXV.A. Soukhanovskii, R. Maingi, C.E. Bush, R. Raman, R.E. Bell, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel, C.J. Lasnier, B.P. LeBlanc, J.E. Menard, S.F. Paul, A.L. Roquemore and The NSTX Research Team
437-442Negative ion production near a divertor plateF. Taccogna, R. Schneider, K. Matyash, S. Longo, M. Capitelli, D. Tskhakaya
443-447Retention properties of plasma particles in tungsten exposed to LHD divertor plasmasM. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, T. Morisaki, M. Shoji, A. Komori LHD Experimental Group, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya
448-452High recycling outer divertor regimes after type-I ELMs at high density in ASDEX UpgradeM. Wischmeier, A. Kallenbach, A.V. Chankin, D.P. Coster, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, H.W. Müller and ASDEX Upgrade Team
453-457Low recycling regime in ITER and the LiWall concept for its divertorL.E. Zakharov, W. Blanchard, R. Kaita, H. Kugel, R. Majeski, J. Timberlake
458-461Finite size effect of dust charging in the magnetized edge plasmaK. Matyash, R. Schneider, F. Taccogna, D. Tskhakaya
462-466Migration and release behavior of tritium in SS316 at ambient temperatureY. Torikai, D. Murata, R.-D. Penzhorn, K. Akaishi, K. Watanabe, M. Matsuyama
467-475ITER and plasma surface interaction issues in a fusion reactorY. Shimomura
476-483Pedestal, SOL and divertor plasma properties in DIII-D RMP ELM-suppressed discharges at ITER relevant edge collisionalityM.E. Fenstermacher, T.E. Evans, R.A. Moyer, G.D. Porter, J.A. Boedo, K.H. Burrell, M. Groth, I. Joseph, T.H. Osborne, J.G. Watkins
484-490Evidence for a poloidally localized enhancement of radial transport in the scrape-off layer of the Tore Supra tokamakJ.P. Gunn, C. Boucher, M. Dionne, I. Ďuran, V. Fuchs, T. Loarer, I. Nanobashvili, R. Pánek, J.-Y. Pascal, F. Saint-Laurent, J. Stöckel, T. Van Rompuy, R. Zagórski, J. Adámek, J. Bucalossi, R. Dejarnac, P. Devynck, P. Hertout, M. Hron, G. Lebrun, et al.
491-497RF plasma edge interactions and their impact on ICRF antenna performance in Alcator C-ModS.J. Wukitch, B. Lipschultz, E. Marmar, Y. Lin, A. Parisot, M. Reinke, J. Rice, J. Terry and C-Mod Team
498-504Role of recycling in JET trace tritium transport experimentsD.L. Hillis, J. Hogan, K.-D. Zastrow, V. Parail, D. Coster, D. Reiter, S. Brezinsek, A. Pospieszczyk, M. Stamp, W. Fundamenski, D.C. McDonald and JET EFDA Contributors
505-510Parallel SOL flow on TCVR.A. Pitts, J. Horacek, W. Fundamenski, O.E. Garcia, A.H. Nielsen, M. Wischmeier, V. Naulin, J. Juul Rasmussen
511-516Non-axisymmetric SOL-transport study for tokamaks and stellaratorsF. Sardei, Y. Feng, J. Kisslinger, P. Grigull, M. Kobayashi, D. Harting, D. Reiter, G. Federici, A. Loarte
517-521The operational phase-space of the edge plasma and its sensitivity to magnetic topology in Alcator C-ModB. LaBombard, N. Smick, M. Greenwald, J.W. Hughes, B. Lipschultz, K. Marr, J.L. Terry
522-527Edge harmonic oscillations at the density pedestal in the H-mode discharges in CHS Heliotron measured using beam emission spectroscopy and magnetic probeS. Kado, T. Oishi, M. Yoshinuma, K. Ida, M. Takeuchi, K. Toi, T. Akiyama, T. Minami, K. Nagaoka, A. Shimizu, S. Okamura, S. Tanaka and CHS Group
528-533The filamentary structure of ELMs in the scrape-off layer in ASDEX UpgradeA. Herrmann, A. Kirk, A. Schmid, B. Koch, M. Laux, M. Maraschek, H.W. Mueller, J. Neuhauser, V. Rohde, M. Tsalas, E. Wolfrum and ASDEX Upgrade Team
534-538Initial results of H-mode edge pedestal turbulence evolution with quadrature reflectometer measurements on DIII-DG. Wang, W.A. Peebles, E.J. Doyle, T.L. Rhodes, L. Zeng, X. Nguyen, T.H. Osborne, P.B. Snyder, G.J. Kramer, R. Nazikian, R.J. Groebner, K.H. Burrell, A.W. Leonard, M.E. Fenstermacher, E.J. Strait
539-543Numerical analysis of the SOL/divertor plasma flow with the effect of driftsK. Hoshino, A. Hatayama, N. Asakura, H. Kawashima, R. Schneider, D. Coster
544-549Edge plasma modelling for HT-7 superconducting tokamak experimentsYiPing Chen, Guosheng Xu, Jiansheng Hu, D.P. Coster
550-554Control of test particle transport in a turbulent electrostatic model of the Scrape-Off-LayerG. Ciraolo, Ph. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, C. Chandre, R. Lima, M. Vittot, M. Pettini
555-5592-D mapping of ICRF-induced SOL perturbations in Tore Supra tokamakL. Colas, J.P. Gunn, I. Nanobashvili, V. Petržílka, M. Goniche, A. Ekedahl, S. Heuraux, E. Joffrin, F. Saint-Laurent, C. Balorin, C. Lowry, V. Basiuk
560-564Kinetic calculation of plasma deposition in castellated tile gapsR. Dejarnac, J.P. Gunn
565-569EDGE2D modelling of JET and ITER including the combined effect of guiding centre drifts and an edge transport barrierS.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, G. Corrigan, G.F. Matthews, R. Zagorski and EFDA-JET Contributors
570-574Experimental and numerical studies of separatrix splitting and magnetic footprints in DIII-DT.E. Evans, I. Joseph, R.A. Moyer, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.J. Lasnier, L.W. Yan
575-580Turbulent transport in the TCV SOLO.E. Garcia, R.A. Pitts, J. Horacek, A.H. Nielsen, W. Fundamenski, J.P. Graves, V. Naulin, J. Juul Rasmussen
581-585Transport barrier fluctuations governed by SOL turbulence spreadingPh. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, G. Ciraolo, G. Darmet, X. Garbet, V. Grangirard, P. Tamain, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer
586-590Radially propagating turbulent structures in a linear helicon plasma deviceT. Windisch, O. Grulke, T. Klinger
591-595Stochastic transport modeling of resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-DI. Joseph, R.A. Moyer, T.E. Evans, M.J. Schaffer, A.M. Runov, R. Schneider, S.V. Kasilov, M. Groth, M.E. Fenstermacher
596-599Correlation of neutral beam injection parameters and core β with anomalous first-wall heating during QH-modeC.J. Lasnier, K.H. Burrell, J.S. deGrassie, T.L. Rhodes, M.A. VanZeeland, J.G. Watkins
600-604Impact of bumpiness control on edge plasma in a helical-axis heliotron deviceT. Mizuuchi, S. Watanabe, S. Fujikawa, H. Okada, S. Kobayashi, H. Yabutani, K. Nagasaki, H. Nakamura, Y. Torii, S. Yamamoto, M. Kaneko, H. Arimoto, G. Motojima, H. Kitagawa, T. Tsuji, M. Uno, S. Matsuoka, M. Nosaku, N. Watanabe, Y. Nakamura, et al.
605-610Deuterium plasma flow in the scrape-off layer of ASDEX UpgradeH.W. Müller, V. Bobkov, A. Herrmann, M. Maraschek, J. Neuhauser, V. Rohde, A. Schmid, M. Tsalas and ASDEX Upgrade Team
611-615High density plasma generation by RF ohmic discharge in toroidal divertor simulator NAGDIS-TM. Nagase, H. Masuda, N. Ohno, S. Takamura, M. Takagi
616-621Edge plasma behavior in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror based on gas puff imaging experiments with a high-speed cameraY. Nakashima, N. Nishino, Y. Higashizono, H. Kawano, S. Kobayashi, M. Shoji, Y. Kubota, M. Yoshikawa, M.K. Islam, Y. Mishima, D. Mimura, T. Cho
622-627Radial profiles of plasma turbulent fluctuations in the scrape-off layer of the Tore Supra tokamakI. Nanobashvili, J.P. Gunn, P. Devynck
628-632High-speed 2D measurement of edge turbulence phenomena with a fast camera in Heliotron JN. Nishino, T. Mizuuchi, Z. Feng, S. Kobayashi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, Y. Torii, K. Kondo, F. Sano
633-637Numerical predictions of the poloidal EJ. Ou, S. Zhu
638-642Highly resolved measurements of periodic radial electric field and associated relaxations in edge biasing experimentsP. Peleman, Y. Xu, M. Spolaore, J. Brotankova, P. Devynck, J. Stöckel, G. Van Oost, C. Boucher
643-648Simulation of large parallel plasma flows in the tokamak SOL driven by cross-field transport asymmetriesA.Yu. Pigarov, S.I. Krasheninnikov, B. LaBombard, T.D. Rognlien
649-657Detailed atomic, molecular and radiation kinetics in current 2D and 3D edge plasma fluid codesD. Reiter, V. Kotov, P. Börner, K. Sawada, R.K. Janev, B. Küppers
658-663Scrape-off layer plasmas for ITER with 2nd XT.D. Rognlien, R.H. Bulmer, M.E. Rensink, J.N. Brooks
664-668Modeling of the parametric dependence of the edge toroidal rotation for MAST and ASDEX UpgradeV. Rozhansky, P. Molchanov, S. Voskoboynikov, G. Counsell, A. Kirk, D. Coster, R. Schneider
669-673Edge turbulence in RFX-mod virtual-shell dischargesP. Scarin, M. Agostini, R. Cavazzana, F. Sattin, G. Serianni, N. Vianello
674-679DIVIMP modeling of tungsten impurity transport in ITERK. Schmid, K. Krieger, A. Kukushkin, A. Loarte
680-685Characterization of transport in the stochastic edge layer of TEXTOR by analysis of the radial and poloidal distribution of electron density and temperatureO. Schmitz, D. Harting, S.S. Abdullaev, S. Brezinsek, K.H. Finken, H. Frerichs, M. Jakubowski, M. Lehnen, X. Loozen, Ph. Mertens, D. Reiter, U. Samm, B. Schweer, G. Sergienko, M.Z. Tokar, B. Unterberg, R.C. Wolf and the TEXTOR team
686-692Progress towards the validation of models of the behavior of neutral helium in gas puff imaging experimentsD.P. Stotler, J. Boedo, B. LeBlanc, R.J. Maqueda, S.J. Zweben
693-697Development of a computational tool for limiter edge plasma modeling with application to IGNITORF. Subba, A. Airoldi, F. Bombarda, G. Cenacchi, G. Maddaluno, R. Zanino
698-702Impact of stochastic magnetic fields on plasma rotation and radial electric fields in the plasma edge of the tokamak TEXTORB. Unterberg, C. Busch, M. de Bock, J.W. Coenen, K.H. Finken, St. Jachmich, M.W. Jakubowski, Y. Kikuchi, A. Krämer-Flecken, M. Lehnen, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, S. Soldatov, M.Z. Tokar, M. von Hellermann, R.C. Wolf, Y. Xu and TEXTOR-team
703-707Reynolds stress and edge turbulence in TEXTOR: A comparison between simulations and experimentM. Vergote, M. Van Schoor, Y. Xu, S. Jachmich, R. Weynants
708-712Target plate conditions during stochastic boundary operation on DIII-DJ.G. Watkins, T.E. Evans, C.J. Lasnier, R.A. Moyer, D.L. Rudakov
713-717Carbon influx from the island divertor of the Wendelstein-7AS stellaratorU. Wenzel, H. Thomsen, P. Grigull
718-722Measurements of Reynolds stress and turbulent transport in the plasma boundary during the static dynamic ergodic divertor operation on TEXTORY. Xu, S. Jachmich, M. Van Schoor, M. Vergote, M.W. Jakubowski, R.R. Weynants
723-727Stochastic boundary modeling by resonant magnetic perturbations on DIII-DL.W. Yan, T.E. Evans
728-732Examination of the velocity time-delay-estimation techniqueJ.H. Yu, C. Holland, G.R. Tynan, G. Antar, Z. Yan
733-737Plasma wall interactions in RFX-mod with virtual magnetic boundaryP. Zanca, D. Terranova, M. Valisa, S. Dal Bello
738-742Electron thermal transport induced by magnetic turbulence in the HT-7 tokamakW. Zhang, G.S. Xu, B.N. Wan
743-750Internal collapse of the plasma during the long pulse plasma discharge and its influence on the plasma performanceLiqun Hu and HT-7 Team
751-758Behaviors of impurity and hydrogen recycling on the HT-7 tokamakJuan Huang, Baonian Wan, Xianzu Gong, Zhenwei Wu and the HT-7 Team
759-763Deuterium in-vessel retention characterisation through the use of particle balance on Tore SupraJ. Bucalossi, C. Brosset, B. Pégourié, E. Tsitrone, E. Dufour, A. Eckedahl, A. Geraud, M. Goniche, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, P. Monier-Garbet, J.C. Vallet, S. Vartanian
764-769Hydrogen recycling and puffing at a poloidal limiter of TJ-IIE. de la Cal, J. Guasp, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, A. Alonso, P. Carvalho, A. Salas, B. Zurro and TJ-II Team
770-774The study of MARFE during long pulse discharges in the HT-7 tokamakW. Gao, X. Gao, M. Asif, Z.W. Wu, B.L. Ling, J.G. Li
775-780Helium ash removal by moving-surface plasma-facing componentsY. Hirooka, S. Hosaka, M. Nishiura, Y. Ohtsuka, M. Nishikawa
781-785Plasma density behavior with new graphite limiters in HT-7Y.X. Jie, M. Asif, X. Gao, H.Q. Liu
786-790Simulation of divertor pumping in JT-60U with SOLDOR/NEUT2D codeH. Kawashima, K. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, N. Asakura, H. Takenaga, T. Nakano, S. Sakurai
791-796Effect of lithium PFC coatings on NSTX density controlH.W. Kugel, M.G. Bell, R. Bell, C. Bush, D. Gates, T. Gray, R. Kaita, B. Leblanc, R. Maingi, R. Majeski, D. Mansfield, D. Mueller, S. Paul, R. Raman, A.L. Roquemore, S. Sabbagh, C.H. Skinner, V. Soukhanovskii, T. Stevenson, L. Zakharov
797-800Simulation of charge exchange neutrals interactions with gaps in first wall claddingV.A. Kurnaev, D.I. Matveev, N.N. Trifonov
801-805Probability of absorption/implantation of low-energy image ions in O-covered vanadiumA. Livshits, Y. Hatano, V. Alimov, M. Matsuyama
806-810Effect of magnetic configuration on the neutral particle transport in compact helical system edge regionH. Matsuura, C. Suzuki, S. Okamura
811-815Molecular (H/D/T) sources in JETA. Pospieszczyk, S. Brezinsek, A. Meigs, Ph. Mertens, G. Sergienko, M. Stamp and JET-EFDA Contributors
816-821Simulation of main-chamber recycling in DIII-D with the UEDGE codeM.E. Rensink, M. Groth, G.D. Porter, T.D. Rognlien, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins
822-826Deuterium retention in carbon fibre composites NB31 and N11 irradiated with low-energy D ionsJ. Roth, V.Kh. Alimov, A.V. Golubeva, R.P. Doerner, J. Hanna, E. Tsitrone, Ch. Brosset, V. Rohde, A. Herrmann, M. Mayer
827-832Three-dimensional neutral particle transport simulation for analyzing polarization resolved H-alpha spectra in the large helical deviceM. Shoji, A. Iwamae, M. Goto, A. Sakaue, M. Atake, S. Masuzaki, J. Miyazawa, N. Ohyabu, A. Komori and LHD Experimental Groups
833-838Permeation of hydrogen through MPG-8 graphiteA. Spitsyn, A. Pisarev, A. Skovoroda, V. Gureev, Yu. Martynenko
839-843Particle balance on HT-7: Error analysis and first resultsY. Yang and The HT-7 Team
844-848Thermal interaction of plasma with Gas PuffingP. Tamain, E. Tsitrone, Ph. Ghendrih, J. Gunn, F. Clairet, J. Bucalossi, B. Pégourié
849-853Balmer-α spectroscopic study on hydrogen recycling and molecular effects in HT-7Bingjia Xiao, Baonian Wan, Juan Huang and HT-7 Team
854-861Hydrogen isotopes retention in JT-60UY. Hirohata, T. Tanabe, Y. Oya, K. Okuno, K. Masaki, N. Miya and The JT-60U Team
862-869Oxidation for deposits removal and hydrogen release on HT-7J.S. Hu, J.G. Li, X.M. Wang, Y.P. Zhao and HT-7 Team
870-876Formation of deuterium–carbon inventories in gaps of plasma facing componentsK. Krieger, W. Jacob, D.L. Rudakov, R. Bastasz, G. Federici, A. Litnovsky, H. Maier, V. Rohde, G. Strohmayer, W.P. West, J. Whaley, C.P.C. Wong and The ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D Teams
877-881Fuel removal from plasma-facing components by oxidation-based techniques. An overview of surface conditions after oxidationM.J. Rubel, G. De Temmerman, G. Sergienko, P. Sundelin, B. Emmoth, V. Philipps
882-887Oxygen glow discharge cleaning in ASDEX UpgradeC. Hopf, V. Rohde, W. Jacob, A. Herrmann, R. Neu, J. Roth and ASDEX Upgrade Team
888-892Alternative cleaning technique for the removal of carbon depositsJ.A. Ferreira, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla
893-897Deuterium retention in rhenium-doped tungstenA.V. Golubeva, M. Mayer, J. Roth, V.A. Kurnaev, O.V. Ogorodnikova
898-903Hydrogen and helium trapping in tungsten under simultaneous irradiationsH.T. Lee, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, D.G. Whyte, G.M. Wright
904-909Deuterium depth profiling in JT-60U tiles using the D(3He, p)4He resonant nuclear reactionT. Hayashi, K. Sugiyama, K. Krieger, M. Mayer, V.Kh. Alimov, T. Tanabe, K. Masaki, N. Miya
910-914Dependence of implantation temperature on chemical behavior of energetic deuterium implanted into tungsten carbideE. Igarashi, Y. Nishikawa, T. Nakahata, A. Yoshikawa, M. Oyaidzu, Y. Oya, K. Okuno
915-919Simulation of hydrocarbon redeposition in the gaps between divertor tilesK. Inai, K. Ohya
920-924Hydrogen control in Alcator C-Mod walls and plasmasY. Lin, J. Irby, B. Lipschultz, E. Marmar, D. Whyte, S. Wolfe, S. Wukitch and The Alcator C-Mod Group
925-928Ion fluence dependence on chemical behavior of energetic deuterium implanted into oxygen-contained boron filmH. Miyauchi, A. Yoshikawa, M. Oyaidzu, Y. Oya, A. Sagara, N. Noda, K. Okuno
929-932Removal of carbon layers by oxygen glow discharges in TEXTORV. Philipps, G. Sergienko, A. Lyssoivan, H.G. Esser, M. Freisinger, A. Kreter, U. Samm
933-937Effects of helium implantation on hydrogen isotope retention behavior in SiCYasuhisa Oya, Hideo Miyauchi, Taichi Suda, Yusuke Nishikawa, Takuji Oda, Kenji Okuno, Satoru Tanaka
938-943Surface temperature effects on hydrogen and impurity release from the limiter studied by means of visible and near infrared spectroscopic measurement in TRIAM-1MR. Bhattacharyay, H. Zushi, K. Nakashima, T. Shikama, M. Sakamoto, M. Ogawa, K. Nakamura, N. Yoshida, S. Kado, K. Sawada, Y. Hirooka, K. Hanada, K.N. Sato, H. Idei, K. Sasaki, H. Xu, M. Hasegawa, K. Uehara, A. Tsushima, N. Kimura, et al.
944-948Reactivity of soft amorphous hydrogenated carbon films in ambient atmosphereE. Salançon, T. Dürbeck, T. Schwarz-Selinger, W. Jacob
949-954Ion beam analysis of H and D retention in the near surface layers of JT-60U plasma facing wall tilesK. Sugiyama, T. Hayashi, K. Krieger, M. Mayer, K. Masaki, N. Miya, T. Tanabe
955-959Production and annihilation of deuterium traps in He-irradiated vanadiumI. Takagi, N. Matsubara, M. Akiyoshi, T. Sasaki, K. Moritani, H. Moriyama
960-965Tritium distribution measurement of JET Mk II SRP divertor tilesT. Tanabe, K. Sugiyama, T. Renvall, J. Likonen, L. Penttinen, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, J.P. Coad
966-971A mechanism of PFM erosion and redeposition in gapsI.V. Vizgalov, A.A. Pisarev, K.M. Gutorov
972-976Properties of hydrogen desorption from co-deposits on JT-60 graphite tile by pulsed-laser ablationD. Watanabe, Y. Sakawa, T. Shibahara, K. Sugiyama, T. Shoji, K. Yamazaki, T. Tanabe
977-983Dynamics of hydrogenic retention in molybdenum: First results from DIONISOSG.M. Wright, D.G. Whyte, B. Lipschultz, R.P. Doerner, J.G. Kulpin
984-988Deuterium retention and desorption behavior in oxidized ferritic steelY. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino
989-993Divertor power deposition and target current asymmetries during type-I ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade and JETT. Eich, A. Kallenbach, R.A. Pitts, S. Jachmich, J.C. Fuchs, A. Herrmann, J. Neuhauser and ASDEX Upgrade Team and JET-EFDA Contributors
994-999The dynamics and structure of edge-localized-modes in Alcator C-ModJ.L. Terry, I. Cziegler, A.E. Hubbard, J.A. Snipes, J.W. Hughes, M.J. Greenwald, B. LaBombard, Y. Lin, P. Phillips, S. Wukitch
1000-1005Structure of MARFEs and ELMs in NSTXR.J. Maqueda, R. Maingi, K. Tritz, K.C. Lee, C.E. Bush, E.D. Fredrickson, J.E. Menard, A.L. Roquemore, S.A. Sabbagh, S.J. Zweben
1006-1010First measurements of main chamber power load during JET disruptionsP. Andrew, A. Alonzo, G. Arnoux, E. Gauthier, J.I. Paley, V. Riccardo and JET EFDA Contributors
1011-1015Melt damage simulation of W-macrobrush and divertor gaps after multiple transient events in ITERB.N. Bazylev, G. Janeschitz, I.S. Landman, A. Loarte, S.E. Pestchanyi
1016-1020Positive sheath behaviour in low pressure Argon plasmaL. Schiesko, M. Carrère, G. Cartry, J.M. Layet
1021-1025Tungsten melt layer erosion due to JI.E. Garkusha, B.N. Bazylev, A.N. Bandura, O.V. Byrka, V.V. Chebotarev, I.S. Landman, N.V. Kulik, V.A. Makhlaj, Yu.V. Petrov, D.G. Solyakov, V.I. Tereshin
1026-1031Plasma wall interaction during ELMs in JETE. Gauthier, P. Andrew, G. Arnoux, Y. Corre, H. Roche and JET-EFDA Contributors
1032-1036Target heat loading due to fast, transient heat pulses produced from a conical θ-pinch as a prototype for benchmarking simulations of transient heat loadsT.K. Gray, M.A. Jaworski, D.N. Ruzic
1037-1043SOLPS5 modelling of the type III ELMing H-mode on TCVB. Gulejová, R.A. Pitts, M. Wischmeier, R. Behn, D. Coster, J. Horacek, J. Marki
1044-1049Modeling of dynamic response of SOL-divertor plasmas to an ELM crashN. Hayashi, T. Takizuka, M. Hosokawa
1050-1055Divertor particle and power deposition profiles in JET ELMy H-mode dischargesS. Jachmich, T. Eich, W. Fundamenski, A. Kallenbach, R.A. Pitts and JET-EFDA Contributors
1056-1060Observation of ELM structures in MAST and AUG using a fast cameraB. Koch, A. Herrmann, A. Kirk, H. Meyer, J.Dowling, J. Harhausen, J. Neuhauser, H.W. Müller, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann and AUG Team MAST Team
1061-1065Numerical simulations of plasma wall interactions for ITERI.S. Landman, G. Janeschitz
1066-1070Particle flux and radial profiles in the SOL of DIII-D during ELMing H-modeA.W. Leonard, J.A. Boedo, M. Groth, B.L. Lipschultz, G.D. Porter, D.L. Rudakov, D.G. Whyte
1071-1075Edge localized modes control by resonant magnetic perturbationsE. Nardon, M. Bécoulet, G. Huysmans, O. Czarny, P.R. Thomas, M. Lipa, R.A. Moyer, T.E. Evans, G. Federici, Y. Gribov, A. Polevoi, G. Saibene, A. Portone, A. Loarte
1076-1080Dynamic interaction between disruptive plasma and wall in the small tokamak HYBTOK-IIM. Okamoto, T. Yamada, T. Hiraishi, Y. Kikuchi, N. Ohno, S. Takamura
1081-1086ELM induced carbon contamination of ITER coreS. Pestchanyi, I. Landman
1087-1092Accommodation of prompt alpha-particle loss in a compact stellarator power plantA.R. Raffray, T.K. Mau, F. Najmabadi and The ARIES Team
1093-1098In–out divertor flow asymmetries during ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmasM. Tsalas, D. Coster, C. Fuchs, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, H.W. Mueller, J. Neuhauser, V. Rohde, N. Tsois and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
1099-1103Influence of recrystallization on thermal shock resistance of various tungsten gradesI. Uytdenhouwen, M. Decréton, T. Hirai, J. Linke, G. Pintsuk, G. Van Oost
1104-1109Radiation distributions in TCVG. Veres, R.A. Pitts, M. Wischmeier, B. Gulejova, J. Horacek, S. Kálvin
1110-1118Influence of boronization on operation with high-ZB. Lipschultz, Y. Lin, E.S. Marmar, D.G. Whyte, S. Wukitch, I.H. Hutchinson, J. Irby, B. LaBombard, M.L. Reinke, J.L. Terry, G. Wright and The Alcator C-Mod Group
1119-1128Hydrocarbon injection for quantification of chemical erosion yields in tokamaksS. Brezinsek, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Borodin, M.F. Stamp, R. Pugno, A.G. McLean, U. Fantz, A. Manhard, A. Kallenbach, N.H. Brooks, M. Groth, Ph. Mertens, V. Philipps, U. Samm and TEXTOR ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D Teams and JET-EFDA Contributors
1129-1137Binary beryllium–tungsten mixed materialsCh. Linsmeier, K. Ertl, J. Roth, A. Wiltner, K. Schmid, F. Kost, S.R. Bhattacharyya, M. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner
1138-1147In-situ tokamak laser applications for detritiation and co-deposited layers studiesC. Grisolia, A. Semerok, J.M. Weulersse, F. Le Guern, S. Fomichev, F. Brygo, P. Fichet, P.Y. Thro, P. Coad, N. Bekris, M. Stamp, S. Rosanvallon, G. Piazza
1148-1152Surface modification and hydrogen isotope retention in CFC during plasma irradiation in the Tore Supra tokamakL. Begrambekov, C. Brosset, J. Bucalossi, E. Delchambre, J.P. Gunn, C. Grisolia, M. Lipa, T. Loarer, R. Mitteau, P. Moner-Garbet, J.-Y. Pascal, P. Shigin, N. Titov, E. Tsitrone, S. Vergazov, A. Zakharov
1153-1159Surface modification at tungsten and tungsten coated graphite due to low energy and high fluence plasma and laser pulse irradiationN. Ohno, S. Kajita, Dai Nishijima, S. Takamura
1160-1167Disruption mitigation on Alcator C-Mod using high-pressure gas injection: Experiments and modeling toward ITERD.G. Whyte, R. Granetz, M. Bakhtiari, V. Izzo, T. Jernigan, J. Terry, M. Reinke, B. Lipschultz
1168-1172Deuterium trapping in ion-damaged tungsten single crystalI.I. Arkhipov, S.L. Kanashenko, V.M. Sharapov, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, A.E. Gorodetsky
1173-1178Chemical erosion by deuterium impact on carbon films doped with nanometer-sized carbide crystallitesM. Balden, C. Adelhelm, E. de Juan Pardo, J. Roth
1179-1183Be–W alloy formation in static and divertor-plasma simulator experimentsM.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima, D. Buchenauer, W.M. Clift, R.A. Causey, K. Schmid
1184-1189Tungsten sputtering and accumulation of implanted carbon and deuterium by simultaneous bombardment with D and C ionsI. Bizyukov, K. Krieger, N. Azarenkov, Ch. Linsmeier, S. Levchuk
1190-1194Modelling of carbon dust formation by cluster growth in argon plasmasX. Bonnin, G. Lombardi, K. Hassouni, A. Michau, F. Bénédic, C. Arnas
1195-1200Irradiation effects of low energy helium ions on optical reflectivity of metallic mirrorA. Ebihara, M. Tokitani, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, A. Sagara, N. Yoshida
1201-1205Evaluation of tungsten coatings on CuCrZr and W/Cu FGM under high heat flux and HT-7 limiter plasma irradiationF.L. Chong, J.L. Chen, J.G. Li
1206-1210Theoretical and experimental characterization of damaged graphite surfacesY. Ferro, C. Thomas, T. Angot, P. Génésio, A. Allouche
1211-1215Progress of research on plasma facing materials in University of Science and Technology BeijingChang-Chun Ge, Zhang-Jian Zhou, Shu-Xiang Song, Juan Du, Zhi-Hong Zhong
1216-1220High heat flux test of SiC coated doped graphiteQ.G. Guo, Zh.J. Liu, J.G. Li, N. Noda, Y. Kubota, L. Liu
1221-1225Thermal response of structured and contaminated carbon surfaces to heat pulsesD. Hildebrandt, A. Duebner
1226-1230High heat load properties of actively cooled tungsten/copper mock-ups by explosive joiningH. Li, J.L. Chen, J.G. Li, Z.X. Li
1231-1235Extremely low recycling and high power density handling in CDX-U lithium experimentsR. Kaita, R. Majeski, R. Doerner, T. Gray, H. Kugel, T. Lynch, R. Maingi, D. Mansfield, V. Soukhanovskii, J. Spaleta, J. Timberlake, L. Zakharov
1236-1240Deuterium retention and surface modification of tungsten macrobrush samples exposed in FTU TokamakG. Maddaluno, G. Giacomi, A. Rufoloni, L. Verdini
1241-1245Directly-cooled VPS-W/Cu limiter and its preliminary results in HT-7G.-N. Luo, M. Liu, Z.Q. Kuang, X.D. Zhang, Z.S. Yang, C.G. Deng, Z.C. Zhang, J.G. Li, K.S. Zhou
1246-1250Tungsten coatings for the JET ITER-like wall projectH. Maier, R. Neu, H. Greuner, Ch. Hopf, G.F. Matthews, G. Piazza, T. Hirai, G. Counsell, X. Courtois, R. Mitteau, E. Gauthier, J. Likonen, G. Maddaluno, V. Philipps, B. Riccardi, C. Ruset and EFDA-JET Team
1251-1255Multiscale study of the porosity of carbon deposits collected in Tore SupraC. Martin, M. Richou, W. Saikaily, B. Pégourié, C. Brosset, P. Roubin
1256-1260Diffusion and trapping of tritium in vanadium alloysJ. Masuda, K. Hashizume, T. Otsuka, T. Tanabe, Y. Hatano, Y. Nakamura, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga
1261-1265Parametric studies of carbon erosion mitigation dynamics in beryllium seeded deuterium plasmasD. Nishijima, M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, R. Seraydarian
1266-1271Extended incident-angle dependence formula for physical sputteringT. Ono, K. Shibata, T. Kenmotsu, T. Muramoto, Z. Li, T. Kawamura
1272-1276Dynamic Monte-Carlo modeling of hydrogen isotope diffusion in co-deposited layersA. Rai, P.N. Maya, R. Schneider, S.P. Deshpande, M. Warrier
1277-1282Surface effects on graphite samples exposed to beryllium-seeded plasmas under transient power load on PISCES-BR. Pugno, M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, J. Hanna, D. Nishijima, G. Antar
1283-1288Hydrocarbon radicals interaction with amorphous carbon surfacesA.R. Sharma, R. Schneider, U. Toussaint, K. Nordlund
1289-1293Dissociation mechanisms of cluster ions resolved using ab-initioS.T. Nakagawa, I. Suzue, M. Itoh, M. Kageyama, Y. Mizuno, H.J. Whitlow
1294-1298Thermal properties of VPS-W coatings on CuCrZr alloy with Ti bonding layerT.G. Wang, J.L. Chen, Y. Chen, Y.C. Wu
1299-1303Research and development of plasma sprayed tungsten coating on graphite and copper substratesXiang Liu, Fu Zhang, Shunyan Tao, Yunzhen Cao, Zengyu Xu, Yong Liu, N. Noda
1304-1308Particle reflections of low energy light ions from a vanadium alloy (V–4Cr–4Ti)H. Yamaoka, N. Tanaka, Y. Matsumoto, M. Nishiura, K. Tsumori, S. Takeuchi, H. Sugawara, K. Shinto, A. Okamoto, M. Sasao, M. Wada
1309-1314Performance of W/Cu FGM based plasma facing components under high heat load testZhang-Jian Zhou, Shu-Xiang Song, Juan Du, Zhi-Hong Zhong, Chang-Chun Ge
1315-1322Particle balance under global wall saturation in long-pulse discharges of JT-60UT. Nakano, N. Asakura, H. Takenaga, H. Kubo, K. Shimizu, H. Kawashima and The JT-60 Team
1323-1328ICRF long-pulse discharge and interaction with a chamber wall and antennas in LHDK. Saito, T. Mutoh, R. Kumazawa, T. Seki, Y. Nakamura, N. Ashikawa, K. Sato, M. Shoji, S. Masuzaki, T. Watari, H. Ogawa, H. Takeuchi, H. Kasahara, F. Shimpo, G. Nomura, M. Yokota, C. Takahashi, A. Komori, Y. Zhao, J.S. Yoon, et al.
1329-1333Thermal and non-thermal particle interaction with the LHCD launchers in Tore SupraA. Ekedahl, M. Goniche, C. Balorin, V. Basiuk, Ph. Bibet, M. Chantant, L. Colas, L. Delpech, C. Desgranges, L.-G. Eriksson, E. Joffrin, F. Kazarian, C. Lowry, Ph. Moreau, V. Petrzilka, C. Portafaix, M. Prou, H. Roche
1334-1339Limiter material experiments towards long pulse operation in the HT-7 superconducting tokamakJ.L. Chen, F. Gao, J.G. Li, Q.F. Fang
1340-1345Siliconization for wall conditioning and its effect on plasma performance in HL-2A tokamakX.R. Duan, Z. Cao, C.H. Cui, X. Cai, H.J. Sun, X.T. Ding, Y.D. Pan, M.X. Wang, Q.W. Yang, X.M. Song, D.Q. Liu, Y. Liu, X.Q. Ji, Z.Y. Cui, Y. Zhou, Yong Liu and HL-2A Team
1346-1351First experiments with lithium limiter on FTUM.L. Apicella, G. Mazzitelli, V. Pericoli Ridolfini, V. Lazarev, A. Alekseyev, A. Vertkov, R. Zagórski and FTU Team
1352-1357Comparison of boronized wall in LHD and JT-60UN. Ashikawa, K. Kizu, J. Yagyu, T. Nakahata, Y. Nobuta, K. Nishimura, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Ishimoto, Y. Oya, K. Okuno, N. Miya, T. Hino, S. Masuzaki, A. Sagara, N. Ohyabu and LHD Experimental Group
1358-1363New scenarios of ICRF wall conditioning in TEXTOR and ASDEX UpgradeA. Lyssoivan, R. Koch, D. Van Eester, G. Van Wassenhove, M. Vervier, R. Weynants, M. Freisinger, A. Kreter, V. Philipps, H. Reimer, U. Samm, G. Sergienko, V. Bobkov, H.-U. Fahrbach, D. Hartmann, A. Herrmann, J.-M. Noterdaeme, V. Rohde, W. Suttrop, E. Gauthier, et al.
1364-1368Difference in oxygen impurity behavior between repetitive short discharges and one long discharge on TRIAM-1MM. Ogawa, M. Sakamoto, K.N. Sato, H. Zushi, K. Nakamura, K. Hanada, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, S. Kawasaki, H. Nakashima, A. Higashijima and TRIAM Group
1369-1374Wall conditioning in ASDEX UpgradeV. Rohde, R. Dux, A. Kallenbach, K. Krieger, R. Neu and ASDEX Upgrade Team
1375-1379In situ diagnostic for monitoring of deuterium and tritium in re-deposited carbon layers by laser induced desorptionB. Schweer, F. Irrek, G. Sergienko, V. Philipps, U. Samm
1380-1385Reduced effective ionic charge and enhanced plasma performance in the HT-7 tokamakZ.W. Wu, J. Li, B.N. Wan, X.D. Zhang, X. Gao, J. Zhao
1386-1394Relation between charge exchange flux and impurity influx studied by perturbation methods of gas puffing, heat load and confinement properties in TRIAM-1MH. Zushi, Y. Nozaki, R. Bhattacharyay, K. Nakashima, M. Sakamoto, K. Hanada, H. Idei, K. Nakamura, K.N. Sato, S. Nishi, M. Ogawa, K. Takaki, K. Sasaki, Y. Hirooka, M. Hasegawa, H. Xu, S. Kado, T. Shikama, S. Kawasaki, H. Nakashima, et al.
1395-1402Diagnostic mirrors for ITER: A material choice and the impact of erosion and deposition on their performanceA. Litnovsky, P. Wienhold, V. Philipps, G. Sergienko, O. Schmitz, A. Kirschner, A. Kreter, S. Droste, U. Samm, Ph. Mertens, A.H. Donné TEXTOR Team, D. Rudakov, S. Allen, R. Boivin, A. McLean, P. Stangeby, W. West, C. Wong DIII-D Team, M. Lipa, B. Schunke Tore-Supra Team, et al.
1403-1408Effect of recombination and ionization on the analysis of Mach and single probes in un-magnetized and magnetized plasmas of MAP-II and DiPS devicesK.-S. Chung, S. Kado, H.-J. Woo, Y.-J. Seo, T. Shikama, F. Scotti, G.-S. Choi, T. Lho
1409-1413Power load during disruption in MASTE. Delchambre, G. Counsell, A. Kirk, F. Lott
1414-1419Speckle interferometry diagnostic for erosion/redeposition measurement in tokamaksP. Doré, E. Gauthier
1420-1424Dense plasma effects on atomic data and line emission of He I for divertor plasma conditionsE.H. Guedda, M. Koubiti, F.B. Rosmej, R. Stamm, V.S. Lisitsa
1425-1428Calorimetric measurement of heat load in full non-inductive LHCD plasmas on TRIAM-1MK. Hanada, N. Shinoda, T. Sugata, K. Sasaki, H. Zushi, K. Nakamura, K.N. Sato, M. Sakamoto, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, S. Kawasaki, H. Nakashima, A. Higashijima and TRIAM Group
1429-1435Two-dimensional density profile measurement with a sheet thermal Li beam on CPDH. Zushi, T. Morisaki, Y. Inada, J. Bouchard, K. Nakashima, H. Tsuchiya, K. Hanada, K. Sasaki, R. Bhattacharyay, K.N. Sato, K. Nakamura, M. Sakamoto, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, S. Kawasaki, H. Nakashima, A. Higashijima
1436-1440Ion temperature measurements in the tokamak scrape-off layerM. Kočan, R. Pánek, J. Stöckel, M. Hron, J.P. Gunn, R. Dejarnac
1441-1445Study of highly ionized Xe spectra with 3s–3p and 3p–3d transitions in JT-60U reversed shear plasmasH. Kubo, A. Sasaki, K. Moribayashi, S. Higashijima, H. Takenaga, K. Shimizu, T. Nakano, A. Whiteford, T. Sugie
1446-1449An electrostatic detector for dust measurement on HT-7 tokamakB.L. Ling, X.D. Zhang, A. Ti, X. Gao
1450-1456Surface temperature measurements by means of pulsed photothermal effects in fusion devicesTh. Loarer, F. Brygo, E. Gauthier, C. Grisolia, F. Le Guern, F. Moreau, A. Murari, H. Roche, A. Semerok
1457-1460Catalytic probes for measuring H distribution in remote parts of hydrogen plasma reactorsM. Mozetic, A. Vesel, A. Drenik, I. Poberaj, D. Babic
1461-1465Controlling surface dust in a tokamakC.V. Parker, C.H. Skinner, A.L. Roquemore
1466-1471Experimental developments towards an ITER thermography diagnosticR. Reichle, B. Brichard, F. Escourbiac, J.L. Gardarein, D. Hernandez, C. Le Niliot, F. Rigollet, J.J. Serra, J.M. Badie, S. van Ierschot, M. Jouve, S. Martinez, H. Ooms, C. Pocheau, X. Rauber, J.L. Sans, E. Scheer, F. Berghmans, M. Decréton
1472-1475Neutral pressure measured by fast ionization gauge in HL-2AM.X. Wang, L.W. Yan, W.Y. Hong, Z.Y. Cui, Y.D. Pan, L.H. Yao, Z. Cao, Q.W. Yang, Y. Liu
1476-1479Preliminary observations of hot spot for HT-7 long pulse dischargesM. Su, Y. Yang and The HT-7 Team

Volume 366, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-296 (30 June 2007)

iiEditorial board
1-7In situ observation of interfacial fatigue crack growth in diffusion bonded joints of austenitic stainless steelShu-xin Li, Fu-Zhen Xuan, Shan-Tung Tu
8-27Thermodynamic treatment of noble metal fission products in nuclear fuelM.H. Kaye, B.J. Lewis, W.T. Thompson
28-36Effect of trace impurities in helium on the creep behavior of Alloy 617 for very high temperature reactor applicationsP.S. Shankar, K. Natesan
37-51A model for predicting coolant activity behaviour for fuel-failure monitoring analysisB.J. Lewis, A. El-Jaby, J. Higgs, W.T. Thompson, F.C. Iglesias, R. Laidler, J. Armstrong, R. Stone, R. Oduntan
52-57Plutonium and americium monazite materials: Solid state synthesis and X-ray diffraction studyD. Bregiroux, R. Belin, P. Valenza, F. Audubert, D. Bernache-Assollant
58-69Dislocation structures in 16MND5 pressure vessel steel strained in uniaxial tension at different temperatures from −196 °C up to 25 °CC.F. Robertson, K. Obrtlik, B. Marini
70-86Synthesis and characterization of uranium-bearing britholitesOlivier Terra, Fabienne Audubert, Nicolas Dacheux, Christophe Guy, Renaud Podor
87-98Fracture properties of sintered UO2 ceramic pellets with duplex microstructureK. Kapoor, Ansar Ahmad, A. Laksminarayana, G.V.S. Hemanth Rao
99-128A conceptual model for the fuel oxidation of defective fuelJ.D. Higgs, B.J. Lewis, W.T. Thompson, Z. He
129-136Estimation of elastic properties of nuclear fuel material using longitudinal ultrasonic velocity – A new approachK.K. Phani, Dipayan Sanyal, A.K. Sengupta
137-160Preparation and characterization of (Ba,Cs)(M,Ti)8O16 (M = Al3+, Fe3+, Ga3+, Cr3+, Sc3+, Mg2+) hollandite ceramics developed for radioactive cesium immobilizationV. Aubin-Chevaldonnet, D. Caurant, A. Dannoux, D. Gourier, T. Charpentier, L. Mazerolles, T. Advocat
161-177Comparison of interatomic potentials for UO2. Part I: Static calculationsK. Govers, S. Lemehov, M. Hou, M. Verwerft
178-186Modelling isothermal and non-isothermal recrystallisation kinetics: Application to Zircaloy-4J.W.C. Dunlop, Y.J.M. Bréchet, L. Legras, H.S. Zurob
187-197Influence of localized deformation on A-286 austenitic stainless steel stress corrosion cracking in PWR primary waterL. Fournier, M. Savoie, D. Delafosse
198-205Some new experimental results on the Zr–Nb–Fe systemC. Ramos, C. Saragovi, M.S. Granovsky
206-215Differences of ICR cleanings in He, D2 and O2 for deposit removal and hydrogen release in HT-7J.S. Hu, J.G. Li and HT-7 Team
216-222Effect of oxygen on fouling behavior in lead–bismuth coolant systemsFenglei Niu, Robert Candalino, Ning Li
223-237Assessing the effects of radiation damage on Ni-base alloys for the prometheus space reactor systemThomas M. Angeliu, John T. Ward, Jonathan K. Witter
238-247A probable scenario of copper precipitate clustering in model FeCu alloys under cascade-damage irradiationE.A. Koptelov
248-255Identification of actinide molecule complexes: A new vibrational spectroscopic approach at the free-electron laser facility FELBEHarald Foerstendorf, Wolfgang Seidel, Karsten Heim, Gert Bernhard
256-265Simulation of irradiation effects in light water reactor vessel steels – experimental validation of RPV-1Stéphanie Jumel, Jean-Claude Van Duysen
266-271Characterization of nanocrystalline (Th1−xÖ. Yildiz
272-276Correlations of attainable superheat of fluid alkali metalsR. Balasubramanian
277-287Alteration kinetics of the glass-ceramic zirconolite and role of the alteration film – Comparison with the SON68 glassC. Martin, I. Ribet, P. Frugier, S. Gin
288-296Study by XRD of the lattice swelling of PuGa alloys induced by self-irradiationB. Ravat, B. Oudot, N. Baclet

Volume 366, Issue 3, Pages 297-426 (1 July 2007)

