169-184 | Fast diffusion in dilute binary alloys and its analysis based on Hägg's rule | Hubert Blank |
185-195 | The behaviour of single atoms of molybdenum in urania | S Nicoll, Hj Matzke, R.W Grimes, C.R.A Catlow |
196-204 | Defect production considerations for gamma ray irradiation of reactor pressure vessel steels | Dale E. Alexander |
205-214 | A generalized model for radiation-induced amorphization and crystallization of U3Si and U3Si2 and recrystallization of UO2 | J Rest |
215-220 | Influence of the surface conditions on permeation in the deuterium–MANET system | E. Serra, A. Perujo |
221-228 | Formation and annealing behavior of defect clusters in electron or He-ion irradiated Ti-rich Ti–Al alloys | K Nakata, K Fukai, A Hishinuma, K Ameyama |
229-235 | Microstructural study of an irradiated high-nickel alloy by X-ray line profile analysis and TEM observations | R.B Grabova, V.K Gorbatov, Z.E Ostrovsky, R.A Yuskaev |
236-240 | Standard Gibbs energy of formation of Cs2CdI4 | R Mishra, S.R Bharadwaj, A.S Kerkar, S.R Dharwadkar |
241-250 | Kinetics and mechanisms of the reaction of air with nuclear grade graphites: IG-110 | E Loren Fuller, Joseph M Okoh |
251-253 | On the mechanism of radiation-induced segregation | S Watanabe, N Sakaguchi, K Kurome, M Nakamura, H Takahashi |
vii | Preface | Claudio De Michelis, Philippe Ghendrih, Christian Grisolia, André Grosman |
ix-x | Opening address | Catherine Césarsky |
1-26 | Plasma-wall interactions in ITER | R. Parker, G. Janeschitz, H.D. Pacher, D. Post, S. Chiocchio, G. Federici, P. Ladd Iter Joint Central Team and Home Teams |
27-36 | Heat exhaust control with active cooling in Tore-Supra: towards steady state operation | Ph. Chappuis and The Tore-Supra team |
37-51 | Impurity release from low | J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz |
52-67 | Hydrogen retention in plasma-facing materials and its consequences on tokamak operation | A.P. Zakharov, A.E. Gorodetsky, V.Kh. Alimov, S.L. Kanashenko, A.V. Markin |
68-81 | Helium transport and exhaust experiments in tokamaks | J Hogan |
82-91 | Particle exhaust in radiative divertor experiments | H.-S. Bosch, D. Coster, R. Dux, C. Fuchs, G. Haas, A. Herrmann, S. Hirsch, A. Kallenbach, J. Neuhauser, R. Schneider, J. Schweinzer, M. Weinlich ASDEX Upgrade team and NBI team^ |
92-104 | Radiative edge layers in limiter tokamaks | P. Monier-Garbet |
105-117 | Impurity release and deposition processes close to limiter surfaces in TEXTOR-94 | V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, H.G. Esser, U. Kögler, G. Mank, U. Samm, B. Schweer, J. von Seggern, B. Unterberg, E. Vietzke, F. Weschenfelder, P. Wienhold, J. Winter and TEXTOR team |
118-134 | Understanding the edge physics of divertor experiments by comparison of 2D edge code calculations and experimental measurements | A. Loarte |
135-148 | Island divertor studies on W7-AS | F. Sardei, Y. Feng, P. Grigull, G. Herre, D. Hildebrandt, J.V. Hofmann, J. Kisslinger, R. Brakel, J. Das, J. Geiger, O. Heinrich, G. Kühner, H. Niedermeyer, D. Reiter, M. Richter-Glötzl, A. Runov, R. Schneider, U. Stroth, H. Verbeek, F. Wagner, et al. | |
149-166 | Experimental investigation of transport phenomena in the scrape-off layer and divertor | B. Labombard, J.A. Goetz, I. Hutchinson, D. Jablonski, J. Kesner, C. Kurz, B. Lipschultz, G.M. McCracken, A. Niemczewski, J. Terry, A. Allen, R.L. Boivin, F. Bombarda, P. Bonoli, C. Christensen, C. Fiore, D. Garnier, S. Golovato, R. Granetz, M. Greenwald, et al. | |
167-181 | A review on impurity transport in divertors | K. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, A. Sakasai |
182-198 | A review of ELMs in divertor tokamaks | D.N. Hill |
199-213 | Classical drifts in the tokamak SOL and divertor: models and experiment | A.V. Chankin |
214-226 | Plasma wall interaction and tritium retention in TFTR | C.H. Skinner, E. Amarescu, G. Ascione, W. Blanchard, C.W. Barnes, S.H. Batha, M. Beer, M.G. Bell, R. Bell, M. Bitter, N.L. Bretz, R. Budny, C.E. Bush, R. Camp, M. Casey, J. Collins, M. Cropper, Z. Chang, D.S. Darrow, H.H. Duong, et al. | |
227-243 | A review of recent experiments on W and high Z | Nobuaki Noda, Volker Philipps, Rudolf Neu |
244-249 | Side radiation damage from ablated vapor following an ITER-scale disruption | A.E. Koniges, D.C. Eder, H.A. Scott, H. Würz, F. Kappler |
250-254 | Study of recombining gas targets | K. Borrass, D. Coster, D. Reiter, R. Schneider |
255-259 | Erosion lifetime of ITER divertor plates | H.D. Pacher, I. Smid, G. Federici, Yu. Igitkhanov, G. Janeschitz, R. Raffray, G. Vieider |
260-267 | The influence of key operation parameters and material properties on the quantification of tritium inventory and permeation in the plasma facing components of ITER | G. Federici, D. Holland, G. Janeschitz, C.H. Wu |
268-272 | 2D modelling of radiating divertor regime for ITER | A. Kukushkin, H.D. Pacher, M. Baelmans, D. Coster, G. Janeschitz, D. Reiter, R. Schneider |
273-277 | Simulation of plasma flux detachment in Alcator C-Mod and ITER | F. Wising, S.I. Krasheninnikov, D.J. Sigmar, D.A. Knoll, T.D. Rognlien, B. Labombard, B. Lipschultz, G. McCracken |
278-282 | Wall effects on electron dynamics in the SOL | P. Helander, S.I. Krasheninnikov, N. Kuzmicheva, A.P. Smirnov |
283-287 | Plasma-neutral gas interaction in a tokamak divertor: Effects of hydrogen molecules and plasma recombination | S.I. Krasheninnikov, A.Yu. Pigarov, T.K. Soboleva, D.J. Sigmar |
288-293 | Modeling and simulation of melt-layer erosion during plasma disruption | A. Hassanein, V. Belan, I. Konkashbaev, L. Nikandrov, V. Safronov, A. Zhitlukhin, V. Litunovsky |
294-298 | Assessment of erosion and surface tritium inventory issues for the ITER divertor | J.N. Brooks, R. Causey, G. Federici, D.N. Ruzic |
299-304 | Modelling of transition from attached to detached state and self-consistent calculations of He levels in ITER | M. Sugihara, T. Amano, D. Boucher, Y. Igitkhanov, G. Janeschitz, H.D. Pacher, D. Post, P. Yushmanov |
305-309 | Stability of a radiative mantle in ITER | M. Ali Mahdavi, G.M. Staebler, R.D. Wood, D.G. Whyte, W.P. West |
310-315 | Lightly- or non-seeded, partially detached ITER divertor operation | G. Vlases, G. Corrigan, A. Taroni |
316-321 | Impurity fueling to terminate Tokamak discharges | S. Putvinski, N. Fujisawa, D. Post, N. Putvinskaya, M.N. Rosenbluth, J. Wesley |
322-327 | Self-organized criticality in particle transport governed by ionization | Y. Sarazin, Ph. Ghendrih |
328-332 | Temperature profiles in stochastic boundaries | Samuel Féron, Philippe Ghendrih |
333-337 | Kinetic analysis on impurity control and reduction of power transmission of a divertor plasma | K. Sato, S. Kameda |
338-341 | Scrape-off layer broadening by the E | Junichiro Hara, Yoshihiko Uesugi, Yukitoshi Miura, Hisato Kawashima |
342-348 | Non-linear effects on neutral gas transport in divertors | D. Reiter, Chr. May, M. Baelmans, P. Börner |
349-352 | Density threshold for plasma detachment in gas target | N. Ezumi, S. Mori, N. Ohno, M. Takagi, S. Takamura, H. Suzuki, J. Park |
353-357 | Modelling of plasma momentum transference to side-walls by neutral particles | G.P. Maddison, D. Reiter, J. Hugill |
358-362 | Code-code comparisons of DIVIMP's ‘onion-skin model’ and the EDGE2D fluid code | P.C. Stangeby, J.D. Elder, W. Fundamenski, A. Loarte, L.D. Horton, R. Simonini, A. Taroni, O.F. Matthews, R.D. Monk |
363-368 | Theory of ion transport in the tokamak SOL | P. Helander, R.D. Hazeltine, Peter J. Catto |
369-373 | Divertor scaling laws for tokamaks | Peter J. Catto, D.A. Knoll, S.I. Krasheninnikov, J.W. Connor |
374-378 | Kinetic simulation of parallel transport and ELM propagation in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak | O.V. Batishchev, A.A. Batishcheva, P.J. Catto, S.I. Krasheninnikov, B. Labombard, B. Lipschultz, D.J. Sigmar |
379-384 | Experimental comparison of carbon and beryllium as divertor target materials in JET | D.J. Campbell and JET Team |
385-390 | Erosion/redeposition at the JET MkI divertor | H.Y. Guo, J.P. Coad, S.J. Davies, J.D. Elder, L.D. Horton, X.L. Li, J. Lingertat, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, R.D. Monk, R. Simonini, M.F. Stamp, P.C. Stangeby, A. Tabasso |
391-395 | Edge density profiles in high-performance JET plasmas | D.D.R. Summers, P. Breger, K. Erents, Z.A. Pietrzyk, B. Viaccoz, J. Vince |
396-401 | Interpretation of ion flux and electron temperature profiles at the JET divertor target during high recycling and detached discharges | R.D. Monk, A. Loarte, A. Chankin, S. Clement, S.J. Davies, J.K. Ehrenberg, H.Y. Guo, J. Lingertat, G.F. Matthews, M.F. Stamp, P.C. Stangeby |
402-407 | Studies of giant ELM interaction with the divertor target in JET | J. Lingertat, A. Tabasso, S. Ali-Arshad, B. Alper, P. van Belle, K. Borrass, S. Clement, J.P. Coad, R. Monk |
408-413 | The amount and distribution of deuterium retained in the jet divertor after the C and Be phases in 1994–1995 | J.P. Coad, M. Rubel, C.H. Wu |
414-419 | Measurement and analysis of radiated power components in the JET MkI divertor using VUV spectroscopy | C.F. Maggi, J.D. Elder, W. Fundamenski, R. Giannella, L.D. Horton, K.D. Lawson, A. Loarte, A. Maas, R. Reichle, M. Stamp, P.C. Stangeby, H.P. Summers |
420-425 | Neutral particle retention in the JET MK I divertor | J.K. Ehrenberg, D.J. Campbell, P.J. Harbour, L.D. Horton, A. Loarte, G.K. McCormick, R.D. Monk, G.R. Saibene, R. Simonini, A. Taroni, M.F. Stamp |
426-432 | Parallel electron temperature and density gradients measured in the JET MkI divertor using thermal helium beams | S.J. Davies, P.D. Morgan, Y. Ul'Haq, C.F. Maggi, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, L.D. Horton, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, R.D. Monk, P.C. Stangeby |
433-437 | Assessment of the DIVIMP ‘onion-skin’ model in the JET Mark I divertor | S.K. Erents, P.J. Davies, J.D. Elder, H.Y. Guo, L.D. Horton, G.F. Matthews, R.D. Monk, P.C. Stangeby, D.D.R. Summers |
438-443 | Divertor configuration studies on JET | C.G. Lowry, D.J. Campbell, S. Davies, H. Guo, P.J. Harbour, M. von Hellermann, L.D. Horton, A. Loarte, C. Maggi, G. Matthews, R. Mohanti, R. Monk, G.J. Radford, R. Reichle, G. Saibene, J. Spence, M. Stamp, A. Taroni, G.C. Vlases |
444-449 | Deduction of SOL transport coefficients using 2D modelling for hot-ion ELM-free H-modes in JET | G.K. McCormick, A. Chankin, S. Clement, S. Davies, J. Ehrenberg, A. Loarte, R. Monk, R. Simonini, J. Spence, M. Stamp, A. Taroni, G. Vlases |
450-455 | Scaling radiative plasmas to ITER | G.F. Matthews, S. Allen, N. Asakura, J. Goetz, H. Guo, A. Kallenbach, B. Lipschultz, K. McCormick, M. Stamp, U. Samm, P.C. Stangeby, K.-H. Steuer, A. Taroni, B. Unterberg, P. West |
456-461 | Low energy neutral particle fluxes in the JET divertor | R. Reichle, J.K. Ehrenberg, N.A.C. Gottardi, L.D. Horton, L.C. Ingesson, H.J. Jäckel, G.K. McCormick, A. Loarte, R. Simonini, M.F. Stamp |
462-468 | Behaviour of hydrogen in JET deuterium plasmas | K. Günther, G. Bracco, R. König, M.F. Stamp, K.-D. Zastrow |
469-475 | Erosion at the vessel walls of JET | M. Mayer, R. Behrisch, P. Andrew, A.T. Peacock |
476-482 | Influence of active pumping on density and confinement behaviour of JET plasmas | G. Saibene, D.J. Campbell, L.D. Horton, A. Loarte, R.D. Monk, E. Righi, D. Stork |
483-488 | Arc jets for divertor component testing | John Balboni, Samuel A. Cohen, Tobin Munsat |
489-493 | Plasma-neutral interaction in thermally collapsed plasma | Jaeyoung Park, T.K. Bennett, M.J. Goeckner, S.A. Cohen |
494-498 | Throat and vented pump limiters particle collection experiments with auxiliary heating in Tore Supra | B. Pégourié, T. Loarer, E. Tsitrone, G. Granata |
499-504 | Modeling of neutral pressure and pumping in the Tore Supra ergodic divertor and outboard pump limiter | L.W. Owen, T. Loarer, A. Grosman, B. Meslin, C.C. Klepper, P.K. Mioduszewski, T. Uckan |
505-510 | Particle balance modelling in ergodic divertor experiments on Tore Supra | T. Loarer, B. Meslin, Ph. Ghendrih, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman |
511-516 | Plasma-surface interactions with ICRF antennas and lower hybrid grills in Tore Supra | J.H. Harris, T. Hutter, J.T. Hogan, V. Basiuk, B. Beaumont, A. Becoulet, S. Bremond, M.D. Carter, M. Goniche, R.H. Goulding, D. Guilhem, G.R. Haste, D.J. Hoffman, X. Litaudon, F. Nguyen |
517-521 | Calculation of power deposition patterns on the ergodic divertor | Ph. Ghendrih, A. Grosman |
522-527 | Runaway electron damage to the Tore Supra Phase III outboard pump limiter | R. Nygren, T. Lutz, D. Walsh, G. Martin, M. Chatelier, T. Loarer, D. Guilhem |
528-531 | Effect of magnetic field stochastization on impurity behavior in a tokamak | M.Z. Tokar', H. Lasaar, W. Mandl, W.R. Hess, C. De Michelis, A. Grosman, U. Samm |
532-537 | Power and particle flux to the neutraliser plates of the Tore Supra ergodic divertor modules | A. Grosman, Ph. Ghendrih, B. Meslin, D. Guilhem |
538-541 | Analysis of wall particle content with premagnetization plasmas | C. Grisolia, Ph. Ghendrih, G. Martin, D. Van Houtte |
542-547 | Long pulse operation with actively cooled limiters | D. Guilhem, J. Hogan, D. Van Houtte, M. Lipa, T. Loarer, P. Chappuis, T. Hoang, J. Schlosser, R. Mitteau |
548-552 | Edge MHD activity in the ergodic divertor configuration of Tore Supra | S. Turlur, E. Joffrin, M. Zabiégo, Ph. Ghendrih, A. Grosman |
553-558 | Wall conditioning technique development in Tore Supra with permanent magnetic field by ICRF wave injection | E. Gauthier, E. de la Cal, B. Beaumont, A. Becoulet, C. Gil, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, T. Hutter, H. Kuus, L. Ladurelle, J.L. Segui |
559-563 | SOL plasma profiles under radiative and detached divertor conditions in JT-60U | N. Asakura, Y. Koide, K. Itami, N. Hosogane, K. Shimizu, S. Tsuji-Iio, S. Sakurai, A. Sakasai |
564-568 | Investigation of interaction between MeV-ions and first wall from neutron and γ-ray measurements in JT-60U | T. Kondoh, Y. Kusama, H. Kimura, M. Saigusa, T. Fujii, S. Moriyama, M. Nemoto, K. Tobita, A. Morioka, K. Nagashima, T. Nishitani |
569-573 | Effects of edge and central fuelling on particle confinement in JT-60U | H. Takenaga, N. Asakura, K. Shimizu, K. Nagashima, H. Kubo, A. Sakasai |
574-578 | Study of carbon impurity generation by chemical sputtering in JT-60U | S. Higashijima, H. Kubo, T. Sugie, K. Shimizu, N. Asakura, K. Itami, N. Hosogane, A. Sakasai, S. Konoshima, S. Sakurai, H. Takenaga |
579-584 | Properties of thin boron coatings formed during deuterated-boronization in JT-60 | J. Yagyu, N. Ogiwara, M. Saidoh, J. von Seggern, T. Okabe, Y. Miyo, H. Hiratsuka, S. Yamamoto, P. Goppelt-Langer, Y. Aoki, H. Takeshita, H. Naramoto |
585-589 | Direct measurement of divertor exhaust neon enrichment in DIII-D | M.J. Schaffer, M.R. Wade, R. Maingi, P. Monier-Garbet, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte, R.D. Wood, M.A. Mahdavi |
590-594 | Simulation of the scrape-off layer plasma during a disruption | T.D. Rognlien, J.A. Crotinger, G.D. Porter, G.R. Smith, A.G. Kellman, P.L. Taylor |
595-601 | First measurements of electron temperature and density with divertor Thomson scattering in radiative divertor discharges on DIII-D | S.L. Allen, D.N. Hill, T.N. Carlstrom, D.G. Nilson, R. Stockdale, C.L. Hsieh, T.W. Petrie, A.W. Leonard, D. Ryutov, G.D. Porter, R. Maingi, M.R. Wade, R. Cohen, W. Nevins, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.D. Wood, C.J. Lasnier, W.P. West, M.D. Brown |
602-605 | Modeling of the recycling particle flux and electron particle transport in the DIII-D Tokamak | D.R. Baker, R. Maingi, L.W. Owen, G.D. Porter, G.L. Jackson |
606-611 | Measurements of non-axisymmetric halo currents with and without ‘killer’ pellets during disruptions in the DIII-D tokamak | T.E. Evans, A.G. Kellman, D.A. Humphreys, M.J. Schaffer, P.L. Taylor, D.G. Whyte, T.C. Jernigan, A.W. Hyatt, R.L. Lee |
612-617 | Core/divertor/wall particle dynamics in the DIII-D tokamak | J.T. Hogan, R. Maingi, P.K. Mioduszewski, Th. Hutter, C.C. Klepper, M.R. Wade |
618-622 | Impurity feedback control for enhanced divertor and edge radiation in DIII-D discharges | G.L. Jackson, G.M. Staebler, S.L. Allen, N.H. Brooks, T.E. Evans, J.R. Ferron, A.W. Leonard, R. Maingi, T.W. Petrie, M.J. Schaffer, R.D. Wood, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte |
623-627 | Characteristics of the scrape-off layer in DIII-D high-performance negative central magnetic shear discharges | C.J. Lasnier, R. Maingi, A.W. Leonard, S.L. Allen, D.A. Buchenauer, K.H. Burrell, T.A. Casper, J.W. Cuthbertson, M.E. Fenstermacher, D.N. Hill, R.A. Jong, L.L. Lao, E.A. Lazarus, R.A. Moyer, T.W. Petrie, G.D. Porter, B.W. Rice, B.W. Stallard, T.S. Taylor, J.G. Watkins |
628-632 | Divertor heat and particle flux due to ELMs in DIII-D and ASDEX-upgrade | A.W. Leonard, W. Suttrop, T.H. Osborne, T.E. Evans, D.N. Hill, A. Herrmann, C.J. Lasnier, D.N. Thomas, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, M. Weinlich, H. Zohm |
633-638 | The role of turbulent transport in DIII-D edge and divertor plasmas | R.A. Moyer, J.W. Cuthbertson, T.E. Evans, G.D. Porter, J.G. Watkins |
639-644 | Investigation of electron parallel pressure balance in the scrapeoff layer of deuterium-based radiative divertor discharges in DIII-D | T.W. Petrie, S.L. Allen, T.N. Carlstrom, D.N. Hill, R. Maingi, D. Nilson, M. Brown, D.A. Buchenauer, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.A. Jong, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, G.D. Porter, M.R. Wade, W.P. West |
645-649 | Reciprocating and fixed probe measurements of density and temperature in the DIII-D divertor | J.G. Watkins, R.A. Moyer, J.W. Cuthbertson, D.A. Buchenauer, T.N. Carlstrom, D.N. Hill, M. Ulrickson |
650-654 | Characterization of energetic deuterium striking the divertor of the DIII-D tokamak | R. Bastasz, W.R. Wampler, J.A. Whaley, D.G. Whyte, P.B. Parks, N.H. Brooks, W.P. West, C.P.C. Wong |
655-659 | Enhanced performance discharges in the DIII-D tokamak with lithium wall conditioning | G.L. Jackson, E.A. Lazarus, G.A. Navratil, R. Bastasz, N.H. Brooks, D.T. Garnier, K.L. Holtrop, J.C. Phillips, E.S. Marmar, T.S. Taylor, D.M. Thomas, W.R. Wampler, D.G. Whyte, W.P. West |
660-665 | DiMES divertor erosion experiments on DIII-D | D.G. Whyte, J.N. Brooks, C.P.C. Wong, W.P. West, R. Bastasz, W.R. Wampler, J. Rubenstein |
666-671 | Comprehensive 2D measurements of radiative divertor plasmas in DIII-D | M.E. Fenstermacher, R.D. Wood, S.L. Allen, N.H. Brooks, D.A. Buchenauer, T.N. Carlstrom, J.W. Cuthbertson, E.J. Doyle, T.E. Evans, P.-M. Garbet, R.W. Harvey, D.N. Hill, A.W. Hyatt, R.C. Isler, G. Jackson, R.A. James, R. Jong, C.C. Klepper, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, et al. | |
672-677 | Comparison of wall/divertor deuterium retention and plasma fueling requirements on the DIII-D, TdeV and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks | R. Maingi, B. Terreault, G. Haas, G.L. Jackson, W. Zuzak, P.K. Mioduszewski, M.A. Mahdavi, M.R. Wade, S. Chiu, M.J. Schaffer, J.T. Hogan, C.C. Klepper |
678-683 | The tungsten experiment in ASDEX Upgrade | R. Neu, K. Asmussen, S. Deschka, A. Thoma, M. Bessenrodt-Weberpals, R. Dux, W. Engelhardt, J.C. Fuchs, J. Gaffert, C. García-Rosales, A. Herrmann, K. Krieger, F. Mast, J. Roth, V. Rohde, M. Weinlich, U. Wenzel ASDEX Upgrade Team and ASDEX NI-Team |
684-689 | Study of gross and net erosion in the ASDEX upgrade divertor | K. Krieger, J. Roth, A. Annen, W. Jacob, C.S. Pitcher, W. Schneider, A. Thoma, M. Weinlich and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
690-695 | B2-Eirene modelling of ASDEX Upgrade | D.P. Coster, R. Schneider, J. Neuhauser, H.-S. Bosch, R. Wunderlich, C. Fuchs, F. Mast, A. Kallenbach, R. Dux, G. Becker ASDEX Upgrade Team, B.J. Braams, D. Reiter |
696-700 | Routes to divertor detachment in ASDEX Upgrade | C.S. Pitcher, A.W. Carlson, C. Fuchs, A. Herrmann, W. Suttrop, J. Schweinzer, M. Weinlich ASDEX Upgrade Team and NBI Group |
701-706 | Divertor geometry optimization for ASDEX Upgrade | R. Schneider, H.S. Bosch, J. Neuhauser, D. Coster, K. Lackner, M. Kaufmann |
707-711 | Spatial distributions of neutral atoms in the near-target plasma: Theory and experiment | D. Naujoks, J. Steinbrink, U. Wenzel and PSI-group |
712-715 | Direct measurement of the plasma potential in the edge of ASDEX Upgrade using a self emitting probe | V. Rohde, M. Laux, P. Bachmann, A. Herrmann, M. Weinlich and AUGD team |
716-721 | Performance of the Ti doped graphite RG-Ti-91 at the divertor of the Tokamak ASDEX Upgrade | Tatyana Burtseva, V. Barabash, I. Mazul, C. García-Rosales, S. Deschka, R. Behrisch, A. Herrmann |
722-727 | The separation of angle and size effects on Langmuir characteristics | A. Carlson, V. Rohde, M. Weinlich and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
728-733 | Spatial radiation profiles in the ASDEX Upgrade divertor for detached plasmas | U. Wenzel, A. Thoma, R. Dux, Ch. Fuchs, A. Herrmann, St. Hirsch, A. Kallenbach, H. Kastelewicz, M. Laux, F. Mast, B. Napiontek |
734-738 | Migration of tungsten eroded from divertor tiles in ASDEX Upgrade | K. Krieger, V. Rohde, R. Schwörer, K. Asmussen, C. García-Rosales, A. Hermann, R. Neu, J. Roth, A. Thoma, M. Weinlich and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
739-744 | Controlled detachment and particle transport in the divertor plasma in TdeV | B.L. Stansfield, F. Meo, G. Abel, C. Boucher, J.-L. Gauvreau, J.P. Gunn, E. Haddad, J.-L. Lachambre, J. Mailloux, R. Marchand, G. Ratel, N. Richard, M.M. Shoucri, B. Terreault, S. Beaudry, R. Décoste, G.W. Pacher, W. Zuzak, J.D. Elder, P.C. Stangeby |
745-749 | Strong toroidal asymmetries in power deposition on divertor and first wall components during LHCD on TdeV and Tore Supra | M. Goniche, J. Mailloux, Y. Demers, V. Fuchs, P. Jacquet, C. Boucher, A. Côté, C. Côté, J. Gunn, B. Terreault, P. Bibet, P. Froissard, D. Guilhem, J.H. Harris, G. Rey, M. Tareb |
750-754 | High heat load testing of plasma sprayed W coatings | M. Urquiaga Valdes, R.G. Saint-Jacques, J.-F. Côté, C. Moreau |
755-759 | Radiative plasmas in TdeV | B. Terreault, N. Richard, J. Mailloux, G. Abel, C. Côte, E. Haddad, W. Zhang, C. Boucher, S. Chiu, J. Gunn, H.H. Mai, F. Meo, B.L. Stansfield, W.W. Zuzak |
760-764 | Retention of Ne and N2 in the closed and pumped TdeV divertor with attached and detached plasmas | N. Richard, B. Terreault, E. Haddad, J. Gunn, G. Abel, S. Chiu, J.-L. Gauvreau, H.H. Mai, W.W. Zuzak |
765-770 | Use of a quartz microbalance for plasma-wall interaction studies | Daniel Bourgoin, Guy G. Ross, Sylvio Savoie, Yves Drolet, Emile Haddad |
771-776 | Modification and control of divertor detachment in Alcator C-Mod | B. Lipschultz, J.A. Goetz, B. Labombard, G.M. McCracken, H. Ohkawa, Y. Takase, J.L. Terry |
777-781 | Screening of recycling and non-recycling impurities in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak | G.M. McCracken, R.S. Granetz, B. Lipschultz, B. Labombard, F. Bombarda, J.A. Goetz, S. Lisgo, D. Jablonski, H. Ohkawa, J.E. Rice, P.C. Stangeby, J.L. Terry, Y. Wang |
782-787 | Local impurity puffing as a scrape-off layer diagnostic on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak | D. Jablonski, B.Labombard, G.M. McCracken, S. Lisgo, B. Lipschultz, I.H. Hutchinson, J. Terry, P.C. Stangeby |
788-792 | A comparison of impurity screening between limiter and divertor plasmas in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak | R.S. Granetz, G.M. McCracken, F. Bombarda, J.A. Goetz, D. Jablonski, B. Labombard, B. Lipschultz, H. Ohkawa, J.E. Rice, J.L. Terry, Y. Wang |
793-798 | Experimental studies of the link between production and penetration of impurity atoms into the plasma edge and the central impurity content in TEXTOR-94 | B. Unterberg, H. Knauf, P. Lindner, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Rusbüldt, U. Samm, B. Schweer, M. Rubel, T. Tanabe, Y. Ueda, M. Wada |
799-803 | Impurity release from high Z test limiters immersed in TEXTOR-94 edge plasmas | M. Wada, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Unterberg, B. Schweer, L. Koenen, U. Koegler, M. Tokar, J. Winter, K. Ohya, Y. Ueda, T. Tanabe, D. Larsson |
804-809 | Time resolved observation of the erosion of boron containing protective coatings on wall elements of TEXTOR-94 by means of colorimetry | P. Wienhold, F. Weschenfelder, J. von Seggern, B. Emmoth, H.G. Esser, P. Karduck, J. Winter |
810-815 | Energy distributions and yields of sputtered C2 and C3 clusters | E. Vietzke, A. Refke, V. Philipps, M. Hennes |
816-820 | Studies on plasma edge transport and layer deposition by local injection of reactive gases during TEXTOR-94 discharges | U. Kögler, F. Weschenfelder, J. Winter, H.G. Esser, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, J. von Seggern, M.Z. Tokar', P. Wienhold |
821-826 | In-situ deposition of silicon on the leading edge of the ALT-II limiter in TEXTOR-94 | G. Mank, J.A. Boedo, P. Wienhold, H.G. Esser, K.H. Finken, L. Könen, A. Pospieszczyk, J. Rapp, J. Schwelberger, F. Weschenfelder, J. Winter |
827-832 | On the relation between radiation level, central impurity concentration and helium exhaust in a burning fusion plasma | U. Samm, M.Z. Tokar', B. Unterberg |
833-838 | Chemical erosion measurements from various carbon based limiters and coatings in TEXTOR-94 | A. Pospieszczyk, V. Philipps, E. Casarotto, U. Kögler, B. Schweer, B. Unterberg, F. Weschenfelder |
839-841 | Experimental study on neoclassical properties of the ions in the edge plasma of the tokamak TEXTOR | K. Höthker, W. Bieger, M. Brix, A. Pospieszczyk, R.P. Schorn, B. Schweer, G. Van Oost, R. Weynants |
842-847 | Radial profiles of atomic deuterium measured in the boundary of TEXTOR 94 with laser-induced fluorescence | Ph. Mertens, M. Silz |
848-852 | Exposure of CFC-materials to high transient heat loads in the TEXTOR tokamak | T. Scholz, J. Boedo, H. Bolt, R. Duwe, K.H. Finken, D. Gray, A. Hassanein |
853-856 | Scaling of radiated power to plasma contamination for neon seeded discharges on boronized TEXTOR-94 | G. Telesca, H.A. Claassen, P. Franz, A.M. Messiaen, J. Ongena, J. Rapp, U. Samm, N. Schoon, B. Schweer, M.Z. Tokar', B. Unterberg, G. Van Oost |
857-860 | Effects of an RF limiter on TEXTOR's edge plasmas | J.A. Boedo, T. Shoji, Y. Sakawa, D.S. Gray, J.G. Schwelberger, R.W. Conn, K.H. Finken, G. Mank, N. Noda, Textor team |
861-866 | ICRF wall conditioning at TEXTOR-94 in the presence of a 2.25 T magnetic field | H.G. Esser, A. Lyssoivan, M. Freisinger, R. Koch, G. Van Oost, F. Weschenfelder, J. Winter and TEXTOR-ICRH-team |
867-872 | Divertor target profiles and recycling studies in TCV single null lower standard discharges | R.A. Pitts, Ch. Nieswand, H. Weisen, M. Anton, R. Behn, R.F. Chavan, M.J. Dutch, B.P. Duval, S. Franke, F. Hofmann, B. Joye, J.B. Lister, X. Llobet, Y. Martin, J.-M. Moret, J. Petrzilka, Z.A. Pietrzyk, V. Piffl, P.Reinke, M.E. Rensink, et al. | |
873-877 | Radial distributions and poloidal asymmetries of T-10 SOL parameters and turbulence | V.A. Vershkov, S.A. Grashin, V.V. Dreval, V.V. Piterskii, S.V. Soldatov, A.N. Jakovets |
878-882 | Effects of high Z | J. Li, X. Gong, L. Luo, F.X. Yin, N. Noda, B. Wan, W. Xu, X. Gao, F. Yin, J.G. Jiang, Z. Wu, J.Y. Zhao, M. Wu, S. Liu, Y. Han |
883-886 | Study of helium transport in HL-1M edge plasma region | L.L. Peng, B.Q. Deng, J.L. Luo, S.K. Yang, M. Wang, E.Y. Wang, S.J. Qian |
887-891 | Measurements of tritium recycling and isotope exchange in TFTR | C.H. Skinner, J. Kamperschroer, D. Mueller, A. Nagy, D.P. Stotler |
892-896 | Core V | C.E. Bush, R.E. Bell, B. Leblanc, D.K. Mansfield, E.J. Synakowski, R.V. Budny, K.W. Hill, W. Houlberg, E. Mazzucato, P. Mioduszewski, H. Park, C.H. Skinner, M.C. Zarnstorff |
897-901 | Tritium removal from TFTR | D. Mueller, W. Blanchard, J. Collins, J. Hosea, J. Kamperschroer, P.H. Lamarche, A. Nagy, D.K. Owens, C.H. Skinner |
902-907 | ELM structure in the boundary plasma on COMPASS-D | S.J. Fielding, K.B. Axon, M.G. Booth, R.J. Buttery, J. Dowling, D. Gates, C. Hunt, C. Silva, M. Valovic |
908-913 | Behaviour of a tungsten coated molybdenum poloidal limiter in FTU tokamak | G. Maddaluno, F. Pierdominici, M. Vittori |
914-918 | SOL parameters and local transport in the FTU tokamak | M. Leigheb, V. Pericoli Ridolfini, R. Zagórski |
919-924 | Mass spectroscopic measurements in the plasma edge of the W7-AS stellarator and their statistical analysis | P. Zebisch, P. Grigull, V. Dose, E. Taglauer and W7-AS Team^ |
925-929 | Monte Carlo modelling of the transport in the stellarator periphery with magnetic islands | D. Naujoks, P. Bachmann, A. Runov, D. Sünder |
930-934 | A 3D Monte Carlo code for plasma transport in island divertors | Y. Feng, F. Sardei, J. Kisslinger, P. Grigull |
935-940 | Experimental study on highly collisional edge plasmas in W7-AS island divertor configurations | P. Grigull, D. Hildebrandt, F. Sardei, Y. Feng, G. Herre, A. Herrmann, J.V. Hofmann, J. Kisslinger, G. Kuehner, H. Niedermeyer, R. Schneider, H. Verbeek, F. Wagner, R. Wolf, X.D. Zhang W7-AS-Team and NBI-Group |
941-945 | A 2D approach to island divertor modelling for Wendelstein 7-AS | G. Herre, R. Schneider, D. Coster, F. Sardei, D. Reiter, P. Grigull, J. Kisslinger |
946-949 | Boundary modelling of the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X | H. Renner, E. Strumberger, J. Kisslinger, J. Nührenberg, H. Wobig |
950-955 | Plasma response on impurity injection in W7-AS | D. Hildebrandt, R. Brakel, A. Elsner, P. Grigull, H. Hacker, R. Burhenn, S. Fiedler, L. Giannone, C. Görner, H.J. Hartfuβ, G. Herre, A. Herrmann, J.V. Hofmann, G. Kühner, D. Naujoks, F. Sardei, A. Weller, R. Wolf W7-as Team, Ecrh Team and NBI Team |
956-960 | Behavior of pellet injected Li into Heliotron E plasmas | K. Kondo, K. Ida, C. Christou, V.Yu. Sergeev, K.V. Khlopenkov, S. Sudo, F. Sano, H. Zushi, T. Mizuuchi, S. Besshou, H. Okada, K. Nagasaki, K. Sakamoto, Y. Kurimoto, H. Funaba, T. Hamada, T. Kinoshita, S. Kado, Y. Kanda, T. Okamoto, et al. | |
961-966 | Field line measurements in the divertor of Heliotron-E under boronized conditions | F. Sano, T. Mizuuchi, T. Hamada, H. Funaba, M. Nakasuga, K. Kondo, H. Zushi, S. Besshou, H. Okada, K. Hanatani, K. Nagasaki, T. Obiki |
967-971 | Local island divertor experiments on CHS | A. Komori, N. Ohyabu, S. Masuzaki, T. Morisaki, H. Suzuki, C. Takahashi, S. Sakakibara, K. Watanabe, T. Minami, S. Morita, K. Tanaka, S. Ohdachi, S. Kubo, N. Inoue, H. Yamada, K. Nishimura, S. Okamura, K. Matsuoka, O. Motojima, M. Fujiwara, et al. | |
972-976 | Real time boronization experiments in CHS and scaling for LHD | A. Sagara, Y. Hasegawa, K. Tsuzuki, N. Inoue, H. Suzuki, T. Morisaki, N. Noda, O. Motojima, S. Okamura, K. Matsuoka, R. Akiyama, K. Ida, H. Idei, K. Iwasaki, S. Kubo, T. Minami, S. Morita, K. Narihara, T. Ozaki, K. Sato, et al. | |
977-981 | Experimental study of edge plasma structure in various discharges on compact helical system | T. Morisaki, A. Komori, R. Akiyama, H. Idei, H. Iguchi, N. Inoue, Y. Kawai, S. Kubo, S. Masuzaki, K. Matsuoka, T. Minami, S. Morita, N. Noda, N. Ohyabu, S. Okamura, M. Osakabe, H. Suzuki, K. Tanaka, C. Takahashi, H. Yamada, et al. | |
982-987 | Investigation of plasma facing components and vacuum vessel in RFX | P. Sonato, V. Antoni, M. Bagatin, W.R. Baker, S. Peruzzo, L. Tramontin, P. Zaccaria, G. Zollino |
988-992 | Locked modes induced plasma-wall interactions in RFX | M. Valisa, T. Bolzonella, L. Carraro, E. Casarotto, S. Costa, L. Garzotti, P. Innocente, S. Martini, R. Pasqualotto, M.E. Puiatti, R. Pugno, P. Scarin |
993-997 | Wall conditioning and particle control in Extrap T2 | H. Bergsåker, D. Larsson, P. Brunsell, A. Möller, L. Tramontin |
998-1001 | Behavior of edge plasma in STP-3M reversed field pinch | A. Matsuoka, H. Kajikawa, Y. Suzuki, H. Arimoto, A. Nagata, K. Aoto, M. Sugawara, K.I. Sato |
1002-1007 | Role of energetic particles in heat and particle exhaust in a poloidal divertor RFP | S. Masamune, M. Iida, N. Oda, M. Awazu, K. Fujitsuka, K. Ohta, H. Oshiyama |
1008-1010 | The first results of siliconization on SWIP-RFP device | Zhang Peng, Li Qiang, Luo Cuiwen, Li Jieping, Qian Shangjie, Fang Shuiquan, Yi Ping, Xue Jun, Li Kehua, Luo Junlin, Hong Wenyu, Cao Zeng, Zhang Nianman, Wang Quanming, Lu Jie, Huang Ming, Zhong Yunze, Zhang Qingchun, Luo Cuixian |
1011-1015 | Behavior of neutral-hydrogen and particle confinement on GAMMA 10 tandem mirror plasmas | Y. Nakashima, M. Shoji, K. Yatsu, S. Kobayashi, K. Tsuchiya, N. Yamaguchi, M. Yoshikawa, T. Aota, T. Ishijima, M. Ichimura, M. Inutake, A. Mase, T. Tamano |
1016-1021 | Hydrogen retention properties of low Z | Y. Yamauchi, T. Hino, K. Koyama, Y. Hirohata, T. Yamashina |
1022-1025 | In-situ ion beam analysis and dynamic studies of deuterium retention in graphite exposed to a high flux magnetron plasma | B. Emmoth, H. Bergsåker, L. Ilyinsky |
1026-1030 | Ion-induced release of deuterium from co-deposits by high energy helium bombardment | M. Rubel, H. Bergsåker, P. Wienhold |
1031-1035 | Laboratory experiments on hydrogen and impurity behaviors in lithium-deposited environment | H. Toyoda, M. Watanabe, H. Sugai |
1036-1040 | Effects of lithium-implantation on the hydrogen retention in both a-C:H and a-SiC:H materials submitted to deuterium bombardment | G. Barbier, G.G. Ross, M.A. El Khakani, N. Chevarier, A. Chevarier |
1041-1046 | Tritium retention in S-65 beryllium after 100 eV plasma exposure | Rion A. Causey, Glen R. Longhurst, Wally Harbin |
1047-1051 | Depth distribution of deuterium atoms and molecules in beryllium implanted with D ions | V.Kh. Alimov, V.N. Chernikov, A.P. Zakharov |
1052-1054 | On the use of biased movable B4C-limiter for pumping O2 and H2O during discharge cleaning | G.P. Glazunov, E.D. Volkov, V.G. Kotenko, A.V. Shtan', Yu.K. Mironov, N.I. Nasarov, A. Sagara, N. Ohyabu, O. Motojima |
1055-1059 | Hydrogen absorption behavior into boron films by glow discharges in hydrogen and helium | K. Tsuzuki, M. Natsir, N. Inoue, A. Sagara, N. Noda, O. Motojima, T. Mochizuki, T. Hino, T. Yamashina |
1060-1064 | Release of hydrogen from co-existing layers of carbon and beryllium with vacuum heating | Kan Ashida, Kuniaki Watanabe, Toshio Okabe |
1065-1070 | Isotope effects in hydrogen retention of graphite and beryllium irradiated simultaneously with dual H+ and D+ beams | B. Tsuchiya, K. Morita |
1071-1075 | Reflection, re-emission and permeation of deuterium implanted in Ti---6Al---4V alloy | V. Bandourko, K. Ohkoshi, K. Yamaguchi, M. Yamawaki |
1076-1081 | Deuterium retention in beryllium, molybdenum and tungsten at high fluences | A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis |
1082-1086 | Hydrogen trapping in and release from tungsten: Modeling and comparison with graphite with regard to its use as fusion reactor material | P. Franzen, C. Garcia-Rosales, H. Plank, V.Kh. Alimov |
1087-1092 | Deuterium trapping in and release from tungsten carbide | Wenmin Wang, V.Kh. Alimov, B.M.U. Scherzer, J. Roth |
1093-1097 | Interaction of a high density neon plasma with graphite | C. Brosset, J. Bardon, E. Gauthier |
1098-1102 | Helium retention properties of plasma facing materials | H. Yanagihara, Y. Yamauchi, T. Hino, Y. Hirohata, T. Yamashina |
1103-1109 | Retention and erosion behavior of oxygen implanted in different | A. Refke, V. Philipps, E. Vietzke |
1110-1116 | Erosion behavior and surface characterization of beryllium under high-flux deuterium plasma bombardment | J. Won, F.E. Spada, R. Boivin, R. Doerner, S Luckhardt, F.C. Sze, R.W. Conn |
1117-1121 | Investigation of beryllium self-sputtering | M.I. Guseva, S.N. Korshunov, V.M. Gureev, Yu.V. Martinenko, V.E. Neumoin, V.G. Stoljarova |
1122-1126 | Spectroscopic measurement of kinetic energy of sputtered boron in electron cyclotron resonance plasma | Yoshifumi Ito, Noboru Nakano, Tutomu Yoshidome, Michiro Isobe, Masahiro Nishikawa |
1127-1131 | Interaction of energetic oxygen ions with lithium-containing amorphous hydrogenated carbon films: A mass spectrometry study | J.-U. Thiele, E. Vietzke, P. Oelhafen |
1132-1137 | Erosion and thermal desorption characteristics of composite | Takahiro Yamaki, Yasutaka Suzuki, Akio Chiba, Mitsuo Nakagawa, Yoshitaka Gotoh, Ryutarou Jimbou, Masahiro Saidoh |
1138-1141 | Effect of irradiation ion species on internal stress in boron thin films | N. Satomi, K. Tanak, M. Kitamura, M. Nishikawa |
1142-1146 | Sputtering experiments on B4C doped CFC under high particle flux with low energy | K. Nakamura, M. Dairaku, M. Akiba, Y. Okumura |
1147-1151 | Chemical erosion of pyrolytic graphite by low-energy H+ and D+ impact | B.V. Mech, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis |
1152-1155 | Comparison of chemical sputtering yields for different graphites at high ion flux densities | H. Grote, W. Bohmeyer, H.-D. Reiner, T. Fuchs, P. Kornejew, J. Steinbrink |
1156-1159 | Reduction of the chemical erosion of doped graphite due to surface modification during low energy D+ bombardment | R. Schwörer, H. Plank, J. Roth |
1160-1163 | Angle resolved velocity distributions of sputtered medium Z | A. Goehlich, N. Niemöller, H.F. Döbele |
1164-1169 | Examination of material performance of W exposed to high heat load: Postmortem analysis of W exposed to TEXTOR plasma and E-beam test stand | T. Tanabe, V. Philipps, K. Nakamura, M. Fujine, Y. Ueda, M. Wada, B. Schweer, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Unterberg |
1170-1174 | Measurements and modeling of the angular-resolved sputtering yield of D-soaked Be by 100, 300, 500 and 700 eV D+ | D.N. Ruzic, Preston C. Smith, R.B. Turkot Jr. |
1175-1179 | Thermal conductivity and retention characteristics of composites made of boron carbide and carbon fibers with extremely high thermal conductivity for first wall armour | R. Jimbou, K. Kodama, M. Saidoh, Y. Suzuki, M. Nakagawa, K. Morita, B. Tsuchiya |
1180-1184 | Effect of ion-beam irradiation on power reflectivity of boron-doped CFC materials | Masaaki Nagatsu, Noriharu Takada, Ichiro Tsuchikura, Suguru Sasaki, Masato Akiba, Kazuyuki Nakamura |
1185-1189 | Thermal response for divertor mock-up using surface-modified CFC tile | I. Fujita, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino, T. Yamashina, Y. Kubota, N. Noda, O. Motojima, T. Sogabe, T. Matsuda, K. Kuroda |
1190-1196 | Experimental and calculated basis of the lithium capillary system as divertor material | N.V. Antonov, V.G. Belan, V.A. Evtihin, L.G. Golubchikov, V.I. Khripunov, V.M. Korjavin, I.E. Lyublinski, V.S. Maynashev, V.B. Petrov, V.I. Pistunovich, V.A. Pozharov, V.I. Podkovirnov, V.V. Shapkin, A.V. Vertkov |
1197-1202 | High heat load properties of TiC dispersed Mo alloys | K. Tokunaga, Y. Miura, N. Yoshida, T. Muroga, H. Kurishita, Y. Kitsunai, H. Kayano |
1203-1209 | Applications of superpermeable membranes in fusion: The flux density problem and experimental progress | A. Livshits, N. Ohyabu, M. Notkin, V. Alimov, H. Suzuki, A. Samartsev, M. Solovyov, I. Grigoriadi, A. Glebovsky, A. Busnyuk, A. Doroshin, K. Komatsu |
1210-1216 | Performance of beryllium, carbon, and tungsten under intense thermal fluxes | J. Linke, M. Akiba, H. Bolt, G. Breitbach, R. Duwe, A. Makhankov, I. Ovchinnikov, M. Rödig, E. Wallura |
1217-1221 | Basic experiments on in-situ magnetized boronization by electron cyclotron resonance discharges | H. Kokura, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, T. Mizuuchi, K. Kondo, F. Sano, T. Obiki, H. Sugai |
1222-1227 | Low-energetic He-atom beam as a diagnostic probe for electric field measurement in the plasma edges | K. Takiyama, T. Katsuta, H. Toyota, M. Watanabe, K. Mizuno, T. Ogawa, T. Oda |
1228-1233 | Testing of a pulsed He supersonic beam for plasma edge diagnostic in the TJ-IU torsatron | F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, V. Herrero, I. Tanarro |
1234-1237 | The fluctuations and flow velocities measured with a Mach probe array on the HL-1M tokamak | W.Y. Hong, E.Y. Wang, L.B. Ran, S.K. Yang, Y.D. Pan, L.Y. Chen, S.J. Qian |
1238-1242 | A double electron capture by alpha particles in collisions with hydrogen molecules in low temperature plasma | T. Oda, K. Sato, S. Namba, S. Kusakabe, K. Takahara, H. Tawara, T. Katsuta, K. Takiyama, U. Furukane |
1243-1247 | Study of hot tungsten emissive plate in high heat flux plasma on NAGDIS-I | M.Y. Ye, S. Takamura, N. Ohno |
1248-1252 | Impurity generation for low energy range of ion bombardment and its transport in a plasma | M. Kojima, S. Takamura |
1253-1276 | Author index | |
1277-1313 | Subject index | |
1314-1348 | Subject index for PSI-12 | |
91-120 | Assessment of relative contributions from different mechanisms to radiation embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steels | B. A. Gurovich, E. A. Kuleshova, Yu. A. Nikolaev, Ya. I. Shtrombakh |
121-125 | Post-irradiation fission gas release from high burn-up UO2 fuel annealed under oxidising conditions | J. H. Evans |
126-130 | In situ luminescence measurement at high temperature from Li2O under neutron irradiation | Victor Grishmanov, Satoru Tanaka, Takayuki Terai |
131-138 | Effect of precursors on the preparation of lithium aluminate | Sang Woon Kwon, Seung Bin Park |
139-143 | A study of hydrogen permeation in aluminum alloy treated by various oxidation processes | Wenhai Song, Jiaju Du, Yongli Xu, Bin Long |
144-149 | Formation of the monoclinic α″ phase in quenched U−3.6 at.% Ti−4.7 at.% W alloy | E. Kahana, M. Talianker, A. Landau |
150-157 | Solubility of magnesium in uranium dioxide | Takeo Fujino, Shohei Nakama, Nobuaki Sato, Kohta Yamada, Kousaku Fukuda, Hiroyuki Serizawa, Tetsuo Shiratori |
158-164 | The effects of oxidation on the thermal conductivity of (U, M)O2 pellets (M = Gd and/or simulated soluble FPs) | Masaki Amaya, Mutsumi Hirai |
165-170 | Investigation of impurity deposition on plasma facing component using electron beam technique | F. C. Sze, R. Doerner, S. Luckhardt, R. W. Conn |
171-179 | The behaviour of helium in neutron irradiated beryllium: a molecular dynamics study | J. -M. Cayphas, M. Hou, L. Coheur |
180-188 | High temperature interaction between Zircaloy-4 and Inconel-718 | H. Uetsuka, F. Nagase, T. Otomo |
189-195 | Hot hardness and indentation creep studies on Zr---1Nb---1Sn---0.1Fe alloy | T. R. G. Kutty, T. Jarvis, C. Ganguly |
196-205 | Creep rupture properties of a Ni---Cr---W superalloy in air environment | Yuji Kurata, Hirokazu Tsuji, Masami Shindo, Hajime Nakajima |
206-214 | Contribution of recoil atoms to irradiation damage in absorber materials | D. Simeone, O. Hablot, V. Micalet, P. Bellon, Y. Serruys |
215-222 | Advanced coatings for HTGR fuel particles against corrosion of SiC layer | Kazuo Minato, Kousaku Fukuda, Akiyoshi Ishikawa, Naoaki Mita |
223-231 | On the fission gas release from oxide fuels during normal grain growth | M. C. Paraschiv, A. Paraschiv, F. Glodeanu |
232-243 | On Raman spectroscopy of zirconium oxide films | P. Barberis, T. Merle-Méjean, P. Quintard |
244-246 | Thermal spike model for irradiation creep of amorphous solids: Comparison to experimental data for ion irradiated vitreous silica | H. Trinkaus |
247-251 | Supercharging of Zircaloy-4 | G. Domizzi, L. Lanzani, P. Coronel, P. Bruzzoni |
252-255 | Effects of thermal cycles on 222Rn permeability in Pb | S. K. Pabi, S. K. Bhattacharyya |
256-259 | Photothermal/photoacoustic method for in situ evaluation of radiation-hardened polyimide films | Randy Logan, A. A. Maznev, Keith A. Nelson, Janez Megusar |
261-262 | Author index | |
263-267 | Subject index | |
ii | Editorial Board | |
vii | Preface | M. Yamawaki, M. G. Adamson, H. Kleykamp |
1-6 | The high-temperature vaporization/decomposition of actinide materials: Fundamental and technological aspects | R. G. Haire |
7-10 | Vaporization features of oxide systems studied by high-temperature mass spectrometry | Valentina Stolyarova |
11-16 | Sweep gas chemistry effect on lithium transport from ceramic breeder blanket materials | M. Yamawaki, A. Suzuki, M. Yasumoto, K. Yamaguchi |
17-20 | Investigation of vaporization thermodynamics of SrUO3 by means of mass spectrometry | Jintao Huang, Michio Yamawaki, Kenji Yamaguchi, Masaru Yasumoto, Hiroshi Sakurai, Yasufumi Suzuki |
21-27 | Laser induced vaporization mass spectrometric studies on UO2 and graphite | M. Joseph, N. Sivakumar, D. Darwin Albert Raj, C. K. Mathews |
28-32 | Vaporisation studies on tellurium dioxide: A Knudsen effusion mass spectrometric study | T. S. Lakshmi Narasimhan, R. Balasubramanian, S. Nalini, M. Sai Baba |
33-36 | Vaporization behavior of neptunium mononitride | Kunihisa Nakajima, Yasuo Arai, Yasufumi Suzuki |
37-40 | Vapor pressure measurements of La---Gd alloys | Yoshiyuki Shoji, Tsuneo Matsui, Kinya Nakamura, Tadashi Inoue |
41-45 | Thermodynamic properties of the UO2---ZrO2 system studied by the isothermal mass spectrometric vaporization method | Valentina Stolyarova, Andrei Shilov, Mikhail Shultz |
46-49 | Distribution of molybdenum in FBR fuel irradiated to high burnup | I. Sato, H. Furuya, K. Idemitsu, T. Arima, K. Yamamoto, M. Kajitani |
50-58 | Migration behavior of palladium in uranium dioxide | Mitsuru Yoneyama, Seichi Sato, Hiroshi Ohashi, Toru Ogawa, Akinori Ito, Kousaku Fukuda |
59-62 | Phase relations and distribution of fission products in the Pu rock-like fuels with fluorite, spinel and corundum phases | Noriko Nitani, Hiroto Yokoi, Toshiyuki Yamashita, Toshihiko Ohmichi, Tsuneo Matsui, Tadasumi Muromura |
63-71 | Thermochemistry of IVA transition metal-oxygen solid solutions | Toshihide Tsuji |
72-75 | High temperature phase transitions of CaTiO3 and (Ca0.85Nd0.15)TiO3 by X-ray diffractometry and differential thermal analysis | Tsuneo Matsui, Hirotake Shigematsu, Yuji Arita, Yutaka Hanajiri, Norihiko Nakamitsu, Nakanori Nagasaki, Takanori Nagasaki |
76-81 | Recovery behavior of thermal conductivity in irradiated U02 pellets | Masaki Amaya, Mutsumi Hirai |
82-85 | An investigation of the thermal conductivity of Cs2 Mo04 | Tetsuya Ishii, Tomoyasu Mizuno |
86-89 | Investigation of thermodynamic properties of molten rare earth trichlorides by molecular dynamics method | Yoshihiro Okamoto, Hirokazu Hayashi, Toru Ogawa |
90-93 | Thermal expansion of neptunium-uranium mixed oxides | Toshiyuki Yamashita, Noriko Nitani, Toshihide Tsuji, Tetsuya Kato |
94-97 | Heat capacity measurements on CaTiO3 doped with Ce and La | Yuji Arita, Krishnamurthy Nagarajan, Toyo Ohashi, Tsuneo Matsui |
98-102 | Study on order-disorder transition of Hf---O alloys (O/Hf = 0.11 - 0.22) by heat capacity measurement | Tetsuya Kato, Toshihide Tsuji |
103-107 | Phase equilibria in the UO2-austenitic steel system up to 3000°C | Heiko Kleykamp |
108-115 | Polygonization and high burnup structure in nuclear fuels | Hj. Matzke, M. Kinoshita |
116-120 | The stoichiometry and the oxygen potential change of urania fuels during irradiation | Kwangheon Park, Myung-Seung Yang, Hyun-Soo Park |
121-126 | Specific heat of UO2-based SIMFUEL | Hj. Matzke, P. G. Lucuta, R. A. Verrall, J. Henderson |
127-130 | Formation of uranium and cerium nitrides by the reaction of carbides with NH3 and N2/H2 stream | Takashi Nakagawa, Hirotaka Matsuoka, Masaji Sawa, Masayuki Hirota, Masanobu Miyake, Masahiro Katsura |
131-137 | High temperature steam oxidation of U02 fuel pellets | M. Imamura, K. Une |
138-146 | Effect of external restraint on bubble swelling in U02 fuels | S. Kashibe, K. Une |
147-150 | Preparation of lanthanide nitrides by carbothermic reduction using ammonia | Takashi Nakagawa, Hirotaka Matsuoka, Masaji Sawa, Kenji Idehara, Masahiro Katsura |
151-157 | Thermodynamics of carbothermic synthesis of actinide mononitrides | Toru Ogawa, Yoshiro Shirasu, Kazuo Minato, Hiroyuki Serizawa |
158-160 | Thermodynamic studies of uranium-gadolinium-carbon system through the carbothermic reduction of the oxides | R. Vidhya, M. P. Antony, P. R. Vasudeva Rao |
161-171 | Transpiration studies on the volatilities of PuO3(g) and PuO2(OH)2(g) from PuO2(s) in the presence of steam and oxygen and application to plutonium volatility in mixed-waste thermal oxidation processors | Oscar H. Krikorian, Alfred S. Fontes Jr., Bartley B. Ebbinghaus, Martyn G. Adamson |
172-176 | Thermochemistry of lanthanum, neodymium, samarium and americium trihydroxides and their relation to the corresponding hydroxycarbonates | L. Merli, B. Lambert, J. Fuger |
177-182 | Light element thermodynamics related to actinide separations | Irving Johnson, C. E. Johnson |
183-190 | Actinides recovery from molten salt/liquid metal system by electrochemical methods | Masatoshi Iizuka, Tadafumi Koyama, Naruhito Kondo, Reiko Fujita, Hiroshi Tanaka |
191-196 | Identification of oxide phase and alloy phase obtained by heat treatment of calcined high level liquid waste with TiN reducing agent at 1873 K | Masayosi Uno, Hajime Kinoshita, Chie Miyake, Misato Horie |
197-202 | Equilibrium distributions of actinides and lanthanides in molten chloride salt and liquid zinc binary phase system | Hirotake Moriyama, Hajimu Yamana, Sataro Nishikawa, Yosuke Miyashita, Kimikazu Moritani, Toshiaki Mitsugashira |
203-207 | Temperature effect on technetium(VII) extraction by CMPO and TBP | Mitsuo Takeuchi, Satoru Tanaka, Michio Yamawaki |
208-214 | Pb---17Li and lithium: A thermodynamic rationalisation of their radically different chemistry | Peter Hubberstey |
215-221 | Thermochemical modeling of actinide alloys related to advanced fuel cycles | T. Ogawa, M. Akabori, F. Kobayashi, R. G. Haire |
222-226 | Heat capacity and phase transition of Zircaloy-4 | Takayuki Terai, Yoichi Takahashi, Shinya Masumura, Toshiaki Yoneoka |
227-231 | Electrodeposition of uranium in stirred liquid cadmium cathode | Tadafumi Koyama, Masatoshi Iizuka, Naruhito Kondo, Reiko Fujita, Hiroshi Tanaka |
232-234 | Thermodynamic study on UPd3 3 and U(Pd0.85Rh0.15)3 | Yuji Arita, Naohiko Sasajima, Tsuneo Matsui |
235-239 | Enthalpies of formation of CeNi2 and CeNi5 by calorimetry | B. Prabhakara Reddy, R. Babu, K. Nagarajan, P. R. Vasudeva Rao |
240-243 | An X-ray diffraction study of the Np---Ni system | M. Akabori, R. G. Haire, J. K. Gibson, Y. Okamoto, T. Ogawa |
244-248 | Influence of interstitial oxygen and nitrogen on hydrogen solubility in vanadium | Shinsuke Yamanaka, Yukio Kashiwara, Hironori Sugiyama, Masahiro Katsura |
249-251 | Heat capacity measurements of V---Ti---Cr ternary alloys | Takehiko Suzuki, Tsuneo Matsui |
252-257 | High-temperature reaction of (U, Gd) 02 with zirconium | Shinsuke Yamanaka, Katsumi Tsujimoto, Takashi Yamanaka, Masayoshi Uno, Masanobu Miyake, Masahiro Katsura |
258-264 | Thermodynamics of the U---O and Zr-systems and application to analysis of fuel liquefaction during severe accidents in light water reactors | D. R. Olander, Wei-E Wang |
265-272 | Characteristic thermodynamic properties of My | Takeo Fujino, Nobuaki Sato, Kohta Yamada |
273-276 | Studies on the oxygen potentials of (Uy | S. Anthonysamy, K. Nagarajan, P. R. Vasudeva Rao |
277-279 | Thermodynamics and phase equilibria of the system Ru---Te---O | G. Chattopadhyay, S. Vana Varamban, S. R. Bharadwaj |
280-284 | An electrochemical investigation of the thermodynamic properties of Na2Mo2O7 and Na2NiO3 | Tom Mathews, D. Krishnamurthy, T. Gnanasekaran |
285-288 | Phase equilibria of CaTi03 doped with Ce, Nd and U | Yutaka Hanajiri, Hiroto Yokoi, Tsuneo Matsui, Yuji Arita, Takanori Nagasaki, Hirotake Shigematsu |
289-292 | Study of the thermodynamic properties of (U, Ce)O2 | Kazuhiro Yamada, Shinsuke Yamanaka, Takashi Nakagawa, Masayoshi Uno, Masahiro Katsura |
293-300 | Phase diagram calculations of the U---Pu---N system with carbon and oxygen impurities | D. D. Sood, R. Agarwal, V. Venugopal |
301-303 | Regularities of phase equilibria in the binary uranium tetrachloride systems and their thermodynamic interpretation | Wiesaw Gawe |
304-308 | Phase equilibria of NdC13---NaCl---KCl | Yuji Hosoya, Takayuki Terai, Satoru Tanaka, Yoichi Takahashi |
309-314 | Thermal analysis of pseudo-binary system: LiCl---KCI eutectic and lanthanide trichloride | Kinya Nakamura, Masaki Kurata |
315-321 | Study on the hydrogen solubility in zirconium alloys | Shinsuke Yamanaka, Masanobu Miyake, Masahiro Katsura |
322-327 | Reactions of uranium nitride with platinum-family metals | Masayoshi Uno, Ken Kurosaki, Akira Nakamura |
328-332 | Study on the Nb---O---H ternary system | Shinsuke Yamanaka, Yoichi Sannomiya, Tsuneaki Minamiguchi, Masahiro Katsura |
333-338 | Hydrogen desorption properties of hydrogenated U---Th---Zr alloys | Hadi Suwarno, Takuya Yamamoto, Futaba Ono, Kenji Yamaguchi, Michio Yamawaki |
339-344 | Development of new reactor fuel materials: hydrogenation properties of U---Th---Zr alloys and neutron irradiation effects on their hydrides | Takuya Yamamoto, Hadi Suwamo, Hideo Kayano, Michio Yamawaki |
345-348 | Heat capacity measurement of (Cr−x | Katsuhiro Yasui, Kazushige Ishida, Toshihide Tsuji |
349-352 | Author index | |
353-361 | Subject index | |
ii | Editorial Board | |
vii | Foreword | M. Yamawaki, K. Yamaguchi |
1-8 | Physical sputtering and reflection processes in plasma-wall interactions | W. Eckstein |
9-14 | Retention, permeation and re-emission of deuterium implanted in Mo | S. Nagata, T. Hasunuma, K. Takahiro, S. Yamaguchi |
15-18 | Surface condition effects on plasma driven permeation | M. Takizawa, K. Kiuchi, M. Okamoto, Y. Fujii |
19-26 | Carbon chemistry due to combined H+ and O+ irradiation | A.A. Haasz, Allen Y.K. Chen, J.W. Davis, E. Vietzke |
27-33 | Retention and re-emission processes of hydrogen isotopes in graphite and beryllium | K. Morita, B. Tsuchiya |
34-37 | Effect of oxidation on thermal desorption of deuterium sorbed in graphite | A.V. Markin, A.E. Gorodetsky, A.P. Zakharov |
38-41 | Oxygen gettering properties of boron film produced by diborane dc glow discharge | T. Hino, T. Mochizuki, Y. Hirohata, K. Tsuzuki, N. Inoue, A. Sagara, N. Noda, O. Motojima, K. Mori, T. Sogabe, K. Kuroda |
42-45 | Retention of hydrogen isotopes in beryllium by simultaneous H+ and D+ irradiation | B. Tsuchiya, K. Morita |
46-51 | Interlayer structure changes of graphite after hydrogen ion irradiation | Yoshitaka Gotoh |
52-59 | Elementary processes near the interface between hydrogen gas and solid | A.A. Pisarev, O.V. Ogorodnikova |
60-63 | Permeation behavior of deuterium implanted into Ti6Al4V alloy | M. Arita, T. Hayashi, K. Okuno, Y. Hayashi |
64-71 | Profiling with tritium imaging | I. Youle, A.A. Haasz |
72-77 | Study on retention of hydrogen isotopes and helium in nickel using tritium beam test apparatus | M. Okada, R. Sato, K. Yamaguchi, M. Yamakawi |
78-84 | Advanced research of plasma wall interaction in China | J.P. Qian |
85-90 | Impurity production and transport processes in divertor regions | V.I. Pistunovich, V.A. Pozharov, D.Yu. Prokhorov |
91-100 | Advanced understanding of the tritium recovery process from the ceramic breeder blanket | Carl E. Johnson, John P. Kopasz, Shiu-Wing Tam |
101-105 | Tritium release from Li2O studied by infrared absorption spectroscopy | Satoru Tanaka, Masaki Taniguchi |
106-110 | Isotope exchange capacity of solid breeder materials | Atsushi Baba, Masabumi Nishikawa, Yoshinori Kawamura, Kenji Okuno |
111-115 | Study on the sweep gas chemistry effect on vaporization behavior of Li2TiO3 by means of HT mass spectrometry | Atsushi Suzuki, Michio Yamawaki, Masaru Yasumoto, Kenji Yamaguchi |
116-120 | Basic study of influence of radiation defects on tritium release processes from lithium silicates | A. Abramenkovs, J. Tiliks, G. Kizane, V. Grishmanovs, A. Supe |
121-127 | A study on irradiation-induced structural change of lithium orthosilicate by infrared spectroscopy analysis with MNDO calculation | T. Nakazawa, D. Yamaki, K. Noda |
128-131 | Influence of irradiation defects and atmosphere on luminescence and tritium release from Li2O | Victor Grishmanov, Satoru Tanaka, Toshiaki Yoneoka |
132-139 | In situ luminescence measurement of irradiation defects in ternary lithium ceramics under ion beam irradiation | Kimikazu Moritani, Hirotake Moriyama |
140-146 | Thermodynamics of the interactions between liquid breeders and ceramic coating materials | Peter Hubberstey, Tony Sample |
147-152 | Blanket design using FLiBe in helical-type fusion reactor FFHR | A. Sagara, O. Motojima, O. Mitarai, S. Imagawa, K. Watanabe, H. Yamanishi, H. Chikaraishi, A. Kohyama, H. Matsui, T. Muroga, N. Noda, T. Noda, N. Ohyabu, T. Satow, A.A. Shishkin, S. Tanaka, T. Terai, K. Yamazaki, J. Yamamoto and FFHR Group |
153-158 | Research and development on ceramic coatings for fusion reactor liquid blankets | Takayuki Terai |
159-164 | Tritium recovery from Li17Pb83 liquid breeder by permeation window method | T. Terai, A. Suzuki, S. Tanaka |
165-169 | Characterization of Y2O3 coating for liquid blanket | Masaru Nakamichi, Hiroshi Kawamura, Takayuki Terai, Satoru Tanaka |
170-179 | Formation of the rim structure in high burnup fuel | Hj. Matzke, J. Spino |
180-184 | Application of a mechanistic model for radiation-induced amorphization and crystallization of uranium silicide to recrystallization of UO2 | J. Rest |
185-190 | Towards the mathematical model of rim structure formation | M. Kinoshita |
191-195 | Radiation damage of UO2 by high-energy heavy ions | Kimio Hayashi, Hironobu Kikuchi, Kousaku Fukuda |
196-203 | Effect of grain size on recrystallization in high burnup fuel pellets | K. Nogita, K. Une, M. Hirai, K. Ito, K. Ito, Y. Shirai |
204-208 | Behavior of neutron-irradiated U3Si | M. Ugajin, M. Akabori, A. Itoh, N. Ooka, Y. Nakakura |
209-213 | The chemical state of defective uranium-plutonium oxide fuel pins irradiated in sodium cooled reactors | H. Kleykamp |
214-219 | Chemical processes in defective LWR fuel rods | D.R. Olander, Wei-E. Wang, Yeon Soo Kim, C.Y. Li, S. Lim, Suresh K. Yagnik |
220-225 | Radiation effect on the chemical state of fission product iodine | Kenji Konashi, Yoshinobu Siokawa, Hideo Kayano, Michio Yamawaki |
226-232 | Experimental analyses of iodine behavior under severe accident conditions with ART | Akihide Hidaka, Minoru Igarashi, Kazuichiro Hashimoto, Takehito Yoshino, Jun Sugimoto |
233-237 | Vaporization behavior of SrPuO3 | Kunihisa Nakajima, Yasuo Arai, Yasufumi Suzuki, Michio Yamawaki |
238-248 | High burnup fuel behavior related to fission gas effects under reactivity initiated accidents (RIA) conditions | F. Lemoine |
249-256 | Fuel failure and fission gas release in high burnup PWR fuels under RIA conditions | Toyoshi Fuketa, Hideo Sasajima, Yukihide Mori, Kiyomi Ishijima |
257-261 | Vaporization properties of SrUO3 and BaUO3 in atmospheres simulating accident conditions | Jintao Huang, Michio Yamawaki, Kenji Yamaguchi, Masaru Yasumoto, Hiroshi Sakurai, Yasufumi Suzuki |
262-267 | Effects of pellet microstructure on irradiation behavior of UO2 fuel | R. Yuda, H. Harada, M. Hirai, T. Hosokawa, K. Une, S. Kashibe, S. Shimizu, T. Kubo |
268-274 | Irradiation effects on corrosion of zirconium alloy claddings | Florence Lefebvre, Clément Lemaignan |
275-280 | BWR Zircaloy cladding corrosion behavior — effect of microstructure | S. Shimada, Y. Etoh, K. Tomida |
281-287 | PWR Zircaloy cladding corrosion behavior: quantitative analyses | T. Kido, K. Kanasugi, M. Sugano, K. Komatsu |
288-291 | Effect of the segregation-induced potential barrier on gas/solid kinetics. Impact on corrosion kinetics of Zircaloy | J. Nowotny, C.C. Sorrell, M. Yamawaki |
292-298 | Formation and dissolution of oxide film on zirconium alloys in 288°C pure water under γ-ray irradiation | Yoshitaka Nishino, Masao Endo, Eishi Ibe, Takayoshi Yasuda |
299-305 | Study of environmental effects on water-side corrosion of Zircaloy-2 fuel cladding | Y. Etoh, S. Shimada, M. Sasaki, T. Kogai, H. Hayashi, M. Kitamura, K. Tsuji, M. Yamawaki |
306-310 | Effects of the solid-solid interface on the thermal behavior of deuterium in zircaloy cladding tubes | I. Takagi, M. Hashizumi, A. Yamagami, K. Maehara, K. Higashi |
311-314 | Influence of size distribution of Zr(Fe, Cr)2 precipitates on hydrogen transport through oxide film of Zircaloy-4 | Y. Hatano, R. Hitaka, M. Sugisaki, M. Hayashi |
315-318 | Observation of the spatial distribution of hydrogen in Zircaloy-2 oxidized in H2O steam at 723 K by a technique of tritium microautoradiography | K. Isobe, Y. Hatano, M. Sugisaki |
319-322 | Study on surface defect structures of ZrO2 and some doped ZrO2 by means of work function measurement | Michio Yamawaki, Atsushi Suzuki, Futaba Ono, Kenji Yamaguchi |
323-327 | Interfacial behavior of actinides with colloids in the geosphere | Shinya Nagasaki, Satoru Tanaka, Atsuyuki Suzuki |
328-332 | Effects of humic acid on the sorption of neptunium(V) on kaolinite | Yoshinobu Niitsu, Seichi Sato, Hiroshi Ohashi, Yoshiaki Sakamoto, Seiya Nagao, Toshihiko Ohnuki, Susumu Muraoka |
333-337 | Surface complexation modeling for description of actinide sorption at the buffer materials/water interface | Masaki Tsukamoto, Tomonari Fujita, Toshiaki Ohe |
338-342 | Nutridation of uranium and rare-earth metals in liquid Cd | Mitsuo Akabori, Akinori Itoh, Toru Ogawa |
343-347 | High temperature liquid metal corrosion and high temperature electrical conductivity of Y2O3 | Toshiaki Yoneoka, Takayuki Terai, Yoichi Takahashi |
348-353 | Compatibility of structural materials with molten chloride mixture at high temperature | Yuji Hosoya, Takayuki Terai, Toshiaki Yoneoka, Satoru Tanaka |
354-359 | Application of ion beams to synthesis of environmentally responsive track membranes | H. Omichi, M. Yoshida, M. Asano, N. Nagaoka, H. Kubota, R. Katakai, R. Spohr |
360-368 | Medical and other applications of high-energy heavy-ion beams from HIMAC | T. Murakami, H. Tsujii, Y. Furusawa, K. Ando, T. Kanai, S. Yamada, K. Kawachi |
369-373 | Exciplex emission from amphiphilic polysilanes bearing ammonium moieties | Tetsuya Yamaki, Yukio Nakashiba, Keisuke Asai, Kenkichi Ishigure, Shuhei Seki, Seiichi Tagawa, Hiromi Shibata |
374-379 | Femto-second electron pulses from a linear accelerator | H. Wiedemann, D. Bocek, M. Hernandez, C. Settakorn |
380-385 | Production and utilization of synchronized femtosecond electron and laser single pulses | M. Uesaka, T. Watanabe, T. Ueda, M. Kando, K. Nakajima, H. Kotaki, A. Ogata |
386-391 | Novel interferometers for femtosecond phase spectroscopy | Takayoshi Kobayashi, Kazuhiko Misawa |
392-399 | Production of femtosecond single-bunched electrons by laser wakefield acceleration | A. Ogata, K. Nakajima, N. Andreev |
400-404 | A molecular dynamics study for ultrafast process of radiation damage in materials | K. Morishita, N. Sekimura, T. Diaz de la Rubia |
405-407 | Interaction of terawatt laser with plasma | M. Kando, K. Nakajima, M. Arinaga, T. Kawakubo, H. Nakanishi, A. Ogata, T. Kozawa, T. Ueda, M. Uesaka |
408-411 | Laser and X-ray spectroscopic studies of uranium-calcite interface phenomena | G. Geipel, T. Reich, V. Brendler, G. Bernhard, H. Nitsche |
412-417 | Application of quantum beams to analysis of radioactive materials | M. Petri, L. Leibowitz, C.E. Johnson |
418-427 | Chemistry of excited states: Its impact on plasma wall interactions in fusion devices | T. Tanabe |
428-434 | Investigation of hydrogen covered crystalline surfaces by low-energy ion-scattering and recoiling spectroscopy | O. Grizzi, J.E. Gayone, G.R. Gómez, R.G. Pregliasco, E.A. Sánchez |
435-438 | Application of synchrotron radiation to analysis of local structures in energy-related materials | Tsuneo Matsui, Tatsuya Tokunaga, Takanori Nagasaki, Yuji Arita, Hirotake Shigematsu, Taikan Harami, Hideo Ohno, Katsumi Kobayashi |
439-442 | Measurement of a knock-on process induced by an ion beam | Makoto Teshigawara, Kenji Konashi, Hideo Kayano |
443-447 | Hydrogen analysis of silicon surfaces by low-energy ion beams | Fumiya Shoji, Kenjiro Oura |
449-453 | Author index | |
454-464 | Subject index | |
213-255 | Thermodynamic modelling of the O–U–Zr system | P. Y. Chevalier, E. Fischer |
256-262 | Thermodynamic analysis of the Cs–Te system around the Cs2Te phase | H. P. Nawada, O. M. Sreedharan |
263-273 | Internal friction and anelastic properties of vanadium and V–Ti–Cr alloys | V. M. Chernov, B. K. Kardashev, L. M. Krjukova, L. I. Mamaev, O. A. Plaksin, A. E. Rusanov, M. I. Solonin, V. A. Stepanov, S. N. Votinov, L. P. Zavialski |
274-281 | Comparison of hot dip aluminised F82H-mod. steel after different subsequent heat treatments | H. Glasbrenner, O. Wedemeyer |
282-286 | Modeling the structure of zircon (ZrSiO4): empirical potentials, ab initio electronic structure | Jean-Paul Crocombette, Dominique Ghaleb |
287-294 | Surface chemical behavior of triuranium octaoxide in the atmospheres of carbon monoxide and hydrogen | Xiaolin Wang, Yibei Fu, Renshou Xie |
295-302 | Accumulation and recovery of irradiation damage in He+ implanted α-SiC | W. Jiang, W. J. Weber, S. Thevuthasan, D. E. McCready |
303-308 | Notch position in the HAZ specimen of reactor pressure vessel steel | J. H. Kim, E. P. Yoon |
309-317 | Synthesis of lithium silicates | Heriberto Pfeiffer, Pedro Bosch, Silvia Bulbulian |
318-330 | An analysis of density distribution in UO2 green pellet by finite element method | K. Yanai, M. Hirai, T. Ishikawa, J. Ishizaki, H. Saitoh |
1-6 | Fusion R&D strategy for Japan | A. Iiyoshi |
7-17 | The challenge of developing structural materials for fusion power systems | Everett E. Bloom |
18-29 | Impacts of damage production and accumulation on materials performance in irradiation environment | B. N. Singh |
30-46 | Materials science problems of blankets in Russian concept of fusion reactor | M. I. Solonin |
47-55 | IFMIF, its facility concept and technology | Tatsuo Kondo |
56-64 | Present status and future prospect of the ITER project | R. Aymar, ITER Joint Central Team, Home Teams |
65-73 | Materials integration issues for high performance fusion power systems | D. L. Smith, M. C. Billone, S. Majumdar, R. F. Mattas, D. -K. Sze |
74-84 | Design and material selection for ITER first wall/blanket, divertor and vacuum vessel | K. Ioki, V. Barabash, A. Cardella, F. Elio, Y. Gohar, G. Janeschitz, G. Johnson, G. Kalinin, D. Lousteau, M. Onozuka, R. Parker, G. Sannazzaro, R. Tivey |
85-96 | Materials design data for fusion reactors | A. A. F. Tavassoli |
97-105 | Users' requirements for IFMIF | K. Noda, K. Ehrlich, S. Jitsukawa, A. Möslang, S. Zinkle |
106-112 | Conceptual design of the international fusion materials irradiation facility (IFMIF) | T. E. Shannon, R. A. Jameson, H. Katsuta, H. Maekawa, M. Martone, A. Möslang, V. Teplyakov, M. J. Rennich |
113-123 | Atomic processes during damage production and defect retention | Nasr M. Ghoniem |
124-129 | Hydrogen inventory and embrittlement in low activation steels | P. Jung |
130-139 | The influence of neutron spectrum and irradiation history on microstructural evolution in fusion structural materials | T. Muroga, S. Ohnuki, F. A. Garner, S. J. Zinkle |
140-148 | Ceramic breeder materials: Status and needs | C. E. Johnson, K. Noda, N. Roux |
149-159 | Carbon fiber composites application in ITER plasma facing components | V. Barabash, M. Akiba, J. P. Bonal, G. Federici, R. Matera, K. Nakamura, H. D. Pacher, M. Rödig, G. Vieider, C. H. Wu |
160-172 | Development of tungsten armor and bonding to copper for plasma-interactive components | I. Smid, M. Akiba, G. Vieider, L. Plöchl |
173-182 | Impacts of charge-exchange neutrals on degradation of plasma-facing materials | N. Yoshida, Y. Hirooka |
183-192 | Austenitic stainless steels and high strength copper alloys for fusion components | A. F. Rowcliffe, S. J. Zinkle, J. F. Stubbins, D. J. Edwards, D. J. Alexander |
193-204 | Current status and future R&D for reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels | A. Hishinuma, A. Kohyama, R. L. Klueh, D. S. Gelles, W. Dietz, K. Ehrlich |
205-214 | Research and development on vanadium alloys for fusion applications | S. J. Zinkle, H. Matsui, D. L. Smith, A. F. Rowcliffe, E.van Osch, K. Abe, V. A. Kazakov |
215-225 | Current status of SiC/SiC composites R&D | P. Fenici, A. J. Frias Rebelo, R. H. Jones, A. Kohyama, L. L. Snead |
226-233 | General radiation problems for insulating materials in future fusion devices | E. R. Hodgson |
234-240 | Review of SC magnet technologies developed in LHD project | O. Motojima, N. Yanagi, A. Nishimura |
241-251 | Current status and future of IASCC research | Tetsuo Shoji, Shun-ichi Suzuki, K. S. Raja |
252-257 | Fabrication and high heat flux testing of plasma sprayed beryllium ITER first wall mock-ups | R. G. Castro, K. E. Elliot, R. D. Watson, D. L. Youchison, K. T. Slattery |
258-264 | Development of joining technology for Be/Cu-alloy and Be/SS by HIP | Toshimasa Kuroda, Toshihisa Hatano, Mikio Enoeda, Satoshi Sato, Kazuyuki Furuya, Hideyuki Takatsu, Takaharu Iwadachi, Kiyotoshi Nishida |
265-270 | Optimization of HIP bonding conditions for ITER shielding blanket/first wall made from austenitic stainless steel and dispersion strengthened copper alloy | S. Sato, T. Hatano, T. Kuroda, K. Furuya, S. Hara, M. Enoeda, H. Takatsu |
271-274 | Development and material testing of OF-Cu /DS-Cu/OF-Cu triplex tube (dispersion strengthened copper clad with oxygen free-copper) and trial fabrication of a vertical target mock-up for ITER divertor | Y. Gotoh, H. Okamura, S. Kajiura, M. Kumagai, T. Ando, M. Akiba, S. Suzuki, T. Suzuki |
275-280 | Effects of interface edge configuration on residual stress in the bonded structures for a divertor application | K. Kitamura, K. Nagata, M. Shibui, N. Tachikawa, M. Araki |
281-288 | Influence of brazing conditions on the strength of brazed joints of alumina dispersion-strengthened copper to 316 stainless steel | H. Nishi, K. Kikuchi |
289-294 | Calculation of radiation-induced deformation in the ITER vacuum vessel | Johsei Nagakawa |
295-300 | Tritium behavior in eroded dust and debris of plasma-facing materials | A.Hassanein, B. Wiechers, I. Konkashbaev |
301-307 | Irradiation testing of 316L(N)-IG austenitic stainless steel for ITER | E. V. van Osch, M. G. Horsten, M. I. de Vries |
308-312 | Assessment of tungsten for use in the ITER plasma facing components | J. W. Davis, V. R. Barabash, A. Makhankov, L. Plöchl, K. T. Slattery |
313-317 | Interface formation and strength of Be/DSCu diffusion bonding | T. Makino, T. Iwadachi |
318-322 | Development of divertor plate with CFCs bonded onto DSCu cooling tube for fusion reactor application | S. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, M. Araki, K. Nakamura, M. Akiba |
323-328 | Material properties and design requirements for copper alloys used in ITER | J. W. Davis, G. M. Kalinin |
329-334 | A review of the US joining technologies for plasma facing components in the ITER fusion reactor | B. C. Odegard Jr., C. H. Cadden, R. D. Watson, K. T. Slattery |
335-338 | Influence of materials choice on occupational radiation exposure in ITER | C. B. A. Forty, J. D. Firth, G. J. Butterworth |
339-344 | Neutron radiation effects of the center conductor post in a low aspect ratio tokamak reactor | Yican Wu, Bingjia Xiao, Qunying Huang, Lijian Qiu |
345-350 | Comparative analysis of copper alloys for the heat sink of plasma facing components in ITER | G. Kalinin, R. Matera |
351-356 | Assessment of the corrosion behaviour of structural materials in the water coolant of ITER | V. Belous, G. Kalinin, P. Lorenzetto, S. Velikopolskiy |
357-361 | Water-cooled Pb–17Li test blanket module for ITER: Impact of the structural material grade on the neutronic responses | G. Vella, G. Aiello, M. A. Fütterer, L. Giancarli, E. Oliveri, F. Tavassoli |
362-366 | Temperature controlled material irradiation in the advanced test reactor | F. W. Ingram, A. J. Palmer, D. J. Stites |
367-371 | Accelerator conceptual design of the international fusion materials irradiation facility | M. Sugimoto, R. A. Jameson, V. Teplyakov, D. Berwald, B. Blind, D. Bruhwiler, H. Deitinghoff, R. Ferdinand, M. Kinsho, H. Klein, J. -M. Lagniel, A. Miyahara, M. Olivier, M. Peakock, E. Piechowiak, Y. Pozimski, J. Rathke, Y. Tanabe, K. Volk |
372-377 | Development of rig for systematic irradiation tests of fusion reactor materials in a fission reactor | Minoru Narui, Tsutomu Sagawa, Tatsuo Shikama |
378-382 | Irradiation techniques under high pressurized water using hybrid type saturated temperature capsule in the JMTR | Y. Matsui, M. Niimi, T. Hoshiya, T. Tsukada, H. Tsuji |
383-387 | Development of a triple beam irradiation facility | S. Hamada, Y. Miwa, D. Yamaki, Y. Katano, T. Nakazawa, K. Noda |
388-393 | Present status of the conceptual design of IFMIF target facility | H. Katsuta, Y. Kato, S. Konishi, Y. Miyauchi, D. Smith, T. Hua, L. Green, G. Benamati, S. Cevolani, H. Roehrig, W. Schutz |
394-399 | Impurity control in liquid lithium loop for IFMIF target facility | Y. Kato, H. Katsuta, S. Konishi, M. Ogoshi, T. Hua, L. Green, S. Cevolani |
400-406 | Design concept for the IFMIF test assemblies | J. R. Haines, I. Jitsukawa, A. Möslang, K. Noda, R. Viola, S. J. Zinkle |
407-412 | A varying temperature irradiation experiment for operation in HFIR | A. L. Qualls, T. Muroga |
413-420 | Characterization of the irradiation parameters in the IFMIF high flux test region | E. Daum, P. P. H. Wilson, U. Fischer, K. Ehrlich |
421-426 | Characterization of the volume for high dose irradiations with IFMIF | E. Daum, P. P. H. Wilson, A. Möslang |
427-432 | Overview of the IFMIF test facility | A. Möslang, C. Antonnucci, E. Daum, J. R. Haines, I. Jitsukawa, K. Noda, S. Zinkle |
433-439 | Divertor materials evaluation system (DiMES) | C. P. C. Wong, D. G. Whyte, R. J. Bastasz, J. Brooks, W. P. West, W. R. Wampler |
440-445 | Experimental and analytical studies on high-speed plane jet along concave wall simulating IFMIF Li target flow | Hideo Nakamura, Kazuhiro Itoh, Yutaka Kukita, Mizuho Ida, Yoshio Kato, Hiroshi Maekawa, Hiroji Katsuta |
446-451 | A remotely operated FIMEC apparatus for the mechanical characterization of neutron irradiated materials | A. Donato, P. Gondi, R. Montanari, L. Moreschi, A. Sili, S. Storai |
452-456 | Examination of indention geometry-constitutive behaviour relations with confocal microscopy and finite element modeling | C. Santos, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas, T. Yamamoto |
457-461 | Development of a miniaturized hour-glass shaped fatigue specimen | Y. Miwa, S. Jitsukawa, A. Hishinuma |
462-465 | Effect of specimen type and size on fracture resistance curve determination for CuCrZr alloy | Päivi Karjalainen-Roikonen, Mika Pyykkönen, Seppo Tähtinen |
466-470 | Deformation analysis of small size bend specimens by FEM calculation to estimate irradiation induced embrittlement of Mo and W | Kazukiyo Ueda, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe |
471-473 | Handling of beryllium | Aniceto A. Goraieb |
474-480 | Sorption and desorption phenomena of D2O on the surface of piping materials | Rumi Ohmori, Toshiaki Yoneoka, Masaki Taniguchi, Satoru Tanaka |
481-487 | Improvement of hydriding properties of a Zr1Ni1 alloy by adding third transition metals for tritium recovery | T. Kabutomori, Y. Wakisaka, K. Tsuchiya, H. Kawamura |
488-494 | Development and performance of aluminum nitride insulating coatings for application in a lithium environment | K. Natesan, C. B. Reed, D. L. Rink, R. C. Haglund |
495-499 | Reassessment of Li colloid production and characterization in irradiated Li2O | P. Vajda, F. Beuneu |
500-504 | Solubility of hydrogen fluoride in the molten LiF–PbF2 | Murat Ablanov, Haruaki Matsuura, Ryuzo Takagi |
505-507 | Self-adjustment of Li in Pb–17Li systems | H. Feuerstein, L. Hörner, S. Horn |
508-512 | Magnetic field effect on the deposition of nickel in molten Pb–17Li | F. Barbier, A. Alemany |
513-518 | Compatibility of structural materials with Li2BeF4 molten salt breeder | T. Terai, Y. Hosoya, S. Tanaka, A. Sagara, O. Motojima |
519-524 | Change of tritium species in Li2BeF4 molten salt breeder under neutron irradiation at elevated temperature | A. Suzuki, T. Terai, S. Tanaka |
525-530 | Production behavior of irradiation defects in ternary lithium ceramics under ion beam irradiation | Kimikazu Moritani, Hirotake Moriyama |
531-536 | Ab initio Hartree–Fock study on surface desorption process in tritium release | Masaki Taniguchi, Satoru Tanaka |
537-542 | Study on interaction of hydrogen isotopes with radiolysis products in lithium oxide | Viktors Grimanovs, Masaki Taniguchi, Satoru Tanaka, Toshiaki Yoneoka |
543-548 | Tritium release behavior from neutron-irradiated Li2TiO3 single crystal | Takaaki Tanifuji, Daiju Yamaki, Shoichi Nasu, Kenji Noda |
549-554 | Helium release from neutron-irradiated Li2O single crystals | Daiju Yamaki, Takaaki Tanifuji, Kenji Noda |
555-561 | Anomalous exchange of deuterium implanted into an oxide ceramic for protium in air vapor | B. Tsuchiya, E. Iizuka, K. Soda, K. Morita, H. Iwahara |
562-565 | Sweep gas chemistry effect on vaporization property of Li2ZrO3 | Atsushi Suzuki, Masahisa Tonegawa, Masaru Yasumoto, Kenji Yamaguchi, Michio Yamawaki |
566-570 | Microstructure and mechanical properties of neutron irradiated beryllium | E. Ishitsuka, H. Kawamura, T. Terai, S. Tanaka |
571-575 | Ab initio MO study on hydrogen release from surface of lithium silicate | T. Nakazawa, K. Yokoyama, K. Noda |
576-581 | Thermal and mechanical properties of ceramic blanket particle bed materials: Numerical derivation | Mohamed Abdou, Alice Ying, Zi Lu |
582-586 | The behaviour of the natural oxide of MANET as permeation barrier under cyclic loads: Self-healing | A. Perujo, H. Kolbe |
587-594 | Irradiation effects in ceramic breeder materials | Hirotake Moriyama, Satoru Tanaka, Kenji Noda |
595-600 | Critical assessment of beryllium pebbles response under neutron irradiation: Mechanical performance and tritium release | F. Scaffidi-Argentina, M. Dalle Donne, H. Werle |
601-606 | Beryllium R&D for blanket application | M. Dalle Donne, G. R. Longhurst, H. Kawamura, F. Scaffidi-Argentina |
607-611 | The dependence on ion energy and temperature of helium trapping in nickel | H. Yanagihara, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino |
612-617 | Gas and hydrogen ion gettering properties of lithium | T. Hino, K. Kanaya, I. Takahashi, H. Yanagihara, M. Hashiba, Y. Hirohata, K. Mori |
618-621 | Molecular dynamics simulation of atomic beam bombardment on a solid surface | Koichiro Ezato, Tomoaki Kunugi |
622-627 | Deuterium migration in titanium during deuteron irradiation observed by proton spectra of the d(d,p)t reaction | Hiroshi Kudo, Yasuo Kosaku, Yuji Ando, Masayuki Hiraga, Tsutomu Sekine |
628-633 | Erosion and surface morphology of graphite materials under high flux beam irradiation | Y. Ueda, T. Sugai, K. Shiota, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Isobe, M. Nishikawa |
634-639 | Material damage to beryllium, carbon, and tungsten under severe thermal shocks | J. Linke, R. Duwe, A. Gervash, R. H. Qian, M. Rödig, A. Schuster |
640-644 | Tritium saturation in plasma-facing materials surfaces | Glen R. Longhurst, Robert A. Anderl, Rion A. Causey, Gianfranco Federici, Anthony A. Haasz, Robert J. Pawelko |
645-652 | Performance and lifetime assessment of reactor wall and nearby components during plasma instabilities | A. Hassanein, I. Konkashbaev |
653-657 | Behaviour of plasma facing materials under VDE | M. Merola, M. Rödig, J. Linke, R. Duwe, G. Vieider |
658-661 | Analysis of the mechanism and source of contamination of diagnostic windows in fusion devices | V. S. Voitsenya |
662-665 | Derivation of hydrogen transport parameters in carbon fibre composites by modelling transient release in isovolumetric desorption experiments | L. A. Sedano, S. Alberici, A. Perujo, J. Camposilvan, K. Douglas |
666-671 | Influence of target chemical activity on Balmer lines emission from backscattered hydrogen | Akihiro Ohmori, Tetsuo Tanabe |
672-676 | On the use of flat tile armour in high heat flux components | M. Merola, G. Vieider |
677-681 | Development of material irradiation rig with precision temperature control in experimental fast reactor JOYO | H. Kataoka, T. Yasu, H. Takatsudo, S. Miyakawa |
682-685 | Damages of hot-pressed boron carbide during solid target boronization in Uragan-3M torsatron | G. P. Glazunov, E. D. Volkov, O. S. Pavlichenko, V. S. Voitsenya, N. I. Nazarov, V. G. Kotenko, S. Tanaka, O. Motojima |
686-693 | Transmutation of plasma facing materials by the neutron flux in a DT fusion reactor | R. Behrisch, V. Khripunov, R. T. Santoro, J. M. Yesil |
694-699 | Gas bubbles in beryllium implanted with He ions at temperatures 700 K and after post-implantation annealing | V. N. Chernikov, H. Ullmaier, A. P. Zakharov |
700-705 | Erosion of carbon-based materials in a steady-state deuterium plasma | B. I. Khripunov, V. B. Petrov, Yu. V. Martynenko, A. M. Litnovsky, N. V. Antonov, V. V. Shapkin |
706-712 | Development of multi-element doped graphite and its modification of chemical erosion | J. P. Qian, J. Roth, J. R. Song, F. Zhang, L. Yang, G. T. Zhai |
713-718 | Molecular dynamics evaluation of self-sputtering of beryllium | Shuzo Ueda, Toshiro Ohsaka, Satoru Kuwajima |
719-723 | Microstructural study of hydrogen-implanted beryllium | S. P. Vagin, P. V. Chakrov, B. D. Utkelbayev, L. A. Jacobson, R. D. Field, H. Kung |
724-728 | Temperature dependence of sputtering yield of carbon fiber-reinforced carbon composites with low energy and high flux deuterium ions | R. Jimbou, K. Nakamura, V. Bandourko, Y. Okumura, M. Akiba |
729-734 | Dynamical simulation for sputtering of B4C | T. Kenmotsu, T. Kawamura, T. Ono, Y. Yamamura |
735-739 | Boron ion particles sputtered from boron films deposited on graphites | Y. Ohtsuka, M. Tsuji, Y. Kitamura, Y. Ueda, M. Isobe, M. Nishikawa |
740-744 | Thermal stability and chemical erosion of the silicon doped CFC material NS31 | M. Balden, J. Roth, C. H. Wu |
745-749 | Steady state wall pumping performance of pebble drop divertor | M. Isobe, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Ueda, M. Nishikawa |
750-756 | Steam-chemical reactivity for irradiated beryllium | R. A. Anderl, K. A. McCarthy, M. A. Oates, D. A. Petti, R. J. Pawelko, G. R. Smolik |
757-763 | High heat flux erosion of carbon fibre composite materials in the TEXTOR tokamak | H. Bolt, T. Scholz, J. Boedo, K. H. Finken, A. Hassanein |
764-769 | Oxidation induced release of deuterium from carbon based plasma facing materials | S. Alberici, J. P. Coad, H. -K. Hinssen, R. Moormann, P. Wienhold, C. H. Wu |
770-776 | Investigation of oxidation resistance of carbon based first-wall liner material Aerolor AO5 | A. -K. Krüssenberg, R. Moormann, H. -K. Hinssen, M. Hofmann, C. H. Wu |
777-781 | Modelling of tritium permeation through beryllium as plasma facing material | L. Berardinucci |
782-786 | The impact of larger clusters formation C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, and C10 on the rates of carbon sublimation at elevated temperatures | C. H. Wu, U. Mszanowski, J. M. L. Martin |
787-792 | Behaviour of Si and Ti doped carbon composites under exposure to the deuterium plasma | M. Rubel, N. Almqvist, P. Wienhold, C. H. Wu |
793-797 | Activation of beryllium in a fusion power plant | C. B. A. Forty, R. A. Forrest, G. J. Butterworth |
798-802 | Influence of loading method on hydrogen retention and release from beryllium | A. Kh. Klepikov, I. L. Tazhibaeva, O. G. Romanenko, Y. V. Chikhray, V. P. Shestakov, E. A. Kenzhin |
803-807 | Deuterium accumulation in beryllium oxide layer exposed to deuterium atoms | V. M. Sharapov, V. Kh. Alimov, L. E. Gavrilov |
808-813 | Investigation of ITER candidate beryllium grades irradiated at high temperature | I. B. Kupriyanov, V. A. Gorokhov, R. R. Melder, Z. E. Ostrovsky, A. A. Gervash |
814-820 | Effects of prestresses on mechanical properties of isotropic graphite materials | T. Oku, A. Kurumada, Y. Imamura, K. Kawamata, M. Shiraishi |
821-827 | The thermal shock resistance of a joining material of C/C composite and copper | Akira Kurumada, Tatsuo Oku, Yoshio Imamura, Kiyohiro Kawamata, Osamu Motojima, Nobuaki Noda, Brian McEnaney |
828-832 | Disruption and sputtering erosions on SiC doped CFC | K. Nakamura, S. Suzuki, M. Dairaku, K. Yokoyama, Y. Okumura, T. Suzuki, R. Jimbou, V. Bandourko, M. Akiba |
833-838 | Overview of EU CFCs development for plasma facing materials | C. H. Wu, C. Alessandrini, P. Bonal, H. Grote, R. Moormann, M. Rödig, J. Roth, H. Werle, G. Vieider |
839-842 | Thermodynamics of the formation of CH4 by the reaction of carbon materials by a stream of NH3 | M. Katsura, K. Nishimaki, T. Nakagawa, T. A. Yamamoto, M. Hirota, M. Miyake |
843-847 | High energy neutron and charged particle irradiation effects on thermomechanical properties of carbon–carbon composites for divertor applications | M. Eto, S. Baba, M. Ishihara, H. Ugachi |
848-852 | Neutron irradiation embrittlement of polycrystalline and single crystalline molybdenum | K. Watanabe, A. Hishinuma, Y. Hiraoka, T. Fujii |
853-857 | High-heat-flux-exposure-experiments of a tungsten-test-limiter at TEXTOR-94 | M. Wada, T. Tanabe, V. Philipps, B. Unterberg, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, J. Rapp, Y. Ueda, K. Ohya, T. Ohgo, N. Noda |
858-864 | Experiments with tungsten limiters in TEXTOR-94 | V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, A. Kirschner, J. Rapp, B. Schweer, P. Wienhold, G. van Oost, G. Sergienko, T. Tanabe, K. Ohya, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, M. Rubel |
865-872 | Effects of neutron irradiation on microstructure and deformation behaviour of mono- and polycrystalline molybdenum and its alloys | B. N. Singh, J. H. Evans, A. Horsewell, P. Toft, G. V. Müller |
873-878 | Hardening behavior of molybdenum by low energy He and D ion irradiation | H. Iwakiri, H. Wakimoto, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida |
879-882 | Microstructure of tantalum irradiated with heavy ions | K. Yasunaga, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida, T. Muroga, N. Noda |
883-888 | Radiation embrittlement of Mo–Re welds under low-temperature irradiation in the SM reactor | V. P. Chakin, F. Morito, V. A. Kazakov, Yu. D. Goncharenko, Z. E. Ostrovsky |
889-895 | Deuterium retention in tungsten for fusion use | A. A. Haasz, J. W. Davis, M. Poon, R. G. Macaulay-Newcombe |
896-901 | Hydrogen retention in high-Z | H. Atsumi, T. Tanabe |
902-906 | Neutron irradiation embrittlement of molybdenum rhenium alloys and their improvement by heat treatment | Akira Hasegawa, Kazukiyo Ueda, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe |
907-911 | Carbon effect on retention and release of deuterium implanted in Mo | S. Nagata, K. Takahiro, S. Yamaguchi |
912-916 | Erosion of W and deposition of C due to bombardment with D and CH3 | W. Eckstein, K. Krieger, J. Roth |
917-920 | Tungsten self-sputtering yield with different incidence angles and target temperatures | Vassili Bandourko, Ryutarou Jimbou, Kazuyuki Nakamura, Masato Akiba |
921-926 | Performance of tungsten coatings as plasma facing components used in ASDEX Upgrade | H. Maier, S. Kötterl, K. Krieger, R. Neu, M. Balden, ASDEX Upgrade-Team |
927-933 | The effective secondary electron yield in the space-charge limited condition | I. V. Tsvetkov, T. Tanabe |
934-939 | Transmutation and induced radioactivity of W in the armor and first wall of fusion reactors | Tetsuji Noda, Mitsutane Fujita, Masatoshi Okada |
940-944 | Response of dynamically compacted tungsten to high fluence neutron irradiation at 423–600°C in FFTF | J. Megusar, F. A. Garner |
945-949 | Microstructural evolution in Cu–A125 alloy under 300 keV Cu+ ion irradiation | Jing Li, Hui Xu, Jinnan Yu, Baoli Wu, Qingfu He |
950-954 | Fracture strengths of HIPed DS-Cu/SS joints for ITER shielding blanket/first wall | T. Hatano, M. Kanari, S. Sato, M. Gotoh, K. Furuya, T. Kuroda, M. Saito, M. Enoeda, H. Takatsu |
955-960 | Effects of solid transmutants and helium in copper studied by mixed-spectrum neutron irradiation | T. Muroga, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida |
961-966 | Static and dynamic erosion behavior of TiC coated graphite in high heat flux plasma | S. Takamura, K. Hayashi, N. Ohno, K. Morita |
967-971 | Testing of actively cooled high heat flux mock-ups | M. Rödig, R. Duwe, W. Kühnlein, J. Linke, M. Scheerer, I. Smid, B. Wiechers |
972-977 | Evidence of damage in carbon fibre composite tiles joined to a metallic heat sink under high heat flux fatigue | R. Mitteau, P. Chappuis, L. Moncel, J. Schlosser |
978-984 | The effect of bonding and bakeout thermal cycles on the properties of copper alloys irradiated at 100°C | D. J. Edwards, B. N. Singh, P. Toft, M. Eldrup |
985-989 | Calculation and measurement of helium generation and solid transmutants in Cu–Zn–Ni alloys | L. R. Greenwood, B. M. Oliver, F. A. Garner, T. Muroga |
990-997 | Tritium retention study of tungsten using various hydrogen isotope irradiation sources | S. O'hira, A. Steinér, H. Nakamura, R. Causey, M. Nishi, S. Willms |
998-1004 | High heat load properties of tungsten coated carbon materials | K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, N. Noda, T. Sogabe, T. Kato |
1005-1009 | High-temperature residual strain measurements, using neutron diffraction, in brazed Cu/CFC graphite divertor structures | M. Ceretti, R. Coppola, E. Di Pietro, C. Nardi |
1010-1014 | Effect of neutron irradiation on fracture toughness behaviour of copper alloys | S. Tähtinen, M. Pyykkönen, P. Karjalainen-Roikonen, B. N. Singh, P. Toft |