Proceedings of the Symposium on Space Reactor Fuels and Materials held in conjunction with the 2006 Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS), Proceedings of the Symposium on Space Reactor Fuels and Materials held in conjunction with the 2006 Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS) San Antonio, TX, USA 13 March 2006 Edited by David Senor, Brian Wirth, Robert Hanrahan, Steve Zinkle, Mehmet Uz, Evan Ohriner and Brian Cockeram
iiiProceedings Title Page
ivManuscript received date
vii-viiiPrefaceDavid Senor
297-305Kinetics of precipitation of U4O9 from hyperstoichiometric UO2+xJ.D. Higgs, W.T. Thompson, B.J. Lewis, S.C. Vogel
306-316Effect of sintering conditions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ZrN as a surrogate for actinide nitride fuelsK. Wheeler, P. Peralta, M. Parra, K. McClellan, J. Dunwoody, G. Egeland
317-335Literature review of thermal and radiation performance parameters for high-temperature, uranium dioxide fueled cermet materialsC. Haertling, R.J. Hanrahan Jr.
336-352Aging effects on microstructural and mechanical properties of select refractory metal alloys for space-reactor applicationsKeith J. Leonard, Jeremy T. Busby, Steven J. Zinkle
353-368Microstructural and mechanical property changes in the Ta-base T-111 alloy following thermal agingKeith J. Leonard, Jeremy T. Busby, Steven J. Zinkle
369-387Microstructural and mechanical property changes with aging of Mo–41Re and Mo–47.5Re alloysKeith J. Leonard, Jeremy T. Busby, Steven J. Zinkle
388-406Radiation-damage in molybdenum–rhenium alloys for space reactor applicationsJ.T. Busby, K.J. Leonard, S.J. Zinkle
407-416Alloying and microstructure stability in the high-temperature Mo–Si–B systemR. Sakidja, J.H. Perepezko
417-425Optimization of resistance spot welding on the assembly of refractory alloy 50Mo–50Re thin sheetJianhui Xu, Xiuping Jiang, Qiang Zeng, Tongguang Zhai, Todd Leonhardt, John Farrell, Williams Umstead, Michael P. Effgen
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page (Part A)
viManuscript received date
xi-xiiPrefaceRoger E. Stoller, F.W. (Bill) Wiffen, Peter F. Tortorelli, Hiroyasu Tanigawa
xiii-xxiContents to Part A and B
1-10Critical questions in materials science and engineering for successful development of fusion powerE.E. Bloom, J.T. Busby, C.E. Duty, P.J. Maziasz, T.E. McGreevy, B.E. Nelson, B.A. Pint, P.F. Tortorelli, S.J. Zinkle
11-20Materials degradation in fission reactors: Lessons learned of relevance to fusion reactor systemsGary S. Was
21-32Materials challenges for ITER – Current status and future activitiesV. Barabash The ITER International Team, A. Peacock, S. Fabritsiev, G. Kalinin, S. Zinkle, A. Rowcliffe, J.-W. Rensman, A.A. Tavassoli, P. Marmy, P.J. Karditsas, F. Gillemot, M. Akiba
33-41Status of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel developmentN. Baluc, D.S. Gelles, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, R.L. Klueh, G.R. Odette, B. van der Schaaf, Jinnan Yu
42-47Irradiation effects on precipitation and its impact on the mechanical properties of reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steelsH. Tanigawa, H. Sakasegawa, N. Hashimoto, R.L. Klueh, M. Ando, M.A. Sokolov
48-53New nano-particle-strengthened ferritic/martensitic steels by conventional thermo-mechanical treatmentR.L. Klueh, N. Hashimoto, P.J. Maziasz
54-59Mechanical properties of 9Cr martensitic steels and ODS-FeCr alloys after neutron irradiation at 325 °C up to 42 dpaA. Alamo, J.L. Bertin, V.K. Shamardin, P. Wident
60-67Recent progress in US–Japan collaborative research on ferritic steels R&DAkihiko Kimura, Ryuta Kasada, Akira Kohyama, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Takanori Hirose, Kiyoyuki Shiba, Shiro Jitsukawa, Satoshi Ohtsuka, Shigeharu Ukai, M.A. Sokolov, R.L. Klueh, Takuya Yamamoto, G.R. Odette
68-73Fracture toughness and Charpy impact properties of several RAFMS before and after irradiation in HFIRM.A. Sokolov, H. Tanigawa, G.R. Odette, K. Shiba, R.L. Klueh
74-80Effect of heat treatments on tensile properties of F82H steel irradiated by neutronsE. Wakai, M. Ando, T. Sawai, H. Tanigawa, T. Taguchi, R.E. Stoller, T. Yamamoto, Y. Kato, F. Takada
81-85Embrittlement behavior of neutron irradiated RAFM steelsE. Gaganidze, H.-C. Schneider, B. Dafferner, J. Aktaa
86-91In situPierre Marmy
92-96Mechanical properties and microstructure of three Russian ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in BN-350 reactor to 50 dpa at 490 °CA.M. Dvoriashin, S.I. Porollo, Yu.V. Konobeev, N.I. Budylkin, E.G. Mironova, A.G. Ioltukhovskiy, M.V. Leontyeva-Smirnova, F.A. Garner
97-101Research and development on the China low activation martensitic steel (CLAM)Jinnan Yu, Qunying Huang, Farong Wan
102-106Mechanical properties of irradiated 9Cr–2WVTa steel with and without nickelR.L. Klueh, M.A. Sokolov
107-111Effects of heat treatment and irradiation on mechanical properties in F82H steel doped with boron and nitrogenN. Okubo, E. Wakai, S. Matsukawa, T. Sawai, S. Kitazawa, S. Jitsukawa
112-116Mechanical properties and microstructures in F82H steel irradiated under alternating temperatureN. Okubo, E. Wakai, T. Tomita, S. Jitsukawa
117-121Mechanical properties and microstructures of China low activation martensitic steel compared with JLF-1Y. Li, Q. Huang, Y. Wu, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga
122-126Creep behavior of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated at 573 and 773 K up to 5 dpaM. Ando, M. Li, H. Tanigawa, M.L. Grossbeck, S. Kim, T. Sawai, K. Shiba, Y. Kohno, A. Kohyama
127-131Tensile and transient burst properties of advanced ferritic/martensitic steel claddings after neutron irradiationY. Yano, T. Yoshitake, S. Yamashita, N. Akasaka, S. Onose, H. Takahashi
132-136Radiation induced phase instability of precipitates in reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steelsH. Tanigawa, H. Sakasegawa, H. Ogiwara, H. Kishimoto, A. Kohyama
137-141Long-term stability of TaC particles during tempering of 8%Cr–2%W steelM. Tamura, H. Kusuyama, K. Shinozuka, H. Esaka
142-146Progress in development of China Low Activation Martensitic steel for fusion applicationQ. Huang, C. Li, Y. Li, M. Chen, M. Zhang, L. Peng, Z. Zhu, Y. Song, S. Gao
147-152Microstructural analysis on JLF-1 steel tested by fatigue deformationHuailin Li, Arata Nishimura, Takeo Muroga, Takuya Nagasaka
153-159Lattice Monte Carlo simulations of nanocluster formation in nanostructured ferritic alloysM.J. Alinger, B.D. Wirth, H.-J. Lee, G.R. Odette
160-165Nano-mesoscopic structural characterization of 9Cr-ODS martensitic steel for improving creep strengthS. Ohtsuka, S. Ukai, H. Sakasegawa, M. Fujiwara, T. Kaito, T. Narita
166-172Influence of particle dispersions on the high-temperature strength of ferritic alloysD.T. Hoelzer, J. Bentley, M.A. Sokolov, M.K. Miller, G.R. Odette, M.J. Alinger
173-178Direct correlation between morphology of (Fe,Cr)23C6 precipitates and impact behavior of ODS steelsM. Klimiankou, R. Lindau, A. Möslang
179-184Heavy-ion irradiation effects on the morphology of complex oxide particles in oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steelsH. Kishimoto, K. Yutani, R. Kasada, O. Hashitomi, A. Kimura
185-190Particle size effects in mechanically alloyed 9Cr ODS steel powderH. Sakasegawa, S. Ohtsuka, S. Ukai, H. Tanigawa, M. Fujiwara, H. Ogiwara, A. Kohyama
191-195Effect of milling on morphological and microstructural properties of powder particles for High-Cr Oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steelsNoriyuki Y. Iwata, Akihiko Kimura, Masayuki Fujiwara, Norimichi Kawashima
196-201Mechanical and microstructural behaviour of Y2O3 ODS EUROFER 97V. de Castro, T. Leguey, A. Muñoz, M.A. Monge, P. Fernández, A.M. Lancha, R. Pareja
202-207Microstructural development of a heavily neutron-irradiated ODS ferritic steel (MA957) at elevated temperatureS. Yamashita, N. Akasaka, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki
208-212Effects of consolidation temperature, strength and microstructure on fracture toughness of nanostructured ferritic alloysP. Miao, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, M. Alinger, D. Hoelzer, D. Gragg
213-216Fracture toughness and tensile properties of nano-structured ferritic steel 12YWTM.A. Sokolov, D.T. Hoelzer, R.E. Stoller, D.A. McClintock
217-221Effect of irradiation on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of oxide dispersion strengthened low activation ferritic/martensitic steelA. Ramar, N. Baluc, R. Schäublin
222-228Pre- and post-deformation microstructures of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steelsR. Kasada, N. Toda, K. Yutani, H.S. Cho, H. Kishimoto, A. Kimura
229-233Embrittlement and hardening during thermal aging of high Cr oxide dispersion strengthened alloysJ.S. Lee, C.H. Jang, I.S. Kim, A. Kimura
234-238Low cycle fatigue properties of ODS ferritic–martensitic steels at high temperatureS. Ukai, S. Ohtsuka
239-243Effects of neutron irradiation on the tensile properties of high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steelsH.S. Cho, R. Kasada, A. Kimura
244-250Interaction between helium and self-defects in α-iron from first principlesChu-Chun Fu, F. Willaime
251-256Molecular dynamics modelling of radiation defects in ferromagnetic α-ironS.L. Dudarev, P.M. Derlet
257-262Systematic group-specific trends for point defects in bcc transition metals: An ab initio studyD. Nguyen-Manh, S.L. Dudarev, A.P. Horsfield
263-268Validation of potential models for Li2O in classical molecular dynamics simulationTakuji Oda, Yasuhisa Oya, Satoru Tanaka, William J. Weber
269-275Diffuse X-ray scattering measurements of point defects and clusters in ironR.E. Stoller, F.J. Walker, E.D. Specht, D.M. Nicholson, R.I. Barabash, P. Zschack, G.E. Ice
276-281Molecular dynamics simulations of point defect interactions in Fe–Cr alloysK.L. Wong, J.H. Shim, B.D. Wirth
282-285PKA energy spectra and primary damage identification in amorphous silica under different neutron energy spectraM.L. Gámez, M. Velarde, F. Mota, J.Manuel Perlado, M. León, A. Ibarra
286-291Lattice kinetic Monte-Carlo modelling of helium–vacancy cluster formation in bcc ironV.A. Borodin, P.V. Vladimirov, A. Möslang
292-297Atomistic modeling of the interaction between self-interstitial dislocation loops and He in bcc FeJae-Hyeok Shim, Sang Chul Kwon, Whung Whoe Kim, Brian D. Wirth
298-304Study of cascades damage in Ni by MD with different interatomic potentialsZ. Yao, M.J. Caturla, R. Schäublin
305-310Diffraction imaging and diffuse scattering by small dislocation loopsZ. Zhou, S.L. Dudarev, M.L. Jenkins, A.P. Sutton, M.A. Kirk
311-315Atomistic modeling of helium interacting with screw dislocations in α-FeH.L. Heinisch, F. Gao, R.J. Kurtz
316-321Anisotropy migration of self-point defects in dislocation stress fields in BCC Fe and FCC CuA.B. Sivak, V.M. Chernov, N.A. Dubasova, V.A. Romanov
322-326Temperature dependence of one-dimensional motion of interstitial clusters in Fe and NiT. Yoshiie, M. Horiki, Q. Xu, K. Sato
327-331Thermally activated transport of a dislocation loop within an elastic modelKazuhito Ohsawa, Eiichi Kuramoto
332-337Kinetic Monte Carlo studies of the reaction kinetics of crystal defects that diffuse one-dimensionally with occasional transverse migrationH.L. Heinisch, H. Trinkaus, B.N. Singh
338-343Temperature dependence of damage accumulation in α-zirconiumC. Arévalo, M.J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado
344-349Identification and characterization of defects produced in irradiated fused silica through molecular dynamicsF. Mota, M.-J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado, A. Ibarra, M. León, J. Mollá
350-354Effects of cascade damages on the dynamical behavior of helium bubbles in CuM. Miyamoto, K. Ono, K. Arakawa, R.C. Birtcher
355-360Development of a Fe–He interatomic potential based on electronic structure calculationsT. Seletskaia, Yu.N. Osetskiy, R.E. Stoller, G.M. Stocks
361-367Effects of oversized element Sn on diffusion of interstitial clusters in Ni irradiated by ions and neutronsQ. Xu, T. Yoshiie, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida
368-371The elastic interaction between an edge dislocation and a loop in BCC systemsTaira Okita, Naoto Sekimura
372-376Application of positron beam Doppler broadening technique to ion beam irradiation in nickelTakeo Iwai, Hidetsugu Tsuchida, Misa Awano
377-381Microstructural investigation, using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), of Optifer steel after low dose neutron irradiation and subsequent high temperature temperingR. Coppola, R. Lindau, M. Magnani, R.P. May, A. Möslang, M. Valli
382-385One dimensional motion of interstitial clusters in Ni–Au alloyK. Sato, T. Yoshiie, Q. Xu
386-391Comparison of erosion processes of RAF and pure Fe by hydrogen and carbon mixed ion beam irradiationY. Ueda, M. Fukumoto, D. Sakizono, I. Sawamura, M. Nishikawa
392-398Quantitative analysis of the dependence of hardening on copper precipitate diameter and density in Fe–Cu alloysKimihiro Nogiwa, Nobuyasu Nita, Hideki Matsui
399-410The transport and fate of helium in nanostructured ferritic alloys at fusion relevant He/dpa ratios and dpa ratesT. Yamamoto, G.R. Odette, P. Miao, D.T. Hoelzer, J. Bentley, N. Hashimoto, H. Tanigawa, R.J. Kurtz
411-416Effect of a high helium content on the flow and fracture properties of a 9Cr martensitic steelJ. Henry, L. Vincent, X. Averty, B. Marini, P. Jung
417-422The transport and fate of helium in martensitic steels at fusion relevant He/dpa ratios and dpa ratesR.J. Kurtz, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, D.S. Gelles, P. Miao, B.M. Oliver
423-427Evaluation of Helium effects on swelling behavior of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels under ion irradiationK. Yutani, H. Kishimoto, R. Kasada, A. Kimura
428-433Helium effects on mechanical properties and microstructure of high fluence ion-irradiated RAFM steelH. Ogiwara, A. Kohyama, H. Tanigawa, H. Sakasegawa
434-439Implantation of He+ in candidate fusion first wall materialsR.F. Radel, G.L. Kulcinski
440-445Microstructure of helium-implanted and proton-irradiated T91 ferritic/martensitic steelZ. Jiao, N. Ham, G.S. Was
446-450Diffusion of He interstitial and di-He cluster at grain boundaries in α-FeF. Gao, H.L. Heinisch, R.J. Kurtz
451-456The effects of helium on irradiation damage in single crystal ironChaitanya S. Deo, Maria A. Okuniewski, Srinivasan G. Srivilliputhur, Stuart A. Maloy, Mike I. Baskes, Michael R. James, James F. Stubbins
457-461Microstructure change and helium release due to tensile loading on austenitic stainless steel implanted with low energy helium ionsT. Kawakami, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida
462-467Synergistic effects of PKA and helium on primary damage formation in Fe–0.1%HeJinnan Yu, Gang Yu, Zhongwen Yao, Robin Schäublin
468-472Behavior of helium in steel 16Cr12W2VTaB under various implantation temperaturesI.I. Chernov, S.Yu. Binyukova, B.A. Kalin, Myo Htet Win, Than Swe, S.V. Chubarov, A.N. Kalashnikov, A.G. Ioltukhovskiy, M.V. Leontyeva-Smirnova
473-477Hydrogen transport and trapping in EUROFER’97G.A. Esteban, A. Peña, I. Urra, F. Legarda, B. Riccardi
478-482Effect of solute elements in Ni alloys on blistering under He+ and D+ ion irradiationE. Wakai, T. Ezawa, T. Takenaka, J. Imamura, T. Tanabe, R. Oshima
483-488Thermal helium desorption spectrometry of helium-implanted ironDonghua Xu, Tjacka Bus, Stephen C. Glade, Brian D. Wirth
489-493Characteristics of traps for hydrogen in helium-irradiated copperI. Takagi, M. Akiyoshi, N. Matsubara, T. Nishiuchi, K. Moritani, T. Sasaki, H. Moriyama
494-499Effects of irradiation on mechanical properties of HIP-bonded reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82H first wallFuruya Kazuyuki, Wakai Eiichi, Miyamoto Kenji, Akiba Masato, Sugimoto Masayoshi
500-504Effectiveness of helium bubbles as traps for hydrogenS.Yu. Binyukova, I.I. Chernov, B.A. Kalin, Than Swe
505-510Effects of interstitial impurity on behavior of helium-defect complexes in vanadium studied by THDSN. Nita, K. Miyawaki, H. Matsui
511-515Desorption of tritium and helium from high dose neutron irradiated berylliumI.B. Kupriyanov, G.N. Nikolaev, V.V. Vlasov, A.M. Kovalev, V.P. Chakin
516-521The influence of hydrogen on the fatigue behaviour of base and gas tungsten arc welded EuroferMarie-Françoise Maday, Luciano Pilloni
522-526Dynamical interaction of helium bubbles with grain boundaries in Fe and Fe–9Cr ferritic alloyKotaro Ono, Mitsutaka Miyamoto, Kazuto Arakawa
527-538Plastic flow properties and fracture toughness characterization of unirradiated and irradiated tempered martensitic steelsP. Spätig, R. Bonadé, G.R. Odette, J.W. Rensman, E.N. Campitelli, P. Mueller
539-543Effect of temperature change on the irradiation hardening of the structural alloys for ITER blanket and ITER TBM irradiated to 1.5 dpa in JMTRS. Jitsukawa, E. Wakai, N. Okubo, M. Ohmi
544-549Impact property degradation of ferritic/martensitic steels after the fast reactor irradiation ‘ARBOR 1’C. Petersen, A. Povstyanko, V. Prokhorov, A. Fedoseev, O. Makarov, B. Dafferner
550-555Deformation and damage of RAFM steels under thermo-mechanical loading: A challenge for constitutive equationsJ. Aktaa, M. Klotz, C. Petersen
556-560A universal relationship between indentation hardness and flow stressM.Y. He, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, D. Klingensmith
561-567On the relation between irradiation induced changes in the master curve reference temperature shift and changes in strain hardened flow stressG.R. Odette, M.Y. He, T. Yamamoto
568-574Effects of surface morphology on fatigue behavior of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steelS.W. Kim, H. Tanigawa, T. Hirose, K. Shiba, A. Kohyama
575-580A closer look at the fracture toughness of ferritic/martensitic steelsEnrico Lucon
581-586Fracture toughness properties in the transition region of the Eurofer97 tempered martensitic steelR. Bonadé, P. Spätig, N.Baluc
587-592Application of the master curve to inhomogeneous ferritic/martensitic steelM.A. Sokolov, H. Tanigawa
593-598Evaluation of fracture toughness master curve shifts for JMTR irradiated F82H using small specimensT. Yamamoto, G.R. Odette, D. Gragg, H. Kurishita, H. Matsui, W.J. Yang, M. Narui, M. Yamazaki
599-602Small fracture toughness specimen for post-irradiation experimentsH.-C. Schneider, J. Aktaa, R. Rolli
603-609Neural network analysis of Charpy transition temperature of irradiated low-activation martensitic steelsG.A. Cottrell, R. Kemp, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto
610-615Brittle–ductile transition in F82H and effects of irradiationS.J. Noronha, N.M. Ghoniem
616-620A critical stress–critical area statistical model of the KW.J. Yang, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, P. Miao, M.J. Alinger, M. Hribernik, J.H. Lee
621-626Irradiation-induced impurity segregation and ductile-to-brittle transition temperature shift in high chromium ferritic/martensitic steelsZ. Lu, R.G. Faulkner, P.E.J. Flewitt
627-632Effect of displacement dose and irradiation temperature on tensile and fracture toughness properties of titanium alloysS. Tähtinen, P. Moilanen, B.N. Singh
633-636Multiaxial fatigue behavior of EUROFER 97Matthias Weick, Jarir Aktaa
637-643Brittle–ductile transitions in vanadium and iron–chromiumT.D. Joseph, M. Tanaka, A.J. Wilkinson, S.G. Roberts
644-647Fracture toughness characterization of JLF-1 steel after irradiation in HFIR to 5 dpaM.A. Sokolov, A. Kimura, H. Tanigawa, S. Jitsukawa
648-652High temperature indentation tests on fusion reactor candidate materialsR. Montanari, G. Filacchioni, B. Iacovone, P. Plini, B. Riccardi
653-658Miniaturized fracture stress tests for thin-walled tubular SiC specimensT.S. Byun, E. Lara-Curzio, R.A. Lowden, L.L. Snead, Y. Katoh
659-671Current status and critical issues for development of SiC composites for fusion applicationsY. Katoh, L.L. Snead, C.H. Henager Jr., A. Hasegawa, A. Kohyama, B. Riccardi, H. Hegeman
672-676Characterization of commercial grade Tyranno SA/CVI-SiC compositesB. Riccardi, E. Trentini, M. Labanti, M. Leuchs, S. Roccella, E. Visca
677-684Swelling of SiC at intermediate and high irradiation temperaturesL.L. Snead, Y. Katoh, S. Connery
685-691The effects of neutron irradiation on shear properties of monolayered PyC and multilayered PyC/SiC interfaces of SiC/SiC compositesT. Nozawa, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead
692-697Analysis of recovery process of neutron-irradiation-induced defects in α-SiC by isothermal annealing up to 1400 °CSaishun Yamazaki, Kousuke Yamaya, Masamitsu Imai, Toyohiko Yano
698-702Effect of displacement damage up to 50 dpa on microstructural development in SiC/SiC compositesT. Taguchi, N. Igawa, S. Miwa, E. Wakai, S. Jitsukawa, L.L. Snead, A. Hasegawa
703-707Influence of irradiation-induced defects on fracture behavior in highly pure SiCK.H. Park, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama
708-712The effect of SiC nanowires on the flexural properties of CVI-SiC/SiC compositesWen Yang, Hiroshi Araki, Akira Kohyama, Qifa Yang, Yuanchao Xu, Jinan Yu, Tetsuji Noda
713-718Mechanical properties of advanced SiC/SiC composites after neutron irradiationK. Ozawa, T. Nozawa, Y. Katoh, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama
719-724Efforts on large scale production of NITE-SiC/SiC compositesJoon-Soo Park, Akira Kohyama, Tatsuya Hinoki, Kazuya Shimoda, Yi-Hyun Park
725-729Mechanical properties of SiC/SiC composite with magnesium–silicon oxide interphaseN. Igawa, T. Taguchi, R. Yamada, Y. Ishii, S. Jitsukawa
730-735Physical property changes of crystalline and non-crystalline SiO2 due to neutron irradiation and recovery by subsequent annealingToyohiko Yano, Kunio Fukuda, Masamitsu Imai, Hiroyuki Miyazaki
736-741Helium gas permeability of SiC/SiC composite after heat cyclesT. Hino, E. Hayashishita, A. Kohyama, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata
742-747Swelling and time-dependent crack growth in SiC/SiC compositesCharles H. Henager Jr.
748-752Microstructural evolution analysis of NITE SiC/SiC composite using TEM examination and dual-ion irradiationH. Kishimoto, K. Ozawa, O. Hashitomi, A. Kohyama
753-757Cavity formation in Tyranno-SA SiCf/SiC composite irradiated with multiple-ion beam at elevated temperaturesH.T. Keng, S.W. Li, S.W. Wu, Ji-Jung Kai, Fu-Rong Chen, Yutai Katoh, A. Kohyama
758-763Irradiation creep of high purity CVD silicon carbide as estimated by the bend stress relaxation methodY. Katoh, L.L. Snead, T. Hinoki, S. Kondo, A. Kohyama
764-768Anisotropic evolution of Frank loops in ion-irradiated silicon carbideS. Kondo, A. Kohyama, T. Hinoki
769-773Reaction sintering of two-dimensional silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide composite by sheet stacking methodKatsumi Yoshida, Hideki Mukai, Masamitsu Imai, Kazuaki Hashimoto, Yoshitomo Toda, Hideki Hyuga, Naoki Kondo, Hideki Kita, Toyohiko Yano
774-779Effect of neutron irradiation on tensile properties of unidirectional silicon carbide compositesY. Katoh, T. Nozawa, L.L. Snead, T. Hinoki
780-787Review of advances in development of vanadium alloys and MHD insulator coatingsT. Muroga, J.M. Chen, V.M. Chernov, K. Fukumoto, D.T. Hoelzer, R.J. Kurtz, T. Nagasaka, B.A. Pint, M. Satou, A. Suzuki, H. Watanabe
788-793Biaxial thermal creep of two heats of V4Cr4Ti at 700 and 800 °C in a liquid lithium environmentMeimei Li, T. Nagasaka, D.T. Hoelzer, M.L. Grossbeck, S.J. Zinkle, T. Muroga, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui, M. Narui
794-799The microstructure of laser welded V–4Cr–4Ti alloy after neutron irradiationH. Watanabe, K. Yamasaki, A. Higashizima, N. Yoshida, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga
800-805Fracture toughness investigations of tungsten alloys and SPD tungsten alloysM. Faleschini, H. Kreuzer, D. Kiener, R. Pippan
806-811Accumulation of helium in tungsten irradiated by helium and neutronsQ. Xu, N. Yoshida, T. Yoshiie
812-816Effects of helium implantation on damage during pulsed high heat loading of tungstenK. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, K. Ezato, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba, N. Yoshida
817-822Defect cluster formation and radiation hardening in molybdenum neutron-irradiated at 80 °CMeimei Li, N. Hashimoto, T.S. Byun, L.L. Snead, S.J. Zinkle
823-828Impurity behavior in V–4Cr–4Ti–Y alloys produced by levitation meltingTakuya Nagasaka, Takeo Muroga, Takeshi Hino, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe, Toshinori Chuto, Tomohito Iikubo
829-833Features of dislocation channeling in neutron-irradiated V–(Fe, Cr)–Ti alloyKen-ichi Fukumoto, Masanari Sugiyama, Hideki Matsui
834-838Creep mechanism of highly purified V–4Cr–4Ti alloys during thermal creep in a vacuumKen-ichi Fukumoto, Takuya Nagasaka, Takeo Muroga, Nobuyasu Nita, Hideki Matsui
839-843Oxidation behavior of a V–4Cr–4Ti alloy during the commercial processing of thin-wall tubingA.F. Rowcliffe, D.T. Hoelzer, R.J. Kurtz, C.M. Young
844-847Studies of reactor irradiation effect on hydrogen isotope release from vanadium alloy V4Cr4TiT. Kulsartov, V. Shestakov, Y. Chikhray, Y. Kenzhin, A. Kolbayenkov, I. Tazhibayeva
848-852Effect of 2 wt% Ti addition on high-temperature strength of fine-grained, particle dispersed V–Y alloysH. Kurishita, S. Oda, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, T. Kuwabara, M. Hasegawa, H. Matsui
853-857Effect of internal oxidation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of vanadium alloysA.N. Tyumentsev, A.D. Korotaev, Yu.P. Pinzhin, S.V. Ovchinnikov, I.A. Ditenberg, A.K. Shikov, M.M. Potapenko, V.M. Chernov
858-863Irradiation induced precipitates in vanadium alloys studied by atom probe microanalysisN. Nita, Y. Anma, H. Matsui, T. Ohkubo, K. Hono
864-868Retention and desorption behavior of helium in oxidized V–4Cr–4Ti alloyD. Oku, T. Yamada, Y. Hirohata, Y. Yamauchi, T. Hino
869-875Thermal creep mechanisms in V–4Cr–4Ti pressurized tube specimensD.S. Gelles, M.B. Toloczko, R.J. Kurtz
876-881Diffusional behavior of tritium in V–4Cr–4Ti alloyK. Hashizume, J. Masuda, T. Otsuka, T. Tanabe, Y. Hatano, Y. Nakamura, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga
882-886The diffusion behaviors of interstitial impurities in V–4Cr–4Ti alloys under ion irradiationM. Hatakeyama, S. Tamura, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida, M. Hasegawa, H. Matsui
887-891Influence of heat treatment on tritium distribution in V–4Cr–4Ti alloyH. Homma, Y. Hatano, H. Daifuku, H. Saitoh, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, M. Hara, Y. Nakamura, M. Matsuyama
892-896Recycling of vanadium alloys in fusion reactorsS.A. Bartenev, A. Ciampichetti, N.G. Firsin, R.A. Forrest, B.N. Kolbasov, I.B. Kvasnitskij, P.V. Romanov, V.N. Romanovskij, M. Zucchetti
iiEditorial board
vConference Ttile Page (Part B)
viManuscript received date
897-903Influence of carbon addition on neutron-induced void swelling of Fe–15Cr–16Ni–0.25Ti model alloyN. Sekimura, T. Okita, F.A. Garner
904-909Effect of heat treatments on precipitate microstructure and mechanical properties of a CuCrZr alloyD.J. Edwards, B.N. Singh, S. Tähtinen
910-914Effect of cold-work on the radiation-induced deformation of austenitic stainless steelsJohsei Nagakawa, K. Ueno, Y. Murase, N. Yamamoto
915-919A comprising steady-state creep model for the austenitic AISI 316 L(N) steelMichael Rieth
920-924Ageing effect on the properties of CuCrZr alloy used for the ITER HHF componentsG.M. Kalinin, A.D. Ivanov, A.N. Obushev, B.S. Rodchenkov, M.E. Rodin, Y.S. Strebkov
925-929The mechanism of stress influence on swelling of 20% cold-worked 16Cr15Ni2MoTiMnSi steelI.A. Portnykh, A.V. Kozlov, V.L. Panchenko, V.M. Chernov, F.A. Garner
930-934The synergistic influence of temperature and displacement rate on microstructural evolution of ion-irradiated Fe–15Cr–16Ni model austenitic alloyT. Okita, T. Sato, N. Sekimura, T. Iwai, F.A. Garner
935-939Low-temperature mechanical properties of Fe–0.06C–18Cr–10Ni–0.4Ti austenitic steel determined using ring-pull tensile tests and microhardness measurementsV.S. Neustroev, E.V. Boev, F.A. Garner
940-946In situ SCC observation on neutron irradiated thermally-sensitized austenitic stainless steelJunichi Nakano, Yukio Miwa, Takashi Tsukada, Shinya Endo, Koichiro Hide
947-953Effect of irradiation dose on mechanical properties and fracture character of Cu//SS joints for ITERA.S. Pokrovsky, S.A. Fabritsiev, A. Peacock, A. Gerwash, V.R. Barabash
954-959The influence of cold-work level on the irradiation creep and swelling of AISI 316 stainless steel irradiated as pressurized tubes in the EBR-II fast reactorE.R. Gilbert, F.A. Garner
960-965Deformation-induced martensite formation and dislocation channeling in neutron-irradiated 316 stainless steelN. Hashimoto, T.S. Byun
966-971Plastic deformation of SUS304 under in situ and post-irradiation fatigue loadingsY. Murase, Johsei Nagakawa, N. Yamamoto
972-976Void swelling behavior in electron irradiated Fe–Cr–Ni model alloys under temperature variationY. Satoh, S. Abe, H. Matsui, I. Yamagata
977-983Effect of irradiation temperature on microstructure, radiation hardening and embrittlement of pure copper and copper-based alloyS.A. Fabritsiev, A.S. Pokrovsky
984-989Hold-time effects on the fatigue life of CuCrZr alloys for fusion applicationsXianglin Wu, Xiao Pan, Bachu N. Singh, Meimei Li, James F. Stubbins
990-994Void swelling of AISI 321 analog stainless steel irradiated at low dpa rates in the BN-350 reactorO.P. Maksimkin, K.V. Tsai, L.G. Turubarova, T. Doronina, F.A. Garner
995-1002Effects of neutron irradiation on the properties of functional materials for fusion applications: Role of hydrogen in radiation effects on oxide ceramicsTatsuo Shikama, Bun Tsuchiya, Eric R. Hodgson
1003-1008Radiation effects on the deuterium diffusion in SiO2A. Ibarra, A. Muñoz-Martín, P. Martín, A. Climent-Font, E.R. Hodgson
1009-1013Luminescence characteristics and defect formation in silica glasses under H and He ion irradiationS. Nagata, S. Yamamoto, A. Inouye, B. Tsuchiya, K. Toh, T. Shikama
1014-1017Surface electrical degradation of helium implanted SiO2S.M. González, A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson
1018-1022Compatibility between Be–Ti alloys and F82H steelK. Tsuchiya, H. Kawamura, T. Ishida
1023-1027Saturation in degradation of thermal diffusivity of neutron-irradiated ceramics at 3 × 1026 n/m2Masafumi Akiyoshi, Toyohiko Yano, Yoshiaki Tachi, Hiromi Nakano
1028-1032Measurement system for in-pile tritium monitoring from Li2TiO3 ceramics at WWRK reactorY. Chikhray, V. Shestakov, T. Kulsartov, I. Tazhibayeva, H. Kawamura, A. Kuykabaeva
1033-1037Erbium oxide as a new promising tritium permeation barrierD. Levchuk, S. Levchuk, H. Maier, H. Bolt, A. Suzuki
1038-1043Chemical shift of characteristic X-ray wavelength in silicon-containing ceramics due to neutron irradiationToyohiko Yano, Saisyun Yamazaki, Hiroko Kawano, Keiichi Katayama
1044-1047Thermally induced EMF in unirradiated MI cablesR. Vila, E.R. Hodgson
1048-1051Studies on proton irradiation-induced modifications of KU1 and KS-4V quartz glasses ultraviolet transmission propertiesB. Constantinescu, R. Bugoi, E.R. Hodgson, R. Vila, P. Ioan
1052-1056Investigation of phase transition in Li2TiO3 by high temperature X-ray diffractionTsuyoshi Hoshino, Kenta Tanaka, Junichi Makita, Takuya Hashimoto
1057-1062Kinetics of reaction with water vapor and ab initio study of titanium beryllideK. Munakata, H. Kawamura, M. Uchida
1063-1068Experimental determination of creep properties of Beryllium irradiated to relevant fusion power reactor dosesM. Scibetta, A. Pellettieri, L. Sannen
1069-1072Production and characterization of titanium beryllides for HIDOBE irradiationP. Kurinskiy, A. Moeslang, M. Klimiankou, A.A. Goraieb
1073-1078Radiation enhanced diffusion of hydrogen in perovskite-type oxide ceramics under reactor irradiationB. Tsuchiya, T. Shikama, S. Nagata, K. Toh, M. Narui, M. Yamazaki
1079-1084Some characteristics of fine beryllium particle combustionD.A. Davydov, O.V. Kholopova, B.N. Kolbasov
1085-1089Development of 300 °C heat resistant boron-loaded resin for neutron shieldingAtsuhiko Morioka, Shinji Sakurai, Koichi Okuno, Satoshi Sato, Yury Verzirov, Atsushi Kaminaga, Takeo Nishitani, Hiroshi Tamai, Yusuke Kudo, Shigeru Yoshida, Makoto Matsukawa
1090-1095Performance of a hydrogen sensor in Pb–16LiAndrea Ciampichetti, Massimo Zucchetti, Italo Ricapito, Marco Utili, Antonio Aiello, Gianluca Benamati
1096-1101Applicability of Pd–Cu alloy to self-developing gas chromatography of hydrogen isotopesM. Matsuyama, H. Sugiyama, M. Hara, K. Watanabe
1102-1106HTO electrolysis method by using proton exchange membrane fuel cellHiroki Takata, Masabumi Nishikawa, Takayuki Egawa, Nobukazu Mizuno
1107-1111Radioluminescence behaviour for electron irradiated KS-4VA. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson
1112-1116Luminescence of Cr-doped alumina induced by charged particle irradiationAichi Inouye, Shinji Nagata, Kentaro Toh, Bun Tsuchiya, Shunya Yamamoto, Tatsuo Shikama
1117-1121Effect of temperature and irradiation on fused silica optical fiber for temperature measurementA. Honda, K. Toh, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, T. Shikama
1122-1127The role of the fused silica stoichiometry on the intrinsic defects concentrationJ. Mollá, F. Mota, M. León, A. Ibarra, M.J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado
1128-1132Search for luminescent materials under 14 MeV neutron irradiationK. Toh, T. Shikama, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, M. Yamauchi, T. Nishitani
1133-1138Analysis on damage to TF coils of a compact reversed shear tokamak CRESTQ. Huang, S. Zheng, L. Lu, Q. Zeng, R. Hiwatari, Y. Asaoka, K. Okano, Y. Ogawa
1139-1143Coatings and joining for SiC and SiC-composites for nuclear energy systemsC.H. Henager Jr., Y. Shin, Y. Blum, L.A. Giannuzzi, B.W. Kempshall, S.M. Schwarz
1144-1149Comparison of corrosion behavior of bare and hot-dip coated EUROFER steel in flowing Pb–17LiJ. Konys, W. Krauss, Z. Voss, O. Wedemeyer
1150-1154Investigation of Pb–Li compatibility issues for the dual coolant blanket conceptB.A. Pint, J.L. Moser, P.F. Tortorelli
1155-1159Electrical insulating property of ceramic coating materials in radiation and high-temperature environmentTeruya Tanaka, Rei Nagayasu, Akihiko Sawada, Toshiji Ikeda, Fuminobu Sato, Akihiro Suzuki, Takeo Muroga, Toshiyuki Iida
1160-1164Charging of V–4Cr–4Ti by oxygen to create in situO. Yeliseyeva, T. Muroga, A. Suzuki, Z. Yao, A. Lukyanenko
1165-1169Compatibility of multi-layer, electrically insulating coatings for vanadium–lithium blanketsB.A. Pint, J.L. Moser, A. Jankowski, J. Hayes
1170-1174Dynamics of deuterium implanted in boron coating film for wall conditioningToshihiko Nakahata, Akira Yoshikawa, Makoto Oyaidzu, Yasuhisa Oya, Yuki Ishimoto, Kaname Kizu, Jyunichi Yagyu, Naoko Ashikawa, Kiyohiko Nishimura, Naoyuki Miya, Kenji Okuno
1175-1179SCC behavior of solid-HIPed and irradiated type 316LN-IG stainless steel in oxygenated or hydrogenated water at 423–603 KYukio Miwa, Takashi Tsukada, Shiro Jitsukawa
1180-1184Corrosion resistance of high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels in super-critical pressurized waterH.S. Cho, A. Kimura
1185-1189Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of ferritic/martensitic steel in super critical pressurized waterT. Hirose, K. Shiba, M. Enoeda, M. Akiba
1190-1196Reaction rate of beryllium with fluorine ion for Flibe redox controlS. Fukada, M.F. Simpson, R.A. Anderl, J.P. Sharpe, K. Katayama, G.R. Smolik, Y. Oya, T. Terai, K. Okuno, M. Hara, D.A. Petti, S. Tanaka, D.-K. Sze, A. Sagara
1197-1202The microstructure and strength properties of MA957 nanostructured ferritic alloy joints produced by friction stir and electro-spark deposition weldingP. Miao, G.R. Odette, J. Gould, J. Bernath, R. Miller, M. Alinger, C. Zanis
1203-1207Optimization of the EUROFER uniaxial diffusion weldA. von der Weth, H. Kempe, J. Aktaa, B. Dafferner
1208-1212CuCrZr alloy hot cracking during electron beam weldingA. Durocher, D. Ayrault, Ch. Chagnot, M. Lipa, W. Saikaly
1213-1217Properties of friction welds between 9Cr-ODS martensitic and ferritic–martensitic steelsTomoyuki Uwaba, Shigeharu Ukai, Tatsuyoshi Nakai, Masayuki Fujiwara
1218-1222Development of brazing foils to join monocrystalline tungsten alloys with ODS-EUROFER steelB.A. Kalin, V.T. Fedotov, O.N. Sevrjukov, A.N. Kalashnikov, A.N. Suchkov, A. Moeslang, M. Rohde
1223-1227Numerical analysis of mechanical testing for evaluating shear strength of SiC/SiC composite jointsH. Serizawa, D. Fujita, C.A. Lewinsohn, M. Singh, H. Murakawa
1228-1232Mechanical characterization and modeling of brazed EUROFER-tungsten-jointsT. Chehtov, J. Aktaa, O. Kraft
1233-1237Interface reactions and control of diffusion at the interface between SiC fibres and layer of deposited Fe–9Cr base alloyS. Levchuk, S. Lindig, A. Brendel, H. Bolt
1238-1242Dynamic Monte-Carlo modeling of hydrogen isotope reactive–diffusive transport in porous graphiteR. Schneider, A. Rai, A. Mutzke, M. Warrier, E. Salonen, K. Nordlund
1243-1247Evaluation of tritium behavior in concreteKazuya Furuichi, Hiroki Takata, Kazunari Katayama, Toshiharu Takeishi, Masabumi Nishikawa, Takumi Hayashi, Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Haruyuki Namba
1248-1253Tritium distribution measurement of the tile gap of JT-60UK. Sugiyama, T. Tanabe, K. Masaki, N. Miya
1254-1259Thermal release rate of tritium trapped in bulk and plasma exposed surfaces of carbon specimens obtained from JET divertorN. Bekris, J.P. Coad, C.H. Skinner, C.A. Gentile, E. Damm, W. Nägele
1260-1265Distribution of hydrogen isotopes retained in the divertor tiles used in JT-60UY. Hirohata, T. Tanabe, T. Shibahara, M. Oyaidzu, K. Sugiyama, Y. Oya, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Onishi, T. Arai, K. Masaki, Y. Ishimoto, K. Okuno, N. Miya
1266-1270Hydrogen isotope behavior in the first wall of JT-60U after deuterium plasma operationY. Oya, T. Tanabe, M. Oyaidzu, T. Shibahara, K. Sugiyama, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Onishi, Y. Hirohata, Y. Ishimoto, J. Yagyu, T. Arai, K. Masaki, K. Okuno, N. Miya, S. Tanaka
1271-1280Test blanket modules in ITER: An overview on proposed designs and required DEMO-relevant materialsL. Giancarli, V. Chuyanov, M. Abdou, M. Akiba, B.G. Hong, R. Lässer, C. Pan, Y. Strebkov and the TBWG Team
1281-1286Status and perspective of the R&D on ceramic breeder materials for testing in ITERA. Ying, M. Akiba, L.V. Boccaccini, S. Casadio, G. Dell’Orco, M. Enoeda, K. Hayashi, J.B. Hegeman, R. Knitter, J. van der Laan, J.D. Lulewicz, Z.Y. Wen
1287-1292ITER-Test blanket module functional materialsC.P.C. Wong, V. Chernov, A. Kimura, Y. Katoh, N. Morley, T. Muroga, K.W. Song, Y.C. Wu, M. Zmitko
1293-1297Experimental and numerical analyses on LiSO4 and Li2TiO3 pebble beds used in a ITER test blanket moduleDonato Aquaro, Nicola Zaccari
1298-1304Overview of recent Russian materials and technologies R&D activities related to ITER and DEMO constructionsA.K. Shikov, V.A. Beliakov
1305-1311The effect of low-dose neutron irradiation on mechanical properties, electrical resistivity and fracture of NiAl bronze for ITERV. Barabash, A. Pokrovsky, S. Fabritsiev
1312-1315Irradiation behavior of Ti–4Al–2V (ΠT-3B) alloy for ITER blanket modules flexible attachmentB.S. Rodchenkov, A.V. Kozlov, Yu.G. Kuznetsov, G.M. Kalinin, Yu.S. Strebkov
1316-1324Extending ITER materials design to welded jointsA.-A.F. Tavassoli
1325-1329Features of plasma sprayed beryllium armor for the ITER first wallR.E. Nygren, D.L. Youchison, K.J. Hollis
1330-1336Damage evaluation under thermal fatigue of a vertical target full scale component for the ITER divertorM. Missirlian, F. Escourbiac, M. Merola, A. Durocher, I. Bobin-Vastra, B. Schedler
1337-1343Proposed damage evolution model for large-scale finite element modeling of the dual coolant US-ITER TBMS. Sharafat, J. El-Awady, S. Liu, E. Diegele, N.M. Ghoniem
1344-1349On the effects of the supporting frame on the radiation-induced damage of HCLL-TBM structural materialP. Chiovaro, P.A. Di Maio, E. Oliveri, G. Vella
1350-1354The value of materials R&D in the fast track development of fusion powerD.J. Ward, N.P. Taylor, I. Cook
1355-1360The feasibility of recycling and clearance of active materials from fusion power plantsM. Zucchetti, L.A. El-Guebaly, R.A. Forrest, T.D. Marshall, N.P. Taylor, K. Tobita
1361-1365Estimation of tritium release behavior from solid breeder materials under the condition of ITER test blanket moduleT. Kinjyo, M. Nishikawa, M. Enoeda
1366-1370Material compatibility issues in EU fusion fuel cycle R&D and designD.K. Murdoch, I. Cristescu, C. Day, M. Glugla, R. Lässer, A. Mack
1371-1376Correlation between tritium release and thermal annealing of irradiation damage in neutron-irradiated Li2SiO3Yusuke Nishikawa, Makoto Oyaidzu, Akira Yoshikawa, Kenzo Munakata, Moritami Okada, Masabumi Nishikawa, Kenji Okuno
1377-1381Swelling, mechanical properties and microstructure of beryllium irradiated at 200 °C up to extremely high neutron dosesV.P. Chakin, A.O. Posevin, I.B. Kupriyanov
1382-1386Recent results on beryllium and beryllides in JapanY. Mishima, N. Yoshida, H. Kawamura, K. Ishida, Y. Hatano, T. Shibayama, K. Munakata, Y. Sato, M. Uchida, K. Tsuchiya, S. Tanaka
1387-1392Crystallisation and microstructure of lithium orthosilicate pebblesRegina Knitter, Birgit Alm, Georg Roth
1393-1397Numerical characterization of thermo-mechanical performance of breeder pebble bedsZhiyong An, Alice Ying, Mohamed Abdou
1398-1403High energy heavy ion induced structural disorder in Li2TiO3T. Nakazawa, A. Naito, T. Aruga, V. Grismanovs, Y. Chimi, A. Iwase, S. Jitsukawa
1404-1409Verification of design rules for EUROFER under TBM operating conditionsR. Sunyk, J. Aktaa
1410-1415Design status and development strategy of China liquid lithium–lead blankets and related material technologyY. Wu and the FDS Team
1416-1421Development of a helium-cooled divertor: Material choice and technological studiesP. Norajitra, L.V. Boccaccini, A. Gervash, R. Giniyatulin, N. Holstein, T. Ihli, G. Janeschitz, W. Krauss, R. Kruessmann, V. Kuznetsov, A. Makhankov, I. Mazul, A. Moeslang, I. Ovchinnikov, M. Rieth, B. Zeep
1422-1431High heat flux testing of plasma facing materials and components – Status and perspectives for ITER related activitiesJ. Linke, F. Escourbiac, I.V. Mazul, R. Nygren, M. Rödig, J. Schlosser, S. Suzuki
1432-1437Overview of co-deposition and fuel inventory in castellated divertor structures at JETM.J. Rubel, J.P. Coad, R.A. Pitts and Contributors to the JET-EFDA Workprogramme
1438-1443R&D on tungsten plasma facing components for the JET ITER-like wall projectG. Piazza, G.F. Matthews, J. Pamela, H. Altmann, J.P. Coad, T. Hirai, A. Lioure, H. Maier, Ph. Mertens, V. Philipps, V. Riccardo, M. Rubel, E. Villedieu and Collaborators of the JET ITER-like Project
1444-1448High heat flux facility GLADIS:: Operational characteristics and results of W7-X pre-series target testsH. Greuner, B. Boeswirth, J. Boscary, P. McNeely
1449-1452Manufacturing and testing W/Cu functionally graded material mock-ups for plasma facing componentsWei-ping Shen, Qiang Li, Ke Chang, Zhang-jian Zhou, Chang-chun Ge
1453-1457Development of ultra-fine grained W–TiC and their mechanical properties for fusion applicationsH. Kurishita, Y. Amano, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, H. Arakawa, Y. Hiraoka, T. Takida, K. Takebe, H. Matsui
1458-1462Thermal stability and nano-structure of metal-doped carbon layersM. Balden, C. Adelhelm, M. Sikora
1463-1467Mechanisms of retention and blistering in near-surface region of tungsten exposed to high flux deuterium plasmas of tens of eVW.M. Shu, G.-N. Luo, T. Yamanishi
1468-1471High heat flux testing of tungsten plasma facing materialsZhang-jian Zhou, Shu-xiang Song, Juan Du, Chang-chun Ge
1472-1475Fabrication of a He-cooled divertor module for DEMO reactorA. Gervash, R. Giniyatulin, T. Ihli, W. Krauss, A. Makhankov, I. Mazul, P. Norajitra, N. Yablokov
1476-1480Promising composite heat sink material for the divertor of future fusion reactorsA. Brendel, C. Popescu, T. Köck, H. Bolt
1481-1486Carbon transport, deposition and fuel accumulation in castellated structures exposed in TEXTORA. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, A. Kirschner, P. Wienhold, G. Sergienko, A. Kreter, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, K. Krieger, P. Karduck, M. Blome, B. Emmoth, M. Rubel, U. Breuer, A. Scholl
1487-1491Hydrogen retention properties of co-deposition under high-density plasmas in TRIAM-1MM. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida, M. Sakamoto, H. Zushi, K. Hanada, TRIAM Group, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya
1492-1496Application of lock-in thermography non destructive technique to CFC armoured plasma facing componentsF. Escourbiac, S. Constans, X. Courtois, A. Durocher
1497-1502Operational conditions in a W-clad tokamakR. Neu, Ch. Hopf, A. Kallenbach, T. Pütterich, R. Dux, H. Greuner, O. Gruber, A. Herrmann, K. Krieger, H. Maier, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team
1503-1506Behavior of deuterium in boron films covered by oxygen-containing layerM.X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, H. Miyauchi, T. Nakahata, Y. Oya, N. Noda, K. Okuno
1507-1511Properties of co-deposited layers on graphite high heat flux components at the TEXTOR tokamakE. Fortuna, M.J. Rubel, V. Philipps, K.J. Kurzydłowski, Ph. Mertens, M. Miśkiewicz, M. Pisarek, G. Van Oost, W. Zieliński
1512-1515Removal of the codeposited carbon layer using He–O glow dischargeC.L. Kunz, R.A. Causey, M. Clift, W.R. Wampler, D.F. Cowgill
1516-1521Pulsed-laser ablation of co-deposits on JT-60 graphite tileYouichi Sakawa, Daisuke Watanabe, Takahiro Shibahara, Kazuyoshi Sugiyama, Tetsuo Tanabe
1522-1526Effects of chemical states of carbon on deuterium retention in carbon-containing materialsMakoto Oyaidzu, Hiromi Kimura, Toshihiko Nakahata, Yusuke Nishikawa, Masayuki Tokitani, Yasuhisa Oya, Hirotomo Iwakiri, Naoaki Yoshida, Kenji Okuno
1527-1530Effect of oxygen concentration on the chemical behavior of deuterium implanted into oxygen-containing boron thin filmsAkira Yoshikawa, Makoto Oyaidzu, Hideo Miyauchi, Yasuhisa Oya, Akio Sagara, Nobuaki Noda, Kenji Okuno
1531-1536Evaluation and validation of d–Li cross section data for the IFMIF neutron source term simulationU. Fischer, M. Avrigeanu, P. Pereslavtsev, S.P. Simakov, I. Schmuck
1537-1542Preliminary assessment of the safety of IFMIFN.P. Taylor, B. Brañas, E. Eriksson, A. Natalizio, T. Pinna, L. Rodríguez-Rodrigo, S. Ciattaglia, R. Lässer
1543-1548Thermo-structural analysis and design consideration of the replaceable backwall in IFMIF liquid lithium targetH. Nakamura, M. Ida, T. Chida, K. Shiba, K. Shimizu, M. Sugimoto
1549-1556The role of small specimen test technology in fusion materials developmentG.E. Lucas, G.R. Odette, H. Matsui, A. Möslang, P. Spätig, J. Rensman, T. Yamamoto
1557-1561Analytical estimation of accessibility to the activated lithium loop in IFMIFM. Ida, H. Nakamura, M. Sugimoto
1562-1567Transmutation analysis of realistic low-activation steels for magnetic fusion reactors and IFMIFO. Cabellos, J. Sanz, N. García-Herranz, S. Díaz, S. Reyes, S. Piedloup
1568-1573Neutron and deuteron activation calculations for IFMIFR.A. Forrest, M.J. Loughlin
1574-1579Material irradiation conditions for the IFMIF medium flux test moduleP. Vladimirov, A. Möslang, U. Fischer, S. Simakov
1580-1585Shielding analyses of the IFMIF test cellY. Chen, U. Fischer, S.P. Simakov, F. Wasastjerna
1586-1589Designing optimised experiments for the international fusion materials irradiation facilityR. Kemp, G.A. Cottrell, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia
1590-1595Liquid metal compatibility under irradiation: The LiSoR 5 experimentH. Glasbrenner, F. Gröschel
1596-1600Neutron elastic recoil detection for hydrogen isotope analysis in fusion materialsNaoyoshi Kubota, Keitaro Kondo, Kentaro Ochiai, Takeo Nishitani

Volume 371, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-384 (15 September 2007)

Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials 1, Proceedings of the First Symposium on Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for Next Generation Nuclear Reactors Reno, NV, USA 04-08 June 2006 Edited by L.L. Snead, Todd R. Allen, Dave Petti and Madeline Feltus
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript received date
ixForewordLance L. Snead
1-17Oxidation of ferritic–martensitic alloys T91, HCM12A and HT-9 in supercritical waterPantip Ampornrat, Gary S. Was
18-27The effect of neutron irradiation damage on the properties of grade NBG-10 graphiteTimothy D. Burchell, Lance L. Snead
28-36Modelling of advanced structural materials for GEN IV reactorsM. Samaras, W. Hoffelner, M. Victoria
37-52Ferritic/martensitic steels for next-generation reactorsR.L. Klueh, A.T. Nelson
53-60The temperature dependence of the yield stress for neutron-irradiated molybdenumMeimei Li, T.S. Byun, N. Hashimoto, L.L. Snead, S.J. Zinkle
61-75Zirconium alloys for supercritical water reactor applications: Challenges and possibilitiesArthur T. Motta, Aylin Yilmazbayhan, Marcelo J. Gomes da Silva, Robert J. Comstock, Gary S. Was, Jeremy T. Busby, Eric Gartner, Qunjia Peng, Yong Hwan Jeong, Jeong Yong Park
76-89Evaluation of neutron irradiated silicon carbide and silicon carbide compositesGeorge Newsome, Lance L. Snead, Tatsuya Hinoki, Yutai Katoh, Dominic Peters
90-97An EBSD investigation on flow localization and microstructure evolution of 316L stainless steel for Gen IV reactor applicationsXianglin Wu, Xiao Pan, James C. Mabon, Meimei Li, James F. Stubbins
98-106Facility for stress corrosion cracking of irradiated specimens in supercritical waterS. Teysseyre, Q. Peng, C. Becker, G.S. Was
107-117Effect of irradiation on stress corrosion cracking in supercritical waterS. Teysseyre, Z. Jiao, E. West, G.S. Was
118-128Oxidation of 9Cr oxide dispersion strengthened steel exposed in supercritical waterYun Chen, Kumar Sridharan, Shigeharu Ukai, Todd R. Allen
129-133Thermophysical characterization of nitrides inert matrices: Preliminary results on zirconium nitrideA. Ciriello, V.V. Rondinella, D. Staicu, J. Somers
134-144Time dependence of corrosion in steels for use in lead-alloy cooled reactorsMcLean Machut, Kumar Sridharan, Ning Li, Shigeharu Ukai, Todd Allen
145-160Embrittlement of RPV steels: An atom probe tomography perspectiveM.K. Miller, K.F. Russell
161-170Corrosion behavior of a ferritic/martensitic steel HCM12A exposed to harsh environmentsL. Tan, M.T. Machut, K. Sridharan, T.R. Allen
171-175Effect of thermomechanical processing on grain boundary character distribution of a Ni-based superalloyL. Tan, K. Sridharan, T.R. Allen
176-201Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking in supercritical waterG.S. Was, P. Ampornrat, G. Gupta, S. Teysseyre, E.A. West, T.R. Allen, K. Sridharan, L. Tan, Y. Chen, X. Ren, C. Pister
202-231Fuels for sodium-cooled fast reactors: US perspectiveDouglas C. Crawford, Douglas L. Porter, Steven L. Hayes
232-242An approach to fuel development and qualificationDouglas C. Crawford, Douglas L. Porter, Steven L. Hayes, Mitchell K. Meyer, David A. Petti, Kemal Pasamehmetoglu
243-249Gas-cooled fast reactor fuel fabricationRandall Fielding, Mitch Meyer, Jan-Fong Jue, Jian Gan
250-269Design challenges for sodium cooled fast reactorsMamoru Konomura, Masakazu Ichimiya
270-280The challenges associated with high burnup, high temperature and accelerated irradiation for TRISO-coated particle fuelJohn T. Maki, David A. Petti, Darrell L. Knudson, Gregory K. Miller
281-287Fuel development for gas-cooled fast reactorsM.K. Meyer, R. Fielding, J. Gan
288-303Thermomechanics of candidate coatings for advanced gas reactor fuelsA. Nosek, J. Conzen, H. Doescher, C. Martin, J. Blanchard
304-313Shear properties at the PyC/SiC interface of a TRISO-coatingT. Nozawa, L.L. Snead, Y. Katoh, J.H. Miller
314-328Irradiation tests of mixed-oxide fuel prepared with weapons-derived plutoniumL.J. Ott, R.N. Morris
329-377Handbook of SiC properties for fuel performance modelingLance L. Snead, Takashi Nozawa, Yutai Katoh, Thak-Sang Byun, Sosuke Kondo, David A. Petti
378-380Author index
381-383Subject index

Volume 372, Issue 1, Pages 1-140 (15 January 2008)

iiEditorial board
1-15A comprehensive model to describe radiolytic processes in cement mediumP. Bouniol, E. Bjergbakke
16-31Radiation damage effects in candidate titanates for Pu disposition: ZirconoliteD.M. Strachan, R.D. Scheele, E.C. Buck, A.E. Kozelisky, R.L. Sell, R.J. Elovich, W.C. Buchmiller
32-35Simulations of H2O2 concentration profiles in the water surrounding spent nuclear fuelFredrik Nielsen, Karin Lundahl, Mats Jonsson
36-44Optical anisotropy measurements of TRISO nuclear fuel particle cross-sections: The methodG.E. Jellison Jr., J.D. Hunn
45-52Structure of Kurdjumov–Sachs interfaces in simulations of a copper–niobium bilayerM.J. Demkowicz, R.G. Hoagland
53-58Existence states of deuterium irradiated into LiAlO2Tianyong Luo, Takuji Oda, Yasuhisa Oya, Satoru Tanaka
59-65Changes in chemical structure of oxidation reaction layers of Zircaloy-4 and Ti by micro X-ray diffractometryYang-Soon Park, Yeong-Keong Ha, Sun-Ho Han, Kwang-Yong Jee, Won-Ho Kim
66-75The effect of phosphorus on creep in copperRolf Sandström, Henrik C.M. Andersson
76-88Creep in phosphorus alloyed copper during power-law breakdownRolf Sandström, Henrik C.M. Andersson
89-93Molecular dynamics simulation of the pressure–volume–temperature data of xenon for a nuclear fuelJae-Yong Oh, Yang-Hyun Koo, Jin-Sik Cheon, Byung-Ho Lee, Dong-Seong Sohn
94-105Fission-enhanced diffusion in dispersion fuelsD. Olander
106-113Comparison of TSSD results obtained by differential scanning calorimetry and neutron diffractionD. Khatamian, J.H. Root
114-131Stress corrosion cracking of low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steels under boiling water reactor conditionsH.P. Seifert, S. Ritter
132-140Stochastic simulation of fission product activity in primary coolant due to fuel rod failures in typical PWRs under power transientsM. Javed Iqbal, Nasir M. Mirza, Sikander M. Mirza

Volume 372, Issues 2-3, Pages 141-426 (31 January 2008)

141-151Analysis of crack propagation in nuclear graphite using three-point bending of sandwiched specimensLi Shi, Haiyan Li, Zhenmin Zou, Alex S.L. Fok, Barry J. Marsden, Andrew Hodgkins, Paul M. Mummery, James Marrow
152-159Breakaway phenomenon of Zr-based alloys during a high-temperature oxidationJong Hyuk Baek, Yong Hwan Jeong
160-163On the catalytic effects of UO2(s) and Pd(s) on the reaction between H2O2 and H2 in aqueous solutionSara Nilsson, Mats Jonsson
164-170An analytical study on the irradiation-induced stresses in nuclear graphite moderator bricksHaiyan Li, Alex S.L. Fok, Barry J. Marsden
171-176Computer simulation of point defects in plutonium using MEAM potentialsL. Berlu, G. Jomard, G. Rosa, P. Faure
177-181SCC and corrosion evaluations of the F/M steels for a supercritical water reactorSeong Sik Hwang, Byung Hak Lee, Jung Gu Kim, Jinsung Jang
182-214In-reactor deformation of cold-worked Zr–2.5Nb pressure tubesR.A. Holt
215-225Volatile fission product behaviour during thermal annealing of irradiated UO2 fuel oxidised up to U3O8J.-P. Hiernaut, T. Wiss, D. Papaioannou, R.J.M. Konings, V.V. Rondinella
226-232Plasma-sprayed yttria-stabilized zirconia coatings on type 316L stainless steel for pyrochemical reprocessing plantA. Ravi Shankar, U. Kamachi Mudali, Ravikumar Sole, H.S. Khatak, Baldev Raj
233-238Simulation of diffusion of oxygen and uranium in uranium dioxide nanocrystalsA.Ya. Kupryazhkin, A.N. Zhiganov, D.V. Risovany, K.A. Nekrassov, V.D. Risovany, V.N. Golovanov
239-248Interaction of a single interstitial atom with small clusters of self interstitials in α-FeN. Anento, A. Serra
249-255Measurement of the Young modulus anisotropy of a reactor pressure vessel claddingW. Vandermeulen, M. Scibetta, A. Leenaers, J. Schuurmans, R. Gérard
256-262Microstructure of long-term annealed highly irradiated berylliumA. Leenaers, G. Verpoucke, A. Pellettieri, L. Sannen, S. Van den Berghe
263-276Comparative study of the tritium distribution in metalsA.N. Perevezentsev, A.C. Bell, L.A. Rivkis, V.M. Filin, V.V. Gushin, M.I. Belyakov, V.I. Bulkin, I.M. Kravchenko, I.A. Ionessian, Y. Torikai, M. Matsuyama, K. Watanabe, A.I. Markin
277-284Effect of heat treatment on the corrosion behaviour of Ti–5Ta–1.8Nb alloy in boiling concentrated nitric acidA. Ravi Shankar, R.K. Dayal, R. Balasubramaniam, V.R. Raju, R. Mythili, S. Saroja, M. Vijayalakshmi, V.S. Raghunathan
285-292Effect of heavy ion irradiation on microstructure of zirconium alloy characterised by X-ray diffractionA. Sarkar, P. Mukherjee, P. Barat
293-303Stress-corrosion crack initiation and propagation behavior of Zircaloy-4 cladding under an iodine environmentSang Yoon Park, Jun Hwan Kim, Myoung Ho Lee, Yong Hwan Jeong
304-311Microstructure and corrosion characteristics of Zr–1.5Nb–0.4Sn–0.2Fe–0.1Cr alloy with a β-annealingHyun-Gil Kim, Jong-Hyuk Baek, Sun-Doo Kim, Young-Hwan Jeong
312-317Simulation of displacement cascades in Fe90Cr10 using a two band model potentialC. Björkas, K. Nordlund, L. Malerba, D. Terentyev, P. Olsson
318-339Detailed characterisations of high burn-up structures in oxide fuelsJ. Noirot, L. Desgranges, J. Lamontagne
340-349Characteristics of GdxHan Soo Kim, Chang Yong Joung, Byung Ho Lee, Si Hyung Kim, Dong Seong Sohn
350-357High temperature thermal properties for metals used in LWR vesselsJ.L. Rempe, D.L. Knudson
358-366Microstructure and leaching durability of glass composite wasteforms for spent clinoptilolite immobilisationJ.M. Juoi, M.I. Ojovan, W.E. Lee
367-378Study of secondary intermetallic phase precipitation/dissolution in Zr alloys by high temperature–high sensitivity calorimetryC. Toffolon-Masclet, T. Guilbert, J.C. Brachet
379-390Effect of irradiation-induced plastic flow localization on ductile crack resistance behavior of a 9%Cr tempered martensitic steelR. Chaouadi
391-393Molecular structure and thermodynamic properties of the gaseous ThC2 and ThC4 speciesA. Kovács, R.J.M. Konings
394-399Sintering behavior of U–80 at.%Zr powder compacts in a vacuum environmentTae-Kyu Kim, Chong-Tak Lee, Dong-Seong Sohn
400-404EBSD for microstructure and property characterization of the SiC-coating in TRISO fuel particlesL. Tan, T.R. Allen, J.D. Hunn, J.H. Miller
405-415Thermal diffusion of iodine in UO2 and UO2+xMadiba Saidy, William H. Hocking, Jozef F. Mouris, Philippe Garcia, Gaëlle Carlot, Bertrand Pasquet
416-420Lattice contraction in the rim zone as controlled by recrystallization: Additional evidenceJ. Spino, D. Papaioannou
421-425Solubility of hydrogen and its isotopes in metals from mixed gasesC. San Marchi, B.P. Somerday, R.S. Larson, S.F. Rice

Volume 373, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-432 (15 February 2008)

iiEditorial board
1-8Structural, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of Eurofer 97 steelK. Mergia, N. Boukos
9-15Irradiation tests for U3Si–Al dispersion fuels with aluminum claddingH.T. Chae, H. Kim, C.S. Lee, B.J. Jun, J.M. Park, C.K. Kim, D.S. Sohn
16-21Effect of sulphur on the strengthening of a Zr–Nb alloyK.I. Chang, S.I. Hong
22-27Irradiation creep and precipitation in a ferritic ODS steel under helium implantationJ. Chen, P. Jung, M.A. Pouchon, T. Rebac, W. Hoffelner
28-38Influence of Cu, Cr and C on the irradiation defect in Fe: A molecular dynamics simulation studyJe-Wook Jang, Byeong-Joo Lee, Jun-Hwa Hong
39-43Calorimetric determination of energetics of solid solutions of UO2+xLena Mazeina, Alexandra Navrotsky, Martha Greenblatt
44-52Influence of hydrogen on the corrosion behavior of stainless steels in lithiumA.V. Shulga
53-58Studies on the dissolution kinetics of ceramic uranium dioxide particles in nitric acid by microwave heatingYunfeng Zhao, Jing Chen
59-70Strain-hardening influence on iodine induced stress corrosion cracking of Zircaloy-4Marion Fregonese, Christian Olagnon, Nathalie Godin, Alain Hamel, Thierry Douillard
71-74Rupture pressure of wear degraded alloy 600 steam generator tubingsSeong Sik Hwang, Chan Namgung, Man Kyo Jung, Hong Pyo Kim, Joung Soo Kim
75-81Release of gases from uranium metal at high temperaturesY.S. Sayi, P.S. Ramanjaneyulu, C.S. Yadav, P.S. Shankaran, G.C. Chhapru, K.L. Ramakumar, V. Venugopal
82-89Creep constitutive equation of dual phase 9Cr-ODS steelHideo Sakasegawa, Shigeharu Ukai, Manabu Tamura, Satoshi Ohtsuka, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Hiroyuki Ogiwara, Akira Kohyama, Masayuki Fujiwara
90-93Local atomic structure in (Zr1 − xM. Walter, J. Somers, A. Fernández-Carretero, J. Rothe
94-102In situRoy P. Awbery, Duncan A. Broughton, S.C. Tsang
103-111The radiolysis of poly(4-vinylpyridine) quaternary salt ion exchange resinsKazuyuki Enomoto, Jay A. LaVerne, Lav Tandon, Alejandro E. Enriquez, John H. Matonic
112-118Study of radiogenic helium diffusion in the β-thorium phosphate diphosphate ceramicA. Özgümüs, E. Gilabert, N. Dacheux, C. Tamain, B. Lavielle
119-122Laser Raman microprobe analysis of graphite exposed to edge plasma in the TEXTOR tokamakT. Hirai, J. Compan, K. Niwase, J. Linke
123-129Structural evolution of zirconium carbide under ion irradiationD. Gosset, M. Dollé, D. Simeone, G. Baldinozzi, L. Thomé
130-136Effect of fast neutron fluence on the creep anisotropy of Zr–2.5Nb tubesR.A. Holt, G.A. Bickel, N. Christodoulou
137-141Standard enthalpy of formation and heat capacity of compounds in the pseudo-binary Bi2O3–Fe2O3 systemS. Phapale, R. Mishra, D. Das
142-149Evolution of mechanical properties of SiC under helium implantationC. Tromas, V. Audurier, S. Leclerc, M.F. Beaufort, A. Declémy, J.F. Barbot
150-156Advanced characterization techniques for SiC and PyC coatings on high-temperature reactor fuel particlesD. Hélary, O. Dugne, X. Bourrat
157-163Production and reaction kinetics of radiation-induced defects in α-alumina and sapphire under ion beam irradiationKimikazu Moritani, Yoichi Teraoka, Ikuji Takagi, Masafumi Akiyoshi, Hirotake Moriyama
164-178Corrosion behavior of steels in liquid lead–bismuth with low oxygen concentrationsYuji Kurata, Masatoshi Futakawa, Shigeru Saito
179-185Anisotropic delayed hydride cracking velocity of CANDU Zr–2.5Nb pressure tubesYoung Suk Kim, Yong Moo Cheong
186-189UO2 oxidation site densities determined by one- and two-electron oxidantsMohammad Mohsin Hossain, Mats Jonsson
190-193Effects of ionic strength on the kinetics for UO2 oxidationMohammad Mohsin Hossain, Mats Jonsson
194-198A polymer solution technique for the synthesis of nano-sized Li2TiO3 ceramic breeder powdersChoong-Hwan Jung, Sang Jin Lee, Waltraud M. Kriven, Ji-Yeon Park, Woo-Seog Ryu
199-205Nature of defect clusters in neutron-irradiated iron-based alloys deduced from small-angle neutron scatteringF. Bergner, A. Ulbricht, A. Gokhman, D. Erak
206-211Optimization of a wet chemistry method for fabrication of Li2TiO3 pebblesXiangwei Wu, Zhaoyin Wen, Xiaoxiong Xu, Zhonghua Gu, Xiaohe Xu
212-216Effect of re-irradiation by neutrons on mechanical properties of un-irradiated/irradiated SS316LN weldmentsK. Tsuchiya, M. Shimizu, H. Kawamura, G. Kalinin
217-225Evidence for basal left angle bracketaF. Xu, R.A. Holt, M.R. Daymond
226-236Non-destructive electrochemical techniques applied to the corrosion evaluation of the liner structures in nuclear power plantsI. Martínez, A. Castillo, C. Andrade
237-245Solidus and liquidus temperatures in the UO2–PuO2 systemM. Kato, K. Morimoto, H. Sugata, K. Konashi, M. Kashimura, T. Abe
246-253Corrosion of ODS steels in lead–bismuth eutecticP. Hosemann, H.T. Thau, A.L. Johnson, S.A. Maloy, N. Li
254-258Pre-implantation and pre-annealing effects on deuterium retention in tungstenO.V. Ogorodnikova, J. Roth, M. Mayer
259-268Synthesis and characterization of mixed An(IV)An(III) oxalates (An(IV) = Th, Np, U or Pu and An(III) = Pu or Am)B. Arab-Chapelet, S. Grandjean, G. Nowogrocki, F. Abraham
269-274Material parameters of copper and CuCrZr alloy for cyclic plasticity at elevated temperaturesJ.-H. You, M. Miskiewicz
275-279Thermal stability of co-extruded U–Zr/Zr–Nb alloysChong-Tak Lee, Jong-Hyuk Park, Tae-Kyu Kim, Ui-Jong Lee, Bong-Sang Lee, Dong-Seong Sohn
280-288An extension of the two-zone method for evaluating a fission gas release under an irradiation-induced resolution fluxJin-Sik Cheon, Yang-Hyun Koo, Byung-Ho Lee, Jae-Yong Oh, Dong-Seong Sohn
289-294Identification of ultra-fine Ti-rich precipitates in V–Cr–Ti alloys irradiated below 300 °C by using positron CDB techniqueKen-ichi Fukumoto, Hideki Matsui, Hideaki Ohkubo, Zheng Tang, Yasuyoshi Nagai and, Masayuki Hasegawa
295-298Thermal conductivity of AmO2−xTsuyoshi Nishi, Masahide Takano, Akinori Itoh, Mitsuo Akabori, Yasuo Arai, Kazuo Minato, Masami Numata
299-308Development of CAP process for fabrication of ThO2–UO2 fuels Part I: Fabrication and densification behaviourT.R.G. Kutty, K.B. Khan, P.S. Somayajulu, A.K. Sengupta, J.P. Panakkal, Arun Kumar, H.S. Kamath
309-318Development of CAP process for fabrication of ThO2–UO2 fuels Part II: Characterization and property evaluationT.R.G. Kutty, R.V. Kulkarni, P. Sengupta, K.B. Khan, K. Bhanumurthy, A.K. Sengupta, J.P. Panakkal, Arun Kumar, H.S. Kamath
319-327Hydride reorientation in Zircaloy-4 claddingH.C. Chu, S.K. Wu, R.C. Kuo
328-334Neutron irradiation effect on site distribution of cations in non-stoichiometric magnesium aluminate spinelTakashi Sawabe, Toyohiko Yano
335-342Some physical data of the near eutectic liquid lead–bismuthYu. Plevachuk, V. Sklyarchuk, S. Eckert, G. Gerbeth
343-350Corrosion and oxide characteristics of Zr–1.5Nb–0.4Sn–0.2Fe–0.1Cr alloys in 360 °C pure water and LiOH solutionJeong-Yong Park, Seung Jo Yoo, Byung-Kwon Choi, Yong Hwan Jeong
351-377Review of the studies on fundamental issues in LBE corrosionJinsuo Zhang, Ning Li
378-386Structural behavior of β-thorium phosphate diphosphate (β-TPD) irradiated with ion beamsC. Tamain, F. Garrido, L. Thomé, N. Dacheux, A. Özgümüs
387-401Precipitation of the FeCu system: A critical review of atomic kinetic Monte Carlo simulationsE. Vincent, C.S. Becquart, C. Pareige, P. Pareige, C. Domain
402-406Boron deposition on the graphite tiles of the RFX device studied by secondary ion mass spectrometryF. Ghezzi, A. Tolstogouzov
407-414Prediction of TRISO coated particle performances for a one-pass deep burnAlberto Talamo
415-423Ductile-to-brittle transition of oxidised Zircaloy-4 and E110 claddingsZoltán Hózer, Csaba Győri, Lajos Matus, Márta Horváth
424-428Corrosion of ternary carbides by molten leadL.A. Barnes, N.L. Dietz Rago, L. Leibowitz
429-432Corrosion and microstructural characteristics of Zr–Nb alloys with different Nb contentsHyun Gil Kim, Sang Yoon Park, Myung Ho Lee, Yong Hwan Jeong, Sun Doo Kim

Volume 374, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-338 (29 February 2008)

iiEditorial board
1-8Evaluation of self-welding susceptibility of an austenitic stainless steel (alloy D9) in sodiumHemant Kumar, S.K. Albert, V. Ramakrishnan, C. Meikandamurthy, G. Amarendra, A.K. Bhaduri
9-19Characterization of (Th,U)O2 fuel pellets made by impregnation techniqueT.R.G. Kutty, M.R. Nair, P. Sengupta, U. Basak, Arun Kumar, H.S. Kamath
20-31Localized corrosion of 316L stainless steel in tritiated water containing aggressive radiolytic and decomposition products at different temperaturesG. Bellanger
32-43Simulation with DIONISIO 1.0 of thermal and mechanical pellet-cladding interaction in nuclear fuel rodsAlejandro Soba, Alicia Denis
44-53Modelling of grain face bubbles coalescence in irradiated UO2 fuelM.S. Veshchunov
54-60TEM investigation of long-term annealed highly irradiated berylliumW. Van Renterghem, A. Leenaers, S. Van denBerghe
61-68High-resolution imaging of complex crack chemistry in reactor steels by NanoSIMSS. Lozano-Perez, M.R. Kilburn, T. Yamada, T. Terachi, C.A. English, C.R.M. Grovenor
69-74One-step brazing process to join CFC composites to copper and copper alloyMilena Salvo, Valentina Casalegno, Stefano Rizzo, Federico Smeacetto, Monica Ferraris, Mario Merola
75-78Oxidative ammonolysis of uranium(IV) fluorides to uranium(VI) nitrideCharles B. Yeamans, G.W. Chinthaka Silva, Gary S. Cerefice, Kenneth R. Czerwinski, Thomas Hartmann, Anthony K. Burrell, Alfred P. Sattelberger
79-86Thermodynamic modeling of the Al–U and Co–U systemsJ. Wang, X.J. Liu, C.P. Wang
87-94Structure and properties of vacancy and interstitial clusters in α-zirconiumN. de Diego, Yu.N. Osetsky, D.J. Bacon
95-100Ab-initio approach to the effect of Fe on the diffusion in hcp ZrRodolfo Ariel Pérez, Mariana Weissmann
101-108Study of a phosphate-based material with rhabdophane structure for caesium immobilization: Synthesis, sintering and leaching behaviourLionel Campayo, Fabienne Audubert, Jean-Eric Lartigue, Stéphanie Botuha, Didier Bernache-Assollant
109-115Modelling precipitate distribution in reduced-activation steelsD. Gaude-Fugarolas, Y. de Carlan
116-122Preparation and characterization of ferric oxyhydroxide and ferric oxide thin films by direct-hydrolysis depositionDong Fu, J. Clara Wren
123-128Change of properties after oxidation of IG-11 graphite by air and CO2 gasYun-Soo Lim, Se-Hwan Chi, Kwang-Yun Cho
129-137Updated solution for stresses and displacements in TRISO-coated fuel particlesGregory K. Miller, David A. Petti, John T. Maki, Darrell L. Knudson
138-146Examination of residual stresses and texture in zirconium alloy cladding tubes after a large plastic deformation: Experimental and numerical studyD. Gloaguen, T. Berchi, E. Girard, R. Guillén
147-157Helium release and microstructural changes in Er(D,T)2−xC.S. Snow, L.N. Brewer, D.S. Gelles, M.A. Rodriguez, P.G. Kotula, J.C. Banks, M.A. Mangan, J.F. Browning
158-167Thermal decomposition and kinetic analysis of sodium propoxidesK. Chandran, M. Kamruddin, P.K. Ajikumar, A. Gopalan, V. Ganesan
168-177Performance analysis of TRISO coated fuel particles with kernel migrationOya Özdere Gülol, Üner Çolak, Bora Yıldırım
178-184Microstructure and Charpy impact properties of 12–14Cr oxide dispersion-strengthened ferritic steelsZ. Oksiuta, N. Baluc
185-191Corrosion of Alloy 690 process pot by sulfate containing high level radioactive waste at feed stageP. Sengupta, N. Soudamini, C.P. Kaushik, Jagannath, R.K. Mishra, G.B. Kale, K. Raj, D. Das, B.P. Sharma
192-196Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of tetravalent neptunium and plutonium ions in ThO2Yingjie Zhang, Eric R. Vance
197-203A superior corrosion behavior of Zircaloy-4 in lithiated water at 360 °C/18.6 MPa by β-quenchingM.Y. Yao, B.X. Zhou, Q. Li, W.Q. Liu, X. Geng, Y.P. Lu
204-210Evaluation of pre-transition oxide on Zr–0.4 Nb alloy by using the HVEMHyun-Gil Kim, Jeong-Yong Park, Byung-Kwon Choi, Yong-Hwan Jeong
211-219Modeling of oxidation of structural materials in LBE systemsH. Steiner, C. Schroer, Z. Voß, O. Wedemeyer, J. Konys
220-228Mechanical properties of unirradiated and irradiated reduced-activation martensitic steels with and without nickel compared to properties of commercial steelsR.L. Klueh, M.A. Sokolov, N. Hashimoto
229-240Microbalance study of the corrosion kinetics of lithium hydride by waterKennard V. Wilson Jr., Brian M. Patterson, Jonathan Phillips
241-247Laboratory production of zirconium carbide compacts for use in inert matrix fuelsGokul Vasudevamurthy, Travis W. Knight, Elwyn Roberts, Thad M. Adams
248-269Evidence of Ni2FeBO5 and mJerzy A. Sawicki
270-280Microstructure tailoring for property improvements by grain boundary engineeringL. Tan, K. Sridharan, T.R. Allen, R.K. Nanstad, D.A. McClintock
281-285Simulations of H2O2 concentration profiles in the water surrounding spent nuclear fuel taking mixed radiation fields and bulk reactions into accountFredrik Nielsen, Mats Jonsson
286-289Simulation of radiation induced dissolution of spent nuclear fuel using the steady-state approach. A comparison to experimental dataFredrik Nielsen, Ella Ekeroth, Trygve E. Eriksen, Mats Jonsson
290-292On the catalytic effect of Pd(s) on the reduction of image with H2 in aqueous solutionSara Nilsson, Mats Jonsson
293-297Electron spin resonance measurement of radiation-induced defects and reactions in vitreous silica irradiated with ion beamsJun Takemoto, Kimikazu Moritani, Ikuji Takagi, M. Akiyoshi, Hirotake Moriyama
298-303Mechanical properties of V–4Cr–4Ti strengthened by precipitation and cold rollingJ.M. Chen, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, S.Y. Qiu, C. Li, N. Nita
304-312Hydrogen release and retention from porous graphiteA. Rai, R. Schneider, M. Warrier
313-319Adiabatic shearing behavior of different steels under extreme high shear loadingWoei-Shyan Lee, Chen-Yang Liu, Tao-Hsing Chen
320-326Iodine isothermal migration behaviour in titanium nitrideS. Gavarini, H. Jaffrezic, P. Martin, C. Peaucelle, N. Toulhoat, S. Cardinal, N. Moncoffre, C. Pichon, M. Tribet
327-330Comment on ‘Influence of metallurgical variables on delayed hydride cracking in Zr–Nb pressure tubes’ by P. Cirimello et al., J. Nucl. Mater. 350 (2006) 135–146Young S. Kim
331-333Reply to Young S. Kim: Comment on “Influence of metallurgical variables on delayed hydride cracking in Zr–Nb pressure tubes” by P. Cirimello et al., J. Nucl. mater. 350 (2006) 135–146G. Domizzi, R. Haddad
334-337Small-angle neutron scattering study of neutron-irradiated iron and an iron–nickel alloyF. Bergner, A. Ulbricht, M. Hernandez-Mayoral, P.K. Pranzas

Volume 374, Issue 3, Pages 339-488 (15 March 2008)

339-343EXAFS and XANES studies of americium dioxide with fluorite structureTsuyoshi Nishi, Masami Nakada, Akinori Itoh, Chikashi Suzuki, Masaru Hirata, Mitsuo Akabori
344-353A plutonium α-decay defects production study through displacement cascade simulations with MEAM potentialL. Berlu, G. Jomard, G. Rosa, P. Faure
354-363Creep behavior of niobium-modified zirconium alloysI. Charit, K.L. Murty
364-369The ‘granite encapsulation’ route to the safe disposal of Pu and other actinidesF.G.F. Gibb, K.J. Taylor, B.E. Burakov
370-377High-density support matrices: Key to the deep borehole disposal of spent nuclear fuelF.G.F. Gibb, N.A. McTaggart, K.P. Travis, D. Burley, K.W. Hesketh
378-385Thermal conductivities of hypostoichiometric (U, Pu, Am)O2−xKyoichi Morimoto, Masato Kato, Masahiro Ogasawara, Motoaki Kashimura
386-389Thermal stability of neutron irradiation effects on KU1 fused silicaM. León, P. Martín, D. Bravo, F.J. López, A. Ibarra, A. Rascón, F. Mota
390-402Modelling deuterium release during thermal desorption of D+-irradiated tungstenM. Poon, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis
403-412Vanadium nitride precipitate phase in a 9% chromium steel for nuclear power plant applicationsY.Z. Shen, S.H. Kim, C.H. Han, H.D. Cho, W.S. Ryu, C.B. Lee
413-421Oxygen glow discharge cleaning in nuclear fusion devicesC. Hopf, W. Jacob, V. Rohde
422-430Effect of Si and Zr on the interdiffusion of U–Mo alloy and AlJong Man Park, Ho Jin Ryu, Seok Jin Oh, Don Bae Lee, Chang Kyu Kim, Yeon Soo Kim, G.L. Hofman
431-436Two-step two-stage fission gas release modelYong-soo Kim, Chan-bock Lee
437-444Multiple-interactions of displacement cascades with He–vacancy clusters in α-iron: Computer simulationsL. Yang, X.T. Zu, Z.G. Wang, F. Gao, H.L. Heinisch, R.J. Kurtz, X.Y. Wang, K.Z. Liu
445-452Increase in pyrolytic carbon optical anisotropy and density during processing of coated particle fuel due to heat treatmentJ.D. Hunn, G.E. Jellison Jr., R.A. Lowden
453-460Reliability analysis of dispersion nuclear fuel elementsShurong Ding, Xin Jiang, Yongzhong Huo, Lin an Li
461-472In-pile Xe diffusion coefficient in UO2 determined from the modeling of intragranular bubble growth and destruction under irradiationK. Govers, S. Lemehov, M. Verwerft
473-481Investigation on boron carbide oxidation for nuclear reactor safety: Experiments in highly oxidising conditionsC. Dominguez, N. Cocuaud, D. Drouan, A. Constant, D. Jacquemain
482-487Texture, residual strain, and plastic deformation around scratches in alloy 600 using synchrotron X-ray Laue micro-diffractionM.L. Suominen Fuller, R.J. Klassen, N.S. McIntyre, A.R. Gerson, S. Ramamurthy, P.J. King, W. Liu

Volume 375, Issue 1, Pages 1-156 (30 March 2008)

iiEditorial board
1-7Detrapping behavior of tritium trapped via hot atom chemical process in neutron-irradiated ternary lithium oxidesMakoto Oyaidzu, Yusuke Nishikawa, Taichi Suda, Takashi Shinozaki, Akira Yoshikawa, Yasuhisa Oya, Kenzo Munakata, Hajimu Yamana, Kenji Okuno
8-25Oxygen stoichiometry shift of irradiated LWR-fuels at high burn-ups: Review of data and alternative interpretation of recently published resultsJ. Spino, P. Peerani
26-37Radiation response of a 9 chromium oxide dispersion strengthened steel to heavy ion irradiationT.R. Allen, J. Gan, J.I. Cole, M.K. Miller, J.T. Busby, S. Shutthanandan, S. Thevuthasan
38-51Selection of water-dispersible carbon black for fabrication of uranium oxicarbide microspheresCristian I. Contescu, Frederick S. Baker, Rodney D. Hunt, Jack L. Collins, Timothy D. Burchell
52-64Corrosion mechanisms of austenitic stainless steels in nitric media used in reprocessing plantsP. Fauvet, F. Balbaud, R. Robin, Q.-T. Tran, A. Mugnier, D. Espinoux
65-71Correlation between composition of passive layer and corrosion behavior of high Si-containing austenitic stainless steels in nitric acidR. Robin, F. Miserque, V. Spagnol
72-79Effect of corrosion potential on the corrosion fatigue crack growth behaviour of low-alloy steels in high-temperature waterS. Ritter, H.P. Seifert
80-85The influence of relative humidity on iron corrosion under proton irradiationS. Lapuerta, N. Bérerd, N. Moncoffre, N. Millard-Pinard, H. Jaffrézic, D. Crusset, D. Féron
86-94Characterization of plutonium distribution in MIMAS MOX by image analysisGhislain Oudinet, Isabelle Munoz-Viallard, Laurence Aufore, Marie-Jeanne Gotta, J.M. Becker, G. Chiarelli, R. Castelli
95-101Influence of Portevin–Le Chatelier effect on rupture mode of alloy 718 specimensV. Garat, J.-M. Cloue, D. Poquillon, E. Andrieu
102-112Optimization of contact conditions between iron base alloys and mercury at room temperatureL. Medina-Almazán, J.-C. Rouchaud, T. Auger, D. Gorse
113-119Quantum mechanical calculations of uranium phases and niobium defects in γ-uraniumShikai Xiang, Hanchen Huang, L.M. Hsiung
120-134Molecular dynamics study of acoustic velocity in silicate glass under irradiationN. Deladerriere, J.M. Delaye, F. Augereau, G. Despaux, S. Peuget
135-143An exploratory study to determine applicability of nano-hardness and micro-compression measurements for yield stress estimationP. Hosemann, J.G. Swadener, D. Kiener, G.S. Was, S.A. Maloy, N. Li
144-150Simulations of vacancy cluster behavior in δ-PuBlas Pedro Uberuaga, Steven M. Valone
151-156Determination of UO2(s) dissolution rates in a hydrogen peroxide medium as a function of pressure and temperatureIgnasi Casas, Maria Borrell, Laia Sánchez, Joan de Pablo, Javier Giménez, Frederic Clarens

Volume 375, Issue 2, Pages 157-282 (15 April 2008)

157-167Enhanced thermal conductivity oxide nuclear fuels by co-sintering with BeO: II. Fuel performance and neutronicsKevin McCoy, Claude Mays
168-172Saturation in deuterium retention of CFC graphite targets exposed to beryllium-seeded plasmas on PISCES-BR. Pugno, K. Schmid, M.J. Baldwin, R. Doerner, J. Hanna, D. Nishijima, V. Rohde, J. Roth
173-184High temperature reactivity of two chromium-containing alloys in impure heliumC. Cabet, J. Chapovaloff, F. Rouillard, G. Girardin, D. Kaczorowski, K. Wolski, M. Pijolat
185-191Void swelling in a 9Cr ferritic/martensitic steel irradiated with energetic Ne-ions at elevated temperaturesC.H. Zhang, J. Jang, M.C. Kim, H.D. Cho, Y.T. Yang, Y.M. Sun
192-201Deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to low-energy, high-flux clean and carbon-seeded deuterium plasmasV.Kh. Alimov, J. Roth, R.A. Causey, D.A. Komarov, Ch. Linsmeier, A. Wiltner, F. Kost, S. Lindig
202-208Thermodynamic evaluation of the NaCl–MgCl2–UCl3–PuCl3 systemO. Beneš, R.J.M. Konings
209-212Fabrication method for UO2 pellets with large grains or a single grain by sintering in airChang Young Joung, Soo Chul Lee, Si Hyung Kim, Han Soo Kim, Dong Seong Sohn
213-217Heat load behaviors of plasma sprayed tungsten coatings on copper alloys with different compliant layersF.L. Chong, J.L. Chen, J.G. Li, D.Y. Hu, X.B. Zheng
218-223The effect of an external electric field on radiation transmission and Compton scattering in plexiglassD. Demir
224-228Blister formation on tungsten damaged by high energy particle irradiationM. Fukumoto, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Ueda, M. Taniguchi, M. Kashiwagi, T. Inoue, K. Sakamoto
229-242Standard molar Gibbs energy of formation of Pb5Bi8O17 and PbBi12O19 and phase diagram of the Pb–Bi–O systemRajesh Ganesan, T. Gnanasekaran, Raman S. Srinivasa
243-251Post-irradiation examination of AlFeNi cladded U3Si2 fuel plates irradiated under severe conditionsA. Leenaers, E. Koonen, Y. Parthoens, P. Lemoine, S. Van den Berghe
252-258Modelling of steady state erosion of CFC actively water-cooled mock-up for the ITER divertorO.V. Ogorodnikova
259-262Standard enthalpy of formation of compounds of the Cd–Zr systemS. Phapale, R. Mishra, D. Das
263-269Thermochemical degradation of limestone aggregate concrete on exposure to sodium fireM. Premila, K. Sivasubramanian, G. Amarendra, C.S. Sundar
270-274Molecular dynamics simulations of C2, C2H, C2H2, C2H3, C2H4, C2H5, and C2H6 bombardment of diamond (1 1 1) surfacesP. Träskelin, O. Saresoja, K. Nordlund
275-279Application of a chronoamperometric measurement to the on-line monitoring of a lithium metal reduction for uranium oxideTack-Jin Kim, Young-Hwan Cho, In-Kyu Choi, Jun-Gill Kang, Kyuseok Song, Kwang-Yong Jee
280-282Carbon composites reinforced by graphite grainsJian-guo Zhao, Ke-zhi Li, He-jun Li, Chuang Wang, Feng Feng

Volume 375, Issue 3, Pages 283-416 (30 April 2008)

283-289Probabilistic failure analysis of a water-cooled tungsten divertor: Impact of embrittlementJ.-H. You, I. Komarova
290-310Corrosion of UO2 and ThO2: A quantum-mechanical investigationF.N. Skomurski, L.C. Shuller, R.C. Ewing, U. Becker
311-314Plutonium in monazite and brabantite: Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy studyYingjie Zhang, Eric R. Vance
315-322Stainless steel/glass–ceramic interactions under hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) conditionsY. Zhang, H. Li, P.J. McGlinn, B. Yang, B.D. Begg
323-330Characterization of oxide layers grown on D9 austenitic stainless steel in lead bismuth eutecticP. Hosemann, M. Hawley, D. Koury, J.G. Swadener, J. Welch, A.L. Johnson, G. Mori, N. Li
331-339Modelling of time resolved and long contact time dissolution studies of spent nuclear fuel in 10 mM carbonate solution – A comparison between two different models and experimental dataTrygve E. Eriksen, Mats Jonsson, Juan Merino
340-346Transmission electron microscopy investigation of irradiated U–7 wt%Mo dispersion fuelS. Van den Berghe, W. Van Renterghem, A. Leenaers
347-358Characterisation of Al corrosion and its impact on the mechanical performance of composite cement wasteforms by the acoustic emission techniqueL.M. Spasova, M.I. Ojovan
359-364Neutron-induced swelling and embrittlement of pure iron and pure nickel irradiated in the BN-350 and BOR-60 fast reactorsN.I. Budylkin, E.G. Mironova, V.M. Chernov, V.A. Krasnoselov, S.I. Porollo, F.A. Garner
365-369Raman spectroscopy of carbon dust samples from NSTXY. Raitses, C.H. Skinner, F. Jiang, T.S. Duffy
370-381The influence of neutron irradiation in FFTF on the microstructural and microchemical development of Mo–41Re at 470–730 °CD.J. Edwards, F.A. Garner, D.S. Gelles
382-387Root causes of intergranular attack in an operating nuclear steam generator tubeDo Haeng Hur, Deok Hyun Lee, Myung Sik Choi, Myung Ho Song, Jung Ho Han
388-396Thermal transport properties of uranium dioxide by molecular dynamics simulationsTaku Watanabe, Susan B. Sinnott, James S. Tulenko, Robin W. Grimes, Patrick K. Schelling, Simon R. Phillpot
397-409New modelling of the U–O–Zr phase diagram in the hyper-stoichiometric region and consequences for the fuel rod liquefaction in oxidising conditionsM. Barrachin, P.Y. Chevalier, B. Cheynet, E. Fischer
410-415Joining of machined SiC/SiC composites for thermonuclear fusion reactorsMonica Ferraris, Milena Salvo, Valentina Casalegno, Andrea Ciampichetti, Federico Smeacetto, Massimo Zucchetti

Volume 376, Issue 1, Pages 1-128 (15 May 2008)

iiEditorial board
vElectronic Publishing in the Journal of Nuclear Materials
1-10Extension of the TRANSURANUS burn-up modelA. Schubert, P. Van Uffelen, J. van de Laar, C.T. Walker, W. Haeck
11-28Low temperature neutron irradiation effects on microstructure and tensile properties of molybdenumMeimei Li, M. Eldrup, T.S. Byun, N. Hashimoto, L.L. Snead, S.J. Zinkle
29-32Large aperture electrostatic dust detectorC.H. Skinner, R. Hensley, A.L. Roquemore
33-37Temperature dependence of the chemical sputtering of amorphous hydrogenated carbon films by hydrogenM. Schlüter, C. Hopf, T. Schwarz-Selinger, W. Jacob
38-46Fatigue testing of metallurgically-bonded EBR-II superheater tubesT.C. Totemeier, D.M. Wachs, D.L. Porter, N. Kisohara
47-59AC-3-irradiation test of sphere-pac and pellet (U,Pu)C fuel in the US Fast Flux Test FacilityG. Bart, F.B. Botta, C.W. Hoth, G. Ledergerber, R.E. Mason, R.W. Stratton
60-65Isotope effects in thermal neutron transmission and backscattering processes for ε-phase zirconium hydrides and deuteridesB. Tsuchiya, R. Yasuda, M. Teshigawara, K. Konashi, S. Nagata, T. Shikama, M. Yamawaki
66-77Comparison of interatomic potentials for UO2: Part II: Molecular dynamics simulationsK. Govers, S. Lemehov, M. Hou, M. Verwerft
78-82Thermal conductivity of neptunium dioxideTsuyoshi Nishi, Akinori Itoh, Masahide Takano, Masami Numata, Mitsuo Akabori, Yasuo Arai, Kazuo Minato
83-87Thermal properties of polycrystalline NdN bulk samples with various porositiesJun Adachi, Masahito Katayama, Ken Kurosaki, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
88-97Fuel performance evaluation of rock-like oxide fuelsN. Nitani, K. Kuramoto, Y. Nakano, T. Yamashita, Y. Kimura, Y. Nihei, T. Ogawa
98-107Effects of the microstructure and alloying elements on the iodine-induced stress-corrosion cracking behavior of nuclear fuel claddingsSang Yoon Park, Jun Hwan Kim, Myoung Ho Lee, Yong Hwan Jeong
108-113Transformation of Al2O3 to LiAlO2 in Pb–17Li at 800 °CB.A. Pint, K.L. More
114-118Lattice thermal expansions of NpN, PuN and AmNMasahide Takano, Mitsuo Akabori, Yasuo Arai, Kazuo Minato
119-124Interpretation of (Pu,U) matrix effect on atomization of analytes during GF-AAS analysisNeelam Goyal, Renu Agarwal, Paru J. Purohit, S.V. Godbole
125-127Observation of unique blister-like surface features on amorphous metallic alloys following bombardment with deuterium ionsA.F. Bardamid, V.S. Voitsenya, O.S. Lytvyn, P.M. Lytvyn, V.G. Konovalov, A.N. Shapoval, S.I. Solodovchenko, K.I. Yakimov

Volume 376, Issue 2, Pages 129-254 (31 May 2008)

129-132Preparation and characterisation of Tl2Pu(MoO4)3 and Tl4Pu(MoO4)4 in Tl–Pu–Mo–O system by X-ray and thermal methodsN.D. Dahale, Meera Keskar, S.K. Sali, V. Venugopal
133-138Effects of edge dislocations on interstitial helium and helium cluster behavior in α-FeY.X. Wang, Q. Xu, T. Yoshiie, Z.Y. Pan
139-145Equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of heat conduction in uranium oxide and mixed uranium–plutonium oxideTatsumi Arima, Sho Yamasaki, Kazuya Idemitsu, Yaohiro Inagaki
146-151Fabrication of uniform ZrC coating layer for the coated fuel particle of the very high temperature reactorShohei Ueta, Jun Aihara, Atsushi Yasuda, Hideharu Ishibashi, Tomoo Takayama, Kazuhiro Sawa
152-159Investigations of adsorption states of protium and deuterium in redeposited carbon flakes formed in tokamak T-10N.Yu. Svechnikov, V.G. Stankevich, L.P. Sukhanov, K.A. Menshikov, A.M. Lebedev, B.N. Kolbasov, Y.V. Zubavichus, D. Rajarathnam
160-168Redeposition of amorphous hydrogenated carbon films during thermal decompositionE. Salançon, T. Dürbeck, T. Schwarz-Selinger, F. Genoese, W. Jacob
169-173Analyzing the effect of displacement rate on radiation-induced segregation in 304 and 316 stainless steels by examining irradiated EBR-II components and samples irradiated with protonsT.R. Allen, J.I. Cole, E.A. Kenik, G.S. Was
174-180An advanced model for intragranular bubble diffusivity in irradiated UO2 fuelM.S. Veshchunov, V.E. Shestak
181-191Spent fuel canister for geological repository: Inner material requirements and candidates evaluationFrancesc Puig, Javier Dies, Joan de Pablo, Aurora Martínez-Esparza
192-200Radiation effects on polymers for coatings on copper canisters used for the containment of radioactive materialsAba Mortley, H.W. Bonin, V.T. Bui
201-206Characterization of monazite glass–ceramics as wasteform for simulated α-HLLWYong He, Yanjie Lü, Qian Zhang
207-210He–ICR cleanings on full metallic walls in EAST full superconducting tokamakJ.S. Hu, J.G. Li, Y.P. Zhao and EAST Team
211-215Thermal expansion coefficient of steels used in LWR vesselsJ.E. Daw, J.L. Rempe, D.L. Knudson, J.C. Crepeau
216-221First temperature stage evolution of irradiation-induced defects in tungsten studied by positron annihilation spectroscopyA. Debelle, M.F. Barthe, T. Sauvage
222-228Positron annihilation characteristics of ODS and non-ODS EUROFER isochronally annealedY. Ortega, V. de Castro, M.A. Monge, A. Muñoz, T. Leguey, R. Pareja
229-239A comparison of Stefan and Phase Field modeling techniques for the simulation of melting nuclear fuelM.J. Welland, B.J. Lewis, W.T. Thompson
240-246Deformation and fracture properties in neutron irradiated pure Mo and Mo alloysT.S. Byun, M. Li, B.V. Cockeram, L.L. Snead
247-250Ion irradiation damage effects in δ-phase Y6W1O12M. Tang, J.A. Valdez, K.E. Sickafus
251-253Comments on americium volatilization during fuel fabrication for fast reactorsAdrian S. Sabau, Evan K. Ohriner

Volume 376, Issue 3, Pages 255-426 (15 June 2008)

Heavy Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors and Related Technologies, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Materials for Heavy Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors and Related Technologies Rome, Italy 21-23 May 2007 Edited by Gianluca Benamati, Hamid Ait Abderrahim and Concetta Fazio
iiiConference Title Page
ivManuscript received date
viiPrefaceGianluca Benamati
255-259SSTAR: The US lead-cooled fast reactor (LFR)Craig F. Smith, William G. Halsey, Neil W. Brown, James J. Sienicki, Anton Moisseytsev, David C. Wade
260-264Corrosion behavior of steels in flowing lead–bismuth under abnormal conditionsA. Doubková, F. Di Gabriele, P. Brabec, E. Keilová
265-268Spectroscopic and microscopic investigation of the corrosion of D-9 stainless steel by lead–bismuth eutectic (LBE) at elevated temperatures. Initiation of thick oxide formationAllen L. Johnson, Dan Koury, Jenny Welch, Thao Ho, Stacy Sidle, Chris Harland, Brian Hosterman, Umar Younas, Longzhou Ma, John W. Farley
269-273Corrosion experiments of steels in flowing Pb at 500 °C and in flowing LBE at 450 °CAlessandro Gessi, Gianluca Benamati
274-281T91 cladding tubes with and without modified FeCrAlY coatings exposed in LBE at different flow, stress and temperature conditionsA. Weisenburger, A. Heinzel, G. Müller, H. Muscher, A. Rousanov
282-288High temperature oxidation of Fe–9Cr–1Mo steel in stagnant liquid lead–bismuth at several temperatures and for different lead contents in the liquid alloyL. Martinelli, T. Dufrenoy, K. Jaakou, A. Rusanov, F. Balbaud-Célérier
289-292AFM and MFM characterization of oxide layers grown on stainless steels in lead bismuth eutecticP. Hosemann, M. Hawley, G. Mori, N. Li, S.A. Maloy
293-296A modular approach to lead-cooled reactors modellingV. Casamassima, A. Guagliardi
297-301A model predictive control approach for the Italian LBE–XADSAntonio Cammi, Francesco Casella, Lelio Luzzi, Alessandro Milano, Marco E. Ricotti
302-306WEBEXPIR: Windowless target electron beam experimental irradiationMarc Dierckx, Paul Schuurmans, Jan Heyse, Kris Rosseel, Katrien Van Tichelen, Benoit Nactergal, Dirk Vandeplassche, Thierry Aoust, Michel Abs, Arnaud Guertin, Jean-Michel Buhour, Arnaud Cadiou, Hamid Aït Abderrahim
307-311Investigation of the sensitivity to EAC of steel T91 in contact with liquid LBEF. Di Gabriele, A. Doubková, A. Hojná
312-316Liquid metal embrittlement of an austenitic 316L type and a ferritic–martensitic T91 type steel by mercuryL. Medina-Almazán, T. Auger, D. Gorse
317-321Susceptibility to LME of 316L and T91 steels by LBE: Effect of strain rateZehoua Hamouche-Hadjem, Thierry Auger, Ivan Guillot, Dominique Gorse
322-329Liquid metal embrittlement susceptibility of ferritic–martensitic steel in liquid lead alloysJ. Van den Bosch, R.W. Bosch, D. Sapundjiev, A. Almazouzi
330-335Heat treatment effect of T91 martensitic steel on liquid metal embrittlementI. Serre, J.-B. Vogt
336-340Role of oxidation on LME of T91 steel studied by small punch testT. Auger, I. Serre, G. Lorang, Z. Hamouche, D. Gorse, J.-B. Vogt
341-345Investigation of LBE embrittlement effects on the fracture properties of T91B. Long, Y. Dai
346-352The web-enabled database of JRC-EC, a useful tool for managing European Gen IV materials dataH.H. Over, W. Dietz
353-357Lead–lithium eutectic material database for nuclear fusion technologyE. Mas de les Valls, L.A. Sedano, L. Batet, I. Ricapito, A. Aiello, O. Gastaldi, F. Gabriel
358-362Thermodynamic properties and equation of state of liquid lead and lead–bismuth eutecticV.P. Sobolev, P. Schuurmans, G. Benamati
363-365Measurement of electrical conductivity of Pb–Bi alloys in the melting–solidification regionYu. Plevachuk, V. Sklyarchuk, S. Eckert, G. Gerbeth
366-370Studies on phase diagram of Pb–Cr–O systemSulata Kumari Sahu, Rajesh Ganesan, T. Gnanasekaran
371-374Structure and electrophysical properties of liquid Pb83Mg17 and Pb83Li17 eutecticsS. Mudry, I. Shtablavyi, V. Sklyarchuk, Yu. Plevachuk
375-380Effect of the presence of In and Sn in the oxygen chemistry in molten 44.5% lead–55.5% bismuth alloyS. Colominas, A. Verdaguer, J. Abellà
381-385Dissolved oxygen control and monitoring implementation in the liquid lead–bismuth eutectic loop: HELIOSHyo On Nam, Jun Lim, Dong Yoon Han, Il Soon Hwang
386-391ENEA experience in oxygen measurementsC. Foletti, A. Gessi, G. Benamati
392-395The design, setup and operational testing of the irradiation and corrosion experiment (ICE)P. Hosemann, R.R. Greco, I. Usov, Y. Wang, S.A. Maloy, N. Li
396-400Mechanical properties of Eurofer 97 in Pb–16Li and irradiation effectA. Aiello, G. Benamati, R. Melder, A. Povstyanko
401-404European research on HLM thermal-hydraulics for ADS applicationsF. Roelofs, B. de Jager, A. Class, H. Jeanmart, P. Schuurmans, A. Ciampichetti, G. Gerbeth, R. Stieglitz, C. Fazio
405-408T/H and transient analyses to confirm EFIT preliminary designP. Meloni, G. Bandini, M. Polidori
409-414Natural circulation in a liquid metal one-dimensional loopM. Tarantino, S. De Grandis, G. Benamati, F. Oriolo
415-417Effective heat conductivity of fuel element bundles and steam generator tube bundlesV. Fedotovsky, A. Orlov
418-423LBE–water interaction in sub-critical reactors: First experimental and modelling resultsA. Ciampichetti, P. Agostini, G. Benamati, G. Bandini, D. Pellini, N. Forgione, F. Oriolo, W. Ambrosini
424-426Safety assessment of the lithium target of the international fusion materials irradiation facilityLuciano Burgazzi

Volume 377, Issue 1, Pages 1-306 (30 June 2008)

Spallation Materials Technology, Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology Taos, NM, USA 16-20 October 2006 Edited by S.A. Maloy, L.K. Mansur, Y. Dai, M. Kawai and K. Kikuchi
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript received date
ix-xPrefaceS.A. Maloy
1-11Overview of the SNS target system testing and initial beam operation experienceT. McManamy, A. Crabtree, D. Lousteau, J. DeVore, L. Jacobs, M. Rennich
12-16MEGAPIE at SINQ – The first liquid metal target driven by a megawatt class proton beamWerner Wagner, Friedrich Gröschel, Knud Thomsen, Hajo Heyck
17-20The materials test station: A fast-spectrum irradiation facilityEric J. Pitcher
21-27Present status of study on development of materials resistant to radiation and beam impactM. Kawai, H. Kokawa, M. Michiuchi, H. Kurisihita, T. Goto, M. Futakawa, T. Yoshiie, A. Hasegawa, S. Watanabe, T. Yamamura, N. Hara, A. Kawasaki, K. Kikuchi
28-33The present status of R&D for the muon target at J-PARC: The development of silver-brazing method for graphiteShunsuke Makimura, Hidetsugu Ozaki, Hisanori Okamura, Masatoshi Futakawa, Takashi Naoe, Yasuhiro Miyake, Naritoshi Kawamura, Kusuo Nishiyama, Masayoshi Kawai
34-40Development of ultra-fine grained W–(0.25–0.8)wt%TiC and its superior resistance to neutron and 3 MeV He-ion irradiationsH. Kurishita, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, T. Ogawa, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe, H. Arakawa, S. Matsuo, T. Takida, K. Takebe, M. Kawai, N. Yoshida
41-51Irradiation damage studies of high power accelerator materialsN. Simos, H.G. Kirk, P. Thieberger, H. Ludewig, J.O. Conor, L. Mausner, P.-T. Trung, K.T. McDonald, K. Yoshimura, J.R.J. Bennett
52-58Low cycle fatigue of Eurofer 97Pierre Marmy, Tomas Kruml
59-64Thermal stability of nano-structured ferritic alloyP. Miao, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, M. Alinger, D. Klingensmith
65-71The small ball punch test at FZJD. Finarelli, F. Carsughi, P. Jung
72-79Dose dependence of mechanical properties in tantalum and tantalum alloys after low temperature irradiationThak Sang Byun, Stuart A. Maloy
80-93Tensile behaviour of 9Cr–1Mo tempered martensitic steels irradiated up to 20 dpa in a spallation environmentJ. Henry, X. Averty, Y. Dai, J.P. Pizzanelli
94-96Status of materials handbooks for particle accelerator and nuclear reactor applicationsStuart Maloy, Berylene Rogers, Weiju Ren, Philip Rittenhouse
97-100Rudimentary investigation of the HIP process for tungsten targetYongli Xu, Jinquan Zhang, Huaqing Li
101-108Behavior of ferritic/martensitic steels after n-irradiation at 200 and 300 °CM. Matijasevic, E. Lucon, A. Almazouzi
109-114Tensile properties of EC316LN irradiated in SINQ to 20 dpaY. Dai, G.W. Egeland, B. Long
115-121Tensile properties of ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in STIP-IY. Dai, B. Long, Z.F. Tong
122-131Metallography studies and hardness measurements on ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in STIPH. Zhang, B. Long, Y. Dai
132-135Reaction kinetics analysis of damage evolution in accelerator driven system beam windowsT. Yoshiie, Q. Xu, K. Sato, K. Kikuchi, M. Kawai
136-140Modeling and simulation of irradiation hardening in structural ferritic steels for advanced nuclear reactorsChaitanya Deo, Carlos Tomé, Ricardo Lebensohn, Stuart Maloy
141-146Interaction of left angle bracket1 0 0right-pointing angle bracket and ½left angle bracket1 1 1right-pointing angle bracket dislocation loops with point defects in ferritic alloysD. Terentyev, L. Malerba
147-154Effect of Cr on the mechanical properties and microstructure of Fe–Cr model alloys after n-irradiationM. Matijasevic, A. Almazouzi
155-161Development of a gas layer to mitigate cavitation damage in liquid mercury spallation targetsDavid Felde, Bernard Riemer, Mark Wendel
162-173Cavitation damage experiments for mercury spallation targets at the LANSCE – WNR in 2005B. Riemer, J. Haines, M. Wendel, G. Bauer, M. Futakawa, S. Hasegawa, H. Kogawa
174-181Cavitation-erosion resistance of 316LN stainless steel in mercury containing metallic solutesS.J. Pawel, L.K. Mansur
182-188Cavitation damage prediction for spallation target vessels by assessment of acoustic vibrationMasatoshi Futakawa, Hiroyuki Kogawa, Shoichi Hasegawa, Yujiro Ikeda, Bernie Riemer, Mark Wendel, John Haines, Günter Bauer, Takashi Naoe, Kohei Okita, Akiko Fujiwara, Yoichiro Matsumoto, Nobuatsu Tanaka
189-194Effect of wettability on bubble formation at gas nozzle under stagnant conditionHiroyuki Kogawa, Takahisa Shobu, Masatoshi Futakawa, Ahmed Bucheeri, Katsuhiro Haga, Takashi Naoe
195-200Numerical study on pressure wave propagation in a mercury loopH. Kogawa, S. Hasegawa, M. Futakawa, B. Riemer, M. Wendel, J. Haines
201-205Nano-indentation measurement of oxide layers formed in LBE on F/M steelsP. Hosemann, J.G. Swadener, J. Welch, N. Li
206-212Twin Astir: An irradiation experiment in liquid Pb–Bi eutectic environmentJ. Van den Bosch, A. Al Mazouzi, Ph. Benoit, R.W. Bosch, W. Claes, B. Smolders, P. Schuurmans, H. Aït Abderrahim
213-218SIMS investigation of the spallation and transmutation products production in leadD. Gavillet, M. Martin, Y. Dai
219-224Liquid Pb–Bi embrittlement effects on the T91 steel after different heat treatmentsB. Long, Z. Tong, F. Gröschel, Y. Dai
225-231Stressed capsules of austenitic and martensitic steels irradiated in SINQ Target-4 in contact with liquid lead–bismuth eutecticY. Dai, D. Gavillet, R. Restani
232-242Corrosion rate of parent and weld materials of F82H and JPCA steels under LBE flow with active oxygen control at 450 and 500 °CKenji Kikuchi, Kinya Kamata, Mikinori Ono, Teruaki Kitano, Kenichi Hayashi, Hiroyuki Oigawa
243-252The electrical impedance response of steel surface oxide layers in molten lead–bismuth eutecticJames F. Stubbins, Alan Michael Bolind, Xiang Chen
253-260Liquid metal embrittlement of T91 and 316L steels by heavy liquid metals: A fracture mechanics assessmentT. Auger, Z. Hamouche, L. Medina-Almazàn, D. Gorse
261-267Low cycle fatigue tests of surface modified T91 steel in 10−6 wt% oxygen containing Pb45Bi55 at 550 °CA. Weisenburger, A. Heinzel, C. Fazio, G. Müller, V.G. Markow, A.D. Kastanov
268-274Moderator poison design and burn-up calculations at the SNSW. Lu, P.D. Ferguson, E.B. Iverson, F.X. Gallmeier, I. Popova
275-284Radiation flux and damage at accelerator-driven spallation neutron sourcesM.S. Wechsler, W. Lu
285-289Thermal shock measurements and modelling for solid high-power targets at high temperaturesJ.R.J. Bennett, G.P. Skoro, C. Booth, S.J. Brooks, R.A. Brownsword, T.R. Edgecock, C.J. Densham, S.A. Gray, A.J. McFarland, N. Simos, D. Wilkins
290-297An innovative target for the RACE HP experimentP. Agostini, M. Ciotti, C. Krakowiak, C. Petrovich, G. Benamati, A. Bergeron, N. Elmi, G. Granget, L. Sansone, M. Schikorr
298-306Irradiation damage to the beam window in the 800MWth accelerator-driven systemKenji Nishihara, Kenji Kikuchi

Volume 377, Issue 2, Pages 307-408 (1 July 2008)

307-312Glass matrices for immobilizing nuclear waste containing molybdenum and phosphorusO. Pinet, J.L. Dussossoy, C. David, C. Fillet
313-324Fission product release and microstructure changes during laboratory annealing of a very high burn-up fuel specimenJ.-P. Hiernaut, T. Wiss, J.-Y. Colle, H. Thiele, C.T. Walker, W. Goll, R.J.M. Konings
325-330Sensitivity of the magnetization curves of different austenitic stainless tube and pipe steels to mechanical fatigueM. Niffenegger, H.J. Leber
331-339Experimental measurements and numerical simulations to evaluate the electrode kinetics for 316 stainless steel under PWR-relevant conditionsMarc Vankeerberghen, Serguei Gavrilov
340-347Determination of the EConcha Caravaca, Annabelle Laplace, Jackie Vermeulen, Jérôme Lacquement
348-351Effects of transmutation elements on the defect structure development of W irradiated by protons and neutronsJ.C. He, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe
352-358An indentation system for determination of viscoplastic stress–strain behavior of small metal volumes before and after irradiationN. Huber, E. Tyulyukovskiy, H.-C. Schneider, R. Rolli, M. Weick
359-369Oxidation kinetics and oxygen diffusion in low-tin Zircaloy-4 up to 1523 KX. Ma, C. Toffolon-Masclet, T. Guilbert, D. Hamon, J.C. Brachet
370-377The modified relaxation time function: A novel analysis technique for relaxation processes. Application to high-temperature molybdenum internal friction peaksC.L. Matteo, O.A. Lambri, G.I. Zelada-Lambri, P.A. Sorichetti, J.A. García
378-384Effect of flowing sodium on corrosion and tensile properties of AISI type 316LN stainless steel at 823 KN. Sivai Bharasi, K. Thyagarajan, H. Shaikh, A.K. Balamurugan, Santanu Bera, S. Kalavathy, K. Gurumurthy, A.K. Tyagi, R.K. Dayal, K.K. Rajan, H.S. Khatak
385-395Computer simulation of primary damage creation in displacement cascades in copper. I. Defect creation and cluster statisticsR.E. Voskoboinikov, Yu.N. Osetsky, D.J. Bacon
396-400Compactibility and sintering behavior of nanocrystalline (Th1−xÖ. Yildiz, G. Modolo, R. Telle
401-405Phase study in the Na–Sr–U–O system: Characterization of new phaseMeera Keskar, S. Kannan, R. Agarwal
406-408Calculation of grain boundary gaseous swelling in UO2A.R. Massih, K. Forsberg

Volume 377, Issue 3, Pages 409-528 (15 July 2008)

iiiProfessor Robert W. CahnLouis K. Mansur
409-414Low-temperature thermally-activated deformation and irradiation softening in neutron-irradiated molybdenumMeimei Li, T.S. Byun, L.L. Snead, S.J. Zinkle
415-422Modelling precipitation in zirconium niobium alloysJ.D. Robson
423-426Estimation of deuterium recovery from H–D gas mixture by thermal diffusionHo-Ming Yeh
427-437Embrittlement of irradiated ferritic/martensitic steels in the absence of irradiation hardeningR.L. Klueh, K. Shiba, M.A. Sokolov
438-443Atomistic modeling of the vibrational and thermodynamic properties of uranium dioxide, UO2Prabhatasree Goel, N. Choudhury, S.L. Chaplot
444-448Behavior of metallic precipitate in an irradiated simulated fuelY.H. Jung, K.H. Kang, I.H. Jung, J.M. Park, G.S. Kim, Y.S. Choo, K.C. Song, K.P. Hong
449-457Actinide burner fuel: Potential compositions based on the thermodynamic evaluation of MF–PuF3 (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) and LaF3–PuF3 systemsO. Beneš, R.J.M. Konings
458-466Phase separation of metal-added corium and its effect on a steam explosionB.T. Min, J.H. Kim, S.W. Hong, S.H. Hong, I.K. Park, J.H. Song, H.D. Kim
467-469Heat capacities of NpN and AmNTsuyoshi Nishi, Akinori Itoh, Masahide Takano, Masami Numata, Mitsuo Akabori, Yasuo Arai, Kazuo Minato
470-475Pyrochlore-structured titanate ceramics for immobilisation of actinides: Hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) and stainless steel/waste form interactionsYingjie Zhang, Huijun Li, Sam Moricca
476-485Further insight into mechanisms of solid-state interactions in UMo/Al systemF. Mazaudier, C. Proye, F. Hodaj
486-491Structural investigation of re-deposited layers in JETJ. Likonen, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, L. Khriachtchev, J.P. Coad, M. Rubel, T. Renvall, K. Arstila, D.E. Hole and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Work-programme
492-495First principles modelling of oxygen impurities in UN nuclear fuelsE.A. Kotomin, Yu.A. Mastrikov
496-500Characterization of creep–fatigue in ferritic 9Cr–1Mo–V–Nb steel using ultrasonic velocityChung Seok Kim, S.I. Kwun, Ik Keun Park
501-505The concentration dependences of molar volume, thermal expansion coefficient, and interdiffusion coefficient for liquid lead–magnesium systemR.A. Khairulin, S.V. Stankus
506-521Safe radioisotope thermoelectric generators and heat sources for space applicationsR.C. O’Brien, R.M. Ambrosi, N.P. Bannister, S.D. Howe, H.V. Atkinson
522-527Grain boundary influence on displacement cascades in UO2: A molecular dynamics studyL. Van Brutzel, E. Vincent-Aublant

Volume 378, Issue 1, Pages 1-126 (15 August 2008)

iiEditorial board
vDr. Heiko KleykampLouis K. Mansur, Shiori Ishino, Clement Lemaignan, Lars Werme
1-8Evidence of two gas release kinetics during the oxidation of an irradiated PWR UO2 fuelP. Menegon, L. Desgranges, Y. Pontillon, A. Poulesquen
9-16Pitting corrosion in CVD SiC at 300 °C in deoxygenated high-purity waterCharles H. Henager Jr., Alan L. Schemer-Kohrn, Stan G. Pitman, David J. Senor, Kenneth J. Geelhood, Chad L. Painter
17-24Influence of silicon on swelling and microstructure in Russian austenitic stainless steel EI-847 irradiated to high neutron dosesS.I. Porollo, S.V. Shulepin, Yu.V. Konobeev, F.A. Garner
25-29Mössbauer study and structural characterization of UO2–Gd2O3 sintered compoundsL. Pagano Jr., G.P. Valença, S.L. Silva, A.E.L. Cláudio, F.F. Ivashita, R. Barco, S.N. de Medeiros, A. Paesano Jr.
30-34Delayed hydride cracking of spent fuel rods in dry storageYoung Suk Kim
35-39Thermal conductivity mapping of pyrolytic carbon and silicon carbide coatings on simulated fuel particles by time-domain thermoreflectanceE. López-Honorato, C. Chiritescu, P. Xiao, David G. Cahill, G. Marsh, T.J. Abram
40-44Atomic diffusion mechanism of Xe in UO2Younsuk Yun, Hanchul Kim, Heemoon Kim, Kwangheon Park
45-54Kinetic parameters of the oxidation of zirconium alloys in simulated WWER water – Effect of KOH contentMartin Bojinov, Wei Cai, Petri Kinnunen, Timo Saario
55-59On the effects of fission product noble metal inclusions on the kinetics of radiation induced dissolution of spent nuclear fuelMartin Trummer, Sara Nilsson, Mats Jonsson
60-69A model to describe the anisotropic viscoplastic mechanical behavior of fresh and irradiated Zircaloy-4 fuel claddings under RIA loading conditionsM. Le Saux, J. Besson, S. Carassou, C. Poussard, X. Averty
70-78Diffusion of radiogenic helium in natural uranium oxidesDanièle Roudil, Jessica Bonhoure, Raphaël Pik, Michel Cuney, Christophe Jégou, F. Gauthier-Lafaye
79-85On the formation of U–Al alloys in the molten LiCl–KCl eutecticL. Cassayre, C. Caravaca, R. Jardin, R. Malmbeck, P. Masset, E. Mendes, J. Serp, P. Soucek, J.-P. Glatz
86-97Void nucleation, growth, and coalescence in irradiated metalsMichael P. Surh, Jess B. Sturgeon, Wilhelm G. Wolfer
98-104Applicability of CeO2 as a surrogate for PuO2 in a MOX fuel developmentHan Soo Kim, Chang Yong Joung, Byung Ho Lee, Jae Yong Oh, Yang Hyun Koo, Peter Heimgartner
105-109Observations of liquid lithium uptake in a porous molybdenum foamM.A. Jaworski, C.Y. Lau, David L. Urbansky, M.B. Malfa, T.K. Gray, M.J. Neumann, D.N. Ruzic
110-119An elastoplastic phase-field model for the evolution of hydride precipitation in zirconium. Part I: Smooth specimenX.H. Guo, S.Q. Shi, Q.M. Zhang, X.Q. Ma
120-125An elastoplastic phase-field model for the evolution of hydride precipitation in zirconium. Part II: Specimen with flawsX.H. Guo, S.Q. Shi, Q.M. Zhang, X.Q. Ma

Volume 378, Issue 2, Pages 127-228 (31 August 2008)

127-133Zircaloy-4 cladding corrosion model covering a wide range of PWR experiencesByung-Ho Lee, Yang-Hyun Koo, Jae-Yong Oh, Dong-Seong Sohn
134-138Microstructure characterization of oxidation of aluminized coating prepared by a combined processH.B. Liu, J. Tao, J. Xu, Z.F. Chen, X.J. Sun, Z. Xu
139-143Determination of boron in uranium–aluminum–silicon alloy by spectrophotometry and estimation of expanded uncertainty in measurementP.S. Ramanjaneyulu, Y.S. Sayi, K.L. Ramakumar
144-152Oxidation and creep failure of alloy 617 foils at high temperatureS.K. Sharma, G.D. Ko, F.X. Li, K.J. Kang
153-158M2N nitride phases of 9% chromium steels for nuclear applicationsY.Z. Shen, S.H. Kim, H.D. Cho, C.H. Han, W.S. Ryu, C.B. Lee
159-166Reduced-activation steels: Future development for improved creep strengthR.L. Klueh
167-171The high-temperature behaviour of PuPO4 monazite and some other related compoundsRegis Jardin, Claudiu C. Pavel, Philippe E. Raison, Daniel Bouëxière, Hernan Santa-Cruz, Rudy J.M. Konings, Karin Popa
172-179Aqueous leachability of metakaolin-based geopolymers with molar ratios of Si/Al = 1.5–4Z. Aly, E.R. Vance, D.S. Perera, J.V. Hanna, C.S. Griffith, J. Davis, D. Durce
180-187Lanthanum carbide-based porous materials from carburization of lanthanum oxide and lanthanum oxalate mixturesL. Biasetto, P. Zanonato, S. Carturan, P. Di Bernardo, P. Colombo, A. Andrighetto, G. Prete
188-192Frenkel pair accumulation induced crystallization of amorphous MgAl2O4Alain Chartier, Tomokazu Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Constantin Meis, Syo Matsumura
193-196Oxygen potential of hypo-stoichiometric Lu-doped UO2Masahiko Osaka, Kosuke Tanaka
197-210Environmentally-assisted cracking behaviour in the transition region of an Alloy182/SA 508 Cl.2 dissimilar metal weld joint in simulated boiling water reactor normal water chemistry environmentH.P. Seifert, S. Ritter, T. Shoji, Q.J. Peng, Y. Takeda, Z.P. Lu
211-219Fracture behavior of austenitic stainless steels irradiated in PWRK. Fukuya, H. Nishioka, K. Fujii, M. Kamaya, T. Miura, T. Torimaru
220-228Oxidation of aluminum alloy cladding for research and test reactor fuelYeon Soo Kim, G.L. Hofman, A.B. Robinson, J.L. Snelgrove, N. Hanan

Volume 378, Issue 3, Pages 229-358 (1 September 2008)

229-237Hydrothermal deposition of zirconia coatings on pre-oxidized BWR structural materialsZ.F. Zhou, E. Chalkova, S.N. Lvov, P.H. Chou
238-243Processing of uranium oxide and silicon carbide based fuel using polymer infiltration and pyrolysisAbhishek K. Singh, Suraj C. Zunjarrao, Raman P. Singh
244-256Performance of a buried radioactive high level waste (HLW) glass after 24 yearsCarol M. Jantzen, Daniel I. Kaplan, Ned E. Bibler, David K. Peeler, M. John Plodinec
257-272Thermodynamic modelling of the plutonium–oxygen systemChristine Guéneau, Christian Chatillon, Bo Sundman
273-281Microstructural stability of modified 9Cr–1Mo steel during long term exposures at elevated temperaturesV. Thomas Paul, S. Saroja, M. Vijayalakshmi
282-290Influence of different chemical elements on irradiation-induced hardening embrittlement of RPV steelsM. Lambrecht, L. Malerba, A. Almazouzi
291-298Kinetics of thermal synthesis of cerium sulfidesKevin B. Gibbard, Kerry N. Allahar, David Kolman, Darryl P. Butt
299-304Dissolution of uranium metal without hydride formation or hydrogen gas generationChuck Soderquist, Bruce McNamara, Brian Oliver
305-311Ductile–brittle transition of polycrystalline iron and iron–chromium alloysMasaki Tanaka, Angus J. Wilkinson, Steve G. Roberts
312-326Strain-induced corrosion cracking behaviour of low-alloy steels under boiling water reactor conditionsH.P. Seifert, S. Ritter
327-332Very high swelling and embrittlement observed in a Fe–18Cr–10Ni–Ti hexagonal fuel wrapper irradiated in the BOR-60 fast reactorV.S. Neustroev, F.A. Garner
333-340Investigation of passive films on nickel Alloy 690 in lead-containing environmentsB. Peng, B.T. Lu, J.L. Luo, Y.C. Lu, H.Y. Ma
341-348Microstructure and mechanical properties of proton irradiated zirconium carbideYong Yang, Clayton A. Dickerson, Hannah Swoboda, Brandon Miller, Todd R. Allen
349-357Thermodynamic study of actinides and lanthanides during total vaporisation of a very high burn-up UO2 fuelJ.-P. Hiernaut, P. Gotcu, J.-Y. Colle, R.J.M. Konings

Volume 379, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-180 (30 September 2008)

xxxx, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Long-Term Prediction of Corrosion Damage in Nuclear Waste Systems University Park, PA, USA 14-18 May 2007 Edited by Damien Féron and Digby D. Macdonald
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript received date
ixPrefaceDigby D. Macdonald, Damien Féron
1-8Overview of European concepts for high-level waste and spent fuel disposal with special reference waste container corrosionD.G. Bennett, R. Gens
9-15The effect of the evolution of environmental conditions on the corrosion evolutionary path in a repository for spent fuel and high-level waste in Opalinus ClayL. Johnson, F. King
16-23Corrosion issues in nuclear waste disposalDamien Féron, Didier Crusset, Jean-Marie Gras
24-32On the tenuous nature of passivity and its role in the isolation of HLNWDigby D. Macdonald
33-41Understanding long-term corrosion of Alloy 22 container in the potential Yucca Mountain repository for high-level nuclear waste disposalT. Ahn, H. Jung, X. He, O. Pensado
42-47Stress corrosion cracking of stainless-steel canister for concrete cask storage of spent fuelJun-ichi Tani, Masami Mayuzumi, Nobuyoshi Hara
48-53A mathematical model for crevice corrosion under porous depositsG.R. Engelhard, L.G. McMillion, D.D. Macdonald
54-58The passivity of Type 316L stainless steel in borate buffer solutionIgor Nicic, Digby D. Macdonald
59-67Yucca Mountain engineered barrier system corrosion model (EBSCOM)F. King, M. Kolar, J.H. Kessler, M. Apted
68-79Kohonen mapping of the crack growth under fatigue loading conditions of stainless steels in BWR environments and of nickel alloys in PWR environmentsMirna Urquidi-Macdonald
80-90Corrosion of iron and low alloyed steel within a water saturated brick of clay under anaerobic deep geological disposal conditions: An integrated experimentF.A. Martin, C. Bataillon, M.L. Schlegel
91-96Methodology to make a robust estimation of the carbon steel overpack lifetime with respect to the Belgian Supercontainer designB. Kursten, F. Druyts
97-104The effect of radiation on the anaerobic corrosion of steelN.R. Smart, A.P. Rance, L.O. Werme
105-111Study of archaeological artefacts to refine the model of iron long-term indoor atmospheric corrosionJ. Monnier, L. Legrand, L. Bellot-Gurlet, E. Foy, S. Reguer, E. Rocca, P. Dillmann, D. Neff, F. Mirambet, S. Perrin, I. Guillot
112-117Long term stability of iron for more than 1500 years indicated by archaeological samples from the Yamato 6th tumulusHideki Yoshikawa, Eiichi Gunji, Masashi Tokuda
118-123Long-term corrosion behaviour of low-carbon steel in anoxic environment: Characterisation of archaeological artefactsM. Saheb, D. Neff, Ph. Dillmann, H. Matthiesen, E. Foy
124-132Corrosion behaviour of reinforced concrete: Laboratory experiments and archaeological analogues for long-term predictive modellingV. L’Hostis, F. Foct, P. Dillmann
133-141Reactive-transport model for the prediction of the uniform corrosion behaviour of copper used fuel containersF. King, M. Kolar, P. Maak
142-153The Swedish nuclear waste program and the long-term corrosion behaviour of copperB. Rosborg, L. Werme
154-161Influence of sulfide concentration on the corrosion behavior of pure copper in synthetic seawaterNaoki Taniguchi, Manabu Kawasaki
162-168Electrochemical impedance spectroscopic study of passive zirconiumJiahe Ai, Yingzi Chen, Mirna Urquidi-Macdonald, Digby D. Macdonald
169-173Failure model and Monte Carlo simulations for titanium (grade-7) drip shields under Yucca Mountain repository conditionsZ. Qin, D.W. Shoesmith
174-180The long-term behaviors of passivation and hydride layer of commercial grade pure titanium in TRU waste disposal environmentsGen Nakayama, Yohei Sakakibara, Yoshihiro Taniyama, Hideo Cho, Takashi Jintoku, Susumu Kawakami, Mikio Takemoto