1015-1021 | The effect of neutron dose, irradiation and testing temperature on mechanical properties of copper alloys | S. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky, D. J. Edwards, S. J. Zinkle |
1022-1027 | Influence of composition, heat treatment and neutron irradiation on the electrical conductivity of copper alloys | M. Eldrup, B. N. Singh |
1028-1032 | Hydrogen and deuterium transport and inventory parameters in a Cu–0.65Cr–0.08Zr alloy for fusion reactor applications | E. Serra, A. Perujo |
1033-1039 | Deformation and fracture of Cu alloy–stainless steel layered structures under dynamic loading | J. H. McCoy, A. S. Kumar, J. F. Stubbins |
1040-1044 | Changes of structure and properties of yttrium doped copper at deformation, annealing and irradiation | I. M. Neklyudov, V. N. Voyevodin, S. V. Shevtchenko, V. F. Rybalko, N. V. Kamychantchenko, I. A. Belenko |
1045-1049 | Effects of plasma impurities on materials erosion and mixing in a steady state magnetic fusion device: A comparison between beryllium and tungsten | Y. Hirooka |
1050-1054 | Implantation driven permeation behavior of deuterium through stainless steel type 316L | H. Nakamura, T. Hayashi, S. O'hira, M. Nishi, K. Okuno |
1055-1059 | Ion reflection and sputtering at tungsten surface exposed to edge plasmas in TEXTOR | K. Ohya, J. Kawata, T. Tanabe, M. Wada, Y. Ueda, V. Philipps, B. Unterberg, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, F. Weschenfelder, N. Noda |
1060-1065 | Investigation on modification of plasma facing surface under long duration discharges by means of a collector probe in TRIAM-1M | Takeshi Hirai, Kazutoshi Tokunaga, Tadashi Fujiwara, Naoaki Yoshida, Satoshi Itoh, the TRIAM group |
1066-1072 | Estimation of incident flux rate in PDP experiments by calculating plasma composition | M. Takizawa, K. Kiuchi, H. Ishizuka, M. Okamoto, Y. Fujii |
1073-1076 | Influence of coexisting hydrogen isotopes on diffusion of tritium in niobium | K. Sakamoto, T. Higuchi, K. Hashizume, M. Sugisaki |
1077-1081 | ERD study of deuterium atoms implanted in edge-HOPG | Hideaki Ohkubo, Minoru Takenaka, Akira Takase, Noboru Tsukuda, Eiichi Kuramoto |
1082-1086 | Experiment on atomic hydrogen reflection by use of a permeation probe | I. Takagi, K. Toyoda, M. Katayama, H. Fujita, K. Higashi |
1087-1091 | Retention and re-emission of deuterium implanted into tungsten monocarbide | T. Horikawa, B. Tsuchiya, K. Morita |
1092-1096 | Tritium retention in CX-2002U and methods to reduce tritium inventory | T. Tadokoro, S. O'hira, M. Nishi, K. Isobe |
1097-1103 | Material damage and thermal response of LHD divertor mock-ups by high heat flux | K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, Y. Kubota, N. Noda, O. Motojima, D. L. Youchison, R. D. Watson, R. E. Nygren, J. M. McDonald, T. D. Marshall |
1104-1108 | Study of the retention of hydrogen isotopes implanted in Mo | Kenji Yamaguchi, Mitsumasa Okada, Osamu Onoue, Futaba Ono, Michio Yamawaki |
1109-1113 | Ion beam analysis of deuterium-implanted Al2O3 and tungsten | R. G. Macaulay-Newcombe, D. A. Thompson |
1114-1119 | Thermal desorption analysis of beryllium tile pieces from JET | R. G. Macaulay-Newcombe, D. A. Thompson, J. P. Coad |
1120-1126 | Experimental modelling of plasma–graphite surface interaction in ITER | Yu. V. Martynenko, M. I. Guseva, V. I. Vasiliev, V. M. Gureev, L. S. Danelyan, V. E. Neumoin, V. B. Petrov, B. I. Khripunov, Yu. A. Sokolov, O. V. Stativkina, V. G. Stolyarova, V. M. Strunnikov |
1127-1132 | Investigation of fusion reactor candidate materials erosion in plasma disruption simulation experiments | V. L. Yakushin, B. A. Kalin, A. V. Shul'ga, V. T. Fedotov, A. N. Plyuschev |
1133-1137 | Counter-diffusion and counter-permeation of deuterium and hydrogen through palladium | Kaname Kizu, Tetsuo Tanabe |
1138-1142 | Formation of HD molecules during desorption of deuterium from solids | A. A. Pisarev, Yu. V. Borisyuk, A. V. Varava, V. N. Tsyplakov |
1143-1146 | Improved activation tests of fusion structural materials with a deuteron–beryllium neutron source | U. von Möllendorff, H. Giese, Y. Ikeda, F. Maekawa, H. Tsige-Tamirat, P. Wilson |
1147-1152 | Embrittlement behaviour of different international low activation alloys after neutron irradiation | M. Rieth, B. Dafferner, H. -D. Röhrig |
1153-1157 | Influence of tantalum and nitrogen contents, normalizing condition and TMCP process on the mechanical properties of low-activation 9Cr–2W–0.2V–Ta steels for fusion application | T. Hasegawa, Y. Tomita, A. Kohyama |
1158-1162 | Solubility product and precipitation of TaC in Fe–8Cr–2W steel | M. Tamura, K. Shinozuka, K. Masamura, K. Ishizawa, S. Sugimoto |
1163-1166 | Irradiation creep of various ferritic alloys irradiated at 400°C in the PFR and FFTF reactors | M. B. Toloczko, F. A. Garner, C. R. Eiholzer |
1167-1172 | Distribution of C–Cr associates and mechanical stability of Cr martensitic steels | P. Gondi, R. Montanari, M. E. Tata |
1173-1177 | Comparison of microstructure and formation of intermetallic phases on F82H-mod. and MANET II | H. Glasbrenner, J. Konys, K. Stein-Fechner, O. Wedemeyer |
1178-1182 | Microstructure assessment of the low activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82H | R. Schäublin, P. Spätig, M. Victoria |
1183-1186 | Low cycle fatigue properties of 8Cr–2WVTa ferritic steel at elevated temperatures | T. Ishii, K. Fukaya, Y. Nishiyama, M. Suzuki, M. Eto |
1187-1192 | Irradiation embrittlement of 2Cr–1Mo steel at 400°C and its electrochemical evaluation | Y. Nishiyama, K. Fukaya, M. Suzuki, M. Eto |
1193-1198 | Effect of purity on helium bubble formation in 9Cr martensitic steel during post-implantation annealing at 1105 K | T. Nagasaka, T. Shibayama, H. Kayano, A. Hasegawa, M. Satou, K. Abe |
1199-1203 | Enhancement of irradiation hardening by nickel addition in the reduced-activation 9Cr–2W martensitic steel | R. Kasada, A. Kimura, H. Matsui, M. Narui |
1204-1208 | Dynamic strain ageing evidences during low cycle fatigue deformation in ferritic–martensitic stainless steels | A. F. Armas, M. Avalos, I. Alvarez-Armas, C. Petersen, R. Schmitt |
1209-1215 | Development of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels for fusion | D. K. Mukhopadhyay, F. H. Froes, D. S. Gelles |
1216-1221 | A review of some effects of helium on charpy impact properties of ferritic/martensitic steels | D. S. Gelles, G. L. Hankin, M. L. Hamilton |
1222-1227 | Impact behavior of two low activation steels after irradiation to 67 dpa at 430°C | M. L. Hamilton, L. E. Schubert, D. S. Gelles |
1228-1235 | Physical metallurgy and mechanical behaviour of FeCrWTaV low activation martensitic steels: Effects of chemical composition | A. Alamo, J. C. Brachet, A. Castaing, C. Lepoittevin, F. Barcelo |
1236-1241 | Superior Charpy impact properties of ODS ferritic steel irradiated in JOYO | T. Kuwabara, H. Kurishita, S. Ukai, M. Narui, S. Mizuta, M. Yamazaki, H. Kayano |
1242-1247 | Fracture toughness of low activation ferritic steel (JLF-1) weld joint at room temperature | A. Nishimura, N. Inoue, T. Muroga |
1248-1252 | Correlation between microstructure and hardness of a low activation ferritic steel (JLF-1) weld joint | N. Inoue, T. Muroga, A. Nishimura, O. Motojima |
1253-1258 | Analysis of error field due to ferritic steel in the advanced material testing program of JFT-2M | Masayasu Sato, Yukitoshi Miura, Satoru Takeji, Haruyuki Kimura, Kiyoyuki Shiba |
1259-1263 | The effect of low dose irradiation on the impact fracture energy and tensile properties of pure iron and two ferritic martensitic steels | I. Belianov, P. Marmy |
1264-1268 | Void formation and microstructural development in oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels during electron-irradiation | J. Saito, T. Suda, S. Yamashita, S. Ohnuki, H. Takahashi, N. Akasaka, M. Nishida, S. Ukai |
1269-1274 | Heat treatment effects on impact toughness of 9Cr–1MoVNb and 12Cr–1MoVW steels irradiated to 100 dpa | R. L. Klueh, D. J. Alexander |
1275-1279 | Fracture toughness and tensile behavior of ferritic–martensitic steels irradiated at low temperatures | A. F. Rowcliffe, J. P. Robertson, R. L. Klueh, K. Shiba, D. J. Alexander, M. L. Grossbeck, S. Jitsukawa |
1280-1284 | Effects of hydrogen atmosphere on mechanical properties and surface conditions of a reduced activation ferritic steel F82H | S. Hara, T. Abe, M. Enoeda, H. Takatsu |
1285-1290 | Thermal fatigue behavior of low activation ferrite–martensite steels | C. Petersen |
1291-1294 | Microstructural characterisation of F82H-mod. steel using small-angle neutron scattering | R. Coppola, K. Ehrlich, M. Magnani, E. Materna-Morris, M. Valli |
1295-1299 | Effect of hydrogen on tensile properties of martenistic steels for fusion application | M. Beghini, G. Benamati, L. Bertini, R. Valentini |
1300-1306 | The possibility of the commercial production of low-activation structural steels for fusion energy in the Russian Federation | N. P. Lyakishev, V. Ya. Dashevsky, E. V. Dyomina, L. I. Ivanov, Yu. M. Platov, M. D. Prusakova, V. P. Kolotov, M. V. Alenina |
1307-1311 | Modelling of phase transformations occurring in low activation martensitic steels | J. -C. Brachet, L. Gavard, C. Boussidan, C. Lepoittevin, S. Denis, C. Servant |
1312-1318 | Influence of operation conditions on structure and properties of 12% Cr steels as candidate structural materials for fusion reactor | A. G. Ioltukhovsky, M. V. Leontyeva-Smirnova, Y. I. Kazennov, E. A. Medvedeva, A. V. Tselishchev, V. K. Shamardin, A. V. Povstyanko, S. E. Ostrovsky, A. M. Dvoryashin, S. I. Porollo, A. N. Vorobyev, V. S. Khabarov |
1319-1323 | Production of low activation steel; JLF-1, large heats – Current status and future plan | A. Kohyama, Y. Kohno, M. Kuroda, A. Kimura, F. Wan |
1324-1328 | Effect of neutron irradiation at low temperature on the embrittlement of the reduced-activation ferritic steels | V. V. Rybin, I. P. Kursevich, A. N. Lapin |
1329-1335 | Physical metallurgy of BATMAN II Ti-bearing martensitic steels | L. Pilloni, F. Attura, A. Calza-Bini, G. De Santis, G. Filacchioni, A. Carosi, S. Amato |
1336-1339 | Influence of delta ferrite and dendritic carbides on the impact and tensile properties of a martensitic chromium steel | L. Schäfer |
1340-1344 | Dependence of impact properties on irradiation temperature in reduced-activation martensitic steels | Akihiko Kimura, Minoru Narui, Toshihei Misawa, Hideki Matsui, Akira Kohyama |
1345-1349 | Evolution of the mechanical properties of the F82H ferritic/martensitic steel after 590 MeV proton irradiation | P. Spätig, R. Schäublin, S. Gyger, M. Victoria |
1350-1355 | Chemical segregation behavior of the low activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82H | R. Schäublin, P. Spätig, M. Victoria |
1356-1360 | Effect of hydrogen and oxygen on the tensile properties of V–4Cr–4Ti | H. D. Röhrig, J. R. DiStefano, L. D. Chitwood |
1361-1368 | Effect of small additional elements on DBTT of V–4Cr–4Ti irradiated at low temperatures | Tamaki Shibayama, Ichiro Yamagata, Hideo Kayano, Chusei Namba |
1369-1374 | Development of techniques for welding V–Cr–Ti alloys | M. L. Grossbeck, J. F. King, D. J. Alexander, P. M. Rice, G. M. Goodwin |
1375-1379 | Grain boundary chemistry and heat treatment effects on the ductile-to-brittle transition behavior of vanadium alloys | R. J. Kurtz, M. L. Hamilton, H. Li |
1380-1385 | Microstructural examination of irradiated V–(4–5%)Cr–(4–5%)Ti | D. S. Gelles, P. M. Rice, S. J. Zinkle, H. M. Chung |
1386-1391 | Effect of thickness and loading mode on the fracture properties of V–4Cr–4Ti at room temperature | H. Li, R. J. Kurtz, R. H. Jones |
1392-1395 | Dynamic finite element analysis of third size charpy specimens of V–4Cr–4Ti | M. R. Lansberry, R. J. Kurtz, A. S. Kumar, G. E. Mueller |
1396-1399 | Helium-vacancy clustering in V– 4Cr– 4Ti at elevated temperatures | A. V. Fedorov, A. van Veen, A. I. Ryazanov |
1400-1403 | Influence of thermal treatment on helium trapping at fine-size precipitates in V–4Cr–4Ti | A. van Veen, A. V. Fedorov, A. I. Ryazanov |
1404-1408 | Quantitative visualization of tritium distribution in vanadium by tritium radioluminography | H. Saitoh, T. Hishi, T. Misawa, T. Ohnishi, Y. Noya, T. Matsuzaki, T. Watanabe |
1409-1413 | Effect of neutron irradiation on swelling, elastic modulus and thermal conductivity of V–Ga alloys | A. I. Dediurin, Yu. M. Platov, M. I. Zakharova, I. V. Borovitskaja, N. A. Artemov |
1414-1419 | Temperature dependence of the radiation damage microstructure in V–4Cr–4Ti neutron irradiated to low dose | P. M. Rice, S. J. Zinkle |
1420-1424 | Metallurgical bonding development of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy for the DIII-D radiative divertor program | J. P. Smith, W. R. Johnson, P. W. Trester |
1425-1430 | Fabrication of a 1200 kg ingot of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy for the DIII–D radiative divertor program | W. R. Johnson, J. P. Smith |
1431-1436 | Swelling behavior of V–Fe binary and V–Fe–Ti ternary alloys | K. Fukumoto, A. Kimura, H. Matsui |
1437-1441 | Microstructure of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy after low-temperature irradiation by ions and neutrons | J. Gazda, M. Meshii, H. M. Chung |
1442-1450 | Tensile and impact properties of vanadium-base alloys irradiated at <430°C | H. M. Chung, D. L. Smith |
1451-1457 | Mechanical properties and microstructural characteristics of laser and electron-beam welds in V–4Cr–4Ti | H. M. Chung, J. -H. Park, R. V. Strain, K. H. Leong, D. L. Smith |
1458-1465 | Experience in irradiation testing of low-activation structural materials in fast reactor BOR-60 | V. A. Kazakov, H. -C. Tsai, V. P. Chakin, F. W. Wiffen, A. F. Rowcliffe, D. L. Smith, A. E. Rusanov, A. A. Teikovtsev, N. V. Markina, L. R. Greenwood |
1466-1470 | Performance of V–4Cr–4Ti material exposed to the DIII-D tokamak environment | H. Tsai, W. R. Johnson, D. L. Smith, J. P. Smith, H. M. Chung |
1471-1475 | Irradiation creep of vanadium-base alloys | H. Tsai, H. Matsui, M. C. Billone, R. V. Strain, D. L. Smith |
1476-1481 | Effects of oxygen and oxidation on tensile behavior of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | K. Natesan, W. K. Soppet, M. Uz |
1482-1486 | Grain boundary segregation of impurities in neutron irradiated and thermally aged vanadium alloys | J. Kameda, T. E. Bloomer, D. Y. Lyu |
1487-1491 | Compatibility of vanadium alloys and its weld joints in homogeneous and heterogeneous liquid lithium systems | V. A. Evtikhin, I. E. Lyublinski, A. V. Vertkov |
1492-1496 | Tensile properties and fracture behaviour of V–Cr–Ti alloys after neutron irradiation at 330°C | V. A. Kazakov, V. P. Chakin, Yu. D. Goncharenko |
1497-1501 | Tensile properties of a series of V–4Ti–4Cr alloys containing small amounts of Si, Al and Y, and the influence of helium implantation | Tetsuya Matsushima, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe, Hideo Kayano |
1502-1506 | Radiation hardening of V–C, V–O, V–N alloys neutron-irradiated to high fluences | Toshinori Chuto, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe |
1507-1511 | Rapid oxidation and its effects on mechanical properties of V–Ti–Cr–Si type alloys | Mitsuhiro Fujiwara, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe |
1512-1516 | Effects of helium on void swelling in boron doped V–5Fe alloys | Takeo Iwai, Naoto Sekimura, F. A. Garner |
1517-1522 | Analysis and measurement of residual stress distribution of vanadium/ceramics joints for fusion reactor applications | Yoshiyuki Nemoto, Kazukiyo Ueda, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe |
1523-1527 | Revision of the tensile database for V–Ti and V–Cr–Ti alloys tested at ANL | M. C. Billone, H. M. Chung, D. L. Smith |
1528-1532 | Influence of neutron irradiation on mechanical properties of vanadium/ceramics joints | R. Yasuda, M. Satou, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe |
1533-1539 | Light ion irradiation creep of SiC fibers in torsion | R. Scholz |
1540-1545 | Effect of high temperature heat treatment in vacuum on microstructure and bending properties of SiCf/SiC composites prepared by CVI | Hiroshi Araki, Hiroshi Suzuki, Wen Yang, Shinji Sato, Tetsuji Noda |
1546-1550 | Glass-ceramic joining and coating of SiC/SiC for fusion applications | M. Ferraris, M. Salvo, C. Isola, M. Appendino Montorsi, A. Kohyama |
1551-1556 | Radiation response of SiC-based fibers | G. E. Youngblood, R. H. Jones, Akira Kohyama, L. L. Snead |
1557-1561 | Fiber creep rate and high-temperature properties of SiC/SiC composites | C. A. Lewinsohn, R. H. Jones, G. E. Youngblood, C. H. Henager Jr. |
1562-1566 | Interface strength of SiC/SiC composites with and without helium implantation using micro-indentation test | M. Saito, A. Hasegawa, S. Ohtsuka, K. Abe |
1567-1571 | Effect of fiber coating on interfacial shear strength of SiC/SiC by nano-indentation technique | T. Hinoki, W. Zhang, A. Kohyama, S. Sato, T. Noda |
1572-1576 | Swelling behaviour and TEM studies of SiCf/SiC composites after fusion relevant helium implantation | H. W. Scholz, A. J. Frias Rebelo, D. G. Rickerby, P. Krogul, W. E. Lee, J. H. Evans, P. Fenici |
1577-1581 | Crack initiation and growth characteristics in SiC/SiC under indentation test | W. Zhang, T. Hinoki, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, T. Noda, T. Muroga, J. Yu |
1582-1588 | Comparison of the mechanical behaviour of SiCf/SiC composites following neutron irradiation and helium implantation | A. J. Frias Rebelo, H. W. Scholz, H. Kolbe, G. P. Tartaglia, P. Fenici |
1589-1593 | A fusion power reactor concept using SiC/SiC composites | S. Ueda, S. Nishio, Y. Seki, R. Kurihara, J. Adachi, S. Yamazaki, DREAM Design Team |
1594-1599 | Microstructure and oxidative degradation behavior of silicon carbide fiber Hi-Nicalon type S | Michio Takeda, Akira Urano, Jun-ichi Sakamoto, Yoshikazu Imai |
1600-1605 | The effect of hold-times on the fatigue behavior of type AISI 316L stainless steel under deuteron irradiation | R. Scholz, R. Mueller |
1606-1612 | Flux and composition dependence of irradiation creep of austenitic alloys irradiated in PFR at 420°C | M. B. Toloczko, F. A. Garner, J. Standring, B. Munro, S. Adaway |
1613-1617 | Swelling and void-induced embrittlement of austenitic stainless steel irradiated to 73–82 dpa at 335–365°C | S. I. Porollo, A. N. Vorobjev, Yu. V. Konobeev, A. M. Dvoriashin, V. M. Krigan, N. I. Budylkin, E. G. Mironova, F. A. Garner |
1618-1622 | Irradiation creep and stress-enhanced swelling of Fe–16Cr–15Ni–Nb austenitic stainless steel in BN-350 | A. N. Vorobjev, N. I. Budylkin, E. G. Mironova, S. I. Porollo, Yu. V. Konobeev, F. A. Garner |
1623-1627 | Temperature dependence of bubble structure in 316L stainless steel irradiated with 2.5 MeV He ions | C. H. Zhang, K. Q. Chen, Y. S. Wang, J. G. Sun |
1628-1633 | Microstructural observation of helium implanted and creep ruptured Fe–25%Ni–15%Cr alloys containing various MC and MN formers | Norikazu Yamamoto, Johsei Nagakawa, Yoshiharu Murase, Haruki Shiraishi |
1634-1638 | Effect of combined addition of Ti and P on creep rupture properties of helium implanted Fe–25%Ni–15%Cr alloy | Norikazu Yamamoto, Johsei Nagakawa, Yoshiharu Murase, Haruki Shiraishi |
1639-1643 | Effect of cold work on void swelling in proton irradiated Fe–15Cr–20Ni ternary alloys | Y. Murase, J. Nagakawa, N. Yamamoto, H. Shiraishi |
1644-1650 | Mechanical properties and damage behavior of non-magnetic high manganese austenitic steels | H. Takahashi, Y. Shindo, H. Kinoshita, T. Shibayama, S. Ishiyama, K. Fukaya, M. Eto, M. Kusuhashi, T. Hatakeyama, I. Sato |
1651-1656 | Validation of the shear punch–tensile correlation technique using irradiated materials | G. L. Hankin, M. B. Toloczko, M. L. Hamilton, R. G. Faulkner |
1657-1663 | Shear punch testing of 59Ni isotopically-doped model austenitic alloys after irradiation in FFTF at different He/dpa ratios | G. L. Hankin, M. B. Toloczko, M. L. Hamilton, F. A. Garner, R. G. Faulkner |
1664-1668 | Effects of annealing on the tensile properties of irradiated austenitic stainless steel | I. Ioka, A. Naito, K. Shiba, J. P. Robertson, S. Jitsukawa, A. Hishinuma |
1669-1674 | Effect of irradiation temperature on irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking of model austenitic stainless steels | T. Tsukada, Y. Miwa, H. Tsuji, H. Nakajima |
1675-1680 | The structural evolution of new low-activation and chromium–nickel stainless steels under high-dose irradiation up to 200 dpa | V. V. Sagaradze, S. S. Lapin, B. N. Goshchitskii, M. A. Kirk |
1681-1686 | The effect of tritium and low-temperature neutron irradiation at 77 K on the structure and mechanical properties of reactor steels | B. N. Goshchitskii, V. V. Sagaradze, V. L. Arbuzov, S. S. Lapin, Yu. N. Zuev, I. V. Podgornova, V. D. Parkhomenko, A. V. Kozlov |
1687-1693 | Low activation austenitic Mn-steel for in-vessel fusion materials | Y. Suzuki, T. Saida, F. Kudough |
1694-1699 | Microchemical and microstructural changes of austenitic steels caused by proton irradiation following helium implantation | T. Fukuda, T. Aoki, Y. Isobe, T. Furuya, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe |
1700-1707 | Long-lived activity of elements: Effect of new activation cross- sections and their uncertainties on the selection of materials for IFE reactors | J. Sanz, C. González, J. Juan |
1708-1712 | Damage behavior in an electron/helium dual-beam irradiated Fe–Cr–Mn(W,V) alloy | Hu Benfu, H. Kinoshita, H. Takahashi |
1713-1717 | Effect of carbon and nitrogen on grain boundary segregation in irradiated stainless steels | F. Kano, K. Fukuya, S. Hamada, Y. Miwa |
1718-1724 | The dependence of irradiation creep in austenitic alloys on displacement rate and helium to dpa ratio | F. A. Garner, M. B. Toloczko, M. L. Grossbeck |
1725-1729 | High-cycle fatigue tests of modified 316 stainless steels under 20 MeV proton irradiation and thermal pulses | H. Mizubayashi, K. Tateishi, H. Tanimoto, K. Nakata |
1730-1734 | Nucleation and growth of dislocation loops in austenitic stainless steels irradiated by fission and fusion neutrons | Q. Xu, N. Yoshida, T. Yoshiie |
1735-1739 | Effect of light impurities on the early stage of swelling in austenitic stainless steel | N. Igata, A. Ryazanov, D. N. Korolev |
1740-1744 | The dependence of helium generation rate on nickel content of Fe–Cr–Ni alloys irradiated to high dpa levels in EBR-II | F. A. Garner, B. M. Oliver, L. R. Greenwood |
1745-1749 | R&D of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic martensitic steels for FBR | S. Ukai, T. Nishida, T. Okuda, T. Yoshitake |
1750-1755 | Effects of Mn and Si additions on microstructural development in TiAl intermetallic compounds irradiated with He-ions | O. Okada, K. Nakata, K. Fukai, A. Hishinuma, K. Ameyama |
1756-1761 | Thermomechanical characteristics of low activation chromium and chromium alloys | H. Stamm, M. R. Bonansinga, F. Dos Santos Marques, P. Hähner, H. Kolbe, A. Volcan |
1762-1766 | Cr–Ni alloys for fusion reactors | M. I. Solonin, A. B. Alekseev, S. A. Averin, Yu. A. Burenkov, V. M. Chernov, B. K. Kardashev, V. P. Kondrat'ev, A. V. Kozlov, V. N. Rechitsky, S. N. Votinov |
1767-1772 | Concentration limits of natural elements in low activation fusion materials | E. T. Cheng |
1773-1777 | Advanced management concepts for fusion waste | Paolo Rocco, Massimo Zucchetti |
1778-1783 | Analysis of V–Cr–Ti alloys in terms of activation of impurities | M. L. Grossbeck, R. L. Klueh, E. T. Cheng, J. R. Peterson, M. R. Woolery, E. E. Bloom |
1784-1790 | Low-activation characteristics of V-alloys and SiC composites | E. V. Dyomina, P. Fenici, V. P. Kolotov, M. Zucchetti |
1791-1797 | Impact of low activation materials on fusion reactor design | Y. Seki, T. Tabara, I. Aoki, S. Ueda, S. Nishio, R. Kurihara |
1798-1802 | Role of environment on the surface degradation of Wesgo AL995 | A. Moroño, E. R. Hodgson |
1803-1808 | Production and recovery of defects in SiC after irradiation and deformation | J. Chen, P. Jung, H. Klein |
1809-1811 | Radiation swelling decrease by means of explosive wave | V. M. Kosenkov, S. A. Vorobjev, A. V. Kolesnikov |
1812-1816 | Effects of DD and DT neutron irradiation on some Si devices for fusion diagnostics | Yoshihiko Tanimura, Toshiyuki Iida |
1817-1821 | Radiation effects on Al2O3 irradiated with H2+ ions | S. Furuno, N. Sasajima, K. Hojou, K. Izui, H. Otsu, T. Matsui |
1822-1826 | Pre- and post-irradiation studies on mm-wave losses in reference window materials for electron cyclotron wave systems | R. Heidinger, A. Ibarra, J. Molla |
1827-1830 | Radiation effects on insulating gases for the ITER NBI system | E. R. Hodgson, A. Moroño |
1831-1835 | In situ observation of microstructural development during electron irradiation in Al2O3 containing Cr2O3 or TiO2 | K. Nakata, Y. Katano, K. Noda |
1836-1841 | Neutron-induced damage in near-stoichiometric spinel ceramics irradiated below 200°C and its recovery due to annealing | Toyohiko Yano, Andon Insani, Hiroshi Sawada, Takayoshi Iseki |
1842-1847 | Damage structure evolution in Al2O3 irradiated with multiple ion beams of H, He and O and after annealing | Y. Katano, T. Nakazawa, D. Yamaki, T. Aruga, K. Noda |
1848-1855 | Electrical conductivity and current-voltage characteristics of alumina with or without neutron and electron irradiation | K. Shiiyama, M. M. R. Howlader, S. J. Zinkle, T. Shikama, M. Kutsuwada, S. Matsumura, C. Kinoshita |
1856-1860 | Mechanical properties and microstructure of α-alumina and magnesium aluminate spinel irradiated with He ions | Koichiro Izumi, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Chiken Kinoshita, Masanori Kutsuwada |
1861-1866 | Long term degradation of electrical insulation of Al2O3 under high flux fission reactor irradiation | Tatsuo Shikama, Steven J. Zinkle |
1867-1872 | Electrical properties of ceramics during reactor irradiation | T. Shikama, S. J. Zinkle, K. Shiiyama, L. L. Snead, E. H. Farnum |
1873-1877 | Characterization of Y2O3 coating under neutron irradiation | Masaru Nakamichi, Hiroshi Kawamura |
1878-1883 | Investigation of cryogenic irradiation influence on mechanical and physical properties of ITER magnetic system insulation materials | A. V. Kozlov, E. N. Scherbacov, N. A. Dudchenko, V. S. Shihalev, V. V. Bedin, N. A. Paltusov, V. E. Korsunskiy |
1884-1888 | Radiation effects on dielectric losses of Au-doped silicon | J. Molla, R. Vila, R. Heidinger, A. Ibarra |
1889-1892 | Radiation induced optical absorption and radioluminescence in electron irradiated SiO2 | A. Moroño, E. R. Hodgson |
1893-1896 | Absorption and fluorescence phenomena of optical fibers under heavy neutron irradiation | T. Kakuta, K. Sakasai, T. Shikama, M. Narui, T. sagawa |
1897-1901 | Photon emission induced by fusion neutrons on optical window materials | Fuminobu Sato, Toshiyuki Iida, Yukio Oyama, Fujio Maekawa, Yujiro Ikeda |
1902-1907 | Dose dependence of neutron irradiation effects on MgAl2O4 spinels | A. Ibarra, D. Bravo, M. A. Garcia, J. Llopis, F. J. Lopez, F. A. Garner |
1908-1913 | Radiation resistance of amorphous silicon in optoelectric properties under proton bombardment | N. Kishimoto, H. Amekura, K. Kono, C. G. Lee |
1914-1918 | Dynamic effects in energetic particle-induced luminescence of SiO2 | Tetsuo Tanabe, Akihiro Omori, Masaaki Fujiwara |
1919-1923 | On the choice of materials for the first mirrors of plasma diagnostics in a fusion reactor | V. S. Voitsenya, A. F. Bardamid, V. T. Gritsyna, V. G. Konovalov, O. Motojima, D. V. Orlinskij, R. Palladino, B. J. Peterson, A. N. Shapoval, A. F. Shtan, S. I. Solodovchenko, K. I. Yakimov, K. Young |
1924-1928 | Defect production and recovery in high-T | N. Ishikawa, Y. Chimi, A. Iwase, K. Tsuru, O. Michikami |
1929-1934 | Development of the superconductors for ITER magnet system | A. Shikov, A. Nikulin, A. Silaev, A. Vorobieva, V. Pantsyrnyi, G. Vedernikov, N. Salunin, S. Sudiev |
1935-1939 | Development of superconductors for the Large Helical Device | N. Yanagi, T. Mito, K. Takahata, S. Imagawa, S. Yamada, A. Nishimura, A. Iwamoto, H. Chikaraishi, H. Tamura, S. Yamaguchi, T. Satow, S. Satoh, O. Motojima |
1940-1945 | Developments of high-T | T. Mito, K. Maehata, M. Mizokami, K. Ishibashi, M. Takeo, A. Iwamoto, N. Hirano, T. Shintomi, K. Kimura, M. Sawamura, S. Yamada, S. Satoh, O. Motojima |
1946-1952 | Magnetic non-destructive evaluation of accumulated fatigue damage in ferromagnetic steels for nuclear plant component | K. Morishita, A. Gilanyi, T. Sukegawa, T. Uesaka, K. Miya |
1953-1959 | Thermal shock resistance of SiC compositionally graded C/C composites | Kimio Fujii, Reiji Yamada |
1960-1965 | Processing and microstructure of silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide composite by hot-pressing | Katsumi Yoshida, Budiyanto, Masamitsu Imai, Toyohiko Yano |
1966-1972 | Structural materials by powder HIP for fusion reactors | C. Dellis, G. Le Marois, E. V. van Osch |
1973-1978 | Development and characterisation of Be/Glidcop® joints obtained by hot isostatic pressing for high temperature working conditions | F. Saint-Antonin, D. Barberi, G. Le Marois, A. Laillé |
1979-1984 | Hydrogen generation from steam reaction with tungsten | G. R. Smolik, K. A. McCarthy, D. A. Petti, K. Coates |
1985-1990 | Fabrication development and preliminary characterization of Li2TiO3 pebbles by wet process | Kunihiko Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Kawamura, Katsuhiro Fuchinoue, Hiroshi Sawada, Kazutoshi Watarumi |
1991-1996 | The effect of helium accumulation and radiation damage on the weldability of 316-type steel | S. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky |
1997-2001 | Microstructural evolution of welded austenitic stainless steel irradiated in HFIR target experiments | T. Sawai, K. Shiba, A. Hishinuma |
2002-2007 | Yag laser welding of neutron irradiated stainless steels | S. Nishimura, R. Katsura, Y. Saito, W. Kono, H. Takahashi, M. Koshiishi, T. Kato, K. Asano |
2008-2012 | Simulation of helium bubble behavior in neutron-irradiated stainless steel during welding | Shohei Kawano, Rie Sumiya, Koji Fukuya |
2013-2017 | Effect of weld thermal cycle on helium bubble formation in stainless steel | F. Kano, S. Nakahigashi, H. Nakamura, N. Uesugi, T. Mitamura, M. Terasawa, H. Irie, K. Fukuya |
2018-2022 | Weldability of helium-containing stainless steels using a YAG laser | S. Kawano, S. Nakahigashi, K. Uesugi, H. Nakamura, W. Kono, K. Fukuya, F. Kano, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe |
2023-2029 | Application of HIP bonding to first wall panel fabrication made from reduced activation ferritic steel F82H | K. Furuya, M. Enoeda, T. Hatano, S. Sato, T. Kuroda, H. Takatsu |
2030-2035 | Irradiation resistance of DS copper/stainless steel joints fabricated by friction welding methods | S. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky, M. Nakamichi, H. Kawamura |
2036-2040 | Shape memory characteristics of neutron irradiated Ti–Ni shape memory alloy couplers | T. Hoshiya, M. Ohmi, Y. Matsui, M. Nishikawa |
2041-2045 | Electrical properties of neutron-irradiated oxygen potential sensors using stabilized zirconia solid electrolyte | N. Hiura, Y. Endo, T. Yamaura, T. Hoshiya, M. Niimi, J. Saito, S. Sozawa, N. Ooka, M. Kobiyama |
2046-2053 | Comparison of stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of thermally-sensitized and proton-irradiated 304 stainless steel using electrochemical noise techniques | L. H. Wang, J. J. Kai, C. H. Tsai, C. Fong |
2054-2058 | Quantitative prediction of environmentally assisted cracking based on a theoretical model and computer simulation | T. Satoh, T. Nakazato, S. Moriya, S. Suzuki, T. Shoji |
2059-2063 | Fatigue crack growth under compressive loading | Koichi Kasaba, Takahiro Sano, Souichi Kudo, Tetsuo Shoji, Kazumune Katagiri, Tadashi Sato |
2064-2068 | Effects of grain boundary misorientation on the solute segregation in austenitic stainless steels | T. S. Duh, J. J. Kai, F. R. Chen, L. H. Wang |
2069-2074 | The effect of neutron irradiation on mechanical properties of Cu/SS joints for ITER applications | S. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky, D. J. Edwards, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe |
2075-2078 | Neutron irradiation experiments for fusion reactor materials through JUPITER program | K. Abe, A. Kohyama, C. Namba, F. W. Wiffen, R. H. Jones |
2079-2082 | Materials design and related R&D issues for the force-free helical reactor (FFHR) | A. Sagara, T. Muroga, O. Motojima, T. Noda, S. Tanaka, T. Terai, A. Kohyama, H. Matsui |
2083-2087 | An evaluation of potential material–coolant compatibility for applications in advanced fusion reactors | T. Kondo, Y. Watanabe, Y. S. Yi, A. Hishinuma |
225-231 | The effect of hydrogen on the fracture toughness of alloy X-750 at elevated temperatures | Douglas M. Symons |
232-239 | Effects of thermal sensitization on radiation-induced segregation in type 304 stainless steel irradiated with He-ions | O. Okada, K. Nakata, S. Kasahara |
240-244 | Influence of Ar ion bombardment on the uniform corrosion resistance of laser-surface-melted Zircaloy-4 | Jian Xu, Xinde Bai, Fei He, Sheguan Wang, Xinzhong He, Yudian Fan |
245-254 | Influence of recoil-implanted and thermally released iodine on I-SCC of Zircaloy-4 in PCI-conditions: chemical aspects | M. Fregonese, F. Lefebvre, C. Lemaignan, T. Magnin |
255-261 | Combustion synthesis of thoria – a feasibility study | V. Chandramouli, S. Anthonysamy, P. R. Vasudeva Rao |
262-272 | Effect of heat treatment and irradiation temperature on impact properties of Cr–W–V ferritic steels | R. L. Klueh, D. J. Alexander |
273-284 | Accumulation of radioactive corrosion products on steel surfaces of VVER type nuclear reactors. I. 110mAg | Gábor Hirschberg, Pál Baradlai, Kálmán Varga, Gerrit Myburg, János Schunk, Péter Tilky, Paul Stoddart |
285-294 | Modelling of high temperature superionic transition of uranium dioxide crystals | L. V. Matweev, M. S. Veshchunov |
295-307 | Stabilization of Rocky Flats Pu-contaminated ash within chemically bonded phosphate ceramics | A. S. Wagh, R. Strain, S. Y. Jeong, D. Reed, T. Krause, D. Singh |
308-320 | Oxidation kinetics of hydride-bearing uranium metal corrosion products | Terry C. Totemeier, Robert G. Pahl, Steven M. Frank |
321-324 | Determination of the lithium diffusion coefficient in irradiated boron carbide pellets | X. Deschanels, D. Simeone, J. P. Bonal |
325-330 | Investigations of ion radiation effects at metal/liquid interfaces | M. B. Lewis, J. D. Hunn |
1-13 | D–T experiments in the JET tokamak | M. Keilhacker, M.L. Watkins and JET Team |
14-29 | In-vessel tritium retention and removal in ITER | G. Federici, R.A. Anderl, P. Andrew, J.N. Brooks, R.A. Causey, J.P. Coad, D. Cowgill, R.P. Doerner, A.A. Haasz, G. Janeschitz, W. Jacob, G.R. Longhurst, R. Nygren, A. Peacock, M.A. Pick, V. Philipps, J. Roth, C.H. Skinner, W.R. Wampler |
30-36 | The experimental determination of the volume recombination rate in tokamak divertors | J.L. Terry, B. Lipschultz, X. Bonnin, C. Boswell, S.I. Krasheninnikov, A.Yu. Pigarov, B. LaBombard, D.A. Pappas, H.A. Scott |
37-43 | Volume recombination and detachment in JET divertor plasmas | R.D. Monk, A. Meigs, L. Horton, L.C. Ingesson, J. Lingertat, G.F. Matthews, M.G. O'Mullane, R. Prentice, M.F. Stamp, G.M. McCracken, P.C. Stangeby |
44-50 | Impurity enrichment and radiative enhancement using induced SOL flow in DIII-D | W.P West, N.H Brooks, G.L Jackson, A.W Leonard, M.A Mahdavi, T.H Osborne, T.W Petrie, M.J Schaffer, R.D Stambaugh, M.R Wade, R.D Wood, S.L Allen, J.A Boedo, M.E Fenstermacher, D.N Hill, J.T Hogan, R.C Isler, C.J Lasnier, R Lehmer, R Maingi, et al. | |
51-57 | Chemical erosion of carbon based materials in fusion devices | Joachim Roth |
58-66 | Erosion/redeposition analysis: status of modeling and code validation for semi-detached tokamak edge plasmas | J.N. Brooks, D. Alman, G. Federici, D.N. Ruzic, D.G. Whyte |
67-74 | Divertor erosion in DIII-D | D.G Whyte, R Bastasz, J.N Brooks, W.R Wampler, W.P West, C.P.C Wong, O.I Buzhinskij, I.V Opimach |
75-83 | Plasma wall interaction and plasma edge properties with radiation cooling and improved confinement in TEXTOR-94 | B. Unterberg, M. Brix, R. Jaspers, A. Kreter, Y.M. Kim, M. Lehnen, Ph. Mertens, A.M. Messiaen, J. Ongena, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, U. Samm, B. Schweer |
84-90 | Turbulent SOL transport in stellarators and tokamaks | M. Endler |
91-98 | SOL width scaling from consideration of edge transport in tokamaks | G.F Counsell, J.W Connor, S.K Erents, A.R Field, S.J Fielding, B La Bombard, K.M Morel |
99-108 | ITER edge database investigations of the SOL width | K. McCormick, N. Asakura, S. Bosch, S. Davies, S. Fielding, K. Itami, H. Kawashima, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, A. Loarte, R. Monk, G. Porter, J. Schweinzer, M. Shimada, M. Sugihara |
109-117 | The impact of ELMs on the ITER divertor | A.W. Leonard, A. Herrmann, K. Itami, J. Lingertat, A. Loarte, T.H. Osborne, W. Suttrop, the ITER Divertor Modeling and Database Expert Group, the ITER Divertor Physics Expert Group |
118-123 | Operational limits for high edge density H-mode tokamak operation | W Suttrop, V Mertens, H Murmann, J Neuhauser, J Schweinzer, ASDEX-Upgrade Team |
124-130 | The edge operational space in JET | J. Lingertat, V. Bhatnagar, G.D. Conway, L.-G. Eriksson, K. Günther, M. von Hellermann, M. Mantsinen, V. Parail, R. Prentice, G. Saibene, R. Smith, K.-D. Zastrow |
131-137 | H-mode pedestal characteristics in ITER shape discharges on DIII-D | T.H. Osborne, K.H. Burrell, R.J. Groebner, L.L. Lao, A.W. Leonard, R. Maingi, R.L. Miller, G.D. Porter, G.M. Staebler, A.D. Turnbull |
138-145 | In situ measurement and modeling of hydrogen recycling and transport processes – the role of molecules | A Pospieszczyk, Ph Mertens, G Sergienko, A Huber, V Philipps, D Reiter, D Rusbüldt, B Schweer, E Vietzke, P.T Greenland |
146-152 | Plasma wall interaction during long pulse operation in Tore Supra | C. Grisolia and the Tore Supra team |
153-159 | Tritium recycling and retention in JET | P Andrew, D Brennan, J.P Coad, J Ehrenberg, M Gadeberg, A Gibson, M Groth, J How, O.N Jarvis, H Jensen, R Lässer, F Marcus, R Monk, P Morgan, J Orchard, A Peacock, R Pearce, M Pick, A Rossi, B Schunke, et al. | |
160-167 | The effect of divertor geometry on divertor and core plasma performance in JET | L.D. Horton, G.F. Matthews, P. Andrew, A. Chankin, S. Clement, G. Conway, S. Davies, J. Ehrenberg, G. Fishpool, H.-Y. Guo, P.J. Harbour, L.C. Ingesson, H.J. Jäckel, J. Lingertat, C.G. Lowry, C.F. Maggi, G.M. McCracken, R. Mohanti, R.D. Monk, R. Reichle, et al. | |
168-174 | Studies of high-δ | S.L. Allen, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.M. Greenfield, A.W. Hyatt, R. Maingi, G.D. Porter, M.R. Wade, A.S. Bozek, R. Ellis, D.N. Hill, M.A. Hollerbach, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, D.G. Nilson, T.W. Petrie, M.J. Schaffer, J.P. Smith, R.D. Stambaugh, D.M. Thomas, et al. | |
175-181 | Role of divertor geometry on detachment in ASDEX Upgrade | R Schneider, H.-S Bosch, D Coster, J.C Fuchs, J Gafert, G Haas, A Herrmann, M Kaufmann, A Kallenbach, J Neuhauser, J Schweinzer, U Wenzel, ASDEX Upgrade Teams |
182-188 | Role of divertor geometry on detachment and core plasma performance in JT60U | N. Asakura, N. Hosogane, K. Itami, A. Sakasai, S. Sakurai, K. Shimizu, M. Shimada, H. Kubo, S. Higashijma, H. Takenaga, H. Tamai, S. Konoshima, T. Sugie, K. Masaki, Y. Koide, O. Naito, H. Shirai, T. Takizuka, T. Ishijima, S. Suzuki, et al. | |
189-196 | Comparison of ergodic and axisymmetric divertors | Ph. Ghendrih, A. Grosman, J. Gunn, F. Laugier, B. Meslin, C. Grisolia, R. Guirlet, P. Monier-Garbet, T. Loarer |
197-206 | Review of recent works in development and evaluation of high-Z plasma facing materials | Naoaki Yoshida |
207-216 | Conclusions about the use of tungsten in the divertor of ASDEX Upgrade | K. Krieger, H. Maier, R. Neu and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
217-221 | Molybdenum erosion measurements in Alcator C-Mod | W.R Wampler, B LaBombard, B Lipschultz, G.M McCracken, D.A Pappas, C.S Pitcher |
222-227 | Sputtering of beryllium, tungsten, tungsten oxide and mixed W–C layers by deuterium ions in the near-threshold energy range | M.I Guseva, A.L Suvorov, S.N Korshunov, N.E Lazarev |
228-233 | Dust in magnetic confinement fusion devices and its impact on plasma operation | J. Winter, G. Gebauer |
234-239 | Boronization in future devices – protecting layer against tritium and energetic neutrals | N Noda, K Tsuzuki, A Sagara, N Inoue, T Muroga |
240-246 | Deposition of a-C/B:D layers by ICRF-wall conditioning in TEXTOR-94 | H.G. Esser, A.I. Lyssoivan, M. Freisinger, P. Karduck, R. Koch, V. Philipps, H. Reimer, M. Rubel, J.von Seggern, M. Vervier, P. Wienhold |
247-250 | Hydrogen absorption/desorption behavior with oxygen-contaminated boron film | K. Tsuzuki, H. Eiki, N. Inoue, A. Sagara, N. Noda, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino |
251-257 | Stability of the detachment front in a tokamak divertor | S.I. Krasheninnikov, M. Rensink, T.D. Rognlien, A.S. Kukushkin, J.A. Goetz, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, J.L. Terry, M. Umansky |
258-263 | Sheath over a finely structured divertor plate | R.H. Cohen, R.E. Cid, E.B. Hooper, A.W. Molvik, G.D. Porter, D.D. Ryutov |
264-271 | Plasma pressure and flows during divertor detachment | M.J. Schaffer, J.A. Boedo, R.A. Moyer |
272-279 | Limiter heat load and consequences on impurity source and transport | D Guilhem, J Hogan, T Aniel, S Boddeker, C Grisolia, T Hoang, G Martin, B Meslin, R Mitteau, R Reichle, J.C Vallet |
280-284 | Localized heat flux due to lower hybrid wave coupling in the Ergodic Divertor configuration on Tore Supra | I. Pugno, J.J. Cordier, Ph. Ghendrih, M. Goniche, A. Grosman, J.P. Gunn, J. Mailloux, S. Person |
285-290 | Power deposition in the JET divertor during ELMs | S Clement, A Chankin, D Ciric, J.P Coad, J Falter, E Gauthier, J Lingertat, S Puppin |
291-295 | Heat flux distribution in the divertor-II of ASDEX Upgrade | A Herrmann, C.J Fuchs, V Rohde, M Weinlich and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
296-301 | Operational performance of JT-60U W-shaped divertor | N Hosogane, H Tamai, S Higashijima, H Kubo, A Sakasai, H Takenaga, K Itami, S Sakurai, N Asakura, S Konoshima, T Sugie, K Shimizu, T Ishijima, A Kumagai, S Suzuki, M Shimada |
302-306 | LHD divertor experimental program | N Ohyabu, A Komori, H Suzuki, T Morisaki, S Masuzaki, H Funaba, N Noda, Y Nakamura, A Sagara, N Inoue, R Sakamoto, S Inagaki, S Morita, Y Takeiri, T Watanabe, O Motojima, M Fujiwara, A Iiyoshi |
307-311 | Divertor helium pumping in TdeV-96 under various conditions | J.-L. Gauvreau, G.W. Pacher, R. Décoste, Y. Demers, B.L. Stansfield, C. Côté, J.-L. Lachambre, N. Richard, G. Lebrun, TdeV Team |
312-317 | Helium exhaust in ELMy H-mode plasmas with W-shaped pumped divertor of JT-60U | A. Sakasai, H. Takenaga, N. Hosogane, S. Sakurai, N. Akino, H. Kubo, S. Higashijima, H. Tamai, N. Asakura, K. Itami, K. Shimizu |
318-323 | Plasma edge characterisation and control in ergodic divertor experiments on Tore Supra | B. Meslin, T. Loarer, Ph. Ghendrih, A. Grosman, A. Azéroual, R. Guirlet, J. Gunn, B. Pégourié |
324-329 | Reflection and adsorption of deuterium atoms and molecules on graphite | E. Vietzke, M. Wada, M. Hennes |
330-336 | Simulation of helium exhaust in JET and ITER | M Fichtmüller, G Corrigan, L Lauro-Taroni, R Simonini, J Spence, E Springmann, A Taroni |
337-342 | Contribution of molecular activated recombination to hydrogen plasma detachment in the divertor plasma simulator NAGDIS-II | N Ezumi, D Nishijima, H Kojima, N Ohno, S Takamura, S.I Krasheninnikov, A.Yu Pigarov |
343-347 | New results on carbon release and transport in ASDEX-Upgrade | ASDEX-Upgrade Team, A. Kallenbach, A. Bard, D. Coster, R. Dux, C. Fuchs, J. Gafert, A. Herrmann, R. Schneider |
348-353 | Evolution of 2D deuterium and impurity radiation profiles during transitions from attached to detached divertor operation in DIII-D | A.W. Leonard, T.W. Petrie, W.P. West, M.E. Fenstermacher, S.L. Allen, D.N. Hill, R.C. Isler, C.J. Lasnier, G.D. Porter, D.G. Whyte, R.D. Wood |
354-359 | Impurity compression and enrichment studies on Alcator C-Mod | J.A. Goetz, B. Lipschultz, C.S. Pitcher, J.L. Terry, P.T. Bonoli, J.E. Rice, S.J. Wukitch |
360-364 | Transport of hydrocarbon molecules in the edge plasma of fusion experiments | D. Naujoks, D. Coster, H. Kastelewicz, R. Schneider |
365-369 | Spectroscopic investigation of the dynamics of ions and neutrals in the ASDEX Upgrade Divertor II | J. Gafert, K. Behringer, D. Coster, C. Dorn, A. Kallenbach, R. Schneider, U. Schumacher, ASDEX Upgrade Team |
370-375 | Recombination and ion loss in C-Mod detached divertor discharges | B. Lipschultz, J.L. Terry, C. Boswell, S.I. Krasheninnikov, B. LaBombard, D.A. Pappas |
376-379 | Spectroscopic measurements of impurity temperatures and parallel ion flows in the DIII-D divertor | R.C Isler, N.H Brooks, W.P West, A.W Leonard, G.R McKee, G.D Porter |
380-385 | Enhanced confinement discharges in DIII-D with neon and argon induced radiation | G.L. Jackson, M. Murakami, G.M. Staebler, M.R. Wade, A.M. Messiaen, J. Ongena, B. Unterberg, J.A. Boedo, T.E. Evans, A.W. Hyatt, R.J. LaHaye, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, G.W. McKee, R. Maingi, R.A. Moyer, T.W. Petrie, W.P. West |
386-391 | Removal of redeposited layers and hydrogen release by oxygen ventilation of TEXTOR-94 | V Philipps, H.G Esser, J.von Seggern, H Reimer, M Freisinger, E Vietzke, P Wienhold |
392-398 | Mixed-material coating formation on plasma-facing components | R.P Doerner, A.A Grossman, S Luckhardt, R Seraydarian, F.C Sze, D.G Whyte |
399-405 | Chemical erosion of graphite under simultaneous O+ and H+ irradiation | Allen Y.K. Chen, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz |
406-411 | Laboratory experiment on lithium chemistry and its application to effective wall conditioning | S. Kato, M. Watanabe, H. Toyoda, H. Sugai |
412-416 | Comparative studies of ionised and excited hydrogen atoms and molecules distributions for plasma–target interaction in a linear simulator machine | V.A. Kurnaev, V.A. Abramov, V.A. Kadetov, D.V. Mozgrin, D.V. Sarytchev, A.S. Savjolov, I.V. Vizgalov, V.N. Kolesnikov, L.P. Presnyakov |
417-422 | Oxygen incorporation into beryllium under D-ion bombardment in O2 atmosphere | V.Kh. Alimov, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, A.P. Zakharov |
423-428 | Dust and flakes in the JET MkIIa divertor, analysis and results | A.T Peacock, P Andrew, P Cetier, J.P Coad, G Federici, F.H Hurd, M.A Pick, C.H Wu |
429-433 | Molybdenum flux measurements in the FTU scrape off layer by deposition probes | M.L. Apicella, G. Maddaluno, V. Pericoli Ridolfini, R. Zagórski, C. Alessandrini, G. Apruzzese, G. Mazzitelli, D. Pacella, L. Verdini |
434-439 | Release of hydrogen molecules from hydrogen-containing carbon film deposited on molybdenum | K Ashida, K Watanabe, I Kitamura, S Ikeno |
440-445 | Co-deposition of deuterium with silicon doped carbon | M Balden, M Mayer, J Roth |
446-451 | Impurity screening in the RFX reversed field pinch | L. Carraro, M.E. Puiatti, F. Sattin, P. Scarin, M. Valisa, G. DePol, R. Pasqualotto, R. Pugno, G. Telesca |
452-456 | Kinetic study of thermoelectric currents in the SOL plasmas | Oleg Batishchev, Brian LaBombard |
457-461 | Fueling efficiency of pellet injection on DIII-D | L.R Baylor, T.C Jernigan, C.J Lasnier, R Maingi, M.A Mahdavi |
462-466 | Noble gas exhaust with a strongly baffled divertor in ASDEX-Upgrade | H.-S. Bosch, W. Ullrich, A. Bard, D. Coster, G. Haas, A. Kallenbach, J. Neuhauser, R. Schneider, ASDEX Upgrade Team |
467-471 | Tritium retention in tungsten exposed to intense fluxes of 100 eV tritons | R Causey, K Wilson, T Venhaus, W R. Wampler |
472-477 | Effects of particle exhaust on neutral compression ratios in DIII-D | R.J. Colchin, R. Maingi, S.L. Allen, C.M. Greenfield, M.R. Wade |
478-484 | Oxygen removal of codeposited a-C:D layers from tokamak tiles | J.W Davis, A.A Haasz |
485-489 | The diagnosed mobile limiters of the TJ-II stellarator for plasma boundary studies | E de la Cal, F.L Tabarés, D Tafalla, I.Garcı́a Cortés, C Hidalgo, A López-Fraguas |
490-494 | Optical emission measurements of H2 and D2 molecules in the divertor region of ASDEX Upgrade | U. Fantz, K. Behringer, J. Gafert, D. Coster, ASDEX Upgrade Team |
495-500 | Modeling of the dynamic ergodic divertor of TEXTOR-94 | K.H. Finken, Th. Eich, S.S. Abdullaev, A. Kaleck, G. Mank, D. Reiser, A. Runov, M. Tokar |
501-506 | Determination of angle resolved velocity distributions of sputtered tungsten atoms | A. Goehlich, N. Niemöller, H.F. Döbele |
507-512 | Radiation measurements and modeling of the density limit on the W7-AS stellarator | L. Giannone, R. Burhenn, P. Grigull, U. Stroth, R. Brakel, R. Dux, A. Elsner, S. Fiedler, G. Kühner, F. Penningsfeld, G. Pereverzev, F. Wagner, A. Weller, C. Wendland and NBI Team W7-AS Team |
513-519 | Carbon and neon penetration near a neutraliser plate of the Tore Supra ergodic divertor | R. Guirlet, J. Hogan, L. Chérigier, C. DeMichelis, P. Ghendrih, A. Grosman, D. Guilhem, B. Meslin, P. Monier-Garbet |
520-525 | The effect of ion damage on deuterium trapping in tungsten | A.A. Haasz, M. Poon, J.W. Davis |
526-531 | Numerical analysis of thermoelectric instability in tokamak divertor | N. Hayashi, T. Takizuka, A. Hatayama, M. Ogasawara |
532-537 | Deuterium trapping in divertor tiles of ASDEX-Upgrade | D. Hildebrandt, M. Akbi, B. Jüttner, W. Schneider |
538-541 | Helium retention of plasma facing materials | T. Hino, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata |
542-545 | Effects of supersonic beam and pellet injection on edge electric field and plasma rotation in HL-1M | W.Y. Hong, E.Y. Wang, Y.D. Pan, X.Q. Xu |
546-551 | Space resolved fluctuations of electron density measured by means of two thermal Li-beams in TEXTOR-94 | A. Huber, A.V. Nedospasov, U. Samm, B. Schweer |
552-556 | Removal of codeposited layers by ECR discharge cleaning | W Jacob, B Landkammer, C.H Wu |
557-560 | Simulation studies on sputtering and reflection from compound materials at elevated temperatures | T Kenmotsu, T Kawamura, Zhijie Li, T Ono, Y Yamamura |
561-565 | Deuterium permeation through metals under hydrogen counter flow | Kaname Kizu, Tetsuo Tanabe |
566-570 | Neutral particle transport under strong hydrogen recycling condition in the GAMMA 10 central cell | S. Kobayashi, Y. Nakashima, M. Shoji, K. Tsuchiya, Y. Hasegawa, M.K. Islam, N. Yamaguchi, M. Yoshikawa, A. Mase, T. Tamano, K. Yatsu |
571-576 | A novel tracer-gas injection system for scrape-off layer impurity transport and screening experiments | B. LaBombard, S. Gangadhara, B. Lipschultz, S. Lisgo, D.A. Pappas, C.S. Pitcher, P. Stangeby, J. Terry |
577-580 | Scaling and profiles of heat flux during partial detachment in DIII-D | C.J. Lasnier, D.N. Hill, S.L. Allen, M.E. Fenstermacher, A.W. Leonard, T.W. Petrie, G.D. Porter, J.G. Watkins |
581-586 | Erosion of beryllium and deposition of carbon and oxygen due to bombardment with C+ and CO+ ions | P. Goldstraß, W. Eckstein, Ch. Linsmeier |
587-592 | Multi-machine scaling of the divertor peak heat flux and width for L-mode and H-mode discharges | A Loarte, S Bosch, A Chankin, S Clement, A Herrmann, D Hill, K Itami, J Lingertat, B Lipschultz, K McCormick, R Monk, G.D Porter, M Shimada, M Sugihara |
593-597 | Runaway-limiter interaction in the FTU tokamak during disruptions | G. Maddaluno, B. Esposito |
598-603 | Density limit studies on DIII-D | R. Maingi, M.A. Mahdavi, T.W. Petrie, L.R. Baylor, T.C. Jernigan, R.J. La Haye, A.W. Hyatt, M.R. Wade, J.G. Watkins, D.G. Whyte |
604-610 | Wall erosion and material transport to the Mark I carbon divertor of JET | M Mayer, R Behrisch, K Plamann, P Andrew, J.P Coad, A.T Peacock |
611-617 | Radiation efficiency of high power ergodic divertor plasmas in Tore Supra | P. Monier-Garbet, C. DeMichelis, Ph. Ghendrih, R. Giannella, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, R. Guirlet, J. Gunn, F. Laugier, B. Meslin, R. Reichle, J. C. Vallet |
618-622 | Erosion of vanadium in lithium plasma | A.V. Nedospasov, G.V. Sergienko, N.M. Zykova, I.V. Pen'deev, E.V. Mydretskaya, A.V. Zhmendak |
623-628 | Studies of boundary plasmas and fueling on the JFT-2M | H Ogawa, Y Miura, N Fukumoto, T Ogawa, K Hasegawa, S Kasai, H Kawashima, H Kimura, M Maeno, M Nagata, S Sengoku, T Shibata, T Uyama, T Yamauchi and JFT-2M Groupa |
629-634 | Particle emission from a tungsten test limiter in TEXTOR-94: a comparison between experimental and Monte Carlo simulated results | K Ohya, J Kawata, T Tanabe, M Wada, T Ohgo, V Philipps, B Unterberg, A Pospieszczyk, B Schweer, A Huber, N Noda |
635-641 | Molybdenum sources and transport in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak | D.A. Pappas, B. Lipschultz, B. LaBombard, M.J. May, C.S. Pitcher |
642-647 | The role of neutrals in the H–L back transition of high density single-null and double-null gas-fueled discharges in DIII-D | the DIII-D Team, T.W. Petrie, R. Maingi, G.D. Porter, S.L. Allen, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.J. Groebner, D.N. Hill, A.W. Leonard, C.J. Lasnier, M.A. Mahdavi, R.A. Moyer, M.E. Rensink, D.M. Thomas, W.P. West |
648-653 | Experimental investigation of the effects of neon injection in TCV | R.A. Pitts, A. Refke, B.P. Duval, I. Furno, B. Joye, J.B. Lister, Y. Martin, J.-M. Moret, J. Rommers, H. Weisen |
654-659 | Influence of E | T.D. Rognlien, G.D. Porter, D.D. Ryutov |
660-665 | Chemical sputtering from the pump limiter neutralizer in Tore Supra | R. Ruggiéri, E. Gauthier, J. Hogan, J.M. Layet, T. Loarer |
666-672 | MARFE feedback experiments on TEXTOR-94 | U. Samm, M. Brix, F. Durodié, M. Lehnen, A. Pospieszczyk, J. Rapp, G. Sergienko, B. Schweer, M.Z. Tokar, B. Unterberg |
673-678 | Measurement of edge parameters in TEXTOR-94 at the low and high field side with atomic beams | B. Schweer, M. Brix, M. Lehnen |
679-684 | SOL currents and divertor asymmetries on COMPASS-D | C.G. Silva, S.J. Fielding, K.B. Axon, M.G. Booth |
685-690 | Experimental determination of the contribution of chemical sputtering of carbon on carbon core concentrations | M.F Stamp, D Elder, H.Y Guo, M von Hellermann, L Horton, R König, J Lingertat, G McCracken, A Meigs, P Stangeby, A Tabasso |
691-696 | Simulation of transient wall pumping, fuelling effects and density control in tokamaks | M. Sugihara, G. Federici, C. Grisolia, P. Ghendrih, J.T. Hogan, G. Janeschitz, G. Pacher, D.E. Post |
697-702 | Experiments on potential energy diagram for hydrogen isotopes on nickel surface | I. Takagi, H. Fujita, K. Higashi |
703-708 | Influence of deuterium implanted in materials surface on Balmer lines emission from backscattering deuterium | Tetsuo Tanabe, Akihiro Ohmori |
709-713 | Erosion, redeposition and boronization lifetime in RFX | L Tramontin, V Antoni, M Bagatin, D Boscarino, E Cattaruzza, V Rigato, S Zandolin |
714-720 | The influence of electron emission on heat load to the plasma facing materials under space charge limited condition with an oblique magnetic field | I.V Tsvetkov, T Tanabe |
721-725 | Empirical scalings of cross-field heat diffusivities in the scrape-off layer of Alcator C-Mod from a 2-D interpretive model | M.V Umansky, B LaBombard |
726-731 | Scrape off layer modelling studies for SST-I | M. Warrier, S. Jaishankar, S. Deshpande, D. Coster, R. Schneider, S. Chaturvedi, R. Srinivasan, B.J. Braams and SST Team |
732-738 | Carbon influx in He and D plasmas in DIII-D | N.H Brooks, G.L Jackson, W.P West, M.E Fenstermacher, R.C Isler, C.J Lasnier, A Ramsey, M.R Wade, D.G Whyte, R.D Wood |
739-741 | Effect of divertor geometry on plasma detachment in DIII-D | N.S Wolf, G.D Porter, D.N Hill, S.L Allen |
742-746 | Hot spot formation on electron-emissive target plate with plasma potential variation across magnetic field | M.Y. Ye, K. Kudose, T. Kuwabara, N. Ohno, S. Takamura |
747-750 | In situ silicon and lithium coating and its removal in the HL-1M tokamak | N.M Zhang, E.Y Wang, M.X Wang, W.Y Hong, C.H Cui, Z.W Wang, D.H Yan |
751-753 | Absolute VUV spectroscopy of an eroding graphite target using a calibrated CCD camera | N Arkhipov, V Bakhtin, S Kurkin, V Safronov, D Toporkov, S Vasenin, A Zhitlukhin, P Rockett, J Hunter |
754-760 | Deuterium release rates in a-C:D-layers during oxygen attack | S. Alberici, H.-K. Hinssen, R. Moormann, C.H. Wu |
761-765 | Deuterium transport in Cu, CuCrZr, and Cu/Be | R.A. Anderl, M.R. Hankins, G.R. Longhurst, R.J. Pawelko |
766-770 | Effect of the velocity shear on particle transport and edge turbulence in a reversed field pinch | V. Antoni, R. Cavazzana, E. Martines, G. Serianni, M. Bagatin, D. Desideri, M. Moresco, E. Spada, L. Tramontin |
771-776 | Particle diffusion coefficient at the edge of RFX | M Bagatin, V Antoni, D Desideri, E Martines, R Pasqualotto, R Pugno, G Serianni, L Tramontin, M Valisa |
777-782 | Edge profiles and limiter tests in Extrap T2 | H. Bergsåker, G. Hedin, L. Ilyinsky, D. Larsson, A. Möller |
783-787 | Measurements of flows in the DIII-D divertor by Mach probes | J.A. Boedo, R. Lehmer, R.A. Moyer, J.G. Watkins, G.D. Porter, T.E. Evans, A.W. Leonard, M.J. Schaffer |
788-792 | The generation of poloidal pressure gradients in the SOL of TdeV by plate biasing | C. Boucher, B.C. Gregory, J.-L. Lachambre, J.P. Gunn, B.L. Stansfield, M. Tendler, TdeV Team |
793-797 | The investigation of structure, chemical composition, hydrogen isotope trapping and release processes in deposition layers on surfaces exposed to DIII-D divertor plasma | O.I Buzhinskij, I.V Opimach, V.A Barsuk, I.I Arkhipov, W.P West, D Whyte, C.P.C Wong, W.R Wampler |
798-803 | Heat flux deposition on plasma-facing components using a convective model with ripple and Shafranov shift | R. Mitteau, A. Moal, J. Schlosser, D. Guilhem |
804-808 | B2-Eirene modelling of the density limit on ASDEX-Upgrade | D.P. Coster, K. Borrass, R. Schneider and ASDEX-UpgradeTeam |
809-811 | Pattern of ion bombardment on the poloidal divertor plates | U. Daybelge, C. Yarim |
812-818 | 3D fluid modelling of the edge plasma by means of a Monte Carlo technique | Y Feng, F Sardei, J Kisslinger |
819-824 | Transport properties of hydrogen isotopes in boron carbide structures | A.A. Grossman, R.P. Doerner, S. Luckhardt, R. Seraydarian, A.K. Burnham |
825-830 | The role of recycling and impurity production in JET hot-ion H-modes | H.Y Guo, B Balet, G Conway, G Corrigan, S Davies, B de Esch, M von Hellermann, L.D Horton, H Lingertat, P Lomas, G.F Matthews, G.M McCracken, R.D Monk, M.F.F Nave, V Parail, R Simonini, R Smith, M Stamp, P.C Stangeby, A Tabasso, et al. | |
831-836 | Dependence of surface oxidation on hydrogen absorption and desorption behaviors of Ti–6Al–4V alloy | Y Hirohata, T Nakamura, Y Aihara, T Hino |
837-842 | MARFE onset conditions and stability | Yu Igitkhanov, M Mikhailov |
843-849 | L–H transition in tokamak plasmas: 1.5-D simulations | G. Janeschitz, G.W. Pacher, Yu. Igitkhanov, H.D. Pacher, S.D. Pinches, O. Pogutse, M. Sugihara |
850-855 | Spectroscopic study on the reflected neutral particles from solid surface | K. Kobayasi, S. Ohtsu, S. Tanaka |
856-861 | Hydrogen recycling in graphite at higher fluxes | D. Larsson, H. Bergsåker, A. Hedqvist |
862-866 | Measured and simulated poloidal asymmetries of the FTU SOL in the toroidal limiter configuration | M. Leigheb, V.Pericoli Ridolfini, R. Zagorski |
867-872 | Modelling of deuterium emission in high density divertor plasmas in JET | C.F Maggi, L.D Horton, G Corrigan, H.J Jäckel, A Loarte, R.D Monk, R Simonini, M Stamp, A Taroni |
873-876 | Charge separation at a plasma–wall transition due to the finite ion gyro-radius | M Shoucri, I Shkarofsky, G Manfredi, P Bertrand, A Ghizzo, S Krasheninnikov, D Sigmar, O Batishchev, A Batishcheva |
877-883 | Edge localised asymmetric radiative phenomena in RFX | L. Marrelli, P. Zanca, P. Martin, S. Martini, A. Murari |
884-889 | Radial and spectral profiles of atomic deuterium in front of a limiter in TEXTOR 94: Results of laser-induced fluorescence at Lyman-α | Ph. Mertens, A. Pospieszczyk |
890-895 | Modeling of neutral particle distributions at the L to H transition in DIII-D | L.W. Owen, B.A. Carreras, R. Maingi, P.K. Mioduszewski, T.N. Carlstrom, R.J. Groebner |
896-900 | Electron cyclotron discharge cleaning (ECDC) experiments on Alcator C-Mod | R.T. Nachtrieb, B.L. LaBombard, J.L Terry, J.C. Reardon, W.L. Rowan, W.R. Wampler |
901-905 | Characteristics of carbon sheet pump in application experiments to a high-temperature plasma device | Y. Nakashima, A. Sagara, T. Moriwaki, Y. Hironaga, S. Kobayashi, Y. Ishimoto, M. Yoshikawa, T. Tamano, K. Yatsu, K. Tsuchiya, M Shoji, H. Suzuki, N. Noda, A. Komori, N. Ohyabu, O. Motojima |
906-910 | Effect of gyro-motion of incident ions on inboard–outboard asymmetry in divertor plasmas | Michiya Shimada, Tihiro Ohkawa |
911-916 | Dependence of the L–H transition on separatrix-wall gaps on TdeV | G.W Pacher, R Decoste, Y Demers, A Cote, J.-L Lachambre, C Boucher, C Cote, J.-L Gauvreau, D Lafrance, D Pinsonneault, B Quirion, N Richard, M St.-Onge, TdeV Team |
917-921 | Analysis of separatrix plasma parameters using local and multi-machine databases | G.D Porter, S Davies, B LaBombard, A Loarte, K McCormick, R Monk, M Shimada, M Sugihara |
922-927 | Modelling of plasma tritium concentration and wall tritium inventory at JET | A. Rossi, T. Loarer, G. Saibene, R.D. Monk, L.D. Horton, M.L. Apicella, B. Annaratone |
928-933 | Drift effects in W7-AS limiter and island divertor configurations | Y. Feng, F. Sardei, P. Grigull, G. Herre and W7-AS Team |
934-939 | Comparison of scrape-off layer behaviour between DIV-I and DIV-II operations on ASDEX-Upgrade | J. Schweinzer, W. Sandmann, G. Haas, J. Neuhauser, H. Murmann, H. Salzmann and ASDEX-Upgrade- and NBI-Teams |
940-946 | Modeling of tritium retention in TFTR | C.H. Skinner, J.T. Hogan, J.N. Brooks, W. Blanchard, R.V. Budny, J. Hosea, D. Mueller, A. Nagy, D.P. Stotler |
947-952 | Coupled Monte Carlo neutral – fluid plasma simulation of Alcator C-Mod divertor plasma near detachment | D.P Stotler, R.A Vesey, D.P Coster, C.F.F Karney, B LaBombard, B Lipschultz, C.S Pitcher, R Schneider |
953-957 | Polarized laser-induced fluorescence technique to measure localized electric field induced perpendicularly to magnetic field in the plasma-edge | K. Takiyama, M. Watanabe, T. Oda |
958-962 | Localized recycling as a trigger of MARFE | M.Z Tokar, J Rapp, D Reiser, U Samm, F.C Schüller, G Sergienko, P.C de Vries |
963-968 | Simulation of different pumping configurations for the CIEL project on Tore Supra | E. Tsitrone, P. Chappuis, M. Chatelier, F. Faisse, A. Grosman, D. Reiter |
969-974 | Study of the radio-frequency driven sheath in the ion cyclotron slow wave antennas | T. Imai, H. Sawada, Y. Uesugi, S. Takamura |
975-979 | Hydrogen in diamond-like carbon films | E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, P. Tikkanen, J. Likonen, E. Rauhala, J. Keinonen |
980-985 | An evaluation of kinetic effects in the DIII-D divertor | J.G Watkins, O Batishchev, J Boedo, D.N Hill, C.J Lasnier, R Lehmer, A.W Leonard, R.A Moyer |
986-992 | Non-uniform carbon redeposition on graphite | P. Wienhold, F. Weschenfelder, P. Karduck, K. Ohya, S. Richter, M. Rubel, J. von Seggern |
993-996 | Turbulence in boundary plasmas | X.Q. Xu, R.H. Cohen, G.D. Porter, J.R. Myra, D.A. D'Ippolito, R. Moyer |
997-1002 | Microstructural evolution in beryllium by fusion-relevant low energy helium ion irradiation | K. Morishita, T. Inoue, N. Yoshida |
1003-1008 | Erosion and deposition in the ASDEX Upgrade tungsten divertor experiment | H Maier, K Krieger, M Balden, J Roth and the ASDEX Upgrade-Team |
1009-1014 | The role of friction in SOL pressure balance in Alcator C-Mod | C.S. Pitcher, J.A. Goetz, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, J.L. Weaver, B.L. Welch |
1015-1019 | B2-EIRENE code modelling of an island divertor | G. Herre, P. Grigull, R. Schneider |
1020-1022 | Effects of temperature gradients and sheath power transmission on Langmuir probes | A. Carlson, A. Bergmann |
1023-1027 | Thermal pattern measurements during disruptions on TEXTOR-94 | M. Ciotti, T. Denner, G. Maruccia, K.H. Finken, J. Hobirk, A. Kremer-Flecken, G. Maddaluno, G. Mank, P. Pasqua, F.C. Schüller, R. Zanino |
1028-1033 | Behaviour of upstream separatrix density in JET H-mode plasmas | S.J Davies, S.K Erents, P.C Stangeby, J Lingertat, G.F Matthews, R.D Monk, G.C Vlases |
1034-1039 | Quantitative comparisons between experimentally measured 2D carbon radiation and Monte Carlo impurity (MCI) code simulations | T.E Evans, D.F Finkenthal, M.E Fenstermacher, A.W Leonard, G.D Porter, W.P West |
1040-1044 | Asymmetries in the divertor power loading in START | K.M Morel, G.F Counsell, P Helander |
1045-1050 | A CFD onion-skin model for the interpretation of edge experiments | W. Fundamenski, P.C. Stangeby, J.D. Elder |
1051-1058 | FT-IR studies of graphite after keV-energy hydrogen ion irradiation | Yoshitaka Gotoh, Soji Kajiura |
1059-1064 | Chemical sputtering yields of carbon based materials at high ion flux densities | H. Grote, W. Bohmeyer, P. Kornejew, H.-D. Reiner, G. Fussmann, R. Schlögl, G. Weinberg, C.H. Wu |
1065-1071 | Dynamic hydrogen retention in the walls of the tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D | G. Haas, R. Maingi, J. Neuhauser, ASDEX Upgrade team, DIII-D team |
1072-1077 | Study on energy distribution of reflected particles from plasma facing materials | Y. Hasegawa, S. Masuzaki, N. Noda, N. Ohyabu, A. Sagara, H. Suzuki, A. Komori, T. Morisaki, O. Motojima, V.S. Voitsenya |
1078-1083 | Carbon impurity behavior in w-shaped pumped divertor of JT-60U | S Higashijima, H Kubo, T Sugie, K Shimizu, A Kumagai, A Sakasai, N Asakura, S Sakurai, N Hosogane, S Konoshima, H Tamai, T Ishijima, H Takenaga, K Itami, M Shimada |
1084-1090 | Noble gas impurity balance and exhaust model for DIII-D and JET | D.L. Hillis, J. Hogan, M. von Hellermann, J. Ehrenberg, L. Horton, R. König, P. Morgan, G. Saibene, M.R. Wade |
1091-1096 | Dynamic behavior of hydrogen isotopes in tungsten–carbon composite materials | T Horikawa, B Tsuchiya, K Morita |
1097-1102 | Radiative plasma by impurity seeding in W-shaped pumped divertor experiment of JT-60U | K. Itami, N. Hosogane, S. Konoshima, S. Sakurai, N. Asakura, S. Higashijima, A. Sakasai, H. Tamai, M. Shimada |
1103-1107 | Temperature and angular dependences of sputtering yield of B4C-carbon fiber composite irradiated with low energy deuterium ions | R Jimbou, K Nakamura, V Bandourko, M Dairaku, Y Okumura, M Akiba |
1108-1112 | Internal stress induced in the process of boron coating | H. Kemi, C. Sasaki, M. Kitamura, N. Satomi, Y. Ueda, M. Nishikawa |
1113-1117 | Trapping and reflection of eV deuterium ions by fusion materials | A.A. Evanov, V.A. Kurnaev, D.V. Levchuk, A.A. Pisarev |
1118-1122 | Modification of hydrogen recycling due to edge ergodic magnetic layer in long tokamak discharge with high duty | M Kobayashi, K Tashiro, S Takamura |
1123-1128 | Comparison of B2-EIRENE calculations with multi-machine experimental measurements | A Loarte, A.S Kukushkin, H.D Pacher, D.P Coster, R Schneider, N Asakura, K Itami, B LaBombard, B Lipschultz, C.F Maggi, R.D Monk, G.D Porter, M Shimada, M Sugihara, J Terry |
1129-1133 | Finite element modelling Dα radiation and impurity transport in tdev | R. Marchand, F. Meo, M. Simard, B. Stansfield, E. Haddad, G. Abel, J.L. Lachambre, D. Pinsonneault, N. Richard, TdeV team |
1134-1138 | Trace tritium and the H-mode density limit | G.F. Matthews, K.-D. Zastrow, P. Andrew, B. Balet, N.P. Basse, J. Ehrenberg, S.K. Erents, H. Guo, N. Jarvis, M. Loughlin, F. Marcus, R. Monk, M. O'Mullane, L. Lauro-Taroni, G. Sadler, G. Saibene, R. Simonini, P.C. Stangeby, J. Strachan, A. Taroni |
1139-1144 | Influence of magnetic configuration and heating methods on distribution of diverted plasmas in Heliotron E | T. Mizuuchi, V.S. Voitsenya, V.V. Chechkin, K. Nagasaki, H. Zushi, M. Nakasuga, H. Okada, S. Besshou, A. Hayakawa, H. Funaba, T. Hamada, S. Masuzaki, K. Kondo, F. Sano, O. Motojima, O.S. Pavlichenko, T. Obiki |
1145-1150 | Potentials, E | R.A. Moyer, R. Lehmer, J.A. Boedo, J.G. Watkins, X. Xu, J.R. Myra, R. Cohen, D.A. D'Ippolito, T.W. Petrie, M.J. Schaffer |
1151-1156 | Retention and release of deuterium implanted in W and Mo | S. Nagata, K. Takahiro, S. Horiike, S. Yamaguchi |
1157-1160 | Spectroscopic observation of a helium plasma cooled by a hydrogen gas injection | S. Namba, I. Nomura, K. Iwasaki, K. Takiyama, U. Furukane, T. Oda, K. Sato |
1161-1166 | Two-dimensional structure of the detached recombining helium plasma associated with molecular activated recombination | D. Nishijima, N. Ezumi, H. Kojima, N. Ohno, S. Takamur, S.I. Krasheninnikov, A.Yu. Pigarov |
1167-1171 | The ion- and atom-driven transport of deuterium in Nb under the influence of surface impurities | K. Ohkoshi, V. Alimov, K. Yamaguchi, M. Yamawaki, A.I. Livshits |
1172-1179 | Operating window for high divertor radiation in ITER | H.D Pacher, A.S Kukushkin, D.P Coster, A Loarte, G Janeschitz, D Reiter, R Schneider |
1180-1184 | Edge plasma modeling of limiter surfaces in a tokamak divertor configuration | M.E Rensink, T.D Rognlien |
1185-1190 | Analysis and oxidation of thick deposits on TEXTOR plasma facing components | M Rubel, J von Seggern, P Karduck, V Philipps, A Vevecka-Priftaj |
1191-1196 | Plasma characteristics near the X-point in W-shaped divertor of JT-60U | S. Sakurai, N. Asakura, N. Hosogane, K. Itami, M. Shimada, O. Naito |
1197-1201 | Kinetic analysis of recycling plasma in an oblique magnetic field | Kunihiro Sato |
1202-1206 | Kinetic modeling of the transport in the SOL of TdeV during LH current drive and ELM bursts | M. Shoucri, I. Shkarofsky, J.-L. Gauvreau, P. Jacquet, G. Pacher, R. Decoste, O. Batishchev, A. Batishcheva, D. Sigmar |
1207-1211 | The stochastic edge region of W7-X | E. Strumberger |
1212-1218 | Growth of redeposited carbon and its impact on isotope retention properties on tungsten in a high flux deuterium plasma | Fan C Sze, Leo Chousal, Russ P. Doerner, Stan Luckhardt |
1219-1223 | Particle control and behaviour of neutrals in the pumped W-shaped divertor of JT-60U | H. Tamai, N. Asakura, N. Hosogane, H. Takenaga, S. Higashijima, K. Itami, S. Konoshima, H. Kubo, A. Sakasai, S. Sakurai, K. Shimizu |
1224-1229 | Behavior of plasma-sprayed tungsten coatings on CFC and graphite under high heat load | K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, N. Noda, Y. Kubota, S. Inagaki, R. Sakamoto, T. Sogabe, L. Plöchl |
1230-1233 | A fast scanning Langmuir probe system for ASDEX-Upgrade divertor | N Tsois, C Dorn, G Kyriakakis, M Markoulaki, M Pflug, G Schramm, P Theodoropoulos, P Xantopoulos, M Weinlich and the ASDEX Upgrade Team |
1234-1239 | Interpretative modelling of JET's thermal helium diagnostic | Y Andrew, S.J Davies, D Elder, L.D Horton, G.F Matthews, A Meigs, P.D Morgan, M O'Mullane, M Stamp, R Prentice, P.C Stangeby |
1240-1246 | Radial current and flows in the scrape-off layer of a tokamak | M. Van Schoor, R. Weynants |
1247-1251 | Impact of detailed radiation transport on volume recombination | H.A Scott, A.S Wan, D.E Post, M.E Rensink, T.D Rognlien |
1252-1256 | Characterization of the hydrogen emission in divertor II of ASDEX-Upgrade | U. Wenzel, K. Behringer, K. Büchl, A. Herrmann, K. Schmidtmann |
1257-1260 | Deuterium retention of DIII-D DiMES sample | Y Yamauchi, Y Hirohata, T Hino, K Masaki, M Saidoh, T Ando, D.G Whyte, C Wong |
1261-1266 | Numerical analysis of plasma instabilities in the TEXTOR tokamak edge plasma | R Zagórski, H Gerhauser, H.A Claaßen |
1267-1272 | Fuel recycling and edge plasma control with membrane techniques: plasma–membrane simulation experiments | A. Livshits, N. Ohyabu, M. Bacal, Y. Nakamura, A. Busnyuk, M. Notkin, V. Alimov, A. Samartsev, H. Suzuki, F. Sube |
1273-1278 | Plasma–wall interaction in the Spanish stellarator TJ-II. Diagnostics and first results | D Tafalla, E de la Cal, B Brañas TJ-II team, F.L Tabarés |
1279-1284 | Edge plasma diagnostics on W7-AS and ASDEX-Upgrade using fast Li beams | S. Fiedler, R. Brandenburg, J. Baldzuhn, K. McCormick, F. Aumayr, J. Schweinzer, H.P. Winter and W7-AS and ASDEX-Upgrade team |
1285-1289 | Broadening of the parallel and perpendicular ion energy spectrum and correlation with turbulent potential fluctuations in a linear magnetized plasma | S.C Luckhardt, R.W Harvey, O.V Batishchev, A.A Batishcheva, J Cuthbertson, R Doerner, A Grossman, R Lehmer, L Blush, D.G Whyte |
1290-1295 | Self-consistent impurity modeling in the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade | R. Zanino, C. Ferro, M. Frassinesi, M. Leigheb |
1296-1302 | Hydrogen isotope inventories in the ASDEX Upgrade tungsten coated divertor tiles | D Schleußner, H Maier, P Franzen, R Behrisch, M Balden, The ASDEX-Upgrade Team, M Perl, W Knapp, Chr Edelmann |
1303-1308 | The effect of lithium wall conditioning in TFTR on plasma–surface interactions | D.N Ruzic, Monica M.C Allain, R.V Budny |
1-65 | Index | |
66-190 | Index | |
279-289 | Zr-rich layers electrodeposited onto stainless steel cladding during the electrorefining of EBR-II fuel | Dennis D. Keiser Jr., Robert D. Mariani |
290-300 | The effects of low dose rate irradiation and thermal aging on reactor structural alloys | T. R. Allen, C. L. Trybus, J. I. Cole |
301-308 | Calculation of thermodynamic parameters of U–Pu–N system with carbon and oxygen impurities | R. Agarwal, V. Venugopal, D. D. Sood |
309-314 | Degradation of mechanical properties of structural reactor materials induced by formation of stress concentrators | Roman E. Voskoboinikov |
315-321 | Thermal compatibility studies of U3Si2 dispersion fuels prepared with centrifugally atomized powder | Ki-Hwan Kim, Jong-Man Park, Chang-Kyu Kim, Gerard L. Hofman, Kyung-Wook Paik |
322-333 | Corrosion characteristics and oxide microstructures of Zircaloy-4 in aqueous alkali hydroxide solutions | Y. H. Jeong, J. H. Baek, S. J. Kim, H. G. Kim, H. Ruhmann |
334-341 | Thermal stability and brazing characteristics of Zr0.7−xMxBe0.3 (M=Ti or Nb) ternary amorphous filler metals | Young-Soo Han, Choon-Ho Park, Kuk-Jin Jang, Cha-Hurn Bae, Chang-Burm Choi, Jai-Young Lee |
342-348 | Segregation effects on the corrosion behaviour of a phosphorus-doped AISI type 304L stainless steel | P. Muraleedharan, F. Schneider, K. Mummert |
349-356 | Recombination mechanism of point defect loss to coherent precipitates in alloys under irradiation | A. A. Turkin, A. S. Bakai |
357-367 | Temperature dependence of the 20% cold worked 316 stainless steel steady state irradiation creep rate | John Paul Foster, Kermit Bunde, M. L. Grossbeck, E. Robert Gilbert |
368-371 | Calculations of the tritium re-emission rate in the DEMO first wall | O. V. Ogorodnikova, M. A. Fütterer, E. Serra, G. Benamati |
372-375 | Enthalpy and heat capacity of LiAlO2 between 298 and 1700 K by drop calorimetry | Heiko Kleykamp |
376-381 | The crystal structure of oxides grown on Zr–20Nb alloy | O. T. Woo, Y. P. Lin |
1-6 | Neutron energy spectrum and temperature effects on freely migrating defect concentrations and grain boundary segregation in α-Fe | R. G. Faulkner, D. J. Bacon, S. Song, P. E. J. Flewitt |
7-10 | Diffuse X-ray scattering studies of radiation defects in Ni and dilute Ni alloys | Hideki Yuya, Hiroshi Maeta, Hideo Ohtsuka, Norimasa Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Sugai, Akihiro Iwase, Tsuneo Matsui, Tetsuya Suzuki, Morio Jinchoh, Kohji Yamakawa |
11-14 | Radiation-induced amorphization and recrystallization of α-SiC single crystal | K. Kawatsura, N. Shimatani, T. Igarashi, T. Inoue, N. Terazawa, S. Arai, Y. Aoki, S. Yamamoto, K. Narumi, H. Naramoto, Y. Horino, Y. Mokuno, K. Fujii |
15-20 | Radiation effects of 200 keV and 1 MeV Ni ion on MgO single crystal | T. Mitamura, K. Kawatsura, R. Takahashi, T. Adachi, T. Igarashi, S. Arai, N. Masuda, Y. Aoki, S. Yamamoto, K. Narumi, H. Naramoto, Y. Horino, Y. Mokuno, K. Fujii |
21-25 | Radiation damage and radiation-induced segregation in single crystal stainless steel by RBS and PIXE channeling | T. Mitamura, K. Kawatsura, T. Nakae, T. Igarashi, T. Inoue, S. Arai, Y. Aoki, S. Yamamoto, K. Narumi, H. Naramoto, Y. Horino, Y. Mokuno, K. Fujii, M. Terasawa, H. Uchida, K. Koterazawa, K. Takahiro, S. Nagata, S. Yamaguchi |
26-29 | Computer simulation of the interaction between an edge dislocation and interstitial clusters in Fe and Ni | E. Kuramoto, K. Ohsawa, T. Tsutsumi, M. Koyanagi |
30-34 | TRANS_MU computer code for computation of transmutant formation kinetics in advanced structural materials for fusion reactors | Natalya V. Markina, Gregory A. Shimansky |
35-40 | A molecular dynamics simulation study of displacement cascades in vanadium | K. Morishita, T. Diaz de la Rubia |
41-45 | Formation mechanism of clustered small loops (rafts) in fission-neutron irradiated Mo at high temperatures | K. Yamakawa, Y. Shimomura |
46-51 | Simulation of the kinetics of defect accumulation in copper under neutron irradiation | H. L. Heinisch, B. N. Singh |
52-56 | Atom transport efficiency in heavy ion irradiated metals | P. Fielitz, V. Naundorf, H. Wollenberger |
57-62 | Subcascade formation in displacement cascade simulations: Implications for fusion reactor materials | Roger E. Stoller, Lawrence R. Greenwood |
63-67 | Defect cluster formation in vanadium irradiated with heavy ions | N. Sekimura, Y. Shirao, H. Yamaguchi, S. Yonamine, Y. Arai |
68-72 | High energy cascades in gold as studied by high energy self-ion irradiation | N. Sekimura, Y. Kanzaki, N. Ohtake, J. Saeki, Y. Shirao, S. Ishino, T. Iwata, A. Iwase, R. Tanaka |
73-77 | Radiation processing of powders for improved fusion structural materials | Yu. A. Zaykin, B. A. Aliyev, B. P. Chesnokov, O. A. Kiryushatov |
78-83 | Contribution to irradiation creep arising from gas-driven bubble growth | C. H. Woo, F. A. Garner |
84-86 | Influence of irradiation on the dislocation kinetics with allowance for the dislocation velocity distribution | N. V. Kamyshanchenko, V. V. Krasil'nikov, I. M. Nekliudov, A. A. Parkhomenko |
87-91 | Effect of size and configuration of 3-point bend bar specimens on J | Shiro Jitsukawa, Akira Naito, Jun Segawa |
92-96 | Properties of precipitation hardened steel irradiated at 323 K in the Japan materials testing reactor | M. Niimi, Y. Matsui, S. Jitsukawa, T. Hoshiya, T. Tsukada, M. Ohmi, H. Mimura, N. Ooka, K. Hide |
97-101 | Effects of neutron irradiation on microstructure and mechanical properties of pure iron | B. N. Singh, A. Horsewell, P. Toft |
102-105 | Influence of post-irradiation thermal annealing on the mechanical properties of ion irradiated layers in 316L stainless steel | C. Robertson, L. Boulanger, S. Poissonnet |
106-110 | Microstructure and mechanical properties of neutron irradiated TiNi shape memory alloy | Y. Matsukawa, T. Suda, S. Ohnuki, C. Namba |
111-114 | Microstructural examination of Ni-ion irradiated Fe–Ni–Cr alloys followed to micro-zone deformation | M. Ando, Y. Katoh, H. Tanigawa, A. Kohyama |
115-119 | The influence of helium co-implantation on ion-induced hardening of low activation ferritic steel evaluated by micro-indentation technique | Y. Katoh, H. Tanigawa, T. Muroga, T. Iwai, A. Kohyama |
120-122 | Justification of the new approach to the testing of the candidate ITER materials in fission reactor | V. A. Nikolaenko, V. I. Karpukhin, E. A. Krasikov, V. N. Kuznetsov |
123-127 | Strengthening, loss of strength and embrittlement of beryllium under high temperature neutron irradiation | G. A. Sernyaev, A. V. Kozlov, V. R. Barabash |
128-132 | The mechanical properties of 590 MeV proton irradiated iron | Y. Chen, P. Spätig, M. Victoria |
133-138 | Defect structure development in a pure iron and dilute iron alloys irradiated with neutrons and electrons | A. Okada, H. Maeda, K. Hamada, I. Ishida |
139-144 | Irradiation examination of CuNiCrSi alloy for ITER applications | A. D. Ivanov, A. V. Kozlov, M. V. Chernetsov, S. A. Averin |
145-150 | Mechanical property changes of low activation ferritic/martensitic steels after neutron irradiation | Y. Kohno, A. Kohyama, T. Hirose, M. L. Hamilton, M. Narui |
151-154 | Postirradiation thermocyclic loading of ferritic–martensitic structural materials | L. Belyaeva, A. Orychtchenko, C. Petersen, V. Rybin |
155-161 | Mechanical properties and microstructure of advanced ferritic–martensitic steels used under high dose neutron irradiation | V. K. Shamardin, V. N. Golovanov, T. M. Bulanova, A. V. Povstianko, A. E. Fedoseev, Yu. D. Goncharenko, Z. E. Ostrovsky |
162-166 | Irradiation hardening of V–4Cr–4Ti | E. V. van Osch, M. I. de Vries |
167-172 | Post-irradiation mechanical properties of austenitic alloys at temperatures below 703 K | Shiro Jitsukawa, Ikuo Ioka, Akimichi Hishinuma |
173-178 | Post-irradiation creep rupture properties of FBR grade 316 SS structural material | N. Miyaji, Y. Abe, S. Ukai, S. Onose |
179-183 | Evaluation of weld crack susceptibility for neutron irradiated stainless steels | T. Suzuki, A. Kohyama, T. Hirose, M. Narui |
184-188 | Defect-flow-induced heterogeneous dislocation formation and solute redistribution near a grain boundary in austenitic stainless steel under electron irradiation | S. Watanabe, N. Sakaguchi, S. Mochizuki, H. Takahashi |
189-193 | Electron irradiation effects on Ti–Ni shape memory alloys | A. Okada, K. Hamada, T. Matsumoto, I. Ishida, Y. Abe |
194-199 | Annealing of Cu3Au irradiated with protons, α-particles and C ions at liquid nitrogen temperature | Hideo Sakairi, Eiichi Yagi, Akio Koyama |
200-204 | High-resolution electron microscopy of γ-TiAl irradiated with 15 keV helium ions at room temperature | Minghui Song, Kazuo Furuya, Tatsuhiko Tanabe, Tetsuji Noda |
205-208 | MD study of the dynamic behavior of small interstitial clusters in Fe | M. Koyanagi, K. Ohsawa, E. Kuramoto |
209-213 | Interaction of solutes with irradiation-induced defects of electron-irradiated dilute iron alloys | H. Abe, E. Kuramoto |
214-219 | Dynamical process of defect clustering in Ni under the irradiation with low energy helium ions | K. Ono, K. Arakawa, N. Yoshida |
220-224 | Voids in fast-neutron-irradiated Cu, Ni and Cu–Ni concentrated alloys studied by TEM and positron annihilation methods | H. Fukushima, K. Ochiai, Y. Shimomura |
225-229 | Computer simulation on the void formation in neutron-irradiated Cu and Ni at high temperature | Y. Shimomura, I. Mukouda, K. Sugio |
230-235 | Damage evolution in neutron-irradiated Cu during neutron irradiation | Ichiro Mukouda, Yoshiharu Shimomura |
236-240 | Defect accumulation behavior in iron irradiated with energetic ions and electrons at 80 K | Y. Chimi, A. Iwase, N. Ishikawa |
241-245 | Disordering kinetics of Ni3Al under ion irradiation | S. Müller, C. Abromeit, S. Matsumura, N. Wanderka, H. Wollenberger |
246-250 | Modelling of dissolution profiles of ordered particles under irradiation | C. Abromeit, E. Camus, S. Matsumura |
251-255 | Dynamical phase changes induced by point defect fluxes under irradiation | C. Abromeit, G. Martin |
256-260 | Invisible and visible point defect clusters in neutron irradiated iron | M. Horiki, T. Yoshiie, M. Iseki, M. Kiritani |
261-265 | Void formation close to stacking fault tetrahedra in heavily electron irradiated pure Ag and Cu | K. Niwase, F. Phillipp, W. Sigle, A. Seeger |
266-269 | An analysis of void swelling dose dependence in ion irradiated V–Fe alloys | V. A. Pechenkin, Yu. V. Konobeev, S. I. Rudnev, G. A. Epov |
270-273 | The effect of the solute atomic size on the swelling of vanadium alloys | V. A. Borodin, A. I. Ryazanov |
274-279 | Atomic mechanisms and energetics of thermally activated processes of helium redistribution in vanadium | V. M. Chernov, V. A. Romanov, A. O. Krutskikh |
280-284 | Structural change in graphite under electron irradiation at low temperatures | M. Takeuchi, S. Muto, T. Tanabe, H. Kurata, K. Hojou |
285-289 | TEM analyses of surface ridge network in an ion-irradiated graphite thin film | S. Muto, T. Tanabe, M. Takeuchi, Y. Kobayashi, S. Furuno, K. Hojou |
290-295 | Microstructural evolution and radiation stability of steels and alloys | V. N. Voyevodin, I. M. Neklyudov, V. V. Bryk, O. V. Borodin |
296-300 | Destination of point defects and microstructural evolution under collision cascade damage | T. Yoshiie, M. Kiritani |
301-305 | Microstructural evolution and hardening of neutron irradiated vanadium alloys at low temperatures in Japan Material Testing Reactor | Y. Candra, K. Fukumoto, A. Kimura, H. Matsui |
306-310 | Surface morphology and void formation in 316L stainless steel irradiated with high energy C-ions | Z. G. Wang, K. Q. Chen, L. W. Li, C. H. Zhang, J. M. Quan, M. D. Hou, R. H. Xu, F. Ma, Y. F. Jin, C. L. Li, Y. M. Sun |
311-315 | Effect of solute concentration on grain boundary migration with segregation in stainless steel and model alloys | H. Kanda, N. Hashimoto, H. Takahashi |
316-320 | Microstructures of type 316 model alloys neutron-irradiated at 513 K to 1 dpa | Y. Miwa, T. Tsukada, H. Tsuji, H. Nakajima |
321-325 | Effects of He implantation on radiation induced segregation in Cu–Au and Ni–Si alloys | A. Iwase, L. E. Rehn, P. M. Baldo, L. Funk |
326-329 | Observation of spatial distribution of tritium in zirconium alloy with microautoradiography | K. Isobe, Y. Hatano, M. Sugisaki, T. Hayashi, M. Nishi, K. Okuno |
330-332 | Trapping of deuterium by niobium at eV ion bombardment energies | A. A. Evanov, V. A. Kurnaev, D. V. Levchuk, A. A. Pisarev |
333-339 | Behavior of ion-implanted helium and structural changes in nickel-base alloys under long-time exposure at elevated temperatures | I. I. Chernov, B. A. Kalin, A. N. Kalashnikov, V. M. Ananin |
340-344 | Radiation-induced segregation of deuterium in austenitic steels and vanadium alloys | V. L. Arbuzov, G. A. Raspopova, V. B. Vykhodets |
345-348 | Investigation of palladium alloy properties degradation during long-time tritium exposure | V. Tebus, L. Rivkis, G. Arutunova, E. Dmitrievsky, V. Filin, Y. Golikov, V. Krivova, V. Kapychev |
349-355 | Neutronics aspects of a DHCE experiment | Itacil C. Gomes, Hanchung Tsai, Dale L. Smith |
356-359 | Physical mechanisms of helium release during deformation of vanadium alloys doped with helium atoms | A. Ryazanov, H. Matsui, A. V. Kazaryan |
360-364 | Effects of varying temperature irradiation on the neutron irradiation hardening of reduced-activation 9Cr–2W martensitic steels | R. Kasada, A. Kimura, H. Matsui, M. Hasegawa, M. Narui |
365-369 | Effect of temperature change on microstructural evolution of vanadium alloys under neutron irradiation in JMTR | N. Nita, K. Fukumoto, A. Kimura, H. Matsui |
370-375 | Effect of temperature change on void swelling in P, Ti-modified 316 stainless steel | N. Akasaka, K. Hattori, S. Onose, S. Ukai |
376-380 | Microstructural evolution in vanadium irradiated during ion irradiation at constant and varying temperature | K. Ochiai, H. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida, H. Matsui |
381-384 | Fluence dependence of defect evolution in austenitic stainless steels during fission neutron irradiation | H. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida |
385-390 | Triple ion beam studies of radiation damage in 9Cr–2WVTa ferritic/martensitic steel for a high power spallation neutron source | E. H. Lee, J. D. Hunn, G. R. Rao, R. L. Klueh, L. K. Mansur |
391-395 | Development of tritium permeation barriers on Al base in Europe | G. Benamati, C. Chabrol, A. Perujo, E. Rigal, H. Glasbrenner |
396-400 | Calculation and experimental investigation of fusion reactor divertor plate and first wall protection by capillary-pore systems with lithium | V. A. Evtikhin, I. E. Lyublinski, A. V. Vertkov, V. G. Belan, I. K. Konkashbaev, L. B. Nikandrov |
401-404 | Properties of lithium metatitanate pebbles produced by a wet process | J. G. van der Laan, R. P. Muis |
405-409 | The use of liquid metals in porous materials for divertor applications | L. I. Ivanov, S. A. Maslyaev, V. N. Pimenov, E. V. Dyomina, Yu. M. Platov |
410-414 | Be–Cu joints based on amorphous alloy brazing for divertor and first wall application | B. Kalin, V. Fedotov, O. Sevryukov, A. Plyuschev, I. Mazul, A. Gervash, R. Giniatulin |
415-417 | Dependence of deuterium line-shape on the insertion depth of BN and C limiters in the TPE-1RM20 reversed field pinch plasma | Shigeyuki Sekine, Yoichi Hirano, Toshio Shimada, Yasuyuki Yagi, Hajime Sakakita |
418-422 | Deuterium retention in codeposited layers and carbon materials exposed to high flux D-plasma | I. I. Arkhipov, A. E. Gorodetsky, R. Kh. Zalavutdinov, A. P. Zakharov, T. A. Burtseva, I. V. Mazul, B. I. Khripunov, V. V. Shapkin, V. B. Petrov |
423-428 | Microstructure and impact properties of ultra-fine grained tungsten alloys dispersed with TiC | Yuji Kitsunai, Hiroaki Kurishita, Hideo Kayano, Yutaka Hiraoka, Tadashi Igarashi, Tomohiro Takida |
429-434 | Fracture toughness of copper-base alloys for fusion energy applications | D. J. Alexander, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe |
435-439 | The method design, manufacture and tests of the porous beryllium mock-ups for the ITER breeding blanket | D. A. Davydov, M. I. Solonin, Yu. E. Markuchkin, V. A. Gorokhov, V. V. Gorlevsky |