Volume 380, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-144 (15 October 2008)

iiEditorial board
1-7Thermal transport properties of MgO and Nd2Zr2O7 pyrochlore by molecular dynamics simulationP. Shukla, T. Watanabe, J.C. Nino, J.S. Tulenko, S.R. Phillpot
8-21SON68 nuclear glass dissolution kinetics: Current state of knowledge and basis of the new GRAAL modelP. Frugier, S. Gin, Y. Minet, T. Chave, B. Bonin, N. Godon, J.-E. Lartigue, P. Jollivet, A. Ayral, L. De Windt, G. Santarini
22-29Clear band formation simulated by dislocation dynamics: Role of helical turns and pile-upsThomas Nogaret, David Rodney, Marc Fivel, Christian Robertson
30-45Zircaloy-4 and M5® high temperature oxidation and nitriding in airC. Duriez, T. Dupont, B. Schmet, F. Enoch
46-58Microstructural modelling of nuclear graphite using multi-phase modelsC. Berre, S.L. Fok, B.J. Marsden, P.M. Mummery, T.J. Marrow, G.B. Neighbour
59-69Chemical durability of hollandite ceramic for conditioning cesiumFrédéric Angeli, Peter McGlinn, Pierre Frugier
70-75Strain evolution of zirconium hydride embedded in a Zircaloy-2 matrixM. Kerr, M.R. Daymond, R.A. Holt, J.D. Almer
76-84Automated optical microscopy of coated particle fuelAndrew K. Kercher, John D. Hunn, Jeffery R. Price, Pete Pappano
85-92Microstructure and thermal conductivity of Mo–TiC cermets processed by hot isostatic pressingMarion Le Flem, Alexandre Allemand, Stéphane Urvoy, Denis Cédat, Colette Rey
93-98Structural modifications in pyrochlores caused by ions in the electronic stopping regimeM.K. Patel, V. Vijayakumar, S. Kailas, D.K. Avasthi, J.C. Pivin, A.K. Tyagi
99-104Thermodynamic modeling of the U–Mn and U–Nb systemsX.J. Liu, Z.S. Li, J. Wang, C.P. Wang
105-110Thermodynamic calculation of phase equilibria of the U–Ga and U–W systemsJ. Wang, X.J. Liu, C.P. Wang
111-119Interaction processes between vacancies and dislocations in molybdenum in the temperature range around 0.3 of the melting temperatureG.I. Zelada-Lambri, O.A. Lambri, P.B. Bozzano, J.A. García, C.A. Celauro
120-125Cadmium leaching from thermal treated and gamma irradiated Mexican aluminosilicatesJ.I. Dávila-Rangel, M. Solache-Ríos
126-143Overview of experimental programs on core melt progression and fission product release behaviourB.J. Lewis, R. Dickson, F.C. Iglesias, G. Ducros, T. Kudo

Volume 381, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-210 (31 October 2008)

Proceedings of the Seventh and Eighth International Graphite Specialists Meetings (INGSM) Edited by Timothy D. Burchell and Peter J. Pappano
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript received date
ixPapers from the International Nuclear Graphite Specialists MeetingsTim Burchell, Pete Pappano
1-8Failure analysis of the effects of porosity in thermally oxidised nuclear graphite using finite element modellingC. Berre, S.L. Fok, P.M. Mummery, J. Ali, B.J. Marsden, T.J. Marrow, G.B. Neighbour
9-14Comparison of the oxidation rate and degree of graphitization of selected IG and NBG nuclear graphite gradesSe-Hwan Chi, Gen-Chan Kim
15-24Practical aspects for characterizing air oxidation of graphiteCristian I. Contescu, Samina Azad, Doug Miller, Michael J. Lance, Frederick S. Baker, Timothy D. Burchell
25-38A novel approach to fabricating fuel compacts for the next generation nuclear plant (NGNP)P.J. Pappano, T.D. Burchell, J.D. Hunn, M.P. Trammell
39-45A revised description of graphite irradiation induced creepMark A. Davies, Mark Bradford
46-54Irradiation induced creep behavior of H-451 graphiteTimothy D. Burchell
55-61Swelling of nuclear graphite and high quality carbon fiber composite under very high irradiation temperatureL.L. Snead, T.D. Burchell, Y. Katoh
62-67Dimensional and material property changes to irradiated Gilsocarbon graphite irradiated between 650 and 750 °CBarry J. Marsden, Graham N. Hall, Onne Wouters, J.A. Vreeling, J. van der Laan
68-75Graphite irradiation testing for HTR technology at the High Flux Reactor in PettenJ.A. Vreeling, O. Wouters, J.G. van der Laan
76-82Accumulation of thermal resistance in neutron irradiated graphite materialsL.L. Snead
83-91Application of an independent parallel reactions model on the annealing kinetics to irradiated graphite wasteMichael Lasithiotakis, Barry Marsden, James Marrow, Andrew Willets
92-97Effects of ion irradiation on the hardness properties of graphites and C/C composites by indentation testsT. Oku, A. Kurumada, Y. Imamura, M. Ishihara
98-105Comparison of 3 MeV C+ ion-irradiation effects between the nuclear graphites made of pitch and petroleum cokesSe-Hwan Chi, Gen-Chan Kim
106-113The origins and use of the equivalent temperature conceptE.D. Eason, G. Hall, G.B. Heys, J.F. Knott, B.J. Marsden, S.D. Preston, T. Swan
114-118Experimental plan and design of two experiments for graphite irradiation at temperatures up to 1500 °C in the target region of the high flux isotope reactorJ.L. McDuffee, T.D. Burchell, D.W. Heatherly, K.R. Thoms
119-123Preliminary design of a graphite irradiation tensile creep experiment in the target region of the high flux isotope reactorJ.L. McDuffee, T.D. Burchell, D.W. Heatherly, K.R. Thoms
124-128Application of a micromechanics model to the overall properties of heterogeneous graphiteC. Berre, P.M. Mummery, B.J. Marsden, T. Mori, P.J. Withers
129-136Constitutive material model for the prediction of stresses in irradiated anisotropic graphite componentsDerek K.L. Tsang, Barry J. Marsden
137-144A structurally-based model of irradiated graphite propertiesMark R. Bradford, Alan G. Steer
145-151Development of a Young’s modulus model for Gilsocarbon graphites irradiated in inert environmentsErnest D. Eason, Graham N. Hall, Barry J. Marsden, Graham B. Heys
152-157Microstructural characterisation of nuclear grade graphiteA.N. Jones, G.N. Hall, M. Joyce, A. Hodgkins, K. Wen, T.J. Marrow, B.J. Marsden
158-164Characterization of heterogeneity and nonlinearity in material properties of nuclear graphite using an inverse methodLianshan Lin, Haiyan Li, Alex S.L. Fok, Mark Joyce, James Marrow
165-170Non-destructive evaluation methods for degradation of IG-110 and IG-430 graphiteTaiju Shibata, Junya Sumita, Tatsuya Tada, Satoshi Hanawa, Kazuhiro Sawa, Tatsuo Iyoku
171-176Microstructural scale strain localisation in nuclear graphiteM.R. Joyce, T.J. Marrow
177-184An innovative technique for evaluating fracture toughness of graphite materialsJy-An John Wang, Ken C. Liu
185-198On estimating the fracture probability of nuclear graphite componentsMakuteswara Srinivasan
199-203Microcracks in nuclear graphite and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG)Keyun Wen, James Marrow, Barry Marsden
204-209Development of non-destructive evaluation methods for degradation of HTGR graphite componentsTaiju Shibata, Junya Sumita, Tatsuya Tada, Kazuhiro Sawa

Volume 381, Issue 3, Pages 211-312 (15 November 2008)

211-215Nanoscale characterization of HT-9 exposed to lead bismuth eutectic at 550 °C for 3000 hP. Hosemann, M.E. Hawley, D. Koury, J. Welch, A.L. Johnson, G. Mori, N. Li, S.A. Maloy
216-222Predicted mechanisms for radiation enhanced helium resolution in uranium dioxideDavid C. Parfitt, Robin W. Grimes
223-230Novel determination of surface temperature of lithium hydride hydrolysis using DRIFT spectroscopyRoy P. Awbery, S.C. Tsang
231-241Probabilistic methodology to estimate environmental conditions for localized corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of Alloy 22 in a high-level radioactive waste repository settingOsvaldo Pensado, Roberto Pabalan
242-248The effect of silicon on the interaction between metallic uranium and aluminum: A 50 year long diffusion experimentA. Leenaers, C. Detavernier, S. Van den Berghe
249-258Fabrication of dense (Th,U)O2 pellets through microspheres impregnation techniqueRajesh V. Pai, J.V. Dehadraya, Shovit Bhattacharya, S.K. Gupta, S.K. Mukerjee
259-266Light ion irradiation-induced phase transformation in the monoclinic polymorph of zirconiaJames A. Valdez, Zhenhuan Chi, Kurt E. Sickafus
267-270Surface modifications and deuterium depth profiles in molybdenum irradiated with low-energy D ionsV.Kh. Alimov, J. Roth, S. Lindig
271-277Rice husk ash (RHA) as cement admixture for immobilization of liquid radioactive waste at different temperaturesA. El-Dakroury, M.S. Gasser
278-283Recognition of uranium oxides in soil particulate matter by means of μ-Raman spectrometryElżbieta A. Stefaniak, Anita Alsecz, István E. Sajó, Anna Worobiec, Zoltán Máthé, Szabina Török, René Van Grieken
284-289Synthesis of rare earth phosphates in molten LiCl–KCl eutectic: Application to preliminary treatment of chlorinated waste streams containing fission productsDamien Hudry, Isabelle Bardez, Aydar Rakhmatullin, Catherine Bessada, Florence Bart, Stéphane Jobic, Philippe Deniard
290-296Ion beam radiation effects in monaziteV. Picot, X. Deschanels, S. Peuget, B. Glorieux, A.M. Seydoux-Guillaume, R. Wirth
297-301In situA. Gentils, M.-O. Ruault, L. Thomé
302-308Characterization of the surface charge of oxide particles of PWR primary water circuits from 5 to 320 °CM. Barale, C. Mansour, F. Carrette, E.M. Pavageau, H. Catalette, G. Lefèvre, M. Fedoroff, G. Cote
309-311Synthesis of uranium nitride by a mechanically induced gas–solid reactionBrian J. Jaques, Brian M. Marx, Abdel Salam Hamdy, Darryl P. Butt

Volume 382, Issue 1, Pages 1-76 (30 November 2008)

iiEditorial board
1-23Irradiation hardening in unalloyed and ODS molybdenum during low dose neutron irradiation at 300 °C and 600 °CB.V. Cockeram, R.W. Smith, K.J. Leonard, T.S. Byun, L.L. Snead
24-30The effect of Cr concentration on radiation damage in Fe–Cr alloysK. Vörtler, C. Björkas, D. Terentyev, L. Malerba, K. Nordlund
31-34Measurement of plasma flows into tile gapsR. Dejarnac, M. Komm, J. Stöckel, R. Panek
35-38Grain boundary diffusion and segregation of Cr in α-ZrC. Corvalán Moya, M.J. Iribarren, N. Di Lalla, F. Dyment
39-45Study of neodymium extraction in molten fluorides by electrochemical co-reduction with aluminiumM. Gibilaro, L. Massot, P. Chamelot, P. Taxil
46-50IR observation on O–D vibration in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 single crystal irradiated by 3 keV imageTianyong Luo, Takuji Oda, Yasuhisa Oya, Satoru Tanaka
51-63Hydrogen uptake of DPB getter pelletsL.N. Dinh, M.A. Schildbach, J.L. Herberg, A.P. Saab, J.C. Weigle, S.C. Chinn, R.S. Maxwell, W. McLean II
64-69Tomographic atom probe characterization of the microstructure of a cold worked 316 austenitic stainless steel after neutron irradiationA. Etienne, B. Radiguet, P. Pareige, J.-P. Massoud, C. Pokor
70-75Influence of δ phase precipitation on the stress corrosion cracking resistance of alloy 718 in PWR primary waterJulien Deleume, Jean-Marc Cloué, Eric Andrieu

Volume 382, Issues 2-3, Pages 77-242 (1 December 2008)

Microstructural Processes in Irradiated Materials, Proceedings of the Symposium on Microstructural Processes in Irradiated Materials, as part of the annual meeting of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Orlando, FL, USA 25 February-01 March 2007 Edited by Charlotte Becquart, Gary S. Was and Brian D. Wirth
iiiWorkshop Title Page
ivManuscript received date
viiPrefaceCharlotte Becquart, Gary S. Was, Brian D. Wirth
77-90Mean field rate theory and object kinetic Monte Carlo: A comparison of kinetic modelsR.E. Stoller, S.I. Golubov, C. Domain, C.S. Becquart
91-95Computer simulation of cascade damage in α-iron with carbon in solutionAndrew F. Calder, David J. Bacon, Alexander V. Barashev, Yuri N. Osetsky
96-102Non-linear dynamics of microstructure evolution and hyper void-lattice formationA.A. Semenov, C.H. Woo
103-111Relevancy of displacement cascades features to the long term point defect cluster growthM. Hou, A. Souidi, C.S. Becquart, C. Domain, L. Malerba
112-125Multiscale modelling of radiation damage and phase transformations: The challenge of FeCr alloysLorenzo Malerba, Alfredo Caro, Janne Wallenius
126-133Formation of stable sessile interstitial complexes in reactions between glissile dislocation loops in bcc FeDmitry Terentyev, Lorenzo Malerba, Peter Klaver, Par Olsson
134-142Modeling of He–defect interactions in ferritic alloys for fusionR.J. Kurtz, H.L. Heinisch, F. Gao
143-146Pair potential for Fe–HeN. Juslin, K. Nordlund
147-153Effect of interatomic potential on the behavior of dislocation-defect interaction simulation in α-FeS.M. Hafez Haghighat, J. Fikar, R. Schäublin
154-159Microstructural evolution under high flux irradiation of dilute Fe–CuNiMnSi alloys studied by an atomic kinetic Monte Carlo model accounting for both vacancies and self interstitialsE. Vincent, C.S. Becquart, C. Domain
160-169Microstructural defects in SiC neutron irradiated at very high temperaturesS. Kondo, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead
170-175Microstructures of beta-silicon carbide after irradiation creep deformation at elevated temperaturesYutai Katoh, Sosuke Kondo, Lance L. Snead
176-183Changes in the mechanical properties of irradiated MgO(1 0 0) crystals investigated by nanoindentation and computer simulationAsta Richter, Ismail Gheewala, Roger Smith, Steven D. Kenny, James Valdez, Kurt Sickafus
184-189Influence of alloying elements on grain-growth in Zr(Fe) and Cu(Fe) thin-films under in situ ion-irradiationD. Kaoumi, A.T. Motta, R.C. Birtcher
190-196Cluster-dynamics modelling of defects in α-iron under cascade damage conditionsE. Meslin, A. Barbu, L. Boulanger, B. Radiguet, P. Pareige, K. Arakawa, C.C. Fu
197-202Microstructural development in a model austenitic alloy following electron and ion irradiationN. Sakaguchi, H. Kinoshita, S. Watanabe, Y. Sueishi, N. Akasaka, H. Takahashi
203-209Localized deformation and IASCC initiation in austenitic stainless steelsZ. Jiao, G.S. Was
210-216Analysis of high temperature deformation mechanism in ODS EUROFER97 alloyA. Ramar, P. Spätig, R. Schäublin
217-222Static strain aging and dislocation–impurity interactions in irradiated mild steelK.L. Murty, I. Charit
223-228Formation of austenite in high Cr ferritic/martensitic steels by high fluence neutron irradiationZ. Lu, R.G. Faulkner, T.S. Morgan
229-241Weldable ductile molybdenum alloy developmentB.V. Cockeram, E.K. Ohriner, T.S. Byun, M.K. Miller, L.L. Snead

Volume 383, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-200 (15 December 2008)

Advances in Nuclear Materials: Processing, Performance and Phenomena, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Materials: Processing, Performance and Phenomena Mumbai, India 12-14 December 2006 Edited by S. Banerjee, R.P. Singh, G.K. Dey, D.N. Sah and K.R. Gurumurthy
iiEditorial board
vProceedings Title Page
viManuscript received date
xiPrefaceS. Banerjee, R.P. Singh, G.K. Dey, D.N. Sah, K.R. Gurumurthy
1-8Materials performance in CANDU reactors: The first 30 years and the prognosis for life extension and new designsR.L. Tapping
9-13Manufacturing variability and deformation for Zr-2.5Nb pressure tubesG.A. Bickel, M. Griffiths
14-21Fitness for service assessment of coolant channels of Indian PHWRsR.K. Sinha, S.K. Sinha, K. Madhusoodanan
22-27In-reactor performance of pressure tubes in CANDU reactorsD.K. Rodgers, C.E. Coleman, M. Griffiths, G.A. Bickel, J.R. Theaker, I. Muir, A.A. Bahurmuz, S. St. Lawrence, M. Resta Levi
28-33The transformation behaviour of the β-phase in Zr–2.5Nb pressure tubesM. Griffiths, J.E. Winegar, A. Buyers
34-40Microchemical study of high-burnup CANDU® fuel by imaging-XPSThan Do, Karen G. Irving, William H. Hocking
41-44Nuclear fuel performance: Trends, remedies and challengesC.A. Rusch
45-53Post irradiation examination of thermal reactor fuelsD.N. Sah, U.K. Viswanathan, E. Ramadasan, K. Unnikrishnan, S. Anantharaman
54-62Advanced fuel cycles for use in PHWRsH.P. Gupta, S.V.G. Menon, S. Banerjee
63-70Fabrication of seamless calandria tubes by cold pilgering route using 3-pass and 2-pass schedulesN. Saibaba
71-77Texture and hydride orientation relationship of Zircaloy-4 fuel clad tube during its fabrication for pressurized heavy water reactorsKumar Vaibhaw, S.V.R. Rao, S.K. Jha, N. Saibaba, R.N. Jayaraj
78-85Microstructural and textural developments during Zircaloy-4 fuel tube fabricationK.V. Mani Krishna, S.K. Sahoo, I. Samajdar, S. Neogy, R. Tewari, D. Srivastava, G.K. Dey, Gaur Hari Das, N. Saibaba, S. Banarjee
86-91Flow accelerated corrosion and its control measures for the secondary circuit pipelines in Indian nuclear power plantsVivekanand Kain, S. Roychowdhury, Thomas Mathew, Atul Bhandakkar
92-96Some fundamental aspects of thermally activated processes involved in stress corrosion cracking in high temperature aqueous environmentsZhanpeng Lu, Yoichi Takeda, Tetsuo Shoji
97-111IGSCC of non-sensitized stainless steels in high temperature waterPeter L. Andresen, Martin M. Morra
112-118Properties of plutonium and its alloys for use as fast reactor fuelsSiegfried S. Hecker, Marius Stan
119-121Utilisation of thorium in reactorsK. Anantharaman, V. Shivakumar, D. Saha
122-127Behaviour of irradiated PHWR fuel pins during high temperature heatingU.K. Viswanathan, K. Unnikrishnan, Prerna Mishra, Suparna Banerjee, S. Anantharaman, D.N. Sah
128-131Post irradiation examination of reactor operated pressure tube S-07 of KAPS-2D.N. Sah, E. Ramadasan, K. Unnikrishnan, J.L. Singh, P.M. Ouseph, B.N. Rath, H.N. Singh, P.B. Kondejkar, V.D. Alur, Suparna Banerjee, R.S. Shriwastaw, Prerna Mishra, V.P. Jathar, N. Kumawat, M.P. Dhotre
132-136A study of the effect of titanium on the void swelling behavior of D9 steels by ion beam simulationC. David, B.K. Panigrahi, S. Balaji, A.K. Balamurugan, K.G.M. Nair, G. Amarendra, C.S. Sundar, Baldev Raj
137-143Extending the application range of a fuel performance code from normal operating to design basis accident conditionsP. Van Uffelen, C. Győri, A. Schubert, J. van de Laar, Z. Hózer, G. Spykman
144-149Blind prediction exercise on modeling of PHWR fuel at extended burnupD.N. Sah, U.K. Viswanathan, C.S. Viswanadham, K. Unnikrishnan, B.N. Rath
150-152Derivation of fuel bundle power limits using fuel element modelling code FUDAP.N. Prasad, Rakesh Soni, Rahul Mani Tripathi, P.R. Pandarinathan, L.K. Neema
153-171Microstructural evolution in zirconium based alloysR. Tewari, D. Srivastava, G.K. Dey, J.K. Chakravarty, S. Banerjee
172-177Ageing of zirconium alloy componentsS. Chatterjee, Priti Kotak Shah, J.S. Dubey
178-182Optimization of stress relief heat treatment of PHWR pressure tubes (Zr–2.5Nb alloy)Gargi Choudhuri, D. Srivastava, K.R. Gurumurthy, B.K. Shah
183-188High temperature reactorsI.V. Dulera, R.K. Sinha
189-195Structural materials for Gen-IV nuclear reactors: Challenges and opportunitiesK.L. Murty, I. Charit
196-200Development of powder metallurgy technique for synthesis of U3Si2 dispersoidV.P. Sinha, G.P. Mishra, S. Pal, K.B. Khan, P.V. Hegde, G.J. Prasad

Volume 383, Issue 3, Pages 201-274 (1 January 2009)

201-208Growth of the interaction layer around fuel particles in dispersion fuelD. Olander
209-214Irradiation and annealing effects on delamination toughness in carbon/epoxy compositeD.R. Sekulic, M.V. Gordic, I.M. Djordjevic, Z.S. Petrovic, M.M. Stevanovic
215-225Effect of heating and cooling rate on the kinetics of allotropic phase changes in uranium: A differential scanning calorimetry studyArun Kumar Rai, S. Raju, B. Jeyaganesh, E. Mohandas, R. Sudha, V. Ganesan
226-230H2 inhibition of radiation induced dissolution of spent nuclear fuelMartin Trummer, Olivia Roth, Mats Jonsson
231-236Radiation chemical synthesis and characterization of UO2 nanoparticlesOlivia Roth, Hanna Hasselberg, Mats Jonsson
237-243Raman and XPS characterization of fuel–cladding interactions using miniature specimensC.F. Windisch Jr., C.H. Henager Jr., M.H. Engelhard, W.D. Bennett
244-246Energetics of He and H atoms with vacancies in tungsten: First-principles approachSeung-Cheol Lee, Jung-Hae Choi, June Gunn Lee
247-253Comparative study of predictive FE methods for mechanical properties of nuclear compositesJoshim Ali, Johar K. Farooqi, Derek Buckthorpe, Allister Cheyne, Paul Mummery
254-263Test irradiations of full-sized U3Si2–Al fuel plates up to very high fission densitiesK. Böning, W. Petry
264-266Alternative configurations for the QUADRISO fuel design conceptAlberto Talamo, Manuel A. Pouchon, Francesco Venneri
267-269Determination of dissolution rates of f/m steels in LBE from measured evolutions of oxide scale thicknessH. Steiner
270-273Effect of phosphorus on the mechanical behavior of a Zr–Nb alloyY.C. Choi, S. Ko, K.I. Chang, N.C. Cho, S.I. Hong

Volume 384, Issue 1, Pages 1-80 (31 January 2009)

iiEditorial board
1-5Creep behavior of oxide dispersion strengthened 8Cr–2WVTa and 8Cr–1W steelsK. Shinozuka, M. Tamura, H. Esaka, K. Shiba, K. Nakamura
6-11Mechanical properties at sub-microscale and macroscale of polycrystalline uranium mononitrideJun Adachi, Ken Kurosaki, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka, Masahide Takano, Mitsuo Akabori, Kazuo Minato
12-18Model for evolution of crystal defects in UO2 under irradiation up to high burn-upsM.S. Veshchunov, V.E. Shestak
19-24Reaction kinetics of radiation-induced defects in vitreous silica under ion beam irradiationKimikazu Moritani, Jun Takemoto, Ikuji Takagi, M. Akiyoshi, Hirotake Moriyama
25-29Oxygen effects on irradiated tantalum alloysP. Hosemann, S.A. Maloy, R.R. Greco, J.G. Swadener, T. Romero
30-37Annealing of cold worked two-phase Zr-2.5 Nb—Associated microstructural developmentsV.D. Hiwarkar, S.K. Sahoo, I. Samajdar, K. Narasimhan, K.V. Mani Krishna, G.K. Dey, D. Srivastava, R. Tewari, S. Banerjee
38-47Proton irradiation effect on microstructure, strain localization and iodine-induced stress corrosion cracking in Zircaloy-4L. Fournier, A. Serres, Q. Auzoux, D. Leboulch, G.S. Was
48-55TEM investigations of MN nitride phases in a 9% chromium ferritic/martensitic steel with normalization conditions for nuclear reactorsYin Zhong Shen, Sung Ho Kim, Chang Hee Han, Hai Dong Cho, Woo Seog Ryu
56-60The effect of alloying elements on the vacancy defect evolution in electron-irradiated austenitic Fe–Ni alloys studied by positron annihilationA.P. Druzhkov, D.A. Perminov, A.E. Davletshin
61-69Energetics of intrinsic point defects in uranium dioxide from electronic-structure calculationsPankaj Nerikar, Taku Watanabe, James S. Tulenko, Simon R. Phillpot, Susan B. Sinnott
70-76Mechanical properties of cubic zirconia irradiated with swift heavy ionsV. Menvie Bekale, G. Sattonnay, C. Legros, A.M. Huntz, S. Poissonnet, L. Thomé
77-80The role of Fe on the solubility of Nb in α-ZrO.T. Woo, M. Griffiths

Volume 384, Issue 2, Pages 81-194 (15 February 2009)

81-86Thermal studies on fluorite type ZryN.K. Kulkarni, K. Krishnan, U.M. Kasar, S.K. Rakshit, S.K. Sali, S.K. Aggarwal
87-95Mechanical response of oxidized Zircaloy-4 cladding material submitted to a ring compression testVincent Busser, Marie-Christine Baietto-Dubourg, Jean Desquines, Christian Duriez, Jean-Paul Mardon
96-102Atomic scale analysis and phase separation understanding in a thermally aged Fe–20 at.%Cr alloyS. Novy, P. Pareige, C. Pareige
103-108Development of the tailored SiC/SiC composites by the combined fabrication process of ICVI and NITE methodsKazuya Shimoda, Tatsuya Hinoki, Yutai Katoh, Akira Kohyama
109-114The effect of copper and manganese on magnetic minor hysteresis loops in neutron irradiated Fe model alloysS. Kobayashi, H. Kikuchi, S. Takahashi, Y. Kamada, K. Ara, T. Yamamoto, D. Klingensmith, G.R. Odette
115-118Correlation between chemical composition and size of very small oxide particles in the MA957 ODS ferritic alloyH. Sakasegawa, L. Chaffron, F. Legendre, L. Boulanger, T. Cozzika, M. Brocq, Y. de Carlan
119-129Tungstate-based glass–ceramics for the immobilization of radio cesiumElizabeth Drabarek, Terry I. McLeod, John V. Hanna, Christopher S. Griffith, Vittorio Luca
130-139UO2 corrosion in an iron waste packageE.D.A. Ferriss, K.B. Helean, C.R. Bryan, P.V. Brady, R.C. Ewing
140-145Microbial biofilm growth on irradiated, spent nuclear fuel claddingD.F. Bruhn, S.M. Frank, F.F. Roberto, P.J. Pinhero, S.G. Johnson
146-152Synthesis and characterization of cobalt ferrocyanides loaded on organic anion exchangerT.P. Valsala, Annie Joseph, J.G. Shah, Kanwar Raj, V. Venugopal
153-157Microwave sintering of 8 mol% yttria–zirconia (8YZ): An inert matrix material for nuclear fuel applicationsR.R. Thridandapani, C.E. Folgar, D.C. Folz, D.E. Clark, K. Wheeler, P. Peralta
158-162Determination of trace constituents in thoria by laser induced breakdown spectrometryArnab Sarkar, Devanathan Alamelu, Suresh Kumar Aggarwal
163-174A polycrystalline modeling of the mechanical behavior of neutron irradiated zirconium alloysFabien Onimus, Jean-Luc Béchade
175-189The aluminum chemistry and corrosion in alkaline solutionsJinsuo Zhang, Marc Klasky, Bruce C. Letellier
190-193A new process based agglomeration parameter to characterize ceramic powdersPalanki Balakrishna, B. Narasimha Murty, M. Anuradha

Volume 384, Issue 3, Pages 195-336 (28 February 2009)

195-211The effect of neutron irradiation on the fiber/matrix interphase of silicon carbide compositesT. Nozawa, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead
212-221Local mechanical properties of Alloy 82/182 dissimilar weld joint between SA508 Gr.1a and F316 SS at RT and 320 °CJin Weon Kim, Kyoungsoo Lee, Jong Sung Kim, Thak Sang Byun
222-225Reproducible phase transformation in a single Pu–1.9 at.% Ga specimenJ.R. Jeffries, K.J.M. Blobaum, M.A. Wall, A.J. Schwartz
226-230First-principles study of electronic structure and insulating properties of uranium and plutonium dioxidesM.V. Ryzhkov, A.Ya. Kupryazhkin
231-235Calorimetric measurements on (U,Th)O2 solid solutionsR. Kandan, R. Babu, P. Manikandan, R. Venkata Krishnan, K. Nagarajan
236-244Thermal and structural properties of low-fluence irradiated graphiteDusan Lexa, Michael Dauke
245-248Defect recovery in proton irradiated Ti-modified stainless steel probed by positron annihilationJ. Arunkumar, S. Abhaya, R. Rajaraman, G. Amarendra, K.G.M. Nair, C.S. Sundar, Baldev Raj
249-255Nano-cavities observed in a 316SS PWR flux thimble tube irradiated to 33 and 70 dpaD.J. Edwards, F.A. Garner, S.M. Bruemmer, Pål Efsing
256-261Treatment of a waste salt delivered from an electrorefining process by an oxidative precipitation of the rare earth elementsYung-Zun Cho, Hee-Chul Yang, Gil-Ho Park, Han-Soo Lee, In-Tae Kim
262-267Studies on the synthesis and characterization of cesium-containing iron phosphate glassesKitheri Joseph, K.V. Govindan Kutty, P. Chandramohan, P.R. Vasudeva Rao
268-273Characterization of the interaction layer grown by interdiffusion between U–7wt%Mo and Al A356 alloy at 550 and 340 °CM. Mirandou, S. Aricó, M. Rosenbusch, M. Ortiz, S. Balart, L. Gribaudo
274-285Crack propagation rate modelling for 316SS exposed to PWR-relevant conditionsM. Vankeerberghen, G. Weyns, S. Gavrilov, B. Martens, J. Deconinck
286-291Effect of sodium environment on the low cycle fatigue properties of modified 9Cr–1Mo ferritic martensitic steelR. Kannan, R. Sandhya, V. Ganesan, M. Valsan, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao
292-302Protection of nuclear graphite toward fluoride molten salt by glassy carbon depositV. Bernardet, S. Gomes, S. Delpeux, M. Dubois, K. Guérin, D. Avignant, G. Renaudin, L. Duclaux
303-310Characterization of (Th,U)O2 pellets made by advanced CAP processT.R.G. Kutty, P.S. Somayajulu, K.B. Khan, Arun Kumar, H.S. Kamath
311-314X-ray diffraction analysis of uranium tritide after aging for 420 daysB.Y. Ao, X.L. Wang, Y.Z. Zhang, Y.J. Wei
315-321Temperature accelerated dynamics study of migration process of oxygen defects in UO2Takashi Ichinomiya, Blas P. Uberuaga, Kurt E. Sickafus, Yasumasa Nishiura, Mitsuhiro Itakura, Ying Chen, Yasunori Kaneta, Motoyasu Kinoshita
322-326Titanate ceramics for immobilisation of uranium-rich radioactive wastes arising from 99Mo productionM.L. Carter, H. Li, Y. Zhang, E.R. Vance, D.R.G. Mitchell
327-329Isotropic pyrocarbon deposited at 1250 °C by means of thermal gradient chemical vapor depositionDong-sheng Zhang, Ling-jun Guo, Ke-zhi Li, He-jun Li
330-335Transformation kinetics of zirconium alloys under non-isothermal conditionsA.R. Massih

Volume 385, Issue 1, Pages 1-216 (15 March 2009)

Plutonium Futures - The Science 2008, Proceedings of a Topical Conference on Plutonium and Actinides: Plutonium Futures - The Science 2008 Dijon, France 07-11 July 2008 Edited by Roberto Caciuffo and Franck Wastin
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript received date
ix-xPrefaceC. Guet, David Geeson, Thomas Fanghänel, Catherine Treimany, Roberto Caciuffo, Franck Wastin
1-3Hyperfine interactions in the itinerant system UFeGa5S. Kambe, H. Sakai, Y. Tokunaga, H. Chudo, H. Yasuoka, T.D. Matsuda, Y. Haga, S. Ikeda, A. Nakamura, E. Yamamoto, D. Aoki, Y. Homma, Y. Shiokawa, Y. Ōnuki
4-7dG.A. Ummarino, N. Magnani, J.-C. Griveau, J. Rebizant, R. Caciuffo
8-10Photoelectron spectroscopy study of PuCoGa5 thin filmsR. Eloirdi, L. Havela, T. Gouder, A. Shick, J. Rebizant, F. Huber, R. Caciuffo
11-14Crystal structure and physical properties of PuPd5Al2J.-C. Griveau, K. Gofryk, E. Colineau, J. Rebizant
15-17Determination of the clean 4fP. Morrall, P. Roussel, L. Jolly, A. Brevet, F. Delaunay
18-20Calculations of thermodynamic properties of PuO2 by the first-principles and lattice vibrationSatoshi Minamoto, Masato Kato, Kenji Konashi, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe
21-24Electronic-structure theory of plutonium chalcogenidesAlexander Shick, Ladislav Havela, Thomas Gouder, Jean Rebizant
25-2769Ga NMR and magnetic susceptibility in δ-phase of Pu1−xYu. Piskunov, K. Mikhalev, A. Buzlukov, A. Gerashenko, S. Verkhovskii, V. Ogloblichev, V. Arkhipov, A. Korolev, Yu. Zouev, I. Svyatov
28-30Current understanding of photoelectron spectra in plutonium systemsLadislav Havela, Alexander Shick, Thomas Gouder
31-34Resolving the Pu electronic structure enigma: Past lessons and future directionsJ.G. Tobin, S.W. Yu, B.W. Chung, G.D. Waddill
35-37Pu neutron scattering studies – Magnetism and structureF. Trouw, J.J. Rhyne, J.N. Mitchell
38-41X-ray diffraction study of pure plutonium under pressurePh. Faure, C. Genestier
42-45Magnetic properties of Pu–Ga alloysV.E. Arkhipov, F.A. Kassan-Ogly, A.V. Korolev, S.V. Verkhovskii, Yu.N. Zuev, I.L. Svyatov
46-48Magnetic and related properties of PuPdSnK. Gofryk, J.-C. Griveau, E. Colineau, R. Jardin, J. Rebizant, F. Wastin, R. Caciuffo
49-52Magnetic studies on CoU2O6 and NiU2O6 by magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and neutron diffraction measurementsYukio Hinatsu, Yoshihiro Doi, Akio Nakamura
53-56Inverse photoemission of uranium oxidesP. Roussel, P. Morrall, S.J. Tull
57-59Pressure effects in CeNiA. Mirmelstein, E. Clementyev, O. Kerbel, D. Kozlenko, Yu. Akshentsev, V. Voronin, I. Berger
60-62Effective Hamiltonian for metallic PuC.D. Batista
63-65Kondo universality and energy scales in plutoniumE. Clementyev, A. Mirmelstein
66-67The role of atomic correlations in the theoretical study of minor actinide ionsG. Gaigalas, E. Gaidamauskas, Z. Rudzikas, N. Magnani, R. Caciuffo
68-71Density-functional study of Zr-based actinide alloysAlex Landa, Per Söderlind, Patrice E.A. Turchi, L. Vitos, A. Ruban
72-74First-principles modeling of He-clusters in UO2Younsuk Yun, Olle Eriksson, Peter M. Oppeneer
75-78Molecular dynamics simulation of helium–vacancy interaction in plutoniumBingyun Ao, Xiaolin Wang, Wangyu Hu, Jianyu Yang
79-82Molecular dynamics characterization of thermodynamic and mechanical properties of Pu as dependent upon alloying additions and defects concentration. Part IV.V. Dremov, A.V. Karavaev, S.I. Samarin, F.A. Sapozhnikov, M.A. Zocher, D.L. Preston
83-87A hybrid model of primary radiation damage in crystalsS.I. Samarin, V.V. Dremov
88-90On dislocation mechanism of dynamic deformation of uraniumV.A. Pushkov, D.V. Tsisar
91-94Evolving density and static mechanical properties in plutonium from self-irradiationB.W. Chung, S.R. Thompson, K.E. Lema, D.S. Hiromoto, B.B. Ebbinghaus
95-98Unconventional δ-phase stabilization in Pu–Ga alloysJ.N. Mitchell, F.J. Freibert, D.S. Schwartz, M.E. Bange
99-102SIMS characterisation of actinide isotopes in irradiated nuclear fuelL. Desgranges, B. Pasquet, Ch. Valot, I. Roure
103-107Effective thermal conductivity of MOX raw powderKentaro Takeuchi, Masato Kato, Takeo Sunaoshi, Shigenori Aono, Motoaki Kashimura
108-111PDF analysis of PuAl alloys local structureC. Platteau, P. Bruckel, B. Ravat, F. Delaunay
112-116Phase diagram analysis of (U,Pu)O2−xRenu Agarwal, B.K. Sen, V. Venugopal
117-121Lattice parameters of (U, Pu, Am, Np)O2−xMasato Kato, Kenji Konashi
122-125Micro-mechanical characterisation of uraniumD.W. Wheeler, S.T. Morris
126-130EXAFS study of the structural phase transition in the americium zirconate pyrochloreP.M. Martin, R.C. Belin, P.J. Valenza, A.C. Scheinost
131-133Nondestructive determination of plutonium by gamma spectrometry and neutron well coincidence countingChhavi Agarwal, Sanhita Poi, T.N. Nathaniel, Amol Mhatre, P.C. Kalsi, Sarbjit Singh, A. Goswami
134-136Development and synthesis of durable self-glowing crystals doped with plutoniumB.E. Burakov, Ya.V. Domracheva, M.V. Zamoryanskaya, M.A. Petrova, V.M. Garbuzov, A.A. Kitsay, V.A. Zirlin
137-141ADAGIO technique: From UO2 fuels to MOX fuelsY. Pontillon, L. Desgranges, A. Poulesquen
142-147Plutonium and the Indian atomic energy programmeBaldev Raj
148-152New concept of designing Pu and MA containing fuel for fast reactorsA.M. Savchenko, I.I. Konovalov, A.V. Vatulin, E.M. Glagovsky
153-156Nuclear proliferation-resistance and safeguards for future nuclear fuel cycleY. Kuno, N. Inoue, M. Senzaki
157-160Enhancing BWR proliferation resistance fuel with minor actinidesGray S. Chang
161-164Experience on mixed carbide fuels with high ‘Pu’ content for Indian fast breeder reactor – An overviewA.K. Sengupta, U. Basak, Arun Kumar, H.S. Kamath, S. Banerjee
165-167A practical fabrication method for the advanced heterogeneous fuel with magnesia containing minor actinidesShuhei Miwa, Masahiko Osaka
168-172Characterization of minor actinide mixed oxide fuelA.D. Neuman, C.C. Davis, T.A. Nothwang, F.G. Hampel, S.L. Voit, M.R. Lopez, A.C. Martinez
173-177Evaluation of high plutonia (44% PuO2) MOX as a fuel for fast breeder test reactorA.K. Sengupta, K.B. Khan, Jose Panakkal, H.S. Kamath, S. Banerjee
178-183Behavior of Si impurity in Np–Am–MOX fuel irradiated in the experimental fast reactor JoyoKoji Maeda, Shinji Sasaki, Masato Kato, Yoshiyuki Kihara
184-185Electrochemical and thermodynamic properties of ytterbium trichloride in molten caesium chlorideValeri Smolenski, Alena Novoselova, Andre Bovet, Alexander Osipenko, Michael Kormilitsyn
186-188Direct carbothermic reduction of actinide oxalates: Example of Nd(III) oxalate–carbon mixtures conversionA. Handschuh, S. Dubois, S. Vaudez, S. Grandjean, G. Leturcq, F. Abraham
189-192Low-temperature immobilization of actinides and other components of high-level waste in magnesium potassium phosphate matricesS.E. Vinokurov, Yu.M. Kulyako, O.M. Slyuntchev, S.I. Rovny, B.F. Myasoedov
193-195Decontamination of Zircaloy cladding hulls from spent nuclear fuelTracy S. Rudisill
196-199In-situ observation of a dendrite growth in an aqueous condition and a uranium deposition into a liquid cadmium cathode in an electrowinning systemSi-Hyung Kim, Dal-Seong Yoon, Young-Jae You, Seungwoo Paek, Joon-Bo Shim, Sang-Woon Kwon, Kwang-Rag Kim, Hong-Suk Chung, Do-Hee Ahn, Han-Soo Lee
200-203Alpha-decay induced amorphization of Cm-doped Gd2TiZrO7S.V. Yudinsev, A.N. Lukinykh, S.V. Tomilin, A.A. Lizin, S.V. Stefanovsky
204-207Structure of mixed U(IV)–An(III) precursors synthesized by co-conversion methods (where An = Pu, Am or Cm)S. Grandjean, B. Arab-Chapelet, A.C. Robisson, F. Abraham, Ph. Martin, J.-Ph. Dancausse, N. Herlet, C. Léorier
208-211Development of fuel-model interfaces: Investigations by XPS, TEM, SEM and AFMS. Stumpf, A. Seibert, T. Gouder, F. Huber, T. Wiss, J. Römer
212-215The plutonium/hydrogen reaction: The pressure dependence of reaction initiation timeGordon W. McGillivray, John P. Knowles, Ian M. Findlay, Marina J. Dawes

Volume 385, Issue 2, Pages 217-494 (31 March 2009)

Nuclear Materials III, Proceedings of the E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting: Third Symposium N on Nuclear Materials Strasbourg, France 26-30 May 2008 Edited by Claude Degueldre, Bill Lee, Virginia Oversby and Eric van Walle
iiiConference Title Page
ivManuscript received date
vii-viiiEditorial noteClaude Degueldre, Bill Lee, Virginia Oversby, Eric van Walle
217-222Structural materials challenges for advanced reactor systemsP. Yvon, F. Carré
223-227An object Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of the dynamics of helium and point defects in tungstenC.S. Becquart, C. Domain
228-230Radiation-induced reduction in the void swellingV.I. Dubinko, A.G. Guglya, E. Melnichenko, R. Vasilenko
231-235High-resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction in nanoscaled ferritic and ferritic–martensitic oxide dispersion strengthened–steelsCh.Ch. Eiselt, M. Klimenkov, R. Lindau, A. Möslang, H.R.Z. Sandim, A.F. Padilha, D. Raabe
236-241Potential of direct metal deposition technology for manufacturing thick functionally graded coatings and parts for reactors componentsL. Thivillon, Ph. Bertrand, B. Laget, I. Smurov
242-245Influence of the bias voltage on the formation of beryllium films by a thermionic vacuum arc methodA. Anghel, I. Mustata, C. Porosnicu, C.P. Lungu
246-249Damage of actively cooled plasma facing components of magnetic confinement controlled fusion machinesG. Chevet, J. Schlosser, E. Martin, V. Herb, G. Camus
250-257Fracture toughness assessment of ferritic–martensitic steel in liquid lead–bismuth eutecticJ. Van den Bosch, G. Coen, A. Almazouzi, J. Degrieck
258-261Tensile properties of the ferritic martensitic steel F82H after irradiation in a spallation targetZ. Tong, Y. Dai
262-267Multiscale modelling of bi-crystal grain boundaries in bcc ironNing Gao, Chu-Chun Fu, M. Samaras, R. Schäublin, M. Victoria, W. Hoffelner
268-277Numerical prediction of thermodynamic properties of iron–chromium alloys using semi-empirical cohesive models: The state of the artG. Bonny, R.C. Pasianot, L. Malerba, A. Caro, P. Olsson, M.Yu. Lavrentiev
278-283The hardening of iron–chromium alloys under thermal ageing: An atomistic studyG. Bonny, D. Terentyev, L. Malerba
284-287Depinning transition of a dislocation line in ferritic oxide strengthened steelsB. Bakó, M. Zaiser, D. Weygand, M. Samaras, W. Hoffelner
288-293Oxidation behavior of Incoloy 800 under simulated supercritical water conditionsM. Fulger, D. Ohai, M. Mihalache, M. Pantiru, V. Malinovschi
294-298Behaviour of helium after implantation in molybdenumC. Viaud, S. Maillard, G. Carlot, C. Valot, E. Gilabert, T. Sauvage, C. Peaucelle, N. Moncoffre
299-303Irradiation effects in helium implanted silicon carbide measured by X-ray absorption spectrometryManuel A. Pouchon, Jiachao Chen, Annick Froideval, Markus Janousch, Claude Degueldre
304-307Damages induced by heavy ions in titanium silicon carbide: Effects of nuclear and electronic interactions at room temperatureJ.C. Nappé, Ph. Grosseau, F. Audubert, B. Guilhot, M. Beauvy, M. Benabdesselam, I. Monnet
308-311Development of oxides dispersion strengthened steels for high temperature nuclear reactor applicationsK. Verhiest, A. Almazouzi, N. De Wispelaere, R. Petrov, S. Claessens
312-318Neutron induced damage in reactor pressure vessel steel: An X-ray absorption fine structure studyG. Kuri, S. Cammelli, C. Degueldre, J. Bertsch, D. Gavillet
319-324Study of atomic clusters in neutron irradiated reactor pressure vessel surveillance samples by extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopyS. Cammelli, C. Degueldre, G. Kuri, J. Bertsch, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, R. Frahm
325-328Microstructure evolution and degradation mechanisms of reactor internal steel irradiated with heavy ionsO.V. Borodin, V.V. Bryk, A.S. Kalchenko, A.A. Parkhomenko, B.A. Shilyaev, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, V.N. Voyevodin
329-333Deformation and microstructure of neutron irradiated stainless steels with different stacking fault energyXiaoqiang Li, A. Almazouzi
334-338Positron annihilation study of neutron irradiated model alloys and of a reactor pressure vessel steelM. Lambrecht, A. Almazouzi
339-345Influence of oxide layer morphology on hydrogen concentration in tin and niobium containing zirconium alloys after high temperature steam oxidationMirco Große, Eberhard Lehmann, Martin Steinbrück, Guido Kühne, Juri Stuckert
346-350Microprobe analysis of neutron irradiated and autoclaved zirconium niobium claddings using synchrotron-based hard X-ray imaging and spectroscopyA. Froideval, S. Abolhassani, D. Gavillet, D. Grolimund, C. Borca, J. Krbanjevic, C. Degueldre
351-357A molecular dynamics study of radiation induced diffusion in uranium dioxideG. Martin, S. Maillard, L. Van Brutzel, P. Garcia, B. Dorado, C. Valot
358-363Computer simulations of non-congruent melting of hyperstoichiometric uranium dioxideM.J. Welland, W.T. Thompson, B.J. Lewis, D. Manara
364-367First-principles theory for helium and xenon diffusion in uranium dioxideYounsuk Yun, Olle Eriksson, Peter M. Oppeneer, Hanchul Kim, Kwangheon Park
368-371Ab initio study of solution energy and diffusion of caesium in uranium dioxideF. Gupta, A. Pasturel, G. Brillant
372-386Progress in understanding fission-product behaviour in coated uranium-dioxide fuel particlesM. Barrachin, R. Dubourg, M.P. Kissane, V. Ozrin
387-391Pressurized heavy water reactor fuel behaviour in power ramp conditionsS. Ionescu, O. Uţă, M. Pârvan, D. Ohâi
392-399Design of a fuel element for a lead-cooled fast reactorV. Sobolev, E. Malambu, H. Aït Abderrahim
400-406Preparation, sintering and leaching of optimized uranium thorium dioxidesN. Hingant, N. Clavier, N. Dacheux, N. Barre, S. Hubert, S. Obbade, F. Taborda, F. Abraham
407-412Microstructure and elemental distribution of americium-containing uranium plutonium mixed oxide fuel under a short-term irradiation test in a fast reactorKosuke Tanaka, Shuhei Miwa, Isamu Sato, Takashi Hirosawa, Hiroshi Obayashi, Shin-ichi Koyama, Hiroshi Yoshimochi, Kenya Tanaka
413-418Short-term irradiation behavior of minor actinide doped uranium plutonium mixed oxide fuels irradiated in an experimental fast reactorK. Maeda, S. Sasaki, M. Kato, Y. Kihara
419-423Oxygen potentials of mixed oxide fuels for fast reactorsM. Kato, T. Tamura, K. Konashi
424-430Computed phase equilibria for burnable neutron absorbing materials for advanced pressurized heavy water reactorsE.C. Corcoran, B.J. Lewis, W.T. Thompson, J. Hood, F. Akbari, Z. He, P. Reid
431-434Thermal behaviour of cesium implanted in cubic zirconiaL. Vincent, L. Thomé, F. Garrido, O. Kaitasov
435-442Analytical investigations of irradiated inert matrix fuelR. Restani, M. Martin, N. Kivel, D. Gavillet
443-448Laser melting of uranium carbidesC.A. Utton, F. De Bruycker, K. Boboridis, R. Jardin, H. Noel, C. Guéneau, D. Manara
449-455Uranium–molybdenum nuclear fuel plates behaviour under heavy ion irradiation: An X-ray diffraction analysisH. Palancher, N. Wieschalla, P. Martin, R. Tucoulou, C. Sabathier, W. Petry, J.-F. Berar, C. Valot, S. Dubois
456-460High level nuclear waste glass corrosion in synthetic clay pore solution and retention of actinides in secondary phasesD. Bosbach, B. Luckscheiter, B. Brendebach, M.A. Denecke, N. Finck
461-466Helium solubility and behaviour in uranium dioxideE. Maugeri, T. Wiss, J.-P. Hiernaut, K. Desai, C. Thiriet, V.V. Rondinella, J.-Y. Colle, R.J.M. Konings
467-473Effect of temperature on studtite stability: Thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry investigationsA. Rey, I. Casas, J. Giménez, J. Quiñones, J. de Pablo
474-478Thorium sorption onto magnetite and ferrihydrite in acidic conditionsI. Rojo, F. Seco, M. Rovira, J. Giménez, G. Cervantes, V. Martí, J. de Pablo
479-484Luminescent monitoring of metal dititanium triphosphates as promising materials for radioactive waste confinementS. Nedilko, Yu. Hizhnyi, O. Chukova, P. Nagornyi, R. Bojko, V. Boyko
485-488Ageing of a phosphate ceramic used to immobilize chloride contaminated actinide wasteB.L. Metcalfe, I.W. Donald, S.K. Fong, L.A. Gerrard, D.M. Strachan, R.D. Scheele
489-494Radiation resistance of photodiodes based on indium monoselenides under γZ.D. Kovalyuk, O.A. Politanska, V.G. Tkachenko, I.N. Maksymchuk, V.V. Dubinko, A.I. Savchuk

Volume 385, Issue 3, Pages 495-632 (15 April 2009)