440-444 | Modeling of the cyclic ball indentation test for small specimens using the finite element method | Takuya Yamamoto, Hiroaki Kurishita, Hideki Matsui |
445-449 | Tensile and impact behaviour of BATMAN II steels, Ti-bearing reduced activation martensitic alloys | G. Filacchioni, E. Casagrande, U. De Angelis, G. De Santis, D. Ferrara, L. Pilloni |
450-454 | Influence of helium on impact properties of reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic Cr-steels | R. Lindau, A. Möslang, D. Preininger, M. Rieth, H. D. Röhrig |
455-458 | Influence of thermal aging on tensile and impact bending properties of the steel grades OPTIFER and F82H mod. | L. Schäfer, M. Schirra |
459-462 | Study of oxygen influence on vanadium product for fusion structural materials | Xia Hui, Wang Yan, Liu Ansheng, Han Xue, Wu Lijun |
463-466 | Corrosion of some V- and Nb-base alloys under irradiation in water | V. A. Kazakov, V. P. Chakin, Yu. D. Goncharenko |
467-471 | Development of a reaction-sintered silicon carbide matrix composite | A. Sayano, C. Sutoh, S. Suyama, Y. Itoh, S. Nakagawa |
472-477 | Influence of neutron irradiation on deformability and fracture micromechanisms of titanium α | O. A. Kozhevnikov, E. V. Nesterova, V. V. Rybin, I. I. Yarmolovich |
478-485 | ITER Materials R&D Data Bank | Shigeru Tanaka, R. Matera, G. Kalinin, V. Barabash, K. Mohri |
486-490 | Present status of Data-Free-Way (distributed database system for advanced nuclear materials) | Hirokazu Tsuji, Norio Yokoyama, Mitsutane Fujita, Yutaka Kurihara, Shigeki Kano, Yoshiaki Tachi, Kazuki Shimura, Ritsuko Nakajima, Shuichi Iwata |
491-495 | Evaluation of magnetic fields due to the ferromagnetic vacuum vessel and their influence on plasma discharge in tokamak devices | T. Nakayama, M. Abe, T. Tadokoro, M. Otsuka |
496-501 | Radiation-induced electrical and optical processes in materials based on Al2O3 | O. A. Plasksin, V. A. Stepanov, P. A. Stepanov, V. M. Chernov |
502-504 | Superconducting transition in Nb3Ge irradiated by neutrons in the superconducting state | L. S. Topchishvili, T. Sh. Kvirikashvili |
505-507 | Critical current in NbTi wires irradiated by neutrons at 20 K | L. S. Topchishvili, A. I. Naskidashvili |
508-511 | Manufacturing technique of Nb3Al super-conductive sheet by electrically heated powder rolling | C. Mochizuki, M. Mikami |
512-517 | Research progress of fusion materials in CIAE | Jinnan Yu, Changqi Shan |
518-525 | Low activation materials | R. H. Jones, H. L. Heinisch, K. A. McCarthy |
526-531 | Plasma-facing materials mixing and mixed material properties | Y. Hirooka |
532-537 | The role of materials R&D in the development of commercial fusion power plants | J. W. Davis |
538-539 | Summary of discussion session: Design and materials | A. Kohyama, E. E. Bloom, K. Ehrlich |
540-552 | Damage production and accumulation | M. Kiritani |
553-559 | Common technologies and knowledge sharing | J. W. Davis |
560-568 | Irradiation effects in ceramics for fusion reactor applications | Tatsuo Shikama, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Shin Yamamoto, Chiken Kinoshita, Steven J. Zinkle, Eric R. Hodgson |
569-577 | ITER and beyond | M. Seki |
578-582 | Materials research and development strategy in the next decade | K. Abe |
89-96 | The surface rate constants of deuterium in the reduced activating martensitic steel OPTIFER-IVb | G. A. Esteban, A. Perujo, L. A. Sedano, B. Mancinelli |
97-111 | Multiple voltage electron probe microanalysis of fission gas bubbles in irradiated nuclear fuel | M. Verwerft |
112-124 | An interlaboratory study of a standard glass for acceptance testing of low-activity waste glass | W. L. Ebert, S. F. Wolf |
125-130 | Retention of ion-implanted deuterium in tungsten pre-irradiated with carbon ions | V. Kh. Alimov, K. Ertl, J. Roth, K. Schmid |
131-136 | Helium and hydrogen induced hardening in 316LN stainless steel | J. D. Hunn, E. H. Lee, T. S. Byun, L. K. Mansur |
137-145 | Preparation of uranium by electrolysis in chloride melt | K. Serrano, P. Taxil, O. Dugne, S. Bouvet, E. Puech |
146-151 | Solid state reactions of UO2,ThO2 and their mixed oxides with sulphates of potassium | Meera Keskar, U. M. Kasar, K. D. Singh Mudher |
152-158 | A new method for determining oxygen solubility in molten carbonates and carbonate–chloride mixtures using the oxidation of UO2 to uranate reaction | Vladimir A. Volkovich, Trevor R. Griffiths, Derek J. Fray, Robert C. Thied |
159-170 | The EFTTRA-T4 experiment on americium transmutation | R. J. M. Konings, R. Conrad, G. Dassel, B. J. Pijlgroms, J. Somers, E. Toscano |
171-179 | The effects of long-time irradiation and thermal aging on 304 stainless steel | T. R. Allen, J. I. Cole, C. L. Trybus, D. L. Porter |
180-185 | Long-term behaviour of a thorium-based fuel | B. Fourest, T. Vincent, G. Lagarde, S. Hubert, P. Baudoin |
186-195 | Thermal conductivity of uranium–plutonium oxide fuel for fast reactors | Masaki Inoue |
196-204 | RAPID model to predict radial burnup distribution in LWR UO2 fuel | Chan Bock Lee, Dae Ho Kim, Jae Seung Song, Je Gun Bang, Youn Ho Jung |
205-215 | Investigation of aerosols released at high temperature from nuclear reactor core models | A. Pintér Csordás, L. Matus, A. Czitrovszky, P. Jani, L. Maróti, Z. Hózer, P. Windberg, R. Hummel |
216-222 | Mechanism of chemical sputtering of graphite under high flux deuterium bombardment | Y. Ueda, T. Sugai, Y. Ohtsuka, M. Nishikawa |
223-231 | Corrosion resistance of nitrogen-implanted Zircaloy-4 in high-temperature water | SungJoon Lee, ChanJin Park, HyukSang Kwon, ByungHo Choi |
232-238 | Theoretical oxygen potential change of quaternary solid solution, Ay | Takeo Fujino, Nobuaki Sato |
239-244 | Boron coating on boron nitride coated nuclear fuels by chemical vapor deposition | Hasan H. Durmazuçar, Güngör Gündüz |
245-254 | Thermally induced gallium removal from plutonium dioxide for MOX fuel production | D. G. Kolman, M. E. Griego, C. A. James, D. P. Butt |
255-260 | Selective excitation of odd gadolinium isotopes using two-colour photoionisation schemes | P. V. Kiran Kumar, M. V. Suryanarayana, S. Gangadharan |
261-264 | Vaporization behavior and Gibbs energy of formation of Cs2ThO3 | M. Ali (Basu), R. Mishra, K. N. G. Kaimal, S. R. Bharadwaj, A. S. Kerkar, D. Das, S. R. Dharwadkar |
265-266 | Comment on ‘Location of krypton atoms in uranium dioxide' by T. Petit, G. Jomard, C. Lemaignan, B. Bigot and A. Pasturel | C. R. Stanek, Robin W. Grimes |
267-268 | Index | Unknown |
269-273 | Index | Unknown |
xxi-xlii | Index | Unknown |
xliii-xcviii | Index | Unknown |
1-9 | Advances in fusion technology | Charles C. Baker |
10-19 | Assessment and selection of materials for ITER in-vessel components | G. Kalinin, V. Barabash, A. Cardella, J. Dietz, K. Ioki, R. Matera, R. T. Santoro, R. Tivey, The ITER Home Teams |
20-27 | Interactions between fusion materials R&D and other technologies | A. Kohyama, M. Seki, K. Abe, T. Muroga, H. Matsui, S. Jitsukawa, S. Matsuda |
28-34 | The impact of materials selection on long-term activation in fusion power plants | N. P. Taylor, C. B. A. Forty, D. A. Petti, K. A. McCarthy |
35-42 | Evaluation of hot isostatic pressing for joining of fusion reactor structural components | A. D. Ivanov, S. Sato, G. Le Marois |
43-51 | The status of beryllium technology for fusion | F. Scaffidi-Argentina, G. R. Longhurst, V. Shestakov, H. Kawamura |
52-59 | Progress and critical issues of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel development | B. van der Schaaf, D. S. Gelles, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, R. L. Klueh, A. Möslang, G. R. Odette |
60-69 | Impact of irradiation effects on design solutions for ITER diagnostics | S. Yamamoto, T. Shikama, V. Belyakov, E. Farnum, E. Hodgson, T. Nishitani, D. Orlinski, S. Zinkle, S. Kasai, P. Stott, K. Young, V. Zaveriaev, A. Costley, L. deKock, C. Walker, G. Janeschitz |
70-78 | Critical issues and current status of vanadium alloys for fusion energy applications | R. J. Kurtz, K. Abe, V. M. Chernov, V. A. Kazakov, G. E. Lucas, H. Matsui, T. Muroga, G. R. Odette, D. L. Smith, S. J. Zinkle |
79-88 | International strategy for fusion materials development | Karl Ehrlich, E. E. Bloom, T. Kondo |
89-98 | Progress in modelling the microstructural evolution in metals under cascade damage conditions | H. Trinkaus, B. N. Singh, S. I. Golubov |
99-109 | Ceramic breeder research and development: progress and focus | J. G. van der Laan, H. Kawamura, N. Roux, D. Yamaki |
110-119 | Critical plasma–wall interaction issues for plasma-facing materials and components in near-term fusion devices | G. Federici, J. P. Coad, A. A. Haasz, G. Janeschitz, N. Noda, V. Philipps, J. Roth, C. H. Skinner, R. Tivey, C. H. Wu |
120-127 | A cleavage toughness master curve model | G. R. Odette, M. Y. He |
128-137 | Critical issues and current status of SiC/SiC composites for fusion | A. Hasegawa, A. Kohyama, R. H. Jones, L. L. Snead, B. Riccardi, P. Fenici |
138-146 | Neutron irradiation effects on plasma facing materials | V. Barabash, G. Federici, M. Rödig, L. L. Snead, C. H. Wu |
147-151 | Radiation-induced inter-granular segregation in first wall fusion reactor materials | R. G. Faulkner, S. Song, P. E. J. Flewitt |
152-156 | Sink effect of grain boundary on radiation-induced segregation in austenitic stainless steel | S. Watanabe, Y. Takamatsu, N. Sakaguchi, H. Takahashi |
157-160 | Influence of cold work to increase swelling of pure iron irradiated in the BR-10 reactor to 6 and 25 dpa at 400°C | A. M. Dvoriashin, S. I. Porollo, Yu. V. Konobeev, F. A. Garner |
161-163 | Synergistic effect of hydrogen and impurity segregations on the grain boundary embrittlement in Nb | A. M. Ilyin, V. P. Shestakov, I. L. Tazhibaeva |
164-168 | Compositional and temperature dependence of void swelling in model Fe–Cr base alloys irradiated in the EBR-II fast reactor | B. H. Sencer, F. A. Garner |
169-173 | Effect of temperature gradients on void formation in modified 316 stainless steel cladding | N. Akasaka, I. Yamagata, S. Ukai |
174-178 | Recovery of electrical resistivity of high-purity iron irradiated with 30 MeV electrons at 77 K | Hironobu Abe, E. Kuramoto |
179-182 | Correlation between defect structures and hardness in tantalum irradiated by heavy ions | K. Yasunaga, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida, T. Muroga, N. Noda |
183-187 | Study of He-bubble growth in α-particle implanted F82H-mod martensitic steel | R. Coppola, M. Magnani, R. P. May, A. Möslang, M. Valli |
188-192 | Modeling of microstructure evolution and mechanical property change of reduced-activation martensitic steel during varying-temperature irradiation | R. Kasada, A. Kimura |
193-197 | Influence of neutron irradiation on CuNiCrSi alloy pre-implanted with helium | A. V. Kozlov, M. V. Chernetsov, S. A. Averin, V. Ya. Abramov, A. D. Ivanov, Yu. S. Strebkov, V. F. Reutov |
198-204 | Effects of grain boundary misorientation on solute segregation in thermally sensitized and proton-irradiated 304 stainless steel | T. S. Duh, J. J. Kai, F. R. Chen |
205-209 | Correlation of simulated TEM images with irradiation induced damage | R. Schäublin, P. de Almeida, A. Almazouzi, M. Victoria |
210-214 | Formation and migration of helium bubbles in Fe–16Cr–17Ni austenitic alloy at high temperature | K. Ono, K. Arakawa, M. Oohashi, H. Kurata, K. Hojou, N. Yoshida |
215-219 | The effect of transmutation and displacement in irradiated copper for heat-sink materials | Shiori Ishino, Atsushi Kurui, Shoichi Ichikawa, Tarou Inaba, Tadayuki Hasegawa |
220-223 | Effects of dose rate on microsturctural evolution and swelling in austenitic steels under irradiation | T. Okita, T. Kamada, N. Sekimura |
224-228 | Synergistic effects of hydrogen and helium on microstructural evolution in vanadium alloys by triple ion beam irradiation | N. Sekimura, T. Iwai, Y. Arai, S. Yonamine, A. Naito, Y. Miwa, S. Hamada |
229-233 | The effect of alloying elements on the defect structural evolution in neutron irradiated Ni alloys | T. Yoshiie, Q. Xu, Y. Satoh, H. Ohkubo, M. Kiritani |
234-238 | Study of point defect behaviors in vanadium and its alloys by using HVEM | T. Hayashi, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui |
239-243 | Void swelling and irradiation creep of two high-nickel steels after irradiation at 400–410°C to 84–91 dpa in the BN-350 fast reactor | S. I. Porollo, A. M. Dvoriashin, A. N. Vorobjev, Yu. V. Konobeev, V. M. Krigan, E. G. Mironova, N. I. Budylkin, F. A. Garner |
244-248 | Radiation-induced segregation in model alloys | T. Ezawa, E. Wakai, R. Oshima |
249-254 | Development of vacancy clusters in neutron-irradiated copper at high temperature | Y. Shimomura, I. Mukouda |
255-258 | Application of the internal friction method to studying microstructural effects in fusion materials | S. Tähtinen, Y. Jagodzinski, O. Tarasenko, S. Smuk, H. Hänninen |
259-262 | Microstructural changes in a low-activation Fe–Cr–Mn alloy irradiated with 92 MeV Ar ions at 450°C | Chonghong Zhang, Keqin Chen, Yinshu Wang, Jiguang Sun, Benfu Hu, Yunfan Jin, Mingdong Hou, Changlong Liu, Youmei Sun, Jin Han, Chaoqing Chen |
263-267 | Microstructural changes of austenitic steels caused by proton irradiation under various conditions | T. Fukuda, M. Sagisaka, Y. Isobe, A. Hasegawa, M. Sato, K. Abe, Y. Nishida, T Kamada, Y. Kaneshima |
268-272 | Effect of dual-beam-irradiation by helium and carbon ions on microstructure development of SiC/SiC composites | S. Nogami, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe, T. Taguchi, R. Yamada |
273-277 | Microstructures in Ti–Al intermetallic compounds irradiated at 673 K in HFIR | Y. Miwa, T. Sawai, K. Fukai, D. T. Hoelzer, A. Hishinuma |
278-281 | Role of α2/γ and γ/γ phase boundaries in cavity formation in a TiAl intermetallic compound irradiated with He-ions | K. Nakata, K. Fukai, A. Hishinuma, K. Ameyama |
282-285 | Defect structures introduced in iron under varying temperature neutron irradiation | M. Horiki, T. Yoshiie, Q. Xu, M. Iseki, M. Kiritani |
286-290 | Microstructure of vanadium alloys during ion irradiation with stepwise change of temperature | H. Watanabe, T. Arinaga, K. Ochiai, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida |
291-296 | Effects of temperature change on the microstructural evolution of vanadium alloys under ion irradiation | N. Nita, T. Iwai, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui |
297-301 | Computer simulations of the effects of temperature change on defect accumulation in copper during neutron irradiation | Q. Xu, H. L. Heinisch, T. Yoshiie |
302-305 | Microstructure in pure copper irradiated by simultaneous multi-ion beam of hydrogen, helium and self ions | I. Mukouda, Y. Shimomura, T. Iiyama, Y. Harada, Y. Katano, T. Nakazawa, D. Yamaki, K. Noda |
306-312 | Microstructure of Cu–Ni alloys neutron irradiated at 210°C and 420°C to 14 dpa | S. J. Zinkle, B. N. Singh |
313-318 | Simulating the influence of radiation temperature variations on microstructural evolution | Y. Katoh, R. E. Stoller, A. Kohyama, T. Muroga |
319-323 | Influence of variable temperatures irradiation on microstructural evolution in phosphorus doped Fe–Cr–Ni alloys | D. Hamaguchi, H. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida |
324-328 | Microstructural evolution of Alloy 718 at high helium and hydrogen generation rates during irradiation with 600–800 MeV protons | B. H. Sencer, G. M. Bond, F. A. Garner, M. L. Hamilton, B. M. Oliver, L. E. Thomas, S. A. Maloy, W. F. Sommer, M. R. James, P. D. Ferguson |
329-333 | Microstructural changes induced by post-irradiation annealing of neutron-irradiated austenitic stainless steels | J. I. Cole, T. R. Allen |
334-338 | Swelling of F82H irradiated at 673 K up to 51 dpa in HFIR | Y. Miwa, E. Wakai, K. Shiba, N. Hashimoto, J. P. Robertson, A. F. Rowcliffe, A. Hishinuma |
339-343 | Differences in the microstructure of the F82H ferritic/martensitic steel after proton and neutron irradiation | R. Schäublin, M. Victoria |
344-348 | Microstructural examination of V–(3–6%)Cr–(3–5%)Ti irradiated in the ATR-A1 experiment | D. S. Gelles |
349-352 | On the relationship between uniaxial yield strength and resolved shear stress in polycrystalline materials | R. E. Stoller, S. J. Zinkle |
353-357 | Mechanical behavior of reduced-activation and conventional martensitic steels after neutron irradiation in the range 250–450°C | A. Alamo, M. Horsten, X. Averty, E. I. Materna-Morris, M. Rieth, J. C. Brachet |
358-361 | Tensile behavior of F82H with and without spectral tailoring | K. Shiba, R. L. Klueh, Y. Miwa, J. P. Robertson, A. Hishinuma |
362-366 | Effects of low-temperature neutron irradiation on mechanical properties of vanadium-base alloys | H. Tsai, T. S. Bray, H. Matsui, M. L. Grossbeck, K. Fukumoto, J. Gazda, M. C. Billone, D. L. Smith |
367-371 | Improvement in post-irradiation ductility of neutron irradiated V–Ti–Cr–Si–Al–Y alloy and the role of interstitial impurities | M. Satou, T. Chuto, K. Abe |
372-375 | Irradiation creep of advanced silicon carbide fibers | R. Scholz, G. E. Youngblood |
376-379 | The effect of neutron-irradiation on the shear properties of SiC/SiC composites with varied interface | T. Hinoki, L. L. Snead, Y. Katoh, A Kohyama, R. Shinavski |
380-385 | Swelling, irradiation creep and growth of pure rhenium irradiated with fast neutrons at 1030–1330°C | F. A. Garner, M. B. Toloczko, L. R. Greenwood, C. R. Eiholzer, M. M. Paxton, R. J. Puigh |
386-390 | In-pile and post-irradiation creep of type 304 stainless steel under different neutron spectra | Y. Kurata, Y. Itabashi, H. Mimura, T. Kikuchi, H. Amezawa, S. Shimakawa, H. Tsuji, M. Shindo |
391-395 | Irradiation creep at 60°C in SUS 316 and its impact on fatigue fracture | Johsei Nagakawa, Y. Murase, N. Yamamoto, T. Fukuzawa |
396-399 | Irradiation creep of 11Cr–0.5Mo–2W,V,Nb ferritic–martensitic, modified 316, and 15Cr–20Ni austenitic S.S. irradiated in FFTF to 103–206 dpa | A. Uehira, S. Mizuta, S. Ukai, R. J. Puigh |
400-403 | Effects of helium implantation on creep rupture properties of low activation ferritic steel F82H IEA heat | Norikazu Yamamoto, Johsei Nagakawa, Kiyoyuki Shiba |
404-408 | Effect of neutron dose and irradiation temperature on the mechanical properties and structure of dispersion strengthened copper alloys | A. S. Pokrovsky, S. A. Fabritsiev, D. J. Edwards, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe |
409-413 | Application of generalized deformation theory to irradiation creep of fcc and bcc stainless steels | M. B. Toloczko, J. P. Hirth, F. A. Garner |
414-417 | Proton irradiation creep of Inconel 718 at 300°C | R. Scholz, R. Matera |
418-422 | Shear punch and tensile measurements of mechanical property changes induced in various austenitic alloys by high-energy mixed proton and neutron irradiation at low temperatures | M. L. Hamilton, F. A. Garner, M. B. Toloczko, S. A. Maloy, W. F. Sommer, M. R. James, P. D. Ferguson, M. R. Louthan Jr. |
423-427 | The contribution of various defects to irradiation-induced hardening in an austenitic model alloy | M. Ando, Y. Katoh, H. Tanigawa, A. Kohyama, T. Iwai |
428-434 | Tensile and low-cycle fatigue properties of solution annealed type 316L stainless steel plate and TIG-weld exposed to 5 dpa at low-temperature (42°C) | J. -L. Puzzolante, M. Scibetta, R. Chaouadi, W. Vandermeulen |
435-439 | Tensile properties and damage microstructures in ORR/HFIR-irradiated austenitic stainless steels | E. Wakai, N. Hashimoto, J. P. Robertson, S. Jistukawa, T. Sawai, A. Hishinuma |
440-445 | Effect of helium to dpa ratio on fatigue behavior of austenitic stainless steel irradiated to 2 dpa | I. Ioka, M. Yonekawa, Y. Miwa, H. Mimura, H. Tsuji, T. Hoshiya |
446-450 | The effects of irradiation and testing temperature on tensile behaviour of stainless steels | C. Bailat, A. Almazouzi, N. Baluc, R. Schäublin, F. Gröschel, M. Victoria |
451-454 | Mechanical properties of hot isostatic pressed type 316LN steel after irradiation | A. Lind, U. Bergenlid |
455-460 | Analysis of tensile and fracture toughness results on irradiated molybdenum alloys, TZM and Mo–5%Re | M. Scibetta, R. Chaouadi, J. L. Puzzolante |
461-464 | Thermal fatigue crack nucleation in ferritic–martensitic steels before and after neutron irradiation | L. A. Belyaeva, A. A. Zisman, C. Petersen, V. A. Potapova, V. V. Rybin |
465-469 | Effect of heat treatment and irradiation temperature on mechanical properties and structure of reduced-activation Cr–W–V steels of bainitic, martensitic, and martensitic–ferritic classes | I. V. Gorynin, V. V. Rybin, I. P. Kursevich, A. N. Lapin, E. V. Nesterova, E. Yu. Klepikov |
470-473 | Effects of helium implantation on hardness of pure iron and a reduced activation ferritic–martensitic steel | Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Shiro Jitsukawa, Akimichi Hishinuma, Masami Ando, Yutai Katoh, Akira Kohyama, Takeo Iwai |
474-477 | Low-temperature irradiation effects on tensile and Charpy properties of low-activation ferritic steels | Kiyoyuki Shiba, Akimichi Hishinuma |
478-482 | Embrittlement of reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in HFIR at 300°C and 400°C | R. L. Klueh, M. A. Sokolov, K. Shiba, Y. Miwa, J. P. Robertson |
483-487 | Tensile properties and microstructure of 590 MeV proton-irradiated pure Fe and a Fe–Cr alloy | M. I. Luppo, C. Bailat, R. Schäublin, M. Victoria |
488-491 | Effect of low temperature irradiation on the mechanical properties of ternary V–Cr–Ti alloys as determined by tensile tests and shear punch tests | M. L. Hamilton, M. B. Toloczko |
492-497 | Mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of vanadium alloys irradiated in ATR-A1 | K. -i. Fukumoto, H. Matsui, H. Tsai, D. L. Smith |
498-502 | V-alloy embrittlement by irradiation in a cooling gas environment | H. D. Röhrig, M. Rieth, B. Dafferner, E. Materna-Morris |
503-507 | Defect microstructure and deformation behavior of V–Ti–Cr–Si–Al–Y alloy irradiated in ATR | Toshinori Chuto, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe |
508-512 | Effect of strain rate on the tensile properties of unirradiated and irradiated V–4Cr–4Ti | A. F. Rowcliffe, S. J. Zinkle, D. T. Hoelzer |
513-517 | Mechanical properties and microstructure in low-activation martensitic steels F82H and Optimax after 800-MeV proton irradiation | Y. Dai, S. A. Maloy, G. S. Bauer, W. F. Sommer |
518-522 | On the mechanisms and mechanics of fracture toughness of a V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | E. G. Donahue, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas |
523-527 | Effect of high-dose neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties and structure of copper alloys and Cu/SS joints for ITER applications | S. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky, D. J. Edwards, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe |
528-534 | Deformation mechanisms in 316 stainless steel irradiated at 60°C and 330°C | N. Hashimoto, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe, J. P. Robertson, S. Jitsukawa |
535-539 | Radiation-induced precipitation in V–(Cr,Fe)–Ti alloys irradiated at low temperature with low dose during neutron or ion irradiation | Ken-ichi Fukumoto, H. Matsui, Y. Candra, K. Takahashi, H. Sasanuma, S. Nagata, K. Takahiro |
540-544 | Diffusion and permeation of hydrogen in low-activation martensitic stainless steel – effect of irradiation | F. Schliefer, Chao Liu, P. Jung |
545-550 | In situ thermal conductivity measurement of ceramics in a fast neutron environment | L. L. Snead, R. Yamada, K. Noda, Y. Katoh, S. J. Zinkle, W. S. Eatherly, A. L. Qualls |
551-555 | Evaluation of neutron irradiated near-stoichiometric silicon carbide fiber composites | L. L. Snead, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, J. L. Bailey, N. L. Vaughn, R. A. Lowden |
556-559 | SYLRAMIC | Richard E. Jones, Dan Petrak, Jim Rabe, Andy Szweda |
560-564 | Room and high-temperature mechanical and thermal properties of SiC fiber-reinforced SiC composite sintered under pressure | K. Yoshida, T. Yano |
565-569 | High-performance SiC/SiC composites by improved PIP processing with new precursor polymers | A. Kohyama, M. Kotani, Y. Katoh, T. Nakayasu, M. Sato, T. Yamamura, K. Okamura |
570-573 | High thermal conductivity SiC/SiC composites for fusion applications | W. Kowbel, C. A. Bruce, K. L. Tsou, K. Patel, J. C. Withers, G. E. Youngblood |
574-578 | Mechanical and thermal properties of 2D and 3D SiC/SiC composites | R. Yamada, T. Taguchi, N. Igawa |
579-583 | New evaluation method of crack growth in SiC/SiC composites using interface elements | H. Serizawa, M. Ando, C. A. Lewinsohn, H. Murakawa |
584-587 | Time-dependent failure mechanisms in silicon carbide composites for fusion energy applications | C. A. Lewinsohn, G. E. Youngblood, C. H. Henager Jr., E. P. Simonen, R. H. Jones |
588-592 | Neutron wall loading of Tokamak reactors | C. P. C. Wong |
593-596 | Characterization of non-magnetic Mn–Cr steel as a low induced activation material for vacuum vessels | S. Saito, K. Fukaya, S. Ishiyama, M. Eto, I. Sato, M. Kusuhashi, T. Hatakeyama, H. Takahashi, M. Kikuchi |
597-601 | Thermomechanical characteristics of the low activation materials chromium and Cr·5Fe·1Y2O3 alloy | H. Stamm, U. Holzwarth, F. Lakestani, R. Valiev, V. Provenzano, A. Volcan |
602-606 | Tensile and fatigue properties of two titanium alloys as candidate materials for fusion reactors | P. Marmy, T. Leguey, I. Belianov, M. Victoria |
607-610 | Uses of zirconium alloys in fusion applications | C. B. A. Forty, P. J. Karditsas |
611-615 | Microstructure control to improve mechanical properties of vanadium alloys for fusion applications | T. Kuwabara, H. Kurishita, M. Hasegawa |
616-621 | Solute interactions in pure vanadium and V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | D. T. Hoelzer, M. K. West, S. J. Zinkle, A. F. Rowcliffe |
622-627 | Performance of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy exposed to the JFT-2M tokamak environment | W. R. Johnson, P. W. Trester, S. Sengoku, S. Ishiyama, K. Fukaya, M. Eto, T. Oda, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino, H. Tsai |
628-632 | Biaxial thermal creep of V–4Cr–4Ti at 700°C and 800°C | R. J. Kurtz, M. L. Hamilton |
633-636 | Tensile and impact properties of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy heats 832665 and 832864 | T. S. Bray, H. Tsai, L. J. Nowicki, M. C. Billone, D. L. Smith, W. R. Johnson, P. W. Trester |
637-641 | A physically based constitutive model for a V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | E. G. Donahue, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas |
642-646 | Development of an oxide dispersion strengthened, reduced-activation steel for fusion energy | G. R. Romanoski, L. L. Snead, R. L. Klueh, D. T. Hoelzer |
647-651 | Effect of mechanical alloying parameters on irradiation damage in oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels | S. Yamashita, Seiichi Watanabe, Somei Ohnuki, Heishichiro Takahashi, Naoaki Akasaka, Shigeharu Ukai |
652-656 | Material science and manufacturing of heat-resistant reduced-activation ferritic–martensitic steels for fusion | A. G. Ioltukhovskiy, A. I. Blokhin, N. I. Budylkin, V. M. Chernov, M. V. Leont'eva-Smirnova, E. G. Mironova, E. A. Medvedeva, M. I. Solonin, S. I. Porollo, L. P. Zavyalsky |
657-661 | Microstructure of welded and thermal-aged low activation steel F82H IEA heat | T. Sawai, K. Shiba, A. Hishinuma |
662-666 | Chemical segregation behavior under thermal aging of the low-activation F82H-modified steel | J. Lapeña, M. Garcia-Mazario, P. Fernández, A. M. Lancha |
667-671 | Mechanical properties of 8Cr–2WVTa steel aged for 30 000 h | M. Tamura, K. Shinozuka, H. Esaka, S. Sugimoto, K. Ishizawa, K. Masamura |
672-676 | Effect of thermal aging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 7–11 CrW steels | Y. de Carlan, A. Alamo, M. H. Mathon, G. Geoffroy, A. Castaing |
677-680 | Low cycle fatigue properties of a low activation ferritic steel (JLF-1) at room temperature | A. Nishimura, T. Nagasaka, N. Inoue, T. Muroga, C. Namba |
681-684 | Ripple reduction and surface coating tests with ferritic steel on JFT-2M | K. Tsuzuki, M. Sato, H. Kawashima, Y. Miura, H. Kimura, T. Abe, K. Uehara, T. Ogawa, T. Akiyama, T. Shibata, M. Yamamoto, T. Koike |
685-688 | High heat flux test of a HIP-bonded first wall panel of reduced activation ferritic steel F-82H | T. Hatano, S. Suzuki, K. Yokoyama, T. Kuroda, M. Enoeda |
689-693 | Phenomenological aspects of fatigue cracking in as-received and hardened F82H modified steel exposed to lithiated water with dissolved hydrogen at 240°C | Marie-Françoise Maday |
694-696 | Influence of combined thermomechanical treatment on impurity segregation in ferritic–martensitic and austenitic stainless steels | A. M. Ilyin, V. S. Neustroev, V. K. Shamardin, V. P. Shestakov, I. L. Tazhibaeva, V. A. Krivchenkoa |
697-701 | A potential new ferritic/martensitic steel for fusion applications | R. L. Klueh, N. Hashimoto, R. F. Buck, M. A. Sokolov |
702-706 | Tube manufacturing and characterization of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels | Shigeharu Ukai, Shunji Mizuta, Tunemitsu Yoshitake, Takanari Okuda, Masayuki Fujiwara, Shigeki Hagi, Toshimi Kobayashi |
707-710 | Tensile and impact behavior of the reduced-activation steels OPTIFER and F82H mod | L. Schäfer |
711-715 | NIFS program for large ingot production of a V–Cr–Ti alloy | T. Muroga, T. Nagasaka, A. Iiyoshi, A. Kawabata, S. Sakurai, M. Sakata |
716-720 | Performance limits for fusion first-wall structural materials | D. L. Smith, S. Majumdar, M. Billone, R. Mattas |
721-726 | Constitutive behavior and fracture toughness properties of the F82H ferritic/martensitic steel | P. Spätig, G. R. Odette, E. Donahue, G. E. Lucas |
727-730 | Features of radiation damage of vanadium and its alloys at a temperature of 330–340°C | V. A. Kazakov, Z. Ostrovsky, Yu. Goncharenko, V. Chakin |
731-735 | The mechanical properties and microstructure of the OPTIMAX series of low activation ferritic–martensitic steels | N. Baluc, R. Schäublin, C. Bailat, F. Paschoud, M. Victoria |
737-740 | The effects of one-dimensional glide on the reaction kinetics of interstitial clusters | H. L. Heinisch, B. N. Singh, S. I. Golubov |
741-745 | 3D dislocation dynamics study of plastic instability in irradiated copper | L. Z. Sun, N. M. Ghoniem, S. -H. Tong, B. N. Singh |
746-752 | Statistical analysis of a library of molecular dynamics cascade simulations in iron at 100 K | R. E. Stoller, A. F. Calder |
753-757 | A molecular dynamics simulation study of small cluster formation and migration in metals | K. Morishita, T. Diaz de la Rubia, E. Alonso, N. Sekimura, N. Yoshida |
758-762 | Modeling of cascade damage interactions by Monte-Carlo method | N. Sekimura, T. Morioka, K. Morishita |
763-767 | Interstitial cluster motion in displacement cascades | N. V. Doan |
768-772 | Comparative study of damage accumulation in iron under magnetic and inertial fusion conditions | E. Alonso, M. J. Caturla, T. Diaz de la Rubia, N. Soneda, J. Marian, J. M. Perlado, R. E. Stoller |
773-777 | Atomistic simulation of stacking fault tetrahedra formation in Cu | B. D. Wirth, V. Bulatov, T. Diaz de la Rubia |
778-783 | Computer simulation of defects interacting with a dislocation in Fe and Ni | E. Kuramoto, K. Ohsawa, T. Tsutsumi |
784-788 | Study of loop–loop and loop–edge dislocation interactions in bcc iron | Yu. N. Osetsky, D. J. Bacon, F. Gao, A. Serra, B. N. Singh |
789-793 | Comparison of a microstructure evolution model with experiments on irradiated vanadium | S. Sharafat, N. M. Ghoniem |
794-798 | Molecular dynamics simulation of defect production in irradiated β-SiC | L. Malerba, J. M. Perlado, A. Sánchez-Rubio, I. Pastor, L. Colombo, T. Diaz de la Rubia |
799-805 | Effect of helium production on swelling of F82H irradiated in HFIR | E. Wakai, N. Hashimoto, Y. Miwa, J. P. Robertson, R. L. Klueh, K. Shiba, S. Jistukawa |
806-810 | A comparison of defects in helium implanted α- and β-SiC | P. Jung, H. Klein, J. Chen |
811-815 | Study of helium effects in SiC/SiC composites under fusion reactor environment | A. Hasegawa, B. M. Oliver, S. Nogami, K. Abe, R. H. Jones |
816-821 | Recovery and recrystallization behavior of vanadium at various controlled nitrogen and oxygen levels | T. Nagasaka, H. Takahashi, T. Muroga, T. Tanabe, H. Matsui |
822-826 | Effect of oxygen on the crack growth behavior of V–4Cr–4Ti at 600°C | Richard J. Kurtz |
827-831 | Annealing behavior of irradiation hardening and microstructure in helium-implanted reduced activation martensitic steel | A. Kimura, R. Kasada, R. Sugano, A. Hasegawa, H. Matsui |
832-837 | Fatigue behavior and development of microcracks in F82H after helium implantation at 200°C | J. Bertsch, S. Meyer, A. Möslang |
838-840 | On quantification of helium embrittlement in ferritic/martensitic steels | D. S. Gelles |
841-845 | Effects of oxygen and hydrogen at low pressure on the mechanical properties of V–Cr–Ti alloys | J. R. DiStefano, B. A. Pint, J. H. DeVan, H. D. Röhrig, L. D. Chitwood |
846-848 | Hydrogen–irradiated steel interaction during alternating hydrogenation and annealing | E. A. Krasikov, A. D. Amajev |
849-853 | The interaction of deuterium and tritium with radiation and other defects in austenitic steel and nickel | V. L. Arbuzov, G. A. Raspopova, S. E. Danilov, A. P. Druzhkov, Yu. N. Zouev |
854-857 | Heavy hydrogen isotopes penetration through austenitic and martensitic steels | Yu. Dolinski, I. Lyasota, A. Shestakov, Yu. Repritsev, Yu. Zouev |
858-862 | Positron-lifetime study of electrically hydrogen charged Ni, austenitic stainless steel and Fe | H. Ohkubo, S. Sugiyama, K. Fukuzato, M. Takenaka, N. Tsukuda, E. Kuramoto |
863-867 | The effect of electrical hydrogen charging on the strength of 316 stainless steel | S. Sugiyama, H. Ohkubo, M. Takenaka, K. Ohsawa, M. I. Ansari, N. Tsukuda, E. Kuramoto |
868-871 | Permeation of hydrogen through vanadium under helium ion irradiation | Yuji Hatano, Yoshiyasu Nanjo, Ryo Hayakawa, Kuniaki Watanabe |
872-875 | Hydrogen permeation through vanadium alloy V–4Cr–4Ti ‘in situ’ of reactor irradiation | T. V. Kulsartov, V. P. Shestakov, I. L. Tazhibaeva, E. A. Kenzhin |
876-879 | Effect of hydrogen accumulation on mechanical property and microstructure of V–Cr–Ti alloys | K. Aoyagi, E. P. Torres, T. Suda, S. Ohnuki |
880-884 | An initial model for the RIED effect | E. R. Hodgson, A. Moroño |
885-889 | Significance of sample thickness and surface segregation on the electrical conductivity of Wesgo AL995 alumina under ITER environments | M. M. R. Howlader, Chiken Kinoshita, K. Shiiyama, M. Kutsuwada, T. Higuchi |
890-893 | KU1 quartz glass for remote handling and LIDAR diagnostic optical transmission systems | M. García-Matos, A. Moroño, E. R. Hodgson |
894-897 | Radiation effects on laser damage in KU1 quartz glass | P. Martin, A. Moroño, E. R. Hodgson |
898-902 | Study on the damaging process of silica by in-reactor luminescence | Tatsuya Ii, Tomoko Yoshida, Tetsuo Tanabe, Takanobu Hara, Moritami Okada, Kenji Yamaguchi |
903-906 | In-beam dielectric properties of alumina at low frequencies | R. Vila, E. R. Hodgson |
907-911 | Radiation-induced conductivity of doped silicon in response to photon, proton and neutron irradiation | N. Kishimoto, H. Amekura, O. A. Plaksin, V. A. Stepanov |
912-916 | Current–voltage characteristic of alumina and aluminum nitride with or without electron irradiation | K. Shiiyama, M. M. R. Howlader, Y. Izumi, M. Kutsuwada, S. Matsumura, C. Kinoshita |
917-921 | Temperature effect of electron-irradiation-induced structural modification in graphite | Shunsuke Muto, Tetsuo Tanabe |
922-926 | Positron lifetime calculation for defects and defect clusters in graphite | T. Onitsuka, H. Ohkubo, M. Takenaka, N. Tsukuda, E. Kuramoto |
927-931 | Neutron irradiation effects in magnesium-aluminate spinel doped with transition metals | V. T. Gritsyna, I. V. Afanasyev-Charkin, V. A. Kobyakov, K. E. Sickafus |
932-936 | Radiation-induced processes and their influence on the functional properties of dielectrics for different types of irradiation | V. A. Stepanov, V. M. Chernov |
937-941 | Thermal stability and kinetics of defects in magnesium aluminate spinel irradiated with fast neutrons | Kazuhiro Yasuda, Chiken Kinoshita, Korehisa Fukuda, Frank A. Garner |
942-946 | Effects of co-implanted oxygen or aluminum atoms on hydrogen migration and damage structure in multiple-beam irradiated Al2O3 | Y. Katano, T. Aruga, S. Yamamoto, T. Nakazawa, D. Yamaki, K. Noda |
947-951 | Neutron irradiation damage in aluminum oxide and nitride ceramics up to a fluence of 4.2×1026 n/m2 | T. Yano, K. Ichikawa, M. Akiyoshi, Y. Tachi |
952-956 | Cation disordering in magnesium aluminate spinel crystals induced by electron or ion irradiation | Takeshi Soeda, Syo Matsumura, Chiken Kinoshita, Nestor J. Zaluzec |
957-961 | Design and fabrication methods of FW/blanket, divertor and vacuum vessel for ITER | K. Ioki, V. Barabash, A. Cardella, F. Elio, C. Ibbott, G. Janeschitz, G. Johnson, G. Kalinin, N. Miki, M. Onozuka, G. Sannazzaro, R. Tivey, Y. Utin, M. Yamada |
962-967 | Status of international collaborative efforts on selected ITER materials | V. A. Belyakov, S. A. Fabritsiev, I. V. Mazul, A. F. Rowcliffe |
968-972 | Russian superconducting materials for magnet systems of fusion reactors | A. Shikov, A. Nikulin, V. Pantsyrnyi, A. Vorobieva, G. Vedernikov, A. Silaev, E. Dergunova, S. Soudiev, I. Akimov |
973-976 | Mechanical properties of the ITER central solenoid model coil insulation under static and dynamic load after reactor irradiation | K. Humer, P. Rosenkranz, H. W. Weber, P. E. Fabian, J. A. Rice |
977-981 | Fracture behavior of high-strength, high-conductivity copper alloys | M. Li, J. K. Heuer, J. F. Stubbins, D. J. Edwards |
982-986 | Evaluation of the deformation fields and bond integrity of Cu/SS joints | J. F. Stubbins, J. Collins, J. Min |
987-991 | Ductility correlations between shear punch and uniaxial tensile test data | M. B. Toloczko, M. L. Hamilton, G. E. Lucas |
992-996 | Confocal microscopy–fracture reconstruction and finite element modeling characterization of local cleavage toughness in a ferritic/martensitic steel in subsized Charpy V-notch impact tests | T. Yamamoto, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas, H. Matsui |
997-1000 | Irradiation–coupling techniques using JMTR and another facility | Y. Matsui, Y. Itahashi, M. Shimizu, H. Tsuji |
1001-1005 | How to improve the irradiation conditions for the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility | Eric Daum |
1006-1010 | High-sensitivity quadrupole mass spectometry system for the determination of hydrogen in irradiated materials | B. M. Oliver, F. A. Garner, L. R. Greenwood, J. A. Abrefah |
1011-1013 | Neutron irradiation hardening of ODS alloy tested by miniature disk bend test method | C. Q. Chen, J. G. Sun, Y. C. Xu |
1014-1017 | Specimen size effects on the tensile properties of JPCA and JFMS | Yutaka Kohno, Akira Kohyama, Margaret L. Hamilton, Takanori Hirose, Yutai Katoh, Frank A. Garner |
1018-1022 | Effect of specimen size on fatigue properties of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels | T. Hirose, H. Sakasegawa, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, H. Tanigawa |
1023-1027 | Development of a small specimen test machine to evaluate irradiation embrittlement of fusion reactor materials | T. Ishii, M. Ohmi, J. Saito, T. Hoshiya, N. Ooka, S. Jitsukawa, M. Eto |
1028-1032 | Damage mechanisms and fracture toughness of GlidCop® CuAl25 IG0 copper alloy | S. Tähtinen, A. Laukkanen, B. N. Singh |
1033-1037 | Hydrogen and deuterium transport and inventory parameters through W and W-alloys for fusion reactor applications | G. Benamati, E. Serra, C. H. Wu |
1038-1042 | Deuterium retention in tungsten and molybdenum | S. Nagata, K. Takahiro |
1043-1047 | Tritium permeation experiment using a tungsten armored divertor-simulating module | H. Nakamura, S. O’hira, W. Shu, M. Nishi, T. J. Venhaus, R. A. Causey, D. R. Hyatt, R. S. Willms |
1048-1052 | Depth profile of tritium in plasma exposed CX-2002U | T. Tadokoro, K. Isobe, S. O'hira, W. Shu, M. Nishi |
1053-1056 | Hydrogen absorption process into graphite and carbon materials | H. Atsumi, M. Iseki |
1057-1061 | Removal of deuterium from co-deposited carbon–silicon layers | M. Balden, M. Mayer |
1062-1067 | Effect of carbon pre-implantation on deuterium retention in tungsten | M. Poon, J. W. Davis, A. A. Haasz |
1068-1072 | Manufacturing and testing of a prototypical divertor vertical target for ITER | M. Merola, L. Plöchl, Ph. Chappuis, F. Escourbiac, M. Grattarola, I. Smid, R. Tivey, G. Vieider |
1073-1076 | Tungsten filament mock-ups for gas box liner | C. Cazzola, J. Boscary, R. Matera |
1077-1080 | The behavior of coatings and SiCf/SiC composites under thermal shock | Jinnan Yu, Zhongwen Yao, Gang Yu, Fengmin Chu, Xiuzhang Tang, Yi Zeng, Tetsuji Noda |
1081-1084 | Infrared characterization and high heat flux testing of plasma sprayed layers | Ph. Chappuis, F. Escourbiac, M. Chantant, M. Febvre, M. Grattarola, M. Bet, M. Merola, B. Riccardi |
1085-1088 | The removal of ion implanted deuterium from tungsten and stainless steel by transferred-arc cleaning | K. J. Hollis, R. G. Castro, C. J. Maggiore, A. Ayala |
1089-1093 | Graphite–tungsten twin limiters in studies of material mixing processes on high heat flux components | M. Rubel, T. Tanabe, V. Philipps, B. Emmoth, A. Kirschner, J. von Seggern, P. Wienhold |
1094-1099 | Codeposition of deuterium ions with beryllium oxide at elevated temperatures | A. V. Markin, V. P. Dubkov, A. E. Gorodetsky, M. A. Negodaev, N. V. Rozhanskii, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, H. Werle, C. H. Wu, R. Kh. Zalavutdinov, A. P. Zakharov |
1100-1104 | Sputtering studies of beryllium with helium and deuterium using molecular dynamics approach | Shuzo Ueda, Toshiro Ohsaka, Satoru Kuwajima |
1105-1110 | Effects of plasma disruption events on ITER first wall materials | A. Cardella, H. Gorenflo, A. Lodato, K. Ioki, R. Raffray |
1111-1115 | Erosion mechanisms and products in graphite targets under simulated disruption conditions | F. Scaffidi-Argentina, V. Safronov, I. Arkhipov, N. Arkhipov, V. Bakhtin, V. Barsuk, S. Kurkin, E. Mironova, D. Toporkov, S. Vasenin, H. Werle, H. Würz, A. Zhitlukhin |
1116-1120 | Development of functionally graded plasma-facing materials | Chang-Chun Ge, Jiang-Tao Li, Zhang-Jian Zhou, Wen-Bin Cao, Wei-Ping Shen, Ming-Xu Wang, Nian-Man Zhang, Xiang Liu, Zheng-Yu Xu |
1121-1127 | Changes of composition and microstructure of joint interface of tungsten coated carbon by high heat flux | K. Tokunaga, T. Matsubara, Y. Miyamoto, Y. Takao, N. Yoshida, N. Noda, Y. Kubota, T. Sogabe, T. Kato, L. Plöchl |
1128-1133 | Application of tungsten for plasma limiters in TEXTOR | T. Tanabe, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, V. Philipps, M. Rubel, A. Huber, J. von Seggern, K. Ohya, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, TEXTOR team |
1134-1138 | Microstructure evolution in tungsten during low-energy helium ion irradiation | H. Iwakiri, K. Yasunaga, K. Morishita, N. Yoshida |
1139-1143 | TEM study on deuterium-irradiation-induced defects in tungsten and molybdenum | Tsuyoshi Matsui, Shunsuke Muto, Tetsuo Tanabe |
1144-1147 | Microstructural development of neutron irradiated W–Re alloys | Yoshiyuki Nemoto, Akira Hasegawa, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe |
1148-1151 | Effect of neutron irradiation on thermal diffusivity of tungsten–rhenium alloys | M. Fujitsuka, B. Tsuchiya, I. Mutoh, T. Tanabe, T. Shikama |
1152-1156 | High heat flux simulation experiments with improved electron beam diagnostics | J. Linke, H. Bolt, R. Duwe, W. Kühnlein, A. Lodato, M. Rödig, K. Schöpflin, B. Wiechers |
1157-1160 | Erosion characteristics of neutron-irradiated carbon-based materials under simulated disruption heat loads | K. Sato, E. Ishitsuka, M. Uda, H. Kawamura, S. Suzuki, M. Taniguchi, K. Ezato, M. Akiba |
1161-1165 | Neutron-irradiation effects on high heat flux components – examination of plasma-facing materials and their joints | M. Rödig, R. Conrad, H. Derz, R. Duwe, J. Linke, A. Lodato, M. Merola, G. Pott, G. Vieider, B. Wiechers |
1166-1170 | Effect of ITER components manufacturing cycle on the irradiation behaviour of 316L(N)-IG steel | B. S. Rodchenkov, V. I. Prokhorov, O. Yu. Makarov, V. K. Shamardin, G. M. Kalinin, Yu. S. Strebkov, O. A. Golosov |
1171-1176 | Hydrodynamic effects of eroded materials of plasma-facing component during a Tokamak disruption | A. Hassanein, I. Konkashbaev |
1177-1181 | Structure of materials deposited on the plasma facing surface in TRIAM-1M tokamak and the effect on hydrogen recycling | T. Hirai, T. Fujiwara, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, A. Komori, O. Motojima, S. Itoh, TRIAM group |
1182-1186 | Simulation study of carbon and tungsten deposition on W/C twin test limiter in TEXTOR-94 | K. Ohya, R. Kawakami, T. Tanabe, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, A. Huber, M. Rubel, J. von Seggern, N. Noda |
1187-1191 | Characterization of low-activation ferritic steel (JLF-1) weld joint by simulated heat-treatments | N. Inoue, T. Muroga, A. Nishimura, T. Nagasaka, O. Motojima, S. Uchida, H. Yabe, K. Oguri, Y. Nishi, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama |
1192-1195 | Effects of thermal aging on the mechanical behavior of F82H weldments | A. Alamo, A. Castaing, A. Fontes, P. Wident |
1196-1200 | Diffusion welding parameters and mechanical properties of martensitic chromium steels | K. Schleisiek, T. Lechler, L. Schäfer, P. Weimar |
1201-1205 | Post-irradiation mechanical tests on F82H EB and TIG welds | J. Rensman, E. V. van Osch, M. G. Horsten, D. S. d'Hulst |
1206-1209 | The effect of laser welding process parameters on the mechanical and microstructural properties of V–4Cr–4Ti structural materials | C. B. Reed, K. Natesan, Z. Xu, D. L. Smith |
1210-1214 | Re-weldability tests of irradiated austenitic stainless steel by a TIG welding method | Kunihiko Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Kawamura, George Kalinin |
1215-1219 | Radiation resistance of weld joints of type 316 stainless steel containing about 10 appm He | S. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky |
1220-1223 | Effect of weld thermal cycle and restraint stress on helium bubble formation in stainless steels | S. Kawano, K. Fukuya, F. Kano, M. Satou, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe |
1224-1228 | Furnace brazing type 304 stainless steel to vanadium alloy (V–5Cr–5Ti) | R. V. Steward, M. L. Grossbeck, B. A. Chin, H. A. Aglan, Y. Gan |
1229-1233 | Effects of heat treatments on microstructure changes in the interface of Cu/SS316L joint materials | Q. Xu, D. J. Edwards, T. Yoshiie |
1234-1237 | Low cycle fatigue strength of diffusion bonded joints of alumina dispersion-strengthened copper to stainless steel | H. Nishi, T. Araki |
1238-1242 | Effect of neutron irradiation on mechanical properties of Cu/SS joints after single and multiple HIP cycles | S. Tähtinen, B. N. Singh, P. Toft |
1243-1247 | High temperature residual strain measurements in a brazed sample for NET/ITER | R. Coppola, C. Nardi, B. Riccardi |
1248-1252 | Armor and heat sink materials joining technologies development for ITER plasma facing components | V. Barabash, M. Akiba, A. Cardella, I. Mazul, B. C. Odegard Jr, L. Plöchl, R. Tivey, G. Vieider |
1253-1257 | Refractory metal joining for first wall applications | C. H. Cadden, B. C. Odegard Jr. |
1258-1261 | Joining of silicon carbide composites for fusion energy applications | C. A. Lewinsohn, M. Singh, T. Shibayama, T. Hinoki, M. Ando, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama |
1262-1266 | Microstructure and mechanical properties of low-activation glass-ceramic joining and coating for SiC/SiC composites | Yutai Katoh, M. Kotani, A. Kohyama, M. Montorsi, M. Salvo, M. Ferraris |
1267-1271 | Magnetic field effect on deposition of corrosion products in liquid Pb–17Li | F. Barbier |
1272-1276 | The hydrogen permeation behaviour of aluminised coated martensitic steels under gaseous hydrogen, liquid Pb–17Li/hydrogen and cyclic tensile load | T. Sample, A. Perujo, H. Kolbe, B. Mancinelli |
1277-1281 | Development of electrically insulating coatings for service in a lithium environment | K. Natesan, M. Uz, S. Wieder |
1282-1286 | Corrosion of V–Ti–Cr alloys in liquid lithium: influence of alloy composition and concentration of nitrogen in lithium | O. I. Eliseeva, V. N. Fedirko, V. M. Chernov, L. P. Zavialsky |
1287-1291 | The permeation of tritium through 316L stainless steel with multiple coatings | Zhenyu Yao, Jiakun Hao, Changshan Zhou, Changqi Shan, Jinnan Yu |
1292-1296 | The oxidation kinetics of Incoloy 800 and its deuterium permeation behavior | A. Perujo, J. Reimann, H. Feuerstein, B. Mancinelli |
1297-1301 | Effects of thin films on inventory, permeation and re-emission of energetic hydrogen | N. Ohyabu, Y. Nakamura, Y. Nakahara, A. Livshits, V. Alimov, A. Busnyuk, M. Notkin, A. Samartsev, A. Doroshin |
1302-1305 | Scale structure of aluminised Manet steel after HIP treatment | H. Glasbrenner, K. Stein-Fechner, J. Konys |
1306-1310 | A microstructural study of the oxide scale formation on ODS Fe–13Cr steel | D. T. Hoelzer, B. A. Pint, I. G. Wright |
1311-1315 | Oxidation and hardness profile of V–Ti–Cr–Si–Al–Y alloys | Mitsuhiro Fujiwara, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe |
1316-1321 | Performance of V–Cr–Ti alloys in a hydrogen environment | K. Natesan, W. K. Soppet |
1322-1325 | Compatibility of AlN with liquid lithium | T. Terai, A. Suzuki, T. Yoneoka, T. Mitsuyama |
1326-1331 | Compatibility of structural candidate materials with LiF–BeF2 molten salt mixture | H. Nishimura, T. Terai, T. Yoneoka, S. Tanaka, A. Sagara, O. Motojima |
1332-1335 | Corrosion of ferritic–martensitic steels in the eutectic Pb–17Li | H. Glasbrenner, J. Konys, H. D. Röhrig, K. Stein-Fechner, Z. Voss |
1336-1340 | Liquid metal embrittlement (LME) susceptibility of the 8–9% Cr martensitic steels F82H-mod., OPTIFER IVb and their simulated welded structures in liquid Pb–17Li | T. Sample, H. Kolbe |
1341-1345 | Water corrosion of F82H-modified in simulated irradiation conditions by heat treatment | J. Lapeña, F. Blázquez |
1346-1350 | Copper corrosion and activation in water cooling loops under fusion irradiation conditions | P. J. Karditsas, S. M. Ali, D. Wan |
1351-1355 | In-pile tritium-permeation measurements on T91 tubes with double walls or a Fe–Al/Al2O3 coating | R. Conrad, K. Bakker, C. Chabrol, M. A. Fütterer, J. G. van der Laan, E. Rigal, M. P. Stijkel |
1356-1360 | Impurity effects on gas tungsten arc welds in V–Cr–Ti alloys | M. L. Grossbeck, J. F. King, D. T. Hoelzer |
1361-1365 | Behaviour of Li2ZrO3 and Li2TiO3 pebbles relevant to their utilization as ceramic breeder for the HCPB blanket | J. D. Lulewicz, N. Roux, G. Piazza, J. Reimann, J. van der Laan |
1366-1369 | Study of the tritium behavior on the surface of Li2O by means of work function measurement | Toshihiko Yokota, Atsushi Suzuki, Kenji Yamaguchi, Takayuki Terai, Michio Yamawaki |
1370-1374 | Multiplier, moderator, and reflector materials for advanced lithium–vanadium fusion blankets | Y. Gohar, D. L. Smith |
1375-1379 | On the use of tin–lithium alloys as breeder material for blankets of fusion power plants | M. A. Fütterer, G. Aiello, F. Barbier, L. Giancarli, Y. Poitevin, P. Sardain, J. Szczepanski, A. Li Puma, G. Ruvutuso, G. Vella |
1380-1384 | Development of wet process with substitution reaction for the mass production of Li2TiO3 pebbles | Kunihiko Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Kawamura |
1385-1389 | Chemical reactivity of SiC fibre-reinforced SiC with beryllium and lithium ceramic breeder materials | H. Kleykamp |
1390-1395 | On the mechanisms associated with the chemical reactivity of Be in steam | D. A. Petti, G. R. Smolik, R. A. Anderl |
1396-1400 | Post-irradiation examinations of Li4SiO4 pebbles irradiated in the EXOTIC-7 experiment | G. Piazza, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, H. Werle |
1401-1404 | Effects of helium production and radiation damage on tritium release behavior of neutron-irradiated beryllium pebbles | E. Ishitsuka, H. Kawamura, T. Terai, S. Tanaka |
1405-1408 | XPS and UPS studies on electronic structure of Li2O | Satoru Tanaka, Masaki Taniguchi, Hisashi Tanigawa |
1409-1413 | Development of materials and fabrication of porous and pebble bed beryllium multipliers | D. A. Davydov, M. I. Solonin, Yu. E. Markushkin, V. A. Gorokhov, V. V. Gorlevsky, G. N. Nikolaev |
1414-1418 | Improvement of the model for surface process of tritium release from lithium oxide | Daiju Yamaki, Akira Iwamoto, Shiro Jitsukawa |
1419-1423 | Tritium release from neutron-irradiated Li2O sintered pellets: porosity dependence | Takaaki Tanifuji, Daiju Yamaki, Tadashi Takahashi, Akira Iwamoto |
1424-1428 | ITER structural design criteria and their extension to advanced reactor blankets | S. Majumdar, G. Kalinin |
1429-1433 | Materials and fabrication technology of modules intended for irradiation tests of blanket tritium-breeding zones in Russian fusion reactor projects | V. Kapychev, D. Davydov, V. Gorokhov, A. Ioltukhovskiy, Yu. Kazennov, V. Tebus, V. Frolov, A. Shikov, N. Shishkov, V. Kovalenko, N. Shishkin, Yu. Strebkov |
1434-1437 | Measurement and analysis of radioactivity induced in steels and a vanadium alloy by 14-MeV neutrons | D. Richter, R. A. Forrest, H. Freiesleben, Va. D. Kovalchuk, Vi. D. Kovalchuk, D. V. Markovskij, K. Seidel, V. I. Tereshkin, S. Unholzer |
1438-1442 | Accelerated helium and hydrogen production in 54Fe doped alloys – measurements and calculations for the FIST experiment | L. R. Greenwood, B. M. Oliver, S. Ohnuki, K. Shiba, Y. Kohno, A. Kohyama, J. P. Robertson, J. W. Meadows, D. S. Gelles |
1443-1447 | Compositional optimisation of silicon carbide for various fusion blanket designs | C. B. A. Forty |
1448-1452 | Experimental study on beryllium-7 production via sequential reactions in lithium-containing compounds irradiated by 14 MeV neutrons | F. Maekawa, Y. M. Verzilov, D. L. Smith, Y. Ikeda |
1453-1457 | Material composition and nuclear data libraries’ influence on nickel–chromium alloys activation evaluation: a comparison with decay heat experiments | D. G. Cepraga, G. Cambi |
1458-1462 | Oxidation and volatilization of TZM alloy in air | G. R. Smolik, D. A. Petti, S. T. Schuetz |
1463-1467 | Steam chemical reactivity of Be pebbles and Be powder | R. A. Anderl, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, D. Davydov, R. J. Pawelko, G. R Smolik |
1468-1472 | Present status and future prospect of the Russian program for fusion low-activation materials | M. I. Solonin, V. M. Chernov, V. A. Gorokhov, A. G. Ioltukhovskiy, A. K. Shikov, A. I. Blokhin |
1473-1477 | Waste management for different fusion reactor designs | Paolo Rocco, Massimo Zucchetti |
1479-1500 | Index | Unknown |
1501-1556 | Index | Unknown |
219-226 | Preliminary study of irradiation effects on thorium phosphate-diphosphate | E. Pichot, N. Dacheux, J. Emery, J. Chaumont, V. Brandel, M. Genet |
227-242 | Investigation of models to predict the corrosion of steels in flowing liquid lead alloys | F. Balbaud-Célérier, F. Barbier |
243-246 | Gibbs energy of formation of Ba(OH)2 vapor species using the transpiration technique | M. Ali (Basu), R. Mishra, A. S. Kerkar, S. R. Bharadwaj, D. Das |
247-253 | Short-time creep and rupture tests on high burnup fuel rod cladding | W. Goll, H. Spilker, E. H. Toscano |
254-262 | Kinetics of uranium release from Synroc phases | Y. Zhang, K. P. Hart, W. L. Bourcier, R. A. Day, M. Colella, B. Thomas, Z. Aly, A. Jostsons |
263-269 | The effect of manganese on the strain-induced martensitic transformation and high temperature wear resistance of Fe–20Cr–1C–1Si hardfacing alloy | Jun-ki Kim, Geun-mo Kim, Seon-jin Kim |
270-280 | Oxygen potential and defect structure of the solid solution, Mg–Gd–UO2 | Takeo Fujino, Nobuaki Sato, Kohta Yamada, Manabu Okazaki, Kousaku Fukuda, Hiroyuki Serizawa, Tetsuo Shiratori |
281-290 | Dissolution behaviour of magnetite film formed over carbon steel in dilute organic acid media | A. A. M. Prince, S. Velmurugan, S. V. Narasimhan, C. Ramesh, N. Murugesan, P. S. Raghavan, R. Gopalan |
291-302 | Co-permeation of deuterium and hydrogen through Pd | Kaname Kizu, Alexander Pisarev, Tetsuo Tanabe |
303-307 | Lithium titanate pebbles reprocessing by wet chemistry | C. Alvani, P. L. Carconi, S. Casadio, V. Contini, A. Dibartolomeo, F. Pierdominici, A. Deptula, S. Lagos, C. A. Nannetti |
308-314 | Absorption of molten fluoride salts in glassy carbon, pyrographite and Hastelloy B | J. Vacik, H. Naramoto, J. Cervena, V. Hnatowicz, I. Peka, D. Fink |
315-328 | Pre-transition oxidation behaviour of pre-hydrided Zircaloy-2 | M. Oskarsson, E. Ahlberg, U. Södervall, U. Andersson, K. Pettersson |
329-333 | Thermophysical properties of zirconium hydride and uranium–zirconium hydride | B. Tsuchiya, J. Huang, K. Konashi, M. Teshigawara, M. Yamawaki |
334-337 | Effect of molybdenum on electron radiation damage of Zr-base alloys | J. H. Lee, S. K. Hwang, K. Yasuda, C. Kinoshita |
338-341 | Shadow corrosion or crevice corrosion? | F. Garzarolli, P. B. Hoffmann, A. Seibold |
342-345 | Formation of nitrides at the surface of U–Zr alloys | M. Akabori, A. Itoh, T. Ogawa |
346 | 10th International Conferences on Fusion | |
347-349 | Author index | |
350-357 | Subject index | |
1-11 | Plasma–wall interaction issues in ITER | G Janeschitz and ITER JCT and HTs |
12-18 | Review of initial experimental results of the PSI studies in the large helical device | S Masuzaki, K Akaishi, H Funaba, M Goto, K Ida, S Inagaki, N Inoue, K Kawahata, A Komori, Y Kubota, T Morisaki, S Morita, Y Nakamura, K Narihara, K Nishimura, N Noda, N Ohyabu, B.J Peterson, A Sagara, R Sakamoto, et al. | |
19-24 | Plasma–surface interactions on liquids | R. Bastasz, W. Eckstein |
25-32 | Mixed material formation and erosion | Ch. Linsmeier, J. Luthin, P. Goldstraß |
33-37 | D, He and Li sputtering of liquid eutectic Sn–Li | J.P. Allain, D.N. Ruzic, M.R. Hendricks |
38-41 | Deuterium retention in W, W1%La, C-coated W and W2C | R.A. Anderl, R.J. Pawelko, S.T. Schuetz |
42-46 | Solid-state reaction between tungsten and hydrogen-containing carbon film at elevated temperature | K. Ashida, K. Fujino, T. Okabe, M. Matsuyama, K. Watanabe |
47-51 | Mechanism of the chemical erosion of SiC under hydrogen irradiation | M. Balden, S. Picarle, J. Roth |
52-56 | Chemical erosion of carbon doped with different fine-grain carbides | M. Balden, C. Garcı́a-Rosales, R. Behrisch, J. Roth, P. Paz, J. Etxeberria |
57-60 | Membrane bias effects on plasma-driven permeation of hydrogen through niobium membrane | A. Busnyuk, Y. Nakamura, Y. Nakahara, H. Suzuki, N. Ohyabu, A. Livshits |
61-65 | Methane formation in graphite and boron-doped graphite under simultaneous O+ and H+ irradiation | A.Y.K. Chen, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz |
66-70 | Chemical erosion of boronized films from DIII-D tiles | J.W. Davis, P.B. Wright, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, A.A. Haasz, C.G. Hamilton |
71-75 | Formation of mixed layers and compounds on beryllium due to C+ and CO+ bombardment | P. Goldstrass, Ch. Linsmeier |
76-79 | Surface reactions on beryllium after carbon vapour deposition and thermal treatment | P. Goldstrass, K.U. Klages, Ch. Linsmeier |
80-84 | Surface tension enhancement of TRIM sputtering yields for liquid metal targets | A. Grossman, R.P. Doerner, S. Luckhardt |
85-88 | Deuterium retention in single crystal tungsten | A.A. Haasz, M. Poon, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, J.W. Davis |
89-93 | Mixed-material coating formation on tungsten surfaces during plasma exposure in TEXTOR-94 | D. Hildebrandt, P. Wienhold, W. Schneider |
94-98 | Anisotropic radiation damage by charge exchange neutrals under tokamak discharges in TRIAM-1M | T. Hirai, T. Fujiwara, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, S. Itoh and TRIAM Group |
99-103 | Attenuation of secondary electron emission from divertor plates due to magnetic field inclination | Yu. Igitkhanov, G. Janeschitz |
104-106 | Unified analytic representation of physical sputtering yield | R.K. Janev, Yu.V. Ralchenko, T. Kenmotsu, K. Hosaka |
107-111 | Synergistic effects by simultaneous bombardment of tungsten with hydrogen and carbon | K. Krieger, J. Roth |
112-115 | Trapping of eV deuterium ions by niobium at glancing incidence | V.A. Kurnaev, A.V. Golubeva, A.A. Evanov, D.V. Levchuk, A.A. Pisarev, N.N. Trifonov |
116-120 | Work function change of first wall candidate metals due to ion beam irradiation | G.-N. Luo, K. Yamaguchi, T. Terai, M. Yamawaki |
121-125 | Influence of oxygen on the carbide formation on tungsten | J. Luthin, Ch. Linsmeier |
126-130 | TOF analysis of reflection of low-energy light ions from solid targets using coaxial impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy (CAICISS) | K. Morita, N. Kishi, A. Grigoriev, S. Masuzaki, T. Muroga |
131-134 | Non-destructive structural analysis of surface blistering by TEM and EELS in a reflection configuration | S. Muto, T. Matsui, T. Tanabe |
135-139 | Effect of helium irradiation on trapping and thermal release of deuterium implanted in tungsten | S. Nagata, K. Takahiro |
140-143 | Simulation study on retention and reflection from tungsten carbide under high fluence of helium ions | T. Ono, T. Kawamura, T. Kenmotsu, Y. Yamamura |
144-147 | Carbon erosion mechanisms in tokamak divertor materials: insight from molecular dynamics simulations | E. Salonen, K. Nordlund, J. Keinonen, C.H. Wu |
148-152 | Influence of diffusion on W sputtering by carbon | K. Schmid, J. Roth, W. Eckstein |
153-157 | Reactivity of lithium-containing amorphous carbon (a-C) films | M. Töwe, P. Reinke, P. Oelhafen |
158-161 | Energy distributions of CD4 and CD3 chemically released from graphite by D+ and D0/Ne+ impact | E. Vietzke |
162-165 | Implantation, erosion, and retention of tungsten in carbon | R.A. Zuhr, J. Roth, W. Eckstein, U. von Toussaint, J. Luthin |
166-172 | Measurements of erosion mechanisms from solid and liquid materials in PISCES-B | R.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, R.W. Conn, A.A. Grossman, S.C. Luckhardt, R. Seraydarian, G.R. Tynan, D.G. Whyte |
173-179 | Chemical erosion of doped graphites for fusion devices | C. Garcı́a-Rosales, M. Balden |
180-184 | Measurements and modeling of D, He and Li sputtering of liquid lithium | J.P. Allain, D.N. Ruzic, M.R. Hendricks |
185-190 | Erosion/redeposition analysis of lithium-based liquid surface divertors | J.N. Brooks, T.D. Rognlien, D.N. Ruzic, J.P. Allain |
191-195 | The primary results for the mixed carbon material used for high flux steady-state tokamak operation in China | Q.G Guo, J.G Li, G.T Zhai, L Liu, J.R Song, L.F Zhang, Y.X He, J.L Chen |
196-200 | Deuterium retention of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy exposed to the JFT-2M tokamak environment | Y Hirohata, T Oda, T Hino, S Sengoku |
201-205 | Experimental study of lithium target under high power load | B.I. Khripunov, V.B. Petrov, V.V. Shapkin, A.S. Pleshakov, A.S. Rupyshev, N.V. Antonov, A.M. Litnovsky, P.V. Romanov, Yu.S. Shpansky, V.A. Evtikhin, I.E. Lyublinsky, A.V. Vertkov |
206-210 | Plasma operation with tungsten tiles at the central column of ASDEX Upgrade | R. Neu, V. Rohde, A. Geier, K. Krieger, H. Maier, D. Bolshukhin, A. Kallenbach, R. Pugno, K. Schmidtmann, M. Zarrabian and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
211-215 | Tritium retention in neutron-irradiated low-Z | F Scaffidi-Argentina, C Sand, C.H Wu |
216-219 | Silicon diffusion in amorphous carbon films | E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, T. Ahlgren, L. Khriachtchev, J. Likonen, S. Lehto, J. Keinonen, C.H. Wu |
220-223 | The porous vanadium as a plasma facing material for the fusion devices | A.V. Zhmendak, A. Huber, V.A. Kvitcinskiy, E.V. Mudretskaya, A.V. Nedospasov, V.V. Panechkina, S.N. Pavlov, A. Pospieszczyk, G.V. Sergienko, V.F. Virko |
224-230 | Erosion/deposition issues at JET | J.P. Coad, N. Bekris, J.D. Elder, S.K. Erents, D.E. Hole, K.D. Lawson, G.F. Matthews, R.-D. Penzhorn, P.C. Stangeby |
231-237 | Surface reactions of hydrocarbon radicals: suppression of the re-deposition in fusion experiments via a divertor liner | A. von Keudell, T. Schwarz-Selinger, W. Jacob, A. Stevens |
238-244 | Modelling of erosion and deposition at limiter surfaces and divertor target plates | A. Kirschner, A. Huber, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, P. Wienhold, J. Winter |
245-249 | Dust characterization and analysis in Tore-Supra | Ph. Chappuis, E. Tsitrone, M. Mayne, X. Armand, H. Linke, H. Bolt, D. Petti, J.P. Sharpe |
250-254 | Characterisation of radiation and flux measurements on a neutraliser plate of the Tore Supra ergodic divertor | Y. Corre, R. Giannella, C. De Michelis, R. Guirlet, A. Azéroual, E. Chareyre, L. Costanzo, A. Escarguel, E. Gauthier, P. Ghendrih, J. Gunn, J. Hogan, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Pégourié, A. Pospieszczyk, E. Tsitrone |
255-259 | Towards an improved understanding of the relationship between plasma edge and materials issues in a next-step fusion device | G.F. Counsell, J.P. Coad, G. Federici, K. Krieger, V. Philipps, C.H. Skinner, D.G. Whyte |
260-265 | Assessment of erosion and tritium codeposition in ITER-FEAT | G Federici, J.N Brooks, D.P Coster, G Janeschitz, A Kukuskhin, A Loarte, H.D Pacher, J Stober, C.H Wu |
266-270 | Erosion and outgassing behavior of TiN-coated plasma facing components of the Uragan-3M torsatron | G.P. Glazunov, E.D. Volkov, V.P. Veremeyenko, N.A. Kosik, A.A. Kutsyn, J. Langner, E. Langner, Yu.K. Mironov, N.I. Nazarov, J. Piekoszewski, M. Sadowski, J. Stanislawski, V.I. Tereshin |
271-275 | Transport of and deposition from hydrocarbon radicals in a flow tube downstream from a CH4 RF discharge | A.E. Gorodetsky, I.I. Arkhipov, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, A.P. Zakharov, Yu.N. Tolmachev, S.P. Vnukov, V.L. Bukhovets |
276-280 | Comparison of impurity production, recycling and power deposition on carbon and tungsten limiters in TEXTOR-94 | A. Huber, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Kirschner, M. Lehnen, T. Ohgo, K. Ohya, M. Rubel, B. Schweer, J. von Seggern, G. Sergienko, T. Tanabe, M. Wada |
281-285 | Rapid diffusion of lithium into bulk graphite in lithium conditioning | N. Itou, H. Toyoda, K. Morita, H. Sugai |
286-290 | Molybdenum sources and transport in Alcator C-Mod | B. Lipschultz, D.A. Pappas, B. LaBombard, J.E. Rice, D. Smith, S. Wukitch |
291-294 | Detection of sputtered and evaporated carbon aggregates: relative and absolute electron ionization fragmentation yields | C. Mair, H. Deutsch, K. Becker, T.D. Märk, E. Vietzke |
295-298 | Detailed structure analysis of deposit layer in TEXTOR by means of TEM techniques | S. Muto, N. Yokoya, T. Tanabe |
299-302 | Effects of condensible impurities on the erosion behavior of the plasma-facing materials | N. Ohno, S. Uno, Y. Hirooka, S. Takamura |
303-307 | Simulation calculations of mutual contamination between tungsten and carbon and its impact on plasma surface interactions | K. Ohya, R. Kawakami, T. Tanabe, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, M. Rubel, G. Sergienko, N. Noda |
308-311 | Spectroscopic investigation on the impurity influxes of carbon and silicon in the ASDEX upgrade experiment | R. Pugno, A. Kallenbach, D. Bolshukhin, R. Dux, J. Gafert, R. Neu, V. Rohde, K. Schmidtmann, W. Ullrich, U. Wenzel and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
312-316 | Interactions between liquid-wall vapor and edge plasmas | T.D. Rognlien, M.E. Rensink |
317-320 | Carbon layers in the divertor of ASDEX Upgrade | V. Rohde, H. Maier, K. Krieger, R. Neu, J. Perchermaier and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
321-325 | Chemical erosion yields and photon efficiency measurements in the JET gas box divertor | M.F. Stamp, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, G.F. Matthews, R.D. Monk |
326-330 | Studies of tungsten erosion at the inner and outer main chamber wall of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak | A. Tabasso, H. Maier, J. Roth, K. Krieger and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
331-335 | Net erosion measurements on plasma facing components of Tore Supra | E. Tsitrone, P. Chappuis, Y. Corre, E. Gauthier, A. Grosman, J.Y. Pascal |
336-340 | Some problems arising due to plasma–surface interaction for operation of the in-vessel mirrors in a fusion reactor | V.S. Voitsenya, A.F. Bardamid, V.N. Bondarenko, W. Jacob, V.G. Konovalov, S. Masuzaki, O. Motojima, D.V. Orlinskij, V.L. Poperenko, I.V. Ryzhkov, A. Sagara, A.F. Shtan, S.I. Solodovchenko, M.V. Vinnichenko |
341-345 | Erosion and deposition effects on the vessel wall of TEXTOR-94 | J. von Seggern, M. Mayer, D. Reiser, M. Rubel, V. Philipps |
346-351 | Suppression of net erosion in the DIII-D divertor with detached plasmas | W.R. Wampler, D.G. Whyte, C.P.C. Wong, W.P. West |
352-355 | Extinction of CD band emission in the divertor of ASDEX Upgrade | U. Wenzel, M. Laux, R. Pugno, K. Schmidtmann |
356-361 | Reduction of divertor carbon sources in DIII-D | D.G. Whyte, W.P. West, R. Doerner, N.H. Brooks, R.C. Isler, G.L. Jackson, G. Porter, M.R. Wade, C.P.C. Wong |
362-366 | Investigation of carbon transport in the scrape-off layer of TEXTOR-94 | P. Wienhold, H.G. Esser, D. Hildebrandt, A. Kirschner, M. Mayer, V. Philipps, M. Rubel |
367-373 | Hydrogen molecules in the divertor of ASDEX Upgrade | U. Fantz, D. Reiter, B. Heger, D. Coster |
374-380 | High-density H-mode operation achieved using efficient plasma refueling by inboard pellet launch | P.T Lang, O Gruber, L.D Horton, T.T.C Jones, M Kaufmann, A Lorenz, M Maraschek, V Mertens, J Neuhauser, G Saibene, H Zohm and ASDEX Upgrade Team JET Team |
381-388 | Hydrogen inventories in nuclear fusion devices | M Mayer, V Philipps, P Wienhold, H.G Esser, J von Seggern, M Rubel |
389-393 | Deuterium retention and lattice damage in tungsten irradiated with D ions | V.Kh. Alimov, K. Ertl, J. Roth |
394-397 | Laboratory study of the transport and condensation of hydrocarbon radicals and its consequences for mitigating the tritium inventory in the ITER-FEAT divertor | I.I. Arkhipov, G. Federici, A.E. Gorodetsky, C. Ibbott, D.A. Komarov, A.N. Makhankov, A.V. Markin, I.V. Mazul, R. Tivey, A.P. Zakharov, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov |
398-401 | Characteristics of ELM activity and fueling efficiency of pellet injection from different locations on DIII-D | L.R. Baylor, T.C. Jernigan, R.J. Colchin, J.R. Ferron, M.R. Wade |
402-406 | Particle trapping in carbon walls during ICRH heating in Tore Supra | C. Grisolia, J. Hogan, Ph. Ghendrih, Th. Loarer, J. Gunn, P. Monier-Garbet, M. Becoulet, Th. Hutter |
407-412 | Reversal of in–out asymmetry of the particle-recycling associated with X | A. Hatayama, H. Segawa, N. Komatsu, R. Schneider, D.P. Coster, N. Hayashi, S. Sakurai, N. Asakura |
413-417 | Vibrational population of the ground state of H2 and D2 in the divertor of ASDEX Upgrade | B. Heger, U. Fantz, K. Behringer and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
418-422 | Comparison of hydrogen and tritium uptake and retention in JET | D.L. Hillis, J. Hogan, J.P. Coad, G. Duxbury, M. Groth, H.Y. Guo, L. Horton, G. Matthews, A. Meigs, P. Morgan, M. Stamp, M. von Hellermann |
423-427 | Modeling of wall recycling effects on the global particle balance in magnetic fusion devices | Y. Hirooka, S. Masuzaki, H. Suzuki, T. Kenmotsu, T. Kawamura |
428-432 | Isotope effects in thermal release of H and D implanted into WC layers on graphite | T. Horikawa, K. Morita, B. Tsuchiya |
433-436 | Role of grain boundaries and carbon deposition in deuterium retention behavior of deuterium plasma exposed tungsten | D.A. Komarov, A.V. Markin, S.Yu. Rybakov, A.P. Zakharov |
437-442 | Nondestructive measurement of surface tritium by β-ray induced X-ray spectrometry (BIXS) | M. Matsuyama, T. Tanabe, N. Noda, V. Philipps, K.H. Finken, K. Watanabe |
443-447 | Local recycling coefficients and wall equilibration in tokamaks | P.K. Mioduszewski, L.W. Owen |
448-453 | Tritium detection in plasma facing component by imaging plate technique | K. Miyasaka, T. Tanabe, G. Mank, K.H. Finken, V. Philipps, D.S. Walsh, K. Nishizawa, T. Saze |
454-458 | Compact toroid injection as fueling in the JFT-2M tokamak | T. Ogawa, H. Ogawa, Y. Miura, H. Niimi, H. Kimura, Y. Kashiwa, T. Shibata, M. Yamamoto, N. Fukumoto, M. Nagata, T. Uyama |
459-463 | Surface effects on plasma-driven tritium permeation through metals | O.V. Ogorodnikova |
464-468 | Origins and spatial distributions of core fueling in the DIII-D tokamak | L.W. Owen, R.J. Colchin, R. Maingi, M.E. Fenstermacher, T.N. Carlstrom, R.J. Groebner |
469-472 | A study of tritium decontamination of deposits by UV irradiation | Y. Oya, W. Shu, S. O'hira, T. Hayashi, H. Nakamura, T. Sakai, T. Tadokoro, K. Kobayashi, T. Suzuki, M. Nishi |
473-477 | Fuel accumulation in co-deposited layers on plasma facing components | M. Rubel, P. Wienhold, D. Hildebrandt |
478-481 | Hydrogen recycling study by Balmer lines emissions in linear plasma machine TPE | K. Shimada, T. Tanabe, R. Causey, T. Venhaus, K. Okuno |
482-485 | Tritium decontamination of TFTR carbon tiles employing ultra violet light | W.M. Shu, S. Ohira, C.A. Gentile, Y. Oya, H. Nakamura, T. Hayashi, Y. Iwai, Y. Kawamura, S. Konishi, M.F. Nishi, K.M. Young |
486-490 | Studies of tritiated co-deposited layers in TFTR | C.H. Skinner, C.A. Gentile, G. Ascione, A. Carpe, R.A. Causey, T. Hayashi, J. Hogan, S. Langish, M. Nishi, W.M. Shu, W.R. Wampler, K.M. Young |
491-495 | Hydrogen isotope depth profiling in carbon samples from the erosion dominated inner vessel walls of JET | C. Stan-Sion, R. Behrisch, J.P. Coad, U. Kreißig, F. Kubo, V. Lazarev, S. Lindig, M. Mayer, E. Nolte, A. Peacock, L. Rohrer, J. Roth |
496-500 | In situ measurement of hydrogen retention in JET carbon tiles | D.D.R. Summers, M.N.A. Beurskens, J.P. Coad, G. Counsell, W. Fundamenski, G.F. Matthews, M.F. Stamp |
501-504 | Influence of hydrogen surface coverage on atomic particle reflection | I. Takagi, Y. Koga, H. Fujita, K. Higashi |
505-508 | Behavior of tungsten exposed to high fluences of low energy hydrogen isotopes | T Venhaus, R Causey, R Doerner, T Abeln |
509-512 | Radioactive dust levitation and its consequences for fusion devices | J. Winter, V.E. Fortov, A.P. Nefedov |
513-517 | Particle control in the sustained spheromak physics experiment | R.D. Wood, D.N. Hill, E.B. Hooper, D. Buchenauer, H. McLean, Z. Wang, S. Woodruff, G. Wurden |
518-524 | Interpretation of SOL flows and target asymmetries in JET using EDGE2D code calculations | A.V. Chankin, G. Corrigan, S.K. Erents, G.F. Matthews, J. Spence, P.C. Stangeby |
525-529 | Radiation distribution and power balance in the ASDEX Upgrade LYRA divertor | J.C. Fuchs, D. Coster, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, K.F. Mast and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
530-536 | Large E | M.J. Schaffer, J.A. Boedo, R.A. Moyer, T.N. Carlstrom, J.G. Watkins |
537-541 | Plasma edge fluid models for recycling at near tangential surfaces | M. Baelmans, D. Reiter, B. Küppers, P. Börner |
542-545 | High resolution measurements of neutral density and ionization rate in the main chamber of the Alcator C-Mod tokamak | R.L. Boivin, J. Goetz, A. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, J. Irby, B. LaBombard, E. Marmar, D. Mossessian, J.L. Terry |
546-550 | W7-X edge modelling with the 3D SOL fluid code BoRiS | M. Borchardt, J. Riemann, R. Schneider, X. Bonnin |
551-555 | Study of the relation between density and temperature fall-off lengths in a detached divertor plasma | K. Borrass |
556-560 | Observations of cold, high density plasma in the private flux region of the Alcator C-Mod divertor | C.J. Boswell, J.L. Terry, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, J.A. Goetz |
561-565 | Flow measurements in the edge plasma of Tore Supra | C. Boucher, L.-G. Thibault, J.P. Gunn, J.-Y. Pascal, P. Devynck and Tore Supra Team |
566-570 | Feedback control on edge plasma parameters with ergodic divertor in Tore Supra | J. Bucalossi, J.P. Gunn, A. Géraud, Ph. Ghendrih, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, G. Martin, D. Moulin, J.-Y. Pascal, F. Saint-Laurent |
571-574 | Extension of the B2 code towards the plasma core for a self-consistent simulation of ASDEX upgrade scenarios | H. Bürbaumer, R. Neu, R. Schneider, D. Coster, J. Stober, F. Aumayr, H.P. Winter |
575-578 | Plasma profiles in the inner divertor of ASDEX Upgrade | A. Carlson, D. Coster, A. Herrmann, R. Pugno, U. Wenzel |
579-583 | Plasma boundary and SOL studies of ECH-plasmas in TJ-II stellarator with diagnosed mobile poloidal limiters | E. de la Cal, B. Brañas, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, A.L. Fraguas, M.A. Pedrosa, V. Tribaldos, E. Ascasibar, J. Herranz, I. Pastor and TJ-II Team |
584-587 | Density fluctuations at high density in the ergodic divertor configuration of Tore Supra | P. Devynck, J. Gunn, Ph. Ghendrih, X. Garbet, G. Antar, P. Beyer, C. Boucher, C. Honore, F. Gervais, P. Hennequin, A. Quémeneur, A. Truc |
588-592 | Performance of high triangularity plasmas as the volume of the secondary divertor is varied in DIII-D | M.E. Fenstermacher, T.H. Osborne, T.W. Petrie, R.J. Groebner, C.J. Lasnier, R.J. La Haye, A.W. Leonard, G.D. Porter, J.G. Watkins and DIII-D Team |
593-597 | Analysis of SOL behaviour in JET MkIIGB using an advanced onion-skin solver (OSM2) | W. Fundamenski, S.K. Erents, G.F. Matthews, A.V. Chankin, V. Riccardo, P.C. Stangeby, J.D. Elder |
598-603 | Impurity transport experiments in the edge plasma of Alcator C-Mod using gas injection plumes | S. Gangadhara, B. LaBombard, C. MacLatchy |
604-608 | Turbulent transport studies in JET edge plasmas in X | I. García-Cortés, A. Loarte, R. Balbín, J. Bleuel, A. Chankin, S.J. Davies, M. Endler, S.K. Erents, C. Hidalgo, G.F. Matthews, H. Thomsen |
609-614 | Calculation of 2D profiles for the plasma and electric field in the boundary layer of the TEXTOR-94 Tokamak | H. Gerhauser, R. Zagórski, H.A. Claaßen, M. Lehnen |
615-618 | On the validity of collisional–radiative models | P.T. Greenland |
619-622 | Heat flux decay length in the midplane of ASDEX Upgrade | A. Herrmann, A. Carlson, J.C. Fuchs, O. Gruber, M. Laux, J. Neuhauser, R. Pugno, A. Sips, W. Treutterer, W. Schneider and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
623-627 | Impurity behavior before and during the x | S. Higashijima, H. Kubo, T. Sugie, T. Nakano, S. Konoshima, H. Tamai, K. Shimizu, A. Sakasai, N. Asakura, S. Sakurai, K. Itami |
628-632 | Effect of limiter recycling on measured poloidal impurity emission profiles in Tore Supra | J. Hogan, C. DeMichelis, P. Monier-Garbet, M. Becoulet, C. Bush, P. Ghendrih, R. Guirlet, W. Hess, M. Mattioli, J.C. Vallet |
633-638 | Observation of detachment in the JET MkIIGB divertor using CCD camera tomography | K. Itami, P. Coad, W. Fundamenski, C. Ingesson, J. Lingertat, G.F. Matthews, A. Tabasso |
639-643 | Electric currents in the scrape-off layer in ASDEX Upgrade | A. Kallenbach, A. Carlson, G. Pautasso, A. Peeters, U. Seidel, H.-P. Zehrfeld and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
644-647 | ASDEX-Upgrade edge transport scalings from the two-dimensional interpretative code B2.5-I | J.-W. Kim, D.P. Coster, J. Neuhauser, R. Schneider and ASDEX-Upgrade Team |
648-652 | Heat load on the first wall materials and interaction of emitted neutrals with plasma | Kazuki Kobayashi, Shinichiro Kado, Bingjia Xiao, Satoru Tanaka |
653-657 | Energy flux measurements in a steady-state discharge at PSI-2 | B. Koch, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann, P. Kornejew, H.-D. Reiner |
658-662 | Investigation of the hydrogen fluxes in the plasma edge of W7-AS during H-mode discharges | U. Langer, E. Taglauer W7-AS Team, R. Fischer |
663-667 | Investigations on density and temperature asymmetries due to drift motions in the boundary layer of TEXTOR-94 | M. Lehnen, M. Brix, H. Gerhauser, B. Schweer, R. Zagórski |
668-672 | Divertor energy distribution in JET H-modes | G.F. Matthews, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, C. Ingesson, R.D. Monk, V. Riccardo |
673-677 | Explorative studies for the development of fast He beam plasma diagnostics | S. Menhart, M. Proschek, H.-D. Falter, H. Anderson, H. Summers, A. Staebler, P. Franzen, H. Meister, J. Schweinzer, T.T.C. Jones, S. Cox, N. Hawkes, F. Aumayr, H.P. Winter |
678-682 | Island divertor in a helical-axis heliotron device (Heliotron J) | T. Mizuuchi, M. Nakasuga, F. Sano, Y. Nakamura, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, K. Kondo, T. Obiki |
683-687 | Studies of edge plasmas in an anchor minimum-B region of the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror | Y. Nakashima, K.Md. Islam, A. Wada, D. Sato, S. Kobayashi, Y. Ishimoto, Y. Kawasaki, I. Katanuma, T. Saito, M. Yoshikawa, R. Baba, H. Aminaka, E. Ishinuki, K. Yatsu |
688-691 | Evaluation of electron temperature in detached recombining plasmas | D. Nishijima, U. Wenzel, M. Motoyama, N. Ohno, S. Takamura, S.I. Krasheninnikov |
692-695 | Particle flows in pumped DIII-D discharges | G.D. Porter, T.D. Rognlien, M.E. Rensink, N.S. Wolf, W.P. West |
696-700 | Plasma rotation and structure of the radial electric field in RFX | M.E. Puiatti, L. Tramontin, V. Antoni, R. Bartiromo, L. Carraro, D. Desideri, E. Martines, F. Sattin, P. Scarin, G. Serianni, M. Spolaore, M. Valisa, B. Zaniol |
701-705 | Thermography of target plates with near-infrared optical fibres at Tore Supra | R. Reichle, V. Basiuk, V. Bergeaud, A. Cambe, M. Chantant, E. Delchambre, M. Druetta, E. Gauthier, W. Hess, C. Pocheau |
706-709 | Simulation of power and particle flows in the NSTX edge plasma | M.E. Rensink, H. Kugel, R. Maingi, F. Paoletti, G.D. Porter, T.D. Rognlien, S. Sabbagh, X. Xu |
710-714 | Modeling of tokamak edge plasma for discharges with neutral beam injection | V. Rozhansky, S. Voskoboynikov, E. Kovaltsova, D. Coster, R. Schneider |
715-719 | Consistency check of Z | B. Schunke, C. DeMichelis, R. Guirlet, P. Monier-Garbet, M. Mattioli, E. Chareyre, O. Meyer |
720-724 | Spectroscopic studies of stationary MARFEs in TEXTOR-94 | G. Sergienko, A. Pospieszczyk, M. Lehnen, M. Brix, J. Rapp, B. Schweer, P.T. Greenland |
725-728 | Kinetic simulation of a source dominated plasma–wall interaction in an oblique magnetic field | Devendra Sharma, H. Ramachandran |
729-732 | Study of edge plasma properties comparing operation in hydrogen and helium in RFX | M. Spolaore, V. Antoni, M. Bagatin, D. Desideri, L. Fattorini, E. Martines, G. Serianni, L. Tramontin, N. Vianello |
733-737 | Onion-skin method (OSM) analysis of DIII-D edge measurements | P.C. Stangeby, J.G. Watkins, G.D. Porter, J.D. Elder, S. Lisgo, D. Reiter, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte |
738-742 | Self-consistent description of the core and boundary plasma in the high-field ignition experiment | R. Stankiewicz, R. Zagórski |
743-747 | A 2D fluid model of the scrape-off layer (SOL) using adaptive unstructured finite volumes | Fabio Subba, Roberto Zanino |
748-752 | Density control and plasma edge characterisation of ECRH heated plasmas in the TJ-II stellarator | F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, B. Brañas, E. de la Cal, I. García-Cortés, T. Estrada, I. Pastor, J. Herranz, E. de la Luna, F. Medina |
753-756 | Particle simulation of detached plasma in the presence of diffusive particle loss and radiative energy loss | T. Takizuka, M. Hosokawa, K. Shimizu |
757-762 | Visible imaging of turbulence in the SOL of the Alcator C-Mod tokamak | J.L. Terry, R. Maqueda, C.S. Pitcher, S.J. Zweben, B. LaBombard, E.S. Marmar, A.Yu. Pigarov, G. Wurden |
763-767 | Numerical study of plasma–wall transition in an oblique magnetic field | Fabrice Valsaque, Giovanni Manfredi |
768-772 | Local emission and core concentration of tungsten in TEXTOR-94 plasmas operated with tungsten test and poloidal limiters | M. Wada, T. Ohgo, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, T. Tanabe, W. Biel, K. Kondo, K. Ohya, V. Philipps, G. Bertschinger, J. Rapp, B. Schweer, N. Noda |
773-777 | Low-Z impurity transport in DIII-D – observations and implications | M.R. Wade, W.A. Houlberg, L.R. Baylor, W.P. West, D.R. Baker |
778-782 | Comparison of Langmuir probe and Thomson scattering measurements in DIII-D | J.G. Watkins, P. Stangeby, J.A. Boedo, T.N. Carlstrom, C.J. Lasnier, R.A. Moyer, D.L. Rudakov, D.G. Whyte |
783-787 | Modeling of carbon transport in the divertor and SOL of DIII-D during high performance plasma operation | W.P. West, G.D. Porter, T.E. Evans, P. Stangeby, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.C. Isler, T.D. Rognlien, M.R. Wade, D.G. Whyte, N.S. Wolf |
788-792 | Effects of flush-mounted probe bias on local turbulent fluctuations | D.L. Winslow, B. LaBombard |
793-797 | Numerical simulation of hydrogen molecular dissociation and the effects to Hα profiles in low temperature plasmas | Bingjia Xiao, Shinichiro Kado, Kazuki Kobayashi, Satoru Tanaka |
798-804 | Control of divertor geometry and performance of the ergodic divertor of Tore Supra | Ph. Ghendrih, M. Bécoulet, L. Costanzo, Y. Corre, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, R. Guirlet, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, P. Monier-Garbet, G. Mank, R. Reichle, J.-C. Vallet, M. Zabiégo, A. Azéroual, J. Bucalossi, P. Devynck, C De Michelis, K.H. Finken, J. Hogan, et al. | |
805-811 | Multi-machine modelling of divertor geometry effects | A. Loarte |
812-819 | The effect of baffling on divertor leakage in Alcator C-Mod | C.S. Pitcher, C.J. Boswell, T. Chung, J.A. Goetz, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, J.E. Rice, D.P. Stotler, J.L. Terry |
820-824 | Experimental investigations of the SOL plasma in the MAST tokamak | J.-W. Ahn, G.F. Counsell |
825-828 | Pumping effect on the divertor plasma and detachment in the JT-60U W-shaped divertor | N. Asakura, S. Sakurai, H. Tamai, Y. Koide, Y. Sakamoto, O. Naito, H. Kubo, K. Itami, K. Masaki |
829-835 | Electric fields and currents in an island divertor configuration | X. Bonnin, R. Schneider, D. Coster, V. Rozhansky, S. Voskoboynikov |
836-839 | Helium transport and exhaust with an ITER-like divertor in ASDEX Upgrade | H.-S. Bosch, W. Ullrich, D. Coster, O. Gruber, G. Haas, J. Neuhauser, R. Schneider, R. Wolf and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
840-844 | Analysis of energy flux deposition and sheath transmission factors during ergodic divertor operation on Tore Supra | L. Costanzo, J.P. Gunn, T. Loarer, L. Colas, Y. Corre, Ph. Ghendrih, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, D. Guilhem, P. Monier-Garbet, R. Reichle, H. Roche, J.C. Vallet |
845-848 | B2–EIRENE modelling of He compression and enrichment | D.P. Coster, H.-S. Bosch, W. Ullrich and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
849-853 | Transport modelling of TEXTOR-DED laminar zone | Th. Eich, D. Reiser, K.H. Finken |
854-858 | Spectral profile analysis of the Dα line in the divertor region of Tore-Supra | A. Escarguel, R. Guirlet, A. Azéroual, B. Pégourié, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, H. Capes, Y. Corre, C. DeMichelis, L. Godbert-Mouret, M. Koubiti, M. Mattioli, R. Stamm |
859-862 | Divertor target heat load reduction by electrical biasing, and application to COMPASS-D | S.J. Fielding, R.H. Cohen, P. Helander, D.D. Ryutov |
863-866 | Tore Supra divertor screening efficiency during density regime experiments | C. Grisolia, Ph. Ghendrih, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, P. Monier-Garbet, C. De Michelis, L. Costanzo, J.Y. Pascal |
867-871 | Noble gas enrichment studies at JET | M. Groth, P. Andrew, W. Fundamenski, H.Y. Guo, D.L. Hillis, J.T. Hogan, L.D. Horton, G.F. Matthews, A.G. Meigs, P.M. Morgan, M.F. Stamp, M. von Hellermann |
872-876 | Spectroscopic study of neon emission and retention in the Tore Supra ergodic divertor | R. Guirlet, J. Hogan, Y. Corre, C. De Michelis, A. Escarguel, W. Hess, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Schunke |
877-881 | Measurement and simulation of edge flows induced by ergodization in Tore Supra | J.P Gunn, C Boucher, Y Corre, P Devynck, Ph Ghendrih, J.-Y Pascal |
882-886 | Island divertor investigations on the W7-AS stellarator | R.W.T. König, K. McCormick, Y. Feng, S. Fiedler, P. Grigull, D. Hildebrandt, J. Kisslinger, J.P. Knauer, G. Kühner, D. Naujoks, J. Sallander, S. Sardei, F. Wagner, A. Werner and W7-AS Team |
887-891 | Critical issues in divertor optimisation for ITER–FEAT | A.S. Kukushkin, G. Janeschitz, A. Loarte, H.D. Pacher, D. Coster, D. Reiter, R. Schneider |
892-895 | Impurity radiation modulations in an ergodic divertor | F. Laugier, M. Bécoulet, C. De Michelis, Ph. Ghendrih, J.P. Gunn, P. Monier-Garbet, R. Reichle, J.C. Vallet |
896-899 | Narrow power deposition profiles on the JET divertor target | J. Lingertat, M. Laux, R. Monk |