495-503Corrosion resistance of molybdenum-containing titanium alloy for overpack in simulating underground environmentToshiyasu Nishimura
504-509Compatibility of martensitic/austenitic steel welds with liquid lead bismuth eutectic environmentJ. Van den Bosch, A. Almazouzi
510-516Theory of He trapping, diffusion, and clustering in UO2Younsuk Yun, Olle Eriksson, Peter M. Oppeneer
517-526The electrochemistry in 316SS crevices exposed to PWR-relevant conditionsM. Vankeerberghen, G. Weyns, S. Gavrilov, J. Henshaw, J. Deconinck
527-532Chemical corrosion and gamma-ray attenuation properties of Zr and Ti containing lead silicate glassesRafi Ali Rahimi, Gholamreza Raisali, S.K. Sadrnezhaad, Anita Alipour
533-537Microstructural characterization of a composite Mo reinforced by 25 at.% TiCD. Cédat, C. Rey, M. Clavel, J.H. Schmitt, M. Le Flem, A. Allemand
538-544Gaseous hydrogen embrittlement of PH 13-8 Mo steelY.S. Ding, L.W. Tsay, M.F. Chiang, C. Chen
545-551A study of hot deformation behavior and microstructural characterization of Mo–TZM alloyS. Majumdar, R. Kapoor, S. Raveendra, H. Sinha, I. Samajdar, P. Bhargava, J.K. Chakravartty, I.G. Sharma, A.K. Suri
552-558Study of the temperature evolution of defect agglomerates in neutron irradiated molybdenum single crystalsO.A. Lambri, G.I. Zelada-Lambri, G.J. Cuello, P.B. Bozzano, J.A. García
559-562The effect of RE-rich phase on the thermal conductivity of U–Zr–RE alloysJin-Sik Cheon, Seok-Jin Oh, Byoung-Oon Lee, Chan-Bock Lee
563-571Analysis of intergranular fission-gas bubble-size distributions in irradiated uranium–molybdenum alloy fuelJ. Rest, G.L. Hofman, Yeon Soo Kim
572-581Thermal effects in 10 keV Si PKA cascades in 3C–SiCDavid E. Farrell, Noam Bernstein, Wing Kam Liu
582-590Fabrication of mesoporous and high specific surface area lanthanum carbide–carbon nanotube compositesL. Biasetto, S. Carturan, G. Maggioni, P. Zanonato, P. Di Bernardo, P. Colombo, A. Andrighetto, G. Prete
591-594Effect of hydrogen on the creep behavior of Zr–2.5%Nb alloy at 723 KR. Kishore
595-600On the impact of reactive solutes on radiation induced oxidative dissolution of UO2Olivia Roth, Mats Jonsson
601-605Localization by TEM and EELS of deuterium trapping sites in CFC exposed to plasma irradiation in Tore SupraN. Bernier, C. Brosset, F. Bocquet, E. Tsitrone, W. Saikaly, H. Khodja, V.Kh. Alimov, J.P. Gunn
606-614Grazing-incidence electron microscopy of surface blisters in single- and polycrystalline tungsten formed by H+, D+ and He+ irradiationNaruaki Enomoto, Shunsuke Muto, Tetsuo Tanabe, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz
615-622Evolution of the nanostructure of VVER-1000 RPV materials under neutron irradiation and post irradiation annealingM.K. Miller, A.A. Chernobaeva, Y.I. Shtrombakh, K.F. Russell, R.K. Nanstad, D.Y. Erak, O.O. Zabusov
623-628Amorphization of the interaction products in U–Mo/Al dispersion fuel during irradiationHo Jin Ryu, Yeon Soo Kim, G.L. Hofman
629-632Size dependent enhancement of helium ion irradiation tolerance in sputtered Cu/V nanolaminatesE.G. Fu, J. Carter, G. Swadener, A. Misra, L. Shao, H. Wang, X. Zhang
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript received date
xvPrefaceFarhad Tavassoli, Thierry Hutter
1-7The EU programme for modelling radiation effects in fusion reactor materials: An overview of recent advances and future goalsS.L. Dudarev, J.-L. Boutard, R. Lässer, M.J. Caturla, P.M. Derlet, M. Fivel, C.-C. Fu, M.Y. Lavrentiev, L. Malerba, M. Mrovec, D. Nguyen-Manh, K. Nordlund, M. Perlado, R. Schäublin, H. Van Swygenhoven, D. Terentyev, J. Wallenius, D. Weygand, F. Willaime
8-14Advances in microstructural characterizationS.J. Zinkle, G.E. Ice, M.K. Miller, S.J. Pennycook, X.-L. Wang
15-18Material science activities for fusion reactors in KazakhstanI. Tazhibayeva, E. Kenzhin, V. Shestakov, Y. Chikhray, T. Kulsartov, E. Azizov, O. Filatov, V. Chernov
19-21Including electronic effects in damage cascade simulationsD.M. Duffy, A.M. Rutherford
22-25Magnetic cluster expansion simulations of FeCr alloysM.Yu. Lavrentiev, S.L. Dudarev, D. Nguyen-Manh
26-29Atomistic simulation of single kinks of screw dislocations in α-FeLisa Ventelon, F. Willaime, P. Leyronnas
30-32Nucleation and growth of vacancy clusters in β-SiC during irradiationK. Morishita, Y. Watanabe, A. Kohyama, H.L. Heinisch, F. Gao
33-35Impurity effects on He diffusion in α-FeC.J. Ortiz, M.J. Caturla, C.C. Fu, F. Willaime
36-40Vacancy defects in Fe: Comparison between simulation and experimentM.R. Gilbert, Z. Yao, M.A. Kirk, M.L. Jenkins, S.L. Dudarev
41-44Kinetic Monte–Carlo modeling of hydrogen retention and re-emission from Tore Supra depositsA. Rai, R. Schneider, M. Warrier, P. Roubin, C. Martin, M. Richou
45-48The magnetic origin of anomalous high-temperature stability of dislocation loops in iron and iron-based alloysS.L. Dudarev, P.M. Derlet, R. Bullough
49-51Atomistic calculation of elastic constants of alpha-iron containing point defects by means of magnetic interatomic potentialsS. Chiesa, P.M. Derlet, S.L. Dudarev, H. Van Swygenhoven
52-55Comparative study of survived displacement damage defects in iron irradiated in IFMIF and fusion power reactorsS.P. Simakov, A.Yu. Konobeyev, U. Fischer, V. Heinzel
56-59Atomistic modeling of nanosized Cr precipitate contribution to hardening in an Fe–Cr alloyJae-Hyeok Shim, Dong-Ik Kim, Woo-Sang Jung, Young Whan Cho, Brian D. Wirth
60-63Magnetic properties of point defect interaction with impurity atoms in Fe–Cr alloysD. Nguyen-Manh, M.Yu. Lavrentiev, S.L. Dudarev
64-663D Dislocation dynamics modelling of interactions between prismatic loops and mobile dislocations in pure ironRoman Novokshanov, Steve Roberts
67-70Interaction between dislocations in bcc iron at high temperatureS.P. Fitzgerald, S.L. Dudarev
71-74Microstructural evolutions and cyclic softening of 9%Cr martensitic steelsFournier Benjamin, Sauzay Maxime, Renault Alexandra, Barcelo Françoise, Pineau André
75-78Molecular dynamics study of structure transformation and H effects in irradiated silicaF. Mota, M.-J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado, J. Mollá, A. Ibarra
79-81Vacancies, interstitials and gas atoms in berylliumM.G. Ganchenkova, P.V. Vladimirov, V.A. Borodin
82-85Effects of porosity on the elastic behaviour of CVI SiC/SiC compositesL. Gélébart, C. Colin
86-89Ab initioP. Olsson
90-92Object Kinetic Monte Carlo calculations of electron and He irradiation of nickelB. Gámez, L. Gámez, C.J. Ortiz, M.J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado
93-96A study of the interaction between irradiation induced-defect and a line dislocation in bcc-ironSatoshi Fujita, Taira Okita, Eiichi Kuramoto, Naoto Sekimura
97-101Molecular dynamics simulation of radiation damage in bcc tungstenJ. Fikar, R. Schäublin
102-105Dislocation–void interaction in Fe: A comparison between molecular dynamics and dislocation dynamicsS.M. Hafez Haghighat, M.C. Fivel, J. Fikar, R. Schaeublin
106-108Kinetic properties of small He–vacancy clusters in ironV.A. Borodin, P.V. Vladimirov
109-111A density functional theory assessment of the clustering behaviour of He and H in tungstenC.S. Becquart, C. Domain
112-114The influence of Helium bubbles on the critical resolved shear stress of dispersion strengthened alloysB. Bakó, M. Samaras, D. Weygand, J. Chen, P. Gumbsch, W. Hoffelner
115-118Molecular dynamics simulation of dislocation–void interactions in BCC MoHyon-Jee Lee, Brian D. Wirth
119-121Advanced neutron shielding material using zirconium borohydride and zirconium hydrideT. Hayashi, K. Tobita, Y. Nakamori, S. Orimo
122-126Fusion-based hydrogen production reactor and its material selectionY. Wu and FDS team
127-131Damage to preheated tungsten targets after multiple plasma impacts simulating ITER ELMsI.E. Garkusha, A.N. Bandura, O.V. Byrka, V.V. Chebotarev, I. Landman, V.A. Makhlaj, S. Pestchanyi, V.I. Tereshin
132-134Modeling of cascade and sub-cascade formation at high PKA energies in irradiated fusion structural materialsA.I. Ryazanov, E.V. Metelkin, E.V. Semenov
135-139Effect of high dose/high temperature irradiation on the microstructure of heat resistant 11Cr ferritic/martensitic steelsS. Yamashita, Y. Yano, Y. Tachi, N. Akasaka
140-142Diffusion of 3D-migrating self-interstitial clusters in diluted and concentrated Fe–Cr alloysD. Terentyev, P. Olsson, L. Malerba
143-146Irradiation creep and microstructural changes in an advanced ODS ferritic steel during helium implantation under stressJ. Chen, M.A. Pouchon, A. Kimura, P. Jung, W. Hoffelner
147-151Dependence of steady-state radiation swelling rate of l 0.1C–16Cr–15Ni–2Mo–2Mn–Ti–Si austenitic steel on dpa rate and irradiation temperatureА.V. Kozlov, I.А. Portnykh
152-156Influence of damage rate on physical and mechanical properties and swelling of 18Cr–9Ni austenitic steel in the range of 3 × 10−9 to 4 × 10−8 dpa/sE.N. Shcherbakov, A.V. Kozlov, P.I. Yagovitin, M.V. Evseev, E.A. Kinev, V.L. Panchenko, I. Isobe, M. Sagisaka, T. Okita, N. Sekimura, F.A. Garner
157-160Severe embrittlement of neutron irradiated austenitic steels arising from high void swellingV.S. Neustroev, F.A. Garner
161-164TEM characterisation of heavy-ion irradiation damage in FeCr alloysS. Xu, Z. Yao, M.L. Jenkins
165-168Effects of radiation-induced defects on microstructural evolution of Fe–Cr model alloysJ. Kwon, T. Toyama, Y.-M. Kim, W. Kim, J.-H. Hong
169-172Positron annihilation of vacancy-type defects in neutron-irradiated 4H–SiCQ. Xu, T. Yoshiie, M. Okada
173-176Evaluation of radiation damages on the first-wall surface in LHD exposed to charge-exchanged helium particlesM. Tokitani, N. Yoshida, M. Miyamoto, Y. Ohtawa, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, M. Shoji, M. Kobayashi, A. Sagara, N. Noda, H. Yamada, A. Komori LHD Experimental Group, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya
177-180Dynamical interaction of helium bubbles with cascade damage in Fe–9Cr ferritic alloyKotaro Ono, Mitsutaka Miyamoto, Kazuto Arakawa, R.C. Birtcher
181-184Difference between helium retention properties in 316L and 304 stainless steelsMitsutaka Miyamoto, Kotaro Ono, Yusuke Mori, Daigo Shitabou
185-187The conflicting roles of boron on the radiation response of precipitate-forming austenitic alloys at not, vert, similar400 °CT. Okita, N. Sekimura, F.A. Garner
188-190Interaction mechanisms of glissile loops in FCC systems by the elastic theoryT. Okita, S. Fujita, Y. Yang, N. Sekimura
191-194Embrittlement of irradiated F82H in the absence of irradiation hardeningR.L. Klueh, K. Shiba, M.A. Sokolov
195-198Investigation of microstructural evolution under neutron irradiation in Eurofer97 steel by means of small-angle neutron scatteringR. Coppola, R. Lindau, R.P. May, A. Möslang, M. Valli
199-202Capture efficiency for clustering reaction between charged defects in βY. Watanabe, K. Morishita, A. Kohyama
203-205Positron annihilation lifetime measurements of vanadium alloy and F82H irradiated with fission and fusion neutronsK. Sato, K. Inoue, T. Yoshiie, Q. Xu, E. Wakai, C. Kutsukake, K. Ochiai
206-209Radiation growth of berylliumV.P. Chakin, А.О. Posevin, А.V. Оbukhov, P.P. Silantyev
210-213Characterization of deformation structure in ion-irradiated stainless steelsTerumitsu Miura, Katsuhiko Fujii, Koji Fukuya, Yoshifumi Ito
214-217Hydrogen micro-kinetics in titanium under mechanical stress studied by ion beam analysisT.S. Wang, H.Y. Lv, D. Grambole, Z. Yang, H.B. Peng, Y.C. Han
218-221Effects of transmutation elements on the microstructural evolution and electrical resistivity of neutron-irradiated tungstenT. Tanno, A. Hasegawa, J.C. He, M. Fujiwara, M. Satou, S. Nogami, K. Abe, T. Shishido
222-226Cavity swelling and dislocation evolution in SiC at very high temperaturesS. Kondo, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead
227-230Multiscale modeling of point defect interactions in Fe–Cr alloysKwan L. Wong, Hyon-Jee Lee, Jae-Hyeok Shim, Babak Sadigh, Brian D. Wirth
231-235Hardening mechanisms of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated at 300 °Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Ronald L. Klueh, Naoyuki Hashimoto, Mikhail A. Sokolov
236-240High dose, up to 80 dpa, mechanical properties of Eurofer 97Bob van der Schaaf, C. Petersen, Y. De Carlan, J.W. Rensman, E. Gaganidze, X. Averty
241-244Effects of helium on ductile-brittle transition behavior of reduced-activation ferritic steels after high-concentration helium implantation at high temperatureA. Hasegawa, M. Ejiri, S. Nogami, M. Ishiga, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, K. Abe, S. Jitsukawa
245-248Assessment of irradiation embrittlement of the Eurofer97 steel after 590 MeV proton irradiationP. Spätig, R. Stoenescu, Pablo Mueller, G.R. Odette, D. Gragg
249-253Anisotropic swelling observed during stress-free reirradiation of AISI 304 tubes previously irradiated under stressF.A. Garner, J.E. Flinn, M.M. Hall
254-256Overview of the tensile properties of EUROFER in the unirradiated and irradiated conditionsEnrico Lucon, Willy Vandermeulen
257-260Mobility of dislocations in thermal aged and irradiated Fe–Cr alloysD. Terentyev, G. Bonny, L. Malerba
261-263Influence of radiation damage on plasma facing material erosionV.S. Koidan, A.N. Brukhanov, O.K. Chugunov, V.M. Gureev, B.I. Khripunov, S.N. Kornienko, B.V. Kuteev, S.T. Latushkin, A.M. Muksunov, V.B. Petrov, A.I. Ryazanov, V.P. Smirnov, V.G. Stolyarova, V.N. Unezhev
264-267Creep behavior of the F82H steel under irradiation with 17 MeV protons at 300 °CJohsei Nagakawa, S. Uchio, Y. Murase, N. Yamamoto, K. Shiba
268-272Effect of irradiation temperature and dose on SHC of pure CuS.A. Fabritsiev, A.S. Pokrovsky
273-276Anomalously large deformation of 12Cr18Ni10Ti austenitic steel irradiated to 55 dpa at 310 °C in the BN-350 reactorM.N. Gusev, O.P. Maksimkin, I.S. Osipov, F.A. Garner
277-280Irradiation behavior of Ti-stabilized 316L type steelB.S. Rodchenkov, G.M. Kalinin, Yu.S. Strebkov, V.K. Shamardin, V.I. Prokhorov, T.M. Bulanova
281-285In-situ SCC observation of thermally-sensitized and cold-worked type 304 stainless steel irradiated to a neutron fluence of 1 × 1025 n/m2Junichi Nakano, Yoshiyuki Nemoto, Yukio Miwa, Koji Usami, Takashi Tsukada, Koichiro Hide
286-289Study of Li2TiO3 + 5 mol% TiO2 lithium ceramics after long-term neutron irradiationY. Chikhray, V. Shestakov, O. Maksimkin, L. Turubarova, I. Osipov, T. Kulsartov, A. Kuykabayeba, I. Tazhibayeva, H. Kawamura, K. Tsuchiya
290-293Effects of residual stress on irradiation hardening in stainless steelsN. Okubo, Y. Miwa, K. Kondo, Y. Kaji
294-298In-pile creep rupture properties of ODS ferritic steel claddingsT. Kaito, S. Ohtsuka, M. Inoue, T. Asayama, T. Uwaba, S. Mizuta, S. Ukai, T. Furukawa, C. Ito, E. Kagota, R. Kitamura, T. Aoyama, T. Inoue
299-302Tensile and low cycle fatigue properties of different ferritic/martensitic steels after the fast reactor irradiation ‘ARBOR 1’C. Petersen, A. Povstyanko, V. Prokhorov, A. Fedoseev, O. Makarov, M. Walter
303-306Thermal diffusivity of ceramics at the neutron irradiation temperature estimated from post-irradiation measurements at 123–413 KMasafumi Akiyoshi
307-311Mechanical properties of neutron irradiated nanostructured ferritic alloy 14YWTD.A. McClintock, D.T. Hoelzer, M.A. Sokolov, R.K. Nanstad
312-314Preliminary analysis of irradiation effects on CLAM after low dose neutron irradiationLei Peng, Qunying Huang, Chunjing Li, Shaojun Liu
315-318Effect of two-steps heat treatments on irradiation hardening in F82H irradiated at 573 KM. Ando, H. Tanigawa, E. Wakai, R.E. Stoller
319-322Numerical investigation by finite element simulations of the ball punch test: Application to tempered martensitic steelsE.N. Campitelli, P. Spätig, J. Bertsch
323-327Fracture toughness master-curve analysis of the tempered martensitic steel Eurofer97Pablo Mueller, P. Spätig, R. Bonadé, G.R. Odette, D. Gragg
328-332Recovery of neutron-induced damage of Si analyzed by thermal expansion measurementSaishun Yamazaki, Katsumi Yoshida, Toyohiko Yano
333-337Microstructure of heavily neutron-irradiated SiC after annealing up to 1500 °CTakashi Sawabe, Masafumi Akiyoshi, Kohki Ichikawa, Katsumi Yoshida, Toyohiko Yano
338-341Helium effects on microstructural evolution in tempered martensitic steels: In situ helium implanter studies in HFIRT. Yamamoto, G.R. Odette, P. Miao, D.J. Edwards, R.J. Kurtz
342-344Dose rate dependence of radiation induced conductivity for hydrogen-doped perovskite ceramics at 473 KB. Tsuchiya, A. Moroño, S.M. González, E.R. Hodgson, S. Nagata, K. Toh, T. Shikama
345-348Tensile properties of ODS-14%Cr ferritic alloy irradiated in a spallation environmentJ. Henry, X. Averty, Y. Dai, J.P. Pizzanelli, J.J. Espinas
349-352Study of helium embrittlement in boron doped EUROFER97 steelsE. Gaganidze, C. Petersen, J. Aktaa
353-355Molecular dynamics modeling of chemical erosion of hydrocarbon filmsU. von Toussaint, P.N. Maya, C. Hopf
356-359Recent findings on blistering and deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to high-fluence deuterium plasmaW.M. Shu, A. Kawasuso, T. Yamanishi
360-362Stability of helium bubbles in alpha-iron: A molecular dynamics studyG. Lucas, R. Schäublin
363-366Effects of hydrogen and helium produced by transmutation reactions on void formation in copper isotopic alloys irradiated with neutronsQ. Xu, T. Yoshiie, K. Sato
367-370Chemical behavior of hydrogen isotopes into boronized film in LHDAkira Yoshikawa, Yohei Kikuchi, Taichi Suda, Naoko Ashikawa, Kiyohiko Nishimura, Akio Sagara, Nobuaki Noda, Yasuhisa Oya, Kenji Okuno
371-374Study on retention behavior and chemical states of energetic deuterium implanted into carbon-contained boron filmYohei Kikuchi, Yu Yang, Akira Yoshikawa, Taichi Suda, Akio Sagara, Nobuaki Noda, Yasuhisa Oya, Kenji Okuno
375-378The trapping behavior of deuterium in F82H ferritic/martensitic steelD. Hamaguchi, H. Iwakiri, T. Kawamura, H. Abe, T. Iwai, K. Kikuchi, N. Yoshida
379-382Hydrogen trapping in neutron-irradiated graphiteH. Atsumi, A. Muhaimin, T. Tanabe, T. Shikama
383-386Helium and hydrogen measurements on pure materials irradiated in SINQ Target 4B.M. Oliver, Y. Dai
387-389Fracture toughness of irradiated modified 9Cr–1Mo steelSung Ho Kim, Ji-Hyun Yoon, Woo Seog Ryu, Chan Bock Lee, Jun Hwa Hong
390-394Migration of vacancies, He interstitials and He-vacancy clusters at grain boundaries in α-FeF. Gao, H.L. Heinisch, R.J. Kurtz
395-399Post-implantation thermal desorption of helium from poly- and single-crystalline ironDonghua Xu, Brian D. Wirth
400-404Status and strategy of fusion materials development in ChinaQ.Y. Huang, Y.C. Wu, J.G. Li, F.R. Wan, J.L. Chen, G.N. Luo, X. Liu, J.M. Chen, Z.Y. Xu, X.G. Zhou, X. Ju, Y.Y. Shan, J.N. Yu, S.Y. Zhu, P.Y. Zhang, J.F. Yang, X.J. Chen, S.M. Dong
405-410Fusion materials development program in the broader approach activitiesT. Nishitani, H. Tanigawa, S. Jitsukawa, T. Nozawa, K. Hayashi, T. Yamanishi, K. Tsuchiya, A. Möslang, N. Baluc, A. Pizzuto, E.R. Hodgson, R. Laesser, M. Gasparotto, A. Kohyama, R. Kasada, T. Shikama, H. Takatsu, M. Araki
411-417Recent progress toward development of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels for fusion structural applicationsR.J. Kurtz, A. Alamo, E. Lucon, Q. Huang, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, R.L. Klueh, G.R. Odette, C. Petersen, M.A. Sokolov, P. Spätig, J.-W. Rensman
418-421High temperature creep–fatigue–oxidation interactions in 9–12%Cr martensitic steelsBenjamin Fournier, Sauzay Maxime, Caes Christel, Noblecourt Michel, Rabeau Véronique, Bougault Annick, Pineau André
422-425Effect of helium on tensile properties and microstructure in 9%Cr–WVTa–steel after neutron irradiation up to 15 dpa between 250 and 450 °CE. Materna-Morris, A. Möslang, R. Rolli, H.-C. Schneider
426-429Effect of mechanical alloying atmosphere on the microstructure and Charpy impact properties of an ODS ferritic steelZ. Oksiuta, N. Baluc
430-432CEA developments of new ferritic ODS alloys for nuclear applicationsY. de Carlan, J.-L. Bechade, P. Dubuisson, J.-L. Seran, P. Billot, A. Bougault, T. Cozzika, S. Doriot, D. Hamon, J. Henry, M. Ratti, N. Lochet, D. Nunes, P. Olier, T. Leblondand, M.H. Mathon
433-436Fatigue life and strain hardening behavior of JLF-1 steelHuailin Li, Arata Nishimura, Takeo Muroga, Takuya Nagasaka
437-440Mockups of blanket cooling plates manufactured in different diffusion welding setupsA. von der Weth, J. Aktaa
441-444Dislocation loops in Eurofer and a Fe–Cr alloy irradiated by ions at 350 and 550 °C at 3 dpa: Effect of dose rateL. Boulanger, Y. Serruys
445-448Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and hardness of Eurofer 97, Eurofer ODS and T92 steelsZ. Lu, R.G. Faulkner, N. Riddle, F.D. Martino, K. Yang
449-452Microstructural characterization of Y2O3 ODS–Fe–Cr model alloysV. de Castro, T. Leguey, A. Muñoz, M.A. Monge, R. Pareja, E.A. Marquis, S. Lozano-Perez, M.L. Jenkins
453-456Interfacial optimization of tungsten fibre-reinforced copper for high-temperature heat sink material for fusion applicationA. Herrmann, K. Schmid, M. Balden, H. Bolt
457-461Void swelling in MA956 ODS steel irradiated with 122 MeV Ne-ions at elevated temperaturesC.H. Zhang, J. Jang, H.D. Cho, Y.T. Yang
462-465Void formation in ODS EUROFER produced by hot isostatic pressingY. Ortega, M.A. Monge, V. de Castro, A. Muñoz, T. Leguey, R. Pareja
466-470Strengthening of the RAFMS RUSFER – EK181 through nanostructuring surface layersA.V. Panin, V.M. Chernov, М.V. Leontieva-Smirnova, Е.А. Melnikova
471-474Specific welds for test blanket modulesMichael Rieth, Jörg Rey
475-478Study of PM2000 microstructure evolution following FSW processM.H. Mathon, V. Klosek, Y. de Carlan, L. Forest
479-482Effects of aluminum on high-temperature strength of 9Cr–ODS steelS. Ohtsuka, T. Kaito, M. Inoue, T. Asayama, S.W. Kim, S. Ukai, T. Narita, H. Sakasegawa
483-486High temperature characterization of LPS-SiC based materials with oxide additivesS.P. Lee, M.H. Lee, J.K. Lee, A. Kohyama, J.H. Lee
487-490Characteristic evaluation of liquid phase-sintered SiC materials by a nondestructive techniqueJ.K. Lee, S.P. Lee, K.S. Cho, J.H. Lee, A. Kohyama
491-494Development of low activation ferritic/martensitic steel welding technology for the fabrication of KO HCSB TBMSeungyon Cho, Duck-Hoi Kim, Mu-Young Ahn
495-498Effect of thermal ageing on tensile and creep properties of JLF-1 and CLAM steelsY.F. Li, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, Q.Y. Huang, Y.C. Wu
499-502Structure and properties of nano-sized Eurofer 97 steel obtained by hydrostatic extrusionMałgorzata Lewandowska, Agnieszka T. Krawczyńska, Mariusz Kulczyk, Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski
503-506Irradiation hardening and embrittlement in high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened steelsS. Oh, J.S. Lee, C. Jang, A. Kimura
507-510Corrosion behavior of Al-alloying high Cr-ODS steels in lead–bismuth eutecticS. Takaya, T. Furukawa, K. Aoto, G. Müller, A. Weisenburger, A. Heinzel, M. Inoue, T. Okuda, F. Abe, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, A. Kimura
511-514Evaluation of threshold stress of the MA957 ODS ferrtic alloyH. Sakasegawa, L. Chaffron, F. Legendre, M. Brocq, L. Boulanger, S. Poissonnet, Y. de Carlan, J. Bechade, T. Cozzika, J. Malaplate
515-519On the lattice coherency of oxide particles dispersed in EUROFER97A. Ramar, N. Baluc, R. Schäublin
520-524High-temperature strength analysis of welded joint of RAFs by small punch testTaichiro Kato, Shin-ichi Komazaki, Yutaka Kohno, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Akira Kohyama
525-528Characteristic results and prospects of the 13Cr–1W–0.3Ti–0.3Y2O3 ODS steelCh.Ch. Eiselt, M. Klimenkov, R. Lindau, A. Möslang
529-532Cyclically induced softening in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel before and after neutron irradiationS.W. Kim, H. Tanigawa, T. Hirose, A. Kohayama
533-536Stability of Y–Ti complex oxides in Fe–16Cr–0.1Ti ODS ferritic steel before and after heavy-ion irradiationH. Kishimoto, R. Kasada, O. Hashitomi, A. Kimura
537-539Some microstructural characterisations in a friction stir welded oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel alloyF. Legendre, S. Poissonnet, P. Bonnaillie, L. Boulanger, L. Forest
540-543Influence of titanium on nano-cluster (Y, Ti, O) stability in ODS ferritic materialsM. Ratti, D. Leuvrey, M.H. Mathon, Y. de Carlan
544-549A radiation hardening model of 9%Cr–martensitic steels including dpa and heliumR. Chaouadi, T. Hirai, J. Linke, G. Pintsuk
550-552Effect of Surface Preparation on CLAM/CLAM Hot Isostatic Pressing diffusion bonding jointsC. Li, Q. Huang, P. Zhang
553-556New insights into the structure of ODS particles in the ODS-Eurofer alloyM. Klimenkov, R. Lindau, A. Möslang
557-560TEM study of internal oxidation in an ODS-Eurofer alloyM. Klimenkov, R. Lindau, A. Möslang
561-563Effects of the forming processes and Y2O3 content on ODS-Eurofer mechanical propertiesP. Olier, A. Bougault, A. Alamo, Y. de Carlan
564-568Effect of thermal ageing on the impact fracture behaviour of Eurofer’97 steelHynek Hadraba, Ivo Dlouhy
569-571Correlation between hydrogen distribution in V–4Cr–4Ti alloy and impact strengthY. Hatano, H. Homma, T. Sakamura, H. Saitoh, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, M. Matsuyama
572-574Self passivating W-based alloys as plasma-facing materialF. Koch, S. Köppl, H. Bolt
575-578Environmental effects on irradiation creep behavior of highly purified V–4Cr–4Ti alloys (NIFS-Heats) irradiated by neutronsK. Fukumoto, M. Narui, H. Matsui, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, M. Li, D.T. Hoelzer, S.J. Zinkle
579-582High temperature tensile properties and their application to toughness enhancement in ultra-fine grained W-(0-1.5)wt% TiCH. Kurishita, S. Matsuo, H. Arakawa, M. Narui, M. Yamazaki, T. Sakamoto, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, T. Takida, K. Takebe, M. Kawai, N. Yoshida
583-586The mechanical properties of tungsten grown by chemical vapour depositionJ.D. Murphy, A. Giannattasio, Z. Yao, C.J.D. Hetherington, P.D. Nellist, S.G. Roberts
587-590Mechanical alloying process of vanadium powder with 1.7 wt.%Y additionKiyomichi Nakai, Sengo Kobayashi, Makoto Hidaka, Tatsuaki Sakamoto, Hiroaki Kurishita
591-593Experimental investigation of the fracture toughness of polycrystalline tungsten in the brittle and semi-brittle regimeDaniel Rupp, Sabine M. Weygand
594-597Mechanical properties of neutron-irradiated vanadium alloys in a liquid-sodium environmentHitoshi Kuroiwa, Ken-ichi Fukumoto, Minoru Narui, Hideki Matsui, Xu Qiu
598-601The microstructure of laser welded Y doped V–4Cr–4Ti alloys after ion irradiationH. Watanabe, A. Higashijima, N. Yoshida, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga
602-605High temperature deformation of V-1.6Y-8.5W-(0.08, 0.15)C alloysTatsuaki Sakamoto, Hiroaki Kurishita, Sengo Kobayashi, Kiyomichi Nakai
606-609Microstructure of creep-deformed V–4Cr–4Ti strengthened by precipitation and cold rollingT. Muroga, T. Nagasaka, J.M. Chen, Y.F. Li, H. Watanabe
610-612Prediction of radiation-induced yield stress increment in austenitic stainless steels by using a computational approachChansun Shin, Junhyun Kwon, Whungwhoe Kim
613-617Characterization of novel W alloys produced by HIPM.A. Monge, M.A. Auger, T. Leguey, Y. Ortega, L. Bolzoni, E. Gordo, R. Pareja
618-621Irradiation creep of the US Heat 832665 of V–4Cr–4TiMeimei Li, D.T. Hoelzer, M.L. Grossbeck, A.F. Rowcliffe, S.J. Zinkle, R.J. Kurtz
622-627Recent advances and issues in development of silicon carbide composites for fusion applicationsT. Nozawa, T. Hinoki, A. Hasegawa, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead, C.H. Henager Jr., J.B.J. Hegeman
628-630Compatibility between SiC and Li ceramics for solid breeding blanket systemShuhei Nogami, Akira Hasegawa, Takahide Murayama, Nobuyuki Otake, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe
631-633Design and installation of DC plasma reactor for SiC nanoparticle productionI.K. Yu, J.H. Rhee, S. Cho, H.K. Yoon
634-638Microstructural optimization of high-temperature SiC/SiC composites by NITE processK. Shimoda, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama
639-642DC electrical conductivity of silicon carbide ceramics and composites for flow channel insert applicationsY. Katoh, S. Kondo, L.L. Snead
643-646Microstructure and mechanical properties of silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide composite fabricated by electrophoretic deposition and hot-pressingKatsumi Yoshida, Kozue Matsukawa, Toyohiko Yano
647-649Synthesis of Ti3SiC2 by high energy ball milling and reactive sintering from Ti, Si, and C elementsFanling Meng, Laurent Chaffron, Yanchun Zhou
650-653Study on the weld characteristics of 316LN by magnetization measurementHyoung Chan Kim, K. Kim, Y.S. Lee, S.Y. Cho, H. Nakajima
654-657The microstructural evolution of precipitate strengthened copper alloys by varying temperature irradiationY. Sumino, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida
658-660The influence of interstitial impurities on temperature ranges of deuterium retention in austenitic stainless steel 18Cr10NiTiI.M. Neklyudov, O.M. Morozov, V.G. Kulish, V.I. Zhurba, A.G. Galytsky, E.V. Piatenko
661-665Precipitate evolution in low-nickel austenitic stainless steels during neutron irradiation at very low dose ratesY. Isobe, M. Sagisaka, F.A. Garner, S. Fujita, T. Okita
666-669Influence of local crystallographic orientation on short crack propagation in high cycle fatigue of 316LN steelEmilie FERRIE, Maxime Sauzay
670-674Compatibility of interfaces and fibers for SiC-composites in fusion environmentsC.H. Henager Jr., R.J. Kurtz
675-677Calculation of dissolution/deposition rates in flowing eutectic Pb–17Li with the MATLIM codeH. Steiner, W. Krauss, J. Konys
678-681Compatibility behavior of EUROFER steel in flowing Pb–17LiJ. Konys, W. Krauss, J. Novotny, H. Steiner, Z. Voss, O. Wedemeyer
682-684Deuterium diffusion in a chemical densified coating observed by NRAI. Takagi, T. Kobayashi, Y. Ueyama, H. Moriyama, M. Nakamichi, H. Nakamura, K. Hayashi
685-688Metallurgical study on corrosion of austenitic steels in molten salt LiF–BeF2 (Flibe)Masatoshi Kondo, Takuya Nagasaka, Akio Sagara, Nobuaki Noda, Takeo Muroga, Qi Xu, Masaru Nagura, Akihiro Suzuki, Takayuki Terai
689-691Evaluation of interface strength between metal and ceramics to be utilized for development of fusion reactor componentsM. Satou, T. Yamakawa, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe
692-695Impact of ceramic coating deposition on the tritium permeation in the Japanese ITER-TBMM. Nakamichi, H. Nakamura, K. Hayashi, I. Takagi
696-699Conception of operation of in situ oxide coating as applied to V/Li blanketO. Yeliseyeva, T. Muroga, Z. Yao, V. Tsisar
700-702Hydrogen permeation through steel coated with erbium oxide by sol–gel methodZhenyu Yao, Akihiro Suzuki, Denis Levchuk, Takumi Chikada, Teruya Tanaka, Takeo Muroga, Takayuki Terai
703-707Stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of a reduced-activation martensitic steel F82HYukio Miwa, Shiro Jitsukawa, Takashi Tsukada
708-711Recrystallized graphite behavior as the first wall material in Globus-M spherical tokamakV.K. Gusev, V.Kh. Alimov, I.I. Arkhipov, M. Balden, E.A. Denisov, A.E. Gorodetsky, A.A. Kurdumov, T.N. Kompaniec, V.M. Lebedev, N.V. Litunovsky, I.V. Mazul, A.N. Novokhatsky, Yu.V. Petrov, N.V. Sakharov, V.M. Sharapov, E.I. Terukov, I.N. Trapeznikova, J. Roth, A.P. Zakharov, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov
712-715Initial characterization of V–4Cr–4Ti and MHD coatings exposed to flowing LiB.A. Pint, S.J. Pawel, M. Howell, J.L. Moser, G.W. Garner, M.L. Santella, P.F. Tortorelli, F.W. Wiffen, J.R. DiStefano
716-719Fluoridation and oxidation characteristics of JLF-1 and NIFS-HEAT-2 low-activation structural materialsTakuya Nagasaka, Masatoshi Kondo, Takeo Muroga, Nobuaki Noda, Akio Sagara, Osamu Motojima, Akihiro Suzuki, Takayuki Terai
720-724European effort towards consolidating the design and manufacture of the ITER in-vessel componentsG. Federici
725-728Simultaneous irradiation effects of hydrogen and helium ions on tungstenY. Ueda, M. Fukumoto, J. Yoshida, Y. Ohtsuka, R. Akiyoshi, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida
729-732Overview of long-term fuel inventory and co-deposition in castellated beryllium limiters at JETM.J. Rubel, J.P. Coad, D. Hole and JET-EFDA Contributors
733-735High heat load properties of ultra fine grained tungstenZhangjian Zhou, Jochen Linke, Gerald Pintsuk, Juan Du, Shuxiang Song, Changchun Ge
736-739Deuterium retention of ferritic steel irradiated by energetic hydrogen ionsT. Hino, Y. Katada, Y. Yamauchi, M. Akiba, S. Suzuki, T. Ezato
740-743Material mixing on plasma-facing components: Compound formationM. Psoda, M. Rubel, G. Sergienko, P. Sundelin, A. Pospieszczyk
744-746Evaporation and vapor shielding of CFC targets exposed to plasma heat fluxes relevant to ITER ELMsV.M. Safronov, N.I. Arkhipov, I.S. Landman, S.E. Pestchanyi, D.A. Toporkov, A.M. Zhitlukhin
747-750Damage modelling in plasma facing componentsE. Martin, G. Camus, J. Schlosser, G. Chevet
751-755Enhanced erosion of tungsten plasma-facing components subject to simultaneous heat pulses and deuterium plasmaK.R. Umstadter, R. Doerner, G. Tynan
756-759High-temperature transient surface heating experiments on carbon in Be-seeded deuterium plasmasJ. Hanna, M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima, R. Seraydarian
760-763Evaluation of the erosion on the CFC tiles of the ITER divertor by means of FE calculationsJ. Schlosser, C. Lowry, B. Riccardi, E. D’Agata, J. Bouvet, M. Merola
764-767Thermo-oxidation of tokamak carbon dustJ.W. Davis, B.W.N. Fitzpatrick, J.P. Sharpe, A.A. Haasz
768-771Hydrogen behavior in damaged tungsten by high-energy ion irradiationM. Fukumoto, H. Kashiwagi, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Ueda, Y. Nobuta, J. Yagyu, T. Arai, M. Taniguchi, T. Inoue, K. Sakamoto
772-775Cyclic heat load testing of improved CFC/Cu bonding for the W 7-X divertor targetsH. Greuner, B. Böswirth, J. Boscary, P. Chaudhuri, J. Schlosser, T. Friedrich, A. Plankensteiner, R. Tivey
776-779Visualization of hydrogen distribution around blisters by tritium radio-luminographyT. Hoshihira, T. Otsuka, T. Tanabe
780-783Failure behaviors of vacuum plasma sprayed tungsten coatings for plasma facing applicationF.L. Chong, J.L.Chen, J.G. Li, X.B. Zheng
784-788Characterization of thick plasma spray tungsten coating on ferritic/martensitic steel F82H for high heat flux armorY. Yahiro, M. Mitsuhara, K. Tokunakga, N. Yoshida, T. Hirai, K. Ezato, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba, H. Nakashima
789-792Transmutation and activation analysis for divertor materials in a HCLL-type fusion power reactorU. Fischer, P. Pereslavtsev, A. Möslang, M. Rieth
793-796Erosion of a TiAl intermetallic alloy under conditions simulating plasma disruptionsB.A. Kalin, V.L. Yakushin, V.I. Polsky, P.S. Dzhumaev, V.T. Fedotov, O.N. Sevryukov, M.Yu. Golikov, M.V. Zolotarev
797-800Microstructural and thermo-mechanical characterization of carbon/carbon compositesJ. Compan, T. Hirai, G. Pintsuk, J. Linke
801-804Ti-doped isotropic graphite: A promising armour material for plasma-facing componentsC. García-Rosales, I. López-Galilea, N. Ordás, C. Adelhelm, M. Balden, G. Pintsuk, M. Grattarola, C. Gualco
805-808Improvement of thermal shock resistance of isotropic graphite by Ti-dopingI. López-Galilea, N. Ordás, C. García-Rosales, S. Lindig
809-812Castellated structures for ITER: Differences of impurity deposition and fuel accumulation in the toroidal and poloidal gapsA. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, P. Wienhold, K. Krieger, A. Kirschner, D. Borodin, G. Sergienko, O. Schmitz, A. Kreter, U. Samm TEXTOR Team, S. Richter, U. Breuer
813-816Helium-cooled divertor for DEMO: Manufacture and high heat flux tests of tungsten-based mock-upsP. Norajitra, A. Gervash, R. Giniyatulin, T. Hirai, G. Janeschitz, W. Krauss, V. Kuznetsov, A. Makhankov, I. Mazul, I. Ovchinnikov, J. Reiser, V. Widak
817-820Application of a fiber-reinforced copper matrix composite cooling tube to a water-cooled mono-block divertor component: A design studyJ.H. You
821-823Lithium capillary porous system behavior as PFM in FTU tokamak experimentsM.L. Apicella, V. Lazarev, I. Lyublinski, G. Mazzitelli, S. Mirnov, A. Vertkov
824-829Effect of irradiation temperature and dose on mechanical properties and fracture characteristics of Cu//SS joints for ITERS.A. Fabritsiev, A.S. Pokrovsky, A. Peacock, M. Roedig, J. Linke, A.A. Gervash, V.R. Barabash
830-833Characterization of CuCrZr and CuCrZr/SS joint strength for different blanket components manufacturing conditionsOlivier Gillia, Laurent Briottet, Isabelle Chu, Patrick Lemoine, Emmanuel Rigal, Alan Peacock
834-836Evaluation of W–Si–C thick coating as a plasma facing materialHyun Kwang Seok, Kyung Ho Jung, Yu Chan Kim, Jae-Hyeok Shim, Dong-Ik Kim, Seung-Hee Han, Kyeong Ho Baik, Pil-Ryung Cha
837-840Mechanical properties of SiC long fibre reinforced copperA. Brendel, V. Paffenholz, Th. Köck, H. Bolt
841-843High temperature irradiation damage of carbon materials studies by laser Raman spectroscopyM. Yoshida, T. Tanabe, N. Ohno, M. Yoshimi, S. Takamura
844-846Power operation with reduced heat transmitting tiles at tore supraR. Mitteau, J. Schlosser, M. Lipa, A. Durocher
847-851R&D of joining technology for SiC components with channelHun-Chea Jung, Yi-Hyun Park, Joon-Soo Park, Tatsuya Hinoki, Akira Kohyama
852-8553D-AP and positron annihilation study of precipitation behavior in Cu–Cr–Zr alloyM. Hatakeyama, T. Toyama, J. Yang, Y. Nagai, M. Hasegawa, T. Ohkubo, M. Eldrup, B.N. Singh
856-859Examination of W7-X target elements after high heat flux testingM. Missirlian, J. Boscary, A. Durocher, J. Schlosser, H. Greuner, L.S. Sigl
860-862An operational non-destructive examination technique for ITER Divertor plasma facing componentsA. Durocher, F. Escourbiac, J.L. Farjon, N. Vignal, F. Cismondi, M. Merola, B. Riccardi
863-865Interface strength measurement of tungsten coatings on F82H substratesHyoungil Kim, Jaafar El-Awady, Vijay Gupta, Nasr Ghoniem, Shahram Sharafat
866-870Cleaning surface treatments for the fabrication of ITER First Wall panels by HIPP.-E. Frayssines, P. Bucci, E. De Vito, E. Rigal, P. Lorenzetto
871-873Micro-particles in ITER: A comprehensive reviewC. Grisolia, S. Rosanvallon, Ph. Sharpe, J. Winter
874-877Tritium release from beryllium articles for use in fusion devicesJ. Tīliks, G. Ķizāne, A. Vītiņš, E. Kolodinska, J. Tīliks Jr., I. Reinholds
878-881The activation system EASY-2007R.A. Forrest, J. Kopecky
882-883Dust in ITER: Diagnostics and removal techniquesS. Rosanvallon, C. Grisolia, P. Delaporte, J. Worms, F. Onofri, S.H. Hong, G. Counsell, J. Winter
884-887Hydrogen diffusion in Fe–Ni alloys around room temperatureTeppei Otsuka, Shinsuke Sasabe, Tetsuo Tanabe
888-892Torus configuration and materials selection on a fusion DEMO reactor, SlimCSK. Tobita, S. Nishio, H. Tanigawa, M. Enoeda, T. Isono, H. Nakamura, D. Tsuru, S. Suzuki, T. Hayashi, K. Tsuchiya, T. Hayashi, T. Nishitani and The DEMO design team
893-895Controlled carbon deposit removal by oxygen radicalsA. Drenik, A. Vesel, M. Mozetič
896-899Materials and design interfaceS. Sharafat, G.R. Odette, J. Blanchard
900-903A description of bubble growth and gas release of helium implanted tungstenS. Sharafat, A. Takahashi, Q. Hu, N.M. Ghoniem
904-907Insulating performance requirements for the coating material in the ITER DFLL electromagnetic TBM based on the MHD analysisH. Chen, T. Zhou, R. Lü, Z. Yang, Z. Wu, D. Xia
908-910Effect of activation cross section uncertainties in the assessment of primary damage for MFE/IFE low-activation steels irradiated in IFMIFO. Cabellos, J. Sanz, N. García-Herranz, B. Otero
911-914Reduced softening of EUROFER 97 under thermomechanical and multiaxial fatigue loading and its impact on the design rulesJ. Aktaa, M. Weick, C. Petersen
915-918Modelling of radiation impact on ITER Beryllium wallI.S. Landman, G. Janeschitz
919-921Erosion simulation of first wall beryllium armour under ITER transient heat loadsB. Bazylev, G. Janeschitz, I. Landman, S. Pestchanyi, A. Loarte
922-926Ferritic–Martensitic steel Test Blanket Modules: Status and future needs for design criteria requirements and fabrication validationJ.-F. Salavy, G. Aiello, P. Aubert, L.V. Boccaccini, M. Daichendt, G. De Dinechin, E. Diegele, L.M. Giancarli, R. Lässer, H. Neuberger, Y. Poitevin, Y. Stephan, G. Rampal, E. Rigal
927-930Development of fabrication technology and investigation of properties of steel-to-bronze joints suggested for ITER HHF componentsG.M. Kalinin, V.Ya. Abramov, A.A. Gervash, V.B. Zolotarev, N.S. Krestnikov, I.V. Mazul, Yu.S. Strebkov, S.A. Fabritsiev
931-934Nitrogen segregation and blister formation of 316LN austenitic steel during electron beam welding tests for ITER gravity supportsP.Y. Lee, B.L. Hou, J.H. Wu, D. Yang, G.R. Zhang, C.P. Zhang
935-943Building on knowledge base of sodium cooled fast spectrum reactors to develop materials technology for fusion reactorsBaldev Raj, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao
944-948Start of the engineering validation and design phase of IFMIFPascal Garin
949-953Fission–fusion neutron sourceJinnan Yu, Gang Yu
954-957Design optimization and experimental testing of the High-Flux Test Module of IFMIFD. Leichtle, F. Arbeiter, B. Dolensky, U. Fischer, S. Gordeev, V. Heinzel, T. Ihli, A. Moeslang, S.P. Simakov, V. Slobodchuk, E. Stratmanns
958-962Experimental investigation of the IFMIF target mock-upN. Loginov, A. Mikheyev, V. Morozov, Yu. Aksenov, M. Arnol’dov, L. Berensky, V. Fedotovsky, V. Chernov, H. Nakamura
963-966Mechanical properties of F82H/316L and 316L/316L welds upon the target back-plate of IFMIFKazuyuki Furuya, Mizuho Ida, Makoto Miyashita, Hiroo Nakamura
967-970JANNUS: A multi-irradiation platform for experimental validation at the scale of the atomistic modellingY. Serruys, P. Trocellier, S. Miro, E. Bordas, M.O. Ruault, O. Kaïtasov, S. Henry, O. Leseigneur, Th. Bonnaillie, S. Pellegrino, S. Vaubaillon, D. Uriot
971-973A numerical study of the size effect in fracture mechanical bending tests with the cohesive zone methodSabine M. Weygand, Jarir Aktaa
974-978Statistical evaluation of anisotropic fracture behavior of ODS ferritic steels by using small punch testsNaoyuki Okuda, Ryuta Kasada, Akihiko Kimura
979-982In-pile testing of ITER first wall mock-ups at relevant thermal loading conditionsN. Litunovsky, A. Gervash, P. Lorenzetto, I. Mazul, R. Melder
983-986Radiation effects in IFMIF Li target diagnostic systemsJ. Molla, R. Vila, T. Shikama, H. Horiike, S. Simakov, M. Ciotti, A. Ibarra
987-990Thermal-stress analysis of IFMIF target back-wall made of reduced-activation ferritic steel and austenitic stainless steelMizuho Ida, Teruo Chida, Kazuyuki Furuya, Eiichi Wakai, Hiroo Nakamura, Masayoshi Sugimoto
991-993Neutron induced activation in the EVEDA accelerator materials: Implications for the accelerator maintenanceJ. Sanz, M. García, P. Sauvan, D. López, C. Moreno, A. Ibarra, L. Sedano
994-998Evolving targets for DEMO: Implications for materials developmentIan Cook, David Maisonnier, David Ward
999-1001Insulator degradation due to radiation induced ion and dark currents in vacuumE.R. Hodgson, A. Moroño, S.M. Gonzalez
1002-1005Electrical surface degradation of electron irradiated sapphire and silicaA. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson, S.M. González de Vicente
1006-1009Surface electrical degradation due to ion bombardment of ITER insulatorsS.M. Gonzalez de Vicente, A. Moroño, D.E. Hole, E.R. Hodgson
1010-1013Clustering of germanium atoms in silica glass responsible for the 3.1 eV emission band studied by optical absorption and X-ray absorption fine structure analysisTomoko Yoshida, Shunsuke Muto, Leny Yuliati, Hisao Yoshida, Yasuhiro Inada
1014-1017Development of multi-functional NITE-porous SiC for ceramic insulatorsYi-Hyun Park, Tatsuya Hinoki, Akira Kohyama
1018-1022High-temperature neutron irradiation effects on CVD-diamond, silicon and silicon carbideToyohiko Yano, Takashi Sawabe, Katsumi Yoshida, Yoshiro Yamamoto
1023-1026Temperature measurement by thermal luminescence of partially replaced core optical fiberT. Shikama, K. Toh, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, Y. Ohno
1027-1029Effect of 14-MeV neutrons on strontium–aluminate-based long-lasting phosphorK. Toh, T. Shikama, H. Katsui, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, M. Yamauchi, T. Nishitani
1030-1033Radiation induced absorption and luminescence of selected alternative radiation resistant glassesA. Moroño, P. Martín, A. Gusarov, E.R. Hodgson
1034-1037Gamma irradiation induced defects in different types of fused silicaM. León, P. Martín, A. Ibarra, E.R. Hodgson
1038-1040Degradation of reflectivity in stainless steel mirrors under irradiation with low-energy helium ionsH. Urabe, M. Miyamoto, K. Ono, M. Tokitani, N. Yoshida
1041-1044TIEMF effect in ceramic coated cablesR. Vila, E.R. Hodgson
1045-1048Damage process and luminescent characteristics in silica glasses under ion irradiationS. Nagata, H. Katsui, B. Tsuchiya, A. Inouye, S. Yamamoto, K. Toh, T. Shikma
1049-1051Effect of ion beam and neutron irradiations on the luminescence of polycrystalline Ce-doped Y3Al5O12 ceramicsT. Hirouchi, M. Nishiura, T. Nagasaka, T. Ido, D. Funaki, T. Kobuchi, A. Okamoto, S. Kitajima, M. Sasao, K. Fujioka, M. Isobe, T. Mutoh
1052-1055Gas bubble network formation in irradiated beryllium pebbles monitored by X-ray microtomographyA. Möslang, R.A. Pieritz, E. Boller, C. Ferrero
1056-1059Compatibility between Be–V Alloy and F82H steelK. Tsuchiya, Y. Namekawa, T. Ishida
1060-1064Thermo-mechanical analyses of HELICA and HEXCALIBER mock-upsYixiang Gan, Marc Kamlah
1065-1067Effects of multi-ion irradiation on microstructural changes in lithium titanateDaiju Yamaki, Nariaki Okubo, Tetsuya Nakazawa, Shiro Jitsukawa
1068-1070Thermal conductivity of sintered lithium orthosilicate compactsBirgit Löbbecke, Regina Knitter, Magnus Rohde, Jörg Reimann
1071-1073Reduction of impurities and activation of lithium orthosilicate breeder materialsRegina Knitter, Ulrich Fischer, Stefan Herber, Christel Adelhelm
1074-1077Study on damage process and hydrogen effect in Li2ZrO3 by using ion-induced luminescenceHirokazu Katsui, Shinji Nagata, Kentaro Toh, Bun Tsuchiya, Tatsuo Shikama
1078-1082Experimental characterization of ceramic pebble bedsN. Zaccari, D. Aquaro
1083-1086Design and trial fabrication of a dismantling apparatus for irradiation capsules of solid tritium breeder materialsK. Hayashi, T. Nakagawa, S. Onose, T. Ishida, M. Nakamichi, H. Takatsu, M. Nakamura, T. Noguchi
1087-1090Modeling of Li diffusivity in Li2O by molecular dynamics simulationTakuji Oda, Satoru Tanaka
1091-1094Tritium release from lithium orthosilicate pebbles deposited with palladiumKenzo Munakata, Takashi Shinozaki, Keita Inoue, Shunsaku Kajii, Yohei Shinozaki, Toshiharu Takeishi, Regina Knitter, Nicolas Bekris, Toshiyuki Fujii, Hajimu Yamana, Kenji Okuno
1095-1097Mechanical properties of silicon carbide sintered with additive Y3Al5O12Bu-Ahn Kim, Han-Ki Yoon, Sang-Hoon Noh
1098-1101Crystal structure of advanced lithium titanate with lithium oxide additivesTsuyoshi Hoshino, Kazuya Sasaki, Kunihiko Tsuchiya, Kimio Hayashi, Akihiro Suzuki, Takuya Hashimoto, Takayuki Terai
1102-1106Control of molten salt corrosion of fusion structural materials by metallic berylliumP. Calderoni, P. Sharpe, H. Nishimura, T. Terai
1107-1110Preliminary test for reprocessing technology development of tritium breedersTsuyoshi Hoshino, Kunihiko Tsuchiya, Kimio Hayashi, Mutsumi Nakamura, Hitoshi Terunuma, Katsuyoshi Tatenuma

Volume 389, Issue 1, Pages 1-196 (15 May 2009)

Thermochemistry and Thermophysics of Nuclear Materials, Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium on Thermochemistry and Thermophysics of Nuclear Materials Pörtschach, Austria 30 August-03 September 2008 Edited by Peter F. Rogl
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript received date
viiiPreface 12th STTNM-2008Peter Rogl
1-22Nuclear fuels – Present and futureD. Olander
23-28Thermochemical and thermophysical properties of minor actinide compoundsKazuo Minato, Masahide Takano, Haruyoshi Otobe, Tsuyoshi Nishi, Mitsuo Akabori, Yasuo Arai
29-44Over forty years of ‘Thermodynamics of Nuclear Materials’Paul E. Potter
45-51Thermophysical properties of NpO2, AmO2 and CmO2V. Sobolev
52-56Eutectic crystallization in the FeO1.5–UO2+xV.I. Almjashev, M. Barrachin, S.V. Bechta, D. Bottomley, F. Defoort, M. Fischer, V.V. Gusarov, S. Hellmann, V.B. Khabensky, E.V. Krushinov, D.B. Lopukh, L.P. Mezentseva, A. Miassoedov, Yu.B. Petrov, S.A. Vitol
57-61NaTaO3 composite ceramics – A new thermoelectric material for energy generationWilfried Wunderlich
62-67Monitoring the embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steels by using the Seebeck coefficientM. Niffenegger, H.J. Leber
68-71Oxygen potential measurements of Am0.5Pu0.5O2−xHaruyoshi Otobe, Mitsuo Akabori, Yasuo Arai
72-77Estimation of oxygen potential for U–Pu–O mixed oxide fuelS. Vana Varamban, V. Ganesan, P.R. Vasudeva Rao
78-84Radial redistribution of actinides in irradiated FR-MOX fuelsKoji Maeda, Shinji Sasaki, Masato Kato, Yoshiyuki Kihara
85-88Effect of Nd and Pr addition on the thermal and mechanical properties of (U, Ce)O2Ken Kurosaki, Kosuke Tanaka, Masahiko Osaka, Hiroaki Muta, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
89-92Thermal expansion of TRU nitride solid solutions as fuel materials for transmutation of minor actinidesMasahide Takano, Mitsuo Akabori, Yasuo Arai, Kazuo Minato
93-97Phase relations in the U–Mo–Al ternary systemH. Noël, O. Tougait, S. Dubois
98-100Thermoelectric power studies of ferromagnet U2ScB6C3V.H. Tran, W. Miiller, P. Rogl
101-107Thermodynamic study of the U–Si systemA. Berche, C. Rado, O. Rapaud, C. Guéneau, J. Rogez
108-114Electrochemical transient techniques for study of the electrochemistry and thermodynamics of nuclear materials in molten saltsS.A. Kuznetsov, M. Gaune-Escard
115-118Thermal and mechanical properties of (U,Er)O2Shinsuke Yamanaka, Ken Kurosaki, Masahito Katayama, Jun Adachi, Masayoshi Uno, Takeshi Kuroishi, Masatoshi Yamasaki
119-126Computer simulation of defects formation and equilibrium in non-stoichiometric uranium dioxideE. Yakub, C. Ronchi, D. Staicu
127-136The terminal solid solubility of hydrogen in irradiated Zircaloy-2 and microscopic modeling of hydride behaviorK. Une, S. Ishimoto, Y. Etoh, K. Ito, K. Ogata, T. Baba, K. Kamimura, Y. Kobayashi
137-141New aspects about reduced LCF-life time of spherical ductile cast iron due to dynamic strain aging at intermediate temperaturesHayato Mouri, Wilfried Wunderlich, Morihito Hayashi
142-148Phosphates behaviours in conversion of FP chloridesI. Amamoto, H. Kofuji, M. Myochin, Y. Takasaki, T. Terai
149-154Evaluation of melting point of UO2 by molecular dynamics simulationTatsumi Arima, Kazuya Idemitsu, Yaohiro Inagaki, Yuichi Tsujita, Motoyasu Kinoshita, Eugene Yakub
155-159Thermophysical properties of (U,Y)O2Hiromichi Gima, Ken Kurosaki, Jun Adachi, Masahito Katayama, Hiroaki Muta, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
160-163Crystal structure and magnetic properties of UFe5Ga7M.S. Henriques, P. Mora, M.M. Cruz, H. Noël, O. Tougait, V.H. Tran, A.P. Gonçalves
164-169Analysis of oxygen potential of (U0.7Pu0.3)OxMasato Kato, Kenji Konashi, Nobuo Nakae
170-172Fabrication and mechanical characterization of zirconium and gadolinium hydridesYuki Kitano, Ken Kurosaki, Masato Ito, Hiroaki Muta, Masayoshi Uno, Kenji Konashi, Shinsuke Yamanaka
173-178Evaluation of phosphate thermodynamic properties for spent electrolyte recycleHirohide Kofuji, Ippei Amamoto, Masaru Yasumoto, Kazuya Sasaki, Munetaka Myochin, Takayuki Terai
179-185Thermal conductivity of (U,Pu,Np)O2 solid solutionsKyoichi Morimoto, Masato Kato, Masahiro Ogasawara, Motoaki Kashimura
186-190Thermophysical properties of several nitrides prepared by spark plasma sinteringH. Muta, K. Kurosaki, M. Uno, S. Yamanaka
191-196The phase state at high temperatures in the MOX–SiO2 systemS. Nakamichi, M. Kato, T. Sunaoshi, T. Uchida, K. Morimoto, M. Kashimura, Y. Kihara

Volume 389, Issue 2, Pages 197-340 (31 May 2009)

Particle Beam Induced Radiation Effects in Materials, Proceedings of the Symposium on Particle Beam Induced Radiation Effects in Materials, as part of the annual meeting of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society New Orleans, LA, USA 10-12 March 2008 Edited by Stuart A. Maloy, Christina Trautmann and Gary S. Was
iiiConference Title Page
ivManuscript received date
viiPrefaceStuart A. Maloy, Christina Trautmann, Gary S. Was
197-202Dynamic observations of heavy-ion damage in Fe and Fe–Cr alloysM.L. Jenkins, Z. Yao, M. Hernández-Mayoral, M.A. Kirk
203-212A description of stress driven bubble growth of helium implanted tungstenShahram Sharafat, Akiyuki Takahashi, Koji Nagasawa, Nasr Ghoniem
213-220High temperature surface effects of He+ implantation in ICF fusion first wall materialsSamuel J. Zenobia, R.F. Radel, B.B. Cipiti, Gerald L. Kulcinski
221-224Grain refinement of T91 alloy by equal channel angular pressingD.C. Foley, K.T. Hartwig, S.A. Maloy, P. Hosemann, X. Zhang
225-232Irradiation-induced precipitation modelling of ferritic steelsYou Fa Yin, Roy G. Faulkner, Zheng Lu
233-238He ion irradiation damage in Fe/W nanolayer filmsNan Li, E.G. Fu, H. Wang, J.J. Carter, L. Shao, S.A. Maloy, A. Misra, X. Zhang
239-247Nanoindentation on ion irradiated steelsP. Hosemann, C. Vieh, R.R. Greco, S. Kabra, J.A. Valdez, M.J. Cappiello, S.A. Maloy
248-253Characterization of high energy ion implantation into Ti–6Al–4VM.P. Carroll, K. Stephenson, K.O. Findley
254-258Displacement rate effects in void formationK.C. Russell
259-264Experimental atomic scale investigation of irradiation effects in CW 316SS and UFG-CW 316SSP. Pareige, A. Etienne, B. Radiguet
265-278Effects of oversized solutes on radiation-induced segregation in austenitic stainless steelsM.J. Hackett, J.T. Busby, M.K. Miller, G.S. Was
279-287Modeling solute-vacancy trapping at oversized solutes and its effect on radiation-induced segregation in Fe–Cr–Ni alloysM.J. Hackett, R. Najafabadi, G.S. Was
288-296Materials researches at the Paul Scherrer Institute for developing high power spallation targetsYong Dai, Werner Wagner
297-302Radiation effects in cubic zirconia: A model system for ceramic oxidesL. Thomé, S. Moll, G. Sattonnay, L. Vincent, F. Garrido, J. Jagielski
303-310Response of strontium titanate to ion and electron irradiationY. Zhang, J. Lian, Z. Zhu, W.D. Bennett, L.V. Saraf, J.L. Rausch, C.A. Hendricks, R.C. Ewing, W.J. Weber
311-316Comparison of the damage in sapphire due to implantation of boron, nitrogen, and ironCarl J. McHargue, E. Alves, C. Marques, L.C. Ononye
317-325Proton irradiation study of GFR candidate ceramicsJian Gan, Yong Yang, Clayton Dickson, Todd Allen
326-331Study of silver diffusion in silicon carbideE. Friedland, J.B. Malherbe, N.G. van der Berg, T. Hlatshwayo, A.J. Botha, E. Wendler, W. Wesch
332-335Anisotropy of disorder accumulation and recovery in 6H–SiC irradiated with Au2+ ions at 140 KW. Jiang, W.J. Weber
336-340Magnetic order in proton irradiated graphite: Curie temperatures and magnetoresistance effectJ. Barzola-Quiquia, P. Esquinazi, M. Rothermel, D. Spemann, T. Butz

Volume 389, Issue 3, Pages 341-506 (1 June 2009)