900-904 | Particle collection and exhaust in ergodic divertor experiments on Tore Supra | T. Loarer, Ph. Ghendrih, J. Gunn, A. Azéroual, L. Costanzo, C. Grisolia, R. Guirlet, G. Mank, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Pégourié |
905-909 | Initial performance results of the DIII-D Divertor 2000 | M.A. Mahdavi, M.R. Wade, J.G. Watkins, C.J. Lasnier, T. Luce, S.L. Allen, A.W. Hyatt, C. Baxi, J.A. Boedo, A.S. Bozek, N.H. Brooks, R.J. Colchin, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, M.E. Friend, R.C. O'Neill, R.C. Isler, A.G. Kellman, A.W. Leonard, R. Maingi, et al. | |
910-914 | Alternative schemes of power deposition with the ergodic divertor on Tore Supra | G. Mank, Ph. Ghendrih, C. Grisolia, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, P. Monier-Garbet, L. Costanzo, K.H. Finken, C. De Michelis, R. Reichle |
915-919 | Effect of biasing on divertors in low and high ionization states | H. Matsuura, T. Yamamoto, M. Numano |
920-924 | On the way to divertor detachment in the W7-AS stellarator | K. McCormick, P. Grigull, R. König, R. Burhenn, H. Ehmler, Y. Feng, S. Fiedler, L. Giannone, D. Hildebrandt, J.P. Knauer, G. Kühner, D. Naujoks, J. Sallander, Ch. Wendland and W7-AS Team |
925-929 | High radiation from intrinsic and injected impurities in Tore Supra ergodic divertor plasmas | P. Monier-Garbet, C. DeMichelis, Ph. Ghendrih, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, R. Guirlet, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, C.E. Bush, C. Clement, Y. Corre, L. Costanzo, B. Schunke, J.C. Vallet |
930-934 | The effect of divertor tile material on radiation profiles in LHD | B.J. Peterson, S. Masuzaki, R. Sakamoto, K. Sato, S. Inagaki, A. Sagara, S. Ohdachi, Y. Nakamura, N. Noda, Y. Xu, J.E. Rice, N. Ashikawa, S. Yamamoto, M. Takechi, K. Toi, S. Morita, M. Goto, K. Narihara, N. Inoue, Y. Takeiri, et al. | |
935-939 | The effect of divertor magnetic balance on H-mode performance in DIII-D | T.W. Petrie, C.M. Greenfield, R.J. Grobener, A.W. Hyatt, R.J. La Haye, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, T.H. Osborne, M.J. Schaffer, D.M. Thomas, W.P. West DIII-D Team, S.L. Allen, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.J. Lasnier, G.D. Porter, N.S. Wolf, J.G. Watkins, T.L. Rhodes |
940-946 | Divertor geometry effects on detachment in TCV | R.A. Pitts, B.P. Duval, A. Loarte, J.-M. Moret, J.A. Boedo, D. Coster, I. Furno, J. Horacek, A.S. Kukushkin, D. Reiter, J. Rommers and The TCV Team |
947-952 | Operation of TEXTOR-94 with tungsten poloidal main limiters | A. Pospieszczyk, T. Tanabe, V. Philipps, G. Sergienko, T. Ohgo, K. Kondo, M. Wada, M. Rubel, W. Biel, A. Huber, A. Kirschner, J. Rapp, N. Noda |
953-956 | Helium compression analysis for ASDEX Upgrade with fluid and kinetic codes | D. Reiser, R. Schneider, D. Coster, W. Ullrich, H.S. Bosch |
957-961 | Helium exhaust in divertor–closure configuration with W-shaped divertor of JT-60U | A. Sakasai, H. Takenaga, H. Kubo, N. Akino, S. Higashijima, S. Sakurai, H. Tamai, K. Itami, N. Asakura |
962-966 | The influence of the poloidal variation of the density on the locally measured velocities induced by biasing experiments | M. van Schoor, H. van Goubergen, R. Weynants |
967-971 | Modeling of Alcator C-Mod divertor baffling experiments | D.P. Stotler, C.S. Pitcher, C.J. Boswell, T.K. Chung, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, J.L. Terry, R.J. Kanzleiter |
972-975 | JET methane screening experiments | J.D. Strachan, K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, M. von Hellermann, L. Horton, K. Lawson, G. McCracken, J. Spence, M. Stamp, K-D. Zastrow |
976-979 | Spectroscopic measurement of biasing effect on sheath electric field distribution in front of a metal plate inserted in a plasma flow | K. Takiyama, T. Oda, K. Sato |
980-984 | Issues in the plasma wall interactions in RFX | M. Valisa, R. Bartiromo, D. Bettella, L. Carraro, S. Costa, P. Martin, S. Martini, R. Pasqualotto, M.E. Puiatti, P. Scarin, F. Sattin, G. Telesca, P. Zanca, B. Zaniol and RFX Team |
985-989 | Characterisation of the separatrix position in the ergodic divertor discharges of the Tore Supra tokamak | M. Zabiégo, P. Ghendrih, M. Bécoulet, L. Costanzo, C. De Michelis, C. Friant, J. Gunn |
990-994 | Non-axisymmetric perturbation of the plasma surface in RFX: analysis of magnetic data versus CCD images of plasma–wall interaction | P. Zanca, D. Bettella, S. Martini, M. Valisa |
995-1001 | Experiments and computational modeling focused on divertor and SOL optimization for advanced tokamak operation on DIII-D | S.L. Allen, J.A. Boedo, A.S. Bozek, N.H. Brooks, T.N. Carlstrom, T.A. Casper, R.J. Colchin, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, M.E. Friend, R.C. Isler, R. Jayakumar, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, R. Maingi, G.R. McKee, R.A. Moyer, M. Murakami, T.H. Osborne, et al. | |
1002-1008 | Impurity behavior in high performance radiative discharges of JT-60U | S. Sakurai, H. Kubo, A. Takenaga, N. Asakura, H. Tamai, T. Ishijima, S. Konoshima, K. Itami, A. Sakasai, S. Higashijima, T. Sugie and JT-60 Team |
1009-1012 | Edge transport barrier formation and ELM phenomenology in the W7-AS stellarator | P. Grigull, M. Hirsch, J. Baldzuhn, H. Ehmler, F. Gadelmeier, L. Giannone, H.-J. Hartfuss, D. Hildebrandt, R. Jaenicke, J. Kisslinger, R. Koenig, K. McCormick, F. Wagner, A. Weller, Ch. Wendland and W7-AS Team |
1013-1017 | Gas puff fueled H-mode discharges with good energy confinement above the Greenwald density limit on DIII-D | T.H. Osborne, M.A. Mahdavi, M. Chu, M.E. Fenstermacher, R. La Haye, A.W. Leonard, G. McKee, T.W. Petrie, C. Rettig, M. Wade, J. Watkins and DIII-D Team |
1018-1022 | Mitigation of plasma–wall interaction during quasi-single helicity states in RFX | G. Spizzo, P. Franz, L. Marrelli, P. Martin, A. Murari, T. Bolzonella, D. Terranova, P. Zanca |
1023-1029 | Active cooling, calorimetry and energy balance in Tore Supra | J.C. Vallet, R. Reichle, M. Chantant, V. Basiuk, R. Mitteau |
1030-1035 | Plasma–surface interaction effects during high ion temperature long pulse experiments in TRIAM-1M | N Yoshida, T Hirai, K Tokunaga, S Itoh and The TRIAM group |
1036-1039 | Self-shadowing, gaps and leading edges on Tore Supra's inner first wall | R. Mitteau, Ph. Chappuis, Ph. Ghendrih, A. Grosman, D. Guilhem, J. Gunn, J. Hogan, M. Lipa, G. Martin, J. Schlosser, E. Tsitrone |
1040-1044 | Particle balance in NBI heated long pulse discharges on LHD | Y. Nakamura, H. Suzuki, Y. Oka, M. Osakabe, B.J. Peterson, S. Masuzaki, T. Morisaki, J. Miyazawa, Y. Takeiri, M. Sato, T. Shimozuma, T. Mutoh, N. Noda, K. Kawahata, N. Ohyabu, O. Motojima and LHD Experimental Groups |
1045-1051 | Prediction and mitigation of disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade | G Pautasso, S Egorov, Ch Tichmann, J.C Fuchs, A Herrmann, M Maraschek, F Mast, V Mertens, I Perchermeier, C.G Windsor, T Zehetbauer and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
1052-1058 | Material erosion and erosion products under plasma heat loads typical for ITER hard disruptions | V. Safronov, N. Arkhipov, V. Bakhtin, S. Kurkin, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, D. Toporkov, S. Vasenin, H. Würz, A. Zhitlukhin |
1059-1063 | Study of brittle destruction and erosion mechanisms of carbon-based materials during plasma instabilities | T. Burtseva, A. Hassanein, I. Ovchinnikov, V. Titov |
1064-1068 | Thermal load distribution on the ALT-II limiter of TEXTOR-94 during disruptions | K.H. Finken, A. Krämer-Flecken, G. Mank, S.S. Abdullaev |
1069-1073 | Peculiarity of deuterium ions interaction with tungsten surface in the condition imitating combination of normal operation with plasma disruption in ITER | M.I. Guseva, V.I. Vasiliev, V.M. Gureev, L.S. Danelyan, B.I. Khirpunov, S.N. Korshunov, V.S. Kulikauskas, Yu.V. Martynenko, V.B. Petrov, V.N. Strunnikov, V.G. Stolyarova, V.V. Zatekin, A.M. Litnovsky |
1074-1078 | Macroscopic erosion of plasma facing and nearby components during plasma instabilities: the droplet shielding phenomenon | A. Hassanein, I. Konkashbaev |
1079-1083 | Heat and particle fluxes from collisionless scrape-off-layer during tokamak plasma disruptions | A. Hassanein, I. Konkashbaev, L. Nikandrov |
1084-1087 | Cloud drifts over eroding surfaces in magnetic field configurations with three field components | P Lalousis, R Schneider, L.L Lengyel |
1088-1092 | Lateral deflection of the SOL plasma during a giant ELM | I.S. Landman, H. Wuerz |
1093-1096 | Effect of magnetic geometry on ELM heat flux profiles | C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, T.W. Petrie, J.G. Watkins |
1097-1101 | Tolerable ELMs at high density in DIII-D | A.W. Leonard, T.H. Osborne, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.J. Lasnier, M.A. Mahdavi |
1102-1106 | Material degradation and particle formation under transient thermal loads | J. Linke, M. Akiba, R. Duwe, A. Lodato, H.-J. Penkalla, M. Rödig, K. Schöpflin |
1107-1111 | Resonance radiation and high excitation of neutrals in plasma–gas interactions | A.M. Litnovsky, B.I. Khripunov, G.V. Sholin, V.B. Petrov, V.V. Shapkin, N.V. Antonov |
1112-1116 | Experimental study of radiation power flux on the target surface during high heat plasma irradiation | V.N. Litunovsky, I.B. Ovchinnikov, V.A. Titov |
1117-1122 | Performance of the different tungsten grades under fusion relevant power loads | A. Makhankov, V. Barabash, I. Mazul, D. Youchison |
1123-1127 | Combined sheath and thermal analysis of overheated surfaces in fusion devices | D. Naujoks, J.N. Brooks |
1128-1133 | Modeling of particulate production in the SIRENS plasma disruption simulator | J.P. Sharpe, B.J. Merrill, D.A. Petti, M.A. Bourham, J.G. Gilligan |
1134-1137 | Dynamic behavior of detached recombining plasmas during ELM-like plasma heat pulses in the divertor plasma simulator NAGDIS-II | Y. Uesugi, N. Hattori, D. Nishijima, N. Ohno, S. Takamura |
1138-1143 | Vertical target and FW erosion during off-normal events and impurity production and transport during ELMs typical for ITER-FEAT | H. Würz, S. Pestchanyi, B. Bazylev, I. Landman, F. Kappler |
1144-1147 | Measurement of thermal wall-load distribution caused by the locked mode in a reversed-field pinch plasma | Y. Yagi, S. Sekine, H. Koguchi, T. Bolzonella, H. Sakakita |
1148-1154 | Operational limits under different wall conditions on TEXTOR-94 | J. Rapp, W. Biel, H. Gerhauser, A. Huber, H.R. Koslowski, M. Lehnen, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Reiser, U. Samm, G. Sergienko, M.Z. Tokar, R. Zagórski |
1155-1159 | RF wall conditioning – a new technique for future large superconducting tokamak | J.K. Xie, Y.P. Zhao, J. Li, B.N. Wan, X.Z. Gong, J.S. Hu, X. Gao, X.M. Gu, S.D. Zhang, X.M. Wang, Y.Z. Mao, X.K. Yang, M. Zhen, S.Y. Zhang and HT-7 team |
1160-1164 | ICRF wall conditioning experiments in the W7-AS stellarator | R. Brakel, D. Hartmann, P. Grigull and W7-AS Team |
1165-1170 | Characterization and conditioning of SSPX plasma facing surfaces | D.A. Buchenauer, B.E. Mills, R. Wood, S. Woodruff, D.N. Hill, E.B. Hooper, D.F. Cowgill, M.W. Clift, N.Y. Yang |
1171-1175 | ICRF siliconization in HT-7 superconducting tokamak | Xiangzu Gong, Jiangang Li, Baonian Wan, Yanpin Zhao, Xiaodong Zhang, Xuemao Gu, Chenfu Li, Min Zhen, Yinxian Jie, Shouyin Zhang, Zhenwei Wu and HT-7 Team |
1176-1179 | Conditionings for plasma facing walls of large helical device | T. Hino, T. Ohuchi, M. Hashiba, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, N. Inoue, A. Sagara, N. Noda, O. Motojima |
1180-1184 | Wall conditioning by microwave generated plasmas in a toroidal magnetic field | J. Ihde, H.B. Störk, J. Winter, M. Rubel, H.G. Esser, H. Toyoda |
1185-1189 | Overview of impurity control and wall conditioning in NSTX | H.W. Kugel, R. Maingi, W. Wampler, R.E. Barry, M. Bell, W. Blanchard, D. Gates, D. Johnson, R. Kaita, S. Kaye, R. Maqueda, J. Menard, M.M. Menon, D. Mueller, M. Ono, S. Paul, Y-K.M. Peng, R. Raman, A. Roquemore, C.H. Skinner, et al. | |
1190-1194 | Impurity release and recycling behaviour in TEXTOR-94 with siliconised walls | V. Philipps, A. Huber, H.G. Esser, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, J. von Seggern, W. Biel, J. Rapp, U. Samm |
1195-1198 | Wall conditioning and density control in the TJ-II stellarator | D. Tafalla, F.L. Tabarés |
1199-1221 | Author index | |
1222-1255 | Subject index | |
1256-1294 | PSI - 14 subject index | |
85-98 | Transport properties of zirconium alloy oxide films | H. Frank |
99-104 | Iodine release from oxidised Zircaloy cladding in contact with an alkaline solution | K. Poulard, A. Chevarier, N. Moncoffre, D. Crusset |
105-111 | Positron lifetime computations of defects in nickel containing hydrogen or helium | B. L. Shivachev, T. Troev, T. Yoshiie |
112-120 | Effect of sputtering in Xe ion irradiated yttria-stabilized zirconia | I. V. Afanasyev-Charkin, K. E. Sickafus |
121-125 | Effects of Xe-ion irradiation at high temperature on single crystal rutile | Fuxin Li, Ping Lu, K. E. Sickafus |
126-133 | Characterization of hot deformation behaviour of Zr–2.5Nb in β phase | R. Kapoor, J. K. Chakravartty |
134-146 | Influence of the pH on the dissolution of TPD and associated solid solutions | A. C. Robisson, N. Dacheux, J. Aupiais |
147-152 | Study of decomposition and reactions with aluminum matrix of dispersed atomized U-10 wt% Mo alloy | Jeong-Soo Lee, Chang-Hee Lee, Ki Hwan Kim, Vyacheslav Em |
153-172 | Microstructure of irradiated SBR MOX fuel and its relationship to fission gas release | S. B. Fisher, R. J. White, P. M. A. Cook, S. Bremier, R. C. Corcoran, R. Stratton, C. T. Walker, P. K. Ivison, I. D. Palmer |
173-179 | Radiogenic silicon precipitates in neutron irradiated aluminum | E. Brosh, A. Kiv |
180-189 | Helium behaviour and defect evolution in amorphous spinel during thermal annealing | P. M. G. Damen, A. van Veen, Hj. Matzke, H. Schut, J. A. Valdez, C. J. Wetteland, K. E. Sickafus |
190-193 | Studies on the oxidation behavior of niobium-implanted Zircaloy-4 at 500 °C | X. W. Chen, X. D. Bai, R. H. Yu, Q. G. Zhou, B. S. Chen |
194-201 | Study of the thermoelectric power evolution of Zr-based alloys with Nb additions | Seon Jin Kim, Hyun Seon Hong, Young Min Oh |
202-212 | Raman microspectrometric identification of corrosion products formed on UO2 nuclear fuel during leaching experiments | M. Amme, B. Renker, B. Schmid, M. P. Feth, H. Bertagnolli, W. Döbelin |
213-217 | Experimental verification of the existence and structure of ζ Pu6Fe in a Pu–Ga alloy | K. T. Moore, M. A. Wall, A. J. Schwartz |
218-231 | Effect of helium on the swelling of GlidCop Al25 IG alloy | S. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky, S. J. Zinkle, S. E. Ostrovsky |
232-240 | Plasma-driven superpermeation of hydrogen through Nb membranes: bulk effects | A. A. Skovoroda, V. S. Svishchov, A. V. Spitsyn, V. L. Stolyarov, Yu. M. Pustovoit, V. D. Borman, V. S. Kulikauskas, A. M. Shipilin |
241-242 | Author index | |
243-247 | Subject index | |
vii-viii | Preface | |
xxi-xliv | Author index | |
xlv-xcii | Subject index | |
1-9 | ITER status, design and material objectives | R. Aymar, International Team |
10-20 | Long-term fusion strategy in Europe | K. Lackner, R. Andreani, D. Campbell, M. Gasparotto, D. Maisonnier, M. A. Pick |
21-30 | Breeding blanket concepts for fusion and materials requirements | A. R. Raffray, M. Akiba, V. Chuyanov, L. Giancarli, S. Malang |
31-42 | Scientific and engineering advances from fusion materials R&D | S. J. Zinkle, M. Victoria, K. Abe |
43-52 | Plasma facing and high heat flux materials – needs for ITER and beyond | H. Bolt, V. Barabash, G. Federici, J. Linke, A. Loarte, J. Roth, K. Sato |
53-59 | High heat flux performance of neutron irradiated plasma facing components | M. Rödig, E. Ishitsuka, A. Gervash, H. Kawamura, J. Linke, N. Litunovski, M. Merola |
60-68 | Macroscopic erosion of divertor and first wall armour in future tokamaks | H. Würz, B. Bazylev, I. Landman, S. Pestchanyi, V. Safronov |
69-73 | Melt layer erosion of metallic armour targets during off-normal events in tokamaks | B. Bazylev, H. Wuerz |
74-78 | Prediction of plastic deformation of fiber-reinforced copper matrix composites | J. H. You, H. Bolt |
79-83 | Deuterium release and microstructure of tantalum–tungsten twin limiter exposed in TEXTOR-94 | T. Hirai, V. Philipps, T. Tanabe, M. Wada, A. Huber, S. Brezinsek, J. von Seggern, J. Linke, T. Ohgo, K. Ohya, P. Wienhold, A. Pospieszczyk, G. Sergienko |
84-88 | Erosion and re-deposition behavior of plasma facing materials due to tokamak plasma disruption | X. Liu, Z. Y. Xu, J. M. Chen, L. W. Yan, Y. Liu |
89-94 | Characterisation and thermal loading of low-Z | D. Valenza, H. Greuner, G. Hofmann, S. Kötterl, J. Roth, H. Bolt |
95-99 | Damage of structural materials for fusion devices under pulsed ion and high temperature plasma beams | V. N. Pimenov, E. V. Dyomina, L. I. Ivanov, S. A. Maslyaev, V. A. Gribkov, R. Miklaszewski, M. Scholz, A. V. Dubrovsky, I. V. Volobuev, Yu. E. Ugaste, F. Mezzetti, P. De Chiara, L. Pizzo, B. Kolman, A. Szydlowski |
100-105 | Simulation experimental investigation of plasma off-normal events on advanced silicon doped CFC-NS31 | J. P. Bonal, C. H. Wu, D. Gosset |
106-110 | Melt layer behavior of metal targets irradiatead by powerful plasma streams | A. N. Bandura, O. V. Byrka, V. V. Chebotarev, I. E. Garkusha, V. A. Makhlaj, D. G. Solyakov, V. I. Tereshin, H. Wuerz |
111-115 | Overview of fuel retention in composite and tungsten limiters | M. Rubel, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, T. Tanabe, S. Kötterl |
116-120 | Development of tungsten coated first wall and high heat flux components for application in ASDEX Upgrade | H. Maier, J. Luthin, M. Balden, S. Lindig, J. Linke, V. Rohde, H. Bolt, ASDEX Upgrade Team |
121-125 | Properties of plasma sprayed boron carbide protective coatings for the first wall in fusion experiments | J. -E. Döring, R. Vaßen, J. Linke, D. Stöver |
126-129 | Modification of tungsten coated carbon by low energy and high flux deuterium irradiation | K. Tokunaga, R. P. Doerner, R. Seraydarian, N. Noda, N. Yoshida, T. Sogabe, T. Kato, B. Schedler |
130-134 | Effects of helium irradiation on high heat load properties of tungsten | K. Tokunaga, O. Yoshikawa, K. Makise, N. Yoshida |
135-138 | Effects of helium bombardment on the deuterium behavior in tungsten | H. Iwakiri, K. Morishita, N. Yoshida |
139-143 | Erosion and migration of tungsten employed at the central column heat shield of ASDEX Upgrade | K. Krieger, X. Gong, M. Balden, D. Hildebrandt, H. Maier, V. Rohde, J. Roth, W. Schneider, The ASDEX Upgrade Team |
144-148 | Non-destructive testing of CFC monoblock divertor mock-ups | K. Ezato, M. Dairaku, M. Taniguchi, K. Sato, M. Akiba |
149-153 | Heat load to a tantalum–tungsten twin-test-limiter and the effect to high-Z core plasma concentration of TEXTOR-94 | T. Ohgo, M. Wada, A. Pospieszczyk, W. Biel, K. Kondo, T. Tanabe, T. Hirai, V. Philipps, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, B. Schweer, G. Bertschinger, N. Noda |
154-158 | Experimental and computer investigation of the diagnostic mirror behavior under sputtering and duct material deposition | V. V. Bandourko, E. A. Gridneva, N. N. Koborov, V. A. Kurnaev, D. V. Levchuk, S. S. Levchuk, N. N. Trifonov, A. V. Zhuravlev |
159-170 | Experiment-based modelling of hardening and localized plasticity in metals irradiated under cascade damage conditions | B. N. Singh, N. M. Ghoniem, H. Trinkaus |
171-178 | Modeling the multiscale mechanics of flow localization-ductility loss in irradiation damaged bcc alloys | G. R. Odette, M. Y. He, E. G. Donahue, P. Spätig, T. Yamamoto |
179-186 | Development of an extensive database of mechanical and physical properties for reduced-activation martensitic steel F82H | S. Jitsukawa, M. Tamura, B. van der Schaaf, R. L. Klueh, A. Alamo, C. Petersen, M. Schirra, P. Spaetig, G. R. Odette, A. A. Tavassoli, K. Shiba, A. Kohyama, A. Kimura |
187-191 | Experimental determination of the effect of helium on the fracture toughness of steel | L. L. Snead, R. E. Stoller, M. A. Sokolov, S. Maloy |
192-196 | Effect of periodic temperature variations on the microstructure of neutron-irradiated metals | S. J. Zinkle, N. Hashimoto, D. T. Hoelzer, A. L. Qualls, T. Muroga, B. N. Singh |
197-202 | Microstructure of irradiated ferritic/martensitic steels in relation to mechanical properties | R. Schaeublin, D. Gelles, M. Victoria |
203-211 | Microstructural study of irradiated isotopically tailored F82H steel | E. Wakai, Y. Miwa, N. Hashimoto, J. P. Robertson, R. L. Klueh, K. Shiba, K. Abiko, S. Furuno, S. Jitsukawa |
212-216 | Recent results for the ferritics isotopic tailoring (FIST) experiment | D. S. Gelles, M. L. Hamilton, B. M. Oliver, L. R. Greenwood, S. Ohnuki, K. Shiba, Y. Kohno, A. Kohyama, J. P. Robertson |
217-221 | Creep behavior of reduced activation martensitic steel F82H injected with a large amount of helium | N. Yamamoto, Y. Murase, J. Nagakawa, K. Shiba |
222-228 | Pros and cons of nickel- and boron-doping to study helium effects in ferritic/martensitic steels | N. Hashimoto, R. L. Klueh, K. Shiba |
229-235 | Evolution of the mechanical properties and microstructure of ferritic–martensitic steels irradiated in the BOR-60 reactor | V. K. Shamardin, V. N. Golovanov, T. M. Bulanova, A. V. Povstyanko, A. E. Fedoseev, Z. E. Ostrovsky, Yu. D. Goncharenko |
236-239 | Assessment of mechanical properties of the martensitic steel EUROFER97 by means of punch tests | Y. Ruan, P. Spätig, M. Victoria |
240-244 | Development of a non-destructive testing technique using ultrasonic wave for evaluation of irradiation embrittlement in nuclear materials | T. Ishii, N. Ooka, T. Hoshiya, H. Kobayashi, J. Saito, M. Niimi, H. Tsuji |
245-249 | Tensile properties and transition behaviour of RAFM steel plate and welds irradiated up to 10 dpa at 300 °C | J. Rensman, J. van Hoepen, J. B. M. Bakker, R. den Boef, F. P. van den Broek, E. D. L. van Essen |
250-255 | Characteristics of unirradiated and 60 °C, 2.7 dpa irradiated Eurofer97 | J. Rensman, H. E. Hofmans, E. W. Schuring, J. van Hoepen, J. B. M. Bakker, R. den Boef, F. P. van den Broek, E. D. L. van Essen |
256-259 | Tensile response of low activation ferritic steels irradiated in ORR at temperatures in the range 60–400 °C | M. L. Hamilton, D. S. Gelles |
260-265 | Evaluation of hardening behaviour of ion irradiated reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels by an ultra-micro-indentation technique | M. Ando, H. Tanigawa, S. Jitsukawa, T. Sawai, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, K. Nakamura, H. Takeuchi |
266-271 | Microstructural evolution in modified 9Cr–1Mo ferritic/martensitic steel irradiated with mixed high-energy proton and neutron spectra at low temperatures | B. H. Sencer, F. A. Garner, D. S. Gelles, G. M. Bond, S. A. Maloy |
272-277 | Formation process of dislocation loops in iron under irradiations with low-energy helium, hydrogen ions or high-energy electrons | K. Arakawa, H. Mori, K. Ono |
278-282 | Effect of triple ion beams in ferritic/martensitic steel on swelling behavior | E. Wakai, T. Sawai, K. Furuya, A. Naito, T. Aruga, K. Kikuchi, S. Yamashita, S. Ohnuki, S. Yamamoto, H. Naramoto, S. Jistukawa |
283-288 | Phase stability of oxide dispersion-strengthened ferritic steels in neutron irradiation | S. Yamashita, K. Oka, S. Ohnuki, N. Akasaka, S. Ukai |
289-292 | Microstructure and hardness of HIP-bonded regions in F82H blanket structures | K. Furuya, E. Wakai, M. Ando, T. Sawai, K. Nakamura, H. Takeuchi, A. Iwabuchi |
293-298 | Microstructural analysis of mechanically tested reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels | H. Tanigawa, T. Hirose, M. Ando, S. Jitsukawa, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama |
299-303 | Void swelling in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels under ion-beam irradiation to high fluences | H. Ogiwara, H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, M. Ando, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama |
304-307 | Radiation effects on low cycle fatigue properties of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels | T. Hirose, H. Tanigawa, M. Ando, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, M. Narui |
308-311 | Evaluation of radiation hardening in Fe alloys under heavy ion irradiation by micro-indentation technique | Naoto Sekimura, Toru Kamada, Yohei Wakasugi, Taira Okita, Yoshio Arai |
312-316 | Swelling behavior of TIG-welded F82H IEA heat | T. Sawai, E. Wakai, T. Tomita, A. Naito, S. Jitsukawa |
317-321 | Dissolution kinetics of intermetallics in aging austenitic steels during neutron irradiation | V. V. Sagaradze, V. M. Koloskov, B. N. Goshchitskii, V. A. Shabashov |
322-326 | The primary origin of dose rate effects on microstructural evolution of austenitic alloys during neutron irradiation | T. Okita, T. Sato, N. Sekimura, F. A. Garner, L. R. Greenwood |
327-330 | Effect of weld thermal cycle, stress and helium content on helium bubble formation in stainless steels | S. Kawano, F. Kano, C. Kinoshita, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe |
331-334 | Evaluation of in-pile and out-of-pile stress relaxation in 316L stainless steel under uniaxial loading | Yoshiyuki Kaji, Yukio Miwa, Takashi Tsukada, Masahiko Kikuchi, Satoshi Kita, Minoru Yonekawa, Junichi Nakano, Hirokazu Tsuji, Hajime Nakajima |
335-338 | Microstructure of neutron irradiated SS316L/DS-Cu joint | H. Watanabe, D. J. Edwards, Y. Aono, N. Yoshida |
339-342 | Void swelling at low displacement rates in annealed 12X18HgT stainless steel at 4–56 dpa and 280–332 °C | S. I. Porollo, Yu. V. Konobeev, A. M. Dvoriashin, A. N. Vorobjev, V. M. Krigan, F. A. Garner |
343-346 | Effect of chemical composition on irradiation creep of stainless steels irradiated in the BOR-60 reactor at 420 °C | V. S. Neustroev, V. K. Shamardin |
347-351 | Irradiation-assisted SCC susceptibility of HIPed 316LN-IG stainless steel irradiated at 473 K to 1 dpa | Y. Miwa, T. Tsukada, H. Tsuji, S. Jitsukawa |
352-356 | Swelling of cold-worked austenitic stainless steels irradiated in HFIR under spectrally tailored conditions | E. Wakai, N. Hashimoto, J. P. Robertson, T. Sawai, A. Hishinuma |
357-361 | The performance of Chinese 316L and 316Ti stainless steel irradiated at 300, 400, 500 and 600 °C in HFIR JP-23 test capsule | J. Yu, D. S. Gelles, F. A. Garner, M. B. Toloczko, M. L. Hamilton, R. J. Kurtz, R. H. Jones |
362-366 | Microstructure development and helium behavior in nickel and vanadium base alloys | A. N. Kalashnikov, I. I. Chernov, B. A. Kalin, S. Yu. Binyukova |
367-373 | Effect of solute atoms on swelling in Ni alloys and pure Ni under He+ ion irradiation | E. Wakai, T. Ezawa, J. Imamura, T. Takenaka, T. Tanabe, R. Oshima |
374-379 | The microstructure and tensile properties of pure Ni single crystal irradiated with high energy protons | Z. Yao, R. Schäublin, M. Victoria |
380-384 | Influence of temperature change on microstructure evolution in Ni alloys irradiated with neutrons | Q. Xu, T. Yoshiie |
385-388 | Effects of solid transmutation and helium on microstructural evolution in neutron-irradiated vanadium | Toshihiko Sato, Taira Okita, Naoto Sekimura |
389-392 | Phase stability and mechanical properties of irradiated Ti–Al–V intermetallic compound | T. Sawai, E. Wakai, S. Jitsukawa, A. Hishinuma |
393-397 | Microstructural examination of irradiated and unirradiated V–4Cr–4Ti pressurized creep tubes | D. S. Gelles |
398-402 | Effects of temperature change on microstructural evolution in vanadium alloys under ion irradiation up to high damage levels | N. Nita, T. Yamamoto, T. Iwai, K. Yasunaga, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui |
403-407 | Effects of temperature change on vanadium alloys irradiated in HFIR | H. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida |
408-411 | Oxide formation of a purified V–4Cr–4Ti alloy during heat treatment and ion irradiation | H. Watanabe, M. Suda, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida |
412-415 | Microstructure in vanadium irradiated by simultaneous multi-ion beam of hydrogen, helium and nickel ions | I. Mukouda, Y. Shimomura, D. Yamaki, T. Nakazawa, T. Aruga, S. Jitsukawa |
416-420 | Tensile and fracture toughness properties of unirradiated and neutron irradiated titanium alloys | S. Tähtinen, P. Moilanen, B. N. Singh, D. J. Edwards |
421-425 | Irradiation behaviour of titanium alloys for ITER blanket modules flexible attachment | B. S. Rodchenkov, A. V. Kozlov, Yu. G. Kuznetsov, G. M. Kalinin, Yu. S. Strebkov |
426-430 | Change of thermal diffusivity and lattice constants of W–5% Re–HfC alloys irradiated in a fission reactor | M. Fujitsuka, I. Mutoh, T. Tanabe, B. Tsuchiya, M. Narui, T. Shikama, M. Sato |
431-438 | Effect of the bake-out regime on the recovery of properties of copper-based alloys and copper/steel joints | S. A. Fabritsiev, A. S. Pokrovsky |
439-443 | Post-irradiation annealing of neutron irradiated CuCrZr | D. J. Edwards, B. N. Singh, Q. Xu, P. Toft |
444-449 | Low void swelling in dispersion strengthened copper alloys under single-ion irradiation | M. Hatakeyama, H. Watanabe, M. Akiba, N. Yoshida |
450-454 | Microstructure evolution in D–T neutron irradiated silver | K. Sugio, H. Ohkubo, I. Mukouda, Y. Shimomura, C. Kutsukake, H. Takeuchi |
455-465 | Ferritic/martensitic steels – overview of recent results | R. L. Klueh, D. S. Gelles, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, G. R. Odette, B. van der Schaaf, M. Victoria |
466-470 | Investigation of heat treatment conditions on the structure of 12% chromium reduced activation steels | M. V. Leonteva-Smirnova, A. G. Ioltukhovskiy, G. A. Arutiunova, A. V. Tselischev, V. M. Chernov |
471-474 | Thermal fatigue crack propagation behaviour of F82H ferritic steel | Yusuke Kudo, Kouichi Kikuchi, Masakatsu Saito |
475-478 | Effect of thermal cycling on impurity grain boundary segregation in maraging steel | A. M. Ilyin, I. L. Tazhibaeva, B. A. Borisov |
479-483 | Behavior of Eurofer97 reduced activation martensitic steel upon heating and continuous cooling | A. Danón, A. Alamo |
484-489 | Tensile and fracture toughness properties of MA957: implications to the development of nanocomposited ferritic alloys | M. J. Alinger, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas |
490-494 | Effects of precipitation morphology on toughness of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels | H. Sakasegawa, T. Hirose, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, T. Harada, K. Asakura, T. Kumagai |
495-499 | Metallurgical properties of reduced activation martensitic steel Eurofer’97 in the as-received condition and after thermal ageing | P. Fernández, A. M. Lancha, J. Lapeña, M. Serrano, M. Hernández-Mayoral |
500-504 | Thermo-mechanical fatigue behavior of reduced activation ferrite/martensite stainless steels | C. Petersen, D. Rodrian |
505-508 | In situ phase characterization in tempering and aging of Fe–Cr–W steels | N. Inoue, T. Muroga, A. Nishimura, K. Oguri, H. Yabe, S. Uchida, Y. Nishi |
509-513 | Mechanical and microstructural behaviour of isothermally and thermally fatigued ferritic/martensitic steels | A. F. Armas, C. Petersen, R. Schmitt, M. Avalos, I. Alvarez-Armas |
514-520 | Modelling of the effect of precipitates on work-hardening, ductility and impact behaviour of ferritic–martensitic Cr steels | D. Preininger |
521-526 | High resistance to helium embrittlement in reduced activation martensitic steels | A. Kimura, R. Kasada, K. Morishita, R. Sugano, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe, T. Yamamoto, H. Matsui, N. Yoshida, B. D. Wirth, T. D. Rubia |
527-531 | Comparison of in-beam fatigue behavior between austenitic and ferritic steels at 60° C | Y. Murase, Johsei Nagakawa, N. Yamamoto |
532-535 | Heat resistant reduced activation 12% Cr steel of 16Cr12W2VTaB type-advanced structural material for fusion and fast breeder power reactors | A. G. Ioltukhovskiy, M. V. Leonteva-Smirnova, M. I. Solonin, V. M. Chernov, V. N. Golovanov, V. K. Shamardin, T. M. Bulanova, A. V. Povstyanko, A. E. Fedoseev |
536-539 | On the mechanical properties of the advanced martensitic steel EUROFER 97 | P. Spätig, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas, M. Victoria |
540-543 | The effect of hot isostatic pressing parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of Eurofer powder HIPed material | J. M. Gentzbittel, I. Chu, H. Burlet |
544-546 | Solubility of uranium at very low concentration in RAFM steel | A. Paúl, L. C. Alves, J. A. Odriozola, J. C. Soares |
547-554 | Vanadium alloys – overview and recent results | T. Muroga, T. Nagasaka, K. Abe, V. M. Chernov, H. Matsui, D. L. Smith, Z. -Y. Xu, S. J. Zinkle |
555-559 | Fabrication using a levitation melting method of V–4Cr–4Ti–Si–Al–Y alloys and their mechanical properties | Toshinori Chuto, Manabu Satou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe, Takuya Nagasaka, Takeo Muroga |
560-565 | Oxygen embrittlement of vanadium alloys with and without surface oxide formation | B. A. Pint, J. R. DiStefano |
566-570 | The influence of hydrogen on tensile properties of V-base alloys developed in China | Jiming Chen, Zengyu Xu, Lin Yang |
571-575 | Fracture properties of high-purity V–4Cr–4Ti alloy (NIFS-HEAT-2) at room temperature | A. Nishimura, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga |
576-579 | Hydrogen solubility in V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | R. E. Buxbaum, D. L. Smith, J. -H. Park |
580-584 | Surface segregation and oxidation of Ti in a V–Ti alloy | Ryo Hayakawa, Yuji Hatano, Katsuhiko Fujii, Ken-ichi Fukumoto, Hideki Matsui, Kuniaki Watanabe |
585-590 | Uniaxial creep behavior of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | K. Natesan, W. K. Soppet, A. Purohit |
591-595 | Influence of alloying and impurity element contents on V–Ti–Cr alloy properties | V. A. Evtikhin, I. E. Lyublinski, A. V. Vertkov, S. N. Votinov, A. I. Dedyurin |
596-600 | Investigating solute interactions in V–4Cr–4Ti based on tensile deformation behavior of vanadium | D. T. Hoelzer, A. F. Rowcliffe |
601-604 | Effects of doping elements on oxidation properties of V–Cr–Ti type alloys in several environments | M. Fujiwara, K. Natesan, M. Satou, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe |
605-609 | Performance of V–4Cr–4Ti material exposed to the DIII-D tokamak environment | H. Tsai, W. R. Johnson, Y. Yan, P. W. Trester, A. Bozek, J. F. King, D. L. Smith |
610-614 | High temperature performance of highly purified V–4Cr–4Ti alloy, NIFS-Heat1 | K. Fukumoto, T. Yamamoto, N. Nakao, S. Takahashi, H. Matsui |
615-619 | Creep of V–4Cr–4Ti in a lithium environment | M. L. Grossbeck |
620-624 | Effect of impurity levels on precipitation behavior in the low-activation V–4Cr–4Ti alloys | N. J. Heo, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, H. Matsui |
625-629 | Hydride formation and fracture of vanadium alloys | P. Torres, K. Aoyagi, T. Suda, S. Watanabe, S. Ohnuki |
630-637 | Beryllium for fusion application – recent results | A. Khomutov, V. Barabash, V. Chakin, V. Chernov, D. Davydov, V. Gorokhov, H. Kawamura, B. Kolbasov, I. Kupriyanov, G. Longhurst, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, V. Shestakov |
638-642 | Compatibility between Be12Ti and SS316LN | H. Kawamura, M. Uchida, V. Shestakov |
643-646 | Elemental characterisation of beryllium and electrical behaviour of their pebbles beds | E. Alves, M. R. da Silva, L. C. Alves, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, J. C. Soares |
647-652 | Effects of neutron irradiation at 70–200 °C in beryllium | V. P. Chakin, V. A. Kazakov, R. R. Melder, Yu. D. Goncharenko, I. B. Kupriyanov |
653-656 | Tritium release properties of neutron-irradiated Be12Ti | M. Uchida, E. Ishitsuka, H. Kawamura |
657-663 | Evolution of beryllium microstructure under high-dose neutron irradiation | V. P. Chakin, Z. Ye Ostrovsky |
664-667 | Influence of high dose neutron irradiation on thermal conductivity of beryllium | D. N. Syslov, V. P. Chakin, R. N. Latypov |
668-672 | Specification of properties and design allowables for copper alloys used in HHF components of ITER | G. M. Kalinin, S. A. Fabritziev, B. N. Singh, S. Tahtinen, S. J. Zinkle |
673-676 | Effect of heat treatments on the properties of CuCrZr alloys | A. D. Ivanov, A. K. Nikolaev, G. M. Kalinin, M. E. Rodin |
677-680 | Influence of the manufacturing heat cycles on the CuCrZr properties | M. Merola, A. Orsini, E. Visca, S. Libera, L. F. Moreschi, S. Storai, B. Panella, E. Campagnoli, G. Ruscica, C. Bosco |
681-685 | Strength of copper alloys in high temperature environment | Y. Nomura, R. Suzuki, M. Saito |
686-690 | Material properties and consequences on the quality of tore supra plasma facing components | J. Schlosser, A. Durocher, T. Huber, P. Chappuis, P. Garin, W. Knabl, B. Schedler |
691-695 | Discontinuously reinforced titanium matrix composites for fusion applications | V. de Castro, T. Leguey, M. A. Monge, A. Muñoz, R. Pareja, M. Victoria |
696-700 | Structure–mechanics relationships in proton irradiated pure titanium | T. Leguey, N. Baluc, R. Schäublin, M. Victoria |
701-704 | The effect of pre-deformation on the ductility of chromium | R. Wadsack, R. Pippan, B. Schedler |
705-709 | Effects of strain rate on tensile properties of TZM and Mo–5%Re | G. Filacchioni, E. Casagrande, U. De Angelis, G. De Santis, D. Ferrara |
710-714 | Effect of substrate temperature on microstructure and deuterium retention of molybdenum co-deposition with oxygen | M. Miyamoto, T. Hirai, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida |
715-718 | Isotope separation of silicon and molybdenum using a free electron laser | Tetsuji Noda, Hiroshi Suzuki, Hiroshi Araki, John L. Lyman, Brian E. Newnam |
719-722 | Disruption tests on repaired tungsten by CVD coating | M. Taniguchi, K. Sato, K. Ezato, K. Yokoyama, M. Akiba |
723-728 | Flux dependence of deuterium retention in single crystal tungsten | M. Poon, R. G. Macaulay-Newcombe, J. W. Davis, A. A. Haasz |
729-734 | Studies on retention of tritium implanted into tungsten by β-ray-induced X-ray spectrometry | M. Matsuyama, T. Murai, K. Yoshida, K. Watanabe, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida |
735-738 | High heat load properties of high purity CVD tungsten | S. Tamura, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida |
739-742 | Vaporization properties of the Sn–25 at.%Li alloy | R. A. Anderl, D. D. Jenson, G. F. Kessinger |
743-748 | Fabrication and properties of a tin–lithium alloy | K. Natesan, W. E. Ruther |
749-757 | Perspective of ODS alloys application in nuclear environments | Shigeharu Ukai, Masayuki Fujiwara |
758-762 | Consolidation process study of 9Cr-ODS martensitic steels | Shigeharu Ukai, K. Hatakeyama, Shunji Mizuta, Masayuki Fujiwara, Takanari Okuda |
763-768 | Long-term high temperature oxidation behavior of ODS ferritics | B. A. Pint, I. G. Wright |
769-772 | Mechanical and microstructural properties of a hipped RAFM ODS-steel | R. Lindau, A. Möslang, M. Schirra, P. Schlossmacher, M. Klimenkov |
773-777 | Tensile and creep properties of an oxide dispersion-strengthened ferritic steel | R. L. Klueh, P. J. Maziasz, I. S. Kim, L. Heatherly, D. T. Hoelzer, N. Hashimoto, E. A. Kenik, K. Miyahara |
778-782 | Microstructure and mechanical properties of two ODS ferritic/martensitic steels | R. Schaeublin, T. Leguey, P. Spätig, N. Baluc, M. Victoria |
783-787 | Structure, radiation resistance and thermal creep of ODS ferritic steels | B. N. Goshchitskii, V. V. Sagaradze, V. I. Shalaev, V. L. Arbuzov, Yun Tian, Wan Qun, Sun Jiguang |
788-792 | Burst properties of irradiated oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel claddings | T. Yoshitake, T. Ohmori, S. Miyakawa |
793-797 | Displacement damage parameters for fusion breeder blanket materials based on BCA computer simulations | Dieter Leichtle |
798-802 | Activation characteristics of a solid breeder blanket for a fusion power demonstration reactor | Ulrich Fischer, Haileyesus Tsige-Tamirat |
803-806 | Fabrication of Li2TiO3 pebbles by the extrusion–spheronisation–sintering process | J. D. Lulewicz, N. Roux |
807-810 | Thermal creep of granular breeder materials in fusion blankets | L. Bühler, J. Reimann |
811-816 | Characterisation of ceramic breeder materials for the helium cooled pebble bed blanket | G. Piazza, J. Reimann, E. Günther, R. Knitter, N. Roux, J. D. Lulewicz |
817-822 | In-pile test of Li2TiO3 pebble bed with neutron pulse operation | K. Tsuchiya, M. Nakamichi, A. Kikukawa, Y. Nagao, M. Enoeda, T. Osaki, K. Ioki, H. Kawamura |
823-826 | Influence of neutron irradiation on the strength characteristics of lithium ceramic pellets for fusion reactor blankets | V. Kapychev, V. Tebus, V. Frolov |
827-831 | Numerical simulation of ceramic breeder pebble bed thermal creep behavior | Alice Ying, Hulin Huang, Mohamed Abdou |
832-836 | In-pile performance of a double-walled tube and a tritium permeation barrier | A. J. Magielsen, K. Bakker, C. Chabrol, R. Conrad, J. G. van der Laan, E. Rigal, M. P. Stijkel |
837-841 | Li2TiO3 pebbles reprocessing, recovery of 6Li as Li2CO3 | C. Alvani, S. Casadio, V. Contini, A. Di Bartolomeo, J. D. Lulewicz, N. Roux |
843-851 | Mechanisms of dislocation-defect interactions in irradiated metals investigated by computer simulations | N.M Ghoniem, S.H Tong, J Huang, B.N Singh, M Wen |
852-861 | Atomistic study of the generation, interaction, accumulation and annihilation of cascade-induced defect clusters | Yu.N. Osetsky, D.J. Bacon, B.N. Singh, B. Wirth |
862-865 | The effect of bias factor variations on void nucleation in irradiated alloys | V.A. Borodin, A.E. Volkov, A.I. Ryazanov |
866-870 | Statistical analysis of cluster production efficiency in MD simulations of cascades in copper | Yu.N. Osetsky, D.J. Bacon, B.N. Singh |
871-875 | 1 0 0 | J. Marian, B.D. Wirth, R. Schäublin, J.M. Perlado, T. Dı́az de la Rubia |
876-880 | The effects of one-dimensional migration of self-interstitial clusters on the formation of void lattices | H.L. Heinisch, B.N. Singh |
881-885 | Thermal friction and Brownian motion of interstitial defects in irradiated materials | S.L. Dudarev |
886-890 | Point defect behavior in electron irradiated V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | Q. Xu, T. Yoshiie, H. Mori |
891-894 | Modeling defect production in silica glass due to energetic recoils using molecular dynamics simulations | A. Kubota, M.-J. Caturla, S.A. Payne, T. Diaz de la Rubia, J.F. Latkowski |
895-899 | Displacement damage cross sections for neutron-irradiated silicon carbide | H.L. Heinisch, L.R. Greenwood, W.J. Weber, R.E. Williford |
900-906 | Modeling of void nucleation under cascade damage conditions | H. Trinkaus, B.N. Singh |
907-911 | Multiscale modeling study of pulsed damage accumulation in α-Fe under inertial fusion conditions | J.M. Perlado, D. Lodi, E. Domı́nguez, J. Prieto, M.J. Caturla, Tomas Dı́az de la Rubia |
912-917 | Dose dependence of defect accumulation in neutron irradiated copper and iron | M. Eldrup, B.N. Singh, S.J. Zinkle, T.S. Byun, K. Farrell |
918-923 | Growth and instability of charged dislocation loops under irradiation in ceramic materials | A.I. Ryazanov, K. Yasuda, C. Kinoshita, A.V. Klaptsov |
924-929 | One dimensional motion of interstitial clusters and void growth in Ni and Ni alloys | T. Yoshiie, T. Ishizaki, Q. Xu, Y. Satoh, M. Kiritani |
930-934 | Effect of undersized solute atoms on point defect behavior in V–A (A=Fe, Cr and Si) binary alloys studied by using HVEM | T. Hayashi, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui |
935-940 | The effect of free surfaces on cascade damage production in iron | Roger E. Stoller |
941-945 | Effects of dislocation on thermal helium desorption from iron and ferritic steel | R. Sugano, K. Morishita, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida |
946-950 | In situ TEM observation of dislocation movement through the ultrafine obstacles in an Fe alloy | K. Nogiwa, T. Yamamoto, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui, Y. Nagai, K. Yubuta, M. Hasegawa |
951-955 | Study of point defect behavior in V–Ti alloys using HVEM | T. Hayashi, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui |
956-960 | Temperature effect on characteristics of void population formed in the austenitic steel under neutron irradiation up to high damage dose | A.V Kozlov, I.A Portnykh, L.A Skryabin, E.A Kinev |
961-965 | The effect of hydrogen and helium on microvoid formation in iron and nickel | T. Ishizaki, Q. Xu, T. Yoshiie, S. Nagata, T. Troev |
966-970 | Evolution of a defect structure of Pd–Ag alloys during tritium exposure | V. Tebus, L. Rivkis, E. Dmitrievskaia, G. Arutunova, I. Golikov, N. Ryazantseva, V. Filin, V. Kapychev, V. Bulkin |
971-975 | Phase transformation in the γ-TiAl alloy induced by Ar ions | M. Song, K. Mitsuishi, M. Takeguchi, K. Furuya, T. Tanabe, T. Noda |
976-981 | Absence of saturation of void growth in rate theory with anisotropic diffusion | T.S. Hudson, S.L. Dudarev, A.P. Sutton |
982-987 | Study of fundamental features of bias effect in metals under irradiation | E. Kuramoto, K. Ohsawa, T. Tsutsumi |
988-992 | Correlating TEM images of damage in irradiated materials to molecular dynamics simulations | R. Schaeublin, M.-J. Caturla, M. Wall, T. Felter, M. Fluss, B.D. Wirth, T. Diaz de la Rubia, M. Victoria |
993-997 | In situ observation of glide motions of SIA-type loops in vanadium and V–5Ti under HVEM irradiation | T. Hayashi, K. Fukmuto, H. Matsui |
998-1002 | Analytical model of radiation-induced precipitation at the surface of dilute binary alloy | V.A. Pechenkin, I.A. Stepanov, Yu.V. Konobeev |
1003-1006 | Atomistic dynamical observation of grain boundary structural changes under electron irradiation | N. Sakaguchi, T. Shibayama, H. Kinoshita, H. Takahashi |
1007-1010 | Molecular dynamics simulation of vanadium using an interatomic potential fitted to finite temperature properties | Manabu Satou, Sidney Yip, Katsunori Abe |
1011-1015 | On the transition toughness of two RA martensitic steels in the irradiation hardening regime: a mechanism-based evaluation | G.R. Odette, H.J. Rathbun, J.W. Rensman, F.P. van den Broek |
1016-1020 | Comparative study: sensitization development in hot-isostatic-pressed cast and wrought structures type 316L(N)-IG stainless steel under isothermal heat treatment | K.I. Shutko, V.N. Belous |
1021-1025 | Towards a micro-mechanical description of the fracture behaviour for RAFM steels in the ductile-to-brittle transition regime | Heinz Riesch-Oppermann, Eberhard Diegele |
1026-1030 | Effects of impurities on low activation characteristics of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | Y. Wu, T. Muroga, Q. Huang, Y. Chen, T. Nagasaka, A. Sagara |
1031-1036 | Activation analysis of structural materials irradiated by fusion and fission neutrons | Qunying Huang, Shanliang Zheng, Yixue Chen, Jiangang Li |
1037-1041 | Experimental investigation of radioactivity induced in the fusion power plant structural material in Eurofer and in other steels by D–T neutrons | K. Seidel, R.A. Forrest, H. Freiesleben, V.D. Kovalchuk, D.V. Markovskij, D.V. Maximov, S. Unholzer |
1042-1046 | Radiation damage parameters for modelling of FRM irradiation conditions at the RADEX facility of INR RAS | E.A. Koptelov, S.G. Lebedev, N.M. Sobolevsky, Yu.S. Strebkov, A.V. Subbotin |
1047-1051 | The zero waste option: clearance of activated and first wall/blanket materials | Andrea Ciampichetti, Paolo Rocco, Massimo Zucchetti |
1052-1056 | Decay heat measurement of fusion related materials in an ITER-like neutron field | Y. Morimoto, K. Ochiai, F. Maekawa, M. Wada, T. Nishitani, H. Takeuchi |
1057-1072 | Promise and challenges of SiCf/SiC composites for fusion energy applications | R.H Jones, L Giancarli, A Hasegawa, Y Katoh, A Kohyama, B Riccardi, L.L Snead, W.J Weber |
1073-1079 | Electrical in situ and post-irradiation properties of ceramics relevant to fusion irradiation conditions | Tatsuo Shikama, S.J. Zinkle |
1080-1083 | Effects of helium irradiation on chemical behavior of energetic deuterium in SiC | T. Sugiyama, Y. Morimoto, K. Iguchi, K. Okuno, M. Miyamoto, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida |
1084-1087 | Deposition of compositionally graded SiC/C layers on C–C composites by low pressure chemical vapor deposition | Joung Il Kim, Weon-Ju Kim, Doo Jin Choi, Ji Yeon Park |
1088-1092 | Interfacial characterization of CVI-SiC/SiC composites | W. Yang, A. Kohyama, T. Noda, Y. Katoh, T. Hinoki, H. Araki, J. Yu |
1093-1097 | High-temperature tensile strength of near-stoichiometric SiC/SiC composites | K. Hironaka, T. Nozawa, T. Hinoki, N. Igawa, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead, A. Kohyama |
1098-1101 | Electrical conductivity of silicon carbide composites and fibers | R. Scholz, F. dos Santos Marques, B. Riccardi |
1102-1106 | Physical property change of concurrently neutron-irradiated CVD-diamond, silicon and silicon carbide | T. Yano, Y. Yamamoto, T. Iseki |
1107-1111 | Radiation swelling of SiC under neutron irradiation | A.I. Ryazanov, A.V. Klaptsov, A. Kohyama, H. Kishimoto |
1112-1119 | Optimizing the transverse thermal conductivity of 2D-SiCf/SiC composites. I. Modeling | G.E. Youngblood, D.J. Senor, R.H. Jones |
1120-1125 | Optimizing the transverse thermal conductivity of 2D-SiCf/SiC composites, II. Experimental | G.E. Youngblood, D.J. Senor, R.H. Jones, Witold Kowbel |
1126-1129 | Surface blistering of ion irradiated SiC studied by grazing incidence electron microscopy | Sin Igarashi, Shunsuke Muto, Tetsuo Tanabe |
1130-1134 | Microstructural stability of SiC and SiC/SiC composites under high temperature irradiation environment | H. Kishimoto, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama |
1135-1140 | Effect of simultaneous ion irradiation on microstructural change of SiC/SiC composites at high temperature | T. Taguchi, E. Wakai, N. Igawa, S. Nogami, L.L. Snead, A. Hasegawa, S. Jitsukawa |
1141-1145 | Experimental simulation of the effect of transmuted helium on the mechanical properties of silicon carbide | L.L Snead, R Scholz, A Hasegawa, A Frias Rebelo |
1146-1151 | Conductivity of SiC during neutron and proton irradiation | O.A. Plaksin, V.A. Stepanov, H. Amekura, N. Kishimoto |
1152-1156 | Mechanical property change and swelling behavior of SiC fiber after light-ion irradiation | A. Hasegawa, S. Nogami, T. Aizawa, K. Katou, K. Abe |
1157-1162 | The effect of high dose/high temperature irradiation on high purity fibers and their silicon carbide composites | T. Hinoki, L.L. Snead, Y. Katoh, A. Hasegawa, T. Nozawa, A. Kohyama |
1163-1167 | Indentation fracture toughness of neutron irradiated silicon carbide | S. Nogami, A. Hasegawa, L.L. Snead |
1168-1172 | Irradiation effects on thermal expansion of SiC/SiC composite materials | M. Ishihara, S. Baba, T. Hoshiya, T. Shikama |
1173-1177 | Effects of fibers and fabrication processes on mechanical properties of neutron irradiated SiC/SiC composites | T. Nozawa, T. Hinoki, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama |
1178-1182 | Analysis of possible deformation mechanisms in helium–ion irradiated SiC | S. Nogami, S. Ohtsuka, M.B. Toloczko, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe |
1183-1186 | Light ion irradiation creep of Textron SCS-6™ silicon carbide fibers | R. Scholz, R. Mueller, D. Lesueur |
1187-1190 | Evaluation of dual-ion irradiated β-SiC by means of indentation methods | K.H Park, Y Katoh, H Kishimoto, A Kohyama |
1191-1195 | Process, microstructure and flexural properties of reaction sintered Tyranno SA/SiC composites | S.P. Lee, J.S. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, D.H. Kim, J.K. Lee, H.K. Yoon |
1196-1199 | Development of 2D and 3D Hi-Nicalon fibres/SiC matrix composites manufactured by a combined CVI–PIP route | C.A. Nannetti, B. Riccardi, A. Ortona, A. La Barbera, E. Scafè, G. Vekinis |
1200-1204 | High thermal conductivity of graphite fiber silicon carbide composites for fusion reactor application | L.L. Snead, M. Balden, R.A. Causey, H. Atsumi |
1205-1209 | Optimizing the fabrication process for superior mechanical properties in the FCVI SiC matrix/stoichiometric SiC fiber composite system | N. Igawa, T. Taguchi, L.L. Snead, Y. Katoh, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kohyama, J.C. McLaughlin |
1210-1214 | Homogeneity and flexural properties of SiC/SiC composites prepared by CVI method | Hiroshi Araki, Tetsuji Noda, Wen Yang, Akira Kohyama |
1215-1220 | Highly thermal conductive, sintered SiC fiber-reinforced 3D-SiC/SiC composites: experiments and finite-element analysis of the thermal diffusivity/conductivity | R. Yamada, N. Igawa, T. Taguchi, S. Jitsukawa |
1221-1226 | The influences of irradiation temperature and helium production on the dimensional stability of silicon carbide | Y Katoh, H Kishimoto, A Kohyama |
1227-1231 | Fabrication and characterization of SiCf/SiC composite by CVI using the whiskering process | Ji Yeon Park, Ho Soo Hwang, Weon-Ju Kim, Joung Il Kim, Ji Hye Son, Byeong Jun Oh, Doo Jin Choi |
1232-1236 | Silicon carbide-based materials for joining silicon carbide composites for fusion energy applications | Charles A. Lewinsohn, Russell H. Jones, Paolo Colombo, Bruno Riccardi |
1237-1241 | Low activation brazing materials and techniques for SiCf/SiC composites | B. Riccardi, C.A. Nannetti, T. Petrisor, M. Sacchetti |
1242-1245 | Effect of OH-group content on optical properties of silica core fiber waveguides during reactor irradiation | O.A. Plaksin, V.A. Stepanov, T. Shikama |
1246-1249 | Oxygen interstitial trapping in electron irradiated sapphire | A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson |
1250-1253 | Effects of specimen thickness and impurity on the conductivity of alumina under electron irradiation | T. Higuchi, K. Shiiyama, Y. Izumi, M.M.R. Howlader, M. Kutsuwada, C. Kinoshita |
1254-1259 | Mechanical strength of neutron-irradiated window materials | R. Heidinger |
1260-1263 | Surface degradation effects on laser damage in KU1 quartz glass windows for LIDAR applications | P. Martin, A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson |
1264-1267 | In situ transmissivity measurements of KU1 quartz in the UV range under 14 MeV neutron irradiation | Tatsuo Sugie, Takeo Nishitani, Satoshi Kasai, Junichi Kaneko, Shin Yamamoto |
1268-1272 | In situ luminescence and optical absorption measurements of silica in reactor core | Tomoko Yoshida, Tatsuya Ii, Tetsuo Tanabe, Hisao Yoshida, Kenji Yamaguchi |
1273-1276 | Electrical and dielectric properties of irradiated KU1 quartz glass from DC to 145 GHz | R. Vila, J. Mollá, R. Heidinger, A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson |
1277-1281 | Round-robin irradiation test of radiation resistant optical fibers for ITER diagnostic application | T. Kakuta, T. Shikama, T. Nishitani, B. Brichard, A. Krassilinikov, A. Tomashuk, S. Yamamoto, S. Kasai |
1282-1288 | Improvement of the thermo-mechanical properties of fine grain graphite by doping with different carbides | C. Garcı́a-Rosales, N. Ordás, E. Oyarzabal, J. Echeberria, M. Balden, S. Lindig, R. Behrisch |
1289-1293 | TEM and EELS characterization of carbon dust and co-deposited layers from the TEXTOR tokamak | S. Muto, T. Tanabe, A. Hirota, M. Rubel, V. Philipps, T. Maruyama |
1294-1299 | Microstructure and deuterium content of tokamak T-10 carbon erosion products | P.V. Romanov, B.N. Kolbasov, V.Kh. Alimov, V.M. Gureev, A.G. Domantovskij, L.N. Khimchenko, P.N. Orlov |
1300-1304 | The effect of low temperature neutron irradiation and annealing on the thermal conductivity of advanced carbon-based materials | V. Barabash, I. Mazul, R. Latypov, A. Pokrovsky, C.H. Wu |
1305-1309 | Macroscopic properties and microstructure changes of heavily neutron-irradiated β-Si3N4 by annealing | Masafumi Akiyoshi, Kohki Ichikawa, Takako Donomae, Toyohiko Yano |
1310-1313 | Mechanical strength of an ITER coil insulation system under static and dynamic load after reactor irradiation | K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H.W. Weber, K. Hamada, M. Sugimoto, K. Okuno |
1314-1322 | Development of coatings for fusion power applications | D.L Smith, J Konys, T Muroga, V Evitkhin |
1323-1328 | Development of CaO coatings by thermal and chemical vapor deposition | K. Natesan, M. Uz, D.L. Smith |
1329-1333 | Characterization of hydrogen barrier coatings for titanium-base alloys | T Leguey, N Baluc, F Jansen, M Victoria |
1334-1338 | Plasma sprayed coatings for RF wave absorption | S Nanobashvili, J Matějı́ček, F Žáček, J Stőckel, P Chráska, V Brožek |
1339-1343 | Solid state reaction between tungsten and amorphous carbon | Yuji Hatano, Miyuki Takamori, Kenji Matsuda, Susumu Ikeno, Katsuhiko Fujii, Kuniaki Watanabe |
1344-1350 | Temperature limits on the compatibility of insulating ceramics in lithium | B.A. Pint, J.H. DeVan, J.R. DiStefano |
1351-1354 | Compatibility of materials for fusion reactors with Pb–17Li | F. Barbier, Ph. Deloffre and, A. Terlain |
1355-1359 | Compatibility of ferritic steels with Li2BeF4 molten salt breeder | H. Nishimura, T. Terai, M. Yamawaki, S. Tanaka, A. Sagara, O. Motojima |
1360-1363 | Corrosion behaviour of Al based tritium permeation barriers in flowing Pb–17Li | H. Glasbrenner, J. Konys, Z. Voss, O. Wedemeyer |
1364-1368 | Erosion mechanism and erosion products in carbon-based materials | N. Arkhipov, V. Bakhtin, V. Barsuk, S. Kurkin, E. Mironova, G. Piazza, V. Safronov, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, D. Toporkov, S. Vasenin, H. Würz, A. Zhitlukhin |
1369-1374 | Corrosion resistance of refractory metals in high-temperature water | Y Ishijima, K Kakiuchi, T Furuya, H Kurishita, M Hasegawa, T Igarashi, M Kawai |
1375-1379 | Steam oxidation of PFC materials for advanced tokamaks | R.A. Anderl, R.J. Pawelko, G.R. Smolik, G. Piazza, F. Scaffidi-Argentina, L.L. Snead |
1380-1385 | Control of the nitrogen concentration in liquid lithium by the hot trap method | Toshiharu Sakurai, Toshiaki Yoneoka, Satoru Tanaka, Akihiro Suzuki, Takeo Muroga |
1386-1390 | Recent activities on the compatibility of the ferritic steel wall with the plasma in the JFT-2M tokamak | K. Tsuzuki, M. Sato, H. Kawashima, N. Isei, H. Kimura, H. Ogawa, K. Miyachi, M. Yamamoto, T. Shibata |
1391-1395 | Mechanical and corrosion behaviour of EUROFER 97 steel exposed to Pb–17Li | G. Benamati, C. Fazio, I. Ricapito |
1396-1399 | Wetting of Fe–7.5%Cr steel by molten Pb and Pb–17Li | P. Protsenko, A. Terlain, M. Jeymond, N. Eustathopoulos |
1400-1404 | Kinetic features of the component interaction in the V[O]–Li[Ca] system | O.I. Yeliseyeva, V.M. Chernov, T.V. Tsaran |
1405-1410 | In situ formation of CaO insulator coatings on vanadium alloys | D.L. Smith, J.-H. Park, K. Natesan |
1411-1417 | First wall material issues and related activities at JET | F. Scaffidi-Argentina, S. Ciattaglia, P. Coad, R.-D. Penzhorn, V. Philipps and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Fusion Technology Task Force and Task Force E |
1418-1423 | Hydrogen release from 800 MeV proton-irradiated tungsten | B.M. Oliver, T.J. Venhaus, R.A. Causey, F.A. Garner, S.A. Maloy |
1424-1429 | Helium and tritium kinetics in irradiated beryllium pebbles | E. Rabaglino, J.P. Hiernaut, C. Ronchi, F. Scaffidi-Argentina |
1430-1435 | Deuterium transport in SiCf/SiC composites | G.A. Esteban, A. Perujo, F. Legarda, L.A. Sedano, B. Riccardi |
1436-1440 | Ab initio study on isotope exchange reactions of H2 with surface hydroxyl groups in lithium silicates | T Nakazawa, K Yokoyama, V Grismanovs, Y Katano, S Jitsukawa |
1441-1445 | Imaging plate technique for determination of tritium distribution on graphite tiles of JT-60U | T. Tanabe, K. Miyasaka, K. Masaki, K. Kodama, N. Miya |
1446-1450 | Ab-initio study on interaction of hydrogen isotopes with charged defects in lithium oxide | Hisashi Tanigawa, Satoru Tanaka |
1451-1455 | Effect of catalytic metals on tritium release from ceramic breeder materials | K. Munakata, Y. Yokoyama, A. Koga, N. Nakashima, S. Beloglazov, T. Takeishi, M. Nishikawa, R.-D. Penzhorn, K. Kawamoto, H. Moriyama, Y. Morimoto, K. Okuno |
1456-1460 | Tritium release from neutron-irradiated Li2O sintered pellets: fluence dependence | Takaaki Tanifuji, Daiju Yamaki, Shiro Jitsukawa |
1461-1465 | Exchange of tritium implanted into oxide ceramics for protium by exposure to air vapors at room temperature | Kenji Morita, Hironori Suzuki, Kazuo Soda, H. Iwahara, Hirofumi Nakamura, Takumi Hayasi, Masataka Nishi |
1466-1470 | Hydrogen bulk retention in graphite and kinetics of diffusion | H. Atsumi |
1471-1477 | Helium and hydrogen generation in pure metals irradiated with high-energy protons and spallation neutrons in LANSCE | B.M Oliver, M.R James, F.A Garner, S.A Maloy |
1478-1483 | Cellular automaton model for hydrogen transport dynamics through metallic surface | K Shimura, K Yamaguchi, T Terai, M Yamawaki |
1484-1487 | Permeation of deuterium and tritium through the martensitic steel F82H | Yu.N. Dolinsky, Yu.N. Zouev, I.A. Lyasota, I.V. Saprykin, V.V. Sagaradze |
1488-1493 | Helium analysis from the DHCE-1 simulation experiment | Dale L. Smith, H. Matsui |
1494-1497 | Gas driven deuterium permeation through F82H martensitic steel | V. Shestakov, A. Pisarev, V. Sobolev, S. Kulsartov, I. Tazhibaeva |
1498-1501 | Hydrogen permeability over the joint weld of the steel parts of fusion reactor with magnet confinement of plasma | V.V. Fedorov, E.V. Dyomina, T.M. Zasadny, L.I. Ivanov, M.D. Prusakova, N.A. Vinogradova, A.M. Zabelin |
1502-1506 | Application of electron stimulated desorption for hydrogen removal from graphite | R. Ishida, T. Shibahara, T. Tanabe |
1507-1512 | Formation and migration of helium bubbles in Fe and Fe–9Cr ferritic alloy | K. Ono, K. Arakawa, K. Hojou |
1513-1516 | Helium and hydrogen trapping in W and Mo single-crystals irradiated by He ions | S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, T. Sugawara, N. Ohtsu, T. Shikama |
1517-1519 | Hydrogen and helium entrapment in flowing liquid metal plasma-facing surfaces | Ahmed Hassanein |
1520-1523 | Hydrogen permeation through metal membrane with protective coating in contact with atomic or ionized hydrogen | V.M. Sharapov |
1524-1532 | Overview on fabrication and joining of plasma facing and high heat flux materials for ITER | M. Merola, M. Akiba, V. Barabash, I. Mazul |
1533-1536 | Heat load test of Be/Cu joint for ITER first wall mock-ups | M. Uchida, E. Ishitsuka, T. Hatano, V. Barabash, H. Kawamura |
1537-1541 | Development of Be/DSCu HIP bonding and thermo-mechanical evaluation | T Hatano, T Kuroda, V Barabash, M Enoeda |
1542-1546 | Mechanical properties of HIP bonded W and Cu-alloys joint for plasma facing components | S Saito, K Fukaya, S Ishiyama, K Sato |
1547-1553 | Properties of copper–stainless steel HIP joints before and after neutron irradiation | S. Tähtinen, A. Laukkanen, B.N. Singh, P. Toft |
1554-1557 | TORE SUPRA experience of copper chromium zirconium electron beam welding | A. Durocher, M. Lipa, Ph. Chappuis, J. Schlosser, T. Huber, B. Schedler |
1558-1562 | HIP experiments on the first wall and cooling plate specimens for the EU HCPB blanket | P. Norajitra, G. Reimann, R. Ruprecht, L. Schäfer |
1563-1567 | Structural and mechanical properties of welded joints of reduced activation martensitic steels | G. Filacchioni, R. Montanari, M.E. Tata, L. Pilloni |
1568-1572 | Characterization of 316L(N)-IG SS joint produced by hot isostatic pressing technique | J. Nakano, Y. Miwa, T. Tsukada, M. Kikuchi, S. Kita, Y. Nemoto, H. Tsuji, S. Jitsukawa |
1573-1577 | Neutron irradiation effect on the mechanical properties of type 316L SS welded joints | S Saito, K Fukaya, S Ishiyama, H Amezawa, M Yonekawa, F Takada, Y Kato, T Takeda, H Takahashi, M Nakahira |
1578-1583 | Re-weldability of neutron-irradiated stainless steels studied by multi-pass TIG welding | K. Nakata, M. Oishi, M. Koshiishi, T. Hashimoto, H. Anzai, Y. Saito, W. Kono |
1584-1589 | Re-weldability tests of irradiated 316L(N) stainless steel using laser welding technique | Hirokazu Yamada, Hiroshi Kawamura, Kunihiko Tsuchiya, George Kalinin, Wataru Kohno, Yasuo Morishima |
1590-1594 | Gas tungsten arc welding of vanadium alloys with impurity control | M.L. Grossbeck, J.F. King, T. Nagasaka, S.A. David |
1595-1599 | Effects of post-weld heat treatment conditions on hardness, microstructures and impact properties of vanadium alloys | T Nagasaka, T Muroga, M.L Grossbeck, T Yamamoto |
1600-1608 | Recent progress in small specimen test technology | G.E. Lucas, G.R. Odette, M. Sokolov, P. Spätig, T. Yamamoto, P. Jung |
1609-1612 | Development of piezoelectric ceramics driven fatigue testing machine for small specimens | S. Saito, K. Kikuchi, Y. Onishi, T. Nishino |
1613-1618 | Development of a remote-controlled fatigue test machine using a laser extensometer for investigation of irradiation effect on fatigue properties | M. Yonekawa, T. Ishii, M. Ohmi, F. Takada, T. Hoshiya, M. Niimi, I. Ioka, Y. Miwa, H. Tsuji |
1619-1623 | Shear punch tests performed using a new low compliance test fixture | M.B Toloczko, R.J Kurtz, A Hasegawa, K Abe |
1624-1628 | Micromechanical modeling of master curve temperature shifts due to constraint loss | G.R. Odette, M.Y. He |
1629-1636 | The fusion-driven hybrid system and its material selection | Y.C Wu, J.P Qian, J.N Yu |
1637-1642 | Strategy of fusion reactor materials R&D in China | J.P Qian, Y.C Wu, J.G Li |
1643-1648 | Some recent innovations in small specimen testing | G.R. Odette, M. He, D. Gragg, D. Klingensmith, G.E. Lucas |
1649-1654 | Possible techniques for the detritiation of first wall materials from fusion machines | N. Bekris, C. Caldwell-Nichols, L. Doerr, M. Glugla, R.-D. Penzhorn, H. Ziegler |
1655-1659 | The ARBOR irradiation project | C Petersen, V Shamardin, A Fedoseev, G Shimansky, V Efimov, J Rensman |
1660-1663 | A model for radiation induced conductivity in neutral beam injector insulator gases | E.R. Hodgson, A. Moroño |
1664-1669 | Research of lithium capillary-pore systems for fusion reactor plasma facing components | V.A. Evtikhin, A.V. Vertkov, I.E. Lyublinski, B.I. Khripunov, V.B. Petrov, S.V. Mirnov |
1670-1674 | Neutron radiation effects of the center conductor post in a spherical tokamak reactor | J. Yu, Y. Wu, J. Sha, Q. Huang, Y. Ke |
1675-1679 | Status of activities on the lithium target in the key element technology phase in IFMIF | Hiroo Nakamura, L. Burgazzi, S. Cevolani, G. Dell’Orco, C. Fazio, D. Giusti, H. Horiike, M. Ida, H. Kakui, N. Loginov, H. Matsui, T. Muroga, Hideo Nakamura, B. Riccardi, H. Takeuchi, S. Tanaka |
1680-1685 | New evaluation of displacement damage and gas production for breeder ceramics under IFMIF, fusion and fission neutron irradiation | Yu Lizunov, A Möslang, A Ryazanov, P Vladimirov |
1686-1690 | Water jet flow simulation and lithium free surface flow experiments for the IFMIF target | M. Ida, H. Horiike, M. Akiba, K. Ezato, T. Iida, S. Inoue, S. Miyamoto, T. Muroga, Hideo Nakamura, Hiroshi Nakamura, Hiroo Nakamura, A. Suzuki, H. Takeuchi, N. Uda, N. Yamaoka |
1691-1695 | Issues to be verified by IFMIF prototype accelerator for engineering validation | M. Sugimoto, T. Imai, Y. Okumura, K. Nakayama, S. Suzuki, M. Saigusa |
1696-1700 | Application of the IEAF-2001 activation data library to activation analyses of the IFMIF high flux test module | U Fischer, P.P.H Wilson, D Leichtle, S.P Simakov, U.v Möllendorff, A Konobeev, Yu Korovin, P Pereslavtsev, I Schmuck |
1701-1704 | A first step in the development of a powerful 14 MeV neutron source | A.A. Ivanov, E.P. Kruglyakov, Yu.A. Tsidulko |
1705-1709 | Conditions for effects of radiation pulsing | H. Trinkaus, H. Ullmaier |
1710-1714 | Advanced Monte Carlo procedure for the IFMIF d-Li neutron source term based on evaluated cross section data | S.P Simakov, U Fischer, U von Möllendorff, I Schmuck, A.Yu Konobeev, Yu.A Korovin, P Pereslavtsev |
1715-1718 | Experimental studies on the neutron emission spectrum and induced radioactivity of the 7Li(d,n) reaction in the 20–40 MeV region | M Baba, T Aoki, M Hagiwara, M Sugimoto, T Miura, N Kawata, A Yamadera, H Orihara |
1719-1742 | Author index | |
1743-1790 | Subject index | |
125-133 | Effect of processing on properties of thin walled calandria tubes for pressurised heavy water reactor | K. Kapoor, C. Padmaprabu, S. V. Ramana Rao, T. Sanyal, B. P. Kashyap |
134-140 | Measurements of hydrogen permeation and absorption in zirconium oxide scales | Byung Hyuck Lim, Hyun Seon Hong, Kyung Sub Lee |
141-145 | Helium depth profiling in tantalum after ion implantation and high-temperature annealing | F. Zielinski, J. M. Costantini, J. Haussy, F. Durbin |
146-155 | X-ray fluorescence microtomography study of trace elements in a SiC nuclear fuel shell | M. Naghedolfeizi, J. -S. Chung, R. Morris, G. E. Ice, W. B. Yun, Z. Cai, B. Lai |
156-162 | The solution and diffusion of ruthenium in UO2±x | Gerdjan Busker, Robin W. Grimes, Mark R. Bradford |
163-173 | Microstructural evolution in medium copper low alloy steels irradiated in a pressurized water reactor and a material test reactor | K. Fukuya, K. Ohno, H. Nakata, S. Dumbill, J. M. Hyde |
174-180 | Analysis of CREVONA sodium loop material | Vaidehi Ganesan, V. Ganesan, H. U. Borgstedt |
181-190 | Assessment of microstructure stability of cold worked Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel during aging using ultrasonic velocity measurements and correlation with mechanical properties | M. Vasudevan, P. Palanichamy |
191-198 | In-pile electrochemical measurements on AISI 316 L(N) IG and EUROFER 97 – I: experimental results | Marc Vankeerberghen, Rik-Wouter Bosch, Rudi Van Nieuwenhoven |
199-206 | Microstructural modification due to reheating in multipass manual metal arc welds of 9Cr–1Mo steel | R. Mythili, V. Thomas Paul, S. Saroja, M. Vijayalakshmi, V. S. Raghunathan |
207-211 | The optical properties of liquid plutonium at 632.8 nm | R. I. Sheldon, G. H. Rinehart, J. C. Lashley, C. E. Van Pelt, P. C. Nordine, S. Krishnan, J. K. R. Weber |
212-223 | Mechanical properties and microstructure of helium-implanted beryllium | W. Kesternich, H. Ullmaier |
224-235 | Densification behaviour of ThO2–PuO2 pellets with varying PuO2 content using dilatometry | T. R. G. Kutty, P. V. Hegde, J. Banerjee, K. B. Khan, A. K. Sengupta, G. C. Jain, S. Majumdar, H. S. Kamath |
236-248 | A SANS investigation of the irradiation-enhanced α–α′ phases separation in 7–12 Cr martensitic steels | M. H. Mathon, Y. de Carlan, G. Geoffroy, X. Averty, A. Alamo, C. H. de Novion |
249-256 | Solubility studies, thermodynamics and electrical conductivity in the Th1−x | R. Subasri, C. Mallika, T. Mathews, V. S. Sastry, O. M. Sreedharan |
257-261 | Tensile specimen geometry and the constitutive behavior of Zircaloy-4 | O. N. Pierron, D. A. Koss, A. T. Motta |
262-265 | Synthesis of lithium silicate tritium breeder powders by a modified combustion method | D. Cruz, S. Bulbulian |
266-269 | Effects of Nb content on the Zr2Fe intermetallic stability | C. Ramos, C. Saragovi, M. Granovsky, D. Arias |
270-272 | Author index | |
273-278 | Subject index | |
ii | Editorial board | |
vii | Preface | Nobuyoshi Ohyabu, Nobuaki Noda, Kenji Morita, Shuichi Takamura, Tetsuo Tanabe |
1-10 | Helical divertor operation and erosion/deposition at target surfaces in LHD | A Sagara, S Masuzaki, T Morisaki, S Morita, H Funaba, M Goto, Y Nakamura, K Nishimura, N Noda, M Shoji, H Suzuki, A Takayama, A Komori, N Ohyabu, O Motojima, K Morita, K Ohya, J.P Sharpe, LHD Experimental Group |
11-22 | Key ITER plasma edge and plasma–material interaction issues | G. Federici, P. Andrew, P. Barabaschi, J. Brooks, R. Doerner, A. Geier, A. Herrmann, G. Janeschitz, K. Krieger, A. Kukushkin, A. Loarte, R. Neu, G. Saibene, M. Shimada, G. Strohmayer, M. Sugihara |
23-31 | IFE chamber walls: requirements, design options, and synergy with MFE plasma facing components | A.R Raffray, D Haynes, F Najmabadi |
32-41 | PSI issues at plasma facing surfaces of blankets in fusion reactors | Y. Ueda, K. Tobita, Y. Katoh |
42-51 | Material/plasma surface interaction issues following neutron damage | V. Barabash, G. Federici, J. Linke, C.H. Wu |
52-55 | Molecular dynamics simulations of CH3 sticking on carbon first wall structures | P. Träskelin, E. Salonen, K. Nordlund, A.V. Krasheninnikov, J. Keinonen, C.H. Wu |
56-61 | Deuterium bombardment of carbon and carbon layers on titanium | K.U. Klages, A. Wiltner, J. Luthin, Ch. Linsmeier |
62-66 | Arcing at B4C-covered limiters exposed to a SOL-plasma | M. Laux, W. Schneider, P. Wienhold, B. Jüttner, A. Huber, M. Balden, J. Linke, H. Kostial, M. Mayer, M. Rubel, A. Herrmann, A. Pospieszczyk, S. Jachmich, B. Schweer, D. Hildebrandt, H. Bolt |
67-71 | Performance and erosion of a tungsten brush limiter exposed at the TEXTOR tokamak | T. Hirai, V. Philipps, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, J. Linke, T. Wakui, T. Tanabe, M. Rubel, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, A. Pospieszczyk, K. Ohya, V. Barabash |
72-76 | Blister formation on tungsten surface under low energy and high flux hydrogen plasma irradiation in NAGDIS-I | M.Y. Ye, H. Kanehara, S. Fukuta, N. Ohno, S. Takamura |
77-81 | Molecular dynamics simulations of the effect of deuterium on tungsten erosion by oxygen | I.S. Landman, H. Wuerz |
82-86 | Material properties of co-deposition formed on plasma facing materials in all-metal machine TRIAM-1M | M Miyamoto, K Tokunaga, T Fujiwara, N Yoshida TRIAM group, Y Morimoto, T Sugiyama, K Okuno |
87-91 | Imitation of deuterium plasma interaction with the surface of carbon materials in gaseous divertor conditions | S.N. Korshunov, M.I. Guseva, V.M. Gureev, L.S. Danelyan, B.I. Khripunov, B.N. Kolbasov, V.S. Kulikauskas, A.M. Litnovsky, Yu.V. Martynenko, V.B. Petrov, V.V. Zatekin |
92-96 | Surface morphology and helium retention on tungsten exposed to low energy and high flux helium plasma | K. Tokunaga, R.P. Doerner, R. Seraydarian, N. Noda, Y. Kubota, N. Yoshida, T. Sogabe, T. Kato, B. Schedler |
97-101 | Incident ion energy dependence of bubble formation on tungsten surface with low energy and high flux helium plasma irradiation | D. Nishijima, M.Y. Ye, N. Ohno, S. Takamura |
102-106 | Asymmetric surface recombination of hydrogen on palladium exposed to plasma | Ikuji Takagi, Kimikazu Moritani, Hirotake Moriyama |
107-111 | Simulation study of material mixing process on tungsten surfaces at elevated temperatures due to boundary plasma exposure and its influence on plasma wall interactions | R. Kawakami, K. Ohya |
112-115 | Some peculiarities in the behavior of Be surfaces under bombardment by ions from a deuterium plasma | A.F. Bardamid, A.I. Belyayeva, V.N. Bondarenko, A.A. Galuza, V.V. Gann, L. Jacobson, V.G. Konovalov, D.V. Orlinskij, I.I. Papirov, I.V. Ryzhkov, A.N. Shapoval, A.F. Shtan’, S.I. Solodovchenko, A.A. Vasil’ev, V.S. Voitsenya |
116-126 | New results from the tungsten programme at ASDEX Upgrade | R. Neu, R. Dux, A. Geier, H. Greuner, K. Krieger, H. Maier, R. Pugno, V. Rohde, S.W. Yoon, ASDEX Upgrade Team |
127-134 | PSI issues toward steady state plasmas in the HT-7 tokamak | Baonian Wan, Jiangang Li, Junyu Zhao, Junling Chen, Yanping Zhao, HT-7 Team |
135-139 | Thermal effects of surface layers on divertor target plates | P. Andrew, J.P. Coad, T. Eich, E. Gauthier, A. Herrmann, G.F. Matthews, V. Riccardo, M. Stamp and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Work Programme |
140-143 | The longer life and high performance of lithium containing coatings developed by ICRF in the HT-7 superconducting tokamak | J.L. Chen, J.G. Li, B.N. Wan, Y.P. Zhao, X.D. Zhang, X.M. Gu, X.M. Wang, S.F. Li, N.C. Luo, C.F. Li, Q. Zhou, Z.W. Wu and HT-7 team |
144-148 | Selection of candidate doped graphite materials as plasma facing components for HT-7U device | Q.G Guo, J.G Li, N Noda, Y Kubota, J.L Chen, Zh.J Liu, L Liu, J.R Song |
149-152 | Boronization effects using deuterated-decaborane (B10D14) in JT-60U | T. Nakano, S. Higashijima, H. Kubo, J. Yagyu, T. Arai, N. Asakura, K. Itami |
153-157 | Thermal annealing effects on chemical states of deuterium implanted into boron coating film | H. Kodama, T. Sugiyama, Y. Morimoto, Y. Oya, K. Okuno, N. Inoue, A. Sagara, N. Noda |
158-162 | Chemical erosion of DIII-D divertor tile specimens | P.B Wright, J.W Davis, R.G Macaulay-Newcombe, C.G Hamilton, A.A Haasz |
163-166 | Hydrogen removal via ICRF technique on HT-7 – experiment and modeling on neutral energies | Bingjia Xiao, Jiangang Li, HT-7 team |
167-171 | Analysis for surface probes of third experimental campaign in the large helical device | T. Hino, Y. Nobuta, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, A. Sagara, S. Masuzaki, N. Inoue, N. Noda, O. Motojima, LHD Experimental Group |
172-176 | Suppression of hydrogen absorption to V–4Cr–4Ti alloy by TiO2/TiC coating | Y. Hirohata, D. Motojima, T. Hino, S. Sengoku |
177-181 | Impurity desorption behavior from low activation ferritic steel installed in the JFT-2M tokamak | K. Tsuzuki, M. Sato, H. Kawashima, H. Ogawa, H. Kimura, F. Okano, S. Suzuki, M. Komata, M. Sawahata, K. Shinohara, K. Kamiya, T. Shibata, T. Akiyama, M. Yamamoto, K. Miyachi |
182-186 | Molecular dynamics calculation of carbon/hydrocarbon reflection coefficients on a hydrogenated graphite surface | D.A. Alman, D.N. Ruzic |
187-193 | Impact of the wall conditioning program on plasma performance in NSTX | H.W. Kugel, V. Soukhanovskii, M. Bell, W. Blanchard, D. Gates, B. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, D. Mueller, H.K. Na, S. Paul, C.H. Skinner, D. Stutman, W.R. Wampler |
194-198 | Surface analysis and a novel application of carbon sheet pump in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror | Y. Ishimoto, Y. Nakashima, A. Sagara, K. Morita, J. Yuhara, S. Kobayashi, M. Yoshikawa, K. Yatsu |
199-203 | Impurity effects and temperature dependence of D retention in single crystal tungsten | M. Poon, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe |
204-208 | Blister formation in tungsten by hydrogen and carbon mixed ion beam irradiation | T. Shimada, H. Kikuchi, Y. Ueda, A. Sagara, M. Nishikawa |
209-213 | Hydrogen isotope behavior in in-vessel components used for DD plasma operation of JT-60U by SIMS and XPS technique | Y. Oya, Y. Hirohata, Y. Morimoto, H. Yoshida, H. Kodama, K. Kizu, J. Yagyu, Y. Gotoh, K. Masaki, K. Okuno, T. Tanabe, N. Miya, T. Hino, S. Tanaka |
214-218 | Plasma deposition of boron films with high growth rate and efficiency using carborane | O.I. Buzhinskij, V.G. Otroshchenko, D.G. Whyte, M. Baldwin, R.W. Conn, R.P. Doerner, R. Seraydarian, S. Luckhardt, H. Kugel, W.P. West |
219-222 | Influence of thin alien layers on hydrogen reflection and trapping by PFM | A.V. Golubeva, V.A. Kurnaev, D.V. Levchuk, N.N. Trifonov |
223-229 | B4C-limiter experiments at TEXTOR | A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, V. Philipps, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, U. Samm, H. Reimer, M. Freisinger, M. Rubel, A. Herrmann, S. Kötterl, M. Laux, H. Renner, H. Bolt |
230-234 | Wall conditioning for performance improvement in the divertor reversed field pinch TPE-2M | K. Hayase, Y. Sato, S. Kiyama |
235-238 | Ablation rate estimation of inertial fusion reactor candidate material with intense ion beam and X-ray | K. Kasuya, A. Kasamatsu, Y. Kinoshita, T. Kamiya, A. Saiki, T.J. Renk, C.L. Olson |
239-244 | Investigation of the trapped helium and hydrogen ions in plasma facing materials for LHD using thermal desorption spectrometer and alternating glow discharge cleanings | Y. Kubota, N. Noda, A. Sagara, H. Suzuki, S. Masuzaki, K. Tokunaga, T. Satow, K. Yamazaki, O. Motojima |
245-249 | Evaluation of the integrity of divertor models of tungsten or SiC/SiC composites joined with copper | A. Kurumada, Y. Imamura, Y. Tomota, T. Oku, Y. Kubota, N. Noda |
250-254 | Damage process of resolidified part on CVD-W coated molybdenum under high heat load | S. Tamura, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida |
255-258 | The wall conditioning experiment by Li–Si coating in the HL-1M tokamak | N.M Zhang, M.X Wang, B Li, C.H Cui, J.E Zeng, Y Liu |
259-262 | Boundary plasma behavior under different wall conditions on HT-7 tokamak | G.S. Xu, M. Song, B.N. Wan, B.L. Ling, C.F. Li, J. Li, HT-7 Team |
263-268 | The conditioning procedures in Tore Supra after CIEL implementation | J. Bucalossi, C. Brosset, D. Garnier, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, G. Martin, F. Saint Laurent |
269-273 | Effects of wall boron coating on FTU plasma operations | M.L. Apicella, G. Mazzitelli, G. Apruzzese, G. Bracco, B. Esposito, L. Gabellieri, H. Kroegler, M. Leigheb, G. Maddaluno, M. Marinucci, M. Mattioli, V. Pericoli Ridolfini, L. Pieroni, M. Romanelli and FTU team |
274-278 | Re-emission of hydrogen implanted into graphite by helium ion bombardment | B. Tsuchiya, K. Morita, S. Yamamoto, S. Nagata, N. Ohtsu, T. Shikama, H. Naramoto |
279-283 | Hydrogen and deuterium uptake in helium implanted layer of Mo and W | S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, N. Ohtsu, T. Sugawara, T. Shikama, K. Tokunaga, M. Takenaka, E. Kuramoto |
284-287 | Dramatic reduction of chemical sputtering of graphite under intercalation of lithium | H. Yagi, H. Toyoda, H. Sugai |
288-291 | Characteristics of lithium thin films under deuterium ion implantation | Y. Furuyama, K. Ito, S. Dohi, A. Taniike, A. Kitamura |
292-296 | Inhomogeneous heat loading to high-Z | M. Wada, T. Hirai, T. Ohgo, T. Tanabe, K. Ohya, V. Philipps, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, A. Pospieszczyk, N. Noda |
297-301 | Behavior of helium gas in the LHD vacuum chamber | H. Suzuki, N. Ohyabu, A. Komori, T. Morisaki, S. Masuzaki, J. Miyazawa, R. Sakamoto, M. Shoji, M. Goto, S. Morita, Y. Kubota, O. Motojima and The LHD Experimental Group |
302-310 | Erosion of high-Z | K. Schmid, J. Roth |
311-320 | Short and long range transport of materials eroded from wall components in fusion devices | P. Wienhold, V. Philipps, A. Kirschner, A. Huber, J. von Seggern, H.G. Esser, D. Hildebrandt, M. Mayer, M. Rubel, W. Schneider |
321-326 | Beryllium and carbon films in JET following D–T operation | M. Rubel, J.P. Coad, N. Bekris, S.K. Erents, D. Hole, G.F. Matthews, R.-D. Penzhorn and Contributors to EFDA-JET work programme |
327-332 | Erosion and migration of tungsten employed at the main chamber first wall of ASDEX Upgrade | K. Krieger, A. Geier, X. Gong, H. Maier, R. Neu, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
333-336 | Erosion in the DIII-D divertor by neon-detached plasmas | W.R. Wampler, D.G. Whyte, C.P.C. Wong, W.P. West |
337-341 | On the formation of a-C:D layers and parasitic plasmas underneath the roof baffle of the ASDEX Upgrade divertor | V Rohde, M Mayer and the ASDEX Upgrade Team |
342-347 | Experimental modeling of transport and deposition of hydrocarbon radicals on ITER-FEAT cold trap | I.I Arkhipov, V.L Bukhovets, A.K Buryak, G Federici, A.E Gorodetsky, C Ibbott, D.A Komarov, A.N Makhankov, A Markin, I.V Mazul, R Tivey, I.G Varshavskay, S.P Vnukov, A.P Zakharov, A.V Ulianov, R.Kh Zalavutdinov |
348-353 | Chemical erosion of atomically dispersed doped hydrocarbon layers by deuterium | M. Balden, J. Roth, E.de Juan Pardo, A. Wiltner |
354-359 | Chemical erosion behaviour of carbon materials in fusion devices | V. Philipps, M. Stamp, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, A. Kirschner, E. Vietzke |
360-363 | Sputtering of carbon–tungsten mixed materials by low energy deuterium | Masaki Taniguchi, Kazuyoshi Sato, Koichiro Ezato, Kenji Yokoyama, Masayuki Dairaku, Masato Akiba |
364-369 | Chemical sputtering of carbon in Tore-Supra outboard pump limiter | A. Cambe, E. Gauthier, J. Hogan, J.M. Layet |
370-376 | Analyses of erosion and re-deposition layers on graphite tiles used in the W-shaped divertor region of JT-60U | Y. Gotoh, J. Yagyu, K. Masaki, K. Kizu, A. Kaminaga, K. Kodama, T. Arai, T. Tanabe, N. Miya |
377-382 | Erosion and deposition at the ALT-II limiter of TEXTOR | M. Mayer, P. Wienhold, D. Hildebrandt, W. Schneider |
383-387 | Behavior of high temperature liquid surfaces in contact with plasma | R.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, S.I. Krasheninnikov, D.G. Whyte |
388-392 | Material erosion at the vessel walls of future fusion devices | R. Behrisch, G. Federici, A. Kukushkin, D. Reiter |
393-398 | Numerical simulation of CFC and tungsten target erosion in ITER-FEAT divertor | V. Filatov |
399-403 | Erosion and erosion products of tungsten and carbon-based materials irradiated by a high energy electron beam | Xiang Liu, Naoaki Yoshida, Nobuaki Noda, Fu Zhang, Zengyu Xu, Yong Liu |
404-407 | Molecular dynamics studies of the sputtering of divertor materials | E. Salonen, K. Nordlund, J. Keinonen, C.H. Wu |
408-412 | Blister formation and erosion due to blister fracture of SiC or Si | Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino |
413-418 | Erosion of CFC under simultaneous bombardment by helium and deuterium ions | Vassili Bandourko, Ryutarou Jimbou, Kazuyuki Nakamura, Masato Akiba, Yoshikazu Okumura |
419-423 | Erosion/deposition in JET during the period 1999–2001 | J.P. Coad, P. Andrew, D.E. Hole, S. Lehto, J. Likonen, G.F. Matthews, M. Rubel and Contributors to the EFDA-JET work-programme |
424-428 | Advances in the modeling of chemical erosion/redeposition of carbon divertors and application to the JET tritium codeposition problem | J.N. Brooks, A. Kirschner, D.G. Whyte, D.N. Ruzic, D.A. Alman |
429-433 | Characterisation of deposited hydrocarbon layers below the divertor and in the pumping ducts of ASDEX Upgrade | M. Mayer, V. Rohde, A. von Keudell, ASDEX Upgrade Team |
434-438 | Modeling of hydrocarbon species in ECR methane plasmas | K. Matyash, R. Schneider, A. Bergmann, W. Jacob, U. Fantz, P. Pecher |
439-443 | Long term behaviour of material erosion and deposition on the vessel wall and remote areas of TEXTOR | J. von Seggern, P. Wienhold, T. Hirai, V. Philipps, H.G. Esser |
444-449 | Modelling of the transport of methane and higher hydrocarbons in fusion devices | A. Kirschner, J.N. Brooks, V. Philipps, P. Wienhold, A. Pospieszczyk, R.K. Janev, U. Samm |
450-454 | Sputtering and codeposition of silicon carbide with deuterium | Rion A. Causey |
455-459 | Characterization of dust collected from ASDEX-Upgrade and LHD | J.Phillip Sharpe, Volker Rohde, The ASDEX-Upgrade Experiment Team, Akio Sagara, Hajime Suzuki, Akio Komori, Osamu Motojima, The LHD Experimental Group |
460-464 | Transport and condensation of soft a-C:H film thermal decomposition products | A.E. Gorodetsky, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, I.I. Arkhipov, V.Kh. Alimov, A.P. Zakharov, S.P. Vnukov, V.L. Bukhovets, I.G. Varshavskaya |
465-468 | Influence of high-power plasma streams irradiation on surface erosion behavior of reversible hydrogen getters | V.N. Borisko, I.E. Garkusha, V.V. Chebotarev, M.V. Lototsky, J. Langner, M.J. Sadowski, V.I. Tereshin, Yu.F. Shmal’ko |
469-477 | Deuterium retention in tungsten in dependence of the surface conditions | O.V Ogorodnikova, J Roth, M Mayer |
478-490 | Tritium retention of plasma facing components in tokamaks | T Tanabe, N Bekris, P Coad, C.H Skinner, M Glugla, N Miya |
491-495 | Non-destructive tritium measurements of Mk IIA divertor tile by BIXS | M. Matsuyama, N. Bekris, M. Glugla, N. Noda, V. Philipps, K. Watanabe |
496-500 | Tritium removal from JET and TFTR tiles by a scanning laser | C.H. Skinner, N. Bekris, J.P. Coad, C.A. Gentile, M. Glugla |
501-506 | Tritium depth profiles in 2D and 4D CFC tiles from JET and TFTR | N. Bekris, C.H. Skinner, U. Berndt, C.A. Gentile, M. Glugla, B. Schweigel |
507-513 | Tritium distribution on the surface of plasma facing carbon tiles used in JET | K. Sugiyama, K. Miyasaka, T. Tanabe, M. Glugla, N. Bekris, P. Coad |
514-518 | Tritium distribution in JT-60U W-shaped divertor | K. Masaki, K. Sugiyama, T. Tanabe, Y. Gotoh, K. Miyasaka, K. Tobita, Y. Miyo, A. Kaminaga, K. Kodama, T. Arai, N. Miya |
519-523 | Static and dynamic properties of wall recycling in TRIAM-1M | M. Sakamoto, H. Nakashima, S. Kawasaki, A. Iyomasa, S.V. Kulkarni, M. Hasegawa, E. Jotaki, H. Zushi, K. Nakamura, K. Hanada, S. Itoh |
524-529 | Density limits in helium plasmas at JET | J. Rapp, A. Huber, L.C. Ingesson, S. Jachmich, G.F. Matthews, V. Philipps, R. Pitts and Contributors to the EFDA-JET work programme |
530-533 | Comparison of fueling efficiency from different fueling locations on DIII-D | L.R. Baylor, T.C. Jernigan, R.J. Colchin, G.L. Jackson, L.W. Owen, T.W. Petrie |
534-538 | Fueling efficiency of gas puffing on large helical device | J Miyazawa, S Masuzaki, H Yamada, H Suzuki, M Goto, S Morita, S Murakami, K Narihara, M Osakabe, B.J Peterson, S Sakakibara, K Tanaka, O Kaneko, A Komori, K Matsuoka, O Motojima and LHD experimental Group |
539-542 | Supersonic gas injection on Tore Supra | B Pégourié, E Tsitrone, R Dejarnac, J Bucalossi, G Martin, J Gunn, D Frigione, D Reiter, P Ghendrih, C Clément |
543-547 | Hydrogen retention in graphite and carbon materials under a fusion reactor environment | H. Atsumi |
548-552 | Ergodic edge region of large helical device | T. Morisaki, K. Narihara, S. Masuzaki, S. Morita, M. Goto, A. Komori, N. Ohyabu, O. Motojima, K. Matsuoka and LHD Experimental Group |
553-558 | Fueling experiments using neutral beam injection in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror | Y. Nakashima, T. Kato, Y. Ishimoto, K. Orito, T. Natori, T. Fukasawa, K. Watanabe, S. Kobayashi, M. Shoji, Y. Kubota, E. Kawamori, M. Yoshikawa, I. Katanuma, M. Ichimura, T. Cho, K. Yatsu |
559-563 | Modeling of localized neutral particle sources in 3D edge plasmas | M.V. Umansky, T.D. Rognlien, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Borchardt, A. Mutzke, J. Riemann, R. Schneider, L.W. Owen |
564-567 | Role of neutrals in core fueling and pedestal structure in H-mode DIII-D discharges | N.S. Wolf, T.W. Petrie, G.D. Porter, T.D. Rognlien, R.J. Groebner, M.A. Mahdavi |
568-572 | Simulation of hydrogen and hydrocarbon release from W–Ta and W–C twin test limiters in TEXTOR edge plasmas | K.Ohya, T. Hirai, T. Tanabe, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, S. Brezinsek, N. Noda |
573-578 | Core fueling and edge particle flux analysis in ohmically and auxiliary heated NSTX plasmas | V.A. Soukhanovskii, R. Maingi, R. Raman, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, A.L. Roquemore, C.H. Skinner and NSTX Research Team |
579-583 | Fluid simulation on pellet ablation with atomic process | Ryuichi Ishizaki, Noriyoshi Nakajima, Masao Okamoto, Paul B. Parks |
584-587 | Ablative removal of codeposits on JT-60 carbon tiles by an excimer laser | W.M. Shu, Y. Kawakubo, K. Masaki, M.F. Nishi |
588-594 | Modeling of global particle balance in steady-state magnetic fusion devices – Analysis of the recent data from the TRIAM-1M tokamak | Yoshi Hirooka, Mizuki Sakamoto, The TRIAM group |
595-598 | Correlation between annealing effects of damage and implanted deuterium release from graphite | Y. Morimoto, K. Okuno |
599-603 | Deuterium retention in carbon and tungsten–carbon mixed films deposited by magnetron sputtering in D2 atmosphere | V.Kh. Alimov, D.A. Komarov |
604-608 | Computer modeling of ion implanted deuterium release from tungsten | A.A. Pisarev, I.D. Voskresensky, S.I. Porfirev |
609-613 | Neutral particle fueling at the midplane of DIII-D | R.J. Colchin, L.W. Owen |
614-618 | Three-dimensional analysis of the effect of the ergodic magnetic field line structure on particle fueling in the large helical device | M. Shoji, K. Yamazaki, A. Komori, H. Yamada, J. Miyazawa and LHD Experimental Group |
619-624 | Liquid lithium surface research and development | B.I. Khripunov, V.B. Petrov, V.V. Shapkin, A.S. Pleshakov, A.S. Rupyshev, N.V. Antonov, A.M. Litnovsky, D.Yu. Prokhorov, Yu.S. Shpansky, V.A. Evtikhin, I.E. Lyublinsky, A.V. Vertkov |
625-629 | CDX-U operation with a large area liquid lithium limiter | R Majeski, M Boaz, D Hoffman, B Jones, R Kaita, H Kugel, T Munsat, J Spaleta, V Soukhanovskii, J Timberlake, L Zakharov, G Antar, R Doerner, S Luckhardt, R.W Conn, M Finkenthal, D Stutman, R Maingi, M Ulrickson |
630-635 | Study of the effects of liquid lithium curtain as first wall on plasma | B.Q. Deng, J.H. Huang, J.C. Yan, L.L. Peng, E.Y. Wang |
636-640 | D+, He+ and H+ sputtering of solid and liquid phase tin | M.D. Coventry, J.P. Allain, D.N. Ruzic |
641-645 | Temperature dependence of liquid-lithium sputtering from oblique 700 eV He ions | J.P. Allain, M.D. Coventry, D.N. Ruzic |
646-650 | Helium retention and diffusivity in flowing liquid lithium | M. Nieto, D.N. Ruzic, J.P. Allain, M.D. Coventry, E. Vargas-Lopez |
651-656 | Energy deposition and thermal effects of runaway electrons in ITER-FEAT plasma facing components | G Maddaluno, G Maruccia, M Merola, S Rollet |
657-663 | Scaling of ITER divertor parameters – interpolation from 2D modelling and extrapolation | H.D. Pacher, A.S. Kukushkin, G.W. Pacher, G. Janeschitz |
664-669 | Comprehensive modeling of ELMs and their effect on plasma-facing surfaces during normal tokamak operation | A. Hassanein, I. Konkashbaev |
670-674 | Electron emission and molecular fragmentation during hydrogen and deuterium ion impact on carbon surfaces | A. Qayyum, W. Schustereder, C. Mair, P. Scheier, T.D. Märk, S. Cernusca, HP. Winter, F. Aumayr |
675-678 | Experimental evaluation of space charge limited emission current from tungsten surface in high density helium plasma | Y. Hagino, N. Ohno, S. Takamura, M.Y. Ye |
679-684 | Tritium permeation study through tungsten and nickel using pure tritium ion beam | Hirofumi Nakamura, Wataru Shu, Takumi Hayashi, Masataka Nishi |
685-689 | Influence of plasma pressure gradient on melt layer macroscopic erosion of metal targets in disruption simulation experiments | V.I. Tereshin, I.E. Garkusha, A.N. Bandura, O.V. Byrka, V.V. Chebotarev, V.A. Makhlaj, D.G. Solyakov, H. Wuerz |
690-695 | Impact of armor materials on tritium breeding ratio in the fusion reactor blanket | S Sato, T Nishitani |
696-700 | Ion temperature measurement using an ion sensitive probe in the LHD divertor plasma | N. Ezumi, S. Masuzaki, N. Ohno, Y. Uesugi, S. Takamura, LHD Experimental Group |
701-705 | Speckle interferometry diagnostic for erosion/redeposition measurements in tokamaks | E. Gauthier, G. Roupillard |
706-710 | Calorimetry in Tore Supra.: An accurate tool and a benchmark for ITER | J.-C. Vallet, M. Chantant, R. Mitteau, D. Thouvenin, J.J. Cordier, A. Ekedahl, F. Escourbiac, F. Kazarian, T. Loarer, K. Vulliez |
711-715 | Surface temperature measurements on Tokamak target plates with two types of infra red fibres | R. Reichle, C. Pocheau, E. Delchambre, L. Ducobu, F. Faisse, D. Guilhem, M. Jouve, D. Moulin, H. Roche, E. Thomas |
716-719 | High resolution measurements of the Hα line shape in LHD plasmas | H. Kawazome, K. Kondo, K. Ida, K. Takiyama, M. Goto, S. Morita, N. Tamura, N. Ohyabu, S. Sudo and The LHD experimental Group |
720-724 | Emissive probe measurement of electron temperature in recombining plasma produced in the linear divertor simulator TPD-II | Akihiro Matsubara, Tatsunori Sugimoto, Takehisa Shibuya, Kazutaka Kawamura, Shigeru Sudo, Kuninori Sato |
725-728 | Two-dimensional diagnostics of edge and divertor region of toroidal helical plasmas using a lithium beam probe | K. Nakamura, H. Iguchi, M. Ueda, T. Morisaki, M. Isobe, K. Ida, C. Takahashi, S. Okamura, K. Matsuoka |
729-733 | Particle collection at the plasma edge by a fast reciprocating probe at the TEXTOR tokamak | B. Emmoth, P. Wienhold, M. Rubel, B. Schweer, R. Zagórski |
734-737 | Observations with a mid-plane reciprocating probe in MAST | Y. Yang, G.F. Counsell, The MAST team |
738-742 | Thermographic observation of the divertor target plates in the stellarators W7-AS and W7-X | D. Hildebrandt, F. Gadelmeier, P. Grigull, K. McCormick, D. Naujoks, D. Sünder, W7-AS Team |
743-747 | Photon efficiency (S | U. Fantz, B. Heger, D. Wünderlich, R. Pugno, ASDEX Upgrade Team |
748-753 | Measurements of hydrogen negative ion and its comparison with the molecular hydrogen spectra in divertor simulator MAP-II | S. Kajita, S. Kado, N. Uchida, T. Shikama, S. Tanaka |
754-758 | Experimental investigations on hydrocarbon-enhanced MAR processes in low temperature plasma in divertor simulator MAP-II | S. Kado, H. Kobayashi, T. Oishi, S. Tanaka |
759-767 | Stationary and transient divertor heat flux profiles and extrapolation to ITER | A. Herrmann, T. Eich, S. Jachmich, M. Laux, P. Andrew, A. Bergmann, A. Loarte, G. Matthews, J. Neuhauser, ASDEX Upgrade team, Contributors to EFDA-JET work programme |
768-776 | Transport of ELM energy and particles into the SOL and divertor of DIII–D | A.W. Leonard, J.A. Boedo, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.J. Groebner, M. Goth, C.J. Lasnier, M.A. Mahdavi, T.H. Osborne, D.L. Rudakov, T.W. Petrie, J.G. Watkins |
777-786 | Comparing scrape-off layer and divertor physics in JET pure He and D discharges | R.A. Pitts, P. Andrew, Y. Andrew, M. Becoulet, I. Coffey, D. Coster, D.C. McDonald, T. Eich, S.K. Erents, M.E. Fenstermacher, W. Fundamenski, G. Haas, A. Hermann, C. Hidalgo, D. Hillis, A. Huber, L.C. Ingesson, S. Jachmich, A. Kallenbach, A. Korotkov, et al. | |
787-795 | Narrow power profiles seen at JET and their relation to ion orbit losses | W. Fundamenski, S. Sipilä, T. Eich, T. Kiviniemi, T. Kurki-Suonio, G. Matthews, V. Riccardo and Contributors to the EFDA-JET work programme |
796-803 | Theoretical understanding of turbulent transport in the SOL | Y. Sarazin, Ph. Ghendrih, G. Attuel, C. Clément, X. Garbet, V. Grandgirard, M. Ottaviani, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer, N. Bian, C. Figarella |
804-812 | A review of plasma boundary phenomena in the mega ampere spherical tokamak | G.F. Counsell, J.-W. Ahn, R. Akers, E. Arends, S.J. Fielding, P. Helander, A. Kirk, H. Meyer, A. Tabasso, H. Wilson, Y. Yang |
813-819 | Intermittent convection in the boundary of DIII-D | J.A. Boedo, D.L. Rudakov, R.J. Colchin, R.A. Moyer, S. Krasheninnikov, D.G. Whyte, G.R. McKee, G. Porter, M.J. Schaffer, P.C. Stangeby, W.P. West, S.L. Allen, A.W. Leonard |
820-827 | Plasma flow measurement in high- and low-field-side SOL and influence on the divertor plasma in JT-60U | N. Asakura, S. Sakurai, K. Itami, O. Naito, H. Takenaga, S. Higashijima, Y. Koide, Y. Sakamoto, H. Kubo, G.D. Porter |
828-833 | Influence of plasma–wall interactions on the behaviour of ELMs in JT-60U | A.V. Chankin, N. Asakura, T. Fukuda, A. Isayama, K. Itami, Y. Kamada, H. Kubo, Y. Miura, T. Nakano, N. Oyama, S. Takeji, H. Takenaga |
834-838 | Changes in edge and scrape-off layer plasma behavior due to variation in magnetic balance in DIII-D | T.W. Petrie, J.G. Watkins, L.R. Baylor, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, A.W. Hyatt, G.L. Jackson, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, A.Yu. Pigarov, M.E. Rensink, T.D. Rognlien, M.J. Schaffer, N.S. Wolf and The DIII-D Team |
839-844 | Impact of wall conditioning and gas fuelling on the enhanced confinement modes in TJ-II | F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, R. Balbı́n, B. Brañas, T. Estrada, I. Garcı́a-Cortés, F. Medina, M.A. Ochando |
845-851 | Radiation transfer in dense edge plasmas and divertors: experimental and recent computational results | D Reiter, S Wiesen, M Born |
852-856 | The relation between edge and divertor plasmas in the Large Helical Device | S. Masuzaki, N. Ohyabu, T. Morisaki, M. Goto, K. Kawahata, A. Komori, S. Morita, K. Narihara, B.J. Peterson, K. Tanaka, T. Tokuzawa, O. Motojima and LHD Experimental Group |
857-862 | Modelling of island divertor physics and comparison to W7-AS experimental results | Y. Feng, F. Sardei, P. Grigull, K. McCormick, L. Giannone, J. Kisslinger, D. Reiter, Y. Igitkhanov, U. Wenzel |
863-867 | Experimental evidence of fluctuations and flows near marginal stability and dynamical interplay between gradients and transport in the JET plasma boundary region | C. Hidalgo, B. Gonçalves, M.A. Pedrosa, C. Silva, R. Balbı́n, M. Hron, A. Loarte, K. Erents, G.F. Matthews, R. Pitts |
868-872 | An overview of JET edge modelling activities | D.P. Coster, X. Bonnin, G. Corrigan, R. Dejarnac, M. Fenstermacher, W. Fundamenski, A. Geier, J. Hogan, A. Kallenbach, A. Kirschner, K. Krieger, A. Loarte, G. Matthews, R.A. Pitts, G. Porter, R. Pugno, D. Reiser, D. Reiter, S. Sipila, J. Spence, et al. | |
873-877 | Carbon sources in the DIII-D tokamak | R.C. Isler, R.J. Colchin, N.H. Brooks, T.E. Evans, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte |
878-882 | Edge plasma effects in DIII-D impurity seeded discharges | G.L. Jackson, J.A. Boedo, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, G.R. McKee, M. Murakami, M.R. Wade, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte |
883-887 | Interpretive modeling of simple-as-possible-plasma discharges on DIII-D using the OEDGE code | P.C. Stangeby, J.D. Elder, J.A. Boedo, B. Bray, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, R.C. Isler, L.L. Lao, S. Lisgo, G.D. Porter, D. Reiter, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte |
888-892 | Two-dimensional distribution of divertor radiation in JT-60U | S. Konoshima, H. Tamai, Y. Miura, S. Higashijima, H. Kubo, S. Sakurai, K. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, Y. Koide, T. Hatae, H. Takenaga |
893-898 | Numerical simulation of plasma profile changes in TEXTOR by externally driven radial polarization currents | H. Gerhauser, R. Zagórski, S. Jachmich, M. VanSchoor |
899-903 | Effect of core-edge coupling on operation regimes of ITER-like reactor | R. Stankiewicz, R. Zagórski |
904-908 | Scrape-off layer features of the QH-mode | C.J. Lasnier, K.H. Burrell, J.S. deGrassie, A.W. Leonard, R.A. Moyer, G.D. Porter, J.G. Watkins and DIII-D team |
909-913 | Improved modelling of detachment and neutral-dominated regimes using the SOLPS | X. Bonnin, D. Coster, C.S. Pitcher, R. Schneider, D. Reiter, V. Rozhansky, S. Voskoboynikov, H. Bürbaumer |
914-918 | Patterns of ELM impacts on the JET wall components | Ph. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, M. Bécoulet, G. Huysmans, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer, C. Figarella, X. Garbet, P. Monier-Garbet and JET team |
919-924 | Power deposition measurements in deuterium and helium discharges in JET MKIIGB divertor by IR-thermography | T Eich, A Herrmann, P Andrew, A Loarte and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Program |
925-930 | Tomographic reconstruction of 2D line radiation distribution in the JET MkIIGB divertor | A Huber, P Coad, D Coster, L.C Ingesson, K Itami, S Jachmich, A Kirschner, M Lehnen, G.F Matthews, Ph Mertens, V Philipps, A Pospieszczyk, B Schweer, G Sergienko, M Stamp and Contributors to the EFDA-JET programme |
931-935 | Predicted effects of parallel temperature gradients on the overestimation of TCV divertor target Langmuir probe T | J. Horacek, R.A. Pitts, P.C. Stangeby, O. Batishchev, A. Loarte |
936-940 | Analysis of the progress to detachment in the divertor of the MAST tokamak | A Tabasso, J Dowling, J.-W Ahn, G Cunningham, A Kirk, G McArdle, M Price, The MAST Team |
941-946 | Wall conditioning and power balance for spheromak plasmas in SSPX | D.N. Hill, R.D. Wood, R. Bulmer, H.S. McLean, D. Ryutov, B.W. Stallard, S. Woodruff |
947-951 | Asymmetric divertor plasma distribution observed in Heliotron J ECH discharges | T. Mizuuchi, W.L. Ang, Y. Nishioka, T. Kobayashi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, K. Kondo, F. Sano, S. Besshou, Y. Nakamura, M. Nakasuga, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, K. Tomiyama, H. Tsuru, Y. Ohno, et al. | |
952-955 | Confinement and gas fueling in LHD limiter discharges | K. Nishimura, K. Kawahata, K. Narihara, T. Morisaki, S. Masuzaki, S. Sakakibara, K. Tanaka, LHD Experimental Group |
956-961 | Influence of the plasma on ICRF antenna voltage limits | V. Bobkov, J.-M. Noterdaeme, F. Wesner, R. Wilhelm, ASDEX Upgrade Team |
962-966 | ELM energy and particle losses and their extrapolation to burning plasma experiments | A. Loarte, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, M. Becoulet, L. Horton, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, M. Laux, G. Matthews, S. Jachmich, N. Asakura, A. Chankin, A. Leonard, G. Porter, G. Federici, M. Shimada, M. Sugihara, G. Janeschitz |
967-971 | On the measurement of molecular particle fluxes in fusion boundary plasmas | S Brezinsek, P.T Greenland, Ph Mertens, A Pospieszczyk, D Reiter, U Samm, B Schweer, G Sergienko |
972-975 | Anomalous particle transport and flow shear in the edge region of RFP’s | V. Antoni, H. Bergsåker, G. Serianni, M. Spolaore, N. Vianello, R. Cavazzana, G. Regnoli, E. Spada, E. Martines, M. Bagatin, J.R. Drake |
976-979 | Plasma–wall interactions and radial electric fields in the reversed field pinch RFX | L. Carraro, M.E. Puiatti, F. Sattin, P. Scarin, M. Spolaore, M. Valisa, B. Zaniol, P. Zanca |
980-985 | Divertor detachment during pure helium plasmas in JET | M. Wischmeier, D. Coster, X. Bonnin, T. Eich, A. Huber, C. Ingesson, S. Jachmich, A. Kukushkin, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, R.A. Pitts, J. Rapp, D. Reiter, E. Tsitrone, Contributors EFDA-JET Work Programme |
986-989 | The effect of ion orbit losses on JET edge plasma simulations | G.F. Matthews, G. Corrigan, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, A. Kallenbach, T. Kurki-Suonio, S. Sipilä, J. Spence and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme |
990-994 | Recycling impurity compression in Alcator C-mod divertor | T. Chung, C.S. Pitcher, B. Labombard, B. Lipschultz, J.L. Terry, J.E. Rice, J.A. Goetz, J.D. Elder, P.C. Stangeby |
995-999 | Toroidal rotation as an explanation for plasma flow observations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer | B. LaBombard, S. Gangadhara, B. Lipschultz, C.S. Pitcher |
1000-1004 | E | T.D. Rognlien, M. Shimada |
1005-1009 | Heat flux scaling experiments in NSTX | R. Maingi, H.W. Kugel, C.J. Lasnier, A.L. Roquemore, V.A. Soukhanovskii, C.E. Bush, The NSTX Team |
1010-1014 | Neutralization loss of high energy particles in the plasma boundary of LHD | M. Sasao, M. Isobe, T. Seki, K. Saito, T. Saida, S. Murakami LHD-Experimental Group, A.V. Krasilnikov |
1015-1019 | Two-dimensional modelling for HT-7U tokamak divertor | YiPing Chen |
1020-1024 | Numerical predictions for the HT-7U divertor | Sizheng Zhu, Xuejun Zha |
1025-1029 | Current measurements in the scrape-off layer of Tore Supra with the new CIEL limiter | M. Lehnen, T. Loarer, J. Gunn, J. Hourtoule, J.-L. Lachambre, P. Spuig |
1030-1035 | Hierarchy tests of edge transport models (BoRiS, UEDGE) | J. Riemann, M. Borchardt, R. Schneider, X. Bonnin, A. Mutzke, T. Rognlien, M. Umansky |
1036-1040 | Effect of transport on MAR in detached divertor plasma | Kenji Miyamoto, A. Hatayama, Y. Ishii, T. Miyamoto, A. Fukano |
1041-1045 | Asymmetry of dense divertor plasmas influenced by thermoelectric potential and charge-exchange momentum loss | N. Hayashi, T. Takizuka, M. Hosokawa, K. Shimizu |
1046-1051 | Observation of molecular assisted recombination via negative ions formation in a divertor plasma simulator, TPDSHEET-IV | Akira Tonegawa, Masataka Ono, Yasushi Morihira, Hironori Ogawa, Takehisa Shibuya, Kazutaka Kawamura, Kazuo Takayama |
1052-1055 | Runaway effects at the plasma boundary in ISTTOK | V.V. Plyusnin, J.A.C. Cabral, H. Figueiredo, C.A.F. Varandas |
1056-1060 | Modeling approach to a 3D simulation of transport in TEXTOR-DED laminar zone with a finite element method | M Kobayashi, D Reiser, G Sewell, K.H Finken, S.S Abdullaev |
1061-1065 | Deuterium to helium plasma-wall change-over experiments in the JET MkII-gas box divertor | D.L. Hillis, T. Loarer, J. Bucalossi, A. Pospieszczyk, W. Fundamenski, G. Matthews, A. Meigs, P. Morgan, V. Phillips, R. Pitts, M. Stamp, M. von Hellermann and EFDA-JET workprogramme contributors |
1066-1070 | Neutral transport simulations of gas puff imaging experiments | D.P. Stotler, B. LaBombard, J.L. Terry, S.J. Zweben |
1071-1075 | High time-resolved, 2D imaging of type-I ELMs in DIII-D using a image-intensified CID camera | M. Groth, M.E. Fenstermacher, J.A. Boedo, N.H. Brooks, D.S. Gray, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, G.D. Porter, J.G. Watkins |
1076-1080 | DIII-D edge plasma simulations with UEDGE code including non-diffusive anomalous cross-field transport | A.Yu Pigarov, S.I Krasheninnikov, W.P West, T.D Rognlien, J.A Boedo, D.G Whyte, C.J Lasnier, T.W Petrie, M.J Schaffer, J.G Watkins |
1081-1084 | The influence of the divertor magnetic configuration and of ELM frequency on target heat fluxes in MAST | A. Kirk, J.-W. Ahn, G.F. Counsell and The MAST Team |
1085-1088 | Simulation of the effect of plasma flows in DIII-D, JET, and JT-60U | G.D. Porter, T.D. Rognlien, M.E. Rensink, A. Loarte, N. Asakura, H. Takenaga, G. Matthews and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Work Programme |
1089-1093 | EIRENE neutral code modeling of the C-mod divertor | S. Lisgo, P.C. Stangeby, C.J. Boswell, J.D. Elder, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, C.S. Pitcher, D. Reiter, J.L. Terry |
1094-1097 | A method of kinetic description of the near-wall plasma and non-local effects | A.F. Nastoyashchii, I.N. Morozov |
1098-1102 | A new plasma condensation phenomenon in the W7-AS island divertor | U. Wenzel, K. McCormick, N. Ramasubramanian, P. Grigull, R. König |
1103-1108 | Bolometric images of the three-dimensional structure of asymmetric radiative collapse in LHD | N. Ashikawa, B.J. Peterson, S. Sudo, A.Yu. Kostrioukov, Y. Xu, M. Shoji, T. Watanabe, M. Osakabe, S. Morita, M. Goto and LHD Experimental Group |
1109-1113 | Dusty sheaths in plasmas | O.Yu. Kravchenko, Yu.I. Chutov, W.J. Goedheer, R.D. Smirnov, S. Takamura |
1114-1118 | Angular dependence of the floating potential in a magnetized plasma | B. Koch, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann |
1119-1122 | Particle-in-cell simulations of the plasma-wall transition with a magnetic field almost parallel to the wall | D Tskhakaya, S Kuhn |
1123-1130 | Control of divertor heat load by Ar injection with keeping high performance in ELMy H-mode plasmas on JT-60U | S. Higashijima, N. Asakura, H. Kubo, Y. Miura, T. Nakano, S. Konoshima, K. Itami, S. Sakurai, H. Takenaga, H. Tamai and The JT-60 Team |
1131-1140 | Island divertor experiments on the Wendelstein 7-AS stellarator | K. McCormick, P. Grigull, R. Burhenn, R. Brakel, H. Ehmler, Y. Feng, R. Fischer, F. Gadelmeier, L. Giannone, D. Hildebrandt, M. Hirsch, E. Holzhauer, R. Jaenicke, J. Kisslinger, T. Klinger, S. Klose, J.P. Knauer, R. König, G. Kühner, H.P. Laqua, et al. | |
1141-1149 | Impact of drifts on the distribution of impurities in the Tokamak plasma edge | V. Rozhansky, E. Kaveeva, S. Voskoboynikov, A.H. Bekheit, D. Coster, X. Bonnin, R. Schneider |
1150-1155 | Accumulation of impurities in advanced scenarios | R. Dux, C. Giroud, R. Neu, A.G. Peeters, J. Stober, K.-D. Zastrow, Contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
1156-1160 | Effect upon the core plasma radiation due to high power laser injection onto C, W and Ta test-limiters in TEXTOR | T. Ohgo, M. Wada, K. Ohya, T. Hirai, W. Biel, T. Tanabe, K. Kondo, J. Rapp, V. Philipps, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, A. Pospieszczyk, G. Bertschinger, N. Noda |
1161-1166 | Transport analysis of tungsten impurity in ITER | Y. Murakami, T. Amano, K. Shimizu, M. Shimada |
1167-1172 | Flow measurements in the scrape-off layer of Alcator C-Mod using impurity plumes | S. Gangadhara, B. LaBombard |
1173-1177 | Radiation in impurity-seeded discharges in the JET MkI, MkIIA and MkIIGB divertors | L.C. Ingesson, J. Rapp, G.F. Matthews and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme |
1178-1182 | Impurity radiation during ‘breathing’-like oscillations in LHD discharges using a wall limiter | B.J. Peterson, K. Sato, J.E. Rice, S. Morita, M. Goto, M. Osakabe, K. Tanaka, T. Tokuzawa, K. Kawahata, S. Masuzaki, S. Sakakibara, Y. Xu, A.Yu. Kostrioukov, N. Ashikawa, N. Noda, Y. Nakamura, H. Yamada, O. Kaneko, A. Komori, K. Yamazaki, et al. | |
1183-1187 | Multi-dimensional impurity transport code by Monte Carlo method including gyro-orbit effects | I. Hyodo, M. Hirano, K. Miyamoto, K. Hoshino, A. Hatayama |
1188-1191 | Impurity generation and suppression during IBW heating in HT-7 | J. Li, Y.P. Zhao, B.N. Wan, J.Y. Zhao, T. Watari, T. Seki and HT-7 team |
1192-1196 | The effect of magnetic field modification on heavy ion movement in advanced stellarators and helical devices | Alexander Shishkin, Oleg Shyshkin, Horst Wobig, Yurii Igitkhanov, Osamu Motojima, Shigeyuki Morimoto, Kozo Yamazaki, Shigeru Inagaki |
1197-1201 | Radiation enhancement and impurity behavior in JT-60U reversed shear discharges | H. Kubo, S. Sakurai, S. Higashijima, H. Takenaga, K. Itami, S. Konoshima, T. Nakano, Y. Koide, N. Asakura, K. Shimizu, T. Fujita, K.W. Hill |
1202-1205 | Unified analytic representation of hydrocarbon impurity collision cross-sections | R.K. Janev, D. Reiter |
1206-1210 | Comparison of carbon and main ion radiation profiles in matched helium and deuterium plasmas in JET | M.E. Fenstermacher, K.D. Lawson, G.D. Porter, S.K. Erents, C. Ingesson, G.F. Matthews, G.M. McCracken, V. Philipps, R.A. Pitts, M.F. Stamp and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme |
1211-1215 | Methane penetration in DIII-D ELMing H-mode plasmas | W.P. West, C.J. Lasnier, D.G. Whyte, R.C. Isler, T.E. Evans, G.L. Jackson, D. Rudakov, M.R. Wade, J. Strachan |
1216-1220 | Modeling of tungsten transport in the SOL for sources at the central column of ASDEX Upgrade using DIVIMP | A. Geier, K. Krieger, J.D. Elder, R. Pugno, V. Rohde, The ASDEX Upgrade Team |
1221-1228 | Modeling of ELM events and their effect on impurity enrichment | J. Hogan, R. Colchin, D. Coster, L. Baylor, M. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, M. Wade |
1229-1233 | Heat flux pattern on the toroidal pump limiter of Tore Supra: first observations and preliminary analysis | R. Mitteau, J.C. Vallet, A. Moal, D. Guilhem, J. Schlosser, T. Loarer, B. Riou, A. Grosman, A. Géraud, Ph. Ghendrih, E. Tsitrone, B. Pegourié, J.M. Ané |
1234-1238 | Effects of trapped particles on distribution of divertor flow in Heliotron-E | V.S. Voitsenya, V.V. Chechkin, T. Mizuuchi, K. Nagasaki, M. Nakasuga, H. Okada, S. Besshou, K. Kondo, F. Sano, T. Obiki, S. Masuzaki, O. Motojima, L.E. Sorokovoj |
1239-1246 | Disruption mitigation with high-pressure noble gas injection | D.G. Whyte, T.C. Jernigan, D.A. Humphreys, A.W. Hyatt, C.J. Lasnier, P.B. Parks, T.E. Evans, P.L. Taylor, A.G. Kellman, D.S. Gray, E.M. Hollmann |
1247-1252 | Disruptions – a proposal for their mitigation by runaway suppression | K.H. Finken, A. Kraemer-Flecken, M. Lehnen, A. Savtchkov |
1253-1257 | Studies of detached plasmas on the ULS divertor simulator | K.J. Gibson, P.K. Browning, B. Mihaljcic, D.A. Forder, J. Hugill |
1258-1261 | Effect of plasma shape on particle flux and particle removal in DIII-D | J.G. Watkins, T.W. Petrie, C.J. Lasnier, S.L. Allen, M.E. Fenstermacher, T.C. Luce, M.A. Mahdavi, R. Maingi, L.W. Owen, M.E. Rensink, M.R. Wade |
1262-1266 | Experiments on selective removal of helium by an application of radio frequency field | T. Shoji, Y. Sakawa, N. Tamura, S. Jachmich, G. Mank, K.H. Finken |
1267-1271 | Edge plasma control with a local island divertor | A. Komori, T. Morisaki, R. Sakamoto, N. Ohyabu, S. Morita, B.J. Perterson, S. Masuzaki, H. Suzuki, M. Shoji, Y. Nakamura, S. Sakakibara, K. Narihara, N. Noda, O. Motojima and The LHD Experimental Group |
1272-1276 | Control of rotating helical magnetic field penetration into tokamak plasmas using electrode biasing in HYBTOK-II | Y. Kikuchi, V.P. Budaev, M. Toyoda, Y. Uesugi, S. Takamura |
1277-1281 | Simulation of divertor detachment characteristics in JT-60 with superconducting coils | K. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, S. Sakurai, H. Tamai, H. Takenaga, H. Kubo, Y. Miura |
1282-1286 | Modeling of coupled edge stochastic and core resonant magnetic field effects in diverted tokamaks | T.E. Evans, R.A. Moyer |
1287-1291 | Influence of magnetic field configurations on divertor plasma parameters in the W7-AS stellarator | P. Grigull, K. McCormick, Y. Feng, A. Werner, R. Brakel, H. Ehmler, F. Gadelmeier, D. Hartmann, D. Hildebrandt, R. Jaenicke, J. Kisslinger, T. Klinger, R. König, D. Naujoks, H. Niedermeyer, N. Ramasubramanian, F. Sardei, F. Wagner, U. Wenzel and The W7-AS Team |
1292-1297 | Transport in complex magnetic geometries: 3D modelling of ergodic edge plasmas in fusion experiments | A. Runov, S. Kasilov, D. Reiter, N. McTaggart, X. Bonnin, R. Schneider |
1298-1303 | Neutral particle modelling and particle exhaust in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator | H. Grote, J. Kisslinger, H. Renner, J. Boscary, H. Greuner, F.W. Hoffmann, B. Mendelevitch |
1304-1308 | Plasma boundary considerations for the national compact stellarator experiment | P. Mioduszewski, A. Grossman, M. Fenstermacher, A. Koniges, L. Owen, T. Rognlien, M. Umansky |
1309-1313 | Effect of rotating helical magnetic field on the turbulence fractal structure and transport in the tokamak edge | V.P. Budaev, Y. Kikuchi, M. Toyoda, Y. Uesugi, S. Takamura |
1314-1320 | H-mode barrier control with external magnetic perturbations | A. Grosman, J.-M. Ané, P. Barabaschi, K.H. Finken, A. Mahdavi, Ph. Ghendrih, G. Huysmans, M. Lipa, P.R. Thomas, E. Tsitrone |
1321-1325 | Power deposition behaviour on the neutralizer plates during detachment with the ergodic divertor on Tore Supra | L. Costanzo, T. Loarer, Ph. Ghendrih, J.P. Gunn, B. Pégourié |
1326-1330 | An experimental and theoretical study on the formation of electric field induced flow shear in the tokamak edge | M. Van Schoor, S. Jachmich, R.R. Weynants |
1331-1334 | Two-dimensional particle simulation of the flow control in SOL and divertor plasmas | T. Takizuka, M. Hosokawa, K. Shimizu |
1335-1337 | Potential formation and ion distribution function in expanding magnetic field to divertor region | Y. Tomita |
1338-1342 | Characteristics of boundary plasmas after the removal of divertor baffle plates and boronization on JFT-2M | H. Kawashima, S. Sengoku, K. Tsuzuki, H. Ogawa, H. Kimura |
1343-1368 | Author index | |
1369-1408 | Subject index | |
1409-1464 | PSI-15 subject index | |
77-87 | Review: Evolution of stacking fault tetrahedra and its role in defect accumulation under cascade damage conditions | B. N. Singh, S. I. Golubov, H. Trinkaus, D. J. Edwards, M. Eldrup |
88-96 | Spectroscopic and microscopic investigation of the corrosion of 316/316L stainless steel by lead–bismuth eutectic (LBE) at elevated temperatures: importance of surface preparation | Allen L. Johnson, Denise Parsons, Julia Manzerova, Dale L. Perry, Dan Koury, Brian Hosterman, John W. Farley |
97-102 | Electro-chemical reduction of MOX in LiCl | Masaki Kurata, Tadashi Inoue, Jerome Serp, Michel Ougier, Jean-Paul Glatz |
103-106 | Deuterium permeation through Eurofer and α-alumina coated Eurofer | D. Levchuk, F. Koch, H. Maier, H. Bolt |
107-114 | Vacancy cluster evolution and swelling in irradiated 316 stainless steel | Michael P. Surh, J. B. Sturgeon, W. G. Wolfer |
115-123 | Cyclic cracking behavior of low-alloy pressure vessel steel in simulated BWR water | X. Wu, Y. Katada |
124-136 | Surface chemistry of Pu oxides | J. Douglas Farr, Roland K. Schulze, Mary P. Neu |
137-145 | Study of the β→α variant selection for a zircaloy-4 rod heated to the β transus in presence or not of an axial tensile stress | N. Gey, M. Humbert, E. Gautier, J. L. Béchade |
146-150 | Small punch tests on austenitic and martensitic steels irradiated in a spallation environment with 530 MeV protons | D. Finarelli, M. Roedig, F. Carsughi |
151-164 | INCAS: an analytical model to describe displacement cascades | Stéphanie Jumel, Jean Claude Van-Duysen |
165-179 | A statistical TEM investigation of dislocation channeling mechanism in neutron irradiated zirconium alloys | F. Onimus, I. Monnet, J. L. Béchade, C. Prioul, P. Pilvin |
180-196 | Thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of fuel oxidation behaviour in operating defective fuel | B. J. Lewis, W. T. Thompson, F. Akbari, D. M. Thompson, C. Thurgood, J. Higgs |
197-214 | Defect production efficiency in metals under neutron irradiation | C. H. M. Broeders, A. Yu. Konobeyev |
215-224 | Drying characteristics of thorium fuel corrosion products | R. -E. (Lords) Smith |
225-231 | Oxidation of the hexagonal Zr(Cr0.4Fe0.6)2 Laves phase | P. B. Bozzano, C. Ramos, F. Saporiti, P. A. Vázquez, R. A. Versaci, C. Saragovi |
232-242 | Dynamic strain aging under tensile and LCF loading conditions, and their comparison in cold worked 316L stainless steel | Seong-Gu Hong, Soon-Bok Lee |
243-248 | Experiments, characterizations and analysis of a U3Si2–Al dispersion fuel plate with sandwich structure | Xi-Shu Wang, Yong Xu |
249-252 | Shadow corrosion | N. Ramasubramanian |
253-255 | Author index | |
256-261 | Subject index | |
ii | Editorial board | |
xi | Preface | |
xiii-xxiii | Contents (Parts A and B) | |
xxv-lii | Author index | |
liii-cxi | Subject index | |
1-4 | Japanese policy on the science and technology research | Hiroo Imura |
5-11 | The present status and future prospects of the ITER project | Y. Shimomura |
12-19 | Materials to deliver the promise of fusion power – progress and challenges | E. E. Bloom, S. J. Zinkle, F. W. Wiffen |
20-30 | The European integrated materials and technology programme in fusion | R. Andreani, E. Diegele, R. Laesser, B. van der Schaaf |
31-38 | ITER nuclear components, preparing for the construction and R&D results | K. Ioki, M. Akiba, P. Barabaschi, V. Barabash, S. Chiocchio, W. Daenner, F. Elio, M. Enoeda, K. Ezato, G. Federici, A. Gervash, D. Grebennikov, L. Jones, S. Kajiura, V. Krylov, T. Kuroda, P. Lorenzetto, S. Maruyama, M. Merola, N. Miki, et al. | |
39-46 | Recent results of the reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel development | S. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, A. Kohyama, R. L. Klueh, A. A. Tavassoli, B. van der Schaaf, G. R. Odette, J. W. Rensman, M. Victoria, C. Petersen |
47-55 | Recent progress on development of vanadium alloys for fusion | R. J. Kurtz, K. Abe, V. M. Chernov, D. T. Hoelzer, H. Matsui, T. Muroga, G. R. Odette |
56-65 | Issues and advances in SiCf/SiC composites development for fusion reactors | B. Riccardi, L. Giancarli, A. Hasegawa, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, R. H. Jones, L. L. Snead |
66-73 | Materials for the plasma-facing components of fusion reactors | H. Bolt, V. Barabash, W. Krauss, J. Linke, R. Neu, S. Suzuki, N. Yoshida, ASDEX Upgrade Team |
74-80 | Major results of the cooperative program between JAERI and universities using plasma facing materials in JT-60U | N. Miya, T. Tanabe, M. Nishikawa, K. Okuno, Y. Hirohata, Y. Oya |
81-87 | Analysis of defect structural evolution in fcc metals irradiated with neutrons under well defined boundary conditions | T. Yoshiie, Y. Satoh, Q. Xu |
88-96 | Observation and analysis of defect cluster production and interactions with dislocations | S. J. Zinkle, Y. Matsukawa |
97-102 | Determination of effective charge states for point radiation defects in fusion ceramic materials | A. I. Ryazanov, A. V. Klaptsov, C. Kinoshita, K. Yasuda |
103-111 | Multiscale modeling of radiation damage in Fe-based alloys in the fusion environment | B. D. Wirth, G. R. Odette, J. Marian, L. Ventelon, J. A. Young-Vandersall, L. A. Zepeda-Ruiz |
112-118 | Present status of beryllide R&D as neutron multiplier | H. Kawamura, H. Takahashi, N. Yoshida, Y. Mishima, K. Ishida, T. Iwadachi, A. Cardella, J. G. van der Laan, M. Uchida, K. Munakata, Y. Sato, V. Shestakov, S. Tanaka |
119-124 | Recent progress in the development of electrically insulating coatings for a liquid lithium blanket | Bruce A. Pint, P. F. Tortorelli, A. Jankowski, J. Hayes, T. Muroga, A. Suzuki, O. I. Yeliseyeva, V. M. Chernov |
125-132 | Performance of functional materials and components in a fusion reactor: the issue of radiation effects in ceramics and glass materials for diagnostics | Marc Decreton, Tatsuo Shikama, Eric Hodgson |
133-140 | The manufacturing technologies of the European breeding blankets | A. Cardella, E. Rigal, L. Bedel, Ph. Bucci, J. Fiek, L. Forest, L. V. Boccaccini, E. Diegele, L. Giancarli, S. Hermsmeyer, G. Janeschitz, R. Lässer, A. Li Puma, J. D. Lulewicz, A. Möslang, Y. Poitevin, E. Rabaglino |
141-147 | Superconducting magnet system in a fusion reactor | K. Okuno, A. Shikov, N. Koizumi |
148-155 | Materials and design of the European DEMO blankets | L. V. Boccaccini, L. Giancarli, G. Janeschitz, S. Hermsmeyer, Y. Poitevin, A. Cardella, E. Diegele |
156-160 | Role and contribution of ITER in research of materials and reactor components | Vladimir Barabash |
161-165 | Discussion on fast track and impact on materials R&D strategy – fusion material issues for the energy systems in future | S. Konishi |
166-172 | Materials needs for fusion, Generation IV fission reactors and spallation neutron sources – similarities and differences | L. K. Mansur, A. F. Rowcliffe, R. K. Nanstad, S. J. Zinkle, W. R. Corwin, R. E. Stoller |
173-177 | Overview of recent European materials R&D activities related to ITER | A. T. Peacock, V. Barabash, W. Dänner, M. Rödig, P. Lorenzetto, P. Marmy, M. Merola, B. N. Singh, S. Tähtinen, J. van der Laan, C. H. Wu |
178-182 | Overview on materials R&D activities in Japan towards ITER construction and operation | H. Takatsu, K. Sato, K. Hamada, M. Nakahira, S. Suzuki, H. Nakajima, T. Kuroda, T. Nishitani, T. Shikama, W. Shu |
183-187 | Experimental evaluation of tritium permeation through stainless steel tubes of heat exchanger from primary to secondary water in ITER | Hirofumi Nakamura, Masataka Nishi |
188-192 | In-beam mechanical testing of CuCrZr | P. Marmy |
193-197 | IFMIF accelerator facility | R. A. Jameson, R. Ferdinand, H. Klein, J. Rathke, J. Sredniawski, M. Sugimoto |
198-201 | Low activation materials applicable to the IFMIF accelerator | M. Sugimoto, H. Takeuchi |
202-207 | Present status of the liquid lithium target facility in the international fusion materials irradiation facility (IFMIF) | Hiroo Nakamura, B. Riccardi, N. Loginov, K. Ara, L. Burgazzi, S. Cevolani, G. Dell'Orco, C. Fazio, D. Giusti, H. Horiike, M. Ida, H. Ise, H. Kakui, H. Matsui, G. Micciche, T. Muroga, Hideo Nakamura, K. Shimizu, M. Sugimoto, A. Suzuki, et al. | |
208-212 | High speed lithium flow experiments for IFMIF target | H. Kondo, A. Fujisato, N. Yamaoka, S. Inoue, S. Miyamoto, F. Sato, T. Iida, H. Horiike, I. Matushita, M. Ida, Hideo Nakamura, Hiroo Nakamura, T. Muroga |
213-217 | Assessment of the 3H and 7Be generation in the IFMIF lithium loop | S. P. Simakov, U. Fischer, U. von Möllendorff |
218-222 | Experimental studies on the neutron emission spectrum and activation cross-section for 40 MeV deuterons in IFMIF accelerator structural elements | M. Hagiwara, T. Itoga, M. Baba, M. S. Uddin, N. Hirabayashi, T. Oishi, T. Yamauchi |
223-227 | Overview on the IFMIF test cell development | V. Heinzel, P. Bem, E. Esposito, S. Gordeev, U. Fischer, A. Moeslang, S. Simakov, A. Shimizu, M. Sugimoto, I. Tiseanu, P. Vladimirov, Y. Watanabe, T. Yutani |
228-232 | Transmutation behaviour of Eurofer under irradiation in the IFMIF test facility and fusion power reactors | U. Fischer, S. P. Simakov, P. P. H. Wilson |
233-237 | Comparison of material irradiation conditions for fusion, spallation, stripping and fission neutron sources | P. Vladimirov, A. Möslang |
238-242 | Design of new Fe–9CrWV reduced-activation martensitic steels for creep properties at 650 °C | Y. de Carlan, M. Murugananth, T. Sourmail, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia |
243-247 | Reduced activation martensitic steels as a structural material for ITER test blanket | K. Shiba, M. Enoeda, S. Jitsukawa |
248-251 | Fatigue crack growth behavior of JLF-1 steel including TIG weldments | S. W. Kim, H. K. Yoon, W. J. Park, A. Kohyama |
252-256 | Cyclic instability of martensite laths in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels | A. F. Armas, C. Petersen, R. Schmitt, M. Avalos, I. Alvarez |
257-262 | Materials design data for reduced activation martensitic steel type EUROFER | A. -A. F. Tavassoli, A. Alamo, L. Bedel, L. Forest, J. -M. Gentzbittel, J. -W. Rensman, E. Diegele, R. Lindau, M. Schirra, R. Schmitt, H. C. Schneider, C. Petersen, A. -M. Lancha, P. Fernandez, G. Filacchioni, M. F. Maday, K. Mergia, N. Boukos, Baluc, P. Spätig, et al. | |
263-267 | Thermal fatigue behaviour of different candidate structural materials: a comparative study | G. Filacchioni, E. Casagrande, U. De Angelis, G. De Santis, D. Ferrara, L. Pilloni |
268-272 | Study of irradiation effects in China low activation martensitic steel CLAM | Qunying Huang, Jiangang Li, Yixue Chen |
273-277 | Grain boundary microchemistry and metallurgical characterization of Eurofer'97 after simulated service conditions | P. Fernández, M. García-Mazarío, A. M. Lancha, J. Lapeña |
278-282 | Tensile properties of a tempered martensitic iron–chromium–carbon model alloy | R. Bonadé, P. Spätig, M. Victoria, T. Yamamoto, G. R. Odette |
283-288 | Microstructure property analysis of HFIR-irradiated reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels | H. Tanigawa, N. Hashimoto, H. Sakasegawa, R. L. Klueh, M. A. Sokolov, K. Shiba, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kohyama |
289-293 | SANS investigation of proton-irradiated EUROFER97 | P. Spätig, R. Schäublin, N. Baluc, J. Kohlbrecher, M. Victoria |
294-298 | Synergistic effect of helium and hydrogen for defect evolution under multi-ion irradiation of Fe–Cr ferritic alloys | T. Tanaka, K. Oka, S. Ohnuki, S. Yamashita, T. Suda, S. Watanabe, E. Wakai |
299-303 | Creep rupture properties of nitrogen added 10Cr ferritic/martensitic steels | Sung Ho Kim, B. J. Song, Woo Seog Ryu, Jun Hwa Hong |
304-308 | Microstructural examination of low activation ferritic steels following irradiation in ORR at 330 and 400 °C to 10 dpa | D. S. Gelles |
309-313 | Microstructure and mechanical properties of F82H weld metal irradiated in SINQ target-3 | Xuejun Jia, Y. Dai |
314-318 | Microstructure and mechanical properties of ferritic/martensitic steel EP-823 after neutron irradiation to high doses in BOR-60 | S. I. Porollo, A. M. Dvoriashin, Yu. V. Konobeev, F. A. Garner |
319-323 | Influence of high dose neutron irradiation on microstructure of EP-450 ferritic–martensitic steel irradiated in three Russian fast reactors | A. M. Dvoriashin, S. I. Porollo, Yu. V. Konobeev, F. A. Garner |
324-327 | Effects of heat treatment process for blanket fabrication on mechanical properties of F82H | T. Hirose, K. Shiba, T. Sawai, S. Jitsukawa, M. Akiba |
328-332 | Creep deformation of iron strengthened by MX type particles | M. Tamura, H. Sakasegawa, A. Kohyama, H. Esaka, K. Shinozuka |
333-337 | Assessment of ODS-14%Cr ferritic alloy for high temperature applications | A. Alamo, V. Lambard, X. Averty, M. H. Mathon |
338-341 | Nanometer scale precipitation in ferritic MA/ODS alloy MA957 | M. K. Miller, D. T. Hoelzer, E. A. Kenik, K. F. Russell |
342-346 | Ring-tensile properties of irradiated oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic/martensitic steel claddings | T. Yoshitake, Y. Abe, N. Akasaka, S. Ohtsuka, S. Ukai, A. Kimura |
347-351 | TEM characterization of structure and composition of nanosized ODS particles in reduced activation ferritic–martensitic steels | M. Klimiankou, R. Lindau, A. Möslang |
352-355 | Irradiation creep and swelling from 400 to 600 °C of the oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic alloy MA957 | M. B. Toloczko, D. S. Gelles, F. A. Garner, R. J. Kurtz, K. Abe |
356-361 | Tube manufacturing trials by different routes in 9CrW-ODS martensitic steels | S. Ukai, T. Narita, A. Alamo, P. Parmentier |
362-368 | Effect of particle morphology and microstructure on strength, work-hardening and ductility behaviour of ODS-(7–13)Cr steels | D. Preininger |
369-371 | TEM examination of microstructural evolution during processing of 14CrYWTi nanostructured ferritic alloys | H. Kishimoto, M. J. Alinger, G. R. Odette, T. Yamamoto |
372-376 | Improvement of 9Cr-ODS martensitic steel properties by controlling excess oxygen and titanium contents | S. Ohtsuka, S. Ukai, M. Fujiwara, T. Kaito, T. Narita |
377-381 | Nano-oxide particle stability of 9–12Cr grain morphology modified ODS steels under neutron irradiation | S. Yamashita, N. Akasaka, S. Ohnuki |
382-386 | The development and stability of Y–Ti–O nanoclusters in mechanically alloyed Fe–Cr based ferritic alloys | M. J. Alinger, G. R. Odette, D. T. Hoelzer |
387-391 | Corrosion properties of oxide dispersion strengthened steels in super-critical water environment | H. S. Cho, A. Kimura, S. Ukai, M. Fujiwara |
392-396 | Y2O3 nano-particle formation in ODS ferritic steels by Y and O dual ion-implantation | D. Sakuma, S. Yamashita, K. Oka, S. Ohnuki, L. E. Rehn, E. Wakai |
397-400 | Deuterium retention in V–4Cr–4Ti alloy after deuterium ion irradiation | Y. Yamauchi, T. Yamada, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino, T. Muroga |
401-405 | The development of advanced vanadium alloys for fusion applications | J. M. Chen, T. Muroga, S. Y. Qiu, T. Nagasaka, W. G. Huang, M. J. Tu, Y. Chen, Y. Xu, Z. Y. Xu |
406-410 | Radiochemical reprocessing of V–Cr–Ti alloy and its feasibility study | S. A. Bartenev, I. B. Kvasnitskij, B. N. Kolbasov, P. V. Romanov, V. N. Romanovskij |
411-415 | Influence of heat treatment on hydrogen ingress into V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | Ryo Hayakawa, Yuji Hatano, Ken-ichi Fukumoto, Hideki Matsui, Kuniaki Watanabe |
416-419 | Creep rupture properties of helium implanted V–4Cr–4Ti alloy NIFS-HEAT-2 | Toshinori Chuto, Norikazu Yamamoto, Johsei Nagakawa, Yoshiharu Murase |
420-424 | The precipitation behavior of ion irradiated V–4Cr–4Ti alloys at various oxygen and nitrogen levels | M. Hatakeyama, H. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida |
425-428 | The study of temperature variation during HFIR irradiation on vanadium | H. Watanabe, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida |
429-433 | Effect of the modes of thermomechanical treatment on the formation of the multiphase and grain structure of V–4Ti–4Cr alloys | A. N. Tyumentsev, A. D. Korotaev, Yu. P. Pinzhin, I. A. Ditenberg, S. V. Litovchenko, Ya. V. Shuba, N. V. Shevchenko, V. A. Drobishev, M. M. Potapenko, V. M. Chernov |
434-437 | Potential energy diagram for hydrogen near vanadium surface | I. Takagi, T. Sugihara, T. Sasaki, K. Moritani, H. Moriyama |
438-441 | Effect of precipitation and solution behavior of impurities on mechanical properties of low activation vanadium alloy | A. Nishimura, A. Iwahori, N. J. Heo, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, S. -I. Tanaka |
442-446 | Effects of purity on high temperature mechanical properties of vanadium alloys | M. Koyama, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui |
447-451 | Effect of neutron irradiation on the microstructure and hardness in particle dispersed ultra-fine grained V–Y alloys | Sengo Kobayashi, Yusuke Tsuruoka, Kiyomichi Nakai, Hiroaki Kurishita |
452-456 | Influence of Cr, Ti concentrations on oxidation and corrosion resistance of V–Cr–Ti type alloys | M. Fujiwara, K. Takanashi, M. Satou, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe, K. Kakiuchi, T. Furuya |
457-461 | Mechanical properties and microstructures of high-chromium V–Cr–Ti type alloys | K. Sakai, M. Satou, M. Fujiwara, K. Takanashi, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe |
462-466 | High temperature strength of fine-grained, particle-dispersed V–(1.7–2.4)wt%Y alloys with different grain sizes and particle densities | S. Oda, H. Kurishita, Y. Tsuruoka, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, H. Matsui |
467-471 | Dislocation channel formation process in V–Cr–Ti alloys irradiated below 300 °C | M. Sugiyama, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui |
472-476 | Varying temperature effects on mechanical properties of vanadium alloys during neutron irradiation | K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui, T. Muroga, S. J. Zinkle, D. T. Hoelzer, L. L. Snead |
477-480 | Dynamic and static hydrogen effects on mechanical properties in pure vanadium | Y. Wang, M. Kanedome, T. Yasuda, T. Suda, S. Watanabe, S. Ohnuki, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga |
481-485 | Effect of alloying elements and neutron-irradiation on hydrogen behavior in V alloys | S. Ohnuki, T. Yasuda, T. Suda, S. Watanabe, B. M. Oliver |
486-491 | Effect of helium on dislocation loop formation and radiation swelling in SiC | A. I. Ryazanov, A. V. Klaptsov, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, H. Kishimoto |
492-496 | Development of new interface potential for evaluating strength of SiC/SiC composite joint | H. Serizawa, C. A. Lewinsohn, H. Murakawa |
497-501 | Thermal diffusivity/conductivity of Tyranno SA fiber- and Hi-Nicalon Type S fiber-reinforced 3-D SiC/SiC composites | R. Yamada, N. Igawa, T. Taguchi |
502-506 | A model stress analysis of swelling in SiC/SiC composites as a function of fiber type and carbon interphase structure | Charles H. Henager Jr., Edward A. Le, Russ H. Jones |
507-512 | Effects of irradiation and post-irradiation annealing on the thermal conductivity/diffusivity of monolithic SiC and f-SiC/SiC composites | G. E. Youngblood, D. J. Senor, R. H. Jones |
513-517 | The investigation of crack mechanism for Tyranno-SA SiC/SiC composites with ESI method | J. Y. Yan, C. W. Chen, P. C. Fang, K. M. Yin, F. R. Chen, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, J. J. Kai |
518-523 | Study of helium bubble formation in SiCf/PyC/β-SiC composites by dual-beam irradiation | T. S. Duh, K. M. Yin, J. Y. Yan, P. C. Fang, C. W. Chen, J. J. Kai, F. R. Chen, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama |
524-529 | Limits on irradiation-induced thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity in silicon carbide materials | L. L. Snead |
530-533 | Densification of SiCf/SiC composite by the multi-step of whisker growing and matrix filling | Suk Min Kang, Ji Yeon Park, Weon-Ju Kim, Soon Gil Yoon, Woo Seog Ryu |
534-538 | High temperature characterization of reaction sintered SiC based materials | S. P. Lee, J. O. Jin, J. S. Park, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, H. K. Yoon, D. S. Bae, I. S. Kim |
539-543 | Tyranno-SA/SiC composite with SiC nanowires in the matrix by CVI process | W. Yang, H. Araki, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, Q. Hu, H. Suzuki, T. Noda |
544-548 | Neutron irradiation effects on high-crystallinity and near-stoichiometry SiC fibers and their composites | T. Nozawa, T. Hinoki, L. L. Snead, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama |
549-553 | Damage evaluation of W-coated SiC by thermal conductivity measurement | Y. Lee, S. J. Son, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama |
554-557 | Preparation of silicon-based oxide layer on high-crystalline SiC fiber as an interphase in SiC/SiC composites | N. Igawa, T. Taguchi, R. Yamada, Y. Ishii, S. Jitsukawa |
558-561 | Tailoring the microstructure of hot-pressed SiC by heat treatment | J. S. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, J. K. Lee, J. J. Sha, H. K. Yoon |
562-566 | Issues of low activation brazing of SiCf/SiC composites by using alloys without free silicon | B. Riccardi, C. A. Nannetti, T. Petrisor, J. Woltersdorf, E. Pippel, S. Libera, L. Pilloni |
567-571 | Fabrication and flexural properties of Tyranno-SA/SiC composites with carbon interlayer by CVI | H. Araki, W. Yang, H. Suzuki, Q. Hu, C. Busabok, T. Noda |
572-576 | Fabrication of advanced SiC fiber/F-CVI SiC matrix composites with SiC/C multi-layer interphase | T. Taguchi, T. Nozawa, N. Igawa, Y. Katoh, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kohyama, T. Hinoki, L. L. Snead |
577-581 | Effect of He pre-implantation and neutron irradiation on mechanical properties of SiC/SiC composite | Shuhei Nogami, Akira Hasegawa, Lance L. Snead, Russell H. Jones, Katsunori Abe |
582-586 | Study of hydrogen effects on microstructural development of SiC base materials under simultaneous irradiation with He- and Si-ion irradiation conditions | A. Hasegawa, S. Miwa, S. Nogami, A. Taniguchi, T. Taguchi, K. Abe |
587-591 | SiC/SiC composites through transient eutectic-phase route for fusion applications | Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, T. Nozawa, M. Sato |
592-596 | Effect of heat treatment on the tensile strength and creep resistance of advanced SiC fibers | J. J. Sha, T. Nozawa, J. S. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama |
597-601 | Calculation of radiation-induced deformation of SUS 316 in the ITER-relevant condition | Johsei Nagakawa, Keiko Ueno |
602-606 | Effect of cold work on the irradiation creep of SUS 316L | K. Ueno, J. Nagakawa, Y. Murase, N. Yamamoto |
607-611 | Embrittlement of ER309L stainless steel clad by σ-phase and neutron irradiation | I. S. Kim, J. S. Lee, A. Kimura |
612-616 | Experimental investigation of stress effect on swelling and microstructure of Fe–16Cr–15Ni–3Mo–Nb austenitic stainless steel under low-temperature irradiation up to high damage dose in the BOR-60 reactor | V. S. Neustroev, Z. E. Ostrovsky, V. K. Shamardin |
617-620 | Influence of radiation-induced voids and bubbles on physical properties of austenitic structural alloys | Iouri I. Balachov, E. N. Shcherbakov, A. V. Kozlov, I. A. Portnykh, F. A. Garner |
621-624 | The strong influence of displacement rate on void swelling in variants of Fe–16Cr–15Ni–3Mo austenitic stainless steel irradiated in BN-350 and BOR-60 | N. I. Budylkin, T. M. Bulanova, E. G. Mironova, N. M. Mitrofanova, S. I. Porollo, V. M. Chernov, V. K. Shamardin, F. A. Garner |
625-629 | Characterization of 08Cr16Ni11Mo3 stainless steel irradiated in the BN-350 reactor | O. P. Maksimkin, K. V. Tsai, L. G. Turubarova, T. Doronina, F. A. Garner |
630-633 | Swelling and post-irradiated deformation structures in 18Cr–10Ni–Ti irradiated with heavy ions | O. V. Borodin, V. V. Bryk, A. S. Kalchenko, I. M. Neklyudov, A. A. Parkhomenko, V. N. Voyevodin |
634-638 | Mechanical tests on the welding part of SS316LN after heat treatment for Nb3Sn superconducting conductor | Yusuke Kudo, Akira Sakasai, Kazuya Hamada, Katsutoshi Takano, Hideo Nakajima, Kiyoshi Okuno, Makoto Matsukawa, Hiroshi Tamai, Shinichi Ishida |
639-642 | Effect of irradiation on the steels 316L/LN type to 12 dpa at 400 °C | T. Bulanova, A. Fedoseev, G. Kalinin, B. Rodchenkov, V. Shamardin |
643-647 | Effects of silicon, carbon and molybdenum additions on IASCC of neutron irradiated austenitic stainless steels | J. Nakano, Y. Miwa, T. Kohya, T. Tsukada |
648-651 | Effect of pre-strain and reheating on isothermal α′ martensite formation in Fe–25.5Ni–4Cr austenitic steel | Y. Nihei, Y. Hiraoka, Y. Kagaya, Y. Kohno, K. Shibata, H. Ohtsuka |
652-656 | Study on irradiation induced corrosion behavior in austenitic stainless steel using hydrogen-ion bombardment | Keietsu Kondou, Akira Hasegawa, Katsunori Abe |
657-662 | Effects of water and irradiation temperatures on IASCC susceptibility of type 316 stainless steel | Takashi Tsukada, Yukio Miwa, Shiro Jitsukawa, Kiyoyuki Shiba, Asao Ouchi |
663-667 | Re-weldability of neutron irradiated Type 304 and 316L stainless steels | Y. Morishima, M. Koshiishi, K. Kashiwakura, T. Hashimoto, S. Kawano |
668-672 | Post-irradiation annealing effect on helium diffusivity in austenitic stainless steels | R. Katsura, J. Morisawa, S. Kawano, B. M. Oliver |
673-677 | Plasma material interaction studies on low activation materials used for plasma facing or blanket component | T. Hino, Y. Hirohata, Y. Yamauchi, M. Hashiba, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, Y. Lee, T. Jinushi, M. Akiba, K. Nakamura, H. Yoshida, S. Sengoku, K. Tsuzuki, Y. Kusama, K. Yamaguchi, T. Muroga |
678-682 | Impurity release and deuterium retention properties of a ferritic steel wall in JFT-2M | H. Ogawa, Y. Yamauchi, K. Tsuzuki, H. Kawashima, M. Sato, K. Shinohara, K. Kamiya, S. Kasai, Y. Kusama, K. Yamaguchi, Y. Hirohata, M. Hashiba, T. Hino |
683-686 | Neutronics benchmark experiment on tungsten | P. Batistoni, M. Angelone, L. Petrizzi, M. Pillon |
687-691 | High heat flux properties of pure tungsten and plasma sprayed tungsten coatings | X. Liu, S. Tamura, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, N. Noda, L. Yang, Z. Xu |
692-696 | Thermal desorption and surface modification of He+ implanted into tungsten | Zhang Fu, N. Yoshida, H. Iwakiri, Zengyu Xu |
697-701 | Estimation of carbon fibre composites as ITER divertor armour | S. Pestchanyi, V. Safronov, I. Landman |
702-705 | Structural analysis of a plasma facing component reinforced with fibrous metal matrix composite laminate | J. H. You, H. Bolt |
706-710 | Formation of dust particles under the influence of intense thermal loads | Y. Koza, E. Berthe, E. Lehmann, J. Linke, M. Rödig, E. Wessel, L. Singheiser |
711-716 | High-temperature properties of joint interface of VPS-tungsten coated CFC | S. Tamura, X. Liu, K. Tokunaga, Y. Tsunekawa, M. Okumiya, N. Noda, N. Yoshida |
717-720 | Cross-section sensitivity analyses of 14 MeV Neutron Benchmark Experiment on Tungsten | I. Kodeli |
721-725 | Investigation of compatibility of low activation ferritic steel with high performance plasma by full covering of inside vacuum vessel wall on JFT-2M | K. Tsuzuki, K. Shinohara, K. Kamiya, H. Kawashima, M. Sato, G. Kurita, M. Bakhtiari, H. Ogawa, K. Hoshino, S. Kasai, K. Uehara, Y. Kusama, M. Yamamoto, T. Shibata, K. Kikuchi, H. Tsutsui, R. Shimada, T. Hino, Y. Hirohata, A. Amemiya, et al. | |
726-731 | Laser inertial fusion dry-wall materials response to pulsed ions at power-plant level fluences | T. J. Renk, T. J. Tanaka, C. L. Olson, R. R. Peterson, T. R. Knowles |
732-736 | Modeling of erosion and deposition patterns on C–W and W–Ta twin limiters exposed to the TEXTOR edge plasmas | K. Ohya, T. Tanabe, M. Rubel, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, T. Hirai, V. Philipps, A. Kirschner, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, S. Brezinsek, N. Noda |
737-741 | Simulation study of dynamical material mixing on tungsten surfaces at elevated temperatures due to hydrogen and carbon mixed ion beam irradiation | R. Kawakami, T. Shimada, Y. Ueda, M. Nishikawa |
742-746 | Microscopic damage of materials exposed to glow discharge cleanings in LHD | M. Miyamoto, M. Tokitani, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida, S. Masuzaki, A. Komori |
747-751 | Carbon behavior on tungsten surface after carbon and hydrogen mixed beam irradiation | T. Shimada, T. Funabiki, R. Kawakami, Y. Ueda, M. Nishikawa |
752-756 | Effects of heat treatment on trapping and release of tritium from He pre-irradiated tungsten | M. Matsuyama, S. Nakagawa, M. Enyama, K. Watanabe, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida |
757-760 | Synergistic effects of high heat loading and helium irradiation of tungsten | K. Tokunaga, S. Tamura, N. Yoshida, K. Ezato, M. Taniguchi, K. Sato, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba |
761-765 | Desorption of helium from austenitic stainless steel heavily bombarded by low energy He ions | M. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, K. Tokunaga, H. Iwakiri, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida |
766-770 | Post irradiation testing of samples from the irradiation experiments PARIDE 3 and PARIDE 4 | M. Roedig, W. Kuehnlein, J. Linke, D. Pitzer, M. Merola, E. Rigal, B. Schedler, E. Visca |
771-774 | Effects of carbon impurity in fusion plasmas on erosion of RAF first wall | Y. Ueda, T. Funabiki, T. Shimada, R. Kawakami, M. Nishikawa |
775-779 | Current status of ductile tungsten alloy development by mechanical alloying | Y. Ishijima, H. Kurishita, K. Yubuta, H. Arakawa, M. Hasegawa, Y. Hiraoka, T. Takida, K. Takebe |
780-784 | Effect of tungsten microstructure on blister formation by hydrogen and carbon mixed ion beam irradiation | T. Funabiki, T. Shimada, Y. Ueda, M. Nishikawa |
785-789 | Depth profile and retention of hydrogen isotopes in graphite tiles used in the W-shaped divertor of JT-60U | Y. Hirohata, Y. Oya, H. Yoshida, Y. Morimoto, T. Arai, K. Kizu, J. Yagyu, K. Masaki, Y. Gotoh, K. Okuno, N. Miya, T. Hino, S. Tanaka, T. Tanabe |
790-794 | Deuterium retention in carbon dust and carbon–tungsten mixed dust prepared by deuterium arc discharge | H. Yoshida, M. Taniguchi, K. Yokoyama, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, M. Akiba, T. Hino |
795-799 | Overview of tracer techniques in studies of material erosion, re-deposition and fuel inventory in tokamaks | M. J. Rubel, J. P. Coad, K. Stenström, P. Wienhold, J. Likonen, G. F. Matthews, V. Philipps |
800-803 | Material probe study for plasma facing wall of LHD | Y. Nobuta, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino, A. Sagara, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, N. Noda, O. Motojima, LHD Experimental Group |
804-808 | SiC-fibre reinforced copper as heat sink material for fusion applications | A. Brendel, C. Popescu, C. Leyens, J. Woltersdorf, E. Pippel, H. Bolt |
809-813 | The effect of helium generation and irradiation temperature on tritium release from neutron irradiated beryllium | I. B. Kupriyanov, V. A. Gorokhov, V. V. Vlasov, A. M. Kovalev, V. P. Chakin |
814-819 | Assessment of the heating technique as a possible ex situ detritiation method for carbon wall materials from fusion machines | N. Bekris, C. H. Skinner, U. Berndt, C. A. Gentile, M. Glugla, A. Erbe, W. Pilz |
820-824 | Thermal fatigue experiment of screw cooling tube under one-sided heating condition | Koichiro Ezato, Satoshi Suzuki, Kazuyoshi Sato, Masato Akiba |
825-829 | Study of hydrogen isotope interaction with beryllium and carbon surfaces under their simultaneous exposure to stationary and powerful pulsed plasma | M. I. Guseva, V. M. Gureev, L. S. Danelyan, B. N. Kolbasov, S. N. Korshunov, I. D. Skorlupkin, V. G. Stolyarova, V. I. Vasil'ev, V. M. Strunnikov, V. V. Zatyokin, V. S. Kulikauskas |
830-835 | Simulation study of sputtering erosion and impurity deposition on carbon and tungsten surfaces irradiated with deuterium plasmas including carbon impurity | T. Mitani, R. Kawakami, S. Kuriu |
836-839 | Measurement of deuterium and tritium retentions on the surface of JT-60 divertor tiles by means of nuclear reaction analysis | K. Ochiai, T. Hayashi, C. Kutsukake, Y. Gotoh, K. Masaki, T. Arai, N. Miya, T. Nishitani |
840-844 | Transmission electron microscopy of redeposition layers on graphite tiles used for open divertor armor of JT-60 | Yoshitaka Gotoh, Takashi Arai, Junichi Yagyu, Kei Masaki, Kozo Kodama, Naoyuki Miya |
845-848 | In–out asymmetry of low-Z | K. Masaki, J. Yagyu, Y. Miyo, Y. Gotoh, T. Arai, T. Hayashi, K. Kodama, T. Sasajima, A. Kaminaga, T. Tanabe, N Miya |
849-854 | Evaluation of vacuum plasma-sprayed boron carbide protection for the stainless steel first wall of WENDELSTEIN 7-X | H. Greuner, M. Balden, B. Boeswirth, H. Bolt, R. Gadow, P. Grigull, G. Hofmann, T. Huber, W. Kasparek, H. Kumric, S. Lindig, G. Matern, M. Mayer, R. Neu, H. Renner, J. Roth, M. Riegert-Escribano, J. Simon-Weidner, R. Wacker |
855-859 | Modeling of beryllium sputtering and re-deposition in fusion reactor plasma facing components | A. M. Zimin, L. S. Danelyan, N. G. Elistratov, V. M. Gureev, M. I. Guseva, B. N. Kolbasov, V. S. Kulikauskas, V. G. Stolyarova, N. N. Vasiliev, V. V. Zatekin |
860-864 | Modified formula for the assessment of the thermal response of neutron irradiated CFC | V. Barabash, L. L. Snead |
865-869 | Room temperature creep–fatigue response of selected copper alloys for high heat flux applications | Meimei Li, B. N. Singh, J. F. Stubbins |
870-873 | Implanted hydrogen isotope retention and chemical behavior in boron thin films for wall conditioning | Y. Oya, H. Kodama, M. Oyaidzu, Y. Morimoto, M. Matsuyama, A. Sagara, N. Noda, K. Okuno |
874-879 | Tritium profile in plasma-facing components following D–D operation | K. Sugiyama, T. Tanabe, K. Miyasaka, K. Masaki, K. Tobita, N. Miya, V. Philipps, M. Rubel, C. H. Skinner, C. A. Gentile, T. Saze, K. Nishizawa |
880-884 | Thermal desorption of deuterium from ion irradiated Be12Ti | H. Iwakiri, K. Yasunaga, N. Yoshida, M. Uchida, H. Kawamura |
885-888 | Heat load test of beryllium and CuCrZr joints | H. Yamada, M. Uchida, M. Uda, T. Iwadachi, M. Nakamichi, H. Kawamura |
889-893 | Studies on structural and chemical characterization for boron coating films deposited by PCVD | H. Kodama, M. Oyaidzu, M. Sasaki, H. Kimura, Y. Morimoto, Y. Oya, M. Matsuyama, A. Sagara, N. Noda, K. Okuno |
894-898 | Correlation between hydrogen isotope profiles and surface structure of divertor tiles in JT-60U | Y. Morimoto, Y. Oya, Y. Hirohata, H. Kodama, H. Yoshida, K. Kizu, J. Yagyu, K. Masaki, Y. Gotoh, N. Miya, K. Okuno, T. Tanabe |
899-903 | Energetic deuterium and helium irradiation effects on chemical structure of CVD diamond | M. Sasaki, Y. Morimoto, H. Kimura, K. Takahashi, K. Sakamoto, T. Imai, K. Okuno |
904-908 | Behavior of tritium release from thin boron films deposited on SS316 | S. Nakagawa, M. Matsuyama, H. Kodama, Y. Oya, K. Okuno, A. Sagara, N. Noda, K. Watanabe |
909-913 | High heat flux components in fusion devices: from current experience in Tore Supra towards the ITER challenge | A. Grosman, P. Bayetti, P. Chappuis, J. J. Cordier, A. Durocher, F. Escourbiac, D. Guilhem, M. Lipa, G. Marbach, R. Mitteau, J. Schlosser |
914-918 | Rupture analysis of CuCrZr plasma facing component during a loss of flow accident in Tore-Supra | A. Durocher, M. Lipa, Ph. Chappuis, G. Martin, J. J. Cordier |
ii | Editorial board | |
vii-xvii | Contents (Parts A and B) | |
919-923 | Dynamic observation of the collapse process of a stacking fault tetrahedron by moving dislocations | Yoshitaka Matsukawa, Steven J. Zinkle |
924-928 | The effects of interfaces on radiation damage production in layered metal composites | H. L. Heinisch, F. Gao, R. J. Kurtz |
929-932 | Anisotropic motion of point defects near edge dislocations | K. Sato, T. Yoshiie, T. Ishizaki, Q. Xu |
933-937 | Release of helium from irradiation damage in Fe–9Cr ferritic alloy | K. Ono, K. Arakawa, H. Shibasaki, H. Kurata, I. Nakamichi, N. Yoshida |
938-941 | Effect of initial oxygen content on the void swelling behavior of fast neutron irradiated copper | S. J. Zinkle, F. A. Garner |
942-946 | Microstructural evolution in Fe and Fe–Cr model alloys after He+ ion irradiations | R. Sugano, K. Morishita, A. Kimura, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida |
947-952 | Deformation microstructure of neutron-irradiated pure polycrystalline metals | N. Hashimoto, T. S. Byun, K. Farrell, S. J. Zinkle |
953-957 | Impact of irradiation on the microstructure of nanocrystalline materials | N. Nita, R. Schaeublin, M. Victoria |
958-962 | Microstructural change in AlMg3 alloy irradiated by spallation neutrons and high energy protons | D. Hamaguchi, Y. Dai |
963-966 | Vacancy-type defect production in iron under ion beam irradiation investigated with positron beam Doppler broadening technique | Takeo Iwai, Yasuo Ito, Masanori Koshimizu |
967-970 | Detection of interstitial clusters in neutron irradiated Ni–Hf alloy by perturbed angular correlation and positron annihilation lifetime measurements | H. Okazawa, T. Yoshiie, T. Ishizai, K. Sato, Q. Xu, Y. Satoh, Y. Ohkubo, Y. Kawase |
971-976 | Suppression of interstitial cluster diffusion by oversized solute atoms | T. S. Hudson, S. L. Dudarev, A. P. Sutton |
977-981 | Deuterium retention and release from highly irradiated annealed tungsten after exposure to a deuterium DC glow discharge | B. M. Oliver, R. A. Causey, S. A. Maloy |
982-987 | Study of damage processes of silica by in situ hydrogen-ion-induced luminescence measurements | Tomoko Yoshida, Tetsuo Tanabe, Manabu Watanabe, Shogo Takahara, Shintaro Mizukami |
988-992 | Electron spin resonance measurement of irradiation defects in vitreous silica irradiated with neutrons and ion beams | Kimikazu Moritani, Yoichi Teraoka, Ikuji Takagi, Hirotake Moriyama |
993-997 | Correlation between embrittlement and bubble microstructure in helium-implanted materials | N. Yamamoto, T. Chuto, Y. Murase, J. Nagakawa |
998-1002 | Plastic instability behavior of bcc and hcp metals after low temperature neutron irradiation | T. S. Byun, K. Farrell, N. Hashimoto |
1003-1007 | Helium effects on EUROFER97 martensitic steel irradiated by dual-beam from 1 to 50 dpa at 250 and 300 °C with 10 He appm/dpa | Gang Yu, Xiaoqiang Li, Jinnan Yu, Yican Wu, H. Kinoshita, H. Takahashi, M. Victoria |
1008-1012 | Synergistic influence of displacement rate and helium/dpa ratio on swelling of Fe–(9, 12)Cr binary alloys in FFTF at 400 °C | F. A. Garner, D. S. Gelles, L. R. Greenwood, T. Okita, N. Sekimura, W. G. Wolfer |
1013-1016 | Influence of boron on void swelling in model austenitic steels | T. Okita, W. G. Wolfer, F. A. Garner, N. Sekimura |
1017-1021 | Control of phosphorus inter-granular segregation in ferritic steels | Z. Lu, R. G. Faulkner, N. Sakaguchi, H. Kinoshita, H. Takahashi, P. E. J. Flewitt |
1022-1028 | Relationship between dimensional changes and the thermal conductivity of neutron-irradiated SiC | Tadashi Maruyama, Masaaki Harayama |
1029-1033 | Formation mechanism of bubbles and holes on tungsten surface with low-energy and high-flux helium plasma irradiation in NAGDIS-II | Dai Nishijima, M. Y. Ye, N. Ohno, S. Takamura |
1034-1037 | Impedance measurements of thin film ceramics under ion beam irradiation | F. Sato, T. Tanaka, T. Kagawa, T. Iida |
1038-1042 | Effect of electron-beam irradiation temperature on irradiation damage of high Mn–Cr steel | D. S. Bae, S. H. Nahm, H. M. Lee, H. Kinoshita, T. Shibayama, H. Takahashi |
1043-1047 | Modeling of neutron irradiation response for B2-type ordered alloys | T. Hoshiya, S. Takaya, T. Nakagiri, K. Aoto |
1048-1052 | Electronic excitation effects on radiation damage in insulators under ion irradiation | N. Kishimoto, N. Okubo, O. A. Plaksin, Y. Takeda |
1053-1056 | Microstructural changes of neutron irradiated ODS ferritic and martensitic steels | N. Akasaka, S. Yamashita, T. Yoshitake, S. Ukai, A. Kimura |
1057-1061 | Helium bubble evolution in F82H-mod – correlation between SANS and TEM | R. Coppola, M. Klimiankou, M. Magnani, A. Möslang, M. Valli |
1062-1065 | Neutron degradation of UV enhanced optical fibers for fusion installation plasma diagnostics | D. Sporea, I. Vata, D. Dudu, Ana Danis |
1066-1071 | In-beam fatigue behavior of F82H steel at 500 °C | Y. Murase, Johsei Nagakawa, K. Chuto, N. Yamamoto |
1072-1077 | Evolution of cleared channels in neutron-irradiated pure copper as a function of tensile strain | D. J. Edwards, B. N. Singh |
1078-1082 | Mechanical properties of the European reference RAFM steel (EUROFER97) before and after irradiation at 300 °C | Enrico Lucon, Rachid Chaouadi, Marc Decréton |
1083-1087 | Radiation effects on the mechanical integrity of novel organic insulators for the ITER magnet coils | K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. K. Maix, H. W. Weber, P. E. Fabian, N. A. Munshi |
1088-1092 | Modeling tensile response and flow localization effects in selected copper alloys | Xiao Pan, Xianglin Wu, Meimei Li, J. F. Stubbins |
1093-1097 | Bend-fatigue properties of 590 MeV proton irradiated JPCA and 316F SS | S. Saito, K. Kikuchi, K. Usami, A. Ishikawa, Y. Nishino, M. Kawai, Y. Dai |
1098-1102 | Fatigue properties of F82H irradiated at 523 K to 3.8 dpa | Yukio Miwa, Shiro Jitsukawa, Minoru Yonekawa |
1103-1106 | Orientation dependent elastic interaction between a truncated stacking fault tetrahedron and a glissile dislocation | M. Hiratani, V. V. Bulatov, H. M. Zbib |
1107-1112 | Specimen size effects on ductile–brittle transition temperature in Charpy impact testing | H. Kurishita, T. Yamamoto, M. Narui, H. Suwarno, T. Yoshitake, Y. Yano, M. Yamazaki, H. Matsui |
1113-1116 | Irradiation resistance of Eurofer97 at 300 °C up to 10 dpa | J. Rensman, E. Lucon, J. Boskeljon, J. van Hoepen, R. den Boef, P. ten Pierick |
1117-1121 | Specimen size effects on fracture toughness of JLF-1 reduced-activation ferritic steel | H. Ono, R. Kasada, A. Kimura |
1122-1126 | Effects of hydrogen on the mechanical properties of oxide dispersion strengthening steels | J. S. Lee, A. Kimura, S. Ukai, M. Fujiwara |
1127-1132 | Tensile properties of irradiated Cu single crystals and their temperature dependence | Z. Yao, R. Schäublin, M. Victoria |
1133-1136 | Effect of tempering temperature and time on tensile properties of F82H irradiated by neutrons | E. Wakai, T. Taguchi, T. Yamamoto, F. Takada |
1137-1141 | Synergistic effect of displacement damage and helium atoms on radiation hardening in F82H at TIARA facility | M. Ando, E. Wakai, T. Sawai, H. Tanigawa, K. Furuya, S. Jitsukawa, H. Takeuchi, K. Oka, S. Ohnuki, A. Kohyama |
1142-1146 | Mechanical characterization of austenitic stainless steel ion irradiated under external stress | I. Ioka, M. Futakawa, A. Naito, Y. Nanjyo, K. Kiuchi, T. Naoe |
1147-1150 | Impact of transmutation issues on interpretation of data obtained from fast reactor irradiation experiments | L. R. Greenwood, F. A. Garner |
1151-1155 | ‘Quantum core' interatomic potentials for transition metals | S. L. Dudarev |
1156-1160 | Molecular dynamics simulation of displacement cascades in Fe–Cr alloys | L. Malerba, D. Terentyev, P. Olsson, R. Chakarova, J. Wallenius |
1161-1165 | Diffusivity of solute atoms, matrix atoms and interstitial atoms in Fe–Cr alloys: a molecular dynamics study | D. Terentyev, L. Malerba |
1166-1169 | A multi-scale approach to radiation-induced segregation at various grain boundaries | N. Sakaguchi, S. Watanabe, H. Takahashi, R. G. Faulkner |
1170-1174 | Helium release and diffusion mechanism in SiC containing B4C | Yudi Pramono, Toyohiko Yano |
1175-1179 | Development of an EAM potential for simulation of radiation damage in Fe–Cr alloys | J. Wallenius, I. A. Abrikosov, R. Chakarova, C. Lagerstedt, L. Malerba, P. Olsson, V. Pontikis, N. Sandberg, D. Terentyev |
1180-1184 | Multiscale modeling of the brittle to ductile transition | S. J. Noronha, J. Huang, N. M. Ghoniem |
1185-1189 | Cascade and subcascade structure in fission neutron irradiated fcc metals and their correlation to fusion neutron irradiation | Y. Satoh, M. Tsukada, H. Matsui, T. Yoshiie |
1190-1193 | Atomistic simulations of threshold displacement energies in SiO2 | F. Mota, M. -J. Caturla, J. M. Perlado, E. Dominguez, A. Kubota |
1194-1198 | Effects of chromium on the one-dimensional motion of interstitial-type dislocation loops in iron | K. Arakawa, M. Hatanaka, H. Mori, K. Ono |
1199-1203 | The effects of grain boundary structure on binding of He in Fe | R. J. Kurtz, H. L. Heinisch |
1204-1207 | Diffusion and conversion of interstitial dumbbells in segregated ternary alloys under irradiation | Oleksandr Shepelyev, Naoto Sekimura, Hiroaki Abe |
1208-1213 | Elementary processes in channeling deformation in FCC copper: a molecular dynamics study | Yunmin Yang, Naoto Sekimura, Hiroaki Abe |
1214-1218 | Modeling of radiation-induced segregation at grain boundaries in Fe–Cr–Ni alloys | I. A. Stepanov, V. A. Pechenkin, Yu. V. Konobeev |
1219-1222 | Defect energetics of β-SiC using a new tight-binding molecular dynamics model | M. Salvador, J. M. Perlado, A. Mattoni, F. Bernardini, L. Colombo |
1223-1227 | Computer simulation of the dynamical and thermally activated motion of interstitial clusters in Fe | E. Kuramoto, K. Ohsawa, J. Imai, K. Obata, T. Tsutsumi |
1228-1232 | Dislocation–stacking fault tetrahedron interaction: what can we learn from atomic-scale modelling | Yu. N. Osetsky, R. E. Stoller, Y. Matsukawa |
1233-1237 | Hardening due to copper precipitates in α-iron studied by atomic-scale modelling | D. J. Bacon, Yu. N. Osetsky |
1238-1242 | Secondary factors influencing cascade damage formation | Roger E. Stoller, Sylvain G. Guiriec |
1243-1247 | A master curve analysis of F82H using statistical and constraint loss size adjustments of small specimen data | G. R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, H. Kishimoto, M. Sokolov, P. Spätig, W. J. Yang, J. -W. Rensman, G. E. Lucas |
1248-1251 | In situ tritium recovery behavior from Li2TiO3 pebble bed under neutron pulse operation | K. Tsuchiya, A. Kikukawa, T. Hoshino, M. Nakamichi, H. Yamada, D. Yamaki, M. Enoeda, E. Ishitsuka, H. Kawamura, H. Ito, K. Hayashi |
1252-1255 | Tritium release kinetics from Li2TiO3 pebbles as prepared by soft-wet-chemistry | S. Casadio, J. G. van der Laan, C. Alvani, A. J. Magielsen, M. P. Stijkel |
1256-1259 | Observation of multiple O–D vibration peaks in Li2O using FT-IR | Takuji Oda, Yasuhisa Oya, Satoru Tanaka |
1260-1265 | Post-irradiation examinations of Li4SiO4 pebbles irradiated in the EXOTIC-8 experiment | G. Piazza, A. Erbe, R. Rolli, O. Romer |
1266-1269 | Tritium release from neutron-irradiated Li2O sintered pellets: isothermal annealing of tritium traps | Takaaki Tanifuji, Daiju Yamaki, Shiro Jitsukawa |
1270-1273 | Hydrogen isotope behavior in Li2O at low temperature by FT-IR | Satoru Tanaka, Takuji Oda, Yasuhisa Oya |
1274-1278 | Modeling of HT and HTO release from irradiated lithium metazirconate | S. Beloglazov, M. Nishikawa, M. Glugla, T. Kinjyo |
1279-1282 | Observation of the microstructural changes in lithium titanate by multi-ion irradiation | Daiju Yamaki, Tetsuya Nakazawa, Takaaki Tanifuji, Takeo Aruga, Shiro Jitsukawa, Kiichi Hojou |
1283-1286 | Research on the preparation, electrical and mechanical properties of γ-LiAlO2 ceramics | Zhaoyin Wen, Zhonghua Gu, Xiaohe Xu, Xiujian Zhu |
1287-1290 | Tritium localisation and release from the ceramic pebbles of breeder | G. Kizane, J. Tiliks, A. Vitin, J. Rudzitis |
1291-1294 | FT-IR study on interaction of irradiated deuteron with defects in Li2O | Hisashi Tanigawa, Satoru Tanaka, Mikio Enoeda, Masato Akiba |
1295-1299 | Li ceramic pebbles chemical compatibility with Eurofer samples in fusion relevant conditions | L. C. Alves, E. Alves, M. R. da Silva, A. Paúl, A. La Barbera |
1300-1304 | Non-stoichiometry of Li2TiO3 under hydrogen atmosphere conditions | Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Hiroshi Kawamura, Masayuki Dokiya, Yoich Takahashi, Takayuki Terai, Michio Yamawaki |
1305-1308 | Thermo-mechanical testing of Li–ceramic for the helium cooled pebble bed (HCPB) breeding blanket | G. Dell'Orco, A. Ancona, A. DiMaio, M. Simoncini, G. Vella |
1309-1312 | Modeling of tritium release from ceramic breeder materials by focusing on transport process in breeder grain | H. Okabe, K. Munakata, Y. Yokoyama, A. Koga, Y. Narisato, R. -D. Penzhorn, K. Okuno |
1313-1317 | Correlation between annihilation of radiation defects and tritium release in Li2TiO3 | Makoto Oyaidzu, Yasutomi Morimoto, Hiroshi Kodama, Masayoshi Sasaki, Hiromi Kimura, Kenzo Munakata, Moritami Okada, Keizo Kawamoto, Hirotake Moriyama, Masabumi Nishikawa, Kenji Okuno |
1318-1321 | In-reactor experiment and the tritium diffusion coefficient in molten lithium–tin alloy | Yi Kang, Takayuki Terai |
1322-1326 | Mobilization measurements from Flibe under argon and air flow | G. Smolik, R. Pawelko, Y. Morimoto, K. Okuno, R. Anderl, D. Petti, T. Terai |
1327-1331 | Deuterium/tritium behavior in Flibe and Flibe-facing materials | R. A. Anderl, S. Fukada, G. R. Smolik, R. J. Pawelko, S. T. Schuetz, J. P. Sharpe, B. J. Merrill, D. A. Petti, H. Nishimura, T. Terai, S. Tanaka |
1332-1336 | Materials selection and design of a hydrogen measurement device in Pb–17Li | A. Ciampichetti, I. Ricapito, G. Benamati, M. Zucchetti |
1337-1341 | Non-destructive analysis of impurities in beryllium, affecting evaluation of the tritium breeding ratio | Y. Verzilov, K. Ochiai, A. Klix, S. Sato, M. Wada, M. Yamauchi, T. Nishitani |
1342-1346 | Elemental development of beryllide electrode for pebble production by rotating electrode method | M. Uchida, M. Uda, T. Iwadachi, M. Nakamichi, H. Kawamura |
1347-1352 | State of beryllium after irradiation at low temperature up to extremely high neutron doses | V. P. Chakin, I. B. Kupryanov, R. R. Melder |
1353-1356 | Methods for the mitigation of the chemical reactivity of beryllium in steam | F. Druyts, E. C. Alves, C. H. Wu |
1357-1360 | Stability of titanium beryllide under water vapor | K. Munakata, H. Kawamura, M. Uchida |
1361-1364 | Purification of hydrogen isotopes using palladium molecular sieve | Luo Wenhua, Shen Cansheng, Luo Xuejian |
1365-1369 | Experimental study of cracking methane by Ni/SiO2 catalyst | S. Fukada, N. Nakamura, J. Monden, M. Nishikawa |
1370-1373 | Enhancement of isotope exchange reactions over ceramic breeder material by deposition of catalyst metal | Y. Narisato, K. Munakata, A. Koga, Y. Yokoyama, T. Takata, H. Okabe |
1374-1378 | Influence of blanket structural materials on liquid metal Pb–17Li flow in the FDS | Hongyan Wang, Yican Wu, Yan Ke, Weihua Wang, Qunying Huang |
1379-1383 | Corrosion behavior of EUROFER steel in flowing eutectic Pb–17Li alloy | J. Konys, W. Krauss, Z. Voss, O. Wedemeyer |
1384-1387 | Corrosion behaviour of EUROFER in Pb–17Li at 500 °C | Karel Splíchal, Milan Zmítko |
1388-1392 | High temperature oxidation behavior of ODS steels | T. Kaito, T. Narita, S. Ukai, Y. Matsuda |
1393-1397 | Sodium compatibility of ODS steel at elevated temperature | Eiichi Yoshida, Shoichi Kato |
1398-1402 | An overview on tritium permeation barrier development for WCLL blanket concept | A. Aiello, A. Ciampichetti, G. Benamati |
1403-1406 | Crystallization behavior of arc-deposited ceramic barrier coatings | F. Koch, R. Brill, H. Maier, D. Levchuk, A. Suzuki, T. Muroga, H. Bolt |
1407-1410 | Al based coating on martensitic steel | Xiaoqiang Li, Gang Yu, Jinnan Yu, Kejiang Wang, Qunying Huang |
1411-1413 | Properties of AlN coatings produced by RF sputtering method | A. Sawada, A. Suzuki, T. Terai, T. Muroga |
1414-1418 | Chemical formation of erbium oxide layer on V–4Cr–4Ti during exposure to liquid lithium doped with erbium | Zhenyu Yao, Akihiro Suzuki, Takeo Muroga, Koji Katahira |
1419-1423 | Optimization of insulating coating formation technology on the structural materials for heavy liquid metal coolants | S. S. Pinaev, E. V. Muraviev, A. V. Beznosov, A. A. Molodsov |
1424-1428 | A conception of formation and operation of CaO coating in regime of self-healing | O. I. Yeliseyeva, V. M. Chernov, M. M. Potapenko, T. V. Tsaran |
1429-1433 | Thermodynamic stability of oxide, nitride, and carbide coating materials in liquid Sn–25Li | S. Sharafat, N. Ghoniem, S. Zinkle |
1434-1437 | Radiation induced conductivity of ceramic coating materials under 14 MeV neutron irradiation | T. Tanaka, A. Suzuki, T. Muroga, F. Sato, T. Iida, T. Nishitani |
1438-1441 | KU1 and KS-4V quartz glass lenses for remote handling and diagnostic optical transmission systems | A. Moroño, R. Vila, E. R. Hodgson |
1442-1445 | Laser induced damage enhancement due to stainless steel deposition on KS-4V and KU1 quartz glasses | P. Martin, A. Moroño, E. R. Hodgson |
1446-1450 | Radiation-induced disordering in magnesium aluminate spinel subjected to ionizing radiation | M. Shimada, S. Matsumura, K. Yasuda, C. Kinoshita, Y. Chimi, N. Ishikawa, A. Iwase |
1451-1455 | Influence of an electric field on the microstructure evolution of ion-irradiated alumina | K. Yasuda, K. Tanaka, M. Shimada, T. Yamamoto, S. Matsumura, C. Kinoshita |
1456-1460 | Radiation-hardening techniques of dedicated optical fibres used in plasma diagnostic systems in ITER | B. Brichard, A. Fernandez Fernandez, H. Ooms, F. Berghmans, M. Decréton, A. Tomashuk, S. Klyamkin, M. Zabezhailov, I. Nikolin, V. Bogatyrjov, E. Hodgson, T. Kakuta, T. Shikama, T. Nishitani, A. Costley, G. Vayakis |
1461-1465 | Radiation-induced thermoelectric sensitivity in the mineral-insulated cable of magnetic diagnostic coils for ITER | T. Nishitani, G. Vayakis, M. Yamauchi, T. Sugie, T. Kondoh, T. Shikama, E. Ishitsuka, H. Kawashima |
1466-1470 | Relation between macroscopic length change and the crystal structure in heavily neutron-irradiated ceramics | Masafumi Akiyoshi, Naoaki Akasaka, Yoshiaki Tachi, Toyohiko Yano |
1471-1475 | Neutron irradiation effects on isotope tailored aluminum nitride ceramics by a fast reactor up to 2 × l026 n/m2 | T. Yano, K. Inokuchi, M. Shikama, J. Ukai, S. Onose, T. Maruyama |
1476-1480 | Modification of optical properties of Be mirrors under bombardment by deuterium ions | V. S. Voitsenya, A. F. Bardamid, V. N. Bondarenko, V. G. Konovalov, D. V. Orlinskij, I. V. Ryzhkov, A. N. Shapoval, A. F. Shtan', S. I. Solodovchenko, K. Yu. Vukolov |
1481-1485 | Irradiation test of Mo- and W-mirrors for ITER by low energy deuterium ions | Tatsuo Sugie, Satoshi Kasai, Masaki Taniguchi, Masaaki Nagatsu, Takeo Nishitani |
1486-1489 | Neutron irradiation effects on properties of insulator coatings for ITER in-vessel components | B. S. Rodchenkov, V. M. Ivanov, G. M. Kalinin, A. V. Kozlov, Yu. S. Strebkov, E. N. Scherbakov |
1490-1494 | Non-linear optical properties of silica-glass-core-fiber waveguides under intense pulsed reactor irradiation | O. A. Plaksin, N. Kishimoto, T. Shikama |
1495-1498 | Optical characteristics of aluminum coated fused silica core fibers under 14 MeV fusion neutron irradiation | K. Toh, T. Shikama, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, T. Suzuki, K. Okamoto, N. Shamoto, M. Yamauchi, T. Nishitani |
1499-1502 | Effects of γ-ray and neutron irradiation on electrical characteristic of proton-conducting polymer electrolyte membranes | T. Adachi, S. Nagata, N. Ohtsu, B. Tsuchiya, K. Toh, N. Morishita, M. Yamauchi, N. Nishitani, T. Shikama |
1503-1506 | Temperature dependence of radiation induced optical transmission loss in fused silica core optical fibers | K. Okamoto, K. Toh, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, T. Suzuki, N. Shamoto, T. Shikama |
1507-1510 | Luminescence in SiO2 induced by MeV energy proton irradiation | S. Nagata, S. Yamamoto, K. Toh, B. Tsuchiya, N. Ohtsu, T. Shikama, H. Naramoto |
1511-1514 | Electrical conductivities of dense and porous alumina under reactor irradiation | B. Tsuchiya, T. Shikama, S. Nagata, K. Toh, M. Narui, M. Yamazaki |
1515-1519 | Surface roughening and grain orientation dependence of the erosion of polycrystalline stainless steel by hydrogen irradiation | M. Balden, A. F. Bardamid, A. I. Belyaeva, K. A. Slatin, J. W. Davis, A. A. Haasz, M. Poon, V. G. Konovalov, I. V. Ryzhkov, A. N. Shapoval, V. S. Voitsenya |
1520-1523 | Effect of Cr2O3 and NiO dopants in α-Al2O3 on its electrical conductivity under electron irradiation | K. Shiiyama, A. Shiraishi, M. Kutsuwada, S. Matsumura, C. Kinoshita |
1524-1528 | RIEMF in MgO and Al2O3 insulated MI cable ITER magnetic diagnostic coils | R. Vila, E. R. Hodgson |
1529-1533 | Characterization of Eurofer-97 TIG-welded joints by FIMEC indentation tests | R. Montanari, G. Filacchioni, B. Riccardi, M. E. Tata, G. Costanza |
1534-1538 | Pressurized resistance welding technology development in 9Cr-ODS martensitic steels | M. Seki, K. Hirako, S. Kono, Y. Kihara, T. Kaito, S. Ukai |
1539-1543 | Impact properties of NIFS-HEAT-2 (V–4Cr–4Ti) after YAG laser welding and neutron irradiation at 563 K | Takuya Nagasaka, Nam-Jin Heo, Takeo Muroga, Arata Nishimura, Hideo Watanabe, Minoru Narui, Kenji Shinozaki |
1544-1548 | Development of rapidly quenched brazing foils to join tungsten alloys with ferritic steel | B. A. Kalin, V. T. Fedotov, O. N. Sevrjukov, A. Moeslang, M. Rohde |
1549-1552 | Interfacial reactions and mechanical properties of W–SiC in-situ joints for plasma facing components | S. J. Son, K. H. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama |
1553-1557 | Manufacturing study of Be, W and CFC bonded structures for plasma-facing components | M. Onozuka, S. Hirai, K. Kikuchi, Y. Oda, K. Shimizu |
1558-1562 | Microstructural evolution and hardness changes in the interface of Cu/316L joint materials under aging and ion irradiation | Q. Xu, T. Yoshiie, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida, T. Iwai, D. J. Edwards |
1563-1566 | Direct joining of CFC to copper | Pietro Appendino, Monica Ferraris, Valentina Casalegno, Milena Salvo, Mario Merola, Marco Grattarola |
1567-1570 | Elastic–plastic FEM analysis on low cycle fatigue behavior for alumina dispersion-strengthened copper/stainless steel joint | H. Nishi |
1571-1574 | Calculation of electronic structure at bonding interface between vanadium and oxide ceramics for insulator coating applications | M. Satou, N. Komatsu, T. Sawada, K. Abe |
1575-1579 | Desorption of water from iron oxide by laser irradiation | K. Chiba, S. Tanaka, T. Yoneoka |
1580-1584 | Microstructure and superconductivity of V-based Laves-phase superconductor tape synthesized by a rapidly-heating/quenching process | Yoshimitsu Hishinuma, Akihiro Kikuchi, Yasuo Iijima, Yuuji Yoshida, Takao Takeuchi, Arata Nishimura, Kiyoshi Inoue |
1585-1589 | Damage evolution under bending and tensile stress and its influence on critical current of Bi2223/Ag superconducting composite tape | S. Ochiai, N. Miyazaki, D. Doko, T. Nagai, M. Nakamura, H. Okuda, S. S. Oh, M. Hojo, M. Tanaka, K. Osamura |
1590-1593 | Induced activity of several candidate superconductor materials in a tokamak-type fusion reactor | T. Noda, T. Takeuchi, M. Fujita |
1594-1598 | Development of a helium-cooled divertor concept: design-related requirements on materials and fabrication technology | P. Norajitra, L. V. Boccaccini, E.Diegele, V. Filatov, A. Gervash, R. Giniyatulin, S. Gordeev, V. Heinzel, G. Janeschitz, J. Konys, W. Krauss, R. Kruessmann, S. Malang, I. Mazul, A. Moeslang, C. Petersen, G. Reimann, M. Rieth, G. Rizzi, M. Rumyantsev, et al. | |
1599-1604 | APEX advanced ferritic steel, Flibe self-cooled first wall and blanket design | C. P. C. Wong, S. Malang, M. Sawan, I. Sviatoslavsky, E. Mogahed, S. Smolentsev, S. Majumdar, B. Merrill, R. Mattas, M. Friend, J. Bolin, S. Sharafat |
1605-1609 | Impact of material system thermomechanics and thermofluid performance on He-cooled ceramic breeder blanket designs with SiCf/SiC | Alice Y. Ying, Takehiko Yokomine, Akihiko Shimizu, Mohamed Abdou, Akira Kohyama |