341-350MgO–pyrochlore composite as an inert matrix fuel: Neutronic and thermal characteristicsA. Imaura, N. Touran, R.C. Ewing
351-358Characterization of ThO2–UO2 pellets made by co-precipitation processT.R.G. Kutty, K.B. Khan, P.V. Achuthan, P.S. Dhami, A. Dakshinamoorthy, P.S. Somayajulu, J.P. Panakkal, Arun Kumar, H.S. Kamath
359-364Effects of the fabrication process parameters on the precipitates and mechanical properties of a 9Cr–2W–V–Nb steelTae Kyu Kim, Jong Hyuk Baek, Chang Hee Han, Sung Ho Kim, Chan Bock Lee
365-376Effect of radiolytic hydrogen peroxide in tritiated water on the first passivity of titaniumG. Bellanger
377-3843D finite element and experimental study of the size requirements for measuring toughness on tempered martensitic steelsP. Mueller, P. Spätig
385-393Measurement of transformation temperatures and specific heat capacity of tungsten added reduced activation ferritic–martensitic steelS. Raju, B. Jeya Ganesh, Arun Kumar Rai, R. Mythili, S. Saroja, E. Mohandas, M. Vijayalakshmi, K.B.S. Rao, Baldev Raj
394-401Estimation of equilibrium surface precipitation constants for trivalent metal sorption onto hydrous ferric oxide and calciteAnpalaki J. Ragavan, Dean V. Adams
402-406Effect of oxygen potential on the sintering behavior of MgO-based heterogeneous fuels containing (Pu, Am)O2−xShuhei Miwa, Yohei Ishi, Masahiko Osaka
407-409Steady-state size distribution of voids in metals under cascade irradiationA.V. Barashev, S.I. Golubov
410-415In situP. Xu, M. Tang, J.C. Nino
416-419Oxygen chemical diffusion in hypo-stoichiometric MOXMasato Kato, Kyoichi Morimoto, Tetsuya Tamura, Takeo Sunaoshi, Kenji Konashi, Shigenori Aono, Motoaki Kashimura
420-426Effect of thermo-mechanical processing on microstructure and creep properties of the foils of alloy 617S.K. Sharma, C. Jang, K.J. Kang
427-431Hydrolysis kinetics of lead silicate glass in acid solutionRafi Ali Rahimi, Sayed Khatibuleslam Sadrnezhaad, Gholamreza Raisali, Amir Hamidi
432-435Modeling the influence of high dose irradiation on the deformation and damage behavior of RAFM steels under low cycle fatigue conditionsJ. Aktaa, C. Petersen
436-442Crystallographic measurement of the β to α phase transformation and δ-hydride precipitation in a laser-welded Zircaloy-2 tube by electron backscattering diffractionK. Une, S. Ishimoto
443-449Temperature and dose dependence of fission-gas-bubble swelling in U3Si2Yeon Soo Kim, G.L. Hofman, J. Rest, A.B. Robinson
450-457Behaviour of ruthenium dioxide particles in borosilicate glasses and meltsRachel Pflieger, Leila Lefebvre, Mohammed Malki, Mathieu Allix, Agnès Grandjean
458-469A US perspective on fast reactor fuel fabrication technology and experience part I: metal fuels and assembly designDouglas E. Burkes, Randall S. Fielding, Douglas L. Porter, Douglas C. Crawford, Mitchell K. Meyer
470-478Reaction of neptunium with molecular and atomic oxygen: Formation and stability of surface oxidesA. Seibert, T. Gouder, F. Huber
479-483Deuterium retention and release in tungsten co-deposited layersG. De Temmerman, R.P. Doerner
484-489Effect of heat-treatment at different temperatures on the phase and morphology of the surface of W-coated C/C compositesZhaofeng Chen, Ying Zhang, Liangbing Wang, Jun Huang, Ruijuan Xue, Wei Shang
490-496Fine structure behaviour of VVER-1000 RPV materials under irradiationB.A. Gurovich, E.A. Kuleshova, Ya.I. Shtrombakh, D.Yu. Erak, A.A. Chernobaeva, O.O. Zabusov
497-499Radiation damage effects in the uranium-bearing δ-phase oxide Y6U1O12M. Tang, K.S. Holliday, J.A. Valdez, B.P. Uberuaga, P.O. Dickerson, R.M. Dickerson, Y. Wang, K.R. Czerwinski, K.E. Sickafus
500-503Mitigation of hydride embrittlement of zirconium by yttriumI.S. Batra, R.N. Singh, P. Sengupta, B.C. Maji, K. Madangopal, K.V. Manikrishna, R. Tewari, G.K. Dey
504-506Erratum to “Safe radioisotope thermoelectric generators and heat sources for space applications” [Journal of Nuclear Materials 377(2008) 506–521]R.C. O’Brien, R.M. Ambrosi, N.P. Bannister, S.D. Howe, H.V. Atkinson
iiEditorial board
vConference Title Page
viManuscript received date
xviiPrefaceAlberto Loarte, Francisco L. Tabarés, Isabel García Cortés, David Tafalla, Carmen García-Rosales, Philippe Ghendrih
1-9Recent analysis of key plasma wall interactions issues for ITERJoachim Roth, E. Tsitrone, A. Loarte, Th. Loarer, G. Counsell, R. Neu, V. Philipps, S. Brezinsek, M. Lehnen, P. Coad, Ch. Grisolia, K. Schmid, K. Krieger, A. Kallenbach, B. Lipschultz, R. Doerner, R. Causey, V. Alimov, W. Shu, O. Ogorodnikova, et al.
10-19Power and particle exhaust in tokamaks: Integration of plasma scenarios with plasma facing materials and componentsW. Fundamenski
20-28Fuel retention in tokamaksT. Loarer
29-37Edge turbulence and SOL transport in tokamaksJ.A. Boedo
38-43Dynamics of erosion and deposition in tokamaksA. Kreter, S. Brezinsek, J.P. Coad, H.G. Esser, W. Fundamenski, V. Philipps, R.A. Pitts, V. Rohde, T. Tanabe, A. Widdowson and JET EFDA contributors
44-48Effects of tungsten surface conditions on carbon depositionY. Ueda, M. Fukumoto, A. Yamawaki, Y. Soga, Y. Ohtsuka, S. Brezinsek, T. Hirai, A. Kirschner, A. Kreter, A. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, G. Sergienko, T. Tanabe, K. Sugiyama, K. Ohya, N. Ohno and The TEXTOR team
49-52Analysis of carbon deposited layer growth processes in Tore SupraP. Roubin, B. Pégourié, R. Smirnov, C. Martin, M. Richou, Y. Marandet, C. Pardanaud, C. Brosset, J. Gunn
53-56From eroded material to dust: An experimental evaluation of the mobilised dust production in Tore SupraC. Grisolia, S. Rosanvallon, A. Loarte, P. Sharpe, C. Arnas
57-60Dust limit management strategy in tokamaksS. Rosanvallon, C. Grisolia, P. Andrew, S. Ciattaglia, P. Delaporte, D. Douai, D. Garnier, E. Gauthier, W. Gulden, S.H. Hong, S. Pitcher, L. Rodriguez, N. Taylor, A. Tesini, S. Vartanian, A. Vatry, M. Wykes
61-64Spherical cauliflower-like carbon dust formed by interaction between deuterium plasma and graphite target and its internal structureN. Ohno, M. Yoshimi, M. Tokitani, S. Takamura, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida
65-67Characterization of the carbon erosion on the limiter of Tore SupraE. Delchambre, A. Beaute, S. Brezinsek, S. Carpentier, Y. Corre, G. Dunand, A. Ekedahl, A. Escarguel, J. Gunn, Y. Marandet, V. Moncada, P. Monier-Garbet, J.M. Travere, E. Tsitrone, B. Pegourie
68-71Investigation of local carbon transport in the ASDEX Upgrade divertor using 13CH4 puffingR. Pugno, K. Krieger, M. Airila, L. Aho-Mantila, A. Kreter, S. Brezinsek, V. Rohde, D. Coster, A. Chankin, M. Wischmeier and ASDEX Upgrade Team
72-75Simulation of hydrocarbon reflection from carbon and tungsten surfaces and its impact on codeposition patterns on plasma facing componentsK. Ohya, Y. Kikuhara, K. Inai, A. Kirschner, D. Borodin, A. Ito, H. Nakamura, T. Tanabe
76-79Studies of hydrocarbon cracking by molecular beam injection in He plasmas in the TJ-II stellaratorF.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, T.G. Wurgie, J.A. Ferreira
80-83Appearance of hot spots due to deposits in the JET MKII-HD outer divertorG.J. van Rooij, S. Brezinsek, J.P. Coad, W. Fundamenski, V. Philipps, G. Arnoux, M.F. Stamp, JET EFDA contributors
84-87Modeling of velocity distributions of dust in tokamak edge plasmas and dust–wall collisionsR.D. Smirnov, S.I. Krasheninnikov, A.Yu. Pigarov, D.J. Benson, M. Rosenberg, D.A. Mendis
88-91Transfer of rovibrational energies in hydrogen plasma–carbon surface interactionsP.S. Krstic, E.M. Hollmann, C.O. Reinhold, S.J. Stuart, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima, A.Yu. Pigarov
92-95A study of JET carbon impurity sourcesJ.D. Strachan, G. Corrigan, M. Stamp, J. Spence, J. Zacks and JET-EFDA Contributors
96-99Correlation of submicron dust production in DIII-D to impulsive wall heating from ELMsB.D. Bray, W.P. West, D. Rudakov
100-102Investigation of temporal evolution and spatial distribution of dust creation events in DITS campaign using visible CCD cameras in Tore SupraSuk-Ho Hong, Christian Grisolia, Pascale Monier-Gabet and Tore Supra team
103-105Ion drag force on dust grains in the magnetized edge plasmaK. Matyash, R. Schneider, V.R. Ikkurthi, A. Melzer
106-109Modelling of Be transport in PSI experiments at PISCES-BD. Borodin, A. Kirschner, A. Kreter, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, R. Ding, R. Doerner, D. Nishijima, J. Yu
110-114Be wall sources and migration in L-mode discharges after Be evaporation in the JET tokamakK. Krieger, S. Brezinsek, S. Jachmich, S. Lisgo, M. Stamp, H.G. Esser, A. Kreter, S. Menmuir, Ph. Mertens, V. Philipps, P. Sundelin, JET EFDA contributors
115-118SDTrimSP-2D studies of the influence of mutual flux arrangement on erosion and depositionA. Mutzke, R. Schneider, I. Bizyukov
119-122Simulation of redeposition of carbon/hydrocarbon on a material surface with castellated structuresK. Inai, K. Ohya, Y. Tomita, A. Kirschner, A. Litnovsky, T. Tanabe
123-126‘Mixed-material evolution analysis of the ITER divertor’J.N. Brooks, J.P. Allain
127-131Steady-state and transient hydrocarbon production in graphite by low energy impact of atomic and molecular deuterium projectilesH. Zhang, F.W. Meyer
132-135Erosion yields of deposited beryllium layersD. Nishijima, R.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, G. De Temmerman
136-139Molecular dynamics simulations of atomic carbon on tungsten surfaceZhongshi Yang, Y.M. Yang, G.-H. Lu, G.-N. Luo
140-143Carbon dust formation in a cold plasma from cathode sputteringC. Arnas, A. Mouberi, K. Hassouni, A. Michau, G. Lombardi, X. Bonnin, F. Bénédic, B. Pégourié
144-147Characterization of carbon and tungsten micro-particles mobilized by laser irradiation in order to develop an ITER dust removal techniqueA. Vatry, M. Naiim Habib, Ph. Delaporte, C. Grisolia, D. Grojo, S. Rosanvallon, M. Sentis
148-151Erosion and deposition behaviour of a-C:H layers in the private flux region of the JET MKII-HD divertorH.G. Esser, A. Kreter, V. Philipps, A.M. Widdowson, J.P. Coad, M. Stamp and JET EFDA Contributors
152-155Estimations of erosion fluxes, material deposition and tritium retention in the divertor of ITERA. Kirschner, D. Borodin, V. Philipps, U. Samm, R. Ding, K. Schmid, J. Roth, A. Kukushkin, G. Federici, A. Loarte
156-159Micro/nano scale modification of plasma facing components in LHD and its impact on the metal dust generationsM. Tokitani, Y. Ohtawa, N. Yoshida, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Ashikawa, S. Masuzaki, H. Yamada, A. Sagara, N. Noda, A. Komori, LHD experimental group
160-163Characterization of chemical sputtering using the Mark II DiMES porous plug injector in attached and semi-detached divertor plasmas of DIII-DA.G. McLean, J.W. Davis, P.C. Stangeby, S.L. Allen, J.A. Boedo, B.D. Bray, S. Brezinsek, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.A. Haasz, E.M. Hollmann, R.C. Isler, C.J. Lasnier, Y. Mu, T.W. Petrie, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte, et al.
164-167Release conditions of dust particle from plasma-facing wall in oblique magnetic fieldY. Tomita, G. Kawamura, R. Smirnov, T. Takizuka, D. Tskhakaya
168-171Numerical analysis of incident angle of heavy metal impurity to plasma facing components by IMPGYROK. Hoshino, M. Toma, M. Furubayashi, A. Hatayama, K. Inai, K. Ohya
172-174Kinetic analysis of ion incident angle distribution on a plasma-facing wallG. Kawamura, A. Fukuyama, Y. Tomita
175-178Improvement of surface processes modelling in the ERO codeM.I. Airila, T. Ikonen, D. Borodin, A. Kirschner, K. Nordlund, A. Loarte
179-182In-situ measurements of carbon and deuterium deposition using the fast reciprocating probe in TEXTORB. Emmoth, A. Kreter, A. Hallén, M. Jakubowski, M. Lehnen, A. Litnovsky, P. Petersson, V. Philipps, G. Possnert, M. Rubel, B. Schweer, P. Sundelin, B. Unterberg, P. Wienhold and TEXTOR team
183-187Molecular dynamics simulation of hydrogen atom sputtering on the surface of graphite with defect and edgeAtsushi Ito, Ying Wang, Stephan Irle, Keiji Morokuma, Hiroaki Nakamura
188-191Study of carbon dust formation and their structure using inductively coupled plasmas under high atomic hydrogen irradiationY. Takeguchi, M. Kyo, Y. Uesugi, Y. Tanaka, S. Masuzaki
192-195Coupled plasma–wall modelingA.Yu. Pigarov, S.I. Krasheninnikov
196-199Introduction of a new experimental device for simulating parasitic plasmas such as those expected under the divertor domeG. Lombardi, F. Bénédic, K. Hassouni, A. Michau, X. Bonnin
200-202Influence of carbon concentration on chemical behavior of energetic deuterium implanted into carbon-contained boron filmSachiko Suzuki, Yu Yang, Akira Yoshikawa, Yohei Kikuchi, Akio Sagara, Yasuhisa Oya, Kenji Okuno
203-206A time dependent model to study the effect of surface roughness on reactive–diffusive transport in porous mediaM. Warrier, A. Rai, R. Schneider
207-210Coupled IMPGYRO-EDDY simulation of tungsten impurity transport in tokamak geometryM. Toma, K. Hoshino, K. Inai, M. Furubayashi, A. Hatayama, K. Ohya
211-215Measurements of accumulated metallic impurities during LiTER operation in NSTXS.F. Paul, C.H. Skinner, J.A. Robinson, B. LeBlanc, H.W. Kugel
216-219Fast camera imaging of dust in the DIII-D tokamakJ.H. Yu, D.L. Rudakov, A.Yu. Pigarov, R.D. Smirnov, N.H. Brooks, S.H. Muller, W.P. West
220-2223D-DIVIMP-HC modeling analysis of methane injection into DIII-D using the DiMES porous plug injectorY. Mu, A.G. McLean, J.D. Elder, P.C. Stangeby, B.D. Bray, N.H. Brooks, J.W. Davis, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, C.J. Lasnier, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, C.P.C. Wong
223-226Impurity production and acceleration in CTIXD. Buchenauer, W.M. Clift, R. Klauser, R.D. Horton, S.J. Howard, S.J. Brockington, R.W. Evans, D.Q. Hwang
227-231Carbon transport in the stochastic magnetic boundary of TEXTORG. Telesca, E. Delabie, O. Schmitz, S. Brezinsek, K.H. Finken, M. von Hellermann, M. Jakubowski, M. Lehnen, Y. Liang, A. Pospieszczyk, U. Samm, M. Tokar, B. Unterberg, G. Van Oost and The TEXTOR Team
232-237Edge plasma physics/plasma–wall interactions during high density operation in LHDA. Komori, T. Morisaki, S. Masuzaki, M. Kobayashi, Y. Suzuki, R. Sakamoto, S. Morita, M.B. Chowdhuri, M. Goto, J. Miyazawa, I. Yamada, K. Narihara, N. Ohyabu, A. Sagara, H. Yamada, O. Motojima and The LHD experimental group
238-241Highly radiating type-III ELMy H-mode with low plasma core pollutionJ. Rapp, M.R. de Baar, W. Fundamenski, M. Brix, R. Felton, C. Giroud, A. Huber, S. Jachmich, E. Joffrin, I. Nunes, G.J. van Rooij, M. Stamp, G. Telesca, R. Zagorski and JET EFDA contributors
242-245Sensitivity of injected argon behavior to changes in magnetic balance in double-null plasmas in DIII-DT.W. Petrie, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.W. Hyatt, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, G.D. Porter, M.J. Schaffer, M.R. Wade, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West
246-249Radiating divertor experiments in the HL-2A tokamakL.W. Yan, W.Y. Hong, J. Cheng, M.X. Wang, J. Qian, Y.D. Pan, Y. Zhou, W. Li, D.L. Yu, K.J. Zhao, Z. Cao, Q.W. Yang, X.R. Duan, Y. Liu
250-254Current understanding of divertor detachment: Experiments and modellingM. Wischmeier, M. Groth, A. Kallenbach, A.V. Chankin, D.P. Coster, R. Dux, A. Herrmann, H.W. Müller, R. Pugno, D. Reiter, A. Scarabosio, J.G. Watkins and DIII-D team and ASDEX Upgrade team
255-258Radiation process of carbon ions in JT-60U detached divertor plasmasT. Nakano, H. Kubo, N. Asakura, K. Shimizu, H. Kawashima, S. Higashijima
259-262Impurity seeding and scaling of edge parameters in ITERH.D. Pacher, A.S. Kukushkin, G.W. Pacher, V. Kotov, G. Janeschitz, D. Reiter, D.P. Coster
263-266Divertor heat load in ITER-like advanced tokamak scenarios on JETG. Arnoux, P. Andrew, M. Beurskens, S. Brezinsek, C.D. Challis, P. De Vries, W. Fundamenski, E. Gauthier, C. Giroud, A. Huber, S. Jachmich, X. Litaudon, R.A. Pitts, F. Rimini and JET EFDA contributors
267-273The impact of divertor detachment on carbon sources in JET L-mode dischargesS. Brezinsek, A.G. Meigs, S. Jachmich, M.F. Stamp, J. Rapp, R. Felton, R.A. Pitts, V. Philipps, A. Huber, R. Pugno, G. Sergienko, A. Pospieszczyk and JET-EFDA contributors
274-277Code development for ITER edge modelling – SOLPS5.1X. Bonnin, A.S. Kukushkin, D.P. Coster
278-281Pressure balance between midplane and inner and outer divertor in ASDEX Upgrade H-mode dischargesA. Kallenbach, R. Dux, T. Eich, R. Fischer, A. Herrmann, B. Kurzan, H.W. Müller, R. Neu, R. Pugno, M. Wischmeier, E. Wolfrum and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
282-285ITER research plan of plasma–wall interactionM. Shimada, R. Pitts, A. Loarte, D.J. Campbell, M. Sugihara, V. Mukhovatov, A. Kukushkin, V. Chuyanov
286-289Investigation on the influence of plasma properties and SOL transport on the particle flux profiles on divertor plates in the Large Helical DeviceS. Masuzaki, M. Kobayashi, T. Morisaki, N. Ohyabu, A. Komori, Y. Feng and The LHD experimental group
290-294Investigation of detached recombining deuterium plasma and carbon chemical erosion in the toroidal divertor simulator NAGDIS-TK. Yada, N. Matsui, N. Ohno, S. Kajita, S. Takamura, M. Takagi
295-298Comparison of kinetic and fluid neutral models for attached and detached stateM. Furubayashi, K. Hoshino, M. Toma, A. Hatayama, D. Coster, R. Schneider, X. Bonnin, H. Kawashima, N. Asakura, Y. Suzuki
299-302Fluid modeling of an ELMing H-mode and a RMP H-modeS. Mordijck, R.A. Moyer, T.E. Evans, X. Bonnin, J. Canik, D. Coster, M. Groth, R. Maingi, T.H. Osborne, L.W. Owen, T.W. Petrie, D. Reiter, J.G. Watkins, E.A. Unterberg
303-306Comparative study of recombining He plasmas below 0.1 eV using laser Thomson scattering and spectroscopy in the divertor simulator MAP-IIFilippo Scotti, Shinichiro Kado
307-310Kinetic effect of thermal force on impurity transport: Simulation of JT-60SA divertor with integrated divertor code SONICK. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, H. Kawashima
311-314Characteristics of vibrational temperature of hydrogen molecules in detached plasmaA. Nakanowatari, A. Tonegawa, T. Shibuya, K. Kawamura
315-3182D divertor design calculations for the national high-power advanced torus experimentJ.M. Canik, R. Maingi, L. Owen, J. Menard, R. Goldston, M. Kotschenreuther, P. Valanju, S. Mahajan
319-324Comparison of 2D models for the plasma edge with experimental measurements and assessment of deficienciesA.V. Chankin, D.P. Coster and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
325-329Model prediction of impurity retention in stochastic magnetic boundary and comparison with edge carbon emission in LHDM. Kobayashi, Y. Feng, S. Morita, M.B. Chowdhuri, M. Goto, S. Masuzaki, N. Ohyabu, T. Morisaki, H. Yamada, I. Yamada, K. Narihara, K. Sato, H. Funaba, N. Tamura, Y. Nakamura, A. Komori, O. Motojima and The LHD experimental group
330-334Particle confinement control with resonant magnetic perturbations at TEXTORO. Schmitz, J.W. Coenen, H. Frerichs, M. Kantor, M. Lehnen, B. Unterberg, S. Brezinsek, M. Clever, T. Evans, K.H. Finken, M. Jakubowski, A. Kraemer-Flecken, V. Phillips, D. Reiter, U. Samm, G.W. Spakman, G. Telesca and The TEXTOR team
335-338Kinetic simulations of the parallel transport in the JET scrape-off layerD. Tskhakaya, R.A. Pitts, W. Fundamenski, T. Eich, S. Kuhn, JET EFDA Contributors
339-342Spatial structure of scrape-off-layer filaments near the midplane and X-point regions of Alcator-C-ModJ.L. Terry, S.J. Zweben, M.V. Umansky, I. Cziegler, O. Grulke, B. LaBombard, D.P. Stotler
343-346Measurements and simulations of scrape-off layer flows in the DIII-D TokamakM. Groth, G.D. Porter, J.A. Boedo, N.H. Brooks, R.C. Isler, W.P. West, B.D. Bray, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.J. Groebner, A.W. Leonard, R.A. Moyer, T.D. Rognlien, J.G. Watkins, J.H. Yu
347-3503D modelling of edge parallel flow asymmetriesP. Tamain, Ph. Ghendrih, E. Tsitrone, Y. Sarazin, X. Garbet, V. Grandgirard, J. Gunn, E. Serre, G. Ciraolo, G. Chiavassa
351-354The influence of resonant magnetic perturbations on edge transport in limiter H-mode plasmas in TEXTORB. Unterberg, S.S. Abdullaev, J.W. Coenen, K.H. Finken, H. Frerichs, M.W. Jakubowski, D. Kalupin, M.Yu. Kantor, A. Krämer-Flecken, M. Lehnen, Y. Liang, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, S. Soldatov, G.W. Spakman, H. Stoschus, M.Z. Tokar, G. van Wassenhove, Y. Xu, O. Zimmermann and The TEXTOR-team
355-358Intermittent transport in the JET far-SOLC. Silva, B. Gonçalves, C. Hidalgo, M.A. Pedrosa, W. Fundamenski, M. Stamp, R.A. Pitts and JET-EFDA contributors
359-363On blob generation mechanisms in tokamak edge plasmaK. Bodi, A.I. Smolyakov, S.I. Krasheninnikov
364-367Statistical analysis to the SOL plasma fluctuation in JT-60UN. Asakura, N. Ohno, H. Tanaka, H. Kawashima, T. Nakano
368-371Flow generation and intermittent transport in the scrape-off-layer of the Tore Supra tokamakN. Fedorczak, J.P. Gunn, Ph. Ghendrih, P. Monier-Garbet, A. Pocheau
372-375Suppression of the intermittent blob-type transport by the resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) in the TEXTOR tokamakY. Xu, R.R. Weynants, M. Van Schoor, M. Vergote, S. Jachmich, M.W. Jakubowski, M. Mitri, D. Reiser, O. Schmitz, K.H. Finken, M. Lehnen, B. Unterberg, D. Reiter, U. Samm and The TEXTOR team
376-379Indications of an inward pinch in the inner SOL of DIII-D from 13C deposition experimentsJ.D. Elder, A.G. McLean, P.C. Stangeby, S.L. Allen, J.A. Boedo, B.D. Bray, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.W. Leonard, D.L. Rudakov, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte
380-383Nonlinear control of transport in drift wave turbulenceC. Brandt, O. Grulke, T. Klinger
384-387Modelling of SOL transport and radiation losses for ITER with the integrated tokamak code TOKESI.S. Landman, G. Janeschitz
388-391Modelling SOL flow pattern spreading in the edge plasmaL. Isoardi, G. Ciraolo, G. Chiavassa, P. Haldenwang, E. Serre, Ph. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, F. Schwander, X. Garbet, P. Tamain
392-394Interpretive modelling of scrape-off plasmas on the MAST tokamakJ. Harrison, S. Lisgo, G.F. Counsell, K. Gibson, J. Dowling, L. Trojan, D. Reiter
395-397Experimental investigations of turbulent structure propagation across a ET. Windisch, O. Grulke, T. Klinger
398-4033D analysis of impurity transport and radiation for ITER limiter start-up configurationsX. Zha, F. Sardei, Y. Feng, M. Kobayashi, A. Loarte, G. Federici
404-407Self-consistent modeling of impurity seeded JET advanced tokamak scenariosR. Zagórski, G. Telesca, G. Arnoux, M. Beurskens, W. Fundamenski, K. McCormick and JET-EFDA Contributors
408-411Simulation of H-modes discharges in ASDEX-Upgrade and MASTV. Rozhansky, E. Kaveeva, P. Molchanov, I. Veselova, S. Voskoboynikov, D. Coster, G. Counsell, A. Kirk, S. Lisgo and ASDEX-Upgrade Team
412-416SOLPS5 simulations of Type I ELMing H-mode at JETB. Gulejová, R.A. Pitts, D. Coster, X. Bonnin, M. Beurskens, S. Jachmich, A. Kallenbach and contributors to the EFDA-JET workprogramme
417-420Biased electrodes for SOL control in NSTXS.J. Zweben, R.J. Maqueda, A.L. Roquemore, C.E. Bush, R. Kaita, R.J. Marsala, Y. Raitses, R.H. Cohen, D.D. Ryutov
421-424Dependence of SOL widths on plasma current and density in NSTX H-mode plasmasJ.-W. Ahn, R. Maingi, J.A. Boedo, V. Soukhanovskii and The NSTX team
425-427Shearing effects on density burst propagation in SOL plasmasPh. Ghendrih, G. Ciraolo, Y. Larmande, Y. Sarazin, P. Tamain, P. Beyer, G. Chiavassa, G. Darmet, X. Garbet, V. Grandgirard
428-431Comparison of edge plasma behavior at different poloidal positions in Heliotron JT. Mizuuchi, K. Murai, S. Watanabe, S. Yamamoto, S. Kobayashi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, G. Motojima, H. Arimoto, F. Hamagami, D. Katayama, H. Matsuoka, A. Nakajima, H. Takahashi, H. Yasuda, K. Mukai, Y. Kowada, K. Hosaka, S. Mihara, N. Nishino, et al.
432-435Measurement of peripheral plasma turbulence using a fast camera in Heliotron JN. Nishino, T. Mizuuchi, S. Kobayashi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, F. Sano, S. Yamamoto, K. Kondo
436-439MARFE stability and movement in an ELMy H-mode NSTX dischargeF. Kelly, R. Maingi, R. Maqueda, J. Menard, S. Paul
440-443The enhanced pedestal H-mode in the National Spherical Torus experimentR. Maingi, R.E. Bell, B.P. LeBlanc, D.A. Gates, S.M. Kaye, J.E. Menard, S.A. Sabbagh, H. Yuh
444-447Edge turbulence scaling in RFX-mod as measured using GPI diagnosticP. Scarin, M. Agostini, R. Cavazzana, F. Sattin, G. Serianni, M. Spolaore, N. Vianello
448-451Magnetic and electrostatic structures measured in the edge region of the RFX-mod experimentM. Spolaore, N. Vianello, M. Agostini, R. Cavazzana, E. Martines, G. Serianni, P. Scarin, E. Spada, M. Zuin, V. Antoni
452-456Edge plasma modelling for transport analysis on JT-60U tokamakYiPing Chen, H. Kawashima, Xiang Gao, Liqun Hu, N. Asakura, K. Shimizu, H. Takenaga, D.P. Coster
457-460Turbulence studies by fast camera imaging experiments in the TJII stellaratorD. Carralero, E. de la Cal, J.L. de Pablos, A. de Coninck, J.A. Alonso, C. Hidalgo, B.Ph. van Milligen, M.A. Pedrosa
461-464Plasma impurity content, gas fueling, and exhaust on DIII-D over extended periods between boronizationsW.P. West, M. Groth, A.W. Hyatt, N.H. Brooks, G.L. Jackson, M.R. Wade, C.M. Greenfield
465-469Main chamber high recycling on ASDEX upgradeK. McCormick, R. Dux, R. Fischer, A. Scarabosio and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
470-473Pedestal fueling through interpretive analysis of measured main chamber and divertor target flux in DIII-DA.W. Leonard, M. Groth, G.D. Porter, M.E. Rensink
474-477Gas balance in ASDEX Upgrade with tungsten first wallV. Rohde, V. Mertens, A. Scarabosio and ASDEX Upgrade Team
478-481Effect of disruptions on fuel release from JET wallsV. Philipps, M. Freisinger, A. Huber, T. Loarer and JET EFDA contributors
482-485Spatially resolved charge exchange flux calculations on the Toroidal Pumped Limiter of Tore SupraY. Marandet, E. Tsitrone, P. Börner, D. Reiter, A. Beauté, E. Delchambre, A. Escarguel, S. Brezinsek, P. Genesio, J. Gunn, P. Monier-Garbet, R. Mitteau, B. Pégourié
486-489Experimental comparison of recycling and pumping changes during resonant magnetic perturbation experiments at low and high collisionality in DIII-DE.A. Unterberg, N.H. Brooks, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, D.L. Hillis, R. Maingi, S. Mordijck, R.A. Moyer, T.H. Osborne, T.W. Petrie, J.G. Watkins
490-493Study of the effect of a closed divertor configuration on neutral particle control in the LHD plasma peripheryM. Shoji, M. Kobayashi, S. Masuzaki, T. Watanabe, H. Yamada, A. Komori and LHD experimental groups
494-497Measurements of neutral gas fluxes under different plasma and divertor regimes in ASDEX UpgradeA. Scarabosio, G. Haas, H.W. Müller, R. Pugno, M. Wischmeier and The ASDEX Upgrade team
498-501Excited state distribution of reflected hydrogen atoms at metal surfaces – Development of theoretical modelsD. Kato, T. Kenmotsu, K. Ohya, T. Tanabe
502-506Active particle control in the CPD compact spherical tokamak by a lithium-gettered rotating drum limiterY. Hirooka, H. Zushi, R. Bhattacharyay, M. Sakamoto, H. Idei, T. Yoshinaga, Y. Nakashima, Y. Higashizono and The CPD group
507-510Comparison of pellet acceleration model results to experimentally observed penetration depthsT. Szepesi, S. Kálvin, G. Kocsis, P.T. Lang, I. Senichenkov and ASDEX Upgrade Team
511-515Recycling studies based on two-dimensional visible light measurements and Monte-Carlo simulation in mirror and helical systemsY. Nakashima, Y. Higashizono, H. Kawano, N. Nishino, S. Kobayashi, T. Mizuuchi, M. Shoji, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, F. Sano, K. Kondo, Y. Yoneda, R. Yonenaga, M. Yoshikawa, T. Imai
516-519On the secular density rises in NBI-heated H-mode plasmas in NSTXV.A. Soukhanovskii, R.E. Bell, C. Bush, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, R. Raman, A.L. Roquemore and NSTX Research Team
520-523Reemission of neutral hydrogen molecules from tungstenIztok Čadež, Sabina Markelj, Primož Pelicon, Zdravko Rupnik
524-527Influence of impurity and recycling on high-β steady-state plasmas sustained by rotating magnetic fields current driveH.Y. Guo, J.A. Grossnickle, A.L. Hoffman, G.C. Vlases
528-531Numerical modelling of steady-state fluxes at the ITER first wallV. Kotov, A. Litnovsky, A.S. Kukushkin, D. Reiter, A. Kirschner
532-537Oxidation of carbon deposits as a fuel removal technique for application in fusion devicesJ.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz
538-543Carbon balance and deuterium inventory from a carbon dominated to a full tungsten ASDEX UpgradeM. Mayer, V. Rohde, K. Sugiyama, J.L. Chen, X. Gong, C. Hopf, J. Likonen, S. Lindig, R. Neu, G. Ramos, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, A. Wiltner and ASDEX Upgrade Team
544-549Measurement of hydrogenic retention and release in molybdenum with the DIONISOS experimentG.M. Wright, D.G. Whyte, B. Lipschultz
550-555Overview of the deuterium inventory campaign in Tore Supra: Operational conditions and particle balanceB. Pégourié, C. Brosset, E. Tsitrone, A. Beauté, S. Brémond, J. Bucalossi, S. Carpentier, Y. Corre, E. Delchambre, C. Desgranges, P. Devynck, D. Douai, G. Dunand, A. Ekedahl, A. Escarguel, E. Gauthier, J.P. Gunn, P. Hertout, S.-H. Hong, F. Kazarian, et al.
556-559Investigations of castellated structures for ITER: The effect of castellation shaping and alignment on fuel retention and impurity deposition in gapsA. Litnovsky, P. Wienhold, V. Philipps, K. Krieger, A. Kirschner, D. Matveev, D. Borodin, G. Sergienko, O. Schmitz, A. Kreter, U. Samm, S. Richter, U. Breuer and TEXTOR Team
560-563The scavenger effect – Does it work?W. Bohmeyer, F.L. Tabares, M. Baudach, A. Cwiklinski, A. Markin, T. Schwarz-Selinger, J.A. Ferreira, G. Fussmann, A. Loarte
564-567Insight into the co-deposition of deuterium with beryllium: Influence of the deposition conditions on the deuterium retention and releaseG. De Temmerman, M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima, R. Seraydarian, K. Schmid
568-571Ion implanted deuterium retention and release from clean and oxidized berylliumM. Reinelt, Ch. Linsmeier
572-575Deuterium trapping in tungsten damaged by high-energy hydrogen ion irradiationM. Fukumoto, H. Kashiwagi, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Ueda, M. Taniguchi, T. Inoue, K. Sakamoto, J. Yagyu, T. Arai, I. Takagi, T. Kawamura
576-580In situ detection of hydrogen retention in TEXTOR by laser induced desorptionB. Schweer, F. Irrek, M. Zlobinski, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, S. Brezinsek, V. Philipps, U. Samm
581-584Bulk hydrogen retention in neutron-irradiated graphite at elevated temperaturesH. Atsumi, T. Tanabe, T. Shikama
585-588Laser-induced removal of co-deposits from graphitic plasma-facing components: Characterization of irradiated surfaces and dust particlesP. Gąsior, F. Irrek, P. Petersson, H.J. Penkalla, M. Rubel, B. Schweer, P. Sundelin, E. Wessel, J. Linke, V. Philipps, B. Emmoth, J. Wolowski, T. Hirai
589-592Deuterium trapping in carbon fiber composites exposed to D plasmaA. Airapetov, L. Begrambekov, C. Brosset, J.P. Gunn, C. Grisolia, A. Kuzmin, T. Loarer, M. Lipa, P. Monier-Garbet, P. Shigin, E. Tsitrone, A. Zakharov
593-596Optimization of non-oxidative carbon-removal techniques by nitrogen-containing plasmasJ.A. Ferreira, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla
597-601Experiments to measure hydrogen release from graphite walls during disruptions in DIII-DE.M. Hollmann, N.A. Pablant, D.L. Rudakov, J.A. Boedo, N.H. Brooks, T.C. Jernigan, A.Yu. Pigarov
602-605Carbon removal from tile gap structures with oxygen glow dischargesThomas Schwarz-Selinger, Fabio Genoese, Christian Hopf, Wolfgang Jacob
606-609Ion-driven deuterium permeation through tungsten at high temperaturesYu.M. Gasparyan, A.V. Golubeva, M. Mayer, A.A. Pisarev, J. Roth
610-613Hydrogenic retention in tungsten exposed to ITER divertor relevant plasma flux densitiesG.M. Wright, A.W. Kleyn, E. Alves, L.C. Alves, N.P. Barradas, G.J. van Rooij, A.J. van Lange, A.E. Shumack, J. Westerhout, R.S. Al, W.A.J. Vijvers, B. de Groot, M.J. van de Pol, H.J. van der Meiden, J. Rapp, N.J. Lopes Cardozo
614-617Assessment of the flash-lamp photon-cleaning detritiation method tested at JETN. Bekris, J.P. Coad, A. Widdowson, A. Erbe, J. Ehrmann, B. Kloppe and JET-EFDA Contributors
618-621Fuel retention in impurity seeded long discharges in Tore SupraE. Tsitrone, J. Bucalossi, S. Brezinsek, C. Brosset, S. Carpentier, Y. Corre, E. Delchambre, P. Devynck, A. Grosman, J. Gunn, M. Kocan, T. Loarer, Y. Marandet, O. Meyer, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Pégourié, P. Roubin, J.C. Vallet, C. Balorin
622-625Behavior of hydrogen isotope retention in carbon implanted tungstenYasuhisa Oya, Yuji Inagaki, Sachiko Suzuki, Hirotada Ishikawa, Yohei Kikuchi, Akira Yoshikawa, Hirotomo Iwakiri, Naoko Ashikawa, Akio Sagara, Naoaki Yoshida, Kenji Okuno
626-630Thermo-oxidation and analysis of JET codepositsA.A. Haasz, J. Likonen, J.P. Coad, C.K. Tsui, J.W. Davis, A.M. Widdowson
631-634Post-mortem measurements of fuel retention at JET with MKII-SRP divertorJ. Likonen, J.P. Coad, D.E. Hole, S. Koivuranta, T. Renvall, M. Rubel, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, A. Widdowson and JET-EFDA Contributors
635-638Hydrogen isotopes retention in the outboard first wall tiles of JT-60UM. Yoshida, T. Tanabe, Y. Nobuta, T. Hayashi, K. Masaki, M. Sato
639-642Erosion of a-C:H films under interaction with nitrous oxide afterglow dischargeR.Kh. Zalavutdinov, A.E. Gorodetsky, V.L. Bukhovets, A.P. Zakharov, I.V. Mazul
643-646Retention and depth profile of hydrogen isotopes in gaps of the first wall in JT-60UY. Nobuta, T. Arai, J. Yagyu, K. Masaki, M. Satoh, T. Tanabe, Y. Yamauchi, T. Hino
647-650Nitrogen-assisted removal of deuterated carbon layersP. Sundelin, C. Schulz, V. Philipps, M. Rubel, G. Sergienko, L. Marot
651-654Ion-driven deuterium retention in high-Z metalsO.V. Ogorodnikova
655-658Dynamic Monte-Carlo modeling of hydrogen retention and chemical erosion from Tore Supra depositsA. Rai, R. Schneider, M. Warrier, P. Roubin, C. Martin
659-662Hydrogen retention in ITER relevant mixed material layersK. Sugiyama, K. Krieger, C.P. Lungu, J. Roth
663-666Interaction of tritium plasma and defects in tungsten irradiated with neutronsQ. Xu, K. Sato, T. Yoshiie
667-670Deuterium depth profiling in graphite tiles not exposed to hydrogen discharges before air ventilation of JT-60UT. Hayashi, K. Sugiyama, M. Mayer, K. Krieger, K. Masaki, T. Tanabe, M. Sato
671-676Surface temperature effects on the retention and pressure variation in continuous and cyclic plasma exposures on the tungstenK. Okamoto, H. Zushi, Y. Hirooka, R. Bhattacharyay, M. Sakamoto, M. Sato
677-680Deuterium accumulation in carbon materials at high fluenceA. Pisarev, T. Tanabe, B. Emmoth, N. Trifonov, A. Rusinov, S. Stepanov, Yu. Gasparyan, A. Spitsyn, B. Khripunov
681-684The role of beryllium deuteride in plasma-beryllium interactionsR.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, D. Buchenauer, G. De Temmerman, D. Nishijima
685-688Hydrogen trapping in depositing carbon filmsL.B. Begrambekov, A.S. Kuznetsov, P.A. Shigin
689-692Hydrogen release from deposition layers formed from 316 stainless steel by hydrogen plasma sputteringK. Katayama, Y. Uchida, T. Fujiki, M. Nishikawa, S. Fukada, N. Ashikawa, T. Uda
693-695Deuterium retention in tungsten oxide under low energy image plasma exposureN. Matsunami, N. Ohno, M. Tokitani
696-700Removal of carbon films by oxidation in narrow gaps: Thermo-oxidation and plasma-assisted studiesI. Tanarro, J.A. Ferreira, V.J. Herrero, F.L. Tabarés, C. Gómez-Aleixandre
701-704Gas-driven hydrogen isotopes permeation through different carbon materialsA.V. Spitsyn, A.V. Golubeva, M. Mayer, A.A. Skovoroda
705-708Tritium removal by isotopic exchangeT. Tanabe, K. Sugiyama, T. Shibahara, Y. Hirohata, M. Yoshida, K. Masaki, M. Sato
709-712Retention behavior in tungsten and molybdenum exposed to high fluences of deuterium ions in TPEJ.P. Sharpe, R.D. Kolasinski, M. Shimada, P. Calderoni, R.A. Causey
713-716Calculation of deuterium retention, re-emission and reflection from a tungsten material under D+ ions irradiation with ACAT-DIFFUSE codeT. Ono, T. Kenmotsu, T. Muramoto, T. Kawamura
717-720Defects in tungsten responsible for molecular hydrogen isotope retention after exposure to low energy plasmasR.A. Causey, R. Doerner, H. Fraser, R.D. Kolasinski, J. Smugeresky, K. Umstadter, R. Williams
721-726Experimental study of PFCs erosion under ITER-like transient loads at plasma gun facility QSPAN. Klimov, V. Podkovyrov, A. Zhitlukhin, D. Kovalenko, B. Bazylev, G. Janeschitz, I. Landman, S. Pestchanyi, G. Federici, A. Loarte, M. Merola, J. Linke, T. Hirai, J. Compan
727-732Physics of ELM power fluxes to plasma facing components and implications for ITERA. Kirk, S. Lisgo, E. Nardon, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, A. Loarte
733-739Active control of edge localized modes with a low nY. Liang, S. Jachmich, H.R. Koslowski, E. Nardon, A. Alfier, Y. Baranov, E. De La Luna, P. de Vries, T. Eich, H.G. Esser, D. Harting, V. Kiptily, A. Kreter, S. Gerasimov, M.P. Gryaznevich, D. Howell, G. Sergienko and JET–EFDA contributors
740-746Runaway generation during disruptions in JET and TEXTORM. Lehnen, S.S. Abdullaev, G. Arnoux, S.A. Bozhenkov, M.W. Jakubowski, R. Jaspers, V.V. Plyusnin, V. Riccardo, U. Samm JET EFDA Contributors and The TEXTOR Team
747-750Arcing in ASDEX Upgrade with a tungsten first wallA. Herrmann, M. Balden, M. Laux, K. Krieger, H.W. Müller, R. Pugno, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade team
751-754Cracking failure study of ITER-reference tungsten grade under single pulse thermal shock loads at elevated temperaturesT. Hirai, G. Pintsuk, J. Linke, M. Batilliot
755-759The impact of large ELMs on JETR.A. Pitts, G. Arnoux, M. Beurskens, T. Eich, W. Fundamenski, A. Huber, A. Loarte, J. Marki, M.F. Stamp, P. Andrew, S. Brezinsek, H.G. Esser, B. Gulejova, S. Jachmich, A. Kreter, E. de la Luna, G.F. Matthews, V. Philipps, E. Solano and JET EFDA Contributors
760-763On the asymmetries of ELM divertor power deposition in JET and ASDEX UpgradeT. Eich, A. Kallenbach, W. Fundamenski, A. Herrmann, V. Naulin JET-EFDA contributors and ASDEX Upgrade team
764-767Transition to ELM-free improved H-mode by lithium deposition on NSTX graphite divertor surfacesD.K. Mansfield, H.W. Kugel, R. Maingi, M.G. Bell, R. Bell, R. Kaita, J. Kallman, S. Kaye, B. LeBlanc, D. Mueller, S. Paul, R. Raman, L. Roquemore, S. Sabbagh, H. Schneider, C.H. Skinner, V. Soukhanovskii, J. Timberlake, J. Wilgen, L. Zakharov
768-772Effect of external perturbation fields on divertor particle and heat loads during ELMs at JETS. Jachmich, Y. Liang, G. Arnoux, T. Eich, W. Fundamenski, H.R. Koslowski, R.A. Pitts and JET-EFDA Contributors
773-776ELM control by resonant magnetic perturbations on JET and MASTE. Nardon, A. Kirk, N. Ben Ayed, M. Bécoulet, P. Cahyna, T.E. Evans, G. Huysmans, H.R. Koslowski, Y. Liang, S. Saarelma, P.R. Thomas and JET-EFDA contributors
777-780Integrated simulation of plasma surface interaction during edge localized modes and disruptions: Self-consistent approachA. Hassanein, T. Sizyuk, I. Konkashbaev
781-784ELM filament interaction with the JET main chamberM.W. Jakubowski, W. Fundamenski, G. Arnoux, Th. Eich, R.A. Pitts, D. Reiter, R.C. Wolf and JET-EFDA contributors
785-788Plasma interactions with the outboard chamber wall in DIII-DD.L. Rudakov, J.A. Boedo, J.H. Yu, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, E.M. Hollmann, C.J. Lasnier, A.G. McLean, R.A. Moyer, P.C. Stangeby, G.R. Tynan, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, C.P.C. Wong, R.J. Bastasz, D. Buchenauer, J. Whaley
789-792A conceptual model of the magnetic topology and nonlinear dynamics of ELMsT.E. Evans, J.H. Yu, M.W. Jakubowski, O. Schmitz, J.G. Watkins, R.A. Moyer
793-796Comparison of edge plasma perturbation during ELM control using one vs. two toroidal rows of RMP coils in ITER similar shaped plasmas on DIII-DM.E. Fenstermacher, T.E. Evans, T.H. Osborne, M.J. Schaffer, J.S. deGrassie, P. Gohil, R.J. Groebner, R.A. Moyer and the DIII-D Team
797-800Fast visible imaging of ELM-wall interactions on JETJ.A. Alonso, P. Andrew, A. Neto, J.L. de Pablos, E. de la Cal, H. Fernandes, W. Fundamenski, C. Hidalgo, G. Kocsis, A. Murari, G. Petravich, R.A. Pitts, L. Rios, C. Silva and EFDA-JET contributors
801-805ELM induced divertor heat loads on TCVJ. Marki, R.A. Pitts, J. Horacek, D. Tskhakaya and The TCV Team
806-809Analysis of radiative disruptions in RF-heated Tore Supra plasmas using infrared imagingA. Ekedahl, J. Bucalossi, Y. Corre, E. Delchambre, G. Dunand, O. Meyer, R. Mitteau, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Pégourié, F.G. Rimini, F. Saint-Laurent, J.L. Schwob, E. Tsitrone
810-813Experimental validation of 3D simulations of tungsten melt erosion under ITER-like transient loadsB. Bazylev, G. Janeschitz, I. Landman, A. Loarte, G. Federici, M. Merola, A. Zhitlukhin, V. Podkovyrov, N. Klimov, J. Linke, T. Hirai
814-817Experimental study of plasma energy transfer and material erosion under ELM-like heat loadsI.E. Garkusha, V.A. Makhlaj, V.V. Chebotarev, I. Landman, V.I. Tereshin, N.N. Aksenov, A.N. Bandura
818-821Power flux in the ITER divertor tile gaps during ELMsR. Dejarnac, M. Komm, J.P. Gunn, R. Panek
822-825Experimental verification of FOREV-2D simulations for the plasma shieldS. Pestchanyi, I. Landman
826-829Whole device ELM simulationsD.P. Coster
830-834Plasma radiation distribution and radiation loads onto the vessel during transient events in JETA. Huber, R.A. Pitts, A. Loarte, V. Philipps, P. Andrew, S. Brezinsek, J.P. Coad, T. Eich, J.C. Fuchs, W. Fundamenski, S. Jachmich, G.F. Matthews, K. McCormick, Ph. Mertens, J. Rapp, G. Sergienko, M.F. Stamp and JET EFDA contributors
835-838Fast radiation dynamics during ELMs on TCVG. Veres, R.A. Pitts, A. Bencze, J. Márki, B. Tál, R. Tye and TCV Team
839-842Particle, heat, and sheath power transmission factor profiles during ELM suppression experiments on DIII-DJ.G. Watkins, T.E. Evans, M. Jakubowski, R.A. Moyer, O. Schmitz, A. Wingen, M.E. Fenstermacher, I. Joseph, C.J. Lasnier, D.L. Rudakov
843-846Secondary ELM filaments in NSTXR.J. Maqueda, R. Maingi, J.-W. Ahn and NSTX Team
847-851Spectroscopy of the tungsten plasma produced by pulsed plasma-ion streams or laser beamsE. Skladnik-Sadowska, K. Malinowski, M.J. Sadowski, J. Wolowski, P. Gasior, M. Kubkowska, M. Rosinski, A.K. Marchenko, B. Sartowska
852-857Impact of lithium-coated walls on plasma performance in the TJ-II stellaratorJ. Sánchez, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, J.A. Ferreira, I. García-Cortés, C. Hidalgo, F. Medina, M.A. Ochando, M.A. Pedrosa and The TJ-II Team
858-863Plasma-wall interaction and plasma behaviour in the non-boronised all tungsten ASDEX UpgradeR. Dux, V. Bobkov, A. Herrmann, A. Janzer, A. Kallenbach, R. Neu, M. Mayer, H.W. Müller, R. Pugno, T. Pütterich, V. Rohde, A.C.C. Sips and ASDEX Upgrade Team
864-868ICRF wall conditioning and plasma performance on EASTX. Gao, J.S. Hu, Y.P. Zhao, X.Z. Gong, Y.W. Yu, G.N. Luo, H.Y. Guo, S. Morita, L.Q. Hu, J.L. Chen, H.Y. Wang, X.M. Wang, X.D. Zhang, J.G. Li and The East team
869-875Particle control study towards burning plasma control in JT-60UH. Takenaga and The JT-60 Team
876-885Plasma-wall interactions and plasma behaviour in fusion devices with liquid lithium plasma facing componentsS. Mirnov
886-890The effects of high fluence mixed-species (deuterium, helium, beryllium) plasma interactions with tungstenM.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima, K. Tokunaga, Y. Ueda
891-894Design, R&D and assessment of performance of the JT-60SA upper divertorShinji Sakurai, Hisato Kawashima, Satoru Higashijima, Katsuhiro Shimizu, Kei Masaki, Nobuyuki Asakura, Yusuke K. Shibama, Akira Sakasai
895-899Engineering challenges of the JET ITER-like WallV. Riccardo and on behalf of the ITER-like Wall Engineering Design and Manufacture Team
900-903Operation of ICRF antennas in a full tungsten environment in ASDEX UpgradeVl. Bobkov, F. Braun, R. Dux, L. Giannone, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, H.W. Müller, R. Neu, J.-M. Noterdaeme, Th. Pütterich, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team
904-906Measurement of lower hybrid hot spots using a retarding field analyzer in Tore SupraJ.P. Gunn, V. Petržílka, A. Ekedahl, V. Fuchs, E. Gauthier, M. Goniche, M. Kočan, J.-Y. Pascal, F. Saint-Laurent
907-910Influence of toroidal and vertical magnetic fields on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning in tokamaksA. Lyssoivan, G. Sergienko, V. Rohde, V. Philipps, G. van Wassenhove, M. Vervier, V. Bobkov, J. Harhausen, R. Koch, J.-M. Noterdaeme, D. van Eester, M. Freisinger, H.-U. Fahrbach, H. Reimer, A. Kreter, D. Hartmann, J. Hu, R. Weynants, O. Gruber, A. Herrmann, et al.
911-915On the consequences of neutron induced damage for volumetric fuel retention in plasma facing materialsD.G. Whyte
916-920Effects of high heat flux hydrogen and helium mixture beam irradiation on surface modification and hydrogen retention in tungsten materialsK. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, K. Ezato, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba, H. Kurishita, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, A. Tonegawa, N. Yoshida
921-924Evidence of radiation damage impact on material erosion in plasma environmentB.I. Khripunov, A.N. Brukhanov, O.K. Chugunov, V.M. Gureev, V.S. Koidan, S.N. Kornienko, B.V. Kuteev, S.T. Latushkin, A.M. Muksunov, V.B. Petrov, A.I. Ryazanov, E.V. Semenov, V.P. Smirnov, V.G. Stolyarova, V.N. Unezhev
925-928CD4 production from mixed W–C–D surface during simultaneous irradiation of W with C+ and D+I.A. Bizyukov, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz, P. Brodersen
929-933Comparison of O-ICR wall conditionings for limiter configuration in HT-7 and divertor one in EASTJ.S. Hu, J.G. Li, Y.P. Zhao and EAST Team
934-937Development of divertor tungsten coatings for the JET ITER-like wallG.F. Matthews, P. Coad, H. Greuner, M. Hill, T. Hirai, J. Likonen, H. Maier, M. Mayer, R. Neu, V. Philipps, R. Pitts, V. Riccardo and JET EFDA Contributors
938-941Liquid gallium jet–plasma interaction studies in ISTTOK tokamakR.B. Gomes, H. Fernandes, C. Silva, A. Sarakovskis, T. Pereira, J. Figueiredo, B. Carvalho, A. Soares, P. Duarte, C. Varandas, O. Lielausis, A. Klyukin, E. Platacis, I. Tale, A. Alekseyv
942-946Experimental studies of lithium-based surface chemistry for fusion plasma-facing materials applicationsJ.P. Allain, D.L. Rokusek, S.S. Harilal, M. Nieto-Perez, C.H. Skinner, H.W. Kugel, B. Heim, R. Kaita, R. Majeski
947-950Power deposition modelling of the ITER-like wall beryllium tiles at JETM. Firdaouss, R. Mitteau, E. Villedieu, V. Riccardo, P. Lomas, Z. Vizvary, C. Portafaix, L. Ferrand, P. Thomas, I. Nunes, P. de Vries, P. Chappuis, Y. Stephan
951-954ICRF specific impurity sources and plasma sheaths in Alcator C-ModS.J. Wukitch, B. LaBombard, Y. Lin, B. Lipschultz, E. Marmar, M.L. Reinke, D.G. Whyte and The Alcator C-Mod Team
955-958Study of heat flux deposition on the limiter of the Tore Supra tokamakS. Carpentier, Y. Corre, M. Chantant, R. Daviot, G. Dunand, J.-L. Gardarein, J. Gunn, M. Kocan, C. Le Niliot, R. Mitteau, V. Moncada, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Pegourié, C. Pocheau, R. Reichle, F. Rigollet, F. Saint-Laurent, J.-M. Travère, E. Tsitrone
959-962Estimated RF sheath power fluxes on ITER plasma facing componentsL. Colas, D. Milanesio, E. Faudot, M. Goniche, A. Loarte
963-966Analysis for shaping the ITER first wallP.C. Stangeby, R. Mitteau
967-970Development and qualification of a bulk tungsten divertor row for JETPh. Mertens, H. Altmann, T. Hirai, V. Philipps, G. Pintsuk, J. Rapp, V. Riccardo, B. Schweer, I. Uytdenhouwen, U. Samm
971-974Simultaneous irradiation of tungsten with deuterium and carbon at elevated temperaturesH.T. Lee, K. Krieger
975-978Investigation of chemical phase formation in the ternary system beryllium, carbon and tungsten with depth-resolved photoelectron spectroscopyF. Kost, Ch. Linsmeier, M. Oberkofler, M. Reinelt, M. Balden, A. Herrmann, S. Lindig
979-982Ion cyclotron wall conditioning in reactive gases on TEXTORG. Sergienko, A. Lyssoivan, V. Philipps, A. Kreter, C. Schulz, A. Huber, H.G. Esser, J.S. Hu, M. Freisinger, H. Reimer, U. Samm and the TEXTOR-team
983-987RF heated wall conditioning discharges in JT-60UK. Itami, N. Asakura, H. Tamai, S. Moriyama, A. Kaminaga
988-991Testing of beryllium marker coatings in PISCES-B for the JET ITER-like wallA. Widdowson, M.J. Baldwin, J.P. Coad, R.P. Doerner, J. Hanna, D.E. Hole, G.F. Matthews, M. Rubel, R. Seraydarian, H. Xu and JET-EFDA Contributors
992-995Testing of tungsten coatings in JET for the ITER-like wallJ.P. Coad, D.E. Hole, E. Kolodinska, J. Likonen, S. Lindig, G.F. Matthews, M. Mayer, V. Philipps, V. Riccardo, A. Widdowson and JET-EFDA Contributors
996-999Renewable boron carbide coating in plasma shots of tokamak Т11-МO.I. Buzhinskij, V.A. Barsuk, V.G. Otroshchenko
1000-1004Evaporated lithium surface coatings in NSTXH.W. Kugel, D. Mansfield, R. Maingi, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, J.P. Allain, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt, R. Kaita, J. Kallman, S. Kaye, B. LeBlanc, R. Majeski, J. Menard, D. Mueller, M. Ono, S. Paul, R. Raman, A.L. Roquemore, P.W. Ross, et al.
1005-1008Mass changes in NSTX surface layers with Li conditioning as measured by quartz microbalancesC.H. Skinner, H.W. Kugel, A.L. Roquemore, P.S. Krstic, A. Beste
1009-1012Measurement of lithium and deuterium on NSTX carbon tilesW.R. Wampler, C.H. Skinner, H.W. Kugel, A.L. Roquemore
1013-1016Impurity production monitoring during RF experiments in Tore SupraO. Meyer, P. Monier-Garbet, P. Devynck, A. Ekedahl, P. Oddon, B. Pégourié, S. Vartanian
1017-1021Deuterium retention, blistering and local melting at tungsten exposed to high-fluence deuterium plasmaW.M. Shu, M. Nakamichi, V.Kh. Alimov, G.-N. Luo, K. Isobe, T. Yamanishi
1022-1025A Geometrical approach to evaluating the heat flux peaking factor on first wall componentsR. Mitteau, P. Stangeby
1026-1028Innovative tokamak DEMO first wall and divertor material conceptsC.P.C. Wong
1029-1031A study of hydrogen blistering mechanism for Molybdenum by Tritium radio-luminographyT. Hoshihira, T. Otsuka, T. Tanabe
1032-1034Structure, stability and diffusion of hydrogen in tungsten: A first-principles studyYue-Lin Liu, Ying Zhang, G.-N. Luo, Guang-Hong Lu
1035-1038Low-energy particle interaction at carbon nanowalls on W surfaceN. Tanaka, H. Yamaoka, M. Nishiura, K. Tsumori, T. Nagamura, M. Sasao, T. Kenmotsu, Y. Matsumoto, M. Wada
1039-1042Microstructural evolution in tungsten and copper probes under hydrogen irradiation at ISTTOKD. Nunes, R. Mateus, I.D. Nogueira, P.A. Carvalho, J.B. Correia, N. Shohoji, R.B. Gomes, H. Fernandes, C. Silva, N. Franco, E. Alves
1043-1047Physical erosion studies of plain and lithiated graphiteM. Racic, K. Ibano, R. Raju, D.N. Ruzic
1048-1050Hydrogen and helium removal retained in stainless steel by neon glow dischargeY. Yamauchi, K. Takeda, Y. Nobuta, T. Hino
1051-1054ECR discharge cleaning and followed He GDC on HT-7 tokamakY.W. Yu, X. Gao, J.S. Hu, J.G. Li, J.F. Shan and The HT-7 Team
1055-1058Thermocapillary and thermoelectric effects in liquid lithium plasma facing componentsM.A. Jaworski, N.B. Morley, D.N. Ruzic
1059-1065Progress in diagnostics for characterization of plasma wall interaction in tokamaksE. Gauthier
1066-1069An overview of a comprehensive First Mirror Test for ITER at JETM. Rubel, G. De Temmerman, P. Sundelin, J.P. Coad, A. Widdowson, D. Hole, F. Le Guern, M. Stamp, J. Vince and JET-EFDA Contributors
1070-1073Determination of a thermal property of carbon layers from IR measurements in JET NBI test bed using optimisation methodsR. Daviot, E. Gauthier, S. Carpentier, Y. Corre, J.L. Gardarein and JET EFDA Contributors
1074-1077Measurements of scrape-off layer ion-to-electron temperature ratio in Tore Supra ohmic plasmasM. Kočan, J.P. Gunn, J.-Y. Pascal, G. Bonhomme, P. Devynck, I. Ďuran, E. Gauthier, P. Ghendrih, Y. Marandet, B. Pegourie, J.-C. Vallet
1078-1080Interpretation of spatially resolved helium line ratios on MASTS. Lisgo, P. Börner, G.F. Counsell, J. Dowling, A. Kirk, R. Scannell, M. O’Mullane, D. Reiter and MAST Team
1081-1085Concept and development of ITER divertor thermography diagnosticR. Reichle, Ph. Andrew, C. Balorin, B. Brichard, S. Carpentier, Y. Corre, M. Davi, R. Daviot, C. Desgranges, J.L. Gardarein, E. Gauthier, D. Guilhem, S. Gicquel, A. Herrmann, D. Hernandez, M. Jouve, Ch. Le Niliot, Th. Loarer, A. Martin, J.P. Martins, et al.
1086-1089Electrostatic dust detector for fusion devices with improved sensitivityD.P. Boyle, C.H. Skinner, A.L. Roquemore
1090-1092Tokamak and laboratory modeling of hydrocarbon film deposition on metallic mirrorsK.Yu. Vukolov, I.I. Arkhipov, T.R. Mukhammedzyanov, S.N. Zvonkov
1093-1096Development of an in situ ITER dust diagnostic based on extinction spectrometry: Dedicated light scattering modelsF. Onofri, K.F. Ren, C. Grisolia
1097-1101Temperature measurement of plasma-facing surfaces in tokamaks by active pyrometryV. Grigorova, A. Semerok, D. Farcage, J.M. Weulersse, P.Y. Thro, E. Gauthier, H. Roche, Th. Loarer, Ch. Grisolia
1102-1105Ion-induced erosion of tungsten surfaces studied by a sensitive quartz-crystal-microbalance techniqueA. Golczewski, A. Kuzucan, K. Schmid, J. Roth, M. Schmid, F. Aumayr
1106-1109A parameterization of the Lyman α and Lyman β line shapes for radiation transport simulations in divertor plasmasJ. Rosato, D. Reiter, H. Capes, S. Ferri, L. Godbert-Mouret, M. Koubiti, Y. Marandet, R. Stamm
1110-1113A sodium (Na) beam edge diagnosticE. Wolfrum, J. Schweinzer, D. Bridi, K. Igenbergs, J. Kamleitner, F. Aumayr and ASDEX Upgrade Team
1114-1117Direct measurements of the plasma potential in ELMy H-mode plasma with ball-pen probes on ASDEX Upgrade tokamakJ. Adamek, V. Rohde, H.W. Müller, A. Herrmann, C. Ionita, R. Schrittwieser, F. Mehlmann, J. Stöckel, J. Horacek, J. Brotankova, ASDEX Upgrade Team
1118-1122Thermal response to heat fluxes of the W7-AS divertor surface submitted to surface modification under high temperature treatmentD. Hildebrandt, A. Dübner, H. Greuner, A. Wiltner
1123-1126Impurity control in a tokamak edge plasma by a method of Doppler-free spectroscopyS. Bychkov, A. Nedospasov, G. Sergienko
1127-1130On the determination of edge Ti profiles by a supersonic He beam in TJ-IIF. Guzmán, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, I. García Cortés, R. Balbín
1131-1134Application of optical techniques for in situ analysis of plasma facing carbon tilesH. Nakazato, M. Yoshida, T. Tanabe, K. Masaki, N. Miya, M. Sato
1135-1137Reactivity of rhodium during co-deposition of rhodium and carbonLaurent Marot, Roland Steiner, Gregory De Temmerman, Peter Oelhafen
1138-1141Dimple optimization for XPS characterization of TEXTOR tile depositionsI. Uytdenhouwen, S.M. González de Vicente, J.P. Coad, W. Van Renthergem, S. Van den Berghe, G. Van Oost, V. Massaut
1142-1144Investigation of C IV line broadening mechanisms for plasma diagnostics in magnetic fusion devicesM. Koubiti, T. Nakano, H. Capes, S. Ferri, L. Godbert-Mouret, Y. Marandet, J. Rosato, R. Stamm
1145-1148Design status of ITER visible/IR outer strike point viewC.J. Lasnier, L.G. Seppala, K. Morris, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth
1149-1152In situ reflectivity of tungsten mirrors under helium plasma exposureW. Sakaguchi, S. Kajita, N. Ohno, M. Takagi
1153-1175Author index