1610-1614 | Waste management for JAERI fusion reactors | K. Tobita, S. Nishio, S. Konishi, S. Jitsukawa |
1615-1618 | Specification of stress limits for irradiated 316L(N)-IG steel in ITER structural design criteria | G. M. Kalinin, B. S. Rodchenkov, V. A. Pechenkin |
1619-1623 | Irradiation and penetration tests of boron-doped low activation concrete using 2.45 and 14 MeV neutron sources | Atsuhiko Morioka, Satoshi Sato, Masaharu Kinno, Akira Sakasai, Junichi Hori, Kentaro Ochiai, Michinori Yamauchi, Takeo Nishitani, Atsushi Kaminaga, Kei Masaki, Shinji Sakurai, Takao Hayashi, Makoto Matsukawa, Hiroshi Tamai, Shinichi Ishida |
1624-1628 | Tritium uptake by SS316 and its decontamination | Y. Torikai, R. -D. Penzhorn, M. Matsuyama, K. Watanabe |
1629-1632 | Activation experiment with tungsten in fusion peak neutron field | K. Seidel, R. Eichin, R. A. Forrest, H. Freiesleben, S. A. Goncharov, V. D. Kovalchuk, D. V. Markovskij, D. V. Maximov, S. Unholzer |
1633-1637 | Extending the energy range of materials activation modelling | R. A. Forrest |
1638-1642 | Measurement and analysis of radioactivity induced in CuCrZr by D–T neutrons | R. Eichin, C. Adelhelm, A. I. Blokhin, R. A. Forrest, H. Freiesleben, V. D. Kovalchuk, D. V. Markovskij, K. Seidel, S. Unholzer |
1643-1647 | Transmutation and activation of reduced activation ferritic martensitic steel in molten salt cooled fusion power plants | E. T. Cheng |
1648-1652 | Radioactivity of the vanadium-alloy induced by D–T neutron irradiation | S. Sato, T. Tanaka, J. Hori, K. Ochiai, T. Nishitani, T. Muroga |
1653-1658 | Fusion reactor radioactive materials and national waste management regulations | Massimo Zucchetti, Andrea Ciampichetti |
1659-1686 | Author index | |
1687-1745 | Subject index | |
135-139 | A perturbed hard-sphere-chain equation of state for liquid metals | Hossein Eslami |
140-144 | Determination of the helium thermal diffusion coefficient in britholite using a NRA method: new results | Dominique Gosset, Patrick Trocellier |
145-155 | Elastic behavior of porous ceramics: application to nuclear fuel materials | J.-M. Gatt, Y. Monerie, D. Laux, D. Baron |
156-162 | High-dose neutron irradiation of MgAl2O4 spinel: effects of post-irradiation thermal annealing on EPR and optical absorption | A. Ibarra, D. Bravo, F.J. Lopez, F.A. Garner |
163-172 | Kinetics of the actinides–lanthanides separation: mass transfer between molten fluorides and liquid metal at high temperatures | Florent Lemort, Roger Boen, Michel Allibert, Damien Perrier, Yves Fautrelle, Jacqueline Etay |
173-176 | Determination of macro-constituents in lithium zirconate for tritium-breeding applications | Marco Taddia, Paolo Modesti, Adelia Albertazzi |
177-184 | Thermodynamic stabilities of SrCeO3 and Sr2CeO4 using the fluoride EMF technique | R. Pankajavalli, K. Ananthasivan, S. Anthonysamy, P.R. Vasudeva Rao |
185-193 | Oxidation of boron carbide at high temperatures | Martin Steinbrück |
194-200 | Stresses, strains and cracks in a helium-implanted SiC/C composite | J. Chen, P. Jung, H. Ullmaier |
201-209 | Displacement cross-sections for tantalum and tungsten irradiated with protons at energies up to 1 GeV | C.H.M. Broeders, A.Yu. Konobeyev |
210-216 | Role of nickel in a semi-mechanistic analytical model for radiation embrittlement of model alloys | L. Debarberis, B. Acosta, F. Sevini, A. Kryukov, F. Gillemot, M. Valo, A. Nikolaev, M. Brumovsky |
217-224 | Radiation swelling behavior and its dependence on temperature, dose rate, and dislocation structure evolution | Michael P. Surh, J.B. Sturgeon, W.G. Wolfer |
225-232 | Deformation microstructure of neutron-irradiated pure polycrystalline vanadium | N. Hashimoto, T.S. Byun, K. Farrell, S.J. Zinkle |
233-242 | Thermodynamics of an empirical potential description of Fe–Cu alloys | A. Caro, P.E.A. Turchi, M. Caro, E.M. Lopasso |
243-250 | Electrical behavior of platinum-group metals in glass-forming oxide melts | C. Simonnet, A. Grandjean, J. Phalippou |
251-260 | Radiation effects in ferrate garnet | S. Utsunomiya, S. Yudintsev, R.C. Ewing |
261-266 | The displacement energies of cations in perovskite (CaTiO3) | Katherine L. Smith, Nestor J. Zaluzec |
267-278 | The relationship between hardness and yield stress in irradiated austenitic and ferritic steels | Jeremy T. Busby, Mark C. Hash, Gary S. Was |
279-290 | Low temperature creep crack growth in low alloy reactor pressure vessel steel | Rui Wu, Rolf Sandström, Facredin Seitisleam |
291-298 | Lead–bismuth eutectic recrystallization studies for the Megapie target | A. Zucchini, P. Agostini, E. Baicchi |
299-313 | Hardness and electrical resistivity of molybdenum in the post-irradiated and annealed conditions | B.V. Cockeram, J.L. Hollenbeck, L.L. Snead |
314-322 | Cross-sectional TEM and X-ray examination of radiation-induced stress relaxation of peened stainless steel surfaces | B.H. Sencer, G.S. Was, H. Yuya, Y. Isobe, M. Sagisaka, F.A. Garner |
323-330 | Characterization of defect clusters in ion-irradiated A533B steel | K. Fujii, K. Fukuya |
331-368 | Some thoughts on the mechanisms of in-reactor corrosion of zirconium alloys | B. Cox |
369 | Erratum to ‘Specification of stress limits for irradiated 316L(N)-IG steel in ITER structural design criteria’ [J. Nucl. Mater. 329–333 (2004) 1615–1618] | G.M. Kalinin, B.S. Rodchenkov, V.A. Pechenkin |
371-373 | Author index | |
374-380 | Subject index | |
ii | Editorial board | |
vii-viii | Preface | B. Lipschultz, A.A. Haasz, B. LaBombard, P.C. Stangeby, J.L. Terry, M.A. Ulrickson |
xi-xix | Contents | |
1-9 | Material migration in divertor tokamaks | G.F. Matthews |
10-16 | Tungsten redistribution patterns in ASDEX Upgrade | K. Krieger, J. Likonen, M. Mayer, R. Pugno, V. Rohde, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
17-24 | Experimental observations and modelling of carbon transport in the inner divertor of JET | A. Kirschner, V. Philipps, D.P. Coster, S.K. Erents, H.G. Esser, G. Federici, A.S. Kukushkin, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, J. Roth, U. Samm, JET EFDA Contributors |
25-29 | Methane screening in JET reverse field experiments | J.D. Strachan, B. Alper, G. Corrigan, S.K. Erents, C. Giroud, A. Korotkov, H. Leggate, G.F. Matthews, R.A. Pitts, J. Spence, M. Stamp |
30-34 | 13C transport studies in L-mode divertor plasmas on DIII-D | S.L. Allen, W.R. Wampler, A.G. McLean, D.G. Whyte, W.P. West, P.C. Stangeby, N.H. Brooks, D.L. Rudakov, V. Phillips, M. Rubel, G.F. Matthews, A. Nagy, R. Ellis, A.S. Bozek |
35-39 | Carbon dust formation from re-deposited layers in high-density hydrogen/helium plasmas in the NAGDIS-II device | N. Ohno, Y. Kobayashi, T. Sugimoto, S. Takamura |
40-44 | Modelling of deposition of hydrocarbon films underneath the divertor and in the pumping ducts of ITER | G. Federici, M. Mayer, G. Strohmayer, V. Chuyanov, C. Day |
45-49 | Simulation study on influence of chemically eroded higher hydrocarbons on SOL impurity transport and effect of dynamical material mixing on erosion/deposition of tungsten surfaces exposed to boundary plasmas | R. Kawakami, T. Mitani |
50-54 | ITER divertor performance in conditions of carbon re-erosion | A.S. Kukushkin, H.D. Pacher, D.P. Coster, G.W. Pacher, D. Reiter |
55-59 | Studies on 13C deposition in ASDEX Upgrade | E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, J. Likonen, T. Renvall, V. Rohde, R. Neu, M. Mayer, R. Pugno, K. Krieger and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
60-64 | Beryllium accumulation at the inner divertor of JET | J. Likonen, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, J.P. Coad, R. Zilliacus, T. Renvall, D.E. Hole, M. Rubel, K. Arstila, G.F. Matthews, M. Stamp and JET-EFDA Contributors |
65-68 | On dust in tokamak edge plasmas | S.I. Krasheninnikov, T.K. Soboleva, Y. Tomita, R.D. Smirnov, R.K. Janev |
69-73 | Experimental study of different carbon dust growth mechanisms | C. Arnas, C. Dominique, P. Roubin, C. Martin, C. Laffon, P. Parent, C. Brosset, B. Pégourié |
74-78 | Chemical erosion of DIII-D lower divertor tiles | G.M. Wright, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe |
79-83 | OEDGE modeling of 13C deposition in the inner divertor of DIII-D | J.D. Elder, P.C. Stangeby, D.G. Whyte, S.L. Allen, A. McLean, J.A. Boedo, B.D. Bray, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, C.J. Lasnier, S. Lisgo, D.L. Rudakov, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West |
84-88 | Effect of plasma configuration on carbon migration measured in the inner divertor of JET using quartz microbalance | H.G. Esser, V. Philipps, M. Freisinger, G.F. Matthews, J.P. Coad, G.F. Neill and JET EFDA Contributors |
89-93 | Transport and deposition of injected hydrocarbons in plasma generator PSI-2 | W. Bohmeyer, D. Naujoks, A. Markin, I. Arkhipov, B. Koch, D. Schröder, G. Fussmann |
94-98 | Model development and analysis of temperature-dependent lithium sputtering and sputtered Li+ transport for tokamak plasma-facing applications | J.P. Allain, J.N. Brooks, D.A. Alman, L.E. Gonzalez |
99-103 | Outer divertor target deposited layers during reversed magnetic field operation in JET | P. Andrew, J.P. Coad, Y. Corre, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, G.F. Matthews, J.I. Paley, L. Pickworth, R.A. Pitts, M.F. Stamp and JET EFDA Contributors |
104-108 | Tungsten limiter tests in ASDEX Upgrade | M.Y. Ye, H. Maier, A. Herrmann, V. Rohde, H. Bolt, R. Neu, J. Neuhauser and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
109-113 | DIVIMP modeling of impurity flows and screening in Alcator C-Mod | T. Chung, I.H. Hutchinson, B. Lipschultz, B. LaBombard, S. Lisgo |
114-118 | Motion and lifetime of dust grains in a tokamak plasma | J.D. Martin, M. Coppins, G.F. Counsell |
119-123 | Carbon erosion and deposition on the ASDEX Upgrade divertor tiles | M. Mayer, V. Rohde, J. Likonen, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, K. Krieger, X. Gong, J. Chen and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
124-128 | DIVIMP modeling of the toroidally symmetrical injection of 13CH4 into the upper SOL of DIII-D | A.G. McLean, J.D. Elder, P.C. Stangeby, S.L. Allen, J.A. Boedo, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, S. Lisgo, A. Nagy, D.L. Rudakov, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte |
129-133 | Time resolved deposition measurements in NSTX | C.H. Skinner, H. Kugel, A.L. Roquemore, J. Hogan, W.R. Wampler and the NSTX team |
134-138 | Measurements of carbon, deuterium and boron deposition in DIII-D | W.R. Wampler, S.L. Allen, A.G. McLean, W.P. West |
139-145 | OSM-EIRENE modeling of neutral pressures in the Alcator C-Mod divertor | S. Lisgo, P. Börner, C. Boswell, D. Elder, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, C.S. Pitcher, D. Reiter, P.C. Stangeby, J.L. Terry, S. Wiesen |
146-153 | Edge and divertor physics with reversed toroidal field in JET | R.A. Pitts, P. Andrew, X. Bonnin, A.V. Chankin, Y. Corre, G. Corrigan, D. Coster, I. Duran, T. Eich, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, A. Huber, S. Jachmich, G. Kirnev, M. Lehnen, P.J. Lomas, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, J. Rapp, C. Silva, et al. | |
154-160 | Local island divertor experiments on LHD | T. Morisaki, S. Masuzaki, A. Komori, N. Ohyabu, M. Kobayashi, Y. Feng, F. Sardei, K. Narihara, K. Tanaka, K. Ida, B.J. Peterson, M. Yoshinuma, N. Ashikawa, M. Emoto, H. Funaba, M. Goto, K. Ikeda, S. Inagaki, O. Kaneko, K. Kawahata, et al. | |
161-165 | Spectroscopic study of hydrogen particle behavior in attached and detached divertor plasmas of JT-60U | H. Kubo, H. Takenaga, K. Sawada, T. Nakano, S. Kobayashi, S. Higashijima, N. Asakura, K. Shimizu |
166-170 | Experimental study of negative ion profiles in H2-MAR plasmas in divertor simulator MAP-II | S. Kado, S. Kajita, D. Yamasaki, Y. Iida, B. Xiao, T. Shikama, T. Oishi, A. Okamoto, S. Tanaka |
171-175 | First results from the dynamic ergodic divertor at TEXTOR | M. Lehnen, S.S. Abdullaev, W. Biel, S. Brezinsek, K.H. Finken, D. Harting, M. von Hellermann, M. Jakubowski, R. Jaspers, M. Kobayashi, H.R. Koslowski, A. Krämer-Flecken, G. Matsunaga, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Reiter, T. Van Rompuy, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, G. Sergienko, B. Unterberg, et al. | |
176-180 | Heat deposition patterns on the target plates of the dynamic ergodic divertor | M.W. Jakubowski, S.S. Abdullaev, K.H. Finken, M. Lehnen and the TEXTOR team |
181-185 | Observations of macroscopic oscillations of the detachment front for injection of H2, He, and Ne into the simulated baffled divertor | A. Matsubara, T. Watanabe, T. Sugimoto, S. Sudo, K. Sato |
186-190 | Three-dimensional proton trajectory analyses and simulation of neutral particle transport in an ICRF heated long pulse discharge on the large helical device | M. Shoji, R. Kumazawa, K. Saito, T. Watanabe, Y. Nakamura, S. Masuzaki, S. Morita, M. Goto, N. Noda, N. Ohyabu and LHD Experimental Groups |
191-195 | Influence of core–edge coupling and impurities on the operation regimes of a fusion reactor | R. Stankiewicz, R. Zagórski |
196-200 | Radiation belts in the Wendelstein-7AS stellarator | U. Wenzel, H. Thomsen, Y. Feng, P. Grigull, K. McCormick |
201-205 | Experimental investigations with respect to the applicability of the Bohm criterion | T. Lunt, N. Ezumi, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann |
206-210 | Simulation of afterglow plasma evolution in an inertial fusion energy chamber | B.K. Frolov, A.Yu. Pigarov, S.I. Krasheninnikov, R.W. Petzoldt, D.T. Goodin |
211-215 | Angular dependence of energy and particle fluxes in a magnetized plasma | B. Koch, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann |
216-220 | Variation in particle pumping due to changes in topology in high performance DIII-D plasmas | T.W. Petrie, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.M. Greenfield, M. Groth, A.W. Hyatt, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, G.D. Porter, M.E. Rensink, M.J. Schaffer, M.R. Wade, J.G. Watkins, N.S. Wolf, The DIII–D Team |
221-226 | 3D edge energy transport in stellarator configurations | N. McTaggart, R. Zagórski, X. Bonnin, A. Runov, R. Schneider, T. Kaiser, T. Rognlien, M. Umansky |
227-231 | Measured signatures of low energy, physical sputtering in the line shape of neutral carbon emission | N.H. Brooks, R.C. Isler, D.G. Whyte, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.J. Groebner, P.C. Stangeby, W.W.Heidbrink, G.L. Jackson, M.A. Mahdavi, W.P. West and The DIII-D Team |
232-236 | Spatial structure of detached plasmas in the ULS divertor simulator | P.K. Browning, U. Fantz, K.J. Gibson, B. Mihaljcic, D. Wunderlich |
237-240 | Modeling of parasitic plasma under the divertor roof baffle | K. Matyash, R. Schneider, X. Bonnin, D. Coster, V. Rohde, H. Kersten |
241-245 | The effect of field reversal on the JET MkIIGB-SRP divertor performance in L-mode density limit discharges | A. Huber, J. Rapp, P. Andrew, P. Coad, G. Corrigan, K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, L.C. Ingesson, S. Jachmich, A. Korotkov, G.F. Matthews, Ph. Mertens, V. Philipps, R. Pitts, B. Schweer, G. Sergienko, M. Stamp and JET EFDA Contributors |
246-250 | Modification of atomic physics rates due to nonlocal electron parallel heat transport in divertor plasmas | F. Allais, J.P. Matte, F. Alouani-Bibi, C.G. Kim, D.P. Stotler, T.D. Rognlien |
251-255 | Accounting of the power balance for neutral-beam heated H-mode plasmas in NSTX | S.F. Paul, R. Maingi, V. Soukhanovskii, S.M. Kaye, H.W. Kugel and The NSTX Research Team |
256-260 | Re-construction of detached divertor plasma conditions in DIII-D using spectroscopic and probe data | S. Lisgo, P.C. Stangeby, J.D. Elder, J.A. Boedo, B.D. Bray, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, D. Reiter, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte |
261-265 | Detached plasma control by negative ion in divertor simulator | M. Ono, A. Tonegawa, K. Kumita, T. Shibuya, K. Kawamura |
266-270 | Simulation of turbulence in the divertor region of tokamak edge plasma | M.V. Umansky, T.D. Rognlien, X.Q. Xu |
271-275 | EDGE2D code simulations of SOL flows and in–out divertor asymmetries in JET | G.S. Kirnev, G. Corrigan, D. Coster, S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, G.F. Matthews, R.A. Pitts |
276-280 | Effect of drifts on the high Mach flow associated with the divertor detachment | K. Hoshino, A. Hatayama, R. Schneider, D.P. Coster |
281-285 | Plasma profiles and flows in the high-field side scrape-off layer in Alcator C-Mod | N. Smick, B. LaBombard, C.S. Pitcher |
286-290 | Spectroscopic measurements of plasma flow in the SOL in C-Mod | K. Marr, B. Lipschultz, B. LaBombard, J.L. Terry |
291-295 | Generation of toroidal rotation by gas puff. Simulations of MAST experiments with B2SOLPS5.0 | V. Rozhansky, E. Kaveeva, S. Voskoboynikov, G. Counsell, A. Kirk, D. Coster, R. Schneider |
296-300 | On the energy transfer between flows and turbulence in the plasma boundary of fusion devices | E. Sánchez, C. Hidalgo, B. Gonçalves, C. Silva, M.A. Pedrosa, M. Hron, K. Erents and JET EFDA contributors |
301-304 | Modelling and consequences of drift effects in the edge plasma of Alcator C | X. Bonnin, D. Coster, R. Schneider, D. Reiter, V. Rozhansky, S. Voskoboynikov |
305-309 | Effect of B | W. Fundamenski, P. Andrew, K. Erents, A. Huber, G. Kirnev, G. Matthews, R. Pitts, V. Riccardo, S. Sipilä and EFDA JET contributors |
310-314 | Kinetic investigation of a collisionless scrape-off layer with a source of poloidal momentum | J.P. Gunn |
315-321 | Plasma edge cross-field transport: experiment and theory | Benjamin A. Carreras |
322-326 | Velocity fields of edge/Scrape-Off-Layer turbulence in Alcator C-Mod | J.L. Terry, S.J. Zweben, O. Grulke, M.J. Greenwald, B. LaBombard |
327-331 | Simulation of plasma fluxes to material surfaces with self-consistent edge turbulence and transport for tokamaks | T.D. Rognlien, M.V. Umansky, X.Q. Xu, R.H. Cohen, L.L. LoDestro |
332-336 | Edge fluctuation studies in Heliotron J | T. Mizuuchi, V.V. Chechkin, K. Ohashi, E.L. Sorokovoy, A.V. Chechkin, V.Yu. Gonchar, K. Takahashi, S. Kobayashi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, S. Yamamoto, F. Sano, K. Kondo, N. Nishino, H. Kawazome, H. Shidara, S. Kaneko, Y. Fukagawa, Y. Morita, S. Nakazawa, et al. | |
337-341 | Numerical modelling of changes of edge plasma transport due to the presence of TEXTOR-DED | H. Gerhauser, R. Zagórski, D. Reiser, M.Z. Tokar’ |
342-346 | Control of long range turbulent transport with biasing in the tokamak scrape-off-layer | C.F. Figarella, Ph. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, G. Attuel, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer, G. Falchetto, E. Fleurence, X. Garbet, V. Grandgirard |
347-351 | Statistical analysis of turbulent front propagation in the scrape-off-layer | Ph. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, G. Attuel, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer, G. Darmet, G. Falchetto, C. Figarella, X. Garbet, V. Grandgirard, M. Ottaviani |
352-356 | Plasma structures and transport in the SOL of the T-10 tokamak | G.S. Kirnev, V.P. Budaev, S.A. Grashin, E.V. Gerasimov, L.N. Khimchenko |
357-360 | 3D Scrape-off layer modelling with BoRiS | J. Riemann, M. Borchardt, R. Schneider, A. Mutzke |
361-365 | Preliminary study of the influence of DED on carbon radiation and transport in the TEXTOR tokamak | G. Telesca, K. Crombé, M. Tokar, B. Unterberg, G. Verdoolaege, R. Zagorski, G. Van Oost |
366-370 | Benchmarking Tokamak edge modelling codes | D.P. Coster, X. Bonnin, G Corrigan, G.S. Kirnev, G. Matthews, J. Spence and Contributors to the EFDA-JET work programme |
371-375 | Multi-ion fluid simulation of tokamak edge plasmas including non-diffusive anomalous cross-field transport | A.Yu. Pigarov, E.M. Hollmann, S.I. Krasheninnikov, T.D. Rognlien, W.P. West |
376-380 | Statistical description of the radial structure of turbulence in the JET plasma boundary region | B. Gonçalves, C. Hidalgo, C. Silva, M.A. Pedrosa, K. Erents |
381-385 | Multi-machine comparisons of H-mode separatrix densities and edge profile behaviour in the ITPA SOL and Divertor Physics Topical Group | A. Kallenbach, N. Asakura, A. Kirk, A. Korotkov, M.A. Mahdavi, D. Mossessian, G.D. Porter |
386-390 | Simple Core-SOL-Divertor model and its application to operational space of HT-7U | R. Hiwatari, Y. Kuzuyama, A. Hatayama, K. Okano, Y. Asaoka, S. Zhu, Y. Tomita |
391-394 | Comparison of plasma parameters between QH and ELMing phases of the same discharges | C.J. Lasniera, W.P. West, K.H. Burrell, J.S. deGrassie, E.J. Doyle, T.H. Osborne |
395-399 | Modelling of heat deposition onto the Tore Supra toroidal pumped limiter | X. Bonnin, Ph. Ghendrih, E. Tsitrone, R. Mitteau |
400-404 | Magnetic structure at the edge of a compact stellarator (NCSX) | A. Grossman, T. Kaiser, P.K. Mioduszewski |
405-409 | Boundary conditions for the multi-ion magnetized plasma-wall transition | D. Tskhakaya, S. Kuhn |
410-414 | Kinetic neutral transport effects in the pedestal of H-mode discharges in the DIII-D tokamak | L.W. Owen, R.J. Groebner, M.A. Mahdavi |
415-419 | Comparison of limiter and emissive electrode bias on the tokamak ISTTOK | C. Silva, I. Nedzelskiy, H. Figueiredo, R.M.O. Galvão, J.A.C. Cabral, C.A.F. Varandas |
420-424 | Observations of fast ion loss to the plasma facing wall during quiescent H-modes on DIII-D | W.P. West, C.J. Lasnier, J.G. Watkins, J.S. deGrassie, W. Heidbrink, K.H. Burrell, F.E. Cecil |
425-430 | Assessment of the poloidal distribution of core plasma fueling and impurity sources in DIII-D | M. Groth, L.W. Owen, G.D. Porter, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, W.H. Meyer, A.W. Leonard, T.W. Petrie, D.L. Rudakov, G. Wang, J.G. Watkins, N.S. Wolf |
431-435 | Development of the plasma operational regime in the large helical device by the various wall conditioning methods | K. Nishimura, N. Ashikawa, S. Masuzaki, J. Miyazawa, A. Sagara, M. Goto, B.J. Peterson, A. Komori, N. Noda, K. Ida, O. Kaneko, K. Kawahata, T. Kobuchi, S. Kubo, S. Morita, M. Osakabe, S. Sakakibara, R. Sakamoto, K. Sato, T. Shimozuma, et al. | |
436-440 | The effect of co-deposition of hydrogen and metals on wall pumping in long duration plasma in TRIAM-1M | M. Miyamoto, M. Tokitani, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida, M. Sakamoto, H. Zushi, S. Nagata, K. Ono and TRIAM group |
441-445 | Fuelling efficiency of hydrocarbons in TJ-II plasmas | I. García-Cortés, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, A. Hidalgo, J.M. Carmona, K.J. McCarthy, F. Medina |
446-450 | Modeling of the pellet cloud structure in the presence of B | I.Yu. Senichenkov, I.Yu. Veselova, V.A. Rozhansky, R. Schneider |
451-455 | Measurement and modeling of hydrogen vibrational and rotational temperatures in weakly-ionized hydrogen discharges | E.M. Hollmann, A.Yu. Pigarov, K. Taylor |
456-460 | Development of ICRF wall conditioning technique on divertor-type tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and JET | A. Lyssoivan, D.A. Hartmann, J.-M. Noterdaeme, R. Koch, V. Bobkov, T. Blackman, F. Braun, M. Cox, P. de Vries, H.G. Esser, H.-U. Fahrbach, J. Gafert, E. Gauthier, O. Gehre, M. Graham, G. Haas, A. Huber, K. Lawson, P.J. Lomas, M. Mantsinen, et al. | |
461-465 | Hydrogen absorption capability of a niobium panel for pumping neutral atoms in divertor region | Y. Nakamura, A.I. Livshits, Y. Nakahara, Y. Hatano, A. Busnyuk, N. Ohyabu |
466-470 | Modeling of three-dimensional neutral transport in tandem mirror plasmas using a Monte-Carlo code | Y. Nakashima, Y. Higashizono, T. Ohki, M. Shoji, S. Kobayashi, Y. Kubota, M. Yoshikawa, M.K. Islam, K. Watanabe, T. Ogita, M. Yamada, R. Murakami, T. Cho |
471-474 | Pumping capability and particle balance in W7-X: a self-consistent 3D study | D. Sharma, Y. Feng, F. Sardei, J. Kisslinger, H. Grote, P. Grigull, H. Renner |
475-479 | Divertor regimes in NSTX | V.A. Soukhanovskii, R. Maingi, A.L. Roquemore, J. Boedo, C. Bush, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, S.F. Paul, G.D. Porter, N.S. Wolf and NSTX Research Team |
480-484 | On the lifetime of wall conditioning layers | H. Maier, K. Schmid, W. Eckstein |
485-489 | Pellet fuelling in Tore Supra long discharges | A. Géraud, J. Bucalossi, T. Loarer, B. Pégourié, C. Grisolia, G. Gros, J. Gunn |
490-494 | Analysis of the Dα spectral line shape on the carbon limiter insertion experiments in Heliotron J | H. Kawazome, K. Takahashi, S. Tsuboi, H. Arimoto, T. Mizuuchi, N. Nishino, H. Okada, K. Nagasaki, S. Kobayashi, S. Yamamoto, Y. Suzuki, K. Ohashi, S. Nakazawa, M. Kaneko, H. Shidara, Y. Fukagawa, S. Nishio, M. Yamada, H. Yamazaki, K. Kondo, et al. | |
495-499 | Development of NSTX particle control techniques | H.W. Kugel, R. Maingi, M. Bell, D. Gates, K. Hill, B. LeBlanc, D. Mueller, R. Kaita, S. Paul, S. Sabbagh, C.H. Skinner, V. Soukhanovskii, B. Stratton, R. Raman |
500-504 | Molecular deuterium sources in the outer divertor of JET | A. Pospieszczyk, S. Brezinsek, G. Sergienko, P.T. Greenland, A. Huber, A. Meigs, Ph. Mertens, U. Samm, M. Stamp, S. Wiesen |
505-509 | Thermal wall load control using fast gas puffing in the TPE-RX reversed-field pinch | H. Sakakita, Y. Yagi, H. Koguchi, Y. Hirano, T. Shimada |
510-514 | Three-dimensional simulation of gas conductance measurement experiments on Alcator C-Mod | D.P. Stotler, B. LaBombard |
515-519 | Local effects of gas fuelling and their impact on transport processes in the plasma edge of the tokamak TEXTOR | B. Unterberg, S. Brezinsek, G. Sergienko, C.C. Chu, P. Dumortier, J.D. Hey, D. Kalupin, A. Kreter, M. Lehnen, A.M. Messiaen, Ph. Mertens, A. Pospieszczyk, U. Samm, B. Schweer, M.Z. Tokar’, G. Van Wassenhove and the TEXTOR-team |
520-524 | Neutral pressure behavior for diverted discharges in the Wendelstein 7-AS Stellarator | K. McCormick, P. Grigull, R. Burhenn, H. Ehmler, Y. Feng, L. Giannone, G. Haas, F. Sardei and The NBI- ECRH- and W7-AS Teams |
525-529 | Particle control issues of a compact stellarator with external vacuum vessel | Peter Mioduszewski and the QPS Group |
530-534 | The response of the Tore Supra edge plasma to supersonic pulsed gas injection | R. Pánek, J.P. Gunn, J. Bucalossi, I. Ďuran, A. Geraud, M. Hron, T. Loarer, B. Pégourié, J. Stöckel, E. Tsitrone |
535-538 | Fueling of QH-mode plasmas on DIII-D with pellets and gas | L.R. Baylor, T.C. Jernigan, K.H. Burrell, S.K. Combs, E.J. Doyle, P. Gohil, C.M. Greenfield, C.J. Lasnier, W.P. West |
539-543 | Role of wall implantation of charge exchange neutrals in the deuterium retention for Tore Supra long discharges | E. Tsitrone, D. Reiter, T. Loarer, C. Brosset, J. Bucalossi, L. Begrambekov, C. Grisolia, A. Grosman, J. Gunn, J. Hogan, R. Mitteau, B. Pégourié, P. Ghendrih, R. Reichle, P. Roubin |
544-547 | Recoil energy distribution of hydrogen isotopes adsorbed on tungsten | R. Bastasz, J.A. Whaley |
548-552 | Comparison of deuterium and hydrogen experiments in the Sustained Spheromak Physics Experiment | R.D. Wood, D.N. Hill, E.B. Hooper, H.S. McLean, D. Ryutov, S. Woodruff |
553-559 | Retention characteristics of hydrogen isotopes in JT-60U | K. Masaki, K. Sugiyama, T. Hayashi, K. Ochiai, Y. Gotoh, T. Shibahara, Y. Hirohata, Y. Oya, N. Miya, T. Tanabe |
560-564 | Tritium recovery in ITER by radiative plasma terminations | D.G. Whyte, J.W. Davis |
565-569 | The removal of co-deposited hydrocarbon films from plasma facing components using high-power pulsed flashlamp irradiation | K.J. Gibson, G.F. Counsell, C. Curran, M.J. Forrest, M.J. Kay, K.G. Watkins |
570-574 | Laser desorption of deuterium retained in re-deposited carbon layers at TEXTOR and JET | B. Schweer, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, V. Philipps, F. Irrek, H.G. Esser, U. Samm, M. Kempenaars, M. Stamp, C. Gowers, D. Richards |
575-579 | Tritium distribution in JET Mark IIA type divertor tiles analysed by BIXS | Y. Torikai, M. Matsuyama, N. Bekris, M. Glugla, P. Coad, W. Naegele, A. Erbe, N. Noda, V. Philipps, K. Watanabe |
580-584 | Multi-scale modeling of hydrogen isotope transport in porous graphite | M. Warrier, R. Schneider, E. Salonen, K. Nordlund |
585-589 | A new versatile facility: Vehicle-1 for innovative PFC concepts evaluation and its first experiments on hydrogen recycling from solid and liquid lithium | Y. Hirooka, H. Ohgaki, Y. Ohtsuka, M. Nishikawa |
590-594 | Composition and hydrogen isotope retention analysis of co-deposited C/Be layers | M.J. Baldwin, K. Schmid, R.P. Doerner, A. Wiltner, R. Seraydarian, Ch. Linsmeier |
595-599 | Dynamic hydrogen isotope behavior and its chemical states in SiC by XPS and TDS technique | Y. Oya, Y. Onishi, H. Kodama, K. Okuno, S. Tanaka |
600-603 | Deuterium retention and release from molybdenum exposed to a Penning discharge | R.A. Causey, C.L. Kunz, D.F. Cowgill |
604-608 | Hydrogen retention of carbon dust produced in JT-60 | H. Yoshida, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, T. Arai, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba, N. Miya, T. Hino |
609-613 | Hydrogen retention in divertor tiles used in JT-60 for hydrogen discharge period | Y. Hirohata, T. Shibahara, T. Tanabe, T. Arai, Y. Gotoh, Y. Oya, H. Yoshida, Y. Morimoto, J. Yagyu, K. Masaki, K. Okuno, T. Hino, N. Miya |
614-618 | Thermal desorption behavior of deuterium implanted into polycrystalline diamond | H. Kimura, M. Sasaki, Y. Morimoto, T. Takeda, H. Kodama, A. Yoshikawa, M. Oyaidzu, K. Takahashi, K. Sakamoto, T. Imai, K. Okuno |
619-623 | Depth distribution of deuterium in single- and polycrystalline tungsten up to depths of several micrometers | V.Kh. Alimov, J. Roth, M. Mayer |
624-628 | Tritium particle balance and retention during DT discharges in JET | T. Loarer, J. Bucalossi, G. Matthew, V. Philipps and JET-EFDA Collaborators |
629-633 | Effects of background gas impurities during D+ irradiation on D trapping in single crystal tungsten | M. Poon, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz |
634-638 | Tritium distribution on plasma-facing tiles from ASDEX Upgrade | K. Sugiyama, T. Tanabe, K. Krieger, R. Neu, N. Bekris |
639-643 | Fuel removal from bumper limiter tiles by using a pulsed excimer laser | B. Emmoth, S. Khartsev, A. Pisarev, A. Grishin, U. Karlsson, A. Litnovsky, M. Rubel, P. Wienhold |
644-648 | Controlled irradiation of CFC samples in the scrape-off layer of Tore Supra | J.P. Gunn, L. Begrambekov, C. Brosset, A. Gordeev, T. Loarer, E. Miljavina, P. Shigin, H. Khodja, P. Oddon, J.-Y. Pascal, S. Vartanian |
649-653 | Helium irradiation effects on retention behavior of deuterium implanted into boron coating film by PCVD | H. Kodama, M. Oyaidzu, A. Yoshikawa, H. Kimura, Y. Oya, M. Matsuyama, A. Sagara, N. Noda, K. Okuno |
654-658 | Hydrogen release behavior from graphite under pulsed laser irradiation | T. Shibahara, Y. Sakawa, T. Tanabe |
659-663 | Characterisation of flakes generated in JET after DD and DT plasma operations | N. Bekris, J.P. Coad, R.-D. Penzhorn, S. Knipe, L. Doerr, R. Rolli, W. Nägele |
664-668 | Deuterium concentration in deposited carbon layers in Tore Supra | C. Brosset, H. Khodja and Tore Supra team |
669-676 | Power deposition onto plasma facing components in poloidal divertor tokamaks during type-I ELMs and disruptions | T. Eich, A. Herrmann, G. Pautasso, P. Andrew, N. Asakura, J.A. Boedo, Y. Corre, M.E. Fenstermacher, J.C. Fuchs, W. Fundamenski, G. Federici, E. Gauthier, B. Goncalves, O. Gruber, A. Kirk, A.W. Leonard, A. Loarte, G.F. Matthews, J. Neuhauser, R.A. Pitts, et al. | |
677-683 | Edge localized modes control: experiment and theory | M. Becoulet, G. Huysmans, P. Thomas, E. Joffrin, F. Rimini, P. Monier-Garbet, A. Grosman, P. Ghendrih, V. Parail, P. Lomas, G. Matthews, H. Wilson, M. Gryaznevich, G. Counsell, A. Loarte, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, A. Leonard, P. Snyder, T. Evans, et al. | |
684-690 | Effects of ELMs and disruptions on ITER divertor armour materials | G. Federici, A. Zhitlukhin, N. Arkhipov, R. Giniyatulin, N. Klimov, I. Landman, V. Podkovyrov, V. Safronov, A. Loarte, M. Merola |
691-696 | Suppression of large edge localized modes in high confinement DIII-D plasmas with a stochastic magnetic boundary | T.E. Evans, R.A. Moyer, J.G. Watkins, P.R. Thomas, T.H. Osborne, J.A. Boedo, M.E. Fenstermacher, K.H. Finken, R.J. Groebner, M. Groth, J. Harris, G.L. Jackson, R.J. La Haye, C.J. Lasnier, M.J. Schaffer, G. Wang, L. Zeng |
697-701 | Interaction of ELMs and fast particles with in-vessel components in ASDEX Upgrade | A. Herrmann, J. Neuhauser, V. Rohde, R. Dux, T. Eich, C.J. Fuchs, M.Y. Ye and ASDEX Upgrade team |
702-706 | Energy flow during disruptions in JET | J.I. Paley, P. Andrew, S.C. Cowley, W. Fundamenski, A. Huber, JET EFDA Contributors |
707-711 | Tungsten erosion under plasma heat loads typical for ITER type I ELMs and disruptions | I.E. Garkusha, A.N. Bandura, O.V. Byrka, V.V. Chebotarev, I.S. Landman, V.A. Makhlaj, A.K. Marchenko, D.G. Solyakov, V.I. Tereshin, S.A. Trubchaninov, A.V. Tsarenko |
712-716 | Parallel and radial transport of ELM plasma in the SOL and divertor of JT-60U | N. Asakura, M. Takechi, N. Oyama, T. Nakano |
717-721 | Far scrape-off layer and near wall plasma studies in DIII-D | D.L. Rudakov, J.A. Boedo, R.A. Moyer, N.H. Brooks, R.P. Doerner, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, E.M. Hollmann, S. Krasheninnikov, C.J. Lasnier, M.A. Mahdavi, G.R. McKee, A. McLean, P.C. Stangeby, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte, C.P.C. Wong |
722-726 | Determination of the particle and energy fluxes in the JET far SOL during ELMs using the reciprocating probe diagnostic | C. Silva, B. Gonçalves, C. Hidalgo, K. Erents, A. Loarte, G. Matthews, M. Pedrosa |
727-731 | ELMs and the H-mode pedestal in NSTX | R. Maingi, S.A. Sabbagh, C.E. Bush, E.D. Fredrickson, J.E. Menard, D. Stutman, K. Tritz, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, J.A. Boedo, D.A. Gates, D.W. Johnson, R. Kaita, S.M. Kaye, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, D. Mueller, R. Raman, A.L. Roquemore, V.A. Soukhanovskii, et al. | |
732-736 | Integrated exhaust control with divertor parameter feedback and pellet ELM pacemaking in ASDEX Upgrade | A. Kallenbach, P.T. Lang, R. Dux, C. Fuchs, A. Herrmann, H. Meister, V. Mertens, R. Neu, T. Pütterich, T. Zehetbauer and the ASDEX Upgrade Team |
737-741 | Direct measurement of the impurity dynamics during an ELM cycle | M.R. Wade, K.H. Burrell, J.T. Hogan, A.W. Leonard, T.H. Osborne, P. Snyder, D. Coster |
742-746 | SOL and pedestal density profile evolution during DIII-D ELMy and ELM-suppressed H-mode operation | L. Zeng, G. Wang, E.J. Doyle, T.L. Rhodes, W.A. Peebles, M.E. Fenstermacher, T.E. Evans, R.A. Moyer |
747-750 | ELMs and strike point jumps | Emilia R. Solano, S. Jachmich, F. Villone, N. Hawkes, Y. Corre, R.A. Pitts, A. Loarte, B. Alper, K. Guenther, A. Koroktov, M. Stamp, P. Andrew, S.A. Arshad, J. Conboy, T. Bolzonella, E. Rachlew, M. Kempenaars, A. Cenedese, D. Testa and JET EFDA contributors |
751-755 | Langmuir probe measurements in the lower x | M. Tsalas, N. Tsois, V. Rohde, J. Neuhauser and the ASDEX Upgrade Team |
756-760 | Radiation distribution and energy balance during type-I ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade | J.C. Fuchs, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, K.F. Mast and The ASDEX Upgrade Team |
761-765 | Simulation of tokamak armour erosion and plasma contamination at intense transient heat fluxes in ITER | I.S. Landman, B.N. Bazylev, I.E. Garkusha, A. Loarte, S.E. Pestchanyi, V.M. Safronov |
766-770 | Erosion of tungsten armor after multiple intense transient events in ITER | B.N. Bazylev, G. Janeschitz, I.S. Landman, S.E. Pestchanyi |
771-775 | ELM-induced plasma transport in the DIII-D SOL | J.A. Boedo, D.L. Rudakov, E.M. Hollmann, R.A. Moyer, G.R. McKee, K. Burrell, T.E. Evans, A.W. Leonard, W.P. West, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, S.L. Allen, L. Zeng, G. Wang, J.G. Watkins and The DIII-D Team |
776-780 | Influence of ELMs on operation of ICRF antennas in ASDEX Upgrade | Vl.V. Bobkov, F. Braun, D.A. Hartmann, P. Lamalle, I. Monakhov, J.-M. Noterdaeme, P. Wouters, E. Würsching and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
781-785 | Effect of B-field dependent particle drifts on ELM behavior in the DIII-D boundary plasma | M.E. Fenstermacher, A.W. Leonard, G.D. Porter, J.A. Boedo, N.H. Brooks, D.S. Gray, M. Groth, E.M. Hollmann, C.J. Lasnier, T.W. Petrie, L. Zeng |
786-790 | Thermographic power accounting in MAST | F. Lott, A. Kirk, G.F. Counsell, J. Dowling, D. Taylor, T. Eich, A. Herrmann |
791-794 | Modelling of thermal shock experiments of carbon based materials in JUDITH | O.V. Ogorodnikova, S. Pestchanyi, Y. Koza, J. Linke |
795-801 | Steady state heat exhaust in Tore Supra: operational safety and edge parameters | R. Mitteau and Tore Supra team |
802-807 | Study of plasma wall interactions in the long-pulse NB-heated discharges of JT-60U towards steady-state operation | H. Takenaga, N. Asakura, S. Higashijima, T. Nakano, H. Kubo, S. Konoshima, N. Oyama, A. Isayama, S. Ide, T. Fujita, Y. Miura and The JT-60 team |
808-815 | Overview of goals and performance of ITER and strategy for plasma–wall interaction investigation | M. Shimada, A.E. Costley, G. Federici, K. Ioki, A.S. Kukushkin, V. Mukhovatov, A. Polevoi, M. Sugihara |
816-820 | A new look at JET operation with Be as plasma facing material | A. Loarte, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, D.J. Campbell, P.J. Lomas, G.F. Matthews and EFDA-JET workprogramme collaborators |
821-825 | Experience gained from high heat flux actively cooled PFCs in Tore Supra | A. Grosman, P. Bayetti, C. Brosset, J. Bucalossi, J.J. Cordier, A. Durocher, F. Escourbiac, Ph. Ghendrih, D. Guilhem, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, M. Lipa, R. Mitteau, B. Pegourie, R. Reichle, J. Schlosser, E. Tsitrone, J.C. Vallet |
826-830 | Strongly radiating type-III ELMy H-mode in JET – an integrated scenario for ITER | J. Rapp, G.F. Matthews, P. Monier-Garbet, R. Sartori, Y. Corre, T. Eich, R. Felton, W. Fundamenski, C. Giroud, A. Huber, S. Jachmich, P. Morgan, M. O’Mullane, H.R. Koslowski, M. Stamp, contributors to the EFDA-JET work programme |
831-834 | High energy electron deposition within vertical ports, during lower hybrid current drive on Tore Supra | F. Saint-Laurent, G. Martin, V. Basiuk, E. Faudot, C. Grisolia, S. Heuraux, M. Lipa |
835-838 | Long-pulse discharges by synergy of LHW and IBW heating in the HT-7 tokamak | X. Gao, J. Li, Y. Yang, J.K. Xie, J.R. Luo, J.Y. Zhao, X.Z. Gong, L.Q. Hu, X.D. Zhang, Y.J. Shi, B.N. Wan, K. Tanaka, R. Sakamoto, Y.P. Zhao, G.L. Kuang, J.S. Hu, M. Asif, Y.X. Jie, H.Q. Liu, J. Liu, et al. | |
839-846 | Redeposition of hydrocarbon layers in fusion devices | Wolfgang Jacob |
847-851 | Carbon erosion and a:C–H layer formation at ASDEX Upgrade | V. Rohde, M. Mayer, J. Likonen, R. Neu, T. Pütterich, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
852-856 | Plasma surface interaction with tungsten in ASDEX Upgrade | R. Dux, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, R. Neu, J. Neuhauser, H. Maier, R. Pugno, T. Pütterich, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
857-861 | Low-energy tritium ion erosion of graphite | R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis |
862-866 | Influence of beryllium plasma seeding on the erosion of carbon | K. Schmid, M. Baldwin, R. Doerner |
867-871 | Studies of a-C: D film inhibition by nitrogen injection in laboratory plasmas and divertors | F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, V. Rohde, M. Stamp, G. Matthews, G. Esser, V. Philipps, R. Doerner, M. Baldwin |
872-876 | Effects of large area liquid lithium limiters on spherical torus plasmas | R. Kaita, R. Majeski, M. Boaz, P. Efthimion, G. Gettelfinger, T. Gray, D. Hoffman, S. Jardin, H. Kugel, P. Marfuta, T. Munsat, C. Neumeyer, S. Raftopoulos, V. Soukhanovskii, J. Spaleta, G. Taylor, J. Timberlake, R. Woolley, L. Zakharov, M. Finkenthal, et al. | |
877-881 | High temperature erosion of beryllium | R.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, S.I. Krasheninnikov, K. Schmid |
882-886 | Dynamic transition between erosion and deposition on a tungsten surface exposed to edge plasmas containing carbon impurities | K. Ohya, T. Tanabe, A. Kirschner, T. Hirai, V. Philipps, M. Wada, T. Ohgo, N. Noda |
887-891 | Blister formation and deuterium retention on tungsten exposed to low energy and high flux deuterium plasma | K. Tokunaga, M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, N. Noda, Y. Kubota, N. Yoshida, T. Sogabe, T. Kato, B. Schedler |
892-896 | Increased recombination of CH3 radicals on stainless steel | A.E. Gorodetsky, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, A.P. Zakharov, S.P. Vnukov, I.G. Varshavskaya, A.N. Makhankov, I.V. Mazul, G. Federici |
897-901 | Density functional theory and molecular dynamic studies of hydrogen interaction with plasma-facing graphite surfaces and the impact of boron doping | Y. Ferro, A. Jelea, F. Marinelli, C. Brosset, A. Allouche |
902-906 | Influence of microstructure of tungsten on solid state reaction rate with amorphous carbon film | Y. Hatano, M. Takamori, K. Nogita, K. Matsuda, S. Ikeno, K. Watanabe |
907-911 | Thermal properties of plasma exposed carbon and heat flux calculations on a spatial scale of a few microns | A. Herrmann |
912-916 | Molecular dynamics simulation of Li surface erosion and bubble formation | Z. Insepov, A. Hassanein |
917-921 | Experimental investigations of castellated monoblock structures in TEXTOR | A. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, P. Wienhold, G. Sergienko, B. Emmoth, M. Rubel, U. Breuer, E. Wessel |
922-926 | Measurements of chemical erosion of ATJ graphite by low energy impact | F.W. Meyer, H.F. Krause, L.I. Vergara |
927-931 | Characteristic changes of deuterium retention on tungsten surfaces due to low-energy helium plasma pre-exposure | D. Nishijima, T. Sugimoto, H. Iwakiri, M.Y. Ye, N. Ohno, N. Yoshida, S. Takamura |
932-936 | Energy and fluence dependences of helium retention in stainless steel | Y. Nobuta, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino, N. Ashikawa, K. Nishimura, A. Sagara, S. Masuzaki, T. Ozaki, N. Noda, A. Komori, O. Motojima and LHD Experimental Group |
937-941 | Microscopic and macroscopic damage in metals exposed to LHD divertor plasmas | M. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, D. Koga, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, T. Morisaki, M. Shoji, A. Komori, LHD Experimental Group |
942-945 | Angular resolved energy distributions of low energy light ions reflected from a polycrystalline Mo surface | H. Yamaoka, Y. Matsumoto, M. Nishiura, K. Nishimura, M. Sasao, M. Wada |
946-950 | Impact of low energy helium irradiation on plasma facing metals | N. Yoshida, H. Iwakiri, K. Tokunaga, T. Baba |
951-955 | Formation of a surface alloy in the beryllium–tungsten system | A. Wiltner, Ch. Linsmeier |
956-959 | Study of optical properties of Mox | G. De Temmerman, M. Ley, J. Boudaden, P. Oelhafen |
960-964 | Thermal behaviour of redeposited layer under high heat flux exposure | E. Gauthier, S. Dumas, J. Matheus, M. Missirlian, Y. Corre, L. Nicolas, P. Yala, P. Coad, P. Andrew, S. Cox and the JET-EFDA contributors |
965-969 | Formation of D inventories and structural modifications by deuterium bombardment of tungsten thin films | I. Bizyukov, K. Krieger, N. Azarenkov, S. Levchuk, Ch. Linsmeier |
970-974 | Flux dependence of carbon erosion and implication for ITER | J. Roth, A. Kirschner, W. Bohmeyer, S. Brezinsek, A. Cambe, E. Casarotto, R. Doerner, E. Gauthier, G. Federici, S. Higashijima, J. Hogan, A. Kallenbach, H. Kubo, J.M. Layet, T. Nakano, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, R. Preuss, R. Pugno, R. Ruggiéri, et al. | |
975-979 | An extended formula for the energy spectrum of sputtered atoms from a material irradiated by light ions | T. Ono, Y. Aoki, T. Kawamura, T. Kenmotsu, Y. Yamamura |
980-984 | Deuterium-induced chemical erosion of carbon-metal layers | M. Balden, E. de Juan Pardo, I. Quintana, B. Cieciwa, J. Roth |
985-989 | Carbon chemical erosion in H-mode discharges in ASDEX Upgrade divertor IIb: flux dependence and local redeposition | R. Pugno, K. Krieger, A. Kirschner, A. Kallenbach, D.P. Coster, R. Dux, U. Fantz, J. Likonen, H.W. Müller, J. Neuhauser, V. Rohde, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
990-994 | Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction studies of some deposited carbon layers in Tore Supra | P. Roubin, C. Martin, C. Arnas, Ph. Colomban, B. Pégourié, C. Brosset |
995-999 | Possible effects of RF field near ICRF antenna on density control during long pulse discharge in LHD | K. Saito, R. Kumazawa, T. Mutoh, T. Seki, T. Watari, Y. Nakamura, M. Sakamoto, N. Noda, T. Watanabe, M. Shoji, S. Masuzaki, S. Morita, M. Goto, Y. Torii, N. Takeuchi, F. Shimpo, G. Nomura, M. Yokota, A. Kato, Y. Zhao and LHD Experimental Group |
1000-1004 | Characterization of dust collected from NSTX and JT-60U | J. Phillip Sharpe, P.W. Humrickhouse, C.H. Skinner the NSTX Team, T. Tanabe, K. Masaki, N. Miya the JT-60U Team, A. Sagara |
1005-1009 | Investigations of chemical erosion of carbon materials in hydrogen and deuterium low pressure plasmas | P. Starke, U. Fantz, M. Balden |
1010-1014 | Hydrogen blister formation and cracking behavior for various tungsten materials | Y. Ueda, T. Funabiki, T. Shimada, K. Fukumoto, H. Kurishita, M. Nishikawa |
1015-1018 | Incident-mass dependence of temperature-enhanced ion-induced sputtering in liquid metals | M.D. Coventry, D.N. Ruzic |
1019-1023 | Modification of tungsten layers by arcing | M. Laux, W. Schneider, B. Jüttner, S. Lindig, M. Mayer, M. Balden, I. Beilis, B. Djakov |
1024-1028 | Investigation of the high temperature erosion of nickel under 5 keV neon irradiation | E. Vietzke, V. Philipps |
1029-1032 | Molecular dynamics modeling of deuterium in liquid lithium surfaces | Hua-Tan Qiu, D.N. Ruzic |
1033-1037 | Measurement of hydrogen absorption in flowing liquid lithium in the flowing lithium retention experiment (FLIRE) | R. Stubbers, W. Olczak, M. Nieto, D.N. Ruzic |
1038-1042 | Divertor impurity sources; effects of hot surfaces and thin films on impurity production | M.F. Stamp, P. Andrew, S. Brezinsek, A. Huber and JET EFDA Contributors |
1043-1047 | Damage process of high purity tungsten coatings by hydrogen beam heat loads | S. Tamura, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida, M. Taniguchi, K. Ezato, K. Sato, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba, Y. Tsunekawa, M. Okumiya |
1048-1052 | Modeling and analysis of mixed-material surface evolution and sputtering | A.M. Yacout, A. Hassanein |
1053-1057 | PSI modeling of liquid lithium divertors for the NSTX tokamak | J.N. Brooks, J.P. Allain, T.D. Rognlien, R. Maingi |
1058-1063 | Identification of molecular carbon sources in the JET divertor by means of emission spectroscopy | S. Brezinsek, A. Pospieszczyk, M.F. Stamp, A. Meigs, A. Kirschner, A. Huber, Ph. Mertens and JET-EFDA contributors |
1064-1068 | Surface temperature measurements of carbon materials in fusion devices | D. Hildebrandt, D. Naujoks, D. Sünder |
1069-1072 | Hot spot effect on infrared spectral luminance emitted by carbon under plasma particles impact | E. Delchambre, R. Reichle, R. Mitteau, M. Missirlian, P. Roubin |
1073-1076 | High-speed 2-D image measurement for plasma-wall interaction studies | N. Nishino, K. Takahashi, H. Kawazome, Y. Fukagawa, T. Mizuuchi, K. Kondo, F. Sano, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, S. Kobayahi, S. Yamamoto |
1077-1081 | Investigation of Mach probe geometry effects in weakly magnetized plasmas | T. Shikama, S. Kado, A. Okamoto, S. Kajita, S. Tanaka |
1082-1086 | Rovibrational distribution of H2 in low temperature plasma: the dependence on the plasma parameters | Bingjia Xiao, Shinichiro Kado, Shin Kajita, Daisuke Yamasaki, Satoru Tanaka |
1087-1091 | Correlation of the intensity ratio of C2/CH molecular bands with the flux ratio of C2Hy | U. Fantz, S. Meir and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
1092-1095 | Investigation of the role of temperature fluctuations on spectral line shapes | Y. Marandet, H. Capes, L. Godbert-Mouret, M. Koubiti, R. Stamm |
1096-1100 | A novel diagnostic for time-resolved spectroscopic argon and lithium density measurements | L. Schmitz, P. Calderoni, A. Ying, M.A. Abdou |
1101-1105 | Neutral helium line emission for edge plasma conditions | F.B. Rosmej, R. Stamm, S. Fritzsche, H. Capes, M. Koubiti, Y. Marandet, V.S. Lisitsa, N. Ohno, S. Takamura, D. Nishijima |
1106-1110 | Ion sensitive probe measurement in the linear plasma device PSI-2 | N. Ezumi, Zh. Kiss’ovski, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann |
1111-1115 | Kinetic (PIC) simulations for a plane probe in a collisional plasma | S. Teodoru, D. Tskhakaya Jr., S. Kuhn, D.D. Tskhakaya Sr., R. Schrittwieser, C. Ioniţă, G. Popa |
1116-1120 | Exposure of metal mirrors in the scrape-off layer of TEXTOR | P. Wienhold, A. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, B. Schweer, G. Sergienko, P. Oelhafen, M. Ley, G. De Temmerman, W. Schneider, D. Hildebrandt, M. Laux, M. Rubel, B. Emmoth |
1121-1146 | Author index | |
1147-1182 | Subject index | |
1183-1224 | Subject index for PSI-16 | |
iii | Conference Title Page | |
iv | Manuscript received date | |
v-vi | Contents | |
vii-viii | Editorial Note | Claude Degueldre, Christophe Poinssot, Rodney Ewing, Lian Zhou |
141-145 | Effect of self-interstitial cluster migration on helium diffusion in iron | M.J. Caturla, C.J. Ortiz |
146-151 | The influence of non-equilibrium fluctuations on radiation damage and recovery of metals under irradiation | V.I. Dubinko, V.F. Klepikov |
152-160 | Effect of helium on irradiation-induced hardening of iron: A simulation point of view | R. Schäublin, Y.L. Chiu |
161-166 | Diffusion coefficients and thermal stability of small helium–vacancy clusters in iron | V.A. Borodin, P.V. Vladimirov |
167-173 | Characterization of dislocation loops and chromium-rich precipitates in ferritic iron–chromium alloys as means of void swelling suppression | D. Terentyev, P. Olsson, L. Malerba, A.V. Barashev |
174-180 | Actively cooled plasma facing components in Tore Supra: From material and design to operation | Ph. Magaud, P. Monier-Garbet, J.M. Travère, A. Grosman |
181-188 | Helium behaviour and vacancy defect distribution in helium implanted tungsten | A. Debelle, M.F. Barthe, T. Sauvage, R. Belamhawal, A. Chelgoum, P. Desgardin, H. Labrim |
189-196 | Application of laser assisted technologies for fabrication of functionally graded coatings and objects for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor components | I. Yadroitsev, Ph. Bertrand, B. Laget, I. Smurov |
197-201 | Interface reactions between silicon carbide and interlayers in silicon carbide–copper metal–matrix composites | T. Köck, A. Brendel, H. Bolt |
202-207 | Silicon displacement threshold energy determined by electron paramagnetic resonance and positron annihilation spectroscopy in cubic and hexagonal polytypes of silicon carbide | X. Kerbiriou, M.-F. Barthe, S. Esnouf, P. Desgardin, G. Blondiaux, G. Petite |
208-214 | Development of multifilamentary niobium–titanium and niobium–tin strands for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project | L. Zhou, P.X. Zhang, X.D. Tang, X.H. Liu, Y.F. Lu, P.D. Weng, G. Grunblatt, Gia K. Hoang, C. Verwaerde |
215-221 | Nuclear reaction analysis with ion microbeam of cross sections of surface layers deposited in a tokamak divertor | H. Bergsåker, B. Emmoth, P. Petersson, G. Possnert, J.P. Coad, J. Likonen, T. Renvall |
222-226 | Radiation-optical characteristics of quartz glass and sapphire | A.Kh. Islamov, E.M. Ibragimova, I. Nuritdinov |
227-234 | Critical parameters and equation of state for heavy liquid metals | K. Morita, V. Sobolev, M. Flad |
235-247 | Thermophysical properties of lead and lead–bismuth eutectic | V. Sobolev |
248-252 | High temperature corrosion of a nickel base alloy by helium impurities | F. Rouillard, C. Cabet, K. Wolski, A. Terlain, M. Tabarant, M. Pijolat, F. Valdivieso |
253-258 | An X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of an oxide dispersion strengthened steel | M.A. Pouchon, A.J. Kropf, A. Froideval, C. Degueldre, W. Hoffelner |
259-267 | Microstructural analysis of candidate steels pre-selected for new advanced reactor systems | A. Zeman, L. Debarberis, J. Kočík, V. Slugeň, E. Keilová |
268-273 | Effects of ion beam mixing of silicon carbide film deposited onto metallic materials for application to nuclear hydrogen production | Jae-Won Park, Youngjin Chun, Jonghwa Chang |
274-282 | Local atomic structure in iron copper binary alloys: An extended X-ray absorption fine structure study | G. Kuri, C. Degueldre, J. Bertsch, J. Rothe |
283-286 | Tensile properties and internal friction study of dislocation movement in iron–copper system as a function of copper precipitation | M.J. Konstantinović, A. Almazouzi, M. Scibetta, E. van Walle |
287-292 | Mechanical properties–microstructure correlation in neutron irradiated heat-affected zones of austenitic stainless steels | R. Stoenescu, R. Schaeublin, D. Gavillet, N. Baluc |
293-299 | Influence of self-interstitial mobility on damage accumulation in zirconium under fission irradiation conditions | C. Arevalo, M.J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado |
300-308 | The irradiation effects on zirconium alloys | Gh. Negut, M. Ancuta, V. Radu, S. Ionescu, V. Stefan, O. Uta, I. Prisecaru, N. Danila |
309-315 | High temperature creep properties of zirconium and Zircaloy-4 in vacuum and oxygen environments | G. Moulin, R. El Tahhan, J. Favergeon, M. Bigerelle, M. Viennot |
316-326 | Variable incidence angle – X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the study of Zircaloy corrosion layers | Claude Degueldre, Michael Kastoryano, Kathy Dardenne |
327-335 | Mechanistic modelling of urania fuel evolution and fission product migration during irradiation and heating | M.S. Veshchunov, R. Dubourg, V.D. Ozrin, V.E. Shestak, V.I. Tarasov |
336-342 | Processing of magnesia–pyrochlore composites for inert matrix materials | S.J. Yates, P. Xu, J. Wang, J.S. Tulenko, J.C. Nino |
343-349 | Structural investigation on an aged americium transmutation fuel | M. Walter, J. Somers, A. Fernandez, D. Haas, K. Dardenne, M.A. Denecke |
350-355 | Granulation and infiltration processes for the fabrication of minor actinide fuels, targets and conditioning matrices | C. Nästren, A. Fernandez, D. Haas, J. Somers, M. Walter |
356-363 | Dispersion type zirconium matrix fuels fabricated by capillary impregnation method | A. Savchenko, I. Konovalov, A. Vatulin, A. Morozov, V. Orlov, O. Uferov, S. Ershov, A. Laushkin, G. Kulakov, S. Maranchak, Z. Petrova |
364-373 | Xenon migration behaviour in titanium nitride | S. Gavarini, N. Toulhoat, C. Peaucelle, P. Martin, J. Mende, Y. Pipon, H. Jaffrezic |
374-382 | Prediction of oxygen potential in americium thorium oxides phase of a cermet fuel | M. Osaka, K. Kurosaki, S. Yamanaka |
383-394 | Perspectives on the closed fuel cycle – Implications for high-level waste matrices | Jean-Marie Gras, Richard Do Quang, Hervé Masson, Thierry Lieven, Cécile Ferry, Christophe Poinssot, Michel Debes, Jean-Michel Delbecq |
395-401 | A science-based approach to understanding waste form durability in open and closed nuclear fuel cycles | M.T. Peters, R.C. Ewing |
402-410 | An improved model to evaluate the oxidation kinetics of uranium dioxide during dry storage | A. Poulesquen, L. Desgranges, C. Ferry |
411-415 | Gap and grain boundaries inventories from pressurized water reactor spent fuels | D. Roudil, C. Jégou, V. Broudic, B. Muzeau, S. Peuget, X. Deschanels |
416-425 | Thermal diffusion of chlorine in uranium dioxide studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry and X-ray absorption spectroscopy | Y. Pipon, N. Toulhoat, N. Moncoffre, L. Raimbault, A.M. Scheidegger, F. Farges, G. Carlot |
426-430 | Neptunium interaction with uranium dioxide in aqueous solution | O.N. Batuk, St.N. Kalmykov, V.G. Petrov, E.V. Zakharova, Yu.A. Teterin, A.Yu. Teterin, V.I. Shapovalov, M.J. Haire |
431-437 | Helium release from plutonium and curium-doped zirconolite | T. Wiss, X. Deschanels, J.-P. Hiernaut, D. Roudil, S. Peuget, V.V. Rondinella |
438-444 | Ion beam irradiation of lanthanum and thorium-doped yttrium titanates | J. Lian, F.X. Zhang, M.T. Peters, L.M. Wang, R.C. Ewing |
445-450 | Effect of gold ion irradiation on helium migration in fluoroapatites investigated with nuclear reaction analysis | S. Miro, F. Studer, J.-M. Costantini, P. Berger, J. Haussy, P. Trouslard, J.-J. Grob |
451-458 | Actinide solubility-controlling phases during the dissolution of phosphate ceramics | E. Du Fou de Kerdaniel, N. Clavier, N. Dacheux, O. Terra, R. Podor |
459-465 | Irradiation effects on thorium phosphate diphosphate: Chemical durability and thermodynamic study | C. Tamain, N. Dacheux, F. Garrido, L. Thomé |
466-473 | Solid state diffusion during nuclear glass residual alteration in solution | T. Chave, P. Frugier, A. Ayral, S. Gin |
474-479 | Effect of alpha radiation on the leaching behaviour of nuclear glass | S. Peuget, V. Broudic, C. Jégou, P. Frugier, D. Roudil, X. Deschanels, H. Rabiller, P.Y. Noel |
480-484 | Behaviour of simplified nuclear waste glasses under gold ions implantation: A microluminescence study | J. de Bonfils, G. Panczer, D. de Ligny, S. Peuget, B. Champagnon |
485-492 | Corrosion of iron: A study for radioactive waste canisters | S. Ben Lagha, D. Crusset, I. Mabille, M. Tran, M.C. Bernard, E. Sutter |
493-501 | Modelling glass alteration in an altered argillaceous environment | O. Bildstein, L. Trotignon, C. Pozo, M. Jullien |
502-509 | Effect of cobalt hydroxo-sulphide on organic material radiolysis | C. Pichon, N. Millard-Pinard, F. Valdivieso, A. Chevarier, M. Pijolat, P.C. Leverd |
ii | Editorial board | |
v | Conference Title Page | |
vi | Manuscript received date | |
vii-viii | Preface | Jiangang Li, Xiang Gao, Junling Chen, T. Tanabe, P. Ghendrih, A. Leonard |
ix | Committees | |
xi-xix | Contents | |
1-11 | An ITER-like wall for JET | J. Paméla, G.F. Matthews, V. Philipps, R. Kamendje and JET-EFDA Contributors |
12-23 | Key plasma wall interaction issues towards steady state operation | E. Tsitrone |
24-31 | Turbulent transport and the plasma edge | V. Naulin |
32-40 | The implications of mixed-material plasma-facing surfaces in ITER | R.P. Doerner |
41-51 | Understanding the SOL flow in L-mode plasma on divertor tokamaks, and its influence on the plasma transport | Nobuyuki Asakura and ITPA SOL and Divertor Topical Group |
52-59 | Final steps to an all tungsten divertor tokamak | R. Neu, V. Bobkov, R. Dux, A. Kallenbach, Th. Pütterich, H. Greuner, O. Gruber, A. Herrmann, Ch. Hopf, K. Krieger, C.F. Maggi, H. Maier, M. Mayer, V. Rohde, K. Schmid, W. Suttrop and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
60-65 | Spectroscopic investigation of carbon migration with tungsten walls in ASDEX Upgrade | A. Kallenbach, R. Dux, J. Harhausen, C.F. Maggi, R. Neu, T. Pütterich, V. Rohde, K. Schmid, E. Wolfrum and the ASDEX Upgrade Team |
66-71 | Surface studies of tungsten erosion and deposition in JT-60U | Y. Ueda, M. Fukumoto, M. Nishikawa, T. Tanabe, N. Miya, T. Arai, K. Masaki, Y. Ishimoto, K. Tsuzuki, N. Asakura |
72-77 | Transport and deposition of 13C from methane injection into partially detached H-mode plasmas in DIII-D | W.R. Wampler, A.G. McLean, S.L. Allen, N.H. Brooks, J.D. Elder, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, P.C. Stangeby, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte |
78-85 | Modeling of asymmetric redeposition distribution between inner and outer regions of the W-shaped divertor in JT-60U | K. Ohya, K. Inai, T. Tanabe, H. Takenaga |
86-90 | Spectroscopic characterization and simulation of chemical sputtering using the DiMES porous plug injector in DIII-D | A.G. McLean, J.W. Davis, P.C. Stangeby, N.H. Brooks, D.G. Whyte, S.L. Allen, B.D. Bray, S. Brezinsek, J.D. Elder, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.A. Haasz, E.M. Hollmann, R.C. Isler, C.J. Lasnier, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, C.P.C. Wong |
91-95 | Modelling of tritium retention and target lifetime of the ITER divertor using the ERO code | A. Kirschner, D. Borodin, S. Droste, V. Philipps, U. Samm, G. Federici, A. Kukushkin, A. Loarte |
96-100 | Erosion of a tungsten limiter under high heat flux in TEXTOR | G. Sergienko, B. Bazylev, A. Huber, A. Kreter, A. Litnovsky, M. Rubel, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, Ph. Mertens, U. Samm, B. Schweer, O. Schmitz, M. Tokar and The TEXTOR Team |
101-106 | Tungsten erosion in the outer divertor of JET | M. Mayer, J. Likonen, J.P. Coad, H. Maier, M. Balden, S. Lindig, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, V. Philipps and JET-EFDA Contributors |
107-111 | Correlation of submicron dust observed in DIII-D during plasma operation with plasma operating parameters | W.P. West, B.D. Bray |
112-116 | Tungsten erosion at the ICRH limiters in ASDEX Upgrade | R. Dux, V. Bobkov, N. Fedorczak, K. Iraschko, A. Kallenbach, R. Neu, T. Pütterich, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
117-121 | Dissociative adsorption of atmospheric molecules at vacancies on the graphite (0 0 0 1) surface of samples exposed to plasma | A. Allouche, Y. Ferro |
122-126 | Compatibility of ICRF antennas with W-coated limiters for different plasma geometries in ASDEX Upgrade | Vl.V. Bobkov, F. Braun, R. Dux, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, R. Neu, J.-M. Noterdaeme, Th. Pütterich and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
127-130 | Decomposition and sticking of hydrocarbons in the plasma generator PSI-2 | W. Bohmeyer, A. Markin, D. Naujoks, B. Koch, G. Krenz, M. Baudach, G. Fussmann |
131-135 | Measurement of C I kinetic temperature in methane puffing experiments on DIII-D and implications for spectroscopically distinguishing carbon sputtering mechanisms | N.H. Brooks, R.C. Isler, A.G. McLean |
136-139 | Integrated modelling of the edge plasma and plasma facing components | D.P. Coster, X. Bonnin, A. Mutzke, R. Schneider, M. Warrier |
140-145 | OEDGE modeling of the DIII-D H-mode 13CH4 puffing experiment | J.D. Elder, A.G. McLean, P.C. Stangeby, S.L. Allen, J.A. Boedo, B.D. Bray, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.W. Leonard, D. Reiter, D.L. Rudakov, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte |
146-151 | Post mortem analysis of a JET quartz microbalance system | H.G. Esser, V. Philipps, P. Wienhold, K. Sugiyama, A. Kreter, J.P. Coad, T. Tanabe and JET-EFDA Contributors |
152-156 | Erosion and transport of Sn and In in the SOL of MAST plasmas | A.R. Foster, G.F. Counsell, H.P. Summers |
157-161 | Toroidally asymmetric distributions of hydrocarbon (CD) emission and chemical sputtering sources in DIII-D | M. Groth, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.J. Lasnier, A.G. McLean, J.G. Watkins |
162-166 | B2/Eirene modeling of EAST divertor target power loading with enhanced wall carbon source and additional neon injection | H.Y. Guo, S. Zhu, J. Li |
167-173 | Model for impurity generation, transport and deposition in the complex CIEL environment | J. Hogan, E. Dufour, C. Lowry, J. Gunn, Y. Corre, P. Monier-Garbet, R. Mitteau, E. Tsitrone |
174-178 | Growth and erosion of amorphous carbon (a-C:H) films by low-temperature laboratory plasmas containing H and N mixtures | Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, Christian Hopf, Chao Sun, Wolfgang Jacob |
179-183 | Study of local carbon transport on graphite, tungsten and molybdenum test limiters in TEXTOR by 13CH4 tracer injection | A. Kreter, P. Wienhold, D. Borodin, S. Brezinsek, S. Droste, T. Hirai, A. Kirschner, A. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, G. Sergienko and TEXTOR Team |
184-189 | Hydrogen isotopic effects on the chemical erosion of graphite induced by ion irradiation | J.H. Liang, M. Mayer, J. Roth, M. Balden, W. Eckstein |
190-195 | Structural studies of deposited layers on JET MkII-SRP inner divertor tiles | J. Likonen, J.P. Coad, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, T. Renvall, D.E. Hole, M. Rubel, A. Widdowson and JET-EFDA Contributors |
196-200 | Divertor heat flux scaling with heating power and plasma current in H-mode discharges in the national spherical torus experiment | R. Maingi, C.E. Bush, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel, A.L. Roquemore, S.F. Paul, V.A. Soukhanovskii and NSTX Team |
201-205 | Measurements of the average energy of carbon atoms released from breakup of methane in the main SOL of DIII-D compared with DIVIMP code modeling | P.C. Stangeby, A.G. McLean, J.D. Elder, N.H. Brooks, W.P. West, D. Reiter |
206-210 | A possible method of carbon deposit mapping on plasma facing components using infrared thermography | R. Mitteau, J. Spruytte, S. Vallet, J.M. Travère, D. Guilhem, C. Brosset |
211-215 | Modeling of multi-dimensional impurity transport in a realistic tokamak geometry | A. Fukano, M. Noritake, K. Hoshino, R. Yamazaki, A. Hatayama |
216-221 | Transport of dust particles in tokamak devices | A.Yu. Pigarov, R.D. Smirnov, S.I. Krasheninnikov, T.D. Rognlien, M. Rosenberg, T.K. Soboleva |
222-226 | 3D measurements of mobile dust particle trajectories in NSTX | A.L. Roquemore, N. Nishino, C.H. Skinner, C. Bush, R. Kaita, R. Maqueda, W. Davis, A.Yu Pigarov, S.I. Krasheninnikov |
227-232 | Migration of artificially introduced micron-size carbon dust in the DIII-D divertor | D.L. Rudakov, W.P. West, C.P.C. Wong, N.H. Brooks, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, S.I. Krasheninnikov, C.J. Lasnier, A.G. McLean, A.Yu. Pigarov, W.M. Solomon, G.Y. Antar, J.A. Boedo, R.P. Doerner, E.M. Hollmann, A.W. Hyatt, R.A. Moyer, J.G. Watkins |
233-237 | In situ measurements of erosion and redeposition during long duration discharges on TRIAM-1M | M. Sakamoto, M. Ogawa, H. Zushi, A. Higashijima, H. Nakashima, S. Kawasaki, M. Hasegawa, H. Idei, K. Hanada, K. Nakamura, K.N. Sato and TRIAM Group |
238-241 | The observation of dust behavior in TRIAM-1M | K. Sasaki, K. Hanada, N. Nishino, M. Tokitani, N. Yoshida, K.N. Sato, H. Zushi, K. Nakamura, M. Sakamoto, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, S. Kawasaki, H. Nakasihma, A. Higashijima and TRIAM group |
242-246 | Discharge resolved impurity flux measurements in the edge plasma of ASDEX Upgrade by exposure of collector probes | W. Schustereder, K. Krieger, A. Herrmann, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
247-251 | Pulse-by-pulse measurements of dynamic retention and deposition in NSTX | C.H. Skinner, H.W. Kugel, A.L. Roquemore, R. Maingi, W.R. Wampler |
252-258 | Studies of film formation and erosion by hydrocarbon injection at the plasma edge of TJ-II | D. Tafalla, F.L. Tabarés, I. García-Cortés, E. de la Cal, J.A. Ferreira, A. Hidalgo |
259-263 | First mirror tests for ITER: Influence of material choice on the erosion/deposition mechanisms affecting optical reflectivity | G. De Temmerman, R.A. Pitts, V.S. Voitsenya, L. Marot, G. Veres, M. Maurer, P. Oelhafen |
264-269 | Effect of truncation of electron velocity distribution on release of dust particle from plasma-facing wall | Y. Tomita, R. Smirnov, H. Nakamura, S. Zhu, T. Takizuka, D. Tskhakaya |
270-275 | Migration of 13C and deposition at ASDEX Upgrade | E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, J. Likonen, T. Renvall, V. Rohde, M. Mayer and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
276-281 | Divertor and midplane materials evaluation system in DIII-D | C.P.C. Wong, D.L. Rudakov, J.P. Allain, R.J. Bastasz, N.H. Brooks, J.N. Brooks, R.P. Doerner, T.E. Evans, A. Hassanein, W. Jacob, K. Krieger, A. Litnovsky, A.G. McLean, V. Philipps, A.Yu. Pigarov, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, J. Whaley, P. Wienhold |
282-286 | Surface modification of thick SiC gradient coatings on doped graphite under long pulse plasma irradiation | C.Y. Xie, J.L. Chen, J.G. Li, Q.F. Fang |
287-293 | Erosion and deposition in the JET MkII-SRP divertor | J.P. Coad, P. Andrew, S.K. Erents, D.E. Hole, J. Likonen, M. Mayer, R. Pitts, M. Rubel, J.D. Strachan, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, A. Widdowson and JET-EFDA Contributors |
294-300 | Divertor transport study in the large helical device | M. Kobayashi, Y. Feng, S. Masuzaki, M. Shoji, J. Miyazawa, T. Morisaki, N. Ohyabu, N. Ashikawa, A. Komori, O. Motojima The LHD Experimental Group, Y. Igitkhanov, F. Sardei, D. Reiter |
301-307 | Effects of ELMs on ITER divertor armour materials | A. Zhitlukhin, N. Klimov, I. Landman, J. Linke, A. Loarte, M. Merola, V. Podkovyrov, G. Federici, B. Bazylev, S. Pestchanyi, V. Safronov, T. Hirai, V. Maynashev, V. Levashov, A. Muzichenko |
308-313 | Effect of the dome on divertor performance in ITER | A.S. Kukushkin, H.D. Pacher, V. Kotov, D. Reiter, D.P. Coster, G.W. Pacher |
314-318 | Divertor plasma and neutral particles behavior under the local island divertor configuration in the Large Helical Device | S. Masuzaki, T. Morisaki, M. Kobayashi, M. Shoji, N. Ohyabu, A. Komori and The LHD Experimental Group |
319-324 | ELM-wall interaction on JET and ITER | W. Fundamenski, R.A. Pitts and JET EFDA contributors |
325-329 | Analysis of difference in Hα spectral line profiles between attachment and detachment plasmas in LHD | H. Arimoto, K. Kondo, S. Masuzaki, M. Shoji, J. Miyazawa, M. Kobayashi, N. Tamura, T. Morisaki, M. Goto, S. Morita, K. Ida, N. Ohyabu, S. Sudo and the LHD Experimental Group |
330-334 | B2-EIRENE simulation of plasma and neutrals in MAGNUM-PSI | M. Baeva, W.J. Goedheer, N.J. Lopes Cardozo, D. Reiter |
335-340 | Comparison between measured divertor parameters in ASDEX Upgrade and SOLPS code solutions | A.V. Chankin, D.P. Coster, R. Dux, Ch. Fuchs, G. Haas, A. Herrmann, L.D. Horton, A. Kallenbach, M. Kaufmann, A.S. Kukushkin, K. Lackner, H.W. Müller, J. Neuhauser, R. Pugno, M. Tsalas and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
341-345 | Efficacy of photon cleaning of JET divertor tiles | A. Widdowson, J.P. Coad, N. Bekris, G. Counsell, M.J. Forrest, K.J. Gibson, D. Hole, J. Likonen, W. Parsons, T. Renvall, M. Rubel and JET-EFDA Contributors |
346-352 | Simulations of ITER start-up and assessment of limiter power loads | G. Federici, O. Zolotukhin, M. Kobayashi, A. Loarte, G. Strohmayer, A. Tanga, A. Portone, L. Horton, Y. Feng, F. Sardei, Y. Gribov, M. Shimada, A. Polevoi, R. Mitteau, C. Lowry |
353-358 | Numerical study on CX-neutral transport and wall-sputtering in W7-AS diverted plasmas | Y. Feng, F. Sardei, P. Grigull, K. McCormick, J. Kisslinger, D. Reiter, D. Harting |
359-364 | Measurement and modeling of detached plasma cooling via ro-vibrational excitation of H2 neutrals in PISCES-A | E.M. Hollmann, A.Yu. Pigarov, Z. Yan |
365-370 | Improved radiation measurements on JET – First results from an upgraded bolometer system | A. Huber, K. McCormick, P. Andrew, M.R. de Baar, P. Beaumont, S. Dalley, J. Fink, J.C. Fuchs, K. Fullard, W. Fundamenski, L.C. Ingesson, G. Kirnev, P. Lomas, F. Mast, S. Jachmich, G.F. Matthews, Ph. Mertens, A. Meigs, V. Philipps, J. Rapp, et al. | |
371-376 | Observation of the heteroclinic tangles in the heat flux pattern of the ergodic divertor at TEXTOR | M.W. Jakubowski, A. Wingen, S.S. Abdullaev, K.H. Finken, M. Lehnen, K.H. Spatschek, R.C. Wolf and The TEXTOR Team |
377-381 | The effect of the magnetic topology on particle recycling in the ergodic divertor of TEXTOR | M. Lehnen, S.S. Abdullaev, S. Brezinsek, K.H. Finken, D. Harting, M. von Hellermann, M.W. Jakubowski, R. Jaspers, A. Kirschner, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Reiter, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, G. Sergienko, B. Unterberg, R. Wolf and The TEXTOR Team |
382-388 | Sheath heat transmission factors on TCV | J. Marki, R.A. Pitts, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, J. Horacek, F. Sanchez, G. Veres |
389-394 | A new edge-based energy scaling law for W7-AS and its implications for boundary-island divertor operation | K. McCormick, P. Grigull, H. Ehmler, E. Pasch and NBI- ECRH- and W7-AS Teams |
395-399 | Contribution of hydrogen molecular assisted recombination processes to population of hydrogen atom in divertor simulator MAP-II | A. Okamoto, S. Kado, K. Sawada, Y. Kuwahara, Y. Iida, S. Tanaka |
400-406 | Effect of the tokamak size in edge transport modelling and implications for DEMO | H.D. Pacher, A.S. Kukushkin, G.W. Pacher, G. Janeschitz, D. Coster, V. Kotov, D. Reiter |
407-411 | Study of the specific detachment characteristics of HL-2A | Y.D. Pan, R. Schneider |
412-415 | Observation of divertor and core radiation in JT-60U by means of bolometric imaging | B.J. Peterson, S. Konoshima, H. Parchamy, M. Kaneko, T. Omori, D.C. Seo, N. Ashikawa, A. Sukegawa and JT-60U Team |
416-420 | Compatibility of the radiating divertor with high performance plasmas in DIII-D | T.W. Petrie, M.R. Wade, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.W. Hyatt, R.C. Isler, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, G.D. Porter, M.J. Schaffer, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West and DIII–D Team |
421-425 | Spectral line shape modeling for the calculation of radiation transport in divertors | J. Rosato, R. Stamm, L. Godbert-Mouret, M. Koubiti, Y. Marandet, F. Rosmej, H. Capes |
426-431 | A new fast velocity-diffusion modelling for impurity transport in integrated edge plasma simulation | K. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, H. Kawashima |
432-436 | Divertor heat flux reduction and detachment experiments in NSTX | V.A. Soukhanovskii, R. Maingi, C.E. Bush, R. Raman, R.E. Bell, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel, C.J. Lasnier, B.P. LeBlanc, J.E. Menard, S.F. Paul, A.L. Roquemore and The NSTX Research Team |
437-442 | Negative ion production near a divertor plate | F. Taccogna, R. Schneider, K. Matyash, S. Longo, M. Capitelli, D. Tskhakaya |
443-447 | Retention properties of plasma particles in tungsten exposed to LHD divertor plasmas | M. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, T. Morisaki, M. Shoji, A. Komori LHD Experimental Group, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya |
448-452 | High recycling outer divertor regimes after type-I ELMs at high density in ASDEX Upgrade | M. Wischmeier, A. Kallenbach, A.V. Chankin, D.P. Coster, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, H.W. Müller and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
453-457 | Low recycling regime in ITER and the LiWall concept for its divertor | L.E. Zakharov, W. Blanchard, R. Kaita, H. Kugel, R. Majeski, J. Timberlake |
458-461 | Finite size effect of dust charging in the magnetized edge plasma | K. Matyash, R. Schneider, F. Taccogna, D. Tskhakaya |
462-466 | Migration and release behavior of tritium in SS316 at ambient temperature | Y. Torikai, D. Murata, R.-D. Penzhorn, K. Akaishi, K. Watanabe, M. Matsuyama |
467-475 | ITER and plasma surface interaction issues in a fusion reactor | Y. Shimomura |
476-483 | Pedestal, SOL and divertor plasma properties in DIII-D RMP ELM-suppressed discharges at ITER relevant edge collisionality | M.E. Fenstermacher, T.E. Evans, R.A. Moyer, G.D. Porter, J.A. Boedo, K.H. Burrell, M. Groth, I. Joseph, T.H. Osborne, J.G. Watkins |
484-490 | Evidence for a poloidally localized enhancement of radial transport in the scrape-off layer of the Tore Supra tokamak | J.P. Gunn, C. Boucher, M. Dionne, I. Ďuran, V. Fuchs, T. Loarer, I. Nanobashvili, R. Pánek, J.-Y. Pascal, F. Saint-Laurent, J. Stöckel, T. Van Rompuy, R. Zagórski, J. Adámek, J. Bucalossi, R. Dejarnac, P. Devynck, P. Hertout, M. Hron, G. Lebrun, et al. | |
491-497 | RF plasma edge interactions and their impact on ICRF antenna performance in Alcator C-Mod | S.J. Wukitch, B. Lipschultz, E. Marmar, Y. Lin, A. Parisot, M. Reinke, J. Rice, J. Terry and C-Mod Team |
498-504 | Role of recycling in JET trace tritium transport experiments | D.L. Hillis, J. Hogan, K.-D. Zastrow, V. Parail, D. Coster, D. Reiter, S. Brezinsek, A. Pospieszczyk, M. Stamp, W. Fundamenski, D.C. McDonald and JET EFDA Contributors |
505-510 | Parallel SOL flow on TCV | R.A. Pitts, J. Horacek, W. Fundamenski, O.E. Garcia, A.H. Nielsen, M. Wischmeier, V. Naulin, J. Juul Rasmussen |
511-516 | Non-axisymmetric SOL-transport study for tokamaks and stellarators | F. Sardei, Y. Feng, J. Kisslinger, P. Grigull, M. Kobayashi, D. Harting, D. Reiter, G. Federici, A. Loarte |
517-521 | The operational phase-space of the edge plasma and its sensitivity to magnetic topology in Alcator C-Mod | B. LaBombard, N. Smick, M. Greenwald, J.W. Hughes, B. Lipschultz, K. Marr, J.L. Terry |
522-527 | Edge harmonic oscillations at the density pedestal in the H-mode discharges in CHS Heliotron measured using beam emission spectroscopy and magnetic probe | S. Kado, T. Oishi, M. Yoshinuma, K. Ida, M. Takeuchi, K. Toi, T. Akiyama, T. Minami, K. Nagaoka, A. Shimizu, S. Okamura, S. Tanaka and CHS Group |
528-533 | The filamentary structure of ELMs in the scrape-off layer in ASDEX Upgrade | A. Herrmann, A. Kirk, A. Schmid, B. Koch, M. Laux, M. Maraschek, H.W. Mueller, J. Neuhauser, V. Rohde, M. Tsalas, E. Wolfrum and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
534-538 | Initial results of H-mode edge pedestal turbulence evolution with quadrature reflectometer measurements on DIII-D | G. Wang, W.A. Peebles, E.J. Doyle, T.L. Rhodes, L. Zeng, X. Nguyen, T.H. Osborne, P.B. Snyder, G.J. Kramer, R. Nazikian, R.J. Groebner, K.H. Burrell, A.W. Leonard, M.E. Fenstermacher, E.J. Strait |
539-543 | Numerical analysis of the SOL/divertor plasma flow with the effect of drifts | K. Hoshino, A. Hatayama, N. Asakura, H. Kawashima, R. Schneider, D. Coster |
544-549 | Edge plasma modelling for HT-7 superconducting tokamak experiments | YiPing Chen, Guosheng Xu, Jiansheng Hu, D.P. Coster |
550-554 | Control of test particle transport in a turbulent electrostatic model of the Scrape-Off-Layer | G. Ciraolo, Ph. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, C. Chandre, R. Lima, M. Vittot, M. Pettini |
555-559 | 2-D mapping of ICRF-induced SOL perturbations in Tore Supra tokamak | L. Colas, J.P. Gunn, I. Nanobashvili, V. Petržílka, M. Goniche, A. Ekedahl, S. Heuraux, E. Joffrin, F. Saint-Laurent, C. Balorin, C. Lowry, V. Basiuk |
560-564 | Kinetic calculation of plasma deposition in castellated tile gaps | R. Dejarnac, J.P. Gunn |
565-569 | EDGE2D modelling of JET and ITER including the combined effect of guiding centre drifts and an edge transport barrier | S.K. Erents, W. Fundamenski, G. Corrigan, G.F. Matthews, R. Zagorski and EFDA-JET Contributors |
570-574 | Experimental and numerical studies of separatrix splitting and magnetic footprints in DIII-D | T.E. Evans, I. Joseph, R.A. Moyer, M.E. Fenstermacher, C.J. Lasnier, L.W. Yan |
575-580 | Turbulent transport in the TCV SOL | O.E. Garcia, R.A. Pitts, J. Horacek, A.H. Nielsen, W. Fundamenski, J.P. Graves, V. Naulin, J. Juul Rasmussen |
581-585 | Transport barrier fluctuations governed by SOL turbulence spreading | Ph. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, G. Ciraolo, G. Darmet, X. Garbet, V. Grangirard, P. Tamain, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer |
586-590 | Radially propagating turbulent structures in a linear helicon plasma device | T. Windisch, O. Grulke, T. Klinger |
591-595 | Stochastic transport modeling of resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D | I. Joseph, R.A. Moyer, T.E. Evans, M.J. Schaffer, A.M. Runov, R. Schneider, S.V. Kasilov, M. Groth, M.E. Fenstermacher |
596-599 | Correlation of neutral beam injection parameters and core β with anomalous first-wall heating during QH-mode | C.J. Lasnier, K.H. Burrell, J.S. deGrassie, T.L. Rhodes, M.A. VanZeeland, J.G. Watkins |
600-604 | Impact of bumpiness control on edge plasma in a helical-axis heliotron device | T. Mizuuchi, S. Watanabe, S. Fujikawa, H. Okada, S. Kobayashi, H. Yabutani, K. Nagasaki, H. Nakamura, Y. Torii, S. Yamamoto, M. Kaneko, H. Arimoto, G. Motojima, H. Kitagawa, T. Tsuji, M. Uno, S. Matsuoka, M. Nosaku, N. Watanabe, Y. Nakamura, et al. | |
605-610 | Deuterium plasma flow in the scrape-off layer of ASDEX Upgrade | H.W. Müller, V. Bobkov, A. Herrmann, M. Maraschek, J. Neuhauser, V. Rohde, A. Schmid, M. Tsalas and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
611-615 | High density plasma generation by RF ohmic discharge in toroidal divertor simulator NAGDIS-T | M. Nagase, H. Masuda, N. Ohno, S. Takamura, M. Takagi |
616-621 | Edge plasma behavior in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror based on gas puff imaging experiments with a high-speed camera | Y. Nakashima, N. Nishino, Y. Higashizono, H. Kawano, S. Kobayashi, M. Shoji, Y. Kubota, M. Yoshikawa, M.K. Islam, Y. Mishima, D. Mimura, T. Cho |
622-627 | Radial profiles of plasma turbulent fluctuations in the scrape-off layer of the Tore Supra tokamak | I. Nanobashvili, J.P. Gunn, P. Devynck |
628-632 | High-speed 2D measurement of edge turbulence phenomena with a fast camera in Heliotron J | N. Nishino, T. Mizuuchi, Z. Feng, S. Kobayashi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, Y. Torii, K. Kondo, F. Sano |
633-637 | Numerical predictions of the poloidal E | J. Ou, S. Zhu |
638-642 | Highly resolved measurements of periodic radial electric field and associated relaxations in edge biasing experiments | P. Peleman, Y. Xu, M. Spolaore, J. Brotankova, P. Devynck, J. Stöckel, G. Van Oost, C. Boucher |
643-648 | Simulation of large parallel plasma flows in the tokamak SOL driven by cross-field transport asymmetries | A.Yu. Pigarov, S.I. Krasheninnikov, B. LaBombard, T.D. Rognlien |
649-657 | Detailed atomic, molecular and radiation kinetics in current 2D and 3D edge plasma fluid codes | D. Reiter, V. Kotov, P. Börner, K. Sawada, R.K. Janev, B. Küppers |
658-663 | Scrape-off layer plasmas for ITER with 2nd X | T.D. Rognlien, R.H. Bulmer, M.E. Rensink, J.N. Brooks |
664-668 | Modeling of the parametric dependence of the edge toroidal rotation for MAST and ASDEX Upgrade | V. Rozhansky, P. Molchanov, S. Voskoboynikov, G. Counsell, A. Kirk, D. Coster, R. Schneider |
669-673 | Edge turbulence in RFX-mod virtual-shell discharges | P. Scarin, M. Agostini, R. Cavazzana, F. Sattin, G. Serianni, N. Vianello |
674-679 | DIVIMP modeling of tungsten impurity transport in ITER | K. Schmid, K. Krieger, A. Kukushkin, A. Loarte |
680-685 | Characterization of transport in the stochastic edge layer of TEXTOR by analysis of the radial and poloidal distribution of electron density and temperature | O. Schmitz, D. Harting, S.S. Abdullaev, S. Brezinsek, K.H. Finken, H. Frerichs, M. Jakubowski, M. Lehnen, X. Loozen, Ph. Mertens, D. Reiter, U. Samm, B. Schweer, G. Sergienko, M.Z. Tokar, B. Unterberg, R.C. Wolf and the TEXTOR team |
686-692 | Progress towards the validation of models of the behavior of neutral helium in gas puff imaging experiments | D.P. Stotler, J. Boedo, B. LeBlanc, R.J. Maqueda, S.J. Zweben |
693-697 | Development of a computational tool for limiter edge plasma modeling with application to IGNITOR | F. Subba, A. Airoldi, F. Bombarda, G. Cenacchi, G. Maddaluno, R. Zanino |
698-702 | Impact of stochastic magnetic fields on plasma rotation and radial electric fields in the plasma edge of the tokamak TEXTOR | B. Unterberg, C. Busch, M. de Bock, J.W. Coenen, K.H. Finken, St. Jachmich, M.W. Jakubowski, Y. Kikuchi, A. Krämer-Flecken, M. Lehnen, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, S. Soldatov, M.Z. Tokar, M. von Hellermann, R.C. Wolf, Y. Xu and TEXTOR-team |
703-707 | Reynolds stress and edge turbulence in TEXTOR: A comparison between simulations and experiment | M. Vergote, M. Van Schoor, Y. Xu, S. Jachmich, R. Weynants |
708-712 | Target plate conditions during stochastic boundary operation on DIII-D | J.G. Watkins, T.E. Evans, C.J. Lasnier, R.A. Moyer, D.L. Rudakov |
713-717 | Carbon influx from the island divertor of the Wendelstein-7AS stellarator | U. Wenzel, H. Thomsen, P. Grigull |
718-722 | Measurements of Reynolds stress and turbulent transport in the plasma boundary during the static dynamic ergodic divertor operation on TEXTOR | Y. Xu, S. Jachmich, M. Van Schoor, M. Vergote, M.W. Jakubowski, R.R. Weynants |
723-727 | Stochastic boundary modeling by resonant magnetic perturbations on DIII-D | L.W. Yan, T.E. Evans |
728-732 | Examination of the velocity time-delay-estimation technique | J.H. Yu, C. Holland, G.R. Tynan, G. Antar, Z. Yan |
733-737 | Plasma wall interactions in RFX-mod with virtual magnetic boundary | P. Zanca, D. Terranova, M. Valisa, S. Dal Bello |
738-742 | Electron thermal transport induced by magnetic turbulence in the HT-7 tokamak | W. Zhang, G.S. Xu, B.N. Wan |
743-750 | Internal collapse of the plasma during the long pulse plasma discharge and its influence on the plasma performance | Liqun Hu and HT-7 Team |
751-758 | Behaviors of impurity and hydrogen recycling on the HT-7 tokamak | Juan Huang, Baonian Wan, Xianzu Gong, Zhenwei Wu and the HT-7 Team |
759-763 | Deuterium in-vessel retention characterisation through the use of particle balance on Tore Supra | J. Bucalossi, C. Brosset, B. Pégourié, E. Tsitrone, E. Dufour, A. Eckedahl, A. Geraud, M. Goniche, J. Gunn, T. Loarer, P. Monier-Garbet, J.C. Vallet, S. Vartanian |
764-769 | Hydrogen recycling and puffing at a poloidal limiter of TJ-II | E. de la Cal, J. Guasp, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, A. Alonso, P. Carvalho, A. Salas, B. Zurro and TJ-II Team |
770-774 | The study of MARFE during long pulse discharges in the HT-7 tokamak | W. Gao, X. Gao, M. Asif, Z.W. Wu, B.L. Ling, J.G. Li |
775-780 | Helium ash removal by moving-surface plasma-facing components | Y. Hirooka, S. Hosaka, M. Nishiura, Y. Ohtsuka, M. Nishikawa |
781-785 | Plasma density behavior with new graphite limiters in HT-7 | Y.X. Jie, M. Asif, X. Gao, H.Q. Liu |
786-790 | Simulation of divertor pumping in JT-60U with SOLDOR/NEUT2D code | H. Kawashima, K. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, N. Asakura, H. Takenaga, T. Nakano, S. Sakurai |
791-796 | Effect of lithium PFC coatings on NSTX density control | H.W. Kugel, M.G. Bell, R. Bell, C. Bush, D. Gates, T. Gray, R. Kaita, B. Leblanc, R. Maingi, R. Majeski, D. Mansfield, D. Mueller, S. Paul, R. Raman, A.L. Roquemore, S. Sabbagh, C.H. Skinner, V. Soukhanovskii, T. Stevenson, L. Zakharov |
797-800 | Simulation of charge exchange neutrals interactions with gaps in first wall cladding | V.A. Kurnaev, D.I. Matveev, N.N. Trifonov |
801-805 | Probability of absorption/implantation of low-energy ions in O-covered vanadium | A. Livshits, Y. Hatano, V. Alimov, M. Matsuyama |
806-810 | Effect of magnetic configuration on the neutral particle transport in compact helical system edge region | H. Matsuura, C. Suzuki, S. Okamura |
811-815 | Molecular (H/D/T) sources in JET | A. Pospieszczyk, S. Brezinsek, A. Meigs, Ph. Mertens, G. Sergienko, M. Stamp and JET-EFDA Contributors |
816-821 | Simulation of main-chamber recycling in DIII-D with the UEDGE code | M.E. Rensink, M. Groth, G.D. Porter, T.D. Rognlien, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins |
822-826 | Deuterium retention in carbon fibre composites NB31 and N11 irradiated with low-energy D ions | J. Roth, V.Kh. Alimov, A.V. Golubeva, R.P. Doerner, J. Hanna, E. Tsitrone, Ch. Brosset, V. Rohde, A. Herrmann, M. Mayer |
827-832 | Three-dimensional neutral particle transport simulation for analyzing polarization resolved H-alpha spectra in the large helical device | M. Shoji, A. Iwamae, M. Goto, A. Sakaue, M. Atake, S. Masuzaki, J. Miyazawa, N. Ohyabu, A. Komori and LHD Experimental Groups |
833-838 | Permeation of hydrogen through MPG-8 graphite | A. Spitsyn, A. Pisarev, A. Skovoroda, V. Gureev, Yu. Martynenko |
839-843 | Particle balance on HT-7: Error analysis and first results | Y. Yang and The HT-7 Team |
844-848 | Thermal interaction of plasma with Gas Puffing | P. Tamain, E. Tsitrone, Ph. Ghendrih, J. Gunn, F. Clairet, J. Bucalossi, B. Pégourié |
849-853 | Balmer-α spectroscopic study on hydrogen recycling and molecular effects in HT-7 | Bingjia Xiao, Baonian Wan, Juan Huang and HT-7 Team |
854-861 | Hydrogen isotopes retention in JT-60U | Y. Hirohata, T. Tanabe, Y. Oya, K. Okuno, K. Masaki, N. Miya and The JT-60U Team |
862-869 | Oxidation for deposits removal and hydrogen release on HT-7 | J.S. Hu, J.G. Li, X.M. Wang, Y.P. Zhao and HT-7 Team |
870-876 | Formation of deuterium–carbon inventories in gaps of plasma facing components | K. Krieger, W. Jacob, D.L. Rudakov, R. Bastasz, G. Federici, A. Litnovsky, H. Maier, V. Rohde, G. Strohmayer, W.P. West, J. Whaley, C.P.C. Wong and The ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D Teams |
877-881 | Fuel removal from plasma-facing components by oxidation-based techniques. An overview of surface conditions after oxidation | M.J. Rubel, G. De Temmerman, G. Sergienko, P. Sundelin, B. Emmoth, V. Philipps |
882-887 | Oxygen glow discharge cleaning in ASDEX Upgrade | C. Hopf, V. Rohde, W. Jacob, A. Herrmann, R. Neu, J. Roth and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
888-892 | Alternative cleaning technique for the removal of carbon deposits | J.A. Ferreira, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla |
893-897 | Deuterium retention in rhenium-doped tungsten | A.V. Golubeva, M. Mayer, J. Roth, V.A. Kurnaev, O.V. Ogorodnikova |
898-903 | Hydrogen and helium trapping in tungsten under simultaneous irradiations | H.T. Lee, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, D.G. Whyte, G.M. Wright |
904-909 | Deuterium depth profiling in JT-60U tiles using the D(3He, p)4He resonant nuclear reaction | T. Hayashi, K. Sugiyama, K. Krieger, M. Mayer, V.Kh. Alimov, T. Tanabe, K. Masaki, N. Miya |
910-914 | Dependence of implantation temperature on chemical behavior of energetic deuterium implanted into tungsten carbide | E. Igarashi, Y. Nishikawa, T. Nakahata, A. Yoshikawa, M. Oyaidzu, Y. Oya, K. Okuno |
915-919 | Simulation of hydrocarbon redeposition in the gaps between divertor tiles | K. Inai, K. Ohya |
920-924 | Hydrogen control in Alcator C-Mod walls and plasmas | Y. Lin, J. Irby, B. Lipschultz, E. Marmar, D. Whyte, S. Wolfe, S. Wukitch and The Alcator C-Mod Group |
925-928 | Ion fluence dependence on chemical behavior of energetic deuterium implanted into oxygen-contained boron film | H. Miyauchi, A. Yoshikawa, M. Oyaidzu, Y. Oya, A. Sagara, N. Noda, K. Okuno |
929-932 | Removal of carbon layers by oxygen glow discharges in TEXTOR | V. Philipps, G. Sergienko, A. Lyssoivan, H.G. Esser, M. Freisinger, A. Kreter, U. Samm |
933-937 | Effects of helium implantation on hydrogen isotope retention behavior in SiC | Yasuhisa Oya, Hideo Miyauchi, Taichi Suda, Yusuke Nishikawa, Takuji Oda, Kenji Okuno, Satoru Tanaka |
938-943 | Surface temperature effects on hydrogen and impurity release from the limiter studied by means of visible and near infrared spectroscopic measurement in TRIAM-1M | R. Bhattacharyay, H. Zushi, K. Nakashima, T. Shikama, M. Sakamoto, M. Ogawa, K. Nakamura, N. Yoshida, S. Kado, K. Sawada, Y. Hirooka, K. Hanada, K.N. Sato, H. Idei, K. Sasaki, H. Xu, M. Hasegawa, K. Uehara, A. Tsushima, N. Kimura, et al. | |
944-948 | Reactivity of soft amorphous hydrogenated carbon films in ambient atmosphere | E. Salançon, T. Dürbeck, T. Schwarz-Selinger, W. Jacob |
949-954 | Ion beam analysis of H and D retention in the near surface layers of JT-60U plasma facing wall tiles | K. Sugiyama, T. Hayashi, K. Krieger, M. Mayer, K. Masaki, N. Miya, T. Tanabe |
955-959 | Production and annihilation of deuterium traps in He-irradiated vanadium | I. Takagi, N. Matsubara, M. Akiyoshi, T. Sasaki, K. Moritani, H. Moriyama |
960-965 | Tritium distribution measurement of JET Mk II SRP divertor tiles | T. Tanabe, K. Sugiyama, T. Renvall, J. Likonen, L. Penttinen, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, J.P. Coad |
966-971 | A mechanism of PFM erosion and redeposition in gaps | I.V. Vizgalov, A.A. Pisarev, K.M. Gutorov |
972-976 | Properties of hydrogen desorption from co-deposits on JT-60 graphite tile by pulsed-laser ablation | D. Watanabe, Y. Sakawa, T. Shibahara, K. Sugiyama, T. Shoji, K. Yamazaki, T. Tanabe |
977-983 | Dynamics of hydrogenic retention in molybdenum: First results from DIONISOS | G.M. Wright, D.G. Whyte, B. Lipschultz, R.P. Doerner, J.G. Kulpin |
984-988 | Deuterium retention and desorption behavior in oxidized ferritic steel | Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata, T. Hino |
989-993 | Divertor power deposition and target current asymmetries during type-I ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade and JET | T. Eich, A. Kallenbach, R.A. Pitts, S. Jachmich, J.C. Fuchs, A. Herrmann, J. Neuhauser and ASDEX Upgrade Team and JET-EFDA Contributors |
994-999 | The dynamics and structure of edge-localized-modes in Alcator C-Mod | J.L. Terry, I. Cziegler, A.E. Hubbard, J.A. Snipes, J.W. Hughes, M.J. Greenwald, B. LaBombard, Y. Lin, P. Phillips, S. Wukitch |
1000-1005 | Structure of MARFEs and ELMs in NSTX | R.J. Maqueda, R. Maingi, K. Tritz, K.C. Lee, C.E. Bush, E.D. Fredrickson, J.E. Menard, A.L. Roquemore, S.A. Sabbagh, S.J. Zweben |
1006-1010 | First measurements of main chamber power load during JET disruptions | P. Andrew, A. Alonzo, G. Arnoux, E. Gauthier, J.I. Paley, V. Riccardo and JET EFDA Contributors |
1011-1015 | Melt damage simulation of W-macrobrush and divertor gaps after multiple transient events in ITER | B.N. Bazylev, G. Janeschitz, I.S. Landman, A. Loarte, S.E. Pestchanyi |
1016-1020 | Positive sheath behaviour in low pressure Argon plasma | L. Schiesko, M. Carrère, G. Cartry, J.M. Layet |
1021-1025 | Tungsten melt layer erosion due to J | I.E. Garkusha, B.N. Bazylev, A.N. Bandura, O.V. Byrka, V.V. Chebotarev, I.S. Landman, N.V. Kulik, V.A. Makhlaj, Yu.V. Petrov, D.G. Solyakov, V.I. Tereshin |
1026-1031 | Plasma wall interaction during ELMs in JET | E. Gauthier, P. Andrew, G. Arnoux, Y. Corre, H. Roche and JET-EFDA Contributors |
1032-1036 | Target heat loading due to fast, transient heat pulses produced from a conical θ-pinch as a prototype for benchmarking simulations of transient heat loads | T.K. Gray, M.A. Jaworski, D.N. Ruzic |
1037-1043 | SOLPS5 modelling of the type III ELMing H-mode on TCV | B. Gulejová, R.A. Pitts, M. Wischmeier, R. Behn, D. Coster, J. Horacek, J. Marki |
1044-1049 | Modeling of dynamic response of SOL-divertor plasmas to an ELM crash | N. Hayashi, T. Takizuka, M. Hosokawa |
1050-1055 | Divertor particle and power deposition profiles in JET ELMy H-mode discharges | S. Jachmich, T. Eich, W. Fundamenski, A. Kallenbach, R.A. Pitts and JET-EFDA Contributors |
1056-1060 | Observation of ELM structures in MAST and AUG using a fast camera | B. Koch, A. Herrmann, A. Kirk, H. Meyer, J.Dowling, J. Harhausen, J. Neuhauser, H.W. Müller, W. Bohmeyer, G. Fussmann and AUG Team MAST Team |
1061-1065 | Numerical simulations of plasma wall interactions for ITER | I.S. Landman, G. Janeschitz |
1066-1070 | Particle flux and radial profiles in the SOL of DIII-D during ELMing H-mode | A.W. Leonard, J.A. Boedo, M. Groth, B.L. Lipschultz, G.D. Porter, D.L. Rudakov, D.G. Whyte |
1071-1075 | Edge localized modes control by resonant magnetic perturbations | E. Nardon, M. Bécoulet, G. Huysmans, O. Czarny, P.R. Thomas, M. Lipa, R.A. Moyer, T.E. Evans, G. Federici, Y. Gribov, A. Polevoi, G. Saibene, A. Portone, A. Loarte |
1076-1080 | Dynamic interaction between disruptive plasma and wall in the small tokamak HYBTOK-II | M. Okamoto, T. Yamada, T. Hiraishi, Y. Kikuchi, N. Ohno, S. Takamura |
1081-1086 | ELM induced carbon contamination of ITER core | S. Pestchanyi, I. Landman |
1087-1092 | Accommodation of prompt alpha-particle loss in a compact stellarator power plant | A.R. Raffray, T.K. Mau, F. Najmabadi and The ARIES Team |
1093-1098 | In–out divertor flow asymmetries during ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas | M. Tsalas, D. Coster, C. Fuchs, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, H.W. Mueller, J. Neuhauser, V. Rohde, N. Tsois and The ASDEX Upgrade Team |
1099-1103 | Influence of recrystallization on thermal shock resistance of various tungsten grades | I. Uytdenhouwen, M. Decréton, T. Hirai, J. Linke, G. Pintsuk, G. Van Oost |
1104-1109 | Radiation distributions in TCV | G. Veres, R.A. Pitts, M. Wischmeier, B. Gulejova, J. Horacek, S. Kálvin |
1110-1118 | Influence of boronization on operation with high-Z | B. Lipschultz, Y. Lin, E.S. Marmar, D.G. Whyte, S. Wukitch, I.H. Hutchinson, J. Irby, B. LaBombard, M.L. Reinke, J.L. Terry, G. Wright and The Alcator C-Mod Group |
1119-1128 | Hydrocarbon injection for quantification of chemical erosion yields in tokamaks | S. Brezinsek, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Borodin, M.F. Stamp, R. Pugno, A.G. McLean, U. Fantz, A. Manhard, A. Kallenbach, N.H. Brooks, M. Groth, Ph. Mertens, V. Philipps, U. Samm and TEXTOR ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D Teams and JET-EFDA Contributors |
1129-1137 | Binary beryllium–tungsten mixed materials | Ch. Linsmeier, K. Ertl, J. Roth, A. Wiltner, K. Schmid, F. Kost, S.R. Bhattacharyya, M. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner |
1138-1147 | In-situ tokamak laser applications for detritiation and co-deposited layers studies | C. Grisolia, A. Semerok, J.M. Weulersse, F. Le Guern, S. Fomichev, F. Brygo, P. Fichet, P.Y. Thro, P. Coad, N. Bekris, M. Stamp, S. Rosanvallon, G. Piazza |
1148-1152 | Surface modification and hydrogen isotope retention in CFC during plasma irradiation in the Tore Supra tokamak | L. Begrambekov, C. Brosset, J. Bucalossi, E. Delchambre, J.P. Gunn, C. Grisolia, M. Lipa, T. Loarer, R. Mitteau, P. Moner-Garbet, J.-Y. Pascal, P. Shigin, N. Titov, E. Tsitrone, S. Vergazov, A. Zakharov |
1153-1159 | Surface modification at tungsten and tungsten coated graphite due to low energy and high fluence plasma and laser pulse irradiation | N. Ohno, S. Kajita, Dai Nishijima, S. Takamura |
1160-1167 | Disruption mitigation on Alcator C-Mod using high-pressure gas injection: Experiments and modeling toward ITER | D.G. Whyte, R. Granetz, M. Bakhtiari, V. Izzo, T. Jernigan, J. Terry, M. Reinke, B. Lipschultz |
1168-1172 | Deuterium trapping in ion-damaged tungsten single crystal | I.I. Arkhipov, S.L. Kanashenko, V.M. Sharapov, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, A.E. Gorodetsky |
1173-1178 | Chemical erosion by deuterium impact on carbon films doped with nanometer-sized carbide crystallites | M. Balden, C. Adelhelm, E. de Juan Pardo, J. Roth |
1179-1183 | Be–W alloy formation in static and divertor-plasma simulator experiments | M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima, D. Buchenauer, W.M. Clift, R.A. Causey, K. Schmid |
1184-1189 | Tungsten sputtering and accumulation of implanted carbon and deuterium by simultaneous bombardment with D and C ions | I. Bizyukov, K. Krieger, N. Azarenkov, Ch. Linsmeier, S. Levchuk |
1190-1194 | Modelling of carbon dust formation by cluster growth in argon plasmas | X. Bonnin, G. Lombardi, K. Hassouni, A. Michau, F. Bénédic, C. Arnas |
1195-1200 | Irradiation effects of low energy helium ions on optical reflectivity of metallic mirror | A. Ebihara, M. Tokitani, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, A. Sagara, N. Yoshida |
1201-1205 | Evaluation of tungsten coatings on CuCrZr and W/Cu FGM under high heat flux and HT-7 limiter plasma irradiation | F.L. Chong, J.L. Chen, J.G. Li |
1206-1210 | Theoretical and experimental characterization of damaged graphite surfaces | Y. Ferro, C. Thomas, T. Angot, P. Génésio, A. Allouche |
1211-1215 | Progress of research on plasma facing materials in University of Science and Technology Beijing | Chang-Chun Ge, Zhang-Jian Zhou, Shu-Xiang Song, Juan Du, Zhi-Hong Zhong |
1216-1220 | High heat flux test of SiC coated doped graphite | Q.G. Guo, Zh.J. Liu, J.G. Li, N. Noda, Y. Kubota, L. Liu |
1221-1225 | Thermal response of structured and contaminated carbon surfaces to heat pulses | D. Hildebrandt, A. Duebner |
1226-1230 | High heat load properties of actively cooled tungsten/copper mock-ups by explosive joining | H. Li, J.L. Chen, J.G. Li, Z.X. Li |
1231-1235 | Extremely low recycling and high power density handling in CDX-U lithium experiments | R. Kaita, R. Majeski, R. Doerner, T. Gray, H. Kugel, T. Lynch, R. Maingi, D. Mansfield, V. Soukhanovskii, J. Spaleta, J. Timberlake, L. Zakharov |
1236-1240 | Deuterium retention and surface modification of tungsten macrobrush samples exposed in FTU Tokamak | G. Maddaluno, G. Giacomi, A. Rufoloni, L. Verdini |
1241-1245 | Directly-cooled VPS-W/Cu limiter and its preliminary results in HT-7 | G.-N. Luo, M. Liu, Z.Q. Kuang, X.D. Zhang, Z.S. Yang, C.G. Deng, Z.C. Zhang, J.G. Li, K.S. Zhou |
1246-1250 | Tungsten coatings for the JET ITER-like wall project | H. Maier, R. Neu, H. Greuner, Ch. Hopf, G.F. Matthews, G. Piazza, T. Hirai, G. Counsell, X. Courtois, R. Mitteau, E. Gauthier, J. Likonen, G. Maddaluno, V. Philipps, B. Riccardi, C. Ruset and EFDA-JET Team |
1251-1255 | Multiscale study of the porosity of carbon deposits collected in Tore Supra | C. Martin, M. Richou, W. Saikaily, B. Pégourié, C. Brosset, P. Roubin |
1256-1260 | Diffusion and trapping of tritium in vanadium alloys | J. Masuda, K. Hashizume, T. Otsuka, T. Tanabe, Y. Hatano, Y. Nakamura, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga |
1261-1265 | Parametric studies of carbon erosion mitigation dynamics in beryllium seeded deuterium plasmas | D. Nishijima, M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, R. Seraydarian |
1266-1271 | Extended incident-angle dependence formula for physical sputtering | T. Ono, K. Shibata, T. Kenmotsu, T. Muramoto, Z. Li, T. Kawamura |
1272-1276 | Dynamic Monte-Carlo modeling of hydrogen isotope diffusion in co-deposited layers | A. Rai, P.N. Maya, R. Schneider, S.P. Deshpande, M. Warrier |
1277-1282 | Surface effects on graphite samples exposed to beryllium-seeded plasmas under transient power load on PISCES-B | R. Pugno, M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, J. Hanna, D. Nishijima, G. Antar |
1283-1288 | Hydrocarbon radicals interaction with amorphous carbon surfaces | A.R. Sharma, R. Schneider, U. Toussaint, K. Nordlund |
1289-1293 | Dissociation mechanisms of cluster ions resolved using ab-initio | S.T. Nakagawa, I. Suzue, M. Itoh, M. Kageyama, Y. Mizuno, H.J. Whitlow |
1294-1298 | Thermal properties of VPS-W coatings on CuCrZr alloy with Ti bonding layer | T.G. Wang, J.L. Chen, Y. Chen, Y.C. Wu |
1299-1303 | Research and development of plasma sprayed tungsten coating on graphite and copper substrates | Xiang Liu, Fu Zhang, Shunyan Tao, Yunzhen Cao, Zengyu Xu, Yong Liu, N. Noda |
1304-1308 | Particle reflections of low energy light ions from a vanadium alloy (V–4Cr–4Ti) | H. Yamaoka, N. Tanaka, Y. Matsumoto, M. Nishiura, K. Tsumori, S. Takeuchi, H. Sugawara, K. Shinto, A. Okamoto, M. Sasao, M. Wada |
1309-1314 | Performance of W/Cu FGM based plasma facing components under high heat load test | Zhang-Jian Zhou, Shu-Xiang Song, Juan Du, Zhi-Hong Zhong, Chang-Chun Ge |
1315-1322 | Particle balance under global wall saturation in long-pulse discharges of JT-60U | T. Nakano, N. Asakura, H. Takenaga, H. Kubo, K. Shimizu, H. Kawashima and The JT-60 Team |
1323-1328 | ICRF long-pulse discharge and interaction with a chamber wall and antennas in LHD | K. Saito, T. Mutoh, R. Kumazawa, T. Seki, Y. Nakamura, N. Ashikawa, K. Sato, M. Shoji, S. Masuzaki, T. Watari, H. Ogawa, H. Takeuchi, H. Kasahara, F. Shimpo, G. Nomura, M. Yokota, C. Takahashi, A. Komori, Y. Zhao, J.S. Yoon, et al. | |
1329-1333 | Thermal and non-thermal particle interaction with the LHCD launchers in Tore Supra | A. Ekedahl, M. Goniche, C. Balorin, V. Basiuk, Ph. Bibet, M. Chantant, L. Colas, L. Delpech, C. Desgranges, L.-G. Eriksson, E. Joffrin, F. Kazarian, C. Lowry, Ph. Moreau, V. Petrzilka, C. Portafaix, M. Prou, H. Roche |
1334-1339 | Limiter material experiments towards long pulse operation in the HT-7 superconducting tokamak | J.L. Chen, F. Gao, J.G. Li, Q.F. Fang |
1340-1345 | Siliconization for wall conditioning and its effect on plasma performance in HL-2A tokamak | X.R. Duan, Z. Cao, C.H. Cui, X. Cai, H.J. Sun, X.T. Ding, Y.D. Pan, M.X. Wang, Q.W. Yang, X.M. Song, D.Q. Liu, Y. Liu, X.Q. Ji, Z.Y. Cui, Y. Zhou, Yong Liu and HL-2A Team |
1346-1351 | First experiments with lithium limiter on FTU | M.L. Apicella, G. Mazzitelli, V. Pericoli Ridolfini, V. Lazarev, A. Alekseyev, A. Vertkov, R. Zagórski and FTU Team |
1352-1357 | Comparison of boronized wall in LHD and JT-60U | N. Ashikawa, K. Kizu, J. Yagyu, T. Nakahata, Y. Nobuta, K. Nishimura, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Ishimoto, Y. Oya, K. Okuno, N. Miya, T. Hino, S. Masuzaki, A. Sagara, N. Ohyabu and LHD Experimental Group |
1358-1363 | New scenarios of ICRF wall conditioning in TEXTOR and ASDEX Upgrade | A. Lyssoivan, R. Koch, D. Van Eester, G. Van Wassenhove, M. Vervier, R. Weynants, M. Freisinger, A. Kreter, V. Philipps, H. Reimer, U. Samm, G. Sergienko, V. Bobkov, H.-U. Fahrbach, D. Hartmann, A. Herrmann, J.-M. Noterdaeme, V. Rohde, W. Suttrop, E. Gauthier, et al. | |
1364-1368 | Difference in oxygen impurity behavior between repetitive short discharges and one long discharge on TRIAM-1M | M. Ogawa, M. Sakamoto, K.N. Sato, H. Zushi, K. Nakamura, K. Hanada, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, S. Kawasaki, H. Nakashima, A. Higashijima and TRIAM Group |
1369-1374 | Wall conditioning in ASDEX Upgrade | V. Rohde, R. Dux, A. Kallenbach, K. Krieger, R. Neu and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
1375-1379 | In situ diagnostic for monitoring of deuterium and tritium in re-deposited carbon layers by laser induced desorption | B. Schweer, F. Irrek, G. Sergienko, V. Philipps, U. Samm |
1380-1385 | Reduced effective ionic charge and enhanced plasma performance in the HT-7 tokamak | Z.W. Wu, J. Li, B.N. Wan, X.D. Zhang, X. Gao, J. Zhao |
1386-1394 | Relation between charge exchange flux and impurity influx studied by perturbation methods of gas puffing, heat load and confinement properties in TRIAM-1M | H. Zushi, Y. Nozaki, R. Bhattacharyay, K. Nakashima, M. Sakamoto, K. Hanada, H. Idei, K. Nakamura, K.N. Sato, S. Nishi, M. Ogawa, K. Takaki, K. Sasaki, Y. Hirooka, M. Hasegawa, H. Xu, S. Kado, T. Shikama, S. Kawasaki, H. Nakashima, et al. | |
1395-1402 | Diagnostic mirrors for ITER: A material choice and the impact of erosion and deposition on their performance | A. Litnovsky, P. Wienhold, V. Philipps, G. Sergienko, O. Schmitz, A. Kirschner, A. Kreter, S. Droste, U. Samm, Ph. Mertens, A.H. Donné TEXTOR Team, D. Rudakov, S. Allen, R. Boivin, A. McLean, P. Stangeby, W. West, C. Wong DIII-D Team, M. Lipa, B. Schunke Tore-Supra Team, et al. | |
1403-1408 | Effect of recombination and ionization on the analysis of Mach and single probes in un-magnetized and magnetized plasmas of MAP-II and DiPS devices | K.-S. Chung, S. Kado, H.-J. Woo, Y.-J. Seo, T. Shikama, F. Scotti, G.-S. Choi, T. Lho |
1409-1413 | Power load during disruption in MAST | E. Delchambre, G. Counsell, A. Kirk, F. Lott |
1414-1419 | Speckle interferometry diagnostic for erosion/redeposition measurement in tokamaks | P. Doré, E. Gauthier |
1420-1424 | Dense plasma effects on atomic data and line emission of He I for divertor plasma conditions | E.H. Guedda, M. Koubiti, F.B. Rosmej, R. Stamm, V.S. Lisitsa |
1425-1428 | Calorimetric measurement of heat load in full non-inductive LHCD plasmas on TRIAM-1M | K. Hanada, N. Shinoda, T. Sugata, K. Sasaki, H. Zushi, K. Nakamura, K.N. Sato, M. Sakamoto, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, S. Kawasaki, H. Nakashima, A. Higashijima and TRIAM Group |
1429-1435 | Two-dimensional density profile measurement with a sheet thermal Li beam on CPD | H. Zushi, T. Morisaki, Y. Inada, J. Bouchard, K. Nakashima, H. Tsuchiya, K. Hanada, K. Sasaki, R. Bhattacharyay, K.N. Sato, K. Nakamura, M. Sakamoto, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, S. Kawasaki, H. Nakashima, A. Higashijima |
1436-1440 | Ion temperature measurements in the tokamak scrape-off layer | M. Kočan, R. Pánek, J. Stöckel, M. Hron, J.P. Gunn, R. Dejarnac |
1441-1445 | Study of highly ionized Xe spectra with 3s–3p and 3p–3d transitions in JT-60U reversed shear plasmas | H. Kubo, A. Sasaki, K. Moribayashi, S. Higashijima, H. Takenaga, K. Shimizu, T. Nakano, A. Whiteford, T. Sugie |
1446-1449 | An electrostatic detector for dust measurement on HT-7 tokamak | B.L. Ling, X.D. Zhang, A. Ti, X. Gao |
1450-1456 | Surface temperature measurements by means of pulsed photothermal effects in fusion devices | Th. Loarer, F. Brygo, E. Gauthier, C. Grisolia, F. Le Guern, F. Moreau, A. Murari, H. Roche, A. Semerok |
1457-1460 | Catalytic probes for measuring H distribution in remote parts of hydrogen plasma reactors | M. Mozetic, A. Vesel, A. Drenik, I. Poberaj, D. Babic |
1461-1465 | Controlling surface dust in a tokamak | C.V. Parker, C.H. Skinner, A.L. Roquemore |
1466-1471 | Experimental developments towards an ITER thermography diagnostic | R. Reichle, B. Brichard, F. Escourbiac, J.L. Gardarein, D. Hernandez, C. Le Niliot, F. Rigollet, J.J. Serra, J.M. Badie, S. van Ierschot, M. Jouve, S. Martinez, H. Ooms, C. Pocheau, X. Rauber, J.L. Sans, E. Scheer, F. Berghmans, M. Decréton |
1472-1475 | Neutral pressure measured by fast ionization gauge in HL-2A | M.X. Wang, L.W. Yan, W.Y. Hong, Z.Y. Cui, Y.D. Pan, L.H. Yao, Z. Cao, Q.W. Yang, Y. Liu |
1476-1479 | Preliminary observations of hot spot for HT-7 long pulse discharges | M. Su, Y. Yang and The HT-7 Team |
iii | Proceedings Title Page | |
iv | Manuscript received date | |
v | Contents | |
vii-viii | Preface | David Senor |
297-305 | Kinetics of precipitation of U4O9 from hyperstoichiometric UO2+x | J.D. Higgs, W.T. Thompson, B.J. Lewis, S.C. Vogel |
306-316 | Effect of sintering conditions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ZrN as a surrogate for actinide nitride fuels | K. Wheeler, P. Peralta, M. Parra, K. McClellan, J. Dunwoody, G. Egeland |
317-335 | Literature review of thermal and radiation performance parameters for high-temperature, uranium dioxide fueled cermet materials | C. Haertling, R.J. Hanrahan Jr. |
336-352 | Aging effects on microstructural and mechanical properties of select refractory metal alloys for space-reactor applications | Keith J. Leonard, Jeremy T. Busby, Steven J. Zinkle |
353-368 | Microstructural and mechanical property changes in the Ta-base T-111 alloy following thermal aging | Keith J. Leonard, Jeremy T. Busby, Steven J. Zinkle |
369-387 | Microstructural and mechanical property changes with aging of Mo–41Re and Mo–47.5Re alloys | Keith J. Leonard, Jeremy T. Busby, Steven J. Zinkle |
388-406 | Radiation-damage in molybdenum–rhenium alloys for space reactor applications | J.T. Busby, K.J. Leonard, S.J. Zinkle |
407-416 | Alloying and microstructure stability in the high-temperature Mo–Si–B system | R. Sakidja, J.H. Perepezko |
417-425 | Optimization of resistance spot welding on the assembly of refractory alloy 50Mo–50Re thin sheet | Jianhui Xu, Xiuping Jiang, Qiang Zeng, Tongguang Zhai, Todd Leonhardt, John Farrell, Williams Umstead, Michael P. Effgen |
ii | Editorial board | |
v | Conference Title Page (Part A) | |
vi | Manuscript received date | |
vii-ix | Committees | |
xi-xii | Preface | Roger E. Stoller, F.W. (Bill) Wiffen, Peter F. Tortorelli, Hiroyasu Tanigawa |
xiii-xxi | Contents to Part A and B | |
1-10 | Critical questions in materials science and engineering for successful development of fusion power | E.E. Bloom, J.T. Busby, C.E. Duty, P.J. Maziasz, T.E. McGreevy, B.E. Nelson, B.A. Pint, P.F. Tortorelli, S.J. Zinkle |
11-20 | Materials degradation in fission reactors: Lessons learned of relevance to fusion reactor systems | Gary S. Was |
21-32 | Materials challenges for ITER – Current status and future activities | V. Barabash The ITER International Team, A. Peacock, S. Fabritsiev, G. Kalinin, S. Zinkle, A. Rowcliffe, J.-W. Rensman, A.A. Tavassoli, P. Marmy, P.J. Karditsas, F. Gillemot, M. Akiba |
33-41 | Status of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel development | N. Baluc, D.S. Gelles, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, R.L. Klueh, G.R. Odette, B. van der Schaaf, Jinnan Yu |
42-47 | Irradiation effects on precipitation and its impact on the mechanical properties of reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels | H. Tanigawa, H. Sakasegawa, N. Hashimoto, R.L. Klueh, M. Ando, M.A. Sokolov |
48-53 | New nano-particle-strengthened ferritic/martensitic steels by conventional thermo-mechanical treatment | R.L. Klueh, N. Hashimoto, P.J. Maziasz |
54-59 | Mechanical properties of 9Cr martensitic steels and ODS-FeCr alloys after neutron irradiation at 325 °C up to 42 dpa | A. Alamo, J.L. Bertin, V.K. Shamardin, P. Wident |
60-67 | Recent progress in US–Japan collaborative research on ferritic steels R&D | Akihiko Kimura, Ryuta Kasada, Akira Kohyama, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Takanori Hirose, Kiyoyuki Shiba, Shiro Jitsukawa, Satoshi Ohtsuka, Shigeharu Ukai, M.A. Sokolov, R.L. Klueh, Takuya Yamamoto, G.R. Odette |
68-73 | Fracture toughness and Charpy impact properties of several RAFMS before and after irradiation in HFIR | M.A. Sokolov, H. Tanigawa, G.R. Odette, K. Shiba, R.L. Klueh |
74-80 | Effect of heat treatments on tensile properties of F82H steel irradiated by neutrons | E. Wakai, M. Ando, T. Sawai, H. Tanigawa, T. Taguchi, R.E. Stoller, T. Yamamoto, Y. Kato, F. Takada |
81-85 | Embrittlement behavior of neutron irradiated RAFM steels | E. Gaganidze, H.-C. Schneider, B. Dafferner, J. Aktaa |
86-91 | In situ | Pierre Marmy |
92-96 | Mechanical properties and microstructure of three Russian ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in BN-350 reactor to 50 dpa at 490 °C | A.M. Dvoriashin, S.I. Porollo, Yu.V. Konobeev, N.I. Budylkin, E.G. Mironova, A.G. Ioltukhovskiy, M.V. Leontyeva-Smirnova, F.A. Garner |
97-101 | Research and development on the China low activation martensitic steel (CLAM) | Jinnan Yu, Qunying Huang, Farong Wan |
102-106 | Mechanical properties of irradiated 9Cr–2WVTa steel with and without nickel | R.L. Klueh, M.A. Sokolov |
107-111 | Effects of heat treatment and irradiation on mechanical properties in F82H steel doped with boron and nitrogen | N. Okubo, E. Wakai, S. Matsukawa, T. Sawai, S. Kitazawa, S. Jitsukawa |
112-116 | Mechanical properties and microstructures in F82H steel irradiated under alternating temperature | N. Okubo, E. Wakai, T. Tomita, S. Jitsukawa |
117-121 | Mechanical properties and microstructures of China low activation martensitic steel compared with JLF-1 | Y. Li, Q. Huang, Y. Wu, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga |
122-126 | Creep behavior of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated at 573 and 773 K up to 5 dpa | M. Ando, M. Li, H. Tanigawa, M.L. Grossbeck, S. Kim, T. Sawai, K. Shiba, Y. Kohno, A. Kohyama |
127-131 | Tensile and transient burst properties of advanced ferritic/martensitic steel claddings after neutron irradiation | Y. Yano, T. Yoshitake, S. Yamashita, N. Akasaka, S. Onose, H. Takahashi |
132-136 | Radiation induced phase instability of precipitates in reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels | H. Tanigawa, H. Sakasegawa, H. Ogiwara, H. Kishimoto, A. Kohyama |
137-141 | Long-term stability of TaC particles during tempering of 8%Cr–2%W steel | M. Tamura, H. Kusuyama, K. Shinozuka, H. Esaka |
142-146 | Progress in development of China Low Activation Martensitic steel for fusion application | Q. Huang, C. Li, Y. Li, M. Chen, M. Zhang, L. Peng, Z. Zhu, Y. Song, S. Gao |
147-152 | Microstructural analysis on JLF-1 steel tested by fatigue deformation | Huailin Li, Arata Nishimura, Takeo Muroga, Takuya Nagasaka |
153-159 | Lattice Monte Carlo simulations of nanocluster formation in nanostructured ferritic alloys | M.J. Alinger, B.D. Wirth, H.-J. Lee, G.R. Odette |
160-165 | Nano-mesoscopic structural characterization of 9Cr-ODS martensitic steel for improving creep strength | S. Ohtsuka, S. Ukai, H. Sakasegawa, M. Fujiwara, T. Kaito, T. Narita |
166-172 | Influence of particle dispersions on the high-temperature strength of ferritic alloys | D.T. Hoelzer, J. Bentley, M.A. Sokolov, M.K. Miller, G.R. Odette, M.J. Alinger |
173-178 | Direct correlation between morphology of (Fe,Cr)23C6 precipitates and impact behavior of ODS steels | M. Klimiankou, R. Lindau, A. Möslang |
179-184 | Heavy-ion irradiation effects on the morphology of complex oxide particles in oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels | H. Kishimoto, K. Yutani, R. Kasada, O. Hashitomi, A. Kimura |
185-190 | Particle size effects in mechanically alloyed 9Cr ODS steel powder | H. Sakasegawa, S. Ohtsuka, S. Ukai, H. Tanigawa, M. Fujiwara, H. Ogiwara, A. Kohyama |
191-195 | Effect of milling on morphological and microstructural properties of powder particles for High-Cr Oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels | Noriyuki Y. Iwata, Akihiko Kimura, Masayuki Fujiwara, Norimichi Kawashima |
196-201 | Mechanical and microstructural behaviour of Y2O3 ODS EUROFER 97 | V. de Castro, T. Leguey, A. Muñoz, M.A. Monge, P. Fernández, A.M. Lancha, R. Pareja |
202-207 | Microstructural development of a heavily neutron-irradiated ODS ferritic steel (MA957) at elevated temperature | S. Yamashita, N. Akasaka, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki |
208-212 | Effects of consolidation temperature, strength and microstructure on fracture toughness of nanostructured ferritic alloys | P. Miao, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, M. Alinger, D. Hoelzer, D. Gragg |
213-216 | Fracture toughness and tensile properties of nano-structured ferritic steel 12YWT | M.A. Sokolov, D.T. Hoelzer, R.E. Stoller, D.A. McClintock |
217-221 | Effect of irradiation on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of oxide dispersion strengthened low activation ferritic/martensitic steel | A. Ramar, N. Baluc, R. Schäublin |
222-228 | Pre- and post-deformation microstructures of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels | R. Kasada, N. Toda, K. Yutani, H.S. Cho, H. Kishimoto, A. Kimura |
229-233 | Embrittlement and hardening during thermal aging of high Cr oxide dispersion strengthened alloys | J.S. Lee, C.H. Jang, I.S. Kim, A. Kimura |
234-238 | Low cycle fatigue properties of ODS ferritic–martensitic steels at high temperature | S. Ukai, S. Ohtsuka |
239-243 | Effects of neutron irradiation on the tensile properties of high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels | H.S. Cho, R. Kasada, A. Kimura |
244-250 | Interaction between helium and self-defects in α-iron from first principles | Chu-Chun Fu, F. Willaime |
251-256 | Molecular dynamics modelling of radiation defects in ferromagnetic α-iron | S.L. Dudarev, P.M. Derlet |
257-262 | Systematic group-specific trends for point defects in bcc transition metals: An ab initio study | D. Nguyen-Manh, S.L. Dudarev, A.P. Horsfield |
263-268 | Validation of potential models for Li2O in classical molecular dynamics simulation | Takuji Oda, Yasuhisa Oya, Satoru Tanaka, William J. Weber |
269-275 | Diffuse X-ray scattering measurements of point defects and clusters in iron | R.E. Stoller, F.J. Walker, E.D. Specht, D.M. Nicholson, R.I. Barabash, P. Zschack, G.E. Ice |
276-281 | Molecular dynamics simulations of point defect interactions in Fe–Cr alloys | K.L. Wong, J.H. Shim, B.D. Wirth |
282-285 | PKA energy spectra and primary damage identification in amorphous silica under different neutron energy spectra | M.L. Gámez, M. Velarde, F. Mota, J.Manuel Perlado, M. León, A. Ibarra |
286-291 | Lattice kinetic Monte-Carlo modelling of helium–vacancy cluster formation in bcc iron | V.A. Borodin, P.V. Vladimirov, A. Möslang |
292-297 | Atomistic modeling of the interaction between self-interstitial dislocation loops and He in bcc Fe | Jae-Hyeok Shim, Sang Chul Kwon, Whung Whoe Kim, Brian D. Wirth |
298-304 | Study of cascades damage in Ni by MD with different interatomic potentials | Z. Yao, M.J. Caturla, R. Schäublin |
305-310 | Diffraction imaging and diffuse scattering by small dislocation loops | Z. Zhou, S.L. Dudarev, M.L. Jenkins, A.P. Sutton, M.A. Kirk |
311-315 | Atomistic modeling of helium interacting with screw dislocations in α-Fe | H.L. Heinisch, F. Gao, R.J. Kurtz |
316-321 | Anisotropy migration of self-point defects in dislocation stress fields in BCC Fe and FCC Cu | A.B. Sivak, V.M. Chernov, N.A. Dubasova, V.A. Romanov |
322-326 | Temperature dependence of one-dimensional motion of interstitial clusters in Fe and Ni | T. Yoshiie, M. Horiki, Q. Xu, K. Sato |
327-331 | Thermally activated transport of a dislocation loop within an elastic model | Kazuhito Ohsawa, Eiichi Kuramoto |
332-337 | Kinetic Monte Carlo studies of the reaction kinetics of crystal defects that diffuse one-dimensionally with occasional transverse migration | H.L. Heinisch, H. Trinkaus, B.N. Singh |
338-343 | Temperature dependence of damage accumulation in α-zirconium | C. Arévalo, M.J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado |
344-349 | Identification and characterization of defects produced in irradiated fused silica through molecular dynamics | F. Mota, M.-J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado, A. Ibarra, M. León, J. Mollá |
350-354 | Effects of cascade damages on the dynamical behavior of helium bubbles in Cu | M. Miyamoto, K. Ono, K. Arakawa, R.C. Birtcher |
355-360 | Development of a Fe–He interatomic potential based on electronic structure calculations | T. Seletskaia, Yu.N. Osetskiy, R.E. Stoller, G.M. Stocks |
361-367 | Effects of oversized element Sn on diffusion of interstitial clusters in Ni irradiated by ions and neutrons | Q. Xu, T. Yoshiie, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida |
368-371 | The elastic interaction between an edge dislocation and a loop in BCC systems | Taira Okita, Naoto Sekimura |
372-376 | Application of positron beam Doppler broadening technique to ion beam irradiation in nickel | Takeo Iwai, Hidetsugu Tsuchida, Misa Awano |
377-381 | Microstructural investigation, using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), of Optifer steel after low dose neutron irradiation and subsequent high temperature tempering | R. Coppola, R. Lindau, M. Magnani, R.P. May, A. Möslang, M. Valli |
382-385 | One dimensional motion of interstitial clusters in Ni–Au alloy | K. Sato, T. Yoshiie, Q. Xu |
386-391 | Comparison of erosion processes of RAF and pure Fe by hydrogen and carbon mixed ion beam irradiation | Y. Ueda, M. Fukumoto, D. Sakizono, I. Sawamura, M. Nishikawa |
392-398 | Quantitative analysis of the dependence of hardening on copper precipitate diameter and density in Fe–Cu alloys | Kimihiro Nogiwa, Nobuyasu Nita, Hideki Matsui |
399-410 | The transport and fate of helium in nanostructured ferritic alloys at fusion relevant He/dpa ratios and dpa rates | T. Yamamoto, G.R. Odette, P. Miao, D.T. Hoelzer, J. Bentley, N. Hashimoto, H. Tanigawa, R.J. Kurtz |
411-416 | Effect of a high helium content on the flow and fracture properties of a 9Cr martensitic steel | J. Henry, L. Vincent, X. Averty, B. Marini, P. Jung |
417-422 | The transport and fate of helium in martensitic steels at fusion relevant He/dpa ratios and dpa rates | R.J. Kurtz, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, D.S. Gelles, P. Miao, B.M. Oliver |
423-427 | Evaluation of Helium effects on swelling behavior of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels under ion irradiation | K. Yutani, H. Kishimoto, R. Kasada, A. Kimura |
428-433 | Helium effects on mechanical properties and microstructure of high fluence ion-irradiated RAFM steel | H. Ogiwara, A. Kohyama, H. Tanigawa, H. Sakasegawa |
434-439 | Implantation of He+ in candidate fusion first wall materials | R.F. Radel, G.L. Kulcinski |
440-445 | Microstructure of helium-implanted and proton-irradiated T91 ferritic/martensitic steel | Z. Jiao, N. Ham, G.S. Was |
446-450 | Diffusion of He interstitial and di-He cluster at grain boundaries in α-Fe | F. Gao, H.L. Heinisch, R.J. Kurtz |
451-456 | The effects of helium on irradiation damage in single crystal iron | Chaitanya S. Deo, Maria A. Okuniewski, Srinivasan G. Srivilliputhur, Stuart A. Maloy, Mike I. Baskes, Michael R. James, James F. Stubbins |
457-461 | Microstructure change and helium release due to tensile loading on austenitic stainless steel implanted with low energy helium ions | T. Kawakami, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida |
462-467 | Synergistic effects of PKA and helium on primary damage formation in Fe–0.1%He | Jinnan Yu, Gang Yu, Zhongwen Yao, Robin Schäublin |
468-472 | Behavior of helium in steel 16Cr12W2VTaB under various implantation temperatures | I.I. Chernov, S.Yu. Binyukova, B.A. Kalin, Myo Htet Win, Than Swe, S.V. Chubarov, A.N. Kalashnikov, A.G. Ioltukhovskiy, M.V. Leontyeva-Smirnova |
473-477 | Hydrogen transport and trapping in EUROFER’97 | G.A. Esteban, A. Peña, I. Urra, F. Legarda, B. Riccardi |
478-482 | Effect of solute elements in Ni alloys on blistering under He+ and D+ ion irradiation | E. Wakai, T. Ezawa, T. Takenaka, J. Imamura, T. Tanabe, R. Oshima |
483-488 | Thermal helium desorption spectrometry of helium-implanted iron | Donghua Xu, Tjacka Bus, Stephen C. Glade, Brian D. Wirth |
489-493 | Characteristics of traps for hydrogen in helium-irradiated copper | I. Takagi, M. Akiyoshi, N. Matsubara, T. Nishiuchi, K. Moritani, T. Sasaki, H. Moriyama |
494-499 | Effects of irradiation on mechanical properties of HIP-bonded reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82H first wall | Furuya Kazuyuki, Wakai Eiichi, Miyamoto Kenji, Akiba Masato, Sugimoto Masayoshi |
500-504 | Effectiveness of helium bubbles as traps for hydrogen | S.Yu. Binyukova, I.I. Chernov, B.A. Kalin, Than Swe |
505-510 | Effects of interstitial impurity on behavior of helium-defect complexes in vanadium studied by THDS | N. Nita, K. Miyawaki, H. Matsui |
511-515 | Desorption of tritium and helium from high dose neutron irradiated beryllium | I.B. Kupriyanov, G.N. Nikolaev, V.V. Vlasov, A.M. Kovalev, V.P. Chakin |
516-521 | The influence of hydrogen on the fatigue behaviour of base and gas tungsten arc welded Eurofer | Marie-Françoise Maday, Luciano Pilloni |
522-526 | Dynamical interaction of helium bubbles with grain boundaries in Fe and Fe–9Cr ferritic alloy | Kotaro Ono, Mitsutaka Miyamoto, Kazuto Arakawa |
527-538 | Plastic flow properties and fracture toughness characterization of unirradiated and irradiated tempered martensitic steels | P. Spätig, R. Bonadé, G.R. Odette, J.W. Rensman, E.N. Campitelli, P. Mueller |
539-543 | Effect of temperature change on the irradiation hardening of the structural alloys for ITER blanket and ITER TBM irradiated to 1.5 dpa in JMTR | S. Jitsukawa, E. Wakai, N. Okubo, M. Ohmi |
544-549 | Impact property degradation of ferritic/martensitic steels after the fast reactor irradiation ‘ARBOR 1’ | C. Petersen, A. Povstyanko, V. Prokhorov, A. Fedoseev, O. Makarov, B. Dafferner |
550-555 | Deformation and damage of RAFM steels under thermo-mechanical loading: A challenge for constitutive equations | J. Aktaa, M. Klotz, C. Petersen |
556-560 | A universal relationship between indentation hardness and flow stress | M.Y. He, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, D. Klingensmith |
561-567 | On the relation between irradiation induced changes in the master curve reference temperature shift and changes in strain hardened flow stress | G.R. Odette, M.Y. He, T. Yamamoto |
568-574 | Effects of surface morphology on fatigue behavior of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel | S.W. Kim, H. Tanigawa, T. Hirose, K. Shiba, A. Kohyama |
575-580 | A closer look at the fracture toughness of ferritic/martensitic steels | Enrico Lucon |
581-586 | Fracture toughness properties in the transition region of the Eurofer97 tempered martensitic steel | R. Bonadé, P. Spätig, N.Baluc |
587-592 | Application of the master curve to inhomogeneous ferritic/martensitic steel | M.A. Sokolov, H. Tanigawa |
593-598 | Evaluation of fracture toughness master curve shifts for JMTR irradiated F82H using small specimens | T. Yamamoto, G.R. Odette, D. Gragg, H. Kurishita, H. Matsui, W.J. Yang, M. Narui, M. Yamazaki |
599-602 | Small fracture toughness specimen for post-irradiation experiments | H.-C. Schneider, J. Aktaa, R. Rolli |
603-609 | Neural network analysis of Charpy transition temperature of irradiated low-activation martensitic steels | G.A. Cottrell, R. Kemp, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto |
610-615 | Brittle–ductile transition in F82H and effects of irradiation | S.J. Noronha, N.M. Ghoniem |
616-620 | A critical stress–critical area statistical model of the K | W.J. Yang, G.R. Odette, T. Yamamoto, P. Miao, M.J. Alinger, M. Hribernik, J.H. Lee |
621-626 | Irradiation-induced impurity segregation and ductile-to-brittle transition temperature shift in high chromium ferritic/martensitic steels | Z. Lu, R.G. Faulkner, P.E.J. Flewitt |
627-632 | Effect of displacement dose and irradiation temperature on tensile and fracture toughness properties of titanium alloys | S. Tähtinen, P. Moilanen, B.N. Singh |
633-636 | Multiaxial fatigue behavior of EUROFER 97 | Matthias Weick, Jarir Aktaa |
637-643 | Brittle–ductile transitions in vanadium and iron–chromium | T.D. Joseph, M. Tanaka, A.J. Wilkinson, S.G. Roberts |
644-647 | Fracture toughness characterization of JLF-1 steel after irradiation in HFIR to 5 dpa | M.A. Sokolov, A. Kimura, H. Tanigawa, S. Jitsukawa |
648-652 | High temperature indentation tests on fusion reactor candidate materials | R. Montanari, G. Filacchioni, B. Iacovone, P. Plini, B. Riccardi |
653-658 | Miniaturized fracture stress tests for thin-walled tubular SiC specimens | T.S. Byun, E. Lara-Curzio, R.A. Lowden, L.L. Snead, Y. Katoh |
659-671 | Current status and critical issues for development of SiC composites for fusion applications | Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead, C.H. Henager Jr., A. Hasegawa, A. Kohyama, B. Riccardi, H. Hegeman |
672-676 | Characterization of commercial grade Tyranno SA/CVI-SiC composites | B. Riccardi, E. Trentini, M. Labanti, M. Leuchs, S. Roccella, E. Visca |
677-684 | Swelling of SiC at intermediate and high irradiation temperatures | L.L. Snead, Y. Katoh, S. Connery |
685-691 | The effects of neutron irradiation on shear properties of monolayered PyC and multilayered PyC/SiC interfaces of SiC/SiC composites | T. Nozawa, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead |
692-697 | Analysis of recovery process of neutron-irradiation-induced defects in α-SiC by isothermal annealing up to 1400 °C | Saishun Yamazaki, Kousuke Yamaya, Masamitsu Imai, Toyohiko Yano |
698-702 | Effect of displacement damage up to 50 dpa on microstructural development in SiC/SiC composites | T. Taguchi, N. Igawa, S. Miwa, E. Wakai, S. Jitsukawa, L.L. Snead, A. Hasegawa |
703-707 | Influence of irradiation-induced defects on fracture behavior in highly pure SiC | K.H. Park, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama |
708-712 | The effect of SiC nanowires on the flexural properties of CVI-SiC/SiC composites | Wen Yang, Hiroshi Araki, Akira Kohyama, Qifa Yang, Yuanchao Xu, Jinan Yu, Tetsuji Noda |
713-718 | Mechanical properties of advanced SiC/SiC composites after neutron irradiation | K. Ozawa, T. Nozawa, Y. Katoh, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama |
719-724 | Efforts on large scale production of NITE-SiC/SiC composites | Joon-Soo Park, Akira Kohyama, Tatsuya Hinoki, Kazuya Shimoda, Yi-Hyun Park |
725-729 | Mechanical properties of SiC/SiC composite with magnesium–silicon oxide interphase | N. Igawa, T. Taguchi, R. Yamada, Y. Ishii, S. Jitsukawa |
730-735 | Physical property changes of crystalline and non-crystalline SiO2 due to neutron irradiation and recovery by subsequent annealing | Toyohiko Yano, Kunio Fukuda, Masamitsu Imai, Hiroyuki Miyazaki |
736-741 | Helium gas permeability of SiC/SiC composite after heat cycles | T. Hino, E. Hayashishita, A. Kohyama, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Hirohata |
742-747 | Swelling and time-dependent crack growth in SiC/SiC composites | Charles H. Henager Jr. |
748-752 | Microstructural evolution analysis of NITE SiC/SiC composite using TEM examination and dual-ion irradiation | H. Kishimoto, K. Ozawa, O. Hashitomi, A. Kohyama |
753-757 | Cavity formation in Tyranno-SA SiCf/SiC composite irradiated with multiple-ion beam at elevated temperatures | H.T. Keng, S.W. Li, S.W. Wu, Ji-Jung Kai, Fu-Rong Chen, Yutai Katoh, A. Kohyama |
758-763 | Irradiation creep of high purity CVD silicon carbide as estimated by the bend stress relaxation method | Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead, T. Hinoki, S. Kondo, A. Kohyama |
764-768 | Anisotropic evolution of Frank loops in ion-irradiated silicon carbide | S. Kondo, A. Kohyama, T. Hinoki |
769-773 | Reaction sintering of two-dimensional silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide composite by sheet stacking method | Katsumi Yoshida, Hideki Mukai, Masamitsu Imai, Kazuaki Hashimoto, Yoshitomo Toda, Hideki Hyuga, Naoki Kondo, Hideki Kita, Toyohiko Yano |
774-779 | Effect of neutron irradiation on tensile properties of unidirectional silicon carbide composites | Y. Katoh, T. Nozawa, L.L. Snead, T. Hinoki |
780-787 | Review of advances in development of vanadium alloys and MHD insulator coatings | T. Muroga, J.M. Chen, V.M. Chernov, K. Fukumoto, D.T. Hoelzer, R.J. Kurtz, T. Nagasaka, B.A. Pint, M. Satou, A. Suzuki, H. Watanabe |
788-793 | Biaxial thermal creep of two heats of V4Cr4Ti at 700 and 800 °C in a liquid lithium environment | Meimei Li, T. Nagasaka, D.T. Hoelzer, M.L. Grossbeck, S.J. Zinkle, T. Muroga, K. Fukumoto, H. Matsui, M. Narui |
794-799 | The microstructure of laser welded V–4Cr–4Ti alloy after neutron irradiation | H. Watanabe, K. Yamasaki, A. Higashizima, N. Yoshida, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga |
800-805 | Fracture toughness investigations of tungsten alloys and SPD tungsten alloys | M. Faleschini, H. Kreuzer, D. Kiener, R. Pippan |
806-811 | Accumulation of helium in tungsten irradiated by helium and neutrons | Q. Xu, N. Yoshida, T. Yoshiie |
812-816 | Effects of helium implantation on damage during pulsed high heat loading of tungsten | K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, K. Ezato, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba, N. Yoshida |
817-822 | Defect cluster formation and radiation hardening in molybdenum neutron-irradiated at 80 °C | Meimei Li, N. Hashimoto, T.S. Byun, L.L. Snead, S.J. Zinkle |
823-828 | Impurity behavior in V–4Cr–4Ti–Y alloys produced by levitation melting | Takuya Nagasaka, Takeo Muroga, Takeshi Hino, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe, Toshinori Chuto, Tomohito Iikubo |
829-833 | Features of dislocation channeling in neutron-irradiated V–(Fe, Cr)–Ti alloy | Ken-ichi Fukumoto, Masanari Sugiyama, Hideki Matsui |
834-838 | Creep mechanism of highly purified V–4Cr–4Ti alloys during thermal creep in a vacuum | Ken-ichi Fukumoto, Takuya Nagasaka, Takeo Muroga, Nobuyasu Nita, Hideki Matsui |
839-843 | Oxidation behavior of a V–4Cr–4Ti alloy during the commercial processing of thin-wall tubing | A.F. Rowcliffe, D.T. Hoelzer, R.J. Kurtz, C.M. Young |
844-847 | Studies of reactor irradiation effect on hydrogen isotope release from vanadium alloy V4Cr4Ti | T. Kulsartov, V. Shestakov, Y. Chikhray, Y. Kenzhin, A. Kolbayenkov, I. Tazhibayeva |
848-852 | Effect of 2 wt% Ti addition on high-temperature strength of fine-grained, particle dispersed V–Y alloys | H. Kurishita, S. Oda, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, T. Kuwabara, M. Hasegawa, H. Matsui |
853-857 | Effect of internal oxidation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of vanadium alloys | A.N. Tyumentsev, A.D. Korotaev, Yu.P. Pinzhin, S.V. Ovchinnikov, I.A. Ditenberg, A.K. Shikov, M.M. Potapenko, V.M. Chernov |
858-863 | Irradiation induced precipitates in vanadium alloys studied by atom probe microanalysis | N. Nita, Y. Anma, H. Matsui, T. Ohkubo, K. Hono |
864-868 | Retention and desorption behavior of helium in oxidized V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | D. Oku, T. Yamada, Y. Hirohata, Y. Yamauchi, T. Hino |
869-875 | Thermal creep mechanisms in V–4Cr–4Ti pressurized tube specimens | D.S. Gelles, M.B. Toloczko, R.J. Kurtz |
876-881 | Diffusional behavior of tritium in V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | K. Hashizume, J. Masuda, T. Otsuka, T. Tanabe, Y. Hatano, Y. Nakamura, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga |
882-886 | The diffusion behaviors of interstitial impurities in V–4Cr–4Ti alloys under ion irradiation | M. Hatakeyama, S. Tamura, T. Muroga, N. Yoshida, M. Hasegawa, H. Matsui |
887-891 | Influence of heat treatment on tritium distribution in V–4Cr–4Ti alloy | H. Homma, Y. Hatano, H. Daifuku, H. Saitoh, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, M. Hara, Y. Nakamura, M. Matsuyama |
892-896 | Recycling of vanadium alloys in fusion reactors | S.A. Bartenev, A. Ciampichetti, N.G. Firsin, R.A. Forrest, B.N. Kolbasov, I.B. Kvasnitskij, P.V. Romanov, V.N. Romanovskij, M. Zucchetti |
ii | Editorial board | |
v | Conference Ttile Page (Part B) | |
vi | Manuscript received date | |
897-903 | Influence of carbon addition on neutron-induced void swelling of Fe–15Cr–16Ni–0.25Ti model alloy | N. Sekimura, T. Okita, F.A. Garner |
904-909 | Effect of heat treatments on precipitate microstructure and mechanical properties of a CuCrZr alloy | D.J. Edwards, B.N. Singh, S. Tähtinen |
910-914 | Effect of cold-work on the radiation-induced deformation of austenitic stainless steels | Johsei Nagakawa, K. Ueno, Y. Murase, N. Yamamoto |
915-919 | A comprising steady-state creep model for the austenitic AISI 316 L(N) steel | Michael Rieth |
920-924 | Ageing effect on the properties of CuCrZr alloy used for the ITER HHF components | G.M. Kalinin, A.D. Ivanov, A.N. Obushev, B.S. Rodchenkov, M.E. Rodin, Y.S. Strebkov |
925-929 | The mechanism of stress influence on swelling of 20% cold-worked 16Cr15Ni2MoTiMnSi steel | I.A. Portnykh, A.V. Kozlov, V.L. Panchenko, V.M. Chernov, F.A. Garner |
930-934 | The synergistic influence of temperature and displacement rate on microstructural evolution of ion-irradiated Fe–15Cr–16Ni model austenitic alloy | T. Okita, T. Sato, N. Sekimura, T. Iwai, F.A. Garner |
935-939 | Low-temperature mechanical properties of Fe–0.06C–18Cr–10Ni–0.4Ti austenitic steel determined using ring-pull tensile tests and microhardness measurements | V.S. Neustroev, E.V. Boev, F.A. Garner |
940-946 | In situ SCC observation on neutron irradiated thermally-sensitized austenitic stainless steel | Junichi Nakano, Yukio Miwa, Takashi Tsukada, Shinya Endo, Koichiro Hide |
947-953 | Effect of irradiation dose on mechanical properties and fracture character of Cu//SS joints for ITER | A.S. Pokrovsky, S.A. Fabritsiev, A. Peacock, A. Gerwash, V.R. Barabash |
954-959 | The influence of cold-work level on the irradiation creep and swelling of AISI 316 stainless steel irradiated as pressurized tubes in the EBR-II fast reactor | E.R. Gilbert, F.A. Garner |
960-965 | Deformation-induced martensite formation and dislocation channeling in neutron-irradiated 316 stainless steel | N. Hashimoto, T.S. Byun |
966-971 | Plastic deformation of SUS304 under in situ and post-irradiation fatigue loadings | Y. Murase, Johsei Nagakawa, N. Yamamoto |
972-976 | Void swelling behavior in electron irradiated Fe–Cr–Ni model alloys under temperature variation | Y. Satoh, S. Abe, H. Matsui, I. Yamagata |
977-983 | Effect of irradiation temperature on microstructure, radiation hardening and embrittlement of pure copper and copper-based alloy | S.A. Fabritsiev, A.S. Pokrovsky |
984-989 | Hold-time effects on the fatigue life of CuCrZr alloys for fusion applications | Xianglin Wu, Xiao Pan, Bachu N. Singh, Meimei Li, James F. Stubbins |
990-994 | Void swelling of AISI 321 analog stainless steel irradiated at low dpa rates in the BN-350 reactor | O.P. Maksimkin, K.V. Tsai, L.G. Turubarova, T. Doronina, F.A. Garner |
995-1002 | Effects of neutron irradiation on the properties of functional materials for fusion applications: Role of hydrogen in radiation effects on oxide ceramics | Tatsuo Shikama, Bun Tsuchiya, Eric R. Hodgson |
1003-1008 | Radiation effects on the deuterium diffusion in SiO2 | A. Ibarra, A. Muñoz-Martín, P. Martín, A. Climent-Font, E.R. Hodgson |
1009-1013 | Luminescence characteristics and defect formation in silica glasses under H and He ion irradiation | S. Nagata, S. Yamamoto, A. Inouye, B. Tsuchiya, K. Toh, T. Shikama |
1014-1017 | Surface electrical degradation of helium implanted SiO2 | S.M. González, A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson |
1018-1022 | Compatibility between Be–Ti alloys and F82H steel | K. Tsuchiya, H. Kawamura, T. Ishida |
1023-1027 | Saturation in degradation of thermal diffusivity of neutron-irradiated ceramics at 3 × 1026 n/m2 | Masafumi Akiyoshi, Toyohiko Yano, Yoshiaki Tachi, Hiromi Nakano |
1028-1032 | Measurement system for in-pile tritium monitoring from Li2TiO3 ceramics at WWRK reactor | Y. Chikhray, V. Shestakov, T. Kulsartov, I. Tazhibayeva, H. Kawamura, A. Kuykabaeva |
1033-1037 | Erbium oxide as a new promising tritium permeation barrier | D. Levchuk, S. Levchuk, H. Maier, H. Bolt, A. Suzuki |
1038-1043 | Chemical shift of characteristic X-ray wavelength in silicon-containing ceramics due to neutron irradiation | Toyohiko Yano, Saisyun Yamazaki, Hiroko Kawano, Keiichi Katayama |
1044-1047 | Thermally induced EMF in unirradiated MI cables | R. Vila, E.R. Hodgson |
1048-1051 | Studies on proton irradiation-induced modifications of KU1 and KS-4V quartz glasses ultraviolet transmission properties | B. Constantinescu, R. Bugoi, E.R. Hodgson, R. Vila, P. Ioan |
1052-1056 | Investigation of phase transition in Li2TiO3 by high temperature X-ray diffraction | Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Kenta Tanaka, Junichi Makita, Takuya Hashimoto |
1057-1062 | Kinetics of reaction with water vapor and ab initio study of titanium beryllide | K. Munakata, H. Kawamura, M. Uchida |
1063-1068 | Experimental determination of creep properties of Beryllium irradiated to relevant fusion power reactor doses | M. Scibetta, A. Pellettieri, L. Sannen |
1069-1072 | Production and characterization of titanium beryllides for HIDOBE irradiation | P. Kurinskiy, A. Moeslang, M. Klimiankou, A.A. Goraieb |
1073-1078 | Radiation enhanced diffusion of hydrogen in perovskite-type oxide ceramics under reactor irradiation | B. Tsuchiya, T. Shikama, S. Nagata, K. Toh, M. Narui, M. Yamazaki |
1079-1084 | Some characteristics of fine beryllium particle combustion | D.A. Davydov, O.V. Kholopova, B.N. Kolbasov |
1085-1089 | Development of 300 °C heat resistant boron-loaded resin for neutron shielding | Atsuhiko Morioka, Shinji Sakurai, Koichi Okuno, Satoshi Sato, Yury Verzirov, Atsushi Kaminaga, Takeo Nishitani, Hiroshi Tamai, Yusuke Kudo, Shigeru Yoshida, Makoto Matsukawa |
1090-1095 | Performance of a hydrogen sensor in Pb–16Li | Andrea Ciampichetti, Massimo Zucchetti, Italo Ricapito, Marco Utili, Antonio Aiello, Gianluca Benamati |
1096-1101 | Applicability of Pd–Cu alloy to self-developing gas chromatography of hydrogen isotopes | M. Matsuyama, H. Sugiyama, M. Hara, K. Watanabe |
1102-1106 | HTO electrolysis method by using proton exchange membrane fuel cell | Hiroki Takata, Masabumi Nishikawa, Takayuki Egawa, Nobukazu Mizuno |
1107-1111 | Radioluminescence behaviour for electron irradiated KS-4V | A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson |
1112-1116 | Luminescence of Cr-doped alumina induced by charged particle irradiation | Aichi Inouye, Shinji Nagata, Kentaro Toh, Bun Tsuchiya, Shunya Yamamoto, Tatsuo Shikama |
1117-1121 | Effect of temperature and irradiation on fused silica optical fiber for temperature measurement | A. Honda, K. Toh, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, T. Shikama |
1122-1127 | The role of the fused silica stoichiometry on the intrinsic defects concentration | J. Mollá, F. Mota, M. León, A. Ibarra, M.J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado |
1128-1132 | Search for luminescent materials under 14 MeV neutron irradiation | K. Toh, T. Shikama, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, M. Yamauchi, T. Nishitani |
1133-1138 | Analysis on damage to TF coils of a compact reversed shear tokamak CREST | Q. Huang, S. Zheng, L. Lu, Q. Zeng, R. Hiwatari, Y. Asaoka, K. Okano, Y. Ogawa |
1139-1143 | Coatings and joining for SiC and SiC-composites for nuclear energy systems | C.H. Henager Jr., Y. Shin, Y. Blum, L.A. Giannuzzi, B.W. Kempshall, S.M. Schwarz |
1144-1149 | Comparison of corrosion behavior of bare and hot-dip coated EUROFER steel in flowing Pb–17Li | J. Konys, W. Krauss, Z. Voss, O. Wedemeyer |
1150-1154 | Investigation of Pb–Li compatibility issues for the dual coolant blanket concept | B.A. Pint, J.L. Moser, P.F. Tortorelli |
1155-1159 | Electrical insulating property of ceramic coating materials in radiation and high-temperature environment | Teruya Tanaka, Rei Nagayasu, Akihiko Sawada, Toshiji Ikeda, Fuminobu Sato, Akihiro Suzuki, Takeo Muroga, Toshiyuki Iida |
1160-1164 | Charging of V–4Cr–4Ti by oxygen to create in situ | O. Yeliseyeva, T. Muroga, A. Suzuki, Z. Yao, A. Lukyanenko |
1165-1169 | Compatibility of multi-layer, electrically insulating coatings for vanadium–lithium blankets | B.A. Pint, J.L. Moser, A. Jankowski, J. Hayes |
1170-1174 | Dynamics of deuterium implanted in boron coating film for wall conditioning | Toshihiko Nakahata, Akira Yoshikawa, Makoto Oyaidzu, Yasuhisa Oya, Yuki Ishimoto, Kaname Kizu, Jyunichi Yagyu, Naoko Ashikawa, Kiyohiko Nishimura, Naoyuki Miya, Kenji Okuno |
1175-1179 | SCC behavior of solid-HIPed and irradiated type 316LN-IG stainless steel in oxygenated or hydrogenated water at 423–603 K | Yukio Miwa, Takashi Tsukada, Shiro Jitsukawa |
1180-1184 | Corrosion resistance of high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels in super-critical pressurized water | H.S. Cho, A. Kimura |
1185-1189 | Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of ferritic/martensitic steel in super critical pressurized water | T. Hirose, K. Shiba, M. Enoeda, M. Akiba |
1190-1196 | Reaction rate of beryllium with fluorine ion for Flibe redox control | S. Fukada, M.F. Simpson, R.A. Anderl, J.P. Sharpe, K. Katayama, G.R. Smolik, Y. Oya, T. Terai, K. Okuno, M. Hara, D.A. Petti, S. Tanaka, D.-K. Sze, A. Sagara |
1197-1202 | The microstructure and strength properties of MA957 nanostructured ferritic alloy joints produced by friction stir and electro-spark deposition welding | P. Miao, G.R. Odette, J. Gould, J. Bernath, R. Miller, M. Alinger, C. Zanis |
1203-1207 | Optimization of the EUROFER uniaxial diffusion weld | A. von der Weth, H. Kempe, J. Aktaa, B. Dafferner |
1208-1212 | CuCrZr alloy hot cracking during electron beam welding | A. Durocher, D. Ayrault, Ch. Chagnot, M. Lipa, W. Saikaly |
1213-1217 | Properties of friction welds between 9Cr-ODS martensitic and ferritic–martensitic steels | Tomoyuki Uwaba, Shigeharu Ukai, Tatsuyoshi Nakai, Masayuki Fujiwara |
1218-1222 | Development of brazing foils to join monocrystalline tungsten alloys with ODS-EUROFER steel | B.A. Kalin, V.T. Fedotov, O.N. Sevrjukov, A.N. Kalashnikov, A.N. Suchkov, A. Moeslang, M. Rohde |
1223-1227 | Numerical analysis of mechanical testing for evaluating shear strength of SiC/SiC composite joints | H. Serizawa, D. Fujita, C.A. Lewinsohn, M. Singh, H. Murakawa |
1228-1232 | Mechanical characterization and modeling of brazed EUROFER-tungsten-joints | T. Chehtov, J. Aktaa, O. Kraft |
1233-1237 | Interface reactions and control of diffusion at the interface between SiC fibres and layer of deposited Fe–9Cr base alloy | S. Levchuk, S. Lindig, A. Brendel, H. Bolt |
1238-1242 | Dynamic Monte-Carlo modeling of hydrogen isotope reactive–diffusive transport in porous graphite | R. Schneider, A. Rai, A. Mutzke, M. Warrier, E. Salonen, K. Nordlund |
1243-1247 | Evaluation of tritium behavior in concrete | Kazuya Furuichi, Hiroki Takata, Kazunari Katayama, Toshiharu Takeishi, Masabumi Nishikawa, Takumi Hayashi, Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Haruyuki Namba |
1248-1253 | Tritium distribution measurement of the tile gap of JT-60U | K. Sugiyama, T. Tanabe, K. Masaki, N. Miya |
1254-1259 | Thermal release rate of tritium trapped in bulk and plasma exposed surfaces of carbon specimens obtained from JET divertor | N. Bekris, J.P. Coad, C.H. Skinner, C.A. Gentile, E. Damm, W. Nägele |
1260-1265 | Distribution of hydrogen isotopes retained in the divertor tiles used in JT-60U | Y. Hirohata, T. Tanabe, T. Shibahara, M. Oyaidzu, K. Sugiyama, Y. Oya, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Onishi, T. Arai, K. Masaki, Y. Ishimoto, K. Okuno, N. Miya |
1266-1270 | Hydrogen isotope behavior in the first wall of JT-60U after deuterium plasma operation | Y. Oya, T. Tanabe, M. Oyaidzu, T. Shibahara, K. Sugiyama, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Onishi, Y. Hirohata, Y. Ishimoto, J. Yagyu, T. Arai, K. Masaki, K. Okuno, N. Miya, S. Tanaka |
1271-1280 | Test blanket modules in ITER: An overview on proposed designs and required DEMO-relevant materials | L. Giancarli, V. Chuyanov, M. Abdou, M. Akiba, B.G. Hong, R. Lässer, C. Pan, Y. Strebkov and the TBWG Team |
1281-1286 | Status and perspective of the R&D on ceramic breeder materials for testing in ITER | A. Ying, M. Akiba, L.V. Boccaccini, S. Casadio, G. Dell’Orco, M. Enoeda, K. Hayashi, J.B. Hegeman, R. Knitter, J. van der Laan, J.D. Lulewicz, Z.Y. Wen |
1287-1292 | ITER-Test blanket module functional materials | C.P.C. Wong, V. Chernov, A. Kimura, Y. Katoh, N. Morley, T. Muroga, K.W. Song, Y.C. Wu, M. Zmitko |
1293-1297 | Experimental and numerical analyses on LiSO4 and Li2TiO3 pebble beds used in a ITER test blanket module | Donato Aquaro, Nicola Zaccari |
1298-1304 | Overview of recent Russian materials and technologies R&D activities related to ITER and DEMO constructions | A.K. Shikov, V.A. Beliakov |
1305-1311 | The effect of low-dose neutron irradiation on mechanical properties, electrical resistivity and fracture of NiAl bronze for ITER | V. Barabash, A. Pokrovsky, S. Fabritsiev |
1312-1315 | Irradiation behavior of Ti–4Al–2V (ΠT-3B) alloy for ITER blanket modules flexible attachment | B.S. Rodchenkov, A.V. Kozlov, Yu.G. Kuznetsov, G.M. Kalinin, Yu.S. Strebkov |
1316-1324 | Extending ITER materials design to welded joints | A.-A.F. Tavassoli |
1325-1329 | Features of plasma sprayed beryllium armor for the ITER first wall | R.E. Nygren, D.L. Youchison, K.J. Hollis |
1330-1336 | Damage evaluation under thermal fatigue of a vertical target full scale component for the ITER divertor | M. Missirlian, F. Escourbiac, M. Merola, A. Durocher, I. Bobin-Vastra, B. Schedler |
1337-1343 | Proposed damage evolution model for large-scale finite element modeling of the dual coolant US-ITER TBM | S. Sharafat, J. El-Awady, S. Liu, E. Diegele, N.M. Ghoniem |
1344-1349 | On the effects of the supporting frame on the radiation-induced damage of HCLL-TBM structural material | P. Chiovaro, P.A. Di Maio, E. Oliveri, G. Vella |
1350-1354 | The value of materials R&D in the fast track development of fusion power | D.J. Ward, N.P. Taylor, I. Cook |
1355-1360 | The feasibility of recycling and clearance of active materials from fusion power plants | M. Zucchetti, L.A. El-Guebaly, R.A. Forrest, T.D. Marshall, N.P. Taylor, K. Tobita |
1361-1365 | Estimation of tritium release behavior from solid breeder materials under the condition of ITER test blanket module | T. Kinjyo, M. Nishikawa, M. Enoeda |
1366-1370 | Material compatibility issues in EU fusion fuel cycle R&D and design | D.K. Murdoch, I. Cristescu, C. Day, M. Glugla, R. Lässer, A. Mack |
1371-1376 | Correlation between tritium release and thermal annealing of irradiation damage in neutron-irradiated Li2SiO3 | Yusuke Nishikawa, Makoto Oyaidzu, Akira Yoshikawa, Kenzo Munakata, Moritami Okada, Masabumi Nishikawa, Kenji Okuno |
1377-1381 | Swelling, mechanical properties and microstructure of beryllium irradiated at 200 °C up to extremely high neutron doses | V.P. Chakin, A.O. Posevin, I.B. Kupriyanov |
1382-1386 | Recent results on beryllium and beryllides in Japan | Y. Mishima, N. Yoshida, H. Kawamura, K. Ishida, Y. Hatano, T. Shibayama, K. Munakata, Y. Sato, M. Uchida, K. Tsuchiya, S. Tanaka |
1387-1392 | Crystallisation and microstructure of lithium orthosilicate pebbles | Regina Knitter, Birgit Alm, Georg Roth |
1393-1397 | Numerical characterization of thermo-mechanical performance of breeder pebble beds | Zhiyong An, Alice Ying, Mohamed Abdou |
1398-1403 | High energy heavy ion induced structural disorder in Li2TiO3 | T. Nakazawa, A. Naito, T. Aruga, V. Grismanovs, Y. Chimi, A. Iwase, S. Jitsukawa |
1404-1409 | Verification of design rules for EUROFER under TBM operating conditions | R. Sunyk, J. Aktaa |
1410-1415 | Design status and development strategy of China liquid lithium–lead blankets and related material technology | Y. Wu and the FDS Team |
1416-1421 | Development of a helium-cooled divertor: Material choice and technological studies | P. Norajitra, L.V. Boccaccini, A. Gervash, R. Giniyatulin, N. Holstein, T. Ihli, G. Janeschitz, W. Krauss, R. Kruessmann, V. Kuznetsov, A. Makhankov, I. Mazul, A. Moeslang, I. Ovchinnikov, M. Rieth, B. Zeep |
1422-1431 | High heat flux testing of plasma facing materials and components – Status and perspectives for ITER related activities | J. Linke, F. Escourbiac, I.V. Mazul, R. Nygren, M. Rödig, J. Schlosser, S. Suzuki |
1432-1437 | Overview of co-deposition and fuel inventory in castellated divertor structures at JET | M.J. Rubel, J.P. Coad, R.A. Pitts and Contributors to the JET-EFDA Workprogramme |
1438-1443 | R&D on tungsten plasma facing components for the JET ITER-like wall project | G. Piazza, G.F. Matthews, J. Pamela, H. Altmann, J.P. Coad, T. Hirai, A. Lioure, H. Maier, Ph. Mertens, V. Philipps, V. Riccardo, M. Rubel, E. Villedieu and Collaborators of the JET ITER-like Project |
1444-1448 | High heat flux facility GLADIS:: Operational characteristics and results of W7-X pre-series target tests | H. Greuner, B. Boeswirth, J. Boscary, P. McNeely |
1449-1452 | Manufacturing and testing W/Cu functionally graded material mock-ups for plasma facing components | Wei-ping Shen, Qiang Li, Ke Chang, Zhang-jian Zhou, Chang-chun Ge |
1453-1457 | Development of ultra-fine grained W–TiC and their mechanical properties for fusion applications | H. Kurishita, Y. Amano, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, H. Arakawa, Y. Hiraoka, T. Takida, K. Takebe, H. Matsui |
1458-1462 | Thermal stability and nano-structure of metal-doped carbon layers | M. Balden, C. Adelhelm, M. Sikora |
1463-1467 | Mechanisms of retention and blistering in near-surface region of tungsten exposed to high flux deuterium plasmas of tens of eV | W.M. Shu, G.-N. Luo, T. Yamanishi |
1468-1471 | High heat flux testing of tungsten plasma facing materials | Zhang-jian Zhou, Shu-xiang Song, Juan Du, Chang-chun Ge |
1472-1475 | Fabrication of a He-cooled divertor module for DEMO reactor | A. Gervash, R. Giniyatulin, T. Ihli, W. Krauss, A. Makhankov, I. Mazul, P. Norajitra, N. Yablokov |
1476-1480 | Promising composite heat sink material for the divertor of future fusion reactors | A. Brendel, C. Popescu, T. Köck, H. Bolt |
1481-1486 | Carbon transport, deposition and fuel accumulation in castellated structures exposed in TEXTOR | A. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, A. Kirschner, P. Wienhold, G. Sergienko, A. Kreter, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, K. Krieger, P. Karduck, M. Blome, B. Emmoth, M. Rubel, U. Breuer, A. Scholl |
1487-1491 | Hydrogen retention properties of co-deposition under high-density plasmas in TRIAM-1M | M. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Yoshida, M. Sakamoto, H. Zushi, K. Hanada, TRIAM Group, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya |
1492-1496 | Application of lock-in thermography non destructive technique to CFC armoured plasma facing components | F. Escourbiac, S. Constans, X. Courtois, A. Durocher |
1497-1502 | Operational conditions in a W-clad tokamak | R. Neu, Ch. Hopf, A. Kallenbach, T. Pütterich, R. Dux, H. Greuner, O. Gruber, A. Herrmann, K. Krieger, H. Maier, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
1503-1506 | Behavior of deuterium in boron films covered by oxygen-containing layer | M.X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, H. Miyauchi, T. Nakahata, Y. Oya, N. Noda, K. Okuno |
1507-1511 | Properties of co-deposited layers on graphite high heat flux components at the TEXTOR tokamak | E. Fortuna, M.J. Rubel, V. Philipps, K.J. Kurzydłowski, Ph. Mertens, M. Miśkiewicz, M. Pisarek, G. Van Oost, W. Zieliński |
1512-1515 | Removal of the codeposited carbon layer using He–O glow discharge | C.L. Kunz, R.A. Causey, M. Clift, W.R. Wampler, D.F. Cowgill |
1516-1521 | Pulsed-laser ablation of co-deposits on JT-60 graphite tile | Youichi Sakawa, Daisuke Watanabe, Takahiro Shibahara, Kazuyoshi Sugiyama, Tetsuo Tanabe |
1522-1526 | Effects of chemical states of carbon on deuterium retention in carbon-containing materials | Makoto Oyaidzu, Hiromi Kimura, Toshihiko Nakahata, Yusuke Nishikawa, Masayuki Tokitani, Yasuhisa Oya, Hirotomo Iwakiri, Naoaki Yoshida, Kenji Okuno |
1527-1530 | Effect of oxygen concentration on the chemical behavior of deuterium implanted into oxygen-containing boron thin films | Akira Yoshikawa, Makoto Oyaidzu, Hideo Miyauchi, Yasuhisa Oya, Akio Sagara, Nobuaki Noda, Kenji Okuno |
1531-1536 | Evaluation and validation of d–Li cross section data for the IFMIF neutron source term simulation | U. Fischer, M. Avrigeanu, P. Pereslavtsev, S.P. Simakov, I. Schmuck |
1537-1542 | Preliminary assessment of the safety of IFMIF | N.P. Taylor, B. Brañas, E. Eriksson, A. Natalizio, T. Pinna, L. Rodríguez-Rodrigo, S. Ciattaglia, R. Lässer |
1543-1548 | Thermo-structural analysis and design consideration of the replaceable backwall in IFMIF liquid lithium target | H. Nakamura, M. Ida, T. Chida, K. Shiba, K. Shimizu, M. Sugimoto |
1549-1556 | The role of small specimen test technology in fusion materials development | G.E. Lucas, G.R. Odette, H. Matsui, A. Möslang, P. Spätig, J. Rensman, T. Yamamoto |
1557-1561 | Analytical estimation of accessibility to the activated lithium loop in IFMIF | M. Ida, H. Nakamura, M. Sugimoto |
1562-1567 | Transmutation analysis of realistic low-activation steels for magnetic fusion reactors and IFMIF | O. Cabellos, J. Sanz, N. García-Herranz, S. Díaz, S. Reyes, S. Piedloup |
1568-1573 | Neutron and deuteron activation calculations for IFMIF | R.A. Forrest, M.J. Loughlin |
1574-1579 | Material irradiation conditions for the IFMIF medium flux test module | P. Vladimirov, A. Möslang, U. Fischer, S. Simakov |
1580-1585 | Shielding analyses of the IFMIF test cell | Y. Chen, U. Fischer, S.P. Simakov, F. Wasastjerna |
1586-1589 | Designing optimised experiments for the international fusion materials irradiation facility | R. Kemp, G.A. Cottrell, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia |
1590-1595 | Liquid metal compatibility under irradiation: The LiSoR 5 experiment | H. Glasbrenner, F. Gröschel |
1596-1600 | Neutron elastic recoil detection for hydrogen isotope analysis in fusion materials | Naoyoshi Kubota, Keitaro Kondo, Kentaro Ochiai, Takeo Nishitani |
495-503 | Corrosion resistance of molybdenum-containing titanium alloy for overpack in simulating underground environment | Toshiyasu Nishimura |
504-509 | Compatibility of martensitic/austenitic steel welds with liquid lead bismuth eutectic environment | J. Van den Bosch, A. Almazouzi |
510-516 | Theory of He trapping, diffusion, and clustering in UO2 | Younsuk Yun, Olle Eriksson, Peter M. Oppeneer |
517-526 | The electrochemistry in 316SS crevices exposed to PWR-relevant conditions | M. Vankeerberghen, G. Weyns, S. Gavrilov, J. Henshaw, J. Deconinck |
527-532 | Chemical corrosion and gamma-ray attenuation properties of Zr and Ti containing lead silicate glasses | Rafi Ali Rahimi, Gholamreza Raisali, S.K. Sadrnezhaad, Anita Alipour |
533-537 | Microstructural characterization of a composite Mo reinforced by 25 at.% TiC | D. Cédat, C. Rey, M. Clavel, J.H. Schmitt, M. Le Flem, A. Allemand |
538-544 | Gaseous hydrogen embrittlement of PH 13-8 Mo steel | Y.S. Ding, L.W. Tsay, M.F. Chiang, C. Chen |
545-551 | A study of hot deformation behavior and microstructural characterization of Mo–TZM alloy | S. Majumdar, R. Kapoor, S. Raveendra, H. Sinha, I. Samajdar, P. Bhargava, J.K. Chakravartty, I.G. Sharma, A.K. Suri |
552-558 | Study of the temperature evolution of defect agglomerates in neutron irradiated molybdenum single crystals | O.A. Lambri, G.I. Zelada-Lambri, G.J. Cuello, P.B. Bozzano, J.A. García |
559-562 | The effect of RE-rich phase on the thermal conductivity of U–Zr–RE alloys | Jin-Sik Cheon, Seok-Jin Oh, Byoung-Oon Lee, Chan-Bock Lee |
563-571 | Analysis of intergranular fission-gas bubble-size distributions in irradiated uranium–molybdenum alloy fuel | J. Rest, G.L. Hofman, Yeon Soo Kim |
572-581 | Thermal effects in 10 keV Si PKA cascades in 3C–SiC | David E. Farrell, Noam Bernstein, Wing Kam Liu |
582-590 | Fabrication of mesoporous and high specific surface area lanthanum carbide–carbon nanotube composites | L. Biasetto, S. Carturan, G. Maggioni, P. Zanonato, P. Di Bernardo, P. Colombo, A. Andrighetto, G. Prete |
591-594 | Effect of hydrogen on the creep behavior of Zr–2.5%Nb alloy at 723 K | R. Kishore |
595-600 | On the impact of reactive solutes on radiation induced oxidative dissolution of UO2 | Olivia Roth, Mats Jonsson |
601-605 | Localization by TEM and EELS of deuterium trapping sites in CFC exposed to plasma irradiation in Tore Supra | N. Bernier, C. Brosset, F. Bocquet, E. Tsitrone, W. Saikaly, H. Khodja, V.Kh. Alimov, J.P. Gunn |
606-614 | Grazing-incidence electron microscopy of surface blisters in single- and polycrystalline tungsten formed by H+, D+ and He+ irradiation | Naruaki Enomoto, Shunsuke Muto, Tetsuo Tanabe, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz |
615-622 | Evolution of the nanostructure of VVER-1000 RPV materials under neutron irradiation and post irradiation annealing | M.K. Miller, A.A. Chernobaeva, Y.I. Shtrombakh, K.F. Russell, R.K. Nanstad, D.Y. Erak, O.O. Zabusov |
623-628 | Amorphization of the interaction products in U–Mo/Al dispersion fuel during irradiation | Ho Jin Ryu, Yeon Soo Kim, G.L. Hofman |
629-632 | Size dependent enhancement of helium ion irradiation tolerance in sputtered Cu/V nanolaminates | E.G. Fu, J. Carter, G. Swadener, A. Misra, L. Shao, H. Wang, X. Zhang |
ii | Editorial board | |
v | Conference Title Page | |
vi | Manuscript received date | |
vii-viii | Committees | |
ix-xiv | Contents | |
xv | Preface | Farhad Tavassoli, Thierry Hutter |
1-7 | The EU programme for modelling radiation effects in fusion reactor materials: An overview of recent advances and future goals | S.L. Dudarev, J.-L. Boutard, R. Lässer, M.J. Caturla, P.M. Derlet, M. Fivel, C.-C. Fu, M.Y. Lavrentiev, L. Malerba, M. Mrovec, D. Nguyen-Manh, K. Nordlund, M. Perlado, R. Schäublin, H. Van Swygenhoven, D. Terentyev, J. Wallenius, D. Weygand, F. Willaime |
8-14 | Advances in microstructural characterization | S.J. Zinkle, G.E. Ice, M.K. Miller, S.J. Pennycook, X.-L. Wang |
15-18 | Material science activities for fusion reactors in Kazakhstan | I. Tazhibayeva, E. Kenzhin, V. Shestakov, Y. Chikhray, T. Kulsartov, E. Azizov, O. Filatov, V. Chernov |
19-21 | Including electronic effects in damage cascade simulations | D.M. Duffy, A.M. Rutherford |
22-25 | Magnetic cluster expansion simulations of FeCr alloys | M.Yu. Lavrentiev, S.L. Dudarev, D. Nguyen-Manh |
26-29 | Atomistic simulation of single kinks of screw dislocations in α-Fe | Lisa Ventelon, F. Willaime, P. Leyronnas |
30-32 | Nucleation and growth of vacancy clusters in β-SiC during irradiation | K. Morishita, Y. Watanabe, A. Kohyama, H.L. Heinisch, F. Gao |
33-35 | Impurity effects on He diffusion in α-Fe | C.J. Ortiz, M.J. Caturla, C.C. Fu, F. Willaime |
36-40 | Vacancy defects in Fe: Comparison between simulation and experiment | M.R. Gilbert, Z. Yao, M.A. Kirk, M.L. Jenkins, S.L. Dudarev |
41-44 | Kinetic Monte–Carlo modeling of hydrogen retention and re-emission from Tore Supra deposits | A. Rai, R. Schneider, M. Warrier, P. Roubin, C. Martin, M. Richou |
45-48 | The magnetic origin of anomalous high-temperature stability of dislocation loops in iron and iron-based alloys | S.L. Dudarev, P.M. Derlet, R. Bullough |
49-51 | Atomistic calculation of elastic constants of alpha-iron containing point defects by means of magnetic interatomic potentials | S. Chiesa, P.M. Derlet, S.L. Dudarev, H. Van Swygenhoven |
52-55 | Comparative study of survived displacement damage defects in iron irradiated in IFMIF and fusion power reactors | S.P. Simakov, A.Yu. Konobeyev, U. Fischer, V. Heinzel |
56-59 | Atomistic modeling of nanosized Cr precipitate contribution to hardening in an Fe–Cr alloy | Jae-Hyeok Shim, Dong-Ik Kim, Woo-Sang Jung, Young Whan Cho, Brian D. Wirth |
60-63 | Magnetic properties of point defect interaction with impurity atoms in Fe–Cr alloys | D. Nguyen-Manh, M.Yu. Lavrentiev, S.L. Dudarev |
64-66 | 3D Dislocation dynamics modelling of interactions between prismatic loops and mobile dislocations in pure iron | Roman Novokshanov, Steve Roberts |
67-70 | Interaction between dislocations in bcc iron at high temperature | S.P. Fitzgerald, S.L. Dudarev |
71-74 | Microstructural evolutions and cyclic softening of 9%Cr martensitic steels | Fournier Benjamin, Sauzay Maxime, Renault Alexandra, Barcelo Françoise, Pineau André |
75-78 | Molecular dynamics study of structure transformation and H effects in irradiated silica | F. Mota, M.-J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado, J. Mollá, A. Ibarra |
79-81 | Vacancies, interstitials and gas atoms in beryllium | M.G. Ganchenkova, P.V. Vladimirov, V.A. Borodin |
82-85 | Effects of porosity on the elastic behaviour of CVI SiC/SiC composites | L. Gélébart, C. Colin |
86-89 | Ab initio | P. Olsson |
90-92 | Object Kinetic Monte Carlo calculations of electron and He irradiation of nickel | B. Gámez, L. Gámez, C.J. Ortiz, M.J. Caturla, J.M. Perlado |
93-96 | A study of the interaction between irradiation induced-defect and a line dislocation in bcc-iron | Satoshi Fujita, Taira Okita, Eiichi Kuramoto, Naoto Sekimura |
97-101 | Molecular dynamics simulation of radiation damage in bcc tungsten | J. Fikar, R. Schäublin |
102-105 | Dislocation–void interaction in Fe: A comparison between molecular dynamics and dislocation dynamics | S.M. Hafez Haghighat, M.C. Fivel, J. Fikar, R. Schaeublin |
106-108 | Kinetic properties of small He–vacancy clusters in iron | V.A. Borodin, P.V. Vladimirov |
109-111 | A density functional theory assessment of the clustering behaviour of He and H in tungsten | C.S. Becquart, C. Domain |
112-114 | The influence of Helium bubbles on the critical resolved shear stress of dispersion strengthened alloys | B. Bakó, M. Samaras, D. Weygand, J. Chen, P. Gumbsch, W. Hoffelner |
115-118 | Molecular dynamics simulation of dislocation–void interactions in BCC Mo | Hyon-Jee Lee, Brian D. Wirth |
119-121 | Advanced neutron shielding material using zirconium borohydride and zirconium hydride | T. Hayashi, K. Tobita, Y. Nakamori, S. Orimo |
122-126 | Fusion-based hydrogen production reactor and its material selection | Y. Wu and FDS team |
127-131 | Damage to preheated tungsten targets after multiple plasma impacts simulating ITER ELMs | I.E. Garkusha, A.N. Bandura, O.V. Byrka, V.V. Chebotarev, I. Landman, V.A. Makhlaj, S. Pestchanyi, V.I. Tereshin |
132-134 | Modeling of cascade and sub-cascade formation at high PKA energies in irradiated fusion structural materials | A.I. Ryazanov, E.V. Metelkin, E.V. Semenov |
135-139 | Effect of high dose/high temperature irradiation on the microstructure of heat resistant 11Cr ferritic/martensitic steels | S. Yamashita, Y. Yano, Y. Tachi, N. Akasaka |
140-142 | Diffusion of 3D-migrating self-interstitial clusters in diluted and concentrated Fe–Cr alloys | D. Terentyev, P. Olsson, L. Malerba |
143-146 | Irradiation creep and microstructural changes in an advanced ODS ferritic steel during helium implantation under stress | J. Chen, M.A. Pouchon, A. Kimura, P. Jung, W. Hoffelner |
147-151 | Dependence of steady-state radiation swelling rate of l 0.1C–16Cr–15Ni–2Mo–2Mn–Ti–Si austenitic steel on dpa rate and irradiation temperature | А.V. Kozlov, I.А. Portnykh |
152-156 | Influence of damage rate on physical and mechanical properties and swelling of 18Cr–9Ni austenitic steel in the range of 3 × 10−9 to 4 × 10−8 dpa/s | E.N. Shcherbakov, A.V. Kozlov, P.I. Yagovitin, M.V. Evseev, E.A. Kinev, V.L. Panchenko, I. Isobe, M. Sagisaka, T. Okita, N. Sekimura, F.A. Garner |
157-160 | Severe embrittlement of neutron irradiated austenitic steels arising from high void swelling | V.S. Neustroev, F.A. Garner |
161-164 | TEM characterisation of heavy-ion irradiation damage in FeCr alloys | S. Xu, Z. Yao, M.L. Jenkins |
165-168 | Effects of radiation-induced defects on microstructural evolution of Fe–Cr model alloys | J. Kwon, T. Toyama, Y.-M. Kim, W. Kim, J.-H. Hong |
169-172 | Positron annihilation of vacancy-type defects in neutron-irradiated 4H–SiC | Q. Xu, T. Yoshiie, M. Okada |
173-176 | Evaluation of radiation damages on the first-wall surface in LHD exposed to charge-exchanged helium particles | M. Tokitani, N. Yoshida, M. Miyamoto, Y. Ohtawa, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, M. Shoji, M. Kobayashi, A. Sagara, N. Noda, H. Yamada, A. Komori LHD Experimental Group, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya |
177-180 | Dynamical interaction of helium bubbles with cascade damage in Fe–9Cr ferritic alloy | Kotaro Ono, Mitsutaka Miyamoto, Kazuto Arakawa, R.C. Birtcher |
181-184 | Difference between helium retention properties in 316L and 304 stainless steels | Mitsutaka Miyamoto, Kotaro Ono, Yusuke Mori, Daigo Shitabou |
185-187 | The conflicting roles of boron on the radiation response of precipitate-forming austenitic alloys at 400 °C | T. Okita, N. Sekimura, F.A. Garner |
188-190 | Interaction mechanisms of glissile loops in FCC systems by the elastic theory | T. Okita, S. Fujita, Y. Yang, N. Sekimura |
191-194 | Embrittlement of irradiated F82H in the absence of irradiation hardening | R.L. Klueh, K. Shiba, M.A. Sokolov |
195-198 | Investigation of microstructural evolution under neutron irradiation in Eurofer97 steel by means of small-angle neutron scattering | R. Coppola, R. Lindau, R.P. May, A. Möslang, M. Valli |
199-202 | Capture efficiency for clustering reaction between charged defects in β | Y. Watanabe, K. Morishita, A. Kohyama |
203-205 | Positron annihilation lifetime measurements of vanadium alloy and F82H irradiated with fission and fusion neutrons | K. Sato, K. Inoue, T. Yoshiie, Q. Xu, E. Wakai, C. Kutsukake, K. Ochiai |
206-209 | Radiation growth of beryllium | V.P. Chakin, А.О. Posevin, А.V. Оbukhov, P.P. Silantyev |
210-213 | Characterization of deformation structure in ion-irradiated stainless steels | Terumitsu Miura, Katsuhiko Fujii, Koji Fukuya, Yoshifumi Ito |
214-217 | Hydrogen micro-kinetics in titanium under mechanical stress studied by ion beam analysis | T.S. Wang, H.Y. Lv, D. Grambole, Z. Yang, H.B. Peng, Y.C. Han |
218-221 | Effects of transmutation elements on the microstructural evolution and electrical resistivity of neutron-irradiated tungsten | T. Tanno, A. Hasegawa, J.C. He, M. Fujiwara, M. Satou, S. Nogami, K. Abe, T. Shishido |
222-226 | Cavity swelling and dislocation evolution in SiC at very high temperatures | S. Kondo, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead |
227-230 | Multiscale modeling of point defect interactions in Fe–Cr alloys | Kwan L. Wong, Hyon-Jee Lee, Jae-Hyeok Shim, Babak Sadigh, Brian D. Wirth |
231-235 | Hardening mechanisms of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated at 300 ° | Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Ronald L. Klueh, Naoyuki Hashimoto, Mikhail A. Sokolov |
236-240 | High dose, up to 80 dpa, mechanical properties of Eurofer 97 | Bob van der Schaaf, C. Petersen, Y. De Carlan, J.W. Rensman, E. Gaganidze, X. Averty |
241-244 | Effects of helium on ductile-brittle transition behavior of reduced-activation ferritic steels after high-concentration helium implantation at high temperature | A. Hasegawa, M. Ejiri, S. Nogami, M. Ishiga, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, K. Abe, S. Jitsukawa |
245-248 | Assessment of irradiation embrittlement of the Eurofer97 steel after 590 MeV proton irradiation | P. Spätig, R. Stoenescu, Pablo Mueller, G.R. Odette, D. Gragg |
249-253 | Anisotropic swelling observed during stress-free reirradiation of AISI 304 tubes previously irradiated under stress | F.A. Garner, J.E. Flinn, M.M. Hall |
254-256 | Overview of the tensile properties of EUROFER in the unirradiated and irradiated conditions | Enrico Lucon, Willy Vandermeulen |
257-260 | Mobility of dislocations in thermal aged and irradiated Fe–Cr alloys | D. Terentyev, G. Bonny, L. Malerba |
261-263 | Influence of radiation damage on plasma facing material erosion | V.S. Koidan, A.N. Brukhanov, O.K. Chugunov, V.M. Gureev, B.I. Khripunov, S.N. Kornienko, B.V. Kuteev, S.T. Latushkin, A.M. Muksunov, V.B. Petrov, A.I. Ryazanov, V.P. Smirnov, V.G. Stolyarova, V.N. Unezhev |
264-267 | Creep behavior of the F82H steel under irradiation with 17 MeV protons at 300 °C | Johsei Nagakawa, S. Uchio, Y. Murase, N. Yamamoto, K. Shiba |
268-272 | Effect of irradiation temperature and dose on SHC of pure Cu | S.A. Fabritsiev, A.S. Pokrovsky |
273-276 | Anomalously large deformation of 12Cr18Ni10Ti austenitic steel irradiated to 55 dpa at 310 °C in the BN-350 reactor | M.N. Gusev, O.P. Maksimkin, I.S. Osipov, F.A. Garner |
277-280 | Irradiation behavior of Ti-stabilized 316L type steel | B.S. Rodchenkov, G.M. Kalinin, Yu.S. Strebkov, V.K. Shamardin, V.I. Prokhorov, T.M. Bulanova |
281-285 | In-situ SCC observation of thermally-sensitized and cold-worked type 304 stainless steel irradiated to a neutron fluence of 1 × 1025 n/m2 | Junichi Nakano, Yoshiyuki Nemoto, Yukio Miwa, Koji Usami, Takashi Tsukada, Koichiro Hide |
286-289 | Study of Li2TiO3 + 5 mol% TiO2 lithium ceramics after long-term neutron irradiation | Y. Chikhray, V. Shestakov, O. Maksimkin, L. Turubarova, I. Osipov, T. Kulsartov, A. Kuykabayeba, I. Tazhibayeva, H. Kawamura, K. Tsuchiya |
290-293 | Effects of residual stress on irradiation hardening in stainless steels | N. Okubo, Y. Miwa, K. Kondo, Y. Kaji |
294-298 | In-pile creep rupture properties of ODS ferritic steel claddings | T. Kaito, S. Ohtsuka, M. Inoue, T. Asayama, T. Uwaba, S. Mizuta, S. Ukai, T. Furukawa, C. Ito, E. Kagota, R. Kitamura, T. Aoyama, T. Inoue |
299-302 | Tensile and low cycle fatigue properties of different ferritic/martensitic steels after the fast reactor irradiation ‘ARBOR 1’ | C. Petersen, A. Povstyanko, V. Prokhorov, A. Fedoseev, O. Makarov, M. Walter |
303-306 | Thermal diffusivity of ceramics at the neutron irradiation temperature estimated from post-irradiation measurements at 123–413 K | Masafumi Akiyoshi |
307-311 | Mechanical properties of neutron irradiated nanostructured ferritic alloy 14YWT | D.A. McClintock, D.T. Hoelzer, M.A. Sokolov, R.K. Nanstad |
312-314 | Preliminary analysis of irradiation effects on CLAM after low dose neutron irradiation | Lei Peng, Qunying Huang, Chunjing Li, Shaojun Liu |
315-318 | Effect of two-steps heat treatments on irradiation hardening in F82H irradiated at 573 K | M. Ando, H. Tanigawa, E. Wakai, R.E. Stoller |
319-322 | Numerical investigation by finite element simulations of the ball punch test: Application to tempered martensitic steels | E.N. Campitelli, P. Spätig, J. Bertsch |
323-327 | Fracture toughness master-curve analysis of the tempered martensitic steel Eurofer97 | Pablo Mueller, P. Spätig, R. Bonadé, G.R. Odette, D. Gragg |
328-332 | Recovery of neutron-induced damage of Si analyzed by thermal expansion measurement | Saishun Yamazaki, Katsumi Yoshida, Toyohiko Yano |
333-337 | Microstructure of heavily neutron-irradiated SiC after annealing up to 1500 °C | Takashi Sawabe, Masafumi Akiyoshi, Kohki Ichikawa, Katsumi Yoshida, Toyohiko Yano |
338-341 | Helium effects on microstructural evolution in tempered martensitic steels: In situ helium implanter studies in HFIR | T. Yamamoto, G.R. Odette, P. Miao, D.J. Edwards, R.J. Kurtz |
342-344 | Dose rate dependence of radiation induced conductivity for hydrogen-doped perovskite ceramics at 473 K | B. Tsuchiya, A. Moroño, S.M. González, E.R. Hodgson, S. Nagata, K. Toh, T. Shikama |
345-348 | Tensile properties of ODS-14%Cr ferritic alloy irradiated in a spallation environment | J. Henry, X. Averty, Y. Dai, J.P. Pizzanelli, J.J. Espinas |
349-352 | Study of helium embrittlement in boron doped EUROFER97 steels | E. Gaganidze, C. Petersen, J. Aktaa |
353-355 | Molecular dynamics modeling of chemical erosion of hydrocarbon films | U. von Toussaint, P.N. Maya, C. Hopf |
356-359 | Recent findings on blistering and deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to high-fluence deuterium plasma | W.M. Shu, A. Kawasuso, T. Yamanishi |
360-362 | Stability of helium bubbles in alpha-iron: A molecular dynamics study | G. Lucas, R. Schäublin |
363-366 | Effects of hydrogen and helium produced by transmutation reactions on void formation in copper isotopic alloys irradiated with neutrons | Q. Xu, T. Yoshiie, K. Sato |
367-370 | Chemical behavior of hydrogen isotopes into boronized film in LHD | Akira Yoshikawa, Yohei Kikuchi, Taichi Suda, Naoko Ashikawa, Kiyohiko Nishimura, Akio Sagara, Nobuaki Noda, Yasuhisa Oya, Kenji Okuno |
371-374 | Study on retention behavior and chemical states of energetic deuterium implanted into carbon-contained boron film | Yohei Kikuchi, Yu Yang, Akira Yoshikawa, Taichi Suda, Akio Sagara, Nobuaki Noda, Yasuhisa Oya, Kenji Okuno |