Volume 392, Issue 1, Pages 1-132 (1 July 2009)

iiEditorial board
1-5Effect of ThO2 on ionic transport behavior of barium borosilicate glassesR.K. Mishra, R. Mishra, C.P. Kaushik, A.K. Tyagi, D. Das, Kanwar Raj
6-15Three dimensional coupled simulation of thermomechanics, heat, and oxygen diffusion in UO2 nuclear fuel rodsChris Newman, Glen Hansen, Derek Gaston
16-21Transport properties of I, Te and Xe in thoria–urania SIMFUELA.N. Shirsat, M. Ali (Basu), S. Kolay, A. Datta, D. Das
22-27Modeling thermal conductivity in UO2 with BeO additions as a function of microstructureD.S. Li, H. Garmestani, J. Schwartz
28-34Predicting the probability for fission gas resolution into uranium dioxideDavid C. Parfitt, Robin W. Grimes
35-39Molecular dynamics simulation of intragranular Xe bubble re-solution in UO2D. Schwen, M. Huang, P. Bellon, R.S. Averback
40-44Failure modes of vacuum plasma spray tungsten coating created on carbon fibre composites under thermal loadsT. Hirai, N. Bekris, J.P. Coad, C. Grisolia, J. Linke, H. Maier, G.F. Matthews, V. Philipps, E. Wessel
45-54Corrosion of irradiated MOX fuel in presence of dissolved H2P. Carbol, P. Fors, S. Van Winckel, K. Spahiu
55-62Deposition of RuO4 on various surfaces in a nuclear reactor containmentJoachim Holm, Henrik Glänneskog, Christian Ekberg
63-69Circumferential creep properties of stress-relieved Zircaloy-4 and Zr–Nb–Sn–Fe cladding tubesS.Y. Lee, K.T. Kim, S.I. Hong
70-77Low silicon U(Al,Si)3 stabilization by Zr additionL.M. Pizarro, P.R. Alonso, G.H. Rubiolo
78-84An advanced model for grain face diffusion transport in irradiated UO2 fuel. Part 1: Model formulationM.S. Veshchunov, V.I. Tarasov
85-89An advanced model for grain face diffusion transport in irradiated UO2 fuel. Part 2: Model implementation and validationV.I. Tarasov, M.S. Veshchunov
90-94Activity release from damaged fuel during the Paks-2 cleaning tank incident in the spent fuel storage poolZoltán Hózer, Emese Szabó, Tamás Pintér, Ilona Baracska Varjú, Tibor Bujtás, Gábor Farkas, Nóra Vajda
95-99Solubility of ThO2 in Gd2Zr2O7 pyrochlore: XRD, SEM and Raman spectroscopic studiesB.P. Mandal, Nandini Garg, S.M. Sharma, A.K. Tyagi
100-104Ab initioR.C. Pasianot, R.A. Pérez, V.P. Ramunni, M. Weissmann
105-113Deformation twinning and twinning related fracture in coarse-grained α-uraniumR.D. Field, R.J. McCabe, D.J. Alexander, D.F. Teter
114-120Self-diffusion near symmetrical tilt grain boundaries in UO2 matrix: A molecular dynamics simulation studyE. Vincent-Aublant, J-M. Delaye, L. Van Brutzel
121-124Synthesis of dysprosium and cerium nitrides by a mechanically induced gas–solid reactionPatrick G. Callahan, Brian J. Jaques, Brian M. Marx, Abdel Salam Hamdy, Daniel D. Osterberg, Darryl P. Butt
125-132Fracture toughness of the hydrogen charged EUROFER 97 RAFM steel at room temperature and 120 °CKarel Splichal, Jan Berka, Jaroslav Burda, Milan Zmitko

Volume 392, Issue 2, Pages 133-378 (15 July 2009)

Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials 2, Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for Next Generation Nuclear Reactors Anaheim, CA, USA 10-12 June 2008 Edited by F.W. Wiffen, Lance L. Snead and Todd R. Allen
iiiConference Title Page
ivManuscript received date
viiPrefaceLance Snead, Bill Wiffen, Todd Allen
133-138Overview of past and current activities on fuels for fast reactors at the Institute for Transuranium ElementsA. Fernandez, J. McGinley, J. Somers, M. Walter
139-150Metallic fuels for advanced reactorsW.J.Carmack, D.L. Porter, Y.I. Chang, S.L. Hayes, M.K. Meyer, D.E. Burkes, C.B. Lee, T. Mizuno, F. Delage, J. Somers
151-157Fabrication and characterization of uranium–thorium–zirconium hydridesKurt A. Terrani, G.W. Chinthaka Silva, Charles B. Yeamans, Mehdi Balooch, Donald R. Olander
158-163Metallic fast reactor fuel fabrication for the global nuclear energy partnershipDouglas E. Burkes, Randall S. Fielding, Douglas L. Porter
164-170Migration of minor actinides and lanthanides in fast reactor metallic fuelYeon Soo Kim, G.L. Hofman, A.M. Yacout
171-175Nitration by a simulated fuel technique for nitride fuel re-fabricationYoung.-Woo Lee, Ho Jin Ryu, Jae Won Lee, Jung Won Lee, Geun Il Park
176-183The EBR-II X501 minor actinide burning experimentM.K. Meyer, S.L. Hayes, W.J. Carmack, H. Tsai
184-191Next generation fuel irradiation capability in the High Flux Reactor PettenMichael A. Fütterer, Elio D’Agata, Mathias Laurie, Alain Marmier, Francesco Scaffidi-Argentina, Philippe Raison, Klaas Bakker, Sander de Groot, Frodo Klaassen
192-199Transient hydride fuel behavior in LWRsKurt A. Terrani, Jeffrey E. Seifried, Donald R. Olander
200-205Radiation stability of ZrN under 2.6 MeV proton irradiationYong Yang, Clayton A. Dickerson, Todd R. Allen
206-212Performance of FCCI barrier foils for U–Zr–X metallic fuelHo Jin Ryu, Byoung Oon Lee, Seok Jin Oh, Jun Hwan Kim, Chan Bock Lee
213-218Effect of coating temperature on properties of the SiC layer in TRISO-coated particlesWeon-Ju Kim, Jeong Nam Park, Moon Sung Cho, Ji Yeon Park
219-224TRISO coated fuel particles with enhanced SiC propertiesE. López-Honorato, J. Tan, P.J. Meadows, G. Marsh, P. Xiao
225-229Examination of reactor grade graphite using neutron powder diffractionD.D. DiJulio, A.I. Hawari
230-234Environmental controls for higher temperature direct-cycle light water reactorsJohn A. Wilson, Raj Pathania, Samson Hettiarachchi
235-242Corrosion of high temperature metallic materials in VHTRC. Cabet, F. Rouillard
243-248Sodium effects on mechanical performance and consideration in high temperature structural design for advanced reactorsK. Natesan, Meimei Li, O.K. Chopra, S. Majumdar
249-254Compatibility of FBR materials with sodiumT. Furukawa, S. Kato, E. Yoshida
255-258Compatibility of Ti3SiC2 with liquid Pb and PbBi containing oxygenA. Heinzel, G. Müller, A. Weisenburger
259-263An X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of Mo oxidation in Pb at elevated temperaturesShanshan Liu, Daniel Olive, Jeff Terry, Carlo U. Segre
264-271IGSCC of grain boundary engineered 316L and 690 in supercritical waterE.A. West, G.S. Was
272-279Evolution of the oxide structure of 9CrODS steel exposed to supercritical waterJeremy Bischoff, Arthur T. Motta, Robert J. Comstock
280-285Transmission electron microscopy of oxide development on 9Cr ODS steel in supercritical waterA.D. Siwy, T.E. Clark, A.T. Motta
286-291Advanced materials modelling – E.U. perspectivesM. Samaras, M. Victoria, W. Hoffelner
292-300Phase-field modeling of gas bubbles and thermal conductivity evolution in nuclear fuelsShenyang Hu, Charles H. Henager Jr., Howard L. Heinisch, Marius Stan, Michael I. Baskes, Steven M. Valone
301-306Economic benefits of advanced materials in nuclear power systemsJ.T. Busby
307-315Preliminary issues associated with the next generation nuclear plant intermediate heat exchanger designK. Natesan, A. Moisseytsev, S. Majumdar
316-323European cross-cutting research on structural materials for Generation IV and transmutation systemsC. Fazio, A. Alamo, A. Almazouzi, S. De Grandis, D. Gomez-Briceno, J. Henry, L. Malerba, M. Rieth
324-330Sodium fast reactor evaluation: Core materialsJin Sik Cheon, Chan Bock Lee, Byoung Oon Lee, J.P. Raison, T. Mizuno, F. Delage, J. Carmack
331-340High temperature irradiation effects in selected Generation IV structural alloysR.K. Nanstad, D.A. McClintock, D.T. Hoelzer, L. Tan, T.R. Allen
341-352Perspectives on radiation effects in nickel-base alloys for applications in advanced reactorsA.F. Rowcliffe, L.K. Mansur, D.T. Hoelzer, R.K. Nanstad
353-359Mechanical properties of irradiated ODS-EUROFER and nanocluster strengthened 14YWTD.A. McClintock, M.A. Sokolov, D.T. Hoelzer, R.K. Nanstad
360-363Irradiation creep of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels for advanced nuclear applicationsJiachao Chen, Wolfgang Hoffelner
364-370The Influence of lithium environment on tensile behavior and microstructure of V–4Cr–4TiMeimei Li, D.T. Hoelzer, M.L. Grossbeck
371-378Radiation effects on epoxy/carbon-fiber compositeE.N. Hoffman, T.E. Skidmore

Volume 392, Issue 3, Pages 379-578 (1 August 2009)

379-385Evaluation of alloy 690 process pot at the contact with borosilicate melt pool during vitrification of high-level nuclear wastePranesh Sengupta, C.P. Kaushik, G.B. Kale, D. Das, K. Raj, B.P. Sharma
386-395Kinetics of self-interstitial cluster aggregation near dislocations and their influence on hardeningMing Wen, Akiyuki Takahashi, Nasr M. Ghoniem
396-404Determination of the long-term intergranular corrosion rate of stainless steel in concentrated nitric acidV. Bague, S. Chachoua, Q.T. Tran, P. Fauvet
405-412Liquid metal corrosion/erosion investigations of structure materials in lead cooled systems: Part 1M. Kieser, H. Muscher, A. Weisenburger, A. Heinzel, G. Müller
413-419Helium bubbles formation in aluminum: Bulk diffusion and near-surface diffusion using TEM observationsBenny Glam, Shalom Eliezer, Daniel Moreno, Dan Eliezer
420-426Low-temperature mechanical properties of superconducting radio frequency cavity materialsThak Sang Byun, Sang-Ho Kim, John Mammosser
427-433Experimental and theoretical investigation of sorption kinetics of beryllium on Amberlite-IR-120 sorbentSameh H. Othman, M. Shabaan, M. Demerdash, Mahmoud M. Saleh
434-438Specific low temperature release of 131Xe from irradiated MOX fuelJ.-P. Hiernaut, T. Wiss, V.V. Rondinella, J.-Y. Colle, A. Sasahara, T. Sonoda, R.J.M. Konings
439-446The effects of irradiation condition and microstructural change on lattice parameter, crystal lattice strain and crystallite size in high burnup UO2 pelletMasaki Amaya, Jinichi Nakamura, Toyoshi Fuketa
447-452Effect of additives on the susceptibility of zirconium alloys to nodular corrosionV.V. Likhanskii, I.A. Evdokimov
453-463Identification and quantification of hydride phases in Zircaloy-4 cladding using synchrotron X-ray diffractionR.S. Daum, Y.S. Chu, A.T. Motta
464-470Thermal transport properties of hafnium hydrides and deuteridesB. Tsuchiya, Y. Arita, H. Muta, K. Kurosaki, K. Konashi, S. Nagata, T. Shikama
471-475Synthesis and characterization of Li4SiO4 nano-powders by a water-based sol–gel processXiangwei Wu, Zhaoyin Wen, Xiaogang Xu, Xiuyan Wang, Jiu Lin
476-481Evaluation of the depth-dependent yield strength of a nanoindented ion-irradiated Fe–Cr model alloy by using a finite element modelingChansun Shin, Hyung-ha Jin, Maan-Won Kim
482-486Development of a manufacturing process for Zr-based spacer grid materialsYang-Il Jung, Myung-Ho Lee, Byoung-Kwon Choi, Jeong-Yong Park, Yong-Hwan Jeong
487-493Synthesis and characterization of zirconia–magnesia inert matrix fuel: Ce homolog studiesKiel Holliday, Thomas Hartmann, Ken Czerwinski
494-497Dynamic strain aging in stress controlled creep–fatigue tests of 316L stainless steel under different loading conditionsHuifeng Jiang, Xuedong Chen, Zhichao Fan, Jie Dong, Heng Jiang, Shouxiang Lu
498-504Modeling of the heat transfer performance of plate-type dispersion nuclear fuel elementsShurong Ding, Yongzhong Huo, XiaoQing Yan
505-509Can redox sensitive radionuclides be immobilized on the surface of spent nuclear fuel? – A model study on the reduction of Se(IV)aq on Pd-doped UO2 under H2 atmosphereAnders Puranen, Martin Trummer, Mats Jonsson
510-518Physical properties of an alumino-silicate waste form for cesium and strontiumM.D. Kaminski, C.J. Mertz, M. Ferrandon, N.L. Dietz, G. Sandi
519-524Immobilization of selenate by iron in aqueous solution under anoxic conditions and the influence of uranylAnders Puranen, Mats Jonsson, Rainer Dähn, Daqing Cui
525-530Thermodynamic modeling of the Mg–Pu and Cu–Pu systemsC.P. Wang, W. Fang, Z.S. Li, X.J. Liu
531-544Prototypical experiments relating to air oxidation of Zircaloy-4 at high temperaturesMartin Steinbrück
545-551Measurement of fission gas release, internal pressure and cladding creep rate in the fuel pins of PHWR bundle of normal discharge burnupU.K. Viswanathan, D.N. Sah, B.N. Rath, S. Anantharaman
552-567Application of the GRAAL model to leaching experiments with SON68 nuclear glass in initially pure waterP. Frugier, T. Chave, S. Gin, J.-E. Lartigue
568-577Thermophysical properties of solid and liquid pure and alloyed Pu: A reviewM. Boivineau
578Erratum to “A study of the effect of titanium on the void swelling behavior of D9 steels by ion beam simulation” [Journal of Nuclear Materials 383 (2008) 132–136]C. David, B.K. Panigrahi, S. Balaji, A.K. Balamurugan, K.G.M. Nair, G. Amarendra, C.S. Sundar, Baldev Raj

Volume 393, Issue 1, Pages 1-202 (15 August 2009)

iiEditorial board
1-11A US perspective on fast reactor fuel fabrication technology and experience. Part II: Ceramic fuelsDouglas E. Burkes, Randall S. Fielding, Douglas L. Porter, Mitchell K. Meyer, Bruce J. Makenas
12-21The change in the hardness of LCAC, TZM, and ODS molybdenum in the post-irradiated and annealed conditionsB.V. Cockeram, R.W. Smith, T.S. Byun, L.L. Snead
22-29Young’s modulus measurements of SiC coatings on spherical particles by using nanoindentationJ. Tan, P.J. Meadows, D. Zhang, Xi Chen, E. López-Honorato, X. Zhao, F. Yang, T. Abram, P. Xiao
30-35Confinement of motion of interstitial clusters and dislocation loops in BCC Fe–Cr alloysD. Terentyev, M. Klimenkov, L. Malerba
36-46Tensile and fracture toughness properties of neutron-irradiated CuCrZrMeimei Li, M.A. Sokolov, S.J. Zinkle
47-53Thermal conductivity of 2D C–C composites with pyrolytic and glass-like carbon matricesJ. Michalowski, D. Mikociak, K.J. Konsztowicz, S. Blazewicz
54-60Variation of martensite phase transformation mechanism in minor-stressed T91 ferritic steelBaoqun Ning, Qingzhi Shi, Zesheng Yan, Jicheng Fu, Yongchang Liu, Lijian Bie
61-66Swelling and microstructure of austenitic stainless steel ChS-68 CW after high dose neutron irradiationS.I. Porollo, Yu.V. Konobeev, F.А. Garner
67-76Elastic and plastic properties of βZr at room temperatureS. Cai, M.R. Daymond, A.K. Khan, R.A. Holt, E.C. Oliver
77-86Immobilisation of Fe floc: Part 1, pre-treatment of floc with slaked limeN.C. Collier, N.B. Milestone, J. Hill, I.H. Godfrey
87-91Structural study of Pu1−xA. Jankowiak, C. Maillard, L. Donnet
92-101Immobilisation of Fe floc: Part 2, encapsulation of floc in composite cementN.C. Collier, N.B. Milestone, J. Hill, I.H. Godfrey
102-107Study by EELS of helium bubbles in a martensitic steelS. Fréchard, M. Walls, M. Kociak, J.P. Chevalier, J. Henry, D. Gorse
108-113Spark Plasma Sintering of simulated radioisotope materials within tungsten cermetsR.C. O’Brien, R.M. Ambrosi, N.P. Bannister, S.D. Howe, H.V. Atkinson
114-119Development and characterisation of a new ODS ferritic steel for fusion reactor applicationZ. Oksiuta, P. Olier, Y. de Carlan, N. Baluc
120-125XPS analysis of UxSantanu Bera, V.K. Mittal, R. Venkata Krishnan, T. Saravanan, S. Velmurugan, K. Nagarajan, S.V. Narasimhan
126-13310 MeV Au ion irradiation effects in an MgO–HfO2 ceramic–ceramic (CERCER) compositeJ.A. Valdez, I.O. Usov, J. Won, M. Tang, R.M. Dickerson, G.D. Jarvinen, K.E. Sickafus
134-140Self-radiation damage in plutonium and uranium mixed dioxideMasato Kato, Akira Komeno, Hiroki Uno, Hiromasa Sugata, Nobuo Nakae, Kenji Konashi, Motoaki Kashimura
141-145Density-functional study of Zr-based actinide alloys: 2. U–Pu–Zr systemA. Landa, P. Söderlind, P.E.A. Turchi, L. Vitos, A. Ruban
146-152Investigation on the martensitic transformation and the associated intermediate phase in U–2 wt%Zr alloyChandrabhanu Basak, R. Keswani, G.J. Prasad, H.S. Kamath, N. Prabhu, S. Banerjee
153-161Cluster Dynamics modelling of irradiation growth of zirconium single crystalsF. Christien, A. Barbu
162-174Towards a more comprehensive microstructural analysis of Zr–2.5Nb pressure tubing using image analysis and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD)P. Hovington, P.T. Pinard, M. Lagacé, L. Rodrigue, R. Gauvin, M.L. Trudeau
175-185Ageing of EUROBITUM bituminised radioactive waste: An ATR-FTIR spectroscopy studyE. Valcke, F. Rorif, S. Smets
186-191Fabrication and improvement of the density of Li2TiO3 pebbles by the optimization of a sol–gel methodXiangwei Wu, Zhaoyin Wen, Xiaogang Xu, Jinduo Han, Bin Lin
192-196First-principles study of structural, elastic and electronic properties of thorium dicarbide (ThC2) polymorphsI.R. Shein, A.L. Ivanovskii
197-202Point defect properties in hcp and bcc Zr with trace solute Nb revealed by ab initio calculationsX.K. Xin, W.S. Lai, B.X. Liu

Volume 393, Issue 2, Pages 203-368 (1 September 2009)

203-211The effect of processing on the thermal diffusivity of MgO–Nd2Zr2O7 composites for inert matrix materialsS.J. Yates, K.J. McClellan, J.C. Nino
212-223SIMS analysis of an UO2 fuel irradiated at low temperature to 65 MWd/kgHMC.T. Walker, S. Bremier, S. Portier, R. Hasnaoui, W. Goll
224-229Synthesis and characterization of zirconia–magnesia inert matrix fuel: Uranium homolog studiesKiel Holliday, Thomas Hartmann, Frederic Poineau, J. Rory Kennedy, Ken Czerwinski
230-234Experimental investigation of helium migration in an fcc aluminum matrixBenny Glam, Daniel Moreno, Shalom Eliezer, Dan Eliezer
235-241Microstructural analysis of an HT9 fuel assembly duct irradiated in FFTF to 155 dpa at 443 °CB.H. Sencer, J.R. Kennedy, J.I. Cole, S.A. Maloy, F.A. Garner
242-248Characterization of oxide films formed on alloy 182 in simulated PWR primary waterJ.-H. Liu, R. Mendonça, R.-W. Bosch, M.J. Konstantinović
249-253Investigation on the formation of serrated grain boundaries with grain boundary characteristics in an AISI 316 stainless steelK.J. Kim, H.U. Hong, S.W. Nam
254-266Advanced TEM characterization of stress corrosion cracking of Alloy 600 in pressurized water reactor primary water environmentM. Sennour, P. Laghoutaris, C. Guerre, R. Molins
267-281Thermodynamic investigations of ThO2–UO2 solid solutionsSmruti Dash, S.C. Parida, Ziley Singh, B.K. Sen, V. Venugopal
282-291Low temperature age hardening in U–13 at.% Nb: An assessment of chemical redistribution mechanismsA.J. Clarke, R.D. Field, R.E. Hackenberg, D.J. Thoma, D.W. Brown, D.F. Teter, M.K. Miller, K.F. Russell, D.V. Edmonds, G. Beverini
292-299Implementing first principles calculations of defect migration in a fuel performance code for UN simulationsE.A. Kotomin, Yu.A. Mastrikov, S.N. Rashkeev, P. Van Uffelen
300-305One-step brazing process for CFC monoblock joints and mechanical testingV. Casalegno, M. Salvo, S. Murdaca, M. Ferraris
306-310Gel structure of the corrosion layer on cladding pipes of nuclear fuelJiří Medek, Zuzana Weishauptová
311-320Microstructural development in irradiated U-7Mo/6061 Al alloy matrix dispersion fuelDennis D. Keiser Jr., Adam B. Robinson, Jan-Fong Jue, Pavel Medvedev, Daniel M. Wachs, M. Ross Finlay
321-327First-principles study on cerium ion behavior in irradiated cerium dioxideMisako Iwasawa, Toshiharu Ohnuma, Ying Chen, Yasunori Kaneta, Hua-Yun Geng, Akihiro Iwase, Motoyasu Kinoshita
328-332Thermal expansion studies on UMoO5, UMoO6, Na2U(MoO4)3 and Na4U(MoO4)4Meera Keskar, N.D. Dahale, K. Krishnan
333-342Thermodynamic and experimental study of UC powders ignitionF. Le Guyadec, C. Rado, S. Joffre, S. Coullomb, C. Chatillon, E. Blanquet
343-349Corrosion aspects of Ni–Cr–Fe based and Ni–Cu based steam generator tube materialsR.S. Dutta
350-367Review of the thermodynamic basis for models of delayed hydride cracking rate in zirconium alloysManfred P. Puls

Volume 393, Issue 3, Pages 369-526 (15 September 2009)

369-380Corrosion of the AlFeNi alloy used for the fuel cladding in the Jules Horowitz research reactorM. Wintergerst, N. Dacheux, F. Datcharry, E. Herms, B. Kapusta
381-386Phonon dynamics of plutonium chalcogenides and pnictidesBalwant S. Arya, Mahendra Aynyas, S.P. Sanyal
387-408In situ studies and modeling the fracture of Zircaloy-4B.V. Cockeram, K.S. Chan
409-417Modeling dislocation structure development and creep–swelling coupling in neutron irradiated stainless steelA.A. Semenov, C.H. Woo
418-424Phase transformation in δB. Ravat, C. Platteau, G. Texier, B. Oudot, F. Delaunay
425-432Tensile–shear correlations obtained from shear punch test technique using a modified experimental approachV. Karthik, P. Visweswaran, A. Vijayraghavan, K.V. Kasiviswanathan, Baldev Raj
433-448High-temperature steam-oxidation behavior of Zr-1Nb cladding alloy E110Y. Yan, T.A. Burtseva, M.C. Billone
449-458Synthesis and characterization of coffiniteV. Pointeau, A.P. Deditius, F. Miserque, D. Renock, U. Becker, J. Zhang, N. Clavier, N. Dacheux, C. Poinssot, R.C. Ewing
459-464Determination of the activity coefficient of Am in liquid Al by electrochemical methodsG. De Córdoba, A. Laplace, O. Conocar, J. Lacquement
465-472Photon interaction and energy absorption in glass: A transparent gamma ray shieldS.R. Manohara, S.M. Hanagodimath, L. Gerward
473-480Optical properties of Al mirrors under impact of deuterium plasma ions in experiments simulating ITER conditionsA.F. Bardamid, A.I. Belyaeva, J.W. Davis, M.V. Dobrotvorskaya, A.A. Galuza, L.M. Kapitоnchuk, V.G. Konovalov, I.V. Ryzhkov, A.F. Shtan’, K.A. Slatin, S.I. Solodovchenko, V.S. Voitsenya
481-486Response of synthetic coffinite to energetic ion beam irradiationJ. Lian, J.M. Zhang, V. Pointeau, F.X. Zhang, M. Lang, F.Y. Lu, C. Poinssot, R.C. Ewing
487-491Combustion of Na2B4O7 + Mg + C to synthesis B4C powdersJiang Guojian, Xu Jiayue, Zhuang Hanrui, Li Wenlan
492-496Effect of CuO on CaTiO3 perovskite ceramics prepared using a direct sintering processYi-Cheng Liou, Chi-Ting Wu, Yuh-Lin Huang, Tzu-Chin Chung
497-503Decomposition and multiphase reactions in the system UO2(NO3)2·6H2O–Ni(NO3)2·6H2O at elevated temperaturesBhupesh B. Kalekar, K.V. Rajagopalan, P.V. Ravindran
504-507Chemisorption of a molecular oxygen on the UN(0 0 1) surface: Ab initioYu.F. Zhukovskii, D. Bocharov, E.A. Kotomin
508-512First-principles investigation on dissolution and diffusion of oxygen in tungstenAbdullah Alkhamees, Yue-Lin Liu, Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu
513-517Generation of cC.H. Woo, Xiangli Liu
518-521Penetration depth and transient oxidation of graphite by oxygen and water vaporRobert P. Wichner, Timothy D. Burchell, Cristian I. Contescu
522-526Surface and bulk modification of W–La2O3 armor mock-upF. Ghezzi, M. Zani, S. Magni, G.M. Vanacore, A. Tagliaferri

Volume 394, Issue 1, Pages 1-122 (1 October 2009)

iiEditorial board
1-8Corrosion of high burn-up structured UO2 fuel in presence of dissolved H2P. Fors, P. Carbol, S. Van Winckel, K. Spahiu
9-19Modeling texture evolution during uni-axial deformation of Zircaloy-2F. Xu, R.A. Holt, M.R. Daymond
20-25Effect of chemical potential of carbon on phase transformation and corrosion of JLF-1 steel in a static lithiumQi Xu, Masatoshi Kondo, Takuya Nagasaka, Takeo Muroga, Olga Yeliseyeva
26-33Study of thermodynamic properties of Np–Al alloys in molten LiCl–KCl eutecticP. Souček, R. Malmbeck, E. Mendes, C. Nourry, D. Sedmidubský, J.-P. Glatz
34-38Serrated flow behavior in AL6XN austenitic stainless steelL.J. Meng, J. Sun, H. Xing, G.W. Pang
39-45Dissolution behavior of MgO–pyrochlore composites in acidic solutionsP. Xu, K. Holliday, K.R. Czerwinski, J.C. Nino
46-51Uniaxial creep response of Alloy 800H in impure helium and in low oxygen potential environments for nuclear reactor applicationsK. Natesan, P.S. Shankar
52-62Effect of pH on corrosion behavior of CuCrZr in solution without and with NaClC.T. Kwok, P.K. Wong, H.C. Man, F.T. Cheng
63-66A study of life prediction differences for a nickel-base Alloy 690 using a threshold and a non-threshold modelB.A. Young, Xiaosheng Gao, T.S. Srivatsan
67-86Overview of high-temperature fuel behaviour with relevance to CANDU fuelB.J. Lewis, F.C. Iglesias, R.S. Dickson, A. Williams
87-94Microstructural analysis of MTR fuel plates damaged by a coolant flow blockageA. Leenaers, F. Joppen, S. Van den Berghe
95-101Effect of microstructure on the corrosion of CVD-SiC exposed to supercritical waterL. Tan, T.R. Allen, E. Barringer
102-108Creep-to-rupture tests of T91 steel in flowing Pb–Bi eutectic melt at 550 °CA. Jianu, G. Müller, A. Weisenburger, A. Heinzel, C. Fazio, V.G. Markov, A.D. Kashtanov
109-113Absorbed impact energy and mode of fracture: A statistical description of the micro-structural dispersionV. Pontikis, D. Gorse
114-122Ways of improving the high-temperature work service of vanadium and some alloys used in reactorsV.V. Shyrokov, Ch.B. Vasyliv, O.V. Shyrokov

Volume 394, Issues 2-3, Pages 123-196 (November 2009)

123-130Computation of free-molecular flow in nuclear materialsAndrew M. Casella, Sudarshan K. Loyalka, Brady D. Hanson
131-135Electrochemical formation of uranium–zirconium alloy in LiCl–KCl meltsTsuyoshi Murakami, Tetsuya Kato, Masaki Kurata, Hajimu Yamana
136-143An analytical study on the effects of strain gradient on the fracture statistics of quasi-brittle materialsHaiyan Li, Alex Siu-Lun Fok
144-150Performance of a diffusion barrier under a fuel–clad chemical interaction (FCCI)Jun Hwan Kim, Ho Jin Ryu, Jong Hyuk Baek, Seok Jin Oh, Byoung Oon Lee, Chan Bock Lee, Young Soo Yoon
151-154Sliding wear and friction behaviour of zircaloy-4 in waterGarima Sharma, P.K. Limaye, D.T. Jadhav
155-159Phase-field modeling of void lattice formation under irradiationShenyang Hu, Charles H. Henager Jr.
160-165Phase constituents of Al-rich U–Mo–Al alloys examined by transmission electron microscopyE. Perez, A. Ewh, J. Liu, B. Yuan, D.D. Keiser Jr., Y.H. Sohn
166-173Thermal reactions of uranium metal, UO2, U3O8, UF4, and UO2F2 with NF3 to produce UF6Bruce McNamara, Randall Scheele, Anne Kozelisky, Matthew Edwards
174-181Atomic and dislocation dynamics simulations of plastic deformation in reactor pressure vessel steelGhiath Monnet, Christophe Domain, Sylvain Queyreau, Sanae Naamane, Benoit Devincre
182-189Simulations of coupled heat transport, oxygen diffusion, and thermal expansion in UO2 nuclear fuel elementsBogdan Mihaila, Marius Stan, Juan Ramirez, Alek Zubelewicz, Petrica Cristea
190-196New generation nuclear fuel structures: Dense particles in selectively soluble matrixDave Devlin, Gordon Jarvinen, Brian Patterson, Steve Pattillo, James Valdez, X.-Y. Liu, Jonathan Phillips

Volume 395, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-172 (December 2009)

iiEditorial board
1-10Temperature dependence of D removal from JET codeposits by thermo-oxidationC.K. Tsui, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis, J.P. Coad, A.M. Widdowson, J. Likonen, A. Hakola
11-22Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking of austenitic alloys in supercritical waterRongsheng Zhou, Elaine A. West, Zhijie Jiao, Gary S. Was
23-29Accelerated testing of HT-9 with zirconia coatings containing gallium using Raman Spectroscopy and XPSCharles F. Windisch Jr., Charles H. Henager Jr., Mark H. Engelhard, Wendy D. Bennett
30-36Tensile and stress corrosion cracking behavior of ferritic–martensitic steels in supercritical waterPantip Ampornrat, Gaurav Gupta, Gary S. Was
37-44Post-irradiated microstructural characterisation of cold-worked SS316L by X-ray diffraction techniqueP. Mukherjee, A. Sarkar, M. Bhattacharya, N. Gayathri, P. Barat
45-49Helium atoms in chromium-rich Fe–Cr alloys – Ab initioK.O.E. Henriksson
50-57MD simulation of atomic displacement cascades in Fe–10 at.%Cr binary alloyM. Tikhonchev, V. Svetukhin, A. Kadochkin, E. Gaganidze
58-61Distillation and condensation of LiCl–KCl eutectic salts for a separation of pure salts from salt wastes from an electrorefining processHee Chul Eun, Hee Chul Yang, Han Soo Lee, In Tae Kim
62-68Thermal behaviour of chlorine in nuclear graphite at a microscopic scaleC.E. Vaudey, N. Toulhoat, N. Moncoffre, N. Bérerd, L. Raimbault, P. Sainsot, J.N. Rouzaud, A. Perrat-Mabilon
69-74Zirconolite-rich titanate ceramics for immobilisation of actinides – Waste form/HIP can interactions and chemical durabilityY. Zhang, M.W.A. Stewart, H. Li, M.L. Carter, E.R. Vance, S. Moricca
75-78Internal friction study of dislocation dynamics in neutron irradiated iron, and iron–copper alloysM.J. Konstantinović
79-88Thermodynamic assessment of the Pd–H–D–T systemJ.-M. Joubert, S. Thiébaut
89-98Modelling of the spent fuel oxidation: Toward the operational modelJ. Rouyer, A. Poulesquen, L. Desgranges, C. Ferry
99-111Evaluation of silver transport through SiC during the German HTR fuel programJ.J. van der Merwe
112-119Derivation of potential model for LiAlO2 by simple and effective optimization of model parametersH. Tsuchihira, T. Oda, S. Tanaka
120-130Effect of dislocations on spinodal decomposition in Fe–Cr alloysYong-Sheng Li, Shu-Xiao Li, Tong-Yi Zhang
131-139Molecular dynamics simulation of helium and oxygen diffusion in UOxK. Govers, S. Lemehov, M. Hou, M. Verwerft
140-144Diffusion behavior in an interface between U–10Zr alloy and HT-9 steelChong Tak Lee, Hun Kim, Tae Kyu Kim, Chan Bock Lee
145-149High strength bonding of titanium to stainless steel using an Ag interlayerJung G. Lee, S.J. Hong, M.K. Lee, C.K. Rhee
150-155Deuterium retention in self-damaged tungstenB. Tyburska, V.Kh. Alimov, O.V. Ogorodnikova, K. Schmid, K. Ertl
156-161Microstructural manifestation of dynamic strain aging in AISI 316 stainless steelWade Karlsen, Mykola Ivanchenko, Ulla Ehrnstén, Yuriy Yagodzinskyy, Hannu Hänninen
162-168Interdiffusion between U(Mo,Pt) or U(Mo,Zr) and Al or Al A356 alloyC. Komar Varela, M. Mirandou, S. Aricó, S. Balart, L. Gribaudo
169-172Comments to papers of J.H. Kim et al. [1] and M. Große et al. [2] recently published in JNM “On the hydrogen uptake of Zircaloy-4 and M5 alloys subjected to steam oxidation in the 1100–1250 °C temperature range”J.-C. Brachet, V. Vandenberghe

Volume 396, Issue 1, Pages 1-148 (1 January 2010)

iiEditorial board
1-9Analysis of tensile deformation and failure in austenitic stainless steels: Part I – Temperature dependenceJin Weon Kim, Thak Sang Byun
10-19Analysis of tensile deformation and failure in austenitic stainless steels: Part II – Irradiation dose dependenceJin Weon Kim, Thak Sang Byun
20-25High heat flux testing of 12–14Cr ODS ferritic steelsG. Pintsuk, Z. Oksiuta, J. Linke, N. Baluc
26-31Main results of the development of dispersion type IMF at A.A. Bochvar InstituteA.M. Savchenko, A.V. Vatulin, E.M. Glagovsky, I.I. Konovalov, A.V. Morozov, A.V. Kozlov, S.A. Ershov, V.A. Mishunin, G.V. Kulakov, V.I. Sorokin, A.P. Simonov, Z.N. Petrova, V.V. Fedotov
32-42Relationship between changes in the crystal lattice strain and thermal conductivity of high burnup UO2 pelletsMasaki Amaya, Jinichi Nakamura, Toyoshi Fuketa, Yuji Kosaka
43-48Blistering of the selected materials irradiated by intense 200 keV proton beamV.T. Astrelin, A.V. Burdakov, P.V. Bykov, I.A. Ivanov, A.A. Ivanov, Y. Jongen, S.G. Konstantinov, A.M. Kudryavtsev, K.N. Kuklin, K.I. Mekler, S.V. Polosatkin, V.V. Postupaev, A.F. Rovenskikh, S.L. Sinitskiy, E.R. Zubairov
49-56Phase characteristics of a number of U–Pu–Am–Np–Zr metallic alloys for use as fast reactor fuelsDouglas E. Burkes, J. Rory Kennedy, Thomas Hartmann, Cynthia A. Papesch, Dennis D. Keiser Jr.
57-64Compatibility of ferritic–martensitic steel T91 welds with liquid lead–bismuth eutectic: Comparison between TIG and EB weldsJ. Van den Bosch, G. Coen, W. Van Renterghem, A. Almazouzi
65-70Crystal structure, corrosion kinetics of new zirconium alloys and residual stress analysis of oxide filmsH.X. Zhang, D. Fruchart, E.K. Hlil, L. Ortega, Z.K. Li, J.J. Zhang, J. Sun, L. Zhou
71-85An elasto-plastic fracture mechanics based model for assessment of hydride embrittlement in zircaloy cladding tubesKarl-Fredrik Nilsson, Nikola Jakšić, Vratko Vokál
86-93Formation of oxides particles in ferritic steel by using gas-atomized powderYong Liu, Jinghua Fang, Donghua Liu, Zhi Lu, Feng Liu, Shiqi Chen, C.T. Liu
94-101Structural investigations of borosilicate glasses containing MoO3 by MAS NMR and Raman spectroscopiesD. Caurant, O. Majérus, E. Fadel, A. Quintas, C. Gervais, T. Charpentier, D. Neuville
102-106Electrochemistry of oxygen-free curium compounds in fused NaCl–2CsCl eutecticA. Osipenko, A. Maershin, V. Smolenski, A. Novoselova, M. Kormilitsyn, A. Bychkov
107-11117O NMR study in (Pu0.91Am0.09)O2Yo Tokunaga, Masahiko Osaka, Shinsaku Kambe, Shuhei Miwa, Hironori Sakai, Hiroyuki Chudo, Yoshiya Homma, Yoshinobu Shiokawa
112-118Stress state dependence of in-reactor creep and swelling: Part I: Continuum plasticity modelM.M. Hall Jr.
119-129Stress state dependence of in-reactor creep and swelling. Part 2: Experimental resultsM.M. Hall Jr., J.E. Flinn
130-143The first step for delayed hydride cracking in zirconium alloysG.A. McRae, C.E. Coleman, B.W. Leitch
144-148Comment on ‘The first step for delayed hydride cracking in zirconium alloys’ by G.A. McRae et al., J. Nucl. Mater. 396 (2010) 130–143Young Suk Kim

Volume 396, Issues 2-3, Pages 149-308 (31 January 2010)

149-158Performance modeling of Deep Burn TRISO fuel using ZrC as a load-bearing layer and an oxygen getterDoonyapong Wongsawaeng
159-162Dissolution of spent nuclear fuel in carbonate–peroxide solutionChuck Soderquist, Brady Hanson
163-169Resolving the H2 effect on radiation induced dissolution of UO2-based spent nuclear fuelMartin Trummer, Mats Jonsson
170-175Thermodynamic assessments of the Al–Th and Th–Zn systemsZ.S. Li, X.J. Liu, M.Z. Wen, C.P. Wang, A.T. Tang, F.S. Pan
176-180Carbon film growth and hydrogenic retention of tungsten exposed to carbon-seeded high density deuterium plasmasG.M. Wright, R.S. Al, E. Alves, L.C. Alves, N.P. Barradas, A.W. Kleyn, N.J. Lopes Cardozo, H.J. van der Meiden, V. Philipps, G.J. van Rooij, A.E. Shumack, W.A.J. Vijvers, J. Westerhout, E. Zoethout, J. Rapp
181-188Porosity effects on the neutron total cross section of graphiteSergio Petriw, J. Dawidowski, Javier Santisteban
189-196Effect of magnesium on the lead induced corrosion and SCC of alloy 800 in neutral crevice solution at high temperatureA. Palani, B.T. Lu, L.P. Tian, J.L. Luo, Y.C. Lu
197-201Immobilization of Cs and Sr to HZr2(PO4)3 using an autoclaveChihiro Hashimoto, Susumu Nakayama
202-207Thermal conductivity of SiC after heavy ions irradiationJ. Cabrero, F. Audubert, R. Pailler, A. Kusiak, J.L. Battaglia, P. Weisbecker
208-217Influence of fission products on ruthenium oxidation and transport in air ingress nuclear accidentsN. Vér, L. Matus, M. Kunstár, J. Osán, Z. Hózer, A. Pintér
218-222First-principles study of UC2 and U2C3Hongliang Shi, Ping Zhang, Shu-Shen Li, Baotian Wang, Bo Sun
223-227X-ray diffraction analysis of titanium tritide film during 1600 daysZhou Xiaosong, Long Xinggui, Zhang Lin, Peng Shuming, Luo Shunzhong
228-233DIVIMP-B2-EIRENE modelling of 13C migration and deposition in ASDEX Upgrade L-mode plasmasA. Xuereb, M. Groth, K. Krieger, O. Asunta, T. Kurki-Suonio, J. Likonen, D.P. Coster and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
234-239Transmission electron microscopy characterization of irradiated U–7Mo/Al–2Si dispersion fuelJ. Gan, D.D. Keiser Jr., D.M. Wachs, A.B. Robinson, B.D. Miller, T.R. Allen
240-244XRD contribution to the study of Cs-implanted cubic zirconiaA. Debelle, A. Declémy, L. Vincent, F. Garrido, L. Thomé
245-250Fabrication and characterization of Li3TaO4 ceramic pebbles by wet processDeqiong Zhu, Shuming Peng, Xiaojun Chen, Xiaoling Gao, Tongzai Yang
251-256Sorption studies of uranium and thorium on activated carbon prepared from olive stones: Kinetic and thermodynamic aspectsCeren Kütahyalı, Meral Eral
257-263Nanosecond laser ablation of Thoria fuel pellets for microstructural studySucharita Sinha
264-271Nano-scale quasi-melting of alkali-borosilicate glasses under electron irradiationGünter Möbus, Michael Ojovan, Stuart Cook, Jim Tsai, Guang Yang
272-282Modeling of thermo-mechanical and irradiation behavior of mixed oxide fuel for sodium fast reactorsAydın Karahan, Jacopo Buongiorno
283-293A new code for predicting the thermo-mechanical and irradiation behavior of metallic fuels in sodium fast reactorsAydın Karahan, Jacopo Buongiorno
294-302Pyrophoric behaviour of uranium hydride and uranium powdersF. Le Guyadec, X. Génin, J.P. Bayle, O. Dugne, A. Duhart-Barone, C. Ablitzer
303-306Effect of Cr on the creep properties of zirconium alloysYang-Il Jung, Yong-Nam Seol, Byoung-Kwon Choi, Jeong-Yong Park, Yong-Hwan Jeong
307-308On the use of the BLYP functional for the DFT calculation of graphite–hydrogen systemsAlessio Alexiadis, Stavros Kassinos

Volume 397, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-134 (February 2010)

iiEditorial board
1-7Ab-initio calculations and phase diagram assessments of An–Al systems (An =  U,  Np,  Pu)D. Sedmidubský, R.J.M. Konings, P. Souček
8-18Impact of auto-irradiation on the thermophysical properties of oxide nuclear reactor fuelsD. Staicu, T. Wiss, V.V. Rondinella, J.P. Hiernaut, R.J.M. Konings, C. Ronchi
19-26Development of fuel-model interfaces: Characterization of Pd containing UO2 thin filmsS. Stumpf, A. Seibert, T. Gouder, F. Huber, T. Wiss, J. Römer, M.A. Denecke
27-30Neutron diffraction analyses of U–(6–10 wt.%)Mo alloy powders fabricated by centrifugal atomizationJong Man Park, Ho Jin Ryu, Ki Hwan Kim, Don Bae Lee, Yoon Sang Lee, Jeong Soo Lee, Baek Seok Seong, Chang Kyu Kim, Marilyne Cornen
31-35Pulsed laser nitriding of uraniumYongbin Zhang, Daqiao Meng, Qinying Xu, Youshou Zhang
36-39Isotopes Separation Method using Physical Vapor Deposition TechniqueS.M. Javed Akhtar, M. Saleem, Nasir Mahmood
40-47Interpretation and modelling of fission product Ba and Mo releases from fuelG. Brillant
48-54Experimental database of E110 claddings exposed to accident conditionsErzsébet Perez-Feró, Csaba Győri, Lajos Matus, László Vasáros, Zoltán Hózer, Péter Windberg, László Maróti, Márta Horváth, Imre Nagy, Anna Pintér-Csordás, Tamás Novotny
55-60Effect of hydrazine and formaldehyde on the corrosion of SS 304L in hot nitric acid environmentGeogy J. Abraham, V. Kain, G.K. Dey
61-68The kinetics of hydrogen desorption from and adsorption on zirconium hydrideK.A. Terrani, M. Balooch, D. Wongsawaeng, S. Jaiyen, D.R. Olander
69-73Thermochemical assessment of oxygen gettering by SiC or ZrC in PuO2−xTheodore M. Besmann
74-79X-ray diffraction study of δ-stabilized plutonium alloys under pressurePh Faure, C. Genestier
80-91Mechanical behaviors of the dispersion nuclear fuel plates induced by fuel particle swelling and thermal effect II: Effects of variations of the fuel particle diametersShurong Ding, Qiming Wang, Yongzhong Huo
92-100Aerosol behavior during SIC control rod failure in QUENCH-13 testTerttaliisa Lind, Anna Pintér Csordás, Imre Nagy, Juri Stuckert
101-108Corrosion behavior of reinforcing steel in concrete for nuclear facilities exposed in high chloride and low pH environmentToshiyasu Nishimura, Vedarajan Raman
109-115Residual strain measurement and grain boundary characterization in the heat-affected zone of a weld joint between Alloy 690TT and Alloy 52J. Hou, T. Shoji, Z.P. Lu, Q.J. Peng, J.Q. Wang, E.-H. Han, W. Ke
116-121Thermodynamic characterization of lanthanum tellurateR. Pankajavalli, Ashish Jain, R. Babu, K. Ananthasivan, S. Anthonysamy, V. Ganesan
122-127Precipitation behavior of Xe at grain boundaries in Si3N4 ceramic during implantation at elevated temperatureYoon-Uk Heo, Masaki Takeguchi, Kazutaka Mitsuishi, Minghui Song, Yoshiko Nakayama, Kazuo Furuya
128-131Oxidative dissolution of actinide oxides in H2O2 containing aqueous solution – A preliminary studyReijo Pehrman, Marcus Amme, Olivia Roth, Ella Ekeroth, Mats Jonsson
132-134Strain-induced drift of interstitial atoms in SiC implanted with helium ions at elevated temperatureS. Leclerc, M.F. Beaufort, A. Declémy, J.F. Barbot

Volume 398, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-250 (March 2010)

Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology Hokkaido, Japan 19-24 October 2008 Edited by K. Kikuchi, L.K. Mansur, M. Kawai, S.A. Maloy and Y. Dai
iiEditorial board
vConference title page
viManuscript received date
ix-xPrefaceK. Kikuchi, L.K. Mansur, M. Kawai, S.A. Maloy, Y. Dai
1-9Role of nuclear energy to a future society of shortage of energy resources and global warmingShinzo Saito
10-14SNS October 2008 statusT. McManamy
15-18Status of J-PARC projectYukio Oyama
19-27Overview on spallation target design concepts and related materials issuesG.S. Bauer
28-34Mock-up stands for a rotating target for CSNS projectX.J. Jia, G.S. Bauer, W. He, Y.L. Sun, T.J. Liang, W. Yin, D. Zhao
35-423 MW solid rotating target designT. McManamy, M. Rennich, F. Gallmeier, P. Ferguson, J. Janney
43-48The microstructure and tensile properties of ferritic/martensitic steels T91, Eurofer-97 and F82H irradiated up to 20 dpa in STIP-IIIZ. Tong, Y. Dai
49-58Proton irradiation effects on tensile and bend-fatigue properties of welded F82H specimensS. Saito, K. Kikuchi, D. Hamaguchi, K. Usami, A. Ishikawa, Y. Nishino, S. Endo, M. Kawai, Y. Dai
59-63Mechanical properties and microstructural stability of 11Cr-ferritic/martensitic steel cladding under irradiationYasuhide Yano, Shinichiro Yamashita, Satoshi Ohtsuka, Takeji Kaito, Naoaki Akasaka, Tamaki Shibayama, Seiichi Watanabe, Heishichiro Takahashi
64-67Reduction method of DBTT shift due to irradiation for reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steelsE. Wakai, N. Okubo, M. Ando, T. Yamamoto, F. Takada
68-72TWIN ASTIR: First tensile results of T91 and 316L steel after neutron irradiation in contact with liquid lead–bismuth eutecticJ. Van den Bosch, G. Coen, R.W. Bosch, A. Almazouzi
73-80Post-irradiation examination of the Spallation Neutron Source target moduleD.A. McClintock, P.D. Ferguson, L.K. Mansur
81-86Effect of hydrogen ion/electron dual-beam irradiation on microstructural damage of a 12Cr-ODS ferrite steelYang Zhanbing, Hu Benfu, H. Kinoshita, H. Takahashi, S. Watanabe
87-92Development of re-crystallized W–1.1%TiC with enhanced room-temperature ductility and radiation performanceH. Kurishita, S. Matsuo, H. Arakawa, T. Sakamoto, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, T. Takida, M. Kato, M. Kawai, N. Yoshida
93-99Study on low activation decoupler material for MW-class spallation neutron sourcesM. Harada, M. Teshigawara, F. Maekawa, M. Futakawa
100-103Radiation damage/activity calculation for CSNS target stationW. Yin, T.J. Liang, Q.Z. Yu, X.J. Jia
104-108Ni-rich precipitates in a lead bismuth eutectic loopK. Kikuchi, S. Saito, D. Hamaguchi, M. Tezuka
109-115Oxidation behaviour of P122 and a 9Cr–2W ODS steel at 550 °C in oxygen-containing flowing lead–bismuth eutecticC. Schroer, J. Konys, T. Furukawa, K. Aoto
116-121Liquid metal embrittlement of silicon enriched steel for nuclear applicationsJ. Van den Bosch, P. Hosemann, A. Almazouzi, S.A. Maloy
122-128Investigation of the effect of lead–bismuth eutectic on the fracture properties of T91 and 316LG. Coen, J. Van den Bosch, A. Almazouzi, J. Degrieck
129-131Study on phase transition of Pb–Bi eutectic alloy by neutron transmission spectroscopyOsamu Takada, Takashi Kamiyama, Yoshiaki Kiyanagi
132-138Corrosion resistance of Al-alloying high Cr–ODS steels in stagnant lead–bismuthShigeru Takaya, Tomohiro Furukawa, Masaki Inoue, Toshiharu Fujisawa, Takanari Okuda, Fujio Abe, Somei Ohnuki, Akihiko Kimura
139-145Corrosion characteristics of materials in Pb–Bi under transient temperature conditionsAbu Khalid Rivai, Minoru Takahashi
146-152Corrosion investigations of Al–Fe-coated steels, high Cr steels, refractory metals and ceramics in lead alloys at 700 °CAbu Khalid Rivai, Minoru Takahashi
153-159A stability of oxide layers formed in LBE on HCM12A to external loadingEriko Yamaki, Kenji Kikuchi
160-164Investigations of a zirconia solid electrolyte oxygen sensor in liquid leadAbu Khalid Rivai, Minoru Takahashi
165-171Characterization and re-activation of oxygen sensors for use in liquid lead–bismuthYuji Kurata, Yuji Abe, Masatoshi Futakawa, Hiroyuki Oigawa
172-179Analysis of corrosion scale structure of pre-oxidized stainless steel 316 in molten lead bismuth eutectic and the relation to impedance spectroscopy responseXiang Chen, James F. Stubbins, Peter Hosemann, Alan Michael Bolind
180-188Preliminary evaluation of cavitation–erosion resistance of Ti-alloys in mercury for the Spallation Neutron SourceS.J. Pawel, L.K. Mansur
189-192Solubility of helium in mercury for bubbling technology of the spallation neutron mercury targetS. Hasegawa, T. Naoe, M. Futakawa
193-198Double-layer-coated stainless steel plates resistant to pitting damageMasayoshi Kawai, Masatoshi Futakawa, Takashi Naoe, Tsutomu Yamamura, Tadashi Igarashi
199-206Effect of tensile stress on cavitation damage formation in mercuryTakashi Naoe, Hiroyuki Kogawa, Yoshihito Yamaguchi, Masatoshi Futakawa
207-219Cavitation damage experiments for mercury spallation targets at the LANSCE – WNR in 2008B.W. Riemer, M.W. Wendel, D.K. Felde
220-226Temperature and particle size effects on flow localization of 9–12%Cr ferritic/martensitic steel by in situXiao Pan, Xianglin Wu, Xiang Chen, Kun Mo, Jonathon Almer, Dean R. Haeffner, James F. Stubbins
227-231Defect structures in nickel and SUS304SS formed by the collapse of cavitation bubblesT. Yoshiie, K. Sato, Q. Xu, M. Komatsu, M. Futakawa, T. Naoe, M. Kawai
232-237Observed changes in electrical materials properties of ZrO2 in Megapie leak detectors during irradiationK. Thomsen
238-243Development of JSNS target vessel diagnosis system using laser Doppler methodM. Teshigawara, T. Wakui, T. Naoe, H. Kogawa, F. Maekawa, M. Futakawa, K. Kikuchi
244-245Multiwalled carbon nanotube-reinforced ceramic matrix composites as a promising structural materialMehdi Estili, Hansang Kwon, Akira Kawasaki, Seungchan Cho, Kenta Takagi, Keiko Kikuchi, Masayoshi Kawai
246-250Investigation of beam window buckling with consideration of irradiation effects for conceptual ADS designTakanori Sugawara, Kenji Kikuchi, Kenji Nishihara, Hiroyuki Oigawa

Volume 399, Issue 1, Pages 1-128 (1 April 2010)

iiEditorial board
1-12Examination of the chemical composition of irradiated zirconium based fuel claddings at the metal/oxide interface by TEMS. Abolhassani, G. Bart, A. Jakob
13-25Raman and X-ray absorption spectroscopic studies of hydrothermally altered alkali-borosilicate nuclear waste glassDavid A. McKeown, Andrew C. Buechele, Carol Viragh, Ian L. Pegg
26-31One-dimensional motion of self-interstitial atom clusters in A533B steel observed using a high-voltage electron microscopeT. Hamaoka, Y. Satoh, H. Matsui
32-37Effect of ion irradiation and indentation depth on the kinetics of deformation during micro-indentation of Zr–2.5%Nb pressure tube material at 25 °CB. Bose, R.J. Klassen
38-40Study on borate glass system containing with Bi2O3 and BaO for gamma-rays shielding materials: Comparison with PbOJ. Kaewkhao, A. Pokaipisit, P. Limsuwan
41-54Research on the interfacial behaviors of plate-type dispersion nuclear fuel elementsQiming Wang, Xiaoqing Yan, Shurong Ding, Yongzhong Huo
55-61Low and high-pressure hydriding of V–0.5at.%CJoshua Lamb, Dhanesh Chandra, Michael Coleman, Archana Sharma, William N. Cathey, Stephen N. Paglieri, Joseph R. Wermer, Robert C. Bowman Jr., Franklin E. Lynch
62-67Time–temperature-sensitization diagrams and critical cooling rates of different nitrogen containing austenitic stainless steelsN. Parvathavarthini, R.K. Dayal
68-80Oxidizing dissolution of spent MOX47 fuel subjected to water radiolysis: Solution chemistry and surface characterization by Raman spectroscopyC. Jégou, R. Caraballo, J. De Bonfils, V. Broudic, S. Peuget, T. Vercouter, D. Roudil
81-86Electrochemical and thermodynamic properties of europium(III), samarium(III) and cerium(III) in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquidCh. Jagadeeswara Rao, K.A. Venkatesan, K. Nagarajan, T.G. Srinivasan, P.R. Vasudeva Rao
87-100A general model for predicting coolant activity behaviour for fuel-failure monitoring analysisA. El-Jaby, B.J. Lewis, W.T. Thompson, F. Iglesias, M. Ip
101-107Deuterium retention in tungsten at fluences of up to 1026 D+/m2 using D+ ion beamsZ. Tian, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz
108-113The dependence of carbide morphology on grain boundary character in the highly twinned Alloy 690Hui Li, Shuang Xia, Bangxin Zhou, Wenjue Chen, Changliang Hu
114-121Prediction of swelling of 18Cr10NiTi austenitic steel over a wide range of displacement ratesA.S. Kalchenko, V.V. Bryk, N.P. Lazarev, I.M. Neklyudov, V.N. Voyevodin, F.A. Garner
122-127Non destructive determination of PuO2 content in MOX fuel pins for fast reactors using Passive Gamma ScanningK.V. Vrinda devi, T. Soreng, D. Mukherjee, J.P. Panakkal, H.S. Kamath

Volume 399, Issues 2-3, Pages 129-274 (30 April 2010)