375-378 | The trapping behavior of deuterium in F82H ferritic/martensitic steel | D. Hamaguchi, H. Iwakiri, T. Kawamura, H. Abe, T. Iwai, K. Kikuchi, N. Yoshida |
379-382 | Hydrogen trapping in neutron-irradiated graphite | H. Atsumi, A. Muhaimin, T. Tanabe, T. Shikama |
383-386 | Helium and hydrogen measurements on pure materials irradiated in SINQ Target 4 | B.M. Oliver, Y. Dai |
387-389 | Fracture toughness of irradiated modified 9Cr–1Mo steel | Sung Ho Kim, Ji-Hyun Yoon, Woo Seog Ryu, Chan Bock Lee, Jun Hwa Hong |
390-394 | Migration of vacancies, He interstitials and He-vacancy clusters at grain boundaries in α-Fe | F. Gao, H.L. Heinisch, R.J. Kurtz |
395-399 | Post-implantation thermal desorption of helium from poly- and single-crystalline iron | Donghua Xu, Brian D. Wirth |
400-404 | Status and strategy of fusion materials development in China | Q.Y. Huang, Y.C. Wu, J.G. Li, F.R. Wan, J.L. Chen, G.N. Luo, X. Liu, J.M. Chen, Z.Y. Xu, X.G. Zhou, X. Ju, Y.Y. Shan, J.N. Yu, S.Y. Zhu, P.Y. Zhang, J.F. Yang, X.J. Chen, S.M. Dong |
405-410 | Fusion materials development program in the broader approach activities | T. Nishitani, H. Tanigawa, S. Jitsukawa, T. Nozawa, K. Hayashi, T. Yamanishi, K. Tsuchiya, A. Möslang, N. Baluc, A. Pizzuto, E.R. Hodgson, R. Laesser, M. Gasparotto, A. Kohyama, R. Kasada, T. Shikama, H. Takatsu, M. Araki |
411-417 | Recent progress toward development of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels for fusion structural applications | R.J. Kurtz, A. Alamo, E. Lucon, Q. Huang, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, R.L. Klueh, G.R. Odette, C. Petersen, M.A. Sokolov, P. Spätig, J.-W. Rensman |
418-421 | High temperature creep–fatigue–oxidation interactions in 9–12%Cr martensitic steels | Benjamin Fournier, Sauzay Maxime, Caes Christel, Noblecourt Michel, Rabeau Véronique, Bougault Annick, Pineau André |
422-425 | Effect of helium on tensile properties and microstructure in 9%Cr–WVTa–steel after neutron irradiation up to 15 dpa between 250 and 450 °C | E. Materna-Morris, A. Möslang, R. Rolli, H.-C. Schneider |
426-429 | Effect of mechanical alloying atmosphere on the microstructure and Charpy impact properties of an ODS ferritic steel | Z. Oksiuta, N. Baluc |
430-432 | CEA developments of new ferritic ODS alloys for nuclear applications | Y. de Carlan, J.-L. Bechade, P. Dubuisson, J.-L. Seran, P. Billot, A. Bougault, T. Cozzika, S. Doriot, D. Hamon, J. Henry, M. Ratti, N. Lochet, D. Nunes, P. Olier, T. Leblondand, M.H. Mathon |
433-436 | Fatigue life and strain hardening behavior of JLF-1 steel | Huailin Li, Arata Nishimura, Takeo Muroga, Takuya Nagasaka |
437-440 | Mockups of blanket cooling plates manufactured in different diffusion welding setups | A. von der Weth, J. Aktaa |
441-444 | Dislocation loops in Eurofer and a Fe–Cr alloy irradiated by ions at 350 and 550 °C at 3 dpa: Effect of dose rate | L. Boulanger, Y. Serruys |
445-448 | Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and hardness of Eurofer 97, Eurofer ODS and T92 steels | Z. Lu, R.G. Faulkner, N. Riddle, F.D. Martino, K. Yang |
449-452 | Microstructural characterization of Y2O3 ODS–Fe–Cr model alloys | V. de Castro, T. Leguey, A. Muñoz, M.A. Monge, R. Pareja, E.A. Marquis, S. Lozano-Perez, M.L. Jenkins |
453-456 | Interfacial optimization of tungsten fibre-reinforced copper for high-temperature heat sink material for fusion application | A. Herrmann, K. Schmid, M. Balden, H. Bolt |
457-461 | Void swelling in MA956 ODS steel irradiated with 122 MeV Ne-ions at elevated temperatures | C.H. Zhang, J. Jang, H.D. Cho, Y.T. Yang |
462-465 | Void formation in ODS EUROFER produced by hot isostatic pressing | Y. Ortega, M.A. Monge, V. de Castro, A. Muñoz, T. Leguey, R. Pareja |
466-470 | Strengthening of the RAFMS RUSFER – EK181 through nanostructuring surface layers | A.V. Panin, V.M. Chernov, М.V. Leontieva-Smirnova, Е.А. Melnikova |
471-474 | Specific welds for test blanket modules | Michael Rieth, Jörg Rey |
475-478 | Study of PM2000 microstructure evolution following FSW process | M.H. Mathon, V. Klosek, Y. de Carlan, L. Forest |
479-482 | Effects of aluminum on high-temperature strength of 9Cr–ODS steel | S. Ohtsuka, T. Kaito, M. Inoue, T. Asayama, S.W. Kim, S. Ukai, T. Narita, H. Sakasegawa |
483-486 | High temperature characterization of LPS-SiC based materials with oxide additives | S.P. Lee, M.H. Lee, J.K. Lee, A. Kohyama, J.H. Lee |
487-490 | Characteristic evaluation of liquid phase-sintered SiC materials by a nondestructive technique | J.K. Lee, S.P. Lee, K.S. Cho, J.H. Lee, A. Kohyama |
491-494 | Development of low activation ferritic/martensitic steel welding technology for the fabrication of KO HCSB TBM | Seungyon Cho, Duck-Hoi Kim, Mu-Young Ahn |
495-498 | Effect of thermal ageing on tensile and creep properties of JLF-1 and CLAM steels | Y.F. Li, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, Q.Y. Huang, Y.C. Wu |
499-502 | Structure and properties of nano-sized Eurofer 97 steel obtained by hydrostatic extrusion | Małgorzata Lewandowska, Agnieszka T. Krawczyńska, Mariusz Kulczyk, Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski |
503-506 | Irradiation hardening and embrittlement in high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened steels | S. Oh, J.S. Lee, C. Jang, A. Kimura |
507-510 | Corrosion behavior of Al-alloying high Cr-ODS steels in lead–bismuth eutectic | S. Takaya, T. Furukawa, K. Aoto, G. Müller, A. Weisenburger, A. Heinzel, M. Inoue, T. Okuda, F. Abe, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, A. Kimura |
511-514 | Evaluation of threshold stress of the MA957 ODS ferrtic alloy | H. Sakasegawa, L. Chaffron, F. Legendre, M. Brocq, L. Boulanger, S. Poissonnet, Y. de Carlan, J. Bechade, T. Cozzika, J. Malaplate |
515-519 | On the lattice coherency of oxide particles dispersed in EUROFER97 | A. Ramar, N. Baluc, R. Schäublin |
520-524 | High-temperature strength analysis of welded joint of RAFs by small punch test | Taichiro Kato, Shin-ichi Komazaki, Yutaka Kohno, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Akira Kohyama |
525-528 | Characteristic results and prospects of the 13Cr–1W–0.3Ti–0.3Y2O3 ODS steel | Ch.Ch. Eiselt, M. Klimenkov, R. Lindau, A. Möslang |
529-532 | Cyclically induced softening in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel before and after neutron irradiation | S.W. Kim, H. Tanigawa, T. Hirose, A. Kohayama |
533-536 | Stability of Y–Ti complex oxides in Fe–16Cr–0.1Ti ODS ferritic steel before and after heavy-ion irradiation | H. Kishimoto, R. Kasada, O. Hashitomi, A. Kimura |
537-539 | Some microstructural characterisations in a friction stir welded oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel alloy | F. Legendre, S. Poissonnet, P. Bonnaillie, L. Boulanger, L. Forest |
540-543 | Influence of titanium on nano-cluster (Y, Ti, O) stability in ODS ferritic materials | M. Ratti, D. Leuvrey, M.H. Mathon, Y. de Carlan |
544-549 | A radiation hardening model of 9%Cr–martensitic steels including dpa and helium | R. Chaouadi, T. Hirai, J. Linke, G. Pintsuk |
550-552 | Effect of Surface Preparation on CLAM/CLAM Hot Isostatic Pressing diffusion bonding joints | C. Li, Q. Huang, P. Zhang |
553-556 | New insights into the structure of ODS particles in the ODS-Eurofer alloy | M. Klimenkov, R. Lindau, A. Möslang |
557-560 | TEM study of internal oxidation in an ODS-Eurofer alloy | M. Klimenkov, R. Lindau, A. Möslang |
561-563 | Effects of the forming processes and Y2O3 content on ODS-Eurofer mechanical properties | P. Olier, A. Bougault, A. Alamo, Y. de Carlan |
564-568 | Effect of thermal ageing on the impact fracture behaviour of Eurofer’97 steel | Hynek Hadraba, Ivo Dlouhy |
569-571 | Correlation between hydrogen distribution in V–4Cr–4Ti alloy and impact strength | Y. Hatano, H. Homma, T. Sakamura, H. Saitoh, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, M. Matsuyama |
572-574 | Self passivating W-based alloys as plasma-facing material | F. Koch, S. Köppl, H. Bolt |
575-578 | Environmental effects on irradiation creep behavior of highly purified V–4Cr–4Ti alloys (NIFS-Heats) irradiated by neutrons | K. Fukumoto, M. Narui, H. Matsui, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga, M. Li, D.T. Hoelzer, S.J. Zinkle |
579-582 | High temperature tensile properties and their application to toughness enhancement in ultra-fine grained W-(0-1.5)wt% TiC | H. Kurishita, S. Matsuo, H. Arakawa, M. Narui, M. Yamazaki, T. Sakamoto, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, T. Takida, K. Takebe, M. Kawai, N. Yoshida |
583-586 | The mechanical properties of tungsten grown by chemical vapour deposition | J.D. Murphy, A. Giannattasio, Z. Yao, C.J.D. Hetherington, P.D. Nellist, S.G. Roberts |
587-590 | Mechanical alloying process of vanadium powder with 1.7 wt.%Y addition | Kiyomichi Nakai, Sengo Kobayashi, Makoto Hidaka, Tatsuaki Sakamoto, Hiroaki Kurishita |
591-593 | Experimental investigation of the fracture toughness of polycrystalline tungsten in the brittle and semi-brittle regime | Daniel Rupp, Sabine M. Weygand |
594-597 | Mechanical properties of neutron-irradiated vanadium alloys in a liquid-sodium environment | Hitoshi Kuroiwa, Ken-ichi Fukumoto, Minoru Narui, Hideki Matsui, Xu Qiu |
598-601 | The microstructure of laser welded Y doped V–4Cr–4Ti alloys after ion irradiation | H. Watanabe, A. Higashijima, N. Yoshida, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga |
602-605 | High temperature deformation of V-1.6Y-8.5W-(0.08, 0.15)C alloys | Tatsuaki Sakamoto, Hiroaki Kurishita, Sengo Kobayashi, Kiyomichi Nakai |
606-609 | Microstructure of creep-deformed V–4Cr–4Ti strengthened by precipitation and cold rolling | T. Muroga, T. Nagasaka, J.M. Chen, Y.F. Li, H. Watanabe |
610-612 | Prediction of radiation-induced yield stress increment in austenitic stainless steels by using a computational approach | Chansun Shin, Junhyun Kwon, Whungwhoe Kim |
613-617 | Characterization of novel W alloys produced by HIP | M.A. Monge, M.A. Auger, T. Leguey, Y. Ortega, L. Bolzoni, E. Gordo, R. Pareja |
618-621 | Irradiation creep of the US Heat 832665 of V–4Cr–4Ti | Meimei Li, D.T. Hoelzer, M.L. Grossbeck, A.F. Rowcliffe, S.J. Zinkle, R.J. Kurtz |
622-627 | Recent advances and issues in development of silicon carbide composites for fusion applications | T. Nozawa, T. Hinoki, A. Hasegawa, A. Kohyama, Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead, C.H. Henager Jr., J.B.J. Hegeman |
628-630 | Compatibility between SiC and Li ceramics for solid breeding blanket system | Shuhei Nogami, Akira Hasegawa, Takahide Murayama, Nobuyuki Otake, Manabu Satou, Katsunori Abe |
631-633 | Design and installation of DC plasma reactor for SiC nanoparticle production | I.K. Yu, J.H. Rhee, S. Cho, H.K. Yoon |
634-638 | Microstructural optimization of high-temperature SiC/SiC composites by NITE process | K. Shimoda, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama |
639-642 | DC electrical conductivity of silicon carbide ceramics and composites for flow channel insert applications | Y. Katoh, S. Kondo, L.L. Snead |
643-646 | Microstructure and mechanical properties of silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide composite fabricated by electrophoretic deposition and hot-pressing | Katsumi Yoshida, Kozue Matsukawa, Toyohiko Yano |
647-649 | Synthesis of Ti3SiC2 by high energy ball milling and reactive sintering from Ti, Si, and C elements | Fanling Meng, Laurent Chaffron, Yanchun Zhou |
650-653 | Study on the weld characteristics of 316LN by magnetization measurement | Hyoung Chan Kim, K. Kim, Y.S. Lee, S.Y. Cho, H. Nakajima |
654-657 | The microstructural evolution of precipitate strengthened copper alloys by varying temperature irradiation | Y. Sumino, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida |
658-660 | The influence of interstitial impurities on temperature ranges of deuterium retention in austenitic stainless steel 18Cr10NiTi | I.M. Neklyudov, O.M. Morozov, V.G. Kulish, V.I. Zhurba, A.G. Galytsky, E.V. Piatenko |
661-665 | Precipitate evolution in low-nickel austenitic stainless steels during neutron irradiation at very low dose rates | Y. Isobe, M. Sagisaka, F.A. Garner, S. Fujita, T. Okita |
666-669 | Influence of local crystallographic orientation on short crack propagation in high cycle fatigue of 316LN steel | Emilie FERRIE, Maxime Sauzay |
670-674 | Compatibility of interfaces and fibers for SiC-composites in fusion environments | C.H. Henager Jr., R.J. Kurtz |
675-677 | Calculation of dissolution/deposition rates in flowing eutectic Pb–17Li with the MATLIM code | H. Steiner, W. Krauss, J. Konys |
678-681 | Compatibility behavior of EUROFER steel in flowing Pb–17Li | J. Konys, W. Krauss, J. Novotny, H. Steiner, Z. Voss, O. Wedemeyer |
682-684 | Deuterium diffusion in a chemical densified coating observed by NRA | I. Takagi, T. Kobayashi, Y. Ueyama, H. Moriyama, M. Nakamichi, H. Nakamura, K. Hayashi |
685-688 | Metallurgical study on corrosion of austenitic steels in molten salt LiF–BeF2 (Flibe) | Masatoshi Kondo, Takuya Nagasaka, Akio Sagara, Nobuaki Noda, Takeo Muroga, Qi Xu, Masaru Nagura, Akihiro Suzuki, Takayuki Terai |
689-691 | Evaluation of interface strength between metal and ceramics to be utilized for development of fusion reactor components | M. Satou, T. Yamakawa, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe |
692-695 | Impact of ceramic coating deposition on the tritium permeation in the Japanese ITER-TBM | M. Nakamichi, H. Nakamura, K. Hayashi, I. Takagi |
696-699 | Conception of operation of in situ oxide coating as applied to V/Li blanket | O. Yeliseyeva, T. Muroga, Z. Yao, V. Tsisar |
700-702 | Hydrogen permeation through steel coated with erbium oxide by sol–gel method | Zhenyu Yao, Akihiro Suzuki, Denis Levchuk, Takumi Chikada, Teruya Tanaka, Takeo Muroga, Takayuki Terai |
703-707 | Stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of a reduced-activation martensitic steel F82H | Yukio Miwa, Shiro Jitsukawa, Takashi Tsukada |
708-711 | Recrystallized graphite behavior as the first wall material in Globus-M spherical tokamak | V.K. Gusev, V.Kh. Alimov, I.I. Arkhipov, M. Balden, E.A. Denisov, A.E. Gorodetsky, A.A. Kurdumov, T.N. Kompaniec, V.M. Lebedev, N.V. Litunovsky, I.V. Mazul, A.N. Novokhatsky, Yu.V. Petrov, N.V. Sakharov, V.M. Sharapov, E.I. Terukov, I.N. Trapeznikova, J. Roth, A.P. Zakharov, R.Kh. Zalavutdinov |
712-715 | Initial characterization of V–4Cr–4Ti and MHD coatings exposed to flowing Li | B.A. Pint, S.J. Pawel, M. Howell, J.L. Moser, G.W. Garner, M.L. Santella, P.F. Tortorelli, F.W. Wiffen, J.R. DiStefano |
716-719 | Fluoridation and oxidation characteristics of JLF-1 and NIFS-HEAT-2 low-activation structural materials | Takuya Nagasaka, Masatoshi Kondo, Takeo Muroga, Nobuaki Noda, Akio Sagara, Osamu Motojima, Akihiro Suzuki, Takayuki Terai |
720-724 | European effort towards consolidating the design and manufacture of the ITER in-vessel components | G. Federici |
725-728 | Simultaneous irradiation effects of hydrogen and helium ions on tungsten | Y. Ueda, M. Fukumoto, J. Yoshida, Y. Ohtsuka, R. Akiyoshi, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida |
729-732 | Overview of long-term fuel inventory and co-deposition in castellated beryllium limiters at JET | M.J. Rubel, J.P. Coad, D. Hole and JET-EFDA Contributors |
733-735 | High heat load properties of ultra fine grained tungsten | Zhangjian Zhou, Jochen Linke, Gerald Pintsuk, Juan Du, Shuxiang Song, Changchun Ge |
736-739 | Deuterium retention of ferritic steel irradiated by energetic hydrogen ions | T. Hino, Y. Katada, Y. Yamauchi, M. Akiba, S. Suzuki, T. Ezato |
740-743 | Material mixing on plasma-facing components: Compound formation | M. Psoda, M. Rubel, G. Sergienko, P. Sundelin, A. Pospieszczyk |
744-746 | Evaporation and vapor shielding of CFC targets exposed to plasma heat fluxes relevant to ITER ELMs | V.M. Safronov, N.I. Arkhipov, I.S. Landman, S.E. Pestchanyi, D.A. Toporkov, A.M. Zhitlukhin |
747-750 | Damage modelling in plasma facing components | E. Martin, G. Camus, J. Schlosser, G. Chevet |
751-755 | Enhanced erosion of tungsten plasma-facing components subject to simultaneous heat pulses and deuterium plasma | K.R. Umstadter, R. Doerner, G. Tynan |
756-759 | High-temperature transient surface heating experiments on carbon in Be-seeded deuterium plasmas | J. Hanna, M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima, R. Seraydarian |
760-763 | Evaluation of the erosion on the CFC tiles of the ITER divertor by means of FE calculations | J. Schlosser, C. Lowry, B. Riccardi, E. D’Agata, J. Bouvet, M. Merola |
764-767 | Thermo-oxidation of tokamak carbon dust | J.W. Davis, B.W.N. Fitzpatrick, J.P. Sharpe, A.A. Haasz |
768-771 | Hydrogen behavior in damaged tungsten by high-energy ion irradiation | M. Fukumoto, H. Kashiwagi, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Ueda, Y. Nobuta, J. Yagyu, T. Arai, M. Taniguchi, T. Inoue, K. Sakamoto |
772-775 | Cyclic heat load testing of improved CFC/Cu bonding for the W 7-X divertor targets | H. Greuner, B. Böswirth, J. Boscary, P. Chaudhuri, J. Schlosser, T. Friedrich, A. Plankensteiner, R. Tivey |
776-779 | Visualization of hydrogen distribution around blisters by tritium radio-luminography | T. Hoshihira, T. Otsuka, T. Tanabe |
780-783 | Failure behaviors of vacuum plasma sprayed tungsten coatings for plasma facing application | F.L. Chong, J.L.Chen, J.G. Li, X.B. Zheng |
784-788 | Characterization of thick plasma spray tungsten coating on ferritic/martensitic steel F82H for high heat flux armor | Y. Yahiro, M. Mitsuhara, K. Tokunakga, N. Yoshida, T. Hirai, K. Ezato, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba, H. Nakashima |
789-792 | Transmutation and activation analysis for divertor materials in a HCLL-type fusion power reactor | U. Fischer, P. Pereslavtsev, A. Möslang, M. Rieth |
793-796 | Erosion of a TiAl intermetallic alloy under conditions simulating plasma disruptions | B.A. Kalin, V.L. Yakushin, V.I. Polsky, P.S. Dzhumaev, V.T. Fedotov, O.N. Sevryukov, M.Yu. Golikov, M.V. Zolotarev |
797-800 | Microstructural and thermo-mechanical characterization of carbon/carbon composites | J. Compan, T. Hirai, G. Pintsuk, J. Linke |
801-804 | Ti-doped isotropic graphite: A promising armour material for plasma-facing components | C. García-Rosales, I. López-Galilea, N. Ordás, C. Adelhelm, M. Balden, G. Pintsuk, M. Grattarola, C. Gualco |
805-808 | Improvement of thermal shock resistance of isotropic graphite by Ti-doping | I. López-Galilea, N. Ordás, C. García-Rosales, S. Lindig |
809-812 | Castellated structures for ITER: Differences of impurity deposition and fuel accumulation in the toroidal and poloidal gaps | A. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, P. Wienhold, K. Krieger, A. Kirschner, D. Borodin, G. Sergienko, O. Schmitz, A. Kreter, U. Samm TEXTOR Team, S. Richter, U. Breuer |
813-816 | Helium-cooled divertor for DEMO: Manufacture and high heat flux tests of tungsten-based mock-ups | P. Norajitra, A. Gervash, R. Giniyatulin, T. Hirai, G. Janeschitz, W. Krauss, V. Kuznetsov, A. Makhankov, I. Mazul, I. Ovchinnikov, J. Reiser, V. Widak |
817-820 | Application of a fiber-reinforced copper matrix composite cooling tube to a water-cooled mono-block divertor component: A design study | J.H. You |
821-823 | Lithium capillary porous system behavior as PFM in FTU tokamak experiments | M.L. Apicella, V. Lazarev, I. Lyublinski, G. Mazzitelli, S. Mirnov, A. Vertkov |
824-829 | Effect of irradiation temperature and dose on mechanical properties and fracture characteristics of Cu//SS joints for ITER | S.A. Fabritsiev, A.S. Pokrovsky, A. Peacock, M. Roedig, J. Linke, A.A. Gervash, V.R. Barabash |
830-833 | Characterization of CuCrZr and CuCrZr/SS joint strength for different blanket components manufacturing conditions | Olivier Gillia, Laurent Briottet, Isabelle Chu, Patrick Lemoine, Emmanuel Rigal, Alan Peacock |
834-836 | Evaluation of W–Si–C thick coating as a plasma facing material | Hyun Kwang Seok, Kyung Ho Jung, Yu Chan Kim, Jae-Hyeok Shim, Dong-Ik Kim, Seung-Hee Han, Kyeong Ho Baik, Pil-Ryung Cha |
837-840 | Mechanical properties of SiC long fibre reinforced copper | A. Brendel, V. Paffenholz, Th. Köck, H. Bolt |
841-843 | High temperature irradiation damage of carbon materials studies by laser Raman spectroscopy | M. Yoshida, T. Tanabe, N. Ohno, M. Yoshimi, S. Takamura |
844-846 | Power operation with reduced heat transmitting tiles at tore supra | R. Mitteau, J. Schlosser, M. Lipa, A. Durocher |
847-851 | R&D of joining technology for SiC components with channel | Hun-Chea Jung, Yi-Hyun Park, Joon-Soo Park, Tatsuya Hinoki, Akira Kohyama |
852-855 | 3D-AP and positron annihilation study of precipitation behavior in Cu–Cr–Zr alloy | M. Hatakeyama, T. Toyama, J. Yang, Y. Nagai, M. Hasegawa, T. Ohkubo, M. Eldrup, B.N. Singh |
856-859 | Examination of W7-X target elements after high heat flux testing | M. Missirlian, J. Boscary, A. Durocher, J. Schlosser, H. Greuner, L.S. Sigl |
860-862 | An operational non-destructive examination technique for ITER Divertor plasma facing components | A. Durocher, F. Escourbiac, J.L. Farjon, N. Vignal, F. Cismondi, M. Merola, B. Riccardi |
863-865 | Interface strength measurement of tungsten coatings on F82H substrates | Hyoungil Kim, Jaafar El-Awady, Vijay Gupta, Nasr Ghoniem, Shahram Sharafat |
866-870 | Cleaning surface treatments for the fabrication of ITER First Wall panels by HIP | P.-E. Frayssines, P. Bucci, E. De Vito, E. Rigal, P. Lorenzetto |
871-873 | Micro-particles in ITER: A comprehensive review | C. Grisolia, S. Rosanvallon, Ph. Sharpe, J. Winter |
874-877 | Tritium release from beryllium articles for use in fusion devices | J. Tīliks, G. Ķizāne, A. Vītiņš, E. Kolodinska, J. Tīliks Jr., I. Reinholds |
878-881 | The activation system EASY-2007 | R.A. Forrest, J. Kopecky |
882-883 | Dust in ITER: Diagnostics and removal techniques | S. Rosanvallon, C. Grisolia, P. Delaporte, J. Worms, F. Onofri, S.H. Hong, G. Counsell, J. Winter |
884-887 | Hydrogen diffusion in Fe–Ni alloys around room temperature | Teppei Otsuka, Shinsuke Sasabe, Tetsuo Tanabe |
888-892 | Torus configuration and materials selection on a fusion DEMO reactor, SlimCS | K. Tobita, S. Nishio, H. Tanigawa, M. Enoeda, T. Isono, H. Nakamura, D. Tsuru, S. Suzuki, T. Hayashi, K. Tsuchiya, T. Hayashi, T. Nishitani and The DEMO design team |
893-895 | Controlled carbon deposit removal by oxygen radicals | A. Drenik, A. Vesel, M. Mozetič |
896-899 | Materials and design interface | S. Sharafat, G.R. Odette, J. Blanchard |
900-903 | A description of bubble growth and gas release of helium implanted tungsten | S. Sharafat, A. Takahashi, Q. Hu, N.M. Ghoniem |
904-907 | Insulating performance requirements for the coating material in the ITER DFLL electromagnetic TBM based on the MHD analysis | H. Chen, T. Zhou, R. Lü, Z. Yang, Z. Wu, D. Xia |
908-910 | Effect of activation cross section uncertainties in the assessment of primary damage for MFE/IFE low-activation steels irradiated in IFMIF | O. Cabellos, J. Sanz, N. García-Herranz, B. Otero |
911-914 | Reduced softening of EUROFER 97 under thermomechanical and multiaxial fatigue loading and its impact on the design rules | J. Aktaa, M. Weick, C. Petersen |
915-918 | Modelling of radiation impact on ITER Beryllium wall | I.S. Landman, G. Janeschitz |
919-921 | Erosion simulation of first wall beryllium armour under ITER transient heat loads | B. Bazylev, G. Janeschitz, I. Landman, S. Pestchanyi, A. Loarte |
922-926 | Ferritic–Martensitic steel Test Blanket Modules: Status and future needs for design criteria requirements and fabrication validation | J.-F. Salavy, G. Aiello, P. Aubert, L.V. Boccaccini, M. Daichendt, G. De Dinechin, E. Diegele, L.M. Giancarli, R. Lässer, H. Neuberger, Y. Poitevin, Y. Stephan, G. Rampal, E. Rigal |
927-930 | Development of fabrication technology and investigation of properties of steel-to-bronze joints suggested for ITER HHF components | G.M. Kalinin, V.Ya. Abramov, A.A. Gervash, V.B. Zolotarev, N.S. Krestnikov, I.V. Mazul, Yu.S. Strebkov, S.A. Fabritsiev |
931-934 | Nitrogen segregation and blister formation of 316LN austenitic steel during electron beam welding tests for ITER gravity supports | P.Y. Lee, B.L. Hou, J.H. Wu, D. Yang, G.R. Zhang, C.P. Zhang |
935-943 | Building on knowledge base of sodium cooled fast spectrum reactors to develop materials technology for fusion reactors | Baldev Raj, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao |
944-948 | Start of the engineering validation and design phase of IFMIF | Pascal Garin |
949-953 | Fission–fusion neutron source | Jinnan Yu, Gang Yu |
954-957 | Design optimization and experimental testing of the High-Flux Test Module of IFMIF | D. Leichtle, F. Arbeiter, B. Dolensky, U. Fischer, S. Gordeev, V. Heinzel, T. Ihli, A. Moeslang, S.P. Simakov, V. Slobodchuk, E. Stratmanns |
958-962 | Experimental investigation of the IFMIF target mock-up | N. Loginov, A. Mikheyev, V. Morozov, Yu. Aksenov, M. Arnol’dov, L. Berensky, V. Fedotovsky, V. Chernov, H. Nakamura |
963-966 | Mechanical properties of F82H/316L and 316L/316L welds upon the target back-plate of IFMIF | Kazuyuki Furuya, Mizuho Ida, Makoto Miyashita, Hiroo Nakamura |
967-970 | JANNUS: A multi-irradiation platform for experimental validation at the scale of the atomistic modelling | Y. Serruys, P. Trocellier, S. Miro, E. Bordas, M.O. Ruault, O. Kaïtasov, S. Henry, O. Leseigneur, Th. Bonnaillie, S. Pellegrino, S. Vaubaillon, D. Uriot |
971-973 | A numerical study of the size effect in fracture mechanical bending tests with the cohesive zone method | Sabine M. Weygand, Jarir Aktaa |
974-978 | Statistical evaluation of anisotropic fracture behavior of ODS ferritic steels by using small punch tests | Naoyuki Okuda, Ryuta Kasada, Akihiko Kimura |
979-982 | In-pile testing of ITER first wall mock-ups at relevant thermal loading conditions | N. Litunovsky, A. Gervash, P. Lorenzetto, I. Mazul, R. Melder |
983-986 | Radiation effects in IFMIF Li target diagnostic systems | J. Molla, R. Vila, T. Shikama, H. Horiike, S. Simakov, M. Ciotti, A. Ibarra |
987-990 | Thermal-stress analysis of IFMIF target back-wall made of reduced-activation ferritic steel and austenitic stainless steel | Mizuho Ida, Teruo Chida, Kazuyuki Furuya, Eiichi Wakai, Hiroo Nakamura, Masayoshi Sugimoto |
991-993 | Neutron induced activation in the EVEDA accelerator materials: Implications for the accelerator maintenance | J. Sanz, M. García, P. Sauvan, D. López, C. Moreno, A. Ibarra, L. Sedano |
994-998 | Evolving targets for DEMO: Implications for materials development | Ian Cook, David Maisonnier, David Ward |
999-1001 | Insulator degradation due to radiation induced ion and dark currents in vacuum | E.R. Hodgson, A. Moroño, S.M. Gonzalez |
1002-1005 | Electrical surface degradation of electron irradiated sapphire and silica | A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson, S.M. González de Vicente |
1006-1009 | Surface electrical degradation due to ion bombardment of ITER insulators | S.M. Gonzalez de Vicente, A. Moroño, D.E. Hole, E.R. Hodgson |
1010-1013 | Clustering of germanium atoms in silica glass responsible for the 3.1 eV emission band studied by optical absorption and X-ray absorption fine structure analysis | Tomoko Yoshida, Shunsuke Muto, Leny Yuliati, Hisao Yoshida, Yasuhiro Inada |
1014-1017 | Development of multi-functional NITE-porous SiC for ceramic insulators | Yi-Hyun Park, Tatsuya Hinoki, Akira Kohyama |
1018-1022 | High-temperature neutron irradiation effects on CVD-diamond, silicon and silicon carbide | Toyohiko Yano, Takashi Sawabe, Katsumi Yoshida, Yoshiro Yamamoto |
1023-1026 | Temperature measurement by thermal luminescence of partially replaced core optical fiber | T. Shikama, K. Toh, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, Y. Ohno |
1027-1029 | Effect of 14-MeV neutrons on strontium–aluminate-based long-lasting phosphor | K. Toh, T. Shikama, H. Katsui, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, M. Yamauchi, T. Nishitani |
1030-1033 | Radiation induced absorption and luminescence of selected alternative radiation resistant glasses | A. Moroño, P. Martín, A. Gusarov, E.R. Hodgson |
1034-1037 | Gamma irradiation induced defects in different types of fused silica | M. León, P. Martín, A. Ibarra, E.R. Hodgson |
1038-1040 | Degradation of reflectivity in stainless steel mirrors under irradiation with low-energy helium ions | H. Urabe, M. Miyamoto, K. Ono, M. Tokitani, N. Yoshida |
1041-1044 | TIEMF effect in ceramic coated cables | R. Vila, E.R. Hodgson |
1045-1048 | Damage process and luminescent characteristics in silica glasses under ion irradiation | S. Nagata, H. Katsui, B. Tsuchiya, A. Inouye, S. Yamamoto, K. Toh, T. Shikma |
1049-1051 | Effect of ion beam and neutron irradiations on the luminescence of polycrystalline Ce-doped Y3Al5O12 ceramics | T. Hirouchi, M. Nishiura, T. Nagasaka, T. Ido, D. Funaki, T. Kobuchi, A. Okamoto, S. Kitajima, M. Sasao, K. Fujioka, M. Isobe, T. Mutoh |
1052-1055 | Gas bubble network formation in irradiated beryllium pebbles monitored by X-ray microtomography | A. Möslang, R.A. Pieritz, E. Boller, C. Ferrero |
1056-1059 | Compatibility between Be–V Alloy and F82H steel | K. Tsuchiya, Y. Namekawa, T. Ishida |
1060-1064 | Thermo-mechanical analyses of HELICA and HEXCALIBER mock-ups | Yixiang Gan, Marc Kamlah |
1065-1067 | Effects of multi-ion irradiation on microstructural changes in lithium titanate | Daiju Yamaki, Nariaki Okubo, Tetsuya Nakazawa, Shiro Jitsukawa |
1068-1070 | Thermal conductivity of sintered lithium orthosilicate compacts | Birgit Löbbecke, Regina Knitter, Magnus Rohde, Jörg Reimann |
1071-1073 | Reduction of impurities and activation of lithium orthosilicate breeder materials | Regina Knitter, Ulrich Fischer, Stefan Herber, Christel Adelhelm |
1074-1077 | Study on damage process and hydrogen effect in Li2ZrO3 by using ion-induced luminescence | Hirokazu Katsui, Shinji Nagata, Kentaro Toh, Bun Tsuchiya, Tatsuo Shikama |
1078-1082 | Experimental characterization of ceramic pebble beds | N. Zaccari, D. Aquaro |
1083-1086 | Design and trial fabrication of a dismantling apparatus for irradiation capsules of solid tritium breeder materials | K. Hayashi, T. Nakagawa, S. Onose, T. Ishida, M. Nakamichi, H. Takatsu, M. Nakamura, T. Noguchi |
1087-1090 | Modeling of Li diffusivity in Li2O by molecular dynamics simulation | Takuji Oda, Satoru Tanaka |
1091-1094 | Tritium release from lithium orthosilicate pebbles deposited with palladium | Kenzo Munakata, Takashi Shinozaki, Keita Inoue, Shunsaku Kajii, Yohei Shinozaki, Toshiharu Takeishi, Regina Knitter, Nicolas Bekris, Toshiyuki Fujii, Hajimu Yamana, Kenji Okuno |
1095-1097 | Mechanical properties of silicon carbide sintered with additive Y3Al5O12 | Bu-Ahn Kim, Han-Ki Yoon, Sang-Hoon Noh |
1098-1101 | Crystal structure of advanced lithium titanate with lithium oxide additives | Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Kazuya Sasaki, Kunihiko Tsuchiya, Kimio Hayashi, Akihiro Suzuki, Takuya Hashimoto, Takayuki Terai |
1102-1106 | Control of molten salt corrosion of fusion structural materials by metallic beryllium | P. Calderoni, P. Sharpe, H. Nishimura, T. Terai |
1107-1110 | Preliminary test for reprocessing technology development of tritium breeders | Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Kunihiko Tsuchiya, Kimio Hayashi, Mutsumi Nakamura, Hitoshi Terunuma, Katsuyoshi Tatenuma |
341-350 | MgO–pyrochlore composite as an inert matrix fuel: Neutronic and thermal characteristics | A. Imaura, N. Touran, R.C. Ewing |
351-358 | Characterization of ThO2–UO2 pellets made by co-precipitation process | T.R.G. Kutty, K.B. Khan, P.V. Achuthan, P.S. Dhami, A. Dakshinamoorthy, P.S. Somayajulu, J.P. Panakkal, Arun Kumar, H.S. Kamath |
359-364 | Effects of the fabrication process parameters on the precipitates and mechanical properties of a 9Cr–2W–V–Nb steel | Tae Kyu Kim, Jong Hyuk Baek, Chang Hee Han, Sung Ho Kim, Chan Bock Lee |
365-376 | Effect of radiolytic hydrogen peroxide in tritiated water on the first passivity of titanium | G. Bellanger |
377-384 | 3D finite element and experimental study of the size requirements for measuring toughness on tempered martensitic steels | P. Mueller, P. Spätig |
385-393 | Measurement of transformation temperatures and specific heat capacity of tungsten added reduced activation ferritic–martensitic steel | S. Raju, B. Jeya Ganesh, Arun Kumar Rai, R. Mythili, S. Saroja, E. Mohandas, M. Vijayalakshmi, K.B.S. Rao, Baldev Raj |
394-401 | Estimation of equilibrium surface precipitation constants for trivalent metal sorption onto hydrous ferric oxide and calcite | Anpalaki J. Ragavan, Dean V. Adams |
402-406 | Effect of oxygen potential on the sintering behavior of MgO-based heterogeneous fuels containing (Pu, Am)O2−x | Shuhei Miwa, Yohei Ishi, Masahiko Osaka |
407-409 | Steady-state size distribution of voids in metals under cascade irradiation | A.V. Barashev, S.I. Golubov |
410-415 | In situ | P. Xu, M. Tang, J.C. Nino |
416-419 | Oxygen chemical diffusion in hypo-stoichiometric MOX | Masato Kato, Kyoichi Morimoto, Tetsuya Tamura, Takeo Sunaoshi, Kenji Konashi, Shigenori Aono, Motoaki Kashimura |
420-426 | Effect of thermo-mechanical processing on microstructure and creep properties of the foils of alloy 617 | S.K. Sharma, C. Jang, K.J. Kang |
427-431 | Hydrolysis kinetics of lead silicate glass in acid solution | Rafi Ali Rahimi, Sayed Khatibuleslam Sadrnezhaad, Gholamreza Raisali, Amir Hamidi |
432-435 | Modeling the influence of high dose irradiation on the deformation and damage behavior of RAFM steels under low cycle fatigue conditions | J. Aktaa, C. Petersen |
436-442 | Crystallographic measurement of the β to α phase transformation and δ-hydride precipitation in a laser-welded Zircaloy-2 tube by electron backscattering diffraction | K. Une, S. Ishimoto |
443-449 | Temperature and dose dependence of fission-gas-bubble swelling in U3Si2 | Yeon Soo Kim, G.L. Hofman, J. Rest, A.B. Robinson |
450-457 | Behaviour of ruthenium dioxide particles in borosilicate glasses and melts | Rachel Pflieger, Leila Lefebvre, Mohammed Malki, Mathieu Allix, Agnès Grandjean |
458-469 | A US perspective on fast reactor fuel fabrication technology and experience part I: metal fuels and assembly design | Douglas E. Burkes, Randall S. Fielding, Douglas L. Porter, Douglas C. Crawford, Mitchell K. Meyer |
470-478 | Reaction of neptunium with molecular and atomic oxygen: Formation and stability of surface oxides | A. Seibert, T. Gouder, F. Huber |
479-483 | Deuterium retention and release in tungsten co-deposited layers | G. De Temmerman, R.P. Doerner |
484-489 | Effect of heat-treatment at different temperatures on the phase and morphology of the surface of W-coated C/C composites | Zhaofeng Chen, Ying Zhang, Liangbing Wang, Jun Huang, Ruijuan Xue, Wei Shang |
490-496 | Fine structure behaviour of VVER-1000 RPV materials under irradiation | B.A. Gurovich, E.A. Kuleshova, Ya.I. Shtrombakh, D.Yu. Erak, A.A. Chernobaeva, O.O. Zabusov |
497-499 | Radiation damage effects in the uranium-bearing δ-phase oxide Y6U1O12 | M. Tang, K.S. Holliday, J.A. Valdez, B.P. Uberuaga, P.O. Dickerson, R.M. Dickerson, Y. Wang, K.R. Czerwinski, K.E. Sickafus |
500-503 | Mitigation of hydride embrittlement of zirconium by yttrium | I.S. Batra, R.N. Singh, P. Sengupta, B.C. Maji, K. Madangopal, K.V. Manikrishna, R. Tewari, G.K. Dey |
504-506 | Erratum to “Safe radioisotope thermoelectric generators and heat sources for space applications” [Journal of Nuclear Materials 377(2008) 506–521] | R.C. O’Brien, R.M. Ambrosi, N.P. Bannister, S.D. Howe, H.V. Atkinson |
ii | Editorial board | |
v | Conference Title Page | |
vi | Manuscript received date | |
vii | Committees | |
ix-xv | Contents | |
xvii | Preface | Alberto Loarte, Francisco L. Tabarés, Isabel García Cortés, David Tafalla, Carmen García-Rosales, Philippe Ghendrih |
1-9 | Recent analysis of key plasma wall interactions issues for ITER | Joachim Roth, E. Tsitrone, A. Loarte, Th. Loarer, G. Counsell, R. Neu, V. Philipps, S. Brezinsek, M. Lehnen, P. Coad, Ch. Grisolia, K. Schmid, K. Krieger, A. Kallenbach, B. Lipschultz, R. Doerner, R. Causey, V. Alimov, W. Shu, O. Ogorodnikova, et al. | |
10-19 | Power and particle exhaust in tokamaks: Integration of plasma scenarios with plasma facing materials and components | W. Fundamenski |
20-28 | Fuel retention in tokamaks | T. Loarer |
29-37 | Edge turbulence and SOL transport in tokamaks | J.A. Boedo |
38-43 | Dynamics of erosion and deposition in tokamaks | A. Kreter, S. Brezinsek, J.P. Coad, H.G. Esser, W. Fundamenski, V. Philipps, R.A. Pitts, V. Rohde, T. Tanabe, A. Widdowson and JET EFDA contributors |
44-48 | Effects of tungsten surface conditions on carbon deposition | Y. Ueda, M. Fukumoto, A. Yamawaki, Y. Soga, Y. Ohtsuka, S. Brezinsek, T. Hirai, A. Kirschner, A. Kreter, A. Litnovsky, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, G. Sergienko, T. Tanabe, K. Sugiyama, K. Ohya, N. Ohno and The TEXTOR team |
49-52 | Analysis of carbon deposited layer growth processes in Tore Supra | P. Roubin, B. Pégourié, R. Smirnov, C. Martin, M. Richou, Y. Marandet, C. Pardanaud, C. Brosset, J. Gunn |
53-56 | From eroded material to dust: An experimental evaluation of the mobilised dust production in Tore Supra | C. Grisolia, S. Rosanvallon, A. Loarte, P. Sharpe, C. Arnas |
57-60 | Dust limit management strategy in tokamaks | S. Rosanvallon, C. Grisolia, P. Andrew, S. Ciattaglia, P. Delaporte, D. Douai, D. Garnier, E. Gauthier, W. Gulden, S.H. Hong, S. Pitcher, L. Rodriguez, N. Taylor, A. Tesini, S. Vartanian, A. Vatry, M. Wykes |
61-64 | Spherical cauliflower-like carbon dust formed by interaction between deuterium plasma and graphite target and its internal structure | N. Ohno, M. Yoshimi, M. Tokitani, S. Takamura, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida |
65-67 | Characterization of the carbon erosion on the limiter of Tore Supra | E. Delchambre, A. Beaute, S. Brezinsek, S. Carpentier, Y. Corre, G. Dunand, A. Ekedahl, A. Escarguel, J. Gunn, Y. Marandet, V. Moncada, P. Monier-Garbet, J.M. Travere, E. Tsitrone, B. Pegourie |
68-71 | Investigation of local carbon transport in the ASDEX Upgrade divertor using 13CH4 puffing | R. Pugno, K. Krieger, M. Airila, L. Aho-Mantila, A. Kreter, S. Brezinsek, V. Rohde, D. Coster, A. Chankin, M. Wischmeier and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
72-75 | Simulation of hydrocarbon reflection from carbon and tungsten surfaces and its impact on codeposition patterns on plasma facing components | K. Ohya, Y. Kikuhara, K. Inai, A. Kirschner, D. Borodin, A. Ito, H. Nakamura, T. Tanabe |
76-79 | Studies of hydrocarbon cracking by molecular beam injection in He plasmas in the TJ-II stellarator | F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, T.G. Wurgie, J.A. Ferreira |
80-83 | Appearance of hot spots due to deposits in the JET MKII-HD outer divertor | G.J. van Rooij, S. Brezinsek, J.P. Coad, W. Fundamenski, V. Philipps, G. Arnoux, M.F. Stamp, JET EFDA contributors |
84-87 | Modeling of velocity distributions of dust in tokamak edge plasmas and dust–wall collisions | R.D. Smirnov, S.I. Krasheninnikov, A.Yu. Pigarov, D.J. Benson, M. Rosenberg, D.A. Mendis |
88-91 | Transfer of rovibrational energies in hydrogen plasma–carbon surface interactions | P.S. Krstic, E.M. Hollmann, C.O. Reinhold, S.J. Stuart, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima, A.Yu. Pigarov |
92-95 | A study of JET carbon impurity sources | J.D. Strachan, G. Corrigan, M. Stamp, J. Spence, J. Zacks and JET-EFDA Contributors |
96-99 | Correlation of submicron dust production in DIII-D to impulsive wall heating from ELMs | B.D. Bray, W.P. West, D. Rudakov |
100-102 | Investigation of temporal evolution and spatial distribution of dust creation events in DITS campaign using visible CCD cameras in Tore Supra | Suk-Ho Hong, Christian Grisolia, Pascale Monier-Gabet and Tore Supra team |
103-105 | Ion drag force on dust grains in the magnetized edge plasma | K. Matyash, R. Schneider, V.R. Ikkurthi, A. Melzer |
106-109 | Modelling of Be transport in PSI experiments at PISCES-B | D. Borodin, A. Kirschner, A. Kreter, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, R. Ding, R. Doerner, D. Nishijima, J. Yu |
110-114 | Be wall sources and migration in L-mode discharges after Be evaporation in the JET tokamak | K. Krieger, S. Brezinsek, S. Jachmich, S. Lisgo, M. Stamp, H.G. Esser, A. Kreter, S. Menmuir, Ph. Mertens, V. Philipps, P. Sundelin, JET EFDA contributors |
115-118 | SDTrimSP-2D studies of the influence of mutual flux arrangement on erosion and deposition | A. Mutzke, R. Schneider, I. Bizyukov |
119-122 | Simulation of redeposition of carbon/hydrocarbon on a material surface with castellated structures | K. Inai, K. Ohya, Y. Tomita, A. Kirschner, A. Litnovsky, T. Tanabe |
123-126 | ‘Mixed-material evolution analysis of the ITER divertor’ | J.N. Brooks, J.P. Allain |
127-131 | Steady-state and transient hydrocarbon production in graphite by low energy impact of atomic and molecular deuterium projectiles | H. Zhang, F.W. Meyer |
132-135 | Erosion yields of deposited beryllium layers | D. Nishijima, R.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, G. De Temmerman |
136-139 | Molecular dynamics simulations of atomic carbon on tungsten surface | Zhongshi Yang, Y.M. Yang, G.-H. Lu, G.-N. Luo |
140-143 | Carbon dust formation in a cold plasma from cathode sputtering | C. Arnas, A. Mouberi, K. Hassouni, A. Michau, G. Lombardi, X. Bonnin, F. Bénédic, B. Pégourié |
144-147 | Characterization of carbon and tungsten micro-particles mobilized by laser irradiation in order to develop an ITER dust removal technique | A. Vatry, M. Naiim Habib, Ph. Delaporte, C. Grisolia, D. Grojo, S. Rosanvallon, M. Sentis |
148-151 | Erosion and deposition behaviour of a-C:H layers in the private flux region of the JET MKII-HD divertor | H.G. Esser, A. Kreter, V. Philipps, A.M. Widdowson, J.P. Coad, M. Stamp and JET EFDA Contributors |
152-155 | Estimations of erosion fluxes, material deposition and tritium retention in the divertor of ITER | A. Kirschner, D. Borodin, V. Philipps, U. Samm, R. Ding, K. Schmid, J. Roth, A. Kukushkin, G. Federici, A. Loarte |
156-159 | Micro/nano scale modification of plasma facing components in LHD and its impact on the metal dust generations | M. Tokitani, Y. Ohtawa, N. Yoshida, K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, N. Ashikawa, S. Masuzaki, H. Yamada, A. Sagara, N. Noda, A. Komori, LHD experimental group |
160-163 | Characterization of chemical sputtering using the Mark II DiMES porous plug injector in attached and semi-detached divertor plasmas of DIII-D | A.G. McLean, J.W. Davis, P.C. Stangeby, S.L. Allen, J.A. Boedo, B.D. Bray, S. Brezinsek, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.A. Haasz, E.M. Hollmann, R.C. Isler, C.J. Lasnier, Y. Mu, T.W. Petrie, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte, et al. | |
164-167 | Release conditions of dust particle from plasma-facing wall in oblique magnetic field | Y. Tomita, G. Kawamura, R. Smirnov, T. Takizuka, D. Tskhakaya |
168-171 | Numerical analysis of incident angle of heavy metal impurity to plasma facing components by IMPGYRO | K. Hoshino, M. Toma, M. Furubayashi, A. Hatayama, K. Inai, K. Ohya |
172-174 | Kinetic analysis of ion incident angle distribution on a plasma-facing wall | G. Kawamura, A. Fukuyama, Y. Tomita |
175-178 | Improvement of surface processes modelling in the ERO code | M.I. Airila, T. Ikonen, D. Borodin, A. Kirschner, K. Nordlund, A. Loarte |
179-182 | In-situ measurements of carbon and deuterium deposition using the fast reciprocating probe in TEXTOR | B. Emmoth, A. Kreter, A. Hallén, M. Jakubowski, M. Lehnen, A. Litnovsky, P. Petersson, V. Philipps, G. Possnert, M. Rubel, B. Schweer, P. Sundelin, B. Unterberg, P. Wienhold and TEXTOR team |
183-187 | Molecular dynamics simulation of hydrogen atom sputtering on the surface of graphite with defect and edge | Atsushi Ito, Ying Wang, Stephan Irle, Keiji Morokuma, Hiroaki Nakamura |
188-191 | Study of carbon dust formation and their structure using inductively coupled plasmas under high atomic hydrogen irradiation | Y. Takeguchi, M. Kyo, Y. Uesugi, Y. Tanaka, S. Masuzaki |
192-195 | Coupled plasma–wall modeling | A.Yu. Pigarov, S.I. Krasheninnikov |
196-199 | Introduction of a new experimental device for simulating parasitic plasmas such as those expected under the divertor dome | G. Lombardi, F. Bénédic, K. Hassouni, A. Michau, X. Bonnin |
200-202 | Influence of carbon concentration on chemical behavior of energetic deuterium implanted into carbon-contained boron film | Sachiko Suzuki, Yu Yang, Akira Yoshikawa, Yohei Kikuchi, Akio Sagara, Yasuhisa Oya, Kenji Okuno |
203-206 | A time dependent model to study the effect of surface roughness on reactive–diffusive transport in porous media | M. Warrier, A. Rai, R. Schneider |
207-210 | Coupled IMPGYRO-EDDY simulation of tungsten impurity transport in tokamak geometry | M. Toma, K. Hoshino, K. Inai, M. Furubayashi, A. Hatayama, K. Ohya |
211-215 | Measurements of accumulated metallic impurities during LiTER operation in NSTX | S.F. Paul, C.H. Skinner, J.A. Robinson, B. LeBlanc, H.W. Kugel |
216-219 | Fast camera imaging of dust in the DIII-D tokamak | J.H. Yu, D.L. Rudakov, A.Yu. Pigarov, R.D. Smirnov, N.H. Brooks, S.H. Muller, W.P. West |
220-222 | 3D-DIVIMP-HC modeling analysis of methane injection into DIII-D using the DiMES porous plug injector | Y. Mu, A.G. McLean, J.D. Elder, P.C. Stangeby, B.D. Bray, N.H. Brooks, J.W. Davis, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, C.J. Lasnier, D.L. Rudakov, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, C.P.C. Wong |
223-226 | Impurity production and acceleration in CTIX | D. Buchenauer, W.M. Clift, R. Klauser, R.D. Horton, S.J. Howard, S.J. Brockington, R.W. Evans, D.Q. Hwang |
227-231 | Carbon transport in the stochastic magnetic boundary of TEXTOR | G. Telesca, E. Delabie, O. Schmitz, S. Brezinsek, K.H. Finken, M. von Hellermann, M. Jakubowski, M. Lehnen, Y. Liang, A. Pospieszczyk, U. Samm, M. Tokar, B. Unterberg, G. Van Oost and The TEXTOR Team |
232-237 | Edge plasma physics/plasma–wall interactions during high density operation in LHD | A. Komori, T. Morisaki, S. Masuzaki, M. Kobayashi, Y. Suzuki, R. Sakamoto, S. Morita, M.B. Chowdhuri, M. Goto, J. Miyazawa, I. Yamada, K. Narihara, N. Ohyabu, A. Sagara, H. Yamada, O. Motojima and The LHD experimental group |
238-241 | Highly radiating type-III ELMy H-mode with low plasma core pollution | J. Rapp, M.R. de Baar, W. Fundamenski, M. Brix, R. Felton, C. Giroud, A. Huber, S. Jachmich, E. Joffrin, I. Nunes, G.J. van Rooij, M. Stamp, G. Telesca, R. Zagorski and JET EFDA contributors |
242-245 | Sensitivity of injected argon behavior to changes in magnetic balance in double-null plasmas in DIII-D | T.W. Petrie, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.W. Hyatt, C.J. Lasnier, A.W. Leonard, G.D. Porter, M.J. Schaffer, M.R. Wade, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West |
246-249 | Radiating divertor experiments in the HL-2A tokamak | L.W. Yan, W.Y. Hong, J. Cheng, M.X. Wang, J. Qian, Y.D. Pan, Y. Zhou, W. Li, D.L. Yu, K.J. Zhao, Z. Cao, Q.W. Yang, X.R. Duan, Y. Liu |
250-254 | Current understanding of divertor detachment: Experiments and modelling | M. Wischmeier, M. Groth, A. Kallenbach, A.V. Chankin, D.P. Coster, R. Dux, A. Herrmann, H.W. Müller, R. Pugno, D. Reiter, A. Scarabosio, J.G. Watkins and DIII-D team and ASDEX Upgrade team |
255-258 | Radiation process of carbon ions in JT-60U detached divertor plasmas | T. Nakano, H. Kubo, N. Asakura, K. Shimizu, H. Kawashima, S. Higashijima |
259-262 | Impurity seeding and scaling of edge parameters in ITER | H.D. Pacher, A.S. Kukushkin, G.W. Pacher, V. Kotov, G. Janeschitz, D. Reiter, D.P. Coster |
263-266 | Divertor heat load in ITER-like advanced tokamak scenarios on JET | G. Arnoux, P. Andrew, M. Beurskens, S. Brezinsek, C.D. Challis, P. De Vries, W. Fundamenski, E. Gauthier, C. Giroud, A. Huber, S. Jachmich, X. Litaudon, R.A. Pitts, F. Rimini and JET EFDA contributors |
267-273 | The impact of divertor detachment on carbon sources in JET L-mode discharges | S. Brezinsek, A.G. Meigs, S. Jachmich, M.F. Stamp, J. Rapp, R. Felton, R.A. Pitts, V. Philipps, A. Huber, R. Pugno, G. Sergienko, A. Pospieszczyk and JET-EFDA contributors |
274-277 | Code development for ITER edge modelling – SOLPS5.1 | X. Bonnin, A.S. Kukushkin, D.P. Coster |
278-281 | Pressure balance between midplane and inner and outer divertor in ASDEX Upgrade H-mode discharges | A. Kallenbach, R. Dux, T. Eich, R. Fischer, A. Herrmann, B. Kurzan, H.W. Müller, R. Neu, R. Pugno, M. Wischmeier, E. Wolfrum and the ASDEX Upgrade Team |
282-285 | ITER research plan of plasma–wall interaction | M. Shimada, R. Pitts, A. Loarte, D.J. Campbell, M. Sugihara, V. Mukhovatov, A. Kukushkin, V. Chuyanov |
286-289 | Investigation on the influence of plasma properties and SOL transport on the particle flux profiles on divertor plates in the Large Helical Device | S. Masuzaki, M. Kobayashi, T. Morisaki, N. Ohyabu, A. Komori, Y. Feng and The LHD experimental group |
290-294 | Investigation of detached recombining deuterium plasma and carbon chemical erosion in the toroidal divertor simulator NAGDIS-T | K. Yada, N. Matsui, N. Ohno, S. Kajita, S. Takamura, M. Takagi |
295-298 | Comparison of kinetic and fluid neutral models for attached and detached state | M. Furubayashi, K. Hoshino, M. Toma, A. Hatayama, D. Coster, R. Schneider, X. Bonnin, H. Kawashima, N. Asakura, Y. Suzuki |
299-302 | Fluid modeling of an ELMing H-mode and a RMP H-mode | S. Mordijck, R.A. Moyer, T.E. Evans, X. Bonnin, J. Canik, D. Coster, M. Groth, R. Maingi, T.H. Osborne, L.W. Owen, T.W. Petrie, D. Reiter, J.G. Watkins, E.A. Unterberg |
303-306 | Comparative study of recombining He plasmas below 0.1 eV using laser Thomson scattering and spectroscopy in the divertor simulator MAP-II | Filippo Scotti, Shinichiro Kado |
307-310 | Kinetic effect of thermal force on impurity transport: Simulation of JT-60SA divertor with integrated divertor code SONIC | K. Shimizu, T. Takizuka, H. Kawashima |
311-314 | Characteristics of vibrational temperature of hydrogen molecules in detached plasma | A. Nakanowatari, A. Tonegawa, T. Shibuya, K. Kawamura |
315-318 | 2D divertor design calculations for the national high-power advanced torus experiment | J.M. Canik, R. Maingi, L. Owen, J. Menard, R. Goldston, M. Kotschenreuther, P. Valanju, S. Mahajan |
319-324 | Comparison of 2D models for the plasma edge with experimental measurements and assessment of deficiencies | A.V. Chankin, D.P. Coster and the ASDEX Upgrade Team |
325-329 | Model prediction of impurity retention in stochastic magnetic boundary and comparison with edge carbon emission in LHD | M. Kobayashi, Y. Feng, S. Morita, M.B. Chowdhuri, M. Goto, S. Masuzaki, N. Ohyabu, T. Morisaki, H. Yamada, I. Yamada, K. Narihara, K. Sato, H. Funaba, N. Tamura, Y. Nakamura, A. Komori, O. Motojima and The LHD experimental group |
330-334 | Particle confinement control with resonant magnetic perturbations at TEXTOR | O. Schmitz, J.W. Coenen, H. Frerichs, M. Kantor, M. Lehnen, B. Unterberg, S. Brezinsek, M. Clever, T. Evans, K.H. Finken, M. Jakubowski, A. Kraemer-Flecken, V. Phillips, D. Reiter, U. Samm, G.W. Spakman, G. Telesca and The TEXTOR team |
335-338 | Kinetic simulations of the parallel transport in the JET scrape-off layer | D. Tskhakaya, R.A. Pitts, W. Fundamenski, T. Eich, S. Kuhn, JET EFDA Contributors |
339-342 | Spatial structure of scrape-off-layer filaments near the midplane and X-point regions of Alcator-C-Mod | J.L. Terry, S.J. Zweben, M.V. Umansky, I. Cziegler, O. Grulke, B. LaBombard, D.P. Stotler |
343-346 | Measurements and simulations of scrape-off layer flows in the DIII-D Tokamak | M. Groth, G.D. Porter, J.A. Boedo, N.H. Brooks, R.C. Isler, W.P. West, B.D. Bray, M.E. Fenstermacher, R.J. Groebner, A.W. Leonard, R.A. Moyer, T.D. Rognlien, J.G. Watkins, J.H. Yu |
347-350 | 3D modelling of edge parallel flow asymmetries | P. Tamain, Ph. Ghendrih, E. Tsitrone, Y. Sarazin, X. Garbet, V. Grandgirard, J. Gunn, E. Serre, G. Ciraolo, G. Chiavassa |
351-354 | The influence of resonant magnetic perturbations on edge transport in limiter H-mode plasmas in TEXTOR | B. Unterberg, S.S. Abdullaev, J.W. Coenen, K.H. Finken, H. Frerichs, M.W. Jakubowski, D. Kalupin, M.Yu. Kantor, A. Krämer-Flecken, M. Lehnen, Y. Liang, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, S. Soldatov, G.W. Spakman, H. Stoschus, M.Z. Tokar, G. van Wassenhove, Y. Xu, O. Zimmermann and The TEXTOR-team |
355-358 | Intermittent transport in the JET far-SOL | C. Silva, B. Gonçalves, C. Hidalgo, M.A. Pedrosa, W. Fundamenski, M. Stamp, R.A. Pitts and JET-EFDA contributors |
359-363 | On blob generation mechanisms in tokamak edge plasma | K. Bodi, A.I. Smolyakov, S.I. Krasheninnikov |
364-367 | Statistical analysis to the SOL plasma fluctuation in JT-60U | N. Asakura, N. Ohno, H. Tanaka, H. Kawashima, T. Nakano |
368-371 | Flow generation and intermittent transport in the scrape-off-layer of the Tore Supra tokamak | N. Fedorczak, J.P. Gunn, Ph. Ghendrih, P. Monier-Garbet, A. Pocheau |
372-375 | Suppression of the intermittent blob-type transport by the resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) in the TEXTOR tokamak | Y. Xu, R.R. Weynants, M. Van Schoor, M. Vergote, S. Jachmich, M.W. Jakubowski, M. Mitri, D. Reiser, O. Schmitz, K.H. Finken, M. Lehnen, B. Unterberg, D. Reiter, U. Samm and The TEXTOR team |
376-379 | Indications of an inward pinch in the inner SOL of DIII-D from 13C deposition experiments | J.D. Elder, A.G. McLean, P.C. Stangeby, S.L. Allen, J.A. Boedo, B.D. Bray, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A.W. Leonard, D.L. Rudakov, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, D.G. Whyte |
380-383 | Nonlinear control of transport in drift wave turbulence | C. Brandt, O. Grulke, T. Klinger |
384-387 | Modelling of SOL transport and radiation losses for ITER with the integrated tokamak code TOKES | I.S. Landman, G. Janeschitz |
388-391 | Modelling SOL flow pattern spreading in the edge plasma | L. Isoardi, G. Ciraolo, G. Chiavassa, P. Haldenwang, E. Serre, Ph. Ghendrih, Y. Sarazin, F. Schwander, X. Garbet, P. Tamain |
392-394 | Interpretive modelling of scrape-off plasmas on the MAST tokamak | J. Harrison, S. Lisgo, G.F. Counsell, K. Gibson, J. Dowling, L. Trojan, D. Reiter |
395-397 | Experimental investigations of turbulent structure propagation across a E | T. Windisch, O. Grulke, T. Klinger |
398-403 | 3D analysis of impurity transport and radiation for ITER limiter start-up configurations | X. Zha, F. Sardei, Y. Feng, M. Kobayashi, A. Loarte, G. Federici |
404-407 | Self-consistent modeling of impurity seeded JET advanced tokamak scenarios | R. Zagórski, G. Telesca, G. Arnoux, M. Beurskens, W. Fundamenski, K. McCormick and JET-EFDA Contributors |
408-411 | Simulation of H-modes discharges in ASDEX-Upgrade and MAST | V. Rozhansky, E. Kaveeva, P. Molchanov, I. Veselova, S. Voskoboynikov, D. Coster, G. Counsell, A. Kirk, S. Lisgo and ASDEX-Upgrade Team |
412-416 | SOLPS5 simulations of Type I ELMing H-mode at JET | B. Gulejová, R.A. Pitts, D. Coster, X. Bonnin, M. Beurskens, S. Jachmich, A. Kallenbach and contributors to the EFDA-JET workprogramme |
417-420 | Biased electrodes for SOL control in NSTX | S.J. Zweben, R.J. Maqueda, A.L. Roquemore, C.E. Bush, R. Kaita, R.J. Marsala, Y. Raitses, R.H. Cohen, D.D. Ryutov |
421-424 | Dependence of SOL widths on plasma current and density in NSTX H-mode plasmas | J.-W. Ahn, R. Maingi, J.A. Boedo, V. Soukhanovskii and The NSTX team |
425-427 | Shearing effects on density burst propagation in SOL plasmas | Ph. Ghendrih, G. Ciraolo, Y. Larmande, Y. Sarazin, P. Tamain, P. Beyer, G. Chiavassa, G. Darmet, X. Garbet, V. Grandgirard |
428-431 | Comparison of edge plasma behavior at different poloidal positions in Heliotron J | T. Mizuuchi, K. Murai, S. Watanabe, S. Yamamoto, S. Kobayashi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, G. Motojima, H. Arimoto, F. Hamagami, D. Katayama, H. Matsuoka, A. Nakajima, H. Takahashi, H. Yasuda, K. Mukai, Y. Kowada, K. Hosaka, S. Mihara, N. Nishino, et al. | |
432-435 | Measurement of peripheral plasma turbulence using a fast camera in Heliotron J | N. Nishino, T. Mizuuchi, S. Kobayashi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, F. Sano, S. Yamamoto, K. Kondo |
436-439 | MARFE stability and movement in an ELMy H-mode NSTX discharge | F. Kelly, R. Maingi, R. Maqueda, J. Menard, S. Paul |
440-443 | The enhanced pedestal H-mode in the National Spherical Torus experiment | R. Maingi, R.E. Bell, B.P. LeBlanc, D.A. Gates, S.M. Kaye, J.E. Menard, S.A. Sabbagh, H. Yuh |
444-447 | Edge turbulence scaling in RFX-mod as measured using GPI diagnostic | P. Scarin, M. Agostini, R. Cavazzana, F. Sattin, G. Serianni, M. Spolaore, N. Vianello |
448-451 | Magnetic and electrostatic structures measured in the edge region of the RFX-mod experiment | M. Spolaore, N. Vianello, M. Agostini, R. Cavazzana, E. Martines, G. Serianni, P. Scarin, E. Spada, M. Zuin, V. Antoni |
452-456 | Edge plasma modelling for transport analysis on JT-60U tokamak | YiPing Chen, H. Kawashima, Xiang Gao, Liqun Hu, N. Asakura, K. Shimizu, H. Takenaga, D.P. Coster |
457-460 | Turbulence studies by fast camera imaging experiments in the TJII stellarator | D. Carralero, E. de la Cal, J.L. de Pablos, A. de Coninck, J.A. Alonso, C. Hidalgo, B.Ph. van Milligen, M.A. Pedrosa |
461-464 | Plasma impurity content, gas fueling, and exhaust on DIII-D over extended periods between boronizations | W.P. West, M. Groth, A.W. Hyatt, N.H. Brooks, G.L. Jackson, M.R. Wade, C.M. Greenfield |
465-469 | Main chamber high recycling on ASDEX upgrade | K. McCormick, R. Dux, R. Fischer, A. Scarabosio and The ASDEX Upgrade Team |
470-473 | Pedestal fueling through interpretive analysis of measured main chamber and divertor target flux in DIII-D | A.W. Leonard, M. Groth, G.D. Porter, M.E. Rensink |
474-477 | Gas balance in ASDEX Upgrade with tungsten first wall | V. Rohde, V. Mertens, A. Scarabosio and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
478-481 | Effect of disruptions on fuel release from JET walls | V. Philipps, M. Freisinger, A. Huber, T. Loarer and JET EFDA contributors |
482-485 | Spatially resolved charge exchange flux calculations on the Toroidal Pumped Limiter of Tore Supra | Y. Marandet, E. Tsitrone, P. Börner, D. Reiter, A. Beauté, E. Delchambre, A. Escarguel, S. Brezinsek, P. Genesio, J. Gunn, P. Monier-Garbet, R. Mitteau, B. Pégourié |
486-489 | Experimental comparison of recycling and pumping changes during resonant magnetic perturbation experiments at low and high collisionality in DIII-D | E.A. Unterberg, N.H. Brooks, T.E. Evans, M.E. Fenstermacher, D.L. Hillis, R. Maingi, S. Mordijck, R.A. Moyer, T.H. Osborne, T.W. Petrie, J.G. Watkins |
490-493 | Study of the effect of a closed divertor configuration on neutral particle control in the LHD plasma periphery | M. Shoji, M. Kobayashi, S. Masuzaki, T. Watanabe, H. Yamada, A. Komori and LHD experimental groups |
494-497 | Measurements of neutral gas fluxes under different plasma and divertor regimes in ASDEX Upgrade | A. Scarabosio, G. Haas, H.W. Müller, R. Pugno, M. Wischmeier and The ASDEX Upgrade team |
498-501 | Excited state distribution of reflected hydrogen atoms at metal surfaces – Development of theoretical models | D. Kato, T. Kenmotsu, K. Ohya, T. Tanabe |
502-506 | Active particle control in the CPD compact spherical tokamak by a lithium-gettered rotating drum limiter | Y. Hirooka, H. Zushi, R. Bhattacharyay, M. Sakamoto, H. Idei, T. Yoshinaga, Y. Nakashima, Y. Higashizono and The CPD group |
507-510 | Comparison of pellet acceleration model results to experimentally observed penetration depths | T. Szepesi, S. Kálvin, G. Kocsis, P.T. Lang, I. Senichenkov and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
511-515 | Recycling studies based on two-dimensional visible light measurements and Monte-Carlo simulation in mirror and helical systems | Y. Nakashima, Y. Higashizono, H. Kawano, N. Nishino, S. Kobayashi, T. Mizuuchi, M. Shoji, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, F. Sano, K. Kondo, Y. Yoneda, R. Yonenaga, M. Yoshikawa, T. Imai |
516-519 | On the secular density rises in NBI-heated H-mode plasmas in NSTX | V.A. Soukhanovskii, R.E. Bell, C. Bush, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, R. Raman, A.L. Roquemore and NSTX Research Team |
520-523 | Reemission of neutral hydrogen molecules from tungsten | Iztok Čadež, Sabina Markelj, Primož Pelicon, Zdravko Rupnik |
524-527 | Influence of impurity and recycling on high-β steady-state plasmas sustained by rotating magnetic fields current drive | H.Y. Guo, J.A. Grossnickle, A.L. Hoffman, G.C. Vlases |
528-531 | Numerical modelling of steady-state fluxes at the ITER first wall | V. Kotov, A. Litnovsky, A.S. Kukushkin, D. Reiter, A. Kirschner |
532-537 | Oxidation of carbon deposits as a fuel removal technique for application in fusion devices | J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz |
538-543 | Carbon balance and deuterium inventory from a carbon dominated to a full tungsten ASDEX Upgrade | M. Mayer, V. Rohde, K. Sugiyama, J.L. Chen, X. Gong, C. Hopf, J. Likonen, S. Lindig, R. Neu, G. Ramos, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, A. Wiltner and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
544-549 | Measurement of hydrogenic retention and release in molybdenum with the DIONISOS experiment | G.M. Wright, D.G. Whyte, B. Lipschultz |
550-555 | Overview of the deuterium inventory campaign in Tore Supra: Operational conditions and particle balance | B. Pégourié, C. Brosset, E. Tsitrone, A. Beauté, S. Brémond, J. Bucalossi, S. Carpentier, Y. Corre, E. Delchambre, C. Desgranges, P. Devynck, D. Douai, G. Dunand, A. Ekedahl, A. Escarguel, E. Gauthier, J.P. Gunn, P. Hertout, S.-H. Hong, F. Kazarian, et al. | |
556-559 | Investigations of castellated structures for ITER: The effect of castellation shaping and alignment on fuel retention and impurity deposition in gaps | A. Litnovsky, P. Wienhold, V. Philipps, K. Krieger, A. Kirschner, D. Matveev, D. Borodin, G. Sergienko, O. Schmitz, A. Kreter, U. Samm, S. Richter, U. Breuer and TEXTOR Team |
560-563 | The scavenger effect – Does it work? | W. Bohmeyer, F.L. Tabares, M. Baudach, A. Cwiklinski, A. Markin, T. Schwarz-Selinger, J.A. Ferreira, G. Fussmann, A. Loarte |
564-567 | Insight into the co-deposition of deuterium with beryllium: Influence of the deposition conditions on the deuterium retention and release | G. De Temmerman, M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima, R. Seraydarian, K. Schmid |
568-571 | Ion implanted deuterium retention and release from clean and oxidized beryllium | M. Reinelt, Ch. Linsmeier |
572-575 | Deuterium trapping in tungsten damaged by high-energy hydrogen ion irradiation | M. Fukumoto, H. Kashiwagi, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Ueda, M. Taniguchi, T. Inoue, K. Sakamoto, J. Yagyu, T. Arai, I. Takagi, T. Kawamura |
576-580 | In situ detection of hydrogen retention in TEXTOR by laser induced desorption | B. Schweer, F. Irrek, M. Zlobinski, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, S. Brezinsek, V. Philipps, U. Samm |
581-584 | Bulk hydrogen retention in neutron-irradiated graphite at elevated temperatures | H. Atsumi, T. Tanabe, T. Shikama |
585-588 | Laser-induced removal of co-deposits from graphitic plasma-facing components: Characterization of irradiated surfaces and dust particles | P. Gąsior, F. Irrek, P. Petersson, H.J. Penkalla, M. Rubel, B. Schweer, P. Sundelin, E. Wessel, J. Linke, V. Philipps, B. Emmoth, J. Wolowski, T. Hirai |
589-592 | Deuterium trapping in carbon fiber composites exposed to D plasma | A. Airapetov, L. Begrambekov, C. Brosset, J.P. Gunn, C. Grisolia, A. Kuzmin, T. Loarer, M. Lipa, P. Monier-Garbet, P. Shigin, E. Tsitrone, A. Zakharov |
593-596 | Optimization of non-oxidative carbon-removal techniques by nitrogen-containing plasmas | J.A. Ferreira, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla |
597-601 | Experiments to measure hydrogen release from graphite walls during disruptions in DIII-D | E.M. Hollmann, N.A. Pablant, D.L. Rudakov, J.A. Boedo, N.H. Brooks, T.C. Jernigan, A.Yu. Pigarov |
602-605 | Carbon removal from tile gap structures with oxygen glow discharges | Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, Fabio Genoese, Christian Hopf, Wolfgang Jacob |
606-609 | Ion-driven deuterium permeation through tungsten at high temperatures | Yu.M. Gasparyan, A.V. Golubeva, M. Mayer, A.A. Pisarev, J. Roth |
610-613 | Hydrogenic retention in tungsten exposed to ITER divertor relevant plasma flux densities | G.M. Wright, A.W. Kleyn, E. Alves, L.C. Alves, N.P. Barradas, G.J. van Rooij, A.J. van Lange, A.E. Shumack, J. Westerhout, R.S. Al, W.A.J. Vijvers, B. de Groot, M.J. van de Pol, H.J. van der Meiden, J. Rapp, N.J. Lopes Cardozo |
614-617 | Assessment of the flash-lamp photon-cleaning detritiation method tested at JET | N. Bekris, J.P. Coad, A. Widdowson, A. Erbe, J. Ehrmann, B. Kloppe and JET-EFDA Contributors |
618-621 | Fuel retention in impurity seeded long discharges in Tore Supra | E. Tsitrone, J. Bucalossi, S. Brezinsek, C. Brosset, S. Carpentier, Y. Corre, E. Delchambre, P. Devynck, A. Grosman, J. Gunn, M. Kocan, T. Loarer, Y. Marandet, O. Meyer, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Pégourié, P. Roubin, J.C. Vallet, C. Balorin |
622-625 | Behavior of hydrogen isotope retention in carbon implanted tungsten | Yasuhisa Oya, Yuji Inagaki, Sachiko Suzuki, Hirotada Ishikawa, Yohei Kikuchi, Akira Yoshikawa, Hirotomo Iwakiri, Naoko Ashikawa, Akio Sagara, Naoaki Yoshida, Kenji Okuno |
626-630 | Thermo-oxidation and analysis of JET codeposits | A.A. Haasz, J. Likonen, J.P. Coad, C.K. Tsui, J.W. Davis, A.M. Widdowson |
631-634 | Post-mortem measurements of fuel retention at JET with MKII-SRP divertor | J. Likonen, J.P. Coad, D.E. Hole, S. Koivuranta, T. Renvall, M. Rubel, E. Vainonen-Ahlgren, A. Widdowson and JET-EFDA Contributors |
635-638 | Hydrogen isotopes retention in the outboard first wall tiles of JT-60U | M. Yoshida, T. Tanabe, Y. Nobuta, T. Hayashi, K. Masaki, M. Sato |
639-642 | Erosion of a-C:H films under interaction with nitrous oxide afterglow discharge | R.Kh. Zalavutdinov, A.E. Gorodetsky, V.L. Bukhovets, A.P. Zakharov, I.V. Mazul |
643-646 | Retention and depth profile of hydrogen isotopes in gaps of the first wall in JT-60U | Y. Nobuta, T. Arai, J. Yagyu, K. Masaki, M. Satoh, T. Tanabe, Y. Yamauchi, T. Hino |
647-650 | Nitrogen-assisted removal of deuterated carbon layers | P. Sundelin, C. Schulz, V. Philipps, M. Rubel, G. Sergienko, L. Marot |
651-654 | Ion-driven deuterium retention in high-Z metals | O.V. Ogorodnikova |
655-658 | Dynamic Monte-Carlo modeling of hydrogen retention and chemical erosion from Tore Supra deposits | A. Rai, R. Schneider, M. Warrier, P. Roubin, C. Martin |
659-662 | Hydrogen retention in ITER relevant mixed material layers | K. Sugiyama, K. Krieger, C.P. Lungu, J. Roth |
663-666 | Interaction of tritium plasma and defects in tungsten irradiated with neutrons | Q. Xu, K. Sato, T. Yoshiie |
667-670 | Deuterium depth profiling in graphite tiles not exposed to hydrogen discharges before air ventilation of JT-60U | T. Hayashi, K. Sugiyama, M. Mayer, K. Krieger, K. Masaki, T. Tanabe, M. Sato |
671-676 | Surface temperature effects on the retention and pressure variation in continuous and cyclic plasma exposures on the tungsten | K. Okamoto, H. Zushi, Y. Hirooka, R. Bhattacharyay, M. Sakamoto, M. Sato |
677-680 | Deuterium accumulation in carbon materials at high fluence | A. Pisarev, T. Tanabe, B. Emmoth, N. Trifonov, A. Rusinov, S. Stepanov, Yu. Gasparyan, A. Spitsyn, B. Khripunov |
681-684 | The role of beryllium deuteride in plasma-beryllium interactions | R.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, D. Buchenauer, G. De Temmerman, D. Nishijima |
685-688 | Hydrogen trapping in depositing carbon films | L.B. Begrambekov, A.S. Kuznetsov, P.A. Shigin |
689-692 | Hydrogen release from deposition layers formed from 316 stainless steel by hydrogen plasma sputtering | K. Katayama, Y. Uchida, T. Fujiki, M. Nishikawa, S. Fukada, N. Ashikawa, T. Uda |
693-695 | Deuterium retention in tungsten oxide under low energy plasma exposure | N. Matsunami, N. Ohno, M. Tokitani |
696-700 | Removal of carbon films by oxidation in narrow gaps: Thermo-oxidation and plasma-assisted studies | I. Tanarro, J.A. Ferreira, V.J. Herrero, F.L. Tabarés, C. Gómez-Aleixandre |
701-704 | Gas-driven hydrogen isotopes permeation through different carbon materials | A.V. Spitsyn, A.V. Golubeva, M. Mayer, A.A. Skovoroda |
705-708 | Tritium removal by isotopic exchange | T. Tanabe, K. Sugiyama, T. Shibahara, Y. Hirohata, M. Yoshida, K. Masaki, M. Sato |
709-712 | Retention behavior in tungsten and molybdenum exposed to high fluences of deuterium ions in TPE | J.P. Sharpe, R.D. Kolasinski, M. Shimada, P. Calderoni, R.A. Causey |
713-716 | Calculation of deuterium retention, re-emission and reflection from a tungsten material under D+ ions irradiation with ACAT-DIFFUSE code | T. Ono, T. Kenmotsu, T. Muramoto, T. Kawamura |
717-720 | Defects in tungsten responsible for molecular hydrogen isotope retention after exposure to low energy plasmas | R.A. Causey, R. Doerner, H. Fraser, R.D. Kolasinski, J. Smugeresky, K. Umstadter, R. Williams |
721-726 | Experimental study of PFCs erosion under ITER-like transient loads at plasma gun facility QSPA | N. Klimov, V. Podkovyrov, A. Zhitlukhin, D. Kovalenko, B. Bazylev, G. Janeschitz, I. Landman, S. Pestchanyi, G. Federici, A. Loarte, M. Merola, J. Linke, T. Hirai, J. Compan |
727-732 | Physics of ELM power fluxes to plasma facing components and implications for ITER | A. Kirk, S. Lisgo, E. Nardon, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, A. Loarte |
733-739 | Active control of edge localized modes with a low n | Y. Liang, S. Jachmich, H.R. Koslowski, E. Nardon, A. Alfier, Y. Baranov, E. De La Luna, P. de Vries, T. Eich, H.G. Esser, D. Harting, V. Kiptily, A. Kreter, S. Gerasimov, M.P. Gryaznevich, D. Howell, G. Sergienko and JET–EFDA contributors |
740-746 | Runaway generation during disruptions in JET and TEXTOR | M. Lehnen, S.S. Abdullaev, G. Arnoux, S.A. Bozhenkov, M.W. Jakubowski, R. Jaspers, V.V. Plyusnin, V. Riccardo, U. Samm JET EFDA Contributors and The TEXTOR Team |
747-750 | Arcing in ASDEX Upgrade with a tungsten first wall | A. Herrmann, M. Balden, M. Laux, K. Krieger, H.W. Müller, R. Pugno, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade team |
751-754 | Cracking failure study of ITER-reference tungsten grade under single pulse thermal shock loads at elevated temperatures | T. Hirai, G. Pintsuk, J. Linke, M. Batilliot |
755-759 | The impact of large ELMs on JET | R.A. Pitts, G. Arnoux, M. Beurskens, T. Eich, W. Fundamenski, A. Huber, A. Loarte, J. Marki, M.F. Stamp, P. Andrew, S. Brezinsek, H.G. Esser, B. Gulejova, S. Jachmich, A. Kreter, E. de la Luna, G.F. Matthews, V. Philipps, E. Solano and JET EFDA Contributors |
760-763 | On the asymmetries of ELM divertor power deposition in JET and ASDEX Upgrade | T. Eich, A. Kallenbach, W. Fundamenski, A. Herrmann, V. Naulin JET-EFDA contributors and ASDEX Upgrade team |
764-767 | Transition to ELM-free improved H-mode by lithium deposition on NSTX graphite divertor surfaces | D.K. Mansfield, H.W. Kugel, R. Maingi, M.G. Bell, R. Bell, R. Kaita, J. Kallman, S. Kaye, B. LeBlanc, D. Mueller, S. Paul, R. Raman, L. Roquemore, S. Sabbagh, H. Schneider, C.H. Skinner, V. Soukhanovskii, J. Timberlake, J. Wilgen, L. Zakharov |
768-772 | Effect of external perturbation fields on divertor particle and heat loads during ELMs at JET | S. Jachmich, Y. Liang, G. Arnoux, T. Eich, W. Fundamenski, H.R. Koslowski, R.A. Pitts and JET-EFDA Contributors |
773-776 | ELM control by resonant magnetic perturbations on JET and MAST | E. Nardon, A. Kirk, N. Ben Ayed, M. Bécoulet, P. Cahyna, T.E. Evans, G. Huysmans, H.R. Koslowski, Y. Liang, S. Saarelma, P.R. Thomas and JET-EFDA contributors |
777-780 | Integrated simulation of plasma surface interaction during edge localized modes and disruptions: Self-consistent approach | A. Hassanein, T. Sizyuk, I. Konkashbaev |
781-784 | ELM filament interaction with the JET main chamber | M.W. Jakubowski, W. Fundamenski, G. Arnoux, Th. Eich, R.A. Pitts, D. Reiter, R.C. Wolf and JET-EFDA contributors |
785-788 | Plasma interactions with the outboard chamber wall in DIII-D | D.L. Rudakov, J.A. Boedo, J.H. Yu, N.H. Brooks, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, E.M. Hollmann, C.J. Lasnier, A.G. McLean, R.A. Moyer, P.C. Stangeby, G.R. Tynan, W.R. Wampler, J.G. Watkins, W.P. West, C.P.C. Wong, R.J. Bastasz, D. Buchenauer, J. Whaley |
789-792 | A conceptual model of the magnetic topology and nonlinear dynamics of ELMs | T.E. Evans, J.H. Yu, M.W. Jakubowski, O. Schmitz, J.G. Watkins, R.A. Moyer |
793-796 | Comparison of edge plasma perturbation during ELM control using one vs. two toroidal rows of RMP coils in ITER similar shaped plasmas on DIII-D | M.E. Fenstermacher, T.E. Evans, T.H. Osborne, M.J. Schaffer, J.S. deGrassie, P. Gohil, R.J. Groebner, R.A. Moyer and the DIII-D Team |
797-800 | Fast visible imaging of ELM-wall interactions on JET | J.A. Alonso, P. Andrew, A. Neto, J.L. de Pablos, E. de la Cal, H. Fernandes, W. Fundamenski, C. Hidalgo, G. Kocsis, A. Murari, G. Petravich, R.A. Pitts, L. Rios, C. Silva and EFDA-JET contributors |
801-805 | ELM induced divertor heat loads on TCV | J. Marki, R.A. Pitts, J. Horacek, D. Tskhakaya and The TCV Team |
806-809 | Analysis of radiative disruptions in RF-heated Tore Supra plasmas using infrared imaging | A. Ekedahl, J. Bucalossi, Y. Corre, E. Delchambre, G. Dunand, O. Meyer, R. Mitteau, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Pégourié, F.G. Rimini, F. Saint-Laurent, J.L. Schwob, E. Tsitrone |
810-813 | Experimental validation of 3D simulations of tungsten melt erosion under ITER-like transient loads | B. Bazylev, G. Janeschitz, I. Landman, A. Loarte, G. Federici, M. Merola, A. Zhitlukhin, V. Podkovyrov, N. Klimov, J. Linke, T. Hirai |
814-817 | Experimental study of plasma energy transfer and material erosion under ELM-like heat loads | I.E. Garkusha, V.A. Makhlaj, V.V. Chebotarev, I. Landman, V.I. Tereshin, N.N. Aksenov, A.N. Bandura |
818-821 | Power flux in the ITER divertor tile gaps during ELMs | R. Dejarnac, M. Komm, J.P. Gunn, R. Panek |
822-825 | Experimental verification of FOREV-2D simulations for the plasma shield | S. Pestchanyi, I. Landman |
826-829 | Whole device ELM simulations | D.P. Coster |
830-834 | Plasma radiation distribution and radiation loads onto the vessel during transient events in JET | A. Huber, R.A. Pitts, A. Loarte, V. Philipps, P. Andrew, S. Brezinsek, J.P. Coad, T. Eich, J.C. Fuchs, W. Fundamenski, S. Jachmich, G.F. Matthews, K. McCormick, Ph. Mertens, J. Rapp, G. Sergienko, M.F. Stamp and JET EFDA contributors |
835-838 | Fast radiation dynamics during ELMs on TCV | G. Veres, R.A. Pitts, A. Bencze, J. Márki, B. Tál, R. Tye and TCV Team |
839-842 | Particle, heat, and sheath power transmission factor profiles during ELM suppression experiments on DIII-D | J.G. Watkins, T.E. Evans, M. Jakubowski, R.A. Moyer, O. Schmitz, A. Wingen, M.E. Fenstermacher, I. Joseph, C.J. Lasnier, D.L. Rudakov |
843-846 | Secondary ELM filaments in NSTX | R.J. Maqueda, R. Maingi, J.-W. Ahn and NSTX Team |
847-851 | Spectroscopy of the tungsten plasma produced by pulsed plasma-ion streams or laser beams | E. Skladnik-Sadowska, K. Malinowski, M.J. Sadowski, J. Wolowski, P. Gasior, M. Kubkowska, M. Rosinski, A.K. Marchenko, B. Sartowska |
852-857 | Impact of lithium-coated walls on plasma performance in the TJ-II stellarator | J. Sánchez, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, J.A. Ferreira, I. García-Cortés, C. Hidalgo, F. Medina, M.A. Ochando, M.A. Pedrosa and The TJ-II Team |
858-863 | Plasma-wall interaction and plasma behaviour in the non-boronised all tungsten ASDEX Upgrade | R. Dux, V. Bobkov, A. Herrmann, A. Janzer, A. Kallenbach, R. Neu, M. Mayer, H.W. Müller, R. Pugno, T. Pütterich, V. Rohde, A.C.C. Sips and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
864-868 | ICRF wall conditioning and plasma performance on EAST | X. Gao, J.S. Hu, Y.P. Zhao, X.Z. Gong, Y.W. Yu, G.N. Luo, H.Y. Guo, S. Morita, L.Q. Hu, J.L. Chen, H.Y. Wang, X.M. Wang, X.D. Zhang, J.G. Li and The East team |
869-875 | Particle control study towards burning plasma control in JT-60U | H. Takenaga and The JT-60 Team |
876-885 | Plasma-wall interactions and plasma behaviour in fusion devices with liquid lithium plasma facing components | S. Mirnov |
886-890 | The effects of high fluence mixed-species (deuterium, helium, beryllium) plasma interactions with tungsten | M.J. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima, K. Tokunaga, Y. Ueda |
891-894 | Design, R&D and assessment of performance of the JT-60SA upper divertor | Shinji Sakurai, Hisato Kawashima, Satoru Higashijima, Katsuhiro Shimizu, Kei Masaki, Nobuyuki Asakura, Yusuke K. Shibama, Akira Sakasai |
895-899 | Engineering challenges of the JET ITER-like Wall | V. Riccardo and on behalf of the ITER-like Wall Engineering Design and Manufacture Team |
900-903 | Operation of ICRF antennas in a full tungsten environment in ASDEX Upgrade | Vl. Bobkov, F. Braun, R. Dux, L. Giannone, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, H.W. Müller, R. Neu, J.-M. Noterdaeme, Th. Pütterich, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
904-906 | Measurement of lower hybrid hot spots using a retarding field analyzer in Tore Supra | J.P. Gunn, V. Petržílka, A. Ekedahl, V. Fuchs, E. Gauthier, M. Goniche, M. Kočan, J.-Y. Pascal, F. Saint-Laurent |
907-910 | Influence of toroidal and vertical magnetic fields on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning in tokamaks | A. Lyssoivan, G. Sergienko, V. Rohde, V. Philipps, G. van Wassenhove, M. Vervier, V. Bobkov, J. Harhausen, R. Koch, J.-M. Noterdaeme, D. van Eester, M. Freisinger, H.-U. Fahrbach, H. Reimer, A. Kreter, D. Hartmann, J. Hu, R. Weynants, O. Gruber, A. Herrmann, et al. | |
911-915 | On the consequences of neutron induced damage for volumetric fuel retention in plasma facing materials | D.G. Whyte |
916-920 | Effects of high heat flux hydrogen and helium mixture beam irradiation on surface modification and hydrogen retention in tungsten materials | K. Tokunaga, T. Fujiwara, K. Ezato, S. Suzuki, M. Akiba, H. Kurishita, S. Nagata, B. Tsuchiya, A. Tonegawa, N. Yoshida |
921-924 | Evidence of radiation damage impact on material erosion in plasma environment | B.I. Khripunov, A.N. Brukhanov, O.K. Chugunov, V.M. Gureev, V.S. Koidan, S.N. Kornienko, B.V. Kuteev, S.T. Latushkin, A.M. Muksunov, V.B. Petrov, A.I. Ryazanov, E.V. Semenov, V.P. Smirnov, V.G. Stolyarova, V.N. Unezhev |
925-928 | CD4 production from mixed W–C–D surface during simultaneous irradiation of W with C+ and D+ | I.A. Bizyukov, J.W. Davis, A.A. Haasz, P. Brodersen |
929-933 | Comparison of O-ICR wall conditionings for limiter configuration in HT-7 and divertor one in EAST | J.S. Hu, J.G. Li, Y.P. Zhao and EAST Team |
934-937 | Development of divertor tungsten coatings for the JET ITER-like wall | G.F. Matthews, P. Coad, H. Greuner, M. Hill, T. Hirai, J. Likonen, H. Maier, M. Mayer, R. Neu, V. Philipps, R. Pitts, V. Riccardo and JET EFDA Contributors |
938-941 | Liquid gallium jet–plasma interaction studies in ISTTOK tokamak | R.B. Gomes, H. Fernandes, C. Silva, A. Sarakovskis, T. Pereira, J. Figueiredo, B. Carvalho, A. Soares, P. Duarte, C. Varandas, O. Lielausis, A. Klyukin, E. Platacis, I. Tale, A. Alekseyv |
942-946 | Experimental studies of lithium-based surface chemistry for fusion plasma-facing materials applications | J.P. Allain, D.L. Rokusek, S.S. Harilal, M. Nieto-Perez, C.H. Skinner, H.W. Kugel, B. Heim, R. Kaita, R. Majeski |
947-950 | Power deposition modelling of the ITER-like wall beryllium tiles at JET | M. Firdaouss, R. Mitteau, E. Villedieu, V. Riccardo, P. Lomas, Z. Vizvary, C. Portafaix, L. Ferrand, P. Thomas, I. Nunes, P. de Vries, P. Chappuis, Y. Stephan |
951-954 | ICRF specific impurity sources and plasma sheaths in Alcator C-Mod | S.J. Wukitch, B. LaBombard, Y. Lin, B. Lipschultz, E. Marmar, M.L. Reinke, D.G. Whyte and The Alcator C-Mod Team |
955-958 | Study of heat flux deposition on the limiter of the Tore Supra tokamak | S. Carpentier, Y. Corre, M. Chantant, R. Daviot, G. Dunand, J.-L. Gardarein, J. Gunn, M. Kocan, C. Le Niliot, R. Mitteau, V. Moncada, P. Monier-Garbet, B. Pegourié, C. Pocheau, R. Reichle, F. Rigollet, F. Saint-Laurent, J.-M. Travère, E. Tsitrone |
959-962 | Estimated RF sheath power fluxes on ITER plasma facing components | L. Colas, D. Milanesio, E. Faudot, M. Goniche, A. Loarte |
963-966 | Analysis for shaping the ITER first wall | P.C. Stangeby, R. Mitteau |
967-970 | Development and qualification of a bulk tungsten divertor row for JET | Ph. Mertens, H. Altmann, T. Hirai, V. Philipps, G. Pintsuk, J. Rapp, V. Riccardo, B. Schweer, I. Uytdenhouwen, U. Samm |
971-974 | Simultaneous irradiation of tungsten with deuterium and carbon at elevated temperatures | H.T. Lee, K. Krieger |
975-978 | Investigation of chemical phase formation in the ternary system beryllium, carbon and tungsten with depth-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy | F. Kost, Ch. Linsmeier, M. Oberkofler, M. Reinelt, M. Balden, A. Herrmann, S. Lindig |
979-982 | Ion cyclotron wall conditioning in reactive gases on TEXTOR | G. Sergienko, A. Lyssoivan, V. Philipps, A. Kreter, C. Schulz, A. Huber, H.G. Esser, J.S. Hu, M. Freisinger, H. Reimer, U. Samm and the TEXTOR-team |
983-987 | RF heated wall conditioning discharges in JT-60U | K. Itami, N. Asakura, H. Tamai, S. Moriyama, A. Kaminaga |
988-991 | Testing of beryllium marker coatings in PISCES-B for the JET ITER-like wall | A. Widdowson, M.J. Baldwin, J.P. Coad, R.P. Doerner, J. Hanna, D.E. Hole, G.F. Matthews, M. Rubel, R. Seraydarian, H. Xu and JET-EFDA Contributors |
992-995 | Testing of tungsten coatings in JET for the ITER-like wall | J.P. Coad, D.E. Hole, E. Kolodinska, J. Likonen, S. Lindig, G.F. Matthews, M. Mayer, V. Philipps, V. Riccardo, A. Widdowson and JET-EFDA Contributors |
996-999 | Renewable boron carbide coating in plasma shots of tokamak Т11-М | O.I. Buzhinskij, V.A. Barsuk, V.G. Otroshchenko |
1000-1004 | Evaporated lithium surface coatings in NSTX | H.W. Kugel, D. Mansfield, R. Maingi, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, J.P. Allain, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt, R. Kaita, J. Kallman, S. Kaye, B. LeBlanc, R. Majeski, J. Menard, D. Mueller, M. Ono, S. Paul, R. Raman, A.L. Roquemore, P.W. Ross, et al. | |
1005-1008 | Mass changes in NSTX surface layers with Li conditioning as measured by quartz microbalances | C.H. Skinner, H.W. Kugel, A.L. Roquemore, P.S. Krstic, A. Beste |
1009-1012 | Measurement of lithium and deuterium on NSTX carbon tiles | W.R. Wampler, C.H. Skinner, H.W. Kugel, A.L. Roquemore |
1013-1016 | Impurity production monitoring during RF experiments in Tore Supra | O. Meyer, P. Monier-Garbet, P. Devynck, A. Ekedahl, P. Oddon, B. Pégourié, S. Vartanian |
1017-1021 | Deuterium retention, blistering and local melting at tungsten exposed to high-fluence deuterium plasma | W.M. Shu, M. Nakamichi, V.Kh. Alimov, G.-N. Luo, K. Isobe, T. Yamanishi |
1022-1025 | A Geometrical approach to evaluating the heat flux peaking factor on first wall components | R. Mitteau, P. Stangeby |
1026-1028 | Innovative tokamak DEMO first wall and divertor material concepts | C.P.C. Wong |
1029-1031 | A study of hydrogen blistering mechanism for Molybdenum by Tritium radio-luminography | T. Hoshihira, T. Otsuka, T. Tanabe |
1032-1034 | Structure, stability and diffusion of hydrogen in tungsten: A first-principles study | Yue-Lin Liu, Ying Zhang, G.-N. Luo, Guang-Hong Lu |
1035-1038 | Low-energy particle interaction at carbon nanowalls on W surface | N. Tanaka, H. Yamaoka, M. Nishiura, K. Tsumori, T. Nagamura, M. Sasao, T. Kenmotsu, Y. Matsumoto, M. Wada |
1039-1042 | Microstructural evolution in tungsten and copper probes under hydrogen irradiation at ISTTOK | D. Nunes, R. Mateus, I.D. Nogueira, P.A. Carvalho, J.B. Correia, N. Shohoji, R.B. Gomes, H. Fernandes, C. Silva, N. Franco, E. Alves |
1043-1047 | Physical erosion studies of plain and lithiated graphite | M. Racic, K. Ibano, R. Raju, D.N. Ruzic |
1048-1050 | Hydrogen and helium removal retained in stainless steel by neon glow discharge | Y. Yamauchi, K. Takeda, Y. Nobuta, T. Hino |
1051-1054 | ECR discharge cleaning and followed He GDC on HT-7 tokamak | Y.W. Yu, X. Gao, J.S. Hu, J.G. Li, J.F. Shan and The HT-7 Team |
1055-1058 | Thermocapillary and thermoelectric effects in liquid lithium plasma facing components | M.A. Jaworski, N.B. Morley, D.N. Ruzic |
1059-1065 | Progress in diagnostics for characterization of plasma wall interaction in tokamaks | E. Gauthier |
1066-1069 | An overview of a comprehensive First Mirror Test for ITER at JET | M. Rubel, G. De Temmerman, P. Sundelin, J.P. Coad, A. Widdowson, D. Hole, F. Le Guern, M. Stamp, J. Vince and JET-EFDA Contributors |
1070-1073 | Determination of a thermal property of carbon layers from IR measurements in JET NBI test bed using optimisation methods | R. Daviot, E. Gauthier, S. Carpentier, Y. Corre, J.L. Gardarein and JET EFDA Contributors |
1074-1077 | Measurements of scrape-off layer ion-to-electron temperature ratio in Tore Supra ohmic plasmas | M. Kočan, J.P. Gunn, J.-Y. Pascal, G. Bonhomme, P. Devynck, I. Ďuran, E. Gauthier, P. Ghendrih, Y. Marandet, B. Pegourie, J.-C. Vallet |
1078-1080 | Interpretation of spatially resolved helium line ratios on MAST | S. Lisgo, P. Börner, G.F. Counsell, J. Dowling, A. Kirk, R. Scannell, M. O’Mullane, D. Reiter and MAST Team |
1081-1085 | Concept and development of ITER divertor thermography diagnostic | R. Reichle, Ph. Andrew, C. Balorin, B. Brichard, S. Carpentier, Y. Corre, M. Davi, R. Daviot, C. Desgranges, J.L. Gardarein, E. Gauthier, D. Guilhem, S. Gicquel, A. Herrmann, D. Hernandez, M. Jouve, Ch. Le Niliot, Th. Loarer, A. Martin, J.P. Martins, et al. | |
1086-1089 | Electrostatic dust detector for fusion devices with improved sensitivity | D.P. Boyle, C.H. Skinner, A.L. Roquemore |
1090-1092 | Tokamak and laboratory modeling of hydrocarbon film deposition on metallic mirrors | K.Yu. Vukolov, I.I. Arkhipov, T.R. Mukhammedzyanov, S.N. Zvonkov |
1093-1096 | Development of an in situ ITER dust diagnostic based on extinction spectrometry: Dedicated light scattering models | F. Onofri, K.F. Ren, C. Grisolia |
1097-1101 | Temperature measurement of plasma-facing surfaces in tokamaks by active pyrometry | V. Grigorova, A. Semerok, D. Farcage, J.M. Weulersse, P.Y. Thro, E. Gauthier, H. Roche, Th. Loarer, Ch. Grisolia |
1102-1105 | Ion-induced erosion of tungsten surfaces studied by a sensitive quartz-crystal-microbalance technique | A. Golczewski, A. Kuzucan, K. Schmid, J. Roth, M. Schmid, F. Aumayr |
1106-1109 | A parameterization of the Lyman α and Lyman β line shapes for radiation transport simulations in divertor plasmas | J. Rosato, D. Reiter, H. Capes, S. Ferri, L. Godbert-Mouret, M. Koubiti, Y. Marandet, R. Stamm |
1110-1113 | A sodium (Na) beam edge diagnostic | E. Wolfrum, J. Schweinzer, D. Bridi, K. Igenbergs, J. Kamleitner, F. Aumayr and ASDEX Upgrade Team |
1114-1117 | Direct measurements of the plasma potential in ELMy H-mode plasma with ball-pen probes on ASDEX Upgrade tokamak | J. Adamek, V. Rohde, H.W. Müller, A. Herrmann, C. Ionita, R. Schrittwieser, F. Mehlmann, J. Stöckel, J. Horacek, J. Brotankova, ASDEX Upgrade Team |
1118-1122 | Thermal response to heat fluxes of the W7-AS divertor surface submitted to surface modification under high temperature treatment | D. Hildebrandt, A. Dübner, H. Greuner, A. Wiltner |
1123-1126 | Impurity control in a tokamak edge plasma by a method of Doppler-free spectroscopy | S. Bychkov, A. Nedospasov, G. Sergienko |
1127-1130 | On the determination of edge Ti profiles by a supersonic He beam in TJ-II | F. Guzmán, F.L. Tabarés, D. Tafalla, I. García Cortés, R. Balbín |
1131-1134 | Application of optical techniques for in situ analysis of plasma facing carbon tiles | H. Nakazato, M. Yoshida, T. Tanabe, K. Masaki, N. Miya, M. Sato |
1135-1137 | Reactivity of rhodium during co-deposition of rhodium and carbon | Laurent Marot, Roland Steiner, Gregory De Temmerman, Peter Oelhafen |
1138-1141 | Dimple optimization for XPS characterization of TEXTOR tile depositions | I. Uytdenhouwen, S.M. González de Vicente, J.P. Coad, W. Van Renthergem, S. Van den Berghe, G. Van Oost, V. Massaut |
1142-1144 | Investigation of C IV line broadening mechanisms for plasma diagnostics in magnetic fusion devices | M. Koubiti, T. Nakano, H. Capes, S. Ferri, L. Godbert-Mouret, Y. Marandet, J. Rosato, R. Stamm |
1145-1148 | Design status of ITER visible/IR outer strike point view | C.J. Lasnier, L.G. Seppala, K. Morris, M.E. Fenstermacher, M. Groth |
1149-1152 | In situ reflectivity of tungsten mirrors under helium plasma exposure | W. Sakaguchi, S. Kajita, N. Ohno, M. Takagi |
1153-1175 | Author index | |