129-136Comparative small-angle neutron scattering study of neutron-irradiated Fe, Fe-based alloys and a pressure vessel steelF. Bergner, M. Lambrecht, A. Ulbricht, A. Almazouzi
137-145Kinetic of solute clustering in neutron irradiated ferritic model alloys and a French pressure vessel steel investigated by atom probe tomographyE. Meslin, B. Radiguet, P. Pareige, A. Barbu
146-153Transmission electron microscopy study on neutron irradiated pure iron and RPV model alloysM. Hernández-Mayoral, D. Gómez-Briceño
154-161Calculating failure probabilities for TRISO-coated fuel particles using an integral formulationGregory K. Miller, John T. Maki, Darrell L. Knudson, David A. Petti
162-166Single step synthesis of Li2TiO3 powderAmit Sinha, S.R. Nair, P.K. Sinha
167-174Preparation of SiCf/SiC composites by the slip infiltration and transient eutectoid (SITE) processSaša Novak, Goran Dražić, Katja König, Aljaž Iveković
175-180Molecular dynamic simulation of fission fragment induced thermal spikes in UO2: Sputtering and bubble re-solutionM. Huang, D. Schwen, R.S. Averback
181-188First-principles study of ground-state properties and high pressure behavior of ThO2Bao-Tian Wang, Hongliang Shi, Wei-Dong Li, Ping Zhang
189-199U–Mo/Al–Si interaction: Influence of Si concentrationJ. Allenou, H. Palancher, X. Iltis, M. Cornen, O. Tougait, R. Tucoulou, E. Welcomme, Ph. Martin, C. Valot, F. Charollais, M.C. Anselmet, P. Lemoine
200-207Effects of fast neutron irradiation on zirconium carbideLance L. Snead, Yutai Katoh, Sosuke Kondo
208-211Microstructural characterization of ZrO2 layers formed during the transition to breakaway oxidationDong Jun Park, Jeong Yong Park, Yong Hwan Jeong, Jeong Yong Lee
212-218Corrosion behavior of plasma-sprayed Al2O3–Cr2O3 coatings in hot lithium molten saltSoo Haeng Cho, Sung Bin Park, Dae Seong Kang, Myeong Soo Jeong, Heong Park, Jin Mok Hur, Han Soo Lee
219-224Identification of new phases in annealed Fe–18CrWTi ODS powdersC. Cayron, A. Montani, D. Venet, Y. de Carlan
225-230Deuterium trapping in tungsten deposition layers formed by deuterium plasma sputteringV.Kh. Alimov, J. Roth, W.M. Shu, D.A. Komarov, K. Isobe, T. Yamanishi
231-235Corrosion of alumina-forming austenitic steel Fe–20Ni–14Cr–3Al–0.6Nb–0.1Ti in supercritical waterS.H. Nie, Y. Chen, X. Ren, K. Sridharan, T.R. Allen
236-239Point-defects in irradiated UO2D. Olander
240-247Author’s reply to “Review of the thermodynamic basis for models of delayed hydride cracking rate in zirconium alloys, M.P. Puls in J. Nucl. Mater. 393 (2009) 350–367”Young S. Kim
248-258Comments on author’s reply to “Review of the thermodynamic basis for models of delayed hydride cracking rate in zirconium alloys”, M.P. Puls in J. Nucl. Mater. 393 (2009) 350–367Manfred P. Puls
259-265Author’s 2nd reply to comments on author’s reply to “Review of the thermodynamic basis for models of delayed hydride cracking rate in zirconium alloys,” M.P. Puls in J. Nucl. Mater. 393 (2009) 350–367Young S. Kim
266-274Creep behaviour of as received, aged and cold worked INCONEL 617 at 850 °C and 950 °CS. Chomette, J.-M. Gentzbittel, B. Viguier

Volume 400, Issue 1, Pages 1-102 (1 May 2010)

iiEditorial board
1-2The half-century of nuclear materialsL.K. Mansur, S. Ishino, R.J.M. Konings, C. Lemaignan, L. Werme
3-7Thermal conductivity of non-stoichiometric americium oxide: A molecular dynamics studyTeppei Uchida, Tatsumi Arima, Kazuya Idemitsu, Yaohiro Inagaki
8-14Diffuse reflectance and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of uranium in ZrO2 and Y2Ti2O7E.R. Vance, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang
15-24Resource recovery of animal bones: Study on sorptive properties and mechanism for Sr2+ ionsI. Smičiklas, S. Dimović, M. Šljivić, I. Plećaš, B. Lončar, M. Mitrić
25-31Functionalized porous glass for the removal and the confinement of ruthenium from radioactive solutionsAlexei Tokarev, Agnès Grandjean, Yannick Guari, Joulia Larionova, Rachel Pflieger, Christian Guérin
32-36Melting behavior of MgO-based inert matrix fuels containing (Pu,Am)O2−xShuhei Miwa, Isamu Sato, Kosuke Tanaka, Takashi Hirosawa, Masahiko Osaka
37-45Nanoscale characterisation of ODS–Eurofer 97 steel: An atom-probe tomography studyCeri A. Williams, Emmanuelle A. Marquis, Alfred Cerezo, George D.W. Smith
46-55Hardening and microstructural evolution in A533B steels under neutron irradiation and a direct comparison with electron irradiationK. Fujii, H. Nakata, K. Fukuya, T. Ohkubo, K. Hono, Y. Nagai, M. Hasegawa, T. Yoshiie
56-63Dislocation loop evolution under ion irradiation in austenitic stainless steelsA. Etienne, M. Hernández-Mayoral, C. Genevois, B. Radiguet, P. Pareige
64-68Identification of precipitate phases in a 11Cr ferritic/martensitic steel using electron micro-diffractionYin Zhong Shen, Sung Ho Kim, Hai Dong Cho, Chang Hee Han, Woo Seog Ryu
69-72Characterization of γ-U–10 wt.%Mo alloy powders obtained by hydride-milling-dehydride processMiao Chen, Yi-fu Xiong, Wen-yong Jing, Jian-ping Jia, Peng-cheng Zhang
73-78Effect of moisture on the self-healing of vitreous silica under irradiationGlenn K. Lockwood, Stephen H. Garofalini
79-83On the black oxide colour of zirconium alloysPia Tejland, Christoph Langhammer, Hans-Olof Andrén
84-93The influence of deposited films on the anodic dissolution of uranium dioxideDerrick Ofori, Peter G. Keech, James J. Noël, David W. Shoesmith
94-102Influence of tempering temperature upon precipitate phases in a 11%Cr ferritic/martensitic steelYin Zhong Shen, Sung Ho Kim, Hai Dong Cho, Chang Hee Han, Woo Seog Ryu

Volume 400, Issue 2, Pages 103-182 (15 May 2010)

103-106An atomistic approach to self-diffusion in uranium dioxideBoris Dorado, Julien Durinck, Philippe Garcia, Michel Freyss, Marjorie Bertolus
107-111The effect of light rare earths on the chemical durability and weathering of Na2O–CaO–SiO2 glassesMitang Wang, Jinshu Cheng, Qiming Liu, Peijing Tian, Mei Li
112-118Oxygen diffusion in relation to p-type doping in uranium dioxideP. Garcia, M. Fraczkiewicz, C. Davoisne, G. Carlot, B. Pasquet, G. Baldinozzi, D. Siméone, C. Petot
119-126Phase equilibria in the FeO1+xV.I. Almjashev, M. Barrachin, S.V. Bechta, D. Bottomley, F. Defoort, M. Fischer, V.V. Gusarov, S. Hellmann, V.B. Khabensky, E.V. Krushinov, D.B. Lopukh, L.P. Mezentseva, A. Miassoedov, Yu.B. Petrov, S.A. Vitol
127-137Effect of pre-strain on creep of three AISI 316 austenitic stainless steels in relation to reheat cracking of weld-affected zonesQ. Auzoux, L. Allais, C. Caës, I. Monnet, A.F. Gourgues, A. Pineau
138-150Degradation and oxidation of B4C control rod segments at high temperaturesM. Steinbrück
151-156Optical properties of UO2 and PuO2Hongliang Shi, Mingfu Chu, Ping Zhang
157-174Mechanical behaviors of the dispersion nuclear fuel plates induced by fuel particle swelling and thermal effect I: Effects of variations of the fuel particle volume fractionsQiming Wang, Xiaoqing Yan, Shurong Ding, Yongzhong Huo
175-181Helium diffusion coefficient measurements in R7T7 nuclear glass by 3He(d,α)1H nuclear reaction analysisF. Chamssedine, T. Sauvage, S. Peuget, T. Fares, G. Martin

Volume 400, Issue 3, Pages 183-256 (31 May 2010)

183-188Phase studies in the UO2–Gd2O3 systemM. Durazzo, F.B.V. Oliveira, E.F. Urano de Carvalho, H.G. Riella
189-195Diffusion of helium in non-stoichiometric uranium dioxideE. Yakub, C. Ronchi, D. Staicu
196-204Numerical modeling of oxygen diffusion in the wall thickness of Low-Tin Zircaloy-4 fuel cladding tube during high temperature (1100–1250 °C) steam oxidationC. Corvalán-Moya, C. Desgranges, C. Toffolon-Masclet, C. Servant, J.C. Brachet
205-212Application of optical flow method for imaging diagnostic in JETT. Craciunescu, A. Murari, A. Alonso, P.T. Lang, G. Kocsis, I. Tiseanu, V. Zoita and JET EFDA Contributors
213-217Thermal diffusivity of homogeneous SBR MOX fuel with a burn-up of 35 MWd/kgHMC. Cozzo, D. Staicu, G. Pagliosa, D. Papaioannou, V.V. Rondinella, R.J.M. Konings, C.T. Walker, M.A. Barker, P. Hervé
218-231On the potential of tungsten–vanadium composites for high temperature application with wide-range thermal operation windowJörg Hohe, Peter Gumbsch
232-239Nickel solubility limit in liquid lead–bismuth eutecticL. Martinelli, F. Vanneroy, J.C. Diaz Rosado, D. L’Hermite, M. Tabarant
240-244A new Fe–He pair potentialN. Gao, M. Samaras, H. Van Swygenhoven
245-250C and D reemission from mixed W–C–D layers during single-species and simultaneous irradiations of W with C+ and D+I.A. Bizyukov, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz, P. Brodersen
251-256Spark plasma sintering of iodine-bearing apatiteS. Le Gallet, L. Campayo, E. Courtois, S. Hoffmann, Yu. Grin, F. Bernard, F. Bart

Volume 401, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-158 (June 2010)

iiEditorial board
1-12Isotope dependence of chemical erosion of carbonC.O. Reinhold, P.S. Krstic, S.J. Stuart, H. Zhang, P.R. Harris, F.W. Meyer
13-16Precipitation of ferromagnetic phase induced by defect energies during creep deformation in Type 304 austenitic steelYuhki Tsukada, Atsuhiro Shiraki, Yoshinori Murata, Shigeru Takaya, Toshiyuki Koyama, Masahiko Morinaga
17-24Ratcheting and low cycle fatigue behavior of SA333 steel and their life predictionSurajit Kumar Paul, S. Sivaprasad, S. Dhar, S. Tarafder
25-37Anisotropic thermal creep of internally pressurized Zr–2.5Nb tubesW. Li, R.A. Holt
38-45Structural stability and oxidation resistance of amorphous Zr–Al alloysI.L. Soroka, J. Vegelius, P.T. Korelis, A. Fallberg, S.M. Butorin, B. Hjörvarsson
46-54Optimisation of the hot conditioning of carbon steel surfaces of primary heat transport system of Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors using electrochemical impedance spectroscopyM. Kiran Kumar, Krishna Gaonkar, Swati Ghosh, Vivekanand Kain, Martin Bojinov, Timo Saario
55-59The addition of silicon carbide to surrogate nuclear fuel kernels made by the internal gelation processR.D. Hunt, J.D. Hunn, J.F. Birdwell, T.B. Lindemer, J.L. Collins
60-64Pressure-induced phase transition and electronic structure of curium pnictides: Ab initioA. Singh, V. Srivastava, M. Aynyas, S.P. Sanyal
65-70Thermal properties of structural materials used in LWR vesselsJ.E. Daw, J.L. Rempe, D.L. Knudson
71-77Crack initiation and propagation in pile grade A (PGA) reactor core graphite under a range of loading conditionsP.J. Heard, M.R. Wootton, R. Moskovic, P.E.J. Flewitt
78-85Effects of beam offset on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of Alloy 690–SUS 304L EBW joints for nuclear power plantYong-Ding Lin, Hwa-Teng Lee, Tsung-Yuan Kuo, Sheng-Long Jeng, Jia-Lin Wu
86-90Helium release from the uranium–plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel irradiated to high burn-up in a fast breeder reactor (FBR)Kozo Katsuyama, Akihiro Ishimi, Koji Maeda, Tsuyoshi Nagamine, Takeo Asaga
91-97Incoherent Quasielastic Neutron Scattering study of hydrogen diffusion in thorium–zirconium hydridesKurt A. Terrani, Eugene Mamontov, Mehdi Balooch, Donald R. Olander
98-103FCCI barrier performance of electroplated Cr for metallic fuelSeong Woo Yang, Ho Jin Ryu, Jun Hwan Kim, Byoung Oon Lee, Chan Bock Lee
104-112Effect of the synthesis method on the properties of a Pb-bearing (Y–Gd–Ce) rare-earth phosphate used for the confinement of high-level radioactive wasteNour-el-hayet Kamel, Khadoudja Remil, Malika Arabi, Ziane Kamel, Ahmed Zahri, Samia Metahri
113-117First principles study on elastic properties and phase transition of NpNHiroki Shibata, Tomohito Tsuru, Masaru Hirata, Yoshiyuki Kaji
118-123First-principles study of the electronic structure and optical properties of UO2Qiuyun Chen, Xinchun Lai, Tao Tang, Bin Bai, Mingfu Chu, Yongbin Zhang, Shiyong Tan
124-129Structural, mechanical, thermodynamic, and electronic properties of thorium hydrides from first-principlesBao-Tian Wang, Ping Zhang, Hongzhou Song, Hongliang Shi, Dafang Li, Wei-Dong Li
130-137Analyses of dust samples collected in the MAST tokamakC. Arnas, C. Pardanaud, C. Martin, P. Roubin, G. De Temmerman, G. Counsell
138-142Local and electronic structure of Am2O3 and AmO2 with XAFS spectroscopyTsuyoshi Nishi, Masami Nakada, Chikashi Suzuki, Hiroki Shibata, Akinori Itoh, Mitsuo Akabori, Masaru Hirata
143-148Microstructural characterisation and change in a.c. magnetic susceptibility of duplex stainless steel during spinodal decompositionK.H. Lo, J.K.L. Lai
149-153Nanoindentation investigation of heavy ion irradiated Ti3(Si,Al)C2X.M. Liu, M. Le Flem, J.L. Béchade, I. Monnet
154-158Phase-field simulation of nucleation and growth of M23C6 carbide and ferromagnetic phases during creep deformation in Type 304 steelYuhki Tsukada, Atsuhiro Shiraki, Yoshinori Murata, Shigeru Takaya, Toshiyuki Koyama, Masahiko Morinaga

Volume 402, Issue 1, Pages 1-92 (1 July 2010)

iiEditorial board
1-7Impact deformation behaviour of Ti–6Al–4V alloy in the low-temperature regimeWoei-Shyan Lee, Tao-Hsing Chen, Sian-Cing Huang
8-14Microstructural analysis of as-processed U–10 wt.%Mo monolithic fuel plate in AA6061 matrix with Zr diffusion barrierE. Perez, B. Yao, D.D. Keiser Jr., Y.H. Sohn
15-24Thermodynamic assessment of the U–Mo–Al systemX. Zhang, Y.F. Cui, G.L. Xu, W.J. Zhu, H.S. Liu, B.Y. Yin, Z.P. Jin
25-29Modeling the thermochemical behavior of AmO2−xTheodore M. Besmann
30-37Formation of Y2O3 nanoclusters in nano-structured ferritic alloys: Modeling of precipitation kinetics and yield strengthCéline Hin, Brian D. Wirth
38-54Glass–ceramic nuclear waste forms obtained by crystallization of SiO2–Al2O3–CaO–ZrO2–TiO2 glasses containing lanthanides (Ce, Nd, Eu, Gd, Yb) and actinides (Th): Study of the crystallization from the surfaceP. Loiseau, D. Caurant
55-59Atomistic properties of helium in hcp titanium: A first-principles studyYong-li Wang, Shi Liu, Li-jian Rong, Yuan-ming Wang
60-73Nuclide analysis in high burnup fuel samples irradiated in Vandellós 2H.U. Zwicky, J. Low, M. Granfors, C. Alejano, J.M. Conde, C. Casado, J. Sabater, M. Lloret, M. Quecedo, J.A. Gago
74-80Physical properties of monolithic U8 wt.%–MoR.M. Hengstler, L. Beck, H. Breitkreutz, C. Jarousse, R. Jungwirth, W. Petry, W. Schmid, J. Schneider, N. Wieschalla
81-86Synthesis and characterization of zirconia–magnesia inert matrix fuel: Plutonium studiesKiel Holliday, Thomas Hartmann, Sean R. Mulcahy, Ken Czerwinski
87-92He implantation in cubic zirconia: Deleterious effect of thermal annealingG. Velisa, A. Debelle, L. Vincent, L. Thomé, A. Declémy, D. Pantelica

Volume 402, Issues 2-3, Pages 93-206 (31 July 2010)

93-101Effects of chemical composition and dose on microstructure evolution and hardening of neutron-irradiated reactor pressure vessel steelsT. Takeuchi, A. Kuramoto, J. Kameda, T. Toyama, Y. Nagai, M. Hasegawa, T. Ohkubo, T. Yoshiie, Y. Nishiyama, K. Onizawa
102-107Experimental re-determination and thermodynamic assessment of the erbium–zirconium systemJ. Jourdan, C. Toffolon-Masclet, J.-M. Joubert
108-115Changes of the surface-to-volume ratio and diffusion coefficient of fission gas in fuel pellets during irradiationMasaki Amaya, Viktors Grismanovs, Terje Tverberg
116-123Intragranular Xe bubble population evolution in UO2: A first passage Monte Carlo simulation approachD. Schwen, R.S. Averback
124-129Analyses of crud deposits on fuel rods in PWRs using Mössbauer spectroscopyJ.A. Sawicki
130-135Formation of zirconium molybdate sludge from an irradiated fuel and its dissolution into mixture of nitric acid and hydrogen peroxideT. Usami, T. Tsukada, T. Inoue, N. Moriya, T. Hamada, D. Serrano Purroy, R. Malmbeck, J.-P. Glatz
136-146The influence of annealing temperature on the strength of TRISO coated particlesI.J. van Rooyen, J.H. Neethling, P.M. van Rooyen
147-156A detailed TEM and SEM study of Ni-base alloys oxide scales formed in primary conditions of pressurized water reactorMohamed Sennour, Loïc Marchetti, Frantz Martin, Stéphane Perrin, Régine Molins, Michèle Pijolat
157-161Structure and properties of hafnium after a 9-year operation in the RBT-6 research reactorV.D. Risovany, V.I. Prokhorov, Z.E. Ostrovsky, V.V. Pimenov, A.V. Zakharov, E.M. Muraleva
162-166Effects of grain refinement on internal oxidation of Alloy 617Tae Sun Jo, Se Hoon Kim, Dae-Gun Kim, Ji Yeon Park, Young Do Kim
167-172Influence of the U3O7 domain structure on cracking during the oxidation of UO2L. Desgranges, H. Palancher, M. Gamaléri, J.S. Micha, V. Optasanu, L. Raceanu, T. Montesin, N. Creton
173-178Mineral phases and properties of alkali-activated metakaolin-slag hydroceramics for a disposal of simulated highly-alkaline wastesSong Chen, Mengqiang Wu, Shuren Zhang
179-185An analytical study of gas-bubble nucleation mechanisms in uranium-alloy nuclear fuel at high temperatureJ. Rest
186-195Carburization behavior of AISI 316LN austenitic stainless steel – Experimental studies and modelingC. Sudha, N. Sivai Bharasi, R. Anand, H. Shaikh, R.K. Dayal, M. Vijayalakshmi
196-205A review of the archaeological analogue approaches to predict the long-term corrosion behaviour of carbon steel overpack and reinforced concrete structures in the French disposal systemsDelphine Neff, Mandana Saheb, Judith Monnier, Stéphane Perrin, Michael Descostes, Valérie L’Hostis, Didier Crusset, Alain Millard, Philippe Dillmann

Volume 403, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-216 (August 2010)

iiEditorial board
1-6Thermodynamic modeling of the Pb–U and Pb–Pu systemsZ.S. Li, X.J. Liu, C.P. Wang
7-14Micro-structural characterization of laboratory heats of the Ferric/Martensitic steels HT-9 and T91P. Hosemann, S. Kabra, E. Stergar, M.J. Cappillo, S.A. Maloy
15-18Crack resistance behavior of ODS and standard 9%Cr-containing steels at high temperatureR. Chaouadi, G. Coen, E. Lucon, V. Massaut
19-24High-temperature absolute hydrogen desorption kinetics of zirconium hydride under clean and oxidized surface conditionsDoonyapong Wongsawaeng, Sarawut Jaiyen
25-31Solubility studies and thermal expansion coefficient of uranium–lanthanum mixed oxide systemR. Venkata Krishnan, G. Panneerselvam, M.P. Antony, K. Nagarajan
32-41Evidence for a kinetic bias towards antisite formation in SiC nano-decompositionG. Roma, J.-P. Crocombette
42-47Effect of nano-SiC on the sintering behavior and properties of calcined carbon derived from mesocarbon microbeadsHongyan Xia, Jiping Wang, Guiwu Liu, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao
48-61Thermophysical and mechanical properties of near-stoichiometric fiber CVI SiC/SiC composites after neutron irradiation at elevated temperaturesYutai Katoh, Lance L. Snead, Takashi Nozawa, Sosuke Kondo, Jeremy T. Busby
62-67Microstructural changes in AISI 304L stainless steel due to surface machining: Effect on its susceptibility to chloride stress corrosion crackingSwati Ghosh, Vivekanand Kain
68-74Master curve characterization of the fracture toughness behavior in SA508 Gr.4N low alloy steelsKi-Hyoung Lee, Min-Chul Kim, Bong-Sang Lee, Dang-Moon Wee
75-88Microstructural evolution of irradiated tungsten: Ab initioC.S. Becquart, C. Domain, U. Sarkar, A. DeBacker, M. Hou
89-100Microstructure evolution of irradiated tungsten: Crystal effects in He and H implantation as modelled in the Binary Collision ApproximationM. Hou, C.J. Ortiz, C.S. Becquart, C. Domain, U. Sarkar, A. Debacker
101-107Preferential precipitation of hydrides in textured zircaloy-4 sheetsN.A.P. Kiran Kumar, Jerzy A. Szpunar, Zhang He
108-112Ion-induced damage in graphite: A Raman studyA. Theodosiou, A.F. Carley, S.H. Taylor
113-116The role of minor alloying elements on the stability and dispersion of yttria nanoclusters in nanostructured ferritic alloys: An ab initio studyD. Murali, B.K. Panigrahi, M.C. Valsakumar, Sharat Chandra, C.S. Sundar, Baldev Raj
117-120Novel radiation-resistant glass fiber/epoxy composite for cryogenic insulation systemZ.X. Wu, H. Zhang, H.H. Yang, X.X. Chu, L.F. Li
121-125Peculiarities of plastic flow involving “deformation waves” observed during low-temperature tensile tests of highly irradiated 12Cr18Ni10Ti and 08Cr16Ni11Mo3 steelsM.N. Gusev, O.P. Maksimkin, F.A. Garner
126-134The fracture strength of TRISO-coated particles determined by compression testing between soft aluminium anvilsGerrit T. van Rooyen, Rudy du Preez, Johan de Villiers, Robert Cromarty
135-146Experimental study and numerical modelling of the irradiation damage recovery in zirconium alloysJ. Ribis, F. Onimus, J.-L. Béchade, S. Doriot, A. Barbu, C. Cappelaere, C. Lemaignan
147-151Electronic ionization induced atom migration in spinel MgAl2O4Nan Jiang, John C.H. Spence
152-159Development of silicide coating over molybdenum based refractory alloy and its characterizationS.P. Chakraborty, S. Banerjee, I.G. Sharma, A.K. Suri
160-166Thermo-physical properties of DU–10 wt.% Mo alloysDouglas E. Burkes, Cynthia A. Papesch, Andrew P. Maddison, Thomas Hartmann, Francine J. Rice
167-183The influence of iron on water radiolysis in cement-based materialsP. Bouniol
184-190Modeling spatially dependent kinetics of helium desorption in BCC iron following He ion implantationDonghua Xu, Brian D. Wirth
191-197Processing effects on microstructure in Er and ErD2 thin-filmsChad M. Parish, Clark S. Snow, Daniel R. Kammler, Luke N. Brewer
198-203Effects of mechanical alloying on characteristics of nanocrystalline Fe–Cr–W–Ti–Y2O3 powdersZhenhua Yao, Weihao Xiong, Ming Yuan, Qianyun Peng
204-215Thermodynamic and transport properties of thoria–urania fuel of Advanced Heavy Water ReactorM. Basu (Ali), R. Mishra, S.R. Bharadwaj, D. Das
216Erratum to “Atomistic simulation of single kinks of screw dislocations in α-Fe” [Journal of Nuclear Materials 386–388 (2009) 26–29]Lisa Ventelon, F. Willaime, P. Leyronnas

Volume 404, Issue 1, Pages 1-96 (1 September 2010)

iiEditorial board
1-5Nanostructured rhodium films produced by pulsed laser deposition for nuclear fusion applicationsM. Passoni, D. Dellasega, G. Grosso, C. Conti, M.C. Ubaldi, C.E. Bottani
6-8Ab initio interionic potentials for UN by multiple lattice inversionP.H. Chen, X.L. Wang, X.C. Lai, G. Li, B.Y. Ao, Y. Long
9-18Calorimetric investigations on stoichiometric barium and uranium oxidesSmruti Dash, Ziley Singh
19-24Neutron irradiation studies on low density pan fiber based carbon/carbon compositesRamani Venugopalan, D. Sathiyamoorthy, R. Acharya, A.K. Tyagi
25-32Modeled salt density for nuclear material estimation in the treatment of spent nuclear fuelRobert D. Mariani, DeeEarl Vaden
33-43Kinetics of dissolution of thorium and uranium doped britholite ceramicsN. Dacheux, E. Du Fou de Kerdaniel, N. Clavier, R. Podor, J. Aupiais, S. Szenknect
44-49Pneumatic drop-on-demand generation for production of metal oxide microspheres by internal gelationValmor F. de Almeida, Rodney D. Hunt, Jack L. Collins
50-54Atomistic study of the thermodynamic equilibrium of nano-sized helium cavities in βSiCAdrien Couet, Jean-Paul Crocombette, Alain Chartier
55-59The ternary system: Silicon–tantalum–uraniumPeter Rogl, Henri Noel
60-67Dynamic analysis and evolution of mixed materials bombarded with multiple ions beamsT. Sizyuk, A. Hassanein
68-76Developing uranium dicarbide–graphite porous materials for the SPES projectL. Biasetto, P. Zanonato, S. Carturan, P. Di Bernardo, P. Colombo, A. Andrighetto, G. Prete
77-81The ternary system: silicon–uranium–vanadiumHenri Noel, Peter Franz Rogl
82-96Models of liquid metal corrosionJ. Zhang, P. Hosemann, S. Maloy

Volume 404, Issue 2, Pages 97-164 (15 September 2010)

97-108In situ oxidation of zirconium binary alloys by environmental SEM and analysis by AFM, FIB, and TEMC. Proff, S. Abolhassani, M.M. Dadras, C. Lemaignan
109-115First-principles study on dissolution and diffusion properties of hydrogen in molybdenumChen Duan, Yue-Lin Liu, Hong-Bo Zhou, Ying Zhang, Shuo Jin, Guang-Hong Lu, G.-N. Luo
116-120Elastic and thermodynamic properties of fccRen Weiyi, Wang Feng, Zheng Zhou, Xu Pingchuan, Sun Weiguo
121-127Effect of impurity and alloying elements on Zr grain boundary strength from first-principles computationsM. Christensen, T.M. Angeliu, J.D. Ballard, J. Vollmer, R. Najafabadi, E. Wimmer
128-137UO2/Zry-4 chemical interaction layers for intact and leak PWR fuel rodsKyu-Tae Kim
138-143Separation of strontium from low level radioactive waste solutions using hydrous manganese dioxide composite materialsT.P. Valsala, Annie Joseph, N.L. Sonar, M.S. Sonavane, J.G. Shah, Kanwar Raj, V. Venugopal
144-153Deformation of bitumen based porous material: Experimental and numerical analysisNadia Mokni, Sebastià Olivella, Xiangling Li, Steven Smets, Elie Valcke, An Mariën
154-159Creep properties of annealed Zr–Nb–O and stress-relieved Zr–Nb–Sn–Fe cladding tubes and their performance comparisonS. Ko, S.I. Hong, K.T. Kim
160-164Chemical analysis of fuel crud obtained from Korean nuclear power plantsJei-Won Yeon, In-Kyu Choi, Kyoung-Kyun Park, Hyoung-Mun Kwon, Kyuseok Song

Volume 404, Issue 3, Pages 165-230 (30 September 2010)

165-173Formation of helium induced nanostructure ‘fuzz’ on various tungsten gradesM.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner
174-177Air exposure and sample storage time influence on hydrogen release from tungstenK.A. Moshkunov, K. Schmid, M. Mayer, V.A. Kurnaev, Yu.M. Gasparyan
178-202Analytic implementation of the GRAAL model: Application to a R7T7-type glass package in a geological disposal environmentY. Minet, B. Bonin, S. Gin, P. Frugier
203-209Mechanical properties of Y2O3-doped W–Ti alloysM.V. Aguirre, A. Martín, J.Y. Pastor, J. LLorca, M.A. Monge, R. Pareja
210-216Densification of nano-CeO2 ceramics as nuclear oxide surrogate by spark plasma sinteringKwanghoon Choi, Wen Tong, Robert D. Maiani, Douglas E. Burkes, Zuhair A. Munir
217-221Crystal structure change of Li2+xMasanori Hara, Yuka Togashi, Masao Matsuyama, Yasuhisa Oya, Kenji Okuno
222-230Deformed microstructures of two-phase Zr–2.5Nb alloy: Effects of the second phase hardnessS.K. Sahoo, V.D. Hiwarkar, L. Jain, I. Samajdar, P. Pant, G.K. Dey, D. Srivastav, R. Tewari, S. Banerjee

Volume 405, Issue 1, Pages 1-82 (1 October 2010)

iiEditorial board
1-8Laser-joined Al2O3 and ZrO2 ceramics for high-temperature applicationsFloriana-Dana Börner, Wolfgang Lippmann, Antonio Hurtado
9-16Effects of high temperature aging in an impure helium environment on low temperature embrittlement of Alloy 617 and Haynes 230Daejong Kim, Injin Sah, Changheui Jang
17-27Corrosion fatigue behavior of low alloy steels under simulated BWR coolant conditionsJ.Y. Huang, M.C. Young, S.L. Jeng, J.J. Yeh, J.S. Huang, R.C. Kuo
28-32Effect of unloading on crack growth rate of Zr–2.5Nb tubesYoung Suk Kim, Vidas Makarevicius
33-43Artificial neural network modeling for fission gas release in LWR UO2 fuel under RIA conditionsYang-Hyun Koo, Jae-Yong Oh, Byung-Ho Lee, Young-Wook Tahk, Kun-Woo Song
44-49Evaluation of creep damage in a welded joint of modified 9Cr–1Mo steelYongkui Li, Yoshio Monma, Hiromichi Hongo, Masaaki Tabuchi
50-58An XPS study on the evolution of type 304 stainless steel surface during routine TCSU operationA. Tankut, K.E. Miller, G.C. Vlases
59-69A study on martensitic phase transformation in 9Cr–1W–0.23V–0.063Ta–0.56Mn–0.09C–0.02N (wt.%) reduced activation steel using differential scanning calorimetryS. Raju, B. Jeya Ganesh, Arun Kumar Rai, R. Mythili, S. Saroja, Baldev Raj
70-73Removal of the deposition on JT-60 tile by nano-sec pulsed-laser irradiationK. Sugiyama, Y. Sakawa, T. Tanabe, D. Watanabe, T. Shibahara, K. Masaki
74-82A review of TRISO fuel performance modelsJeffrey J. Powers, Brian D. Wirth

Volume 405, Issue 2, Pages 83-206 (15 October 2010)

83-94Modelling of the effect of dislocation channel on intergranular microcrack nucleation in pre-irradiated austenitic stainless steels during low strain rate tensile loadingPierre Evrard, Maxime Sauzay
95-100Tensile properties and deformation mechanisms of a 14Cr ODS ferritic steelA. Steckmeyer, M. Praud, B. Fournier, J. Malaplate, J. Garnier, J.L. Béchade, I. Tournié, A. Tancray, A. Bougault, P. Bonnaillie
101-108High-temperature mechanical properties improvement on modified 9Cr–1Mo martensitic steel through thermomechanical treatmentsS. Hollner, B. Fournier, J. Le Pendu, T. Cozzika, I. Tournié, J.-C. Brachet, A. Pineau
109-117Changes to the reflectance of Be mirrors due to deuterium plasmas contaminated with oxygenA.F. Bardamid, V.N. Bondarenko, J.W. Davis, V.G. Konovalov, O. Litvin, I.V. Ryzhkov, A.N. Shapoval, A.F. Shtan’, S.I. Solodovchenko, V.S. Voitsenya
118-125Measurement of radiation-enhanced diffusion of La in single crystal thin film CeO2Harrison K. Pappas, Brent J. Heuser, Melissa M. Strehle
126-130The feasibility of using molten carbonate corrosion for separating a nuclear surrogate for plutonium oxide from silicon carbide inert matrixTing Cheng, Ronald H. Baney, James Tulenko
131-137A study of grain boundary sliding in copper with and without an addition of phosphorusKjell Pettersson
138-143Effect of Zr+ ion irradiation on the mechanical anisotropy of Zr–2.5%Nb pressure tube materialB. Bose, R.J. Klassen
144-155TRISO-fuel element thermo-mechanical performance modeling for the hybrid LIFE engine with Pu fuel blanketP. DeMange, J. Marian, M. Caro, A. Caro
156-159Development of a pair potential for Fe–He by lattice inversionP.H. Chen, X.C. Lai, K.Z. Liu, X.L. Wang, B. Bai, B.Y. Ao, Y. Long
160-164Treatment techniques to prevent cracking of amorphous microspheres made by the internal gelation processR.D. Hunt, F.C. Montgomery, J.L. Collins
165-170Strengthening effect of Cr2O3 thermally grown on alloy 617 foils at high temperatureS.K. Sharma, F.X. Li, G.D. Ko, K.J. Kang
171-176DSC “peak temperature” versus “maximum slope temperature” in determining TSSD temperatureD. Khatamian
177-180Irradiation-induced changes of the atomic distributions around the interfaces of carbides in a nuclear reactor pressure vessel steelT. Toyama, N. Tsuchiya, Y. Nagai, A. Almazouzi, M. Hatakeyama, M. Hasegawa, T. Ohkubo, E. van Walle, R. Gerard
181-185Deuterated target comparison for pyroelectric crystal D–D nuclear fusion experimentsDonald J. Gillich, Andrew Kovanen, Yaron Danon
186-198Thermodynamic assessment of the LiF–NaF–ThF4–UF4 systemO. Beneš, M. Beilmann, R.J.M. Konings
199-202Addition of Fe2O3 as oxygen carrier for preparation of nanometer-sized oxide strengthened steelsYuren Wen, Yong Liu, Feng Liu, Takeshi Fujita, Donghua Liu, Mingwei Chen, Boyun Huang
203-205Remarks on the sintering behavior of UO2–Gd2O3 fuelM. Durazzo, A.M. Saliba-Silva, E.F. Urano de Carvalho, H.G. Riella

Volume 405, Issue 3, Pages 207-280 (30 October 2010)

207-215Air oxidation of Zircaloy-4 in the 600–1000 °C temperature range: Modeling for ASTEC code applicationO. Coindreau, C. Duriez, S. Ederli
216-234Ab initioJ.D. Tucker, R. Najafabadi, T.R. Allen, D. Morgan
235-243Raman spectroscopy characterization of actinide oxides (U1−yC. Jégou, R. Caraballo, S. Peuget, D. Roudil, L. Desgranges, M. Magnin
244-251Surface desorption and bulk diffusion models of tritium release from Li2TiO3 and Li2ZrO3 pebblesR.E. Avila, L.A. Peña, J.C. Jiménez
252-260On the solution and migration of single Xe atoms in uranium dioxide – An interatomic potentials studyK. Govers, S.E. Lemehov, M. Verwerft
261-265Anomaly in dependence of radiation-induced vacancy accumulation on grain sizeYi Yang, Hanchen Huang, Steven J. Zinkle
266-273Compatibility of ZrN and HfN with molten LiCl–KCl–NaCl–UCl3Prakash Periasamy, Michael F. Hurley, Brian M. Marx, Michael F. Simpson, Darryl P. Butt
274-279Corrosion susceptibility of steel drums containing cemented intermediate level nuclear wastesGustavo S. Duffó, Silvia B. Farina, Fátima M. Schulz, Francesca Marotta

Volume 406, Issue 1, Pages 1-204 (1 November 2010)

FP6 IP PERFECT Project: Prediction of Irradiation Damage Effects in Reactor Components Edited by Jean-Paul Massoud, Bernard Marini, David Lidbury, Steven Van Dyck, Stéphane Bugat and Luigi Debarberis
iiEditorial board
1Development of numerical simulation tools in the Euratom Framework ProgrammesM. Hugon
2-6PERFECT – Prediction of Irradiation Damage Effects on Reactor Components: A summaryJean-Paul Massoud, Stéphane Bugat, Bernard Marini, David Lidbury, Steven Van Dyck
7-18Ab initioL. Malerba, G.J. Ackland, C.S. Becquart, G. Bonny, C. Domain, S.L. Dudarev, C.-C. Fu, D. Hepburn, M.C. Marinica, P. Olsson, R.C. Pasianot, J.M. Raulot, F. Soisson, D. Terentyev, E. Vincent, F. Willaime
19-38Comparison of empirical interatomic potentials for iron applied to radiation damage studiesL. Malerba, M.C. Marinica, N. Anento, C. Björkas, H. Nguyen, C. Domain, F. Djurabekova, P. Olsson, K. Nordlund, A. Serra, D. Terentyev, F. Willaime, C.S. Becquart
39-54Modeling the long-term evolution of the primary damage in ferritic alloys using coarse-grained methodsC.S. Becquart, A. Barbu, J.L. Bocquet, M.J. Caturla, C. Domain, C.-C. Fu, S.I. Golubov, M. Hou, L. Malerba, C.J. Ortiz, A. Souidi, R.E. Stoller
55-67Atomistic Kinetic Monte Carlo studies of microchemical evolutions driven by diffusion processes under irradiationF. Soisson, C.S. Becquart, N. Castin, C. Domain, L. Malerba, E. Vincent
68-72Calculation of phase diagrams and simulation of segregation using Monte Carlo with lattice relaxationR. Anders, F. Haider
73-83Characterization of neutron-irradiated ferritic model alloys and a RPV steel from combined APT, SANS, TEM and PAS analysesE. Meslin, M. Lambrecht, M. Hernández-Mayoral, F. Bergner, L. Malerba, P. Pareige, B. Radiguet, A. Barbu, D. Gómez-Briceño, A. Ulbricht, A. Almazouzi
84-89On the correlation between irradiation-induced microstructural features and the hardening of reactor pressure vessel steelsM. Lambrecht, E. Meslin, L. Malerba, M. Hernández-Mayoral, F. Bergner, P. Pareige, B. Radiguet, A. Almazouzi
91-96Towards a modelling of RPV steel brittle fracture using crystal plasticity computations on polycrystalline aggregatesL. Vincent, M. Libert, B. Marini, C. Rey
97-112A micromechanical interpretation of the temperature dependence of Beremin model parameters for french RPV steelJean-Philippe Mathieu, Karim Inal, Sophie Berveiller, Olivier Diard
113-118Effect of prior crack growth on cleavage fracture of low toughness precracked Charpy specimensM. Scibetta
119-126Calibration of three-parameter Weibull stress model for 15Kh2NMFA RPV steelRobert Beleznai, Gyöngyvér B. Lenkey, Dana Lauerova
127-137The effect of prior cold-work on the deformation behaviour of neutron irradiated AISI 304 austenitic stainless steelWade Karlsen, Steven Van Dyck
138-151Localized deformation as a key precursor to initiation of intergranular stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steels employed in nuclear power plantsWade Karlsen, Gonzalo Diego, Bastian Devrient
152-165TEM observations and finite element modelling of channel deformation in pre-irradiated austenitic stainless steels – Interactions with free surfaces and grain boundariesMaxime Sauzay, Karine Bavard, Wade Karlsen
166-174A not-so-short description of the PERFECT platformS. Bugat, A. Zeghadi, G. Adjanor
175-186Overview of the RPV-2 and INTERN-1 packages: From primary damage to microplasticityG. Adjanor, S. Bugat, C. Domain, A. Barbu
187-192The toughness module of the PERFECT platform: A predictive tool for the fracture toughness of RPV steelsS. Bugat, J. El Gharib, J.-M. Proix, A. Zeghadi
193-203PERFORM 60 – Prediction of the effects of radiation for reactor pressure vessel and in-core materials using multi-scale modelling – 60 years foreseen plant lifetimeSylvain Leclercq, David Lidbury, Steven Van Dyck, Dominique Moinereau, Ana Alamo, Abdou Al Mazouzi

Volume 406, Issue 2, Pages 205-276 (15 November 2010)

205-211Dry bag isostatic pressing for improved green strength of surrogate nuclear fuel pelletsG.W. Egeland, L.D. Zuck, W.R. Cannon, P.A. Lessing, P.G. Medvedev
212-217Threshold stress intensity factor for delayed hydride cracking of a recrystallized N18 alloy plate along the rolling directionChao Sun, Jun Tan, Shihao Ying, Qian Peng, Cong Li
218-222Structural, electronic, and thermodynamic properties of UN: Systematic density functional calculationsYong Lu, Bao-Tian Wang, Rong-Wu Li, Hongliang Shi, Ping Zhang
223-229Electrolytic dissolution characteristics of SIMFUEL in carbonate solutions of high concentrationKwang-Wook Kim, Jun-Taek Hyun, Sae-Reum Sung, Eil-Hee Lee, Kune-Woo Lee, Kee-Chan Song
230-237Reduction of selenite and selenate on anoxically corroded iron and the synergistic effect of uranyl reductionAnders Puranen, Mats Jonsson, Rainer Dähn, Daqing Cui
238-243Gd2Zr2O7 pyrochlore: Potential host matrix for some constituents of thoria based reactor’s wasteB.P. Mandal, M. Pandey, A.K. Tyagi
244-250Atomic scale investigation of radiation-induced segregation in austenitic stainless steelsA. Etienne, B. Radiguet, N.J. Cunningham, G.R. Odette, P. Pareige
251-256Understanding silicon-rich phase precipitation under irradiation in austenitic stainless steelsA. Etienne, B. Radiguet, P. Pareige
257-262Study of PRIMAVERA steel samples by a positron annihilation spectroscopy techniqueV. Grafutin, O. Ilyukhina, V. Krsjak, R. Burcl, P. Hähner, D. Erak, A. Zeman
263-270Solution chemistry effects on sorption behavior of radionuclide 63Ni(II) in illite–water suspensionsBaowei Hu, Wen Cheng, Hui Zhang, Shitong Yang
271-275Determination of americium in plutonium based nuclear fuel materials: An assessment of different methodologiesSuresh K. Aggarwal, N.N. Mirashi, Sumana Chakraborty, Vijay M. Telmore

Volume 406, Issue 3, Pages 277-372 (30 November 2010)

277-284On the oxidation of (U, Pu)C fuel: Experimental and kinetic aspects, practical issuesF. Mazaudier, C. Tamani, A. Galerie, Y. Marc
285-292Uranium adsorption studies on aminopropyl modified mesoporous sorbent (NH2–MCM-41) using statistical design methodŞenol Sert, Meral Eral
293-303Derivation of enhanced potentials for uranium dioxide and the calculation of lattice and intrinsic defect propertiesMark S.D. Read, Robert A. Jackson
304-316Osmosis-induced swelling of Eurobitum bituminized radioactive waste in constant total stress conditionsE. Valcke, A. Marien, S. Smets, X. Li, N. Mokni, S. Olivella, X. Sillen
317-322Separation of deuterium from H–D gas mixture by thermal diffusion in the devices of multi concentric-tube columns with total sum of column heights fixedHo-Ming Yeh, Ching-Chun Hsu
323-329First principles study of intrinsic defects in hexagonal tungsten carbideXiang-Shan Kong, Yu-Wei You, J.H. Xia, C.S. Liu, Q.F. Fang, G.-N. Luo, Qun-Ying Huang
330-344Microstructural evolution in the partial transient liquid phase diffusion bonding of Zircaloy-4 to stainless steel 321 using active titanium filler metalM. Mazar Atabaki
345-350Ab initioAleksejs Gopejenko, Yuri F. Zhukovskii, Pavel V. Vladimirov, Eugene A. Kotomin, Anton Möslang
351-355Vacancy formation and solid solubility in the U–Zr–N systemMerja Pukari, Odd Runevall, Nils Sandberg, Jan Wallenius
356-359Determination of impurities in thoria (ThO2) using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)Devanathan Alamelu, Ashwini Kumar Choudhary, Suresh Kumar Aggarwal
360-364Dissociation of Cr-rich M23C6 carbide in Alloy 617 by severe plastic deformationTae Sun Jo, Jeong Hun Lim, Young Do Kim
365-370Archaeological analogs and the future of nuclear waste glassAurélie Verney-Carron, Stéphane Gin, Guy Libourel
371Erratum to “Densification of nano-CeO2 ceramics as nuclear oxide surrogate by spark plasma sintering” [Journal of Nuclear Materials 404 (2010) 210–216]Kwanghoon Choi, Wen Tong, Robert D. Mariani, Douglas E. Burkes, Zuhair A. Munir

Volume 407, Issue 1, Pages 1-70 (1 December 2010)

Proceedings of the Symposium on Microstructural Processes in Irradiated Materials and on Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Embrittlement and Fusion Materials: Measuring, Modeling and Managing Irradiation Effects San Francisco, California, USA 15-19 February 2009 Edited by Gary S. Was, Brian D. Wirth and Zhijie Jiao
iiEditorial board
1PrefaceGary S. Was, Brian D. Wirth, Zhijie Jiao
2-9Response of nanoclusters in a 9Cr ODS steel to 1 dpa, 525 °C proton irradiationA.G. Certain, K.G. Field, T.R. Allen, M.K. Miller, J. Bentley, J.T. Busby
10-15Lattice strain and damage evolution of 9–12%Cr ferritic/martensitic steel during in situXiao Pan, Xianglin Wu, Kun Mo, Xiang Chen, Jonathan Almer, Jan Ilavsky, Dean R. Haeffner, James F. Stubbins
16-28Isochronal annealing of electron-irradiated dilute Fe alloys modelled by an ab initioR. Ngayam-Happy, P. Olsson, C.S. Becquart, C. Domain
29-33SANS investigation of a neutron-irradiated Fe–9 at%Cr alloyA. Ulbricht, C. Heintze, F. Bergner, H. Eckerlebe
34-43The role of irradiated microstructure in the localized deformation of austenitic stainless steelsZ. Jiao, G.S. Was
44-47Microstructural evolution in irradiated uranium-bearing delta-phase oxides A6U1O12 (A = Y, Gd, Ho, Yb, and Lu)M. Tang, K.S. Holliday, J.A. Valdez, B.P. Uberuaga, P.O. Dickerson, R.M. Dickerson, Y. Wang, K.R. Czerwinski, K.E. Sickafus
48-54Kr ion irradiation study of the depleted-uranium alloysJ. Gan, D.D. Keiser, B.D. Miller, M.A. Kirk, J. Rest, T.R. Allen, D.M. Wachs
55-58Evolution of fission-gas-bubble-size distribution in recrystallized U–10Mo nuclear fuelJ. Rest
59-69An evolution of understanding of reactor pressure vessel steel embrittlementG.E. Lucas

Volume 407, Issue 2, Pages 71-136 (15 December 2010)

71-77HTR Fuel Waste Management: TRISO separation and acid-graphite intercalation compounds preparationFabrice Guittonneau, Abdesselam Abdelouas, Bernd Grambow
78-82High temperature fracture characteristics of a nanostructured ferritic alloy (NFA)Thak Sang Byun, Jeoung Han Kim, Ji Hyun Yoon, David T. Hoelzer
83-87Measurement of thermal properties of a ceramic/metal joint by laser flash methodV. Casalegno, P. Vavassori, M. Valle, M. Ferraris, M. Salvo, G. Pintsuk
88-99Structural characterization of Nd-doped Hf-zirconolite Ca1−xDaniel Caurant, Pascal Loiseau, Isabelle Bardez
100-109Effect of helium on the microstructure of spent fuel in a repository: An operational approachCécile Ferry, Jean-Paul Piron, Antoine Ambard
110-115Comparison of some lead and non-lead based glass systems, standard shielding concretes and commercial window glasses in terms of shielding parameters in the energy region of 1 keV–100 GeV: A comparative studyMurat Kurudirek, Yüksel Özdemir, Önder Şimşek, Rıdvan Durak
116-118Selective adsorption of trivalent actinides from lanthanides onto activated carbons in acidic aqueous solutionM. Arisaka, M. Watanabe, T. Kimura
119-125Phase-field modeling of void migration and growth kinetics in materials under irradiation and temperature fieldYulan Li, Shenyang Hu, Xin Sun, Fei Gao, Charles H. Henager Jr., Mohammad Khaleel
126-135Correlation of the thermodynamic calculation and the experimental observation of Ni–Mo–Cr low alloy steel changing Ni, Mo, and Cr contentsSang-Gyu Park, Min-Chul Kim, Bong-Sang Lee, Dang-Moon Wee

Volume 407, Issue 3, Pages 137-232 (31 December 2010)

137-142Irradiation of synthetic garnet by heavy ions and α-decay of 244CmJiaming Zhang, Tatiana S. Livshits, Andrey A. Lizin, Qiaona Hu, Rodney C. Ewing
143-150Tensile fracture characteristics of nanostructured ferritic alloy 14YWTJeoung Han Kim, Thak Sang Byun, D.T. Hoelzer
151-156Effects of stress on radiation hardening and microstructural evolution in A533B steelK. Fujii, K. Fukuya, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, T. Ohkubo
157-164A method of examining iron oxides speciation and transport to steam generators during nuclear power reactor startupsJerzy A. Sawicki, Barbara D. Sawicka, James E. Price
165-170Effect of cold-work on self-welding susceptibility of austenitic stainless steel (alloy D9) in high temperature flowing sodiumC. Meikandamurthy, Hemant Kumar, Gopa Chakraborty, S.K. Albert, V. Ramakrishnan, K.K. Rajan, A.K. Bhaduri
171-177Effects of dissolved oxygen on electrochemical and semiconductor properties of 316L stainless steelZhicao Feng, Xuequn Cheng, Chaofang Dong, Lin Xu, Xiaogang Li
178-188Interface enabled defects reduction in helium ion irradiated Cu/V nanolayersE.G. Fu, A. Misra, H. Wang, Lin Shao, X. Zhang
189-194Effect of direct and reheated quenching on microstructure and mechanical properties of CLAM steelsJ. Qiu, X. Ju, Y. Xin, S. Liu, Y.L. Wang, H.B. Wu, D. Tang
195-199The effect of Y2O3 on the dynamics of oxidative dissolution of UO2Martin Trummer, Björn Dahlgren, Mats Jonsson
200-204Binary effect of He and H on the intra- and inter-granular embrittlement in FeZ.X. Tian, W. Xiao, F.R. Wan, W.T. Geng
205-210A study of early corrosion behaviors of FeCrAl alloys in liquid lead–bismuth eutectic environmentsJun Lim, Hyo On Nam, Il Soon Hwang, Ji Hyun Kim
211-219Radiation-induced decomposition of anion exchange resinsAliaksandr Baidak, Jay A. LaVerne
220-227Computational study of atomic mobility for the bcc phase of the U–Pu–Zr ternary systemWeibang Li, Rui Hu, Y.-W. Cui, Hong Zhong, Hui Chang, Jinshan Li, Lian Zhou
228-231Lanthanides migration in U–Zr based nuclear fuelsG. Bozzolo, H.O. Mosca, A.M. Yacout, G.L. Hofman

Volume 408, Issue 1, Pages 1-128 (1 January 2011)

iiEditorial board
1-6Oxygen ion irradiation effect on corrosion behavior of titanium in nitric acid mediumS. Ningshen, U. Kamachi Mudali, P. Mukherjee, P. Barat, Baldev Raj
7-11XPS analysis on chemical states of Li4SiO4 irradiated by 3 keV imageTianyong Luo
12-17Modified analytical interatomic potential for a W–H system with defectsXiao-Chun Li, Xiaolin Shu, Yi-Nan Liu, F. Gao, Guang-Hong Lu
18-24Formation energy of vacancies in FeCr alloys: Dependence on Cr concentrationEmma del Rio, Jesús M. Sampedro, Harun Dogo, María J. Caturla, Magdalena Caro, Alfredo Caro, J. Manuel Perlado
25-29Electrodeposition of metallic uranium at near ambient conditions from room temperature ionic liquidCh. Jagadeeswara Rao, K.A. Venkatesan, K. Nagarajan, T.G. Srinivasan, P.R. Vasudeva Rao
30-39Prediction of radiation induced hardening of reactor pressure vessel steels using artificial neural networksN. Castin, L. Malerba, R. Chaouadi
40-44Thermodynamics of enthalpy, volume and bulk modulus in α-PuS. Raju, Arun Kumar Rai
45-53Influence of ageing on the quasistatic fracture toughness of an SS 316(N) weld at ambient and elevated temperaturesG. Sasikala, S.K. Ray
54-60Novel insights in the study of water penetration into polycrystalline UO2 by secondary ion mass spectrometryIlaria Marchetti, Fabio Belloni, Jerome Himbert, Paul Carbol, Thomas Fanghänel
61-66Density-functional study of bcc Pu–U, Pu–Np, Pu–Am, and Pu–Cm alloysA. Landa, P. Söderlind, P.E.A. Turchi, L. Vitos, O.E. Peil, A.V. Ruban
67-72Effect of hydride orientation on fracture toughness of Zircaloy-4 claddingHsiao-Hung Hsu, Leu-Wen Tsay
73-89A 25-year laboratory experiment on French SON68 nuclear glass leached in a granitic environment – First investigationsC. Guittonneau, S. Gin, N. Godon, J.P. Mestre, O. Dugne, P. Allegri
90-95Creep behaviour of δ-phase of U–Zr system by impression creep techniqueT.R.G. Kutty, C.B. Basak, Arun Kumar, H.S. Kamath
96-101A novel procedure employing laser ultrasound technique and simplex algorism for the characterization of mechanical and geometrical properties in Zircaloy tubes with different levels of hydrogen chargingI-Hung Liu, Che-Hua Yang
102-109Long-term product consistency test of simulated 90-19/Nd HLW glassX.Y. Gan, Z.T. Zhang, W.Y. Yuan, L. Wang, Y. Bai, H. Ma
110-115Study on a recovery of rare earth oxides from a LiCl–KCl–RECl3 systemH.C. Eun, Y.Z. Cho, H.S. Park, T.K. Lee, I.T. Kim, K.I. Park, H.S. Lee
116-124Microstructural influence on high temperature creep flow of Zr–1%NbO alloy in near-αDjilali Kaddour, Anne-Françoise Gourgues-Lorenzon, Jean-Christophe Brachet, Laurence Portier, André Pineau
125-128Stress corrosion cracking in the heat-affected zone of A508 steel welds under high-temperature waterWei-Chih Chung, Jiunn-Yuan Huang, Leu-Wen Tsay, Chun Chen

Volume 408, Issue 2, Pages 129-208 (15 January 2011)

129-135Chemically produced nanostructured ODS–lanthanum oxide–tungsten composites sintered by spark plasmaMazher Ahmed Yar, Sverker Wahlberg, Hans Bergqvist, Hanadi G. Salem, Mats Johnsson, Mamoun Muhammed
136-141Electronic structures, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of ThN from first-principles calculationsYong Lu, Da-Fang Li, Bao-Tian Wang, Rong-Wu Li, Ping Zhang
142-152A model for the normal stress dependence of intergranular cracking of irradiated 316L stainless steel in supercritical waterE.A. West, G.S. Was
153-160Radiation-induced stress relaxation in high temperature water of type 316L stainless steel evaluated by neutron diffractionY. Ishiyama, R.B. Rogge, M. Obata
161-170Segregation of Cr at tilt grain boundaries in Fe–Cr alloys: A Metropolis Monte Carlo studyD. Terentyev, X. He, E. Zhurkin, A. Bakaev
171-175Pu2O3 and the plutonium hydriding processL.N. Dinh, J.M. Haschke, C.K. Saw, P.G. Allen, W. McLean II
176-182Generalized Kearns texture factors and orientation texture measurementJ.A. Gruber, S.A. Brown, G.A. Lucadamo
183-187Surface segregation and adsorption effects of iron–technetium alloys from first-principlesChristopher D. Taylor
188-193Mechanical properties of nuclear waste glassesA.J. Connelly, R.J. Hand, P.A. Bingham, N.C. Hyatt
194-200Effects of solute atoms on evolution of vacancy defects in electron-irradiated Fe–Cr-based alloysA.P. Druzhkov, A.L. Nikolaev
201-204Hardening of Al–Cu–Mg alloy by energetic ion irradiationT. Mitsuda, I. Kobayashi, S. Kosugi, Nao. Fujita, Y. Saitoh, F. Hori, S. Semboshi, Y. Kaneno, K. Nishida, N. Soneda, A. Iwase
205-208A novel method for incorporating fission gas elements into solidsI.O. Usov, J. Won, D.J. Devlin, Y.-B. Jiang, J.A. Valdez, K.E. Sickafus

Volume 408, Issue 3, Pages 209-296 (31 January 2011)

209-223Modelling of iodine-induced stress corrosion cracking in CANDU fuelB.J. Lewis, W.T. Thompson, M.R. Kleczek, K. Shaheen, M. Juhas, F.C. Iglesias
224-230Densification behaviour and sintering kinetics of ThO2–4%UO2 pelletJoydipta Banerjee, T.R.G. Kutty, Arun Kumar, H.S. Kamath, Srikumar Banerjee
231-235Effect of the preparation conditions of zirconium phosphate on the characteristics of Sr immobilizationChihiro Hashimoto, Yasushi Nakajima, Tadashi Terada, Katsuhiko Itoh, Susumu Nakayama
236-245X-ray absorption studies of chlorine valence and local environments in borosilicate waste glassesDavid A. McKeown, Hao Gan, Ian L. Pegg, W.C. Stolte, I.N. Demchenko
246-256Impact of localized deformation on IASCC in austenitic stainless steelsZ. Jiao, G.S. Was
257-271Ag diffusion in cubic silicon carbideDavid Shrader, Sarah M. Khalil, Tyler Gerczak, Todd R. Allen, Andrew J. Heim, Izabela Szlufarska, Dane Morgan
272-284Interaction of carbon with vacancy and self-interstitial atom clusters in α-iron studied using metallic–covalent interatomic potentialDmitry Terentyev, Napoleón Anento, Anna Serra, Ville Jansson, Hassan Khater, Giovanni Bonny
285-288Oxygen non-stoichiometries in (Th0.7Ce0.3)O2−xMasahiko Osaka, Shuhei Miwa, Ken Kurosaki, Masayoshi Uno, Shinsuke Yamanaka
289-295Three-dimensional characterization of stress corrosion cracksS. Lozano-Perez, P. Rodrigo, Lionel C. Gontard

Volume 409, Issue 1, Pages 1-62 (1 February 2011)

iiEditorial board
1-8Thermodynamic study of the Np–Zr systemSaurabh Bajaj, Andres Garay, Alexander Landa, Per Söderlind, Patrice Turchi, Raymundo Arróyave
9-17Phase study in Sr–Th–P–O system: Structural and thermal investigations of quaternary compoundsMeera Keskar, Rohan Phatak, S.K. Sali, K. Krishnan, N.D. Dahale, N.K. Kulkarni, S. Kannan
18-26Effect of ion irradiation-produced defects on the mobility of dislocations in 304 stainless steelM. Briceño, J. Fenske, M. Dadfarnia, P. Sofronis, I.M. Robertson
27-32Surface morphology and deuterium retention in tungsten oxide layers exposed to low-energy, high flux D plasmaV.K. Alimov, B. Tyburska, M. Balden, S. Lindig, J. Roth, K. Isobe, T. Yamanishi
33-39Framework model for hydrogen redistribution in Zircaloy sheathingG. Bruni, B.J. Lewis, W.T. Thompson
40-46Dynamic Young’s moduli of tungsten and tantalum at high temperature and stressG.P. Škoro, J.R.J. Bennett, T.R. Edgecock, S.A. Gray, A.J. McFarland, C.N. Booth, K.J. Rodgers, J.J. Back
47-52Thermodynamic modeling of the Zr–H–Nb system on the Zr-rich side and applicationJianwei Wang, Lijun Wang, Weidong Chen, Qian Huang, Jianyun Shen
53-61Structural changes induced by heavy ion irradiation in titanium silicon carbideJ.C. Nappé, I. Monnet, Ph. Grosseau, F. Audubert, B. Guilhot, M. Beauvy, M. Benabdesselam, L. Thomé